How to get overridden pipeline parameter value in email-ext plugin jelly template

2019-08-23 Thread Dave Taylor
I have a parameterized pipeline where we send an email during the post.  
One of the parameters is for the VHOST we are deploying to.  This parameter 
has a default value, but can be overridden in the jenkinsfile based on the 
branch being built.  In the jelly email template, I am getting the 
environment variables using:


Deployed to:


The value for ${vhost} always comes back as the default value, not what was 
overridden in the jenkinsfile.  I'm pretty certain the value is overridden 
properly because the application is deployed to the correct vhost on the 

How can I get the correct value to come through to the email template?

Thanks for any help.

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Numeric Jenkins Pipeline Parameters

2018-02-02 Thread Dave Hallam

We have "string", "booleanParam", "choice", etc. but nothing for numeric 
types.  Is there a reason why not?

I have a pipeline where I would like a parameter to be a duration (in 
hours) to invoke a "sleep" step. 

Using "string" doesn't work because sleep is expecting an int. And if I try 
using a "script" step, I need to convert hours to seconds but I can't 
invoke toFloat() and toInt() because I get 
Scripts not permitted to use staticMethod org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.
DefaultGroovyMethods toFloat java.lang.String

I know I could disable the sandbox for the latter issue, but I'd rather not 
- it would make more sense to be able to provide a numeric type to the 
pipeline in the first place.  Or maybe for the Sleep step to try to coerce 
the string to an int via

Many thanks,


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Re: Circular dependencies in plugins

2017-11-06 Thread CLOSE Dave
On 11/06/17 13:46, Daniel Beck wrote:

>> But the instance which concerns me at the moment says Token Macro
>> Plugin is dependent on Pipeline.
> token-macro 2.2 had the dependency, it was dropped in 2.3. Which are
> the versions you're using.

Thank you. I was using 2.2. I had deferred updates until my cleanup was
done. But upgrading to 2.3 removed many of the bogus dependencies and I
am now able to disable/delete many plugins that I couldn't before.

However, I still see some dependencies which seem bogus to me. For example,

Pipeline: API 2.20 says Version Number Plugin 1.8.1  is dependent.

Pipeline: Groovy 2.39 says SonarCube Scanner for Jenkins 2.6.1 is dependent.

Pipeline: Job 2.14.1 says Email Extension Plugin 2.58 and Token Macro
Plugin 2.3 are dependent.

Pipeline: SCM Step 2.6 says Git Plugin 3.5.1 and Subversion Plugin 2.9
are dependent.

Pipeline: Step API 2.12 says Credentials Binding Plugin 1.13, Email
Extension Plugin 2.58, Token Macro Plugin 2.3, and SSH Agent Plugin 1.15
are dependent.
Dave Close, Thales InFlyt Experience, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

 "If your aren't in over your head,
  how do you know how tall you are?" -- T. S. Eliot

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Re: Circular dependencies in plugins

2017-11-06 Thread CLOSE Dave
On 11/03/17 18:27, Stephen Connolly wrote:

>> Every one of the Pipeline plugins, all 23 of them, claim to be dependent
>> on some other plugins. None offer the option to disable. The chain seems
>> endless. And many of the plugins asserted to be dependent are ones I want
>> to keep, such as Pipeline: Step API says it is dependent on Gerrit
>> Trigger and Pipeline: SCM Step says it is dependent on Git plugin.

> No you are reading that backwards. That means those plugins depend on step
> api so you cannot disable step api.

I'll be more careful in my terminology.
Dave Close, Thales InFlyt Experience, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

 "If your aren't in over your head,
  how do you know how tall you are?" -- T. S. Eliot

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Re: Circular dependencies in plugins

2017-11-06 Thread CLOSE Dave
On 11/04/17 05:08, Daniel Beck wrote:

>> Look for the list entry just called 'Pipeline' (or search for
>> pipeline-aggregator in the search box).

> Oops -- used to be called workflow, so workflow-aggregator.

>> Try to disable it. If the checkbox is disabled and you cannot, file
>> a bug against every plugin that gets listed as a reason you can't
>> -- other than developer laziness, there's no reason to depend on
>> that.

Yes, that's my basic concern in this topic. I have a couple of other Jenkins
instances where Pipeline was never installed but plugins which this one says
are dependent on it are nonetheless installed and working.

This instance does not have any plugin with "aggregator" in the title.

> The following plugins have such a dependency:
> build-monitor-plugin
> codesonar
> convert-to-pipeline
> database
> delivery-pipeline-plugin
> hp-application-automation-tools-plugin
> hubot-steps
> jira-steps
> memory-map
> mock-load-builder
> simple-build-for-pipeline
> simple-travis-runner
> sinatra-chef-builder
> workflow-remote-loader
> None of them appear in your first list, so I'm curious why your
> Jenkins won't let you disable that entry.

In fact, none of those are installed on any of my Jenkins instances. But the
instance which concerns me at the moment says Token Macro Plugin is dependent on
Pipeline. The chain goes like this...

 Pipeline -> Token Macro Plugin
   Token Macro Plugin -> Conditional BuildStep
 Conditional BuildStep -> Multijob plugin *
 Conditional BuildStep -> Parameterized Trigger plugin
   Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin *
   Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Git plugin
 Git plugin -> Git Parameter Plug-In *
   Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Multijob plugin *
   Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Node and Label parameter plugin *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Config File Provider Plugin
 Config File Provider Plugin -> Email Extension Plugin *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Email Extension Plugin *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Git plugin
 Git plugin -> Git Parameter Plug-In *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Maven Integration plugin
 Maven Integration plugin -> Conditional BuildStep
   Conditional BuildStep -> Multijob plugin *
   Conditional BuildStep -> Parameterized Trigger plugin
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin *
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Git plugin
   Git plugin -> Git Parameter Plug-In *
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Multijob plugin *
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Node and Label parameter plugin *
 Maven Integration plugin -> Hudson Build-Publisher plugin *
 Maven Integration plugin -> JUnit Realtime Test Reporter Plugin *
 Maven Integration plugin -> Multijob plugin *
 Maven Integration plugin -> promoted builds plugin *
 Maven Integration plugin -> SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Multijob plugin *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Node and Label parameter plugin *
   Token Macro Plugin -> promoted builds plugin
 promoted builds plugin -> Git plugin
   Git plugin -> Git Parameter Plug-In *
 promoted builds plugin -> Parameterized Trigger plugin
   Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Multijob plugin *
   Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Node and Label parameter plugin *
   Token Macro Plugin -> Run Condition Plugin
 Run Condition Plugin -> Conditional BuildStep
   Conditional BuildStep -> Multijob plugin *
   Conditional BuildStep -> Parameterized Trigger plugin
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin *
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Git plugin
   Git plugin -> Git Parameter Plug-In *
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Multijob plugin *
 Parameterized Trigger plugin -> Node and Label parameter plugin *

 * terminal plugin, no further dependencies.

So in order to delete Pipeline, I would first need to delete or disable
all of the following plugins.

  Conditional BuildStep
  Config File Provider Plugin
  Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin
  Email Extension Plugin
  Git Parameter Plug-In
  Git plugin
  Hudson Build-Publisher plugin
  JUnit Realtime Test Reporter Plugin
  Maven Integration plugin
  Multijob plugin
  Node and Label parameter plugin
  Parameterized Trigger plugin
  promoted builds plugin
  Run Condition Plugin
  SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins
  Token Macro Plugin
Dave Close, Thales InFlyt Experience, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

 "If your aren't in over your head,
  how do you know how tall you are?" -- T. S. Eliot

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Re: Circular dependencies in plugins

2017-11-03 Thread CLOSE Dave
On 11/03/17 03:05, Daniel Beck wrote:
> If you're not using Declarative (or even Pipeline), I'd start
> disabling things there. (On the plugins manager UI, disabling plugins
> enables checkboxes of plugins that can then be disabled because
> nothing else depends on them, etc. -- much easier than deleting one
> by one.)

Every one of the Pipeline plugins, all 23 of them, claim to be dependent
on some other plugins. None offer the option to disable. The chain seems
endless. And many of the plugins asserted to be dependent are ones I
want to keep, such as Pipeline: Step API says it is dependent on Gerrit
Trigger and Pipeline: SCM Step says it is dependent on Git plugin.
Dave Close, Thales InFlyt Experience, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

 "If your aren't in over your head,
  how do you know how tall you are?" -- T. S. Eliot

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Re: Circular dependencies in plugins

2017-11-02 Thread CLOSE Dave
Daniel Beck wrote:

> Without a list of plugins (and versions) on the other instance it's
> impossible to say why might these differ.

Ok. Here's another instance with 73 plugins listed below. Again, the
Graphviz dot file is attached.

