Re: [julia-users] product of Int64 and Float64 is Int64

2016-10-19 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Or include a space.  

parse("1. * 80") --> :(1.0 * 80)

parse("1.* 80")  --> :(1 .* 80)

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 1:30:27 PM UTC+2, Mauro wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-10-19 at 13:11, Michele Zaffalon  > wrote: 
> > I am confused by the type of the result of `1.*80`, which is `Int64`, 
> despite 
> > the fact that `1.` is `Float64`, and that `Float64(1)*80` is a 
> `Float64`: 
> No this is parsed as 1 .* 80.  Try 1.0*80 
> > julia> typeof(1.), typeof(80), typeof(1.*80), typeof(Float64(1.)*80) 
> > (Float64,Int64,Int64,Float64) 
> > 
> > Does it have to do with the fact that both 1 and 80 have an exact 
> Float64 
> > representation? 
> > 
> > julia> bits(1.) 
> > "0011" 
> > 
> > julia> bits(80.) 
> > "010001010100" 
> > 
> > 
> > Thank you, 
> > michele 

[julia-users] ANN: Symata.jl language for Symbolic math

2016-10-19 Thread lapeyre . math122a
[ apologies for posting twice! I forgot to include a description in the 
Subject line]

Symata.jl is a symbolic math language. (The old name was SJulia.)

You can add it with Pkg.add("Symata.jl"). The site is

Notebook examples are here 
(the math looks better in live Jupyter sessions)

To try the latest features, you need to use the development version using 
Pkg.checkout("Symata") after adding it.

Among the New Things:

* Builds and tests on Linux, OSX, and Windows using Travis and Appveyor.

* Installation is much easier, using Steven Johnson's PyCall recipes.

* Works in Jupyter notebook using IJulia.jl  (It typesets the math using 
LaTeX). Symata still works at the command line REPL as well.

* A few tutorial notebooks are included. They cover a small fraction of 

* ... oh, and rudimentary plotting via Plots.jl. This could be expanded 
with little effort.

Please file an issue on github, 
if you have any problems or suggestions.

[julia-users] Re: Is 0.6(nightlies) pretty much broken?

2016-10-19 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Nightly builds by Travis and Appveyor broke for me. For OSX and Windows, 
maybe not Linux.

  WARNING: The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled cache 
file for module Combinatorics.

On Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 8:44:16 PM UTC+2, Neal Becker wrote:
> Seems like nothing I try is working now: 
> Version 0.6.0-dev.896 (2016-10-07 08:16 UTC) 
> Commit 38a63bd* (3 days old master) 
> x86_64-redhat-linux 
> julia> using Polynomials 
> INFO: Recompiling stale cache file 
> /home/nbecker/.julia/lib/v0.6/Polynomials.ji for module Polynomials. 
> WARNING: The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled 
> cache file for module Polynomials. Got: 
> WARNING: Precompile file header verification checks failed. 
> ERROR: LoadError: Declaring __precompile__(true) is only allowed in module 
> files being imported. 
>  in __precompile__(::Bool) at ./loading.jl:311 
>  in __precompile__() at ./loading.jl:307 
>  in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:66 
>  in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:97 [inlined] 
>  in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68 
> while loading /home/nbecker/.julia/v0.6/Polynomials/src/Polynomials.jl, in 
> expression starting on line 3 
> julia> Pkg.add("DSP") 
> INFO: Installing DSP v0.1.1 
> INFO: Package database updated 
> julia> using DSP 
> INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/nbecker/.julia/lib/v0.6/DSP.ji 
> for 
> module DSP. 
> WARNING: The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled 
> cache file for module DSP. Got: 
> WARNING: Precompile file header verification checks failed. 
> ERROR: LoadError: Declaring __precompile__(true) is only allowed in module 
> files being imported. 
>  in __precompile__(::Bool) at ./loading.jl:311 
>  in __precompile__() at ./loading.jl:307 
>  in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:66 
>  in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:97 [inlined] 
>  in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68 
> while loading /home/nbecker/.julia/v0.6/DSP/src/DSP.jl, in expression 
> starting on line 1 
> julia> using PyPlot 
> INFO: Precompiling module PyPlot. 
> WARNING: Precompile file header verification checks failed. 
> ERROR: Module PyPlot declares __precompile__(true) but require failed to 
> create a usable precompiled cache file. 
>  in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:66 
>  in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:97 [inlined] 
>  in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68 

[julia-users] Re: ANN: Symata.jl

2016-10-18 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Thanks.  Regarding reimplementing the sympy functions, I can't predict what 
will happen. There is a lot to be done that is not related to sympy... work 
on pattern matching, refactoring, etc.  For the forseeable future, I think 
it makes sense to do this only in cases where the efficiency gained vs. 
work required is high.

On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 11:02:35 PM UTC+2, mmus wrote:
> Very cool. Great work.
> Out of curiosity is the plan to implement all the sympy functions in the 
> Julia in the future?
> On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 4:01:15 PM UTC-4, 
> wrote:
>> Symata.jl is a symbolic math language. (The old name was SJulia.)
>> You can add it with Pkg.add("Symata.jl"). The site is 
>> Notebook examples are here 
>> (the math looks better in live Jupyter sessions)
>> To try the latest features, you need to use the development version using 
>> Pkg.checkout("Symata") after adding it.
>> Among the New Things:
>> * Builds and tests on Linux, OSX, and Windows using Travis and Appveyor.
>> * Installation is much easier, using Steven Johnson's PyCall recipes.
>> * Works in Jupyter notebook using IJulia.jl  (It typesets the math using 
>> LaTeX). Symata still works at the command line REPL as well.
>> * A few tutorial notebooks are included. They cover a small fraction of 
>> Symata.
>> * ... oh, and rudimentary plotting via Plots.jl. This could be expanded 
>> with little effort.
>> Please file an issue on github,, 
>> if you have any problems or suggestions.

[julia-users] ANN: Symata.jl

2016-10-18 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Symata.jl is a symbolic math language. (The old name was SJulia.)

You can add it with Pkg.add("Symata.jl"). The site is

Notebook examples are here 
(the math looks better in live Jupyter sessions)

To try the latest features, you need to use the development version using 
Pkg.checkout("Symata") after adding it.

Among the New Things:

* Builds and tests on Linux, OSX, and Windows using Travis and Appveyor.

* Installation is much easier, using Steven Johnson's PyCall recipes.

* Works in Jupyter notebook using IJulia.jl  (It typesets the math using 
LaTeX). Symata still works at the command line REPL as well.

* A few tutorial notebooks are included. They cover a small fraction of 

* ... oh, and rudimentary plotting via Plots.jl. This could be expanded 
with little effort.

Please file an issue on github,, if 
you have any problems or suggestions.

[julia-users] Re: redefining Base method for `show`

2016-10-14 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I'm thinking of symbolic mathematics (Symata.jl). Another example is 
`SymPy.jl`, which prints rationals the same way I want to, like this: 
"2/3". But in SymPy.jl, rationals are not `Rational`'s, but rather wrapped 
python objects, so the problem with printing does not arise. If I wrapped 
`Rational`'s it would introduce a lot of complexity.

So far, walking expression trees to wrap objects of certain types just 
before printing seems to be working well.

On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 4:23:27 AM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> I assume you meant x::T in type A{T}.  Why do you want to do this:
>> Every time a Rational or Symbol or Bool is encountered on any level, I 
>> want it to print differently than does it.
> Do you want to adorn it (like "3//5" -> "{3//5}") or alter it (like "3//5" 
> -> "2//5")?
> Also, I think you are approaching solving your problem in way more suited 
> to another language.  But I really have no idea what your motivation is.
> On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 7:21:35 PM UTC-4, 
> wrote:
>> To make it concrete, I have
>> type A{T}
>> end
>> The elements of the array a are numbers, Symbols, strings, etc., as well 
>> as more instances of type A{T}.  They
>> may be nested to arbitrary depth. If I call show on an instance of A{T}, 
>> then show will be called recursively
>> on all parts of the tree. Every time a Rational or Symbol or Bool is 
>> encountered on any level, I want it to print differently than 
>> does it.
>> On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 11:48:46 PM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
>>> Are you saying  a and b and c and d?
>>> (a) that you have a outer type which has a Rational field and has 
>>> another field of a type that has a field which is typed Rational or is 
>>> typed e.g. Vector{Rational}   
>>> (b) and displaying a value of the outer type includes displaying the 
>>> Rationals from withiin the field of the inner type
>>> (c) and when displaying that value, you want to present the outer type's 
>>> Rational field a special way
>>> (d) and when displaying that value, you want to present the Rational 
>>> fields of the inner type in the usual way
>>> On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 1:23:37 PM UTC-4, 
>>> wrote:

 I think I understand what you are saying (not sure).  A problem that 
 arises is that if I call show or print on an object, then show or print 
 be called many times on fields and fields of fields, etc., including from 
 within Base code before the call returns. I don't know how to tell the 
 builtin julia code my preference for printing rationals. The only way I 
 know to get a redefinition of show eg to work in all situations, is 
 to copy all the code that might be called. Maybe I'm missing something, 
 I can't see a way around this.

 I'm not familiar with the idea of a fencing module.

 On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:30:18 PM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> You could wrap your redefinitions in a module M without exporting show 
> explicitly.   
> `using M`  and accessing the your variation as `` may give the 
> localization you want.
> Should it not, then doing that within some outer working context, a 
> fencing module, may add enough flexibility.
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 4:18:52 PM UTC-4, 
> wrote:
>> For the record, a workable solution, at least for this particular 
>> code: I pass all output through wrapout() at the outermost output call. 
>> The 
>> object to be printed is traversed recursively. All types fall through 
>> except for the handful that I want to change. Each of these is each 
>> wrapped 
>> in a new type. I extend for each of these wrapper types. This 
>> seems pretty economical and  robust and works across versions. The 
>> wrapper 
>> types are only introduced upon output, the rest of the code never sees 
>> them.
>> This works because the code uses a customization of the REPL, and 
>> several instances of print, warn, string, etc. I make a new top-level 
>> output function for the REPL that uses `wrapout`. I also  generate 
>> wrappers 
>> for each of print, etc. that map `wrapout` over all arguments. A 
>> developer 
>> is expected to use the interface provided rather than `print` etc. 
>> directly.  The user doesn't even have a choice. There are very few types 
>> in 
>> the package, but a lot of nested instances. So there is very little code 
>> needed to traverse these instances.  This might be more difficult in a 
>> different situation if many methods for wrapout() were required.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 12:20:50 AM UTC+2, 
>> wrote:

[julia-users] Re: Zero indexed arrays

2016-10-12 Thread lapeyre . math122a
You might get some ideas here

On Saturday, October 8, 2016 at 6:39:19 PM UTC+2, Brian Rogoff wrote:
> Hi,
> I saw in the release notes that Julia added support for different 
> array indexing methods. I decided to try my hand at implementing zero 
> indexed vectors, and started with the instructions here 
> I found this 
> part of the documentation to be unhelpful compared to other parts of the 
> Julia docs (is that just me?), but with a bit of hacking I came up with this
> immutable ZeroIndexedVector{T} <: AbstractArray{T, 1}
> data::Array{T,1}
> end
> Base.linearindices{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T}) = 0:(length(
> Base.getindex{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T}, i::Int) =[i + 1]
> Base.setindex!{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T}, v, i::Int) = ([i + 1] = v)
> Base.indices{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T}) =
> (0:(length(,)
> Base.endof{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T}) = length( - 1
>{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T}) = show(
> function Base.display{T}(A::ZeroIndexedVector{T})
> @printf("%d-element ZeroIndexedVector{%s, 1}:\n",
> length(,
> string(T))
> for elt in
>@printf("%s\n", string(elt))
> end
> end
> Apart from some obvious failings (eg, not copying he backing array) it 
> seems to work. What's the best way to write this code? How does one extend 
> this to multidimensional arrays? IMO, the explanation of how to do these 
> two things would have served as good examples on the doc page.
> -- Brian

[julia-users] Re: redefining Base method for `show`

2016-10-11 Thread lapeyre . math122a
To make it concrete, I have

type A{T}

The elements of the array a are numbers, Symbols, strings, etc., as well as 
more instances of type A{T}.  They
may be nested to arbitrary depth. If I call show on an instance of A{T}, 
then show will be called recursively
on all parts of the tree. Every time a Rational or Symbol or Bool is 
encountered on any level, I want it to print differently than 
does it.

On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 11:48:46 PM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> Are you saying  a and b and c and d?
> (a) that you have a outer type which has a Rational field and has another 
> field of a type that has a field which is typed Rational or is typed e.g. 
> Vector{Rational}   
> (b) and displaying a value of the outer type includes displaying the 
> Rationals from withiin the field of the inner type
> (c) and when displaying that value, you want to present the outer type's 
> Rational field a special way
> (d) and when displaying that value, you want to present the Rational 
> fields of the inner type in the usual way
> On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 1:23:37 PM UTC-4, 
> wrote:
>> I think I understand what you are saying (not sure).  A problem that 
>> arises is that if I call show or print on an object, then show or print may 
>> be called many times on fields and fields of fields, etc., including from 
>> within Base code before the call returns. I don't know how to tell the 
>> builtin julia code my preference for printing rationals. The only way I 
>> know to get a redefinition of show eg to work in all situations, is 
>> to copy all the code that might be called. Maybe I'm missing something, but 
>> I can't see a way around this.
>> I'm not familiar with the idea of a fencing module.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:30:18 PM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
>>> You could wrap your redefinitions in a module M without exporting show 
>>> explicitly.   
>>> `using M`  and accessing the your variation as `` may give the 
>>> localization you want.
>>> Should it not, then doing that within some outer working context, a 
>>> fencing module, may add enough flexibility.
>>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 4:18:52 PM UTC-4, 
>>> wrote:

 For the record, a workable solution, at least for this particular code: 
 I pass all output through wrapout() at the outermost output call. The 
 object to be printed is traversed recursively. All types fall through 
 except for the handful that I want to change. Each of these is each 
 in a new type. I extend for each of these wrapper types. This 
 seems pretty economical and  robust and works across versions. The wrapper 
 types are only introduced upon output, the rest of the code never sees 

 This works because the code uses a customization of the REPL, and 
 several instances of print, warn, string, etc. I make a new top-level 
 output function for the REPL that uses `wrapout`. I also  generate 
 for each of print, etc. that map `wrapout` over all arguments. A developer 
 is expected to use the interface provided rather than `print` etc. 
 directly.  The user doesn't even have a choice. There are very few types 
 the package, but a lot of nested instances. So there is very little code 
 needed to traverse these instances.  This might be more difficult in a 
 different situation if many methods for wrapout() were required.

 On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 12:20:50 AM UTC+2, 
> I want to change show for Symbol, Rational, and Bool. Till now, I 
> simply overwrote the existing methods. This works great. I get what I 
> want, 
> even in warn and error and string interpolation, etc. It works flawlessly 
> on v0.4, v0.5, and v0.6. But, this changes the behavior for everyone. So, 
> I 
> want to get the same effect through different means that do not affect 
> other code. Any idea about how to do this ?
> One solution is to copy a large amount of  base code that uses print, 
> write, show, etc. renaming these functions. Other than changing 15 or 20 
> lines for Symbol, etc., the code is unchanged. This is works more or 
> less, 
> but is obviously a fragile, bad solution.
> Another idea is to make a subtype of IO that wraps subtypes of IO. I 
> am allowed to write methods for show for this new type. This is turning 
> out 
> to be complicated and unworkable.
> Another vague idea is to make a new mime type. Another is to copy 
> IOStream as another type, so that I only have to write methods for 
> Symbol, 
> Rational and Bool again.

[julia-users] Re: redefining Base method for `show`

2016-10-11 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I think I understand what you are saying (not sure).  A problem that arises 
is that if I call show or print on an object, then show or print may be 
called many times on fields and fields of fields, etc., including from 
within Base code before the call returns. I don't know how to tell the 
builtin julia code my preference for printing rationals. The only way I 
know to get a redefinition of show eg to work in all situations, is 
to copy all the code that might be called. Maybe I'm missing something, but 
I can't see a way around this.

I'm not familiar with the idea of a fencing module.

