Re: [hlcoders] Accessing WndProc in HL2 SDK?

2005-09-23 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I was originally using Fmod for my mp3 player, before I stopped working on
it. One of the guys at Valve was talking about working on an example such as
an mp3 player so I stopped working with FMod and just decided to wait on
that, but it has yet to even be mentioned again :(
 Is it possible to get the current position of the playing track in
DirectShow? If that's possible and you can get the total length of the song
somehow, you could just try comparing the current position with the total
length in your think function then just manually have it move on to the next

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Re: [hlcoders] Graphics made easy (tm)

2005-09-16 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Well done.

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Re: [hlcoders] Using CZero content in a mod

2005-08-31 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You would need to get permission from Valve, Turtle Rock and Gearbox I
believe, they were all contributors. I would suggest avoiding it, but if you
absoloutly need to use it, then those 3 might be a starting point for
requesting permission. There will probably be more sources but they are the
biggies :D

hope that helps you in some way.

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Re: [hlcoders] Fading a weapon model out

2005-08-21 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
have you tried something like SetAlpha( 128 );

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Re: [hlcoders] CSS content in a mod

2005-08-15 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
In your modinfo file just change the gcf to, 240 I think it is, 220
being HL2 and 320 being HL2MP.  Then add the file path farther down to
include cstrike and you can then use all the CSS content as you would
normally use other content.  Note that if you are using HL2DM content
you can no longer use that, but HL2 is loaded automatically with CSS
so that is still usable.

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Re: [hlcoders] Keeping track of information inside the game

2005-08-01 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Are you implying that saving persistant data from Half Life 2 is
outside the MySQL license?  I was working on a simple feature in one
of my mods to throw data out to a MySQL database but if that is not
allowed in the license what do all the Stats programs fall under?

btw love the 404 :P

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Re: [hlcoders] PlanetHalflife POTD Alien Slave from garys mod

2005-07-30 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
That's just been put in the Skybox.  Which makes everything bigger, by
some factor, 16 I think.

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Re: [hlcoders] Removing entity via code

2005-07-24 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
If it's a server entity then its' removal needs to be handled by the server.

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Re: [hlcoders] Max Players

2005-07-23 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Shareddefs.h I think

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Re: [hlcoders] How to animate the playermodel for any weapon?

2005-07-16 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
in the weapon_ txt file you will find that it either ammends or
prepends an animation name for that weapon, fx in the mp sdk a grenade
has gren ammended to it the player animation.

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Re: [hlcoders] Killing citizens

2005-07-15 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I think it's player relationships or something to that extent.  The
game thinks you are friendly with them so hurting him is a no go.  So
you will either have to change his friendliness to you or alter the
game's logic so that anyone is attackable.

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Re: [hlcoders] Vehicle Prediction

2005-07-13 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
so in conclusion, not too many people have succesfully gotten vehicle
prediction on to the client, and those who have, or have made
significant progress are keeping to them selves. Sorry we couldn't
help you more krenzo

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Re: [hlcoders] ERROR

2005-07-13 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)

Is he just asking for someone to compile his work? or for you to send
10 computers?


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Re: [hlcoders] ERROR

2005-07-13 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
lol, I don't feel so bad now, if it was a joke.
Too many of those email scams read exactly the same way though, and
they take themselves seriously.

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Re: [hlcoders] Modifying run speed

2005-07-12 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
there is a convar that is called hl2_walkspeed or something like that,
and the same for sprint speed, just search through all the convars for
it, then just increase it :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Calling client.dll command's in the server.dll??? Nub Asking Here

2005-07-11 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Personally I would make a new hud element or something that can catch
a message and then activate the overlay, or even just has it's own
overlay code.

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Re: [hlcoders] Vehicle Prediction

2005-07-11 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
lol, to some extent you have good points SB.  however CSS did come
free with HL2.  The CS team was mainly 2 people, Gooseman and Cliffe,
so I say Kudos to them for getting to Valve, and since it was free
with HL2, I don't think it's too bad at all.   now DoD:S is not free,
it has a charge of some kind, so we can only wait and see how that
turns out.  Hell maybe they will surprise you.

I think Valve have done a good job with their support, their only
problem is that they dont share information... ever...

TF2. WHat 4 years, and they didn't mention they had moved it to a new
engine until after HL2 was announced.  They were supposed to give us
more details after the release, that didn't happen, we were supposed
to hear more about it after E3, anything?  nah.  We haven't even seen
screenshots, or rumors about content.

