Re: IETF Diversity

2013-06-23 Thread Dan Harkins

On Wed, June 19, 2013 9:25 am, Melinda Shore wrote:
 On 6/19/13 8:12 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
 On 6/19/13 10:00 AM, Melinda Shore wrote:
 On 6/19/13 7:56 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
 Why do you believe that my opinions are unexamined? I have been
 thinking and reading about social, cultural, and personal change
 for a very long time.

 You made an assertion that's at least a little ahistorical,

 That depends on which historians you've been reading.

 Peter, it's a fact in the US and Canada that court cases preceded
 civil rights protections which preceded social change.  This has been
 true for racial minorities, women, glbt folk, etc.  I expect that
 there are historians who'd argue otherwise but allow me to suggest
 that if so they are very, very far out of the mainstream.

  Civil rights? A whites only lunch counter or drinking fountain is
a matter of civil rights. When there is active prohibition on a class
there is a matter of civil rights. But the mere fact that the numbers
are overwhelmingly one-sided does not make a civil rights issue.

  Between 1995 and 2008, 84% of the people killed by lighting strikes
were male. Is that evidence of discrimination? Is that a civil rights
issue? What do you propose to do to rectify that statistic?


Re: IETF Diversity

2013-06-22 Thread Dan Harkins

On Tue, June 18, 2013 9:52 am, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
 I am rather disappointed that there hasn't been any followup to the
 diversity discussion that took place at the plenary.

 I do applications and I do security and so having a diverse range of input
 is critical if the final product is going to be useful. There are no
 or cultural issues in packet routing that I am aware of. But once we get
 the application layer they become central.

  Interesting. Can you explain what it is about the application layer
that introduces gender and cultural issues?

 We seem to have interminable discussions about how to help some
 hypothetical dissident in (pick your authoritarian state). But I can't
 remember the last time we discussed Internet stalking which has been an
 issue women have been complaining about since I started getting involved
 IETF. This is just one security issues that has a big gender bias and it
 a problem that I think can be usefully addressed in an open consensus
 seeking organization.

  Internet stalking? Maybe you should call for a BoF to address the issue.
I'm not sure what protocol can be developed, or modification to an existing
protocol, that can address the stalking problem but I'm all ears!

 It does not take 100 people to write a specification but it does take a
 large number of people to adequately gather requirements. Taking
 requirements from 100 people from almost the same background and
 perspective is not very productive. I am aware that I have a limited
 personal perspective which is why I actively seek out other perspectives.

  Some backgrounds and perspectives aren't all that helpful. Would you
like my liddite father's perspective? How about the brother of a friend
of mine who has been institutionalized and is quite insane? We need to
get requirements from people who understand and will use our protocols.
If those people are all the same background then oh well, but creating
diversity by just adding people of the correct background will not make
our standards better.

  Which says nothing about having more women in I* leadership positions.
That may be great. Or it might not be. It depends on whether the people
have clue or not.

  See, that's the thing. IETF needs people who have clue not people who
are members of some protected group that has been declared to be

 At the plenary I pointed out that there have been women involved in IETF
 ever since I started in IETF over 20 years ago now. Yet we have an IAB and
 an IESG with only one female member who is not ex-officio (according to
 their Web sites)

  Can you restate that as a problem? And also explain why it is a problem?

 The IETF is a community known for valuing consensus rather than seeking
 diverse views. I see a real risk that the consensus being built here is a
 false consensus built by excluding opposing views rather than a real
 consensus built on reconciling them. Bringing opposing views to this forum
 is invariably a thankless task. The assumption is that if you can't hack
 here well that is your fault and your problem. Case in point,  each time I
 get something wrong in RFC2HTML and I get the error message 'You Lose', my
 natural response is 'why the heck am I bothering wasting my time here'.

  An opposing view is one that thinks this whole diversity issue is crap.
Do you want to ensure that people who view the diversity issue as crap are
included in the consensus being built? How many people who are currently
on the diversity mailing list view the whole endeavor as crap? If it's zero
(which is my prediction), then isn't that a problem with the diversity of the
diversity group? Won't the output of that group suffer because they are
all of the same mindset?

 I do not think that gender is the only diversity problem in IETF but it is
 one that can be measured and the IETF is conspicuously failing. We also
 have a rather severe age problem, twenty years ago EKR and myself were
 among the youngest participants in most discussions and setting aside the
 grad students the same is usually true today.

  Gosh. I feel so left out. I'm as old as EKR (and probably you) and have
involved in the IETF for about as long as he has yet you do not include me in
your measure of diversity. Do you think that maybe you have a problem with
measurement of the problem?

 The perspective is going to need to change. Rather than looking for ways
 encourage a few token women to work their way up through the existing
 selection regime we need to look at what sort of selection and
 participation and representation structures will encourage diversity.

  The IETF is a weird lot. We are predominantly type A personalities. There
are quite a few Asbergers cases and many more borderline functional
Asbergers cases. There are probably also quite a bit of people who have
OCD and maybe a mild case of Tourettes). So you have to explain how the
general studies of diversity mean anything here. How 

Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-29 Thread Dan Harkins

On Mon, April 29, 2013 12:39 pm, Sam Hartman wrote:
 For what it's worth, I'm not finding the current discussion is providing
 me useful information for making decisions.  It doesn't really matter to
 me whether the problem is selection of WG chairs or selection of
 IAB/IESG/IAOC after WG chairs are selected.  I think it is valuable to
 attempt to improve both situations in parallel, and the sorts of
 conclusions being drawn from the statistical discussion we're currently
 having cannot possibly change my opinion on that issue.

 I'm not saying that my mind is closed to being changed; simply that I've
 considered all the possible conclusions that I think could be drawn from
 the analysis being considered and from my standpoint they don't affect
 how I'd feel about various proposals that could be brought forward.

  Sounds to me like you have the cart in front of the horse. You already
have in mind various proposals (interestingly left unstated) and are looking
for data that can justify them being brought forward. Apparently, this data
does not help you justify these proposals so you find no use discussing in
it. Maybe we should let the data drive the proposals instead of the other
way around.


Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-29 Thread Dan Harkins

On Mon, April 29, 2013 2:28 pm, Dave Crocker wrote:
 On 4/29/2013 2:20 PM, Michael StJohns wrote:
 At 04:40 PM 4/29/2013, Dave Crocker wrote:
 Actually, I don't think this is even a mostly correct statement -
 that AD select chairs.

 It is a long-standing, simple, objective, unvarying management fact of
 IETF procedure:  ADs hire and fire wg chairs.

 The AD's do have the final say.  No question.  But  select implies
 that the own the entire process of creating and staffing a WG. Nope.

 They do own it; that's a formal truth.

 That they often delegate details and concur with self-organizing choices
 means nothing, in terms of their authority.

  But it might mean something in terms of the discussion at hand. If the
ADs are concurring with self-organizing choices as opposed to selecting
WG chairs, then they aren't really imposing a looks like me bias into
the selection process.


Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-18 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Eliot,

On Wed, April 17, 2013 12:48 pm, Eliot Lear wrote:

 On 4/17/13 9:21 PM, Dan Harkins wrote:
   We already know who we are.

 I disagree.  We make a whole lot of assumptions about who we are, but we
 don't actually know, and that's why the question is being asked.  I
 would clarify that IMHO the only reason this question should be asked is
 for demographic purposes, along with others.

  Pardon me, but that makes no sense. Asking about the gender make-up
of those who elect to register for a future meeting is going to tell us
about who we are. It will be a snapshot in time and it will not
of who we are because we are more than just the people who register to
go to any particular meeting.

  And ...the only reason...along with others? So then it's not only for
demographic purposes. Those other purposes aside from the only one
are what, exactly?

  This question is trying to decide our
 gender make up and nothing good can come of it.

   It will provide more evidence for people to make use of logical
 fallacies-- if P implies Q then look we now have evidence of Q
 therefore P-- which really have no place in an organization devoted
 to engineering.

 This would be putting the cart before the horse.  We first need to
 understand facts.  If we don't understand facts, then people will
 continue on assumptions.

  The facts are already not in dispute. The I* leadership is predominantly
white and male. The fallacy works like this:

If there was bias in favor of white males then we would have a
 leadership that is predominantly white and male. We have a
 leadership that is predominantly white and male, therefore we
 have bias.

All this question will do is provide a snapshot in time of just how
predominant it is-- 5% female, oh that's bad, 8% female, oh my look
how skewed the I* leadership is. See, it's skewed therefore we have
bias! If P then Q, and Q (we now have the numbers!) therefore P.

   And it will be used as a baseline for doing work towards some goal
 that has not been justified, work whose very nature requires treating
 people according to what they are instead of who they are.

Look, bias stinks and when it exists its stench is detectable. I
 recall seeing any evidence of bias being presented on this list. And I
 don't believe there is any problem has been mentioned that we had or
 have that is caused by this predominance of white men. It's just been
 stated as a problem itself. We must have less white men. Why? Because,
 that's why.

 Nobody has proposed that, and I think you can put a bit more faith in
 your peers to not make important decisions based on because.

  What has been accepted is that diversity is good. Further, it has been
stated that we cannot remove the race and gender from the problem
statement about our lack of diversity. As Margaret said, I don't think
it is possible for [sic] remove race and gender from the list of axes,
though, since there is a notable lack of diversity in those areas.

  So a problem statement has been made: there is a notable lack of
diversity in the areas of race and gender. Why is this a problem? What
problem can we point to, now or in the past, that is the result of this
lack of race and gender diversity? Well? Hmmm? Anyone? Bueller? No,
nothing. So in lieu of nothing all we have is because. If you don't like
because as a reason then fine, I will concede the point: decisions will
be made for no reason at all! That hardly seems better.

  And now the only action I see out of this whole diversity discussion on
the list is a plan to ask the gender of registrants for the Berlin meeting.

  If this is just some innocent question to find out who we are then why
don't we ask about the size of the organization we work for?  We all
agree that we have a diversity problem on that axis and there is a skew
for large corporations. No, the question is just about gender.

  Sadly, I can't put much faith in my peers to make important decisions
because they're asking the wrong questions so they can gather data
while working on addressing a non-problem.



Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-18 Thread Dan Harkins

On Thu, April 18, 2013 8:34 am, Carsten Bormann wrote:
 On Apr 18, 2013, at 17:17, Dan Harkins wrote:

 Why is this a problem?

 I think you are more likely to ask this question if you think that if it
 is a problem, then we *have* to solve it, e.g. by shooting enough of
 the white male people in the IETF that the numbers balance.

 It is not that kind of problem.

  Well that's a relief! As a white male (I know, a surprise, right?) I'm
glad to know I am not going to get shot.

It is, however, a
situation that a
 sizable part of the community have experience with.

  I have been attended at least 40 IETFs over the past 18 years or so.
I certainly have experience with this situation. What is new, though,
is the statement that this situation is, in fact, a problem.

 if you find ways to improve diversity where the cure is *not* worse than
 the ailment, the quality of the work actually improves from that.

  What is this cure of which you speak? This diversity discussion has
included statements like:

  If the intent is to emphasize diversity (for some metric) over one of
the core skills [technical clue, admin skills, ability to work with others],
that's certainly possible.


  A small point to watch for, if there is a focus on a defined list of
groups [and there certainly appears to be one-- gender], is the
difference between discriminating /against/, versus ensuring
representation /from/.

  So? Are we going to emphasize diversity over core skills? Say that
one's gender or skin color matters more than their technical clue or
their ability to work with others? By what method are we going to
ensure representation? And what do we do if these efforts have not
resulted in the  proportions that are deemed to be acceptable? Use a
little more force? Quotas?

  Nobody has stated what the cure is for this situation so we don't
know whether it will be worse than the ailment. There is a huge gap
between encouraging more women to volunteer and shooting
white men. And I really don't think we need to count the gender
make-up of a meeting if our cure was going to something close
to encouraging more women to volunteer.



Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-18 Thread Dan Harkins

On Thu, April 18, 2013 1:51 pm, Pete Resnick wrote:
 On 4/17/13 2:21 PM, Dan Harkins wrote:
 Look, bias stinks and when it exists its stench is detectable.

 Dan, leaving aside all of your other comments for the moment (many of
 which are straw men that nobody but you have suggested, speaking of
 fallacies), this one comment is a serious problem since it is so
 demonstrably false.

  I'm sure I speak alone when I say that I hope you are only leaving my other
comments aside for a moment and will return to them later. I would actually
like to see a response that doesn't snip a 30-40 line post into 1 sentence.

  If you would like to engage me off-list, I welcome that.

 Bias creeps in in all sorts of
undetectable ways; if
 it was always detectable, lots of statisticians and psychologists and
 survey designers would be out of jobs. Aside from simple methodological
 data collection problems, bias is often caused by completely unconscious
 (and sometimes well intentioned) behaviors when it comes to human
 endeavors. The literature on this topic is so extensive that I can't
 even imagine why you would even suggest the opposite.

  Now we're playing a subtle word game here. A bias that a statistician
might add is demonstrably different than what Melinda Shore has
_repeatedly_ referred to as gender bias. So when I'm talking about
bias I'm talking about a form of discrimination based on gender. It is
the intentional passing over of a more qualified woman in favor of a
less qualified man. Exactly the same thing that is being referred to
when she says:

  I'm telling you that I think the numbers are highly suggestive of bias.

What numbers are those? The observable numbers about I* leadership.
What is the bias being suggested? It is a bias against women. Straw
man? I think not.

  A statistician might put bias in his statistical result and a survey
designer might put bias in a question to elicit a favored result,
intentionally or unintentionally. But we both know that is not what
we're talking about here.

 We already know who we are.

 That's an interesting claim, and at least at first glance given other
 comments on the list, again seemingly false. As Adrian commented,
 perception is important. If it seems to some folks that the ratio of men
 to women throughout the IETF is 70:1, should it turn out that it is
 closer to 10:1 and the numbers in leadership are closer to 30:1, that
 would not only indicate that we don't already know 'who we are', but
 it could also be an interesting indication of why there might be
 statistical bias in the selection of leadership. (Or not. But it seems
 worthy of examination.)

  We are a volunteer standards organization that operates on a
consensus basis. For the purposes of who we are the number of
women that register for a meeting should be as relevant as the number
of people who register that are left handed, flat footed or double jointed
(for the record I am all three). In other words, not at all. There may be
a statistical bias in the selection of leadership that favors left-handedness
or maybe it disfavors left-handedness. Is that interesting? Maybe to
someone. Is it worthwhile in finding out who we are? No.


Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-18 Thread Dan Harkins

On Thu, April 18, 2013 3:24 pm, Pete Resnick wrote:
 So, do we need to start this entire conversation over, overtly stating
 that we are not interested in looking at *intentional* gender (or
 corporate affiliation or other sorts of) bias?

  Actually I think it would be better to explicitly state what is intended
to be done. If you think that we are subconsciously influenced when
it comes to gender bias then I'd like to know what is going to be done
about it. And if it's more than nothing then I'd like to know what our
goal is vis-a-vis the gender breakdown of leadership positions and
the lengths that we will go to ensure we reach it.

  If we're just gathering data to make a pie chart for the plenary then
it seems like a waste of time.


Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-18 Thread Dan Harkins

On Thu, April 18, 2013 6:44 pm, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 08:17:21AM -0700, Dan Harkins wrote:
   So a problem statement has been made: there is a notable lack of
 diversity in the areas of race and gender. Why is this a problem?

 Because some people report that they experience a chilly environment,
 and we respect those people for their other contributions and would
 like more people like them to contribute in similar ways, and
 therefore we want to make the environment less chilly.  I'm sort of
 surprised that that problem, which has been stated in my view quite
 plainly more than once in this thread, isn't evident to anyone

  Well, that is certainly not the message that I read. What I read was
that the I* leadership is 97% male (and 97% white) and that alone
puts into question the legitimacy of the IETF as an International
Standards Development Organization. If people are encountering a
chilly environment then that is a different issue.

  It has been a few IETFs since I've heard someone approach the mic
and say that is the stupidest idea I've heard in a long time and a few
more since it was said to me. That kind of brusqueness is part of our
culture but I think it can be off-putting and a barrier to contributing.
New people get intimidated around a bunch of aggressive type-A
personalities and may be reluctant to present or contribute for fear
of being put down.

  If we want to make the IETF a less chilly place that is more inviting
and we want to encourage participation maybe we should address
our cultural tics and idiosyncrasies that represent a barrier to entry
rather than enumerate the women who have registered for a meeting.
(And yes, I am talking about myself).



Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-17 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Elliot,

On Wed, April 17, 2013 7:52 am, Eliot Lear wrote:

 On 4/16/13 2:00 AM, Dan Harkins wrote:

 Under the belief of garbage in, garbage out, I tend to lie on these
 sorts of repugnant questions. I invite others to join me. The more
 suspect the quality of the data, the less value it has. Dan.

 Please don't.  We are trying to understand who we are.  Is that SO

  We already know who we are. This question is trying to decide our
gender make up and nothing good can come of it.

  It will provide more evidence for people to make use of logical
fallacies-- if P implies Q then look we now have evidence of Q
therefore P-- which really have no place in an organization devoted
to engineering.

  And it will be used as a baseline for doing work towards some goal
that has not been justified, work whose very nature requires treating
people according to what they are instead of who they are.

   Look, bias stinks and when it exists its stench is detectable. I don't
recall seeing any evidence of bias being presented on this list. And I
don't believe there is any problem has been mentioned that we had or
have that is caused by this predominance of white men. It's just been
stated as a problem itself. We must have less white men. Why? Because,
that's why.

  This question is the first step down a path we really should not go
down. If I can't stop the question from being asked then all I can hope
for is that the resulting data are so obviously wrong that they will be
of no use to anyone-- e.g. Berlin registration is 63% female.



Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-15 Thread Dan Harkins

On Fri, April 12, 2013 7:22 pm, Melinda Shore wrote:
 On 4/12/13 1:26 PM, Lou Berger wrote:
 No argument from me, I'm just asking that a comment/position/question
 that I don't understand be substantiated.

 And I'm telling you that I think the numbers are highly suggestive
 of bias.

  This is the classic fallacy of Affirming the Consequent. And like
all fallacies, the reasoning is just plain wrong.


Re: IETF Diversity Question on Berlin Registration?

2013-04-15 Thread Dan Harkins

On Sat, April 13, 2013 8:18 am, Ray Pelletier wrote:

 On Apr 13, 2013, at 8:46 AM, Stephen Farrell

 On 04/13/2013 01:09 PM, Lou Berger wrote:
 gender bias
 western white guys.

 It may be that the latter phrase is a common term in
 north America, (I dunno) but fwiw it grates on me at

 If the issue we're talking about relates to gender,

 That's the question:

 Optional question:
 Check the block. Male/Female

  Under the belief of garbage in, garbage out, I tend to lie on
these sorts of repugnant questions. I invite others to join me.
The more suspect the quality of the data, the less value it has.


Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Harkins

On Wed, March 20, 2013 7:16 am, Jorge Contreras wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 6:53 AM, Margaret Wasserman

 Hi Stewart,

 On Mar 20, 2013, at 2:04 AM, Stewart Bryant wrote:
  Gender reassignment
  Marriage and civil partnership
  Pregnancy and maternity
  Religion and belief
  Sexual orientation

 The U.S. has a similar (although not identical) list, and it may vary a
 bit state-by-state.
  If we are going to have an itemized list of diversity characteristics,
 we should not pick and choose, we should include the full list.

 I would strongly recommend that legal counsel be consulted before any such
 list is produced or used by IETF/IESG/Nomcom.  (FYI, this is totally
 outside my own area of legal expertise, so IAOC would need to incur some
 expense to hire competent counsel in this area)

  Great, now the lawyers are getting involved. A sure sign this has gone
way too far.

  The factors listed above are those that an employer cannot discriminate
on. It says nothing about diversity or the alleged benefits that diversity
brings to a group. For example, a company is prohibited from not hiring
someone because he or she is Catholic but it does not mean that the
company must work to have some arbitrary percentage of Catholics in
leadership positions or among the general workforce.

  Absent any evidence  of discrimination there is Disparate Impact
Theory which says that the mere fact that a process produces a result
that does not satisfy an arbitrary goal with respect to a protected
group is justification for actively discriminating in favor of that
protected group to balance it all out. I really, really hope that is
not where we are going in the IETF. It would wreck this organization
if we had a committee that performed such a blatantly political activity.

  If that is not where the IETF is going, then the categories listed above
should not have anything to do with selection of candidates for leadership
positions. It doesn't matter to the IETF if the candidate is a disabled,
pregnant, lesbian, Wiccan. What matters to the IETF is whether the
candidate is qualified.


Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Dave,

On Wed, March 20, 2013 8:35 am, Dave Crocker wrote:
 ps.  A small point to watch for, if there is a focus on a defined list
 of groups, is the difference between discriminating /against/, versus
 ensuring representation /from/.  Active prohibition vs. active
 solicitation.  The exchange between Margaret and Stuart seemed to mix
 these.  We need to be careful about the distinction.

  I have been viewing this as the difference between discriminating
against versus discriminating for. And I am against discrimination,
even that done for the best of intentions.

  Active solicitation is all well and good but how do you _ensure_
representation of members from a defined list of groups if your
active solicitation does not result in the favored mix?


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking

Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-20 Thread Dan Harkins

On Wed, March 20, 2013 10:01 am, Jeffrey Haas wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 09:01:01AM -0700, Dan Harkins wrote:
 On Wed, March 20, 2013 8:35 am, Dave Crocker wrote:
  ps.  A small point to watch for, if there is a focus on a defined list
  of groups, is the difference between discriminating /against/, versus
  ensuring representation /from/.  Active prohibition vs. active
  solicitation.  The exchange between Margaret and Stuart seemed to mix
  these.  We need to be careful about the distinction.

   I have been viewing this as the difference between discriminating
 against versus discriminating for. And I am against discrimination,
 even that done for the best of intentions.

 This is certainly the biggest challenge of any intent to include diversity
 (of any form) in the mix.

 In general, we want the best people in the job in question.  What is
 depends on the position (chair, I*, etc.) but as a technical organization
 that runs on documents, several things will bubble to the top:
 - Technical clue in the matter at hand.
 - Reasonable administrative skills.
 - Ability to work with others.
 - Solid communication skills.

 For candidates wherein the above things are roughly equal - or have
 the requirements - diversity is a possible tie-breaker.  If the intent is
 emphasize diversity (for some metric) over one of the core skills, that's
 certainly possible.

  By that, I take it you mean it's certainly possible to discriminate in
some metric of diversity and against a core skill. So? Is that the intent?

  There is quite a bit of dancing around this subject and it would be nice
to say what we all mean here. If you're proposing that IETF start the
practice of discriminating against certain people then say so.

 The primary challenge then is making sure there is a diverse candidate
 that satisfies the minimum core skills needed for the positions.  See
 discussion on mentoring.

  You snipped my other question. So let me ask again. What do we do
if, after ensuring that there's a diverse candidate pool that satisfies the
minimum core skills needed for positions, the end result is more white
men?  Do we stop with the pretense of ensuring diversity of opportunity
and just proceed to diversity of result? Do we enshrine the soft bigotry
of low expectations?


Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-12 Thread Dan Harkins

On Mon, March 11, 2013 10:08 pm, Margaret Wasserman wrote:

 On Mar 11, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Dan Harkins wrote:

  In other words, the statement that gender and racial diversity in
 groups makes them smarter has no basis in fact. Do you feel that
 an all-female group is stupider than a similarly sized group that is
 equal parts male and female? Really?

 Actually, Dan, there are well-regarded academic studies that show that
 groups that contain women are smarter than all-male groups, regardless of
 the relative intelligence of the group members.  Surprising, perhaps, but
 true.  Here is a pointer to a discussion of one of them:

 There are also numerous studies, of various types, that show that  more
 diverse groups make better decisions and/or perform better than less
 diverse groups.  Here is a description of one such study:

 So, as illogical as these statements may seem on the surface, they are
 well-established facts.  Both of the articles I've sited give some insight
 into why this is true.

  I will readily admit that a group whose members have diverse backgrounds,
diverse experience, and diverse opinions will generally produce better
decisions than a group whose members are all of the same background,
experience, and opinion.  That is generally what the Northwestern article
promotes (and what the papers that Rhys pointed me to earlier) say. But
that is far different from saying that having less white males would make
for a better IETF.

  In fact, the makeup of the IESG is already diverse. If it was entirely
comprised of security people it would make horrible decisions. It's not,
and that's because diversity is good.

  Regarding the CMU/MIT study, that is very provocative. There is
converging evidence from 2 studies of groups of 2-5 people who
scored higher in general collective intelligence when social sensitivity
was higher in the group, when group conversation was done in turns,
and there were more females in the group. OK. We can all draw our
own conclusions about that and more women = smarter certainly
does get your study reported in Forbes and Business Weekly et cetera.

  I believe there is also a bell curve of human intelligence that shows
a preponderance of men at both ends-- i.e. there are more male idiots and
male geniuses. Which would seem to suggest that adding women to a group
of men would, on average, increase the group's intelligence. That study
also showed that east asians scored higher than whites and whites scored
higher than blacks on IQ tests. An that current immigrants to the USA are
less hard-working and less imaginative than past immigrants. Also very

  Now before anyone accuses me of any more -isms, let me say that these
studies make very bad social policy recommendations. I don't think we
should strive to make groups more east asian or less black or to favor
past immigrants over recent immigrants. That would be wrong, and I hope
we are in agreement there. It would also be wrong to strive to make groups
more female for exactly the same reason.

  While these studies are interesting and thought provoking, I think it is
wrong, and very dangerous, to use these studies to justify blanket
statements about intelligence, group or otherwise.

  If there's some bias involved in the Nomcom's selection process then
point it out and let's address it. The mere fact that there are is
preponderance of white males being selected does not mean bias exists
and the notion that a cherry-picked study (or selectively interpreting
the results of a cherry-picked study) justifies imposing bias on the
selection process to derive some ideal diversity is crazy.



Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-12 Thread Dan Harkins

On Tue, March 12, 2013 10:35 am, Randall Gellens wrote:
 At 3:54 PM -0700 3/11/13, Dan Harkins wrote:

  Do you feel that
  an all-female group is stupider than a similarly sized group that is
  equal parts male and female?

 Based on my own experience, I believe that a broad range of
 background and experience improves the quality of decision making of
 a group.  This is not to say that administering a standardized IQ
 test to a group would result in outcomes predictable by gender
 diversity of the group.  But it is to say that, for example, having
 some people with implementation experience is a good thing in
 protocol design discussions.

  I share your belief that diversity of background and experience
makes a group function better. I'm glad you mentioned implementation
experience. The small corner of the IETF that I lurk in seems to be
becoming less diverse in that respect and I think it's to the detriment
of our protocols.

 We've been veering into narrow discussions of race and gender
 diversity, but earlier messages in this thread discussed diversity
 along other lines, for example, type of employer (large, small,
 equipment vendor, university) and operational experience with
 networks in different geographic regions.  Let's not fall into a
 rat-hole of narrow considerations of diversity.

  The problem was stated in the open letter thusly:

In February of 2013, there were 32 members of the IETF leadership
(12 IAB members, 15 IESG members and 5 IAOC members).  Of those 32
members, there was one member of non-European descent, there were no
members from countries outside of North America or Europe, and there
was only one woman.  There were only 19 companies represented (out of
a total of 32 seats).

  Out of 32 members there's only 1 who is of non-European descent
(i.e. not white) and only 1 woman. So the problem, aside from corporate
representation, is that the IETF leadership is too white and too male.

  I'd love to get out of this rat hole. Perhaps the signatories of the
open letter can restate the problem they see so it isn't made in terms of
race and gender.



Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-11 Thread Dan Harkins

 In addition to the moral and social issues involved, diversity of
 leadership across several axes (race, geographic location, gender
 and corporate affiliation) is important for three practical reasons:

 - It is a well-established fact that diverse groups are smarter
   and make better decisions than less-diverse groups.

  I would really like to see this statement either backed up by
peer-reviewed apolitical scientific research or withdrawn by the
signatories of the open letter. It is highly offensive.

  While it should be self-evident that a group whose homogeneity
was of corporate affiliation might not make the best decisions for
the IETF as a whole, to say that a racially homogenous group is
somehow dumber than a racially diverse group smacks of racism.

  The group comprised of winners of the Nobel Prize for Physics is
overwhelmingly north american and european males. Just the makeup
that is being asserted as a problem here in the IETF. But it is not
viewed as a problem, and for good reason because science would
suffer if it was subordinated in any way to any other consideration.

 - Lack of diversity in our leadership becomes a self-perpetuating
   problem, because people who are not represented in the IETF
   leadership are less likely to dedicate their time and effort to
   the IETF.

  Another ipse dixit fallacy! A mere assertion masquerading as a
sociological fact. As if we are just sheeple who are motivated to only
join groups whose makeup resembles us.

  We are supposed to be individuals here engaging in consensus-based
work to get the best technical solution to the Internet's problems.
Disparate impact theory has no place in the IETF.


Re: Diversity of IETF Leadership

2013-03-11 Thread Dan Harkins

On Mon, March 11, 2013 1:39 pm, Rhys Smith wrote:
 On 11 Mar 2013, at 16:02, Dan Harkins wrote:

- It is a well-established fact that diverse groups are smarter
  and make better decisions than less-diverse groups.

  I would really like to see this statement either backed up by
 peer-reviewed apolitical scientific research or withdrawn by the
 signatories of the open letter. It is highly offensive.

 I'm in no way an expect in any of this, but I've heard it said (in other
 contexts than this discussion) that diversity increases the quality of
 decision making in groups. Your message piqued my interest as to whether
 there is valid evidence for whether this was actually the case or not.

  Well, you snipped the part where I copied the explicit mention of
race and gender as being axes of diversity.

 To cut a long story short, after a bit of investigation, I'd have to say
 that current scientific thought definitely leans towards this in fact
 being the case.

  I detect a bait and switch here. We're told that there is a lack of
diversity at the IETF involving race, gender, geographic location and
corporate affiliation and that this is a problem because diverse groups
are smarter than non-diverse groups. Yet these studies talk about
diversity in a much broader sense that includes things like formal
credentials and attention and recall and seeking and receiving social
information and support as well as age, membership in a formal religion
and, yes, race.

  So unless this diversity problem at the IETF also involves the makeup
of Catholics, teenagers, people with just a grammar school education,
and those with attention deficit disorder, in the general IETF population,
I don't think these studies lean towards the statement in the open letter
as being a fact.

 A selection of references that seem to appear quite often in the various
 bits of literature I've had a browse around for anyone who is interested:

  I don't want to go through all of these but the first one presents a
framework with which to understand the dynamics of diversity. It says,

Our discussion in this chapter is guided by the heuristic of a
 theoretical framework that identifies primary constructs and
 connects them to form a meaningful territorial map. Within this
 framework, diversity is placed as a construct that appears early in
 the causal chain of phenomena considered.

What happens if diversity is placed as a construct that appears later in
the causal chain of phenomena? Dunno. But it should be unremarkable
that diversity strongly affects the causal chain of phenomena because
it has been designed to be that way.  Not very scientific.

  Scanning down to the one study that mentioned race, I see the abstract
describes confirmation bias:

   Deliberation analyses supported the prediction that diverse
groups would exchange a wider range of information than
all-White groups.

And the finding is not anything that would lead us to the conclusion
that a racially diverse group is smarter than a racially homogenous
group as it was related to the willingness to discuss racism and was
not wholly attributed to the performance of black participants versus
all-white groups.

  In other words, the statement that gender and racial diversity in
groups makes them smarter has no basis in fact. Do you feel that
an all-female group is stupider than a similarly sized group that is
equal parts male and female? Really?


 Jackson, S. E. May, K. E.  Whitney, K. (1995) Understanding the Dynamics
 of diversity in decision
 making teams in R.A. Guzzo et al, (1995) Team effectiveness and decision
 making in organisations:
 San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.

 Johnson, W. B.  Packer, A. E. (1987) Workforce 2000, Work and workers for
 the 21st century:
 Washington DC: Department of Labour12.

 Krause, S., James, R., Faria, J. J., Ruxton, G. D. and Krause, J., 2011.
 Swarm intelligence in humans: diversity can trump ability. Animal
 Behaviour, 81 (5), pp. 941-948.

 Lumby, J. (2006) Conceptualizing diversity and leadership: evidence from
 ten cases: Educational
 management and administration, Vol. 34, (2), 151-165.

 Phillips, Katherine W., Katie A. Liljenquist and Margaret A. Neale. 2009.
 Is the pain worth the gain? The advantages and liabilities of agreeing
 with socially distinct newcomers. Personality and Social Psychology
 Bulletin 35: 336-350.

 Mohammed, S., Ringseis, E., Cognitive Diversity and Consensus in Group
 Decision Making: The Role of Inputs, Processes, and Outcomes,
 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 85, Issue 2,
 July 2001, Pages 310-335,

 Sommers, S.R. ( 2006). On racial diversity and group decision making:
 Identifying multiple effects of racial composition on jury deliberations.
 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90, 597-612.

 Watson, W. E.  Kumar, K.  Michaelsen, L. K.(1993) Cultural Diversity
 impact on interaction

Re: [IPsec] Last Call: draft-kivinen-ipsecme-secure-password-framework-01.txt (Secure Password Framework for IKEv2) to Informational RFC

2011-07-27 Thread Dan Harkins


  The existence of this draft shows a failure of YOUR leadership (and
that of your co-chairman) of the working group. Consensus was achieved
to add an authentication method based on a simple password yet you
seemingly worked to do everything possible to create division in the
working group and then stepped in to declare failure because no
consensus existed.

  We could've had a single standards-track solution to this problem over a
year ago if you had treated the singular draft used to argue for addition
of this work to the charter in the same way that you treated the singular
draft used to argue for addition of EAP only authentication to the
charter. The latter (authored by one of the chairmen) was advanced to
standards track after receiving a whopping ZERO comments from the WG and
the former was killed by the chairmen because the only comments on the
list were from authors of competing drafts (after manufacturing the
competition in the first place).

  There was hostility by the IPsecME chairmen to this work item from
the beginning and you worked to ensure its failure in the WG. Now you're
against advancement of Tero's draft to forge the best possible outcome
now? Not a surprise!

  Put that hat back on, along with a sackcloth and ashes, and say mea


On Wed, July 27, 2011 5:12 pm, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 hat location=off

 On Jul 27, 2011, at 6:30 PM, Yoav Nir wrote:

 I think this is a terrible idea.

 +.5. I think is is a bad idea.

 IKEv2 has a way for mutual authentication with a shared key.

 A concern was raised that this method was vulnerable to guessing if
 trivial shared keys were configured.

 There were several proposals for a better cryptographic method.

 The IPsecME working group failed to choose between them. This is not so
 surprising, because most participants are engineers, not cryptographers.
 Even those with some cryptographic background stayed silent because
 choosing between several cryptographic protocols is hard. IETF last
 calls and the IESG did not help much either.

 This draft represents a total shirking of our responsibility.

 +.5. I think think it represents a shirking of our leadership's
 responsibility. Our leadership said that they would deal with the issue if
 the WG could not come to consensus, and the WG could not come to
 consensus. Adding a layer of indirection that is mostly transparent is not
 dealing with it.

 Rather than decide on one protocol that is best or even arbitrarily
 choosing one that is good enough, it proposes to build a framework so
 that everyone and their dog can have their own method. This is a
 nightmare for developers: since you can't know what method the peer will
 support, you have to implement all of them.

 If this had been a hierarchical organization, some manager would decide
 which of the methods gets developed (or published) and the others would
 be relegated to the recycle bin.

 The IETF is not like that and we seek to reach consensus. That's a good
 thing, but this time it's leading us to a really bad solution for
 interoperability, and a really bad solution for implementers.

 I am opposed to this draft.


 On Jul 27, 2011, at 6:52 PM, Tero Kivinen wrote:

 Yoav Nir writes:
 This draft represents a total shirking of our responsibility. Rather
 than decide on one protocol that is best or even arbitrarily
 choosing one that is good enough, it proposes to build a framework
 so that everyone and their dog can have their own method. This is a
 nightmare for developers: since you can't know what method the peer
 will support, you have to implement all of them.

 Partially yes, but unfortunately all of the authors of those actual
 protocols decided that they wanted to continue publishing those drafts
 as individual RFCs, and each of them used different way to negotiate
 them, so there was no way to even implement multiple of them.

 Is this true? Because each has it's own way to negotiate its use, one
 should be able to implement multiple of the competing proposals as-is,

 At least this drafts gives you that option to implement multiple of
 them if you want. This draft only provides instructions for those
 other draft authors so they can at least common methods to negotiate
 the feature and use common method to trasmit data between peers.

 True, but it is still punting the problem of us having just one.

 --Paul Hoffman

 IPsec mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: Gen-ART LC review of draft-harkins-ipsecme-spsk-auth-03

2011-04-21 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Roni,

  Thank you for reviewing my draft. Comments inline

On Mon, April 11, 2011 5:11 am, Roni Even wrote:
 I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
 Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at

 Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you
 may receive.

 Minor issues:

 1.In section 8.5 and 8.6 the draft says that If no more password
 pre-processing techniques are supported the exchange MUST be
 Reading section 6, I thought that NONE MUST be supported for
 interoperability purpose.

  One of the valid techniques for password pre-processing is none.
That doesn't mean that there isn't a technique, it means the technique
is to perform no pre-processing on the password (treat it as a raw
blob of bits).

