Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-05-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bosco D wrote:
 No thanks for your non-apology apology! For sure anybody reading 
 this exchange and you, should be scared since you continue to imagine 
 a tsunami occurred on April 7, 2011.

Quite frankly, your actions are closer to that of a fringe member than to 
that of a moderator of this forum. If you insist on resurrecting a subject
every ten days or so, hey! there is no one to stop you. I have no intention
on telling you how to behave. I will point out, however, that this forum 
cannot afford to have a moderator behaving in this fashion.
 Out of concern for yourself and your cred take the time to visit your 
 own link above and read it. Then come back and tells us whether a 
 tsunami really occured on April 7, 2011. It will take some courage. You are 
 starting to sound like an ex-Goanetter who would thrust links at us without 
 reading what they say and then argue about them.

The above is an audio/video link. It keeps on repeating a report of an 
earthquake off Japan, at sea, and a consequent tsunami warning. I still
do not see a place on the link where I can READ anything that is contrary 
to what was reported on their audio/video.

Let me also remind you that the tsunami warnings were being constantly  
broadcast that day, even on western TV, prior to the first tsunami waves 
hitting the Japanese shores. Financial markets reacted strongly to the news. 
Japanese stocks that trade in N. America took a beating that morning. 
Japanese TV later reported that the tsunami waves that were hitting Japan 
were one foot above 'normal' levels. 

 Perhaps you are referring to the Himalaya Bar in Candolim, Goa 
 where one can get really high, I hear, high and out of the way from an 
 imaginary tsunami!!!

I don't know what you have against Edgar. First you described him as 
someone who walks the beaches in Goa.  Now you bring up the 
Himalaya Bar. I have no interest in where the man goes for refuge. 
Let me reiterate, once again, that my only interest is in (re?)stating the 
fact that any tsunami that originates near Japan will not effect Goa.

 Next stop Tsunami Bar, Monroe, Louisiana, perhaps!!!

I am bewildered by the above statement. Since it is just the two of us who 
are interested in the subject matter of this post, I suggest we take this 
debate off-line. Alternatively, I will graciously offer you the last word.


Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-05-02 Thread Bosco D

On Sun May 1 20:51:37 PDT 2011, Mervyn Lobo wrote:


 Quite frankly, your actions are closer to that of a fringe member
 than to that of a moderator of this forum. If you insist on
 resurrecting a subject every ten days or so, hey! there is no one to
 stop you. I have no intention on telling you how to behave. I will
 point out, however, that this forum cannot afford to have a moderator
 behaving in this fashion.

RESPONSE: The above response is to my message of April 18, 2011, 13 days 

Who really is resurrecting a subject every ten days or so? Ok, I know 
the answer to that question. Its the same individual who insists there 
was a tsunami on April 7, 2011 and is struggling to find any evidence 
about it. Ha!

For the rest of Mervyn's ramble..its a poor attempt at deflecting 
attention from his bogus claim that there was a tsunami on April 7, 
2011. The claim was first documented at:

Words of wisdom from a wise Goanetter posted on April 3/11

I'd suggest that when I want to have knee-jerk reactions, I will have
them before I leave the Taverna [1]

Until next time and the next bogus claim.its back to one of Goa's 
beaches, now that temperatures have cooled a bit.

- B


Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-04-18 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Mervyn Lobo
Sent: April-08-11 10:48 PM

 - B,
 This one is scary.
 I still have not figured out if you only wanted to act a little silly
 or if you really are unable to conduct a google search on the subject.

RESPONSE: No thanks for your non-apology apology! For sure anybody 
reading this exchange and you, should be scared since you continue to 
imagine a tsunami occurred on April 7, 2011.

 Out of concern for you, I googled, April 7th tsunami and got about
 4,140,000 results in (0.09 seconds).

 Here is the very first link:

RESPONSE: Out of concern for yourself and your cred take the time to 
visit your own link above and read it. Then come back and tells us 
whether a tsunami really occured on April 7, 2011. It will take some 
courage. You are starting to sound like an ex-Goanetter who would thrust 
links at us without reading what they say and then argue about them.