DoD:S apparently it's in development and has a rough release date, but
any more info since E3?  nope.

HDR and Lost coast.  That's in development, we've seen a nice video
and know that all the new valve games will have HDR.  Any more news
since E3? No

Aftermath : Odly enough we have quite a bit of information on this,
and that's cool, still it does have a vail of secrecy.

CSS : This has to be the most documented product at Valve.  When port
went into design we saw every step of the process, we watched what
inferno became and we followed the progress of the models, and other

I think they would be better of doing equal coverage of all their
products, since eventually the world will stop revolving CS.  It's not
that I don;t like the product, or that I don't like or want to bash
Valve, just as a developer, I am far more interested in their
development of products rather than the new spit shine

Sorry, for anyone who didn't want to read this but did, it's all been
said before.

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Re: [hlcoders] I love VGUI

2005-07-10 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
it works on all panels.  I use it on a normal vgui::panel no problem.
I have had the same issue as you do, some panels draw fine without a
background, and then others won't draw anything other than text
without a background.  I haven't been able to figure out why, I am
just forced to draw the background for any panels that decide to act
like that.

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Re: [hlcoders] Vehicle Prediction

2005-07-10 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Bunk beds probably, it's a bit more of a drop, and will definatly not
put you in a good mood

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Re: [hlcoders] Vehicle Prediction

2005-07-09 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
lol :D Those TF2 quotes are a conspiracy..  They are just there to
give you that tiny glimmer of hope that it will some day release :P :P

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Re: [hlcoders] Valve: need a clear statement

2005-07-06 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Lol it seems like they are pushing the SDK for Mods and TC's more than
plugins :D Maybe that's the way to go?

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Re: [hlcoders] Player model

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
If it's an HL2 SP mod, you will need to force it to play the
animations, try stealing the HL2DM animations.  The HL2SP player.mdl
only has the HL1 style animations.

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Re: [hlcoders] unsubscribe wsxcde [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Where would we be without the botman? :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Hiding crosshair and viewmodel

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Why not add a check for if you are in third person, to the view model
and cross hair functions that allow it to draw?

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Re: [hlcoders] Third Person Camera Tutorial

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
lol, it's amazing just how much of a headache one little return can cause

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Re: [hlcoders] A real newb question :D

2005-07-03 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
It's daunting as hell, but I am assuming that unlike my crap hole
university you have atleast covered C++ so you are doing well there.
As for how things tie into each other it really starts to make more
and more sense the more you work with it.

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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging is a problem

2005-06-30 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Bob: if you are still using this command line argument

Command Arguments : -steam -applaunch 320 -dev -allowdebug -windowed
-game d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\HLMod +map

and starting up the hl2.exe try changing the arguments to something like

-dev -allowdebug -windowed
-game d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\HLMod +map

Since you are already opening HL2 I don't think you need the steam
apps arguments, well my VS .Net debugs quite happly without them.

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Re: [hlcoders] Making EditablePanel bg transparent

2005-06-29 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I have replaced the Health panel with an image rather than the
numbers, and when ever I set the background paint to false the image
dissapears.  The title remains but both the background and image
dissapear even though the image is being drawn in the Paint()
function.  I have other panels that display like that no bother but
for some reason the Health, whether it be the modified standard
element or an element I wrote from scratch never wants to show the
image when the background is hidden.

1) Is that the same kind of issue you have?

2) Has anyone had this issue and fixed it or should I just reread the
VGUI documentation?

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Re: [hlcoders] Resetting entites on round restart.

2005-06-24 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
There is that UTIL_ that removes imediatly, but it has the nice little
comment about better not have any pointers to the entity.

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Re: [hlcoders] Selected a frame to show in an animated material

2005-06-22 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I've seen that somewhere... I can't think of it ATM though.

in on of my mods I have a gradiant to show the players health instead
of numerics, and I just used an array of 10 hud textures and painted
the appropriate one depending on the players health,

fx. material[0] would be 100 to 91, material[1] would be 90 to 81 etc..

but I am almost sure that i have seen atleast a variable that is used
for frames.

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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK - Creating Map Entities - missing function?

2005-06-16 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
That put a lid on that box didn't it?!