  Ant Plugin 1.2
  Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 4.5.3-2.0
  Audit Trail 2.2
  Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.3
  bouncycastle API Plugin 2.16.2
  Branch API Plugin 2.0.15
  Build Timeout 1.19
  Build-Publisher plugin 1.22
  built-on-column 1.1
  Conditional BuildStep 1.3.6
  Config File Provider Plugin 2.16.4
  Copy To Slave Plugin 1.4.4
  Credentials Binding Plugin 1.13
  Credentials Plugin 2.1.16
  CVS Plug-in 2.13
  Display URL API 2.1.0
  Durable Task Plugin 1.15
  Email Extension Plugin 2.61
  EnvInject API Plugin 1.4
  Environment Injector Plugin 2.1.5
  External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.7
  Folders Plugin 6.2.1
  Gerrit Trigger 2.26.2
  Git client plugin 2.6.0
  Git Parameter Plug-In 0.8.1
  Git plugin 3.6.3
  Icon Shim Plugin 2.0.3
  Jackson 2 API Plugin
  Javadoc Plugin 1.4
  JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 1.1.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
  jQuery plugin 1.12.4-0
  jQuery UI plugin 1.0.2
  JSch dependency plugin
  JUnit Plugin 1.21
  JUnit Realtime Test Reporter Plugin 0.5
  LDAP Plugin 1.17
  Mailer Plugin 1.20
  MapDB API Plugin
  Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 2.1
  Matrix Project Plugin 1.12
  Maven Integration plugin 3.0
  Multijob plugin 1.28
  Multiple SCMs plugin 0.6
  Node and Label parameter plugin 1.7.2
  OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 1.5
  Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.35.2
  Pipeline: API 2.23.1
  Pipeline: Job 2.15
  Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 2.17
  Pipeline: SCM Step 2.6
  Pipeline: Step API 2.13
  Pipeline: Supporting APIs 2.16
  Plain Credentials Plugin 1.4
  promoted builds plugin 2.31
  Resource Disposer Plugin 0.8
  Run Condition Plugin 1.0
  Schedule Build Plugin 0.4.0
  SCM API Plugin 2.2.3
  Script Security Plugin 1.34
  SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins 2.6.1
  SSH Credentials Plugin 1.13
  SSH Slaves plugin 1.22
  Structs Plugin 1.10
  TextFinder plugin 1.10
  Timestamper 1.8.8
  Token Macro Plugin 2.3
  Translation Assistance plugin 1.15
  Version Number Plug-In 1.8.1
  Workspace Cleanup Plugin 0.34
  xUnit plugin 1.102

I think part of the trouble with the seemingly endless dependency chain
may be the Pipeline plugins. Most if not all of the other plugins seem
to define the other plugins on which they are dependent. The Pipeline
plugins, in contrast, define only the other plugins which depend on them.

>> Is there any way to clean up this situation?
> No. Dependencies are just that. None of those you mentioned are
> optional, so even JENKINS-33843 shouldn't be to blame in this case.
> Note that none of the dependencies you mention are circular. Jenkins
> should refuse to even load plugins with actual circular
> dependencies.

Sorry about the subject line. I realized later that there are no actual
cycles but forgot to change it.
Dave Close, Thales InFlyt Experience, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

 "If your aren't in over your head,
  how do you know how tall you are?" -- T. S. Eliot

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Circular dependencies in plugins

2017-11-02 Thread CLOSE Dave
I have a Jenkins server (2.87) with quite a few plugins installed. 95,
actually. I don't actually need some of them and I like to clean things
up a bit. But that doesn't seem practical.

Here's the list of installed plugins.
  Ant Plugin 1.7
  Audit Trail 2.2
  Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.3
  bouncycastle API Plugin 2.16.2
  Branch API Plugin 2.0.11
  built-on-column 1.1
  Bulk Builder 1.5
  Conditional BuildStep 1.3.6
  Config File Provider Plugin 2.16.3
  Credentials Binding Plugin 1.13
  Credentials Plugin 2.1.14
  Crowd 2 Integration 1.8
  Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin 0.11
  Display URL API 2.0
  Docker Commons Plugin 1.8
  Docker Pipeline 1.12
  Durable Task Plugin 1.14
  Email Extension Plugin 2.58
  EnvInject API Plugin 1.2
  Environment Injector Plugin 2.1.3
  External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.7
  Folders Plugin 6.1.2
  Git client plugin 2.5.0
  Git Parameter Plug-In 0.8.0
  Git plugin 3.5.1
  GIT server Plugin 1.7
  Gradle Plugin 1.27.1
  Hudson Build-Publisher plugin 1.21
  Icon Shim Plugin 2.0.3
  Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.7.3
  Javadoc Plugin 1.4
  JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 1.1.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
  JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
  jQuery plugin 1.11.2-0
  jQuery UI plugin 1.0.2
  JUnit Plugin 1.21
  JUnit Realtime Test Reporter Plugin 0.4
  LDAP Plugin 1.16
  Mailer Plugin 1.20
  MapDB API Plugin
  Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 1.7
  Matrix Project Plugin 1.11
  Maven Integration plugin 2.17
  Multijob plugin 1.27
  Multiple SCMs plugin 0.6
  Node and Label parameter plugin 1.7.2
  OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 1.5
  PAM Authentication plugin 1.3
  Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.35.1
  Pathignore Plugin 0.6
  Pipeline 2.5
  Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 1.5
  Pipeline: API 2.20
  Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.6
  Pipeline: Build Step 2.5.1
  Pipeline: Declarative 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Declarative Agent API 1.1.1
  Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Groovy 2.39
  Pipeline: Input Step 2.8
  Pipeline: Job 2.14.1
  Pipeline: Milestone Step 1.3.1
  Pipeline: Model API 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Multibranch 2.16
  Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 2.14
  Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.8
  Pipeline: SCM Step 2.6
  Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries 2.8
  Pipeline: Stage Step 2.2
  Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 1.1.9
  Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.8
  Pipeline: Step API 2.12
  Pipeline: Supporting APIs 2.14
  Plain Credentials Plugin 1.4
  promoted builds plugin 2.29
  ruby-runtime 0.12
  Run Condition Plugin 1.0
  Schedule Build Plugin 0.4.0
  SCM API Plugin 2.2.1
  SCM Sync Configuration Plugin 0.0.10
  Script Security Plugin 1.33
  SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins 2.6.1
  SSH Agent Plugin 1.15
  SSH Credentials Plugin 1.13
  SSH Slaves plugin 1.21
  Structs Plugin 1.10
  Subversion Plug-in 2.9
  TextFinder plugin 1.10
  Token Macro Plugin 2.2
  Translation Assistance plugin 1.15
  Version Number Plug-In 1.8.1
  Windows Slaves Plugin 1.3.1
  xUnit plugin 1.102

Taking one example, I'd like to delete the Docker Commons Plugin. But I
can't because Docker Pipeline depends on it. But I can't delete Docker
Pipeline because Pipeline: Model Definition depends on it. The
dependency chain seems to go on to the point where I'd need to delete
nearly all the plugins before I could delete this one. I've taken the
time to work out all the dependencies that Jenkins claims are present
and the result, as a Graphviz dot file, is attached.

I know that the dependencies are broken because I have another Jenkins
instance with nearly all the same plugins but without Docker Commons
Plugin. Is there any way to clean up this situation?
Dave Close

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Permissions & Github Status API

2017-07-10 Thread Dave Cadwallader
I'm looking to use the Github Org plugin to post pass/fail results to the
Github status API on pull requests.

It looks like the user that owns the OAuth token needs to have write access
to the repo.

I'm wondering if there is a way to allow this user to post to the status
API without actually having access to commit code.  There should be no
reason for the system user to ever change code.  Want to avoid a security

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Multijob plugin

2017-04-25 Thread CLOSE Dave
Is it possible that I'm the only one in the world using this plugin? I 
ask because I've asked questions here with no response at all. I've also 
sent the same questions to those listed as maintainers on the plugin's 
wiki page with no response. The wiki page seems to say there are about 
16,000 users but, evidently, none who are active here. Frustrating.

In case this note gets any attention, here were my questions.

1. Multijob includes a potentially very helpful feature, the ability to 
skip a build if SCM has not changed since the last successful build. But 
that isn't working right for us so I'd appreciate some advice. Most of 
our builds are not from the GIT master branch but from other branches. 
We pass a parameter to jobs to specify which branch to use. However, it 
appears that Multijob always checks for changes on the master branch. 
Since that branch doesn't change often, the effect is to skip builds 
which should occur. Does anyone know a way, without trying to modify the 
code, to get Multijob to check a different branch?

2. Is it possible for a job to determine if it was started by a multijob 
or independently? This could be a more general question: can any job 
determine how it was started, by GUI click, by remote trigger, or by 
Dave Close

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Multijob plugin

2017-04-07 Thread CLOSE Dave
I really like the Multijob plugin 
(<>), though 
I see there is some encouragement to move to the Pipelines 
conglomeration. For my purposes, Multijob is more straight-forward and 
presents clear results. It includes a potentially very helpful feature, 
the ability to skip a build if SCM has not changed since the last 
successful build. But that isn't working right for us so I'd appreciate 
some advice.

