[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter dateFormat

2007-12-20 Thread Christian Bach
Hi Jay,

There was a small bug in the parser.

This works as expected:

// set a unique id
id: 'dates',
is: function(s) {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function(s) {
// split
var a = s.split('-');
// get month num
a[1] = this.getMonth(a[1]);
// glue and return a new date
return new Date(a.reverse().join(/)).getTime();
getMonth: function(s) {
var m =
var l = m.length;
for(var i=0; i  l; i++) {
if(m[i] == s.toLowerCase()) {
return (i+1);
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'


2007/12/19, Jay Fallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Christian, thanks for the follow up,

 I implemented the script as you described and it's still not sorting


 On Dec 19, 1:21 pm, Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi Jay,
  This will solve your problem:
  // add parser through the tablesorter addParser method
 // set a unique id
 id: 'dates',
 is: function(s) {
 // return false so this parser is not auto detected
 return false;
 format: function(s) {
  // split
  var a = s.split('-');
  // get month num
  a[1] = this.getMonth(a[1]);
  // glue and return a new date
  return new Date(a.join(/)).getTime();
 getMonth: function(s) {
  var m =
  var l = m.length;
  for(var i=0; i  l; i++) {
  if(m[i] == s.toLowerCase()) {
  return (i+1);
 // set type, either numeric or text
 type: 'numeric'
  2007/12/18, Jay Fallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   It's easy to write a parser to convert the months to a sortable value,
   but the days and years are trickier. the current code is as follows:
   // add parser through the tablesorter addParser method
   // set a unique id
   id: 'dates',
   is: function(s) {
   // return false so this parser is not
   return false;
   format: function(s) {
   // format your data for normalization
   return s.toLowerCase
   // set type, either numeric or text
   type: 'numeric'
   $(function() {
   $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ['zebra'];
   headers: {
   0: {sorter:'dates'},1:
   {sorter:false},2: {sorter:false},3:
   On Dec 18, 2:06 pm, Jay Fallon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I need to sort a table based on the date format: 10-Dec-2007. Does
anyone know if this is possible with Tablesorter?
I've tried us, uk  iso to no avail.
Thanks, Jay

[jQuery] Re: Interface droppables versus UI Droppables

2007-12-20 Thread Richard D. Worth
If you could file a feature request ticket here, I'd be happy to take a look
at it:



- Richard

On Dec 19, 2007 6:11 AM, Karl Delandsheere [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I'm moving a project from Interface to UI.

 When it was working with Interface, I used to call .recallDroppable
 when the DOM was modified (display new droppables and so on) while

 The comment of .recallDroppable is to the point :D...

 * useful when the positions/dimensions for droppables
  * are changed while dragging a element

 So! My question is how can I do the same with UI Droppable?

 It seems nothing is planed for that in UI :/.

[jQuery] Re: tr not applying CSS

2007-12-20 Thread Wizzud

Have you tried giving your row a specific class instead of using name?

function() {
}, function() {

On Dec 20, 4:31 am, JQueryProgrammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a table that displays n rows based on the records from the
 database. For a particular row that gets displayed n times, I have
 assigned a name to the row. The row already has some CSS applied to
 it. But I want that whenever I take the mouse over the row, the new CC
 should get applied and the on mouse out the old CSS should reapply.

 I tried the code as:

 function() {
 }, function() {

 But it does not work. Can anyone let me know.

[jQuery] tablesorter: sorting every 2nd row

2007-12-20 Thread patrickk

we have a table where every 2nd table-row provides some detailed
information on the row above.

   trtdmain content .../tdtd .../td/tr
   tr class=extendedtdsubcontent .../tr
   and so on ...

now, I´d like to sort the table without rearranging the tr's with the
class extended.
is this possible? if yes, how?

another solution is to sort the tbodies, but I also don´t know how
this should work.

any help is much appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: rounded corners on images with jquery?

2007-12-20 Thread caruso_g

Hi Mike, thanks a lot for the plug-in!

I would ask for borders too, if possible, and, if I may, it would be
great for anti-alias too as made in CurvyCorners.
That would made it excellent.

That said, is it possible to use the wrapping div without previous
knowing its size and so image size?
I.E. Can I apply an in-line style to size  image wrapping div on the
fly according to the sizes of the image it contains since I can't
know  them in advance?

Thanks again!

Does the plug-in supports transparent backgrounds?

On Dec 18, 4:11 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had to tweak the script to get this working right in IE.  v1.92 is
 now available:



 On Dec 18, 2007 8:04 AM, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here's an example of how to use the jQuery Corner plugin on an image:



  On Dec 17, 2007 7:12 PM, bdee1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   i know there are jquery plugins to round the corners on divs but is there 
   that will work on images?  to see what i mean take a look at

   it is a sit i am working on that in its very early stages.  towards the
   bottom of the page there are two images (one is a baseball and the other 
   a ring.  the baseball has square corners.  the ring image has round 
   the corners on the ring image were rounded in photoshop and saved that 

   it would be nice however to be able to apply a similar effect to any image
   with some simple jquery code like $(#ringImage).roundcorners();

   anybody know if this is possible?
   View this message in 
   Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at 

[jQuery] Re: tr not applying CSS

2007-12-20 Thread Shawn

Sometimes the order of your CSS definitions make a difference.  If 
newClass is defined before the other CSS being applied you can try to 
move the newClass definition below.

Next, make sure your selector is working.  Try something like 
$(this).css(background-color, #f00);  If you don't see that cell go 
red, then you know your selector isn't quite right.

Not a great help, I'm sure, but hope it gets you going.  Good luck.


