Re: [PHP-DEV] date.timezone E_WARNING -- Really necessary? What's the rationale?

2013-05-25 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi List,

 Wouldn't it be possible to have it default to the system's timezone if
 available? Most software seems to be able to use the correct timezone.
 From a user's pov it is strange that PHP is pretty much the only service
 which has to have it's own timezone configuration.

I appreciate the current state of things.

There's only one thing worse than having an operation return the wrong
answer, and that's having it return the wrong answer silently. The latter
can happen with the wrong TZ setting. I've got a myriad of different
systems to deal with, some distro-based installs of PHP separating out
php.ini for the CLI, and for Apache. Other installs using the same file
like I expect. I make mistakes.

I'm currently maintaining ~100 servers from a slew of different providers
around the world. The clock is hard enough to trust, let alone what the
system's TZ setting is. The #1 answer from providers when we complain that
the clock is 2 hours off is to just change the timezone.

When I get the blast of warnings, I'm shaken from complacency to invest one
minute to find the right file, add the setting, and forget about it once


Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP User Survey

2013-03-05 Thread Paul Reinheimer
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Paul Reinheimer
Zend Certified Engineer

[PHP-DEV] PHP User Survey

2013-02-20 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi All,

My apologies for the intrusion, I'll keep this brief.

In many discussions over the past few months there has been talk about what
the community at large needs. Pierre said just earlier today:

I would also say it us time for us to get back in sync with the
communities needs. I am not talking about the last days RFCs but in

The other point that comes up is the difficulty in reaching a large portion
of the community. They don't come to conferences, they don't sit on this
list, they don't go to user groups. They work with PHP for months or years,
but the rest of the community doesn't even know who they are. I believe
Rasmus has mentioned this on a few occasions.

So my suggestion is simple, let's ask them: What they want, What they need,
how they installed PHP (source, rpm, deb, provided by hosting provider,
Zend Server), etc. Let's create a survey, and link to it prominently on I considered just writing a survey myself, but even if everyone I
knew tweeted it I'd still lack the reach to hit those outside the
traditional community.

While this is clearly not a suggestion to change PHP, i'll write this up in
RFC format if there's interest. Should give people an opportunity to
discuss questions and such.

thanks for your time

Paul Reinheimer

Re: [PHP-DEV] JPEG Upload

2012-05-05 Thread Paul Reinheimer
I dealt with jpegs with injected metadata quite a bit at a previous employer.

In the end we ended up confirming the file was a proper image with the
filetype functions, then stripping the metadata using some command
line tools, and finally using a blacklist for key strings (like ?php)
that could show up in the file.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] readfile() memory usage

2012-05-04 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi Everyone

 So, I think we're back to urban legend territory.

I've updated the documentation for readfile() to help send more people
down the path of checking for output buffering, and disabling that
rather than contriving loops with fread().


Paul Reinheimer

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Re: [PHP-DEV] readfile() memory usage

2012-05-01 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi Larry,

 Fascinating.  I even verified the md5sum of the file I got on the other end
 just to be sure.  I'll hold off on the blog post then. :-)  I look forward
 to your test setup.

The server in question is still on PHP 5.2.13

ini_set('memory_limit', '8M');
$name = uniqid() . .zip;
header('Content-type: application/zip');
header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\$name\);

File Information:
[user@host public]$ ls -alh ../../filestorage/
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 27M Apr 30 10:14 ../../filestorage/

[Tue May 01 09:30:48 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
error:  Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 27617281 bytes) in
/home/lots/of/ on line 6

I'll try something newer, but I wanted to prove myself not crazy and
do it on the server in question first.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] readfile() memory usage

2012-05-01 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi All,

 Unfortunately, you've ignored Uwe's e-mail... The problem is not the PHP
 version; the problem is that you're buffering unlimited amounts of data.
 Check your configuration and make sure ob_get_level() returns 0.

