Re: Please help

2010-09-03 Thread

You've managed to hit the most common problem that new GWT developers
run into.  Here's the deal:  GWT is written in the Java syntax (which
is really cool) and then the GWT compiler converts it into Javascript
(since it is running in a browser).  So here's the common mistake:
not all of Java's huge library base is convertible by the GWT compiler
into Javascript.  What that error is really saying is you are
importing a Java library that GWT can't convert into Javascript. is one of those libraries that everyone wants to work in GWT,
but I don't think will ever happen (I'm not affiliated with GWT in any
way..)  If you think of what can do, it is completely
contradictory to what the browser is allowed to do to the native file
system.  Said another way:  there are many things that the browser is
explicitly not allowed to do, and reading the local file system is one
of them.  So if you are going to absolutely need this functionality,
you'll have to do it another way using another technology

Does this make sense?



On Sep 2, 2:47 am, Albs wrote:
 Hi...I am new to GWT and i'm trying to develop a small
 application...but here i need to open a directory and count the no.of
 files in it...I'm doing it as follows:

 File dir = new File(file);
 String[] pages = dir.list();
 int count = pages.length;

 I have imported but the GWT compiler gives me the
 following error.plz help

 No source code is available for type; did
 you forget to inherit a required module?

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2010-08-10 Thread
To follow up on the other replyyou have to do this on the server,
in Java.  Apache Axis is a great way to do it...  But it won't work on
the client in the emulated JRE (I suspect since I've never tried it,
but I doubt it will)

On Aug 10, 3:27 am, Deepak Singh wrote:
 Hi All,

 I need to consume several cross-domain wsdl files and get data by calling
 methods from wsdl. I dont know how to do this using GWT.
 Pls suggest. I am using GWT 2.1 m2


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Re: Does Timer class only last one session + images as an attachment in an email

2010-08-09 Thread
Here's how I'd do it...and it has nothing to do with GWT.  You server
side impl class is just a java servlet with a bunch of methods
(assuming here...).  At the beginning of each method, add a call to
another method, call it checkAndDeleteImages()..  Inside that guy, go
to your database with today's date and query all images that have a
creation date (or something similar) of today - 2 months.  Get those
images (blobs?, strings?, what?) and fire up good old javamail
(javax.mail.Message in particular), create a message (probably
MimeMultipart if I remember correctly for the attachment), point it at
a valid SMTP server and send.  When complete, delete the images.

Add this method call to every server side method callsometimes
you'll check seconds after checking...if that's oppressive, create a
stateful bean on your app server with the timer.

Don't try to do this in your client'll go nuts and cause
yourself a bunch of head aches, in my opinion.



On Aug 9, 2:53 pm, GKotta wrote:

 I need to find a way to delete some images in the database after two
 months. I thought of using the timer class, but I think it only lasts
 one session. Does anyone know how I could do this?

 Also, I need to email those images out before I delete them. How would
 I send those images as an attachment?


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Re: Problems releated to javaMail in GWT application

2010-06-04 Thread
One of the biggest concepts to get your mind around with GWT is that
while you develop everything in Java, in the end the GWT compiler
converts your Java into Javascript (mostly, but some CSS  HTML too).
So when you create a Java class called, what will result is
something like foo.js.  So if in, you use java.lang.String,
you think you're using the one in the standard Java JRE.  But you're
not.  What GWT has is a large set of JRE emulated classes, written in
Javascript.  So the compiler knows how to convert java.lang.String
into something appropriate to run in a browser.

So in, you do what every good Java developer does and import
something like javax.mail.Message and so on, and crank out some
beautiful code.  And you then ask the GWT compiler to convert that
into Javascriptand it can't.  It has no idea how to do javax.mail
type of things in a web browsermostly because it can't.  The
browser is a heavily constrained runtime environment and things like
filesystem access, port/packet operations (which I believe javamail
does down in the bowels), data access, and whole bunch of other Java
stuff can't be done in Javascript, in a web browser and therefore GWT
can't do them on client.

The only way to achieve this is to build a GWT client that
communicates with a GWT server (preferably with GWT-RPC, but that's
your call) where you can run full fledged Java and are not bound by
the issues inside a web browser.  I write this a lot, but it's worth
mentioning again:  this is not a limitation per se of GWT...all web
browser based clients that run natively in Javascript are bound by the
same security rules.  Plugins like Flash, Silverlight and Java Applets
are outside of this control umbrella.  The amount of Java that is
emulated in Javascript by the GWT compiler is staggering, but not

Hope this helps.



On Jun 4, 11:57 am, samounas wrote:
 Please can you tell me how to use javaMail in gwt application.
 Because when i insert the code related to the mailing in my
 application. I find these errors when i wanted to compile my code:

 [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/workspace/ilemERP/osi/osi-client/src/main/
          [ERROR] Line 985: No source code is available for type
 java.util.Properties; did you forget to inherit a required module?
          [ERROR] Line 986: No source code is available for type
 com.framework.genie.utilities.Utilities; did you forget to inherit a
 required module?
          [ERROR] Line 995: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.Session; did you forget to inherit a required module?
          [ERROR] Line 998: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.Message; did you forget to inherit a required module?
          [ERROR] Line 998: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; did you forget to inherit a required
          [ERROR] Line 1001: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; did you forget to inherit a
 required module?
          [ERROR] Line 1002: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.Message.RecipientType; did you forget to inherit a required
          [ERROR] Line 1005: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility; did you forget to inherit a required
          [ERROR] Line 1029: No source code is available for type
 javax.mail.Transport; did you forget to inherit a required module?
          [ERROR] Line 1031: No source code is available for type
 com.framework.genie.log.LoggerFactory; did you forget to inherit a
 required module?
    Finding entry point classes
       [ERROR] Unable to find type 'ch.ilem.erp.osi.client.IlemErpOsi'
          [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this
 type unavailable
          [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module;
 it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not be
 adding its source path entries properly

 So how can i resolve this problem?

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Re: GWT Design Problem

2010-06-01 Thread
Just a quick response...sorry I don't have time at this second for a
more thorough one...

Items 1, 2  3 are hardly unique to've described the
standing challenges that DHTML/AJAX clients have dealt with for
literally the last 10 years.  GWT does have some advantages,
especially in history because of the way that the GWT team engineered
the whole History subsystem.

Item 4 sounds like more of a setup issue for your GWT app as you can
use or not use as much standard CSS as you want.  We currently have a
number of mixed apps consisting of GWT  JSP's, using the corporate
standard CSS stuff with no issues at all.

If I survive this impending 3 hour meeting I might be able to respond
with more detail.



On Jun 1, 10:02 am, ping2ravi wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am trying to create a website and stuck with confusion over whether
 to use GWT for presentation or JSP based framework like Spring MVC. I
 want UI to be very user friendly,faster etc and this is possible with
 GWT. But following problem comes with GWT

 1) Book marking of any page. As GWT is suppose to be one url
 application and everything should come under it. But how i will solve
 the problem if i have a site like Facebook, where url can be for User
 profile(/profile/1), My Home(/home), community(/cpmm),video(/video)
 etc. I can solve it by using one html and keeping everything as
 params(i.e. /myapp.htm?type=profileid=1) but then i feel its not how
 GWT should be used or is this the only way i will be able to use it.

 2) Not searchable by Search Engines. Search engine can not see what
 the content is as it always comes through RPC calls.

 3) Implementing History is Overhead, if i fix the issue 1

 4) Its not possibkle to mix jsps and GWT. I tried but GWT css start
 interfaring with my CSS, first starting with changing background

 But i still like GWT but not sure how i will solve these problems.