JQueryProgrammer wrote:
 I have a table that displays n rows based on the records from the
 database. For a particular row that gets displayed n times, I have
 assigned a name to the row. The row already has some CSS applied to
 it. But I want that whenever I take the mouse over the row, the new CC
 should get applied and the on mouse out the old CSS should reapply.
 I tried the code as:
 function() {
   }, function() {
 But it does not work. Can anyone let me know.

[jQuery] javascript function causes cluetip to stop working

2007-12-20 Thread ashario

hi all

i'm trying to learn jquery and cluetip and have come across a problem
where an extra line of jquery javascript  causes cluetip to stop

eg it works if I write
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {

but if I write
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
  try {
$(form :input:first).focus();
  } catch (exception) { }
cluetip stops working. There are no javascript errors reported, but
the $(form :input:first).focus(); line causes the cluetip popups
to stop appearing.

Is there something obvious here I am doing wrong?

[jQuery] Plugin for code highlighting and row numbering?

2007-12-20 Thread Shawn

I know I saw something a while ago, but can't seem to see it on the 
Plugins page.  I'm looking for a plugin that can do syntax coloring and 
row numbering for when I need to post code samples to my web pages.

The best I've found so far is Chili for the syntax coloring.  But it's 
samples don't seem to indicate it can do row numbering.

Any tips?  (apologies if I'm just being blind).


[jQuery] Re: tr not applying CSS

2007-12-20 Thread Ian Oxley

Does the class that you are applying to your tr set the background-
color on the tr itself? If so, you might want to try modifying your
CSS a bit to apply the background-color to the td elements in your
tr like:

tr.newClass td {

Hope this helps.

On Dec 20, 4:31 am, JQueryProgrammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a table that displays n rows based on the records from the
 database. For a particular row that gets displayed n times, I have
 assigned a name to the row. The row already has some CSS applied to
 it. But I want that whenever I take the mouse over the row, the new CC
 should get applied and the on mouse out the old CSS should reapply.

 I tried the code as:

 function() {
 }, function() {

 But it does not work. Can anyone let me know.

[jQuery] Re: JQZoom Updated

2007-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you like it?
it's my plugin.

Ing. Renzi Marco

On 18 Dic, 06:31, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 JQZoomhas been updated to v1.1


 It acts as a magnifier for images.


[jQuery] Re: How to find a table cells value?

2007-12-20 Thread Shawn

Knowing the basics of jQuery helps.  Then being able to project what you 
know for the easy problems onto the harder problems is also a good 
skill.  In this case, knowing the basics that .text() gets the text of 
an HTML element is the starting point.  This is defined in the docs, and 
after some digging should be rather simple to use.  Then applying this 
to the more complex problem of getting the text of a table cell... well 
a table cell is an HTML element as well, so doing something like
$(#mytablecell).text() should work.  But in your case you didn't have 
a reference to the cell - just the row.  So we need apply some jQuery 
selector magic (i.e. combining some selector methods) to arrive at a 
reference to the desired cell.  This results in
$(#myTR td:eq(3)).text();
- assuming you wanted the 4th cell.

As you gain more experience with the language, and JavaScript in 
general, this will become second nature and you rarely need to think 
things out.  The answers become obvious (sometimes).

As for the .rowIndex and .cellIndex tips, that is core JavaScript and 
DOM coding, and isn't a jQuery thing at all (though I'm sure jQuery 
makes use of those properties in places).  To know these points off the 
top of your head means to understand and/or have some experience doing 
DOM coding.

So in short, he knew the answer because of his past experience... :) 
I'm just too long winded to put it that way.. LOL

As for learning the ins/outs of jQuery, well the simple answer is to do 
it.  The more you work with jQuery (and JavaScript), the easier it 
becomes.  But having a solid JavaScript background really helps too.  By 
that I mean that if you can do the things jQuery does, without using 
jQuery, and understand the whys and fors of these techniques, then using 
jQuery becomes much easier.  For instance, build a couple of Ajax 
routines the traditional way.  Then the jQuery Ajax routines make 
perfect sense.  Or write some animation routines (like the slideUp/Down) 
without using jQuery...  You'll get a better appreciation for the 
shortcuts jQuery gives you, but more importantly you'll have a better 
idea how you can tweak these shortcuts to do exactly what you want.

Ok, I'm done typing now. :)  Hopefully this answers your questions or 
helps you out some...


Monica wrote:
 Thanks for the replies.
 So tell me, how did you know the answers. I have the Learning jQuery
 book by Chaffer and Swedberg. I poured over the table manipulation
 chapter with no clarity!!! So the question is : What'e the best/smart
 way to learn JQuery ins and outs? Go through the jquery.js? Thanks!

[jQuery] Attribute selector (^=) problem with multiple values

2007-12-20 Thread Nicolas Le Thierry d'Ennequin

Hi jQuery group,

The simple piece of code below is designed to highlight table cells
whose class name is that of the currently hovered one (to visually
group them). In my example the class name itself is film + id (film1,
film2, etc) so I use the [attribute^=value] selector. OK to that
point, but if the class attribute happens to have whitespace-separated
extra content for css purposes (eg class=film1 small ), the
selector doesn't capture the element. More generally it seems to dodge
any attribute value ending with a white-space + another char. Any idea

$(document).ready(function() {
  $([class^='film']).bind(mouseover,function() {
  $([class^='film']).bind(mouseout,function() {


[jQuery] Can UI Sortable create additional levels?

2007-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

UI Sortable seems a great tool but to be sure it suits my purpose I
need to know if it implements the possibility to create further
levels, ie if an item is dropped over another item, it would be nested
in that one. The demos I've seen don't work that way but it would be a
pity (and even a bit absurd) if it couldn't be done.



