Re: [hibernate-dev] mutable versus immutable natural keys

2011-12-07 Thread Chris Bredesen
On 12/07/2011 10:29 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
 One of the enhancements I want to get into 4.1 is HHH-2879 / HHH-2896
 regarding adding an actual API for entity loading by natural key.


 However, I think at the same time we should be more explicit and
 consistent about what it means when we say that a mapped natural key is
 mutable or immutable.  Basically, is immutable a hint from the user
 that the values cannot change (so that we can perform certain
 optimizations)?  Or is immutable a mandate that we have to verify the
 natural key has not changed, either through Hibernate or behind us?

 Today we kind of have a blend of those two.

 Personally I think we should take it as a hint from the user that the
 values will not change.  WDYT?

Would the hint mechanism involve any detection of changed values at all? 
  What would the user see if a natural key were changed?

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate Core is now using Git

2010-10-07 Thread Chris Bredesen
Z-Shell also has good native (?) command completion for git and ships 
with both GNU/Linux and OS X...  And for users of both platforms (like 
myself), zsh feels more consistent between Linux and OS X whereas bash 
does not (for whatever reason).


On 10/07/2010 09:32 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
 Adding to the favorite git tools:

 Command completion support (git-completion.bash) is pretty good if your
 a command shell type person.  The script is available via Git project
 source and other places (included in Fedora).  If you read the below
 mentioned progit book (just ordered my copy last week :), you will have
 read which talks about

 There are various GUIs but gitk is my favorite so far.

 On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 11:30 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 Hibernate Core now uses Git as the version control system.
 You can access it at

 Core on Git

 We have imported the SVN history (at least what GIT could extract) and 
 pushed the SVN trunk, branch 3.5 and branch 3.3. If you need more of the 
 legacy branches or tags, let me know, that can be arranged.

 If you want to contribute a fix or new feature, either use the pure Git 
 approach, or use the GitHub fork capability (see and ) 
 The benefit of the GitHub approach is that we can comment on the pull 
 request and code though I am far from an expert so far and their flow could 
 easily be improved (slightly confusing).

 If you still want to do it the old way a provide a patch file, that's ok too.

 Tips on Git
 Here are some tips on Git:

 o read Pro Git awesome book and very practical. It 
 has a free html and epub version (buying the tree version is recommended to 
 repay the author).

 o prefer the git protocol when cloning over http (so say the experts). At 
 the very least that will be much faster. cloning the repo from GitHub took 
 me less than 3 minutes

 #for people with read/write access
 git clone

 #for people with read-only access
 git clone git://

 It will create a remote link named origin. I usually tend to rename it to 
 reflect what it is really.
 git remote rename origin core-on-github

 o always work on a topic branch and merge your work when you are done
 git checkout master
 git checkout -b HHH-XXX
 hack commit hack commit

 Likewise if you want to share a work with somebody from the Hibernate team, 
 push or define the pull request of your topic branch (though make sure your 
 topic branch is above master).

 o prefer small commits, they will be more readable and will very unlikely 
 fail on merge

 o write good comments (short one line including the issue at stack followed 
 by a blank line and a more detailed explanation if needed)
 `HHH-XXX Fix NPE on persist

 Fix stupid bug by Gavin that lead to a NPE when persisting objects with 

 o prefer rebase over merge
 Rebase put changes from the branch you forked below the new commits you have 
 done and thus keep the history linear.

 got checkout HHH-XXX
 git rebase master

 DO NOT rebase a branch that you have shared publicly (unless you know people 
 won't use it or you wish them harm).

 o while you are at rebasing, you can rewrite your commit history to clean 
 comments or merge some commits together (named squashing)
 git rebase -i HEAD~6 (go back 6 commits in time)

 o once you're fed up with typing longish command lines, use aliases (see 

 o I've put a copy of my ~/.gitconfig file in case people want to copy some 
 things including aliases (see below)

 o if you use Mac OS X, GitX is a fantastic tool, in particular to do 
 interactive staging and commit only some parts of a file

 o you can read this blog entry that was some more info

 o feel free to add your tips to this email thread, I'll likely compile them 
 in a blog entry.

  name = Redacted
  email =
  signingkey =
  editor = open -nW -a Smultron
  tool = opendiff
  ui = auto
 [color branch]
  current = yellow reverse
  local = yellow
  remote = green
 [color diff]
  meta = yellow bold
  frag = magenta bold
  old = red bold
  new = green bold
 [color status]
  added = yellow
  changed = green
  untracked = cyan
  user = redacted
  token = redacted
  co = checkout
  undo = reset --hard
  cb = checkout -b
  br = branch
  cp = cherry-pick

 hibernate-dev mailing list


Re: [hibernate-dev] Discussion of services

2010-10-04 Thread Chris Bredesen
On 10/02/2010 06:39 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:

Isn't there a service-lifecycle-and-dependency-injection library in our 
arsenal we can use?

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Annotation name for column-level read/write expression

2010-09-28 Thread Chris Bredesen
read + write = access


On 09/28/2010 07:33 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
 Really we went through the same discussion when developing the original
 feature in terms of what to call it when discussing/documenting it.  I
 like the read and write aspects; its the general quality of applying
 read/write thats tougher to term.

 Another option is @ColumnReadWrite.

 On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 11:29 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 As of right now, yes.
 Trying to support it was not super trivial but I can give it a second round 

 @ReadWriteWrapper would work. We don't use wrapper though in the doc for 
 this feature but that can be changed.

 On 28 sept. 2010, at 05:54, Steve Ebersole wrote:

 Is the 'forColumn' attribute required if a single column value?