Most of our builds are not from the GIT master branch but from other 
branches. We pass a parameter to jobs to specify which branch to use. 
However, it appears that Multijob always checks for changes on the 
master branch. Since that branch doesn't change often, the effect is to 
skip builds which should occur.

Does anyone know a way, without trying to modify the code, to get 
Multijob to check a different branch?
Dave Close

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Re: @script runs with a different branch

2017-01-23 Thread Dave LeBlanc
After more googling, it appears it's a known issue with slashes in the 
branch name:

I've used the workaround described in the bug post, and that appears to 
have solved it for now.

On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 09:18:44 UTC-8, Dave LeBlanc wrote:
> Small correction - the @script is at the proper version, but the main 
> workspace is on the odd branch.
> The main build info screen says:
> Revision: 116ec7be055b760122bc2ae310622fc7c91df5fe 
> origin/dml/jenkins-testing
> Revision: 97a1e48ebb50c62ff5fce3a69e789ff236fd79fd 
> origin/dml/other-unrelated-branch
> Why would it report two revisions? 
> After starting this build, the main workspace is at:
> * (detached from 97a1e48)
> Which is from Jul 25 of 2016! - it's the origin/dml/other-unrelated-branch 
> above
> And the @script workspace is at:
> * (detached from 116ec7b)
> Which is the head of dml/jenkins-testing - which is what I expect.
> Here's the hook log, I did a manual "build now", but pushing to github 
> seems to act the same way.
> Started on Jan 18, 2017 8:30:57 AM
> Using strategy: Default
> [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 0454a42322bedae04c1682cd394c3a915f32294e 
> (origin/dml/jenkins-testing)
>  > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
> Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
>  > git config remote.origin.url # 
> timeout=10
> Fetching upstream changes from
>  > git --version # timeout=10
>  > git fetch --tags --progress 
> +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> Polling for changes in
> ...
> Seen branch in repository origin/dml/jenkins-testing
> ...
> Seen 90 remote branches
> Using strategy: Default
> [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 0454a42322bedae04c1682cd394c3a915f32294e 
> (origin/dml/jenkins-testing)
>  > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
> Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
>  > git config remote.origin.url # 
> timeout=10
> Fetching upstream changes from
>  > git --version # timeout=10
>  > git fetch --tags --progress 
> +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> Polling for changes in
> ...
> Seen branch in repository origin/dml/jenkins-testing
> ... Seen 86 remote branches Done. Took 2.7 sec No changes
> On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 08:22:12 UTC-8, Dave LeBlanc wrote:
>> Hi folks, having a heck of a time setting up my new Jenkins instance 
>> here. I'm using the newest 2.40 build with the newest plugins and the 
>> pipeline style, and I think I mostly have the github hook stuff in place, 
>> the only issue being:
>>   When I push a branch (test-branch), the github hook is called 
>> appropriately, and I see a build kicked off. The workspace/TestBranch 
>> directory is on the expected version (HEAD of test-branch), but 
>> workspace/TestBranch@script is on an ancient unrelated branch (HEAD of some 
>> odd branch). Very odd.
>> Any ideas on how to fix this? Is "**" as the branch specifier ok?
>> P.S. - Is it ok to watch multiple branches (eg: per-feature) and expect 
>> Jenkins to build and report on them appropriately?
>> Cheers,
>>  -Dave

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Re: @script runs with a different branch

2017-01-18 Thread Dave LeBlanc
Small correction - the @script is at the proper version, but the main 
workspace is on the odd branch.

The main build info screen says:

Revision: 116ec7be055b760122bc2ae310622fc7c91df5fe 

Revision: 97a1e48ebb50c62ff5fce3a69e789ff236fd79fd 

Why would it report two revisions? 

After starting this build, the main workspace is at:
* (detached from 97a1e48)
Which is from Jul 25 of 2016! - it's the origin/dml/other-unrelated-branch 

And the @script workspace is at:
* (detached from 116ec7b)
Which is the head of dml/jenkins-testing - which is what I expect.

Here's the hook log, I did a manual "build now", but pushing to github 
seems to act the same way.

Started on Jan 18, 2017 8:30:57 AM
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 0454a42322bedae04c1682cd394c3a915f32294e 
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
 > git config remote.origin.url # 
 > timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --progress 
 > +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
Polling for changes in
Seen branch in repository origin/dml/jenkins-testing

Seen 90 remote branches
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 0454a42322bedae04c1682cd394c3a915f32294e 
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
 > git config remote.origin.url # 
 > timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --progress 
 > +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
Polling for changes in


Seen branch in repository origin/dml/jenkins-testing

... Seen 86 remote branches Done. Took 2.7 sec No changes

On Wednesday, 18 January 2017 08:22:12 UTC-8, Dave LeBlanc wrote:
> Hi folks, having a heck of a time setting up my new Jenkins instance here. 
> I'm using the newest 2.40 build with the newest plugins and the pipeline 
> style, and I think I mostly have the github hook stuff in place, the only 
> issue being:
>   When I push a branch (test-branch), the github hook is called 
> appropriately, and I see a build kicked off. The workspace/TestBranch 
> directory is on the expected version (HEAD of test-branch), but 
> workspace/TestBranch@script is on an ancient unrelated branch (HEAD of some 
> odd branch). Very odd.
> Any ideas on how to fix this? Is "**" as the branch specifier ok?
> P.S. - Is it ok to watch multiple branches (eg: per-feature) and expect 
> Jenkins to build and report on them appropriately?
> Cheers,
>  -Dave

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@script runs with a different branch

2017-01-18 Thread Dave LeBlanc
Hi folks, having a heck of a time setting up my new Jenkins instance here. 
I'm using the newest 2.40 build with the newest plugins and the pipeline 
style, and I think I mostly have the github hook stuff in place, the only 
issue being:

  When I push a branch (test-branch), the github hook is called 
appropriately, and I see a build kicked off. The workspace/TestBranch 
directory is on the expected version (HEAD of test-branch), but 
workspace/TestBranch@script is on an ancient unrelated branch (HEAD of some 
odd branch). Very odd.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Is "**" as the branch specifier ok?

P.S. - Is it ok to watch multiple branches (eg: per-feature) and expect 
Jenkins to build and report on them appropriately?



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Jenkins migrate views between jenkins master (jenkins copy view to new jenkins server)

2016-05-23 Thread Dave Horner
Hello all,
I am interested in copying the views defined on one master to another 
master.  I do not see a way to get the view data from the master.

there is:
Creates a new view by reading stdin as a XML configuration.
Updates the view definition XML from stdin. The opposite of the 
get-view command.
which would provide a means to automate the creation of the views, but I do 
not see a list-views as there are list-jobs and list-plugins which allows 
me to migrate jobs and plugins.

Is there a place views are stored that I could copy the data that way?
Is there some other means of migrating view data from one master to another?

Thanks so much,

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Having trouble starting Jenkins, where do I find the "/usr/share/java/jenkins/war/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" file?

2016-04-21 Thread Dave

I just downloaded the Jenkins WAR, version 1.651.1. I’m trying to set it up 
on my Amazon Linux box. I’m running Java 1.7. I moved the WAR into its own 
directory, /usr/share/java/jenkins, and then set JENKINS_HOME to be that 
directory. Then I ran the command listed here — . 
Looked so simple on the web site. But wouldn’t you know it. Got the below 

[davea@mydevbox ~]$ java -jar /usr/share/java/jenkins/jenkins.war 
Running from: /usr/share/java/jenkins/jenkins.war
webroot: EnvVars.masterEnvVars.get("JENKINS_HOME")
Apr 19, 2016 9:29:34 PM winstone.Logger logInternal
INFO: Beginning extraction from war file
Apr 19, 2016 9:29:34 PM winstone.Logger logInternal
INFO: Winstone shutdown successfully
Apr 19, 2016 9:29:34 PM winstone.Logger logInternal
SEVERE: Container startup failed /usr/share/java/jenkins/war/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 
(No such file or directory)
at Method)
at winstone.HostConfiguration.getWebRoot(
at winstone.HostConfiguration.(
at winstone.HostGroup.initHost(
at winstone.HostGroup.(
at winstone.Launcher.(
at winstone.Launcher.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at Main._main(
at Main.main(

What else do I need to do to get Jenkins started?

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Artifactory Release Management plugin not pushing updated file

2015-12-23 Thread Dave Payne
I'm trying to use the Jenkins Artifactory Release Management plugin to 
deploy a Gradle project to Artifactory. The build works, version numbers 
are correctly identified from the file, the JAR file is 
successfully published to Artifactory and an appropriately-named branch and 
tag are created. Looking in Jenkins' workspace, I can see that the version 
number is correctly incremented in, and, by SSH-ing to 
the Jenkins box, I can see that it was committed. However, when I do a 'git 
pull' on my own machine, I only get the new branch and tag, not an updated file.

