Re: D3 Review next actions only doesn't stay checked

2011-06-09 Thread jonas thomas
Hm. That's strange.  I thought I saw that behavior also, but when  I checked
on Linux Firefox 3.6.17 and I'm not seeing it.  The choice appears to be
persistent between sessions.  I'm using that TiddlySaver.jar.  Perhaps that
the difference.

For myself, the context functionality has always bugged me a bit.  When the
Review next actions box is not clicked it shows all actions within the
context open and or closed.  I have a lot of projects and the closed steps
get in the way.I deal with it, but for example I would like to be able
to see @errands as the next step as well open errands only.  I always
thought there should be two check boxes:
Review Next step only.
Review open Items only.
(I think I recall Tomo saying there was a technical reason why this could
not be done.. This was a while ago)

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:43 AM, Brent Bartlett brent.bartle...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've just started using D3, and am loving it! However, there is one
 thing that is bothering me. Whenever I open a context, I have to check
 the box next to Review next actions only. As long as I keep the
 browser open, the boxes stay checked, but once I've closed the browser
 and opened it again, they're unchecked again. This is very irritating.
 I have cookies on, too. I'm using Firefox 4 on GNU/Linux and Windows

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Re: Next Actions - how to use

2011-03-29 Thread jonas thomas
Ok... First off, you need to get yourself to your local library or Borders
if it still exists ;( and get a copy of David Allen's Getting Things Done
D3 as well as Mgtd are  designed to follow this methodology.
You don't have do to's in the way I think your thinking.
What you need to is to setup up contexts in thinks that you do in your life.
For example:

Then what you do is setup a project.
For example.
Project read David allens GTD
in the project you could do the following:
..put gtd on reserve at library|@home_computer
..waiting for ackknowlegement that gtd is on hold|@home_waiting
..pick up gtd from library|@errands GTD|@home_reading

Now in the mean time your wife asked you to pick up a dozen eggs.
Since this is not really a project you just setup up and action under
pick up a dozen eggs.

Now if you you look under actions and select actions(with next actions not
you will see
pickup a dozen eggs
pickup up gtd from library.

when you select next actions only you will see
pickup a dozen eggs

Easy enough??

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 4:18 PM, kendall vance wrote:

 I'm a complete noob, so excuse my ignorance, but how does one use the
 Next Action feature of d^3?  I have created a tiddler named ToDoList
 with only gtdActionList in the body and a tag of context.  All
 associated actions are listed correctly but I can't figure our what
 the Review next actions only is supposed to do.  It my case it
 doesn't do anything. This sounds like a useful feature, if only I
 understood how it works.  I'm brand new to GTD, TiddlyWiki, and d^3,
 so please go easy.  Thanks . . . .

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Re: d3 action projectify problem

2010-11-11 Thread jonas thomas
I seem to be getting experiencing the same phenomena.  But... If you close
D3 and re-open all seems well (for me anyway).
I've never seem to have the need to projectify.
It seems if you just have an action you can assign a project to it.

It seems like projectify takes and action out of an existing project and
creates a new one.  Is that it?

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Marcelo F Andrade mfandr...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi there,

 I don't know if it's a bug, but when I try to projectify an
 action in d3 I cannot edit the tiddler anymore.  Then
 when I save the changes the messagebox confirms
 it was saved, but if I reload the page I get confirmation
 warning it's not saved yet.

 I'm using Firefox 3.5 and also Flock 2.5 in a Ubuntu
 Linux 8.04 and 10.04.  And I could reproduce this
 behavior with 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 versions of d3.

 Looking at the sources, I'd like to debug
 config.commands.projectify.handler but I don't know
 how to do it. :-(

 Best regards.

 Belem, Amazonia, Brazil

 I took the red pill

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Re: Falling behind on accumulating actions

2010-08-04 Thread jonas thomas
Hmm.. Any chance of quitting and coming back after a month with a clean
It sounds to me that the issue lies further up stream versus your GTD

Before I stumbled on to  GTD [in reading a book called Dreaming in Code] ,
I use to use make up these to do lists.  It seems like wound up getting
myself stressed and frustrated and goals not accomplished.

I'm  consider myself a GTD work in progress.  My computer inbox are
basically allways empty, but my office and home desk need to be worked
on.I feel your pain.
10 weeks behind?  Why is that? Do you have too much going on, unforeseen
one-time events, are you a perfectionist, or sub-consciously just don't want
to do it.