 Any suggestions/comments most welcome.


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Re: GWT RPC calls from java

2010-05-28 Thread
Another, more recommended method is to isolate the business process
away from the GWT RPC.  So you have a stand alone middle-tier that
you communicate with via GWT-RPC and Swing Clients and whatever else
you want to do.  Don't try to reuse GWT-RPCgo around it.  It's a
better design...

On May 28, 9:40 am, Sripathi Krishnan
 Having said that, I wouldn't build a production app that relies on the

 If you really want to develop your services for multiple clients, I'd
 recommend staying away from GWT RPC. JSON is well suited for the browser,
 while XML is better suited for a Swing application. If you build your
 services to support both with the same codebase, you can reuse your services
 from a wide range of clients (Mobile apps / Swing / GWT etc)


 On 28 May 2010 21:07, Sripathi Krishnan wrote:

  That's the best solution that's out there at the moment.


  On 28 May 2010 20:36, ussuri wrote:

  Hello! I know that the question has been asked several times, but the
  last discussion I was able to find dates back to 2009, so I'll ask the
  question again:

  Can I _easily_ call GWT-RPC server side from a pure java client
  application? If not, is the ability on the roadmap? What are the best

  Basically, what I need to do:

  1. a GWT-based client
  2. a GAE-based server (java flavor)
  3. a Java desktop client (Swing)

  As everything is developed in Java, we are going to re-use a lot of
  code; ideally we would prefer to have only the GUI part to be
  different b/w our GWT and our Swing clients. However, we can't find a
  way to call into GAE from GWT and stand-alone java other than low-
  level HTML calls.


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Download oophm.dll separately?

2010-05-26 Thread

We're having a crazy time getting the Developer Plugin for IE to
work.  I've found the gwt-dev-plugin.msi and downloaded it, attempted
an install to no avail.  Would anyone like to comment about if I could
download the oophm.dll separately and do a regsvr myself?  I'm using
32 bit Windows XP, but there are some corporate firewall/permissions
issues that our IT group is highly unmotivated to look into...don't
get me started.

On a related note:  anyone know where I can find the dll separately?

I've extracted the out of the gwt-dev-plugin.msi and
extracted a file that is simply listed as

when I look at the properties of the file it says it's version
1.0.7263.0 of the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin, with an
internal name of oophm.dll.  Any chance I could just rename this file
and do my regsvr on it?

Hope someone can help




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Re: Need some help reviewing a book

2010-05-20 Thread
Just sent the email.  I'm all in!

On May 20, 8:43 am, Robert Hanson wrote:
 I haven't posted here in a while, but I need some help.

 A few of us (Ian Bambury, Chris Ramsdale, Adam Tacy, and me) are working on
 a book for Manning, and we are a bit short on reviewers.  So there is anyone
 interested in doing a book review, we could use the help.  The amount of
 experience with GWT doesn't matter.  All that matters is that you are
 willing to provide honest feedback on what we have written (i.e. don't hold
 back -- we can take it). The perks are that you get the book for free, and
 your name gets mentioned in the acknowledgments.

 If you are interested, you can contact Karen, the Reviews Editor directly,

 Thanks in advance.


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Installation of GWTDevPlugIn for IE issues

2010-05-06 Thread
Hoping somebody from the GWT team can help out here.  I am attempting
to install the GWT Dev Mode Plugin into IE 7.  I'm running
GwtDevPluginSetup.exe and after all the standard are you sure's, I
arrive at the Connecting to the Internet... part of the installer.
And it never moves on.  Just the spinning progress bar and nothing

I'm certain that our network firewall settings are blocking this
connection.  But here's the rub:  due to our uber-security conscious
network overlords (I'm saying that with all due respect), they will
not be of any assistance until I can tell them what exactly (specific
port, server/url) I'm trying to connect to.  Is there anyone out there
that has some working knowledge with regard to this?  My personal
laptop, which connects via 3G, has no problems.  But it is not allowed
to join the corporate network, and I have to ultimately develop on the
corporate machine, using IE.  No options or variations allowed.

I found some old links to gwt-dev-plugin.msi, which I also tried to
use and got the same result.  Can anyone from the GWT help shed some
light on this?



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Re: Opinions on GWT as a platform for web based development

2010-03-09 Thread
My .02...

To Chris's point or if they're written in JavaScript, you won't have
much lock-in...true.  But you won't exactly be using GWT to it's

IMHO the advantage that GWT has over other frameworks is that it's not
really a framework like YUI, Scriptaculous, jquery or whatever.  Those
are Javascript libraries to help you write slicker Javascript for the
web client.  GWT takes a different and wholly unique approach by
nearly eliminating the need for developers to write Javascript in the
first place.  You write GWT in Java, using nearly full powered Java
syntax and let the GWT compiler make the Javascript.  You wouldn't be
limited or locked in, any more than if you crafted your application
around any of the aforementioned Javascript librariesso that means
yes.  Yes you are locked in, just as locked in if you developed an
app in YUI and decided to switch to JQuery.  The big, big advantages
to GWT are syntax homogeny (Java for the client, Java for the server),
Java development strategies for web apps (JUnit, true Java classes and
inheritance, etc...) and browser neutral coding (the GWT compiler
handles the various implementations of browser quirks).  Your team
focuses on writing code.

Again, to mirror Chris's point, GWT is a web client based product,
with a limited amount of server side niceness (but I'm a huge lover of
GWTRPC so that makes my statement seem odd...but I digress).  So you
won't see any issues with hibernate, spring and spring security,
because they are server side Java libraries.  About the only issue
is that you'll have to work with the GWT to Hibernate DTO...since it
all ends up on client as Javascript.  But what we've done is create
pure Java value DTO's that are fully usable on client in GWT and fully
usable on server in Hibernate...same exact classes, no cut and paste
or tweeking.  Try that with a Javascript client language.

You mention PHP.  GWT is compatible with PHP, mostly in the JSON
area...because again, PHP is a server side language and GWT in this
case would be your client side.  I've seen that done a number of

As for the dreaded reuse question:  it is possible to take your
compiled Javascript, which was created by GWT and maintain it.  Sadly,
I've seen it done.  Once you do that, you can't go back.  It's not
unlike someone skilled back in the old days who would hand modify the
compiled out Visual Basic project code and break what the VB IDE could
do for them.  But then I thought I had a good reason to do that
The bottom line is that the resulting Javascript is fairly advanced
and likely to be better than anything somebody would write on their
own, but a hard core Javascript developer with mad spelunking skills
and some time, could maintain the Javascript if you decided to walk
away from GWT for some reason.

All of the above opinions are expressly my own



On Mar 9, 5:11 am, Chris Lercher wrote:

 I don't have an answer on the portal part of your question, but a few
 thoughts on the other parts:

  Are there limitations to using GWT, for example can you use,
  hibernate, spring, and spring security?

 GWT runs on the client (except for the parts from gwt-servlet.jar,
 which run on the server if you choose to use GWTRPC). So on the
 server, you can use whatever you want - this is not restricted by GWT.
 You just have to make sure, that GWT can handle the objects you
 transfer to the client - remember that everything used on the client
 has to be compiled to JavaScript, so it needs the source code for the
 entire object graph that is used. If you want to minimize these
 dependencies, you're probably best advised to use DTOs and keep the
 objects for the client simple.

  Is there a danger in locking ourselves into GWT for web based
  application development that we cannot move away from it?

