Re: [Haskell-cafe] Interfacing Java/Haskell

2013-05-27 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
CJ van den Berg
 I have successfully written Java/Haskell programs using the Java
 Native Interface. You can find my JNI to Haskell binding library at I am primarily using it to
 write Android Apps with Haskell,

Just out of curiosity, have you got any complete apps that you built that way? 
Are they in the Google Store?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] install cuda

2013-04-03 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Geoffrey Mainland
 Fantastic, glad you got it working! Maybe it's time for me to send
 Trevor a pull request...

That sounds like an excellent idea!


 On 04/01/2013 04:27 PM, Peter Caspers wrote:
 indeed, not very helpful ...
 When I installed Cuda the latest driver (296.0) that was running on my
 laptop (a W520 ThinkPad) was not sufficient for version 5.0. However
 as I noticed today in February Lenovo released a driver update (311.0)
 and with that 5.0 is in fact running. :-)
 With that the Haskell bindings work well.
 Thanks again very much, Geoff
 Am 01.04.2013 12:25, schrieb Geoffrey Mainland:
 That is not a very elucidating crash message, so I don't see how to
 proceed. After ghci print Loading package cuda- ... linking
 ... done. it just exits? No error dialog, nothing? Did you try building
 any of the examples in the cuda package that don't require ghci?
 Is your graphics card incompatible with CUDA 5.0, or do you just not
 want to update your driver?
 On 04/01/2013 10:33 AM, Peter Caspers wrote:
 yes, the installation seems to work fine now. However, doing the
 following test in ghci
 Prelude :m +Foreign.CUDA
 Prelude Foreign.CUDA props 0
 Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
 Loading package cuda- ... linking ... done.
 results in a crash. The CUDA version I am using is 4.1.28. You think
 there is something I could try to analyze this further ?
 Thanks a lot for your help
 Am 31.03.2013 21:48, schrieb Geoffrey Mainland:
 You need to generate the configure script using autoconf:
 On 03/31/2013 08:27 PM, Peter Caspers wrote:
 Hmm, I get
 Configuring cuda-
 setup.exe: configure script not found.
 can you help ?
 I was able to install the cuda package under 32-bit GHC 7.4.2
 using the
 5.0 SDK and use it from within ghci. This required using my fork
 of the
 cuda repo and following the instructions in my Make sure
 nvcc is in your path (the CUDA installer should have made this
 so) and
 try 'cabal configure'.
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[Haskell-cafe] Which advanced Haskell topics interest you

2012-10-04 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Most existing Haskell books and similar teaching material is aimed at 
programmers who are new to Haskell. This survey is to assess the community 
interest in teaching material covering advanced topics beyond the commonly 
taught introductory material.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Which advanced Haskell topics interest you

2012-10-04 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Kristopher Micinski
 On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Stephen Tetley 
 As for an advanced book, maybe limiting the subject to one domain
 (concurrency / DSLs for graphics / pick a favourite ...) might
 make a better book than one targeting a mix of advanced topics.
 Another problem is that the topics in these domains don't simply deal
 with Haskell, they deal with real computer science that is not to be
 Concurrency for Haskell involves tackling the real implementation
 issues inherent in making things work, but also a good taste of
 semantics, and actual concurrency.

Those are very good points.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform - BSD License?

2012-08-02 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Thomas Schilling
 You may concatenate the licenses of all the packages you are using. GHC 
 includes the LGPL libgmp. The license file for each package is mentioned in 
 the .cabal file.

If you need a version of GHC free of the LGPL, you can build GHC from source 
using the package 'integer-simple' instead of 'integer-gmp'.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DPH matrix product

2012-07-10 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Firstly, especially when you are talking about performance, please provided 
detailed information on (a) the versions of the compiler and libraries that you 
used and (b) of the command line options that you used for compilation.

Secondly, your function 'transposeP' doesn't make for a good nested 
data-parallel program. I haven't looked at the generated code, but I wouldn't 
be surprised if it doesn't optimise very well.

The core benefit of nested data parallelism is that the sub-arrays in a nested 
array of arrays can be of varying size leading to irregular parallelism. 
However, that flexibility comes at a price, namely that it is a fairly 
inefficient representation for *rectangular arrays*, such as regular 
two-dimensional matrices (as in your example). It shouldn't be quite as 
inefficient as what you report, but it will never be competitive with a 
dedicated regular representation.

Hence, for code, such as yours, we recommend to use our Repa library:

It generates very fast code for regular array problems, see also


 Hi, I'm trying to implement a matrix product example using DPH. This is the 
 type MMultType = Double
 type Matrix = [:[:MMultType:]:]
 type MVector = [:MMultType:]
 type Matrix_wrapper = PArray (PArray MMultType)
 {-# NOINLINE matMult_wrapper #-}
 matMult_wrapper :: Matrix_wrapper - Matrix_wrapper - Matrix_wrapper
 matMult_wrapper mA mB = toPArrayP (mapP toPArrayP (matMult (fromNestedPArrayP 
 mA) (fromNestedPArrayP mB)))
 matMult :: Matrix - Matrix - Matrix
 matMult mA mB = mapP (\row - mapP (\col - dotp row col) (transposeP mB)) mA
 dotp :: MVector - MVector - MMultType
 dotp row col = D.sumP (zipWithP (D.*) row col)
 transposeP :: Matrix - Matrix
 transposeP m = 
 h = lengthP m
 w = lengthP (m !: 0)
 rh = I.enumFromToP 0 (h I.- 1)
 rw = I.enumFromToP 0 (w I.- 1)
 if h I.== 0 then [: :]
 else mapP (\y - mapP (\x - m !: x !: y) rh) rw
 My problem is at execution time, on matrices of size 300*300 the program does 
 finish (although it is very slow), but on 700*700 it consumes GBs of RAM 
 until the process is aborted.
 In the paper Work Efficient Higher-Order Vectorisation it is explained that 
 a work complexity problem (wich involved unnecesary array replication) was 
 recently treated. So at first I thought the code implementation related to 
 the paper had not been uploaded to hackage. But as I understand it must have 
 been, as that seems to be the motive of the dph-lifted-vseg package.
 Does anybody notice the problem with the example or if the problem is related 
 to the subject treated in the paper?
 Thanks in advance!
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[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Accelerate version 0.12: GPU computing with Haskell

2012-05-14 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
We just released version 0.12 of Data.Array.Accelerate, the GPGPU[1] library 
for Haskell:

This is a beta release. The library is not perfect, but it is definitely 
usable, and we are looking for early adopters.


[1] Currently only NVIDIA GPUs are supported via NVIDIA's CUDA framework.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can Haskell outperform C++?

2012-05-14 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Ryan Newton:
 But, anyway, it turns out that my example above is easily transformed from a 
 bad GHC performance story into a good one.  If you'll bear with me, I'll show 
 how below.
First, Manuel makes a good point about the LLVM backend.  My 6X anecdote 
 was from a while ago and I didn't use llvm [1].  I redid it just now with 
 7.4.1+LLVM, results below.  (The below table should read correctly in fixed 
 width font, but you can also see the data in the spreadsheet here.)
Time (ms)   Compiled File size   Comple+Runtime (ms)
 GHC 7.4.1 O0 24441241K
 GHC 7.4.1 O2 925 1132K1561
 GHC 7.4.1 O2 llvm  931 1133K
 GHC 7.0.4 O2 via-C 684 974K
 So LLVM didn't help [1].  And in fact the deprecated via-C backend did the 

I would classify that as a bug.

 [1] P.P.S. Most concerning to me about Haskell/C++ comparisons are David 
 Peixotto's findings that LLVM optimizations are not very effective on 
 Haskell-generated LLVM compared with typical clang-generated LLVM.

There is some work underway to improve the situation, but I am sure more could 
be done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can Haskell outperform C++?

2012-05-10 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Ryan Newton:
 As a community I think we have to face the fact that writing the hot inner 
 loop of your application as idiomatic Haskell is not [yet] going to give you 
 C/Fortran performance off the bat.  Though in some cases there's not really 
 anything stopping us but more backend/codegen work (I'm thinking of 
 arithmetically intensive loops with scalars only).  For example, the 
 following Mandel kernel is in many ways the *same* as the C version:
 We have the types; we've got strictness (for this loop); but the C version 
 was 6X faster when I tested it.

Did you use the LLVM backend? I am asking because I have seen dramatic 
differences between the code generators in similar example. Have a look at

With GHC's native code generator, the C version is much faster than the Haskell 
version (by a factor of 2 or 3 IIRC), but using GHC's LLVM backend, the Haskell 
version is even a few percent faster than the C version on my machine. (This is 
on OS X using llvm-gcc to compile the C code — that is, the code generator for 
the C and Haskell version goes via LLVM.)

I think that is an interesting example, because it shows (a) just how much of a 
difference a good code generator can make and (b) that using the same code 
generator, a Haskell compiler has no inherent disadvantage to a C compiler. 
(Nevertheless, especially for small examples, it is much easier to write a slow 
Haskell than to write a slow C program.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell development in Mac OS X after Gatekeeper

2012-02-22 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Stefan Monnier:
 I think, Apple has made their stance quite clear by releasing the
 command line dev tools:
 I'm not sure what you mean by that, but looking at the history of Apple
 devices, especially the recent history with iPad, iPhone, etc... it's
 pretty clear to me where this is headed: keep as tight a control on the
 machine as possible without alienating too many users.

It means that Apple likes to accommodate devs who prefer a traditional Unix 
environment over using IDEs (such as Xcode) and devs that use alternative tool 
chains (such as GHC).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.Array.Accelerate initialization timings

2012-02-22 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Martin Dybdal:
 On 20 February 2012 16:39, Paul Sujkov wrote:
 Ah, it seems that I see now what's going wrong way. I'm not using the 'run'
 function from the CUDA backend, and so by default I guess the code is
 interpreted (the test backend used for semantics check). However, it's not
 perfectly clear how to use CUDA backend explicitly.
 Neither the interpreter or the CUDA code are used in your example.
 Everything in Data.Array.Accelerate are front-end stuff, your arrays
 are allocated on the host, so it is here there is an inefficiency.
 The use method inserts a statement in the syntax tree generated by
 the front-end, which the back-end can use as a hint to transfer that
 array to the GPU, while compiling the rest of the program into CUDA
 code. The function is the one that
 actually moves the arrays to the GPU.
 I haven't tried executing your code and I'm not sure why the front-end
 is that slow.

The 'fromList' function is mostly meant for testing or to initialise small 
arrays.  It is not particularly optimised.  (Going via a vanilla list is just a 
bad idea if you want performance.)

For efficient data marshalling have a look at the modules under 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell development in Mac OS X after Gatekeeper

2012-02-21 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Austin Seipp:
 The only two things not clear at this point, at least to me, are:
 1) Will Apple require the paid development program, as opposed to the
 free one, if you only want to self-sign applications with a cert they

You can self-sign applications with a certificate that you get with a free 
developer ID.

 Apple is calling it “Gatekeeper”. It’s a system whereby developers can sign 
 up for free-of-charge Apple developer IDs which they can then use to 
 cryptographically sign their applications. If an app is found to be malware, 
 Apple can revoke that developer’s certificate, rendering the app (along with 
 any others from the same developer) inert on any Mac where it’s been 
 installed. In effect, it offers all the security benefits of the App Store, 
 except for the process of approving apps by Apple.

 2) What will the default Gatekeeper setting in Mountain Lion be?

The default is the middle option — i.e., AppStore and self-signed apps run.

From the same source,
 The default for this setting is, I say, exactly right: the one in the 
 middle, disallowing only unsigned apps. This default setting benefits users 
 by increasing practical security, and also benefits developers, preserving 
 the freedom to ship whatever software they want for the Mac, with no 
 approval process.

 In an ideal world, you won't require the paid dev ID (I
 don't know the expense of giving out certs however,) and the default
 setting would be App store + Dev signed.

It is an ideal world :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell development in Mac OS X after Gatekeeper

2012-02-21 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Austin Seipp:
 On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Tom Murphy wrote:
 On the other hand,
 it's impossible for a software company to maintain a sense of
 professionalism, when a user has to know a weird secret handshake to
 disable what they may perceive as equivalent to antivirus software.
 I'll also just add that if you're an actual software company, large or
 small, the $100 for the developer ID, certificate, ability to do
 iOS/App store apps, whatever, is a business expense, that is utterly
 dominated by a million other factors, as developing high quality
 applications isn't exactly cheap, and the price of a license is really
 the last thing you're going to worry about.
 If you're more worried about the potential to impact individual
 developers and small open source teams who want to get their work out
 there, you are right it's a concern.

I think, Apple has made their stance quite clear by releasing the command line 
dev tools:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XCode Dependency for HP on Mac

2011-07-31 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
In addition to the excellent reasons that Mark outlined, there is another 
important reason to *not* include gcc and friends in the HP.  Every software 
developer (as opposed to friend of a friend who just wanted to try to learn 
programming with Haskell on a road trip) will already have Xcode installed on 
their Mac.

Having two versions of gcc, make, lots of other tools, library headers, library 
objects, etc is going to lead to subtle bugs and headaches; at the latest, when 
you compile your first multi-language project.  (This is where this is not 
comparable to the situation on Windows with mingw.  A software developer on 
Windows, will have Visual Studio installed, but usually not some flavour of the 
GNU tools.)


PS: I am sure there is demand for a self-contained, lightweight 
beginners/teaching Haskell environment, but let's not confuse that with the 
main distribution.

Mark Lentczner:
 Hiho - I'm the maintainer of the Mac installer for HP. I thought I'd
 chime in a bit:
 On Mac OS X, developer tools is essentially synonymous with Xcode.
 That is, to get the set of standard utilities needed for development
 on compiled executables (notably the binutils), you install Xcode.
 True, it also includes the IDE called Xcode, but the vast bulk of that
 installation are things like headers, link libraries, command line
 tools, and other utilities for development of compiled executables in
 As several have pointed out, you can download Xcode for free. If you
 have Lion, you can get Xcode 4 for free from the Mac Store. Xcode 3
 for 10.6 and 10.5. Traditionally, Apple has included Xcode on one of
 the CD-ROMs that came with a new computer, and/or as an installer
 already present on the hard disk. (I haven't bought a new Air...
 yet... but perhaps someone can check to see if the Xcode installer is
 one the SSD volume already?)
 It is conceivably possible to build and distribute some of those
 tools, but not the whole bundle. But the difficulty of getting such a
 build just right, and all the pieces in the right place, seems absurd
 to attempt to recreate when Apple has done it, and gives it away for
 free. Apple's versions of bintools also includes many extensions extra
 options for the OS X environment (like supporting multi-arch binaries)
 Finally, there is also licensing questions regarding the parts
 supplied by the OS vendor (headers, stub libs, debug libs, etc)
 Given the above, perhaps it is a little more clear why we choose to
 not include the system development tools in the Haskell Platform
 - Mark
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Software patents covered in GHC?

2011-06-24 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Erik de Castro Lopo:
 Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 In fact, you are better of not to know.  Given that GHC (like all
 non-trivial software) surely infringes on some patents, the damages
 that a patent holder can sue you for are less if you do not know about
 the patents you are infringing on.  IIRC, a plaintiff can triple the
 charges if they can reasonably show that you have been aware of the
 patents that you are infringing on.  Nasty business!
 ON the up side, the fact that GHC is Open Source software available
 from a public repository and a lot of what is in GHC is published
 in papers which are widely and freely available on the internet
 means that stuf fthat was in GHC first can never be patented (or
 at least can be successfully challenged when it is).

That's right, but it doesn't help any of us anything.  The costs of defending 
against a patent claim (even if the claim can eventually be overturned) are 
much to high to bear for anybody, but major corporations.  In other words, it 
doesn't matter if you are right or wrong if you can't pay the legal bill.  This 
is not just theory as a fair number of mobile app developer recently found out:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Software patents covered in GHC?