 2.In section 8.1 and in figure 1 and figure 2 is there a maximum value
 for counter?

  No there isn't, but it is doubtful the number will get very large.
The probability that more than n iterations is necessary will be
roughly (1-(r/2p))^n, where r is the order and p is the prime, and
that number rapidly approaches zero as n increases.

 Nits/editorial comments:

 1.   In section 1 just before 1.1 you have suceed instead of

 2.   In section 4 third bullet an instead of and

 3.   In section 4.2 Two elementx instead of Two elements

 4.   In section 5 second row authenticaiton should be

 5.   In section 6 fourth row identitcal instead of identical

  Thank you for catching all of these.



Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-harkins-ipsecme-spsk-auth-03.txt (Secure PSK Authentication for IKE) to Informational RFC

2011-04-21 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Mykyta,

  Thank you for reviewing my draft. Responses inline

On Sat, March 26, 2011 10:06 pm, Mykyta Yevstifeyev wrote:

 A question on the flowing extract:

 This memo contains a new numberspace to be managed by IANA, a
 registry used to indicate a password preprocessing technique.  The
 initial layout of this registry SHALL be:

 o   0x00 : None

 o   0x01 :RFC2759

 o   0x02 : SASLprep

 The Prep field is 8 bits long and all other values are available
 through assignment by IANA.  IANA is instructed to assign values
 based on Specification Required (see [RFC5226]).
 It contains the description of new registry. but it fails to give it the
 distinctive definition.  Among other, what is the exact name of the
 registry?  How are the fields named?  The sentence The Prep field is 8
 bits long and all other values are available through assignment by
 IANA. also makes me confusing.  This means that the Prep field is not
 assigned by IANA?  Finally, 0x00 is Unassigned or Reserved?

 Thus, this extract needs more clarification.

  How would the following look to you:

  This memo contains a new numberspace to be managed by IANA, the
   password preprocessing method (Prep) registry. The initial layout
   of this registry SHALL be:

   o   0x00 : None (no preprocessing is performed)

   o   0x01 : RFC2759

   o   0x02 : SASLprep

   The Prep field is 8 bits long and all other values are available
   through assignment by IANA.  IANA is instructed to assign values
   based on Specification Required (see [RFC5226]).



Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-kuegler-ipsecme-pace-ikev2-05.txt (Password Authenticated Connection Establishment with IKEv2) to Experimental RFC

2011-03-28 Thread Dan Harkins


  I believe there is a problem with this draft that can void a claimed
security property: namely, resistance to dictionary attack. The issue is
not with the underlying key exchange itself, but with the way the key
exchange was added to IKEv2.

  In this protocol, a random nonce is encrypted using the encryption
algorithm negotiated in IKEv2 with a key that is based on a password
and data known to an adversary launching an active attack. The initiator
of the protocol produces the encrypted random nonce and sends it to the
responder. If an adversary, acting as the responder, is able to determine
whether a decryption of the nonce is successful he is able to launch an
off-line dictionary attack.

  When the negotiated encryption algorithm is used in an authenticated
encryption mode, like -GCM or -CCM, an integrity check value (ICV) is
encoded into the ciphertext produced by the encryption operation (see
RFC 5282). This provides a way for an adversary to determine whether a
decryption was successful and therefore whether the guessed password is
correct. The attack is simply to try each candidate password from the
dictionary, use it to compute a candidate key, and if the authenticated
decryption operation using the candidate key does not return FAIL then
exit, the password has been found.

  There are many ways to address this issue. The simplest would be
to just forbid use of an AAD cipher mode when using this method of
authentication. That would be regrettable though due to the wide appeal
of GCM (less so with CCM). A better solution would be to just use ECB
mode of the underlying block cipher. The nonce is uniformly random and
there is no need to inject additional randomness into the encryption
operation (i.e. no IV needed).

  I feel it is necessary to fix this issue before publication.



On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 09:38:11 -0700, the IESG wrote:
 The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider
 the following document:
-  'Password Authenticated Connection Establishment with IKEv2'
   draft-kuegler-ipsecme-pace-ikev2-05.txt as an Experimental RFC

 The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
 final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
 ietf at mailing lists by 2011-04-23. Exceptionally, comments
may be
 sent to iesg at instead. In either case, please retain the
 beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.

 The file can be obtained via

 IESG discussion can be tracked via

 No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

Ietf mailing list

Re: All these discussions about meeting venues

2010-08-29 Thread Dan Harkins

  Uhm, no. If someone wants to put a little salt in their soup do you
suggest that the whole shaker be poured into the bowl? Taking a position
to an absurd extreme is fallacious.


On Sun, August 29, 2010 5:21 am, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
 Ah so the salt lake city model where everyone stayed at the same hotel
 and there was only one bar in town would be ideal...

 On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Dan Harkins wrote:

  Hi Hannes,

  Maastricht is definitely an interesting city and I'm glad I can say
 I've been there (Aachen was cool too!). But the venue there sucked. It
 was in the middle of a cultural dead zone (which says something because
 Maastricht has lots to offer) and the hotels were all scattered around
 town. My hotel was great and well situated from a city-center
 (I would consider staying there if I went back as a tourist) but to get
 to the venue required a 20 minute hike or a bus. Coordination among
 to go out to dinner or meet up after dinner was a pain-in-the-ass
 everyone scattered out in a 5km radius to freshen-up/stow-bags/whatever.
 And then there's the multi-stop cab ride back to everyone's dispersed
 hotels, not very conducive to extra-IETF activities which are helped by
 close hotel proximity.

  Yea, I did see my fellow IETFers but that holds true anywhere (if you
 hold an IETF in city X then there will be lots of IETFers in city X) so
 that is hardly a positive aspect about the particular IETF venue.

  Don't take it as a negative about the city. It's the venue in the city
 and the displacement of hotels that matter. For instance, I've been to
 San Diego, California, USA for different meetings and some were great
 others really sucked because the venue was not convenient and/or in a
 cultural wasteland or to get to/from there was a pain-in-the-ass. Same
 city, different conference, totally different experience.

  Two hops plus a train or 3 hops or whatever may be a negative but
 to me that's a one-off (actually a two-off since I have to leave too)
 and I really don't care too much about that. More important, to me, is
 the overhead required for day-to-day activities during the IETF-- effort
 to get to the venue from my hotel, how easy is it to find food during
 day, what's required to coordinate extra-IETF meetings with fellow
 in the city, that kinda stuff.



 And yes, I did see alot of my IETF friends again.

 On Sat, August 28, 2010 12:54 am, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
 Hi Jordi,
 Hi all,

 I have not seen an IETF meeting where people have not complained about
 the layout of the venue, how to get there, the city itself, the
 proximity to some nearby countries, the weather, the hotel, the number
 of offered hotels, the high crime rate, etc. etc.

 The place that makes 95% of the typical IETF meetings participants
 does not even exist.

 Maybe it would be useful to highlight the positive aspects of traveling
 instead. Maastricht is an interesting city and you saw lots of your
 friends again.

 Ietf mailing list

 Ietf mailing list


Ietf mailing list

Re: All these discussions about meeting venues

2010-08-28 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Hannes,

  Maastricht is definitely an interesting city and I'm glad I can say
I've been there (Aachen was cool too!). But the venue there sucked. It
was in the middle of a cultural dead zone (which says something because
Maastricht has lots to offer) and the hotels were all scattered around
town. My hotel was great and well situated from a city-center perspective
(I would consider staying there if I went back as a tourist) but to get
to the venue required a 20 minute hike or a bus. Coordination among people
to go out to dinner or meet up after dinner was a pain-in-the-ass because
everyone scattered out in a 5km radius to freshen-up/stow-bags/whatever.
And then there's the multi-stop cab ride back to everyone's dispersed
hotels, not very conducive to extra-IETF activities which are helped by
close hotel proximity.

  Yea, I did see my fellow IETFers but that holds true anywhere (if you
hold an IETF in city X then there will be lots of IETFers in city X) so
that is hardly a positive aspect about the particular IETF venue.

  Don't take it as a negative about the city. It's the venue in the city
and the displacement of hotels that matter. For instance, I've been to
San Diego, California, USA for different meetings and some were great and
others really sucked because the venue was not convenient and/or in a
cultural wasteland or to get to/from there was a pain-in-the-ass. Same
city, different conference, totally different experience.

  Two hops plus a train or 3 hops or whatever may be a negative but
to me that's a one-off (actually a two-off since I have to leave too)
and I really don't care too much about that. More important, to me, is
the overhead required for day-to-day activities during the IETF-- effort
to get to the venue from my hotel, how easy is it to find food during the
day, what's required to coordinate extra-IETF meetings with fellow IETFers
in the city, that kinda stuff.



And yes, I did see alot of my IETF friends again.

On Sat, August 28, 2010 12:54 am, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:
 Hi Jordi,
 Hi all,

 I have not seen an IETF meeting where people have not complained about
 the layout of the venue, how to get there, the city itself, the
 proximity to some nearby countries, the weather, the hotel, the number
 of offered hotels, the high crime rate, etc. etc.

 The place that makes 95% of the typical IETF meetings participants happy
 does not even exist.

 Maybe it would be useful to highlight the positive aspects of traveling
 instead. Maastricht is an interesting city and you saw lots of your IETF
 friends again.

 Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: How to get onto the IETF authenticated LAN?

2010-07-28 Thread Dan Harkins

  The IETF 78 LAN is using 802.1X (w/EAP) for authentication. The
wpacracker only works if the AP is doing PSK authentication.

  These things seem to get propagated because people punt the hard
problems with statements like well the PSK is required to be a
uniformly random 128 bit string and if you don't configure it that
way it's your own damned fault. And IETF is not blameless in this

  But to answer your other question, this is being addressed in IEEE
802.11 by adding another PSK-based authentication technique using a
zero knowledge proof. Coming soon to an AP near you!


On Tue, July 27, 2010 8:08 am, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
 Will hack for food gets more professional. Anyone want to try it out
 for me on the IETF 78 LAN?

 It seems doubtful to me that this would work against a really well
 deployed network. But the fact that WPA2 can be deployed in dufus
 configuration should be considered a major protocol flaw. WPA2 was
 after all the fourth attempt the group made at making the protocol

 It is not at all clear to me what level of expertise is required to do
 the job right or how to be confident that it is done right.

 The endpoints used in these protocols all have the ability to perform
 public key cryptography at acceptable speeds. Even if they did not,
 the price of 64Mb of flash memory is negligible these days and that is
 sufficient to store more than enough keys to maintain tens of
 thousands of session keys in the access point.

 We have the resources and the technology to do the job right. Why do
 we keep doing half measures that we know are wrong?

 I know this particular issue is an IEEE funeral, but isn't there a
 point where others decide to take responsibility?

 Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-eap-mutual

2010-05-28 Thread Dan Harkins
 in the


 On 05/27/2010 12:22 AM, Dan Harkins wrote:


Here are some comments on this draft for IETF LC. There are some
 editorial nits, some errors that might be considered editorial but
 there is a serious issue with the Security Considerations that I think
 needs addressing.

I'll start with the security issue since it's the most serious (and
 some may stop reading after getting to the editorial complaints).

Issue in Security Considerations:

  In IKEv2 both sides present identities in the form of an ID
  EAP also has an identity exchange that is not useful for
  so EAP methods typically include their own, separate, identity
  exchange. In many cases that identity is in a protected channel
  the EAP peer to the EAP server. When the EAP server is not
  with the IKEv2 implementation (i.e. EAP is offloaded to a separate
  server) the identities that are actually authenticated are unknown
  and/or unverified.

  Section 6.2 mentions this from the client's point-of-view-- after
  the client has verified the AUTH payload sent by the IKEv2 gateway,
  it knows that it is talking to SOME gateway trusted by the home AAA
  server, but not which one. This is used as a segue to the lying
  NAS problem, which I have note below is not really solved so this
  problem isn't really addressed properly.

  But the problem is worse. The point-of-view of the gateway is never
  mentioned. The gateway may know some anonymous identity, or an
  identity that is colored or obfuscated that is useful only by the
  EAP server to determine which EAP method to offer. It does not know
  what the real client identity is. The identity that gets
  is unknown to the gateway!

  Unfortunately, it is the authenticated identity that the gateway
  use to look up an entry in the IPsec Security Policy Datbase (see
  RFC 4301) that says what kind of security (bypass, drop, protect
  rules, etc) to apply to the client's packets. It is therefore not
  possible to properly support RFC 4301 when using this EAP-only
  method of authentication.

  Furthermore, the only identity available to the gateway can be
  forged so the client can achieve more favorable access to the
  protected network (a more generous security policy) than the
  gateway would have given it had it known its _real_ identity.

  I think there has to be a top-down analysis of RFC 4301 and how
  scheme impacts it. Each part of RFC 4301 that cannot be supported
  or can only be supported in a limited manner must be spelled out
  the impact of the lack, or limit, of support has to be presented in
  this draft's Security Considerations so a reader/implementer knows
  what he's getting into if he decides to implement this scheme.

  I would advise a DISCUSS on this draft until this has been worked


- the draft states IEEE 802.11i uses EAP without any PKI for
  authenticating the WLAN access points. That is just plain wrong.

  IEEE 802.11 is agnostic about particular EAP methods but requires
  they provide mutual authentication and key generation. The Wi-Fi
  Alliance certifies IEEE 802.11 implementations (and the EAP methods
  they use). Of the EAP methods certified for use in IEEE 802.11--
  and EAP-SIM-- only EAP-SIM does not require a PKI. Having been
  involved in that particular industry for most of the past decade
  I can assure the authors that PKIs of some sort are used in most
  every deployment of IEEE 802.11i. I have yet to see a pure EAP-SIM
  deployment anywhere.

- in section 6.2 the draft mentions the lying NAS problem and says
  that EAP methods that provide what is called 'connection binding'
  or 'channel binding' transport some identity or identities of the
  gateway (or WLAN access point/NAS). The table in section 4 lists
  EAP methods that supposedly support channel binding but none of
  methods with a yes in that column do what section 6.2 says.

  The closest is EAP-SAKE (RFC 4763) which includes identities in a
  MIC but that won't solve the lying NAS problem and RFC 4763 even
  says, EAP-SAKE does not claim channel binding (so the table in
  section 4 is wrong). The others provide a protected channel but
  say how this can be used to actually solve the lying NAS problem.
  The draft really needs to say that this problem has not been solved
  yet and remains an issue that must be taken into account if someone
  decides to implement this scheme.

Editorial nits:

- this draft really does not justify its existence well at all. I
  know the WG decided to pursue this work item but the reasoning

review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-eap-mutual

2010-05-26 Thread Dan Harkins


  Here are some comments on this draft for IETF LC. There are some
editorial nits, some errors that might be considered editorial but
there is a serious issue with the Security Considerations that I think
needs addressing.

  I'll start with the security issue since it's the most serious (and
some may stop reading after getting to the editorial complaints).

  Issue in Security Considerations:

In IKEv2 both sides present identities in the form of an ID payload.
EAP also has an identity exchange that is not useful for authentication
so EAP methods typically include their own, separate, identity
exchange. In many cases that identity is in a protected channel from
the EAP peer to the EAP server. When the EAP server is not co-located
with the IKEv2 implementation (i.e. EAP is offloaded to a separate
server) the identities that are actually authenticated are unknown
and/or unverified.

Section 6.2 mentions this from the client's point-of-view-- after
the client has verified the AUTH payload sent by the IKEv2 gateway,
it knows that it is talking to SOME gateway trusted by the home AAA
server, but not which one. This is used as a segue to the lying
NAS problem, which I have note below is not really solved so this
problem isn't really addressed properly.

But the problem is worse. The point-of-view of the gateway is never
mentioned. The gateway may know some anonymous identity, or an
identity that is colored or obfuscated that is useful only by the
EAP server to determine which EAP method to offer. It does not know
what the real client identity is. The identity that gets authenticated
is unknown to the gateway!

Unfortunately, it is the authenticated identity that the gateway must
use to look up an entry in the IPsec Security Policy Datbase (see
RFC 4301) that says what kind of security (bypass, drop, protect
rules, etc) to apply to the client's packets. It is therefore not
possible to properly support RFC 4301 when using this EAP-only
method of authentication.

Furthermore, the only identity available to the gateway can be
forged so the client can achieve more favorable access to the
protected network (a more generous security policy) than the
gateway would have given it had it known its _real_ identity.

I think there has to be a top-down analysis of RFC 4301 and how this
scheme impacts it. Each part of RFC 4301 that cannot be supported
or can only be supported in a limited manner must be spelled out and
the impact of the lack, or limit, of support has to be presented in
this draft's Security Considerations so a reader/implementer knows
what he's getting into if he decides to implement this scheme.

I would advise a DISCUSS on this draft until this has been worked out.


  - the draft states IEEE 802.11i uses EAP without any PKI for
authenticating the WLAN access points. That is just plain wrong.

IEEE 802.11 is agnostic about particular EAP methods but requires
they provide mutual authentication and key generation. The Wi-Fi
Alliance certifies IEEE 802.11 implementations (and the EAP methods
they use). Of the EAP methods certified for use in IEEE 802.11--
and EAP-SIM-- only EAP-SIM does not require a PKI. Having been
involved in that particular industry for most of the past decade
I can assure the authors that PKIs of some sort are used in most
every deployment of IEEE 802.11i. I have yet to see a pure EAP-SIM
deployment anywhere.

  - in section 6.2 the draft mentions the lying NAS problem and says
that EAP methods that provide what is called 'connection binding'
or 'channel binding' transport some identity or identities of the
gateway (or WLAN access point/NAS). The table in section 4 lists
EAP methods that supposedly support channel binding but none of
methods with a yes in that column do what section 6.2 says.

The closest is EAP-SAKE (RFC 4763) which includes identities in a
MIC but that won't solve the lying NAS problem and RFC 4763 even
says, EAP-SAKE does not claim channel binding (so the table in
section 4 is wrong). The others provide a protected channel but don't
say how this can be used to actually solve the lying NAS problem.
The draft really needs to say that this problem has not been solved
yet and remains an issue that must be taken into account if someone
decides to implement this scheme.

  Editorial nits:

  - this draft really does not justify its existence well at all. I
know the WG decided to pursue this work item but the reasoning
around that decision does not come through in this draft.

The introduction says that [P]ublic key signatures and shared
secrets are not flexible enough to meet the requirements of
many deployment scenarios. OK, so 

Re: review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-eap-mutual

2010-05-26 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Paul,

  What I said was:

   I think there has to be a top-down analysis of RFC 4301 and how this
scheme impacts it. Each part of RFC 4301 that cannot be supported
or can only be supported in a limited manner must be spelled out and
the impact of the lack, or limit, of support has to be presented in
this draft's Security Considerations so a reader/implementer knows
what he's getting into if he decides to implement this scheme.