 This depends on how much you rely on the Java to JavaScript magic
 (which won't be provided by a lot of other frameworks, I'm afraid). So
 if the complex parts of your application are either executed on the
 server side, or if they're written in JavaScript, you won't have much
 lock-in. But if it's written in Java, and it has to be executed on the
 client-side, you probably will.


 On Mar 9, 12:44 pm, Portal Developer

  I would like to get people's opinions around the adoption of GWT as a
  web application development platform.

  Most of our development is carried out using java / php and we are
  looking to standardise on a new framework for developing web based
  applications.  We have a mixture of portal based development and php
  We would like to maintain our portal based development in java but how
  well does GWT integrate with portals?

  Is there a danger in locking ourselves into GWT for web based
  application development that we cannot move away from it?

  Are there limitations to using GWT, for example can you use,

Re: gwt + database + debugging

2010-03-08 Thread
The way I do it in Eclipse is no different than any webserver
debugging.  If you want to debug your client, following the standard
Google way of Debug As Google Web Application.  You'll then need to
have a separate debug running of your server, using the remote java
application as the choice in the Debug Configurations menu.  You
throw in the project name and the port, and you're ready to go.  Then
when you fire up your GWT app, you will then have to fire up a second
remote debugging session and you'll be debugging from web browser
client, up into the GWT server tier, into your pure Java database
connection classes.  I don't have any write-up, but hit or
Eclipse help



On Mar 8, 2:25 pm, rjcarr wrote:
 I've been using gwt for years and years now and I greatly appreciate
 how much it offers.  I started using gwt way back in the 1.0 (or 1.1?)
 days and things have changed greatly since then (even though my
 project continues).  I've updated my gwt sdk along the way, but have
 typically left out a lot of the new features that have been
 continually added.  I'd like to start using these features, but I
 don't know how.

 My application uses a database connection, so whenever I needed to
 test in hosted mode I'd have to use the -noserver switch.  But then
 gwt started embedding jetty, and then there was the eclipse plug-in,
 and now the hosted mode is no longer even supported.

 So ... I'm trying to figure how the proper way to do testing and
 debugging in the gwt environment (i.e., through eclipse) when
 requiring a database.  I seem to be stuck putting all the pieces
 together and I'd like to find some guidance into making all these
 pieces work together.  Ideally, I'd like to debug from eclipse

 Has anyone done some sort of write-up describing a similar setup?  Any
 help would be greatly appreciated.

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2010-03-03 Thread
Try this

I haven't but it looks great.  Kevin is correct that natively,
Javascript and the Browser are not allowed to write a file to the
local file system.  Not a GWT thing, but a browser thing.  But the GWT
logging from looks like it jumps into Firebug's API,
so you'll probably need to use Firefox.  Like I said, I'm only saying
it looks good, I haven't tried it (yet!).



On Mar 3, 11:34 am, Kevin Qiu wrote:
 I believe it's not possible because GWT code eventually translates to
 Javascript and runs in the client's browser. Javascript doesn't have the
 permission to write to host's file system without using COM or XPCOMM.

 On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 1:20 PM, gadaleta.marco

  There's a way to  logging  to a file client side?
  Thank you

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Re: create or edit a file using Gwt

2010-02-09 Thread
The short answer:  you can't.  GWT runs in a browser.  The browser is
prevented intentionally from writing to the local filesystem.
Remember, at the end of it all, GWT creates HTML/CSS/Javascript that
runs in a browser.  Anything you can or can't do in that environment
is the same for GWT.

On Feb 9, 6:48 am, sudhir reddy wrote:

 I want to create or read or edit a file on client machine using Gwt.
 Is this possible.
 Please give me the details.

 Thanks and regards

 Sudheer Reddy N

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Re: GWT newbie have basic question to increase understanding ...

2009-12-15 Thread
Fundamentally nothing has really changed.  AJAX and therefore GWT is
primarily a client side technology.  What you've described are
primarily server side.  The major difference between an AJAX based web
client and a traditional web client (like ASP, ASP.Net or even JSP) is
how the information is pushed up to the server.  In GWT-RPC, a client
side proxy of a server based Java class is instantiated.  When this is
compiled into Javascript on the client this is translated into a
client side XMLHTTP request, posting data to a specific server side
servlet.  If your server is not Java, then your options move to GWT
Form Posting, which will end up looking very similar to the old ASP/
JSP form post servers, or there is a GWT-JSON method that allows
submission of data to many brand servers using Javascript Object

So to answer your question shorter:  it depends on the technology
stack that your server has.

Good luck!

On Dec 14, 2:52 pm, Robert Domingo wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am trying to understand GWT and AJAX development. I'm not a
 programmer any more but worked closely with developers who worked with
 Microsoft tools.

 Initially, or should I say under legacy code, they wrote ASP on IIS
 webserver while they wrote DLLs with VisualBasic6 to register on the
 server behind the firewall. They will then use Microsoft's COM+
 Manager so that they export and install a proxy of the DLL (stub?) on
 the IIS so that depending on user interaction, objects behind the
 firewall can securely be instantiated by the ASP. In the modern times
 that was replaced with the ASP.NET on the front with webservices
 (VB.NET, C#) behind the firewall and utilizing the Microsoft .NET

 Sorry above was a long background but the actual question is simpler:
 so I'm trying to understand what is the equivalent in the world of
 AJAX  GWT for instantiating an object from the front end?

 Thank you.


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Re: OOPHM IE plugin doesn't work

2009-10-26 Thread

Anyone from Google care to respond?  Seems pretty foundational.

On Oct 24, 7:00 am, Ian Bambury wrote:
 I mentioned this 2 weeks ago. So far, no response.



  Having the same problem here.  I'm on XP Pro with IE 7 (corporate
  mandate).  Worked fine on Firefox.  Starting on Chrome  Safari later

  On Oct 24, 2:33 am, Andrey wrote:

   When I open dev mode url in IE a message appears:
   No GWT Browser Plugin Detected

   I've downloaded and installed GWT Dev Mode Plugin for IE but the
   message appears again.
   Tried to repair and reinstall without success.

   In FireFox everything is OK.

   Does this plugin work?
   I must add that I don't see this plugin in Service - Plugins menu in
   IE. Should it be there?

   Windows Vista
   IE 8 with last updates

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Re: OOPHM IE plugin doesn't work

2009-10-24 Thread

Having the same problem here.  I'm on XP Pro with IE 7 (corporate
mandate).  Worked fine on Firefox.  Starting on Chrome  Safari later

On Oct 24, 2:33 am, Andrey wrote:

 When I open dev mode url in IE a message appears:
 No GWT Browser Plugin Detected

 I've downloaded and installed GWT Dev Mode Plugin for IE but the
 message appears again.
 Tried to repair and reinstall without success.

 In FireFox everything is OK.

 Does this plugin work?
 I must add that I don't see this plugin in Service - Plugins menu in
 IE. Should it be there?

 Windows Vista
 IE 8 with last updates

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Re: GWt RPC issue: Unable to instantiate 'org.bcs.server.SelectionSearchServiceImpl

2009-02-19 Thread

The first thing I noticed is that at one place in your message it's
referred to as
SelectionSearchServiceImp and in another it's
That would indicate that your class is named one and is referenced in
Gwt.xml as the other.  Again, that's the first thing I noticed.

Good luck!