2011-06-20 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
austin seipp:
 *sigh* CC'ing to the rest of haskell-cafe for completeness. I need to
 change 'reply all' to a default in my email I guess.
 On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:19 PM, austin seipp wrote:
 Realistically, there probably is. Considering everything down to
 linked lists are patented by the USPO, I'd be willing to bet (at least
 a dollar or two) that there are many patents out there that apply to
 the code used in GHC. I don't know if you could say anything different
 about *any* nontrivial software, to be quite honest.
 IANAL however, so I won't attempt to claim in what countries these
 patents apply, nor could I cite you patent numbers (legalese being
 terse and software patents so seemingly open to interpretation
 sometimes, it would be hard to narrow down anyway I think.)

In fact, you are better of not to know.  Given that GHC (like all non-trivial 
software) surely infringes on some patents, the damages that a patent holder 
can sue you for are less if you do not know about the patents you are 
infringing on.  IIRC, a plaintiff can triple the charges if they can reasonably 
show that you have been aware of the patents that you are infringing on.  Nasty 


 On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Shakthi Kannan 
 I would like to know if there are any software algorithms used in the
 Glasgow Haskell Compiler that have been patented? If yes, in which
 countries do they apply?
 Just curious to know.
 Shakthi Kannan
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell *interpreter* on iPad? (Scheme and Ocaml are there)

2011-06-20 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
And while we are dreaming, in an iOS port of GHCi (meaning GHCi runs on iOS and 
doesn't just generate code for it), it would be great to make bytecode 
persistent — ie, the bytecode that GHCi currently generates internally to 
interpret programs should be serialized to save and load it.  (Note that iOS 
apps are not allowed to generate binary code, so we wouldn't need the gcc tool 
chain etc, but just have a stripped down GHCi that generates bytecode only.  
All pre-compiled libraries that are part of the GHCi app can of course still be 
native code and load and interact with the interpreter as usual.)


Don Stewart:
 Oh, Scheme is trivial to implement, when compared with Haskell. So
 people write it from scratch as a tutorial exercise.
 Haskell isn't trivial to implement from scratch, so instead we port
 existing implementations mostly.
 That means really, porting Hugs or GHC. And you've been pointed at examples.
 I think people are clearly keen for this, now it is a small matter of
 programming talent and will.
 -- Don
 On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 3:03 PM, John Velman wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 10:44:01PM +0400, MigMit wrote:
 Well, this is my point.  THERE ARE 3 SCHEME INTERPRETERS in the iPad app
 They run on factory iPads, not jailbroken.
 The GUI for the gambitREPL  (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) is just like a
 console.   Input a scheme expression.  CR. Answer appears, new prompt.
 In haskell we need to allow for some way to input layout.  I don't recall
 how Hugs handles this, if at all.
 There are probably 5 or 10 people out there who want to learn functional
 programming, and they are studying Scheme on their iPads.  Or Ocaml.
 I don't forsee doing production programming ON THE IPAD, but experimenting,
 testing some functions, and, by the way, learning Haskell.
 While I'm fantasizing, something like Hugs or ghci with SOE would really be
 Sorry for shouting  :-)
 John Velman
 Well, Haskell is fun, isn't it? And that's what iPhone is perfect for: fun.
 Back when I had iPod Touch 1G (jailbroken, of course), I used to run Hugs 
 on it. Now I would love to see a Haskell interpreter in the App Store -- 
 which, by the way, is possible; as there are Scheme interpreters there, why 
 not Haskell?
 Отправлено с iPhone
 Jun 18, 2011, в 22:27, Jack Henahan написал(а):
 I suppose you could make a GUI, by why? Given that you'll have to be 
 working on a jailbroken device, anyway, one could just as well use one of 
 the numerous terminal emulators now floating around for jailbroken iOS. 
 That said, the idea of people writing Haskell on phones and iPads and so 
 on makes me just a little bit grinny.
 On Jun 18, 2011, at 2:17 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 10:46 AM, John Velman wrote:
 To further emphasize, I'd like to type in (or paste in) Haskell code and
 have it executed on the iPad.  To reiterate:  Something like Hugs, or ghci
 on the iPad.
 Since the iPhone OS is pretty much OS X for ARM, and GHC apparently now 
 supports cross-compilation, you can compile GHC for iOS.  I guess you 
 could cross compile Hugs with GCC.  Doing so probably isn't trivial, but 
 it should be straightforward.
 I bet you could even use Xcode to make a graphical user interface to GHCi.
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell + Mac + GUIs graphics

2011-05-18 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Jurriën Stutterheim:
 A few weeks ago I set out to build a GUI app using wxHaskell. Long story 
 short, we ditched the entire idea of a desktop GUI and went for a web 
 application instead, because it was easier to develop a front-end for it and 
 it was easier to style it.
 So here's my (perhaps slightly provoking) question: do we need to care at all 
 about good GUI toolkits being available? Web applications, especially with an 
 HTML 5 front-end, have become increasingly more powerful. If we can also find 
 a good, standardized way to generate JS from our Haskell code, we're pretty 
 much all set.

For cross-platform apps, I have to agree.  The effort required to build and 
maintain a cross-platform GUI toolkit is hard to justify given HTML 5 and 
related technologies.

Nevertheless, there are good reasons to develop native applications (especially 
on the Mac with its user-base spoiled by high-end UX).  Luckily, the choice of 
toolkit is trivial in this case.  For Mac OS, we need a Haskell-Cocoa binding.  
I don't think there are any serious technical obstacles to develop one.  
Somebody would just have to spend the time and effort to write one.


 On 18 May, 2011, at 08:29 , Tom Murphy wrote:
 I still haven't found any way to do GUIs or interactive graphics in Haskell
 on a Mac that isn't plagued one or more of the following serious problems:
 * Incompatible with ghci, e.g., fails to make a window frame or kills the
 process the second time one opens a top-level window,
 * Goes through the X server, and so doesn't look or act like a Mac app,
 * Doesn't support OpenGL.
If there doesn't currently exist something without these
 handicaps, that's a serious problem for the use of Haskell for
 developing end-user software.
If we as a community want to be able to develop software for
 end-users (i.e. people who'll be thrown off by gtk widgets or x11
 windows)*, then it would be a very good idea to focus our energies on
 one or two promising pre-existing libraries, and hammer them into
 completion. A roadmap for this could be worked on at Hac Phi?
 Just my 2¢,
 *This, of course, would NOT be avoiding success at all costs. :)
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Harper right that Haskell cannot model the natural numbers?

2011-05-03 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
In this context, I'd suggest to have a look at the POPL'06 paper Fast and 
Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct

The paper is quite technical, so here the gist.  It says that if you formally 
proof that two Haskell expressions do the same thing by reasoning *as if* you 
were using a total language (one without non-termination), then the two 
expressions are also morally the same in Haskell.[1]  They formally define 
what morally the same means.  In particular, the Introduction says: Our 
results justify the hand reasoning that functional programmers already perform, 
and can be applied in proof checkers and automated provers to justify ignoring 
⊥-cases much of the time.

In other words, yes, 'Nat' in Haskell is not the same as the natural numbers as 
axiomised by Peano.  Does it matter?  Not really.


PS: Given that ML is impure, a lot of equational reasoning in ML is also no 
more than morally correct.

[1] The paper doesn't show that statement for the entirety of Haskell, but for 
a core language with a comparable semantics using lifted types.

Richard O'Keefe:
 In one of his blog posts, Robert Harper claims that the natural numbers
 are not definable in Haskell.
 SML   datatype nat = ZERO | SUCC of nat
 Haskell   data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
 differ in that the SML version has strict constructors, and so only
 finite instances of nat can be constructed, whereas Haskell has
 lazy constructors, so
   inf = Succ inf
 is constructible, but that's not a natural number, and it isn't
 bottom either, so this is not a model of the natural numbers.
 Fair enough, but what about
   data Nat = Zero | Succ !Nat
 where the constructors *are* strict?  It's perfectly good Haskell 98
 as far as I can see.  Now Nat itself isn't _quite_ a model of the
 naturals because it includes bottom, but then an SML function
 returning nat can also fail, so arguably SML's nat could or should be
 thought of as including bottom too.
 What am I missing?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Robert Harper on monads and laziness

2011-05-03 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
I completely agree that laziness enables a number of nice coding idioms and, as 
Lennart described so eloquently, it does facilitate a combinator-based coding 
style among other things:

(Note that even Bob admits that this is an advantage.)

What I meant is that if asked what is more important about Haskell, its 
laziness or purity, I think most people would pick purity.  (But then it's a 
strange decision to make as laziness implies a need for purity as discussed.)


Jan-Willem Maessen:
 On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 ...  Interestingly, today (at least the academic fraction of) the Haskell 
 community appears to hold the purity of the language in higher regard than 
 its laziness.
 As someone who implemented Haskell with quite a bit less laziness, I'm
 inclined to agree.
 That said, I think it's easy to underestimate just how much of the
 structure of the language really encourages a lazy evaluation
 strategy.  One example: where blocks scope over groups of conditional
 RHSs.  This is very handy, in that we can bind variables that are then
 used in some, but not all, of the disjuncts.  Grabbing the first
 example that comes to hand from my own code:
tryOne (gg, uu) e
  | not (consistent uu)  = (gg', uu)
  | uu==uu' = (gg, uu)
  | otherwise = (gg', uu')
  where gg' = gg `addEquation` e
uu' = uu `addEquation` e
 This kind of thing happens all over the place in Haskell code -- it's
 a very natural coding style -- but if you want to preserve purity it's
 tough to compile without laziness.
 -Jan-Willem Maessen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Robert Harper on monads and laziness

2011-05-02 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Tony Morris:
 Interesting how I have been authoring and subsequently using monads in
 scala for several years and it is strictness that gets in the way more
 than anything.

Just to make sure that I understand you correctly.  You are saying that when 
you use monads in Scala, then strictness makes that more awkward than 
necessary.  (I assume that you are *not* saying that strictness is the most 
awkward language feature of Scala.)

Why is that?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Robert Harper on monads and laziness

2011-05-02 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
For a historical perspective, I highly recommend The Definitive Account of the 
History of Haskell:

Section 7 clearly and directly cites the desire to have pure I/O as the 
motivation for adopting monads.  As you are saying that doesn't directly 
contradict the statement of Bob that you cite.  In fact, Section 3.2 of the 
above paper supports the opinion that purity is a consequence of choosing to be 
lazy, but it also claims that the combination of power and beauty of a pure 
language motivated the language designers.  Interestingly, today (at least the 
academic fraction of) the Haskell community appears to hold the purity of the 
language in higher regard than its laziness.


Ketil Malde:
 I'm following Harper's blog, Existential Type¹, which I find to be an
 enjoyable and entertainingly written tirade about the advantages of
 teaching functional programming - specifically ML - to students.  Of
 course, he tends to be critical of Haskell, but it's nice to get some
 thought provoking opinion from somebody who knows a bit about the
 Recently, he had a piece on monads, and how to do them in ML, and one
 statement puzzled me:
  There is a particular reason why monads had to arise in Haskell,
   though, which is to defeat the scourge of laziness.
 My own view is/was that monads were so successful in Haskell since it
 allowed writing flexible programs with imperative features, without
 sacrificing referential transparency.  Although people are quick (and
 rightly so) to point out that this flexibility goes way beyond IO, I
 think IO was in many ways the killer application for monads.  Before IO,
 we had very limited functionality (like 'interact' taking a 'String -
 String' function and converting it into an exectuable program) to build
 real programs from.
 Laziness does require referential transparency (or at least, it is
 easier to get away with the lack of RT in a strict language), so I can
 see that he is indirectly correct, but RT is a goal in itself.  Thus, I
 wonder if there are any other rationale for a statement like that?
 If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] DPH and GHC 7.0.1

2010-11-28 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Andrew Coppin:
 On 19/11/2010 11:39 PM, David Peixotto wrote:
 There were some problems getting DPH to work well with the changes in GHC 7. 
 There is more info in this mail:
 The short summary is that there will be a patch level release of GHC (7.0.2) 
 that works well with DPH and the DPH packages will then be available for 
 installation from Hackage.
 If you want to play with DPH now you can do so on GHC HEAD.
 I was wondering about this myself, actually. I'm especially surprised since I 
 thought the DPH implementation was hard-wired into the compilter itself (in 
 which case, how can you distribute it seperately?)
 Then again, I've never yet even tried using DPH. (The wiki page looks very 
 out of date, so I don't know how much to trust its information.)

As David said, we will release the DPH libraries separately, but at the same 
time as GHC 7.0.2.  DPH consists essentially of two components (a) the 
vectoriser, a program transformer hardwired into GHC and (b) the DPH libraries. 
 At the request of the Haskell Platform people we separated the DPH library 
packages from the standard GHC distribution and will distribute them via 

The wiki page will be updated in time for that release.


PS: We didn't release DPH with GHC 7.0.1 as we still had bugs to fix from 
recent major changes at the time of the 7.0.1 release and didn't want to hold 
up the GHC release.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Proposal: Form a committee

2010-09-05 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Ian Lynagh:
 To fix this problem, we propose that we create a
 committee, which is responsible for answering these sorts of questions,
 although for some questions they may choose to poll the community at
 large if they think appropriate.
 Unfortunately, this gives us a bootstrapping problem, so we suggest that
 the initial committee be chosen from open nominations by some of the
 people who currently de-facto end up making the decisions currently:
 Duncan Coutts, Isaac Jones, Ian Lynagh, Don Stewart and Malcolm Wallace.
 These 5 would still be elligible to nominate themselves. Two of the
 initial members will stand down after one year, and two after two years,
 in order to bootstrap rolling membership turnover.

Good plan!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Multidimensional Matrices in Haskell

2010-07-11 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Hi Mihai,

 A friend of mine wanted to do some Cellular Automata experiments in
 Haskell and was asking me what packages/libraries are there for
 multidimensional matrices. I'm interested in both immutable and
 mutable ones but I don't want them to be trapped inside a monad of any

You may like to have a look at the recently released Repa library:

There is a draft paper about it:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: Australian Hackathon

2010-03-17 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
 1) Who's interested

Interest, yes, but time is a very scarce resource these days...

 2) What dates are good

Midyear break is 29 Jun to 18 Jul at UNSW, but I'm away for a week in that time 

 3) What projects people want to work on

To be honest, I'd probably be in and out and, on a weekend, have one or two 
kids running around me.  So, working with and maybe coaching some people on 
code I'm familiar with is probably the most realistic.  That could be 
Accelerate, GHC, or DPH.

 4) Where we can host this

As Ben said, we should be able to organise a room at UNSW.  Exactly how we get 
people on the network here (esp on a weekend), I'm less sure, but we could try 
to organise some guest accounts on the wireless or wired net — unless people 
want to bring 3G dongles or iPhones to tether.

 OK, so we have a fair number of people indicating interest... so which
 weekend would be preferred?
 Or should we take this to the wiki rather than the mailing list?

I'd suggest to do the planning of details on a wiki page.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How many Haskell Engineer I/II/IIIs are there?

2010-02-10 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
John Van Enk:
  consider presenting at CUFP this year
 Any word on when this will be?

It'll be before or after (I suspect the later) ICFP, which is September 27-29 in 
Baltimore, Maryland.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenCL target for DPH?

2009-12-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Marcus Daniels wrote,
 I'm wondering if anyone has looked at OpenCL as target for Data Parallel
 Haskell?  Specifically, having Haskell generate CL kernels, i.e. SIMD
 vector type aware C language backend, as opposed to just a Haskell
 language binding.

The short answer is that there is currently no plan to directly target OpenCL 
from DPH.  (That is the DPH team doesn't have any such plans, but if anybody 
else wants to give it a shot, the latest, bleeding edge DPH code is always 
available in the GHC HEAD repository.)

The long answer is that we are currently working on two separate data-parallel 
extensions for Haskell.

Data Parallel Haskell
Here the focus is *expressiveness*.  In particular, we support arbitrarily 
deep, dynamic nesting of dataparallel computations with full support of 
higher-order functions (ie, parallel arrays of functions are fine).  However, 
to keep the work manageable, we only target multicore CPUs for the moment 
(using the multi-threading support in GHC's RTS).