That's really what's needed, an enumeration of the issues and impacts.
The gateway cannot learn the authenticated identity and therefore the
assumptions RFC 4301 is making about that identity (viz, that it be
authenticated) no longer apply. The client can't learn the authenticated
identity but it does know that the entity asserting the unauthenticated
identity is trusted in some capacity (it got the key after all) by the
server it just authenticated. I think the ramifications of all that has
to be stated in the Security Considerations and I'd expect it to not be
a perfunctory statement.

  I don't expect this draft to solve the lying NAS problem. But it
should not say it's solved by EAP methods with a yes in the table in
section 4. Such a statement is not true. It should say something to the
effect that some EAP methods have the capability to pass blobs of data
and at some time in the future there may be a use of this capability to
solve the 'lying NAS' problem but until that time the following
considerations must be taken into account by people who implement this
scheme: blah blah blah. What is the impact of a client having this
transitively authenticated, but not really authenticated, identity of
the NAS even if the NAS is not lying? Does this impact change if
there's a human behind the client (who just wants network access)
or if it's a device protecting some of its own resources? The draft
doesn't say.

  Basically, the Security Consideration section doesn't take into
consideration the full impact on security that will be caused by
implementation of this protocol; it should.



On Wed, May 26, 2010 3:39 pm, Paul Hoffman wrote:
 At 2:22 PM -0700 5/26/10, Dan Harkins wrote:
I would advise a DISCUSS on this draft until this has been worked

 Can you say more about what you mean by worked out? More text in the
 Security Considerations? If so, at least an outline would be helpful. Or
 maybe you mean one or more changes to the protocol? If so, some specific
 suggestions would be helpful. Specifically, are you asking for this
 document to solve the lying NAS problem?

 --Paul Hoffman, Director
 --VPN Consortium

Ietf mailing list

RE: Advance travel info for IETF-78 Maastricht

2010-05-09 Thread Dan Harkins

  I have had cab drivers in the US try to force me to pay cash
in similar situations. Saying they don't accept credit cards and
then, when I say that's all I have, telling me how much longer
it will take to get me out of their cab if I really want to use
a credit card. In these cases I just kept insisting on the card
and eventually (like, within a minute) all was settled the way I
wanted it to be settled: with the credit card.

  It may seem anachronistic to some, but the rule of law does
apply in the US today and asking to have a police officer settle
the dispute is a good way of getting quick resolution. If all
else fails maybe taking a picture or two (driver and taxi permit)
with a camera phone might tend to elicit a change of attitude.


On Sun, May 9, 2010 5:29 pm, Glen Zorn wrote:
 Iljitsch van Beijnum [] writes:

 On 8 mei 2010, at 1:50, Glen Zorn wrote:

  More than once, I _have_ asked the driver specifically if he accepts
  cards (the advertised policy notwithstanding) only to have him refuse
  upon arrival...

 Curious way to engage in commerce. Where was this?

 Several places, all in the US; most recently, Dallas.


 Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: review of draft-sheffer-emu-eap-eke-06

2010-05-03 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Simon,

On Mon, May 3, 2010 3:32 pm, Simon Josefsson wrote:
 Dan Harkins writes:

   Issues with prf and prf+

   - In sections 5.1 and 5.2 the password is passed directly into prf+
 (which is the same as the one from RFC 2409 and uses HMAC-SHA1 or
 HMAC-SHA256). This is a key derivation type function and assumes it
 has been passed a key having properties, like a uniformly random
 distribution, that a low-entropy password does not have.

 I recommend deriving a key for Encr() in a 2-step process using and
 extractor and expander KDF. It might also be good to mention that
 the first, leftmost, length-of-cipher-key bits are used as the

 I agree with your comments.  However would not salting and an iterative
 design, as provided by PKCS#5 PBKDF2, be more appropriate than
 extract-and-expand?  See section 4 of the extract-and-expand document to
 see why it is not always appropriate for passwords.

  I don't believe so. PBKDF2 does 1000 iterations of HMAC-ing to increase
the work factor of brute force guessing the password. This is useful when
the protocol using the password is not based on a zero knowledge proof.
In this case it is, and an active attacker gets only one guess at the
password per attack (a passive attacker gets zero guesses) and that
would be the case even if the password is used directly as a key to
an HMAC-based KDF.

  Section 4 of the extract-and-expand document says, In the case of
password-based KDFs, a main goal is to slow down dictionary attacks using
two ingredients: a salt value and the intentional slowing of the key
derivation computation. HKDF naturally accommodates the use of salt;
however, a slowing down mechanism is not part of this specification.
But in the case of EAP-EKE a dictionary attack is foiled outright by the
protocol. There is no need to use a KDF to slow one down.

  My recommendation was simply to use an HMAC-based KEF with the
assumptions that it was built on. This allows the protocol to be analyzed
without placing strong assumptions on the underlying hash function
(basically, you get the security of HMAC when you use it correctly,
whether you get it when you use it incorrectly is an open question that
I am not qualified to answer). PBKDF2 is also much more computationally
intensive and there doesn't seem to be a bang for that buck :-)

   - Section 5.1 says If the password is non-ASCII, it SHOULD be
 by the sender before the EAP-EKE message is constructed. The
 normalization method is SASLprep, [RFC4013]. Note that the password
 is not null-terminated.

 I don't think this will work. The SHOULD should be a MUST and the
 mention of SASLprep should use normative language-- i.e. it MUST
 be SASLprep. Is there a mandatory-to-implement format? Is support
 for ASCII a MUST? Also, there's no mention of unassigned code
 What happens if one of these is hit during normalization? I don't
 believe the text as written will assure interoperability and it will
 also be a DISCUSS target, said using the voice of experience :-)

 I agree strongly with this comment as well.

   Issues with elliptic curves cryptography

 This raises a question.  What is the patent status of the technologies
 used by this document?  I recall concerns with some non-HMAC-based
 password based authentication protocols.

  I believe it has been submitted:



Ietf mailing list

Re: [TLS] Last Call: draft-hoffman-tls-additional-random-ext (Additional Random

2010-04-28 Thread Dan Harkins

On Tue, April 27, 2010 3:23 am, Dean Anderson wrote:
 On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, Nicolas Williams wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 04:18:33PM -0500, Marsh Ray wrote:
  Taking off of CC list as this seems to be very TLS

 This is an IETF LC, not a WG LC; IETF LC comments should be sent to  If anything, we might want to drop

 I cannot post to, for dishonest and apparently unlawful
 reasons. I won the consensus call in the PR Action, but the consensus
 was fraudulently reported. But the PR Action itself is not consistent
 with the legal requirements to suspend member rights in a member
 corporation: The law requires a vote of the membership, and that 51% of
 the membership vote for the suspension/expulsion.  There are other legal
 issues (e.g. antitrust) involved with preventing corporations from
 participating in a standards body, but I won't go into those here.

 However, fact remains that I cannot post to

  All the more reason to drop!


Ietf mailing list

Re: WG Review: Recharter of IP Security Maintenance and Extensions (ipsecme)

2010-02-20 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Jari,

  I don't believe the simpler solution will increase code size or
complexity when compared to the the reuse EAP solution. In fact,
it will be less on both counts.

  In both cases the core key exchange will have to be implemented
and in both cases some configuration glue will be needed. But in the
reuse EAP solution there is the added code to implement an EAP client
and its accompanying state machine, which no IKEv2 gateway currently
needs to implement. In addition, a true EAP server, and accompanying
state machine, will need to be implemented and IKEv2 gateways will
no longer get away with just being a pass through authenticator.
The reuse EAP solution will also have to implement some new
fragmentation/reassembly code since EAP methods (like ones supporting
weak shared secrets) have to roll-their-own. The reuse EAP solution
will also have to implement other, unneeded, exchanges (which is why the
roundtrips/overhead are greater). When you compare the two, it really
is obvious that trying to use EAP in this case increases code size and
complexity versus just doing the exchange as part of IKE.

  EAP is attractive because it provides a generic authentication solution,
but here there is really only one type of authentication to do-- using a
weak shared secret. It is also attractive because authentication can be
centralized with one server serving many network access points. But in
this case both sides must have possession of the shared secret and both
sides must be capable of initiating the exchange so use of a centralized
server is not possible. So all of the attractive features of EAP do not
apply and we're left with the undesirable features of EAP-- duplicate
identity exchanges, yet more fragmentation/reassembly code, and
pointless overhead.

  I don't think it's better architecturally to reuse EAP in this situation.
EAP is a network access protocol where one side attempts to obtain network
access from another. There are strict roles played in EAP. In this
situation there are no roles and creating a host-to-host SA or network-
to-network SA is not really the same thing as obtaining network access.

  There are some things that EAP is not appropriate for and this is
one of them.



On Fri, February 19, 2010 5:39 am, Jari Arkko wrote:

 (Adding the working group mailing list to the discussion; previous
 discussion has been at

 You're right that implementing a weak shared secret EAP method (both
 the EAP peer and EAP server roles) on both IPsec nodes, combined with
 the EAP mutual authentication work item (also in the new charter)
 could be used in this situation, and would result in roughly the same
 functionality (perhaps with slightly more roundtrips/other overhead --
 but that's probably not a critical factor here).

 OK. And yes, I agree about the significance of roundtrips.

However, user-configured shared secrets are still useful for many
other IPsec scenarios, such as authentication between two servers
or routers. These scenarios are usually symmetric: both peers know
the shared secret, no back-end authentication servers are involved,
and either peer can initiate an IKEv2 SA. While it would be
possible to use EAP in such situations (by having both peers
implement both the EAP peer and the EAP server roles of an EAP
method intended for weak shared secrets) with the mutual
EAP-based authentication work item (above), a simpler solution may
be desirable in many situations.

 This formulation is better than what we had previously. I can live with

 But for the record, I am still surprised that I am the only one worried
 about this. In my view this additional solution, while perhaps simpler
 on its own, will increase code size and complexity for most
 implementations. For instance, a device that serves remote access
 clients has to implement at least parts of EAP. To support
 gateway-gateway weak secrets it now has to add support for another,
 completely different authentication mode and associated configuration
 mechanisms  policies. Architecturally, it would be better to rely on
 few general solutions than to build special case simpler solutions
 that taken together, actually become more complex. Not to mention the
 impact on interoperability.


 Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd (EAP Authentication UsingOnly A Password) to Proposed Standard

2009-07-26 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Hannes,

  As you know EAP-pwd was presented to EMU and the ADs ruled that
it was out of scope. Since the ADs are the same, and the EMU charter
is the same then EAP-pwd must still be out of scope for EMU. So that
course is not available. What Bernard says makes a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, that was tried already and it failed.

  The reason EAP-pwd should be Standards Track is because it is important
for the Internet community to recommend a _secure_ way of doing
authentication using only a shared key (i.e. no certificate needed).
Today we have an Internet recommendation for that practice that is
susceptible to a passive off-line dictionary attack. EAP-pwd is not
susceptible to such an attack.

  There is no official policy about Standards track EAP methods only
coming out of EMU. And following such an unwritten policy will produce
the following bizarre situation for authenticating using a shared key:

   INSECURE is on Standards Track (EAP-GPSK)
   SECURE is Informational (EAP-pwd)

That makes no sense.

  Informational RFCs are for edification purposes. Proposed Standards
represent a recommendation of the Internet community and if the
Internet community is going to recommend a practice (and it obviously
is doing that) then it should recommend a secure practice and not an
insecure one. Why is that so puzzling?



On Sat, July 25, 2009 2:55 am, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:
 In the past EAP method authors could publish their EAP methods as
 Informational or Experimental RFCs. For Standards Track EAP methods we
 had to go through the EMU working group.

 This is what we did, for example, with the pre-shared key EAP method:
 * EAP-PSK was published as an
 Experimental RFC.
 * EAP-PAX was published as an
 Informational RFC.
 * EAP-GPSK was an effort done in the
 EMU working group with input from various pre-shared EAP method
 proposals, including EAP-PSK and EAP-PAX.

 Hence, I agree with Bernard and I am a bit puzzled why
 draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd was planned for Proposed Standard.



   From: [] On
 Behalf Of ext Bernard Aboba
   Sent: 23 July, 2009 03:37
   Subject: Re: Last Call: draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd (EAP
 Authentication UsingOnly A Password) to Proposed Standard

   I would like to comment on the process aspect of this IETF last
 call.  A subsequent post will provide comments on the protocol.

   Overall, I believe that the appropriate process for handling
 this document is not to bring it to IETF last call as an individual
 submission, but rather to charter a work item within an IETF WG.

   There are two current EAP method drafts that are based on
 zero-knowledge algorithms:
   1. (this

   Previously there was also an EAP method submission utilizing

   All three of these documents were slated for inclusion on the
 IETF standards track.

   Given the number of EAP method RFCs that have already been
 published, I do not believe that it serves the Internet community for
 the IETF to publish multiple EAP method specifications of a similar
 genre on the Standards Track, while bypassing the WG process.

   If the standardization of zero-knowledge algorithms is an
 important area of work for the IETF (and I believe this to be true),
 then work in this area should be chartered as a working group work item,
 with the goal to select a single method for standardization.  Prior to
 the EMU WG re-charter, Dan Harkins made an argument for chartering of
 work in this area.  His arguments were sound then, and they are (even
 more) sound today.  However, Dan did not succeed in getting the work
 added to the EMU WG charter.  It is time for the IESG to re-consider its
 decision to delay standardization of zero knowledge algorithms, which
 was made in the earlier part of the decade.  If the EMU WG is not
 suitable for handling this work, then another security area WG should be
 created for the purpose.

 Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd (EAP Authentication UsingOnly A Password) to Informational RFC

2009-07-22 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi John,

On Wed, July 22, 2009 10:27 am, John Leslie wrote:
The difference may not be as great as you seem to think. Appeal if
 you must, but it's really not unusual to change proposed status as
 a result of LastCall comments. It might be more helpful to simply post
 (polite) LastCall comments of your own about why Proposed Standard
 would be more appropriate than Informational.

  You make a very good suggestion. So let me make some Last Call
comments of my own about why Proposed Standard is more appropriate
that Informational.

  Shared keys (including passwords) are the preeminent access method for
the Internet today. EAP is a very popular protocol for providing network
access. I believe the Internet community needs to recommend a way to
_securely_ use this wildly popular credential in this hugely popular
authentication protocol.

  An Informational RFC is published just for the general information of
the Internet community and does not represent a recommendation of the
Internet community. So Informational doesn't seem like the right level.

  The importance of this subject, and the need to have a recommendation
by the Internet community, can be seen by the fact that a Standards Track
RFC already exists to use shared keys in EAP, RFC5433, but it is insecure
and is vulnerable to passive dictionary attack. Therefore I believe it
is necessary to recommend a way to use shared keys securely; it is
necessary to publish another RFC at the same level as RFC5433 that does
not have the flaws of RFC5433.

  It would not make much sense to have the Internet community recommend
an insecure way of using shared keys with EAP and then publish a secure
way of using shared keys with EAP merely for edification purposes only.
No, a Standards Track RFC is really needed.

  As Joe Salowey noted, there is another draft that specifies use of
the Encrypted Key Exchange (EKE) as an EAP method. Unfortunately, that
protocol must define its own special finite cyclic groups, and it cannot
use finite cyclic groups based on elliptic curve cryptography, or it will
suffer from the same flaw as RFC5433. EAP-pwd can use any of the two
score or so finite cyclic groups defined by for use in IKE and TLS,
both elliptic curve groups and, more traditional, groups based on
exponentiation modulo a large prime number. These groups have seen broad
use and received scrutiny by the academic and cryptographic community,
so it is important to use them and not roll your own. EAP-pwd is a much
more general purpose solution to the problem and is, in my opinion, a
better candidate for recommendation.

  EAP-pwd has received about as much scrutiny as it can in the IETF.
When presented at an EMU meeting it received quite a bit of interest
but was ruled out-of-scope due to EMU's charter. There were also concerns
that there was no definitive statement that EAP-pwd was not IPR encumbered
(which is nearly impossible to provide anyway). There is community interest
in secure shared-secret authentication with EAP and EAP-pwd provides that.

  To sum, I think the Internet community must recommend a way to use
shared keys (including passwords) securely with EAP (RFC5433 does not
recommend a _secure_ way to use them); it must publish an RFC at the
Standards Track level. And EAP-pwd is the best choice to do that because
it is a more robust and general purpose solution that EAP-EKE.

  I would like to hear other comments on this topic (with the exception
of those over the irrelevant topic of IPR-- for which there is none in
this draft). Why shouldn't it be a Proposed Standard?

  best regards,


Ietf mailing list

RE: Last Call: draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd (EAP Authentication UsingOnly A Password) to Informational RFC

2009-07-21 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Joe,

  As I mentioned in the EMU meeting at IETF-71 I have not patented this
exchange, my employer has not patented this exchange, Glen has not
patented this exchange, and neither has his employer. I am unaware of
any patents on this exchange by others and I believe no existing patents
apply. Of course, reasonable people can disagree on whether other known
patents apply (and trolls may pop up making claims to hold relevant IPR)
but I don't know why that would have an impact on it being published as
a Proposed Standard.

  Let's see how the subject of IPR is being handled _right now_ with
other drafts:

 - TLS extractors: I know you know about this draft because you're
   the document shepherd. This draft is the subject of an IPR
   disclosure and is still on the Standards Track in Last Call.
   EAP-pwd is NOT the subject of any IPR disclosure.

 - draft-green-secsh-ecc: this specifies how to implement a patented
   key exchange (ECMQV) in SSH and it is on the Standards Track
   in Last Call.

If specification of patented algorithms and drafts subject to IPR
disclosure is not enough to knock a draft of the Standards Track then
I don't know why FUD about a possible patent _maybe_ existing that
_might_ apply is. I guess I don't understand your logic. Can you explain
it in a way that justifies the different treatment for these drafts?

  Regarding the flaws, yes the -00 version of this draft had a flaw.
But then, so did draft-sheffer-emu-eap-eke-00. So if the fact that a
flaw was found and fixed is enough to cause you to spoil on a draft
then why do you think draft-sheffer-emu-eap-eke is an alternative to
consider? Again, I don't understand your logic.

  EAP-EKE has the additional drawback that it must define its own groups
to use because using the standard Diffie-Hellman groups from the IANA
registry for IKE or TLS gives an attacker a significant advantage
in guessing the password by simply passively observing an exchange.
EAP-pwd does not suffer from this and can use groups that have received
extensive use and review. Forcing people to use new groups that have not
received scrutiny is a recipe for trouble.

  Furthermore, I do not think that EAP-EKE satisfies its security
claims when used with an elliptic curve group. Specifically, I believe
it is subject to passive dictionary attack when using an ECC group.
Small memory- and processor-constrained devices may not be able to
efficiently do operations in a multiplicative field of 3072 bits (to
get a suitably strong AES key) while it may in one of 256 bits. Forcing
them to use weaker groups is not appropriate.