On Feb 18, 8:15 pm, BobM wrote:
 More detail from this message which was presented in the GWT shell
 when I made a GWT RPC call attempt:

 The message from caught.getMessage():
 Unable to find/load mapped servlet class

 The rpc.log (which to my surprise gets created upon gwt compile)
 reports this:
 Reachable types computed on: Wed Feb 18 20:29:40 CST 2009
    Serialization status
       Started from

    Serialization status
       Field serializable
       Started from

    Serialization status
       Not serializable
       Started from 'java.lang.String'

    Serialization status
       Field serializable
       Started from

    Serialization status
       Started from 'java.lang.String'

    Serialization status
       Type 'java.lang.String[]' is reachable from array type
       Started from 'java.lang.String[][]'

    Serialization status
       Started from 'java.lang.String[][]'

    Serialization status
       Field serializable
       Started from

 Is there something I have failed to do with regard to setup to run in
 hosted mode?  What is the problem here?  Although I doubt I am yet
 really able to decipher the log, I don't see anything in the log that
 is an obvious problem although it reports this
 ImcompatibleRemoteServiceException, if that is the/a problem.

 Anything else I need to look at or report to y'all to fully diagnose
 this issue?

 Thanks for help.
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Re: Third party libraries for GWT

2009-02-15 Thread

The two major UI libraries right now for GWT are Ext GWT and Smart
GWT.  There are some similarities and some differences.  I've used
both and they both allow for a look and feel on your GWT app that
would take a lot of custom development to achieve.  They both have
some very nice widgets in both functionality and look.  Ext GWT is a
commercial, paid for library, Smart GWT is free and open source.  I
think that Ext GWT is a bit more stable, but neither is particularly
unstable.  The Smart GWT guys are also working on some interesting
server side linkage to the UI components.  Both have features that
neither have.  Being very attractive modern UI components, neither is
light weight as they require a bunch of javascript and some nifty
DOM manipulation (like all of the other Javascript UI libraries mind
you!).  So if your prospective client machines are a bunch of old
Pentium III's running IE6 (my current burden!) then neither is
particularily a good choice.

In the end, I would score them as a tie.  If your organization won't
pay for their libraries, then Smart GWT is the only way to go.  If
your organization can't or won't use open source type of stuff, then
Ext GWT is the way.  Both require a lot of diligence and effort, as
any good UI library does.  But after a little learning curve, you'll
be able to produce web UI's that are in a class equal to the richest
heavy client.

Good luck.



On Feb 14, 10:53 pm, Shawn Brown wrote:
   I came across GWT EXT, EXT GWT, SmartGwt,
  and a ton of other third party libraries.
  1. Which third-party libraries would you recommend in general and why.
  2. Which third-party libraries would you want to stay away from and why.

 Well anyone can correct me if I am wrong but I think GWT EXT
 development has stopped since it's basically a wrapper around ext JS
 (same makers of EXT GWT) which switched it's license to gpl3.  this
 means GWT EXT only works with an older version of EXT JS that may not
 have bug fixes or security fixes.  GWT EXT recommends switching over
 to SmartGwt ...  see

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Re: Third party libraries for GWT

2009-02-15 Thread

Thanks for the point of clarification on Ext bad.  Our
organization doesn't do the whole open source gig (long story) so I've
kind of checked out of all the variations.  Yes, they are GPL v3

Haven't actually looked at the connection between DWR and GWT.  Worth
a look!

On Feb 15, 6:22 pm, Shawn Brown wrote:

   Ext GWT is a
  commercial, paid for library, Smart GWT is free and open source.

 This is currently inaccurate.  EXT GWT is GPL v3.  It is dual licensed
 actually so if you do need a commercial license...

     If your organization won't
  pay for their libraries, then Smart GWT is the only way to go.  If
  your organization can't or won't use open source type of stuff, then
  Ext GWT is the way.
 The Smart GWT guys are also working on some interesting
 server side linkage to the UI components.

 I just use the reverse AJAX feature in DWR and push data out from the
 server to GWT.  DWR has a pretty good reputation in terms of security
 so that solution is fine for me.

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Re: ServiceImpl and existing java app

2009-02-14 Thread

If I'm understanding what you're attempting correctly, that's the
easiest way to do it.  Your ServiceImpl is still running in pure Java,
and that's where an existing Java app can live.  Your client will be
compiled out into Javascript, so if you wanted your existing Java
classes to be available on the client, the will be subject to the GWT
compilation process.  An amazing and powerful process, but it might
yield references to Java libraries that are not compatible with the
GWT Java/Javascript library.

Good luck!



On Feb 14, 9:21 am, hermis wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am developing a Java application which will eventually embed a HTTP
 server and then act as the server for my GWT application.

 I need help with getting the GWT app to access a method in the Java
 app :)

 Until now, just for the sake of developing I have been instantiating
 my java app in the ServiceImpl and calling the required method from

 What is the proper way of doing this? How do I connect the ServiceImpl
 to my app?

 Thanks in advance!
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Re: compiling gwt with classes outside gwt jre emulation library

2009-02-12 Thread

Without knowing your specifics, you have to evaluate what the
additional class is doing.  Perhaps there is a GWT compatible class
that performs the same functionality.  More than likely, what you want
to do can't be done on the client.  Remember:  your GWT Java code is
compiled into Javascript and run inside the browser container.  That
container has many rules that it must follow.  And a lot of real
basic feeling functionality (like writing to the file system for
example) are not allowed.

Your best bet is to take a look at the functionality that you using
the in, and see if that functionality can
be replicated in GWT.  That's about the best direction to go.



On Feb 12, 8:55 am, ytbryan wrote:
 hi all,

 i wanted to add a java class that retrieve the data from a webpage and
 display it on my gwt.

 however, i just realised that the additional class contains which is not in gwt jre emulation library.

 so right now, the application cannot work and can't compile. i am
 working in eclipse.

 any advices to what i should do? thank you.
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Re: Concerns about scalability and limitation in GWT

2009-01-23 Thread

I can lob out this:  on a previous project, not written in GWT but
rather the old fashioned way with Javascript, we created a browser app
(single HTML page, DOM managed in Javascript and XMLHTTP) that had
about 250,000 lines of javascript.  We deployed it to some fairly
limited (read: old) machines in our call centers and did not have any
significant issues relating to performance.  We've written a number of
smaller apps using GWT and are now in the process of replacing the old
first generation app with a new one written in GWT, with significantly
more features.  We expect it to be very large and we are certain
that the GWT compiler will produce tighter javascript code than I
could ever write.  Just my thoughts

Good luck!


On Jan 23, 5:46 pm, Shawn Pearce wrote:
 I'm not using GXT, but Gerrit2 (live demo at has
 its *.cache.html in the 368 KB ballpark, compressed with gzip -9 these
 deflate down to ~106 KB.  I create the *.cache.html.gz during the build and
 let Jetty serve them as-is to clients.

 There's a fair chunk of functionality in Gerrit2.  Everything you see is
 built and rendered in the client using the GWT widgets.  The server only
 produces JSON for the client to parse and render as it wants to.  Its not
 search engine friendly, but my point is, even with all of the functionality
 in the client, its still only 368 KB.

 GWT 1.6 will contain a feature to let you split up the application into
 smaller chunks and load on demand the JavaScript segments necessary for
 certain portions of the application.  But that won't get you very much as
 most of your core widgets will still be in the initial download, and thus
 the initial download will still be pretty sizable.

 In Gerrit2 I plan on using this to segment out the administration screens
 and the user preference screens.  These aren't accessed often and their code
 is very isolated, so taking them out of the initial download makes sense.
 But overall I don't expect a very large reduction on the initial download,
 as there is still quite a bit of shared code.