My apologies in the delay, ob_get_level() returns 1, good catch.
phpinfo() reports output_buffering as 4096

Does this push what I'm getting into expected behaviour?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] readfile() memory usage

2012-05-01 Thread Paul Reinheimer

 It sounds like it.  In that case the memory spike is happening in the output
 buffer, where the file is streamed into by readfile() in 8K chunks until the
 output buffer explodes. :-)

 So, I think we're back to urban legend territory.

That's good to know. Thanks, and my apologies for adding confusion to the issue.

One question, with a value of 4096 for the ini directive, shouldn't it
be flushing data to the client long before I run into memory issues?
What have I missed here.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] readfile() memory usage

2012-04-30 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi Larry,

 4) So given #2 and #3, the readfile() will kill your memory, don't use it
 line is a persistent urban legend that belongs on Snopes as debunked.
  Looping on fread() for performance is a red herring.

I implemented this earlier this very year to avoid memory issues (a
quick look at project history shows me working on it in January). The
difference between using readfile, and some convoluted method from the
documentation comments was clear and immediate: corrupted download
with out of memory error in the logs, to things working just fine.

Let me re-create with a simple test script and share my server details
before we call snopes :)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bundling modern extensions

2011-06-04 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Hi All,

 In parallel I'd also see if there are any key extensions which we think are 
 mainstream, stable and well maintained enough to be included. For example, 
 http comes to mind.

With regards to the http extension, I've been using it in production
for a while, but ran into an issue where it segfaulted and killed the
worker when parsing incomplete headers (as returned by some servers)
bug 19390 [1]. While this has been resolved in a more recent release,
the thought of things segfaulting makes me nervous. Are there
additional hoops for pecl extensions to jump through to 'prove' their
stability before making it into the core?



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Re: [PHP-DEV] Fwd: What's up with Quercus?

2011-05-28 Thread Paul Reinheimer

  And so far as PHP6... a lot of the features that were supposed to be in PHP6 
 actually ended up in 5.3.  So rather than canceled, no longer necessary 
 might be a better description of what happened to PHP6.

With the loss of Unicode (which now lacks even an implementation plan)
no longer necessary seems wildly inaccurate. I've no wish to pull
this thread off topic, but far too many developers and teams were
anticipating that feature to let that statement slide uncontested.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-10 Thread Paul Reinheimer
So unless this thread changes something, an E_DEPRECATED will be added to
HEAD (PHP 6.0.0) for curly brace string access ( $str{42} ) and the
documentation will remain as is.

I'm well aware that I don't get a vote, so I'll skip the +1.

That being said, I'd like to argue in favour of depricating the curly
braces. My reasoning is simple, every time a new feature is up for inclusion
in the language hours/days/weeks/months are spent arguing over what
characters/operators will be used in order to identify the new feature.
We're out of characters.Killing the duplication now means that when PHP 7
roles around we've got two characters we can use for some killer new

(I'll go back to the quiet corner now)


Paul Reinheimer

Re: [PHP-DEV] Internals read-only

2007-12-13 Thread Paul Reinheimer

This is a subject I have discussed with several parties over the past year,
and I meet the fact that someone has finally suggested it publicly with
simultaneous relief and concern.

I see this move as having two primary effects, first to reduce the signal to
noise ratio on this list, which will hopefully improve the list for those
who use it to communicate on the future of the language, and those of use
who primarily read it to be kept in the loop (like myself). I think this
increase in efficacy would be good for those of you either working, or
volunteering your time to improve the language used by millions. The second
effect would be to make it harder for new people to join the team.
Regardless of the alternatives available (some discussion list rarely
touched by the core team, bug reports, blindly emailing people you've never
met before on the core team, etc) I think we can admit that this would
present an additional barrier to entry for people wishing to get involved in
the language.

I could be mistaken, but it looks to me as though the core team is
shrinking, both in head count and in hours spent coding. People move on to
new jobs, priorities change, etc. this is inevitable and I harbour no ill
will (in fact you all have my thanks for your time). Making the list read
only can help increase the efficiency of those still around, but how will
new blood enter the fold?

While I feel it is necessary to protect the time of the people improving the
language, I don't think this is a step you can take until a path for joining
this exclusive list is made clear, otherwise in a few years there might not
be a core team left.