It seems that the push is failing silently, and I'm not sure why, the 
console output looks like:

Deploying artifact: 


Total time: 4.759 secs

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to SUCCESS

[RELEASE] Committing release version on branch 'REL-BRANCH-0.0.22'

 > /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git add -u # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git commit -F /var/lib/jenkins/tmp/gitcommit8559573052455803793.txt 
 > # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10

[RELEASE] Creating tag 'bar/v-0.0.22' with message '[artifactory-release] 
Release version 0.0.22'

 > /usr/bin/git tag -a -f -m [artifactory-release] Release version 0.0.22 
 > bar/v-0.0.22 # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10

[RELEASE] Pushing branch 'REL-BRANCH-0.0.22' to 'git@elided02:foo.commons'

using GIT_SSH to set credentials jenkins ssh

 > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git push git@elided02:foo.commons refs/heads/REL-BRANCH-0.0.22 
 > --tags # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git checkout -f artifactory-promotion

[RELEASE] Changing at 
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/foo.commons/ for development version

[RELEASE] Committing next development version on branch 'artifactory-promotion'

 > /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git add -u # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git commit -F /var/lib/jenkins/tmp/gitcommit1404885918582771817.txt 
 > # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10

[RELEASE] Pushing branch 'artifactory-promotion' to 'git@elided02:foo.commons'

using GIT_SSH to set credentials jenkins ssh

 > /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10

 > /usr/bin/git push git@elided02:foo.commons refs/heads/artifactory-promotion 
 > --tags # timeout=10

Finished: SUCCESS

Everything there seems fine, it's just that the 'push' on the penultimate 
line doesn't actually seem to happen.

My only clue at the moment, is the following warning in the Jenkins logs, 
which might be irrelevant, but happens every time I try to run the Release 
Management plugin:

RunListener failedhttp://jenkins01:8080/log"/>9412015-12-21T16:42:54Z2015-12-21T16:42:54ZDec
21, 2015 4:42:54 PM hudson.model.listeners.RunListener report
WARNING: RunListener failed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot change build result while in 
at hudson.model.Run.setResult(
at hudson.model.listeners.RunListener.fireCompleted(
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(

This is with Jenkins v.1.618.

Any suggestions gratefully received!

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Re: Commit hook causes not respecting choice parameter defaults

2015-12-02 Thread Dave Save

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Commit hook causes not respecting choice parameter defaults

2015-12-01 Thread Dave Save
Hi everyone, first time question.

I noticed that builds originating from git commit 
(BUILD_CAUSE=COMMITHOOKCAUSE) have none of the choice parameters defaults.

Is that normal behavior?


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Re: How to use Throttle Concurrent in WorkFlow

2015-11-30 Thread Dave Lawrence
JIRA created.



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How to use Throttle Concurrent in WorkFlow

2015-11-16 Thread Dave Lawrence
I am looking to use Throttle Concurrent Builds in a WorkFlow. I have jobs 
that perform automated, scheduled testing, as well as user-initiated jobs. 
All these jobs compete for the same set of hardware resources to run tests 
against. I'm currently using BuildFlows for all this and Throttle 
Concurrent Builds works fine.  My problem is that I want to use the new 
WorkFlow plugin for the automated jobs but TCB does not natively support 

I've read that people dedicate a node per unit of hardware to solve this 
problem. That's not a good solution for me since I can have 10-20 hardware 
units. I've also ready about people using a workflow stage, but this also 
doesn't work because of the user-initiated jobs that are outside of the 

I've seen a presentation by CloudBees that states that a WorkFlow can be 
used with _any_ plugin, even if the plugin does not have native workflow 
support. I'm hoping someone here knows how to do that for TCB.



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Reserve ext resource in workflow

2015-11-11 Thread Dave Lawrence
I'm trying to figure out how I can reserve an external resource in a 
workflow which would cause other workflows(or it's jobs) who compete for 
that resource to queue.

This is the scenario:
 - I have workflows that need to run tests against a specific piece of 
hardware. These tests are multiple Freestyle jobs. 
 - Any one workflow will consists of: software build, hardware Setup, 
test(s) execution, hardware Teardown. 
 - While a workflow is using hardware platform "A" for example, from Setup 
through Teardown, no other jobs can use "A".
 - I cannot constrain the number of workflows or tests
 - These workflows are run asynchronously and will compete for the same 
hardware to run tests against.

I need a workflow to "reserve" a piece of hardware and that reservation 
needs to survive across multiple jobs (within the workflow). I've tried 
using "Throttle Concurrent Jobs" within the test jobs but the throttle is 
immediately released once an individual job is completed. The workflow 
describes the set of tests and therefore the scope of the reservation.

I thought about running a parallel job that would use Throttle Concurrent 
Jobs, but then I need a way to communicate to that job about when to end or 
be able to stop it.

Any thoughts?



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How do I control how the "/lastUnstableBuild" link gets created in my Jenkins job?

2015-11-10 Thread Dave
Hi, I installed Jenkins as a WAR on Tomcat 6, running on Linux …

[davea@ip-22-333-22-333 ~]$ uname -a
Linux ip-22-333-22-333 6.8.7-15.99.amzn1.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Sep 14 
23:20:33 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I have created a freestanding job, using the Gradle plugin. “Discard Old 
Builds” is checked and “Days To Keep Builds” is set to “3”.  I notice often 
that this symlink …

[davea@ip-22-333-22-333 ~]$ ls -al 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tomcat tomcat 2 Nov  9 22:20 
/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/jenkins/jobs/myproject/builds/lastUnstableBuild -> 

is created and points at “-1”, which doesn’t exist as a file or directory.  
How does this symlink get generated and is there a way to prevent it from 
pointing to this bogus value?

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Re: Build flow job gets indecipherable Groovy error

2015-06-15 Thread CLOSE Dave
I wrote:

 I have a Jenkins job using the build flow plugin. A portion of it
 looks like the code below.

 parallel (
{ ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job1, BRANCH: params [ BRANCH ] ) } },
{ ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job2, BRANCH: params [ BRANCH ] ) } }

 I'd like to replace the BRANCH parameter with a call to a script so
 that I can use a fallback branch in some cases. Doing so seems fairly
 tricky but I think I got it working, sort of. The code now looks like

 branchName = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve(BRANCH)
 def chkbranch ( String product, String branch ) {
def cmd = [/bin/bash, -c, /home/jenkins/bin/chkbranch+
 +product+ +branch]  // Build the command string to run
def ans = cmd.execute().text  // Run the command
return $ans[0..-2]  // Chomp the answer before returning
 parallel (
{ ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job1, BRANCH: chkbranch ( job1, 
 branchName ) ) } }
{ ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job2, BRANCH: chkbranch ( job2, 
 branchName ) ) } }

 But this doesn't work. It throws a completely indecipherable Groovy
 error and I'm lost. But it does work if I remove the parallel
 grouping. Unfortunately, that extends the time to run the job

 The error looks something like the following. Any ideas?

 ERROR: Failed to run DSL Script
 groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:
 Script1$ is applicable for argument types:
 (Script1$_run_closure9, Script1$_run_closure10, Script1$_run_closure11,
 Script1$_run_closure12, Script1$_run_closure13, Script1$_run_closure14,
 Script1$_run_closure15) values: [Script1$_run_closure9@9202ce0,
 Script1$_run_closure10@1f622ace, ...]
 Possible solutions: doCall(), any(), any(), find(), grep(), dump()
 at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
 at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
 at Script1$ Source)
 at Script1$ Source)
 at com.cloudbees.plugins.flow.FlowDSL.executeFlowScript(FlowDSL.groovy:84)
 at hudson.model.Run.execute(
 at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(

Stefan Thomasson answered:

 I am not sure that this is what cause the error but I think you
 forgot a comma between the two ignores

Thanks for the reply. But that was just a cut-and-paste error. I don't 
actually have the version quoted as the parallel statements are 
commented in my copy. Without the parallel, the commas should not be 
present. When I removed the comments to include the code in my message, 
I forgot to put the commas back.

I'm still stymied by the obtuse Groovy error and hoping for some 

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Build flow job gets indecipherable Groovy error

2015-06-12 Thread CLOSE Dave
I have a Jenkins job using the build flow plugin. A portion of it looks 
like the code below.

parallel (
   { ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job1, BRANCH: params [ BRANCH ] ) } },
   { ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job2, BRANCH: params [ BRANCH ] ) } }

I'd like to replace the BRANCH parameter with a call to a script so that 
I can use a fallback branch in some cases. Doing so seems fairly tricky 
but I think I got it working, sort of. The code now looks like this.

branchName = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve(BRANCH)
def chkbranch ( String product, String branch ) {
   def cmd = [/bin/bash, -c, /home/jenkins/bin/chkbranch+ 
+product+ +branch]  // Build the command string to run
   def ans = cmd.execute().text  // Run the command
   return $ans[0..-2]  // Chomp the answer before returning
parallel (
   { ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job1, BRANCH: chkbranch ( job1, 
branchName ) ) } }
   { ignore ( FAILURE ) { build ( job2, BRANCH: chkbranch ( job2, 
branchName ) ) } }

But this doesn't work. It throws a completely indecipherable Groovy 
error and I'm lost. But it does work if I remove the parallel 
grouping. Unfortunately, that extends the time to run the job excessively.