Here the focus is on targeting *exotic, high-performance hardware*.  We are 
currently working on a CUDA backend targeting CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPUs, but it 
shouldn't be too hard to re-target that to OpenCL.  Support for the Cell BE and 
FPGAs appears feasible, too (but we lack local expertise and hardware to write 
such backends ourselves).  However, to keep the work manageable, we only 
consider regular, multi-dimensional array codes encoded in an embedded DSL 
where functions are not first-class (ie, we use Haskell's first-class functions 
to implement the EDSL, but the embedded language is first-order).

Longer term future
At some point, we would of course like to bring the above two projects 
together, but at the moment, each is already rather challenging just by itself.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] university courses on type families/GADTs?

2009-12-01 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
Tom Schrijvers wrote,
 I was wondering whether there are any universities that teach about Haskell 
 type families or GADTs?

I do in my course Language-based Software Safety (both TFs and GADTs).  It's 
an advanced, research-oriented course for 4th year undergraduate and for 
postgraduate students.  (It wasn't offered last year and this year, but will be 
again offered next year.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bulding a library for C users on OS X

2009-11-01 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Chris Eidhof:
I'm trying to call a Haskell function from C, on OS X. There's an  
excellent post [1] by Tomáš Janoušek that explains how to do this on  
Linux. However, on OS X, it's different. First of all, it looks like  
the -no-hs-main flag is ignored, because I get the following error:

 ghc -O2 --make   -no-hs-main -optl '-shared' -optc '- 
DMODULE=Test'   -o Test.hs module_init.c

 [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Test.hs, Test.o )

 Test.hs:1:0: The function `main' is not defined in module `Main'''

The flag -no-hs-main is a link-time flag that allows you to link  
without a main function, but you are getting a compile time error.   
It's as if you try to export main, but don't define it.

Have you had a look at 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-level naturals multiplication

2009-10-12 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Reid Barton:

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 02:59:37PM -0400, Brad Larsen wrote:

Suppose we implement type-level naturals as so:

data Zero
data Succ a

Then, we can reflect the type-level naturals into a GADT as so (not
sure if ``reflect'' is the right terminology here):

data Nat :: * - * where
 Zero :: Nat Zero
 Succ :: Nat a - Nat (Succ a)

Using type families, we can then proceed to define type-level  

type family Add a b :: *
type instance Add Zero b = b
type instance Add (Succ a) b = Succ (Add a b)

Is there any way to define type-level multiplication without  

undecidable instances?

I hesitate to contradict Manuel Chakravarty on this subject... but I
posted a type-level multiplication program without undecidable
instances on this list in June:

If you prefer to use EmptyDataDecls, you can replace the first four
lines by

data Z
data S n

data Id :: * - *
data (:.) :: (* - *) - (* - *) - (* - *)

And I still don't understand why that definition works while
the obvious one doesn't :)

Ok, I should have been more precise.  It's not that anything about  
multiplication as such is a problem.  However, when you look at the  
standard definitions for addition

type family Add a b :: *
type instance Add Zero b = b
type instance Add (Succ a) b = Succ (Add a b)

and multiplication

type family Mul a b :: *
type instance Mul Zero b = Zero
type instance Mul (Succ a) b = Add (Mul a b) b

then the difference is that multiplication uses nested applications of  
type families (namely, Add (Mul a b) b).  It is this nested  
application of type families that can be abused to construct programs  
that lead to non-termination of type checking (by exploiting the  
openness of type families in combination with local equalities  
introduced either by equality constraints in type signatures or GADT  
pattern matches).  Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a simple  
syntactic criterion that would let GHC decide between harmless and  
problematic uses of nested *open* family applications in family  
instances.  Hence, we need to rule them all out.

You circumvent that problem cleverly by the use of higher-kinded types.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Graph Library Using Associated Types

2009-10-12 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lajos Nagy:
I understand that one of the original motivations for introducing  
associated types to Haskell was the survey of support for generic  
programming done by Garcia et al. where they compared the  
implementation of the Boost Graph Library in various languages (C++,  
Java, Haskell, ML, C#, Eiffel).  Haskell got full marks in all  
categories, except for associated types which made the resulting  
implementations more verbose than necessary (and exposed  
implementation details).  Since then GHC added support for  
associated types but I was wondering if anybody re-did the  
experiment with the new features enabled (the original code is  
available at:

No, we actually didn't do that.  It would be interesting, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-level naturals multiplication

2009-10-11 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Brad Larsen:

Suppose we implement type-level naturals as so:

data Zero
data Succ a

Then, we can reflect the type-level naturals into a GADT as so (not
sure if ``reflect'' is the right terminology here):

data Nat :: * - * where
 Zero :: Nat Zero
 Succ :: Nat a - Nat (Succ a)

Using type families, we can then proceed to define type-level  

type family Add a b :: *
type instance Add Zero b = b
type instance Add (Succ a) b = Succ (Add a b)

Is there any way to define type-level multiplication without requiring
undecidable instances?

No, not at the moment.  The reasons are explained in the paper Type  
Checking with Open Type Functions (ICFP'08):

We want to eventually add closed *type families* to the system (ie,  
families where you can't add new instances in other modules).  For  
such closed families, we should be able to admit more complex  
instances without requiring undecidable instances.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families in export lists

2009-05-31 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lee Duhem:
On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Maurí cio  


How do I include type families (used as associated
types) in a module export list? E.g.:

class MyClass a where
   type T a :: *
   coolFunction :: Ta - a

If I just include MyClass and its functions in the
list, instances in other modules complain they don't
know T, but I wasn't able to find how (where) to
include T in the list.

In export list, you can treat 'type T a' as normal type declaration,  
ie, write

T(..)  in export list.

There is also special syntax to export associated types.  You can write

  MyClass (type T)

in the export list; cf,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell cuda?

2009-05-13 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Doesn't look like there's code out there - will try e-mailing the  
authors of the various papers/presentations.

We haven't made any code available yet, but we are planning to do so  
before ICFP this year.

This e-mail also counts as an open plea to those compiler wizards  
working on this stuff: feel free to put beta buggy versions of your  
code online :)

It's not so much the beta bugginess as the several times completely  
ripping apart and putting together in different ways that prevented us  
from putting code out.  Once we put something out, it becomes harder  
to change the API, too, and we are still changing the design of that  
around.  Anyway, thanks for the interest.


Scott A. Waterman wrote:

Try reaching Manuel Chakravarty,
and his colleague Sean Lee at Galois.

Slides from his talk on GPU.gen :
 Just gave my talk on Data Parallelism in Haskell at PSU; here  
the slides:

and slides from an earlier Galois talk:


On May 12, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Dan wrote:


Does anyone know if there's a compiler from Data-Parallel Haskell  
to GPU code?  I saw a paper on it a while back, but Google hasn't  
turned up any code.

- Dan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Generating Haskell with associated types (and kind annotations)

2009-05-09 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hi Dan,

I was wondering whether anyone had any suggestions on a good way to
generate repetitive code with associated types and kind annotations.
I'd like to use TH but as far as I understand, it doesn't support this
yet (I think associated types are in HEAD but not kinds),

I implemented type families (including associated types) and kinds for  
TH in the HEAD.  If there is anything missing that prevents you from  
using it, please let me know and I'll have a look at it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange type error with associated type synonyms

2009-04-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Matt Morrow:
On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty 

Peter Berry:

3) we apply appl to x, so Memo d1 a = Memo d a. unify d = d1

But for some reason, step 3 fails.

Step 3 is invalid - cf, 

More generally, the signature of memo_fmap is ambiguous, and hence,  
correctly rejected.  We need to improve the error message, though.   
Here is a previous discussion of the subject:


The thing that confuses me about this case is how, if the type sig  
on memo_fmap is omitted, ghci has no problem with it, and even gives  
it the type that it rejected:

Basically, type checking proceeds in one of two modes: inferring or  
checking.  The former is when there is no signature is given; the  
latter, if there is a user-supplied signature.  GHC can infer  
ambiguous signatures, but it cannot check them.  This is of course  
very confusing and we need to fix this (by preventing GHC from  
inferring ambiguous signatures).  The issue is also discussed in the  
mailing list thread I cited in my previous reply.


PS: I do realise that ambiguous signatures are the single most  
confusing issue concerning type families (at least judging from the  
amount of mailing list traffic generated).  We'll do our best to  
improve the situation before 6.12 comes out.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange type error with associated type synonyms

2009-04-06 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Peter Berry:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances,  
ScopedTypeVariables #-}

The following is a class of memo tries indexed by d:

class Fun d where
   type Memo d :: * - *
   abst :: (d - a) - Memo d a
   appl :: Memo d a - (d - a)
   -- Law: abst . appl = id
   -- Law: appl . abst = id (denotationally)

Any such type Memo d is naturally a functor:

memo_fmap f x = abst (f . appl x)

The type of memo_fmap (as given by ghci) is (Fun d) = (a - c) -
Memo d a - Memo d c. (Obviously this would also be the type of fmap
for Memo d, so we could declare a Functor instance in principle.) If
we add this signature:

memo_fmap' :: Fun d = (a - b) - Memo d a - Memo d b
memo_fmap' f x = abst (f . appl x)

it doesn't type check:

   Couldn't match expected type `Memo d1 b'
  against inferred type `Memo d b'
   In the expression: abst (f . appl x)
   In the definition of `memo_fmap'':
   memo_fmap' f x = abst (f . appl x)

   Couldn't match expected type `Memo d a'
  against inferred type `Memo d1 a'
   In the first argument of `appl', namely `x'
   In the second argument of `(.)', namely `appl x'
   In the first argument of `abst', namely `(f . appl x)'
Failed, modules loaded: none.

As I understand it, the type checker's thought process should be along
these lines:

1) the type signature dictates that x has type Memo d a.
2) appl has type Memo d1 a - d1 - a for some d1.
3) we apply appl to x, so Memo d1 a = Memo d a. unify d = d1

But for some reason, step 3 fails.

Step 3 is invalid - cf, 

More generally, the signature of memo_fmap is ambiguous, and hence,  
correctly rejected.  We need to improve the error message, though.   
Here is a previous discussion of the subject:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families and kind signatures

2009-04-02 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Louis Wasserman:
Mkay.  I get it now.  I was under the impression that, essentially,  
a data family was precisely equivalent to a type family aliasing to  
a separately declared datatype.

No, they are not equivalent.  You can see that as follows.  Assume,

  data family T a
  type family S a

Now, given `T a ~ T b', we know that `a ~ b'.  (We call this  
implication decomposition.)

In contrast, given `S a ~ S b' we do *not* know whether `a ~ b'.  Why  
not?  Consider the instances

  type instance S Int = Bool
  type instance S Float = Bool

Clearly, `S Int ~ S Float', but surely not `Int ~ Float'.  So,  
decomposition does not hold for type synonym families, but it does  
hold for data families.

This is actually, not really a property of type *families* alone.  It  
already distinguishes vanilla data types from vanilla type synonyms.   
We know, say, that if `Maybe a ~ Maybe b', then `a ~ b'.  However, given

  type Const a = Int

we have `Const Int ~ Const Float' (and still not `Int ~ Float').   
Definitions, such as that of `Const', are rarely used, which is why  
this issue doesn't come up much until you use type families.

One more question: is there any way to get the low overhead of  
newtypes for particular instances of a data family?  Is this  
impossible?  That is, is there any way to do something like

data family Foo a
data instance Foo Int = Bar Int -- Bar is actually a newtype

You can use

  newtype instance Foo Int = MkFoo Int

So, the instances of a data family can be data or newtype instances.,  
and you can freely mix them.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:47 PM, David Menendez  

2009/4/2 Louis Wasserman
 Mkay.  One more quick thing -- the wiki demonstrates a place where  
 original attempt worked, with a data family instead. (That is,  
 'type' with 'data' and adjusting the instance makes this program  

 a) Is there a type-hackery reason this is different from data  

It's not type hackery. Data families are different from type families,
and the syntax for declaring instances of higher-kinded families is a
consequence of those differences.

An instance of a data family is a new type constructor, so you have to
provide the additional arguments in order to declare the data

data family Foo a :: * - *
data instance Foo Bool a = FB a a
-- Foo Bool has kind * - *, like [], so I could make it a Functor

Instance of type families are always pre-existing type constructors.

type family Bar a :: * - *  -- Bar a must equal something of kind *  
- *

type instance Bar () = Maybe

 b) Is there a reason this isn't made a lot clearer in the  
  GHC's docs say that higher-order type families can be declared  
with kind
 signatures, but never gives any examples -- which would make it a  

 clearer that the below program doesn't work.

Here's a higher-kinded type family I've used.

type family Sig t :: * - *

class (Traversable (Sig t)) = Recursive t where
   roll :: Sig t t - t
   unroll :: t - Sig t t

The Traversable context wouldn't be valid if I had declared Sig t a ::
*, because type families must always be fully applied.

The difference is analogous to the difference between

type M0 a = StateT Int IO a
type M1   = StateT Int IO

Since type synonyms (like type and data families) must always be fully
applied, you can use M1 in places where you can't use M0, even though
they're effectively the same thing.

foo :: ErrorT String M1 a -- valid
bar :: ErrorT String M0 a -- not valid

Dave Menendez

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: vacuum-cairo: a cairo frontend to vacuum for live Haskell data visualization

2009-03-31 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Don Stewart:

Is there a Mac OSX packaging team?

Unfortunately, it's not just a packaging problem.  (Well, packing of  
Haskell libraries, that is.)

There are two version of GTK+ Mac OS X: (1) the MacPorts version and  
(2) a native GTK+ framework.

Unfortunately, both are not satisfactory.  The MacPorts version is  
based on X windows, which is supported on Macs right out of the box,  
but to be honest, X programs on the Mac are ugly and annoying.   
Moreover, whether the MacPorts version builds at all seems to be a  
matter of luck - I have been out of luck more than once.  MacPorts is  
also pretty useless once you want to distribute your GTK-GUI programs  
to other Mac users.

The native GTK+ framework is a port of GTK+ to the native Mac GUI and  
dead easy to install (it has a binary installer).  Unfortunately, it  
lacks many of GTK+'s optional components (most notably libglade).  It  
is however in beta right now, so we can only hope that there will be  
more of the optional components in the final version.



On Mar 31, 2009, at 7:40 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

I am pleased to announce the release of vacuum-cairo, a Haskell
for interactive rendering and display of values on the GHC heap  

Matt Morrow's vacuum library.

Awesome! I want to try this.

I have problems though installing it on an Intel MacBook running

$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.1

$ cabal --version
cabal-install version 0.6.2
using version of the Cabal library

$ ghc-pkg list gtk

I have installed gtk2hs using the instructions at

A simple cabal update; cabal install vacuum-cairo gives me:

$ cabal install vacuum-cairo
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure vacuum-cairo-0.3.1. It requires svgcairo -any
There is no available version of svgcairo that satisfies -any

I have installed libsvg-cairo using MacPorts and it seems installed  


$ ls /opt/local/lib/libsvg-cairo.*

But cabal-install still gives the same error. Even with --extra-lib- 


$ cabal install --extra-lib-dirs=/opt/local/lib/ vacuum-cairo
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure vacuum-cairo-0.3.1. It requires svgcairo -any
There is no available version of svgcairo that satisfies -any

Hence, I downloaded the tarball and tried to use this instead to  
vacuum-cairo, which lead to another problem: I cannot install the  
package because of a dependencies conflict due to the package  

requiring two different versions of process:

$ cabal install vacuum
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: dependencies conflict: ghc-6.10.1 requires process ==
process- was excluded because ghc-6.10.1 requires process


Any ideas on how to get this cool package installed?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell under OsX

2009-03-03 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ross Mellgren:
I use this configuration exclusively... it wasn't actually that hard  
to set up once I found out that the .pc files are shipped in a  
strange directory buried in the frameworks.

I posted how I got it working back in December:

That does work nicely.  Thanks for the pointer.  I added a paragraph  
on the Haskell wiki for easy reference:


On Mar 2, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

BTW, there is a nice native version of GTK for Mac OS X as a proper  

Unfortunately, it seems rather difficult to build gtk2hs with the  
GTK+ framework as the framework doesn't support pkg-config and  
gtk2hs knows nothing about Mac frameworks.  However, GHC has  
support for frameworks; so, it should be possible to get this to  


Arne Dehli Halvorsen:

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

I'm planning to purchase a MacBookPro so I'm wondering how well
Haskell is supported under this platform.