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Re: [hlcoders] How to add a certain delay to the server

2005-06-14 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
lol That's one way to stop the server doing anything :D

you could also do

for( int i = 0; i  6; i++ )
for(int j = 0; j  6; j++ )
for(int k = 0; k  6; k++ )

that would slow the server down quite a bit, but the best way would
probably be something like creating a boolean in your game rules, and
also a float


bool m_bGameStarted;
float m_flStartTime;

then setting m_flStartTime to gpGlobals-curtime + 10.0f or something.
and m_bGameStarted to false.

then in your think function add a check for if m_bGameStarted is
false, and if m_flStartTime is less than or equal to the current time
then change m_bGameStarted to true.

In your spawn function, whether it be the players or the gamerules
that checks if the player can spawn simply don't allow them to spawn
if m_bGameStarted is false.

There are a couple of things you will need to expand on to get it
working right but that's the general idea :D

Hope it helps

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[hlcoders] Player info being sent

2005-06-09 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I am curious as to how the server sends information for players.

If I have a number of lives for a player, say 10, and each time the
player dies they lose 1.  That means say every 1 1/2 minutes the
variable would change.  However I have a HUD element that shows the
players lives.  This accesses the local players inforation to get the
lives every OnThink().

If these lives are sent over in the players DataTable will they be
transmitted everytime something in the players DataTable is changed or
just when that particular variable is changed?



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Re: [hlcoders] Player info being sent

2005-06-09 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Ok, thanks,  so that would mean that the best way would really be just
a usermessage?

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[hlcoders] Hud element and background drawing

2005-06-05 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I have been trying to implement a simple graph for the players health
rather than numbers, and it works fine when I am drawing the
background of the element.  But no matter what I do to try and stop
the background drawing my graph also stops drawing.  I have the graph
and label both painting in the paint() function but the strange thing
is that when the background isn't being painted the label is still
printed, but the texture isn't.

Any ideas?



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Re: [hlcoders] Different Gamerules based on mapname or entities

2005-06-02 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Don't know really, the mod team decided they wanted 3 different
gameplays, 2 of which were similar and the other 1 being completely
different I thought I would break it into 2 gameplays rather than run
checks everytime on whether a feature was enabled or not.

I take it no one has every created a mod that used multiplegamerules...

lol well that's what I get for trying to be clever.

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Re: [hlcoders] Different Gamerules based on mapname or entities

2005-06-02 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Thanks guys for not completely taking the hand of me for that
completely stupid question and my arrogance towards your original
reply jeff :D

In my youthfull thinking the soloution was Make very specific
gamerules that can handle a specific gameplay, rather than a robust
one that can handle everything.  Thus making the code more efficient
and running smoother.

Well I thought the idea was sound, but here I am back at your original
suggestions with 3 working gameplays in 1 set of rules rather than 3
sort of working rules that couldn't even make 1 decent gameplay...

I should have realized when Jeff, a person who's website alone taught
me more about coding than I can thank him enough for, said it was a
bad idea :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Player specific flags

2005-05-26 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
So you could have up to 32 flags total?  I was affraid to touch those
incase it was vital to only have 10, thanks for answering my unasked
question :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Newbie question

2005-05-24 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Transfer the declaration into a header file and then include that i
the main cpp?

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[hlcoders] Use functions on an Entity

2005-05-24 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I guess I must be in a very CS:S mood or something because I am
reffering to it in most of my questions now...

Anyway could anyone give me in lamens terms pointers on animating an
entity such as the planted bomb in CS:S, that not only Animates the
texture but also has a countdown.  I tried using the Use function and
writing a timer into it, but apparently the function doesnt work how I
thought it worked.  So even a brief description of the usage of the
Use function itself would help me out tremendously.

Thanks Guys

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Re: [hlcoders] Newbie question

2005-05-24 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
just a forward declaration of it in all of your cpp files?

class CBaseAwesomeClass;

I don't know if that will work but it's the only other thing I can think of

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Re: [hlcoders] Speed hack detection?

2005-05-23 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
 If the client says its game time A and I'm here, then, it's game time
 B and I'm there, how is that in anyway difficult to calculate
 distance/time? This is only a problem if the client doesn't send or
 the server doesn't use the idea of game time.

I would think that the issue is, that they both know that time has
passed, but they also know that player should be somewhere new and
through the general confusion that is lag, the server or client
decides he should be *points at a location* there.  So they make him
be there.  I dont know the exact technicalities but through that
extreme change in location the ground is made up quite quickly and the
speed hack detects them.