On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 11:30:18 PM UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> You could wrap your redefinitions in a module M without exporting show 
> explicitly.   
> `using M`  and accessing the your variation as `` may give the 
> localization you want.
> Should it not, then doing that within some outer working context, a 
> fencing module, may add enough flexibility.
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 4:18:52 PM UTC-4, 
> wrote:
>> For the record, a workable solution, at least for this particular code: I 
>> pass all output through wrapout() at the outermost output call. The object 
>> to be printed is traversed recursively. All types fall through except for 
>> the handful that I want to change. Each of these is each wrapped in a new 
>> type. I extend for each of these wrapper types. This seems pretty 
>> economical and  robust and works across versions. The wrapper types are 
>> only introduced upon output, the rest of the code never sees them.
>> This works because the code uses a customization of the REPL, and several 
>> instances of print, warn, string, etc. I make a new top-level output 
>> function for the REPL that uses `wrapout`. I also  generate wrappers for 
>> each of print, etc. that map `wrapout` over all arguments. A developer is 
>> expected to use the interface provided rather than `print` etc. directly.  
>> The user doesn't even have a choice. There are very few types in the 
>> package, but a lot of nested instances. So there is very little code needed 
>> to traverse these instances.  This might be more difficult in a different 
>> situation if many methods for wrapout() were required.
>> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 12:20:50 AM UTC+2, 
>> wrote:
>>> I want to change show for Symbol, Rational, and Bool. Till now, I simply 
>>> overwrote the existing methods. This works great. I get what I want, even 
>>> in warn and error and string interpolation, etc. It works flawlessly on 
>>> v0.4, v0.5, and v0.6. But, this changes the behavior for everyone. So, I 
>>> want to get the same effect through different means that do not affect 
>>> other code. Any idea about how to do this ?
>>> One solution is to copy a large amount of  base code that uses print, 
>>> write, show, etc. renaming these functions. Other than changing 15 or 20 
>>> lines for Symbol, etc., the code is unchanged. This is works more or less, 
>>> but is obviously a fragile, bad solution.
>>> Another idea is to make a subtype of IO that wraps subtypes of IO. I am 
>>> allowed to write methods for show for this new type. This is turning out to 
>>> be complicated and unworkable.
>>> Another vague idea is to make a new mime type. Another is to copy 
>>> IOStream as another type, so that I only have to write methods for Symbol, 
>>> Rational and Bool again.

[julia-users] Re: redefining Base method for `show`

2016-10-10 Thread lapeyre . math122a
For the record, a workable solution, at least for this particular code: I 
pass all output through wrapout() at the outermost output call. The object 
to be printed is traversed recursively. All types fall through except for 
the handful that I want to change. Each of these is each wrapped in a new 
type. I extend for each of these wrapper types. This seems pretty 
economical and  robust and works across versions. The wrapper types are 
only introduced upon output, the rest of the code never sees them.

This works because the code uses a customization of the REPL, and several 
instances of print, warn, string, etc. I make a new top-level output 
function for the REPL that uses `wrapout`. I also  generate wrappers for 
each of print, etc. that map `wrapout` over all arguments. A developer is 
expected to use the interface provided rather than `print` etc. directly.  
The user doesn't even have a choice. There are very few types in the 
package, but a lot of nested instances. So there is very little code needed 
to traverse these instances.  This might be more difficult in a different 
situation if many methods for wrapout() were required.

On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 12:20:50 AM UTC+2, 
> I want to change show for Symbol, Rational, and Bool. Till now, I simply 
> overwrote the existing methods. This works great. I get what I want, even 
> in warn and error and string interpolation, etc. It works flawlessly on 
> v0.4, v0.5, and v0.6. But, this changes the behavior for everyone. So, I 
> want to get the same effect through different means that do not affect 
> other code. Any idea about how to do this ?
> One solution is to copy a large amount of  base code that uses print, 
> write, show, etc. renaming these functions. Other than changing 15 or 20 
> lines for Symbol, etc., the code is unchanged. This is works more or less, 
> but is obviously a fragile, bad solution.
> Another idea is to make a subtype of IO that wraps subtypes of IO. I am 
> allowed to write methods for show for this new type. This is turning out to 
> be complicated and unworkable.
> Another vague idea is to make a new mime type. Another is to copy IOStream 
> as another type, so that I only have to write methods for Symbol, Rational 
> and Bool again.

[julia-users] redefining Base method for `show`

2016-10-09 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I want to change show for Symbol, Rational, and Bool. Till now, I simply 
overwrote the existing methods. This works great. I get what I want, even 
in warn and error and string interpolation, etc. It works flawlessly on 
v0.4, v0.5, and v0.6. But, this changes the behavior for everyone. So, I 
want to get the same effect through different means that do not affect 
other code. Any idea about how to do this ?

One solution is to copy a large amount of  base code that uses print, 
write, show, etc. renaming these functions. Other than changing 15 or 20 
lines for Symbol, etc., the code is unchanged. This is works more or less, 
but is obviously a fragile, bad solution.

Another idea is to make a subtype of IO that wraps subtypes of IO. I am 
allowed to write methods for show for this new type. This is turning out to 
be complicated and unworkable.

Another vague idea is to make a new mime type. Another is to copy IOStream 
as another type, so that I only have to write methods for Symbol, Rational 
and Bool again.


[julia-users] Re: travis with dependency on scipy?

2016-10-09 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Me too. I mean, I found things worked much more smoothly after following 
this advice to use Conda. Also, Windows and OSX are supported immediately. 
Also, for my application, the Ubuntu package versions are very old, and out 
of date. This problem is solved as well.

On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 10:24:36 PM UTC+2, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 9:10:44 AM UTC-4, David van Leeuwen wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> For a tiny package  that depends 
>> on PyCall and python's scipy.spatial I am trying to engineer a 
>> `.travis.yml`,
> You can always do ENV["PYTHON"]="" to force PyCall to install its own 
> Python distro (via Conda), and do pyimport_conda("scipy.spatial", "scipy") 
> to make Conda install scipy for you as needed.
> Steven
> PS. As explained in the PyCall README, I don't recommend using @pyimport 
> in Modules.   Instead, do
>const spatial = PyNULL()
> and then, in your __init__ function, do copy!(spatial, 
> pyimport_conda("scipy.spatial", "scipy"))  this way, you can put 
> __precompile__(true) at the top of your module and safely precompile it.
> PPS. I see from your source code that you had some confusion about 
> vs. Base.display.  Never override Base.display for this sort of 
> thing.   See the new manual section for more info:

[julia-users] Re: choosing a new name for SJulia

2016-10-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
The search is done. Thanks for the help.

On Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 6:02:58 PM UTC+2, 
> I am changing the name of SJulia. If anyone has a comment or suggestion 
> look at 
> I hope to only do it once!

[julia-users] choosing a new name for SJulia

2016-10-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I am changing the name of SJulia. If anyone has a comment or suggestion 
look at  
I hope to only do it once!

[julia-users] Re: travis_wait

2016-10-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I did not get travis_wait to work. But printing something to STDERR now and 
then seems to have fixed
the problem.

On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 1:04:57 PM UTC+2, wrote:
> Has anyone had luck using travis_wait. 
>   ?
> I tried "- travis_wait julia -e ...". But, the build fails.
> Or, I could have the build produce more "output". I am now trying to print
> messages to STDERR. Even if this helps, the question is still good.
> I also wonder how to cancel or avoid builds effectively. If I push a minor 
> change and don't
> want a build, I can find the build and cancel it. But, then my badge shows 
> "cancelled". Is the
> best solution to disable automatic building ?

[julia-users] travis_wait

2016-10-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Has anyone had luck using travis_wait. 


I tried "- travis_wait julia -e ...". But, the build fails.

Or, I could have the build produce more "output". I am now trying to print
messages to STDERR. Even if this helps, the question is still good.

I also wonder how to cancel or avoid builds effectively. If I push a minor 
change and don't
want a build, I can find the build and cancel it. But, then my badge shows 
"cancelled". Is the
best solution to disable automatic building ?

[julia-users] Re: if-elseif-else programmatically

2016-09-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a
This is probably more efficient in high dimensions. I am thinking mostly 
about 1,2, and 3.  I have many routines and
want to avoid keeping three versions of each in sync. Your method will 
perform worse in 1D, and maybe 2D and 3D  too.
But, I'm starting to think that, for most of my applications, the 
performance hit may be worth the reduction in code complexity.

On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 12:09:14 AM UTC+2, David P. Sanders wrote:
> El sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016, 21:26:52 (UTC+2), 
> escribió:
>> I want to generate something like an if-elseif-else construct or 
>> switch-case programmatically.
>> The use I have in mind is to write an expression for taking a step in a 
>> random walk in n dimensions,
>> so I need 2*n branches.
> This is not a good way to solve this problem. Since you are in n 
> dimensions, just use a vector of length n,
> so that x[i] is the position in direction i (rather than generating a 
> variable called x1, another x2, etc.). Then do something like this:
> julia> n = 10
> julia> x = zeros(n)
> julia> direction = rand(1:n)
> julia> if rand() < 0.5
>  x[direction] += 1
>  x[direction] -= 1

[julia-users] Re: if-elseif-else programmatically

2016-09-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a
This is probably more efficient in high dimensions. I am thinking mostly 
about 1,2, and 3.  I have many routines and
want to avoid keeping three versions of each in sync. Your method will 
perform worse in 1D, and maybe 2D and 3D  too.
But, I'm starting to think that, for most of my applications, the 
performance hit may be worth the reduction in code complexity.

On Sunday, September 25, 2016 at 12:09:14 AM UTC+2, David P. Sanders wrote:
> El sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016, 21:26:52 (UTC+2), 
> escribió:
>> I want to generate something like an if-elseif-else construct or 
>> switch-case programmatically.
>> The use I have in mind is to write an expression for taking a step in a 
>> random walk in n dimensions,
>> so I need 2*n branches.
> This is not a good way to solve this problem. Since you are in n 
> dimensions, just use a vector of length n,
> so that x[i] is the position in direction i (rather than generating a 
> variable called x1, another x2, etc.). Then do something like this:
> julia> n = 10
> julia> x = zeros(n)
> julia> direction = rand(1:n)
> julia> if rand() < 0.5
>  x[direction] += 1
>  x[direction] -= 1

[julia-users] if-elseif-else programmatically

2016-09-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I want to generate something like an if-elseif-else construct or 
switch-case programmatically.

The use I have in mind is to write an expression for taking a step in a 
random walk in n dimensions,
so I need 2*n branches.

The solution I found is not very readable. I wonder if there is an easier 
way to do it.

The function to generate the code is here
The application to a random walk step is here

Re: [julia-users] Re: Juila vs Mathematica (Wolfram language): high-level features

2016-09-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I was told that SJulia is broken on recent versions of Julia.
This is fixed now. It should work with most versions of 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6

On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 5:47:26 PM UTC+2, 
> On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 4:13:20 PM UTC+2, Andrew Dabrowski wrote:
>> But what about nested pattern matching, or destructuring, isn't that much 
>> easier in Mathematica than Julia?  For example defining a function of two 
>> lists by
>> f[{w_,x_}, {y_,z_}]:=x y/(w+z).
>> I remember reading the Julia manifesto a few years ago, where the stated 
>> goal was to create a single computing language that would replace Fortran, 
>> scipy, Mathematica, Matlab, etc. simultaneously.  I thought at the time 
>> that it sounded nuts. 
>> Can we all agree now that it was, in fact, nuts? 
> This is already implemented in SJulia:
>   sjulia 1> f([w_,x_], [y_,z_]) := x * y/(w+z)
>   sjulia 2> f([a,b],[c,d])
>   Out(2) = b*c*((a + d)^(-1))
> I have implemented several of Mma's pattern matching features. But, Mma's 
> pattern matching is sophisticated. I have not implemented, for instance, 
> associative-commutative matching, which Mma considers "structural" 
> matching.  I experimented a bit with using SJulia features from julia.  
> Without looking at it now, I guess it would take some work to access the 
> pattern matching.
> Maybe you can also do this kind of destructuring matching with this
> which aims to add pattern matching to method dispatch.

Re: [julia-users] Re: Juila vs Mathematica (Wolfram language): high-level features

2016-09-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a

On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 4:13:20 PM UTC+2, Andrew Dabrowski wrote:
> But what about nested pattern matching, or destructuring, isn't that much 
> easier in Mathematica than Julia?  For example defining a function of two 
> lists by
> f[{w_,x_}, {y_,z_}]:=x y/(w+z).
> I remember reading the Julia manifesto a few years ago, where the stated 
> goal was to create a single computing language that would replace Fortran, 
> scipy, Mathematica, Matlab, etc. simultaneously.  I thought at the time 
> that it sounded nuts. 
> Can we all agree now that it was, in fact, nuts? 

This is already implemented in SJulia:

  sjulia 1> f([w_,x_], [y_,z_]) := x * y/(w+z)

  sjulia 2> f([a,b],[c,d])

  Out(2) = b*c*((a + d)^(-1))

I have implemented several of Mma's pattern matching features. But, Mma's 
pattern matching is sophisticated. I have not implemented, for instance, 
associative-commutative matching, which Mma considers "structural" 
matching.  I experimented a bit with using SJulia features from julia.  
Without looking at it now, I guess it would take some work to access the 
pattern matching.

Maybe you can also do this kind of destructuring matching with this

which aims to add pattern matching to method dispatch.

[julia-users] Re: Juila vs Mathematica (Wolfram language): high-level features

2016-09-01 Thread lapeyre . math122a

On Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 11:47:11 PM UTC+1, Акатер Дима wrote:
> It's mentioned here 
> that Mathematica 
> was one of the programs that inspired Julia. How does Julia compare to 
> Mathematica's language?
> To make the question more specific,
> - it's about languages, not implementations, so Mathematica's FrontEnd 
> capabilities are irrelevant (and it's also not about “which one is faster”)
> - it's not about free vs non-free
> - it's not about communities and support
> - it's not about anything related to OOP (feel free to write about, sure, 
> but I will probably be very passive in discussions concerning OOP)
> - it's about the languages' most high-level features, like 
> meta-programming, macros, interactions with other languages and the way it 
> treats types
> For example, Wolfram language (which is now the name of Mma's core 
> language), implements meta-programming capabilities via term-rewriting and 
> Hold. It provides some foreign-language interfaces via MathLink (which 
> could be WolframLink already) and also has SymbolicC. It is untyped and 
> proud of it; types can be implemented easily but they are of little 
> practical need in the absence of compiler.
- it's also about the languages' most distinctive features: are there 
> things Julia has that WL does not have? (Which means adding them to WL 
> would require reimplementing Julia in WL, much in spirit of Greenspun's 
> tenth rule.)
> I think it is easier to go the other direction and implement something 
like Mma in Julia. This is what I have done here:

I think Julia is uniquely well suited for implementing a Mma-like 
language.  I agree with the comment below that Mma is designed in part to 
appeal to non-programmers. A large part of its appeal is that it collects a 
lot of mathematics functionality that is hard to find elsewhere... all 
kinds of algorithms and special functions. Many of these can be used with 
one or a few lines of code. I kept the non-programmer in mind when writing 

   The question of what kind of type system a language has is somewhat 
polemic. In some sense, Mma is untyped. There is no hierarchy in 
expressions; they all have a head and arguments. I think hierarchies of 
mathematical objects are not well represented by hierarchies of programming 
language types. Which hierarchy a particular mathematical object belongs to 
and its exact definition is very fluid. Languages like Mma that attach no 
inherent meaning to expressions are well suited for mathematics for 
scientists and engineers. A matrix is an expression with head 'List' each 
of whose elements is an expression of fixed length with head 'List'.  Still 
types creep into Mma in various ways. 

Some people prefer types to play a larger role in symbolic computation. For 

Whether to use types depends in part on the domain of the language.  But 
even for rather general math capabilities, language design determines in 
part the role of types. Sympy (in python and Julia) aim to add symbolic 
computation capability to Julia.  They are more 'typed' than Mma and 
SJulia. But, it seems that python sympy is hybrid in this respect and also 
supports generic expressions.

> To provide a starting point, here is the definition of type in Julia from 
> documentation
> type Expr
>   head::Symbol
>   args::Array{Any,1}
>   typend
> Maybe there's a typo in docs (line 4) but it doesn't really matter. What 
> do Julia users do, for example, to avoid boilerplate code defining lots of 
> types? I understand how to avoid writing boilerplate definitions in WL: it 
> may not be easy but at least I know where to begin in case I need a program 
> that would write new definitions or update existing ones.

[julia-users] Re: GSL hypergeometric

2016-05-29 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I'm not sure, but you may be able to use PyCall.jl and python mpmath.

On Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 12:32:47 AM UTC+2, digxx wrote:
> I'm using GSL for hypergeometric functions but needed to increase the 
> precision to big()
> unfortunately it is not supported so now my question is whether theres 
> another package for hypergeometric functions which does support it?

Re: [julia-users] Symbolic mathematics language v 0.0.6

2016-05-16 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Tom, sure, I'm available to chat.  Regarding plotting: As, I wrote, SJulia 
does not depend on SymPy.jl so it should not depend on any plotting 
libraries. I looked at Plots.jl quickly a few days ago, but could not get 
it to run on recent v0.5 builds.  It wouldn't take much to  put some kind 
of plotting function in SJulia, just to demonstrate. I didn't want to spend 
time on plotting at the moment because a) I haven't done any plotting in 
Julia and it seems kind of confusing; and b) there are lots of programs 
that do plotting, but, AFAIK, there are none that do Mathematica-style 
pattern matching (other than Mma).   Of course, I'd be happy to have 

There are awkward ways to do plotting now.

sjulia> a = Pack(Range(10))   # Convert an SJulia List to a Julia Array

sjulia>  SetJ(x, a) # Set the Julia variable x to the contents of 
SJulia variable a

julia>  length(x)# Switch to Julia mode


On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 5:48:07 PM UTC+2, Tom Breloff wrote:
> And to quickly expand on the Plots issue... SymPy should be removing any 
> dependency on Plots in the near future (John we'll chat soon), and should 
> be switching to providing recipes through 
>  (this is the missing 
> "_apply_recipe" that you see)  I'm very far along in rebuilding the 
> internals of Plots to make recipes first-class citizens and to enable lots 
> of cool features in the process.  In fact much of the logic has been 
> re-coded internally as recipes, and so far it's going really well.  I plan 
> on writing a blog post about the rebuild after dev work calms down, and 
> I'll go into a lot more detail at my JuliaCon workshop.  I'll try to help 
> with compatibility issues, but I'm focused right now on getting this into a 
> usable state.
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Rob J. Goedman  > wrote:
>> Thanks Kevin,
>> That solved the problem!
>> I used 'condo install mpmath’ in addition to ‘pip install mpmath’, just 
>> to make sure (shows I am way too rusty on Python stuff), and then 
>> reinstalled both SymPy and Julia.
>> Thanks a lot, will certainly track Julia development!
>> Regards,
>> Rob
>> On May 16, 2016, at 08:19, Kevin Squire > > wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> You'll need to install the `mpmath` package for python.  
>> If you use `pip`, you should just be able to run `pip install mpmath`.  
>> Otherwise, you'll have to find and install the package using your 
>> preferred method.
>> (I also ran into this.  John, you should probably mention this in the 
>> Cheers,
>> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Rob J. Goedman > > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As I use Mathematica quite a bit, I’m very interested in SJulia!
>>> I’m wondering if I need an additional Module or library to get around 
>>> below issue. This is on OS X and Julia 0.5-
>>> *ERROR: InitError: PyError (:PyImport_ImportModule) >> 'exceptions.ImportError'>*
>>> *ImportError('No module named mpmath',)*
>>> * [inlined code] from /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/PyCall/src/exception.jl:56*
>>> * in pyimport(::String) at 
>>> /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:285*
>>> * [inlined code] from /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/SJulia.jl:3*
>>> * in import_sympy() at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/sympy.jl:23*
>>> * in init_sympy() at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/sympy.jl:677*
>>> * in __init__() at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/SJulia.jl:64*
>>> * in _require_from_serialized(::Int64, ::Symbol, ::String, ::Bool) at 
>>> ./loading.jl:174*
>>> * in require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:365*
>>> * in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:226*
>>> *during initialization of module **Julia*
>>> On Julia 4.0 SymPy won’t work on my system (it complains about 
>>> precompiling):
>>> *julia> **using SymPy*
>>> *INFO: Precompiling module SymPy...*
>>> *ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: _apply_recipe not defined*
>>> But on Julia 5.0:
>>> *julia> **using SymPy*
>>> *x = symbols("x")*
>>> *x*
>>> *julia> **a = [x 1; 1 x]*
>>> *2×2 Array{SymPy.Sym,2}*
>>> *⎡x  1⎤*
>>> *⎢⎥*
>>> *⎣1  x⎦*
>>> *julia> **det(a)*
>>> *  ⎛1⎞*
>>> *x⋅⎜x - ─⎟*
>>> *  ⎝x⎠*
>>> *julia> **versioninfo*
>>> *versioninfo (generic function with 4 methods)*
>>> *julia> **versioninfo()*
>>> Julia Version 0.5.0-dev+4110
>>> Commit 5d52f02 (2016-05-16 02:25 UTC)
>>> Platform Info:
>>>   System: Darwin (x86_64-apple-darwin15.5.0)
>>>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4980HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
>>>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>>>   BLAS: libopenblas (USE64BITINT DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Haswell)
>>>   LAPACK: libopenblas64_
>>>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>>>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.7.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
>>> On May 12, 2016, at 19:47,  wrote:
>>> The symbolic mathematics language project that I announced last year has 
>>> been greatly expanded.
>>> Here is 

Re: [julia-users] Symbolic mathematics language v 0.0.6

2016-05-16 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Thanks for the report. I have no idea how to install this on OS X. I am 
happy to get any feedback;  bugs, comments, etc. Please post to this 
thread, or better, the issue tracker for SJulia.

I added the following text to the README.  Note the part about SymPy.

*Note* SymPy here refers to the python SymPy 
 distribution (sometimes called sympy), 
*not* the Julia package SymPy. 

SJulia does not require the Julia package SymPy 
, which has a different goal.

You'll also need to install the mpmath package for python. On OS X, If you 
use pip, you should just be able to run pip install mpmath.

On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 5:15:06 PM UTC+2, Rob J Goedman wrote:
> Hi,
> As I use Mathematica quite a bit, I’m very interested in SJulia!
> I’m wondering if I need an additional Module or library to get around 
> below issue. This is on OS X and Julia 0.5-
> *ERROR: InitError: PyError (:PyImport_ImportModule)  'exceptions.ImportError'>*
> *ImportError('No module named mpmath',)*
> * [inlined code] from /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/PyCall/src/exception.jl:56*
> * in pyimport(::String) at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/PyCall/src/PyCall.jl:285*
> * [inlined code] from /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/SJulia.jl:3*
> * in import_sympy() at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/sympy.jl:23*
> * in init_sympy() at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/sympy.jl:677*
> * in __init__() at /Users/rob/.julia/v0.5/SJulia/src/SJulia.jl:64*
> * in _require_from_serialized(::Int64, ::Symbol, ::String, ::Bool) at 
> ./loading.jl:174*
> * in require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:365*
> * in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:226*
> *during initialization of module **Julia*
> On Julia 4.0 SymPy won’t work on my system (it complains about 
> precompiling):
> *julia> **using SymPy*
> *INFO: Precompiling module SymPy...*
> *ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: _apply_recipe not defined*
> But on Julia 5.0:
> *julia> **using SymPy*
> *x = symbols("x")*
> *x*
> *julia> **a = [x 1; 1 x]*
> *2×2 Array{SymPy.Sym,2}*
> *⎡x  1⎤*
> *⎢⎥*
> *⎣1  x⎦*
> *julia> **det(a)*
> *  ⎛1⎞*
> *x⋅⎜x - ─⎟*
> *  ⎝x⎠*
> *julia> **versioninfo*
> *versioninfo (generic function with 4 methods)*
> *julia> **versioninfo()*
> Julia Version 0.5.0-dev+4110
> Commit 5d52f02 (2016-05-16 02:25 UTC)
> Platform Info:
>   System: Darwin (x86_64-apple-darwin15.5.0)
>   CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4980HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
>   WORD_SIZE: 64
>   LAPACK: libopenblas64_
>   LIBM: libopenlibm
>   LLVM: libLLVM-3.7.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
> On May 12, 2016, at 19:47,  wrote:
> The symbolic mathematics language project that I announced last year has 
> been greatly expanded.
> Here is the link:
> The best way to find what is new is to look at the tests 

Re: [julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-05-16 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Here is a PR

Given the discussion around, 
I doubt it will be accepted as is. 


On Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 10:31:58 AM UTC+2, Rafael Fourquet wrote:
> John, I tried your branch which works as expected, thank you. I found 
> that there has been a PR at 
> related to REPL hooks, 
> not sure how much this overlaps with your solution. In any case, I 
> hope to see this functionality merged. 

[julia-users] Symbolic mathematics language v 0.0.6

2016-05-12 Thread lapeyre . math122a
The symbolic mathematics language project that I announced last year has 
been greatly expanded.

Here is the link:

The best way to find what is new is to look at the tests

Re: [julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
You can try this branch

In .juliarc.jl, you can include code like this:

if isdefined(Base, :atreplrun)
Base.atreplrun( (repl)->repl.interface.modes[1].prompt = "newprompt>" )

to install a hook. Call atreplrun repeatedly to push hooks, all of which 
are run (more or less) just before the loop is entered.


On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 5:54:22 AM UTC+2, Rafael Fourquet wrote:
> > Again, I don't know if there is any demand for adding a general 
> > facility for this. 
> If you have in mind to make a PR, I would be a client for such a 
> facility. IIUC, this would e.g. allow me to change automatically the 
> prompt by calling a function from .juliarc.jl ? (which I do manually 
> now with "Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].prompt = ..."). 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Change bold text in REPL to normal

2016-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Good, this works. But, I don't think the preference for expressions over 
strings is mentioned in the Metaprogramming section of the manual.


On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 4:19:18 PM UTC+2, Yichao Yu wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 10:11 AM,   
> wrote: 
> > I see. To get normal weight, red, warn() text, this works for me: 
> > 
> > Base.text_colors[:rednormal] = "\033[0m\033[31m" 
> > Base.eval(parse("default_color_warn = :rednormal")) 
> Base.eval(:(default_color_warn = :rednormal)) 
> at least. You almost never want to use `parse` and then `eval`. 
> > 
> > text_colors is defined in base/client.jl 
> > 
> > On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 3:10:19 PM UTC+2, 
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Thanks, useful info. Although, I don't mind the colors. It's the forced 
> >> bolding that looks so bad... :( 

Re: [julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Yes, AFAIK it is not possible to modify the REPL in .juliarc.jl because it 
is executed before the REPL runs. A tedious workaround is to use 
.juliarc.jl to create a REPL and then exit() upon completion before the 
usual REPL is started. I hadn't thought about a PR, but I can take a look 
at it.

On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 5:54:22 AM UTC+2, Rafael Fourquet wrote:
> > Again, I don't know if there is any demand for adding a general 
> > facility for this. 
> If you have in mind to make a PR, I would be a client for such a 
> facility. IIUC, this would e.g. allow me to change automatically the 
> prompt by calling a function from .juliarc.jl ? (which I do manually 
> now with "Base.active_repl.interface.modes[1].prompt = ..."). 

[julia-users] Re: Change bold text in REPL to normal

2016-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I see. To get normal weight, red, warn() text, this works for me:

Base.text_colors[:rednormal] = "\033[0m\033[31m"
Base.eval(parse("default_color_warn = :rednormal"))

text_colors is defined in base/client.jl

On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 3:10:19 PM UTC+2, wrote:
> Thanks, useful info. Although, I don't mind the colors. It's the forced 
> bolding that looks so bad... :(

[julia-users] Re: Change bold text in REPL to normal

2016-04-19 Thread lapeyre . math122a
As a partial solution, this makes warnings print in black rather than red.

julia> Base.eval(parse("default_color_warn = :black"))

I just had a problem in which I wanted to do the opposite, restore coloring 
and bold to a new REPL.

Also, this gives a black, plain typeface to warning and error messages:

 Base.eval(parse("have_color = false"))


On Monday, February 8, 2016 at 9:10:28 AM UTC+1, wrote:
> I'm trying to improve the appearance of text in my Julia REPL. According 
> to this PR ( (which sadly 
> seems to have ground to a halt), it should be possible to control the 
> appearance of text in the REPL by adding lines to the .juliarc.jl file. 
> I've tried adding stuff like:
> ENV["JULIA_WARN_COLOR"] = :normal
> ENV["JULIA_INFO_COLOR"] = :normal
> to the .juliarc.jl. I've also tried various commands in the REPL, such as:
> julia> Base.active_repl.prompt_color = Base.text_colors[:normal]
> and various other things, but nothing has yet worked. But I feel I'm 
> close! :). 
> Anybody successfully controlled the colors in the REPL?

Re: [julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-04-19 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Thanks. I got it working. I copied much of the code in client.jl. In the 
end I wrote the new mode directly into a copy of REPL.setup_interface.  
There is probably an easier way to get the REPL to start in the new mode 
rather than julia, but this was faster for me.  There were many details, eg 
to get warn and error colors working. For me, it would have been far easier 
to use a hook after the REPL is created, but before it runs. But, I guess 
there is probably not much demand for that.

I also copied four functions, changing only `Base.parse_input_line(line)' 
in each (to support dumb terminals, etc.),  to include a macro to 
post-process the AST.  Again, I don't know if there is any demand for 
adding a general facility for this.


On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 6:07:00 PM UTC+2, Keno Fischer wrote:
> You can call REPL.setup_inferface yourself and add your own REPL mode. You 
> can also look at 
> to see how 
> the active_repl gets created.
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:16 AM,  
> wrote:
>> I have a REPL mode for an application: 
>> I start julia in a terminal,  load the package with 'using SJulia', and 
>> then press '=' to enter the alternative mode.  This works fine.
>> I would like to do this in one step. e.g.  enter 'sjulia' in a terminal 
>> and then start in the alternative mode. Problems are:
>> 1. I have to execute a julia function to start the REPL mode 'after' the 
>> REPL starts and I see the julia prompt. Otherwise there is no active REPL. 
>> Using .juliarc.jl or julia -e apparently loads and runs code before 
>> starting the REPL.  I would like the alternative REPL mode to be created 
>> without entering anything at the julia prompt.
>> 2. Once I create the alternative REPL, I am still in the standard julia 
>> REPL mode. To switch to the alternative mode, I enter '='. I would like to 
>> enter this mode automatically. There is a function Base.LineEdit.transition 
>> that seems to do this. But, it takes a data structure (of type 
>> Base.LineEdit.MIState' ) as an argument that I don't know how to get at.  I 
>> can probably find it buried somewhere in Base.active_repl, but, I have not 
>> been able to so far.
>> -John

[julia-users] How to change REPL mode on startup?

2016-04-15 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I have a REPL mode for an application:

I start julia in a terminal,  load the package with 'using SJulia', and 
then press '=' to enter the alternative mode.  This works fine.

I would like to do this in one step. e.g.  enter 'sjulia' in a terminal and 
then start in the alternative mode. Problems are:

1. I have to execute a julia function to start the REPL mode 'after' the 
REPL starts and I see the julia prompt. Otherwise there is no active REPL. 
Using .juliarc.jl or julia -e apparently loads and runs code before 
starting the REPL.  I would like the alternative REPL mode to be created 
without entering anything at the julia prompt.

2. Once I create the alternative REPL, I am still in the standard julia 
REPL mode. To switch to the alternative mode, I enter '='. I would like to 
enter this mode automatically. There is a function Base.LineEdit.transition 
that seems to do this. But, it takes a data structure (of type 
Base.LineEdit.MIState' ) as an argument that I don't know how to get at.  I 
can probably find it buried somewhere in Base.active_repl, but, I have not 
been able to so far.


[julia-users] Re: parallel threads broken, replacing module

2015-07-30 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Thanks Seth.

On Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 2:46:42 AM UTC+2, Seth wrote:


 On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 5:35:14 PM UTC-7, Seth wrote:

 For what it's worth, I'm seeing the same thing:

 julia @everywhere using LightGraphs
 WARNING: replacing module LightGraphs
 WARNING: replacing module LightGraphs
 WARNING: replacing module LightGraphs
 WARNING: replacing module LightGraphs
 exception on 4:
 (Lots of error messages / backtraces removed)
 ERROR: ProcessExitedException()
  in wait at /usr/local/julia-latest/lib/julia/sys.dylib
  in sync_end at /usr/local/julia-latest/lib/julia/sys.dylib
  in anonymous at multi.jl:348

 On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 4:54:30 PM UTC-7, 

 I can file a bug report. But, I'm not entirely sure what to write.