 On Mon, 2010-09-27 at 22:53 -0500, Steve Ebersole wrote:

 @ReadWrapper( forColumn=credit_card_num,
 expression=decrypt(credit_card_num) )
 @WriteWrapper( forColumn=credit_card_num, expression=encrypt(?) )

 On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 00:10 +0200, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 Hey guys,
 I've implemented and 
 committed it. It basically looks like that

 class CreditCard {
public String getCreditCardNumber() { return creditCardNumber; }
public void setCreditCardNumber(String number) { this.creditCardNumber 
 = number; }
private String creditCardNumber;

 However, I am not super happy about @ReadWriteExpression as a name. 
 @ColumnReadWriteExpression is the most correct name but quite mouthful.

 Anybody gets a better idea?


 hibernate-dev mailing list


hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] where can I learn about contributing a patch to hibernate?

2010-09-21 Thread Chris Bredesen

First step would be to file a JIRA and include the patch there:

Also it helps immensely if there is a test case for the bug included in 
the patch.  If not, definitely run the test suite and ensure the patch 
does not cause a regression.


On 09/21/2010 11:24 AM, Justin Sands wrote:
 Hi, I have a patch I would like to contribute; however, I am unfamiliar with 
 hibernate development community.
 How can I find out how I should proceed?  I've been on the and
 JBoss sites, but didn't find a how to contribute FAQ.
 Can someone point me in the right direction?


   -- Justin

 hibernate-dev mailing list
hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] solidDB Hibernate dialect ?

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Bredesen
On 04/15/2010 07:39 AM, Niall DOWNEY wrote:
 Hi All,
 I work for IBM and we are investigating adding our solidDB dialect to the
 existing set in Hibernate. Can someone tell me how we go about this and who
 should we talk to ?.

 Apologies if this is off-topic but it was suggested in the Hibernate
 Users forum that I try posting here.

I'd start by filing a JIRA against Hibernate Core:

Attach your Dialect to the issue.  Run the test suite against your 
dialect and learn what works and what doesn't.  The best thing we can do 
for users of a Dialect is set expectations about known issues.

Hope this helps,

Chris (who has little/no say in what gets included, just trying to help)
hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] solidDB Hibernate dialect ?

2010-04-16 Thread Chris Bredesen
We discussed some other ways to deal with Dialects in the past:

I still like Option 3 -- make the Dialect available with the JDBC driver 
distribution but I don't know of anyone doing this today.


On 04/16/2010 12:38 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
 In terms of actually getting it included?  Well just passing the
 testsuite is of course a first step.

 Beyond that though I am a little leery of adding new dialects just
 because someone contributed (dumped) it.  The reasoning is quite
 simple.  We have quite a bit of this type of integration code in
 Hibernate already that goes unmaintained for long spurts of time.  And
 truth be told a lot of it deals with DB2 variants and WebSphere which of
 course makes me a little even more leery here.  So for this aspect we
 would need you (or someone) to take ownership of this code.  If you
 agree to that we can discuss those particulars off list.

 Also realize that the contributions *must* be LGPL.  We have had issues
 with that previously with regards to IBM employees and IBM's legal teams
 from LGPL FUD.  To that end, y'all must sign a contributor agreement
 accepting the terms of LGPL and agreeing to your contributions being
 made publicly available under its terms.

 Also, how many Hibernate users are actually using solidDB?

 On 04/16/2010 10:48 AM, Niall DOWNEY wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 thanks for the info. Is it just a case of checking out the latest Test
 Suite code from CVS and running what are probably JUnit tests ?. Is there
 anything else we need to do or be aware of ?.



 IBM Ireland Information Services Limited registered in Ireland with number
 97537.  Registered office: Oldbrook House, 24-32 Pembroke Road,
 Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Chris Bredesen
Sent by:
hibernate-dev-bou  cc
org   Subject
  Re: [hibernate-dev] solidDB
  Hibernate dialect ?
16/04/2010 16:25

 On 04/15/2010 07:39 AM, Niall DOWNEY wrote:
 Hi All,
 I work for IBM and we are investigating adding our solidDB dialect to the
 existing set in Hibernate. Can someone tell me how we go about this and
 should we talk to ?.

 Apologies if this is off-topic but it was suggested in the Hibernate
 Users forum that I try posting here.

 I'd start by filing a JIRA against Hibernate Core:

 Attach your Dialect to the issue.  Run the test suite against your
 dialect and learn what works and what doesn't.  The best thing we can do
 for users of a Dialect is set expectations about known issues.

 Hope this helps,

 Chris (who has little/no say in what gets included, just trying to help)
 hibernate-dev mailing list

 hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] [hibernate-announce] Hibernate 3.5.0-Beta-3 release

2010-01-14 Thread Chris Bredesen
On 01/14/2010 05:34 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
 Or simply remove them now that ANN and HEM are part of Core. The only
 drawback I see is that HEM runs before Core but I guess we could
 trigger the call to the static version display from HEM to Core.

They're still separate jars though, right?  If so, I'd prefer to leave
the version info there so that we can rule out mismatched distros by
looking at logging.

hibernate-dev mailing list

[hibernate-dev] Sonar for Hibernate 3.5

2009-10-21 Thread Chris Bredesen
You guys seen this yet?

Do the makers of Sonar just randomly run against common OSS projects or 
did someone request inclusion for Hibernate?

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] [infinispan-dev] Hibernate 3.5.0.Beta-1 released

2009-09-09 Thread Chris Bredesen
On 09/09/2009 01:09 PM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
 2009/9/9 Steve
 Again, there is no default cache provider. Â Users must decide which to

 oh, I'm sorry. There are lots of articles online saying that ehcache
 is the default;
 did this change recently or have they always been wrong?

