RE: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

2003-06-27 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov

Dobre :o)))

taken, deto se vika :o)) 



From: Stanislav Jordanov
Sent: Friday,
 June 27, 2003
To: Boris Chervenkov; 'Jokes'
Subject: Re: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27
 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

  ,   - 


joke -Rock,   :

Volume on :)
Not for people who suffer from epilepsy or sudden seizures


- Original Message - 

From: Boris Chervenkov 

To: 'Stanislav Jordanov'
; 'Jokes'

Sent: Friday,
June 27, 2003 11:25 AM

Subject: RE: [JOKES]
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

neshta na sa niakakva novost v Internet i predi imenno v Jokes sym
vijdal posting-i na podobni neshta. Da ne govorim che e predlno iasno kakvo
shte stane oshte sled pyrvite 5sekundi :o)))

Vse pak
se izviniavam i obeshtavam che poveche niama da prashtam neshta ot tozi sort.


From: Stanislav Jordanov
Sent: Friday,
 June 27, 2003
To: Boris Chervenkov; 'Jokes'
Subject: Re: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 27
 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300

, ,  
 , .  
-   . 


- Original Message

From: Boris Chervenkov 

To: 'Jokes'

Sent: Friday,
June 27, 2003 10:43 AM

Subject: [JOKES]
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:43:52 +0300



[JOKES] -, 25

2003-06-26 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva

  Iliana Misheva - Marketing Manager
  Sirma Solutions - Combination of high technologies, knowledge and
creativity in IT consulting and software development.
  North American Office:  438 Isabey Street, Suite 103 Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H4T 1V3
  Tel: +1-514-340-9174; Fax: +1-514-343-0143
  European Office: 38A, Christo Botev Blvd. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
  Tel: +359-2-981-00-18; Fax: +359-2-981-90-58

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[JOKES] E twa e da si myj ot malak... :)

2003-06-26 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message

Best wishes,

[JOKES] carling

2003-06-26 Прати разговор ~

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* message size limit is 150 KB
* List info and instructions are available at
and in the header of this email

[JOKES] The Usual Suspects

2003-06-24 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov


attachment: suspects.jpg

[JOKES] Dupkite po bylgarskite pytishta :o)))

2003-06-24 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov

Kolkoto i da
ti e zle, vinagi ima niakoi
na koito da mu e po-zle:o

Ta v tazi
vryzka ..
i za
pytishtata .



[JOKES] Chess master :o))

2003-06-23 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov

Samo za
maniaci :o))



attachment: irish game.jpg

[JOKES] za ne6tata i istinskoto im zna4enie...

2003-06-23 Прати разговор Petia Nikolova

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and in the header of this email

[JOKES] land of the free

2003-06-22 Прати разговор ~

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and in the header of this email

[JOKES] Naked shark swim man threatened with court after aquarium's shark dies of shock

2003-06-22 Прати разговор ~

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[JOKES] hlapeta

2003-06-20 Прати разговор mim

[JOKES] Triite mp3-kite, che glei'te k'vo stava:

2003-06-20 Прати разговор Boris Vidolov
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[JOKES] Fw: Jokes

2003-06-19 Прати разговор ~
, si nimeni nu va sti ca ati
 facut-o. dar, daca o faceti, atunci nu va mai plangeti de starea
 proasta in care a ajuns lumea!

 The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

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[JOKES] Zashto pileto presicha pytq?

2003-06-19 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov


   : -. 
: -   . 
: -  . 
 : -   . 
 : -  
  -   . 
-  : . 
: -   . 
: -  -   
 : - . !   
 II!  ! 
: - ,   ,   
 ,  . 
 : -   

: -   
: -. 
 : - . 
: -  ,  .   . 
: -   . 

[JOKES] ama kwi nagli pingwini sa se nawydili.....

2003-06-19 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
Title: Message

Best wishes,

[JOKES] Not the Risk Framework

2003-06-18 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov

A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture
when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust
cloud towards him. The driver, a young
man in a Broni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray-Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the shepherd, If I tell you
exactly how many sheep you have in
your flock, will you give me one?