I could be horribly wrong on this, infact I know I am wrong and would
love to find out the REAL answer, rather than my made up story.  so
pick it appart all you want :D

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[hlcoders] Nightvision

2005-05-23 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
I appologize if this a really dumb question.

I have my NVG completely finished except for the effect itself.  I was
hoping to recreate real nightvision by simply amplifying the original
lights, except for the fact I can't get information about the original
lights it's perfect...

So I decided for right now just to use our mod's original NVG
effect a massivly bright dlight.  Simple enough except for the
fact that the dlights I use decided not to have an option for their
brightness.  Am I just blind?

Also does anyone know how CS:S did the NVG, same thing? (my CS:S
decided to stop working on me a few weeks back so I haven't been able
to look at it )

Or even, I've heard people talking about using shaders, but I am
cluless on how to implement that, any general pointers, hell even
pro's and cons.

Anyway :D Thanks for any help on such a nub subject

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Re: [hlcoders] Speed hack detection?

2005-05-19 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
If the server knows that you are reloading and won't let you reload
any faster, why can't it stop you from walking or running, hell even
firing really fast?  I know there are a lot of ambiguous cases like
teleporters and stuff, but still it seems a bit odd that you can haul
balls accross a map and the server couldn't care less, yet it controls
how long it takes you to reload your gun.

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Re: [hlcoders] Speed hack detection?

2005-05-18 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
It's very possible to do that, but as Jeff said you will get a lot
more false positives just due to altering latencies rather than real
hackers.  In theory it is sound but unless you have a decent thresh
hold on hacking speeds and just lagging speeds, a better way of doing
this without banning non hackers would be to use your eyes.  It's not
much of an answer but unless you want everyone who plays on your
server to be banned because they had a nice little spike in their ping
then it's the only real answer.

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[hlcoders] Slicing and Dicing Vtf's

2005-05-09 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Lol to start out with I'm sorry if it's VMT's that are the acctual
texture files, I can never get them the right way round, but...  is it
possible to scissor materials the same way you could with sprites?  On
the HL1 hud if you had 2 pictures in 1 file you could use 1 part of
the sprite if something was say Active and the other part if it was
Inactive.  Can you do that with vtfs on the hud?

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Re: [hlcoders] 2 questions

2005-05-07 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Your team menu might be a simple issue of taking a look at the numbers
define for TEAM_SPECTATOR and such.  do a search for that.  If you set
your first button to do jointeam and then it gave the number 1 then
you might have TEAM_SPECTATOR defined as 1 where as TEAM_REBEL and
TEAM_COMBINE or whatever you are using may infact be 3 and 4.

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Re: [hlcoders] Doors func_door_rotating / prop_door_rotating

2005-05-06 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
lol, was it still solid or did sinor door just delete itself?

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Re: [hlcoders] code talk

2005-05-06 Thread Andrew (British_Bomber)
Dunno if the demo commands are open in the code, but you could just
copy the way the screenshots create the file name and put it into the
demo command then all you have to do is remove any checks for
arguments and your done. All you would need to do is type record and
it will record de_dust001.dem fx...  Well in theory.  If you are
planning on using it for CS then now is a good time to stop worring
about it because noone other than Valve has that kind of access to the
CS code.

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Re: [hlcoders] Doors func_door_rotating / prop_door_rotating

2005-05-05 Thread Andrew \British_Bomber\ Ritchie
couldn't you just add that flag to the normal door rather than
creating a whole new entity?

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[hlcoders] Attaching Objects to a player

2005-04-28 Thread British_Bomber
Is there anyway to Attach model to a players back that doesn't require
recompiling the models?  I have my object following the player and I
am happy enough with it looking like they have a briefcase for
trousers, it's just attaching it to their back (like the bomb in CS )
would make the Test Team happy, I didn't plan on doing this for a
while, (bigger fish to fry) but I couldn't spy a quick fix.  Something
like  obj-AttachTo( pPlayer-GetBone( back ) )  Yea I know that would
be way too simple and will never happen but I'm at school so I can't
pull up any specifics right now and want to get it over and done with
right when I get home.


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[hlcoders] Resetting touch() on an objective

2005-04-27 Thread British_Bomber
I have an objective, much like a flag in CTF, that the player can pick
up and take back to his assigned capture point.  I use a VERY simple
model entity for this, it simply has Spawn, precache, touch and drop
functions. Couldn't be much simpiler.