At least two of the regular contributors to GHC work on Macs.   
That should ensure that Mac OS X is well supported.  Installation  
is trivial with the Mac OS X installer package:

Hi, following on from this point:

How does one get gtk2hs running on a mac?

I have a MacBook Pro, and I've had ghc installed for some time now.

(first in 6.8.2 (packaged),
then 6.10.1 (packaged),
then 6.8.2 via macports 1.6
then 6.10.1 via macports 1.7)

I tried to install gtk2hs via macports, but it didn't work.
(0.9.12? on 6.8.2, then on 6.10.1)
Is there a recipe one could follow?
Can I get the preconditions via macports, and then use cabal to  

gtk2hs 0.10?

Grateful for assistance,
Arne D H


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell under OsX

2009-03-02 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
BTW, there is a nice native version of GTK for Mac OS X as a proper  

Unfortunately, it seems rather difficult to build gtk2hs with the GTK+  
framework as the framework doesn't support pkg-config and gtk2hs knows  
nothing about Mac frameworks.  However, GHC has support for  
frameworks; so, it should be possible to get this to work.


Arne Dehli Halvorsen:

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

I'm planning to purchase a MacBookPro so I'm wondering how well
Haskell is supported under this platform.

At least two of the regular contributors to GHC work on Macs.  That  
should ensure that Mac OS X is well supported.  Installation is  
trivial with the Mac OS X installer package:

Hi, following on from this point:

How does one get gtk2hs running on a mac?

I have a MacBook Pro, and I've had ghc installed for some time now.

(first in 6.8.2 (packaged),
then 6.10.1 (packaged),
then 6.8.2 via macports 1.6
then 6.10.1 via macports 1.7)

I tried to install gtk2hs via macports, but it didn't work.
(0.9.12? on 6.8.2, then on 6.10.1)
Is there a recipe one could follow?
Can I get the preconditions via macports, and then use cabal to  

gtk2hs 0.10?

Grateful for assistance,
Arne D H


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell under OsX

2009-02-26 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

I'm planning to purchase a MacBookPro so I'm wondering how well
Haskell is supported under this platform.

At least two of the regular contributors to GHC work on Macs.  That  
should ensure that Mac OS X is well supported.  Installation is  
trivial with the Mac OS X installer package:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comparison of functional dependencies and type families [was: Re: Type families not as useful over functions]

2009-02-15 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Just for the record, here a few clarifications.

From a theoretical point of view, type families (TFs) and functional  
dependencies (FDs) are equivalent in expressiveness.  There is nothing  
that you can do in one and that's fundamentally impossible in the  
other.  See also Related Work in 
.  In fact, you could give a translation from one into the other.

This simple equivalence starts to break down when you look at the use  
of the two language features in Haskell.  This is mainly because there  
are some syntactic contexts in Haskell, where you can have types, but  
no class contexts.  An example, are newtype definitions.

Implementation in GHC
The situation becomes quite a bit more tricky once you look at the  
interaction with other type system features and GHC's particular  
implementation of FDs and TFs.  Here the highlights:

* GADTs:
  - GADTs and FDs generally can't be mixed (well, you
can mix them, and when a program compiles, it is
type correct, but a lot of type correct programs
will not compile)

  - GADTs and TFs work together just fine

* Existential types:
  - Don't work properly with FDs; here is an example:

  class F a r | a - r
  instance F Bool Int

  data T a = forall b. F a b = MkT b

  add :: T Bool - T Bool - T Bool
  add (MkT x) (MkT y) = MkT (x + y)  -- TYPE ERROR

  - Work fine with TFs; here the same example with TFs

  type family F a
  type instance F Bool = Int

  data T a = MkT (F a)

  add :: T Bool - T Bool - T Bool
  add (MkT x) (MkT y) = MkT (x + y)

(Well, strictly speaking, we don't even need an
existential here, but more complicated examples are fine,

* Type signatures:
  - GHC will not do any FD improvement in type signatures;
here an example that's rejected as a result (I assume
Hugs rejects that, too):

  class F a r | a - r
  instance F Bool Int

  same :: F Bool a = a - Int
  same = id  -- TYPE ERROR

(You may think that this is a rather artificial example, but
firstly, this idiom is useful when defining abstract data
types that have a type dependent representation type defined
via FDs.  And secondly, the same situation occurs, eg, when
you define an instance of a type class where one method has
a class context that contains a type class with an FD.)

  - TFs will be normalised (ie, improved) in type signatures;
the same example as above, but with a TF:

  type family F a
  type instance F Bool = Int

  same :: F Bool - Int
  same = id

* Overlapping instances:
  - Type classes with FDs may use overlapping instances
(I conjecture that this is only possible, because GHC
does not improve FDs in type signatures.)

  - Type instances of TFs cannot use overlapping instances
(this is important to ensure type safety)

  It's a consequence of this difference that closed TFs are
  a features that is requested more often than closed classes
  with FDs.


PS: Associated types are just syntactic sugar for TFs, there is  
nothing that you can do with them that you cannot do with TFs.   
Moreover, it is easy to use type families for bijective type  
functions; cf. 
.  (This follows of course from the equivalence of expressiveness of  
TFs and FDs.)

Ahn, Ki Yung:

My thoughts on type families:

1) Type families are often too open. I causes rigid variable
type error messages because when I start writing open type
functions, I often realize that what I really intend is not
truly open type functions. It happens a lot that I had some
assumptions on the arguments or the range of the type function.
Then, we need help of type classes to constrain the result of
open type functions. For example, try to define HList library
using type families instead of type classes with functional
dependencies. One will soon need some class constraints.
Sometimes, we can use associated type families, but
many times it may become tedious when there are multiple
arguments and result have certain constraints so that
we might end up associating/splitting them over multiple
type classes. In such cases, it may be more simple working
with functional dependencies alone, rather than using
both type classes and type families. I wish we had closed
kinds so that we can define closed type functions as well as
open type functions.

2) Type families are not good when we need to match types
back and forth (e.g. bijective functions), or even multiple
ways. We need the help of functional dependencies for these
relational definitions. I know that several people are
working on the unified implementation for both type families
and functional dependencies. Once GHC have common background  
implementation, type families will truly be syntactic 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (Off-topic) CUDA

2009-02-11 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Malcolm Wallace:
(Also... Haskell on the GPU. It's been talked about for years, but  

it ever actually happen?)

gpu is just set of simd-like instructions. so the reason why you will
never see haskell on gpu is the same as why you will never see it
implemented via simd instructions :D

Because SIMD/GPU deals only with numbers, not pointers, you will not  
see much _symbolic_ computation being offloaded to these arithmetic  
units.  But there are still great opportunities to improve Haskell's  
speed at numerics using them.  And some symbolic problems can be  
encoded using integers.

There are at least two current (but incomplete) projects in this  
area: Sean Lee at UNSW has targetted Data Parallel Haskell for an  
Nvidia GPGPU, and Joel Svensson at Chalmers is developing a Haskell- 
embedded language for GPU programming called Obsidian.

We have a paper about the UNSW project now.  It is rather high-level,  
but has some performance figures of preliminary benchmarks:

BTW, this is currently independent of Data Parallel Haskell.  It is a  
flat data-parallel array language embedded in Haskell.  The language  
is restricted in a manner that we can generate GPU code (CUDA to be  
precise) from it.  In the longer run, we want to turn this into a  
backend of Data Parallel Haskell, but that will require quite a bit  
more work.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problems running vectorised dph program

2009-01-27 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hi Fabian,

I've just begun to play with Data Parallel Haskell but instantly ran  
into a
problem. My very stupid but very simple example ought to sum the  
values of
all Nodes in a Tree. The non-vectorised code behaves like I  
expected, the
vectorised code doesn't terminate. I compiled and ran it the same  
way as the

example in the tutorial:

ghc -c -O -fdph-par Main.hs
ghc -c -Odph -fcpr-off -fdph-par MinimalParTree.hs
ghc -o MinimalParTree -fdph-par -threaded MinimalParTree.o Main.o

My question is: Is this a bug or is something wrong with the program?

This appears to be a bug in the DPH libraries.  Can you please file a  
bug report at

For the time being, you can change sumTree as follows to get your  
program working:

sumTree :: Tree Int - Int
sumTree (Node x ns)
  | lengthP ns == 0 = x
  | otherwise   = x + sumP (mapP sumTree ns)

Thanks for the report,

module Main where

import MinimalParTree

main = do
  print $ sumTreeWrapper 20

{-# LANGUAGE PArr, ParallelListComp #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fvectorise #-}

module MinimalParTree (sumTreeWrapper) where

import qualified Prelude
import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude
import Data.Array.Parallel.Prelude.Int

data Tree a = Node a [: Tree a :]

testTree :: Int - Tree Int
testTree elem = Node elem emptyP

sumTree :: Tree Int - Int
sumTree (Node x ns) = x + sumP (mapP sumTree ns)

{-# NOINLINE sumTreeWrapper #-}
sumTreeWrapper :: Int - Int
sumTreeWrapper elem =
 sumTree (testTree elem)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Type family problem

2009-01-21 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Gleb Alexeyev:

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

When I try this bit of code:
 class C1 a where
   type F a :: *
   x :: F a
   y :: F a
   x = y
I get this error:
   Couldn't match expected type `F a1' against inferred type `F a'
   In the expression: y
   In the definition of `x': x = y
I can't figure out what is going on or how I should fix this.

The discussion [1] seems to be related.


Exactly.  See also the related ticket

In short, the signature F a is ambiguous (as `a' only occurs as a  
parameter of a synonym family in the signature).  Functions with an  
ambiguous signature are generally unusable (even if the compiler  
accepts the definition initially).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-16 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
I have to say, I agree with Lennart here.  Terms like monoid have had  
a precise definition for a very long time.  Replacing an ill-defined  
term by a vaguely defined term only serves to avoid facing ones  
ignorance - IMHO an unwise move for a technical expert.  Learning  
Haskell has often been described as a perspective changing, deeply  
enlightening process.  I believe this is because the language and the  
community favours drilling down to the core of a problem and exposing  
its essence in the bright light of mathematical precision.  It would  
be a mistake to give up on that.

We could call lambda abstraction, name binder, and we could call the  
lambda calculus, rule system to manipulate name bindings.  That  
would avoid some scary greek.  Would it make functional programming  
any easier?  In contrast, even the planned new C++0x standard uses our  

Ok, ok, they do mutilate the whole idea quite brutally, but the point  
is, we got in their heads.  That counts.

I am all for helping beginners to learn, but I am strongly against  
diluting what is being learnt.  If some of our terminology is a  
problem, we need to explain it better.


Lennart Augustsson:

Most people don't understand pure functional programming either.  Does
that mean we should introduce unrestricted side effects in Haskell?

 -- Lennart

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Thomas DuBuisson wrote:

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I have replied on his blog, but I'll repeat the gist of it here.
Why is there a fear of using existing terminology that is exact?
Why do people want to invent new words when there are already
existing ones with the exact meaning that you want? If I see  
Monoid I

know what it is, if I didn't know I could just look on Wikipedia.
If I see Appendable I can guess what it might be, but exactly what
does it mean?

I would suggest that having to look things up slows people down
and might distract them from learning other, perhaps more useful,
things about the language.

Exactly.  For example, the entry for monoid on Wikipedia starts:
In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a monoid is an
algebraic structure with a single, associative binary operation and  

identity element.

I've had some set theory, but most programmers I know have not.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Family Relations

2009-01-15 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Thomas DuBuisson:

I am wondering if there is a way to enforce compile time checking of
an axiom relating two separate type families.

Mandatory contrived example:

type family AddressOf h
type family HeaderOf a

-- I'm looking for something to the effect of:
type axiom HeaderOf (AddressOf x) ~ x

-- Valid:
type instance AddressOf IPv4Header = IPv4
type instance HeaderOf IPv4 = IPv4Header

-- Invalid
type instance AddressOf AppHeader = AppAddress
type instance HeaderOf AppAddress = [AppHeader]

So this is  a universally enforced type equivalence.  The stipulation
could be arbitrarily complex, checked at compile time, and must hold
for all instances of either type family.

Am I making this too hard?  Is there already a solution I'm missing?

There are no type-level invariants, like your type axiom, at the  
moment, although there is active work in this area
  -- Type Invariants for Haskell, T. Schrijvers, L.-J. Guillemette,  
S. Monnier. Accepted at PLPV 2009.

However, there is a simple solution to your problem.  To enforce a  
side condition on the type instances of two separate families, you  
need to bundle the families as associated types into a class.  Then,  
you can impose side conditions by way of super class constraints.  In  
your example, that *should* work as follows -- GHC currently doesn't  
accept this, due to superclass equalities not being fully implemented,  
but we'll solve this in a second step:

class (HeaderOf a ~ h, AddressOf h ~ a) = Protocol h a where
  type AddressOf h
  type HeaderOf a

-- Valid:
instance Protocol IPv4Header IPv4 where
  type AddressOf IPv4Header = IPv4
  type HeaderOf IPv4 = IPv4Header

-- Invalid
instance Protocol AppHeader AppAddress where
type AddressOf AppHeader = AppAddress
type HeaderOf AppAddress = [AppHeader]

Superclass equalities are currently only partially implemented and GHC  
rejects them for this reason.  However, your application doesn't  
require the full power of superclass equalities and can be realised  
with normal type classes:

class EQ a b
instance EQ a a

class (EQ (HeaderOf a) h, EQ (AddressOf h) a) = Protocol h a where
  type AddressOf h
  type HeaderOf a

-- Valid:
instance Protocol IPv4Header IPv4 where
  type AddressOf IPv4Header = IPv4
  type HeaderOf IPv4 = IPv4Header

-- Invalid
instance Protocol AppHeader AppAddress where
type AddressOf AppHeader = AppAddress
type HeaderOf AppAddress = [AppHeader]

With this definition, the invalid definition is rejected with the  

No instance for (EQ [AppHeader] AppHeader)
  arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
   at /Users/chak/Code/haskell/main.hs:34:9-37
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (EQ [AppHeader] AppHeader)
In the instance declaration for `Protocol AppHeader AppAddress'


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Could FDs help usurp an ATs syntactic restriction?

2008-12-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Nicolas Frisby:

From the error below, I'm inferring that the RHS of the associated

type definition can only contain type variables from the instance
head, not the instance context. I didn't explicitly see this
restriction when reading the GHC/Type_families entry.

Could perhaps the a b - bn functional dependency of the TypeEq
class lift this restriction for bn? This isn't my ball park, but that
idea has my hopes up :).

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

import TypeEq

-- Attempting to encapsulate TypeEq behind an associated type.

class EQ a b where
 type BN a b

instance TypeEq a b bn = EQ a b where
 type BN a b = bn

results in an error

 /tmp/Test.hs:9:16: Not in scope: type variable `bn'
 Failed, modules loaded: none.

GHC is right, you cannot use 'bn' in the definition of the type family  
instance.  I agree that the documentation needs to make this clearer.   

class EQ a b where
 type BN a b

instance TypeEq a b bn = EQ a b where
 type BN a b = bn

is really just syntactic sugar for

type family BN a b
class EQ a b

type instance BN a b = bn
instance TypeEq a b bn = EQ a b

where it is clear that 'bn' is not in scope in the rhs of the type  

Unfortunately, you cannot wrap a type class constraint into a type  
synonym family (independent of whether it is associated or not).   
Incidentally, type equalities (which are part of the type family  
implementation) enable a much more compact definition of the type  
equality predicate:

  data True; data False;

  class EqTyP a b result
  instance (result ~ True)  = EqTyP a a result
  instance (result ~ False) = EqTyP a b result


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Go Haskell!

2008-11-27 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

What do those folks working on parallel Haskell arrays think about the
sequential Haskell array baseline performance?

You won't like the answer.  We are not happy with the existing array  
infrastructure and hence have our own.  Roman recently extracted some  
of it as a standalone package:

In the longer run, we would like to factor our library into DPH- 
specific code and general-purpose array library that you can use  
independent of DPH.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Salsa: A .NET Bridge for Haskell

2008-10-15 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Great!  Thanks for putting the code out!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simplifying a IsFunction type class using type equality constraints

2008-10-08 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Corey O'Connor:
I recently had a need to use the IsFunction typeclass described by  
Oleg here:

and am wondering if the use of the TypeCast class can be correctly
replaced by a type equality constraint.