 On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 15:47, RamiK wrote:


  I will be developing an enterprise product and am considering GWT and
  GXT as the technologies to base my webapp on. I already have an
  existing product based on an Applet and\or JSPs and I want to get rid
  of them.

  I have already installed and played around with GWT and I have some
  concerns regarding the scalability of GWT.

  It seems to me that, at the end of the day, GWT creates 1 large HTML
  file (per browser type) that contains all my code in Javascript. That
  works great in small scale but already at this stage, when I have
  hardly written anything, the html files are 500kb.

  What will happen when I finish developing my product? Will I end up
  with a 10Mb HTML file? The load performance will be terrible, not to
  mention that there may be some size limitation in the browser for
  length of HTML file or ability to handle thousands of lines of
  javascript code (??).

  Are my concerns founded? Is the GWT development team planning on
  addressing these issues in a future release?
  Did anybody already develop a massive GWT application? How large did
  the HTML file get?

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Re: Eclipse Version

2009-01-22 Thread

In general, I tend to stay current with Eclipse, especially if you
aren't inheriting any old habits.  3.4 is a great product and an
outstanding IDE.  For GWT plugins there are really to choose from:

Instantiations GWT Designer  Cypal Studio

Cypal is free where Instantiations is not (but is very reasonably
priced @ $59).  Instantiations value is that they provide a visual UI
development tool, drag and drop controls onto a canvas and it
generates the GWT UI code.  Both also provide support for GWT-RPC and
keep your server implementations matched with the client side as well
as GWT-XML help.  My team uses GWT Designer exclusively and it's
great.  It makes for a complete development environment, as Eclipse
does a great job with Hosted Mode and all that GWT goodness!

Good luck



On Jan 22, 7:46 am, Arend van der Veen
 Hi All,
 I have convinced myself that I really should use an IDE to support GWT
 development.  At this point I think that Eclipse would be the best option.
  I am now wondering what version of Eclipse I should use.   I
 am running Xubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop and it comes with Eclipse SDK 3.2.2.  I
 think the latest version is 3.4.1.  Is there any advantage to trying to
 install from source and upgrade to the latest release?  Also, are there any
 Eclipse plugins that I should be using?

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Re: What are you using for a backend??

2009-01-20 Thread

Our primary dev targets are internal and therefore we control the
servers...and use Java so GWT-RPC is beautiful.  If doing it external
and you just want a webhost, there are plenty that offer Java as an
option.  There are even more that offer PHP, like most everyone does.
And then you would use JSON to communicate with your GWT app, not
quite as slick as RPC, but still very usable.  I hadn't thought of
EC2, that's a great idea too, if your needs aren't met by a web host

Good luck!


On Jan 20, 7:29 am, Peter Ondruška wrote:
 For RPC I use JSON but if GWT RPC is needed for my deployment I would
 go for Amazon EC2. There are plenty of virtual machine types available
 that provide java servlets. Peter

 2009/1/20, sloughran

  So, in my messing around with GWT for the past year or so, I have been
  using RPC's to communicate to the server. The thing is, my projects
  have never gotten past my Eclipse project, so my server has just
  been a folder on my computer.

  I am looking at web hosting companies and I just see things like PHP,
  RUBY, PERL and such being allowed. I am not seeing JAVA being allowed,
  which I would need for my RPC's.

  So, my question is, what do people use for server side code? Do you
  use a web host with JAVA allowed? Do you use PHP and talk to it
  through HTML gets?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Google Reader Splitter

2009-01-20 Thread

I haven't done exactly this, but similar.  Used a three column grid
(doing this from memory on the bus, so I can't include source).   The
middle column was sized very narrow and had a click event bound to
it.  This event changed the width of the first column to zero if the
width was greater than zero, or to a set width if the current width
was zero.  I did a little moving of images to make the little arrow
change from in to out.  Sorry I can't be more specific, that was more
than a few months ago!

Good luck.

On Jan 20, 5:24 am, Darren Bell wrote:
 anyone help?

 On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Kango_V wrote:
  I'm trying to implement a splitter the same as that used in Google
  Reader.  This is more of a collapsible panel rather than a splitter

  Anyone give me some pointers or explain how it's done.

  Thanks.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Need help with client server auth

2009-01-16 Thread

The simplest thing I can comment is:  that's about your only option.
You've got various levels of security issues here, so I'm going to
assume the simplest.  You need the web client to be trusted by the GWT
server (the server end of the GWT-RPC).  Then you need the GWT
server to be trusted by the application server.  In most of our
applications, we do server to server trust using Kerberos, service
tickets and a whole bunch of authentication that is way beyond
anything I want to write here.  For GWT-RPC, we do a session id that
contains the users Kerberos credentials ticket, which can be verified
by a Spring inserted filter on our GWT RPC.  We have done cookies in a
SQL database, but today we've got code that takes the credentials and
sends them to a cookie on the browser.  That cookie is then visible to
the server as it is included in the web request.  We don't use SSL to
harden our pipes, but we could and might.  All of our users at this
time are inside the firewall and we are therefore dealing with them
via an LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory in our case).

All of this sounds like mumbo jumbo no doubt.  To do real security
like we're doing, we've had a couple of us working on this for a
couple of years.  We've also done less secure security (oxymoronic
perhaps) where we create a special session key and store it in SQL.
We then send it down to the client where it is cookied.  Every request
has the cookie and our server side then extracts the session and
validates against the session table in SQL.  Then using the same
session id, we can determine the users' credentials that we've also
stuck in another table.  This has allowed us to do things like certain
users can't insert records or whatever rule you employ.  But our
security auditors haven't historically loved this and that's what
prompted us to develop the Kerberos/service ticket solution.

Now we are working with WS-Security to truly secure our SOA never ends...



On Jan 16, 3:58 am, Mikhail M wrote:
 Need help!

 I have an architecture described below

 1) Client application
 2) Server application

 Client and server applications hasn't dependencies and could be set on
 different servers.
 I have the same Object model using in both application.

 Client and server are using rpc to communicate.

 In server application I'm using Spring
 In client application - GWT

 It works perfect but it isn't secure. So now I need to add auth to my client
 Users could have different roles, that's why they could call only allowed
 remote procedures.
 Of course it should be checked on server side.

 I need some mechanism for detection users on server side. I could't find any
 solution for my application architecture. I think should be any transparent
 mechanism for my

 Do you have any ideas?

 My idea is to add to every rpc call any parameter - session identifier. This
 set to any user if auth was correct. This session id stored in data base for
 example and
 cleared after some times if user was inactive.
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Re: I'm going with Seam and GWT......wish me luck..

2009-01-13 Thread

Good luck...I've dabbled with Seam and it (very cursory day and half
of poking around) seemed more tied to JSF than I was willing to dive
into myself.  So I'm curious to hear about how hooking GWT up to it


On Jan 12, 3:46 pm, dannydog wrote:
 I've been doing Java development for over 10 years. Every year it
 becomes more complicated and convoluted and less pleasurable. As I
 apply for contracts I am presented with the following requirements:
 J2EE (and the 15 components that come with it that no recruiter can
 possibly understand)
 Websphere and all of the 27 add-ons that come with it
 XXX (used for Adult Sites)
 Agile (sorry but experience with XP doesn't count)
 EJB 3
 EJB - Session  Beans, Message Beans, Entity Beans, Refried XBeans
 Tag Libraries
 MS SQL Server
 SQL Server
 Stored Procedures
 Design patterns I've never heard of (and I've read the Gang of Twelve

 And then there's all of the PHP stuff that I don't care about but are
 'nice to have'.