They all work fine, the Touch sees if the toucher is a player then
attaches the model to the player.  When the player dies, or captures
the object it is dropped.  That all works fine and dandy, however when
someone else goes to pick it up after it has been dropped, or even the
same player comes back to grab their beloved suitcase, it will no
longer attach itself to them.  It's as though the touch function only
wants to work once, or has to be stopped.  I added an EndTouch, or
whatever the exact name is, to the end of my touch function but to no
avail.  Am I making some kind of fundamental flaw on how the touch
function works?

Thanks for any help you can offer me

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Re: [hlcoders] Resetting touch() on an objective

2005-04-27 Thread British_Bomber
Thanks so much guys, got the problem sorted (For the most part ) and
working perfectly :D :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Spectate in HL2MP SDK

2005-03-12 Thread British_Bomber
The HL2DM spec mode always returns false, try having it return the
base class spectator start

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[hlcoders] Multi passenger vehicles

2005-03-12 Thread British_Bomber
I am about to venture off into the land of vehicles, and I am curious
if anyone else has managed to get a simple multiperson vehicle to
work.  I am sure it shouldnt be all that hard to get running since i
dont want the passengers to do anything, and valve would appear to
have set vehicles up for multiple passengers *hopes TF2 is the reason
for this*  but still there may be some hidden issues that arise and I
would like to see if anyone knows or has come across any major
stumbling blocks.


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Re: [hlcoders] Hiding models during intermission?

2005-03-04 Thread British_Bomber

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: Animating reticles?

2005-03-01 Thread British_Bomber
Can you slice VTFs?

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Re: [hlcoders] Hud round counter not displaying correctly

2005-02-28 Thread British_Bomber
where is the time being sent from and updated?  Client or Server?

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[hlcoders] Player Rendering effects

2005-02-21 Thread British_Bomber
I am currently trying to implement a way of making a specific class in
my mod become more and more translucent the less they move, and if
they stop completely for a period of time they become completely

I have the majority of this working, it's simple enough, but I am
having an issue with creating a translucent player. The final effect
which is a complete no draw is in, and so is the starting point,
solid.  It's the middle, transitional period I have had the problems
with.  If  you have seen the E3 demo where the translucent character
is standing in the flame you will get an idea of what I am trying to
acheive.  Unfortunatly I havent been able to figure out exactly how to
get them to appear like that.  I have tried changing the player's
keyvalue renderamt, and also the players rendermode.  Is this the
right way to go about it or do I have to change the player's material
dynamically somehow?

I know it's probably some simple soloution that I missed at 3am, but
it's just eluding me.

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Re: [hlcoders] Player Rendering effects

2005-02-21 Thread British_Bomber
Shaders are well beyond my level of knowledge unfortunatly :(

But it's amazing what you can do when you acctually look at the
available public functions


and a little help from garry on the materials has put me on my merry
way to getting it up and running.

I think my original goal was just to alter the Alpha channel and
rendermode, but after inadvertently convincing myself it was the
player material, I think changing that during gameplay could be a
bonus, but I am happy enough now to atleast get a basic transparency
on the player.

Why are these things so simple after have gone about doing something
the bass ackwards lol

thanks for the help guys.

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Re: [hlcoders] Permanent Ground Effects (HL2DM)

2005-02-20 Thread British_Bomber
I've had the RPG issue, not the stun batton one though, but it seems
to be random, and most of the time it doesnt occur so I havent been to
worried about it, but I would imagine like draco said, the easiest way
to take care of it is just double check it is gone in the holster

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Re: [hlcoders] RE: Because forks are fun!

2005-02-19 Thread British_Bomber
Was the Source engine built on the Q1 engine Michael?  I though it was
just the naming schemes and class setup were similar in design but the
acctual engine was different.  Hmm clever how they ported the Q1
engine all the way up to DX9 standards.  Does id know about this
aswell?  They must be kicking themselves for having written the Doom
engine rather than just upgrading the Q1 engine.

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Re: [hlcoders] RE: SDK Code update.

2005-02-18 Thread British_Bomber
Out of curiosity does Valve use a CVS of some sort on their local
network?  Or how do you handle changes and their effects on the in
house games?

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Re: [hlcoders] Joining server if round in progress

2005-02-16 Thread British_Bomber
I'm not sure if this is the proper solution to that or not, but what I
do is when the intial spawn function is called I manually set the
players team to spectator, then the command on the MOTD opens up the
team select.