[jQuery] Re: JQZoom Updated

2007-12-20 Thread Vincent Majer

Very cool plugin !
I'll use it soon !

Vincent Majer,
Responsable technique,


Do you like it?
it's my plugin.

Ing. Renzi Marco

On 18 Dic, 06:31, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JQZoomhas been updated to v1.1


It acts as a magnifier for images.


[jQuery] Re: JQZoom Updated

2007-12-20 Thread Rey Bango

Absolutely Renzi! That's why I wanted to make sure that everyone on the 
list knew it had been updated. Always be sure to let us know about 
updates and new plugins. :)



Do you like it?
it's my plugin.

Ing. Renzi Marco

On 18 Dic, 06:31, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JQZoomhas been updated to v1.1


It acts as a magnifier for images.


[jQuery] Re: iPhone and slide animations

2007-12-20 Thread Flesler

I don't use jQuery for IPhone, but I do code for it. I suppose the
problem is the delay of the interval. While a normal browser handles
20ms pretty well, the IPhone seems to go mad, see if you can find that
number in the source and change it for 80 or 100.

Ariel Flesler

On Dec 19, 7:11 pm, kpmartin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is anyone using jQuery on iPhone? I tried altering the iui
 iphonenav.js script to use jQuery and, though it works, it seems very
 very slow when performing the right to left (or vice versa) slide
 transitions. I'm just doing something like this...

 fromPanelElem.animate({ left: 0px }, 500 );
 toPanelElem.animate({ left: 0px }, 500 );

 Any thoughts?

[jQuery] Re: rounded corners on images with jquery?

2007-12-20 Thread Alexsandro_xpt

Hi, somebody know the www.meerbox.nl corner plugin? it´s jquery based

But what that is better?
1 - www.meerbox.nl
2 - http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/corner/jquery.corner.js
3 - http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/

Somebody knows?


[jQuery] Re: Removing elements

2007-12-20 Thread Karl Swedberg

Hi Larry,

Nothing stupid at all about your question.

Brandon or John can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the behavior  
of the remove() method has changed recently in svn. With recent svn  
versions, the elements are completely destroyed (to avoid memory  
leaks?). Clearly I'm not the most informed person when it comes to  
this issue, but I wanted to make sure that someone at least replied to  
your question.

Can anyone confirm or deny my suspicions?


Karl Swedberg

On Dec 19, 2007, at 10:23 AM, McLars wrote:

I have a quick, and stupid, question. When I use the remove() method,
elements are removed from the DOM, but they still seem to be hanging
around in memory. How do I completely destroy an element?



[jQuery] Re: rounded corners on images with jquery?

2007-12-20 Thread Mike Alsup

 I would ask for borders too, if possible, and, if I may, it would be
 great for anti-alias too as made in CurvyCorners.
 That would made it excellent.

Borders are possible, just not super thin borders.  See the demo pages
referred to in the source file.  Anti-aliasing will not be added to
this plugin.  There are other plugins that provide that capability.  I
believe there is even a port of CC to jQuery.

 That said, is it possible to use the wrapping div without previous
 knowing its size and so image size?
 I.E. Can I apply an in-line style to size  image wrapping div on the
 fly according to the sizes of the image it contains since I can't
 know  them in advance?

I haven't tried that but I think it will work.

 But what that is better?
 1 - www.meerbox.nl
 2 - http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/corner/jquery.corner.js
 3 - http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/

#2  #3 are the same thing.  #1 is a cool way to do corners using
canvas.  It has excellent support for borders but requires the
additional excanvas script for IE.


[jQuery] Possible solution to IE7 opacity and cleartype

2007-12-20 Thread Cliff

It's probably common knowledge that changing opacity in IE7 disables
cleartype. Someone seems to have come up with a workaround:


Is this a viable fix? If so, how likely is it that this solution would
be incorporated into jQuery's fade animations?

[jQuery] Help Test jQuery 1.2.2 (beta 2)

2007-12-20 Thread John Resig

Hi Everyone -

We've landed about 20 more bug fixes since the previous 1.2.2 beta and
we'd like to do a quick sanity check before we go live.


Please pay special attention to $(document).ready() in Safari 3 and
Opera 9, .height() and .width(), and IE garbage collection.

Let us know if you encounter any new bugs.


[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter dateFormat

2007-12-20 Thread Jay Fallon

Thanks Christian!! That worked out great. Thanks again for your time
and the plugin, of course.

On Dec 20, 3:02 am, Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Jay,

 There was a small bug in the parser.

 This works as expected:

 // set a unique id
 id: 'dates',
 is: function(s) {
 // return false so this parser is not auto detected
 return false;
 format: function(s) {
 // split
 var a = s.split('-');
 // get month num
 a[1] = this.getMonth(a[1]);
 // glue and return a new date
 return new Date(a.reverse().join(/)).getTime();
 getMonth: function(s) {
 var m =
 var l = m.length;
 for(var i=0; i  l; i++) {
 if(m[i] == s.toLowerCase()) {
 return (i+1);
 // set type, either numeric or text
 type: 'numeric'



 2007/12/19, Jay Fallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Hi Christian, thanks for the follow up,

  I implemented the script as you described and it's still not sorting


  On Dec 19, 1:21 pm, Christian Bach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Hi Jay,

   This will solve your problem:

   // add parser through the tablesorter addParser method
  // set a unique id
  id: 'dates',
  is: function(s) {
  // return false so this parser is not auto detected
  return false;
  format: function(s) {
   // split
   var a = s.split('-');
   // get month num
   a[1] = this.getMonth(a[1]);
   // glue and return a new date
   return new Date(a.join(/)).getTime();
  getMonth: function(s) {
   var m =

   var l = m.length;
   for(var i=0; i  l; i++) {
   if(m[i] == s.toLowerCase()) {
   return (i+1);
  // set type, either numeric or text
  type: 'numeric'



   2007/12/18, Jay Fallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

It's easy to write a parser to convert the months to a sortable value,
but the days and years are trickier. the current code is as follows:

// add parser through the tablesorter addParser method
// set a unique id
id: 'dates',
is: function(s) {
// return false so this parser is not
return false;
format: function(s) {
// format your data for normalization
return s.toLowerCase
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'

$(function() {
$.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ['zebra'];
headers: {
0: {sorter:'dates'},1:
{sorter:false},2: {sorter:false},3:

On Dec 18, 2:06 pm, Jay Fallon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to sort a table based on the date format: 10-Dec-2007. Does
 anyone know if this is possible with Tablesorter?

