Re: Early IPL problems

2012-05-24 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 5/23/2012 10:17 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

You also used this to reply to password requests for system data
sets having all hex-zero passwords.

I don't recall[1] having done so. If you can explain How I forgot, I'd
like to try the same technique on some other, equally undesirable,

You used the PASSWORD facility to protect critical data sets. In 
order to update them, it was necessary to respond to a WTOR with 
the password. The password was all hex zeroes, and could not be 
entered from a conventional console. You switched to the 00C/00E 
alternate console, and feed in a Reply nn card with the hex 
zeroes multi-punched [1]. That was inconvenient enough so that I 
wrote SETPASS [2].

[1] These days the method may be less safe, with some tn3270 
clients offering keyboard customization including hex values.

[2] That was a great learning experience. I had hard-coded the 
number of block per track in the PASSWORD data set, and at some 
point (OS/360 15/16, or 18?), IBM decided to change the device 
related constants and the PASSWORD data set wound up with one 
block less per track.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Early IPL problems

2012-05-21 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 5/21/2012 8:13 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

While it was popssible to use a card reader and printer as a console,
and to use a printer as a hardcopy console, that was not something
that I did except under duress, e.g., for diagnosing JES2 parameter

You also used this to reply to password requests for system data 
sets having all hex-zero passwords. If that was duress, it was 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2012-05-14 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 5/14/2012 12:50 PM, Mansi Kulkarni wrote:

Sir, In IEBEDIT utility of JCL  Statement //SYSUT2 DD SYSOUT=(*,INTRDR) is
used. Ok. In this Plz explain why used  * here, if we write any character
there then also program run. What is  *  her? I thing it is for priority
like we used class in job statement. Am i write?

No. Traditionally SYSOUT was a single character in the range A-Z 
and 0-9. Several decades ago IBM added * top copy the MSGCLASS 
as the SYSOUT class.  However, for INTRDR the class is ignored. 
Try to use google to have your basic questions answered.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: iggcsirx to retreive data set size?

2012-05-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 5/9/2012 9:29 AM, Victor Zhang wrote:

Can I use iggcsirx to retrieve dataset size like listdsi does?
Is there any example?

CSI only returns catalog information. So non-VSAM data sets 
won't give you anything useful, but you could do a LISTDSI on 
each retrieved one, preferably not for migrated ones.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2012-04-23 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 4/23/2012 5:30 PM, Micheal Butz wrote:

If after issuing the EXTRACT to get the address of the communication
parameter list (com) and the communication input buffer (cib)
I attach 4 subtasks are the com/cib address obtaining by the originating
tasks valid for the subtask that I have now attached

The CIB is one element in a chain of 0 to a maximum count, 
depending on how you initialized processing. I usually set the 
maximum to 1 because that makes the logic a little simpler.

When your program starts, there may or may not be a START CIB. 
You should see one in an STC, but not usually when running under 
an initiator.

After you set the maximum CIB count to non-zero, the CommECB is 
posted when a STOP or MODify adds a CIB to the chain. After you 
process that CIB, you would normally free it.

Once you understand the processing, the QEDIT description should 
make more sense.

Also note that a STOP command posts the ECB with an X'50', 
whereas all others post with X'40'.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: GO TO "cobol"

2012-04-16 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 4/16/2012 1:35 PM, John Gilmore wrote:

I even object, but not much, to

|.trvend   anop   ,

I supply the missing-operand comma for anop, mexit, etc., only when I
want to place a comment after it.

These, however, are details that are important only as they contribute
to coherence.

The comma is a result of a personal(?) idiosyncrasy. Since the 
late sixties, I have used columns 65-71 to indicate code changes 
(author,date); this practice permits detailed identification of 
modifications that may not be as obvious when provided as 
paragraph or program comments. Omitting the comma results in 
assembly errors.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: GO TO "cobol"

2012-04-16 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 4/16/2012 12:26 PM, John Gilmore wrote:

Suppose that I wish to do something to each of the elements of an
assembly-time array in turn.  In the macro language of the HLASM I
must write something like

|&ne   seta   n'&array
|&i  seta   0
|.traverse_loop anop
|&i  seta&i+1
|&elements_exhausted setb (&i gt&ne)
| aif   (&elements_exhausted).traverse_lend
|  .  .  .

"Must" you?   In this case I would prefer:

.* &i   seta0   *default*
.trvloop aif(&i ge n'&array).trvend
&i  seta&i+1
.  .  .
ago .trvloop
.trvend anop,

That's six statements instead of nine. I was raised in the era 
of six (ForTran) and eight character variables, and find those 
easier to read. I'd use &ne only for larger array sizes; for 
small ones the savings are not noticeable.

Whether or not code is aesthetically pleasing is very much a 
matter of nurture. With effective comments, the structure of 
code isn't all that critical, and discussions of GOTO versus 
GOTO-less programming are about as useful as religious arguments.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: LE C calling HLASM

2012-04-07 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 4/6/2012 7:23 PM, Ken Brick wrote:

many years ago I needed to know, in DOS/VS, whether an assembler
routine was called from a PL/I or assembler module. I put in a
test to see if in DOS terms the weak extrn PLIMAIN was not 0.
Non zero meant a PL/I module was present.

This works for special cases, but not in general. For instance, 
consider a PL/I program calling ASM calling CoBOL calling ASM. 
The second ASM would incorrectly conclude it was called from PL/I.

I ran into an analog of this trying to determine whether a 
program is running under TSO - presence of TSO control blocks 
does not indicate that the immediate caller was the TMP. IBM, 
for whatever reason, disallowed multiple TMP invocation in MVS 
(or perhaps SVS?), so these days one can just rely on the result 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Malicious Software Protection

2012-03-27 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/27/2012 7:27 PM, Ray Overby wrote:

Like any SVC when invoked it will get control in an authorized
state (PSW Key 0). Further this SVC issues a STM instruction
very early in the SVC code storing into where ever R13 points
to. This type of defect is easily exploited writing a simple
program (could have been posted on the web) that would issue the
SVC and:

Defect is the correct description; your SVC sounds as though 
written by an incompetent programmer. User's registers are 
preserved in the RB (PRB, SVRB), where they are protected, 
rather than the save area. Off-hand I can't recall any SVC that 
needs R13 to point to a save area, rather there are cases where 
R13 is destroyed.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: PCOM Question (IBM Personal Communcations aka 3270)

2012-03-21 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/21/2012 8:38 AM, Chris Mason wrote:

Since the "Wizard of Lodz" is so keen on directing the list
manager to perceived - and certainly in one case totally
invented - malpractice on the behalf of other list
contributors[1], I would like to propose that it is a
"hand-on-heart" rule that any poster promoting a commercial
product[2] should declare any pecuniary interest.

While I fully concur with your intent, the practice might make 
that a bit difficult. Generally I find out what I have a 
pecuniary interest in only after I receive and review monthly 
statements from my trust company, who switch investments based 
on their computer projections with no input from me. 
Additionally, many holdings are mutual funds, and finding their 
holdings can be quite time consuming, and generally not 
worthwhile. I would hope that many other contributors are in a 
similar situation with 401k plans.

The best we can hope for is for posters to reveal their known 
previously Undisclosed, Secret Support (USS) payments. 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2012-03-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/18/2012 1:29 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

When you use the ALLDATA option, DSS copies whatever exists past
the last valid EOF. ...

Presumably also past DS1LSTAR?

I didn't want to write a novel. When I make permanent backups 
with DSS, I normally use ALLEXCP; that way a clobbered LSTAR 
doesn't prevent recovery of data.

I've never had the joy of setting up HSM, nor copying empty PDSs 
with DSS, so can't attest to early performance. But I would find 
it surprising if they failed. In my experience, stupid mistakes 
aside, IBM tends to produce slow, but thorough utility code 
(with modern SORT the exception, perhaps due to market pressure, 
and the outstanding quality of the support team).

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: WTOR problem

2012-03-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/19/2012 8:45 AM, Micheal Butz wrote:

I am having problems with following coding generating a re-entrable version
of the WTOR below is the relvant code


When you are dealing with old macros, use a PRINT ON,GEN around 
them, inspect which fields they set, and artificially fill in 
the missing pieces. Alternatively, use two MF=L forms, one in a 
CSECT and one in your DSECT, and copy the CSECT instance to the 
DSECT one. In general, that will allow the MF=E form to build a 
complete parm list.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2012-03-18 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/18/2012 9:03 AM, Ron Hawkins wrote:

And finally, my memory may be a bit dodgy nowadays, but it's my recollection
that the EOF for empty datasets was introduced so that DFSMShsm and DFSMSdss
could migrate, move and copy empty datasets. When there is no EOF for a zero
empty dataset these utilities choke and spit it back. I don't think security
was an objective.

When you use the ALLDATA option, DSS copies whatever exists past 
the last valid EOF. This means that it has the capability of 
copying anything, regardless of DCB parameters, or whether or 
not those tracks have been used. So exactly what condition would 
"choke and spit it back"?