The IsFunction and TypeCast classes were defined as:

data HTrue
data HFalse

class IsFunction a b | a - b
instance TypeCast f HTrue = IsFunction (x-y) f
instance TypeCast f HFalse = IsFunction a f

-- literally lifted from the HList library
class TypeCast   a b   | a - b, b-a   where typeCast   :: a - b
class TypeCast'  t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'  :: t- 
class TypeCast'' t a b | t a - b, t b - a where typeCast'' :: t- 
instance TypeCast'  () a b = TypeCast a b where typeCast x =  
typeCast' () x
instance TypeCast'' t a b = TypeCast' t a b where typeCast' =  

instance TypeCast'' () a a where typeCast'' _ x  = x

I found the use of TypeCast in the IsFunction could be replaced by a
type family:

class IsFunction a b | a - b
instance (f ~ TTrue) = IsFunction (x-y) f
instance (f ~ TFalse) = IsFunction a f

Yes, that's a fine way of simplifying the definition.  In fact, you  
should also be able to drop the functional dependency in the  
IsFunction class.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type family oddity

2008-10-05 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke wrote:

Btw, is there a list of common TF pitfalls somewhere? Some example
items so far seem to be:

1 'C a = TF a', where 'a' isn't determinable
2 'TF a' is not fully polymorphic
3 'TF a' is not a decomposable type constructor, it stands only
  for itself, or for its result (in that way it is more like a defined
  function application)

For 1/2, it is helpful to flatten type family applications:

- 'C a = TF a' becomes: '(C a,TF a~tfa) = tfa'
- 'TF a' becomes: 'TF a~tfa = tfa'

For 3, it is helpful to imagine the arity of type families being  
by braces, to distinguish type family parameters from any  
constructor parameters, in case the type family reduces to a type  

- Given 'type family TF2 a :: * - *','TF2 a b' becomes: '{TF2  
a} ~ tfa = tfa b'

It should rather be a type-level programming FAQ:

Re 1: Ambiguous signatures are a general problem.  However, they are  
syntactically harder to recognise with TFs.

Re 2: Applies to GADTs as well.

Re 3: I have always been wondering whether we want special syntax for  
the application of synonym families. That would make it syntactically  
easier to recognise ambiguous signatures and indicarte syntactically  
were decomposition is admisible.

BTW, part of the problem is that H98 is not entirely consistent with  
its use of upper and lower case identifiers.  Strictly speaking,  
already vanilla type synonyms should have been lower case as they are  
a simple form of functions on types (you cannot use decomposition on  
them!)  Then, synonym families could be lower-case, too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type family oddity

2008-10-05 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Florian Weimer:

I can't figure out why the following code doesn't compile with the
October 2n GHC 6.10 beta (-XTypeFamilies -XFlexibleContexts) when the
type declaration is not commented out.

It's a bug that the code is accepted *without* the signature, as the  
signature is ambiguous:

This is not because the code fails to be type-safe, but because (a)  
you can't use the function erase_range anyway and (b) that it is  
accepted without a signature, but not with the signature leads to  
confusion, as you experienced.

BTW, the method 'erase' in your code has the same problem.


module T where

type family RangeTrait c

class InputRange r where
   remaining :: r - Bool
   advance :: r - r

class (InputRange (RangeTrait s)) = Sequence s where
   erase :: RangeTrait s - IO (RangeTrait s)

-- erase_range :: (Sequence s) = RangeTrait s - IO (RangeTrait s)
erase_range r =
 if remaining r
   then do
 r' - erase r
 erase_range r'
   else return r

GHCi says the type is precisely as specified in the comment.  However,
when I activate the type declaration, GHC complains:

   Couldn't match expected type `RangeTrait s'
  against inferred type `RangeTrait s2'
   In the first argument of `erase', namely `r'
   In a stmt of a 'do' expression: r' - erase r
   In the expression:
   do r' - erase r
  erase_range r'

   Couldn't match expected type `RangeTrait s1'
  against inferred type `RangeTrait s2'
   In the first argument of `erase_range', namely `r''
   In the expression: erase_range r'
   In the expression:
   do r' - erase r
  erase_range r'

Any suggestions?  Is this a bug in GHC?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Distributing Haskell binaries as OSX App Bundles

2008-09-29 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty
I wrote a command-line program recently for a friend in haskell.   
However, he's far away and not particularly computer literate.  I  
sent him the raw binaries, but they came up with errors about not  
being able to find libgmp stuff.  So then I thought I should  
probably be able to somehow distribute all the stuff together in  
a .app bundle.  However, the only experience I have of doing this  
sort of stuff before is via xcode.  What's the best way to go about  
this?  It just occurred to me now that maybe cmake is the way to go?

If you use the installer package version of GHC

GMP will automatically be linked statically.  As far as creating app  
bundles, one way is to use xcode to to create the bundle structure and  
then have it call a conventional makefile based build system to do the  
actual build and install the binaries into the bundle structure.   
That's what I did to create the GHC.pkg.  It might require some  
fiddling, though.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC trouble on Leopard

2008-09-16 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty


I tried to compile some code on Mac Os X (Intel) Leopard.
I have GHC 6.8.3 installed - the installer from GHC webpage  

But when I run make I get this error

ghc-6.8.3: could not execute: /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/ 

This is not a common problem.  I suspect that either your installation  
somehow got corrupt or you somehow changed your Perl installation.   
(The file in question is a Perl script.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Research language vs. professional language

2008-09-02 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ryan Ingram:

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Jonathan Cast

This concept of `day-to-day work' is a curious one.  Haskell is not a
mature language, and probably shouldn't ever be one.

I see where you are coming from here, but I think that train has
already started and can't be stopped.  I find Haskell interesting as a
professional programmer for these four reasons: it's pure, it's
functional, it's lazy, and it's got a great compiler.

There will always be new discoveries in purely functional  

and as the art advances, features like this ad-hoc overloading hack
(and ACIO) will become obsolete and have to be thrown over-board.

This is a good point.  However, it seems to me that the pure
programming language research is moving towards dependently typed
languages, and that progress in Haskell has been more
application-side; transactional memory and data-parallel, along with
research on various fusion techniques, for example.

Let me quote from the Preface of the Haskell report:

It was decided that a committee should be formed to design such a  
language, providing faster communication of new ideas, a stable  
foundation for real applications development, and a vehicle through  
which others would be encouraged to use functional languages.


It should be suitable for teaching, research, and applications,  
including building large systems.

From the outset, the Haskell vision included being a stable  
foundation for real applications development (I read this as aiming  
at industrial use) and research.  This leads to tension, but, for  
better or worse, I believe that the Haskell community -in its current  
form- is pretty much committed to meet both goals.  You can see it in  
GHC.  It implements the static Haskell 98 and at the same time many  
experimental, researchy features (which you use at your own risk).   
More generally, I think that this is one of the killer features of  
functional languages, they provide a fast path from innovative, even  
highly theoretical research to practical applications.

This may not work forever -maybe all interesting research that can be  
done in Haskell without radical changes will have been done at some  
point- but for the moment, I think we are in pretty good shape.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Xcode Plugin

2008-08-21 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Dennis Buchmann:

during my search for an acceptable development environment under
Mac OS X I found this Plugin for Xcode:

Unfortunately, I'm not able to get it to run in Xcode v3.0 and the  
developer seems

to be not contactable at the moment.
So, has anyone installed this plugin successfully (with problems in  
the beginning)?

I have a student working on a plugin for Xcode 3.0.  Hopefully, he'll  
be able to release something in about two month.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] xmonad on the openmoko mobile phone

2008-08-10 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Don Stewart:

Haskell fans might be impressed by the good work of Joachim Breitner,
who got xmonad running on his openmoko phone,

You can see a photo here,


Haskell on the iphone next?

The iPhone SDK includes a version of gcc to generate code for the  
iPhone.  Be cool if anybody try to use that with GHC.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building NDP with latest GHC

2008-07-22 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Austin Seipp:

After my last issue with GHC's HEAD, I tried checking it out again and
getting the patches for the libraries and lo and behold, it worked. So
now I'm up to date with the latest libraries and the compiler, but it
appears that building NDP itself is proving to be troublesome.

The NDP libraries are in a state of complete upheaval.  Instead of the  
one package ndp, there will be a set of dph packages with different  
backends to choose from (initially, there will be two backends, one  
for sequential code and one for multicore parallel code).

If I'm just doing everything wrong, I'd really appreciate knowing and
I'd be *more* than happy to update the wiki pages so that more people
can try it and have it build successfuly, because as it stands I'm
coming to the conclusion that basically all the information in [1] is
just old and flat-out wrong, and I'm completely of ideas on how to go
about this.



Due to the completely different new set up, there was no point in  
trying to track incremental changes on the wiki page.  Once, the  
individual pieces fit together again, we'll update the documentation.

Due to a sequence of problems with GHC's build system and its  
increasing Cabal'isation, the library re-arrangement has taken much  
longer than originally anticipated.  Sorry about that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families versus functional dependencies question

2008-07-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Alexey Rodriguez:

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
The problem is that blah's type is ambiguous, as f does only occur  
as an argument to the type family.  If you'd define

 class Blah f a where
   blah :: a - f - T f f a

(and change the rest of the program accordingly) then all will be  
fine.  See this thread for a more in-depth discussion of the problem:

Yes, I was afraid that this was the case. However, the question  
remains on whether my functional dependencies encoding is correct. A  
correct encoding would help me understand this typing problem a bit  
more. Especially, now that Claus showed that adding an equality  
constraint makes this program work!

For this particular program, you could argue that the signature is not  
ambiguous as T is unary; hence, in (T f f a) only the (T f) is really  
a type family application and so the second occurrence of 'f' should  
make the signature unambiguous.  This is the reason why Claus'  
encoding works and why your FD translation works.  I will have a look  
at whether I can improve the implementation in GHC to be smarter about  
handling such higher kinded TFs.

Thanks for the example program!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families versus functional dependencies question

2008-07-03 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Alexey Rodriguez:
We are having trouble with the following program that uses type  

 class Blah f a where
   blah :: a - T f f a

 class A f where
   type T f :: (* - *) - * - *

the following function does not type:

 wrapper :: forall a f . Blah f a = a - T f f a
 wrapper x = blah x

GHC gives the error:

Couldn't match expected type `T f1 f1 a'
   against inferred type `T f f a'
In the expression: blah x
In the definition of `wrapper': wrapper x = blah x

Maybe it is a problem with ambiguous types, namely f appears only  
in applications of T. But that is not the case, there is a naked  
f appearing as the argument of T f. But perhaps the type checker  
does not want to unify those two f's precisely because they are the  
arguments of T f.

The problem is that blah's type is ambiguous, as f does only occur as  
an argument to the type family.  If you'd define

  class Blah f a where
blah :: a - f - T f f a

(and change the rest of the program accordingly) then all will be  
fine.  See this thread for a more in-depth discussion of the problem:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type-level integers using type families

2008-05-29 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Peter Gavin:
Has anyone else tried implementing type-level integers using type  

I tried using a couple of other type level arithmetic libraries  
(including type-level on Hackage) and they felt a bit clumsy to  
use.  I started looking at type families and realized I could pretty  
much build an entire Scheme-like language based on them.

In short, I've got addition, subtraction,  multiplication working  
after just a days worth of hacking. I'm going to post the darcs  
archive sometime, sooner if anyone's interested.

I really like the type-families based approach to this, it's a lot  
easier to understand, and you can think about things functionally  
instead of relationally.  (Switching back and forth between Prolog- 
ish thinking and Haskell gets old quick.) Plus you can do type  
arithmetic directly in place, instead of using type classes  

I am glad to hear that type families work for you.

One thing that I'd like to be able to do is lazy unification on type  
instances, so that things like

data True
data False

type family Cond x y z
type instance Cond True y z = y
type instance Cond False y z = z

will work if the non-taken branch can't be unified with anything.   
Is this planned? Is it even feasible?

I don't think i entirely understand the question.  Do you mean that  
from an equality like

  Cond b Int Bool ~ Int

you want the type checker to infer that (b ~ True)?  This is generally  
not correct reasoning as type families are open; ie, subsequent  
modules might add

  data Bogus
  type instance Bogus y z = Int

and now there are two solutions to (Cond b Int Bool ~ Int).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type families and GADTs in 6.9

2008-04-14 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty


I've been playing around with type families off and on in 6.8, but,  
what with
the implementation therein being reportedly incomplete, it's hard to  
what I'm getting right and wrong, or what should work but doesn't  
and so on.
So, I finally decided to take the plunge and install 6.9 (which,  
isn't yet safe in that regard either, but, such is life :)). But,  
when I
loaded up one of my programs, I got a type error. The subject is  

defined tuples:


However, proj results in a
type error:

   Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
 t = Lookup (t ::: ts) fn
   In the pattern: v ::: vs
   In the definition of `proj': proj FZ (v ::: vs) = v

Sorry, but looks like a bug in 6.9 to me.  Could you add it to the GHC  
bug tracker?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-11 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson:

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

the five signatures

 forall a. S a
 forall b. S b
 forall a b. S (a, b)
 S Int

By alpha-convertible I mean the usual thing from lambda calculus,  
they are identical modulo the names of bound variables.

So only the first two are alpha-convertible to each other.

If you involve any kind of reduction the equivalence test is no  
longer trivial.

All I'm asking for really, is to be able to paste in the type that  
was inferred as the signature, without the compiler complaining.

I think a trivial, purely syntactic test, such as the one proposed,  
would generate at least as much puzzlement as the current situation  
does.  It would mean, you could not have String in your signature if  
the inferred signature has [Char].  I don't think that this is a  
solution at all.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-11 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson:
In the current GHC there are even definitions that are perfecty  
usable, that cannot be given the type signature that that was  

That's bad, I agree.

At work we have the warning for missing signatures enabled, and we  
turn warnings into errors.  We have to disbale this for certain  
definitions, because you cannot give them a signature.  I find that  

Definitely.  Can you give an example?


On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lennart Augustsson:

Let's look at this example from a higher level.

Haskell is a language which allows you to write type signatures for  
functions, and even encourages you to do it.
Sometimes you even have to do it.  Any language feature that stops  
me from writing a type signature is in my opinion broken.
TFs as implemented in currently implemented ghc stops me from  
writing type signatures.  They are thus, in my opinion, broken.

The problem of ambiguity is not at all restricted to TFs.  In fact,  
you need neither TFs nor FDs to get the exact same behaviour.  You  
don't even need MPTCs:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Ambiguity where

class C a

bar :: C (a, b) = b - b
bar = id

bar' :: C (a, b) = b - b
bar' = bar

This gives us

  Could not deduce (C (a, b)) from the context (C (a1, b))
arising from a use of `bar'
 at /Users/chak/Code/haskell/Ambiguity.hs:10:7-9
  Possible fix:
add (C (a, b)) to the context of the type signature for `bar''
or add an instance declaration for (C (a, b))
  In the expression: bar
  In the definition of `bar'': bar' = bar

So, we have this problem as soon as we have flexible contexts and/or  
MPTCs, independent of TFs and FDs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-11 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lennart Augustsson:

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Martin Sulzmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lennart, you said

(It's also pretty easy to fix the problem.)

What do you mean? Easy to fix the type checker, or easy to fix the  
program by inserting annotations

to guide the type checker?


I'm referring to the situation where the type inferred by the type  
checker is illegal for me to put into the program.
In our example we can fix this in two ways, by making foo' illegal  
even when it has no signature, or making foo' legal even when it has  
a signature.

To make it illegal:  If foo' has no type signature, infer a type for  
foo', insert this type as a signature and type check again.  If this  
fails, foo' is illegal.

That would be possible, but it means we have to do this for all  
bindings in a program (also all lets bindings etc).

Of course, but I'd rather the compiler did it than I.  It's not that  
hard, btw.  If the whole module type checks, insert all signatures  
and type check again.