The shepherd looks at the man, obviously a yuppie,
then looks at his peacefully
grazing flock and calmly answers, Sure. Why not?

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook
computer, connects
it to his ATT cell phone, surfs to a NASA page on the internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an
exact fix on his location, which he then feeds to
another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.
The young man then opens the digital
photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg. Within seconds, he
receives an email on his Palm Pilot
that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an
ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of complex formulae. He
uploads all of this data via an email
on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-colour,
150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturised
HP LaserJet printer.

He then turns to the shepherd and says, You have
exactly 1,586 sheep.

That's right. Well, I suppose you can take one
of my sheep, says the shepherd. He watches the young man select one of the animals, and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into
the boot of his car.

Then the shepherd says to the young man, Now if
I can tell you exactly
what your business is, will you give me back my sheep? The young man thinks about it for a
second and then says, Okay, why not?

You're a consultant, says the shepherd.

Wow! That's correct, says the yuppie,
but how did you guess

I didn't need to guess, answered the
shepherd. You showed up
here even
though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never
asked; and you know nothing about my business . . . . . Now give me back my


2003-06-18 Прати разговор Christo Braykoff 


2003-06-18 Прати разговор mim

let's play

[JOKES] upgrade

2003-06-17 Прати разговор borislav popov
Title: Message

attachment: BMW.jpg

[JOKES] Fw: Maths fun

2003-06-17 Прати разговор ~

 If you're into maths you may get some cheap thrills from this:
  1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
  123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
  12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
  1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
  123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

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[JOKES] Fw: Pearls of wisdom

2003-06-16 Прати разговор ~

 A Few Zen Thoughts for Those Who Take Life Too Seriously

 Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright
 you hear them speak.

 OK, so what's the speed of dark?

 Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

 Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.

 Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.

 If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

 Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

 A day without sunshine is like, night.

 On the other hand, you have different fingers.

 I just got lost in thought. It wasn't familiar territory.

 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

 I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

 Honk if you love peace and quiet.

 Remember, half the people you know are below average.

 He who laughs last, thinks slowest.

 Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

 The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in

 I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

 Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your week.

 A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

 Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

 Get a new car for your spouse. It'll be a great trade!

 Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

 Always try to be modest, and be proud of it!

 How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand...

 How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?

 If every thing seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked

 When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

 If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

 How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

 Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

 I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

 I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

 Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

 Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.

 Just remember - if the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.

 The things that come to those that wait are the things left by those who
 in first.

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[JOKES] Microsoft awards everyone who can explain this

2003-06-16 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov

Microsoft awards everyone who can explain 
In MS Word type:

 = rand (200,99)

And press Enter. Wait for 5 

Re: [JOKES] Microsoft awards everyone who can explain this

2003-06-16 Прати разговор ~


  - Original Message - 
  Stefan Kiryakov 
  To: Jokes 
  Sent: Monday, 16 June, 2003 12:32
  Subject: [JOKES] Microsoft awards 
  everyone who can explain this
  Microsoft awards everyone who can explain 
  In MS Word type:
   = rand (200,99)
  And press Enter. Wait for 5 

[JOKES] Koito pil - pil! 23:00 e !!

2003-06-16 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov



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2003-06-16 Прати разговор Jana Parvanova will find out what thinks of you, your friends or 
anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh check out some of the 
popular Googlisms below.

[JOKES] Eto taka se uchat listovki...

2003-06-15 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir

Best wishes,


attachment: signs.jpg

[JOKES] E ne e na dobre, kogato wsichko stane kompiutarizirano...

2003-06-15 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir

Best wishes,


attachment: menu.jpg

[JOKES] Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 10:13:17 +0300

2003-06-13 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov

Ima 10 vida hora: 

- takiva, koito razbirat ot dvoichen kod 

- takiva, koito ne razbirat.