  The relevant AD handling advancement of this draft received a private
request asking that it be Informational like other EAP methods. He has
asked this individual to take the request public but that has not
happened. Let me take this opportunity to address that individual in
the hopes that he or she speaks up.

  There is no known policy of which EAP methods get advanced how. It seems
very bizarre that an EAP method for authentication using a shared secret
that is subject to PASSIVE OFF-LINE DICTIONARY ATTACK is a Proposed
Standard (EAP-GPSK) but an EAP method for authentication using a shared
secret that is resistant to passive, active and all forms of off-line
dictionary attack should be Informational. If it's flawed it's Standards
Track, if it's not flawed it's Informational. That doesn't make sense
much sense to me.

  I respectfully request this draft to be published on the track it was
intended to be published on. Given that drafts with considerable IPR
considerations, both individual submissions and products of a WG, are
on the Standards Track, IPR FUD should not be used as a way to prevent
this draft from advancing as a Proposed Standard.  EAP-pwd is a general
purpose solution for the broader Internet community to do EAP
authentication using only a password; EAP-EKE is not. EAP-EKE is not
an alternative to consider because of it's limited use.

  There do not seem to be consistently applied policies regarding why a
draft has to be Informational so I think it is only fair to treat this
draft the way other drafts are being treated (see above): the way it
intends to be advanced, as a Proposed Standard.



On Tue, July 21, 2009 3:19 pm, Joseph Salowey (jsalowey) wrote:
 I object to this document being published as a Proposed Standard.  When
 this document was discussed in the EMU meeting at IETF-71 there was much
 concern raised with respect to existing IPR in the area of secure
 password methods used by this draft.  Additionally, soon after its
 initial publication and announcement on the CFRG list, flaws were found
 with the draft.  The authors were very responsive in addressing the
 issues, but this points out that the algorithms used in this draft have
 had less review than other secure password mechanisms developed over the
 years.  Another approach to a secure password only EAP method, 

Re: Last Call: draft-harkins-emu-eap-pwd (EAP Authentication UsingOnly A Password) to Informational RFC

2009-07-21 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Steve,

On Tue, July 21, 2009 6:16 pm, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
 On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 17:54:23 -0700 (PDT)
 Dan Harkins wrote:

 If specification of patented algorithms and drafts subject to IPR
 disclosure is not enough to knock a draft of the Standards Track then
 I don't know why FUD about a possible patent _maybe_ existing that
 _might_ apply is.

 I'm no longer an AD, but if I were, I'd propose a policy that the IESG
 automatically disregard any objection to a spec on the grounds that it
 uses a patented protocol.

  I completely agree. I am on the record stating that the TLS Extractors
draft should be advanced on the Standards Track. All I'm saying is that
the policy applied to it (and others) should apply to mine.

 Folks, the IETF, via the IPR WG (of which I used to be co-chair)
 explicitly declined to adopt that standard.  The policy under which it
 operates, *by IETF consensus*, is that the WG should decide for any
 given document if the (vast) disadvantages of an encumbered technology
 are outweighed by the abilities it grants.  I see no reason whatsoever
 to even consider a generic objection.; that's not what our explicit
 policy says.

  And in this case there is not even a statement that this draft uses
encumbered technology, only the lack of a statement that it does not
(and given that it's really hard to prove a negative, that is an
unreasonable bar to set, in my opinion).

  I really hope this IPR nonsense as it relates to EAP-pwd can be



Ietf mailing list

Re: [TLS] Last Call: draft-ietf-tls-extractor (Keying Material Exporters for Transport Layer Security (TLS)) to Proposed Standard

2009-07-20 Thread Dan Harkins

  Certicom's IPR statement dated 13 October 2008 lists some patents
that may be necessary and essential to implementations of... the
TLS extractor draft when used with either:  RFC4492, RFC5289
or draft-rescorla-tls-suiteb. Check it out:

  Don't use it with RFC4492, RFC5289 or draft-rescorla-tls-suiteb and
then the IPR statement does not apply. If it's possible to use the TLS
extractor draft in a way that the IPR statement doesn't apply then I
don't think you can say the TLS Extractor draft is patent-encumbered.

  I support free software* and I have no problem with this draft being
advanced as a Proposed Standard.



* is a free version of RFC5297
  for OpenSSL, and check out the authsae project on Source Forge.

On Mon, July 20, 2009 12:15 pm, Dean Anderson wrote:
 I am against this standard because of its patent encumbrances and
 non-free licencing terms.  The working group did not get any clear
 answers on what particular patents this draft may infringe, but a patent
 holder (Certicom) did assert an IPR disclosure (1004) listing many
 patents.  We have no alternative but to accept the Certicom disclosure
 statements as meaning that the TLS Extractor draft is patent-encumbered
 without a universal, free defensive license.

 The statement by referring to
 which states:

   Certicom will, upon request, provide a nonexclusive, royalty free
 patent license, to manufacturers to permit end users (including both
 client and server sides), to use the patents in schedule A when
 implementing any of these protocols, including those requiring third
 party certificates provided the certificate is obtained from a licensed
 Certificate Authority (CA). This license does not cover the issuing of
 certificates by a Certification Authority (CA).

 That is not a free license, since Certicom must respond to the request
 before any license is granted. After the IETF finally approves the
 necessary standards, Certicom is free to stop approving the requests.

 I ask others who support free software to join me in opposing this
 document by sending a message stating opposition to the IETF@IETF.ORG
 mailing list.  IETF participation is open to the public, and anyone may
 voice their view on IETF standards.  It is also substantive to oppose a
 document because of its patent status, and in fact, any topic that is
 considered during or related to the IETF process is substantive.


 On Mon, 20 Jul 2009, The IESG wrote:

 The IESG has received a request from the Transport Layer Security WG
 (tls) to consider the following document:

 - 'Keying Material Exporters for Transport Layer Security (TLS) '
draft-ietf-tls-extractor-06.txt as a Proposed Standard

 The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
 final comments on this action.  Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2009-08-10. Exceptionally,
 comments may be sent to instead. In either case, please
 retain the beginning of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.

 The file can be obtained via

 IESG discussion can be tracked via

 TLS mailing list

 Av8 Internet   Prepared to pay a premium for better service? faster, more reliable, better service
 617 344 9000

 TLS mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: draft-dharkins-siv-aes (SIV Authenticated Encryption using AES) to Proposed Standard

2008-05-20 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Jouni,

  Thank you very much for your review of my I-D and for identification
of the issues you describe below.

  I have updated the draft to incorporate your suggested modifications:

- mention S2V before CTR in the description of SIV keying.
- define bitand in section 2.1 as the logical AND of two equal
  length strings, then use bitand in sections 2.6 and 2.7 as
  you suggest.
- fixed the test vector in section A.2

I also verified that my SIV implementation generates the correct test
vectors and this matches the test vectors sent to NIST.

  The draft has been updated and a -03 should be in the repository
right now.

  Once again, thanks for your review and for identifying these issues
before the draft got published.



On Wed, May 14, 2008 6:38 am, Jouni Malinen wrote:
  - 'SIV Authenticated Encryption using AES '
draft-dharkins-siv-aes-02.txt as a Proposed Standard

  The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
  final comments on this action.  Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2008-06-10.

 It looks like there are couple of small errors in the draft that can
 result in incorrect interpretation of the design:

 2.2.  Overview

SIV-AES uses AES in counter mode (CTR) and in CMAC mode (S2V).  SIV-
AES takes either a 256, 384, or 512 bit key (which is broken up into
two equal-sized keys, one for CTR and the other for S2V), a variable

 While this is not strictly speaking incorrect statement, it would be
 clearer to swap the order of CTR and S2V in the description of the keys
 here since the first half of the key is actually used for S2V as
 specified in more formal description later in the draft.

 2.5.  CTR
Before beginning counter mode the 32nd and 64th bits (where the
rightmost bit is the 0th bit) of the counter are cleared.  This

 2.6.  SIV Encrypt
SIV-ENCRYPT(K, P, AD1, ..., ADn) {
  Q = V xor (1^64 || 0^1 || 1^31 || 0^1 || 1^31)

 2.7.  SIV Decrypt
SIV-DECRYPT(K, Z, AD1, ..., ADn) {
  Q = V xor (1^64 || 0^1 || 1^31 || 0^1 || 1^31)

 The description of pre-processing for the counter is in conflict here.
 Chapter 2.5 clears two bits while the SIV-ENCRYPT and SIV-DECRYPT
 algorithms are actually swapping lots of bits and not changing the bits
 that should have been cleared. It looks like the 'xor' in these
 algorithms was supposed to be 'and' which would achieve the desired
 clearing of the two bits as defined in 2.5. In addition to this change,
 'and' should be added into chapter 2.1 with similar description to 'xor'
 since this is the first use of 'A and B' notation in the draft.

 A.2.  Nonce-based Authenticated Encryption Example

74686973 20697320 74686520 706c6169
6e746578 7420746f 20656e63 72797074
20757369 6e672053 49562d41 4553

74686973 20697320 736f6d65 20706c61
696e7465 78742074 6f20656e 63727966
2d0c6201 f3341575 342a3745 f5c625

cb900f2f ddbe4043 26601965 c889bf17
dba77ceb 094fa663 b7a3f748 ba8af829
ea64ad54 4a272e9c 485b62a3 fd5c0d

 There seems to be a typo here in the second test vector. The lengths of
 the plaintext, xorend, and ciphertext should be the same. However, the
 described plaintext is one octet shorter than xorend/ciphertext. Based
 on the ASCII presentation of the plaintext and beginning of xorend
 value, it looks like the plaintext value should start this is some
 plaintext, not this is the plaintext in order to end up with the
 described output of the test case. In other words, the Plaintext for A.2
 should be changed to:

74686973 20697320 736f6d65 20706c61
696e7465 78742074 6f20656e 63727970
74207573 696e6720 5349562d 414553

 With the changes described above, I can reproduce matching results for
 the test vectors.

 Jouni MalinenPGP id EFC895FA
 IETF mailing list

IETF mailing list

RE: EAP applicability (Was: Re: IETF Last Call on Walled Garden Standard for the Internet)

2008-03-20 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Avi,

  I agree that simply removing the MOARK (aka the DSRK) will not prevent
EMSK misuse but it will remove a large temptation to misuse. The sole
purpose I can see in the DSRK is to get around the fact that we do not
export the EMSK. If there are valid reasons to not export the EMSK then
those reasons apply equally to the DSRK and it should be eliminated. If
there are no valid reasons to not export the EMSK then let's just export
it and then the need for the DSRK goes away. Either way the DSRK should
be eliminated.

  If WiMAX wants constructive instruction from the IETF I suggest it
make a request through the 802.16 liaison to IETF.



On Thu, March 20, 2008 7:58 am, Avi Lior wrote:
 FYI. In WiMAX we derive keys directly from EMSK.  We don't use the MOARKs

 It maybe a good idea or a bad idea -- we haven't had a chance to look at
 it because we did our stuff before the MOARK was conceived. We did align
 at one point with Joe's draft.

 I am not sure whether defining a MOARK is the root of all evil.  It maybe
 a good idea to derive keys from it in general or it maybe a good idea for
 HOAKEY to derive its keys from it.

 Simply removing MOARK is not sufficient to prevent the EMSK to be
 missused.  I think we need to provide the text to describe the pitfalls of
 EMSK missuse.

 Also to note, in WiMAX the keys we derive from EMSK are for MIP and other
 network centric applications such as over the air provisioning.  I don't
 want to give the impression that in WiMAX we are using the EMSK for
 anything and everything.  At the same time, I don't want to give the
 impression that that is all that WiMAX will use the EMSK for in the
 future.  To be sure it is very tempting indeed to have a source of keying
 material that is known at the mobile and at the network.  That is why I
 look forward to *constructive* instructions from the IETF.

 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 4:52 PM
 To: Jari Arkko
 Cc: Avi Lior;; Bernard Aboba
 Subject: Re: EAP applicability (Was: Re: IETF Last Call on
 Walled Garden Standard for the Internet)

   Hi Jari,

 On Thu, March 13, 2008 8:49 pm, Jari Arkko wrote:
  For what it is worth, this ex-EAP co-chair also thinks
 that the use
  of EAP keys for applications is a very bad idea.
  For a number of reasons. Take this from someone who has
 actually tried
  to do this in the distant past and has realized that it was
 a bad idea.
  But first let me clarify that I'm not criticizing HOKEY for
 EAP keys
  in any way; HOKEY is a fine application for EAP keys. The document
  that started this thread can be fixed by better IANA and
  sections. I've also changed the subject to reflect the new topic.

   Actually I think it's a little more technical than
 editorial. This problem is due to the fact that HOKEY is
 extracting a key derived from the EMSK and making that The
 Mother Of All Root Keys (MOARK), which can be used to derive
 all keys for all purposes to solve all problems in the world.

   The document can be fixed by removing the MOARK from the
 draft and having HOKEY define a _HOKEY-specific_ key derived
 from the EMSK. That HOKEY-specific key is used for HOKEY and
 HOKEY only. If some other key usage is needed then it can
 define another way to extract it's needed keying material
 from the EMSK, and hopefully that process would be done in
 the IETF (at least the chances are greater that it would be
 done in the IETF if it's based on the EMSK and not the MOARK).

   This has the added benefit of simplifying the key hierarchy.



IETF mailing list

EMSK key hierarchy and the DSRK

2008-03-19 Thread Dan Harkins


  My apologies for being obtuse. This Mother of All Root Keys I've been
describing is what the EMSK Key Hierarchy calls the DSRK.

  The HOKEY key that the ERP/ERX draft uses can be derived in one of
two ways:

USRK-- the HOKEY key, aka rRK

or like this:

   DSUSRK   -- the HOKEY key, aka rRK

This latter derivation is the one that will be used in practice, I believe.

  This DSRK is not properly defined and cannot be properly scoped. It
really has nothing to do with Handover Keying which is what HOKEY is
supposed to be working on. I believe the DSRK is problematic and the
ability to derive a DSRK should be removed from the ESMK key hierarchy
draft and the corresponding change be made to the ERP/ERX draft to remove
reference to using a DSRK to derive HOKEY keys.

  This change would also simplify the key hierarchy and remove a
you can do it this way, or you can do it that way option which
experience has shown is a really bad idea.



On Tue, March 18, 2008 6:22 pm, Dan Harkins wrote:

   Hi Avi,

 On Tue, March 18, 2008 3:13 pm, Avi Lior wrote:
 I suggest we discuss the issues with deriving keys from EMSK so that
 people can make informed decisions.  Lets keep the FUD factor low.

   Good idea. Can we start with the Mother Of All Root Keys (MOARK) that
 is derived from the EMSK? This seems like a particularly un-scope-able
 and undefined key. It is not needed for Handover Keying; all HOKEY needed
 to do was define a HOKEY-specific key from the EMSK but it didn't, it
 defined a MOARK, and then a HOKEY-specific key is being derived from the

   Since the MOARK is really the only key being derived from the EMSK
 I guess this makes for a nicely constrained discussion.


 IETF mailing list

IETF mailing list

Re: EMSK key hierarchy and the DSRK

2008-03-19 Thread Dan Harkins

On Wed, March 19, 2008 9:53 am, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:
 The DSRK can be scoped just as the EMSK can be scoped.

  Really? Is there any context that it can be bound to?

  Furthermore, what is the _purpose_ of this key? Why would someone choose
to derive a DSRK or choose not to derive a DSRK for some particular
hierarchy? If it's just a some like coke while others like pepsi kind
of argument then that's just more reason to get rid of it. Experience
from the glamor ciphers and hash algorithms in IKE shows that such
pointless options really have a deleterious affect on the standard.




 On 3/19/2008 9:45 AM, Dan Harkins wrote:

   My apologies for being obtuse. This Mother of All Root Keys I've been
 describing is what the EMSK Key Hierarchy calls the DSRK.

   The HOKEY key that the ERP/ERX draft uses can be derived in one of
 two ways:

 USRK-- the HOKEY key, aka rRK

 or like this:

 DSRK--- the MOARK
DSUSRK   -- the HOKEY key, aka rRK

 This latter derivation is the one that will be used in practice, I

   This DSRK is not properly defined and cannot be properly scoped. It
 really has nothing to do with Handover Keying which is what HOKEY is
 supposed to be working on. I believe the DSRK is problematic and the
 ability to derive a DSRK should be removed from the ESMK key hierarchy
 draft and the corresponding change be made to the ERP/ERX draft to
 reference to using a DSRK to derive HOKEY keys.

   This change would also simplify the key hierarchy and remove a
 you can do it this way, or you can do it that way option which
 experience has shown is a really bad idea.



 On Tue, March 18, 2008 6:22 pm, Dan Harkins wrote:
   Hi Avi,

 On Tue, March 18, 2008 3:13 pm, Avi Lior wrote:
 I suggest we discuss the issues with deriving keys from EMSK so that
 people can make informed decisions.  Lets keep the FUD factor low.
   Good idea. Can we start with the Mother Of All Root Keys (MOARK) that
 is derived from the EMSK? This seems like a particularly un-scope-able
 and undefined key. It is not needed for Handover Keying; all HOKEY
 to do was define a HOKEY-specific key from the EMSK but it didn't, it
 defined a MOARK, and then a HOKEY-specific key is being derived from

   Since the MOARK is really the only key being derived from the EMSK
 I guess this makes for a nicely constrained discussion.


 IETF mailing list

 IETF mailing list

IETF mailing list

RE: IETF Last Call on Walled Garden Standard for the Internet

2008-03-18 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Avi,

On Tue, March 18, 2008 3:13 pm, Avi Lior wrote:
 I suggest we discuss the issues with deriving keys from EMSK so that
 people can make informed decisions.  Lets keep the FUD factor low.

  Good idea. Can we start with the Mother Of All Root Keys (MOARK) that
is derived from the EMSK? This seems like a particularly un-scope-able
and undefined key. It is not needed for Handover Keying; all HOKEY needed
to do was define a HOKEY-specific key from the EMSK but it didn't, it
defined a MOARK, and then a HOKEY-specific key is being derived from the

  Since the MOARK is really the only key being derived from the EMSK
I guess this makes for a nicely constrained discussion.


IETF mailing list

Re: EAP applicability (Was: Re: IETF Last Call on Walled Garden Standard for the Internet)

2008-03-17 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Jari,

On Thu, March 13, 2008 8:49 pm, Jari Arkko wrote:

 For what it is worth, this ex-EAP co-chair also thinks that
 the use of EAP keys for applications is a very bad idea.


 For a number of reasons. Take this from someone who has actually tried
 to do this in the distant past and has realized that it was a bad idea.