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Re: [hlcoders] Joining server if round in progress

2005-02-16 Thread British_Bomber
Sorry for the 2 emails but I also meant to add that, that way when
they select a team you can wait to spawn them until the round has
started again

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Re: [hlcoders] Freeing VGUI Textures / Texture IDs

2005-02-16 Thread British_Bomber
VGUI has always been my down fall, but all VGUI panels are present at
any given time, but hidden correct?  If that is the case then my
assumtion would be that in order to move the textures anywhere there
would only be 1 place to go, destruction, but then you would have to
reload them when they were called again.

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Re: [hlcoders] Joining mod server through steam server window

2005-02-15 Thread British_Bomber
so does that mean that when you create a mod it will now include a
game key in the Gameinfo?  Thanks for fixing this guys :D  Just out of
curiosity though, why did you decide to use the Source Mods folder
rather than mods being installed into the HL2 directory?  Just too
keep it clean?

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-15 Thread British_Bomber
I'm sure there was a point in there somewhere, but this is just going
to turn into flames.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-14 Thread British_Bomber
Now, in all fairness I did offer him an option, and none of what
anyone here has said really relates to who's prefference is right.
Merely options that modders have open to them for what goes on with
how their game is played.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-14 Thread British_Bomber
Didn't Valve distribute plug in capabilities with the SDK?  So if you
are trying to say that plug in authors aren't allowed to create their
plug ins, then why are mod authors allowed to mod for the Source
engine?  I can see why you would want to put safe guards on what you
think should not be changed, but like I said it's a cycle, and
honestly no one truely has the right to say what goe's other than
either Valve and their almightyness, or the player's by simply playing
what they want.

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Re: [hlcoders] Joining mod server through steam server window

2005-02-13 Thread British_Bomber
Yes I have the same concerns as you guys, it looks like the Steam
Server browser doesnt load any of the mods that are in the SourceMods
folder when i go to use it, in game it's fine but external to the game
it wont show up.

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Re: [hlcoders] HLS models, model veiwer and what happened to glow shell?

2005-02-11 Thread British_Bomber
Change the game config in the bottom right hand corner of the
SourceSDK window to CS:S and then start HLMV to look at the CS:S
models, as for HL:S I have no idea, I would imagine you can use them,
try loading the HL:S game files in your mods gameinfo.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-11 Thread British_Bomber
Imperio, slap in a few checks to verify they are the values you want,
and if they aren't then give some obscure error, blame DirectX and
crash the game...  Thus you have your weapons doing the damage you
want, and if anyone complains you can blame it on Microsoft, problem
solved :D

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Re: [hlcoders] Velocity and teleport

2005-02-10 Thread British_Bomber
Right sorry about that, I thought by teleport you meant put a player
at X X X location, rather than change how they were moving :D  I
suppose I was just stating the obvious in my respons then :D

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 14:02:34 -0500, Lance Vorgin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bomber - that's what Teleport is doing - just changing instantaneous
 velocity. We use this because it is one of the few scraps server
 plugins have easy access to.

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Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-10 Thread British_Bomber
If they want an SMG to do 10 Cagillion damage just by looking at
someone, then an SMG is Gonna do 10 Cagillion damage, they will find
away, but I have to agree to some extent that the mod teams do tend to
spend a lot of time balancing their game, and when they play on a
server that has changed that balance they feel hard done by.  All that
work to make a balanced game and some guy or girl or alien has gone
and changed that balance completely.  But that's life.

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 17:08:16 -0500, r00t 3:16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can we encrypt them like valve did with their weapon files?

 IMO if it isn't a server config option then they shouldn't change it.
 If I wanted someone to change the damage I would provide an option for it..

 I am sure the .ctx could be decrypted but most people won't go to that
 extent. For the people who do decrypt them It won't do them no good because
 they will not be able to encrypt them with a different key...