 And OF COURSE you must have AT LEAST 6 months experience with each of
 them. So, in my mind, this is total insanity and I'm sick of it.

 I'm between assignments at this time. I have Seam In Action and GWT In
 Practice and 20 other Java  books for reference. I also want to use
 REST when it's possible as well as JUnit and TextNG (with Seam),
 Tomcat and Derby (and of course the requisite CSS). That's it.
 Shouldn't that be enough for one human being?

 Seam and GWT seem to be two up and coming technologies. I may  be
 wrong and out of work for awhile but you have to draw the line
 someplace, right? Flex is compelling but I think it's a fad. I don't
 want to have to become a JavaScript expert - I've never liked it. It's
 implementation is usually totally disorganized and the language has a
 tendency to blow up in your face for no comprehensible reason.

 After careful consideration of all of the above I may be wrong in my
 choices. I plan to start a blog to share my experiences.

 Wish me luck!
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Re: GWT and Business Intelligence.

2009-01-12 Thread

You're asking an incredibly broad question that can only be answered -

My best advice to you is to start working with GWT and build yourself
a prototype that will test some of your desired features.

If your development team is proficient in Java, then GWT will be
fairly easy.  You'll need to understand the dynamics of AJAX browser
development, and some understanding servlet containers, again this is
a browser based web do need to know some of the
basics there.  If you or your team has done anything like Swing, then
GWT will feel very familiar, but browser based.

So again, you've asked a gigantic question that can really be answered
by saying yes, build yourself a prototype.


On Jan 12, 1:32 pm, Miroslav Genov wrote:
 Hello ,
    I have a question regarding using of GWT for the creation of a
 intranet system for business intelligence. Is GWT good for creation of
 such application ?

    I know that the question is complex, but I'm asking it because I
 don't know whether I'll have problems with the implementation of some of
 the general purpose things that are main for such application. By main
 things I mean: exporting types, charts, tabular structure visualization
 and etc.

    I hope that there are people in this forum that are having such

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Re: can gwt work with javax.swing.* ?

2009-01-10 Thread

OK, one of the things that you have to wrap your head around is how
GWT works.  You write GWT using Java, but then the GWT compiler
converts this into Javascript  HTML.  It can only do this to Java
that it specifically knows about.  Your Swing JLabel component is not
something GWT understands and therefore it can't compile it out into
Javascript.  The strength of GWT is that you develop in Java, but if
your code is going to be run in the browser, it has to be Java that is
compatible with the GWT Compiler.

Hope this helps.



On Jan 10, 1:32 am, mars wrote:
 hi, all

 i m developing an gwt(actually gwt-ext) application, and need to use
 an external package which is mainly written with java awt and javax
 swing.  when i try to add that swing component to gwt panel, it won't
 pass through my question is 'does gwt work with swing'?

 my code is as below:

             ChartViewer viewer = new ChartViewer(); (ChartViewer is a
 subclass of the SWING JLabel component.)

             createChart(viewer, 0);
             VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel();
             mainPanel.add(viewer);  --- this one won't pass

 please give me some help. thanks!
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Re: GWT vs. Adobe Flex for UI development when J2EE/Spring is used for middle tier/server programming

2009-01-09 Thread

Based upon your search criteria, it would seem that learning Flex is
more marketable and therefore would be a better choice.

However, if you are interested in creating solutions that are easier
to code, easier to maintain and easier to integrate (when coming from
a Java background), GWT is a better choice.

That's not intended to sound illogical, that's the nature of the
market today.  Flex has a lot of buzz, always has.  It's perceived as
one of the sexy, highly styled UI web toolkits...and in the hands of
an expert, you can create nice looking web UI's.  But it is just a
tool and in the hands of an amateur, equally amateurish results will

GWT suffers from two key points (IMHO).  One, it's targeted at the
Java developer.  People like you.  Boring, non-innovative Java
developers who only know how to do servers and only get excited about
connection pools and OR Maps (tongue in cheek here...)  Java
developers don't know how to create UI's and so a tool that allows the
Java developer to create web UI's can't be good.  The second point is
related to the first.  The hard core Javascript guys have been
downtrodden and second-class citizens for years.  Now with AJAX and
the mature libraries that are out there, they've got some time in the
spotlight.  They're a scrappy bunch, that really know their stuff, and
GWT threatens that existence.  Surely GWT's compiler can't write
Javascript as tight as minethat's the mentality.  I speak from
direct experience...I've written 100's of thousands of lines of
Javascript.  But if you're exposed to (or go back to your roots) a
mature development environment, where real object oriented development
patterns are primary, good design is key, but great maintainability,
debuggability and team synergy due to language homogony is paramount,
GWT because it's foundation is Java, is a killer.

Flex is a bit of an anomally, it's not Javascript really, but it's not
Java based either.  When it comes down to what the choice is it's
simple:  is it valuable to your development process to have a second
language stack in your solution?  If your server side is Java, your
client side is either Javascript or Flex (is it still called
Actionscript, it's been a while).  Or you write your server in Java
AND your client in Java, and allow your compiler to optimize the
client code to it's application container...that's what GWT does.
Plain and simple.

So if your criteria is job marketability and what you should learn,
both are the wrong choice.  Look for AJAX in the job descriptions,
there will be zillions.  They will require you to have deep domain
knowledge of Javascript, along with CSS and HTML, plus a solid
understand of JSON and the whole response/request methodology that
XMLHTTP uses.  You should also plan on getting very familiar with a
number of the big libraries, like JQuery, YUI, Prototype,
Scriptaculous, Rico, etc...  You'll also need to know all the various
ways that IE 6, IE 7  IE 8 are different than Firefox 2, 3 and Safari
are different and how you code for all of these various browsers.

My opinions, not even worth .02 USD, but there you have it.



On Jan 8, 2:56 pm, j2ee_nyc wrote:

 I am a J2EE developer. I am looking to learn and apply the AJAX
 technology at work and gain a skill that will help me in my career
 going forward.

 I am trying to understand the level of maturity of the GWT framework
 for the entrprise development and how it compares with Adobe Flex
 framework if one wants to build production-ready enterise web
 applications while utilizing J2EE technologies (Spring/Hibenate/JSP/
 JSF) for the middle-tier/server side.

 On one hand, I see a lot of posts here where many developers praise
 GWT as a great UI technology. On the other hand, when I do a search on for GWT jobs in New York, NY for the past 30 days, I see only
 14 jobs that mention GWT and way over a hundred jobs that mention
 Adobe Flex.

 It's a very rough test, but can we assume that Flex is more marketable
 and more in demand on the job market as a UI/AJAX tehcnology? What do
 you think is the outlook for GWT vs Flex for the rest of 2009?

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Re: Tutorial for web application using GWT,Spring,hibernate

2009-01-07 Thread

Google for gwt spring hibernate.

Second link:

Very well done.



On Jan 6, 10:14 pm, pallavi gole wrote:

 I am new to GWT.

 I want develop web application using GWT,Spring,Hibernate.

 I want  tutorial which describe step by step how to develop web application
   using  GWT,Spring,Hibernate.

 from where I will get this Tutorial .

 Thanks ,
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Re: gwt-ext similar

2009-01-05 Thread

Smart Client is the only other comprehensive UI library for GWT that
I'm aware of.  It is free and well done.  As is Ext GWT, the well done
part that is.