I guess that DSS, and presumably HSM, use a Read Track or Read 
Track Multiple, and the only condition that might cause a 
problem would be an uninitialized track, lacking basic home 
address information.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2012-03-13 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/13/2012 10:52 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Why should this peculiarly affect IEFBR14?  (Although, to be
fair, Gerhard never denied that it affected all programs.)

Given enough dd statements, on a slow processor, it will take enough
time to exceed a small standard time limit.

Wouldn't a better solution than a specialized IEFUTL be to increase
the standard time limit, at least enough to accommodate IEFBR14?

The jobs in question were running at a service bureau, thus we 
could not just arbitrarily change user's time specifications; 
while we imposed limits by job class, we did not supply 
defaults. In general, JOB statements did not have TIME 
parameters, and I've never seen an IEFBR14 step with a TIME 
value. The system initiator scheduled the IEFBR14 step with the 
requested time, 0, and I found it more interesting that this 
ever worked. Since we already had an IEFUTL (to remind operators 
of unhandled tape mounts, etc., and to grant extensions to 
special jobs), adding a quick test for IEFBR14, and granting a 
minimal extension, was trivial.

AFAIK, IBM addressed the problem by using a non-zero TIME to 
dispatch an IEFBR14 step.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2012-03-13 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/13/2012 3:46 AM, J R wrote:

Just to be clear, IEFBR14 has no functionality per se.  It's
hard to imagine circumstances where it would not or could not
execute correctly.

IEFBR14 seems to start a regular thread every year. However, 
there is one case that I have not seen mentioned - in the dark 
ages, under release 21 of OS/360(MVT), IEFBR14 steps on our 
system abended with S322. I had to write a special exception 
into IEFUTL to allow allocation to complete.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Program FLIH backdoor - This is a criminal breach of security!

2012-03-11 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/11/2012 9:07 AM, John Gilmore wrote:

There is a long intellectual tradition which has it that the
production of just one black swan is an unanswerable refutation of the
proposition that all swans are white.

I cringe at the word "production" - purportedly (google search 
came up empty) not too long ago in our nation's history it was 
common practice to paint sparrows for the purpose of selling 
them as parakeets.

While I don't recall a proposition on swans, I was reminded of 
the Pejorative Calculus (Joel Cohen, "On The Nature Of 
Mathematical Proofs", The Worm-Runner's Digest, Vol. III, No.3, 
December 1961), where Lemma I (all horses are the same color) is 
credited to Professor Lee M. Sonneborn, then at U. of Kansas.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2012-03-05 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/5/2012 10:06 AM, Gross, Randall [GCG-PFS] wrote:

I worked one summer for a company that had a 256k 360/40 running MFT
with (typically) 4  partitions.  Iirc, it took an IPL to reconfigure
MFT. (M = multimple, F = fixed)

If your installation required an IPL, then I surmise it either 
had an alternate nucleus that was smaller, or that the staff 
weren't trained properly (note earlier post on redefining 
partitions). We ran MFT at ADR for a couple of years, and I 
remember redefining partitions, but never had to IPL to do so.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Customer Service, the good and the bad...

2012-03-04 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 3/3/2012 3:16 AM, Robert Prins wrote:

Needlessly to say, when I bought a new PC for myself at the beginning
of this year, and a new notebook for my wife, I stayed away as far as
possible from HP.

I don't know if my experience was an exception, but even if it was,
that is no way to treat your customers!

Back in 2004 I purchased a Compaq laptop that included a rebate 
for either cash or software. Also they had a "deal" on a memory 
stick with a rebate. They refused both rebates on the grounds 
that I didn't send them in in a timely fashion (within 45 days 
of purchase!). While I kept and used the laptop until it gave up 
the ghost, I replaced all my HP printers with Kyocera, with 
cheaper and better features, and sleep soundly that they lost 
more on toner sales than the rebates would have cost them.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Batch process VS Started task

2012-02-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 2/19/2012 4:25 PM, Magen Margalit wrote:

We have a daily betch job that is processing as input records which has been 
collected all day.
volume of records is about 5 millions for 24 hours.

With allowance for growth, you're looking at 100-200 records per 
second, and that's well within the capacity of modern equipment. 
Depending on how the records are created, you have overhead for 
serialization and backup (do you need an audit trail to recreate 
records if the file is lost?). You would need to do some testing 
to see whether the serialization and processing overhead for 
live processing is tolerable, since the batch presumably offers 
some savings in overhead.

If the records are created by a single source, then instead of 
an STC program, you could consider a subtask, a PC routine, or 
(gasp) even a user SVC. For multiple tasks, either an SVC or a 
PC routine might do. The preferred method depends on how the 
data are created, how they are placed into the batch input file, 
and what processing they are used for.

In order to make systems more "online" we are looking for a way to
run the process for each record all day long instead of a daily run,
and doing so with minimum as possible application changes.

If you have a PUT, WRITE, or similar function to create the 
record, it's easy enough to replace that with a PC or SVC call. 
But you will need to develop contingency plans for data sets 
becoming full, or other occurrences that could prevent live 

One idea that came up is to convert the process to a "self developed" STC
which will be triggered by a record on an MQ queue and will run as STC all the
batch process programs
To me it seems like a bad idea because having a "self developed" STC in 
create a maintenance gap (and where there is one STC a second one
will soon to follow...)...

When I worked at ADR in the sixties, we developed our own data 
collection and accounting routine long before IBM offered SMF. 
We had our own tape library software long before UCC-1 (or TLS). 
We had our own security software long before RACF (in addition 
we used IBM passwords, but only for critical and SYS1 data 
sets). In each case the staff contained more than one person 
familiar with the software and the ability to maintain it. While 
IBM is trying to make the system more accessible (i.e., dumbed 
down) your installation should have enough staff familiar with 
internals to write and maintain the code. Basically you need 
whatever the batch process is doing, and add provision for 
backup and serialization. Of course it's always possible to 
overcomplicate things to the point where nobody can maintain 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Authorized functions

2012-02-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 2/19/2012 5:38 PM, zMan wrote:

Point taken. But vastly dissimilar environments are pretty likely to
have greater learning curves than moderately similar ones, nu?

Not necessarily. Sometimes it's the similarities that trip you up.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Entry point on attach

2012-02-17 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 2/17/2012 5:21 PM, Micheal Butz wrote:

Again if I do a attach with disp=no And r1 has the tcb
address I can look at the TCBRBP or relating CDE for the
loadpoint of the module

I'm not really sure what you're looking for. The CDE (or LPDE 
for an LPA module) points to another CDE (if it's an alias, 
a.k.a. minor entry), or an extent list. The CDE has the entry 
address, the XT list the load address and size.

If you are asking about an additional entry in the program, then 
ATTACH will find that only if it's an ALIAS entry in the load 
library. If it's not an ALIAS, and you have made some provision 
for finding the entry address programmatically, you can load the 
module before the ATTACH, and use IDENTIFY to create a name for 
the entry.

The IDENTIFY method may also be used to let you load the program 
prior to the ATTACH, so that you know the address, and attach 
with the fake name.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: SV: Archaic allocation in JCL (Was: Physical record size query)

2012-02-14 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 2/14/2012 9:42 AM, Thomas Berg wrote:

AFAICS, what needs to be changed is just the interpretation of the SPACE parm 
the actual allocation on disk at the time of execution.
->  There have been changes in the JCL "language" the latest Years: LIKE, DCB 
outside of the DCB parm, etc.  This could obviously be done.
->  There can't be that many places that does the allocation of the space on 
Note that there is no change of cataloging as such, just the process of 
adding/extending the
extents as the dataset is expanding.  There is no need to change the old code 
more than
allowing a "branch" to the new code to handle the case of the new variant of 
the SPACE parm.

You may think of your request as being reasonable, but a new 
SPACE parameter could be added in less time than this thread has 
been going. There is no one place where old code can be branched 
away from, rather space/extent processing is endemic in all DASD 
related code. More critically, most I/O related control blocks 
have physical limits, and would require major redesign to handle 
even static expansion, not to mention dynamic. By comparison, 
supporting FBA devices in zOS would have been trivial, but IBM 
could not justify that, either.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: EXTRACT FIELDS=COMM for subtasks

2012-02-10 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 2/10/2012 4:34 PM, Micheal Butz wrote:

I know EXTRACT FIELDS=COMM (using the ECB) for stop or modify command works
for the TCB your running dunning the course of my programming

I attach 4 other subtasks is there any parameter on the ATTACH e.g. like
ALCOPY( work for access lists) where I can share COMECBPT among subtasks

The CSCB and CIBs are tied to the address space, not a 
particular TCB. An ECB may be waited on by only one task at a 
time, so can't be "shared." Depending on what you need, it might 
make more sense to establish a subroutine in your main task that 
posts your subtasks and routes the CIB text as necessary.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: TOD clock format

2012-01-31 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 1/31/2012 3:48 PM, Ken Porowski wrote:

Watson should be answering all the questions by then .

And Toronto will be a U.S. city?  

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: AutoCoder

2012-01-17 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 1/17/2012 6:22 PM, Roberts, John J wrote:

Also, is it PL/1 or PL/I?