Re: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 10:13:17 +0300

2003-06-13 Прати разговор Momchill Zarev

ima 3 wida hora: -takiwa koito mogat da broqt, 
-i takiwa koito nemogat

  - Original Message - 
  Boris Chervenkov 
  To: 'Jokes' 
  Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 10:12 
  Subject: [JOKES] Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 
  10:13:17 +0300
  Ima 10 vida hora: 
  - takiva, koito 
  razbirat ot dvoichen kod 
  - takiva, koito ne 

[JOKES] Krygovo :o)

2003-06-12 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov



Re: [JOKES] Fw: Brian Keller's view of the world

2003-06-12 Прати разговор Boyan Konstantinov
Title: Message

Ne che zashtitavam "smeshni presidenti" no ti kak 
razbra che e narek#l indiicite indianci?
Oshte ot Columbovo vreme i poradi Columbovi greshki 
dumata e s#shtata

  - Original Message - 
  Minko Blyantov 
  To: JOKES 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:46 
  Subject: [JOKES] Fw: Brian Keller's view 
  of the world
  Wsichki nie si spomnqme kak wyw win 
  95, 98 I 2k ni bqha obyrkali povolenieto w sweta:Sofija beshe na 
  GMT+1.W xp fix-naha imeto, makar I da si stoim w edna chasowa zona s 
  germany (pak gmt+1).No - 50% napredyk e po-dobre ot 
  No n, towa sywsem ne e wsichko 
  Sega razbirame che ili encartata na 
  M$ e sbyrkana, ili w naj-dobriq sluchaj batko brianpak neshto ne e 
  dogledal (weche stana nawik na amerikancite da prenachertawat granici, sprawka 
  - poslednite rechi na smeshniq im prezident s IQ 127 (naj-gotino beshe kato 
  nareche indijcite indianci ;Eto izwadka I ot sajta na brian 
  keller:I don't know much about Bulgaria. I'm not ashamed 
  to tell you that I had to zoom out twice on the Encarta map to figure out 
  where it was in relation to other countries! It borders Turkey and Hungary, which would make it two hops from 
  No towa 
  ne e wsichko: okazwa se, che propadaneto na brega na cherno more w sledstwie 
  na korozoq i swlachishta
  se w 
  po-naprednal stadij otkolkoto si mislehme. weche ima pristanishte 
  ...and they 
  said that the port of Sofia (capital of Bulgaria, where I'm headed) is known 
  for receiving small arms shipments ...
  W zakljuchenie: mislq che trqbwa mu 
  prostim na choweka. wse pak kakwo ochakwate ot chowek, kojto iska da si 
  obzawede ofisa kato Boeing 747 ... 
  P.S. Brawo pichowe, pohwalno e che ste 
  go wodili na stroeva studgard. Drugiq pyt da go zawedete i na kupon w chitalnq 

[JOKES] motors :-)

2003-06-12 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov

Volume up!:)


2003-06-12 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov

- Original Message - 
From: Diana Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:31 PM
Subject: Fwd: CEMENT

 the picture says it all

Description: Binary data

[JOKES] oi na batia ;-)

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov

[JOKES] Fw:Women

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Boyan Konstantinov

Womencan't understand them
attachment: womencomplicated.jpg

[JOKES] Fw: Brian Keller's view of the world

2003-06-10 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
Title: Message

Wsichki nie si spomnqme kak wyw win 
95, 98 I 2k ni bqha obyrkali povolenieto w sweta:Sofija beshe na 
GMT+1.W xp fix-naha imeto, makar I da si stoim w edna chasowa zona s 
germany (pak gmt+1).No - 50% napredyk e po-dobre ot 
No n, towa sywsem ne e wsichko 
Sega razbirame che ili encartata na 
M$ e sbyrkana, ili w naj-dobriq sluchaj batko brianpak neshto ne e dogledal 
(weche stana nawik na amerikancite da prenachertawat granici, sprawka - 
poslednite rechi na smeshniq im prezident s IQ 127 (naj-gotino beshe kato 
nareche indijcite indianci ;Eto izwadka I ot sajta na brian 
keller:I don't know much about Bulgaria. I'm not ashamed to 
tell you that I had to zoom out twice on the Encarta map to figure out where it 
was in relation to other countries! It borders Turkey and Hungary, which would make it two hops from 

No towa 
ne e wsichko: okazwa se, che propadaneto na brega na cherno more w sledstwie na 
korozoq i swlachishta
se w 
po-naprednal stadij otkolkoto si mislehme. weche ima pristanishte 

...and they 
said that the port of Sofia (capital of Bulgaria, where I'm headed) is known for 
receiving small arms shipments ...