The error looks something like the following. Any ideas?

ERROR: Failed to run DSL Script
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: 
Script1$ is applicable for argument types: 
(Script1$_run_closure9, Script1$_run_closure10, Script1$_run_closure11, 
Script1$_run_closure12, Script1$_run_closure13, Script1$_run_closure14, 
Script1$_run_closure15) values: [Script1$_run_closure9@9202ce0, 
Script1$_run_closure10@1f622ace, ...]
Possible solutions: doCall(), any(), any(), find(), grep(), dump()
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
at Script1$ Source)
at Script1$ Source)
at hudson.model.Run.execute(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Dave Close
Technology has the shelf life of a banana. - Scott McNealy

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Accessing $CHANGES from prior build job for email

2015-05-15 Thread Dave R
I have two projects - one for a build followed by a deployment project in a 
delivery pipeline.

In the deployment project I would like to send an email (email-ext) but 
when I use the $CHANGES macro to generate my list of changes it comes from 
the deployment project and not the prior build project.  I would like to 
get the list of version control changes in my deployment email in this 
second project in the pipeline.

Does anyone have any way to accomplish this task?



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Are folders supported by build metric plugins?

2015-05-13 Thread Dave Miles
I've installed the following plugins:

build-metrics 1.0
Hudson global-build-stats 1.3

Should the above versions be able to chart folder jobs?

I intialised the global stats and tried a test chart for all jobs. Chart 
only seems to plot jobs that are not under folders (which we use 
extensively). If I grep the 'n' element in the xml under the 
'global-build-stats/jobresults' directory I can't see any job with a folder 

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Re: Git polling fails with authentication errors sometimes

2015-02-13 Thread Dave
I forgot that this job tries to check all branches as well and I wonder if 
that is more of the cause. The credentials are stored within the local 
repository so multiple Git repos probably wouldn't cause conflicts. 
However, if a single repo checks out multiple branches, it of course does a 
git checkout so the same .git folder is used. I'm created some test jobs, 
one with multiple SCMs and one with a single SCM, both configured to check 
all branches. So far I've not seen these same issues. I still need to make 
sure the same version of Git is being used between the test jobs and the 
problem job.

I would also add that although it is intermittent, once it gets in this 
weird state it stays there until we manually run the job.

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Re: Git polling fails with authentication errors sometimes

2015-02-13 Thread Dave
I'm able to reproduce the error with my test job if I have it restricted to 
the same slave that the problem job is using. It happens with the single 
SCM job that has multiple branches, but I haven't been able to reproduce 
with just a single branch configurations, so I'm thinking it has to do with 
a particular version of Git and the multiple branch issue (or single 
branches always run on master so I don't see it). The slave in question is 
running which meets the requirement, but not the recommended 
version of 1.8.

I don't feel like upgrading that slave right now, but I can at least limit 
the job to other slaves to see if that works around the problem.

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Re: Git polling fails with authentication errors sometimes

2015-02-13 Thread Dave
If I run manually, the slave with is able to fetch the changes. 
Only the polling is an issue. With the problem job switched to running on a 
different slave with 1.8+, I am not currently seeing the issue.

On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 12:00:10 PM UTC-5, Mark Waite wrote:

 I haven't done the detailed review of the git capabilities, but I thought 
 that credentials support only first arrived in git 1.7.9 (or possibly 
 1.7.10).  Your 1.7.9 machine may have a git version which is too old for 
 that use model.

 Does the 1.7.9 based machine checkout successfully from a single SCM job?

 Mark Waite

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Re: Git polling fails with authentication errors sometimes

2015-02-12 Thread Dave
I was kinda thinking that, any suggestions on how I could debug this? Or 
does someone know where the numbered credential file is named? If it is 
based on a timestamp and the SCM plug-in checks both repos with the same 
credential file, I could see how that could be a problem if one deletes it 
and the other tries to use it.

On Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 9:58:17 AM UTC-5, Mark Waite wrote:

 The message indicates that a file which the plugin expects to be on the 
 file system is not there.   That stack trace might hint that there is a 
 race condition in the multiple SCM plugin / git plugin interaction.   

 I don't know if the file is missing because the git plugin performed some 
 cleanup, or because the multiple SCMs plugin did some cleanup, or because 
 something outside performed cleanup.

 Mark Waite

 On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Dave javascript: 

 I should add I'm using Jenkins 1.554.2, Git client plug-in 1.16.1 and Git 
 plug-in 2.2.12. It seems like this used to work, but I'm not sure what 
 version of each plug-in I had.

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 Mark Waite

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Re: Git polling fails with authentication errors sometimes

2015-02-12 Thread Dave
I should add I'm using Jenkins 1.554.2, Git client plug-in 1.16.1 and Git 
plug-in 2.2.12. It seems like this used to work, but I'm not sure what 
version of each plug-in I had.

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Git polling fails with authentication errors sometimes

2015-02-12 Thread Dave

I get this result from polling sometimes. This is a multiple SCMs 
configuration. I don't believe I see this with single SCM setups. I see that it 
cannot find the temporary credential path, but how is that even supposed to be 

Started on Feb 12, 2015 9:26:36 AM
Polling SCM changes on u64internal
Using strategy: Default
[poll] Last Built Revision: Revision 36abd7ba96ef8631377aad256931a4140ea2bcbc 
  /usr/bin/git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repositories
  /usr/bin/git config remote.origin.url 
  # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
  /usr/bin/git --version # timeout=10
using .gitcredentials to set credentials
  /usr/bin/git config --local credential.helper store 
  --file=/tmp/git5332354415487210485.credentials # timeout=10
  /usr/bin/git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
  /usr/bin/git config --local --remove-section credential # timeout=10
FATAL: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from
hudson.util.IOException2: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.compareRemoteRevisionWith(
at hudson.scm.SCM._compareRemoteRevisionWith(
at hudson.scm.SCM.poll(
at hudson.scm.SCM._compareRemoteRevisionWith(
at hudson.scm.SCM.poll(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject._poll(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.poll(
at hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner.runPolling(
at hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Failed to fetch from
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.fetchFrom(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.compareRemoteRevisionWith(
... 17 more
Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command /usr/bin/git -c 
core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* 
returned status code 128:
stderr: error: cannot run git credential-store 
--file=/tmp/git5332354415487210485.credentials get: No such file or directory
error: cannot run git credential-store 
--file=/tmp/git5332354415487210485.credentials erase: No such file or directory
fatal: Authentication failed

at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.Request$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
Done. Took 1.5 sec
No changes

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Re: Jenkins ignoring shallow' option

2015-02-11 Thread Dave
I think I'm seeing the same issue. We try a shallow clone, but the clone 
will still timeout after 30 minutes sometimes. Did you ever figure out the 

On Friday, February 14, 2014 at 8:40:20 AM UTC-5, Kirill Bucharsky wrote:



 I have Jenkins 1.540 with latest git-plugin. Also I have large repo ~1,3 
 GB. Shallow clone of this repo is about ~70 MB. 

 Of course I'd like to download shallow and I checked corresponding 
 checkbox in job configuration.

 I’m starting build and watch *ps aux* on slave. I’m getting this:

 git fetch --tags --progress***/***git javascript: 
 +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* --depth=1

 But it is still downloading a whole repo instead of shallow cut. I’m 
 judging by directory size.

 When I copy-paste the string above and run it manually — all is well, I’m 
 getting shallow clone.

 User, directory are the same in both cases.

 Can anybody tell me what I am missing?



 Kirill Bucharsky

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Status of JGit...does it work as good or better than the command line yet?

2015-02-11 Thread Dave
Last time I used JGit, it didn't seem to work very well and basically the 
conclusion was to use the command line.

Is the latest version of JGit that works with Jenkins to a point where it 
works as well or better than the command line when using with Jenkins?

I get some odd behavior (shallow clone is not shallow, issues with 
authentication keys, etc.) with the command line so I kinda wonder if I 
should move back to JGit.

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[build flow plugin] NullPointerException when I try to wrap a build in a concurrent.Future

2015-01-27 Thread Dave Mills
I'm trying to implement node fail-over logic. Like the *retry* block, but 
each time on a different node.

So I supply a list of nodes, and use code like the following where the 
*node *parameter is a Nodes and Labels 

def failover(b, nodes) {
  guard {
  } rescue {
recurse(b, nodes.tail())

failover({ n - build(_node, NODE:n) }, [one, two, three, four
, five])

This works fine. The problem I'm having is that if one of the nodes is 
offline, it hangs forever. I've tried using the Build Timeout Plugin on that 
job, but it doesn't work, presumably because the job itself never starts.