 I've tried us, uk  iso to no avail.

 Thanks, Jay

[jQuery] Re: If Thickbox doesn't load, then do something

2007-12-20 Thread cfdvlpr

We just had a user on Mac 0S 9 with an old IE browser call in and say
the thickbox would not load.
If anyone has a solution for how to detect when the thickbox doesn't
load, I'd really really love to know about it.

[jQuery] Re: JQZoom Updated

2007-12-20 Thread Olivier Percebois-Garve

Is the zoomed image being ajax loaded each time the thumbnail is hovered ?
I have a slow and erratic Internet connection, and when I hover the 
thumb, I just see a little brown square in the inner top
of a big grey square. It then takes a few seconds before to see the 
zoomed image. You may consider adding a loading animation or something 


Rey Bango wrote:

Absolutely Renzi! That's why I wanted to make sure that everyone on 
the list knew it had been updated. Always be sure to let us know about 
updates and new plugins. :)



Do you like it?
it's my plugin.

Ing. Renzi Marco

On 18 Dic, 06:31, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JQZoomhas been updated to v1.1


It acts as a magnifier for images.


[jQuery] navigation and cycle plugin

2007-12-20 Thread Sebastián V. Würtz

i spent 3 hours and i cant make it work, if someone can helpme pls, i 
try to integrate this:

the remove class and the pause/resume cycle

   jQuery(#btn_pausa a).bind(click, function() {
// wow!


the html have 2 buttons, i only want the pause button keep pressed
the css is this

#btn_pausa a {
   margin: 0 4px 0 0;
   width: 31px;
   height: 29px;
   padding: 29px 0 0 0;
   height /**/:29px; /* for IE5/Win only */
   background: url(tpl/btn_pausa.gif) top left no-repeat;

#btn_pausa a:hover,
#btn_pausa a.current {
   background-position: 0 -29px;

[jQuery] Re: iPhone and slide animations

2007-12-20 Thread kpmartin

Awesome. Thanks for giving me something to chase down.

[jQuery] Re: rounded corners on images with jquery?

2007-12-20 Thread Alexsandro_xpt

uhmmm...Good, but

You tell us the #1 requires the additional excanvas script for IE, I
using that and I no need any additional, and it´s working so good for
IE 6 and 7.


[jQuery] Re: Plugin for code highlighting and row numbering?

2007-12-20 Thread Erik Beeson
Chili is probably your best bet. I whipped up a little example that does a
little post processing to add line numbers:


There might already be an option for it in Chili, and there's probably a
smother way to apply it than I'm doing, but I'm in a hurry, and what I did
works, so it should at least get you started. It would probably be nice if
this was just an option to Chili.

Only tested on FF2/Mac.


On 12/20/07, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know I saw something a while ago, but can't seem to see it on the
 Plugins page.  I'm looking for a plugin that can do syntax coloring and
 row numbering for when I need to post code samples to my web pages.

 The best I've found so far is Chili for the syntax coloring.  But it's
 samples don't seem to indicate it can do row numbering.

 Any tips?  (apologies if I'm just being blind).


[jQuery] Re: rounded corners on images with jquery?

2007-12-20 Thread Mike Alsup
Well IE doesn't support the canvas tag natively, so you must be
including the script.  If you look at the examples you will see they
include it too (conditionally).


On Dec 20, 2007 11:41 AM, Alexsandro_xpt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 uhmmm...Good, but

 You tell us the #1 requires the additional excanvas script for IE, I
 using that and I no need any additional, and it´s working so good for
 IE 6 and 7.


[jQuery] Re: autocomplete bug when focus called

2007-12-20 Thread uyuni

This error does NOT depend on an AJAX-queue!

The autocomplete plugin sets an internal focus variable and if it is
not set then the autcomplete listing is not shown.

I added an option for focus. The option sets the internal focus and
also sets the cursor into the field:

$(document).ready(function() {

 line 28
var keyb = false;
// next 2 lines changed
var hasFocus = options.focus;
if(hasFocus) $input.focus();
var lastKeyPressCode = null;

line 484
options.width = parseInt(options.width, 10) || 0;
// next line changed
options.focus = options.focus || false;

Hope it works for you.

[jQuery] Re: rounded corners on images with jquery?

2007-12-20 Thread Jack Killpatrick

Using the meerbox plugin, we were unable in IE6 to get bottom corners to 
move correctly when the content inside the rounded box changed height 
dynamically. The bottom line would move, but the corners would not. We 
also had some troubles in IE6 with the bottom line appearing approx 2px 
off from the corners, but got around that with a browser-specific height 
adjustment via CSS. Both of these issues were seen using 1px-wide 
borders, which is part of the reason we opted for the plugin: others did 
not handle 1px borders very well. I don't know if the issues exist with 
wider borders.

Otherwise, meerbox did what we needed for 1px borders.