It is the *de facto* cache provider b/c it is easy to configure, 
relatively fast and ships with Hibernate.  People twist this to mean 
that it is the default which any Hibernate user will quickly find out is 
not the case.


hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] [infinispan-dev] [ISPN-6] (Infinispan cache provider for Hibernate) Remaining TODOs, notes and questions

2009-08-05 Thread Chris Bredesen
On 08/05/2009 12:52 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:

 Semi-tangent: in general I really dislike if people have to configure
 JBC/Infinispan to get standard behaviors (e.g. eviction). Much better if
 people can use the standard configuration mechanism of whatever service
 is using JBC/Infinispan, and only touch JBC/Infinispan configs for
 exotic stuff. So, for example, web session passivation is configured via
 jboss-web.xml, not via a JBC eviction region.

 If the properties needed to configure 2nd Level Cache eviction could be
 reduced to 2 or 3, being able to express them via the SessionFactory
 config would be nice, e.g.


 Perhaps just support LRU that way; if people want exotic stuff beyond
 LRU they have to go to the Infinispan config.

Abso-freakin-lutely.  Love this idea.

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate 3.3.1.GA compatibility question

2009-06-04 Thread Chris Bredesen


As this list is intended for discussions about the development of 
Hibernate (not usage of), I'd start with a JIRA search of Hibernate Core 
sorted by date, descending to see what was recently fixed.  Or check the 
change logs for 3.3.2.  Both are easy to find in JIRA.


Pocius, Pete wrote:


Thank you for this information!!!  After reading your reply regarding
upgrading to Hibernate Core 3.3.2, a couple more questions came up.

Is the Hibernate 3.3.2 Core a full GA release, or an alpha or beta?

Regarding the new dialect specific for Sybase ASE 15, could we still use
Hibernate Core 3.3.1 GA with the SybaseDialect while running with ASE
15?  Or, are there reasons we would want to use the Hibernate Core 3.3.2
with the new SybaseASE15Dialect running with ASE 15?

Thank you,
Pete Pocius 
EDS, an HP Company 
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-Original Message-
From: Juraci Paixao Krohling [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:29 AM

To: Pocius, Pete
Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate 3.3.1.GA compatibility question


Em 04-06-2009 15:48, Pocius, Pete escreveu:

The company I work for is considering upgrading to Hibernate 3.3.1.GA.
We are also upgrading to ASE 15. The question I have is are there any 
compatibility issues with the following setup:

Hibernate 3.3.1.GA
ASE 15
JConnect 6.05

I would wait a week or two [1] and use Hibernate 3.3.2, as it will
contain a new dialect specific for Sybase ASE 15. Meanwhile, you can
build Hibernate from the branch [2] and run the test suite against your
database, to foresee any possible configuration mismatch.

1 -
2 -

- Juca.

hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Why cglib was replaced with javassist?

2009-05-29 Thread Chris Bredesen

First result from a search in JIRA reveals this

So I think that's your answer :)


Unmesh joshi wrote:


Till hibernate 3.2 cglib was default bytecode provider. why was it 
changed to javassist?


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hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Database Refresh Issue(Save and query)

2009-05-12 Thread Chris Bredesen
Please post this issue on the user forum.  This list is for discussion 
about the development of Hibernate itself.


sridhar veerappan wrote:

I am using hibernate 1.2, when I save the data it is getting save in the 
database(save) , but immediatly i am(query) checking for the updated 
data, I am not getting the refreshed data, getting the old data. After 
3-10 seconds, it is getting the new/updated data .

How to solve this issue.

Code snippet:
sess = HibernateConfigurator.getSessionFactory().openSession();


sess = HibernateConfigurator.getSessionFactory().openSession();
List  result = sess.find(p_query);

Thanks in Advance

hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] L2 cache and entity as parameters

2009-05-05 Thread Chris Bredesen
AFAIR this also causes some funky serialization issues in certain cases 
(can't find the issue at the moment).


Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Dialect support for SQL comments.

2009-05-04 Thread Chris Bredesen


Thanks for the work on this.  You should file a JIRA and include your 
patch there so it can be considered for inclusion.



Daniel Bell wrote:


I have recently tried turning on SQL comments in hibernate 
However, I found that our database (informix 7.31) did not support SQL 
where the comment was at the start of the comment. Instead, the comment 
needed to be after the SQL. For example:

/* not accepted by informix 7.31*/ select * from systables;

select * from systables /* accepted by informix 7.31*/

Because of this, I have added a method to the Dialect for adding comments:

* Add a comment to the SQL string.
* @param sql  StringBuffer holding the SQL.
* @param comment  Comment to add to the SQL. May be null.
   public void addCommentToSql(StringBuffer sql, String comment) {
   if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(comment))
   sql.insert(0, /*  + comment +  */ );

Thus, the default implementation provides the same functionality as 
before. However, derived Dialects may override this method to add the 
comment in a different location.

It is also possible to add additional comments in the derived Dialect. 
In our case, we also add the Java thread ID.

I have included a complete patch for this change for hibernate 3.2.6.GA. 
Please consider its inclusion in Hibernate.


hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] what's going on

2009-04-23 Thread Chris Bredesen
If you're getting the multiple last resources message, then you're not 
using XA resources.  The allowMultipleLastResources setting is a very 
dangerous thing to use and I would not recommend enabling it.