W zakljuchenie: mislq che trqbwa mu 
prostim na choweka. wse pak kakwo ochakwate ot chowek, kojto iska da si obzawede 
ofisa kato Boeing 747 ... 

P.S. Brawo pichowe, pohwalno e che ste go 
wodili na stroeva studgard. Drugiq pyt da go zawedete i na kupon w chitalnq 

[JOKES] monthly reminder

2003-06-10 Прати разговор root
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* message size limit is 150 KB
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[JOKES] FW: Chain Letter :)))

2003-06-06 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Title: Message

 ||__ |__|__ |)





[JOKES] :o)))

2003-06-05 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
Title: Message

Spored men si struva cheteneto :o)

Question ... 

The following is an actual question given on a University of 
chemistry mid-term exam. The answer by one student was so 
profound that the professor shared it with colleagues, 
via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure 
of enjoying it as well. 

*** Bonus Question *** 
Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? 

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law, 
gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or 
some variant, but fell short in producing a demonstration argument. 
One student, however, wrote the following: 

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we 
need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are 
leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, 
it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are 
entering Hell, lets look at the different religions that exist in the world 
today. Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their 
religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these 
religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can 
project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, 
we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. 

Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's 
Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the 
same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added. 

This gives two possibilities: 
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter 
Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all 
Hell breaks loose. 

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in 
Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over. 

Considering then the postulate presented to me by Teresa K. during my 
Freshman year: that it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with 
you, and take into account the fact that over two years later, I still
have not 
succeeded in having relations with her; then, #2 cannot be true, and thus I 
am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze. 

This student received the only A.



[JOKES] E towa se kazwa eftina alternativa. OSobenno sega po abiturentskite balowe...

2003-06-03 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir


attachment: jugi.jpg

[JOKES] Female Oriented C++

2003-05-31 Прати разговор Boris Vidolov


struct female_professionals 
double styles; 
short skirts; 
long time_to_understand_problems; 
float mind; 
void knowledge; 

char non_co-operative; 

struct beautiful_city_girl 
double boyfriends; 
short affairs; 
long stories; 
void greymatter; 
char flirt; 

struct engaged_females 
double time_on_phone; 
short attention_on_work; 
long boast; 
float on_cloud_nine; 
void understanding; 
char edgy; 

struct newly_married_females 
double dinner_invitation; 

Sort time_at_work; 
long lunch_break; 
void bank_balance; 
char hen_pecked; 

struct married_females 
double weight; 
short tempered; 
long gossip; 
float hopes; 
void word; 
char unstable; 

struct old_lady 
double chin; 
short memory; 
long sighs; 
void attention_from_men; 
char chatterbox; 

struct husband_wife_professionals 
double income; 
short tempered; 
long time_no_see_each_other; 
void love_life; 
char money_making; 


[JOKES] s kakwo se zanimawame nie wsyshnost ;)

2003-05-30 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov

PROGRAM - n. A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn 
one'sinput into error messages. v. tr.- To engage in a pastime similar 
to bangingone's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for 

[JOKES] Fw: :-)

2003-05-29 Прати разговор mim

- Original Message - 
From: Rossen Ugrinov 

Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 4:48 PM
Subject: :-)