 Simpler case:

  julia -p 4
  @everywhere using ZChop (simple modules)

 The following version is from a completely fresh build today. I don't 
 get a crash immediately, but I do get
 WARNING: replacing module ZChop (4 times)
 Version 0.4.0-dev+6394 (2015-07-29 21:58 UTC)
 Commit a2a218b* (0 days old master)

 Five days ago, i did git pull and built from an older clone
 Version 0.4.0-dev+6202 (2015-07-24 01:47 UTC)
 Commit 53a7f2e* (5 days old master)
 This version prints the same warning and spews many errors including
 unknown function (ip: 0x7fe94d596ff7)
 ERROR (unhandled task failure): EOFError: read end of file

 The following version will load ZChop with no problem, but when loading 
 Distributions, it still prints many errors
 and fails.  It loads some other modules (i.e with @everywhere, as above),
 such as Roots with no apparent errors.
 Version 0.4.0-dev+3965 (2015-03-22 12:24 UTC)
 Commit e1f0310* (129 days old master)

 A fresh build today on another machine gives errors with @everywhere 
 using Roots.
 It fails to load Distributions even with no parallel threads, but this 
 appears to be unrelated.

 On the same (other) machine, the following version loads and runs 
 parallel code using the modules
 mentioned above, and more.
 Version 0.4.0-dev+4096 (2015-03-31 08:05 UTC)
 Commit a3c0743* (120 days old master)

 I see no error with 0.3.5-pre+121 (2015-01-07 00:19 UTC)

 On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 11:24:55 PM UTC+2, 

 Parallel threads has stopped working for me. Any ideas ?
 Code using addprocs and @everywhere include has stopped working (is 
 broken) on one machine. Code that used to work now causes a number of 
 varying errors to be printed, crashes, runaway processes, etc. when it is 
 loaded. Both a recent v0.4 and a 2 month old version that did run the code 
 in the past cause the failure. The same code on a different machine 
 continues to run normally. Maybe my user Julia environment has a problem ? 
 Or maybe I upgraded a system library ?

 If I use just 2 processes, the code will sometimes  both load and run 

 A minimal example

 using Distributions

 julia -p 4
  @everywhere include(test.jl)

 WARNING: replacing module Distributions   ( 4 times )
 signal (11): Segmentation fault
 unknown function (ip: 0x7f235c7ffd98)
 jl_module_import at /usr/local/julia-0.4a/bin/../lib/julia/ 
 (unknown line)


 I am running unstable debian linux.

 Thanks, John

[julia-users] VoronoiCells.jl

2015-07-29 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Here is some code to manipulate Voronoi cells in 2D.

I am developing these recent packages more or less just enough to get some 
research done. When things cool down (i.e. baby is grown and I get an 
endowed chair of free creativity) I plan to make them proper packages. I'm 
putting them out in case someone happens to have the same need I did, (or 
wants to contribute or comment).  If you do use something and have a 
question, or want something specific documented, let me know. Of course, 
this should eventually be integrated into the Julia geometry packages.

This code uses VoronoiDelaunay.jl to generate a tesselation. Then the 
objects representing cells are built from the triangles. There are a lot of 
choices about what to store and what to compute. The current choice is 
driven by my current need. The cell containing a random (as in access) 
point can be retrieved quickly using a standard bucket scheme. The cell 
stores the generator and the vertices.  A simpler (undocumented) structure 
is provided if you don't need to lookup by random point. A few features 
such as area of cells are provided.


[julia-users] parallel threads broken, replacing module

2015-07-29 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Parallel threads has stopped working for me. Any ideas ?
Code using addprocs and @everywhere include has stopped working (is broken) 
on one machine. Code that used to work now causes a number of varying 
errors to be printed, crashes, runaway processes, etc. when it is loaded. 
Both a recent v0.4 and a 2 month old version that did run the code in the 
past cause the failure. The same code on a different machine continues to 
run normally. Maybe my user Julia environment has a problem ? Or maybe I 
upgraded a system library ?

If I use just 2 processes, the code will sometimes  both load and run 

A minimal example

using Distributions

julia -p 4
 @everywhere include(test.jl)

WARNING: replacing module Distributions   ( 4 times )
signal (11): Segmentation fault
unknown function (ip: 0x7f235c7ffd98)
jl_module_import at /usr/local/julia-0.4a/bin/../lib/julia/ 
(unknown line)


I am running unstable debian linux.

Thanks, John

[julia-users] Re: parallel threads broken, replacing module

2015-07-29 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I can file a bug report. But, I'm not entirely sure what to write.

Simpler case:

 julia -p 4
 @everywhere using ZChop (simple modules)

The following version is from a completely fresh build today. I don't get a 
crash immediately, but I do get
WARNING: replacing module ZChop (4 times)
Version 0.4.0-dev+6394 (2015-07-29 21:58 UTC)
Commit a2a218b* (0 days old master)

Five days ago, i did git pull and built from an older clone
Version 0.4.0-dev+6202 (2015-07-24 01:47 UTC)
Commit 53a7f2e* (5 days old master)
This version prints the same warning and spews many errors including
unknown function (ip: 0x7fe94d596ff7)
ERROR (unhandled task failure): EOFError: read end of file

The following version will load ZChop with no problem, but when loading 
Distributions, it still prints many errors
and fails.  It loads some other modules (i.e with @everywhere, as above),
such as Roots with no apparent errors.
Version 0.4.0-dev+3965 (2015-03-22 12:24 UTC)
Commit e1f0310* (129 days old master)

A fresh build today on another machine gives errors with @everywhere using 
It fails to load Distributions even with no parallel threads, but this 
appears to be unrelated.

On the same (other) machine, the following version loads and runs parallel 
code using the modules
mentioned above, and more.
Version 0.4.0-dev+4096 (2015-03-31 08:05 UTC)
Commit a3c0743* (120 days old master)

I see no error with 0.3.5-pre+121 (2015-01-07 00:19 UTC)

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 11:24:55 PM UTC+2, 

 Parallel threads has stopped working for me. Any ideas ?
 Code using addprocs and @everywhere include has stopped working (is 
 broken) on one machine. Code that used to work now causes a number of 
 varying errors to be printed, crashes, runaway processes, etc. when it is 
 loaded. Both a recent v0.4 and a 2 month old version that did run the code 
 in the past cause the failure. The same code on a different machine 
 continues to run normally. Maybe my user Julia environment has a problem ? 
 Or maybe I upgraded a system library ?

 If I use just 2 processes, the code will sometimes  both load and run 

 A minimal example

 using Distributions

 julia -p 4
  @everywhere include(test.jl)

 WARNING: replacing module Distributions   ( 4 times )
 signal (11): Segmentation fault
 unknown function (ip: 0x7f235c7ffd98)
 jl_module_import at /usr/local/julia-0.4a/bin/../lib/julia/ 
 (unknown line)


 I am running unstable debian linux.

 Thanks, John

[julia-users] Re: Generalized Gamma Distribution

2015-07-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Yes, I think the other distributions in Distributions.jl check parameters, 
as well.

On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 6:43:02 PM UTC+2, andrew cooke wrote:

 maybe you should assert sign(d) == sign(p) (or whatever the correct julia 
 equivalent is?)

 (sorry if this is dumb - i was just looking at the code out of curiousity 
 and don't know the maths)


 On Friday, 24 July 2015 09:29:27 UTC-3, wrote:

 Here is a generalized gamma distribution.

 Only rand() and mean() are implemented, and again no tests. This depends 
 on Distributions. The authors of Distributions may want to include 
 something like this. The parameters may be chosen  to get the Amoroso 
 distribution (inverse generalized gamma distribution) mentioned in the 
 Wikipedia article.


[julia-users] Re: Generalized Gamma Distribution

2015-07-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Since there is interest and you offer to review it, I want to. Not sure 
when I can do it, I am drowning in chores. It will take a bit of time to 
implement everything according to Distributions.jl, but it doesn't look 


On Sunday, July 26, 2015 at 6:11:07 PM UTC+2, Dahua Lin wrote:

 Great stuff.

 Can you make a PR to Distributions.jl? I'd be happy to review the codes 
 and merge when it is ready.


 On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 8:29:27 PM UTC+8, wrote:

 Here is a generalized gamma distribution.

 Only rand() and mean() are implemented, and again no tests. This depends 
 on Distributions. The authors of Distributions may want to include 
 something like this. The parameters may be chosen  to get the Amoroso 
 distribution (inverse generalized gamma distribution) mentioned in the 
 Wikipedia article.


Re: [julia-users] Re: Inverse Laplace Transform

2015-07-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Sounds good to me.

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 4:14:57 PM UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Cool. Just to get an early start on package name bikeshedding, maybe 

 On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 8:07 AM, javascript: 

 The link

Re: [julia-users] Re: Inverse Laplace Transform

2015-07-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a
New url:

On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 4:14:57 PM UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski wrote:

 Cool. Just to get an early start on package name bikeshedding, maybe 

 On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 8:07 AM, javascript: 

 The link

[julia-users] Inverse Laplace Transform

2015-07-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Here is a numeric Inverse Laplace Transform. It needs some tests and stuff 
before making an ANN:,
That may not happen for a while, due to the standard excuses: baby, avoid 
getting fired. (Unless someone else writes them ;) )


[julia-users] Generalized Gamma Distribution

2015-07-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Here is a generalized gamma distribution.

Only rand() and mean() are implemented, and again no tests. This depends on 
Distributions. The authors of Distributions may want to include something 
like this. The parameters may be chosen  to get the Amoroso distribution 
(inverse generalized gamma distribution) mentioned in the Wikipedia article.


[julia-users] Re: Inverse Laplace Transform

2015-07-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a
The link

[julia-users] Re: performance problem with factor

2015-05-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a

This package has a fast factoring function.

But it uses an external library. The code mentioned by Steven Johnson
is probably much faster (in general) than the current Julia code, but slower
than the code in PrimeSieve. But, the new code is a great step in the right 
because it is in native Julia.

On Saturday, May 23, 2015 at 6:35:48 PM UTC+2, harven wrote:

 The factor function seems to be slow.

 julia @time factor(147573952589676412927)   # 2^67-1;  Cole
   elapsed time: 4.955545116 seconds (6 MB allocated, 6.82% gc time in 
 1 pauses with 0 full sweep)
   Dict{Int128,Int64} with 2 entries:
 761838257287 = 1
 193707721= 1

 This is even worse if a bigint is taken as argument (e.g. big(2)^67-1).
 In contrast, here is the timing for the unix factor utility (instant)

   $ time factor 147573952589676412927
   147573952589676412927: 193707721 761838257287

   sys 0m0.004s

 Is there a way to speed up the factorisation with julia?

Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-21 Thread lapeyre . math122a

El martes, 21 de abril de 2015, 7:52:19 (UTC+2), Marcus Appelros escribió:

 Thank you for offering to help. I would like to phase out SymPy, but I 
 don't see it happening in the foreseeable future. I'm not sure how to 
 quantify the amount of capability in SymPy, but it is more or less 
 enormous. I think I could work 8 hours a day for a year and not duplicate 
 it in Julia.
 A better approach might be to complement SymPy, what would you say is 
 missing from SymPy? Also keeping it from entangling with the core like it 
 is now easy to disable SymPy by commenting two lines.

Yes, it would be nice to make SymPy optional, but that would take some 
work. In fact, the native Julia/SJulia Expand is much faster than SymPy, 
but handles fewer cases. Currently, the native version is disabled in favor 
of SymPy. Using the native version when possible would be better, but the 
logic would be quite a chore maybe its better to wait until there is a 
full replacement for Expand. Regarding what's missing, I don't really know. 
You could hang out on their lists. They are developing.  Maybe an example 
is  SJullia 'Count'. It takes a pattern as an argument. I don't think SymPy 
does something like this now, but they have some pattern matching and there 
is talk about doing something new. The way pattern matching is used in 
functions like 'Count' needs to be generalized. But really a better thing 
would be to spend some time looking at SymPy and SJulia (and maybe other 
things) and see what interests you. Or maybe what you are trying to do with 
Equations (I  didn;t look at it yet carefully) is really complementary to 
SJulila. I really think the most important thing is to improve the Julia 
-- SymPy AST translation. But, this is free software; I expect that 
you'll do, like everyone else, what you are motivated to do and what you 
find interesting.

Good plans for the future involve letting SJulia and Equations with 
 offsprings mingle behind the scenes, at the base there will certainly be 
 some duplicated functionality however am intending to quickly progress to 
 very specialized implementations.

Sure, it's good not to duplicate effort, and to get things to play well 
together. If you keep up with Equations, I am interested in helping it 
communicate with SJulia.  I may have said it before, but my primary 
interest with SJulia is making something like Mathematica that is useful of 
r 'the masses' and not only computer enthusiasts, ie something for people 
who want to get an integral quickly and hate hearing 'everything is an 
object' and 'homoiconic'. The Julia and Python ecosystems and support for 
interfacing are awesome, which is really something to take advantage of. 
I'm glad I took Francesco Bonazzi's advice (and help) about translating the 
SymPy AST sooner rather than later. Interfacing with Maxima (and maybe, eg. 
Axiom) might be very useful as well, but I'm not going to investigate 
writing a CL interface at the moment.

 Your example does work for me using  Version 0.4.0-dev+3965 (2015-03-22 
 12:24 UTC),
 but things break fast with 0.4.0 !
 Alright will have to get access to recent versions of everything, 
 configuring a cloud computer to handle julia comfortably, it is currently 
 running with minimum resources.

I just tried SJulia on a recent Julia v0.4 build. I mostly works, but there 
are some new errors.

 You shouldn't need to do all that. I'll have to build a new v 0.4.0 and 
 see if there is a problem.
 Was looking for the source code for the expansion, expanding large 
 polynomials is currently a problem in Equations.

 Yes, the macro is expanded when it is entered. Julia functions can be 
 used with SJulia, but it is not integrated to this extent. I think I do 
 have a Julia-side interface to Expand, but it is disabled. I need to find a 
 more organized way to make some SJulia functionality available from Julia.
 How do julia functions work at sjulia... ?

 The SJulia command line mode is now built into the module, you no longer 
 need to build the fork of Julia (thanks Keno).

Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-21 Thread lapeyre . math122a

El martes, 21 de abril de 2015, 13:16:02 (UTC+2), Marcus Appelros escribió:

 Which cases can not be handled by your native expander?

A lot of cases, IIRC it only does binomial expansion.

 Equations should handle all standard cases 

I checked it out tried a few things. It's very nice. The expansion worked 
and no mystery about how to use it.

 (it is training to be able 
 to revert an expansion into a Pow) but it isn't feasible for stuff 
 like (:x+:y+:z)^100. Am writing a generalized expression matcher to 
 create chains of equations, will develop structures for 
 equationchaining in non-commutative geometry and quantum gravity, in 
 collaboration with Vietnam national university. 

 We share goals, want Equations to be so simple that essentially only 
 one function needs to be called, then an AI handles that function and 
 the user tells the AI what they have and where they want to go from 
 which the AI delivers the closest match. 

 Have been building the current master since morning, there is some 
 build error at osutils and have just ran a distupgrade+reclone, will 
 file and clone your fork if that doesn't work. 

I'm trying in on a few machines and I'm a bit confused on requirements and 
compatibility. Some of it
might depend on the version of SymPy that is installed. I think it needs to 
be a recent one.