 I will try, for one last time, to explain why any tsunami that
 originates off the coast of Japan would be harmless to Goa. The
 continent called Asia acts as a barrier to the tsunami. The
 Himalaya's, in particular, are higher than any tsunami. They will
 always protect Goa from any Japanese tsunami.

RESPONSE: The fact of the matter, unfortunately is, not only are you the 
only individual in the world who insists on a tsunami occurring on April 
7, 2011, you are also the only one here who insists on drawing a 
connection between a tsunami in Japan and Goa. I have full faith in 
you.this will not be the last time. But don't let me stop you 
googling!! Perhaps you are referring to the Himalaya Bar in Candolim, 
Goa where one can get really high, I hear, high and out of the way from 
an imaginary tsunami!!!

 Lastly, I am not in the business of providing assurance. All I am
 willing to do is point out the reasons why something is not possible.

RESPONSE: What is not possible is for you to find a way out of the 
pickle you have thrust yourself into.

Take heedwords of wisdom from a wise Goanetter posted on April 3/11 
(4 days before your imaginary tsunami hit you):

I'd suggest that when I want to have knee-jerk reactions, I will have 
them before I leave the Taverna [1]

Next stop Tsunami Bar, Monroe, Louisiana, perhaps!!!

- B


Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-04-08 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Mervyn Lobo
Sent: April-07-11 2:19 PM

 PS A few hours ago, another tsunami originated off Japan.

RESPONSE: Considering the timestamp on your email above, please provide 
a credible news weblink about this tsunami that occured a few hours ago.

 I can assure you, again, that it will not effect Goa.

RESPONSE: Your assurances are as relevant as the Japanese tsunami is to 
the sea breaching the HTL some weeks ago in Goa. But how would you know 
when you are safely ensconced in your keyboard blissfully unaware of the 
reality of the situation.

Don't forget..a credible news weblink about this tsunami that 
occured a few hours ago.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-04-08 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bosco D wrote:
 From: Mervyn Lobo
 Sent: April-07-11 2:19 PM

 Considering the timestamp on your email above, please provide a 
 credible news weblink about this tsunami that occured a few hours 

 Your assurances are as relevant as the Japanese tsunami is to the 
 sea breaching the HTL some weeks ago in Goa. But how would you 
 know when you are safely ensconced in your keyboard blissfully 
 unaware of the reality of the situation.

 Don't forget..a credible news weblink about this tsunami that 
 occured a few hours ago.

- B,
This one is scary.
I still have not figured out if you only wanted to act a little silly or 
if you really are unable to conduct a google search on the subject.

Out of concern for you, I googled, April 7th tsunami and got about 
4,140,000 results in (0.09 seconds).

Here is the very first link:

I looked at your request again and thought maybe the operational 
word is credible. So I googled individual in Goa who walks the 
beaches, April 7th tsunami. Unfortunately, I don't think the individual
who walks the beaches is credible as the result this time was:  
No results found for individual in Goa who walks the beaches, April 
7th tsunami.

I will try, for one last time, to explain why any tsunami that originates 
off the coast of Japan would be harmless to Goa. The continent called 
Asia acts as a barrier to the tsunami. The Himalaya's, in particular, 
are higher than any tsunami. They will always protect Goa from any 
Japanese tsunami.

Lastly, I am not in the business of providing assurance. All I am willing
to do is point out the reasons why something is not possible. I have no
problems with those who are unable to grasp basic points. When the
very same people are also unable to believe the assurances of the 
foremost scientists in Goa, it becomes very clear where the problem is.


No tsunami threat to India: NIO
Largest Circulated English Daily of Goa - Saturday, April 9, 2011
PANJIM: “There is no tsunami threat to India and the Goan and Konkan 
coastline from the earthquake in Japan as there are significant numbers 
of land mass above the sea that break these waves and do not allow it 
to propagate far” says Dr. Satish Shetye, Director, National Institute of 

Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-04-07 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bosco D wrote:
#1) The issue was about the HTL being breached on some of Goa's beaches. 
#4) Mervyn and JC are probably unaware of some beach shacks being
water-logged on Goa's beaches post-tsunami. But hey!!! They have to 
contradict the individual in Goa, who walks the beaches.