- Jack

Alexsandro_xpt wrote:

Hi, somebody know the www.meerbox.nl corner plugin? it´s jquery based

But what that is better?
1 - www.meerbox.nl
2 - http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/corner/jquery.corner.js
3 - http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/

Somebody knows?



[jQuery] using AJAX with jQuery

2007-12-20 Thread jjshell

I'm new to jQuery (and AJAX for that matter). Even if the library is
really easy to use, I'm still having problems ajaxing.

I'd like to understand how to post the following simple form to the
server, and send a message to the client depending on the submission
process output (telling him if what he submitted is ok or not).

Would someone be kind enough to guide me through the steps?

Here's the HTML bit. I am going to use jQuery with the Zend Framework

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.1.js/script
script type=text/javascript




  form action=/test/ajax/record/ method=post

input type=text name=test value= /
input type=submit name=ajax value=save /



[jQuery] Re: using AJAX with jQuery

2007-12-20 Thread Benjamin Sterling
The easiest way is to use the form plugin:

On 12/20/07, jjshell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm new to jQuery (and AJAX for that matter). Even if the library is
 really easy to use, I'm still having problems ajaxing.

 I'd like to understand how to post the following simple form to the
 server, and send a message to the client depending on the submission
 process output (telling him if what he submitted is ok or not).

 Would someone be kind enough to guide me through the steps?

 Here's the HTML bit. I am going to use jQuery with the Zend Framework

 script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.1.js/script
 script type=text/javascript




   form action=/test/ajax/record/ method=post

 input type=text name=test value= /
 input type=submit name=ajax value=save /



Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: Can't set CSS left for IE6

2007-12-20 Thread Jonathan Sharp
Hi Nathan,

It's kind of hard to debug your example without knowing the context of the
html and css. Do you have a sample url?


On 12/19/07, cfdvlpr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 if( $.browser.msie  (jQuery.browser.version  7.) ) {

 Can anyone see why this doesn't seem to be recognized at all by IE6?

[jQuery] Re: using AJAX with jQuery

2007-12-20 Thread Jake McGraw
Replace // ? with:

$(function(){ // 1
  $(form).submit(function(){ // 2
var value = $(this).find(input[name=test]).val(); // 3
$.post(/test/ajax/record/,{test:value},function(){ // 4
  alert(Message sent successfully!); // 5
return false; // 6

Notes for each line:

1. $(function(){}) is short hand for $(document).ready(function(){}), this
means your javascript won't run until the entire document is loaded, check


2. We bind a function to execute when our form is being submitted:

$(form) finds all of the form elements on the page (there is only one
right now)
$(form).submit() binds a function to the submit event of the form (what
takes place when you click the submit button), see:


3. When a function is bound to a select set ($(form) =
$(form).submit()), the this keyword is automatically set to the element
we are currently with, so rather than writing $(form) again, we can simply
refer to $(this), see:

...the 'this' keyword points to the specific DOM element...


4. The $.post function has three parameters:
a. The URL target for the post
b. Variables to be sent to server: {var:value} (Accessible in PHP using
c. A callback function  to be executed when the AJAX message successfully
sends and receives a response, see:


5. A JavaScript popup for succesful completion.

6. return false to prevent the form from actually submitting, which would
take us away from the current page, see:


So, that, in a nutshell is how to do Ajax with jQuery without a plugin.
There is a lot of other stuff thrown in, so definitely check out the
resources before embarking on your AJAX trip and learn all the things jQuery
can do.

- jake

On Dec 20, 2007 1:49 PM, jjshell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm new to jQuery (and AJAX for that matter). Even if the library is
 really easy to use, I'm still having problems ajaxing.

 I'd like to understand how to post the following simple form to the
 server, and send a message to the client depending on the submission
 process output (telling him if what he submitted is ok or not).

 Would someone be kind enough to guide me through the steps?

 Here's the HTML bit. I am going to use jQuery with the Zend Framework

script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.1.js/script
script type=text/javascript




  form action=/test/ajax/record/ method=post

input type=text name=test value= /
input type=submit name=ajax value=save /



[jQuery] Re: My First jQuery Plugin..... jQuery.Sheet, a spreadsheet for jQuery

2007-12-20 Thread Sam Sherlock
nice work. a good start

select rows or cols - and be able to copy (just them to copypaste) shift
sorting (excel can exclude header cells)
double click to edit in place (I see you can put the value in the top, but
that alot of backward and forewards with the mouse)
transform cell referances to uppercase

On 19/12/2007, Robert-CFL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is a link to a running version of the plugin:

 On Dec 19, 3:02 pm, Robert-CFL [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, I thank you for the criticism.  The reason that I went ahead
  and posted it was because it is (in reality) past a beta state in that
  it works and at TrimPath it's in version 1.0.14.  It's in beta in my
  eyes because I'm porting it over from standard JavaScript and the
  additional jQuery functionality.  I'm sure in the future this project
  will advance much.  And as far as having a demo, I will have one up
  shortly.  I honestly have had very limited time to work on this
  project.  Bare with me guys :).
  On Dec 18, 5:36 pm, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sounds like a good plugin, but may I offer a couple of suggestions?
   1. Post a demo of the plugin.  I don't have time to download and setup
   all the plugins I might potentially want to use.  A quick sample takes
   me seconds to make that evaluation, rather than 30+ minutes to go
   through a setup area.
   2. I don't mean to curb your enthusiasm, but I have a problem with
   releases getting posted to the plugins page.  As a developer looking
   a solution, I'm looking for something that is at least mature enough
   be considered stable.  a 0.01 version is still beta (to me at
 least).  I
   can't bash you tooo hard on this though - I have my own plugin posted
   my site at a 0.01 version.  But I wouldn't dream of posting this to
   plugins.jquery.com at this time. :)
   I'm interested to see where your plugin goes.  I can see a lot of
   potential for a spreadsheet like grid.
   Robert-CFL wrote:
I know there's not to much content, but let me know if you want to
help out with this plugin.  it has GREAT possibilities.  I know alot

of people have been looking for something like this.  let me know
you guys think.
I'll work on documentation when i get time.