 On 21 April 2015 at 13:35, javascript: wrote: 
  El martes, 21 de abril de 2015, 7:52:19 (UTC+2), Marcus Appelros 
  Thank you for offering to help. I would like to phase out SymPy, but I 
  don't see it happening in the foreseeable future. I'm not sure how to 
  quantify the amount of capability in SymPy, but it is more or less 
  enormous. I think I could work 8 hours a day for a year and not 
  it in Julia. 
  A better approach might be to complement SymPy, what would you say is 
  missing from SymPy? Also keeping it from entangling with the core like 
 it is 
  now easy to disable SymPy by commenting two lines. 
  Yes, it would be nice to make SymPy optional, but that would take some 
  In fact, the native Julia/SJulia Expand is much faster than SymPy, but 
  handles fewer cases. Currently, the native version is disabled in favor 
  SymPy. Using the native version when possible would be better, but the 
  would be quite a chore maybe its better to wait until there is a 
  replacement for Expand. Regarding what's missing, I don't really know. 
  could hang out on their lists. They are developing.  Maybe an example is 
  SJullia 'Count'. It takes a pattern as an argument. I don't think SymPy 
  something like this now, but they have some pattern matching and there 
  talk about doing something new. The way pattern matching is used in 
  functions like 'Count' needs to be generalized. But really a better 
  would be to spend some time looking at SymPy and SJulia (and maybe other 
  things) and see what interests you. Or maybe what you are trying to do 
  Equations (I  didn;t look at it yet carefully) is really complementary 
  SJulila. I really think the most important thing is to improve the Julia 
  -- SymPy AST translation. But, this is free software; I expect that 
  do, like everyone else, what you are motivated to do and what you find 
  Good plans for the future involve letting SJulia and Equations with 
  offsprings mingle behind the scenes, at the base there will certainly 
  some duplicated functionality however am intending to quickly progress 
  very specialized implementations. 
  Sure, it's good not to duplicate effort, and to get things to play well 
  together. If you keep up with Equations, I am interested in helping it 
  communicate with SJulia.  I may have said it before, but my primary 
  with SJulia is making something like Mathematica that is useful of r 
  masses' and not only computer enthusiasts, ie something for people who 
  to get an integral quickly and hate hearing 'everything is an object' 
  'homoiconic'. The Julia and Python ecosystems and support for 
  are awesome, which is really something to take advantage of. I'm glad I 
  Francesco Bonazzi's advice (and help) about translating the SymPy AST 
  rather than later. Interfacing with Maxima (and maybe, eg. Axiom) might 
  very useful as well, but I'm not going to investigate writing a CL 
  at the moment. 
  Your example does work for me using  Version 0.4.0-dev+3965 
  12:24 UTC), 
  but things break fast with 0.4.0 ! 
  Alright will have to get access to recent versions of everything, 
  configuring a cloud computer to handle julia comfortably, it is 
  running with minimum resources. 
  I just tried SJulia on a recent Julia v0.4 build. I mostly works, but 
  are some new errors. 

Re: [julia-users] Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I think it would be great to submit the REPL mod, but it is not acceptable 
as it is, although, for the most part, it is pretty solid. Currently, a 
period as the first character switches both in and out of SJulia mode. Some 
advice from the REPL authors would be useful. I was not able to implement 
switching out of SJulia with backspace, you have to type the period again. 
Also, the mod introduces a bug that causes Julia to crash when greek 
symbols are entered in a certain context, even in normal Julia mode. I am 
not able to get command line completion to work in a clean way in SJulia. 
As Marcus suggested, making a general facility for passing input through a 
macro seems like the way to go. It probably would not be too hard for 
someone who understands the REPL code. I might find time to do it, with 
some help.


El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 20:08:17 (UTC+2), Viral Shah escribió:

 It would be great to have the REPL.jl fork submitted as a PR. Even if it 
 is not accepted, something good will certainly come out of it. 


  On 20-Apr-2015, at 11:34 pm, Marcus Appelros 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Currently some modifications to REPL.jl are needed, there is a fork 
  made which does exactly that. 
  Am trying to test some of the examples in the SJulia readme, keep in 
  mind that this is on a old sourcebuilt 0.4 master. 
  julia m= @ex Expand((a+b)^10) 
  Expand((a + b) ^ 10) 
  julia m[2] 
  ERROR: BoundsError() 
  in getindex at /home/quin/SJulia/src/mxpr_type.jl:267 
  Apparently the only method found is: 
  julia t= @ex (a+b)^10 
  (a + b) ^ 10 
  julia typeof(t) 
  julia tt=SJulia.mxpr(:Expand,t) 
  Expand((a + b) ^ 10) 
  julia ttt=typeof(tt) 
  julia methods(SJulia.apprules,(ttt,)) 
  1-element Array{Any,1}: 
  apprules(x) at /home/quin/SJulia/src/apprules.jl:9 
  Which is set to equal x. Also there's this: 
  julia function f(n);@ex Expand((a+b)^n);end 
  f (generic function with 1 method) 
  julia f(3) 
  Expand((a + b) ^ n) 
  The Fibbonacci example does work. 
  On 20 April 2015 at 19:14, Viral Shah javascript: 
  Would it be possible to install SJulia as a Julia package, and switch 
  between SJulia and Julia - kind of like how we have the help and the 
  prompts, which can be activated with ? and ; 
  On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:46:08 PM UTC+5:30, 
  Here is SJulia 
  sjulia f = (x^y + y^z + z^x)^3 
  (x ^ y + y ^ z + z ^ x) ^ 3 
  sjulia f = (x^y + y^z)^3 
  (x ^ y + y ^ z) ^ 3 
  sjulia g = Expand(f) 
  x ^ (3 * y) + 3 * (x ^ (2 * y)) * (y ^ z) + 3 * (x ^ y) * (y ^ (2 * 
 z)) + 
  y ^ (3 * z) 
  SJulia is very close in spirit to Mathematica (Wolfram). This is more 
  less a language written in Julia, 
  although it can be made to communicate well with Julia. From the 
  perspective, there are advantages and disadvantages to 
  implementing symbolic capability as an extension to languages like 
  or Python rather than as 
  another language. I think it is possible to have a language that 
  Also, CAS can describe various software tools that are designed to do 
  different things. For instance, a CAS may  be intended to implement 
 more or 
  less mathematical rigor. It may have a hierarchy of computer language 
  meant to represent mathematical objects. Or 
  it may (like Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima) be based on 'expressions' 
  that are essentially devoid of meaning. All of these distinctions, 
  particularly the latter, regarding purpose, are typically confused in 
  discussions on internet fora. 
  I think that Julia is a great language for symbolic computation. Have 
  On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:47:34 PM UTC+2, Marcus Appelros wrote: 
  Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread: 
  Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like: 
  f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100 
  g = f.expand() 
  As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such 
  expressions and manipulation. 
  Now there is! 
  Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a 
  like this. Have looked through the package list many times and never 
  anything that appeared alike the vision of Equations, SymPy has some 
  functionality however certainly didn't start developing in Julia to 
  Developing this code is indeed very enjoying and as more of the 
  features become released a solid user base will be established, have 
  expanded the todolist with an impelling to read the discussion in 
 your link 
  so as to hasten the construction of such a foundation, as per your 
  With love. 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
SJulia already works as a package (Jim Garrison made the changes). I just 
learned that it should be possible to add a mode to the REPL in the package 
code, so that the fork/PR-to-Julia is no longer necessary. I hope to get to 
this soon.


El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 18:14:27 (UTC+2), Viral Shah escribió:

 Would it be possible to install SJulia as a Julia package, and switch 
 between SJulia and Julia - kind of like how we have the help and the 
 shell prompts, which can be activated with ? and ;


 On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:46:08 PM UTC+5:30, 

 Here is SJulia

 sjulia f = (x^y + y^z + z^x)^3
 (x ^ y + y ^ z + z ^ x) ^ 3

 sjulia f = (x^y + y^z)^3
 (x ^ y + y ^ z) ^ 3

 sjulia g = Expand(f)
 x ^ (3 * y) + 3 * (x ^ (2 * y)) * (y ^ z) + 3 * (x ^ y) * (y ^ (2 * z)) + 
 y ^ (3 * z)

 SJulia is very close in spirit to Mathematica (Wolfram). This is more or 
 less a language written in Julia,
 although it can be made to communicate well with Julia. From the user's 
 perspective, there are advantages and disadvantages to
 implementing symbolic capability as an extension to languages like Julia 
 or Python rather than as
 another language. I think it is possible to have a language that supports 

 Also, CAS can describe various software tools that are designed to do 
 very different things. For instance, a CAS may  be intended to implement 
 more or less mathematical rigor. It may have a hierarchy of computer 
 language types meant to represent mathematical objects. Or
 it may (like Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima) be based on 'expressions' 
 that are essentially devoid of meaning. All of these distinctions, 
 particularly the latter, regarding purpose, are typically confused in 
 discussions on internet fora.

 I think that Julia is a great language for symbolic computation. Have fun!

 On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:47:34 PM UTC+2, Marcus Appelros wrote:

 Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread:

 Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like:

 f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100
 g = f.expand()

 As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such symbolic 
 expressions and manipulation.

 Now there is!

 Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a package 
 like this. Have looked through the package list many times and never found 
 anything that appeared alike the vision of Equations, SymPy has some common 
 functionality however certainly didn't start developing in Julia to use 

 Developing this code is indeed very enjoying and as more of the planned 
 features become released a solid user base will be established, have 
 expanded the todolist with an impelling to read the discussion in your link 
 so as to hasten the construction of such a foundation, as per your 

 With love. 3

Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a

El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 20:04:25 (UTC+2), Marcus Appelros escribió:

 Currently some modifications to REPL.jl are needed, there is a fork 
 made which does exactly that. 

 Am trying to test some of the examples in the SJulia readme, keep in 
 mind that this is on a old sourcebuilt 0.4 master. 

 julia m= @ex Expand((a+b)^10) 
 Expand((a + b) ^ 10) 

 julia m[2] 
 ERROR: BoundsError() 
  in getindex at /home/quin/SJulia/src/mxpr_type.jl:267 

 Your example does work for me using  Version 0.4.0-dev+3965 (2015-03-22 
12:24 UTC),
but things break fast with 0.4.0 !

 Apparently the only method found is: 

 julia t= @ex (a+b)^10 
 (a + b) ^ 10 

 julia typeof(t) 

 julia tt=SJulia.mxpr(:Expand,t) 
 Expand((a + b) ^ 10) 

 julia ttt=typeof(tt) 

 julia methods(SJulia.apprules,(ttt,)) 
 1-element Array{Any,1}: 
  apprules(x) at /home/quin/SJulia/src/apprules.jl:9 

You shouldn't need to do all that. I'll have to build a new v 0.4.0 and see 
if there is a problem.

 Which is set to equal x. Also there's this: 

 julia function f(n);@ex Expand((a+b)^n);end 
 f (generic function with 1 method) 

 julia f(3) 
 Expand((a + b) ^ n) 

Yes, the macro is expanded when it is entered. Julia functions can be used 
with SJulia, but it is not integrated to this extent. I think I do have a 
Julia-side interface to Expand, but it is disabled. I need to find a more 
organized way to make some SJulia functionality available from Julia.


 The Fibbonacci example does work. 

 On 20 April 2015 at 19:14, Viral Shah javascript: 
  Would it be possible to install SJulia as a Julia package, and switch 
  between SJulia and Julia - kind of like how we have the help and the 
  prompts, which can be activated with ? and ; 
  On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:46:08 PM UTC+5:30, 
  Here is SJulia 
  sjulia f = (x^y + y^z + z^x)^3 
  (x ^ y + y ^ z + z ^ x) ^ 3 
  sjulia f = (x^y + y^z)^3 
  (x ^ y + y ^ z) ^ 3 
  sjulia g = Expand(f) 
  x ^ (3 * y) + 3 * (x ^ (2 * y)) * (y ^ z) + 3 * (x ^ y) * (y ^ (2 * z)) 
  y ^ (3 * z) 
  SJulia is very close in spirit to Mathematica (Wolfram). This is more 
  less a language written in Julia, 
  although it can be made to communicate well with Julia. From the user's 
  perspective, there are advantages and disadvantages to 
  implementing symbolic capability as an extension to languages like 
  or Python rather than as 
  another language. I think it is possible to have a language that 
  Also, CAS can describe various software tools that are designed to do 
  different things. For instance, a CAS may  be intended to implement 
 more or 
  less mathematical rigor. It may have a hierarchy of computer language 
  meant to represent mathematical objects. Or 
  it may (like Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima) be based on 'expressions' 
  that are essentially devoid of meaning. All of these distinctions, 
  particularly the latter, regarding purpose, are typically confused in 
  discussions on internet fora. 
  I think that Julia is a great language for symbolic computation. Have 
  On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:47:34 PM UTC+2, Marcus Appelros wrote: 
  Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread: 
  Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like: 
  f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100 
  g = f.expand() 
  As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such 
  expressions and manipulation. 
  Now there is! 
  Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a 
  like this. Have looked through the package list many times and never 
  anything that appeared alike the vision of Equations, SymPy has some 
  functionality however certainly didn't start developing in Julia to 
  Developing this code is indeed very enjoying and as more of the 
  features become released a solid user base will be established, have 
  expanded the todolist with an impelling to read the discussion in your 
  so as to hasten the construction of such a foundation, as per your 
  With love. 3 

Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
The SJulia command line mode is now built into the module, you no longer 
need to build the fork of Julia (thanks Keno).

julia  using SJulia 
sjulia  Integrate(Exp(-x^2),[x,0,Infinity])# hit '' to enter SJulia 
(1//2) * (π ^ (1//2))

El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 18:14:27 (UTC+2), Viral Shah escribió:

 Would it be possible to install SJulia as a Julia package, and switch 
 between SJulia and Julia - kind of like how we have the help and the 
 shell prompts, which can be activated with ? and ;


 On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:46:08 PM UTC+5:30, 

 Here is SJulia

 sjulia f = (x^y + y^z + z^x)^3
 (x ^ y + y ^ z + z ^ x) ^ 3

 sjulia f = (x^y + y^z)^3
 (x ^ y + y ^ z) ^ 3

 sjulia g = Expand(f)
 x ^ (3 * y) + 3 * (x ^ (2 * y)) * (y ^ z) + 3 * (x ^ y) * (y ^ (2 * z)) + 
 y ^ (3 * z)

 SJulia is very close in spirit to Mathematica (Wolfram). This is more or 
 less a language written in Julia,
 although it can be made to communicate well with Julia. From the user's 
 perspective, there are advantages and disadvantages to
 implementing symbolic capability as an extension to languages like Julia 
 or Python rather than as
 another language. I think it is possible to have a language that supports 

 Also, CAS can describe various software tools that are designed to do 
 very different things. For instance, a CAS may  be intended to implement 
 more or less mathematical rigor. It may have a hierarchy of computer 
 language types meant to represent mathematical objects. Or
 it may (like Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima) be based on 'expressions' 
 that are essentially devoid of meaning. All of these distinctions, 
 particularly the latter, regarding purpose, are typically confused in 
 discussions on internet fora.

 I think that Julia is a great language for symbolic computation. Have fun!

 On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:47:34 PM UTC+2, Marcus Appelros wrote:

 Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread:

 Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like:

 f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100
 g = f.expand()

 As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such symbolic 
 expressions and manipulation.

 Now there is!

 Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a package 
 like this. Have looked through the package list many times and never found 
 anything that appeared alike the vision of Equations, SymPy has some common 
 functionality however certainly didn't start developing in Julia to use 

 Developing this code is indeed very enjoying and as more of the planned 
 features become released a solid user base will be established, have 
 expanded the todolist with an impelling to read the discussion in your link 
 so as to hasten the construction of such a foundation, as per your 

 With love. 3

Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Thank you for offering to help. I would like to phase out SymPy, but I 
don't see it happening in the foreseeable future. I'm not sure how to 
quantify the amount of capability in SymPy, but it is more or less 
enormous. I think I could work 8 hours a day for a year and not duplicate 
it in Julia. At the moment, I'm able to invest zero hours per day, but I 
hope that will change in the summer. More important now is phasing SymPy 
in: Translating the two AST's works quite well, but it is not complete. 
But, there is a lot of stuff to work on that is not in SymPy, like 
improving pattern matching.  If one were serious about removing the 
SymPy dependency, the best thing to do would be to work on improving the 
SymPy interface because this is the fastest way to make SJulia useful, 
which would attract users, and therefore developers.


El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 16:42:02 (UTC+2), Marcus Appelros escribió:

 Awesome! Do you have plans to eventually phase out the SymPy dependency? 
 We can collaborate on that!

 On Monday, 20 April 2015 15:16:08 UTC+3, wrote:

 Here is SJulia

Re: [julia-users] Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Great!  This will allow me to include the SJulia REPL in the SJulia package 
(IIUC), so that one doesn't need to build a fork of Julia. --John

El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 23:14:31 (UTC+2), Keno Fischer escribió:

 The REPL code was designed to have new modes added externally. See e.g. 
 the RunCxxREPL function here:

 On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 5:04 PM, javascript: 

 I think it would be great to submit the REPL mod, but it is not 
 acceptable as it is, although, for the most part, it is pretty solid. 
 Currently, a period as the first character switches both in and out of 
 SJulia mode. Some advice from the REPL authors would be useful. I was not 
 able to implement switching out of SJulia with backspace, you have to type 
 the period again. Also, the mod introduces a bug that causes Julia to crash 
 when greek symbols are entered in a certain context, even in normal Julia 
 mode. I am not able to get command line completion to work in a clean way 
 in SJulia. As Marcus suggested, making a general facility for passing input 
 through a macro seems like the way to go. It probably would not be too hard 
 for someone who understands the REPL code. I might find time to do it, with 
 some help.