 r00t 3:16
 CQC Gaming

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 4:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

  can only agree here... (sorry for going a bit OT now)
  you can give admins options to setup ie the number of
  reinforcements/respawns per player/team, maplists, timelimits and stuff
  alike... but when it comes to weapon damage, firing rate, additional
  grenade launchers and stuff alike then this kind of thing should stay the
  same, no matter on which server you login to start a match.
  The main reason for this is that not many will blame the server admin at
  all... they will only blame him/her IF they already knew the original
  version of the mod...
  The example of new folks playing your mod for the first time rings a lot
  bells here... we had many folks that started to blame our development team
  for specific things they disliked on this or that server and blamed us for
  developing a big pile of sh..t. Actually these things were mutators (UT
  stuff) that some folks added to their servers and that were developed to
  change specific parts about our mod. These mutators come pretty close to
  what is possible for admins on HL. Sure not 100% the same but 'adjusting'
  the damage values, adding another scoreboard and stuff alike is the same
  can be a big pain in the a... so to speak.
  What makes a player wanting to play a specific mod? It is most times the
  first impression they got while playing it for the first time. But if this
  first impression is not their kind of thing then they will never touch it
  again most times. And now think about your hard work (your mod) edited in
  way that you do not want it to be... what a nice first impression can
  of this.
  Easy example... realistic behaviour is geared towards a specific group of
  players. Sure, some more action orientated folks will like your weapons or
  some other parts of your mod and then they will maybe setup a server that
  plays your stuff in a highly unrealistic pure action fun style... maybe
  cool, but that was not the way the mod planned to end up. And you should
  always show respect if people invest their free and spare time in
  a mod the way they like. Suggestions welcome, but it is their toy, not
  yours. So, adding nice additions is most times ok, but changing basics is
  So, imo, hard code whatever you want to hard code and leave stuff editable
  only if you want them to change it.
  Norbert Bogenrieder aka Beppo Lead Programmer and Project Lead
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sentry Studios - Infiltration
  - Original Message -
  From: Jorge Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Re: [OT] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon
  On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 02:17:55PM -0500, Lance Vorgin wrote:
  In every modified server I've been on (too many to count) it's the
  server that's rightfully been blamed for the modifications to the mod
  and not the mod or mod authors themselves. There's no way to stop
  admins from changing pretty much anything about your mod's server and,
  as stated, it's not an option to make anything important client side
  (just play AVP2 for an example). In fact by trying to prevent people
  from modifying your mod, you attract people excited by the challenge
  [so to speak]. It's a bad idea not only because of the time it wastes,
  but because it actually hurts the mod: if more people play on servers
  with modified damage, then that's what people want to play. There will
  always be classic servers as well, so why would you not want to give
  people the opportunity to improve your mod?

Re: [hlcoders] Velocity and teleport

2005-02-09 Thread British_Bomber
couldnt you just take the players velocity and when you send a slap
command it just add's a number, say 30 to X and 20 to Y, to the
players current velocity?  I thought that's how the CS 1.6 and below
slap commands worked.  I never looked into them but I dont remember
them teleporting people.  :D

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 21:08:31 +0100, Frank Weima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey Guys,

 Thanks for this reaction. It will help me with my project. Thanks!
 If I have any questions, you will hear it.

 Thanks again,
 Frank anxiro Weima

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[hlcoders] Mp3 Playing

2005-02-09 Thread British_Bomber
Is there any way of either finding out when an MP3 is done plaing in
HL2 or of queueing mp3's?  I am going to implement an ingame mp3
player and would rather not have to include DirectShow, as others
have, rather I want to use the built in mp3 player that HL2 already
has.  The playing of an mp3 is easy enough, lol infact I doubt it
could be easier from the console, but the tricky part will be making
playlists.  I may just be approaching this all wrong but to use the
ingame mp3 function would require me to either find out when the song
is done, by having the engine tell me, or by finding out the song
length from the file and starting the next song after that time has
been reached.  The later seems like the only way to successfully use
the in game mp3, but is the former possible? It would obviously do the
same thing but it would save me having to find out how to read mp3
files and then get that info, then implement it.
God I hate being a noob.

-Thanks guys

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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-09 Thread British_Bomber
You can hard code the damage in,

here is the code from the SDK weapon parse

m_iDamage   = pKeyValuesData-GetInt( Damage, 42 ); // 
Douglas Adams
1952 - 2001

as valve does here, you can too, once you have run the base parse you
can add in your own values so it overwrites what was pulled from the

real quick though, does anyone know who Douglas Adams is?

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 03:46:08 -0700, Steven Guy
 This is a bit different case. With CS, TFC and NS all those are third party
 server side apps. In this case the weapon code itself can be modified by
 anyone with notepad. I like to feel that I have more control over my code
 than that.

 Also as a side note all those damn server apps are the reason I don't play
 CS, TFC or NS anymore. Most of those things just annoy me.