All that said, I don't understand why there'd be any long timeouts with 
all of this


Elhanan Maayan wrote:
thanks, i've read only half of it and i'll explain why. we had not 
gotten to actually recovering from a transaction for simple reason that 
we are unable to actually create one. as soon as we begin a transaction, 
we get 2 different  jdbc data sources to oracle under a stateless 
session ejb, when we use the 2nd getConnection jboss hangs for a half a 
minute, and then bombs with unable to enlist data source exception. we 
tried to walk though the debugger and it seems somethings during the 
lock of a transaction, (we used jboss 4.2.0 which uses jbossjta 4.2.3 
sp3 which we didn't have the source code for, so now we are trying jboss 
4.2.3 which uses jbossjta 4.2.3 sp7 which we do have sources for)
before the exception occurs we see 2 warnings from arjuna i18logger 
about multiple threads, it seems the transaction is aborting (but never 
got to the code that actually aborted it).

the same code worked btw on websphere 6.1
i've seen somewhere that you could use a property called something like 
allowMultipleResources in file , but that didn't 
work as well.
this reminded me of the case in jboss 3.2.5, we used spring 1.2.8 to get 
jta transaction, but each time we actually got a transaction it 
was already dead because of a time out,even though we just got it from 
begin transaction method.

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:50 PM, John Mazzitelli wrote:

  i'm searching for a problem we've been having about opening
multiple XA Data sources for oracle,
  (opening the second hands jboss and throws an meta-aware
exception, this happens in jboss 4.2)

This might help :-)

hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] want to join hibernate development community

2009-04-14 Thread Chris Bredesen

Some observations on this thread:

1. You do not need m2eclipse.  /trunk and /Branch_3_3 both use Maven 2 
and will build straight away with mvn compile.

2. You can generate Eclipse or IDEA project files from the command line 
in the standard Maven way (mvn eclipse:eclipse or mvn idea:idea) and 
then import the projects.  I understand that IDEA reads Maven metadata 
natively but I cannot speak to that.

3. Only committers are allowed to ... commit.  This is what the server is for. is a replica with 
read-only privileges.  Use this for now.  You are free to open JIRA 
tickets and attach patch files which will be reviewed by Hibernate 
committers and possibly committed in a future release.

4. Yes, Hibernate is complicated.  It is not a trivial project to jump 
into head-first.  So please understand that there are many ways to 

  * Helping on the forums
  * Hanging around in IRC to participate/answer questions
  * Improving the wiki
  * Filing JIRA issues for bugs or attaching test cases that are required

Happy Hibernating,


joy deep wrote:

Thanks soo much , I was by the side of the ocean no idea about depth .
Are only JBoss people allowed to make changes !!!

Thanks and Regards
Joydeep Bhattacharjee

--- On *Tue, 14/4/09, Elhanan Maayan /* wrote:

From: Elhanan Maayan
Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] want to join hibernate development
To: joy deep
Cc: Peter Harrison,
Date: Tuesday, 14 April, 2009, 6:38 PM

i've started a small blog about my
experiences with open source, documenting my attempts.
please note that you will need m2eclipse plugin to download the

code, as the svn repo is not in eclipse project.
you will then need to change your .settings.xml file for maven in
~/m2 direcotry  for jboss plugins
also after you downloaded the code you will encounter huge amount of

compiler errors  you will need to the following:
1. run mvn install on the pom parent - to generate some antlr files

that were not generated during the initial load
2. change hibernate-core project compiler settings to :
   generated .class file compatibility to 1.4, 
   source compatibility : 1.4

3. on hibernate-common-annotations project change the compiler
error/warnings , turn the forbidden reference (access rules) to
warning instead of error.
good luck getting your feet, personally i feel somewhat drowning

when i'm trying to figure out this bug :
personally i have no idea how anyone outside jboss can even begin to

start modify the code without some white papers or explanation on
the internal structure of hibernate.
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 6:05 AM, joy deep
/mc/compose? wrote:

Is there any SVN repository from where I can download the
source codes, and set up my project in eclipse .Can you also
give the Bugzilla link for hibernate.I want to get my feet wet
with the code soon . Thanks for replying.

Thanks and Regards
Joydeep Bhattacharjee

--- On *Tue, 14/4/09, Peter Harrison
/mc/compose?* wrote:

From: Peter Harrison
Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] want to join hibernate
development community
To: /mc/compose?
Date: Tuesday, 14 April, 2009, 5:02 AM

The ideal way to get involved is to download the source and
get familiar with it first - if you have not already. I am
here because I made some modifications to hibernate for my
own project and want to contribute back. The best way to
start is to look at existing bug reports, write a patch or
two and attach them to the ticket. Of course, I'm in a
similar boat as you, in that I'm not an active committer
right now. I'm personally looking at issues which affect me
- aka I don't want to be committing code for things that I
am not having practical use for.


Hi All,

  I am new to hibernate development community though
I have been using the the product for some time now , I
would like to be a part of this wonderful product how
can I get on with it .

Re: [hibernate-dev] large hql queries holding classloader lock for too long in weblogic

2008-12-30 Thread Chris Bredesen


This is good information but it should be raised on the user forum or 
perhaps filed as a JIRA with a test case.  This list is for discussion 
of the development of Hibernate (not *using* Hibernate).



Unmesh joshi wrote:


We had an issue in our project where large hql expressions holding on 
lock to ChangeAwareClassloader in weblogic.

We had an hql query which was like

select * from ClassA a where a.identifier = 'id1' or a.identifier='id2' 
or .  a.identifier='id1000'.