A) I have pointed this out once before, the issue is in the heading
of this post. It remains unchanged.

B) A tsunami that originates off the coast of Japan will never effect Goa.
The land mass called Asia prevents any Japanese tsunami from doing so.
This is not difficult to understand. It is only difficult for some to accept.

C) The foremost authority of the Indian Ocean is based just a few meters 
from the beaches in Goa. They clearly stated that the March tsunami 
would not effect Goa. I can only observe in amazement when you chose 
to ignore the NIO scientist and, instead, put your faith in an individual  
who walks the beaches.

PS A few hours ago, another tsunami originated off Japan. I can assure
you, again, that it will not effect Goa.

Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-04-05 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: J. Colaco  jc

 [1] Bosco D wrote: I'm surprised that you will attempt to DENY a
 POSTER in Goa to post his observations from the beach 


 d: Is Mervyn one of those secret Goanet moderators? If not, HOW can he
 (attempt to) deny anybody anywhere from posting anything on Goanet?

#1) The issue was about the HTL being breached on some of Goa's beaches. 
JC responds re Goanet moderators.

#2) JC is directed to the words of a wise-man on Goanet on March 20, 
2011 - Only politicians are known to do ghuspott type of 
misrepresentations. [1]

#3) Deny - English word [2]
a. to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true
b. to refuse to agree
c. to refuse to recognize or acknowledge

#4) Mervyn and JC are probably unaware of some beach shacks being 
water-logged on Goa's beaches post-tsunami. But hey!!! They have to 
contradict the individual in Goa, who walks the beaches.

- B
PS. The delayed response was to allow the discussion on JC being passed 
out or pass out to fade. Whatever came of that



Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-03-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Bosco D wrote:
What next Mervyn? If a Goan resident says that it rained 
in Panaji should we expect you to point to the meteorologist's
forecast of no rain??

I don't know why you are trying to extrapolate here.

Lets keep this simple, in line with subject mater above.

Edgar said:
 Never mind what that organization in Dona Polo says 
 about the no-effects of the tsunami on coastal Goa...
 there is a noticeable rise in water levels...Hollant or 
 Butterfly beach is topped up this evening

Edgar can, and does write, whatever he pleases on Goanet.
All I can do is point out that the tsunami could not effect 
the water levels in Goa as the land mass called Asia prevents
the tsunami from reaching Goa.

In fact, if anything you should be thanking me for providing 
this info as a public service. There is a big difference between
what one persons naked eye perceives and what science 
determines, accurately, when using the appropriate instruments.

Bosco wrote:
I'm surprised that you will attempt to deny a poster in Goa 
to post his observations from the beach who unlike you and 
me are at our keyboards 8000+kms away.

Bosco, it is 8.30 pm as I write. There is a disconnect in the 
information flow in Japan because of the earthquake. I am 
currently making use of this disconnect to make money on 
the Tokyo markets. I am in Toronto, 6,500 miles away from 
Tokyo and am better informed than some Japanese. 

This is why I replied to Edgar, trying to reassure him and
other scared individuals that the Japanese tsunami will not
effect the Goan coast. It seems that the Indian Institute of 
Oceanography, just a hop, step and jump away from him, 
tried to reassure him of the same and failed.

Lastly, there always will be people who are so unsure of 
science that they will go out of their way to try and prove 
science wrong. Some people will head TOWARDS the 
shoreline, as spectators, when told that there is a storm
or a tsunami approaching. I feel that even these people 
deserve some education and not removal from the DNA 

Hope this helps.


Re: [Goanet] Tsunami - the seas off Goa coast

2011-03-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
[1] Bosco D wrote: I'm surprised that you will attempt to DENY a
POSTER in Goa to post his observations from the beach 

[2] Mervyn Lobo wrote: Edgar can, and does write, whatever he pleases
on Goanet. All I can do is point out that the tsunami could not effect
the water levels in Goa as the land mass called Asia prevents the
tsunami from reaching Goa


[A] First to Mervyn's post:

a: Why bother about the 'inconvenient (convenient) presence of the
land mass between the possible wave and Goa?

b: What if the tsunami-chap decided to follow the direct shipping
route like that followed by the empty iron-ore ships and by-passed the
East coast?