 El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 20:08:17 (UTC+2), Viral Shah escribió:

 It would be great to have the REPL.jl fork submitted as a PR. Even if it 
 is not accepted, something good will certainly come out of it. 


  On 20-Apr-2015, at 11:34 pm, Marcus Appelros 
  Currently some modifications to REPL.jl are needed, there is a fork 
  made which does exactly that. 
  Am trying to test some of the examples in the SJulia readme, keep in 
  mind that this is on a old sourcebuilt 0.4 master. 
  julia m= @ex Expand((a+b)^10) 
  Expand((a + b) ^ 10) 
  julia m[2] 
  ERROR: BoundsError() 
  in getindex at /home/quin/SJulia/src/mxpr_type.jl:267 
  Apparently the only method found is: 
  julia t= @ex (a+b)^10 
  (a + b) ^ 10 
  julia typeof(t) 
  julia tt=SJulia.mxpr(:Expand,t) 
  Expand((a + b) ^ 10) 
  julia ttt=typeof(tt) 
  julia methods(SJulia.apprules,(ttt,)) 
  1-element Array{Any,1}: 
  apprules(x) at /home/quin/SJulia/src/apprules.jl:9 
  Which is set to equal x. Also there's this: 
  julia function f(n);@ex Expand((a+b)^n);end 
  f (generic function with 1 method) 
  julia f(3) 
  Expand((a + b) ^ n) 
  The Fibbonacci example does work. 
  On 20 April 2015 at 19:14, Viral Shah wrote: 
  Would it be possible to install SJulia as a Julia package, and switch 
  between SJulia and Julia - kind of like how we have the help and the 
  prompts, which can be activated with ? and ; 
  On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:46:08 PM UTC+5:30, 
  Here is SJulia 
  sjulia f = (x^y + y^z + z^x)^3 
  (x ^ y + y ^ z + z ^ x) ^ 3 
  sjulia f = (x^y + y^z)^3 
  (x ^ y + y ^ z) ^ 3 
  sjulia g = Expand(f) 
  x ^ (3 * y) + 3 * (x ^ (2 * y)) * (y ^ z) + 3 * (x ^ y) * (y ^ (2 * 
 z)) + 
  y ^ (3 * z) 
  SJulia is very close in spirit to Mathematica (Wolfram). This is 
 more or 
  less a language written in Julia, 
  although it can be made to communicate well with Julia. From the 
  perspective, there are advantages and disadvantages to 
  implementing symbolic capability as an extension to languages like 
  or Python rather than as 
  another language. I think it is possible to have a language that 
  Also, CAS can describe various software tools that are designed to 
 do very 
  different things. For instance, a CAS may  be intended to implement 
 more or 
  less mathematical rigor. It may have a hierarchy of computer 
 language types 
  meant to represent mathematical objects. Or 
  it may (like Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima) be based on 
  that are essentially devoid of meaning. All of these distinctions, 
  particularly the latter, regarding purpose, are typically confused 
  discussions on internet fora. 
  I think that Julia is a great language for symbolic computation. 
 Have fun! 
  On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:47:34 PM UTC+2, Marcus Appelros 
  Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread: 
  Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like: 
  f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100 
  g = f.expand() 
  As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such 
  expressions and manipulation. 
  Now there is! 
  Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a 
  like this. Have looked through the package list many times and 
 never found 
  anything that appeared alike the 

[julia-users] Re: BinDeps, C libraries in packages

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
It would complicate Example.jl quite a bit. On the other hand, because it's 
so simple, I look at other packages, not Example.jl, when I need an ... 


El lunes, 20 de abril de 2015, 18:12:29 (UTC+2), Viral Shah escribió:

 This seems like it is something useful to have in Example.jl. Perhaps 
 people will then have a reason to use Example.jl for something!


 On Monday, April 20, 2015 at 6:24:35 PM UTC+5:30, 

 Here is an example of using BinDeps to download and build C libraries 
 when building your Julia package.

 This file includes a lot of comments:

 I am posting this here because it may be useful for people trying to use 
 BinDeps, since it seems there was a lack of
 examples, at least examples that could be located easily.

 I meant to post this a few months ago, but didn't get around to it.


[julia-users] BinDeps, C libraries in packages

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Here is an example of using BinDeps to download and build C libraries when 
building your Julia package.

This file includes a lot of comments:

I am posting this here because it may be useful for people trying to use 
BinDeps, since it seems there was a lack of
examples, at least examples that could be located easily.

I meant to post this a few months ago, but didn't get around to it.


Re: [julia-users] Re: Symbolic relations package

2015-04-20 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Here is SJulia

sjulia f = (x^y + y^z + z^x)^3
(x ^ y + y ^ z + z ^ x) ^ 3

sjulia f = (x^y + y^z)^3
(x ^ y + y ^ z) ^ 3

sjulia g = Expand(f)
x ^ (3 * y) + 3 * (x ^ (2 * y)) * (y ^ z) + 3 * (x ^ y) * (y ^ (2 * z)) + y 
^ (3 * z)

SJulia is very close in spirit to Mathematica (Wolfram). This is more or 
less a language written in Julia,
although it can be made to communicate well with Julia. From the user's 
perspective, there are advantages and disadvantages to
implementing symbolic capability as an extension to languages like Julia or 
Python rather than as
another language. I think it is possible to have a language that supports 

Also, CAS can describe various software tools that are designed to do very 
different things. For instance, a CAS may  be intended to implement more or 
less mathematical rigor. It may have a hierarchy of computer language types 
meant to represent mathematical objects. Or
it may (like Mathematica, Maple, and Maxima) be based on 'expressions' that 
are essentially devoid of meaning. All of these distinctions, particularly 
the latter, regarding purpose, are typically confused in discussions on 
internet fora.

I think that Julia is a great language for symbolic computation. Have fun!

On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:47:34 PM UTC+2, Marcus Appelros wrote:

 Hi Kevin, thanks for the link! From the end of that thread:

 Has anybody written pure Julia symbolic math for things like:

 f = (x**y + y**z + z**x)**100
 g = f.expand()

 As far as I know there is no Julia package which supports such symbolic 
 expressions and manipulation.

 Now there is!

 Saw a more recent dev discussion calling for someone to write a package 
 like this. Have looked through the package list many times and never found 
 anything that appeared alike the vision of Equations, SymPy has some common 
 functionality however certainly didn't start developing in Julia to use 

 Developing this code is indeed very enjoying and as more of the planned 
 features become released a solid user base will be established, have 
 expanded the todolist with an impelling to read the discussion in your link 
 so as to hasten the construction of such a foundation, as per your 

 With love. 3

[julia-users] Re: building Julia could not allocate pools

2015-03-22 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I confirm that removing  ulimit -Sv 500 from .bashrc allows me to 
build Julia, or at least advances me to the next, unrelated problem.

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 4:40:40 PM UTC+1, Jonathan Anderson wrote:

 I have the same problem (user janders cannot build julia: I thought 
 it might be related to a ulimit restriction placed on my userid so I built 
 with a different userid that has no limit.

 This userid is able to build everything successfully on the same host that 
 my build failed on.

 The following data point is also interesting 

 I copied the built software onto a NFS partition that ignores ownership 
 and everything is a+rwx
 * When I run this build as the userid that built the software, I can run 
 the build
 * If I run as the userid researcher, I can run this build
 * If I run as my original userid (janders) I get the could not allocate 

 Here is janders' ulimit -a

 ulimit -a
 -t: cpu time (seconds) unlimited
 -f: file size (blocks) unlimited
 -d: data seg size (kbytes) unlimited
 -s: stack size (kbytes)8192
 -c: core file size (blocks)unlimited
 -m: resident set size (kbytes) unlimited
 -u: processes  256722
 -n: file descriptors   1024
 -l: locked-in-memory size (kb) unlimited
 -v: address space (kb) 800
 -x: file locks unlimited
 -i: pending signals256722
 -q: bytes in POSIX msg queues  819200
 -e: max nice   40
 -r: max rt priorityunlimited
 -N 15: unlimited

 What else can I provide to debug this?

 On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 7:18:55 AM UTC-6, 

 Anyone know something about this ?

 I did not build the latest Julia (master branch) since about 30 days.
 Now, when I do 'git pull' and 'make' I am getting various error messages:

could not allocate pools
Makefile:165: recipe for target 
 '/home/jlapeyre/software_source/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys0.o' failed

 This was a few days ago, so I 'pulled' every once in a while, hoping the 
 problem would go away.
 I tried make clean, make cleanall, make distcleanall. Then dependencies 
 also fail to build
 I removed even the packages with   make -C deps distcleanall.

 I have not changed my tool chain since the last successful build. I can't 
 recall, but there is a
 chance (but, I think not) that I moved the entire repository from one 
 place to another.

 Since I don't see any noise about this, something tells me its not a 
 common problem.


[julia-users] Re: Factorization of big integers is taking too long

2015-03-19 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Tim is correct in a sense. I translated some big int code a while ago, I 
think it was the pollard rho method (don't quite remember the details) and 
the inability to reuse storage for a bigint caused a big performance hit. 
(I thought about some workaround, but unfortunately I don't remember what 
it was or if I even tried it)

Stefan wrote a simple stop-gap factor() routine and noted in a comment that 
it needs to be improved. But Bill Hart is correct: It can't do 3^100 + 2 no 
matter how efficient bigint arithmetic is.

The Maxima routines and the perl module by Dana Jacobsen are good, but they 
would require translating and asking the authors to liberalize the license.

I wrapped the msieve c library.

It does 3^100 + 2 in less than a second on my machine

On Friday, March 13, 2015 at 6:20:16 PM UTC+1, Hans W Borchers wrote:

 I got interested in factorizing some larger integers such as N = 3^100 + 2 
 In all tries, factor(N) did not return and had to be interrupted:

 julia N = big(3)^100 + 2
 julia factor(N)
 ^CERROR: interrupt
  in finalizer at ./base.jl:126
  in + at gmp.jl:243
  in factor at primes.jl:111

 It is calling GMP, but the GMP software cannot be the reason as this works 
 with the GMP package in R and returns the factorization within seconds:

 R library(gmp)
 R N - bigz(3)^100
 R factorize(N)
 Big Integer ('bigz') object of length 3:
 [1] 31721   246451584544723 65924521656039679831393482841
 R system.time(factorize(N))
  user  system elapsed 
 3.738   0.000   3.730

 Is this a bug? Did I do something wrong?
 The first factor, 31721, is not even large. Mathematical software such as 
 GAP or PARI/GP will factorize this in much less than a second.

 PS: Versioninfo
 Julia Version 0.3.6; System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz; WORD_SIZE: 64
 LIBM: libopenlibm; LLVM: libLLVM-3.3

[julia-users] building Julia could not allocate pools

2015-02-27 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Anyone know something about this ?

I did not build the latest Julia (master branch) since about 30 days.
Now, when I do 'git pull' and 'make' I am getting various error messages:

   could not allocate pools
   Makefile:165: recipe for target 
'/home/jlapeyre/software_source/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys0.o' failed

This was a few days ago, so I 'pulled' every once in a while, hoping the 
problem would go away.
I tried make clean, make cleanall, make distcleanall. Then dependencies 
also fail to build
I removed even the packages with   make -C deps distcleanall.

I have not changed my tool chain since the last successful build. I can't 
recall, but there is a
chance (but, I think not) that I moved the entire repository from one place 
to another.

Since I don't see any noise about this, something tells me its not a common 


[julia-users] Re: building Julia could not allocate pools

2015-02-27 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Ok. I'll get to it ASAP.  I also tried a completely fresh clone, and I get 
the same error.

On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 3:59:52 PM UTC+1, Ivar Nesje wrote:

 Thanks for reporting

 The error seems to be coming from /src/gc.c#L482,
 which was added in #8699 which 
 was merged 24 Ja (~30 days 

 As nobody else has reported this, someone will probably need more 
 information about your system in order to debug this properly, as it likely 
 is system dependent. Can you try to download any of the pre-buildt binaries 
 to see if they work?


 fredag 27. februar 2015 14.18.55 UTC+1 skrev 

 Anyone know something about this ?

 I did not build the latest Julia (master branch) since about 30 days.
 Now, when I do 'git pull' and 'make' I am getting various error messages:

could not allocate pools
Makefile:165: recipe for target 
 '/home/jlapeyre/software_source/julia/usr/lib/julia/sys0.o' failed

 This was a few days ago, so I 'pulled' every once in a while, hoping the 
 problem would go away.
 I tried make clean, make cleanall, make distcleanall. Then dependencies 
 also fail to build
 I removed even the packages with   make -C deps distcleanall.

 I have not changed my tool chain since the last successful build. I can't 
 recall, but there is a
 chance (but, I think not) that I moved the entire repository from one 
 place to another.

 Since I don't see any noise about this, something tells me its not a 
 common problem.


Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-02-27 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Thanks for the info Ondrej and John.

On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 4:31:46 AM UTC+1, j verzani wrote:

 I think PyCall already has what you need for conversion:

 PyObject(big(pi)) will create a an mpf instance of a big float, like 
 convert(BigFloat, PyObject(big(pi)))  will return a BigFloat from an mpf 

[julia-users] Re: Julia users @ APS March Meeting?

2015-02-27 Thread lapeyre . math122a
What do you think about making a doodle or some web thingy  to arrange a 
time ?

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:39:23 PM UTC+1, Jim Garrison wrote:

 The annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society is next week in 
 San Antonio, and I am wondering if any Julia users would be interested in 
 getting together there to chat for a bit.  I already know of 4-5 Julia 
 users attending, but surely there will be others I don't yet know of.  Let 
 me know if you'd be interested in joining us.

 - Jim

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-02-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a
(I am resending because, this my message to Ondřej did not go to the list)

Hi Ondřej,

The various sympy projects are very interesting, your work porting Rubi 

SJulia is using SymPy for a lot of features (Integrate, Solve, ...) . Here 
is some test code

Francesco Bonazzi prompted me and started the code. From the little I've 
Sympy has impressive capabilities and the performance is good.


On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 4:30:04 AM UTC+1, Ondřej Čertík wrote:

 Hi John, 

 I just discovered this thread, some comments: 

 On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:53 AM, javascript: 
  On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 10:20:08 AM UTC+1, Francesco Bonazzi 
  On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 12:34:43 PM UTC+1, John Lapeyre wrote: 
   I read that the next version of Rubi will feature a decision tree, 
   longer pattern matching. 
  Interesting. I don't see it, do you have a link? 
 This looks great (at least based on the linked post) It no longer 

 I wrote that post. I also created a PR with actual SymPy code here: 

 It seems to work great so far. I am waiting for more code from Albert 
 (I CCed him) and also I need to polish the PR some more. 

 I also tested Rubi using Mathematica, and it seems faster and more 
 robust (it can also do more integrals) than Mathematica's Integrate[] 
 function. Albert said that on his benchmarks, the if/then/else form is 
 massively faster than the pattern matching (maybe up to 100x on some 

  on the sophisticated part of the core Mma language, so it greatly 
  number of languages able to run Rubi. (Its only one now: Mma itself)  I 
  guess it's not too much trouble to emit sympy code. I'm pretty sure this 
  could be easily adapted to Maxima. In fact I wrote an Mma to Maxima 
  translator a while ago (Hmm I should put it on github) so it might work 
  immediately.  It uses RJF's  CL  Mma parser (uhh. too many acronyms). 
  translator can't handle Mma patterns (maybe just a liitle, I don't 
  My translator could translate and pass tests for a fair size quantum 
  information package. It also translated and correctly ran some symbolic 
  quantum mechanics code used in research that was written by a colleague. 
  But, it was unacceptably slow, because Maxima uses linked lists for 
  expressions, which require fundamentally different algorithms, not just 
  translation... I'm digressing. 
   I guess Albert Rich still maintains the data in some other form ? Or is 
  editing these big nested conditional statements ... 

 My understanding is that unfortunately he edits the nested conditional 
 statements. Apparently it is not easy to automatically translate the 
 pattern matching rules into a polished if/then/else form, though 
 ultimately it would be nice to have that. The if/then/else is nice, 
 that you can step through it easily via a debugger, and the only way 
 this might not finish is if the functions call each other recursively. 