I basically have my life goals on my thumb drive.  I've been a bit
overwhelmed lately by the some by the size of my next action list so, I've
been defering some of my someday projects and on things that I don't want to
defer I try to figure out which are more important for me to get done and I
add a waiting step on the less important project that I makes me focus on
the more important project.. Stupid, but it works for me.  I'm not sure
that's a solution for you.

Just out of curiousity, have you read David Allens book Getting things
Done?  A lot of good ideas in there

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 11:13 PM, user4815162342 neilmshel...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I've been using mGSD for a couple of weeks, and so far it's been going
 pretty well.

 I have what I think is a special use case, but I'm looking for ideas
 on how to make it easier for me, or to see how other people have
 solved it.

 Here's my scenario: I'm a member of a writing group, which requires
 its members to critique at least one story written by another member
 once a week. If you miss a week, that's okay, but you have to do two
 the next week to get caught up. If you miss two weeks, you have to do
 three to get caught up, etc. Well, I'm embarrassed to say that I'm now
 behind by more than ten weeks, and I'm trying to catch up.

 Now, for GTD, I've set up an action for each critique that I have to
 complete. I have a tickler set up to remind me every week to add
 another critique action. This means my 'Next Actions' is getting
 rather long, full of all of these critiques I have to do, which makes
 it difficult for me to see other actions (many of which have higher
 priority, which is one reason why I'm more than ten weeks behind).
 It's also getting harder for me to count how many I have left to do at
 a single glance.

 Although this is probably not a common use case for GTD, I'd like to
 know if anyone out there has come upon a situation like this, and how
 they have resolved it.

 I've thought about just putting a number in the name of the tiddler,
 or in it's notes, and then change that when I need to, but this would
 require more mouse clicks than just completing a task, so I'd be
 interested if someone has a better idea than that.

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Re: D3 or Monkey

2010-07-30 Thread jonas thomas

 I tried D3 and a number of other TD-based solutions. The big thing in
 favor of mGSD (Monkey): subprojects. I don't recall any other
 solutions with this ability. It isn't perfect, but it at least
 recognizes that some projects are connected.

 I should have mentioned that part.  D3 is not very strong on sub-projects.
My latest work around on that has been to start to put the main leg on a
waiting action, create a new (sub) project, and share tags. Cumbersome, but
more or less works for me.

 The recent update was also helpful. Some of these solutions look
  promising until you realize that they were long ago abandoned.

Which recent update are you refering to?

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Re: Getting D3 to work on chrome in ubuntu Linux

2010-07-17 Thread jonas thomas
So...  I thought the issue was I didn't  java installed on my machine.
I found an interesting link here:
I just went to synaptic which shows that I have openJDK installed.
according to the link bellow I need to create a folder and symlink to which currently doesn't exist in my machine.

After searching the fine print in the link you need to do the following:
1) add-apt-repository “deb lucid partner”
2) sudo apt-get update
3) sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre

jo...@jonas5:~$ sudo updatedb
jo...@jonas5:~$ locate
jo...@jonas5://$ cd opt
jo...@jonas5://opt$ ls
jo...@jonas5://opt$ mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins
mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/google/chrome/plugins': No such file or
jo...@jonas5://opt$ mkdir /opt/google
mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/google': Permission denied
jo...@jonas5://opt$ sudo mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins
mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/google/chrome/plugins': No such file or
jo...@jonas5://opt$ sudo mkdir /opt/google
jo...@jonas5://opt$ sudo mkdir /opt/google/chrome
jo...@jonas5://opt$ sudo mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins
jo...@jonas5://opt$ cd /opt/google/chrome/plugins
jo...@jonas5:/opt/google/chrome/plugins$ ln -s
ln: creating symbolic link `./': Permission denied
jo...@jonas5:/opt/google/chrome/plugins$ sudo ln -s
jo...@jonas5:/opt/google/chrome/plugins$ ls

Ok.. Now the quick test.
jo...@jonas5:/opt/google/chrome/plugins$ chromium-browser
--allow-file-access-from-file --enable-file-cookies

Still get the message when saving.
Anyone any ideas?

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Ken Girard wrote:

 and then

 This might help. Haven't done it myself.