[B]Now to Bosco's post:

c: Poster or IMPoster?

d: Is Mervyn one of those secret Goanet moderators? If not, HOW can he
(attempt to) deny anybody anywhere from posting anything on Goanet?

jusht only me


Re: [Goanet] Tsunami- the seas off Goa coast

2011-03-15 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Mervyn Lobo

 Never mind what that organization in Dona Polo says about
 the no-effects of the tsunami on coastal Goa...there is a
 noticeable rise in water levels...Hollant or Butterfly beach is
 topped up this evening ...same in Cansaulim where the
 backwaters are full as during the monsoon season...
 The sea is a little choppier than usual.


 The NIO has issued statements confirming that the recent
 tsunami will not affect India. Just in case you have a hard
 time believing Indian scientist, let me assure you that the
 secondary force of the tsunami was sent in a easterly
 direction i.e. towards N. And S. America.

RESPONSE: What next Mervyn? If a Goan resident says that it rained in 
Panaji should we expect you to point to the meteorologist's forecast of 
no rain??

 I am not surprised that you can measure water levels at
 sea without instruments. What surprises me is that you
 took it upon yourself to go out and prove all the scientist

RESPONSE: I'm surprised that you will attempt to deny a poster in Goa to 
post his observations from the beach who unlike you and me are at our 
keyboards 8000+kms away.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Tsunami- the seas off Goa coast

2011-03-15 Thread Pandu Lampiao
Never mind Bosco. There is a lot on the G-net one likes to ignore.

Last evening at the mouth of the Baga river, the water levels were
like the monsoons...the water level up to the shacks. In fact there
was a crowd watching on (locals).

There are a few things Goans living in the costal areas knowis the
sea and its unpredictable behaviour.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:09 AM, Bosco D wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Mervyn Lobo

 Never mind what that organization in Dona Polo says about
 the no-effects of the tsunami on coastal Goa...there is a
 noticeable rise in water levels...Hollant or Butterfly beach is
 topped up this evening ...same in Cansaulim where the
 backwaters are full as during the monsoon season...
 The sea is a little choppier than usual.


 The NIO has issued statements confirming that the recent
 tsunami will not affect India. Just in case you have a hard
 time believing Indian scientist, let me assure you that the
 secondary force of the tsunami was sent in a easterly
 direction i.e. towards N. And S. America.

 RESPONSE: What next Mervyn? If a Goan resident says that it rained in Panaji
 should we expect you to point to the meteorologist's forecast of no rain??

 I am not surprised that you can measure water levels at
 sea without instruments. What surprises me is that you
 took it upon yourself to go out and prove all the scientist

 RESPONSE: I'm surprised that you will attempt to deny a poster in Goa to
 post his observations from the beach who unlike you and me are at our
 keyboards 8000+kms away.

 - B

Re: [Goanet] Tsunami- the seas off Goa coast

2011-03-13 Thread Mervyn Lobo
PanduLampiao wrote:
 Never mind what that organization in Dona Polo says about 
 the no-effects of the tsunami on coastal Goa...there is a 
 noticeable rise in water levels...Hollant or Butterfly beach is 
 topped up this evening ...same in Cansaulim where the 
 backwaters are full as during the monsoon season...
 The sea is a little choppier than usual.


Some of the best scientist India has, are based at the NIO.

The NIO has issued statements confirming that the recent
tsunami will not affect India. Just in case you have a hard 
time believing Indian scientist, let me assure you that the 
secondary force of the tsunami was sent in a easterly 
direction i.e. towards N. And S. America. 

Goa is to the WEST of the tsunami epicentre. There is a 
HUGE land mass that prevents the tsunami from affecting 

I am not surprised that you can measure water levels at
sea without instruments. What surprises me is that you
took it upon yourself to go out and prove all the scientist 

That, I must admit, is an awesome feat.