 If you are interested in helping out with Rubi, please write to 
 Albert. He might really use some help with this, and lots of projects 
 would benefit. He maintains it in Mathematica, and then have automatic 
 translators to other codes, including Maxima and SymPy. 

  By the way, I was thinking about the syntax, what about instead of 
  @ex f(x_, y_Integer, z) := ... 
  Well, I kind of tried different things, including :: at one point. I 
  gradually moved away from a Julia extension to really another language: 
  just wanted the patterns, but they need support from expressions, but 
  requires a consistent evaluation sequence, etc. But, because I am 
 relying on 
  Julia's parser, the options are limited: the parser has to believe it's 
  valid Julia code (although it won't eval). So, if I disallow underscores 
  identifiers and interpret them instead as signifying patterns, I don't 
  consume any of the limited available Julia syntax. In Mma  you can have 
  two, or three underscores before and/or after an identifier, each 
  combination of which means something different. All of that has to be 
  encoded in Julia syntax. By disallowing underscores, the whole problem 
  solved. I started to implement the Mma Condition, which is yet another 
  essential feature of the pattern matching. I tried :: for *that*, but it 
  high precedence, so you need to use parens, which I don't like. For now, 
  decided on just Condition(a,b). Furthermore, I stopped implementing 
  Condition because it is relatively easy to do. AC matching is a b$%h. 
  me, there's no sense in continuing the experiment unless I'm convinced 
  harder stuff can be done.  Of course if you, or 

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-02-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Do you know much about the SymPy interface ? (or maybe the authors are 
reading this ?)
Francesco has already supplied a lot of information, but I am new to sympy.

Here, I ask for an integer to be converted with _to_mpmath

And find that if the integer is actually a machine integer, then I get an 
Int64. So big
integers go to big integers and machine integers to machine integers.

Is there something similar I can do to get big float and machine floating 
point to map correctly
to Julia ?   I'm not sure how SymPy encodes  complex and rationals, but the 
code I have seems
to handle all of these correctly. 

On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 4:30:04 AM UTC+1, Ondřej Čertík wrote:

 Hi John, 

 I just discovered this thread, some comments: 

 On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:53 AM, javascript: 
  On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 10:20:08 AM UTC+1, Francesco Bonazzi 
  On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 12:34:43 PM UTC+1, John Lapeyre wrote: 
   I read that the next version of Rubi will feature a decision tree, 
   longer pattern matching. 
  Interesting. I don't see it, do you have a link? 
 This looks great (at least based on the linked post) It no longer 

 I wrote that post. I also created a PR with actual SymPy code here: 

 It seems to work great so far. I am waiting for more code from Albert 
 (I CCed him) and also I need to polish the PR some more. 

 I also tested Rubi using Mathematica, and it seems faster and more 
 robust (it can also do more integrals) than Mathematica's Integrate[] 
 function. Albert said that on his benchmarks, the if/then/else form is 
 massively faster than the pattern matching (maybe up to 100x on some 

  on the sophisticated part of the core Mma language, so it greatly 
  number of languages able to run Rubi. (Its only one now: Mma itself)  I 
  guess it's not too much trouble to emit sympy code. I'm pretty sure this 
  could be easily adapted to Maxima. In fact I wrote an Mma to Maxima 
  translator a while ago (Hmm I should put it on github) so it might work 
  immediately.  It uses RJF's  CL  Mma parser (uhh. too many acronyms). 
  translator can't handle Mma patterns (maybe just a liitle, I don't 
  My translator could translate and pass tests for a fair size quantum 
  information package. It also translated and correctly ran some symbolic 
  quantum mechanics code used in research that was written by a colleague. 
  But, it was unacceptably slow, because Maxima uses linked lists for 
  expressions, which require fundamentally different algorithms, not just 
  translation... I'm digressing. 
   I guess Albert Rich still maintains the data in some other form ? Or is 
  editing these big nested conditional statements ... 

 My understanding is that unfortunately he edits the nested conditional 
 statements. Apparently it is not easy to automatically translate the 
 pattern matching rules into a polished if/then/else form, though 
 ultimately it would be nice to have that. The if/then/else is nice, 
 that you can step through it easily via a debugger, and the only way 
 this might not finish is if the functions call each other recursively. 

 If you are interested in helping out with Rubi, please write to 
 Albert. He might really use some help with this, and lots of projects 
 would benefit. He maintains it in Mathematica, and then have automatic 
 translators to other codes, including Maxima and SymPy. 

  By the way, I was thinking about the syntax, what about instead of 
  @ex f(x_, y_Integer, z) := ... 
  Well, I kind of tried different things, including :: at one point. I 
  gradually moved away from a Julia extension to really another language: 
  just wanted the patterns, but they need support from expressions, but 
  requires a consistent evaluation sequence, etc. But, because I am 
 relying on 
  Julia's parser, the options are limited: the parser has to believe it's 
  valid Julia code (although it won't eval). So, if I disallow underscores 
  identifiers and interpret them instead as signifying patterns, I don't 
  consume any of the limited available Julia syntax. In Mma  you can have 
  two, or three underscores before and/or after an identifier, each 
  combination of which means something different. All of that has to be 
  encoded in Julia syntax. By disallowing underscores, the whole problem 
  solved. I started to implement the Mma Condition, which is yet another 
  essential feature of the pattern matching. I tried :: for *that*, but it 
  high precedence, so you need to use parens, which I don't like. For now, 
  decided on just Condition(a,b). Furthermore, I stopped implementing 

Re: [julia-users] Re: workflow for devloping large modules

2015-02-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I usually edit files and 'include' them, sometimes copy and paste. Thanks 
for posting the information on ESS.

Cheers, John

On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 1:04:09 PM UTC+1, Tamas Papp wrote:

 ESS _does_ support Julia at the moment: 

 1. editing Julia code works fine, even though the aforementioned commit 
 from Wilfred Hughes will improve it and will also make it easier to 
 follow improvements in julia-mode, 

 2. interacting with the REPL is functional, but does not support all the 
 extras I mentioned. But still, you lose nothing compared to manually 
 copy/pasting into a REPL (which I am assume is what you are doing), so I 
 would advise that you try ESS, even at its current state of Julia support. 



 On Wed, Feb 25 2015, javascript: wrote: 

  Great. I have not tried ESS yet, but definitely will when it supports 
  Julia.  I am not completely happy with emacs and julia-mode now. 
  julia-mode seems to insert a lot of trailing whitespace when 
  killing/yanking. And I can't 
  find a decent terminal mode/ shell buffer, unless I am running something 
  that doesn't even have readline. 
  On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 12:44:48 AM UTC+1, 
  I'm looking for a workflow, maybe someone can point me to a thread or 
  a document. 
  I was developing a large module without actually putting it in a 
  module. It is 7500 lines of code (counting every newline) and the 
  test suite is about 700 lines. I arranged things so the module loads 
  in about 2-3 seconds and the test suite runs the first time in about 
  20 seconds and subsequently in less than a second (or more if I reload 
  some code) I had to restart very rarely. So for the majority of 
  changes, I could reload one file and run the entire test suite in, 
  maybe 1 to 8 seconds, occasionally longer 
  Recently, I decided to depend on SymPy, which takes 20 seconds to 
  load. Now, starting from zero and running my module's test suite is 45 
  I already have a single file MyModule.jl that includes all the other 
  code. So now I wrap all the 'includes' inside a 'module' block in 
  MyModule.jl.  Now my workflow is so slow that for practical purposes, 
  I can no longer work on the module. 
  When I am working on core code, for every change I make. I have to 
  restart and wait 45 seconds. 
  I spent a few hours, now, and in the past, reading threads on 
  workflows.  I tried a few things, but no luck. I didn't try all the 
  secret recipes. 
  I don't understand how people get around the need to reload the 
  entire module each time they make a change to it, and what the 
  potential problems from doing this are. My test suite 
  fails to run if I load the module twice. I spent some time trying 
  to understand why. Maybe finding this problem is the only solution? 
  Here are two possible solutions: 
  1. Fully qualify all identifiers in the module. Then, if I understand, 
  I can reload pieces of the code. 
  2. Break the code into several modules, polluting the namespace at 
  the module level 

[julia-users] Re: workflow for devloping large modules

2015-02-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I found a solution. If something is wrong, please correct it in this thread.

-- To make a module, you must put code in a single module expression 
'module MyModule ... end'.
You may 'include' other files within this expression which has the 
effect of literally writing the contents
inside the module expression.
--  Once the module expression is executed, you cannot add functions (or 
other things, like global constants ?) 
to the module. If you again load code with a module expression naming 
the same module, it will overwrite
the original module. (you can have a submodule MyModule within 
MyModule. You will get a warning that
MyModule is being overwritten, but in fact it is not. But, this may 
have been fixed by now.)  So if you
change anything in a module, you must reload the entire module. But, 
this is not quite true. If a function
already exists from the previous module expression, you can redefine it 
by qualifying it with
'MyModule.funcname(...'.  In this function, you also have to qualify 
all types that were defined inside the
module, (and maybe other things ?)
--  Reloading the module may cause warnings to be printed at the repl. For 
instance, for me, methods that extend
 base functions cause 'new definition is ambiguous with' warnings, and 
'Method definition ... overwritten' warnings.
 I don't know the significance of these warnings. But you may have 
problems (see below). I don't know if they
 are related to the warnings printed at the repl.
--   After reloading the entire module, code, in particular test code, may 
fail with error messages printed. Restarting
 Julia, of course will fix this.
--   But, here is a solution that lets me edit a line in a module, reload 
it and run the tests relatively quickly:
 Run the test code. At the line number named in the error message, 
qualify calls to a macro with the name
 of the module, eg. 'MyModule.@mymacro'. Probably the same applies to 
function calls. You may need to
 qualify calls in some preceding lines, as well. Run the test suite 
again, and repeat the previous step. In the
 end, I am able to run the entire test suite with about 5 percent of 
the calls (every call in this test suite is to
 one of two macros) qualified.  If you understand the problem better, 
you may be able to predict which calls
 need to be qualified. Anyway, after doing this, my workflow is 
unstuck!  I read a lot of posts on how to deal
 with this problem. Fortunately, there is a line in a post by Tim Holy 
mentioning qualifying calls to module
 functions in test code. Thanks, Tim!
   -- John

Re: [julia-users] Re: workflow for devloping large modules

2015-02-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I guess you mean using the module's eval to add functions/variables ?  This 
sounds like an excellent

I am using emacs/julia mode + konsole.

On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 11:39:31 AM UTC+1, Tamas Papp wrote:

 Hi John, 

 In fact you can eval into a module and thus add functions/variables 
 without reloading the whole thing. Juno supports this, I am working on 
 ESS to provide the same functionality. What IDE are you using? 



 On Wed, Feb 25 2015, javascript: wrote: 

  I found a solution. If something is wrong, please correct it in this 
  -- To make a module, you must put code in a single module expression 
  'module MyModule ... end'. 
  You may 'include' other files within this expression which has the 
  effect of literally writing the contents 
  inside the module expression. 
  --  Once the module expression is executed, you cannot add functions (or 
  other things, like global constants ?) 
  to the module. If you again load code with a module expression 
  the same module, it will overwrite 
  the original module. (you can have a submodule MyModule within 
  MyModule. You will get a warning that 
  MyModule is being overwritten, but in fact it is not. But, this may 
  have been fixed by now.)  So if you 
  change anything in a module, you must reload the entire module. But, 
  this is not quite true. If a function 
  already exists from the previous module expression, you can redefine 
  by qualifying it with 
  'MyModule.funcname(...'.  In this function, you also have to qualify 
  all types that were defined inside the 
  module, (and maybe other things ?) 
  --  Reloading the module may cause warnings to be printed at the repl. 
  instance, for me, methods that extend 
   base functions cause 'new definition is ambiguous with' warnings, 
  'Method definition ... overwritten' warnings. 
   I don't know the significance of these warnings. But you may have 
  problems (see below). I don't know if they 
   are related to the warnings printed at the repl. 
  --   After reloading the entire module, code, in particular test code, 
  fail with error messages printed. Restarting 
   Julia, of course will fix this. 
  --   But, here is a solution that lets me edit a line in a module, 
  it and run the tests relatively quickly: 
   Run the test code. At the line number named in the error message, 
  qualify calls to a macro with the name 
   of the module, eg. 'MyModule.@mymacro'. Probably the same applies 
  function calls. You may need to 
   qualify calls in some preceding lines, as well. Run the test suite 
  again, and repeat the previous step. In the 
   end, I am able to run the entire test suite with about 5 percent of 
  the calls (every call in this test suite is to 
   one of two macros) qualified.  If you understand the problem 
  you may be able to predict which calls 
   need to be qualified. Anyway, after doing this, my workflow is 
  unstuck!  I read a lot of posts on how to deal 
   with this problem. Fortunately, there is a line in a post by Tim 
  mentioning qualifying calls to module 
   functions in test code. Thanks, Tim! 
 -- John 

[julia-users] Re: workflow for devloping large modules

2015-02-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Great. I have not tried ESS yet, but definitely will when it supports 
Julia.  I am not completely happy with emacs and julia-mode now.
julia-mode seems to insert a lot of trailing whitespace when 
killing/yanking. And I can't
find a decent terminal mode/ shell buffer, unless I am running something 
that doesn't even have readline.


On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 12:44:48 AM UTC+1, 

 I'm looking for a workflow, maybe someone can point me to a thread or
 a document.

 I was developing a large module without actually putting it in a
 module. It is 7500 lines of code (counting every newline) and the
 test suite is about 700 lines. I arranged things so the module loads
 in about 2-3 seconds and the test suite runs the first time in about
 20 seconds and subsequently in less than a second (or more if I reload
 some code) I had to restart very rarely. So for the majority of
 changes, I could reload one file and run the entire test suite in,
 maybe 1 to 8 seconds, occasionally longer

 Recently, I decided to depend on SymPy, which takes 20 seconds to
 load. Now, starting from zero and running my module's test suite is 45 

 I already have a single file MyModule.jl that includes all the other
 code. So now I wrap all the 'includes' inside a 'module' block in
 MyModule.jl.  Now my workflow is so slow that for practical purposes,
 I can no longer work on the module.

 When I am working on core code, for every change I make. I have to
 restart and wait 45 seconds.

 I spent a few hours, now, and in the past, reading threads on
 workflows.  I tried a few things, but no luck. I didn't try all the
 secret recipes.

 I don't understand how people get around the need to reload the
 entire module each time they make a change to it, and what the
 potential problems from doing this are. My test suite
 fails to run if I load the module twice. I spent some time trying
 to understand why. Maybe finding this problem is the only solution?

 Here are two possible solutions:

 1. Fully qualify all identifiers in the module. Then, if I understand,
 I can reload pieces of the code.

 2. Break the code into several modules, polluting the namespace at
 the module level

[julia-users] workflow for devloping large modules

2015-02-24 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I'm looking for a workflow, maybe someone can point me to a thread or
a document.

I was developing a large module without actually putting it in a
module. It is 7500 lines of code (counting every newline) and the
test suite is about 700 lines. I arranged things so the module loads
in about 2-3 seconds and the test suite runs the first time in about
20 seconds and subsequently in less than a second (or more if I reload
some code) I had to restart very rarely. So for the majority of
changes, I could reload one file and run the entire test suite in,
maybe 1 to 8 seconds, occasionally longer

Recently, I decided to depend on SymPy, which takes 20 seconds to
load. Now, starting from zero and running my module's test suite is 45 

I already have a single file MyModule.jl that includes all the other
code. So now I wrap all the 'includes' inside a 'module' block in
MyModule.jl.  Now my workflow is so slow that for practical purposes,
I can no longer work on the module.

When I am working on core code, for every change I make. I have to
restart and wait 45 seconds.

I spent a few hours, now, and in the past, reading threads on
workflows.  I tried a few things, but no luck. I didn't try all the
secret recipes.

I don't understand how people get around the need to reload the
entire module each time they make a change to it, and what the
potential problems from doing this are. My test suite
fails to run if I load the module twice. I spent some time trying
to understand why. Maybe finding this problem is the only solution?

Here are two possible solutions:

1. Fully qualify all identifiers in the module. Then, if I understand,
I can reload pieces of the code.

2. Break the code into several modules, polluting the namespace at
the module level

[julia-users] Re: Julia users @ APS March Meeting?

2015-02-23 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I'm interested.