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Re: Getting D3 to work on chrome in ubuntu Linux

2010-07-16 Thread jonas thomas
That looks so promising
#$^(@#%^ doesn't seem to work with D3.
Hmm. The test file doesn't work with the cookies either, but something seems
to be happening with D3 but I still get the messages.
(It looks like some gtd cookies are getting through)
I need to look at this later after work (and blow another evening later on)

Is anyone getting chrome to work and d3, tiddlywiki in either Linux or


On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 3:26 AM, rock wrote:

 Have you tried the command line options when starting Chrome:
  --allow-file-access-from-files --enable-file-cookies

 It worked for me using Chrome on linux (Ubuntu) when I tried it a
 couple of months ago.

 Stein Roald

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Re: Getting D3 to work on chrome in ubuntu Linux

2010-07-16 Thread jonas thomas
Hmm... I already have 2 nights invested in this already.. I suppose giving
opera a quick try (famous last words) won't be too big of a deal.
Other than the .jar files, is there anything else I need. (I wonder if Opera
loads up in synaptic with Java as dependency).

Has anyone had any success with getting chrome to run with tiddlywiki

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 12:38 PM, YinYanger flaviosuarez2...@gmail.comwrote:

 It works OK in Opera 10.60 (WinVista). Try in Opera for Linux...
 But, for some reason, it don't works on my installed Opera. Only on a
 portable version... :(

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export.html appears as text D3

2009-12-15 Thread Jonas Thomas
I hate to be a pain here.  But I don't know if I hosed something or

I found the backstage export to be convenient to export my archived
actions and projects and then delete them after I did the export.

I thought I was dumping data into a blank D3 file and I could look at
what I archived later.

It seems like everything was working correctly except when executed
export.html everything appeared as gibberish. (See below.  )

I wanted to keep track of completed projects and this seemed(at the
time) to be an efficient method of doing this.

Is there a way to get the export.html file to display properly?
If not, I suppose I should attempt to import data into a blank D3

Reading the D3 specific documentation I got the impression you could
backup a complete file with archive information and the purge the main
file of the archive.

I want to keep a file of just completed projects and actions.  I've
got to think that this  has been discussed, but for apparently, I
haven't stumbled on the magic search terms...


0,width:1px,height:1px,visibility:hidden};for(E in M){[E]
I=0,H=0,F;if(this[0]){var G=this.offsetParent(),J=this.offset(),E=/
(G,borderTopWidth);E.left+=j(G,borderLeftWidth);F={,left:J.left-E.left}}return F},offsetParent:function(){var E=this
(E.tagName)o.css(E,position)==static)){E=E.offsetParent}return o
(E)}});o.each([Left,Top],function(F,E){var G=scroll+E;o.fn[G]
=function(H){if(!this[0]){return null}return H!==g?this.each(function()
(I,G){var E=I?Left:Top,H=I?Right:Bottom,F=G.toLowerCase();o.fn
[inner+G]=function(){return this[0]?o.css(this
[0],F,false,padding):null};o.fn[outer+G]=function(K){return this
J=G.toLowerCase();o.fn[J]=function(K){return this[0]==l?
o.css(this[0],J):null):this.css(J,typeof K===string?K:K+px)}})})
(); //]]


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Re: Realms for D3?

2009-12-11 Thread Jonas Thomas
Thanks Tom
It think got the realm thing licked with-in D3.
Basically I setup some customer project searches for work.
I'm very satisfied with the result.

Next thing on this project is to create a search that creates a list
of projects that are missing the work or nonwork tag
(I think I can handle that... Just a matter of doing..)

Perhaps I should put this in a separate thread... But I'm starting to
go what I would term  tag happy on my projects
For example, I set up tags such as hm_family  hm_friends,
wk_app_project_name (for computer projects at work).

What I'm attempting to do is to create smaller projects where done
is more achievable.
I have applications at work that need multiple bug fixes/
enhancements.  Rather than rolling it into one long project, I'm
making smaller projects.
So if I want to see what I got going for upgrades on a particular
application, I just to a search on a tag... Sweet

Anyway... Sorry about being long winded but here's the question/
I would like to be able to do a special review on projects and see the
tags that are associated with the project.

For instance now, with the summary review, no tags are show on
projects, but actions show the takes.
I'd like to create a customer project review, which shows the tags on
the project.
Has anyone done this? If not, where is the magic spot in the code to
copy an make a custom macro??