Paul Reinheimer

[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: preinheimer

2007-09-07 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Requesting: phpdoc

I'd like to help maintain the documentation, I've been working with a few 
people on IRC to get some pointers, and avoid making rookie mistakes (spelling 
errors, one too many spaces, tabs, etc.).

Philip suggested I request an account. Sean mocked me a bit. 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Is this what Stefan Esser was referring to ...?

2007-01-21 Thread Paul Reinheimer

I think it's rather extreme to be directing any animosity towards
Chris Shiflett on this particular issue, since while he leads that
group, he isn't the lead for that project. I would also not that to
the best of my knowledge (being on that team) that no one has
attempted to bring it up with the people working on the tool.

I'll bring it up on that mailing list.

Paul Reinheimer

Re: [PHP-DEV] foreach, assigning to a reference, and E_NOTICE

2006-03-09 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Being the colleague Sean refered to in his first post I thought I
might weigh in.

While I agree that once I looked at the base case that Sean worked out
of my code the problem didn't take too long to recognize, that's not
where I first experianced the problem. Problems first rear their head
deep within your code, looking at it there I had no idea what was
going on, all I could tell was that for some reason I was getting two
copies of an object in a foreach loop (I hadn't yet noticed that I was
missing one).

Once Sean was able to break my code down into the simple base case and
replicate the issue I understood what was happening, but just looking
at my code as a whole? Not a chance.

A warning on strict or or notice would have helped a lot, and that's
really what I think a lot of those messages are, notices to the
programmer that something odd /may/ happen.

as a side note, running the zend code analyzer did not give me any
warnings either.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 6.0 Wishlist

2005-08-27 Thread Paul Reinheimer
My prefrerence would be for the interpreter to look for ?\w when
short tags is enabled (that was brace, question mark, white space), I
don't think i've ever come across an instance when a space or line
break wasn't used. I don't have a huge code repository handy but are
there any good counter examples live?

It seems that checking for whitespace (or the long tag) would resolve
all of the ?xml* issues, while retaining the majority of BC, and
hopefully allow PHP to do what it does best, work the way developers
expect it to.


On 8/27/05, Steph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yep.  I saw this happening during the PHP 5 coding contest we held last year
 at Zend - some people used short open tags so I had to have that 'on' in my
 php.ini to test, but having it 'on' screwed the entries that used XML, so I
 was forever switching short open tags off and on.
 I was supposed to prove that there was a problem in that area, at the time,
 having opened my mouth over this issue.
 regretI didn't actually make time to do so/regret
 - but yes, I believe it's an issue.
 - Original Message -
 From: Sara Golemon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 12:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 6.0 Wishlist
   It would be nice if PHP could not get tripped up by ?xml tags when
   short_tags is on.
   Already included, you may have seen this feature used before, ?php :-)
  I gather he meant making the scanner intelligent enough to see that the ?
  is followed by 'xml' and just ignoring the fact that short open tags is
  I wouldn't expect to see it happen (or want it to), but if he wants it,
  here's a sloppy implementation:
  Index: Zend/zend_language_scanner.l
  RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_language_scanner.l,v
  retrieving revision 1.131
  diff -u -r1.131 zend_language_scanner.l
  --- Zend/zend_language_scanner.l3 Aug 2005 13:30:54 -
  +++ Zend/zend_language_scanner.l27 Aug 2005 21:55:36 -
  @@ -1379,6 +1379,12 @@
  +INITIAL?xml([ \t]|{NEWLINE}) {
  +   zendlval-value.str.val = (char *) estrndup(yytext, yyleng);
  +   zendlval-value.str.len = yyleng;
  +   zendlval-type = IS_STRING;
  +   return T_INLINE_HTML;
   INITIAL%=|?= {
  if ((yytext[1]=='%'  CG(asp_tags)) || (yytext[1]=='?' 
  CG(short_tags))) {
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Paul Reinheimer
Zend Certified Engineer

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: SOAP SSL support doesn't work when allow_url_fopen is turned off

2005-07-29 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Since comments comments were called for I thought I might weigh in
with my $0.02cdn

When configuring PHP I want a way to protect myself, and my users from
themselves when it comes to doing something silly, I've actually seen
include($_GET['function']) in running code, though thankfully never on
one of my projects. I would like to be able to prevent something like
this from happening at the .ini level, wether thats allow_url_fopen or
some other setting doesn't really matter.