On Jan 5, 6:24 am, asianCoolz wrote:
 can anyone list any similar tool like gwt-ext ? from what i know this
 tool is not free.   i found another call smartclient. how about
 others.. ? which one should i use? seem to me smartclient is free
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Re: Login security question

2008-12-29 Thread

I can answer the 2nd the fastest.  It does make sense to have Tomcat
or whatever server handle things, until you have a multi-server
cluster.  Then typical session management ideals are tossed out the

On Dec 29, 7:10 am, akutz wrote:
 Per the Login Security FAQ (
 toolkit-incubator/wiki/LoginSecurityFAQ) I have a few questions:

 1) We're storing the SID in a client-side cookie and then the GWT app
 is grabbing that and sending it to the server with each RPC request.
 How is that any different than getting the SID from the cookie on the
 server side? Theoretically if an attacker can replace the cookie, then
 wouldn't the GWT portion of the code that reads the cookie to send it
 along with the RPC request pick up the replaced cookie anyway?

 2) What is wrong with simply relying on the normal Tomcat (et al)
 method of handling sessions? Perhaps I simply wish to store some
 information once the client has logged in via an authentication back-
 end that I do not control. Why do I need to send the SID along with
 each request? The client and server already automagically connect each
 incoming client request with the correct session bag (or I thought
 this happened).

 Thank you for your time!
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Re: Client-side JSON Serialization?

2008-12-17 Thread

I haven't done anything non-trivial in JSON  GWT, but what are you
looking to do that you can't do natively with GWT?  Like on these

I'm trying to figure out your use case and what you can't do with GWT
that you'd need json2.js or something like it.  Just wondering most of



On Dec 16, 11:24 pm, Shawn Pearce wrote:
 Roll your own, or look at gwtjsonrpc:;a=blob;f=README...

 You can also look at JSNI and the JavaScriptObject subclassing tricks in the
 GWT documentation (under JavaScript Integration) to build Java objects that
 are more directly JavaScript entities, and thus more easily serialized with
 JavaScript JSON libraries.

 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 18:34, wrote:

  I'm sorry if this has already been answered, but after searching a bit
  I didn't come up with any answers.  Does anyone know of a way to
  serialize objects to JSON on the client side?  Ideally, it would work
  similarly to the json2.js lib from that I was using prior to
  moving to the GWT, but anything relatively straightforward that
  performs well is fine with me.

  I tried wrapping the json2.js lib in a native method that calls

  public abstract class JSONSerializer
     public static final native String serialize(final Object object)/*-
         return $wnd.JSON.stringify(object);

  but it pins my CPU and runs for several minutes when serializing
  anything but a trivial object.  The problem seemed to be the verbosity
  (completeness?) of the object when marshalled across the Java-
  toJavascript boundary by the GWT.  I'd also like to control the
  mapping of Java properties to JSON ones.

  Surely there's a better way?  Or will I have to roll my own?
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Re: how use GWT

2008-12-13 Thread

Start here

read the docs

Good luck!



On Dec 13, 5:53 am, Vino wrote:
 How use Google Web Toolkit in
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Re: Event/Listener???

2008-12-13 Thread

Take a look inside the mail application that is included with GWT.
It's in /samples directory.  It's a great example of exactly what
you're describing.

It's also here:



On Dec 13, 9:46 am, jbroquefere
 my question is simple : How could I call an action when, for exemple,
 i click on a TreeNode?
 The situation is 2 class, a tree in the first one, an empty panel in
 the second one. when i clik on a node, i want to open a Window, or
 Panel, or Portlet, or, etc... in the empty panel (that is done by a
 functio in the empty panel' class). but i dont know how to do. maybe
 using event?
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Re: Linked source folder in Eclipse project and GWT

2008-12-12 Thread

We did something like this on one of our GWT projects.  Unfortunately,
I'm not in the office right now and don't remember exactly what we
did.  But when I return (next week), I'll look at and post here.  It
seems like we had to do some work on both the gwt.xml and the hosted
mode tomcat web.xml.  It did create a synchronization issue between
making Eclipse happy and keeping hosted mode happy.  And if I
remember, we had do some work in ant to get our deployables to be
correct as well.  So I'll take a look at it and post here..



On Dec 11, 10:09 am, bbones wrote:
 Is it possible to use shared source folder linked Eclipse standard way
 with GWT tools?

 There is no problem in design time, compiler see all files in
 classpath. But in Host mode I've got an error

 [ERROR] Line 28: No source code is available for type
 plantspring.gwt.intf.MainMenuService; did you forget to inherit a
 required module?

 I want to share RPC interface files with different Eclipse project.

 What is a right way for that?
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Re: Widget similar to ListBox

2008-12-12 Thread

I know I've seen one in many of the widget libraries out there.  GWT-
Ext has a very nice one,

as does SmartGWT



On Dec 11, 7:24 am, ArunDhaJ wrote:
 Hi all,
 Is there any widget similar to ListBox, in which styles could be
 defined to each item ??? I'm using GWT-1.4.62.
 I tried creating my own widget by adding labels with styles and added
 click listeners... I got struck up when I wanted to highlight the
 selected label, and need to get the selected label.

 Thanks in Advance !!!

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Re: how to set default button?

2008-12-11 Thread

Maybe others with more GWT Form experience can chime in, but adding a
KeyboardListener to your text boxes to do a form submit seems
completely reasonable and non-hacky.  In fact, it's completely in line
with traditional UI paradigms, where the whole form submit() concept
and all is what's really unusual.  Another idea is to extend the
FormPanel to something like MyCoolFormPanel and add your
own .setDefaultButton method on it.  Simply my random thoughts.  Good



On Dec 11, 2:06 pm, UVic_Paul wrote:
 Hey all,

 Been searching around without success, so time to ask the group

 How do you (or can you) set the default button on a form?

 For example, let's say you have a panel with 4 TextBox widgets, an
 Enter button, and a Cancel button.  When the user presses Enter
 during input of any of the 4 Text Boxes, I want to act as if the
 Enter button had been clicked.

 In Swing, you'd do something like:
 JRootPane rootPane = frame.getRootPane();

 I realize I can create a KeyboardListener, attach it to all 4 Text
 Boxes, and react when Enter is pressed, but that seems like a bit of
 a hack to me.

 thanks in advance,
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Re: How to use a GWT client to send messages to a JMS queue

2008-12-08 Thread

Litty is correct, this is exactly how we are doing it in one of our
applications.  GWT-RPC between client and server, the server then
manages the connection to a JMS queue.  Keeping this separation has
actually been better for us, as we recently retooled our queue
technology (we moved away from JMS) and the rest of the application
has no idea.



On Dec 8, 12:37 am, Litty Preeth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well I suppose u ll have to do the JMS connection at the server side only.
 Send the data from the form fields to server through RPC, then inside the
 RPC service method, create the message using the data, get the connection to
 the JMS queue and send the message.

 - Litty Preeth

 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:49 AM, whoever [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I read about GWT, RPC Remote Service, etc. I was wondering how to send
  messages from a form field on a GWT client using( GWT RPC servlet) to
  a JMS queue.
  How can I wire up GWT with JMS. Thanks very much for guidance
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Re: Does GWT RPC use HTTP?

2008-12-07 Thread

And to follow up Suri's excellent description, I think it uses plain
old port 80, but it is definitely just HTTP.  You are just using a
browser.  If you want to be certain, fire up Wireshark (if you don't
have this tool on your machine, shame on you!) and watch on port 80.
Now that I'm typing it, I think you can configure Tomcat to use most
any port.  I think we were using 8080 for a while.  But the bottom
line is that it is just plain old HTTP.