My mainframe IBM manuals use PL/I.

The early version(s) of the S/360 compilers were inefficient by 
not using available hardware instructions, e.g., bit fiddling 
doable with OI and NI was implemented as subroutine calls. And 
similar to ForTran, each load module included almost the whole 
subroutine library, thus wasting (then) valuable memory.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Error apply ZAP

2012-01-07 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 1/7/2012 2:31 PM, Ed Gould wrote:

constant zap issue. I can't remember of ever having the issue
with IBM as they send out module replacement (thanks!)
I feel its important to maintain the IDR to find out what level
the module is at. With the vendor I spoke of it was somewhat of
an issue at times.
That is why I am a strong supporter of module replacement and
zaps are for emergency fixes only.

I've had the issue with IBM modules a long, long time ago. 
Assuming ZAPs are sequential, I prefer putting an identifier, 
APAR or whatever, into the eyeball text at the beginning of the 
module. That way I can see in a dump how it's been updated, 
rather than having to run a report.

Module replacements take more effort and disk space, so ZAPs are 
closer to being green 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Semiprivileged instructions, part 1

2011-12-29 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 12/29/2011 8:57 AM, Peter Relson wrote:

z/OS itself does not provide support for TRAP2/TRAP4. But some
(authorized) program products do this on their own (a bad decision not to
have this provided by the operating system).


The long and short of it is that you can't use
TRAP2/TRAP4 "on your own" if you are not privileged.

These are the two instructions I love to hate. Life would be a 
lot simpler had they be implemented as No-Ops unless trapping 
was enabled. Some years ago I was assigned to debug an LPA 
resident program that had mysterious, intermittent failures, but 
always worked while being tested. Because the failure modes 
differed (e.g., bad data rather than an interrupt), SLIP was of 
limited utility. Had there been a benign form of TRAP (ignored 
by other tasks) it would have been a lot easier to track this 
(turned out to be an uninitialized variable).

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Imagine having to deal with THIS in production

2011-12-21 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 12/21/2011 2:18 PM, Chase, John wrote:

Already been tried:  IBM-MAIN-OT in Yahoo Groups.

Can you say "lead balloon"?

I guess you missed the Mythbusters episode where they obtained 
lead foil, inflated it, and launched it 

And a better name for the group would be DRIFT-WOULD? 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Imagine dealing with THIS in production

2011-12-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 12/19/2011 4:17 AM, glen herrmannsfeldt wrote:

But if I understand it right, the date is computed from the value in
the interval timer, along with various offsets, only when it is actually
needed.  Nothing special actually happens at midnight on Dec. 31st.

Which is not how I remember it. The interval timer is set to pop 
at midnight, and that updates CVTDATE appropriately. I do recall 
an admonition that near midnight to use SVC 11 for the date, 
rather than CVTDATE, to get a synchronized value, as there was 
some latency in the date update.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Is there an SPF setting to turn CAPS ON like keyboard key?

2011-12-16 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 12/16/2011 1:06 PM, Phil Smith wrote:

OK, trivia time:
What IBM device had *13* PF keys?

Not what you wanted, but on my 3277 I wrote a game that treated 
Test-Request as PFK 0.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: JCL "sheesh!" for today

2011-12-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 12/10/2011 1:19 AM, Ed Gould wrote:

parm on the exec card in order to be continued had different
rules and IIRC must start in CC 16 *AND* cannot be any longer
than 100 characters (thats a double restriction) *AND* must
have a continuation in 72 (thats three) which IIRC there is
no other DD parameter has any restrictions (that I can
remember of).

That hasn't been true for ages. A PARM in parentheses may be 
continued over multiple records, and may start in columns 4-16. 
Only the 100 character restriction still applies.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: How to read past EOF

2011-12-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 12/9/2011 12:46 PM, Skip Robinson wrote:

I have a GTF trace file full of gold nuggets and bright red rubies.
Unfortunately GTF trace was restarted at the next IPL, so the data set has
immediate EOF. I used StarTool to reset logical (VTOC) end of file to the
full extent. Anyone know how to bypass physical EOF and read/copy from
block 2 all the way to the end?

If it has an EOF, then presumably the rest of the track has been 
erased. You should be able to recover the rest by using BSAM to 
copy the file, but issue a POINT immediately after OPEN.

If you have the ability to ZAP the VTOC entry, and nobody else 
is using the volume, just zap the DSCB1 start extent up one 
track, do a normal copy (IEBGENER, or whatever), then zap it back.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Licence to kill -9

2011-11-29 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/29/2011 9:16 AM, Don Imbriale wrote:

The manuals should be the first place to go.  Google can be useful, but
should be used only after using the manuals.  The message or other
symptoms, when used as a search argument, may not reveal anything.  This is
not an indication that you have encountered a new problem that no one else
has found, and therefore automatically post to IBM-Main or other support
mechanisms for an answer.

While I agree with you in principle, the practice is somewhat 
wanting. In the past I've found information in the printed 
manuals that was not available in digital form; the first time I 
ran into this I was doing maintenance at an ISV. The program 
allocated a temporary SYSIN data set, wrote one line, closed it, 
allocated a temporary SYSPRINT, and attached IDCAMS, then opened 
SYSPRINT, processed the file, then closed and freed the 
temporary files. I suspected that there was a better way, but 
couldn't find it - there were some elusive hints to a figure, 
but that didn't show up. It was only when I tracked down the 
printed version that I found all necessary information in the 
illustration - setting up a SYSIN/SYSPRINT exit to avoid the 
allocation and de-allocation of files. I suspect that the 
situation wasn't unique to the IDCAMS documentation, but it was 
the first I found where all the needed information (return 
values, PARM format, etc.) appeared only in an illustration.

The situation with messages isn't straight-forward either. It 
takes lots of time, and copious errors, to learn which messages 
to ignore on first reading job output, as many are either 
irrelevant or non-productive.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Terminology

2011-11-21 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/21/2011 4:32 PM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

"negation symbol", but informally called the "not sign".

The only name I heard for it, that I remember, was "inverted
circumflex". How about that for a meaningless mouthful? :-)

There is a name for an inverted circumflex, but it's not a not 
sign, but rather a caron, or hacek (with one on top of the c). 
My grandfather had one in his name.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Simple record extraction from a sequential file

2011-11-21 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/21/2011 6:13 PM, John Gilmore wrote:

I am of course familiar with production-control schemes.  Production
must be orderly, but in my experience bureaucratic controls alone do
not reduce errors: They only diffuse responsibility.

Some of us are handicapped by management uneasy with things they 
do not understand. Rigid and rigorous procedures for adoption of 
production changes are the most benign form of this; I worked as 
a contractor at a site where we failed to convince management 
that a particular approach would save them time and money. A 
manager unable to complete a work load in a batch window has 
plenty of excuses the higher-ups will understand (more work to 
process - we need a faster machine), whereas a radical change 
the manager can't explain may result in unemployment at the 
slightest hint of a problem.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: STOW macro Location

2011-11-15 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/15/2011 9:24 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Resource constraint, whether development schedule or REGION
to accommodate the executable code is a plausible explanation.

All of the OPEN code was in a type 4 SVC, with a 1K constraint 
on each transient. While OPEN had a lot of overlays, it didn't 
exhaust all valid names, and if necessary, an extra one for the 
member name check could have been added. The REGION doesn't come 
into it.

But that was then; this is the 21st Century.  A reasonable
compromise which allows the user to do something "this strange"
would be to allow the operation if the user overrides to DSORG=PS,
in either JCL or SVC 99 arguments but forbid it for DSORG=PO.
(It's probably a bad idea to permit this override for PDSE.)


Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: STOW macro Location

2011-11-15 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/15/2011 8:41 PM, Shane wrote:

Maybe users in bygone times were made of sterner stuff and prepared to
take responsibility for their own actions.

Not necessarily - we operated in a completely different 
environment. There were so few manuals that it was possible to 
read all of them, as well as their updates, and if you didn't 
understand something, it was easier to run tests until you 
determined what was happening. Stand-alone machine time was 
easier to get, and source code was available on microfiche and 

Maybe IBM never put any thought into it at all.

My guess that it was a typical IBM process - technical staff 
raises an issue, and a bean counter shoots it down for lack of a 
business case. After all, everyone backs up their files, right?

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: STOW macro Location

2011-11-15 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/15/2011 7:38 PM, Bill Fairchild wrote:

I think the real culprit is the lack of user-friendliness in
whatever OPEN executor module is blindly following the user's
request to overwrite an entire file without checking for
certain file types for which overwriting the whole file might
not be appropriate.  This module, whichever one it is, could
easily check if the user is attempting to use any access
method other than BPAM to write into a PDS and has not
specified a member name, and, if so, then this module should
return an error condition.  Perhaps IBM reasoned that if a
user really, really, seriously wants to do something this
strange, they should let him.