Beyond that, I'm only mildly interested in granularity, and then
probably at the user/directory of execution level rather than the
particular function level.

So something like:
  - disable remote file loading in include/require
  - disable remote file retreival with fopen, file_get_contents,
streams, etc. If you're setting this option don't bother installing
--with-curl, problem solved.

Would suit me fine. Being able to do that in .htaccess or within some
other apache based structure would be great, but not really needed.

I agree with the previously mentioned If their aim is that good, they
deserve to be shot in the foot completely


On 7/28/05, Jason Sweat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7/28/05, Sean Coates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That won't work, eval() is not a function...
   Ah yes, you're right... I guess we do need another INI setting.
  Or constructs-that-look-like-functions could be governed by
  disable_functions (eval, echo).. that would cause other problems (like a
  disabled return), though.
 I think Zeev's earlier comment about If their aim is that good, they
 deserve to be shot in the foot applies equally well to disabled
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[PHP-DEV] Re: 'include' Considered Harmful

2005-06-28 Thread Paul Reinheimer
Quoted Text:
In other words, it can only be used to include files at or below the
current directory.

This is counter productive, it is a horrible idea to store include
files within (/below) the document root, if you're going to suggest
strange sweeping changes go the reverse direction, ensure that any
include'd files are outside the document root (though possibly on the
local server).


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Yet Another Stupid Question: Why Bother with Compatibility?

2005-04-15 Thread Paul Reinheimer
The advantage of maintaining reverse compatibility is that it helps encourage
people to upgrade. Many more people would have many more concerns if the
4 - 5 upgrade broke programs using depreciated practices. ISPs and hosting
companies in particular would be extremely reluctant to upgrade as it would
promptly result in several (hundred?) support tickets asking My code worked
yesterday, now it doesn't! What did you do?!?!!.

I will be honest, I've written the majority of my code in the last
year, but am I
100% positive that I'm not using anything that was marked as depreciated in
PHP 4? Absolutely not. For all I know I might be using some deprecated function
in some arcane, rarely used administrative include file hiding somewhere in the
depths of my file system. Everything would apparently keep working when I
upgraded, and even for days/weeks after the fact. Then boom, one day something
important brakes, and I have no idea why.

I would assume that the percentage of people willing to upgrade is directly
proportional to the percentage of BC.

just my 2cents (canadian).


On 4/15/05, GamblerZG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maintaining compatibility between different major versions of PHP must
 be extremely hard. Maybe that is obvious, but I do not quite understand
 why developers do it. Why PHP 5 has to understand deprecated syntax of
 PHP 4? I mean, if someone needs to execute old scripts, they can always
 use old engine.
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Hello

2005-01-18 Thread Paul Reinheimer

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 00:24:03 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Important notice!
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Paul Reinheimer
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Why we don’t like PHP / PHP’s anti -Apache2 FUD

2004-12-20 Thread Paul Reinheimer
I would personally consider Rich Bowen an authority on the subject,
and as such trust what he is saying as true.


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 20:28:09 -, Nuno Lopes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is the AddType stuff true?
 If yes, I can change the docs to AddHandler..
 - Original Message -
 From: Sebastian Bergmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 2:21 PM
 Subject: [PHP-DEV] Why we don't like PHP / PHP's anti-Apache2 FUD
  Via PlanetApache:
  Season's Greetings,
  Sebastian Bergmann
  GnuPG Key: 0xB85B5D69 / 27A7 2B14 09E4 98CD 6277 0E5B 6867 C514 B85B 5D69
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Paul Reinheimer
Zend Certified Engineer

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