This was certainly bad to have this big or expression, but an issue this 
caused in weblogic is something interesting.
Hibernate query engine processes each identifier in a query to see if 
its a Java Class. So for each one of ClassA, a.identifier etc it calls 
Class.forName, if NoClassDefFound exception is thrown, 
ReflectHelper.getConstantValue returns null.

Now the problem is, if the expression is huge, recursive calls to 
/NodeTraverser.visitDepthFirst create huge stack trace. While building 
ClassNotFoundException, system class loader gets stuck to build all this 
stack trace. Because 
weblogic/utils/classloaders/ChangeAwareClassLoader.loadClass method is 
synchronized, any other thread trying to load any other class is 
blocked. If the stack trace is huge and taking consideratble amount of 
time to create Exception object, the lock is held for that much time, 
blocking every other thread trying to any the class. It brought down our 
servers in test environment.

Is this a known issue in weblogic and hibernate? I know that building 
such a large expression is bad(and we have already changed the code 
which was doing that), but the way its blocking the classloader in 
weblogic is an issue I think.

Following is the thread dump.

[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '9' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default 
(self-tuning)' id=614 idx=0x3f8 tid=15385 prio=1 alive, in native, daemon

at pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2+170(:0)@0x318c008a7a
at vmtWaitUntilNotSoftSuspended+66(:0)@0x2a955e35c2
at find_codeinfo+138(:0)@0x2a955b032e
at cmFindStackCodeInfoWithHint+44(:0)@0x2a955b040e
at frameIterFindCodeInfo+19(:0)@0x2a9571b11f
at frameIterGetCurrentAndStep+130(:0)@0x2a9571b489
at jniFillInStackTrace+368(:0)@0x2a95630d25
at JVM_FillInStackTrace+9(:0)@0x2a95647661
at RJNI_jrockit_vm_Reflect_fillInStackTrace0+9(:0)@0x2a956f5983
jrockit/vm/Reflect.fillInStackTrace0(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V(Native Method)

at java/lang/Throwable.init([optimized]
at java/lang/Exception.init([inlined]

at java/net/URLClassLoader$[inlined]

at java/net/URLClassLoader.findClass([optimized]
at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass([optimized]
^-- Holding lock: java/net/urlclassloa...@0x4993580[thin lock]
at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass([optimized]
^-- Holding lock: 
weblogic/utils/classloaders/genericclassloa...@0x469e900[thin lock]

at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass([inlined]

at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass([optimized]
^-- Holding lock: 
weblogic/utils/classloaders/genericclassloa...@0x4969138[thin lock]

at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass([inlined]
at java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass([inlined]
^-- Holding lock: 

at jrockit/vm/Classes.loadClassInternal([optimized]
^-- Holding lock: 
weblogic/utils/classloaders/changeawareclassloa...@0x4915178[fat lock]

at jrockit/vm/RNI.c2java(J)V(Native Method)

at jrockit/vm/Classes.forName([inlined]
at java/lang/Class.forName([inlined]

Re: [hibernate-dev] TableGenerator missing not null

2008-12-12 Thread Chris Bredesen
The not null constraint is redundant in Oracle and possibly others; you 
wind up with two constraints on the table if you specify PK  not null. 
 Perhaps we need an attribute on the Dialect for this...


Juraci Costa wrote:


As suggested in a previous topic, I'll pay a genuine Czech beer in any pub in 
Brno for whoever reviews the patch in HHH-3650[1] (or Moravian wine, if you 
prefer) :-)

The class is used to generate tables which acts as sequences. In the method sqlCreateStrings(), it 
builds a create-table statement, but the primary key column specified by the property segmentColumnName is not being marked as 
not-null, causing DB2 (and probably others) to throw an exception. So, the patch adds a not null in the statement, 
but I'm wondering if I should get the not null string from somewhere else. I suspected that Dialect would have it, but only 
have for nullable columns. I believe that not null is quite standard, and doesn't requires the abstraction, but 
maybe you have another idea :-)

- Juca.

hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] TableGenerator missing not null

2008-12-12 Thread Chris Bredesen

Juraci Costa wrote:

- Chris Bredesen escreveu:

The not null constraint is redundant in Oracle and possibly others;
wind up with two constraints on the table if you specify PK  not

I don't think so. I tested in our QA lab in both Oracle 9i and 10g. Only one 
constraint and only one index. This may be true for other databases (I can 
verify in all the supported), but even if this is the case, would it cause much 

Maybe that's the case now.  I took a ton of flack from my Oracle DBA a 
couple years ago for giving him Hibernate generated scripts that 
included both PK and not null. :)

  Perhaps we need an attribute on the Dialect for this...

Like getNotNullStringForPK() returning not null/ or needsNotNullInPK() returning true/false ? What should be the default in Dialect? 

If it's no longer an issue then I would definitely not pollute the Dialect.

By the way, let me know when you come to Brno. I'm in debt with you :-) 

I'll take you up on it if ever I'm out that way!

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Re: IRC Client For Setting Environment

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Bredesen

Spell freenode correctly and you will have more success :)

Thamayanthi k wrote:
Please find the attached log, not able to connect to netweork, i updated 
the network to FreeNode

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:08 AM, Thamayanthi k [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

When I configue with below server,showing not able to connect
options-servers (select the server) - connect

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Juraci Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Connect to channel #hibernate-dev . I'm there, with nickname
jcosta. Also, make sure you are connected to some server in the
freenode network ( is
a good server, as it routes to your closest server).

- Juca.