Sure.  I did not argue against this.  I think it would be a reasonable  
way forward.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-09 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

type family Id a
type instance Id Int = Int

foo :: Id a - Id a
foo = id n
foo' :: Id a - Id a
foo' = foo

type function notation is slightly misleading, as it presents
qualified polymorphic types in a form usually reserved for  
unqualified polymorphic types.

rewriting foo's type helped me to see the ambiguity that
others have pointed out:

foo :: r ~ Id a = r - r

there's nowhere to get the 'a' from. so unless 'Id' itself is
fully polymorphic in 'a' (Id a = a, Id a = Int, ..), 'foo' can't
really be used. for each type variable, there needs to be
at least one position where it is not used as a type family

Yes.  It is generally so that the introduction of indexed types (ie,  
all of GADTs, data type families, or synonym families) means that a  
type with a parameter is not necessarily parametric.

it might be useful to issue an ambiguity warning for such types?

The problem is that testing for ambiguity is, in general, difficult.   
Whether a context is ambiguous depends for example on the currently  
visible class instances.  As a result, a signature that is ambiguous  
in a module M, may be fine in a module N that imports M.

However, I think what should be easier is to improve the error  
messages given when a function with an ambiguous signature is used.   
For example, if the error message in the definition of foo' would have  
included a hint saying that the definition is illegal because its  
right hand side contains the use of a function with an ambiguous  
signature, then Ganesh may have had an easier time seeing what's  

ps. i find these examples and discussions helpful, if often initially
  puzzling - they help to clear up weak spots in the practice
  of type family use, understanding, and implementation, 
thereby improving all while making families more familiar!-)



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-09 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson:
On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Martin Sulzmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Lennart, you said

(It's also pretty easy to fix the problem.)

What do you mean? Easy to fix the type checker, or easy to fix the  
program by inserting annotations

to guide the type checker?


I'm referring to the situation where the type inferred by the type  
checker is illegal for me to put into the program.
In our example we can fix this in two ways, by making foo' illegal  
even when it has no signature, or making foo' legal even when it has  
a signature.

To make it illegal:  If foo' has no type signature, infer a type for  
foo', insert this type as a signature and type check again.  If this  
fails, foo' is illegal.

That would be possible, but it means we have to do this for all  
bindings in a program (also all lets bindings etc).

To make it legal: If foo' with a type signature doesn't type check,  
try to infer a type without a signature.  If this succeeds then  
check that the type that was inferred is alpha-convertible to the  
original signature.  If it is, accept foo'; the signature doesn't  
add any information.

This harder, if not impossible.  What does it mean for two signatures  
to be alpha-convertible?  I assume, you intend that given

  type S a = Int

the five signatures

  forall a. S a
  forall b. S b
  forall a b. S (a, b)
  S Int

are all the alpha-convertible.  Now, given

  type family F a b
  type instance F Int c = Int

what about

  forall a. F a Int
  forall a. F Int Int
  forall a. F Int a
  forall a b. (a ~ Int) = F a b
  and so on

So, I guess, you don't really mean alpha-convertible in its original  
syntactic sense.  We should accept the definition if the inferred and  
the given signature are in some sense equivalent.  For this  
equivalence to be robust, I am sure we need to define it as follows,  
where = is standard type subsumption:

  t1 equivalent t2  iff   t1 = t2 and t2 = t1

However, the fact that we cannot decide type subsumption for ambiguous  
types is exactly what led us to the original problem.  So, nothing has  
been won.

Trying to make those definitions that are currently only legal  
*without* a signature also legal when the inferred signature is added  
(foo' in Ganesh's example) doesn't seem workable.  However, to  
generally reject the same definitions, even if they are presented  
without a signature, seems workable.  It does require the compiler to  
compute type annotations, and then, check that it can still accept the  
annotated program.  This makes the process of type checking together  
with annotating the checked program idempotent, which is nice.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-09 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty


Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:


Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
Let's alpha-rename the signatures and use explicit foralls for  

foo  :: forall a. Id a - Id a
foo' :: forall b. Id b - Id b
GHC will try to match (Id a) against (Id b).  As Id is a type  
synonym family, it would *not* be valid to derive (a ~ b) from  
this.  After all, Id could have the same result for different  
argument types.  (That's not the case for your one instance, but  
maybe in another module, there are additional instances for Id,  
where that is the case.)

While in general  (Id a ~ Id b)  -/-  (a ~ b) , parametricity  
makes it true in the case of  foo . For instance, let  Id a ~  
Int . Then, the signature specializes to  foo :: Int - Int . But  
due to parametricity,  foo  does not care at all what  a  is and  
will be the very same function for every  a  with  Id a ~ Int . In  
other words, it's as if the type variable  a  is not in scope in  
the definition of  foo .
Be careful, Id is a type-indexed type family and *not* a parametric  
type.  Parametricity does not apply.  For more details about the  
situation with GADTs alone, see
 Foundations for Structured Programming with GADTs. Patricia Johann  
and Neil Ghani. Proceedings, Principles of Programming Languages  
2008 (POPL'08).

Yes and no. In the GADT case, a function like

 bar :: forall a . GADT a - String

is clearly not parametric in a, in the sense that pattern matching  
on the GADT can specialize  a  which means that we have some form of  
pattern matching on the type  a . The resulting String may depend  
on the type  a . So, by parametricity, I mean type arguments may  
not be inspected.


However, I have this feeling that

 bar :: forall a . Id a - String

with a type family  Id  *is* parametric in the sense that no matter  
what  a  is, the result always has to be the same. Intuitively,  
that's because we may not pattern match on the branch of a  
definition like

 type instance Id String = ..
 type instance Id Int= ..

So, in the special case of  foo  and  foo' , solving  Id b ~ Id a   
by guessing  a ~ b  is safe since  foo  is parametric in  a .

We don't know that.  We could have

  type instance Id [a] = GADT a

Just looking at the signature, we don't know.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-09 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Lennart Augustsson:

Let's look at this example from a higher level.

Haskell is a language which allows you to write type signatures for  
functions, and even encourages you to do it.
Sometimes you even have to do it.  Any language feature that stops  
me from writing a type signature is in my opinion broken.
TFs as implemented in currently implemented ghc stops me from  
writing type signatures.  They are thus, in my opinion, broken.

The problem of ambiguity is not at all restricted to TFs.  In fact,  
you need neither TFs nor FDs to get the exact same behaviour.  You  
don't even need MPTCs:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Ambiguity where

class C a

bar :: C (a, b) = b - b
bar = id

bar' :: C (a, b) = b - b
bar' = bar

This gives us

   Could not deduce (C (a, b)) from the context (C (a1, b))
 arising from a use of `bar'
  at /Users/chak/Code/haskell/Ambiguity.hs:10:7-9
   Possible fix:
 add (C (a, b)) to the context of the type signature for `bar''
 or add an instance declaration for (C (a, b))
   In the expression: bar
   In the definition of `bar'': bar' = bar

So, we have this problem as soon as we have flexible contexts and/or  
MPTCs, independent of TFs and FDs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-08 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ganesh Sittampalam:

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

Ganesh Sittampalam:
The following program doesn't compile in latest GHC HEAD, although  
it does if I remove the signature on foo'. Is this expected?

Yes, unfortunately, this is expected, although it is very  
unintuitive. This is for the following reason.

Let's alpha-rename the signatures and use explicit foralls for  

foo  :: forall a. Id a - Id a
foo' :: forall b. Id b - Id b

GHC will try to match (Id a) against (Id b).  As Id is a type  
synonym family, it would *not* be valid to derive (a ~ b) from  
this.  After all, Id could have the same result for different  
argument types.  (That's not the case for your one instance, but  
maybe in another module, there are additional instances for Id,  
where that is the case.)

Can't it derive (Id a ~ Id b), though?

That's what it does derive as a proof obligation and finds it can't  
prove.  The error message you are seeing is GHC's way of saying, I  
cannot assert that (Id a ~ Id b) holds.

Now, as GHC cannot show that a and b are the same, it can also not  
show that (Id a) and (Id b) are the same.  It does look odd when  
you use the same type variable in both signatures, especially as  
Haskell allows you to leave out the quantifiers, but the 'a' in the  
signature of foo and the 'a' in the signatures of foo' are not the  
same thing; they just happen to have the same name.

Sure, but forall a . Id a ~ Id a is the same thing as forall b . Id  
b ~ Id b.

Thanks for the explanation, anyway. I'll need to have another think  
about what I'm actually trying to do (which roughly speaking is to  
specialise a general function over type families using a signature  
which I think I need for other reasons).

Generally speaking, is there any way to give a signature to foo'?

Sorry, but in the heat of explaining what GHC does, I missed the  
probably crucial point.  Your function foo is useless, as is foo'.   
Not only can't you rename foo (to foo'), but you generally can't use  
it.  It's signature is ambiguous.  Try evaluating (foo (1::Int)).  The  
problem is related to the infamous (show . read).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-08 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Sittampalam, Ganesh:

Manuel Chakravarty wrote:

Ganesh Sittampalam:

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

Ganesh Sittampalam:

The following program doesn't compile in latest GHC HEAD, although
it does if I remove the signature on foo'. Is this expected?

Yes, unfortunately, this is expected, although it is very
unintuitive. This is for the following reason.

Let's alpha-rename the signatures and use explicit foralls for

foo  :: forall a. Id a - Id a
foo' :: forall b. Id b - Id b

GHC will try to match (Id a) against (Id b).  As Id is a type  

family, it would *not* be valid to derive (a ~ b) from this.  After
all, Id could have the same result for different argument types.
(That's not the case for your one instance, but maybe in another
module, there are additional instances for Id, where that is the

Can't it derive (Id a ~ Id b), though?

That's what it does derive as a proof obligation and finds it can't  
The error message you are seeing is GHC's way of saying, I cannot  
assert that

(Id a ~ Id b) holds.

No, I meant can't it derive that equality when matching (Id a)  
against (Id b)?
As you say, it can't derive (a ~ b) at that point, but (Id a ~ Id b)  
is known,


No, it is not know.  Why do you think it is?

Generally speaking, is there any way to give a signature to foo'?

Sorry, but in the heat of explaining what GHC does, I missed the
probably crucial point.  Your function foo is useless, as is foo'.
Not only can't you rename foo (to foo'), but you generally can't use
it.  It's signature is ambiguous.  Try evaluating (foo (1::Int)).   

problem is related to the infamous (show . read).

My real code is somewhat analogous to (foo :: (Id Int - Id Int))  
Isn't that unambiguous in the same way as ( is if I give  
show or

read a signature?

No.  The problem with a functions that has an ambiguous signature is  
that it contains type variables that are impossible to constrain by  
applying the function.  Providing a type signature at the application  
site makes this no easier.  Why?  Consider what a type annotation  
means.  By writing e :: t, you express your intent to use e at type t,  
but you also force the compiler to check that whatever type it derives  
for e is more general than t.  It is this check for type subsumption  
that is the tricky bit when typing TFs (or FDs).  See 
 for more detail on why this is a hard problem.

The problem with an ambiguous signature is that the subsumption check  
always fails, because the ambiguous signature contains some type  
variables for which the type checker cannot deduce a type instance.   
(You as a human reader may be able to *guess* an instance, but HM- 
based inference does generally not guess.  It's a deterministic  

The problem is really with foo and its signature, not with any use of  
foo.  The function foo is (due to its type) unusable.  Can't you  
change foo?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] translating from fundeps into type families

2008-04-08 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Chaddaï Fouché:

2008/4/8, Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You need to write the instance as

 instance (b ~ TheFoo a, Foo a) = Bar (Either a b) where
   bar (Left a) = foo' a
   bar (Right b) = foo' (foo b :: a)

If you do that, the program compile, but res still raise a panic in  
GHC6.8.2 .

Before you sent your solution, I also tried to do

class (TheFoo a ~ b) = Foo a b where ...

instance (Foo a b) = Bar (Either a b) where ...

But it didn't compile, it seems to me both versions should have the
same behaviour ?

6.8.2 has many bugs concerning type families that have been removed in  
the development version of GHC.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] translating from fundeps into type families

2008-04-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ganesh Sittampalam:
Can I have some advice on translating the attached Test1.hs into  
type families? My attempt at doing so is in Test1a.hs, but firstly  
it requires FlexibleInstances where Test1.hs didn't, and secondly it  
fails because it can't infer the instance for Bar (Either Int Int)  
whereas the fundeps version had no problems there.

You need to write the instance as

  instance (b ~ TheFoo a, Foo a) = Bar (Either a b) where
bar (Left a) = foo' a
bar (Right b) = foo' (foo b :: a)

Generally, you can't have type synonym families in instance heads.   
GHC should have complained about this despite your use of  
FlexibleInstances.  (I'll fix that.)

Unfortunately, the above will currently only go through if you specify  
UndecidableInstances.  Nothing about it is undecidable, though, so the  
flag should not be required.  Part of the trouble here is that,  
although we just completed a formal statement about the decidability  
of type checking for type families *without* taking context  
simplification into account 
, we are still lacking a formal statement about type checking for  
type families *with* context simplification.

My conjecture at the moment is that equalities of the form

  tv ~ F tv1 .. tvn

where tv and tvi are distinct type variables should always be fine in  
class instance contexts and correspond to what is permitted for FDs.   
(However, previous experience with FDs and TFs clearly shows that any  
statements about decidability and completeness in this space are to be  
regarded with caution until they have been formalised rigorously.)

I'll create a trac ticket with your example.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hi Mark,

I don't know if you have defined/studied corresponding notions of
ambiguity/coherence in your framework.  Instead, I was referring to
what Manuel described as the equivalent problem using FDs:

 class IdC a b | a - b
 instance IdC Int Int

 bar :: IdC a b = b - b
 bar = id

 bar' :: IdC a b = b - b
 bar' = bar

In this program, both bar and bar' have ambiguous types (the
variable 'a' in each of the contexts is not uniquely determined
by the variable 'b' appearing on the right), and so *neither*
one of these definitions is valid.  This behavior differs from
what has been described for your approach, so perhaps Manuel's
example isn't really equivalent after all.

Technically, one could ignore the ambiguous type signature for
bar, because the *principal* type of bar (as opposed to the
*declared type*) is not ambiguous.  However, in practice, there
is little reason to allow the definition of a function with an
ambiguous type because such functions cannot be used in practice:
the ambiguity that is introduced in the type of bar will propagate
to any other function that calls it, either directly or indirectly.
For this reason, it makes sense to report the ambiguity at the
point where bar is defined, instead of deferring that error to
places where it is used, like the definition of bar'.  (The latter
is what I mean by delayed ambiguity checking.)

You are of course spot on, but this is a difference in how GHC handles  
functional dependencies compared to Hugs.  Hugs does reject bar as  
being ambiguous, but GHC does not!  In other words, it also uses  
delayed ambiguity checking for the FD version, and so raises an  
error only when seeing bar'.  The implementation of type families just  
mirrors GHC's behaviour for FDs.  (This is why I presented the FD  
example, but I should have mentioned that the equivalence is  
restricted to GHC.)

The rational for the decision to use delayed ambiguity checking in GHC  
is that it is, in general, not possible to spot and report all  
ambiguous signatures and *only* those.  So, there are three possible  

  (1) Reject all signatures that *may* be ambiguous (and hence reject  
some perfectly good programs).
  (2) Reject all signatures that are *guaranteed* to be ambiguous  
(and accept some programs with functions that can never be applied).

  (3) Don't check for ambiguity (or delayed ambiguity checking).

As you wrote, all three choices are perfectly safe - we will never  
accept a type-incorrect program, but they vary in terms of the range  
of accepted programs and quality of error messages.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand the situation,  
Hugs uses Choice (1) and GHC uses Choice (3).  As an example, consider  
this contrived program:

class F a b | a - b where
  f1 :: a - b
  f2 :: b - a

instance F Int Int where
  f1 = id
  f2 = id

class G x a b where
  g :: x - a - b

instance F a b = G Bool a b where
  g c v = f1 v

instance F b a = G Int a b where
  g c v = f2 v

foo1 :: (G Int a b) = a - a
foo1 v = v

foo2 :: (G Bool a b) = a - a
foo2 v = v

bar = foo2 (42::Int)

Here foo1 is actually ambiguous, but foo2 is fine due to the FD in the  
instance context of the (G Bool a b) instance.  GHC accepts this  
program (not checking for ambiguity) and allows you to evaluate bar.