IBM was in a big rush to get OS/360 out the door, and may not 
have considered that worth worrying about. The attitude seems 
endemic - just look at all the commands handled by the 
communications task that let the operator set and change things, 
with absolutely no feedback on the current status.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: STOW macro Location

2011-11-15 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/15/2011 5:56 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:

To Binyamin Dissen and Shmuel Metz:

Ok, I must be confusing (having too much decaying braincells
:D ) STOW with something else which can destroy a PDS / PDSE
directory if used incorrectly.

Or perhaps you were thinking of STOW ,,,I ?

Re your comment on using members as sequential data sets, that's 
fine as far as it goes. But sometimes you need an alias, or more 
frequently user data for a member.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Data encrypt

2011-11-15 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/15/2011 10:35 AM, Ron Thomas wrote:

The customer number we are currently having the ssn as its
identifier, we need to make sure this has to encrypted  . Let
me know what process we need to follow over here?

While I'm not a lawyer, I was under the impression that using an 
SSN for anything other than Social Security and Internal Revenue 
Service was illegal. Even if your use is sanctioned, you need to 
consider that an SSN is not guaranteed to be unique; depending 
on your usage, this may become problematic (the IRS has a data 
file for non-unique SSNs, with additional data to disambiguate 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: The "IBM Displays" Memory Lane

2011-11-13 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/13/2011 4:47 AM, Leonard D Woren wrote:

The 2250 MCS console support was flaky; I once crashed something
(38 years later I can't remember if it was just the 2250 or all
of MVT) by idly clicking the light pen aimed at the fluorescent
lights in the ceiling. Interestingly enough, MVT supported using
the light pen to click on the MCS console for the functions of
"K D,F" and "K E,D", and I have a really vague recollection that
there were numbers you could click on for the equivalent of
PFK-assigned commands.

When we got our 360/165, my first impression was that the 3066 
console looked like a stripped 2250, complete with a cursive 
character set, and minor flickering. I wrote code to run it with 
EXCP, and was impressed by being able to use a mixed Read/Write 
CCW chain that preserved user input while updating the screen 
outside the input area, and no keyboard lockup.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Data Areas?

2011-11-11 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/11/2011 5:37 PM, Steve Horein wrote:

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the term OCO. Like I
mentioned, IOVT/IOCIOVTP isn't the first address I've
encountered that once I got there, I didn't know exactly what
I was looking at! I do think the Data Area manuals are
extremely helpful by noting the size and the different
information contained, but I seem to hit a dead end.

When IBM first released the System 360, all software was made 
available in source form, in addition to the normal 
distributions of object or load module format. When we ordered a 
new release of OS/360, we also ordered the optional source 
material tapes, and the matching microfiche. In addition, fixes 
were available both on tape, and their source on microfiche 

In the sixties, IBM was sued by Applied Data Research for 
distributing free software (purportedly) similar to what ADR 
wanted to sell (ROSCOE vs. IBM's CRBE/CRJE). The outcome was 
IBM's decision to charge for all software other than the base 
system. In the seventies, a company a friend of mine refers to 
as Jujitsu took the entire MVS system code, removed all 
copyright statements, removed all references to IBM, made some 
minor changes, and sold the resulting system with its own 
hardware. IBM's response, other than a court case, was to 
restrict all source code (other than HASP/JES2) from 
distribution, and to cease making the optional source and fiche 
available. They referred to this as Object Code Only (OCO). A 
result is a lack of needful information in manuals, as you 
noted. Some of us look through dumps, and trace execution flow, 
to figure out what is happening, but that's a gray area, as 
IBM's standard contracts prohibit reverse engineering.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: 3270 archaeology (Was: TSO SCREENSIZE)

2011-11-11 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/11/2011 3:34 PM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

Then you should have ordered from GTE :-(

The one that didn't handle wrap-around correctly?

You didn't have the STC (later STK) tape drives where only every other
jumper position was used but the CE documentation didn't mention the

At one time we had a string of STK drives, but they gave us 
nothing but problems, and were replaced with Memorex hardware 
very quickly.

I vaguely recall you grumbling about the CIG[1] block multiplexor
channel as well.

Only until they fixed the timing (3350 response came before 
channel was able to handle it). Memorex plugged their 
controllers for slower response, thus giving us support for 
3330-1 and 3350 capacity, but without the speed improvements. I 
fondly recall referring to it as the PIG multiplexer 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: 3270 archaeology (Was: TSO SCREENSIZE)

2011-11-11 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/11/2011 1:07 AM, Larry Chenevert wrote:

The channel attached control units for those 3270's were
notorious for generating interface control checks, which the
operating systems of the era (OS/VS1, SVS, and MVS 3.8) were
notorious for responding by entering disabled waits, resulting
in many unscheduled outages, and this seemed to persist into the
early 80's.

Your experience differs from mine. We usually installed new 
hardware over weekends, and gave it a thorough workout before 
acceptance. While we had occasional channel checks, it was only 
during the initial testing. I have no recollection of problems 
(other than normal failing boards) with the controllers (we ran 
IBM 3272s, then 3274s, later lots of ITT and one AT&T units. 
Only the AT&T and one Telex gave us problems). It makes me 
wonder whether your problems might have been due to other 
controllers on the channel (I know at least one installation 
that hooked their 3270s on the same selector as their tape drives!).

The worst incident I recall was when the C.E. was asked to plug 
a new 3272 as address 0C0, and he held the board upside down. We 
had a TP controller on 030 and had lots of interesting errors 
until we made him fix the switches. The other major problem was 
an installation where the C.E. didn't hook up the EPO cable, and 
after he left, the 4341 CPU wouldn't power up.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-11-10 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/10/2011 4:15 PM, Mike Schwab wrote:

And the original IBM 3270 screen size was Model 1, 12 lines by 40
characters.  Model 2 (24 * 80) didn't come along until later.

I seem to recall the model 2 to be available at the same time as 
the model 1, but that may be due to my dismissing the model 1 as 
useless. At the time we were running 12*80 2260s. (And while 
google may be my friend, in this case it turned up nothing useful)

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-11-10 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/10/2011 4:14 PM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

This is the behaviour I would expect. IEFACTRT is dependant on
the data collected by SMF processing. No SMF processing means no
data, therefore, no reason to even attempt invoking the exit.

While irrelevant to the OP, IEFACTRT antedates SMF by a few 
years (note that SMF exits have an IEFU prefix), and I used it 
for accounting prior to the availability of SMF data. IBM 
normally tends to be pretty conservative about keeping things 
working, so my expectation would be for IEFACTRT to be invoked 
even without SMF active.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: OT measures was Re: Out damn'd GMT ...

2011-11-08 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/8/2011 8:29 AM, J R wrote:

...  Two by four construction lumber is still the same
dimensions (more like 1.6in by 3.2in).

And in the UK, they still call it four-by-two (otherwise
Cockney rhyming slang wouldn't make sense) and it is a lot
closer to its nominal dimensions.

If I had to guess, it's because the UK is a lot more humid and 
the lumber wouldn't shrink as much? 

Makes me wonder whether dimensional lumber in Seattle is bigger 
than in Texas.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: OT measures was Re: Out damn'd GMT ...

2011-11-04 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 11/4/2011 11:31 AM, Clark Morris wrote:

Canada may be officially metric but I am looking at an advertisement
for meat at $4.99 a pound at my local grocery here in Nova Scotia,

Canada is all screwed up   We bought jewelry, chocolates, and 
a book at a Halifax mall, and each receipt had a different date 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: STP and Time Change

2011-10-31 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/31/2011 8:17 AM, Tom Marchant wrote:

If the application uses local time and will have problems during
the second hour between 1:00 and 2:00, you will have to shut
the application down for an hour.

Unless the time requests are used for interval calculations, it 
should be possible to install a hook into the time processing, 
similar to what was popular prior to the Y2K debacle, to return 
a fake time (at 1 a.m. daylight time the intercept would return 
1 a.m., at 1:10 say 1:05, and at 2 a.m. normal time it would be 
synchronized again). If the application is mission critical, 
that might be preferable to a one hour shut down.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-10-28 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/28/2011 3:09 PM, Kirk Wolf wrote:

Here's some pseudo-code for how I think it is calculated:
used_tracks = DS1LSTAR.TT  (the first two bytes of the TTR)
if (DS1STRP) {
used_tracks = (DS1TRBAL<<  16) + used_tracks;  // two new high-order
} else if (DS1LARGE) {
used_tracks = (DS1TTTHI<<  16) + used_tracks;  // one new high-order byte

This seems odd to me - am I understanding this correctly?

Can't comment on the rest, but for classical data sets, the use 
is either zero, when TT and R are zero (as for a PDS/E, HFS, 
etc.), or TT+1 (e.g., an empty PDS with 1 directory block would 
have TTR=01, and TT alone gives you an incorrect 0 when you 
need 1.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Problems calling IDCAMS:

2011-10-28 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/28/2011 3:39 PM, Joe Aulph wrote:

The code is not-reentrant, I've done no GETMAIN's, has anyone ever ran into
this sort of thing? Any help would be appreciated.