[JOKES] ATM story

2003-05-29 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov

We used to get $10 and $20 bills. Then the reality of inflation hit and 
nowwe get $20 and $50 bills. No, of course the customers weren't 
consulted.When I was a poor unemployed bum, I would regularly have $19.90 in 
myaccount and not be able to access it until Monday morning when the 
bankopened.A friend of mine had that problem. He had $8 in the 
bank, wanted to spend$4, but the ATM would only dispense $10s. So, he 
spent a few moments thinkingabout the order of operations, pulled out his 
checkbook, and proceeded to1. Write himself a check for $2.2. 
Deposit said check in the ATM, bringing his balance to $10.3. Withdrew $10, 
bringing balance to $0.4. Spent the $4.5. Deposited the $6, which after 
covering the $2 check, left him a balance of $4.A few weeks later, 
he got a letter from his bank telling him that althoughthey figured out what 
he did, he had tripped multiple warning alarms in theprocess, and to please 
never do that again.-- Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.eduWPI Network 

[JOKES] rock bands

2003-05-29 Прати разговор mim

RE: [JOKES] rock bands

2003-05-29 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov


Eto oshte malko takiva neshta :o)



Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:59
To: jokes
Subject: [JOKES] rock bands

[JOKES] Effective immediately...!!

2003-05-29 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov



It is advised that you come to work dressed according to
your Salary. If we see you wearing
$350 Prada sneakers carrying a $600 Gucci Bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore you do
not need a raise. If you dress
poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better,so that you may buy nicer clothes and therefore you
do not need a raise. If you dress
in-between, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.


We will no longer accept a doctor statement as proof of
sickness. If you are able to go to
the doctor, you are able tocome to work.


Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee
here, you need all your organs.
You should not consider removing anything. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of


Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They
are called Saturday


All employees will take their vacation at the same time
every year. The vacation days are
as follows: Jan. 1, July 4  Dec. 25


This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can
do for dead friends, relatives
or coworkers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases
where employee involvement is
necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your
lunch hour and subsequently
leave one hour early, provided
your share of the work is done enough.


This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at
least two weeks notice as it
is your duty to train your own replacement.


Entirely too much time is being spent in the restroom. In
the future, we will follow the practice
of going in alphabetical order. For instance, all employees whose names begin with 'A' will go from 8:00
to 8:20, employees whose
names begin with 'B' will go from 8:20 to 8:40 and so on. If you're unable to go at your allotted time, it will be
necessary to wait until the next
day when your turn comes again. In extreme emergencies, employees may swap their time with a coworker.
Both employees'
supervisors must approve this exchange in writing. In addition, there is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the
stalls. At the end of three
minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door will open and a picture will be
taken. After your second
offense, your picture will be posted on the company bulletin board under the Chronic Offenders


Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch as they need to eat
more so that they can look
healthy. Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced
meal to maintain their average figure. Fat people get 5

minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to
drink a Slim Fast and take a
diet pill.

*Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to
provide a positive employment
experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations,
aggravations, insinuations,
allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should
be directed elsewhere.

Have a nice week.

The Management

[JOKES] Set that bug on fire

2003-05-29 Прати разговор Stanislav Jordanov

( 'Light my 

,  ,  .

Come on  light my fire,try to set the 
bugs on fire ...

 unit test- ,
,,   .

Come on  light my fire,try to set the bugs on fire 

  ,  ,  
code segment-  , dll   .

Come on  light my fire,try to set that bug on fire 
(to be 

[JOKES] Statistics ...

2003-05-28 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov

Spored sociologicheskite prouchwaniq ima dwe 
osnowni prichini mazat da sedi po cql den w krachmata:
1. Ne e zhenen2. Zhenen e


 Best Wishes!