[jQuery] Re: Updating input values before the submit.

2007-12-20 Thread Jake McGraw
Ah do you have a copy of the form, so I can see exactly what you're doing?

- jake

On Dec 18, 2007 7:29 PM, Jesse R. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The request is still failing.  Any other ideas?

 On Dec 18, 11:37 am, Jake McGraw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem is that the form is actually submitting before you can get a
  response, this is the nature of an asynchronous request (the first A in
  AJAX). Perhaps you could bind the the submit to one of the callbacks:
  jQuery(#googleCheckout).submit(function() {
  var $form = jQuery(this);
  if (!$form.is(.okgo)) {
  type: POST,
  dataType: json,
  url: /json-checkout,
  error: function(){
  // Do nothing, okgo not added
  success: function(json){
  // This will prevent the AJAX message from being sent
  // Successful AJAX message, re-submit, this time for
  return false;
  On Dec 18, 2007 11:27 AM, Jesse R. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have the following html code:
   form id=googleCheckout action=https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/
   cws/v2/Merchant/747474/checkout method=post
   input type=hidden name=cart value=somevalue /
   input type=hidden name=signature value=anothervalue /
   input type=image name=Google Checkout alt=Fast checkout through
   height=43 width=160 /
   I want to dynamically load those values with a json request
   immediately before the submit, but not any sooner.  I tried doing the
   following code:
   jQuery(#googleCheckout).submit(function() {
 type: POST,
 dataType: json,
 url: /json-checkout,
 error: function(){return false;},
 success: function(json){
  value: json.gec
  value: json.ges
  return true;
   However, the ajax request fails according to Firebug and the submit
   contains the old data.  The requested URL is
   Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: Help Test jQuery 1.2.2 (beta 2)

2007-12-20 Thread Byron

So many bug fixes!

keep up the great work guys,
would be nice to get these (http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2079) fixed
up though :D

Merry xmas to all jQuery team/community!


[jQuery] animate() with em fontsize units

2007-12-20 Thread Andrew Ma

I have a chunk of code that animates fontsize changes with the units
set to em. The animation is a bit wacky. Am I doing something wrong or
have I found a bug?

#test {
div id=test href=http://www.google.com;Test/div
script type=text/javascript
$('#test').mouseover(function() {

$('#test').mouseout(function() {

[jQuery] Re: Plugin for code highlighting and row numbering?

2007-12-20 Thread Alexey Blinov
You can check this one: http://code.google.com/p/syntaxhighlighter/
and yes )) its near - at Google Code ;-)

On Dec 20, 2007 8:27 PM, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chili is probably your best bet. I whipped up a little example that does a
 little post processing to add line numbers:


 There might already be an option for it in Chili, and there's probably a
 smother way to apply it than I'm doing, but I'm in a hurry, and what I did
 works, so it should at least get you started. It would probably be nice if
 this was just an option to Chili.

 Only tested on FF2/Mac.


 On 12/20/07, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know I saw something a while ago, but can't seem to see it on the
  Plugins page.  I'm looking for a plugin that can do syntax coloring and
  row numbering for when I need to post code samples to my web pages.
  The best I've found so far is Chili for the syntax coloring.  But it's
  samples don't seem to indicate it can do row numbering.
  Any tips?  (apologies if I'm just being blind).

[jQuery] Re: animate() with em fontsize units

2007-12-20 Thread ajma

BTW, This seems to be an IE only problem. Works fine in Firefox.

[jQuery] [NEWS] Blog Post: 50+ Amazing Jquery Examples- Part1

2007-12-20 Thread Rey Bango

Very cool post detailing 50 jQuery plugins:



[jQuery] Re: using AJAX with jQuery

2007-12-20 Thread Shawn

Keeping in mind that the $.get() and $.post() methods are just 
convenience wrappers for $.ajax().  You could do the same with this:

   url: /test/ajax/record/,
   type: POST,
   data: test= + $(input[name=test]).val(),
   success: function (data) {
alert(Successfully saved data);

On the surface this looks like more work, but I'm finding that it's MUCH 
easier to understand and customize to my needs.  Then again, I know how 
to do Ajax without jQuery too :)

I guess the lesson here is that there is always more than one way to 
accomplish a task...