 But first let me clarify that I'm not criticizing HOKEY for EAP keys in
 any way; HOKEY is a fine application for EAP keys. The document that
 started this thread can be fixed by better IANA and applicability
 sections. I've also changed the subject to reflect the new topic.

  Actually I think it's a little more technical than editorial. This
problem is due to the fact that HOKEY is extracting a key derived from
the EMSK and making that The Mother Of All Root Keys (MOARK), which
can be used to derive all keys for all purposes to solve all problems in
the world.

  The document can be fixed by removing the MOARK from the draft and
having HOKEY define a _HOKEY-specific_ key derived from the EMSK. That
HOKEY-specific key is used for HOKEY and HOKEY only. If some other key
usage is needed then it can define another way to extract it's needed
keying material from the EMSK, and hopefully that process would be done
in the IETF (at least the chances are greater that it would be done in
the IETF if it's based on the EMSK and not the MOARK).

  This has the added benefit of simplifying the key hierarchy.



IETF mailing list

Re: IETF 72 -- Dublin!

2008-02-06 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Edward,

On Wed, February 6, 2008 10:29 am, Edward Lewis wrote:
 At 8:37 -0800 2/6/08, $someone wrote:

The descriptions of the venue make clear that, once again, the IETF is
in a ghetto.  Periodic bus service doesn't counteract that.

 I really have a hard time being sympathetic to this complaint.  If
 the purpose of the IETF is open discussion and cross-pollination,
 what does it matter where we are so long as there's comfortable
 access to the expertise needed?  Is there an unwritten requirement
 that IETFs are placed to afford us sightseeing?  To afford us access
 to restaurants?

  Think about why a beer in a bar in a city center costs 1/4 the price
of a beer in the airport of that same city-- captive audience, it's not
like you can go anywhere else.

  Now, this IETF is at a premier golf resort, 15km outside of city
center. That means we'll be a captive audience and we will all eat at
the hotel restaurant day in and day out and most likely pay far more
than we should.

  The issue isn't about sightseeing, although that's always nice, it's
about forcing people to choose between the same overpriced food you ate
for the past two days and possibly missing a session (so you can go out
and get a reasonable meal at a reasonable price).

 Calling any venue that I have ever been in for any kind of a
 conference a ghetto is quite an insult to folks that do live in
 ghettos or other unfortunate places that I have seen.  I don't know
 if it is true now, but as of a few years ago, the IETF had never
 ventured to a country or economy where the expected life span of a
 person was below the global mean/average.  Other conferences do
 regularly, even ICANN.  That's where you can see a ghetto - on the
 way from the airport to the 5-star hotel.

  Please. A ghetto is a homogeneous region for some sort of homogeneity.
That could be ethnic but ghetto is not necessarily some slur against
poor people or people of some ethnic background. In this case the ghetto
is going to be golfers, most likely affluent ones, in their plus-fours
and some plaid nightmare of an outfit.

  We've already lost the word niggardly and the phrase chocolate
soldier, neither of which have ethnic or racial connotation, to
political correctness. Let's not toss out ghetto too.


Ietf mailing list

RE: [HOKEY] Last Call: draft-ietf-hokey-erx (EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP)) to Proposed Standard

2008-02-05 Thread Dan Harkins

  So there's something else besides key name that is used to identify
keys. Great, so that means these hashed key names are unnecessary. No
need to do HMAC-SHA256 to generate a random string, throw away 3/4 of
that result and come up with something that is unusable.

  Let's get rid of this stuff since it serves no useful purpose and is
computationally expensive.

  Yes, EAP Session ID (or Username, as Glen suggests) will be hashed. So
if you have an rIK and an rRK and 5 or 6 rMSKs all derived from the same
EMSK then the EAP Session ID (or Username, as Glen suggests) that
identifies that EMSK can be used as the index in the hash table and all
the derivatives are guaranteed to end up in the same bucket. You look
up based on an identifier on the root and everything is right there in
your hands. If the namespace is completely flat then searching for all
related keys is a pain.


On Tue, February 5, 2008 12:02 pm, Joseph Salowey (jsalowey) wrote:
 There is nothing in the document that says you must index keys only by
 key id.  I don't really understand the problem here, there is other
 context associated with a key besides a name that can be used for
 indexing.  The key name provides a fixed length unique identifier for
 the key.  EAP Session-ID is not fixed length and can be awkward to use
 in protocols, most likely you will end up hashing it anyway.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Dan Harkins
 Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 5:46 PM
 To: Dan Harkins
 Subject: Re: [HOKEY] Last Call: draft-ietf-hokey-erx (EAP
 Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP)) to
 Proposed Standard

   Hello again,

   Pardon my repetition but I have come up with a very valid
 reason why naming keys using HMAC-SHA-256 is a bad idea.

   If one wants to administratively remove all keys in a
 particular key hierarchy (which seems like an entirely
 reasonable request) one must do a linear search of all keys
 in all key hierarchies that a particular server maintains!
 This is because HMAC-SHA-256 has mapped all identifying key
 information for all key hierarchies to the same name space.
 It precludes using something like a hash table for fast
 lookup of all related keys.

   If keys were named by concatenating the EAP Session-ID with
 a string that identified the particular key in the key
 hierarchy rooted at the MK derived in that EAP Session-ID
 then the EAP Session-ID could be used as an index into a hash
 table and all keys for that particular key hierarchy could be
 looked up very efficiently.



 On Fri, February 1, 2008 5:16 pm, Dan Harkins wrote:
I believe this is a well organized and complete document. On
  numerous occasions while reviewing it I made a mental question
  regarding something only to have the question answered in a
I do have several comments though:
   1. this protocol can be used in the presence of AAA proxies. Due
  to the nature of AAA proxies a peer or authenticator may not
  even know whether they are part of the communication chain.
  Therefore, from the view of a security threat their presence
  must be assumed by the peer and authenticator.
  The Domain referred to in section 2 (part of the EMSK key
  hierarchy draft) specifically allows for proxies as part of
  the distributed system of computers that define the Domain.
  This brings up many significant issues that are not addressed
  in this draft.
  - It cannot be claimed that a key is being bound to its
context when the context cannot even be scoped. (Section 6)
  - The domino effect is not prevented because compromise of a
proxy will compromise keying material on (other)
  - A pairwise key is being given by one of the entities
 that share
it, e.g. the server, to a 3rd entity, e.g. a proxy,
 without the
consent of the other peer that shares the key, e.g. the peer.
This brings up security considerations that are not discussed.
  - During discussions at a HOKEY meeting and on the list
 the rationale
that justified proxies was that the peer is more
 concerned about
receiving network access (which is confirmed in the
 ERP document
when it says, The primary purpose [of ERP] is network access
control.) than about specifically authenticating
 the network.
Provided that service is obtained with no surprises
 in the bill at
the end of the month the rationale was that the peer
 didn't care
if the key was distributed to proxies if it was necessary to
continue to provide network access. Which is a
 reasonable rationale.
But it needs to be mentioned in this document. It has a unique
threat model that is not discussed anywhere.
  - The aforementioned rationale begs

RE: [HOKEY] Last Call: draft-ietf-hokey-erx (EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP)) to Proposed Standard

2008-02-04 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Glen,

On Mon, February 4, 2008 1:09 am, Glen Zorn wrote:
 Doesn't sound particularly readable to me; in any case, I don't think
 that it really matters (for the purposes you describe, however unlikely
 they may be) what the key name looks like.  What matters is how easy it
 is to find the key, which depends upon the structure of the database in
 which it resides.

  Bingo! And by putting every key for every hierarchy for every user for
every domain for every usage through SHA-256 the structure of the database
is flat.

  I'm not particularly wed to using the EAP session ID as an index. Your
suggestion of Username is perfectly fine. But the current idea of using
SHA-256 is wrong.


Ietf mailing list

RE: [HOKEY] Last Call: draft-ietf-hokey-erx (EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP)) to Proposed Standard

2008-02-03 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Glen,

On Sun, February 3, 2008 12:28 am, Glen Zorn wrote:
 Dan Harkins  scribbled on Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:46 AM:

   Hello again,

   Pardon my repetition but I have come up with a very valid reason
 why naming keys using HMAC-SHA-256 is a bad idea.

   If one wants to administratively remove all keys in a particular
 key hierarchy (which seems like an entirely reasonable request)

 It doesn't seem particularly reasonable to me.  The one reason I can
 think of for this is to disable access for a particular user in some
 domain; to do that it doesn't seem necessary to explicitly remove all
 the keys in the hierarchy, just the root key (after disconnecting the
 user).  Disconnecting the user should delete the PMK, TSKs, etc., right?

  Yes, it should delete the other keys. And if I am the entity that
holds the root key and you are an ER server that holds some derivatives
like a DSUSRK and some derivatives of that like rMSKs for different
authenticators in that domain then what information should I give you to
identify the particular hierarchy I'm talking about? Remember you may
hold other key hierarchies for other users in other domains for other
usages and they all use the same name space.

  An incomprehensible string of random bits doesn't seem particularly
helpful in accomplishing the task.

 must do a linear search of all keys in all key hierarchies that a
 particular server maintains!
 all identifying key information for all key hierarchies to the same
 name space. It precludes using something like a hash table for fast
 lookup of all related keys.

   If keys were named by concatenating the EAP Session-ID with a
 string that identified the particular key in the key hierarchy rooted
 at the MK derived in that EAP Session-ID then the EAP Session-ID
 could be used as an index into a hash table and all keys for that
 particular key hierarchy could be looked up very efficiently.

 I won't argue that indexing the keystore by Session-ID is a bad idea
 (though Username might be better), but I can't see how that depends upon
 the actual key name.

  Glen, the issue is that not only is every key in the hierarchy mapped
to the same name space, every key for every user's hierarchy for every
domain for every usage is all mapped to the same name space!

  Yea, mapping by Username might be better. Oone reason is that you
could develop a rational searching strategy to identify keys if you
indexed with something like Username. That is a great suggestion and
a useful alternative to what is in the draft now. I would support such
a change.

  Can you tell me one use for a key name that is an incomprehensible string
of random bits?

  Delete all keys associated with 0x58d610a8ff4128c9

  uhm, ok

If not then don't you agree the current key naming scheme is completely


Ietf mailing list

[HOKEY] Last Call: draft-ietf-hokey-erx (EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP)) to Proposed Standard

2008-02-01 Thread Dan Harkins


  I believe this is a well organized and complete document. On
numerous occasions while reviewing it I made a mental question
regarding something only to have the question answered in a
subsequent paragraph.

  I do have several comments though:

 1. this protocol can be used in the presence of AAA proxies. Due
to the nature of AAA proxies a peer or authenticator may not
even know whether they are part of the communication chain.
Therefore, from the view of a security threat their presence
must be assumed by the peer and authenticator.

The Domain referred to in section 2 (part of the EMSK key
hierarchy draft) specifically allows for proxies as part of
the distributed system of computers that define the Domain.

This brings up many significant issues that are not addressed
in this draft.

- It cannot be claimed that a key is being bound to its
  context when the context cannot even be scoped. (Section 6)

- The domino effect is not prevented because compromise of a
  proxy will compromise keying material on (other) authenticators.

- A pairwise key is being given by one of the entities that share
  it, e.g. the server, to a 3rd entity, e.g. a proxy, without the
  consent of the other peer that shares the key, e.g. the peer.
  This brings up security considerations that are not discussed.

- During discussions at a HOKEY meeting and on the list the rationale
  that justified proxies was that the peer is more concerned about
  receiving network access (which is confirmed in the ERP document
  when it says, The primary purpose [of ERP] is network access
  control.) than about specifically authenticating the network.
  Provided that service is obtained with no surprises in the bill at
  the end of the month the rationale was that the peer didn't care
  if the key was distributed to proxies if it was necessary to
  continue to provide network access. Which is a reasonable rationale.
  But it needs to be mentioned in this document. It has a unique
  threat model that is not discussed anywhere.

- The aforementioned rationale begs the question of why have
  Domain Specific Keys. If the peer doesn't care whether proxies
  have a key, potentially for a different domain, then it doesn't
  care about key separation between domains. This is significant
  added complexity for no benefit.

- RFC4962 REQUIRES things-- bind key to its context, prevent the
  domino effect-- that ERP cannot support. ERP is a AAA key
  management protocol though and falls under the scope of RFC4962.
  There needs to be justification for why ERP is not meeting the
  mandatory requirements of RFC4962.

  I think all of these issues need addressing before advancement of this

 2. Inter-Domain ERP

  It is this reviewers recollection that consensus was reached in HOKEY
  to require a peer to reauthenticate back to the home AAA server every
  time it attached to a POP in different domain.

  Therefore, I wonder why a Domain-Specific key, the DSRK, and all it's
  progeny-- DS-rIK, DS-rRK, DSUSRK, etc.-- continue to be used by this
  protocol. A HOKEY-KEY, a USRK, should be derived from the EMSK
  and that is the key given, through proxies if need be, to the ER
  server in the visited domain. If the peer goes to a different domain
  then it does a full reauthentication resulting in a _new_ USRK, that
  has no relation to the previous USRK, being given to the ER server
  in the new domain. Again, it was my understanding that the group
  already reached consensus on this matter.

 3. HMAC-SHA256 as a key naming technique

  SHA-256 is a computationally intensive operation; HMAC-SHA256 doubly
  so. There should, therefore, be some justification to use such a
  strong cryptographic mixing function if all one wants to do is
  uniquely name a key. EAP methods export a Session-ID. An rIK can
  be named by the concatenation of Session-ID and rIK. Similarly for
  the rMSK, rRK and the other keys being generated in ERP.

  This has the added benefit of allowing for key management to quickly
  identify keys based on common queries-- all the keys for a specific
  Session-ID, or all rIKs held by a particular entity. By using a
  strong cryptographic mixing function all specificity of the key names
  has been lost across every single key hierarchy that a HOKEY server
  may end up managing.

  This is a really bad idea and it should be changed before this
  Internet-Draft is advanced.

 4. Section 5.3.2 EAP-Initiate/Re-Auth Packet

  This packet has the following field:

 |R|B|L| Reserved|

   And R is, itself, reserved. This makes no sense. Please  1
   this field.



Ietf mailing list

Re: [HOKEY] Last Call: draft-ietf-hokey-erx (EAP Extensions for EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP)) to Proposed Standard

2008-02-01 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hello again,

  Pardon my repetition but I have come up with a very valid
reason why naming keys using HMAC-SHA-256 is a bad idea.

  If one wants to administratively remove all keys in a particular
key hierarchy (which seems like an entirely reasonable request)
one must do a linear search of all keys in all key hierarchies
that a particular server maintains! This is because HMAC-SHA-256
has mapped all identifying key information for all key hierarchies
to the same name space. It precludes using something like a
hash table for fast lookup of all related keys.

  If keys were named by concatenating the EAP Session-ID with
a string that identified the particular key in the key hierarchy
rooted at the MK derived in that EAP Session-ID then the EAP
Session-ID could be used as an index into a hash table and all
keys for that particular key hierarchy could be looked up very



On Fri, February 1, 2008 5:16 pm, Dan Harkins wrote:


   I believe this is a well organized and complete document. On
 numerous occasions while reviewing it I made a mental question
 regarding something only to have the question answered in a
 subsequent paragraph.

   I do have several comments though:

  1. this protocol can be used in the presence of AAA proxies. Due
 to the nature of AAA proxies a peer or authenticator may not
 even know whether they are part of the communication chain.
 Therefore, from the view of a security threat their presence
 must be assumed by the peer and authenticator.

 The Domain referred to in section 2 (part of the EMSK key
 hierarchy draft) specifically allows for proxies as part of
 the distributed system of computers that define the Domain.

 This brings up many significant issues that are not addressed
 in this draft.

 - It cannot be claimed that a key is being bound to its
   context when the context cannot even be scoped. (Section 6)

 - The domino effect is not prevented because compromise of a
   proxy will compromise keying material on (other) authenticators.

 - A pairwise key is being given by one of the entities that share
   it, e.g. the server, to a 3rd entity, e.g. a proxy, without the
   consent of the other peer that shares the key, e.g. the peer.
   This brings up security considerations that are not discussed.

 - During discussions at a HOKEY meeting and on the list the rationale
   that justified proxies was that the peer is more concerned about
   receiving network access (which is confirmed in the ERP document
   when it says, The primary purpose [of ERP] is network access
   control.) than about specifically authenticating the network.
   Provided that service is obtained with no surprises in the bill at
   the end of the month the rationale was that the peer didn't care
   if the key was distributed to proxies if it was necessary to
   continue to provide network access. Which is a reasonable rationale.
   But it needs to be mentioned in this document. It has a unique
   threat model that is not discussed anywhere.

 - The aforementioned rationale begs the question of why have
   Domain Specific Keys. If the peer doesn't care whether proxies
   have a key, potentially for a different domain, then it doesn't
   care about key separation between domains. This is significant
   added complexity for no benefit.

 - RFC4962 REQUIRES things-- bind key to its context, prevent the
   domino effect-- that ERP cannot support. ERP is a AAA key
   management protocol though and falls under the scope of RFC4962.
   There needs to be justification for why ERP is not meeting the
   mandatory requirements of RFC4962.

   I think all of these issues need addressing before advancement of this

  2. Inter-Domain ERP

   It is this reviewers recollection that consensus was reached in HOKEY
   to require a peer to reauthenticate back to the home AAA server every
   time it attached to a POP in different domain.

   Therefore, I wonder why a Domain-Specific key, the DSRK, and all it's
   progeny-- DS-rIK, DS-rRK, DSUSRK, etc.-- continue to be used by this
   protocol. A HOKEY-KEY, a USRK, should be derived from the EMSK
   and that is the key given, through proxies if need be, to the ER
   server in the visited domain. If the peer goes to a different domain
   then it does a full reauthentication resulting in a _new_ USRK, that
   has no relation to the previous USRK, being given to the ER server
   in the new domain. Again, it was my understanding that the group
   already reached consensus on this matter.

  3. HMAC-SHA256 as a key naming technique

   SHA-256 is a computationally intensive operation; HMAC-SHA256 doubly
   so. There should, therefore, be some justification to use such a
   strong cryptographic mixing function if all one wants to do is
   uniquely name a key. EAP methods

Re: Travel Considerations

2007-10-13 Thread Dan Harkins
 which could have unpleasant consequences.
 Prudence would suggest that we take steps to mitigate  these
 consequences. To argue about what these steps should be is
 reasonable, but to totally ignore the situation is not.

 Hope this helps. As I said before, I'll shut up about this now, at
 least on this list.


 On Oct 13, 2007, at 12:03 AM, Dan Harkins wrote:

   Hi James,

   I think you're missing the point. I'm not advocating being wasteful
 because everyone else is. I'm saying that this effort is futile and
 will not result in _any_ win for the planet. Your analogy to
 an SUV is incorrect because not driving the SUV (or driving an
 electric car instead) results in less emissions. A trivial amount but
 every little bit helps. Flying 1000 people to Frankfurt instead of
 Prague does not result in any less emissions. Encouraging other
 organizations to follow our lead-- having 1 people scattered over
 the course of a year fly to a hub instead of through the hub to a
 spoke-- won't either. The demand is still there to fly to places like
 Prague and San Diego and airlines typically fly at less than 100%
 capacity, sometimes significantly so.