[JOKES] google

2003-05-28 Прати разговор ~

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[JOKES] Recycling :o)

2003-04-17 Прати разговор Boris Chervenkov
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[JOKES] war pearls

2003-04-04 Прати разговор ~

"We didn't know they would fight like this" , US Lt. Gen. Williams 
Wallace, commenting on the unexpected determination of the Iraqi troops

"There's no beer, no prostitutes and people are shooting at us. It's 
more like Portsmouth", an unnamed British soldier contradicting the UK 
Defence Secretary who had likened the Iraqi port city of Umm Qasr to the British 
town of Southampton

[JOKES] Every Iraqi shows resistance

2003-04-03 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva
 inline: untitled2.JPG

[JOKES] koteta

2003-04-02 Прати разговор mim

preporychwat seslushalki :))

[JOKES] Cristalen globus

2003-04-02 Прати разговор Krassimir Bozhkov

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[JOKES] Cause of Death Test

2003-03-31 Прати разговор ~

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[JOKES] ;o) Mnogo iaka kartichka

2003-03-28 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
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[JOKES] Ctrl-A

2003-03-27 Прати разговор Hrissimir Neikov
Title: Ctrl-A

[JOKES] Fw: Magic smoke

2003-03-27 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov

- Original Message - 
From: Tiho Tarnavski 

Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:25 PM
Subject: Magic smoke

Hajde nqkoj da zaprati tova kym 
Jokes, zastoto az ne 

Specialno, Nasko, ti go procheti 
vnimatelno I da vnimavash kakvo pravish! :-p

-- Tiho

"Cogito ergo sum"
 -- Rene 

[JOKES] peace

2003-03-27 Прати разговор ~

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[JOKES] Imena na koli

2003-03-27 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva

,  , .
  2 -  . ,  ,   .
 ,  .
 . , .

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[JOKES] mouse

2003-03-26 Прати разговор mim

[JOKES] Probwajte go samo ako imate kachen Media Player

2003-03-26 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
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[JOKES] IQ test

2003-03-26 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva
  Iliana Misheva - Marketing Manager
  Sirma Solutions - Combination of high technologies, knowledge and
creativity in IT consulting and software development.
  North American Office:  438 Isabey Street, Suite 103 Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H4T 1V3
  Tel: 514-340-9174; Fax: 514-343-0143
  European Office: 38A, Christo Botev Blvd. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
  Tel: �2-981-00-18; Fax: �2-981-90-58

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[JOKES] Q:Zashto Bush mrazi sadam? A: Zashtoto dwamata igraiat Tuka ima, tuka nema! :)

2003-03-25 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir

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[JOKES] Hunt the Boeing!

2003-03-25 Прати разговор ~

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[JOKES] Fw: in 2003

2003-03-25 Прати разговор ~

 You know you are living in the year 2003 when:
 1. Your reason for not staying in touch with family is
 because they do not have e-mail.
 2. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your
 family of three.
 3. Your grandmother asks you to send her a JPEG file
 of your newborn so she can create a screen saver.
 4. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell
 phone to see if anyone is home.
 5. Every commercial on television has a web site
 address at the bottom of the screen.
 6. You buy a computer and 3 months later it's out of
 date and sells for half the price you paid.
 7. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which
 you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of
 your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn
 around to go get it.
 8. Using real money, instead of credit or debit, to
 make a purchase would be a hassle and take planning.
 9. You just tried to enter your pin number on the
 10. You consider second-day air delivery painfully
 11. Your dining room table is now your flat filing
 12. Your idea of being organized is multiple-coloured
 Post-it notes.
 13. You hear most of your jokes via e-mail instead of
 in person.
 14. You get an extra phone line so you can get phone
 15. You disconnect from the Internet and get this
 awful feeling, as if you just pulled the plug on a
 loved one.
 16. You get up in the morning and go online before
 getting your coffee.
 17. You wake up at 2 AM to go to the bathroom and
 check your E-mail on your way back to bed.
 18. You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
 19. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
 20. Even worse; you know exactly who you are going to
 forward this to.

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[JOKES] Neshto neredno?

2003-03-25 Прати разговор Boyan Konstantinov


[JOKES] Fw: arabs preparing for war...

2003-03-25 Прати разговор borislav popov

attachment: preparing.jpgcurmbox=F1a=7061be32304727a0125a26560e95a9efmsg=MSG1047570040.69start=1836232len=104032mimepart=8disk=

[JOKES] Stupid White Men

2003-03-24 Прати разговор Minko Blyantov
 and the good people of this country who believe in the freedoms
and liberties it guarantees?