Your second sample doesn't show you loading R1 after the LOAD. 
If that's not it, then the most likely cause, in my experience, 
is that your program is doing something nasty, perhaps (re)using 
the SYSIN/SYSPRINT data sets, or overwriting storage, or 
shifting to an inappropriate addressing mode. In the case that 
your DD names are also used by the program, you could change 
ARGLIST to include substitute DD names for input and output DDs, 
to see if that changes anything.

As I mentioned yesterday, in assembler it is possible to call 
IDCAMS with a parameter list that enables an input and output 
exit, so you do not need to allocate unneeded SYSIN/SYSPRINT 
data sets. While it takes a little effort to set up the first 
time, it's nice to have in the long run.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Lines per page - IDCAMS output

2011-10-27 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/27/2011 6:36 PM, Dale Miller wrote:

Frank Bonaduce wrote: "Another possibility ... is ... IGGCSI00.
If you are versed in Assembler ...". I need to point out that
Assembler is not necessary. REXX will do just fine.

The only thing that counts is getting things to work, so if you 
use REXX rather than assembler that's fine. However, IDCAMS may 
be invoked from assembler using the SYSIN/SYSPRINT exits, making 
the process more efficient.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Our community strengths

2011-10-27 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/27/2011 7:08 PM, Dale Miller wrote:

machine. I only stopped using Warp when it became impossible to
get a new printer with Warp support, and my old EPSON laser
EPL6600 finally died after quite a few years of unblemished

I built my own machine in 1984; the only change was to replace 
the 64K motherboard with a 256K one a few years later. Has been 
running Warp without a hitch, while several Windoze machines 
have come and gone. My current printer is a Kyocera 1600; it and 
supplies are available on eBay. There are other printers out 
there that do not require Windows or Mac drivers.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: CRLF in unix, translated :-)

2011-10-26 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/26/2011 11:44 AM, Tony's Comcast account wrote:

I looked them them up but due to my limited gray matter I no longer know the
capital of Bulgaria or who composed La Traviata.

Really hard to believe   But get a piece of paper and write 
down Sofia, and Joe Green for future reference.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Lines per page - IDCAMS output

2011-10-26 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/26/2011 3:51 PM, Binyamin Dissen wrote:

When you suggest RTFM, make sure that there is something in the FM. Otherwise,
what is the point of a useless suggestion?

There are way too many new users addicted to the internet, who 
are used to asking a question and getting an answer, without 
having to think or do any work.

The point is that, in the long run, it creates good habits. If 
the OP states that he looked at manual xyz, page nn, and didn't 
understand it or it doesn't seem to work, then the answer will 
be a lot more useful, and the number of posts both ways will 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: BLDL error Cause

2011-10-24 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/24/2011 8:19 AM, Tom Marchant wrote:

Did I miss the announcement that block sizes greater than 32K are
supported?  What release was that?

It depends on your definition of "supported" - I had a job that 
used BSAM to manipulate blocks larger than 32K (disk and tape). 
If you have an even number of buffers, it's quite easy to 
overlay the relevant BSAM control blocks and CCWs with larger 
sizes. QSAM might be a bit harder. These days it's easier to use 
EXCP, since much of the detailed error handling can be avoided.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: z/OS Control block question

2011-10-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/19/2011 6:38 PM, Roberts, John J wrote:

I just ran a test using my z/OS 1.11 system and it worked.

And a stopped clock is correct twice a day.

If I had a dollar for every problem in your little code segment, 
I could buy something nice at Starbucks.

1. There is no check to handle a deleted entry.

2. The code should save the caller's AMODE (e.g., BSM 14,0 / STM 
14,12,12(13) at start; BSM 0,14 at end) and switch to AMODE 31, 
as pointed out by Shmuel. Having AMODE and RMODE statements in 
your assembly indicates a preference, but is not enforced at 
execution time.

3. The code is inefficient. There are unused registers, but it 
accesses TIOELNGH twice. It would be simpler to do an ICM at the 
top of the loop, branch out of the loop on zero, and at the end 
of the loop, just add that register to 14.

4. Your RX instructions use index registers rather than base 
registers [e.g., L 2,0(1) instead of L 2,0(,1)]. That may cause 
problems when called by a program that uses access registers. 
And if you don't need to update the access register, the code is 
easier to maintain if that's shown explicitly [LA 15,54(15,0)]

5. And as I mentioned originally, you must either treat the JFCB 
address as an SVA (preferred), or test whether it's an address. 
While SVAs are odd, IBM has made no commitment to that effect, 
so using SWAREQ is the preferred approach.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: z/OS Control block question

2011-10-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/19/2011 5:29 PM, Roberts, John J wrote:

My little subprog:

  MVC   10(44,15),16(1)

This always works only in older systems. For current ones, the 
TIOEJFCB field is a double index into SQA, and you need to use 
SWAREQ (unauthorized for retrieval) to get the virtual JFCB address.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Rename of DDname ?

2011-10-07 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 10/7/2011 9:45 AM, Thomas Berg wrote:

An example of usage is when You have an allocation for
application 1 with DDname 'ABC' for dataset AAA.BBB and want
to keep that and then want to run application 2 which
requires the same DDname (for dataset CCC.DDD). This is just
*one* example.

Is it a matter of "editing" the TIOT, or ?

This is feasible only when the called programs support changing 
the name (e.g., many IBM utilities offer an optional DDNAME list 
on invocation).

Changing the TIOT (alone) wouldn't help, as there are other 
control blocks with the name.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Object modules

2011-09-15 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 9/13/2011 12:26 PM, Tony Harminc wrote:

I wouldn't say that. I'm not aware of a case where a delinker will
silently produce an object deck that doesn't match the load module.

Back in the sixties I ran into a problem with a module that had 
several CSECTs from a single assembly. DELINK0 appeared to work 
correctly, but the linker forced one of the names to a 
double-word boundary which it hadn't been before. I no longer 
recall the details, and haven't seen the problem since, and I 
long ago lost the output.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: A Set and B set of z/OS system

2011-09-08 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 9/8/2011 8:30 AM, Mike Schwab wrote:

On assembler programs, when a statement is continued onto another
card, columns 1-15 must be blank and your text begins in column 16.

Please suggest.

You misread his message. He wasn't asking for the answer, but a 
suggestion of how to find it 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: z/OS Systems Programmer Jobs in Dubuque Iowa

2011-09-08 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 9/8/2011 12:21 PM, Paul Peplinski wrote:

That is all true and good for situations you mention. The
problem with that is when nearby companies do "market
analysis" of wages it gets to be an infection that spreads

If someone is willing to disregard personal ethics, it would be 
interesting to provide work of a quality commensurate with the 

I once was hired as a consultant at an IVP, with a twenty year 
old product that suddenly had become unstable. It turns out they 
hired (in succession) two programmers with no apparent assembler 
or hardware experience; I found over a dozen MVC and CLC 
instructions where one of the operands was a character 
self-defining term (e.g., MVC FLAG,C'X'). And those were only 
the obvious errors.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: A Set and B set of z/OS system

2011-09-07 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 9/8/2011 1:01 AM, saurabh khandelwal wrote:


  ** ASMA144E Begin-to-continue columns not blank -

Please suggest.

The message is self-explanatory. If not, read the assembler manuals.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: SMF timestamps

2011-09-06 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 9/6/2011 11:04 AM, Richard L Peurifoy wrote:

Perhaps we need a requirement for an option to use GMT in the SMF
header, or maybe to just use TOD timestamps. It would be nice to
have the GMT offset in the records too, but this would require
changes in the record structure which will be harder to do.

The easiest would be to keep existing formats, but add a new SMF 
record type that would record clock information whenever that is 
changed (including the daylight savings transition), and provide 
the IPL settings.

While it would be lovely to have only TOD timestamps, there is 
no business case for a complete SMF rewrite.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Book: What On Earth is a Mainframe?

2011-08-26 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/26/2011 5:43 PM, Phil Smith III wrote:

Ok, but it's not "MVS" any more. Do you drive a Model T? Is your desktop a
486? Do you run Windows 95?

In 1984 I built a PC from parts - Intel 386 on an AT format 
motherboard, with one 5" and one 3.5" floppy. It's not connected 
to the internet, has never been hacked, and stays up during 
power outages even when my Wintels quit. I use it for finances 
and personal data base work, running OS/2 in the primary 
partition and Windows 95 in the secondary (mostly games there). 
It's rock solid, doesn't get blue screens of death, and is a 
better designed system than the alternatives. In this same time 
I've gone through several PCs and versions of DOS and Windows, 
at much greater expense.

If the model T had four wheel drive, it might be preferable to 
my current car in winter and mud season 

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-23 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/23/2011 3:10 PM, Micheal Butz wrote:

On Aug 23, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/23/2011 1:05 PM, Micheal Butz wrote:

If I have a peice of code that was MVCL somewere it can'nt be
the object of synch/synch

OK, I'll bite - why not?