Jake McGraw wrote:
 Replace // ? with:
 $(function(){ // 1
   $(form).submit(function(){ // 2
 var value = $(this).find(input[name=test]).val(); // 3
 $.post(/test/ajax/record/,{test:value},function(){ // 4
   alert(Message sent successfully!); // 5
 return false; // 6
 Notes for each line:
 1. $(function(){}) is short hand for $(document).ready(function(){}), 
 this means your javascript won't run until the entire document is 
 loaded, check out:
 2. We bind a function to execute when our form is being submitted:
 $(form) finds all of the form elements on the page (there is only 
 one right now)
 $(form).submit() binds a function to the submit event of the form 
 (what takes place when you click the submit button), see:
 3. When a function is bound to a select set ($(form) = 
 $(form).submit()), the this keyword is automatically set to the 
 element we are currently with, so rather than writing $(form) again, 
 we can simply refer to $(this), see:
 ...the 'this' keyword points to the specific DOM element...
 4. The $.post function has three parameters:
 a. The URL target for the post
 b. Variables to be sent to server: {var:value} (Accessible in PHP 
 using $_POST['var'])
 c. A callback function  to be executed when the AJAX message 
 successfully sends and receives a response, see:
 5. A JavaScript popup for succesful completion.
 6. return false to prevent the form from actually submitting, which 
 would take us away from the current page, see:
 So, that, in a nutshell is how to do Ajax with jQuery without a plugin. 
 There is a lot of other stuff thrown in, so definitely check out the 
 resources before embarking on your AJAX trip and learn all the things 
 jQuery can do.
 - jake
 On Dec 20, 2007 1:49 PM, jjshell [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm new to jQuery (and AJAX for that matter). Even if the library is
 really easy to use, I'm still having problems ajaxing.
 I'd like to understand how to post the following simple form to the
 server, and send a message to the client depending on the submission
 process output (telling him if what he submitted is ok or not).
 Would someone be kind enough to guide me through the steps?
 Here's the HTML bit. I am going to use jQuery with the Zend Framework
script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.2.1.js/script
script type=text/javascript
  form action=/test/ajax/record/ method=post
input type=text name=test value= /
input type=submit name=ajax value=save /

[jQuery] Re: How to find a table cells value?

2007-12-20 Thread Monica

Imediately after the innerText post, I posted another message saying
exactly what you said above. It did not work in firefox. So I had to
change it to:

I think there is something wrong with this forum software, cause I do
not see that message...!!!

Shawn, thanks for the push in the right(sort of :-)) direction. It
always comes does to experience, does'nt it?

Anyways, thanks all!

[jQuery] Re: trigger all events of a type?

2007-12-20 Thread Mark Hahn

 Here's what
 I was thinking of, untested:

 $(document).bind(myEvent, subscriber_element, function(event) {
 alert(I received an event without subscribing!);
 alert(my node type is +event.data.nodeType);



 The basic idea is to pass the subscribing element as the data allowed
 in the bind operation, then pull it out in the event handler as
 event.data. If you need to pass more context, the data could be an
 array or object of stuff instead of a bare DOM object.

Thanks.  That looks perfect.  I assume that I can bind multiple
myEvents to document and when myEvent is triggered every one of the
functions bound using myEvent will execute with the data that was in
the bind call for that function.
I can have any object register for any event without telling anyone
else and any number of senders can send that event.  Nobody has to
register anything with anybody else.  What could be more powerful than

I can see where I could build a framework that does exactly this, but
that is the great thing about jQuery.  It is already there.

[jQuery] .click working once only

2007-12-20 Thread pedalpete

I'm sure this is something simple, but I'm fairly new to programming
and very new to jquery.

I have a table where each cell has a unique id. when the user hovers
over the cell I display some options which loads a form based on what
the user selects...(not important).

Anyway, everything works great the first time a user makes a selection
on a cell. However, once that cell has been .click(ed). they cannot
click it again before clicking another cell first.

I'm thinking maybe there is someway to reset the function, but I'm not
sure about that. Any ideas?

// show the form near the cell which was clicked
$(.add, .edit).click(function(event) {
var id = this.id;
var posTop = event.pageY-30;
var posLeft = event.pageX-30;
type: GET,
url: add.php,
data: id,
success: function(response){
$(#addForm).css({ position: 
'absolute', top: posTop, left:
posLeft });


// prepare the form when the DOM is ready

var options = {
target:'#addForm',   // target element(s) to be
updated with server response
success:  showResponse

// bind to the form's submit event
$('#addForm').submit(function() {
// inside event callbacks 'this' is the DOM element so we
// wrap it in a jQuery object and then invoke ajaxSubmit

// !!! Important !!!
// always return false to prevent standard browser submit and
page navigation
return false;

// pre-submit callback
function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options) {
// formData is an array; here we use $.param to convert it to a
string to display it
// but the form plugin does this for you automatically when it
submits the data
var queryString = $.param(formData);

// jqForm is a jQuery object encapsulating the form element.  To
access the
// DOM element for the form do this:
// var formElement = jqForm[0];

  alert('About to submit: \n\n' + queryString);

// here we could return false to prevent the form from being
// returning anything other than false will allow the form submit
to continue


// post-submit callback
function showResponse(options)  {
// for normal html responses, the first argument to the success
// is the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText property

// if the ajaxSubmit method was passed an Options Object with the
// property set to 'xml' then the first argument to the success
// is the XMLHttpRequest object's responseXML property

// if the ajaxSubmit method was passed an Options Object with the
// property set to 'json' then the first argument to the success
// is the json data object returned by the server

type: GET,
url: processes/addNow.php,
data: uid=+uid+sid=+sid+,
success: function(response2){


[jQuery] Droppable Objects

2007-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All
I 2 droppable objects FormObject andRadioComposite object .There
is another object RadioObject.
What i am trying to do is drop RadioComposite into FormObject  and
then drop RadioObject into RadioComposite.

As of now, i can only drop RadioComposite into FormObject. After which
i am unable to drop RadioObject into RadioComposite .
Does jQuery support this scenario

[jQuery] Re: jquery forms with ajax responses

2007-12-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pedalpete,  I am having this very same issue.  Is there something
specific you had to do to get jquery to work on returned forms?


On Dec 18, 5:35 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your help Hamish,

 I just got this working with the ajaxForm plugin.

[jQuery] Looking for jquery dev for job?