So I'm trying to wrap the build in a concurrent.Future so that I can time 
it out from the DSL:

f = { build(_node, NODE:one) } as Callable
executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
future = executor.submit(f)
result = future.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

This gives me a massive stack trace:

ERROR: Failed to run DSL Scriptjava.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet($Sync.innerGetentity=method
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(
at java_util_concurrent_Future$ Source)


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor5604.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(


Looking at the source code for the FlowDSL,
I see that when they do this sort of thing for the *parallel *block, they 
muck around with ACLs, Contexts, and FlowStates.

Before I start tunneling to the center of the earth, does anyone know how I 
can get this to work?


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wiki page appears to be down

2014-12-28 Thread Dave Lahr

This also came up in the IRC chat, but the wiki appears to be down:

I've been trying from around 9 AM EST without success.  I get 
502 Bad Gateway



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Re: Slave fails to connect to Master: HTTP/1.1 400 bad request

2014-11-11 Thread Dave Cameron
I am having the same problem, under the same circumstances, but with a 
linux slave attempting to connect to a Mac OS X master. Can curl the 
endpoint fine from the intended slave box. Am using the suggested command 
verbatim. No detail on why the request would be bad.

On Thursday, November 6, 2014 4:36:57 PM UTC-5, nirmesh patel wrote:

 BTW I an  using *JNLP java web start* to launch slave.

 On Thursday, November 6, 2014 2:34:48 PM UTC-7, nirmesh patel wrote:

 Using Jenkins V 1.583  I am seeing connection issue between slave and 
 Master. Basically error message ( see below) complains about bad HTTP 
 request from slave to master.

 Jenkins Version: 1.583
 Master: Windows 7 x64 
 Slave : Windows 7 x86

 Error message:
 java.lang.Exception: The server rejected the connection :* HTTP/1.1 400 
 Bad Request*
 at hudson.remoting.Engine.onConnectionRejected(
 at hudson

 I have verified that my firewall is down for any TCP block and 8080 is 
 I am new to Ienkins ( like 4 days old) now sure where will I see slave 
 and master logs to figure out detail error message.

 Upgrading to latest 1.586

 Any seen this issue before?

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Multi-config Projects and Git Clones

2014-09-11 Thread Dave Augustus
Hello Listers!

I have begun the process of upgrading our Jenkins infrastructure. One of the 
features I am using with slaves is Multi-config Projects. This  allows us to 
build in parallel instead of series. We also use Git for version control. 

So when I start a job, the first thing it does is git clone on the master, 
THEN it does that same step on the SLAVE where a configuration has been 
started. Finally, it starts the actual build process.

So Jenkins is git cloning twice, once on the master, again on the slave.

Am I missing a checkbox or something? Is this the normal behavior?

I am using the latest plugins in all cases with the latest STABLE build of 


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Java Keystore Compatibility

2014-07-28 Thread Dave Augustus
Hello fellow listers,

--apologies if this is too off topic---

We are in the process in moving our Jenkins build system to the cloud and I 
have ran into a strange issue dealing with java keystore file compatibility. 
Moving the keystores from Mac OS (Mountain Lion) to Linux (CentOS 6) causes the 
jks to never be usable when correct credentials are provided. The only solution 
I have found is to export the keys to p12 files, upload the p12 files to a 
Linux host and recreate the JKS there. I have tried this with various versions 
of both Java 6 and 7- no success.

Is there something that Mac OS does to taint the keystore so that it only works 
on the same basic OS that created it?


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AWS EC2 AMIs as the basis of build/test/deploy CI entities

2014-06-25 Thread Dave Tenny
I'm looking for tools that support CI processes in Jenkins based on AMIs.

Builds build AMIs.
Tests test AMIs.
Viable AMIs are then eventually to production.

The idea is not to change the AMI after it's built except for ec2 userdata 
parameters, even avoiding that if possible.

I can't find any plugins or discussions of this topic though.  Pointers 

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OpenSSL vulnerability

2014-06-05 Thread Dave Dash
Does anybody know if Jenkins is susceptible to this:

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Re: OpenSSL vulnerability

2014-06-05 Thread Dave Dash
I wasn't worried so much about the web serving since we front ours with a
web server that proxies to HTTP, but anything internal to jenkins itself
that I might not be thinking of.

Thanks, this confirms my thoughts.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:46 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:

 most people do not have Jenkins do the TLS transport directly but instead
 front Jenkins with an SSL engine if they need SSL... thus more correctly
 you should ask:

 * have I configured by Jenkins instance to serve HTTPS
 * did I use Jenkins's native container and its native TLS support or did I
 use Nginx/Apache HTTPD/HAProxy/etc

 Once you have determined who is doing the TLS then you can ask whether the
 issue is present in that software...

 IOW it is one of:

 * The JVM
 * Nginix
 * Apache HTTPD
 * HAProxy
 * etc

 Jenkins itself does not have a private ssl implementation

 On 5 June 2014 13:40, Dave Dash wrote:

 Does anybody know if Jenkins is susceptible to this:

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Re: Keeping build information (not artifacts)

2014-04-02 Thread CLOSE Dave
I wrote:

 Something is deleting old build information from my Jenkins (version
 1.556 running on Fedora) jobs directory. This doesn't seem to be
 based on any apparent criteria like the number of old builds, the age
 of the builds, or anything else. Some jobs show all their history;
 others have only a few recent builds. Sometimes the remaining build
 numbers do not form a tight set: I'll find builds 5, 6, 8, and 11
 still there and others missing.

 I can't find any configuration parameter which claims to control
 this and all the references I've found imply that it should not
 happen. Is there something I'm missing? Did I forget about installing
 a plugin that might cause this?

Richard Bywater answered:

 Inside a job's configuration there is a Discard Old Builds option
 which would give you similar to what you are seeing. Perhaps check to
 see if that's set for any of the jobs you are referring to?

I'm embarrassed that I didn't see that option. And I did find a few jobs 
with it set, to keep builds for seven days. However, some of the jobs 
which have lost build information are not in that group.

I've now removed that option from all jobs. I'll watch more closely to 
see if any more job information is lost. Thanks for the pointer.
Dave Close

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Keeping build information (not artifacts)

2014-04-01 Thread CLOSE Dave
Something is deleting old build information from my Jenkins (version 
1.556 running on Fedora) jobs directory. This doesn't seem to be based 
on any apparent criteria like the number of old builds, the age of the 
builds, or anything else. Some jobs show all their history; others have 
only a few recent builds. Sometimes the remaining build numbers do not 
form a tight set: I'll find builds 5, 6, 8, and 11 still there and 
others missing.

I can't find any configuration parameter which claims to control this 
and all the references I've found imply that it should not happen. Is 
there something I'm missing? Did I forget about installing a plugin that 
might cause this?
Dave Close

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Best Java version for Jenkins on Mac hardware?

2014-02-17 Thread Dave Augustus
Hello Fellow Listers!

I am creating a new Jenkins setup on Mini-macs for App building. And I am faced 
with a choice regarding Java and need your opinion:

Should I install the latest from Java from Oracle OR use the Java that Apple 
provides for Mavericks?

(These servers are not internet-facing.)

Dave Augustus

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Re: Avoiding an unnecessary build entirely

2013-12-03 Thread CLOSE Dave
On 2013-11-19, I wrote:

 Using the Build Flow plugin, I have a master job containing a
 sequence of steps invoking other, ordinary jobs. The order of the
 ordinary build jobs is important, sometimes because of job
 dependencies but sometimes only to avoid possible conflicts. In the
 latter case, it may not be useful to perform one or more of the
 master job steps if the source for the corresponding ordinary job has
 not changed. Normally, using an SCM poll trigger would handle that
 for the ordinary job. But when that ordinary job is called by the
 Build Flow plugin, I don't see a way to skip the build. Am I missing

 Using some other plugin, I think I might be able to add a pre-step
 to the ordinary job to bypass the build if things haven't changed.
 But then the history will show that the ordinary job did run. If it
 shows the job built successfully, the absence of any build product
 will be confusing (at best). If it shows the job failed, that causes
 other problems. It would be much better for the master job not to
 invoke the ordinary job at all in this case.

 If there is no solution available at this time, then I'd suggest
 that the Build Flow plugin incorporate a way to invoke the SCM poll
 method against an ordinary job. That is, instead of acting like the
 build now command, it could ask Jenkins normal SCM checker to see
 if the job needs to be built and schedule it only if that is true.

I'm surprised not to have seen any response. Is there really no solution?
Dave Close

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Avoiding an unnecessary build entirely

2013-11-19 Thread CLOSE Dave
Using the Build Flow plugin, I have a master job containing a sequence 
of steps invoking other, ordinary jobs. The order of the ordinary build 
jobs is important, sometimes because of job dependencies but sometimes 
only to avoid possible conflicts. In the latter case, it may not be 
useful to perform one or more of the master job steps if the source for 
the corresponding ordinary job has not changed. Normally, using an SCM 
poll trigger would handle that for the ordinary job. But when that 
ordinary job is called by the Build Flow plugin, I don't see a way to 
skip the build. Am I missing something?