   If you think there is an individual responsibility to change what
 you can then please don't waste your effort on something that won't
 have any effect! Do something that will make a difference.

   I for one would rather fly to (spoke) Prague than (hub) Frankfurt;
 to (spoke) San Diego than to (hub) Chicago; and anywhere (spoke) on
 God's green earth (yes, it's still green in spite of the IETF World
 Tour) than (hub) London.


 On Fri, October 12, 2007 12:17 pm, James M. Polk wrote:
 Unfortunately, using this logic -- I can buy a tank and get 2
 gallons-to-the-mile mileage because the rest of the planet (or at
 least America) is still buying SUVs that get horrible mileage too,
 since there will be nearly an unmeasurable difference to global
 warming if I drive my tank or not... so why not drive it anyway.

 There is an individual responsibility to change what we each can
 change to help.  As an organization, we can have a greater positive
 affect if we reduce demand for such spoke flights by only flying to
 hub sites of major airlines -- if we're going to continue to meet in

 If other organizations see ours as an example, and do the same, then
 the positive affect is greater on us doing the right thing...

 Doing the right thing in mass has to start somewhere -- why does it
 have to start somewhere else here?

 It's Friday...

 At 01:30 PM 10/12/2007, Dan Harkins wrote:

   You're assuming that if 1000 people decide not to fly to Prague
 some weekend that the number of planes burning jet fuel to fly
 will be different. I don't think so.

   Maybe you can start a Boycott Prague The Spoke City campaign
 if wildly successful, will reduce demand to fly there by some
 amount and thereby reduce the number of planes flying there and the
 of jet fuel they would've burned. Well, as long as the planes
 that aren't
 flying to Prague aren't used to fly to Heathrow or Frankfurt or
 hub city. Also doubtful.

   I do not intend on making ietf-discuss into a forum for
 the pluses and minuses resulting from a degree centigrade
 change but let me just say that the planet wins is a somewhat


 On Fri, October 12, 2007 7:32 am, Eric Burger wrote:
 Here is an interesting optimization problem: it turns out the most
 polluting part of a conference is people taking jets to fly to the
 conference.  Minimize that and the planet wins.  Favors hub cities
 spokes, like San Diego or Prague, where you can't get there from
 no matter where here is.


 Notice:  This email message, together with any attachments, may
 information  of  BEA Systems,  Inc.,  its subsidiaries  and
 entities,  that may be confidential,  proprietary,  copyrighted
 legally privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the
 or entity named in this message. If you are not the intended
 and have received this message in error, please immediately return
 this by
 email and then delete it.

 Ietf mailing list

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 Ietf mailing list



 Ietf mailing list

Re: Travel Considerations

2007-10-12 Thread Dan Harkins

  You're assuming that if 1000 people decide not to fly to Prague
some weekend that the number of planes burning jet fuel to fly there
will be different. I don't think so.

  Maybe you can start a Boycott Prague The Spoke City campaign which,
if wildly successful, will reduce demand to fly there by some discernable
amount and thereby reduce the number of planes flying there and the amount
of jet fuel they would've burned. Well, as long as the planes that aren't
flying to Prague aren't used to fly to Heathrow or Frankfurt or some other
hub city. Also doubtful.

  I do not intend on making ietf-discuss into a forum for discussing
the pluses and minuses resulting from a degree centigrade temperature
change but let me just say that the planet wins is a somewhat dubious


On Fri, October 12, 2007 7:32 am, Eric Burger wrote:
 Here is an interesting optimization problem: it turns out the most
 polluting part of a conference is people taking jets to fly to the
 conference.  Minimize that and the planet wins.  Favors hub cities over
 spokes, like San Diego or Prague, where you can't get there from here,
 no matter where here is.


 Notice:  This email message, together with any attachments, may contain
 information  of  BEA Systems,  Inc.,  its subsidiaries  and  affiliated
 entities,  that may be confidential,  proprietary,  copyrighted  and/or
 legally privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the individual
 or entity named in this message. If you are not the intended recipient,
 and have received this message in error, please immediately return this by
 email and then delete it.

 Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: Travel Considerations

2007-10-12 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi James,

  I think you're missing the point. I'm not advocating being wasteful
because everyone else is. I'm saying that this effort is futile and
will not result in _any_ win for the planet. Your analogy to driving
an SUV is incorrect because not driving the SUV (or driving an
electric car instead) results in less emissions. A trivial amount but
every little bit helps. Flying 1000 people to Frankfurt instead of
Prague does not result in any less emissions. Encouraging other
organizations to follow our lead-- having 1 people scattered over
the course of a year fly to a hub instead of through the hub to a
spoke-- won't either. The demand is still there to fly to places like
Prague and San Diego and airlines typically fly at less than 100%
capacity, sometimes significantly so.

  If you think there is an individual responsibility to change what
you can then please don't waste your effort on something that won't
have any effect! Do something that will make a difference.

  I for one would rather fly to (spoke) Prague than (hub) Frankfurt;
to (spoke) San Diego than to (hub) Chicago; and anywhere (spoke) on
God's green earth (yes, it's still green in spite of the IETF World
Tour) than (hub) London.


On Fri, October 12, 2007 12:17 pm, James M. Polk wrote:
 Unfortunately, using this logic -- I can buy a tank and get 2
 gallons-to-the-mile mileage because the rest of the planet (or at
 least America) is still buying SUVs that get horrible mileage too,
 since there will be nearly an unmeasurable difference to global
 warming if I drive my tank or not... so why not drive it anyway.

 There is an individual responsibility to change what we each can
 change to help.  As an organization, we can have a greater positive
 affect if we reduce demand for such spoke flights by only flying to
 hub sites of major airlines -- if we're going to continue to meet in

 If other organizations see ours as an example, and do the same, then
 the positive affect is greater on us doing the right thing...

 Doing the right thing in mass has to start somewhere -- why does it
 have to start somewhere else here?

 It's Friday...

 At 01:30 PM 10/12/2007, Dan Harkins wrote:

   You're assuming that if 1000 people decide not to fly to Prague
some weekend that the number of planes burning jet fuel to fly there
will be different. I don't think so.

   Maybe you can start a Boycott Prague The Spoke City campaign which,
if wildly successful, will reduce demand to fly there by some discernable
amount and thereby reduce the number of planes flying there and the
of jet fuel they would've burned. Well, as long as the planes that aren't
flying to Prague aren't used to fly to Heathrow or Frankfurt or some
hub city. Also doubtful.

   I do not intend on making ietf-discuss into a forum for discussing
the pluses and minuses resulting from a degree centigrade temperature
change but let me just say that the planet wins is a somewhat dubious


On Fri, October 12, 2007 7:32 am, Eric Burger wrote:
  Here is an interesting optimization problem: it turns out the most
  polluting part of a conference is people taking jets to fly to the
  conference.  Minimize that and the planet wins.  Favors hub cities
  spokes, like San Diego or Prague, where you can't get there from
  no matter where here is.
  Notice:  This email message, together with any attachments, may
  information  of  BEA Systems,  Inc.,  its subsidiaries  and
  entities,  that may be confidential,  proprietary,  copyrighted
  legally privileged, and is intended solely for the use of the
  or entity named in this message. If you are not the intended
  and have received this message in error, please immediately return
 this by
  email and then delete it.
  Ietf mailing list

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Ietf mailing list

Re: [Emu] Last call comments: draft-williams-on-channel-binding-01.txt: EAP channel bindings

2007-04-10 Thread Dan Harkins

On Mon, April 9, 2007 3:38 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd define the EAP channel binding problem as follows.  There are two
 sets of identities that the peer and authenticator use: one at the EAP
 layer and one at a lower layer.  There is an additional identity that
 the authenticator may use to authenticate to the AAA server.  The
 channel binding problem is to make sure that the EAP server authorizes
 the authenticator's use of the lower layer identity to the peer and
 the peer's use of a given lower layer identity.

  I don't agree. The channel binding problem is to make sure the EAP
server and the peer agree to whom the key is being disclosed. They
have to agree on a common identity that is relevant at the EAP layer.

  You're right that the authenticator can have 3 identities-- a lower
layer identity like a MAC address, a NAS ID, and some identity that was
used to create a security association with the AS. The AS doesn't know
and doesn't care what the lower layer identity of the authenticator is.
Likewise the peer doesn't know and doesn't care what identity the
authenticator used to establish a security association with the AS (most
likely an IP address). But they are both speaking EAP and there is an
identity of the authenticator that they can both agree on and that is
relevant at that layer-- the NAS ID.

  EAP channel binding is a protected exchange, between the peer and AS,
of this identity (the NAS ID not a lower layer identity) and the identity
passed in the protected exchange is verified with the identity established
in some out-of-band fashion (for instance, at provisioning time of the
NAS). If they are equal then all systems are go, if they are not then
houston we have a problem.


Ietf mailing list

Re: [consensus] comments on draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-04-05 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Sam,

On Wed, April 4, 2007 6:16 pm, Sam Hartman wrote:
 Dan == Dan Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dan   Sam,

 Dan   The keys in this hypothetical protocol are for network
 Dan access and giving them to authenticators for that purpose
 Dan would seem to fall under the key scope requirement.

 Key scope means giving an authenticator a key for a specific
 purpose--something like authentication for network access between peer
 foo and authenticator bar--not something general like network access.

  I just don't see that in draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt-09.txt which says:

 Following the principle of least privilege, parties MUST NOT
 have access to keying material that is not needed to perform
 their role.  A party has access to a particular key if it has
 access to all of the secret information needed to derive it.

The role of the particular party is an authenticator and this key is
for that purpose. There's nothing there about a purpose involving
specific entities (peer foo and authenticator bar). I snipped the 2nd
paragraph in that section because it talks about session keys, and:

 Dan   These are not session keys so the text relating the session
 Dan keys is not applicable.

 O, I definitely think they are session keys.

  They are not keys used for bulk traffic protection. At least not in
my mind. There is something the aforementioned draft refers to as a
secure association protocol used to derive keys used for bulk traffic
protection-- like 802.11's 4 way handshake. The 2nd paragraph that I
snipped above deals with such a secure association protocol and the
identities identified in that protocol are low-layer identities-- a BSSID
or a MAC address-- used to send protected packets/frames between the
peer and authenticator.

  I guess you could use the key being distributed directly as a bulk
traffic protection key but then return handoffs-- peer goes from A to
B and back to A-- would require additional trips to the AAA server
which is something we want to avoid.

 Dan   So the domino effect is the only text that could seem to
 Dan prohibit this. As long as the same key wasn't given to more
 Dan than one authenticator though then this is satisfied. A way
 Dan to prevent the same key being sent to different
 Dan authenticators is to allow the authenticator to choose an
 Dan identity to advertise to the peer-- I'm 'foo'-- and to tell
 Dan the server-- give me a key specific to 'foo'. That identity
 Dan is mixed into the key derivation function. This is
 Dan essentially what 802.11r is doing. This has channel
 Dan binding/lying NAS issues though. I'm not quite sure yet what
 Dan HOKEY is doing in this regard (how is the distributed key
 Dan separated from other keys) but it appears to suffer from the
 Dan same problems since people are advocating solutions that do
 Dan not fix this problem.

 Wait, what's wrong with giving 100 authenticators 100 different keys
 provided that each authenticator is authorized to claim the identity
 it plans to claim?
 Isn't that exactly the sort of thing we do want to do?

  Provided there are no channel binding issues and the all parties are
authenticated and the authenticated identity is authorized to hold the
distributed key I guess there isn't anything wrong.

  The reason I'm bringing this up, though, is because AAA is now being
used as a key distribution protocol-- 802.11r and HOKEY-- and these issues
are not being addressed in that use of AAA. In discussions with people
it is apparent they think the channel binding mention in the
aforementioned draft deals with EAP. They think authentication of all
parties just means establishing some security association (using a RADIUS
shared secret for instance, or an IPsec SA) and the identity that was
authenticated during its creation is irrelevant and not used during the
distribution of a key. Any new security issues that they might create by
using AAA as a key distribution protocol are ignored and compliance to
the Housley Criteria is claimed.

 BTW, I think your questions exploring what key scope and session keys
 mean are good.  The only issue I'm asking you to step away from at
 this late point in the process is the question of whether clients
 should be involved in deciding who their keys are given to.

  I will step away from that question. I did not intend on introducing
any new issues when I brought it up. Although I honestly don't see how
you can solve the issue of binding a common authenticator identity between
the peer and AAA server (the two entities that share the secret that is
being disclosed to the authenticator) without involving the peer.


Ietf mailing list

Re: [consensus] comments on draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-04-04 Thread Dan Harkins


  The keys in this hypothetical protocol are for network access and
giving them to authenticators for that purpose would seem to fall
under the key scope requirement.

  These are not session keys so the text relating the session keys
is not applicable.

  So the domino effect is the only text that could seem to prohibit
this. As long as the same key wasn't given to more than one authenticator
though then this is satisfied. A way to prevent the same key being sent
to different authenticators is to allow the authenticator to choose an
identity to advertise to the peer-- I'm 'foo'-- and to tell the server--
give me a key specific to 'foo'. That identity is mixed into the key
derivation function. This is essentially what 802.11r is doing. This has
channel binding/lying NAS issues though. I'm not quite sure yet what HOKEY
is doing in this regard (how is the distributed key separated from other
keys) but it appears to suffer from the same problems since people are
advocating solutions that do not fix this problem.

  Finally, I'm not trying to delay anything. I said it before and I'll
say it again: if the general feeling is that the I-D already addresses
these issues or there is no consensus to solve the problem then publish it
as an RFC. It is important to have an RFC talking about these things, it's
just my personal opinion that it does not go far enough.


On Tue, April 3, 2007 5:23 pm, Sam Hartman wrote:
 Dan == Dan Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dan   Sam,

 Dan   I guess the question is, what text in this I-D would
 Dan prevent a new key distribution protocol based on AAA in which
 Dan the authentication server sent a copy of the peer's keys
 Dan willy-nilly to every authenticator it had a security
 Dan association with?

 First, note that I do not claim we have the text right; I'm asking
 Russ and Bernard to evaluate that.

 So, I'll tell you what the closest text is for this, but you are
 welcome to argue that the current text does not reflect our consensus.

 Under limit key scope:

Following the principle of least privilege, parties MUST NOT
have access to keying material that is not needed to perform
their role.
 Also see:

   Strong, fresh session keys

While preserving algorithm independence, session keys MUST be
strong and fresh.  Each session deserves an independent session
A fresh cryptographic key is one that is generated specifically
for the intended use.  In this situation, a secure association
protocol is used to establish session keys.  The AAA protocol
and EAP method MUST ensure that the keying material supplied as
an input to session key derivation is fresh, and the secure
association protocol MUST generate a separate session key for
each session, even if the keying material provided by EAP is
cached.  A cached key persists after the authentication
exchange has completed.  For the AAA/EAP server, key caching
can happen when state is kept on the server.  For the NAS or
client, key caching can happen when the NAS or client does not
destroy keying material immediately following the derivation of
session keys.

   Prevent the Domino effect

  Compromise of a single peer MUST NOT compromise keying material
  held by any other peer within the system, including session
  keys and long-term keys.  Likewise, compromise of a single
  authenticator MUST NOT compromise keying material held by any
  other authenticator within the system.  In the context of a key
  hierarchy, this means that the compromise of one node in the
  key hierarchy must not disclose the information necessary to
  compromise other branches in the key hierarchy.  Obviously, the
  compromise of the root of the key hierarchy will compromise all
  of the keys; however, a compromise in one branch MUST NOT
  result in the compromise of other branches.

 I think given these requirements what you propose would not be

 Dan   Another question: has the peer no say in to whom its
 Dan secrets are disclosed? If you think it does then what in the
 Dan I-D addresses that concern and if you don't think it does
 Dan then why?

 I find no requirements related to this.  I do not believe there is
 consensus to have such requirements nor do I believe it appropriate to
 delay the document while you attempt to build such a consensus.


Ietf mailing list

Re: [consensus] comments on draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-04-02 Thread Dan Harkins


  I guess the question is, what text in this I-D would prevent a new
key distribution protocol based on AAA in which the authentication
server sent a copy of the peer's keys willy-nilly to every
authenticator it had a security association with?

  Another question: has the peer no say in to whom its secrets are
disclosed? If you think it does then what in the I-D addresses that
concern and if you don't think it does then why?

  As I have stated (starting with my 16 Feb 07 comments) I think this
is an important I-D and we need an RFC on this subject. I just don't think
it goes far enough in proscribing bad behavior and mandating good behavior.
Again, the 802.11 Task Group r is a prime example of why this I-D
does not go far enough.

  I think this I-D has to discuss the use of AAA as a key distribution
protocol and it does not do that right now.

  At the SAAG meeting you said (something to the effect of) everyone
understands the 'channel binding' issue. I don't necessarily agree with
you (see 802.11r) but the problem is that when AAA is used as a key
distribution protocol that issue explodes in another dimension. And people
think that if it's OK to ignore that issue in the traditional EAP case
where an authentication server gives single key to single authenticator
through whom the peer is speaking then it must be OK to ignore it when
distributing keys to a multiplicity of authenticators that the peer is not,
and may never be, speaking to.


On Fri, March 30, 2007 10:52 am, Sam Hartman wrote:

 Hi.  I had a few discussions in Prague and think that we're all
 basically on the same page about what the document should say.  I'm
 going to describe that consensus here.  I'd like to ask Russ to
 confirm that the document reflects the consensus
 and if so to ask me to remove my discuss and approve the document.

 Unless I've really gotten something wrong here, I think we're done
 deciding what we are trying to say and are only left with deciding if
 we've managed to say it.  When two parties communicate in these
 protocols they must authenticate each other.  Typically EAP is used to
 authenticate the peer and the EAP server.  Typically AAA protocols
 authenticate the authenticator and the AAA server.

 Typically secure association protocols  run between the peer and

 It's common for the EAP layer identities to be different from the
 lower layer identities.

 There are two types of lower layer identities: those that are used for
 authorization and those that are not.  AN example of an identity not
 used for authorization would be a network that had a concept like a
 MAC address that is not used for access control.  The MAC address is
 used to look up keys, but all people granted access to the network
 have the same authorizations.  In this case it's not important to make
 sure that the peer is claiming a MAC address that is appropriate for
 the EAP layer identity of the peer.