On Dec 6, 8:19 am, tomo wrote:
 Not the same thing exactly, I know, but I simply tag my projects with
 my various realms, and then then update my ProjectList tiddler to
 include sliders for the various tagged realms. I think examples have
 been posted here before, but here is mine:

 *+++(gtdImportantProjectsSliderState)[Important:] list tagged
 project important -someday all===
 +++(gtdMBSProjectsSliderState)[MyBandSite:] list tagged project
 mybandsite -important -someday all===
 +++(gtdVPIProjectsSliderState)[VPI:] list tagged project vpi -
 important -someday all===
 +++(gtdOtherProjectsSliderState)[Other:] list tagged project -vpi -
 mybandsite -important -someday all===

 -- tomo

 On Dec 5, 7:58 pm, Jonas Thomas wrote:

  I thought I'd throw the question out here.

  I've been using D3 for over 8 months and I like it.  I happened to
  take another test ride on mgtd the other day and found some features I
  really liked and some others that I preferred in D3.

  Has anyone made any enhancements to D3 that would duplicate the
  functionality of realm's in Mgtd.

  I really like the mgtd feature of being able to separate work from
  home which is lacking in d3.  But.. I rather prefer how projects look
  in D3.

  Or I suppose the converse would be.. How about making the project
  action in mgtd look like d3 instead of being grouped by context.

  JT- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


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Re: newbie confusion

2009-12-05 Thread Jonas Thomas
Short answer yes. For the long answer read on:
I've been using D3 for about a year and have been very pleased.
I initially looked at Mgtd and it made no sense to me.  Although I
must say I happened to look at Mgtd again a couple of days ago and
had moment of clarity where I could appreciate its elegance.  Still, I
think I still prefer how you can arrange a project quickly within a
single tiddler in D3.  From what I understand of Mgtd projects are
solely reference through tags cross references.  D3' linear nature
feels more comfortable to me at this point anyway.

Quick hint. Learn about the D3 short hand to enter a tiddler directly
in edit mode
..Put you action here|@home_computer
This works real nice.

I do a lot a vb programming as well as working in C++.  But I haven't
really worked with Css or javascript.  Up until recently, I've been
using D3 without any programming.  I started getting gucci within the
last month or so which did need some macros. Tom Otvos (who packaged
D3) was very helpful and helped me through it.

I think you'll do just fine not knowing how to program using D3. I
think if you run into a problem people on this group will help you
out. Give it a try.. If it doesn't work try again, ask or try
something else. :)



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Realms for D3?

2009-12-05 Thread Jonas Thomas
I thought I'd throw the question out here.

I've been using D3 for over 8 months and I like it.  I happened to
take another test ride on mgtd the other day and found some features I
really liked and some others that I preferred in D3.

Has anyone made any enhancements to D3 that would duplicate the
functionality of realm's in Mgtd.

I really like the mgtd feature of being able to separate work from
home which is lacking in d3.  But.. I rather prefer how projects look
in D3.

Or I suppose the converse would be.. How about making the project
action in mgtd look like d3 instead of being grouped by context.



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D3- Can a project be a next step action?

2009-11-25 Thread Jonas Thomas
I've been really getting in to D3 and Gtd and it really works for me.
The way I've been using it is to put a prefix on the project title.

Where the numeric represents the six level model of review my work.
0 = Runway
5 = Life

This works out well with my reviews, since the stuff that needs
immediate attention is at the top of the list and the life projects
are at the bottom
Anyway I've been running into issues at my 3-4 level
projects.  These goals tend to be pretty big and they really lend
themselves to be busted up into sub-projects.

I've played around with listing projects within projects, but with
mixed results.  I run into a situation where the big projects needs
to get a sub-project done (which I can list) before I can do this
action.  The problem is that the software apparently ignores the
project as the next step and goes to the next action which can't be
done until the project is done.

Hmm I wonder if I can define a tiddler as a project and an action?
Hopefully this doesn't send me to some type of recursion hell


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Re: D3- Can a project be a next step action?

2009-11-25 Thread jonas thomas
I've been playing around with defining a tiddler as a project and created
and action called a @sub-project and it seems to work.

I had a the combo action tiddler tagged as:
action @sub-project project important
and it seems to work ok

I originally had this tagged as:
project action @sub-project important  and I think I ran across what might
be considered a bug.