In contrast, Hugs rejects both the signature of foo1 and of foo2,  
arguably being overly restrictive with foo2.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-07 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty


Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

Ganesh Sittampalam:
Let's alpha-rename the signatures and use explicit foralls for  

 foo  :: forall a. Id a - Id a
 foo' :: forall b. Id b - Id b
GHC will try to match (Id a) against (Id b).  As Id is a type  
synonym family, it would *not* be valid to derive (a ~ b) from  
this.  After all, Id could have the same result for different  
argument types.  (That's not the case for your one instance, but  
maybe in another module, there are additional instances for Id,  
where that is the case.)

While in general  (Id a ~ Id b)  -/-  (a ~ b) , parametricity makes  
it true in the case of  foo . For instance, let  Id a ~ Int .  
Then, the signature specializes to  foo :: Int - Int . But due to  
parametricity,  foo  does not care at all what  a  is and will be  
the very same function for every  a  with  Id a ~ Int . In other  
words, it's as if the type variable  a  is not in scope in the  
definition of  foo .

Be careful, Id is a type-indexed type family and *not* a parametric  
type.  Parametricity does not apply.  For more details about the  
situation with GADTs alone, see

  Foundations for Structured Programming with GADTs. Patricia Johann  
and Neil Ghani. Proceedings, Principles of Programming Languages 2008  

In full System F , neither definition would be a problem since the  
type  a  is an explicit parameter.

You can't generally translate type family/GADT programs into System  
F.  We proposed an extension of System F called System F_C(X); see our  
TLDI'07 paper:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families and type signatures

2008-04-06 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ganesh Sittampalam:
The following program doesn't compile in latest GHC HEAD, although  
it does if I remove the signature on foo'. Is this expected?

Yes, unfortunately, this is expected, although it is very  
unintuitive.  This is for the following reason.

Let's alpha-rename the signatures and use explicit foralls for clarity:

  foo  :: forall a. Id a - Id a
  foo' :: forall b. Id b - Id b

GHC will try to match (Id a) against (Id b).  As Id is a type synonym  
family, it would *not* be valid to derive (a ~ b) from this.  After  
all, Id could have the same result for different argument types.   
(That's not the case for your one instance, but maybe in another  
module, there are additional instances for Id, where that is the case.)

Now, as GHC cannot show that a and b are the same, it can also not  
show that (Id a) and (Id b) are the same.  It does look odd when you  
use the same type variable in both signatures, especially as Haskell  
allows you to leave out the quantifiers, but the 'a' in the signature  
of foo and the 'a' in the signatures of foo' are not the same thing;  
they just happen to have the same name.

BTW, here is the equivalent problem using FDs:

  class IdC a b | a - b
  instance IdC Int Int

  bar :: IdC a b = b - b
  bar = id

  bar' :: IdC a b = b - b
  bar' = bar

Given that this is a confusing issue, I am wondering whether we could  
improve matters by giving a better error message, or an additional  
hint in the message.  Do you have any suggestion regarding what sort  
of message might have helped you?


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Test7 where

type family Id a

type instance Id Int = Int

foo :: Id a - Id a
foo = id

foo' :: Id a - Id a
foo' = foo
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-30 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hugo Pacheco:
Yes, but doesn't the confluence problem only occur for type synonyms  
that ignore one or more of the parameters? If so, this could be  

You can't check this easily (for the general case).


  type family G a b
  type FList a x = G a x
  type instance F [a] = FList a

Does FList ignore its second argument?  Depends on the type instances  
of G.


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 12:04 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hugo Pacheco:
 Sorry, I meant

 type FList a x = Either One (a,x)
 type instance F [a] = FList a

We should not allow such programs.


 On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Hugo Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The current implementation is wrong, as it permits

   type S a b = a
   type family F a :: * - *
   type instance F a = S a

 Why do we need to forbid this type instance?  Because it breaks the
 confluence of equality constraint normalisation.  Here are two
 diverging normalisations:


 F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char

   == DECOMP

 F Int ~ F Int, Bool ~ Char

   == FAIL


 F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char

   == TOP

 S Int Bool  ~  S Int Char

   == (expand type synonym)

 Int  ~  Int


 This does mean that a program such as

 type FList a = Either One ((,) a)
 type instance F [a] = FList a

 will be disallowed in further versions?
 Doesn't this problem occur only for type synonyms that ignore one or
 more of the parameters? If so, this could be checked...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional dependencies with Type Classes

2008-03-30 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Henning Günther:

suppose there are two (identical) classes:

class Res a b | a - b  where
getRes :: a - b


class Res2 t where
type Member t
getRes2 :: t - Member t

It is easy to automatically make every instance of Res2 an instance of

instance Res2 a = Res a (Member a) where
getRes x = getRes2 x

However, declaring every instance of Res an instance of Res2 seems
impossible, as the following doesn't compile

instance Res a b = Res2 a where
type Member a = b
getRes2 x = getRes x

Question is: How to do this? The reason I need it is because I use a
library which uses functional dependencies, but my classes shall be  


The last definition is invalid as the right-hand side of a type family  
instance can only depend on its parameters.  However, in

  type Member a = b

you pull 'b' out of thin air.  Remember that associated types (ie,  
type families as part of classes) are only syntactic sugar for sparate  
type family and class declarations.  Obviously, it would be imposible  
to pull the type instance out of the class in your definition.  (The  
mismatch between FDs and TFs here really is due to FDs being tied to  
classes and TFs being separable - in that sense TFs are more general  
than FDs, and hence, you cannot always simulate TFs with FDs.)

However, you can wrap an FD library into a TF interface with some  
additional effort.  Using your example for illustration, define the  
type family and class separately:

  type family Member a
  class Res2 a where
getRes2 :: a - Member a

Then, implement the catch all class instance as follows:

  instance Res a (Member a) = Res2 a where
getRes2 x = getRes x

(This needs -fundecidable-instances.  It is perfectly decidable if  
your FD class is, but GHC doesn't know that.)

Now, the additional overhead is that you need to define the type  
family instances separately; ie, for every class instance of the FD  
class, such as

  instance Res Int Bool where
getRes x = x == 0

you need to repeat the type mapping:

  type instance Member Int = Bool

I hope this is not too much of a burden in your application.


PS: Hmm, maybe this should go onto the 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-30 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hugo Pacheco:
Anyway, do you think it is feasible to have a flag such as -fallow- 
unsafe-type-families for users to use at their own risk? (supposing  
we know how to guarantee these constraints).

Sorry, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to enable an unsound type  
system even by an explicit option.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-27 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hugo Pacheco:

Sorry, I meant

type FList a x = Either One (a,x)
type instance F [a] = FList a

We should not allow such programs.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Hugo Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

The current implementation is wrong, as it permits

  type S a b = a
  type family F a :: * - *
  type instance F a = S a

Why do we need to forbid this type instance?  Because it breaks the
confluence of equality constraint normalisation.  Here are two
diverging normalisations:


F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char


F Int ~ F Int, Bool ~ Char

  == FAIL


F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char

  == TOP

S Int Bool  ~  S Int Char

  == (expand type synonym)

Int  ~  Int


This does mean that a program such as

type FList a = Either One ((,) a)
type instance F [a] = FList a

will be disallowed in further versions?
Doesn't this problem occur only for type synonyms that ignore one or  
more of the parameters? If so, this could be checked...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-26 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hugo Pacheco:
Since I was the one to start this thread, I have managed to  
implement what I initially wanted as F a :: *-* with F a x::*, and  
the cost of not having partially applied type synonyms was not much  
apart from some more equality coercions that I wasn't expecting.


Generally, I love type-indexed types.

Glad to hear that!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-26 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Simon Peyton-Jones:

|  * GHC says that these constraints must be obeyed only
| *after* the programmer-written type has been normalised
| by expanding saturated type synonyms
|  I regard this as a kind of pre-pass, before serious type checking
|  takes place, so I don't think it should interact with type  

|  at all.
|  I don't think this normalisation should include type families,
|  although H98 type synonyms are a kind of degenerate case of type
|  families.
|  Would that design resolve this particular issue?
| Not quite, but it refines my proposal of requiring that type  
| in the rhs of type instances need to be saturated.  Let me  

Why not quite?

Maybe I was thinking too much in terms of GHC's implementation, but  
due to the lazy expansion type synonyms, the expansion is interleaved  
with all the rest of type checking.  But I think I now know what you  
meant: the outcome should be *as if* type synonym expansion was done  
as a pre-pass.

| So, the crucial point is that, as you wrote,
|  I don't think this normalisation should include type families,
|  although H98 type synonyms are a kind of degenerate case of type
|  families.

Exactly!   Just to state it more clearly again:

   Any programmer-written type (i.e one forming part
   of the source text of the program) must obey the
   following rules:
   - well-kinded
   - type synonyms saturated
   - arguments of type applications are monotypes
   (but - is special)

   However these rules are checked ONLY AFTER EXPANDING
   SATURATE TYPE SYNONYMS (but doing no reduction on
   type families)

I agree.

The above checks are performed by checkValidType in TcMType.  In  
particular, the check for saturated synonyms is in check_type (line  
1134 or thereabouts).  I'm not sure why these checks are not firing  
for the RHS of a type family declaration.  Maybe we aren't calling  
checkValidType on it.

I'll check that.  Might be an oversight.

So I think we are agreed.  I think the above statement of validity  
should probably appear in the user manual.

Yes, I'll take care of that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Manuel M T Chakravarty:
again, i gave a concrete example of how ghc behaves as i would  
expect, not as that decomposition rule would suggest.

Maybe you can explain why you think so.  I didn't understand why you  
think the example is not following the decomposition rule.

Actually, see


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Simon Peyton-Jones:
| | However, I think I now understand what you are worried about.   
It is the
| | interaction of type families and GHC's generalised type synonyms  
| | type synonyms that may be partially applied).  I agree that it  
does lead
| | to an odd interaction, because the outcome may depend on the  
order in
| | which the type checker performs various operations.  In  
| | whether it first applies a type instance declaration to reduce a  

| | family application or whether it first performs decomposition.
| yes, indeed, thanks! that was the central point of example one.


Just to clarify, then, GHC's 'generalised type synonyms' behave like  

* H98 says that programmer-written types must obey certain  

   - type synonym applications saturated
   - arguments of type applications are monotypes (apart from -)

* GHC says that these constraints must be obeyed only
   *after* the programmer-written type has been normalised
   by expanding saturated type synonyms

I regard this as a kind of pre-pass, before serious type checking  
takes place, so I don't think it should interact with type checking  
at all.

I don't think this normalisation should include type families,  
although H98 type synonyms are a kind of degenerate case of type  

Would that design resolve this particular issue?

Not quite, but it refines my proposal of requiring that type synonyms  
in the rhs of type instances need to be saturated.  Let me elaborate.

The current implementation is wrong, as it permits

  type S a b = a
  type family F a :: * - *
  type instance F a = S a

Why do we need to forbid this type instance?  Because it breaks the  
confluence of equality constraint normalisation.  Here are two  
diverging normalisations:


F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char


F Int ~ F Int, Bool ~ Char

  == FAIL


F Int Bool  ~  F Int Char

  == TOP

S Int Bool  ~  S Int Char

  == (expand type synonym)

Int  ~  Int


However, here is a (somewhat silly) program that does have partially  
applied type synonyms in a type instances' rhs and that is perfectly ok:

  type S a b = a
  type family F (a :: * - *) b :: * - *
  type instance F a b = S (S a) b b

This is ok, because we can expand the type synonyms in the rhs of the  
type instance

  S (S a) b b = S a b = a

and get a valid type.

So, the crucial point is that, as you wrote,

I don't think this normalisation should include type families,  
although H98 type synonyms are a kind of degenerate case of type  

The only way to stratify the normalisation of type synonyms and type  
families such that all type synonyms are expanded before any family  
applications are normalised is by requiring that after normalising the  
rhs of a type instance declaration *by itself*, we get a type that  
only contains saturated applications of type synonyms.  (As Claus  
wrote, this is after all what we do for class instance heads.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

one might say that the central point of example two were two
partially applied type synonym families in the same position
(rhs of a type synonym family instance definition).

usually, when reduction meets typing, there is a subject reduction
theorem, stating that types do not change during reduction. since,
in this case, reduction and constraint generation happen at the
same (type) level, the equivalent would be a proof of confluence,
so that it doesn't matter which type rules are applied in which
order (in this case, decomposition and reduction).

Well, we still need normal subject reduction (i.e., types don't change  
under value term reduction), and we have established that for System  
FC (in the TLDI paper).

In addition, type term normalisation (much like value term  
normalisation) needs to be confluent; otherwise, you won't get a  
complete type inference/checking algorithm.

as far as i could determine, the TLDI paper does not deal with
the full generality of ghc's type extensions, so it doesn't stumble
over this issue, and might need elaboration.

System FC as described in the paper is GHC's current Core language.   
What are you missing?

| The most clean solution may indeed be to outlaw partial  
applications of
| vanilla type synonyms in the rhes of type instances.  (Which is  
what I

| will implement unless anybody has a better idea.)

i always dislike losing expressiveness, and ghc does almost seem
to behave as i would expect in those examples, so perhaps there
is a way to fit the partial applications into the theory of your TLDI

I don't think we can avoid losing that expressiveness, as you  
demonstrated that it leads to non-confluence of type term  
normalisation - see also my reply to SimonPJ's message in this thread.

and i still don't like the decomposition rule, and i still don't
even understand that first part about comparing partially applied  
type constructors!-)

Haskell always had the decomposition rule.  Maybe we confused the  
matter, by always showing a particular instance of the decomposition  
rule, rather than the general rule.  Here it is in all it's glory:

  t1 t2 ~ t1' t2'  ==  t1 ~ t1', t2 ~ t2'

No mention of a type family.  However, the rule obviously still needs  
to be correct if we allow any of the type terms (including t1 and t1')  
to include *saturated* applications of type families.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke wrote,
given that type families are never meant to be partially applied,  
perhaps a different notation, avoiding confusion

with type constructor applications in favour of something
resembling products, could make that clearer?

something simple, like braces to group families and indices:

  type family {F a} :: * - *
  {F x} y ~ {F u} v = {F x} ~ {F u}  y ~ v

would avoid confusion about which parameters need
to be present (no partial application possible) and are
subject to family instance rules, and which parameters are subject  
to the decomposition rule.

and David Menendez wrote,

erhaps type families could use a different kind constructor to
distinguish type indexes from type parameters.

Currently, Haskell kinds are generated by this grammar:

  kind ::= * | kind - kind

We create a new production for family kinds,

  fkind ::= kind | kind -| fkind

Now, we can easily distinguish F and G,

  F :: * -| * - *
  G :: * -| * -| *

The grammar allows higher-kinded indexes, like (* - *) -| *, but
requires all indexes to precede the regular parameters. (That is, you
can't abstract over a family.)

Yes, this is something that we thought about, too.  In the System FC  
paper, we subscript all type families with their arity to achieve a  
weak form of this; ie, we'd write

  F_1 Int Bool

to make clear that (F_1 Int) is a non-decomposable family application,  
where the outermost application in ((F_1 Int) Bool) is decomposable.

The extra syntax has its advantages (more local information) and  
disadvantages (more clutter).  We weren't convinced that we need the  
extra syntax, so left it out for the moment. However, this is  
something that can always be changed if experience shows that programs  
are easier to understand with extra syntax.  It doesn't affect the  
type theory and is really a pure language design question.  I'd be  
glad to hear some more opinions about this matter.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-25 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Dan Doel:

On Tuesday 11 March 2008, Tom Schrijvers wrote:
I think you've uncovered a bug in the type checker. We made the  

choice that type functions with a higher-kinded result type must be
injective with respect to the additional paramters. I.e. in your  

F x y ~ F u v = F x ~ F u /\ y ~ v

So if we apply that to F d c ~ F a (c,a) we get:

F d ~ F a /\ c ~ (c,a)

where the latter clearly is an occurs-check error, i.e. there's no  

type c such that c = (c,a). So the error in the second version is
justified. There should have been one in the latter, but the type  

failed to do the decomposition: a bug.