> In a earlier post John Gilmore wrote as long as the copy is
> refershable reusable the Info is kept in the CDE

Apples and bananas. SYNCH has nothing to do with CDEs, as 
already mentioned. The only possible hitch with moving code is 
that the code either must be self-relocating, or not contain 
affected address constants at all. Neither consideration 
precludes the use of SYNCH.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-23 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/23/2011 1:05 PM, Micheal Butz wrote:

If I have a peice of code that was MVCL somewere it can'nt be
the object of synch/synch

OK, I'll bite - why not?

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Security is fun in the PC world....

2011-08-20 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/20/2011 12:27 PM, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:

I agree, zMan (and many others) is still anonymous despite
being asked, in IBM-MAIN many moons ago, for his/her/it
identity despite his famous signature line.

This looks like a good opportunity to nitpick. I consider a 
contribution to be anonymous only if you can't identify the 
sender, in the sense of disambiguating two messages both sent 
anonymously. In our case you always know whom the message is 
from, just not the identity of the sender, so I'd call him 
incognito instead 

Perhaps zMan may give himself lots of trouble by giving out
his name. Let us hope he can do that in the future by
retirement... (and share some zMachine warstories too... :-D

Some installations are supersensitive, and may try to control 
their employees even when off site, though in this day and age 
this is getting to be more and more futile.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Security is fun in the PC world....

2011-08-20 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/20/2011 9:37 AM, zMan wrote:

In case it's escaped you:
1.3M hits. Heavily covered by popular and trade press. Hardly obscure.

While I don't know about the others, MCI in the late seventies 
was definitely running IBM systems (MVT up to 1978, pre-RACF; I 
don't know what they ran once they got their own computer center 
in DC).

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: iasxwr00

2011-08-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/19/2011 5:43 PM, Ed Gould wrote:

As far as I know the program (even if run) would not produce
any output no Input. There is a block letter subroutine that
is probably useful (Can't remember the name for the life
of me) that I used eons ago for a calendar) it was easy to
use but how often do you need to create block letters?

I suspect you're thinking of IEFSD095, which in its original 
form lacked national characters, and so was useless for printing 
job separators. IIRC, there is an improved version on the cbt 
(by either Bill Godfrey or Jim Marshall?). I did my own version 
with all PN train characters, an 8*8 matrix, italics, and a few 
other enhancements in the seventies. On top of that it appeared 
to have been written by a 7094 programmer, using full-word 
instructions for character manipulation; definitely not one of 
IBM's finer efforts.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: SV: PDS(E) "invalid" membernames give suprising behaviour in ISPF Data Set List Utility (BROWSE)

2011-08-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/19/2011 5:13 AM, Thomas Berg wrote:

4. You can update JFCBELNM with member name consisting of
characters that are not limited to those which can be
specified in JCL. The member name cannot consist of bytes
that all are X'FF'.

5. Process the member with an OPEN TYPE=J macro, a series of
PUT or WRITE macros, and the CLOSE macro. The system issues a
STOW macro when the data set is closed.

Note: If the member name specified in JFCBELNM begins with
'+' (X'4E'), '-' (X'60'), or X'Fx', the system does not issue
the STOW macro. CLOSE will interpret '+' (X'4E'), '-'
(X'60'), or X'Fx' in JFCBELNM as an indication that the data
set is a generation data set (GDS) of a generation data group

That sounds like a reportable error. JFCBELNM is not supposed to 
be relevant unless JFCBIND1 has either the JFCPDS (member name) 
or JFCGDG (generation number) set on.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Last card reader?

2011-08-18 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/18/2011 5:30 PM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

because he was just too afraid to be confident of his work. I
couldn't be troubled to double-check his work and still get my
work done.

Where do you draw the lines?

I've worked at places that separated test and production 
environments, and to even have your work considered for 
production testing it had to be checked by another. It's 
generally cheaper to pay for extra employees than to fix costly 
problems, or worse, put trojan horses into your system.

And I've had a few doozies - one program should have had an LA 
instruction that got keypunched as an LH; the error was 
discovered fourteen years later when IBM changed a control block 
around so the referenced field wound up on an odd boundary.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: ABEND - 637-04

2011-08-18 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/18/2011 1:16 PM, john gilmore wrote:

Seymour's comment about 32K BLKSIZE= values for "load
libraries" needs qualification.  It is on the mark for
traditional PDSs containing load modules.  It is off the mark
by a factor of 8 for PDSEs containing program objects.  They
have an imposed block size of 4K, which should not be/need
not be mentioned.

The thread started with a discussion of efficient use of DASD. A 
32K text record in a PDS takes up less disk space, allowing for 
block overhead, than 8 4K blocks in a PDSE. The physical block 
size in a PDSE does not enforce a restriction on a data set 
block size. If you are asserting that the Binder reverts to a 
logical 4K size, then the PDSE would at best match, or come out 
slightly worse than a PDS with a 4K block size, due to design.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-18 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/18/2011 3:43 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Yes.  If it were a PARMLIB option rather than an exit facility, I might
not consider it a hack.  If it were the default, I wouldn't consider it
a hack.

But is this for a different LPARs, or for a single LPAR?

The pre-logon exit has an option bit to suppress the enqueue on 
SYSIKJUA. Doing so enables multiple logons on the same system. 
What happens is up to the exit code - it may issue a shared ENQ, 
escalate the scope to SYSTEMS, or whatever the installation can 
dream up. Since the advent of ISPF, I wouldn't recommend running 
multiple instances in different sessions, but an installation 
might even be able to work around that.

Offering it as a PARMLIB option would not be advisable, as it 
would lead to wholesale destruction of data sets by unwary users 
who accidentally or otherwise do multiple logons.

My exit presented prompts (line mode terminal) or a formatted 
screen for logon (didn't use USS), and displayed options that 
were verified against the user's privileges (our security was 
based on account numbers), so it was fairly easy to restrict 
goodies to trained users.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-18 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/17/2011 8:50 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

Get a workstation.  Run as many tn3270 sessions as your heart
desires. Then complain that TSO won't allow you to run
multiple sessions.  (I know; there are hacks that fix that.
Sort of.  It just isn't standard.)

Does this mean your definition of "hack" to be the use of an IBM 
provided option in a supported (pre-logon) exit?

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Last card reader?

2011-08-17 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/17/2011 4:36 PM, Robert Heffner wrote:

I was going to add that there is a small company in Texas
that not only still uses cards, but uses a 402 to process
them.  Talk about one for Ripley's.

My all-time favorite is a small establishment on Times Square in 
New York City. A customer would provide details, the attendant 
would punch stuff into a card, shuffle it into a deck of a 
couple of hundred other cards, and run them through a card 
sorter. After a few times, exactly one card fell into the 
"lucky" slot, containing the customer's fortune.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: file allocation dcb order

2011-08-11 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/11/2011 5:04 PM, Rick Fochtman wrote:

I respectfully submit that the use of SVC 32 is archaic and
cumbersome and should be discouraged in favor of DYNALLOC (SVC
99) whenever possible.

I have a 33.3 RPM turntable, cassette tape recorder, VHS 
recorder, and I have been known to use a manual screwdriver. I 
even look at maps when I need to drive somewhere. When something 
works, age should be a secondary consideration to capability. 
SVC 32 allows some things to be done that are difficult or messy 
with SVC 99. If you railed against DAIR I might have a little 
more understanding.

How many of our list participants are sufficiently skillful to
construct a partial DSCB correctly?

Most of the dinosaurs, who had to run OS/360 despite IBM's help. 
  Completing a DSCB is no more difficult than setting up a JFCB.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-10 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/10/2011 7:50 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

I need a little help, maybe a lot of help. I wrote an Assembler routine that is 
able to locate a dataset
non-racf, non-sms and the routine finds it fine , no problem. When I go to 
i have a S0C1 it looks like in dfp...So here is my  of my source 
showing LOCATE and
Scratch. The input dsname in coming in off SYSIN...

You should not be getting an 0C1, but rather an error message.

1) You may use the same physical CL44 field for all requests, 
using the same name in the CAMLSTs.

2) SMS data sets are funny; you may only think you have a 
non-SMS data set? You need to look up the messages and the error 
codes. I prefer to use a DELETE (non-VSAM) statement with 
IDCAMS. You may LINK or ATTACH to IDCAMS passing it a 
SYSIN/SYSPRINT exit list; in the SYSIN exit you return the 
DELETE statement(s), then end of input. In the SYSPRINT exit, 
you choose whether to print or ignore the text given to you. 
It's a little more overhead, but well worthwhile. The 
information about the exits is in a figure, not the text, so 
some types of reader don't show it at all. If you want sample 
code, let me know.  Also if the LOCATE returns a MIGRAT as the 
volume serial, you can use an HDELETE statement to get rid of 
the data set without a recall.

3) SCRATCH may need an OVRD parameter.

4) The 0C1 at location 52 means that you tried to do an I/O 
(GET, PUT, etc.) to a closed DCB. Your fragment doesn't show a 
DCB for SYSPRINT, nor the OPEN and CLOSE statement; and if you 
have those, you could be missing the DD card.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: batch job as non-swappable

2011-08-10 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/10/2011 1:50 PM, Tim Brown wrote:

What is required to make a particular  batch job  run as non-swappable

It has to run authorized, and issue a SYSEVENT, either TRANSWAP 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Enforcing job name conventions - which exit?