2007-12-20 Thread yabado

I am looking for an experienced jquery developer to work with me on a

Any recommendations are welcome. :-)

Please contact me at mike -at- yadab -dot- com

[jQuery] jQuery assistance w/ moving nearby elements

2007-12-20 Thread soupenvy

I have this navigation, pretty basic really:


But, If the user clicks on a list item in the middle, for example, I'd
like all the Items above it to be triggerd, as if they were clicked as

So, user clicks on a navigation item  it pushes any navigation items
above it up as well.
Same for closing the navigation items as well.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


[jQuery] Re: Help Test jQuery 1.2.2 (beta 2)

2007-12-20 Thread nathandh

 We've landed about 20 more bug fixes since the previous 1.2.2 beta and
 we'd like to do a quick sanity check before we go live.

John, is there any formal procedures for beta testers?  I'd be happy
to lend a hand, but I'm not really sure what you're looking for...


[jQuery] How to get all CSS values from Attributes

2007-12-20 Thread Jeroen

Suppose this piece of css, how would I get the values for top, margin-
left or padding?

#divname {
   top: 0;
   margin-left: 1px;
   padding: 7px;

Setting this is easy:

$(#divname).css('height', '200px');

And getting it also:

var foo = $(#divname).width();
var foo = $('#divname').get(0).width;

However  top, margin etc. I don't how to fetch it. Probably very
obvious problem but seem to overlook it.
Thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: Interface droppables versus UI Droppables

2007-12-20 Thread Paul Bakaus

Guys, there already is that feature available. It's just called a
little different: $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(); (I guess). Please
try if it works for you. Thanks.

On Dec 20, 11:06 am, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you could file a feature request ticket here, I'd be happy to take a look
 at it:



 - Richard

 On Dec 19, 2007 6:11 AM, Karl Delandsheere [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I'm moving a project from Interface to UI.

  When it was working with Interface, I used to call .recallDroppable
  when the DOM was modified (display new droppables and so on) while

  The comment of .recallDroppable is to the point :D...

  * useful when the positions/dimensions for droppables
   * are changed while dragging a element

  So! My question is how can I do the same with UI Droppable?

  It seems nothing is planed for that in UI :/.

[jQuery] jQuery LightBox issue in IE7

2007-12-20 Thread Rey Bango

Hey guys,

I'm hoping you can help me troubleshoot something. If you look at the 
following link in FF and click on any of the thumbnails under Photos, 
you'll see that the lightbox appears correctly.


If you look at the same page in IE7, when the lightbox appears, the 
slideDown div the displays the Close image looks truncated.

The Lightbox is Leando Vieira Pinho's jQuery Lightbox and it does in 
fact work in IE7 as his demos render fine:


So there must be something off with my code. Any help would be greatly 


[jQuery] Re: jQuery assistance w/ moving nearby elements

2007-12-20 Thread soupenvy

I've now got it doing what I want, thanks to the .prevAll() selector.

However, the closing portion of my JS doesn't seem to work:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(#tabs  li).addClass(closed)

$(#tabs  li.closed).click (function() {
return false;

$(#tabs  li.open).click (function() {
return false;


Jquery gives open list items a class of open just fine, but clicking
on those do nothing at all.

Does it have something to do w/ the fact that jQuery has added the
class open, but the document hasn't reloaded?

[jQuery] Re: Best technique? .load() and div height...

2007-12-20 Thread Micky Hulse

Good questions McLars... Thanks for the extra info. I was not sure if
it was just me, a moderation thing, or combination thereof.

I personally do not mind waiting to see my post... I opted to only
view my messages online, so I am not sure if messages show-up faster
via email.

Either way, I am so glad that this list exists... It has helped me
learn jQuery by leaps and bounds.

Oh, are there any good jQuery forums available? If one exists, it
would be nice to see it as active as this list. :)

Thanks again McLars! Cheers,

On Dec 19, 3:26 pm, McLars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think the delay is more than a new member thing. The list is nearly
 unusable lately. I have seen more double posts (people probably don't
 see their questions and resubmit them) and many threads are confusing
 because the posts are delayed so long (people are answering questions
 that have already been answered, but they don't know it at the time).
 Also, questions are not getting answered because they drop off the
 initial screen nearly as soon as they finally appear--it's like they
 come in batches.

 My question: is this a Google issue or a moderator issue?


 On Dec 19, 1:34 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The delay, I think it's a new member thing.
  Mine show up right away, I think.

  I think your technique sounds good.  The situations that I have done that
  were fixed height.


  On Dec 18, 2007 9:33 PM, MickyHulse[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I've got a few questions here...

   When I .load() text into a div -- basically swapping one bit of text
   for another, -- the div will collapse for a second while the textual
   content loads and switches...

   ...What would be the best way to retain the div size during .load()?

   My best guess would be to dynamically grab the div height before
   ajaxStart(), and then apply min-height/height to the container div
   only during the switching.

   Sound like an ok technique/approach? How have you handled such

   I have noticed that my posts take a while to show-up on the list... Is
   this because of moderation? Are all posts moderated, or only those
   made by new members?

   Micky- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Using jqGrids as the subgrid

2007-12-20 Thread Chuck

Hello, I would like to use jqGrids as the subgrids for each row as its
expanded.  To that end, I have modified jqGrid to allow the dynamic
creation of jqGrids that are set as the subgrid.

The idea is to have jqGrid nested inside another jqGrid.

This code is a work in progress and is probably quite a hack.  As I am
not a client-side guy, I don't quite know how to finish the work.

I'm hoping some browser / jQuery guru will take mercy on me and help
finish this thing - I need to get back to my real side-project.

Please see the comments at the top of 'jquery.jqgrid.js'.

What I have, and its caveats, can be found at:

Everything needed to run the example is in the zip file, including the
json data files.  I'll keep hacking at this, but I'm wondering if my
time will be better spent with OpenLaszlo and its DHTML stuff.  Does
anyone have experience with OpenLaszlo / DHTML - I'm NOT interested in
the Flash rendering.

Chuck McCrobie