Do you want to go there?

I do. I have filed a Freedom of Information Act demand to the FAA, asking
that they give to me all documents pertaining to the decisions that were
made to allow deadly butane lighters and books of matches on board passenger
planes. I am not optimistic about what the results of this will be.

And let's face it - it's just one small piece of the puzzle. It is, after
all, just a 99-cent Bic lighter. But, friends, I have to tell you, over the
years I have found that it is PRECISELY the little stories and the minor
details that contain within them the LARGER truths. Perhaps my quest to
find out why the freedom to be able to start a fire on board a plane-full of
citizens is more important than yours or my life will be in vain. Or maybe,
just maybe, it will be the beginning of the end of this corrupt, banal
administration of con artists who shamelessly use the dead of that day in
September as the cover to get away with anything.

I think it's time we all stood up and started asking some questions of these
individuals. The bottom line: Anyone who would brazenly steal an election
and insert themselves into OUR White House with zero mandate from The People
is, frankly - sadly - capable of anything...

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[JOKES] Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 16:13:21 +0200

2003-03-24 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov

  ..  , 
-   ... 
 ,   , ,  5  : 
- ,  , , 

[JOKES] iiiiiiiiiii'ahti karmata da imash tak~v leader

2003-03-24 Прати разговор borislav popov

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[JOKES] Skrita kamera - patladjani po selski

2003-03-23 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov



 . .  
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 !   .  ! !   
  .   ,  ,  
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  .   (  )  
 . .   
   ,   . ,   .
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 ,  , . !   
 ,   .. 
  .  .   
   .   .  , 
,  .  ,   
 ! .   ,  
  .  .. 


,  .   .

[JOKES] The war of the stars ...

2003-03-21 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov

[JOKES] Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 14:57:13 +0200

2003-03-21 Прати разговор Hrissimir Neikov

[JOKES] antivirus

2003-03-20 Прати разговор mim

[JOKES] USA diktatura

2003-03-20 Прати разговор Tihomir Dolapchiev

izkazvane ot vestnikarski forum, 
vkoetone e kato da njama logika.

Predlagam celiya svyat da se obedinim i da osvobodim amerikancite ot 
tehniya prezident-diktator i da vuzstanovim demokraciyata v Amerika. Iskam da im 
pomognem na tezi hora taka kakto te pomagat na celiya svyat. 

| Tihomir Dolapchiev 
- Software Engineer| GEMATRONIK Gmbh - Weather Radar Systems| 41429 
Neuss Germany| tel: +49 2137 782 218| fax: +49 2137 782 11| mailto: 

[JOKES] the world is going crazy

2003-03-20 Прати разговор Slavi Andreev
You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the
best golfer is a black guy, The Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is
accusing the US of arrogance, and Germany doesn't want to go to war.

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[JOKES] play win

2003-03-20 Прати разговор ~


 12 , 10   


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[JOKES] Predlojenie za dobawiane kam Bg-Bg talkowen rechnik :)

2003-03-18 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
, .

: ;o)

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[JOKES] Kato stana duma taia nosht za edni 48 chasa...

2003-03-18 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir
: ,   ?
:   ... 

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2003-03-18 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov

Sega razbiram kakvoimashe vpredvidmoiat 
daskal po matematika v MG-to, kogato kazvashe:
"Kat' ne resha'ash, sha vyrvish da 

[JOKES] izberete bylgarskoto

2003-03-18 Прати разговор Stefan Kiryakov


 : (   
 - "   ")
- , -  -  
 "". , ! 

 : -  ,  , !
 , ,?,  ,  
 ! .   . 
!  ! ! 
,  ?   ,  
   ,  -   , 
. ,  ,  

 : (  ,... ) -   
 ,   ,. , ...   , 
  ,  -,   
  . ,   ,  .   
   . ,!  . 
. ., 
.  !   ,  , 
  , ,  .  ,   
  , ,  . " ".   
  .   ...  

 : ( ,  ) 
-  , ,  ! 
 , . 
 . ,   , 
   ,   ,   !