While I think I understand why this is (due to the difference  
between index
and non-index types), does this mean the following won't type check  
(it does
in 6.8, but I gather its type family implementation wasn't exactly  

   type family D a :: *
   type family E a :: *

   type instance D Int  = Char
   type instance D Char = Int

   type instance E Char = Char
   type instance E Int  = Int

   type family F a :: * - *

   type instance F Int  = D
   type instance F Char = E

   foo :: F Int Int ~ F Char Char = a
   foo = undefined

Clearly, both F Int Int ~ Char and F Char Char ~ Char, but neither  
Int ~ Char

nor F Int ~ F Char.

Then again, looking at that code, I guess it's an error to have D  
and E

partially applied like that?


And one can't write, say:

   type instance F Int a = D a

correct? I suppose that clears up situations where one might be able  
construct a specific F X Y ~ F U V, but F X /~ F U \/ Y /~ V (at  
least, I

can't thing of any others off the top of my head).

Yes, this type instance is invalid.  However, early version of the  
type family implementation erroneously accepted such instances.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-24 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

type family F a :: * - *

F x y ~ F u v = F x ~ F u /\ y ~ v

words, in a type term like (F Int Bool), the two parameters Int  
and  Bool are treated differently.  Int is treated like a parameter  
to a  function (which is what you where expecting), whereas Bool is  
treated  like a parameter to a vanilla data constructor (the part  
you did not  expect).  To highlight this distinction, we call only  
Int a type  index.  Generally, if a type family F has arity n, it's  
first n  parameters are type indicies, the rest are treated like  
the parameters  of any other type constructor.

i'm not sure haskell offers the kind of distinction that we
need to talk about this: 'data constructor' is value-level,
'type constructor' doesn't distinguish between type- vs
data-defined type constructors. i think i know what you
mean, but it confuses me that you use 'data constructor'
(should be data/newtype-defined type constructor?)

Yes, I meant to write data type constructor.

and 'type constructor' (don't you want to exclude
type-defined type constructors here).

It may have been clearer if I had written data type constructor, but  
then the Haskell 98 report doesn't bother with that either (so I tend  
to be slack about it, too).

  data ConstD x y = ConstD x
  type ConstT x y = x

'ConstD x' and 'ConstT x' have the same kind, that
of type constructors: * - *. but:

  ConstD x y1 ~ ConstD x y2 = y1 ~ y2


  forall y1, y2: ConstT x y1 ~ ConstT x y2

But note that

  ConstT x ~ ConstT x

is malformed.

and i thought 'type family' was meant to suggest type
synonym families, in contrast to 'data family'?

My nomenclature is as follows.  The keywords 'type family' introduces  
a type synonym family and 'data family' introduces a data type  
family (or just data family).  The term type family includes  
both.  This follows Haskell's common use of type constructor, type  
synonym constructor, and data type constructor.

you did notice that i gave an example of how ghc does
not seem to follow that decomposition rule, didn't you?

Yes, but I didn't see why you think GHC does the wrong thing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-24 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

type family F a :: * - *

F x y ~ F u v = F x ~ F u /\ y ~ v

why would F x and F u have to be the same functions?
shouldn't it be sufficient for them to have the same result,
when applied to y and v, respectively?
Oh, yes, that is sufficient and exactly what is meant by F x ~ F  
u.   It means, the two can be unified modulo any type instances and  
local  given equalities.

sorry, i don't understand how that could be meant by 'F x ~ F u';
that equality doesn't even refer to any specific point on which these
two need to be equal, so it can only be a point-free higher-order
equality, can't it?

the right-to-left implication is obvious, but the left-to-right
implication seems to say that, for 'F x' and 'F u' to be equal on  
any concrete pair of types 'y' and 'u', they have to be equal on all  
possible types and 'y' and 'u' themselves have to be equal.

You write 'y' and 'u'.  Do you mean 'x' and 'u'?  If so, why do you  
think the implication indicates that x and u need to be the same?

again, i gave a concrete example of how ghc behaves as i would  
expect, not as that decomposition rule would suggest.

Maybe you can explain why you think so.  I didn't understand why you  
think the example is not following the decomposition rule.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-23 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

type family F a :: * - *

We made the design choice that type functions with a higher-kinded  
result type must be injective with respect to the additional  
paramters. I.e. in your case:

F x y ~ F u v = F x ~ F u /\ y ~ v

i'm still trying to understand this remark:

- if we are talking about type functions, i should be allowed
  to replace a function application with its result, and if that
  result doesn't mention some parameters, they shouldn't
  play a role at any stage, right?

- if anything other than the function result matters, isn't it
  somewhat misleading to speak of type functions?

You will notice that I avoid calling them type functions.  In fact,  
the official term is type families.  That is what they are called in  
the spec and GHC's  
option is -XTypeFamilies, too.  More precisely, they are type-indexed  
type families.

One difference between type families and (value-level) functions is  
that not all parameters of a type family are treated the same.  A type  
family has a fixed number of type indicies.  We call the number of  
type indicies the type family's arity and by convention, the type  
indicies come always before other type parameters.  In the example

  type family F a :: * - *

F has arity 1, whereas

  type family G a b :: *

has arity 2.  So, the number of named parameters given is the arity.   
(The overall kind is still F :: * - * - *; ie, the arity is not  
obvious from the kind, which I am somewhat unhappy about.)  In other  
words, in a type term like (F Int Bool), the two parameters Int and  
Bool are treated differently.  Int is treated like a parameter to a  
function (which is what you where expecting), whereas Bool is treated  
like a parameter to a vanilla data constructor (the part you did not  
expect).  To highlight this distinction, we call only Int a type  
index.  Generally, if a type family F has arity n, it's first n  
parameters are type indicies, the rest are treated like the parameters  
of any other type constructor.  Moreover, a type family of arity n,  
must always be applied to at least n parameters - ie, applications to  
type indicies cannot be partial.

This is not just an arbitrary design decision, it is necessary to stay  
compatible with Haskell's existing notion of higher-kinded unification  
(see, Mark Jones' paper about constructor classes), while keeping the  
type system sound.  To see why, consider that Haskell's higher-kinded  
type system, allows type terms, such as (c a), here c may be  
instantiated to be (F Int) or Maybe.  This is only sound if F treats  
parameters beyond its arity like any other type constructor.  A more  
formal discussion is in our TLDI paper about System F_C(X).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-23 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Tom Schrijvers:

could you please help me to clear up this confusion?-)

Let me summarize :-)

The current design for type functions with result kinds other than *
(e.g. * - *) has not gotten very far yet. We are currently  
stabilizing the ordinary * type functions, and writing the story up.  
When that's done we can properly focus on this issue and consider  
different design choices.

I don't quite agree.  The current story was pretty much settled in the  
paper on associated type synonyms already and further clarified in the  
FC paper.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-23 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Claus Reinke:

type family F a :: * - *

We made the design choice that type functions with a higher-kinded  
result type must be injective with respect to the additional  
paramters. I.e. in your case:

F x y ~ F u v = F x ~ F u /\ y ~ v

actually, i don't even understand the first part of that:-(

why would F x and F u have to be the same functions?
shouldn't it be sufficient for them to have the same result,
when applied to y and v, respectively?

Oh, yes, that is sufficient and exactly what is meant by F x ~ F u.   
It means, the two can be unified modulo any type instances and local  
given equalities.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Type parameters in type families

2008-03-19 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ryan Ingram:

On 3/17/08, Hugo Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On the other side, it fails to compile when this signature is  

fff :: forall d x. (FunctorF d) = d - F d x - F d x
fff a = fmapF a id

Interestingly, this works when you also give a type signature to id:

fff :: forall d x. (FunctorF d) = d - F d x - F d x
fff a = fmapF a (id :: x - x)

compiles for me (ghc6.8.2).  There's probably a bug in the type
checker; inference is working with no type signatures, but checking

The type checker is alright.  It is an issue that we need to explain  
better in the documentation, though.

As a simple example consider,

  class C a where
type F a :: *
foo :: F a

The only occurrence of 'a' here is as an argument of the type family  
F.  However, as discussed in this thread, decomposition does not hold  
for the type-indicies of a type family.  In other words, from F a ~ F  
b, we can *not* deduce a ~ b.  You have got the same situation for the  
'x' in type type of fff.

BTW, the same applies if you code the example with FDs.

  class C a ca | a - ca where
foo :: ca

which means, we have

  foo :: C a ca = ca

Here 'a' only appears in the context and as 'a' appears on the lhs of  
the FD arrow, that leads to ambiguities.

In summary, a type variable in a signature that appears *only* as part  
of type-indicies of type families leads to the same sort of  
ambiguities as a type variable that appears only in the context of a  
type signature.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] problem with type equality constraints

2008-03-17 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ganesh Sittampalam:

On Mon, 17 Mar 2008, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
Your are completely right.  Unfortunately, superclass equalities  
(ie, the Id a ~ ida in the class declaration of Foo) aren't fully  
implemented yet.

OK, thanks. Is there any rough idea of when they will be?

That's a bit difficult to say.  The main problem is that the current  
handling of evidence for classes and access to superclass evidence  
doesn't mix well with the fact that the evidence for equalities are  
coercions (ie, type-level things, rather than value level things).

It's high up on the list, but some other things like the interaction  
between GADTs and type families (basically done now) were higher up.   
If its important to you, I'd try to get to it earlier than if nobody  
is really waiting for it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] type families, fun deps, lattices imposed on/by types

2008-03-16 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Isto Aho:
Please, consider the example 03 of Understanding functional  
via Constraint Handling rules by Sulzmann, Duck, Peyton-Jones and  

There we are defining a multiplication over different numeric types:
class Mul a b c | a b - c where
   (*) :: a - b - c
instance Mul Int Int Int where ...
instance Mul Int Float Float where ...

Ok, we could add
instance Mul Float Int Float where ...

but if we want to make everything work nicely together, Integer,  
Rational etc, there will be a lot of instances, especially if we  
have to give

both Float Int and Int Float instances.

And now the question on lattices of types (didn't know any better  

to refer to the following):
Is the following possible?  Or can something similar achieved with
type families (easily)?

type lattice T a b
-- Each of the following gives a -relation between types,
-- upper gives a method, how we get the larger (2nd) from
-- the smaller (1st).
lattice instance T Int Integer where upper = fromIntegral
lattice instance T Int Float   where upper = fromIntegral
lattice instance T Integer (Ratio Integer) where upper = ...
lattice instance T (Ratio Integer) Double  where ...
lattice instance T Float Double ...
lattice instance T Double (Complex Double) ...

-- e.g.   Now the compiler can check that the top type is
-- unique and that there is a path from every type to the top type.
-- If the compiler founds this not to be the case, an error is output.
-- But otherwise there can be types that are not comparable but
-- the common top is quaranteed to exist.

class Mul a b c where
lattice T
(*) :: a - b - c
(*) x y = (upper x y x) * (upper x y y)
-- Now there is no need for the instances like.
instance Mul Int Float Float where ...
instance Mul Float (Ratio Integer) Double where ...

In the definition, the upper function only has one argument...

The compiler can generate those instances, because we have given
the upper-methods. There is always the top available.
(*) x y = (upper x y x) * (upper x y y)
might could be replaced with
(*) x y = x * y
because of the presence of lattice T and thus, the upper-function.

If this were possible, the benefits would be:
- No need to state Int Float and Float Int instances on cases
  where the operands do commute.
- No need to write a large number of instances if you have several
  types on lattice (e.g. some more or less well defined relation).
- If the relation between types is not clear, we could define another
  lattice T2 to our Mul2 class for the other uses.

Continuing the idea: we could override the default instances generated
by the compiler with our own instances when needed.

Ok, so, is it possible to write something like that already?  (I just
wouldn't like write a lot of instances...)  If not, would it be
possible to extend, say ghc, to work that way or are there too much
inconsistencies in the above presentation?

Using your idea of separating the lattice and conversion from the  
definition of multiplication, you can at least save yourself the class  

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances,  
UndecidableInstances #-}

 type family Join a b :: *
 type instance Join Int   Int   = Int
 type instance Join Float Float = Float
 type instance Join Int   Float = Float
 type instance Join Float Int   = Float

 class Conv a b where
   conv :: a - b
 instance Conv Int Float where
   conv = fromIntegral
 instance Conv Int Int where
   conv = id
 instance Conv Float Float where
   conv = id

 class Mul a b where
   mul :: a - b - Join a b
 instance (Conv a (Join a b), Conv b (Join a b), Num (Join a b))
   = Mul a b where
   mul x y = conv x * conv y

You will have to write quite a lot of type instances of Join.   
However, the rest of the code is as concise as you seem to want it.

You could even do better with Join by using more sophisticated type- 
level data structures; i.e., you could define type-level association  
lists and define Join as a type-level lookup function, including rules  
for reflexivity and symmetry, on those lists.  In other words, instead  
of hard-coding the laws of lattices into the compiler, you'd just  
programatically define them as part of your type-level program.  This  
is more flexible, as I am sure there are other applications, where we  
don't want a lattice, but some other structure.

See also Andrew Appleyard's recent BSc thesis on how a similar  
approach can be used to embed the type structure of a different  
programming language in Haskell.  In his case, this was the subtyping  
relation of C#:


PS: The use of UndecidableInstances in the above code is a bit  
unfortunate, but it is forced on us by the rather complicated instance  
context of Mul (even if the above set of family and class instances is  
of course perfectly 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] problem with type equality constraints

2008-03-16 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ganesh Sittampalam:

When I try to compile this code with ghc-6.9.20080310:

module Test2 where

type family Id a
type instance Id Int = Int
type instance Id (a, b) = (Id a, Id b)

class Id a ~ ida = Foo a ida

instance Foo Int Int
instance (Foo a ida, Foo b idb) = Foo (a, b) (ida, idb)

I get these errors:

   Couldn't match expected type `ida' against inferred type `Id a'
 `ida' is a rigid type variable bound by
   the instance declaration at Test2.hs:12:16
   When checking the super-classes of an instance declaration
   In the instance declaration for `Foo (a, b) (ida, idb)'

   Couldn't match expected type `idb' against inferred type `Id b'
 `idb' is a rigid type variable bound by
   the instance declaration at Test2.hs:12:27
   When checking the super-classes of an instance declaration
   In the instance declaration for `Foo (a, b) (ida, idb)'

It seems to me that since Foo a ida and Foo b idb are superclassess,  
Id a ~ ida and Id b ~ idb should be known and so this should have  
worked - am I missing something?

Your are completely right.  Unfortunately, superclass equalities (ie,  
the Id a ~ ida in the class declaration of Foo) aren't fully  
implemented yet.  If I am not mistaken, superclass equalities, class  
defaults for associated type families, and GADT data instances are the  
three major features of type families/equality constraint saga that  
aren't fully implemented yet.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bug with GADT in function Patterns?

2008-03-12 Thread Manuel M T Chakravarty

Hi Hugo,

I have found a bug on the compiler (at least ghc 6.8.2). For some  
module (yes, the example does nothing at all):

module Test where

data Type a where
Func :: Type a - Type b - Type (a - b)
PF :: Type a - Type (PF a)

data PF a where
ID :: PF (a - a)

test :: Type a - a - a
test (PF (Func _ _)) ID = ID

I get the impossible:

$ ghci Test.hs -fglasgow-exts
GHCi, version 6.9.20080303:  :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, interpreted )
ghc-6.9.20080303: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 6.9.20080303 for i386-apple-darwin):
$co${tc aog} [tv]
predt_ao8{tv} [tau] ~ a{tv aob} [sk] - a{tv aob} [sk]
Please report this as a GHC bug: 

However, the following implementations of test compile ok:

test :: Type a - a - a
test (PF _) ID = ID

test :: Type a - a - a
test (PF (Func _ _)) x = x

It has something to do with mixing different GADTs contructors.

Should this be submitted as a bug as it is?

The implementation of type checking of GADTs was completely redone in  
6.9.  Could you please check whether you have the same problem with  
the current version of 6.9 in the darcs repo.  If yes, then please  
submit it as a bug.


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