Review=Summary review picked up the project find

But  Projects= Important did not.  Apparently the tag needs to be project
important sequence for it to pick up.

Also action @sub-project project important seems to be the next step only
if it comes directly before a open action.  If there are closed actions
between the sub-project and action, the action appears to be the next step.

Does this make sense to those of you who know this stuff inside and out?



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Re: D3- How to display projects with no Next Action

2009-11-25 Thread jonas thomas
Just tried the macro in the link... Seems to work just fine in picking up
projects with no actions just fine.
This java script stuff is darn interesting... Just added learning it as
another project...

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Re: D3(D-cubed) Project Review for Someday-Maybe

2009-11-02 Thread jonas thomas
I think there might be a tiny critter in the code somewhere.
When I fired it back up the Plugin manager is complaining about Error:
Expected ;
I'll get there

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, tomo wrote:

 There is nothing explicit to help you, but it is easy enough to create
 a variant of the built-in d3 function that does the project lists.
 Here is a quick-and-dirty plugin that will do the job. Simply paste
 this into a new tiddler (gtdSomedayList, for example), make sure the
 tiddler has the tag systemConfig, and save/reload your document.
 Then create another new tiddler (Someday Review, for example, and
 put into it gtdSomedayList, and close it. Presto.

 config.macros.gtdSomedayList = {}
 config.macros.gtdSomedayList.handler = function
var theList = createTiddlyElement(place, ul, null,
var parentTiddlerName = story.findContainingTiddler

var projects = store.getTaggedTiddlers
// do an importance sort on project list first, so they bubble to
for (var i = 0; i  projects.length; i++) {
var project = projects[i];
// this will present the actions in the same order as they
 appear in
 the project
var theListItem = createTiddlyElement(theList, li, null,
createTiddlyLink(theListItem, project.title, true);
if (project.gtdActions != undefined 
 0) {
var subList = createTiddlyElement(theList, ul,
for (var j = 0; j  project.gtdActions.length; j++)
var action = project.gtdActions[j];
var subListItem =
 createTiddlyElement(subList, li);
var el =
 action, project.title, action.tags);

 -- tomo

 On Nov 1, 7:08 am, Jonas Thomas wrote:
  I've been really enjoying D3, but there is one feature (for me anyway)
  which would be really nice to have.
  I have a huge amount of someday-maybe projects defined that I'd like
  to skim over in my project review.
  Currently I need to click each one of them individually to review
  them.  This is really cumbersome, since my D3 file is big and there is
  bit of a time lag.
  What would be the cats meow would be a someday maybe project review
  similar to Project Review for active items.
  These projects are still in the cooker so to say and it would probably
  be nice to list the outcome statement also.  In this way, I could have
  the review generate while I'm getting my morning coffee.
  I'm surprised that no one has requested this before.  I googled a bit
  and didn't find anything (perhaps, I don't have the correct search
  terms) or I'm just wired weird.
  While I wouldn't mind adding Learning Java script to the list, I just
  as soon not re-invent the wheel if this has been done already.
  Does any happen to know that a plug-in has been written to do what I'm
  interested in doing?
  Thanks in advance

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Re: D3(D-cubed) Project Review for Someday-Maybe

2009-11-02 Thread jonas thomas
Thanks so much One issue I had is that when I copied and pasted some
line feeds where generated that needed to be taken out.
I did that and all is well..
This is sooo cool.   :)
Btw... I like to add this to the pull down review menu on the left side.
Could you tell me which tiddler I need to look at?
Thank you, Thank you.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, tomo wrote:

 There is nothing explicit to help you, but it is easy enough to create
 a variant of the built-in d3 function that does the project lists.
 Here is a quick-and-dirty plugin that will do the job. Simply paste
 this into a new tiddler (gtdSomedayList, for example), make sure the
 tiddler has the tag systemConfig, and save/reload your document.
 Then create another new tiddler (Someday Review, for example, and
 put into it gtdSomedayList, and close it. Presto.