2011-08-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/9/2011 11:27 AM, Williamson, James R wrote:


Customizing how users submit jobs and process the output

As the OP pointed out, the request was for a general solution, 
not just from a TSO SUBMIT. And you might be astonished at how 
many installations write elaborate code for this exit, but do 
absolutely nothing to a job submitted (TSO or otherwise) via DD 

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-09 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/9/2011 11:54 AM, Donald Likens wrote:

seemed to work. PS. I anchor  the buffer in a module
dynamically loaded into LPA. When I designed this I wasn't
even sure I could do a getmain in IEFU85 since it could not
issue SVCs (I have since learned obtain storage does a PC).

It is expected that modules loaded into LPA be reentrant (or 
rather, refreshable). You could use that method only if you also 
pagefix the page containing your pointer (and if you do your 
initialization with a job, the fix needs to survive job 
termination). As an alternative, you could specify the module to 
go to FLPA via a PARMLIB entry.

I'd look for a more mundane solution. If you don't like 
name/token services, another alternative is to use a subsystem 
entry; that can also be created dynamically, and has fairly low 
access overhead.

Probably the most efficient way of anchoring things is to use 
the CVTUSER slot (pointing to a table, for expansion), but that 
makes your code installation dependent, as everyone else finds 
this tempting also.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Opcode X'A0' (was:Suffix of 64 bit instructions)

2011-08-08 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/8/2011 11:05 PM, John Baker wrote:

The X'A0' opcode provided various VS APL Assist functions.

I don't believe that IBM ever documented it in any publication distributed to 

In the sixties I wrote a little program to run through all 
possible opcodes, which turned up some undocumented ones 
(returning an 0Cx other than 0C1, or executing); of course that 
didn't tell me what they were.

Also IBM CEs had a rack of machine service manuals and logic 
charts; these were readily accessible, and sometimes quite 

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Suffix of 64 bit instructions

2011-08-07 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/7/2011 8:48 PM, Robert A. Rosenberg wrote:

Thanks to the Wikipedia S/360 article I was able to download a
copy of the S/360 PoPs manual can confirm my impression that ALL
the S/360 opcodes were one byte long (and that B2 opcodes were
not part of the architecture). In Fact - No opcode from A0-D0
was valid.

If you are confining yourself to normally used instructions, 
then you are correct. Depending on your interpretation, the 
opcode for Diagnose was three or four bytes, and just about 
every 360 model used different values. On the 360/40 I used one 
to read the panel switches, and another that causes all tape 
drives to rewind, unload, and power off. Similar ones I tried on 
the 360/50 gave me a machine check unless I/O was quiesced 

And I seem to recall that A0 was the opcode for loading emulator 
instructions on the 360/165.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: Source code to Milten, Orvyl, & Wylbur is here.

2011-08-04 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/4/2011 2:37 PM, McKown, John wrote:

I vaguely remember using these in college on MVT. The actual
HLASM source is available. It's liberally licensed in a MPL
type license. Now, this is not likely of much use to us here.
But if you're running MVS 3.8j or MVT on Hercules/390, this
might be of some interest.

This has been available for a number of years, but it's of 
limited utility. Some person moved mainframe data to a PC 
environment without consideration of the character set, 
resulting in loss of some special characters in the code, module 
names, and directories. No effort was made to keep it in a mode 
easily retrievable for mainframe use (I wrote a little REXX 
utility to combine files in one directory into IEBUPDTE format, 
but couldn't fix the special character problem). The code is 
incomplete (some missing source has assembly listings).

It's further not really useful on MVS 3.8 because it requires 
HLASM features (e.g., it uses dynamically generated global 
variable names, and the D' attribute). I tried the Dignus 
assembler, but had problems with it.

Installation specific code for logon and accounting should be 
replaceable, but is fairly embedded. And finally, the code for 
asynchronous terminal support isn't included, as they moved that 
functionality into a custom front-end.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: S/A Dump issue

2011-08-03 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/3/2011 5:25 PM, John Norgauer wrote:

IEAIPL0010/31/06 HBB7740.

Strange stuff going on here with my S/A dump writing.

Just a shot in the dark, but similar to the IPL text, is it 
possible that the S/A dump module has a dependency on the 
version of the system you're running? The Halloween 2006 date 
seems pretty old.

Gerhard Postpischil
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Re: "programmable SYSOUT"

2011-08-03 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/3/2011 1:25 PM, Scott Ford wrote:

Yep, Shmuel we have a couple customers asking for a 'generic' wilbur or roscoe 
type interface.
It amazes me that people are still using Wilbur or Roscoe..

Why should it? For some users, and some applications, using a 
"dumb" terminal, with user configurable tabs, provides the 
fastest means of data entry. And with a properly modified 
Wylbur, you can get full-screen support on an asynchronous CRT, 
and have full-screen editing, too. While I've installed and 
maintained ROSCOE, I've never used it, so can't comment.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-03 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/3/2011 8:38 AM, CM Poncelet wrote:

Well yes, they have to be loaded into VS to be processed. In the
case of block read/writes they precede the data records in the
buffer. But whatever was being discussed at the time I wrote
that had to do with record read/writes, in which case the BDW
and RDW would not be accessible from the buffer: so perhaps I
should have said 'not accessible' instead of 'not loaded'.

And you keep digging a bigger hole. While I have written 
production programs in many languages, most of my career was 
spent on assembler, on multiple platforms. If you had bothered 
to look at BSAM and QSAM, you would not be making these absurd 
statements. While QSAM has a DATA mode, normal use of variable 
format always includes the RDWs. In the original context, other 
than references to IEBGENER, there was no mention of the 
program's language, so you're on shaky ground; and IEBGENER 
definitely uses QSAM, or BSAM, as appropriate, with full access 
to the control data.

If I dealt only with MVS, I would have the time to refresh my
memory: but I don't; I work with subsystems. By CCW EXCPs I am
simply emphasising the fact that the channel programs (CPs) are
issuing CCWs (which have direct access to DASD devices).

And more of the same. EXCP is a specific reference to an MVS 
service, and the macro used to invoke it. EXCP uses CCWs, CCWs 
don't use EXCP. And channel program do not issue CCWs, they are 

True. I translate my thoughts into words and for this I use
whatever suitable word - not necessarily the most appropriate
one - first comes to mind.

This group is about sharing information about mainframes, and 
providing help to people who are stuck. That entails effective 
communication, which is not achieved by using well-understood 
concepts in inappropriate ways, or creating your own arbitrary 
definitions for common words. I get the impression that you 
misunderstood something in the original thread, made an 
inappropriate post, something all of us have had happen at some 
stage of our careers, and rather than own up to the 
misapprehension, you are trying to argue your way out of it. 
That not only wastes everyone's time, but has already made you 
appear incredibly foolish.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2011-08-02 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/2/2011 3:11 PM, CM Poncelet wrote:

this. But in any case the BDW and RDW would not be loaded into
the buffer.

The BDW and RDW are always included in the buffer. They may not 
be seen at the application level (e.g., on a ForTran read or 
write, or in CoBOL).

I have no time for that. If something is true it can remember
itself; if it is false it is not worth remembering. Hence I
remember what I am dealing with and forget it afterwards. Do you
expect me to *remember* system control blocks?

But as is obvious from this thread, you are making assertions 
based on (mis)information where you should have refreshed your 
memory. I still don't know what you meant by "CCW EXCPs", for 

'DCB' is shorter than the 'RECFM=,LRECL=,BLKSIZE=' I am actually
referring to when I say 'DCB'; so I say 'DCB' for short.

'Data format' is also shorter than those, and a lot less ambiguous.

Gerhard Postpischil
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2011-08-01 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/1/2011 9:53 PM, CM Poncelet wrote:

Quite possibly; but it's a contrived case where the 2nd LRECL is
a fixed length multiple of the first (so there is one BDW and
one RDW, and the records follow each other consecutively in the

His example used RECFM=FB, so there are no BDWs and no RDWs (if 
there were, then the first four bytes of the second record would 
be the RDW, not data).

to avoid I/O errors. Hence, the assertion that DCB attribute
override priority is 'program -> JCL -> DASD' is true if the DCB
is opened for output; but it is false (or at least 'it does not
work', for the benefit of those who can stomach only a
politically correct version of the truth) if it is opened for
input, because it then hits I/O errors.

DCB is short for Data Control Block. These exist only in memory, 
and are specific to the zOS operating systems (and earlier MVS 
and OS/360). I can read DASD written on MVS on VSE, and vice 
versa. VSE has no DCBs, but it manages to read data anyway.

On DASD, each block of data is preceded by a count field 
containing a logical (alternate track) or physical address 
(CCHHR), a key length, and a data length. There is no RECFM, no 
LRECL, and the physical block may have a length other than that 
specified by BLKSIZE. Regardless of how often you repeat 
yourself, there is no DCB on DASD.