 However in a network where the MAC address is used to make
 authorization decisions, someone needs to make sure that the peer's
 EAP identity is authorized to claim the MAC address that it claims.
 Typically the AAA server fills this role.  However it would be OK to
 architect a design where the authenticator filled that role--I don't
 think you'd use RADIUS or Diameter in such a design though.

 The authenticator probably has a lower layer identity too.  The AAA
 server needs to authorize this identity to the peer. Typically this
 would happen by the AAA server looking at what authenticator the peer
 claims it is connecting to, looking at the higher layer identity that
 the authenticator is using to communicate to the AAA server and
 confirming that the higher layer identity is authorized to claim the
 lower layer identity to peers.

 It's OK to have things like WLAN switches that are authenticators
 including a large number of physical devices.  They can have one
 higher layer identifier and a lot of lower layer identifiers.  They
 could potentially also have one lower layer identifier.

 Unlike the peer identity, we always assume that the lower layer
 authenticator identity needs to be authorized.

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Dan Harkins] comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-03-08 Thread Dan Harkins


  Actually we're discussing my suggested additions to an individual
submission that is in IESG evaluation stage. Since I do not believe
they will be accepted at this point in time I don't see a point in
elaborating on them here. We're intersecting on this issue for one
reason and one reason only: HOKEY.

  If you want to a full description of the problem then read (and
comment on) the Problem Statement and Requirments on a 3-Party Key
Distribution Protocol for Handover Keying. Please do so on the HOKEY
list so we are sure to include all the people who might care but are
not on this list.



On Thu, March 8, 2007 12:41 am, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:
 Dan Harkins wrote:
   Hi Lakshminath,

   That's not entirely correct. As I recently stated to your
 colleage if a 3 party key distribution scheme finishes and
 all 3 parties think it finished successfully but they do not
 agree on all state then the scheme is flawed.

 Could you elaborate on what part is missing from my description please?
   What is in the state that the parties need to agree on?

   I see the path you're trying to go down-- add a server nonce,
 assume everything is now fine-- and I'm not going to follow
 you down there.

 In this round, I am trying to get a full description of the problem
 before jumping into solutions, but now that you mention this what in
 your view is wrong with this approach?  What necessary properties are
 lost?  Perhaps exploring this might help us agree on the problem.

   This is not the forum for this discussion.

 This is the IETF Discussion list after all and we are discussing an
 individual submission that is in the IESG evaluation stage.  To my
 knowledge, this is the appropriate open forum.

 Let's take this to
 the HOKEY list if you really want to continue. Better yet we
 can discuss it over a Budvar in Prague.

 I am ok with an offline discussion in Prague, but I am not sure whether
 we have that much time.



 On Wed, March 7, 2007 10:51 pm, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:

 Dan Harkins wrote:

   But for things like HOKEY or 802.11r they want to have the AAA
 create a key hierarchy rooted off the EMSK or the MSK, respectively,
 contains keys for specific authenticators. These keys are going to be
 distributed using AAA (that seems to be the plan) and either
 distributed-- here have a key!-- or distributed on demand-- gimme a
 key! The authenticator-specific key gets produced by mixing in some
 identity of the authenticator and that key is then sent under the
 protection of the security association between the AAA server and the

 I snipped all the rest of the email so I can get a clarification from
 you on this particular paragraph.  The problem you describe here is
 the authenticator gets a key based on the claimed identity of the
 authenticator.  If the peer and the server do not have a way to verify
 the identity of the authenticator it is a problem because the key that
 the server sends to the authenticator is the same as long as the
 identity of the authenticator is the same.

 Do I understand correctly?


Ietf mailing list

Re: [Dan Harkins] comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-03-07 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Sam,

  Thanks for the update. My original comment never made it to the ietf
list because I wasn't a member at the time of posting. I was informed that
if the moderator approved my posting it would be sent to the list,
unfortunately it wasn't. :-(

  In the new Peer and authenticator authorization section the last
paragraph has no keywords signifying a requirement. That seems strange
to me considering the message the paragraph is trying to convey seems
important. ...key management protocols need to demonstrate... seems
like it should be ...key management protocols MUST demonstrate... The
final sentence says binding is required... and that should
be binding MUST be performed... I bring this up because I
have seen people attempt to maneuver in such weasel room in an attempt
to not do The Right Thing.

  Also, my comment on the Authenticate all parties section regarding
authenticator impersonation was because the only mention of identities
is in the context of generating session keys. My concern is around key
distribution from a AAA server to an authenticator. I asked for the
following text to be added:

When a security association is used to distribute keying material
the security association SHOULD be bound to a unique identity that
can be commonly known by all the parties-- including the peer. If the
security association cannot be based on such an identity then it MUST
be statically configured to be an attribute of the security

And that unique identity was then to be used as follows in a new section:

When another party requires access to keying material the
identity of that party MUST be authenticated prior to distribution
of the keying material. The distributor MUST ensure that the
keying material is not disclosed to the wrong party. This can be
accomplished, for example, by verifying the identity of the party
to whom the keying material is being disclosed with the identity
bound to the security association under which it will be sent.

When keying material is disclosed the other party on whose behalf
it is being disclosed MUST confirm disclosure. For example, a peer
MUST acknowledge disclosure of keying material from a AAA server
to an authenticator and the identity of the authenticator MUST be
confirmed by the peer and AAA server.

  I think my first two points are serious objections but will accept the
fact that other people don't. Also, I reiterate my suggestion for text
regarding identities because the post never made it to the list. If
the authors considered my suggestion but did not accept it then that's
all I could ask for. So I would still like to see some changes but
understand if no one else views these as serious objections.



On Wed, March 7, 2007 8:05 am, Sam Hartman wrote:

 Hi, folks.  The following last call comment was received and based on
 discussion the draft was updated.  This comment never seems to have
 made it to the ietf list though.

 The following text was added to address the comment.  Please confirm
 that this text addresses the comment and that from the following text
 it is clear that these requirements prohibit authenticator

   Peer and authenticator authorization

Peer and authenticator authorization MUST be performed.  These
entities MUST demonstrate possession of the appropriate keying
material, without disclosing it.  Authorization is REQUIRED
whenever a peer associates with a new authenticator.  The
authorization checking prevents an elevation of privilege
attack, and it ensures that an unauthorized authenticator is

Authorizations SHOULD be synchronized between the peer, NAS,
and backend authentication server.  Once the AAA key management
protocol exchanges are complete, all of these parties should
hold a common view of the authorizations associated the other

In addition to authenticating all parties, key management
protocols need to demonstrate that the parties are authorized
to possess keying material.  Note that proof of possession of
keying material does not necessarily prove authorization to
hold that keying material.  For example, within an IEEE
802.11i, the 4-way handshake demonstrates that both the peer
and authenticator possess the same EAP keying material.
  However, by itself, this possession proof does not demonstrate
  that the authenticator was authorized by the backend
  authentication server to possess that keying material.  As
  noted in RFC 3579 in section 4.3.7, where AAA proxies are
  present, it is possible for one authenticator to impersonate
  another, unless each link in the AAA chain implements checks
  against impersonation.  Even with these checks in place, an

Re: [Dan Harkins] comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-03-07 Thread Dan Harkins


  The problem I see is that when AAA is used as a key distribution
protocol there are 3 parties involved (peer, AAA server and authenticator)
and it's a 2 party model. For existing protocols-- the peer is speaking
to a NAS and the NAS obtains a key for the peer from the AAA server-- the
problem of identity lying is somewhat contained. The peer is going to do
a full re-auth when he goes to a new authenticator anyway so the
shenanigans a lying authenticator can do with this key are somewhat

  But for things like HOKEY or 802.11r they want to have the AAA server
create a key hierarchy rooted off the EMSK or the MSK, respectively, that
contains keys for specific authenticators. These keys are going to be
distributed using AAA (that seems to be the plan) and either proactively
distributed-- here have a key!-- or distributed on demand-- gimme a
key! The authenticator-specific key gets produced by mixing in some
identity of the authenticator and that key is then sent under the
protection of the security association between the AAA server and the

  The problem is that the identity of the authenticator bound to that
security association is most likely an IP address and the identity that
gets bound into the key has to be something different since the peer
doesn't necessarily know that IP address (imagine an access point with a
wired IP connection to the AAA server and a wireless connection to the
peer, the peer knows the access point by the radio's BSSID and is
completely unaware of anything about the access point's wired port).

  Since there is no binding of identities it allows an authenticator
to say give me the key for authenticator FOO even though it is actually
authenticator BAR. For instance the NAS-Id is put into a RADIUS request
to ask for a specific key and the key is sent back protected by the
shared secret bound to the IP address of the authenticator. Since this
network access credential is symmetric all security properties that it
could've had are are lost-- the lying authenticator can impersonate the
client to the real FOO authenticator, it can inject traffic into a
connection between the peer and the FOO authenticator, it can inspect
traffic on a connection between the peer and the FOO authenticator.

  HOKEY wants to distribute keys across domains too so an entity in the network can request a key for the network.

  There is nothing in this draft that prohibits such flawed key
distribution protocols. This draft does say that entities MUST be
authenticated and that keying material MUST be bound to a specific
context. It is these two things that proponents of these flawed key
distribution protocols point to as evidence of their compliance to
the Housley Criteria.

  The 802.11r task group is convinced that as long as there a security
association between the authenticator and AAA server (regardless of the
identity bound to that security association) and as long as they mix
some identity into the key (and again it doesn't really matter whether
that has any relation to the identity of the security association) then
they are assured to be secure. I'm sensing the same trend in HOKEY.

  There needs to be an identity binding of the key that is going to be
generated and distributed. The peer and AAA server (the two parties that
authenticated each other and hold the root of the key hierarchy) have to
agree on who the key is being distributed to. The only text in this draft
that talks about identities deals with the generation of a session key
which takes place AFTER key distribution. That was why I suggested that
text, as a way to effect such a binding.

  I don't think it's problematic for existing protocols because existing
protocols don't include key distribution. I keep on being told that
AAA is a 2 party protocol! Fine, we can play that game. The split
between the NAS and AAA server is logical and the NAS functionality and
AAA server functionality can reside on one device. That's existing
protocols today. But when there are multiple authenticators involved we
can't play that game anymore. When AAA is used for key distribution to
multiple distinct entities then I feel we have to meet a new standard.


On Wed, March 7, 2007 10:53 am, Sam Hartman wrote:
 Dan, again, with the text as it stands, what attacks do you see
 permitted by these requirements that you believe should not be

 The text changes you proposed were considered but are rather
 problematic for existing protocols.  I don't think we mind mandating
 changing protocols for real problems but we do mind doing so if we
 cannot understand the problem we're solving.

 I do agree that the proposed changes would be better using RFC 2119
 language.  If the authors want to fix that in auth48, I'll permit the
 change.  However I think the language is clear enough that it is a
 requirement now so I will not hold up the document for that.

RE: [Dan Harkins] comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-03-07 Thread Dan Harkins

  If you have a 3 party key distribution scheme and at the
end of it the 3 parties do not share ALL THE SAME STATE yet
believe the protocol has successfully completed then your
key distribution scheme is flawed.


On Wed, March 7, 2007 8:32 pm, Narayanan, Vidya wrote:

   Since there is no binding of identities it allows an
 authenticator to say give me the key for authenticator FOO
 even though it is actually authenticator BAR. For instance
 the NAS-Id is put into a RADIUS request to ask for a specific
 key and the key is sent back protected by the shared secret
 bound to the IP address of the authenticator. Since this
 network access credential is symmetric all security
 properties that it could've had are are lost-- the lying
 authenticator can impersonate the client to the real FOO
 authenticator, it can inject traffic into a connection
 between the peer and the FOO authenticator, it can inspect
 traffic on a connection between the peer and the FOO authenticator.

 None of this is feasible when the key distributed to BAR (impersonating
 as FOO) is different from the key distributed to FOO (appearing as FOO).
 In other words, a peer connects to BAR and thinks it is connected to
 FOO. The server also thinks the peer is connected to FOO; a key (say,
 K1) is derived (with freshness) and given to FOO aka BAR. But, at this
 point, the real FOO DOES NOT have K1. When the peer tries to attach to
 the real FOO, it may attempt to use K1, but, will fail. If another key
 is requested for/by the real FOO, all the server has to ensure is that
 K1 is *never* given (in fact, K1 should never have been cached and MUST
 be forgotten after delivery); a *different* key (say, K2) must again be
 derived (with freshness, again) and given.

 In other words, no two key retrievals from the server must result in the
 same key being distributed, even if the entity requesting the key is
 *seemingly* the same. This only means that every transported key MUST
 have an element of freshness (say, at least a server nonce) that must be
 communicated with end-to-end protection between the server and peer.

 Ensuring correctness of identities while allowing the same key to be
 retrievable upon multiple fetches is only *one* way to achieve the
 security properties you are trying to achieve. In fact, *never* allowing
 the same key to be retrievable multiple times even by the same entity
 will consistently achieve these security properties, irrespective of the
 correctness of identities.


Ietf mailing list

Re: [Dan Harkins] comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-03-07 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Lakshminath,

  That's not entirely correct. As I recently stated to your
colleage if a 3 party key distribution scheme finishes and
all 3 parties think it finished successfully but they do not
agree on all state then the scheme is flawed.

  I see the path you're trying to go down-- add a server nonce,
assume everything is now fine-- and I'm not going to follow
you down there.

  This is not the forum for this discussion. Let's take this to
the HOKEY list if you really want to continue. Better yet we
can discuss it over a Budvar in Prague.


On Wed, March 7, 2007 10:51 pm, Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:

 Dan Harkins wrote:

   But for things like HOKEY or 802.11r they want to have the AAA server
 create a key hierarchy rooted off the EMSK or the MSK, respectively,
 contains keys for specific authenticators. These keys are going to be
 distributed using AAA (that seems to be the plan) and either proactively
 distributed-- here have a key!-- or distributed on demand-- gimme a
 key! The authenticator-specific key gets produced by mixing in some
 identity of the authenticator and that key is then sent under the
 protection of the security association between the AAA server and the


 I snipped all the rest of the email so I can get a clarification from
 you on this particular paragraph.  The problem you describe here is that
 the authenticator gets a key based on the claimed identity of the
 authenticator.  If the peer and the server do not have a way to verify
 the identity of the authenticator it is a problem because the key that
 the server sends to the authenticator is the same as long as the claimed
 identity of the authenticator is the same.

 Do I understand correctly?


Ietf mailing list

RE: comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-02-28 Thread Dan Harkins

  Hi Vidya,

On Sat, February 17, 2007 11:43 pm, Narayanan, Vidya wrote:
 Yes, the problem of an authenticator providing different identities to
 the peer and the server is the typical channel binding problem and can
 be detected by simply doing a protected exchange of the identity between
 the peer and server. When such a discrepancy is detected, then, keys
 won't be handed out or if the identity is part of the key derivation,
 then, it will result in a key mismatch anyway. Hence, there is no
 problem there.

  No, there is a problem even if the identity is part of the key
derivation. The reason is that this is a _symmetric_ key that is used
by the client to gain network access. If it is possible for some
entity to lie about its identity to obtain one of these keys, then that
key can be used to impersonate the client to the authenticator whose
identity was lied about and/or attack a connection the client makes to
the authenticator whose identity was lied about.

  Any security properties you're trying to assign to this key have been
thrown out the window.


Ietf mailing list

comments on draft-houseley-aaa-key-mgmt-07.txt

2007-02-28 Thread Dan Harkins


  I understand this draft is in IESG evaluation and would like to register
some comments. I apologize for the tardiness of this email.

  This draft is well-written and much needed but I feel it does not
completely address the issue of using AAA for key distribution. Let me
summarize the problematic scenario in mind, why I think the draft does
not address this, and suggested additions to the draft to address my


  It is desired to use AAA to distribute keys for network access and what
is basically a 2 party model is applied to a 3 party protocol.

  A client authenticates through an authenticator to a AAA server. Upon
successful completion of the 2 party authentication protocol between the
client and AAA server a key derived from a shared secret is delivered to
the authenticator. (Known channel binding issues here). Then, a new key
hierarchy, built off another shared secret, is derived and keys from
it are sent, using AAA, to other authenticators to faccilitate fast
handoff. These keys typically have an identity of the authenticator
mixed into the key derivation function.

  The explaination given by proponents of this type of scheme on why
this is secure is that the authenticators all have a security association
with the AAA server, the distributed keying material is sent under the
protection of that security association, and the AAA server is trusted.
This, again, takes a 2 party model and attempts to apply it to what is
essentially a 3 party problem.

  The concern is that the security associations are most likely based on
some identity that is not known to the client and therefore is not bound
into the key, for example an IP address. The authenticator's identity mixed
into the key is a NAS Identifier and the security association it has with
the AAA server is based on its IP address. This allows an authenticator
to lie about its identity to the AAA server, through it's secure and
trusted link to the AAA server, and obtain a key intended for another

  Since this key is symmetric it can be used to impersonate the client
to the entity to whom it should've been delivered.

  If a key distribution protocol cannot guarantee that a key will not be
sent to the wrong entity then it is flawed.

  Also, the client is not involved in the distribution of this secret
that it shares. It just notices that some new entity has the key and
must just assume that possession of the key implies authorization to hold
the key.


  Two groups, IEEE 802.11 Task Group r and the HOKEY working group,
are discussing using such a 2 party model in a 3 party key distribution
scheme. They are coming up with schemes that suffer from the problem
described above and justify them by saying that the authenticators share
a security association with the server and that the key being distributed
has the identity of the new authenticator mixed into it.

  People in both these groups advocating this type of flawed scheme are
well aware of the Housley Criteria and this draft. In fact, they point
to Authenticate all parties and Bind key to its context as specific
requirements they meet.

  (In the case of HOKEY the problem is more compound as they wish to
distribute keys from a home domain to visited domains and a server in could request a key for the domain).

  If this draft explicitly discussed this type of flawed scheme I presume
these groups would not persist in advancing them, but persist they do.
So I would like to see some explicit guidance in this draft to direct
people away from them. Some guidance on how to ensure that this type of
subtle flaw is not perpetuated in future systems would be most helpful.


  In Limit Key Scope it says, parties MUST NOT have access to keying
material that is not needed to perform their role. In the problem above
the role of the entity lying about its identity is an authenticator and
it is obtaining keying material necessary to perform the role of an
authenticator, it's just that it has obtained a key for a different
authenticator. I would like to see an additional requirement stating Key
distribution protocols MUST ensure that keying material is not given to
the wrong party.

  In Authenticate all parties it specifically mentions different
identities being used in the AAA protocol. This is in the context of
establishment of session keys and the only problem it notes with different
identities is one of difficulty with authorization decisions. I suggest
the following paragraph be added to Authenticate all parties:

When a security association is used to distribute keying material
the security association SHOULD be bound to a unique identity that
can be commonly known by all the parties-- including the peer. If the
security association cannot be based on such an identity then it MUST
be statically configured to be an attribute of the security