Using some other plugin, I think I might be able to add a pre-step to 
the ordinary job to bypass the build if things haven't changed. But then 
the history will show that the ordinary job did run. If it shows the job 
built successfully, the absence of any build product will be confusing 
(at best). If it shows the job failed, that causes other problems. It 
would be much better for the master job not to invoke the ordinary job 
at all in this case.

If there is no solution available at this time, then I'd suggest that 
the Build Flow plugin incorporate a way to invoke the SCM poll method 
against an ordinary job. That is, instead of acting like the build now 
command, it could ask Jenkins normal SCM checker to see if the job needs 
to be built and schedule it only if that is true.
Dave Close

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RE: Sharing my views

2013-11-17 Thread CLOSE Dave

Not sure what main page you mean. These views were created by clicking +, not 
from my views, and do not appear under my views.

In response to another point, this is  for a small group, all can do all, 

 -Original Message-
From:   Richard Bywater []
Sent:   Saturday, November 16, 2013 11:33 PM Pacific Standard Time
Subject:Re: Sharing my views

Create your views from the main page not My Views and I think you should get 
what you are after.


On Sunday, November 17, 2013, CLOSE Dave wrote:

When others connect, they see omly the default view. I want everyone to 
see all the views automatically. Possible?

 -Original Message-
From:   Vincent Latombe [ 
javascript:; ]
Sent:   Friday, November 15, 2013 11:50 PM Pacific Standard Time
To: Jenkins Users
Subject:Re: Sharing my views

All views you have created so far are public views. Anyone will see 


2013/11/15 CLOSE Dave javascript:; 

I'm a bit confused by the view mechanism in Jenkins.

I have created several additional views for my own use using 
the + on
the tab bar. When I click My views on the left menu, only the 
view is shown. Yet every time I connect, I see all the tabs I 
saw the
previous time.

I know that I can change the default view when users connect to 
In the Manage Jenkins menu, I see all the personal views I 
listed as alternative choices. But I can select only one as the 

What I'd like to do is to allow other users to see all the same 
tabs I
see, without each of them needing to create all those views on 
own. Is that possible?
Dave Close, Thales Avionics, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124, 

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RE: Sharing my views

2013-11-16 Thread CLOSE Dave

When others connect, they see omly the default view. I want everyone to see all 
the views automatically. Possible?

 -Original Message-
From:   Vincent Latombe []
Sent:   Friday, November 15, 2013 11:50 PM Pacific Standard Time
To: Jenkins Users
Subject:Re: Sharing my views

All views you have created so far are public views. Anyone will see them.


2013/11/15 CLOSE Dave

I'm a bit confused by the view mechanism in Jenkins.

I have created several additional views for my own use using the + on
the tab bar. When I click My views on the left menu, only the default
view is shown. Yet every time I connect, I see all the tabs I saw the
previous time.

I know that I can change the default view when users connect to Jenkins.
In the Manage Jenkins menu, I see all the personal views I created
listed as alternative choices. But I can select only one as the default

What I'd like to do is to allow other users to see all the same tabs I
see, without each of them needing to create all those views on their
own. Is that possible?
Dave Close, Thales Avionics, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

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Sharing my views

2013-11-15 Thread CLOSE Dave
I'm a bit confused by the view mechanism in Jenkins.

I have created several additional views for my own use using the + on 
the tab bar. When I click My views on the left menu, only the default 
view is shown. Yet every time I connect, I see all the tabs I saw the 
previous time.

I know that I can change the default view when users connect to Jenkins. 
In the Manage Jenkins menu, I see all the personal views I created 
listed as alternative choices. But I can select only one as the default 

What I'd like to do is to allow other users to see all the same tabs I 
see, without each of them needing to create all those views on their 
own. Is that possible?
Dave Close, Thales Avionics, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

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Last failed build not updated

2013-10-17 Thread CLOSE Dave
I recently updated to 1.535 on Linux x86_64. A job which failed 
yesterday now shows a red icon (as it should) but the last failure 
column shows 1 mo 3 days whereas the last success column shows 1 
day 16 hr. Those dates imply that the most recent build was successful, 
which it wasn't. What am I missing?
Dave Close

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Re: Last failed build not updated

2013-10-17 Thread CLOSE Dave
I wrote:
 I recently updated to 1.535 on Linux x86_64. A job which failed
 yesterday now shows a red icon (as it should) but the last failure
 column shows 1 mo 3 days whereas the last success column shows 1
 day 16 hr. Those dates imply that the most recent build was successful,
 which it wasn't. What am I missing?

Mishael Kim suggested:
  probably this bug:

Thanks but no. I've seen the most recent job disappear from the history 
list occasionally, but only for a moment then it reappears. In this 
case, the failed build does show at the top of the history but is not 
reflected in the last failure column.
Dave Close, Thales Avionics, Irvine California USA.
cell +1 949 394 2124,

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Problem with 'Publish Over SSH Plugin' plugin

2013-08-28 Thread Dave Irwin

I'm having issues loading or saving any job's configuration page within 
Jenkins. To start, the gray Loading overlay never goes away even though 
the page is finished loading. Second, using Firebug I'm seeing this error:

SyntaxError: invalid regular expression flag t
 (line 416, col 5) |

I suspect the issue is with the Publish Over SSH Plugin. I've upgraded to 
the latest Jenkins (1.529) and plugin (1.10) as of right now. Is this 
something on my end that I need to fix? 



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Having trouble with Maven Release plugin -- Cannot prepare the release because you have local modifications

2013-06-26 Thread Dave

I'm using the latest version of Jenkins, SVN 1.7, and just installed the 
Maven Release plugin for Jenkins.  Is there any way to configure the Maven 
release plugin to do a fresh checkout from SVN before it runs?  I'm running 
the plugin by doing the following:

- From my job, clicking Perform Maven Release from the left panel
- Clicking the checkbox Specify SCM login/password and filling in my SVN 
username and password.
- Clicking the button Schedule Maven Release Build

However, I'm getting the error, Cannot prepare the release because you 
have local modifications.  The plugin doesn't appear to have any other 
configuration options.  Below is the complete stack trace.

===Begin stack trace 

Building remotely on s-17abf238 in workspace /scratch/jenkins/workspace/test
Updating at revision 
'2013-06-26T14:37:39.249 +'
At revision 2078
no change for since the previous 
Parsing POMs
Modules changed, recalculating dependency graph
[test] $ /opt/jdk/jdk1.7.latest/bin/java -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false 
org.jvnet.hudson.maven3.agent.Maven3Main /opt/maven/apache-maven-3.0.4 
/scratch/jenkins/slave.jar /scratch/jenkins/maven3-interceptor.jar 57596
===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===channel started
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Executing Maven:  -B -f /scratch/jenkins/workspace/test/test/pom.xml 
-DdevelopmentVersion=1.2-SNAPSHOT -DreleaseVersion=1.1 -Dusername=myuser 
-Dpassword=* -Dresume=false release:prepare release:perform
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Projects to build: [MavenProject: org.myco.subco:test:1.1-SNAPSHOT @ 
projectStarted org.myco.subco:test:1.1-SNAPSHOT


[INFO] Building test 1.1-SNAPSHOT

mojoStarted org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0(default-cli)
[INFO] --- maven-release-plugin:2.0:prepare (default-cli) @ test ---
[INFO] Verifying that there are no local modifications...
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /scratch/jenkins/workspace/test/test  svn 
--username myuser --password '*' --non-interactive status
[INFO] Working directory: /scratch/jenkins/workspace/test/test
mojoFailed org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0(default-cli)
projectFailed org.myco.subco:test:1.1-SNAPSHOT


[INFO] Total time: 8.227s
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Jun 26 14:38:24 UTC 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 12M/205M

Projects to build: [MavenProject: org.myco.subco:test:1.1-SNAPSHOT @ 
[JENKINS] Archiving /scratch/jenkins/workspace/test/test/pom.xml to 
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
mavenExecutionResult exceptions not empty
message : Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0:prepare (default-cli) on 
project test: Cannot prepare the release because you have local 
modifications : 

cause : Cannot prepare the release because you have local modifications : 

Stack trace : 
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute 
goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0:prepare 
(default-cli) on project test: Cannot prepare the release because you have 
local modifications : 


Proxy port

2013-05-23 Thread CLOSE Dave
Somehow I've managed to get my Jenkins system's proxy configuration 
screwed up and I can't find how to get it back again. This affects 
Buckminster. When I run a Buckminster job, it fails and the log contains 
these lines:

!ENTRY 1 0 2013-05-23 18:04:35.729
!MESSAGE System property http.proxyHost is not set but should be localhost.
!ENTRY 1 0 2013-05-23 18:04:35.729
!MESSAGE System property http.proxyPort is not set but should be 3128.
!ENTRY 1 0 2013-05-23 18:04:35.729
!MESSAGE System property https.proxyHost is not set but should be localhost.
!ENTRY 1 0 2013-05-23 18:04:35.730
!MESSAGE System property https.proxyPort is not set but should be 3128.
!ENTRY 1 0 2013-05-23 18:04:35.732
!MESSAGE System property https.proxyHost is not set but should be localhost.
!ENTRY 1 0 2013-05-23 18:04:35.732
!MESSAGE System property https.proxyPort is not set but should be 3128.