- Mensagem original -
De: Thamayanthi k [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 10 de Dezembro de 2008 13:21:48 GMT
+01:00 Amsterdã / Berlim / Berna / Roma / Estocolmo / Viena
Assunto: IRC Client For Setting Environment


I have added your name with Juca as Nick name in Notification
list to server
as #hibernate-dev. please let me know if any other if i need to
connect to


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hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Interested in new development

2008-12-09 Thread Chris Bredesen
You'll need to connect to with an IRC client. 
Information is here:


Thamayanthi k wrote:

Could you please help me to proceed further?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Thamayanthi k [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Page is not displaying, it is showing 'Just' as 'It Works'
 how to join in @hibernate-dev.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Juraci Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Thamayanthi k [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  I didn't understand what you are asking?

I can help you on getting your environment properly set if you
join us on IRC, channel #hibernate-dev, on freenode network

- Juca.

hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Interested in new development

2008-12-08 Thread Chris Bredesen
Hibernate uses Subversion and you should be using the Anonymous link 
listed on the page Max sent.


Thamayanthi k wrote:

Hi All,
Can any one help me to setup the environment to start understand and work?


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Thamayanthi k [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Could any one please provide me the details for below problem?


On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Thamayanthi k

When I try to open the developer link, it is asking

To checkout the files from CVS, Do I need to

Compiling Hibernate link is not loading the page?. Will it can

be accssible inside the firewall?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen

has all the info or link to it.



 I need some details reagrding the environment setup and
all before
starting. where can i get the details about?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:56 PM, John Mazzitelli

   Though I have less knowledge in Hibernate. I am
interested in working
  with new development and fixes

Feel free to finish this for me :)

Read the full thread for background and what needs
to be done:

Steve would like this refactored and moved over to
the JMX module.  This
actually might be a good thing for someone new to
do; someone that wants to
get started - its fairly out of the way of the
hard-core hibernate stuff,
but it'll get your feet wet working in the hibernate
dev environment.

Just a thought ;}


hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Anyone having problems in tutorials module?

2008-12-01 Thread Chris Bredesen
I saw this too and fixed it the same way.  I never got around to filing 
a JIRA and committing.


Juraci Costa wrote:


Hudson jobs for trunk are failing due to a dependency missing:

  Path to dependency: 
  	1) org.hibernate:hibernate-tutorials:pom:3.4.0-SNAPSHOT

2) org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.4.2

I got this error on my local setup too, when building the tutorials module. I changed the pom.xml to use jcl-over-slf4j version 1.5.2 instead of 1.4.2, and it is working again. It seems that the version 1.4.2 doesn't exists anymore in maven repository:

Am I the only one who faced this? Is changing this version the way to go? If 
so, I can open a JIRA for it and commit my changes.

- Juca.
hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] CharacterTypeMapping within Oracle10gDialect

2008-11-12 Thread Chris Bredesen
A CLOB is an entirely different animal than a text/char/varchar column. 
 I'd be somewhat surprised to find out that my Types.VARCHAR got turned 
into a LOB, personally - even if they are not recommended on Oracle.  Of 
course you can extend the Dialect in any way you see fit, or just map 
your property as a CLOB from the get go.  Not that I'm not a fan of 
CLOBs, I am; it's just that VARCHAR conceptually maps better to a long 
than to a CLOB.

My 2 cents :)

Thorsten Gast wrote:


I just wonder if there is any reason, why the Oracle10gDialect uses the 
characterTypeMapping of the Oracle9iDialect, and doesn't implement its own. As far as I 
know is the usage of long-columns in Oracle10g deprecated and should be 
replaced by clobs.

Shouldn't look the mapping something like this?

protected void registerCharacterTypeMappings() {
registerColumnType( Types.CHAR, char(1 char) );
registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, 4000, varchar2($l char) );
registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, clob );

Or are there any reasons why I should prefer the usage of long-columns within 

Best regards


hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

[hibernate-dev] mvn eclipse:eclipse

2008-11-06 Thread Chris Bredesen


I'm not sure when this broke, but Maven 2.0.9 (perhaps others) will not 
create Eclipse projects using 'mvn eclipse:eclipse'.  Even though the 
various modules are indeed aggregated in a multi-module POM, the plugin 
insists on inter-referencing the modules as jars rather than project 
dependencies.  This is caused by this bug:

The workaround listed on the JIRA is solid.  To create Eclipse projects 
from a fresh checkout of trunk or 3.3, you can use this:

mvn -DdisableDistribution=true process-classes eclipse:eclipse

Hope this saves a little frustration for someone.

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate Core 3.3 / HEM/HAN 3.4.0 migration hooplas

2008-09-19 Thread Chris Bredesen

Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

Lost of people are bitten by the slf4j implementation drop issue: unless 
you drop an slf4j impl, you get nasty CNFE. I wonder if we could make 
that easier for users.

I had a chat with a former coworker last night who was starting with 
Hibernate and had downloaded 3.3.  I was a bit surprised that we don't 
package/ship any of the SLF4J implementations.  It's one thing to have 
to explicitly pick one, but it's another thing to have to go download 
something from a third party before Hibernate will even work (unless 
Log4J is unique in this respect...).

Can this be changed?