 From: Deadman Standing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?
 Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 05:19:17 -0500
 HUH? After playing many modded CS, TFC, and NS servers I have yet to see
 a single player blame the mod. If anything they blame the server.
 At any rate you can not really block it from happening as long as there
 is a client server relationship and health is broadcast to the server. A
 server plugin can modify the attributes and send it back. The flip side
 is if you keep health on the client side only, you open yourself to
 hacks like GOD mode. It would also limit information to third party stat
 programs like pshychostats that many players enjoy.
 But then again in the end it all just opinion.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Guy
 Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 4:40 AM
 Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Safe way of setting weapon damages?
 Because the player's will blame the mod not the server.
 If it was documented by the mod makers as a feature that would be
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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

2005-02-09 Thread British_Bomber
*looks at book collection above computer*

I knew it rang a bell, but I wasn't aware he had died.  Botman, I
appologized for that.

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:25:45 -0500, Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald
 pKeyValuesData-GetInt( Damage, 42 ); // Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001

 They must be real bad at math, 2001 - 1952 is 49, not 42.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeffrey botman
 Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 4:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] [OT] Safe way of setting weapon damages?

 British_Bomber wrote:
  real quick though, does anyone know who Douglas Adams is?

 This is a joke, right?

 If not...

 Jeffrey botman Broome

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Re: [hlcoders] Steam: Technology failure

2005-02-01 Thread British_Bomber
So, I hear steam was written using C++
Just trying my hardest to kill this topic

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Re: [hlcoders] Steam: Technology failure

2005-01-31 Thread British_Bomber
GO STEAM 3 to Valve for being ahead of the game, even though
everyone bitches about it

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Re: [hlcoders] moveable Spawnpoints

2005-01-29 Thread British_Bomber
Having not been able to look at the Source SDK, I am assuming you
could just write a spawn so that it would spawn the player into a
Sitting location in the vehicle, instead of driving it, they are in
the back sitting on a seat, so when they want to leave they just hit
use, to exit the vehicle.

Has anyone coded multipassanger vehicles yet? just curious

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Re: [hlcoders] MS VS C++ 6.0 source compile info

2005-01-27 Thread British_Bomber
I get the c_te_firebullets.cpp error, spent the last week trying to
find alternative ways of compiling but to no avail.  How is it
possible for so many people to follow the same compiling instructions,
and yet the dll's just seem to compile randomly for everyone.

Also, dunno if this will get answered, but why did you guys at valve
decide to move to 7.1 so quickly and completely drop all support for
6.0 ?

 I get the same error except in a different file, any advice?
 e:\_mymods\carmod\src\cl_dll\sdk\c_te_firebullets.cpp(64) : fatal
 error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled
 header directive
 Error executing cl.exe.

 SB Childe Roland
 I will show you fear in a handful of jellybeans.

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Re: [hlcoders] Commercially released mods??

2005-01-27 Thread British_Bomber
I'd love to see mods being distributed via Steam.  Paying for mods
doesnt make sence to me, yes as a developer I would love nothing more
than to get money for the work I do, but honestly I am going to do it
whether or not I am getting payed.  Paying for a mod defeats every
principle that the mod community was built on.  A fantastic way to
express your ideas and visions without having to pay for any licenses
or having to meet demands of a professional environment.  Valve has
done a lot for the modding community but I beleive that selling mods
over steam and taking half of the profits would be the worst thing
they could do.  Buying CS, DOD etc.. was a different story, they took
them on and made them into stand alone games.  Someone should point
that guy over to the Torque engine, because what he should be looking
to do is make a game, not a mod.

Along the lines of licensing and $$$, there a few mods out there that
offer special features to those who donate money to them, is that
technically allowed with the license that is used with the SDK?  I
understand donations and such, but can they really offer people extra
incentives to donate by using the Game itself?

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Re: [hlcoders] moveable Spawnpoints

2005-01-27 Thread British_Bomber
Couldnt you acctually make an entity in and of itself that is a spawn
point, but instead of attaching it to another entity,  you used
something similar to parent but it's based on loacational objects.
Rofl sorry perhaps an example would be a little clearer,

If you have a game play that is based on capturing specific locations,
 you start out at a base and with each new flag you capture, the spawn
points all move to that flag, or a few of them do.

Yes it could be done in a different way, but I think that should bring
the topic back into the realm of coding :D

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Re: [hlcoders] moveable Spawnpoints

2005-01-27 Thread British_Bomber
what if you park the tank under a low bridge? or flip it over?  uh oh!!

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