However, those values don't seem to appear anywhere in either the 
Jenkins or the job configuration. In fact I have:

1. In Manage Jenkins/System Configuration/Environment variables, each 
variable above is defined and set to a different value.

2. In Manage Jenkins/System Configuration/Buckminster 
configuration/additional startup parameters, each variable is defined 
and set to a different value. For example, -Dhttp.proxyPort=8000.

3. In the job configuration/Build/Run Buckminster/JVM parameters, I have 
the same definitions.

4. Outside Jenkins, the system environment variables are set to 
different values. Jenkins has been restarted.

So where are the values above originating? And how can I change them?

The first time I tried Buckminster, the values were correct. I can't see 
what I did to change them but I can't get them back, either.
Dave Close

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Re: AW: Proxy authentication

2013-04-30 Thread CLOSE Dave
I asked:

 Searching around on the Net, I find many people who have had trouble
 getting a headless Eclipse/Buckminster build to work when the
 builder is located behind a proxy that requires authentication. But I
 haven't found any real solutions. I'd really like to see a
 step-by-step guide.

 Most suggestions involve running Eclipse to set the
 username/password. If I have to, I might be able to do that, but we
 don't actually run Eclipse on the builder box at this time. In fact,
 no one actually sits at that box; access is via SSH.

 I can easily put the correct proxy server name and port into
But no one suggests putting the user/password there, though I'd be
 happy to do so. Instead, I see hints that Eclipse wants this
 information to go into some sort of keyring. If true, then I'd like
 to see a way to do that without using Eclipse itself.

 If I have to set this up using Eclipse, then a few additional
 questions arise. Which user, Jenkins? Where should the project files
 be located? (Maybe its obvious but I'm not actually an Eclipse user
 and I'd prefer not to have to become one to make this work.)

Wolfgang Hauser answered:

 perhaps a look at cntlm helps here, using cntlm you be able to setup
 a local authentificating proxy that could be accessed from local
 machine w/o user/passwd. Additionaly you are able to use it as an
 proxy for other machines too. But this probaly kills security on the
 corporate network.

Thanks for the idea. cntlm won't help me because the proxy doesn't use 
NTLM authentication. But the idea of using another proxy to add the 
credentials might be a breakthrough.

Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a light-weight proxy that seems to 
work properly with the upstream proxy. (And I haven't tried squid, 
fearing the time sink that might involve.) Resolving that issue isn't a 
proper subject for this forum so I'll take it elsewhere. But in the 
interim, I'd still like to see a solution for Eclipse/Buckminster 
directly, if anyone can offer one.
Dave Close

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Proxy authentication

2013-04-26 Thread CLOSE Dave
Searching around on the Net, I find many people who have had trouble 
getting a headless Eclipse/Buckminster build to work when the builder is 
located behind a proxy that requires authentication. But I haven't found 
any real solutions. I'd really like to see a step-by-step guide.

Most suggestions involve running Eclipse to set the username/password. 
If I have to, I might be able to do that, but we don't actually run 
Eclipse on the builder box at this time. In fact, no one actually sits 
at that box; access is via SSH.

I can easily put the correct proxy server name and port into 
But no one suggests putting the user/password there, though I'd be happy 
to do so. Instead, I see hints that Eclipse wants this information to go 
into some sort of keyring. If true, then I'd like to see a way to do 
that without using Eclipse itself.

If I have to set this up using Eclipse, then a few additional questions 
arise. Which user, Jenkins? Where should the project files be located? 
(Maybe its obvious but I'm not actually an Eclipse user and I'd prefer 
not to have to become one to make this work.)
Dave Close

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Build Now for only one of the nodes in the list

2012-12-31 Thread Dave Alexander
I have a jenkins job that is configured to run on many nodes and it
occasionally fails on one of the nodes.  During debugging it would be
convenient to rerun the job on just the node that is failing rather that
all of the nodes.  It is painful to have to uncheck all of the nodes accept
the one that is needed, choose build now, then recheck the all of the
nodes that were originally chosen out of the list.

Is there a better way to do this?


David Alexander
(720) 581-6737

Re: How to fail a Maven build if unit tests fail?

2012-10-10 Thread Dave
I had a project-specific MAVEN_OPTS setting and changing the global 
MAVEN_OPTS setting didn't affect the project specific one.  Adjusting the 
project specific one fixed my problem.

Interestingly, when I created a new Maven2/3 job, the job's MAVEN_OPTS 
setting was already populated with -Djava.awt.headless=true.  Not sure 
where this came from as my global setting is 
-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false.  Another problem for another day, - 

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 4:14:00 PM UTC-5, Dave wrote:


 I just installed the latest version of Jenkins on CentOS.  For all my 
 Maven projects, I want the build to indicate failure if a single test 
 fails.  So I tried editing the global MAVEN_OPTS by navigating to the 
 configuration page ...

 Jenkins - Manage Jenkins - Configure System

 and under the Maven Project Configuration section I've set the Global 
 MAVEN_OPTS to -Djava.awt.headless=true 
 -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false.  I set the second option because I want 
 to globally indicate that all projects should indicate failure if a single 
 JUnit test fails.  However, after restarting Jenkins, in my multi-module 
 project, this is not happening.  That is, there are test failures yet the 
 project is indicating success.

 Is there another global way I can tell Jenkins to fail a Maven project if 
 there are test failures?

 Thanks, - Dave

How to fail a Maven build if unit tests fail?

2012-10-09 Thread Dave


I just installed the latest version of Jenkins on CentOS.  For all my Maven 
projects, I want the build to indicate failure if a single test fails.  So 
I tried editing the global MAVEN_OPTS by navigating to the configuration 
page ...

Jenkins - Manage Jenkins - Configure System

and under the Maven Project Configuration section I've set the Global 
MAVEN_OPTS to -Djava.awt.headless=true 
-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false.  I set the second option because I want 
to globally indicate that all projects should indicate failure if a single 
JUnit test fails.  However, after restarting Jenkins, in my multi-module 
project, this is not happening.  That is, there are test failures yet the 
project is indicating success.

Is there another global way I can tell Jenkins to fail a Maven project if 
there are test failures?

Thanks, - Dave

Node offline hanging job/project chain

2012-05-29 Thread Dave Alexander
Dear jenkins experts,

We have a set of jobs/projects where each job is run on 6-8 nodes and we
are seeing that the chain of jobs is held up when one of the nodes goes
offline. The relevant plugins installed in our jenkins installation are:
 Parameterized Trigger Plugin  2.13, Conditional BuildStep Plugin 1.0,
and Run Condition Plugin 0.8.  We do have a time-out specified for each
job, but it is set to 6 hours because the build includes running tests,
which together can take 4-5 hours on one node.  We also observe that
occasionally when one of the nodes goes offline that the chain is on hold
for more that the 6 hours, so the time-out doesn't appear to be always
working.  Regardless, we would like to not wait for the time-out and have
jenkins ignore any node that is offline and continue on with the next job.
 Is that possible?   The jobs are linked with Build other projects and
Trigger even if the build fails.

David Alexander

Re: Problem with Nexus authorization from Jenkins

2012-05-13 Thread Dave Hicks
The user is jenkins as set up by the RPM.  His home directory is 
/var/lib/jenkins.  That's why I edited the .m2/settings.xml file there.  
I assume that the Maven build being launched is under the same user.

On 05/13/2012 05:16 PM, Richard Lavoie wrote:

what is the user running the jenkins process ? you need to put the .m2 folder 
in the home folder of that user.


On 2012-05-13, at 16:53, Dave  wrote:

I'm sure I must be missing something simple.  I cannot get my Jenkins job to 
authenticate with my Nexus server to download artifacts.  I've got Jenkins installed 
on a Linux server.  I edited the /var/lib/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml file and added the 
appropriateservers  information.  My only guess is that this must not be the 
right location to configure that information?  It's just not working.

Any suggestions?


[git plugin] Jobs triggered only by changes in certain subdirectories?

2012-03-22 Thread Dave Ohlsson

Suppose we have a git repository that contains these subdirectories:
* common
* module_a
* module_b

Both module_a and module_b use code in common.

We have two jobs:
* job_a builds and tests module_a,
* job_b builds and tests module_b.

With the git plugin, you can configure both jobs to be triggered by
any change in the repository. But then, job_a will be also triggered
by changes in module_b - and job_b will also be triggered by changes
in module_a. We want to avoid such unnecessary triggers.

In other words, we would want to configure the jobs as follows:
* job_a is only triggered by changes in common and module_a,
* job_b is only triggered by changes in common and module_b.

There must be a way to do this with the git plugin, but I am unable to
find it.

Git submodules are not an option here, because we are not prepared to
pay for the extra complexity that they incur.

Any help?

-- dave