On Dec 7, 4:12 pm, Suri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Venu,
 My understanding is that RPC is really a layer above the HTTP and if
 you notice how it works, its not unlike another servlet call. The
 serialization/deserialization has been abstracted to make life easier
 for us. So, to answer your question, yes, it is communicating over
 HTTP from where your webserver will pass it over to the servlet
 container just like another servlet call. Hope that helps


 On Dec 7, 7:09 am, Venu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi grp,

  What port does GWT RPC mechanism use? Is it communicating over HTTP?
  If not, what port does it use?

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Re: How to upload xml file with out writting servlet in the server side (using RPC call)

2008-12-01 Thread

I believe the only way you're going to easily upload a file to a
webserver is using servlets.  You could move the XML content up to
the server via an RPC call, and then on the server writing a new file
to the server filesystem and stuffing the content into this new file.
The problem that I can see is that if you want to have the user just
point to a file on their local machine, you will have to do some
serious magic to get that dragged into the web browser space.  Again,
fileupload and using servlets would be way easier in my opinion

Why are you opposed to servlets, if I may be so bold to ask?



On Dec 1, 4:04 am, Learner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi ,I am very new to the GWT, I want to upload xml file using GWt in
 client side and pass that file name to the server side and server side
 API should able to read it.
 I don't want use servlets in the serverside only RPC i need to use..
 Please help me .
 Thanks in advance
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Re: Statement that GWT can be used to drive the UI of entire webapp is incomplete

2008-12-01 Thread

But again I repeat:  your beef is with AJAX as a whole.  GWT doesn't
make the issue you've described better or worse.  It is endemic of all
AJAX based technologies.  That's my only point on the topic.

On Dec 1, 2:24 pm, Pradeep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The thing is this - there are individual URLs and there are backend
 calls. You can browse to those URLs but you can't do a GET on them.
 Entire content is delivered in those backend calls in JSON which gets
 displayed by the web page. That's the content that should be indexed.
 Search engines won't make this association between URL and the backend
 calls, they want text. So for their benefit I have to dump those
 contents into an html page and thereby open a whole new pandora's box.
 That's the page they will oblige me by indexing and by directing users
 to. Then I do a redirect and send the users to a sensible web page.

 This is broken. I should never have attempted this.

 All this treachery about redirect/forward was what I wanted to get
 away from. But I couldn't.

 I didn't want to end up coding html and javascript by hand but now I
 have to. All over. From start to finish.

 This is not about optimization, this is about feasibility. I do not
 want a search engine optimized website. I do not want a good ranking.
 I want the poorest ranking. I just want the thing to get *indexed*.
 But I am going to have to write html and javascript by *hand* to do


  I'm not sure where you are going with this, but I will state that
  GWT's issue about not being indexed by search engines is hardly
  unique to GWT.  All Ajax apps that reside on the web and dynamically
  produce their UI components, and shove that content into a single (or
  minimal) amount of pages have this issue.  Site map xml and other SEO
  techniques are needed on any Ajax app...GWT or otherwise.

  On Dec 1, 9:36 am, Pradeep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The correct statement is that if you want to build the UI of a webapp
   that cannot be indexed by search engines only THEN you can use GWT to
   drive the entire UI. Otherwise stick to jsp, html, javascript and code
   it by HAND.

   Basically, I was in a state of rapture being able to write the kind of
   UI that's possible using GWT without having to bother about javascript
   and html. Then I realize that the thing cannot be read by search
   engines because they like to browse it as text. They see what a
   browser like Lynx will see. Well, Lynx will see jack on my website so
   it means all search engines see that. So that's what I have created as
   far as everybody else on the internet is concerned.

   Ian Bambury's website athttp://examples.roughian.comcomestothe
   rescue. I can pick ideas from there and salvage my months effort.

   What I have to do now is create a parallel structure to my website -
   parallel webpages and parallel navigation. I have to use Firefox web
   developer extension to inspect the pages/elements I created and write
   code to create them BACK AGAIN by HAND so that they can be read by


   And while doing this I expose myself to the nonsense of dealing with
   exposing the same content to search engines and users otherwise I get
   penalized for misrepresentation.

   Double awesome!
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Re: Page navigation in GWT

2008-11-21 Thread

The GWT (actually Ajax) way to look at navigation is not going from
one page to another, but rather staying on the same page and moving
your content in and out.  Take a look at most samples and you'll see
something like

public void onModuleLoad() {

RootPanel.get().add(new MyCoolNewWidget());

where MyCoolNewWidget is something you've created that is your first
page.  Perhaps on there is some widget that the user clicks to
navigate to the next page.  It would look something like:

final Button moveMe = new Button(Next page);
moveMe.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
RootPanel.get().add(new AnotherReallyCoolWidget

In the click listener for the button, you first remove the content
from the RootPanel (basically the Window object in Javascript) and
then insert the new page in it's space.

The whole page based navigation methodology is really a web thing, any
heavy client, like those written in C# WinForms, SWT, Swing or MFC or
even OWL, you moved content in and out of the container which is
what the browser really becomes.


On Nov 21, 2:02 pm, jonbutler88 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all

 I am new to GWT, though I have dabbled in C#/Java before so the
 language itself doesn't boggle me that much, but it seems some of the
 simpler concepts aren't sticking. Im pretty sure the answer to my
 question is so obvious, as I have not seen it answered in any of the
 tutorials on GWT on the web. What I wanted to know is, how do you do
 page navigation in GWT? For example I have my new class, with its
 onModuleLoad function, which is fine, but say I want to click a link
 and load a new page with a different onModuleLoad function?

 After a user logs in, I want them to be transported to a different
 page (different class as well I assume...). I tried adding a new
 servlet line in the .gwt.xml file, but as its not strictly a servlet
 (doesnt extend RemoteService), it fails to load.

 Where abouts should I be looking to edit? A new .html file? And if so,
 what script should I include, as there is only 1 nocache.js file...

 Thanks in advance,
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Re: GWT hosted mode in infinity loop when debugging

2008-10-31 Thread

Without going into details, my advice is to first look at everything
you added to your project since it stopped working.  Speaking from
personal experience, more than 99% of the time, it's something I've
added that has caused the problem and not the vendor's.  One other
thing would be to create a new Debug... action in Eclipse.   Can you
build and run your project outside of Eclipse?  Also try doing a
Project/Clean  Sometimes that helps.  Back in the old days of
Eclipse 3.1, we had to rebuild the project every once in a while but
deleting the source from the project (not the file system) and
reimporting.  This wasn't a GWT project and we haven't seen anything
like that in a long time.  That's about all I've got



On Oct 31, 1:42 pm, maticpetek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
    I'm developing one project in GWT for more then a year now. Of
 course I add new code all the time. But one week ago debug mode stop
 working. When I run my project in Eclipse in debug mode, GWT hosted
 mode is started but then java process start using 100% CPU time and
 takes infinity time (ok, after 30 minutes I kill the process). If i
 run my project in run mode, everything works OK and it start in couple
 of seconds.
    I'm using OS X Leopard / Eclipse 3.3 / GWT 1.4.62. I also update on
 Eclipse 3.4 / GWT 1.5.2 and Eclipse 3.3 / GWT 1.5.2, but nothing
 change - debug mode was still fell in infinity loop. I check log file
 directory in .gwt-logs and .settings, but nothing is their. I
 thing something must be wrong with my code in GWT compiler, because I
 am developing (debugging( some other project on some machine, Eclipse
 and GWT without any problem.
    Could you please help me somehow. I'm really tired of debugging my
 code with GWT.log(). Thank you.

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