Furthermore, your discussion of I/O seems to indicate that 
either you do not understand English, or that you are unaware of 
the differences between BSAM and QSAM. I would suggest that you 
read up on system control blocks, notable the IOB and ICB, look 
at some in a dump, and get a better understanding of how I/O 
functions. Requisite manuals are available online. While "Using 
Data Sets" is a bit daunting, it contains most of the information.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2011-08-01 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/1/2011 9:18 PM, CM Poncelet wrote:

If the DCB had 'FB,80' and the actual data had 'FB,90' - then I
would expect the first 80 bytes to be read in, then the next
81st to 160th bytes etc. until all the data had been read in
using 'FB,80' (and with the last record in a block being
appended with X'00's, if necessary, to complete the 80 bytes).

Your expectation runs afoul of reality. If the block is not a 
multiple of 80 (as well as 90), then the I/O fails (incorrect 
length), and your program would get a system 001 abend.

Your scenario can be produced using EXCP (or EXCPVR or STARTIO) 
or BSAM, provided the CCWs had the SLI bit on, and you had code 
to zero the buffer prior to the read, and your deblock code went 
past the block end.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: running Assembler I/O macro code as AMODE 31, RMODE ANY

2011-08-01 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 8/1/2011 10:27 AM, Ward, Mike S wrote:

Gerhard, I'm sorry for laughing at your post, but it struck me as funny.
Did you really mean to say masticate?

Yes, that's how I remembered it. Unfortunately others don't. See

Part of American political lore is the Smathers "redneck 
speech," which Smathers reportedly delivered to a poorly 
educated audience. The "speech" was never given; it was a hoax 
dreamed up by one reporter. Smathers did not say, as was 
reported in Time Magazine during the campaign:

Are you aware that Claude Pepper is known all over 
Washington as a shameless extrovert? Not only that, but this man 
is reliably reported to practice nepotism with his 
sister-in-law, he has a brother who is a known homo sapiens,[7] 
and he has a sister who was once a thespian in wicked New York. 
Worst of all, it is an established fact that Mr. Pepper, before 
his marriage, habitually practiced celibacy.[8]

The Smathers campaign denied his having made the speech, as did 
the reporters who covered his campaign, but the hoax followed 
Smathers to his death.[9]

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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2011-07-31 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/31/2011 12:35 PM, CM Poncelet wrote:

The program's DCB attributes take priority over (i.e.
'override') the DCB attributes on DASD for OUTPUT, and the DCB
attributes on DASD take priority over (i.e. 'override') the
program's DCB for INPUT. If a program 'disagrees' with that and
tries to override the DCB attributes on DASD anyway, with its
own DCB attributes and for an INPUT, it crashes with an I/O
error. Crashing with an I/O error indicates that the program's
DCB was unable - not able - to override the DCB attributes on DASD.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Your statement 
above makes it evident that you are using "DCB attributes on 
DASD" as applying to the format of the data, whereas the other 
participants in this merry-go-round are referring to the DCB 
parameters in the format 1 DSCB (DS1RECFM, DS1LRECL, DS1BLKL).

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: running Assembler I/O macro code as AMODE 31, RMODE ANY

2011-07-31 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/31/2011 9:37 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

 My opponent has publicly
matriculated and his father was a thespian.

Not the way I heard it: he was seen to masticate in public, and 
his sister was a thespian. There was also a third one I can't 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: disclosing "business" information on the internet

2011-07-28 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/28/2011 2:20 PM, Frank Swarbrick wrote:

Our information security officer sent the following to my
manager:  "The content Frank is positing does not appear to
be specific to our environment.  However, I am concern by the
fact he posts his position, where he works, and phone number.
This creates some social engineering risk, as well as
discloses information about the operating systems we use.
Who can I talk with to ask Frank to remove information
related to where he works on this conversation thread and
future ones?"

Are these concerns justified or just paranoia?

Just make them aware that list traffic is archived and echoed 
all over the place. If the security officer can't live with the 
state of affairs, just inform him/her that to mitigate things, 
the company needs to change its name, street address, all ip 
addresses, phone numbers, employee names and titles, and then 
restrict the new information from the web. As is, the horse is 
out of the barn..... 

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: dynamic STEPLIB

2011-07-22 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/22/2011 3:06 PM, Jim Mulder wrote:

   The only supported mechanism in MVS for adding to the
module library search order within as address space is an ATTACH with
a TASKLIB.  This is the only supported way to set TCBJLB.

As I'm sure you're aware, many users have requirements that are 
not satisfied by "supported" methods. I've been at this since 
the 709, and have had no problem finding things that could be 
improved. For some users it's a simple trade-off between 
increased productivity at the expense of some testing after 
system changes. Many features of zOS exist as a result of user 
requests, SHARE resolutions, and similar sources.

   Any program which modifies TCBJLB in an existing TCB is
wrong to do so.  I would recommend against having any such
program installed on your system.

The STEPLIB program has existed for decades without problems. 
While I can only speak for the version I'm using, it's reliable. 
In a sandbox environment it saves significant time for program 
development and testing, to the point where even an occasional 
system crash (not yet observed) would be an acceptable 
trade-off. Additionally, mine has an APF option, allowing the 
DEB to be flagged authorized, which saves yet more time 
developing system utilities. While there was an integrity 
exposure when it was first written, with modern security it's 
safe enough to put on a production system, not that I'd 
recommend that.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Check out June 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites

2011-07-20 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/20/2011 10:17 AM, Bill Fairchild wrote:

I checked it out.  Japan is way out in front of the rest of
the pack with an 8.0 petaflop system.
  The only way the USA is tops
is in the total number of different systems, which is 5.
This is an interesting journalistic device.  If you look hard
enough, you can always find some way to categorize your own
contestant(s) as the winner(s).

That reminds me of probably the most blatant example. Back in 
the seventies, the USSR and the US held a track meet, and Pravda 
reported that the USSR took second place, and USA was next to last!

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Re-entrant module stores into itself with no 0C4

2011-07-20 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/20/2011 9:34 AM, Tom Marchant wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 21:50:21 -0400, Tony Harminc wrote:

Well... I don't know, but I speculate that the failure to load most
REFR modules into store-protected storage in the early days was an
attempt to avoid providing an easy to use mechanism for unauthorized
programs to put arbitrary data into protected storage.

I don't see why that would have been a problem.  Perhaps you could
enlighten us as to the why that would be necessary.  Remember that
system integrity issues were not as well understood as they are today.

I doubt that integrity was an issue, as the design of the paging 
system could have provided a subpool for protected pages in the 
user space.

If a module needed to be in shared storage, the installation 
could put it there, thus avoiding IBM involvement.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Re-entrant module stores into itself with no 0C4

2011-07-19 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/19/2011 10:18 PM, Schumacher, Otto wrote:

REENTRANT Program: Re-entrancy is a useful, memory-saving
technique for multiprogrammed timesharing systems. A
Reentrant Procedure is one in which multiple users can share
a single copy of a program during the same period. Reentrancy
has 2 key aspects: * The program code cannot modify itself. *
The local data for each user process must be stored
separately. Thus, the permanent part is the code, and the
temporary part is the pointer back to the calling program and
local variables used by that program.

I hate to quibble, but it's not true that the program code 
"cannot" modify itself. As you noted, local data are stored 
separately, and could, for instance, contain an ENQ parameter 
list. The module could do an exclusive ENQ, change itself, do 
something else, change back, and release the ENQ, and still 
satisfy all conditions of re-entrancy.


The module is refreshable. It can be replaced by a new copy
during execution without changing the sequence or results of
processing. A refreshable module cannot be modified during
execution. A module can only be refreshable if all the
control sections within it are refreshable. The refreshable
attribute is negated if any input modules are not
refreshable. Refreshable modules are also reenterable and
serially reusable.

A module may be refreshable, but need not be re-entrant. This 
has been discussed before.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: Making Z/OS easier - Effectively replacing JCL with Unix like commands

2011-07-18 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/18/2011 9:22 AM, Charles Mills wrote:

The Mainframe version written in Assembler. The PC version is written in


Somewhat OT but why? Why not C on the mainframe? Why two code bases, one
fairly easy to debug and one relatively hard to debug?

Perhaps there are historical reasons - one version existed long 
before Clement decided to add PC support, and the C route looked 
easier than converting mainframe assembler to PC?

I am thrilled with writing software for the mainframe in C (C++ actually)
after years of laboring in assembler.

Good for you, but some of us have built extensive macro and 
subroutine libraries to use with assembler, and find it as fast 
and easy to use those than to live with (the confining 
limitations of) higher level languages. De gustibus.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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Re: JCL Question

2011-07-13 Thread Gerhard Postpischil

On 7/13/2011 6:52 AM, R.S. wrote:

No, in general it is matter of definition. My English is poor,
but let me present another example, as off topic as dog's one:
A car. In my country, Combi (Wagon) car is named in folders as
5-doors car. Hatchback is also 5-doors or 3-doors. Does anyone
use the tailgate as a doors?

Since we're already off-topic - yes. Some years ago the locks on 
my station wagon froze (we have fairly cold winters), and I had 
to get into the car through the back.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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