[JOKES] buddhist joke - second edition

2003-03-18 Прати разговор borislav popov
A buddhist goes to a hot-dog man and says :
- Make me one with everything!
He then hands the hot-dog man a $20. The hot-dog man takes the
money and closes the register. 
The buddhist says : 
- Hey where is my change? 
Hot-dog man answers : 
- Sorry, Change comes from within.

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[JOKES] Drunking always help!

2003-03-18 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov

[JOKES] French Google

2003-03-17 Прати разговор Rosen Marinov

attachment: googlefrench.jpg

[JOKES] w rosii

2003-03-17 Прати разговор mim

+10 C:  . .
+1.6 C: .
0 C:..
- 17.9 C:  -   . 
- 42 C: .
- 73 C:-  . 
- 114 C:   ..
- 273 C:  ,   . 
: ", !"
- 295 C:  .   

[JOKES] Ako programistite stroiaha kusti

2003-03-14 Прати разговор Iliana Misheva

  Iliana Misheva - Marketing Manager
  Sirma Solutions - Combination of high technologies, knowledge and
creativity in IT consulting and software development.
  North American Office:  438 Isabey Street, Suite 103 Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H4T 1V3
  Tel: 514-340-9174; Fax: 514-343-0143
  European Office: 38A, Christo Botev Blvd. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
  Tel: �2-981-00-18; Fax: �2-981-90-58

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[JOKES] trypki da te pobiat - malko poiasnenie

2003-03-14 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov
Title: Message

Kogato vchera izpratih mail-a sys subject "trypki da te pobiat", na link-a imashe druga snimka. Sega iavno 
razpolojenieto i e promeneno. Prashtam aktualnia link:

[JOKES] Korica na kniga!

2003-03-14 Прати разговор Semerdzhiev, Krasimir

Mnogo dobra - otraziawa sadarjanieto w reziume This is the only way! :-

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[JOKES] who were you in a last past life?

2003-03-12 Прати разговор ~

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[JOKES] game

2003-03-11 Прати разговор Christo Braykoff

[JOKES] game 2

2003-03-11 Прати разговор Christo Braykoff

[JOKES] ...

2003-03-11 Прати разговор mim

 - ,  ,

[JOKES] 'Se biah vidial narcisizym ...

2003-03-10 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov

[JOKES] monthly reminder

2003-03-10 Прати разговор root
*  Automatic unsubscription is available at:
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[JOKES] Fw: [ADVANCED-JAVA] 3 little pigs

2003-03-07 Прати разговор ~
- Original Message - 
From: Iliana Misheva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 10:14
Subject: [ADVANCED-JAVA] 3 little pigs

 3 Little Pigs - The Untold Story
 This is classic - a true story, proving how fascinating is the mind of a
 six year old. They think so logically.
 A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class.
 She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to
 the building materials for his home.
 She read, ...and so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow
 full of straw and said, 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that
 straw to build my house?
 The teacher paused then asked the class:  And what do you think the man
 One little boy raised his hand and said very matter of factly I think
 the man would have said: FUCK ME DEAD - A TALKING PIG !!
 The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.

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[JOKES] Toia pyk zakyde se e razbyrzal :)

2003-03-07 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov

[JOKES] zasterqn comp.

2003-03-06 Прати разговор Angel Milanov

Kolegi, broite do 10, pls!!!

Current ICQ status:
  + More ways to contact me 

[JOKES] jokes

2003-03-06 Прати разговор Yuri Katanov
Chovek se sybuzhda i vizhda, che nad nego sedi sestra. \par
- Sestra, kyde me vodite? \par
- Kym morgata, gospodine. \par
- Ama az oshte ne sym umrial! \par
- E, nie oshte ne sme stignali..\par

Vypros kym radio Erevan: \par
- Kak mozhem da se izbavim ot impotentnost? \par
Otgovor: \par
- Prez celiia den triabva da se pie bogata na zheliazo voda, a vecherta
triabva da si zakachate magnit na vrata.\par
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