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Hibernate Core 3.3 / HEM/HAN 3.4.0 migration hooplas

2008-09-19 Thread Chris Bredesen

Emmanuel Bernard wrote:

Thinking out loud. Couldn't we check if the first SLF4J call raises CNFE 
and wraps that in a meaningful Exception
HibernateException(You forgot to add a SLF4J implementation (like 
slf4log4j) in your class path, go do blah blah);

If this is doable (sounds like it is), it would be much better user 

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Contributed with HiRDB Dialect

2008-09-17 Thread Chris Bredesen


I've had a conversation with Steve regarding the addition of new 
Dialects such as the one you've proposed.  Here are the options:

1. Integrate a new org.hibernate.dialect.HiRDBDialect into Hibernate's 
source code.  This is reasonable for mainstream highly used databases 
that most users would expect us to provide support for.  In this 
scenario, there's an implied responsibility on behalf of the Hibernate 
team to ensure that they remain usable as Hibernate and the RDBMS 
evolves.  While it's great to get contributions for new and interesting 
platforms, sometimes this happens one time only and in 5 years, we're 
left with a Dialect that nobody can use and nobody is available to 
maintain it.

2. Integrate a new org.hibernate.dialect.HiRDDialect into an optional 
distribution that users are free to download and use at their leisure. 
This is a good choice for less used integration pieces that may be less 
actively maintained than core code.  We are open to this for your case 
but it would take some time to set up (Steve can comment on exactly when 
this might take place).

3. Ship HiRDBDialect as a download from or part of the 
HiRDB JDBC distribution (in a* package).  I actually like 
this option a lot because it is clear who owns/maintains the code. 
Also, new versions of the Dialect can be shipped as HiRDB evolves and 
releases new versions.  Including it with the JDBC driver would make the 
Hibernate dialect available automatically to anyone who needs it.

What do you think of option 3?  Is this something you can facilitate 
along with the team that maintains the JDBC driver?  We will be happy to 
provide links to the downloadable Dialect on so that users 
can find things easily.  If this is not an option, I'll discuss the 
creation of an extras module that can house code like this.  We may 
have to do this already because there are some existing bits of code 
that really should not be part of the core distribution for reasons 
outlined above.

There's also the issue of testing.  I don't envision acquiring hardware 
and licenses to HiRDB so that we can make it part of our QA suite. 
Shipping a Dialect as part of the core distribution tends to give users 
the impression that we are 100% confident in its quality (even if our 
web site says differently).  We clearly can't be 100% confident in code 
quality when we don't actively test against a given scenario.  Based on 
this I think option 3 is the best but please let me know if this can 
work for you.



Tomoto Shimizu Washio wrote:

Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, there is no free version of HiRDB.  I think I could do
(a) running the tests in our side and sending you the result or
(b) getting a copy for you from my organization (perhaps arranging some
kind of contract would be required but I'm not sure).  Which do you want
me to do?

I guess (a) is easier for both of us if you don't have to keep HiRDB
with you for regular testing.  I already have the test result on 3.2.5.
If you would like me to test on another version, I could do it also.


On Fri, 05 Sep 2008 13:35:00 -0400
Chris Bredesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thank you for the contribution!  Is there somewhere that one might 
obtain a copy of HiRDB to run the unit tests against?



Hi, my name is Tomoto at Software Division in Hitachi.

I have posted a dialect for HiRDB (Hitachi's RDBMS, see *1) to JIRA.

I would appreciate it if someone in the team could take a look at it
for evaluation, and I would be happy to solve the issues you saw if
any.  I really wish this dialect to be incorporated into Hibernate
so that our customers could easily use Hibernate on HiRDB.

This dialect comes with a feature to allow the user to declare the
parameter types of user-defined functions in the properies file. It
was necessary because HiRDB required ? parameters to be qualified by
'as type' in user-defined function invocations.  If there were
other databases that required the similar feature, and if you thought
my implementation was good enough to let them use, I might be able to
make an entry point on the Dialect base class so that other subclasses
could use it more easily.


Thank you in advance,

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Contributed with HiRDB Dialect

2008-09-05 Thread Chris Bredesen


Thank you for the contribution!  Is there somewhere that one might 
obtain a copy of HiRDB to run the unit tests against?



Hi, my name is Tomoto at Software Division in Hitachi.

I have posted a dialect for HiRDB (Hitachi's RDBMS, see *1) to JIRA.

I would appreciate it if someone in the team could take a look at it
for evaluation, and I would be happy to solve the issues you saw if
any.  I really wish this dialect to be incorporated into Hibernate
so that our customers could easily use Hibernate on HiRDB.

This dialect comes with a feature to allow the user to declare the
parameter types of user-defined functions in the properies file. It
was necessary because HiRDB required ? parameters to be qualified by
'as type' in user-defined function invocations.  If there were
other databases that required the similar feature, and if you thought
my implementation was good enough to let them use, I might be able to
make an entry point on the Dialect base class so that other subclasses
could use it more easily.


Thank you in advance,

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] 3.3 and maven-eclipse-plugin

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Bredesen

Max Bowsher wrote:

Hi Max.

Chris Bredesen wrote:

and it creates them with
the assumption that the project names are the same as the artifact ID.
This is in fact not the case.

It should be the case, and is for me. What is it for you, and have you
any idea why it's different?

The project dependency in cache-ehcache, for example, is created as 
depending on 'hibernate-core' and 'hibernate-testing'.  The physical 
directories that these projects are located in are 'core' and 'testing' 
respectively.  When I remove the errant project deps and open the dialog 
to re-add them, I'm given 'core' and 'testing' as possibilities and 
those work fine.

No I sure don't know why they're different, hence this email :)

I don't know why maven would assume a project is named after its 
directory and not its artifactId.  I can tell you this was not a problem 
in the earlier days when 3.3 was trunk.  I wonder what changed?

Have you built recently?  I'm using Maven 2.0.8-SNAPSHOT...will try with 

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] 3.3 and maven-eclipse-plugin

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Bredesen

Max Bowsher wrote:

There does exist a corner case however - once you import a project into
Eclipse, Eclipse no longer cares about the name value in the on-disk
.project file. I suppose you had the relevant directories added to
Eclipse using manually created rather than plugin-generated projects.