 config.macros.gtdSomedayList = {}
 config.macros.gtdSomedayList.handler = function
var theList = createTiddlyElement(place, ul, null,
var parentTiddlerName = story.findContainingTiddler

var projects = store.getTaggedTiddlers
// do an importance sort on project list first, so they bubble to
for (var i = 0; i  projects.length; i++) {
var project = projects[i];
// this will present the actions in the same order as they
 appear in
 the project
var theListItem = createTiddlyElement(theList, li, null,
createTiddlyLink(theListItem, project.title, true);
if (project.gtdActions != undefined 
 0) {
var subList = createTiddlyElement(theList, ul,
for (var j = 0; j  project.gtdActions.length; j++)
var action = project.gtdActions[j];
var subListItem =
 createTiddlyElement(subList, li);
var el =
 action, project.title, action.tags);

 -- tomo

 On Nov 1, 7:08 am, Jonas Thomas wrote:
  I've been really enjoying D3, but there is one feature (for me anyway)
  which would be really nice to have.
  I have a huge amount of someday-maybe projects defined that I'd like
  to skim over in my project review.
  Currently I need to click each one of them individually to review
  them.  This is really cumbersome, since my D3 file is big and there is
  bit of a time lag.
  What would be the cats meow would be a someday maybe project review
  similar to Project Review for active items.
  These projects are still in the cooker so to say and it would probably
  be nice to list the outcome statement also.  In this way, I could have
  the review generate while I'm getting my morning coffee.
  I'm surprised that no one has requested this before.  I googled a bit
  and didn't find anything (perhaps, I don't have the correct search
  terms) or I'm just wired weird.
  While I wouldn't mind adding Learning Java script to the list, I just
  as soon not re-invent the wheel if this has been done already.
  Does any happen to know that a plug-in has been written to do what I'm
  interested in doing?
  Thanks in advance

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Re: D3(D-cubed) Project Review for Someday-Maybe

2009-11-02 Thread jonas thomas
To answer my own question that would be GTDmenu
Wow... This is an awesome application..

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:42 AM, jonas thomas jonasthomas...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks so much One issue I had is that when I copied and pasted some
 line feeds where generated that needed to be taken out.
 I did that and all is well..
 This is sooo cool.   :)
 Btw... I like to add this to the pull down review menu on the left side.
 Could you tell me which tiddler I need to look at?
 Thank you, Thank you.

  On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM, tomo wrote:

 There is nothing explicit to help you, but it is easy enough to create
 a variant of the built-in d3 function that does the project lists.
 Here is a quick-and-dirty plugin that will do the job. Simply paste
 this into a new tiddler (gtdSomedayList, for example), make sure the
 tiddler has the tag systemConfig, and save/reload your document.
 Then create another new tiddler (Someday Review, for example, and
 put into it gtdSomedayList, and close it. Presto.

 config.macros.gtdSomedayList = {}
 config.macros.gtdSomedayList.handler = function
var theList = createTiddlyElement(place, ul, null,
var parentTiddlerName = story.findContainingTiddler

var projects = store.getTaggedTiddlers
// do an importance sort on project list first, so they bubble to
for (var i = 0; i  projects.length; i++) {
var project = projects[i];
// this will present the actions in the same order as they
 appear in
 the project
var theListItem = createTiddlyElement(theList, li, null,
createTiddlyLink(theListItem, project.title, true);
if (project.gtdActions != undefined 
 0) {
var subList = createTiddlyElement(theList, ul,
for (var j = 0; j  project.gtdActions.length; j++)
var action = project.gtdActions[j];
var subListItem =
 createTiddlyElement(subList, li);
var el =
 action, project.title, action.tags);

 -- tomo

 On Nov 1, 7:08 am, Jonas Thomas wrote:
  I've been really enjoying D3, but there is one feature (for me anyway)
  which would be really nice to have.
  I have a huge amount of someday-maybe projects defined that I'd like
  to skim over in my project review.
  Currently I need to click each one of them individually to review
  them.  This is really cumbersome, since my D3 file is big and there is
  bit of a time lag.
  What would be the cats meow would be a someday maybe project review
  similar to Project Review for active items.
  These projects are still in the cooker so to say and it would probably
  be nice to list the outcome statement also.  In this way, I could have
  the review generate while I'm getting my morning coffee.
  I'm surprised that no one has requested this before.  I googled a bit
  and didn't find anything (perhaps, I don't have the correct search
  terms) or I'm just wired weird.
  While I wouldn't mind adding Learning Java script to the list, I just
  as soon not re-invent the wheel if this has been done already.
  Does any happen to know that a plug-in has been written to do what I'm
  interested in doing?
  Thanks in advance

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