Hmm.  Here's what I did:

svn co /Branch_3_3
cd Branch_3_3
mvn install
mvn eclipse:eclipse

Then import into Eclipse from Branch_3_3 as workspace location.

Will try it again from scratch, maybe I missed something.

Thanks Max (and Max).

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] (Newbie question) Where to find the Hibernate3 module in svn?

2008-07-21 Thread Chris Bredesen

The 3.2 branch for Hibernate core is:


Hugh M wrote:
I am trying to check out the source for hibernate according to 
instructions on

This page refers to the module Hibernate3 in a couple of places, and 
in one spot even provides an svn command

that suggests where I can get the branched version:

Important note, the current Hibernate ext trunk works with Hibernate
Core 3.2, be sure to get Hibernate3 from svn co

But when I try to grab that module I do not find it!  And I spent some 
time poking around the repository and didn't see

any modules by the name of Hibernate3!

Any suggestions and/or insight about where I can find this would be very 
appreciated.  Thanks in advance,


hibernate-dev mailing list

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Work on HHH-3110

2008-06-19 Thread Chris Bredesen

joël Winteregg wrote:

I also had the same issue which was fixed using an update of the
transaction manager I use (Bitronix 1.3). A light JNDI server is now
embedded in it...

This is an alternative that I've discussed with others off list.  IMHO, 
this better simulates the in-container JTA environment.


hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Work on HHH-3110

2008-06-19 Thread Chris Bredesen

Les Hazlewood wrote:

Hi guys,

It has been a while since I've talked to most of the Hibernate team -
I hope all is well with everyone.  I can say that I miss that I miss
working with the people, not so much the consulting travel :-P

Anyway, lemme get to business.

I upgraded from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6 and started getting exceptions about
JNDI.  The company I'm working with uses Atomikos standalone
transaction manager outside of a JEE environment (no JNDI necessary),
I found this issue that exactly describes what I'm seeing:

Whatever you wind up doing, I think it would be best to open a new 
feature request JIRA, link to HHH-3110 and attach your patch to it...

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] TransactionException

2008-05-07 Thread Chris Bredesen
This list is for the discussion of Hibernate development, not the usage 
of Hibernate.  You should post this on the forum:

The advice you followed only makes sense if you were already using C3P0, 
so when you post on the forum, please include all Hibernate config 
options and full stack traces.


Xinsheng Chen wrote:



I am using





My portlet application runs fine for most of the time.
However, in the morning when I run the Web application
and save user input into the database at the first
try, it throws exception. I got the following from
Tomcat Catalina.out.


2008-05-06 14:41:17,461 WARN
[org.springframework.web.portlet.DispatcherPortlet] -
Handler execution resulted in exception - forwarding
to resolved error view

Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction;
nested exception is
org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC begin failed:





Caused by: org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC
begin failed:




... 110 more

Caused by:
Communications link failure


I have browsed some Web sites. It is said that the
problem is stale database connection. Following the
advice I have added the following lines in my
hibernate configuration file:










But it does not help.


Any help would be appreciated!



Robert Chen



Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Is this a bug or am I just handling it the wrong way ?

2008-03-12 Thread Chris Bredesen

joël Winteregg wrote:

For that problem, I think that hint would help me: Either setup BTM to
bind to JNDI or provide an implementation of
org.hibernate.transaction.TransactionFactory that uses the purely
standalone/in-VM BTM But that would be the second phase ;-) 

I haven't looked closely enough to comment on the query problem but I 
can confirm that your assessment above is correct.   JTATransaction has 
and always has had a dependency on JNDI.  It's only been recently 
uncovered because a) we changed how/when the transaction was 
instantiated and b) it turns out some folks are using JTA services 
outside the container that don't bind to JNDI.  If you want to use such 
a service, you're exactly right - also use a JNDI service or create a 
TransactionFactory/Transaction combo that doesn't need JNDI.  This is 
trivial IMHO (though I haven't done it).  And of course if you do this, 
please share :)

hibernate-dev mailing list

Re: [hibernate-dev] Is this a bug or am I just handling it the wrong way ?

2008-03-12 Thread Chris Bredesen

joël Winteregg wrote:

Hello Chris,

Thanks for your email. As you will notice I posted a related question on this
I haven't looked closely enough to comment on the query problem but I 
can confirm that your assessment above is correct.   JTATransaction has 
and always has had a dependency on JNDI.  It's only been recently 
uncovered because a) we changed how/when the transaction was 
instantiated and b) it turns out some folks are using JTA services 
outside the container that don't bind to JNDI.  If you want to use such 
a service, you're exactly right - also use a JNDI service or create a 
TransactionFactory/Transaction combo that doesn't need JNDI.

The strange thing is that I'm also using JNDI with my Transaction
Manager - System.setProperty(java.naming.factory.initial,;.
And Hibernate is fetching the JTA service using the following lookup

Using the following Hibernate config:

property name=transaction.manager_lookup_class

property name=transaction.factory_class

As I understood from your post on issue HHH-3110, Hibernate should not
use a lookup class anymore but create (instance) the Transaction
Manager. Am I right ? If so, to do this, I should implement a
org.hibernate.transaction.TransactionFactory for my transaction
manager ?

You can do whichever works.  Using the default JTATransaction, you'll 
need JNDI.  But you can alternatively provide your own Impl that does 
not rely on JNDI.  Your choice really, and all this is pluggable so 
Hibernate won't care.

hibernate-dev mailing list