On Monday, February 23, 2015 at 8:39:23 PM UTC+1, Jim Garrison wrote:

 The annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society is next week in 
 San Antonio, and I am wondering if any Julia users would be interested in 
 getting together there to chat for a bit.  I already know of 4-5 Julia 
 users attending, but surely there will be others I don't yet know of.  Let 
 me know if you'd be interested in joining us.

 - Jim

[julia-users] Loading code from base without building Julia

2015-02-22 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Is it possible to copy code from the base directory, modify it, and reload 
it ? I suppose this depends on exactly what you want to do. I have modified 
REPL.jl. At present, the only way I know how to use this is to build Julia. 
There is the added complication that the modified version would have to be 
loaded before the REPL is initialized. With some smaller bits of code from 
other files, I can get what I want by qualifying the names and maybe 
'using' some modules (IIRC). But, the modifications to REPL are not well 

If I just do
the first error, I get is UndefVarError: Terminals not defined

The reason I want to do this is to make the symbolic Julia code easier to 
use. At present, you either wrap every line in a macro, or download and 
build Julia, with the only modification being in REPL.jl.


[julia-users] symbolic computation in Julia (again)

2015-02-21 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Here is more on the experiment in symbolic computation. Some results and 
timing are given in the README.

The focus is still on a Mathematica-like language, although I think it's 
possible and desirable to write routines with an interface so that they can 
be used in a different way.

The results are encouraging. Many things are relatively fast compared to 
other software. (I consider half as fast as Mathematica 3 in many cases to 
be very fast) Despite the large number of functions, a coherent language to 
build on is not there yet. There is a language and you can write functions 
easily, but it needs a lot of work.

The main thing  I have been looking at recently is allocation, which is 
relatively slow (compared to Mathematica and Maxima, not to python 
projects).  This shows up in particular when creating a large number of 
small expressions.  I don't know how Mathematica does it, but in Maxima 
creating an expression is it is little more than creating a a few cons 
cells. In SJulia each expression has a Dict containing the unbound 
variables that appear in it. This slows down creating an empty expression 
by somewhat less than a factor of two. But, even eliminating this, 
allocation is a bit slow. Allocation is not always a big factor in 
performance. For many reasonable tasks, SJulia is faster (sometimes much 
faster) than Maxima and sometimes as fast as Mathematica 3. (18 years old, 
but a milestone for Mma after about 10 years as a commercial product.)

To reiterate (I think I said this), I think there is a big need for 
something like this code, and Julia is by far the best choice for 
implementing it. Maxima is perhaps the closest open source project. But, it 
has many problems, for instance the CL ecosystem (compared to Julia, this 
is a really big deal), and a heterogeneous, very old code base.

I was never convinced that the Sage model would be useful. I'm not sure 
about Python in general, but I think many of the arguments for Julia 
compared to python apply. Eg, Implementing Mma-like expressions using a 
hierarchy of types seems difficult. Also, there is far more overlap between 
SJulia (Mma-like) needs and Julia, than python (and certainly CL). Mathics, 
as the developers admit, is very slow. It may have some good ideas (but the 
code is GPL).  I don't have enough experience to compare SJulia well with 
SymPy.  SymPy is 100 times slower with the one task I benchmarked. But, 
there are so many unknowns, that I can't draw any conclusions yet.


[julia-users] Re: symbolic computation in Julia (again)

2015-02-21 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Regarding python and SymPy: I meant to say implementing Mma-like 
expressions via a hierarchy of *classes*,  not types

[julia-users] Re: Levi-Civita symbol/tensor

2015-02-16 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Maybe its too late, but here is a fast implementation giving the signature 
of the output of randperm(n)

On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:41:58 PM UTC+1, Blake Johnson wrote:

 I keep writing code that needs the Levi-Civita symbol, i.e.:

 \epsilon_{ijk} = { 1 if (i,j,k) is an even permutation, -1 if (i,j,k) is 
 an odd permutation, otherwise 0 }

 It is used frequently in physics, so I keep expecting it to be in Julia's 
 stdlib, perhaps under a different name (in Mathematica, it is called 
 Signature[]). But, if it is there, I haven't found it yet. Is it there 
 and I just can't find it?

[julia-users] Re: Levi-Civita symbol/tensor

2015-02-16 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I should note that a couple of routines in PermPlain are not MIT license 
compatible.  But all the code to compute
the signature of a permutation most definitely is MIT compatible. I wrote 
it, although the algorithm is well known.

There is also this code which calls PermPlain:

On Monday, February 16, 2015 at 4:12:10 PM UTC+1, 

 Maybe its too late, but here is a fast implementation giving the signature 
 of the output of randperm(n)

 On Monday, February 9, 2015 at 8:41:58 PM UTC+1, Blake Johnson wrote:

 I keep writing code that needs the Levi-Civita symbol, i.e.:

 \epsilon_{ijk} = { 1 if (i,j,k) is an even permutation, -1 if (i,j,k) is 
 an odd permutation, otherwise 0 }

 It is used frequently in physics, so I keep expecting it to be in Julia's 
 stdlib, perhaps under a different name (in Mathematica, it is called 
 Signature[]). But, if it is there, I haven't found it yet. Is it there 
 and I just can't find it?

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-01-28 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Francesco, I just realized that Mathics is actually aiming to implement the 
Mma language. For some reason I thought it was only using the same syntax. 
So, this is indeed similar to what I am trying to do. Except that I 
consider the code that I have now to be an experiment.

On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 10:20:08 AM UTC+1, Francesco Bonazzi 

 On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 12:34:43 PM UTC+1, John Lapeyre wrote:

   I read that the next version of Rubi will feature a decision tree, no 
 longer pattern matching.

 Interesting. I don't see it, do you have a link? 

 By the way, I was thinking about the syntax, what about instead of

 @ex f(x_, y_Integer, z) := ...

 to use a more Julia-friendly one like

 @ex f(x, y::Integer, :z) := ...

 This does not need any string processing for underscore signs, colon 
 prepended to the symbol (e.g. :z) to mark that *z* is not a wildcard 

 Anyways, it looks like on your patterns you are implicitly introducing an 
 Mxpr - type correspondence, i.e. if in *x_A* the expression *A* were 
 considered both as the head of an Mxpr and as a Julia type.

 Any thoughts about interpolation of Julia variables in the *@ex* macro? I 
 tried to call *a=3; @ex f($a)* but it doesn't work.

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-01-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:20:54 PM UTC+1, Francesco Bonazzi wrote:

 A Mathematica parser could be used as an optional addition, such as what 
 Mathics is to SymPy.

 Anyways, there are various options for Julia:

- use Expr and operate on them, this is similar to how Maxima works.

One experiment in the code I posted does this. And the main code does 
essentially the same thing, but it is not an Expr, but a Mxpr that
carries some additional fields.

 declare symbolic types and use operator overloading: this is the approach 
by SymPy and Axiom.

This is interesting and has advantages, but is not what I am looking for, 
at least not now. I  suppose hybridizing etc. is possible

  create a DSL invoked by a macro, this appears to be the case for SJulia

Yes, the macro is just a way to allow more syntax than nested expressions. 
And this is really the same as your first item, as well.

Using the macro is much easier than writing or modifying a parser.

I expect that at some point,  all of these options will be tried with Julia.

[julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-01-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Hello Jim,
Thanks for the long response. I looked at the papers; I think they are 
worth studying. I found that I can progress most quickly modeling on 
Mathematica. The design is fairly simple and consistent. Of course the 
documentation is vague in some places, but so far, it is not a problem. Of 
course, even if you know logically what the rules should do, there is still 
the matter of building data structures and applying them.  I am more 
concerned now in getting correct logical behavior than efficient 
application of rules. I want to see a cohesive system. A lot of risk is 
reduced, because we know Mathematica works. But, it is good to develop 
ideas about efficient implementation at the same time, and there is no 
avoiding it when doing commutative matching.

I installed sympy, but have not played with it yet, but I definitely will. 
I've looked just a bit at the code. If you have any experience optimizing 
pattern matching, or other resources, I'd like to hear about it.

Another resource is Richard Fateman's  mma4max, which I see has 
updates since I last built it. It aims more or less to implement mma in 
common lisp. In fact it has a Julia-compatible license and a complete 
parser written in common lisp. IIRC the comments show that the pattern 
matcher is not perfect, but I think it is complete.

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 3:07:22 AM UTC+1, 


 Here is some code I have been working on. It is for symbolic computation 
 based on pattern matching.
 If you find it interesting, any feedback is welcome!


Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-01-26 Thread lapeyre . math122a

(My posts are not appearing where I want. Hope this one does!)

On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 6:57:48 PM UTC+1, James Crist wrote:

 Maybe the parser could be useful if rewritten in Julia:

 Side tracking a bit, but one of the reasons I use SymPy instead of 
 something like Maxima is that it meshes seamlessly into the language 
 infrastructure. By writing a parser and creating another system means that 
 it can't use julia's ecosystem without modification. I'd rather see a CAS 
 work within Julia's parser framework. But that's just me.

Yes, I played with both ideas. I think what I am looking for is a 
fundamentally different language from Julia. I can't see a way to make it 
an extension of Julia in the way that a normal package is. Although it may 
be possible to use it from within Julia in a convenient way. Writing 
classes to handle mathematical structures is more efficient in memory and 
runtime, but is less flexible than expressions.


 I am more concerned now in getting correct logical behavior than efficient 
 application of rules.

 Making it just *work* is certainly a priority, but design decisions made 
 now can make things tricky later on. Especially with the design of your 
 internal representation. How you represent expression trees and assumptions 
 can seriously affect the performance of matching/traversals/replacements. 

I agree. But, the right decision is not always clear to me. So I am 
interested in the representation, not performance, because there is a good 
chance that parts will be thrown away.  I am fairly certain that I want to 
represent expressions in a way similar to a Julia, Mathematica, Maxima, or 
Lisp expression (arrays of pointers vs. linked list is another matter). 
Mathematica rules and patterns are also represented this way. Of course, I 
am sure they are used at some point to build data structures composed of 
types in some language. But, logically, and at the language level, 
everything is an expression.


 On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Francesco Bonazzi 
 javascript: wrote:

 On Monday, January 26, 2015 at 6:11:33 PM UTC+1, 

 Another resource is Richard Fateman's  mma4max, which I see has 
 updates since I last built it. It aims more or less to implement mma in 
 common lisp. In fact it has a Julia-compatible license and a complete 
 parser written in common lisp. IIRC the comments show that the pattern 
 matcher is not perfect, but I think it is complete.

 Maybe the parser could be useful if rewritten in Julia:

[julia-users] ANN: Symbolic computation with Julia

2015-01-25 Thread lapeyre . math122a

Here is some code I have been working on. It is for symbolic computation 
based on pattern matching.
If you find it interesting, any feedback is welcome!


[julia-users] Does TypeCheck specify which methods failed ?

2015-01-08 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I see this when I use TypeCheck:

blah blah
The total number of failed methods in ModuleName is 2

But I can't see which methods failed. Am I missing something ?


[julia-users] Re: Notice about coverage results

2015-01-07 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Is there already a bug report for this ?

$ julia --version
julia version 0.3.5-pre+121
$ julia --code-coverage
Segmentation fault

This version of julia was giving the same segfault. But, now mysteriously 
is not.

$ julia-0.4 --version
julia version 0.4.0-dev+2470

On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 12:19:23 AM UTC+1, Tim Holy wrote:

 To package authors  users: 

 Those of you who are using Coverage  Coveralls should be prepared for 
 large changes to your coverage statistics. Until now, the mechanisms we've 
 been using to count coverage percentage were pretty badly broken; while 
 still far from perfect, some recent changes in the Coverage package appear 
 have made those measurements considerably more accurate. In most cases, 
 see your coverage percentages drop, in some cases by a large amount. Those 
 changes to Coverage were just merged and tagged, so the next time you push 
 commit, your numbers may plummet. Unless, of course, you're simply awesome 
 about writing tests, or plan to become so :-). 

 How to use Coverage to measure your coverage percentage, and find those 
 functions in your package that need testing: 


[julia-users] Julia vs C++-11 for random walks

2015-01-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random walk

It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github.


Re: [julia-users] Re: Julia vs C++-11 for random walks

2015-01-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
 It may be in part the implementation of the RNG. I think it is also in 
part whether the abstraction is optimized away.
Notice that Julia v0.3 is faster than v0.4. This is probably randbool() vs. 

On Monday, January 5, 2015 4:50:56 PM UTC+1, Isaiah wrote:

 Very neat. Just in case this gets posted to the interwebz, it is worth 
 pointing out that the performance advantage for Julia can probably be 
 explained by differences in the underlying RNG. We use dsFMT, which is 
 known to be one of (if not the?) fastest MT libraries around. I could not 
 find any published comparisons in a quick google, but based on this test 
 harness [1], dsFMT may be significantly faster than std::mt19937:

 ihnorton@julia:~/tmp/cpp-random-test$ ./random-real
 C++11 : 2.34846
 Boost : 0.371674
 dSFMT : 0.281255
 GSL   : 0.649981


 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:12 AM, javascript: 

 Oh, and, (I forgot to mention!)  the Julia code runs much faster.

 On Monday, January 5, 2015 3:56:07 PM UTC+1, wrote:

 Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random walk

 It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github.


Re: [julia-users] Re: Julia vs C++-11 for random walks

2015-01-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I meant randbool() in v0.3, where it was a more direct call, not randbool() 
in v0.4.
Anyway, I just found the problem and patched it. Adding one '@inline' now 
makes rand(Bool) in v0.4
about as fast as randbool() in v0.3.

Should I open an issue (bug report), or just make a PR ? 

On Monday, January 5, 2015 8:59:02 PM UTC+1, Viral Shah wrote:

 I doubt that rand(Bool) is any slower, since randbool() calls rand(Bool). 
 It is worth filing this as a performance regression.


 On Monday, January 5, 2015 9:41:45 PM UTC+5:30, 

  It may be in part the implementation of the RNG. I think it is also in 
 part whether the abstraction is optimized away.
 Notice that Julia v0.3 is faster than v0.4. This is probably randbool() 
 vs. rand(Bool).

 On Monday, January 5, 2015 4:50:56 PM UTC+1, Isaiah wrote:

 Very neat. Just in case this gets posted to the interwebz, it is worth 
 pointing out that the performance advantage for Julia can probably be 
 explained by differences in the underlying RNG. We use dsFMT, which is 
 known to be one of (if not the?) fastest MT libraries around. I could not 
 find any published comparisons in a quick google, but based on this test 
 harness [1], dsFMT may be significantly faster than std::mt19937:

 ihnorton@julia:~/tmp/cpp-random-test$ ./random-real
 C++11 : 2.34846
 Boost : 0.371674
 dSFMT : 0.281255
 GSL   : 0.649981


 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:12 AM, wrote:

 Oh, and, (I forgot to mention!)  the Julia code runs much faster.

 On Monday, January 5, 2015 3:56:07 PM UTC+1, 

 Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random walk

 It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github.


[julia-users] Re: Julia vs C++-11 for random walks

2015-01-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Oh, and, (I forgot to mention!)  the Julia code runs much faster.

On Monday, January 5, 2015 3:56:07 PM UTC+1, wrote:

 Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random walk

 It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github.


Re: [julia-users] Re: Julia vs C++-11 for random walks

2015-01-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Ok. It's done.  Just to be sure I understood what I read on a github forum; 
there is no way for me to attach a label to the PR. So the labels are 
always added by someone else ?


On Monday, January 5, 2015 9:25:18 PM UTC+1, Viral Shah wrote:

 Thanks. Do create a PR. 


  On 06-Jan-2015, at 1:53 am, javascript: wrote: 
  I meant randbool() in v0.3, where it was a more direct call, not 
 randbool() in v0.4. 
  Anyway, I just found the problem and patched it. Adding one '@inline' 
 now makes rand(Bool) in v0.4 
  about as fast as randbool() in v0.3. 
  Should I open an issue (bug report), or just make a PR ? 
  On Monday, January 5, 2015 8:59:02 PM UTC+1, Viral Shah wrote: 
  I doubt that rand(Bool) is any slower, since randbool() calls 
 rand(Bool). It is worth filing this as a performance regression. 
  On Monday, January 5, 2015 9:41:45 PM UTC+5:30, 
   It may be in part the implementation of the RNG. I think it is also in 
 part whether the abstraction is optimized away. 
  Notice that Julia v0.3 is faster than v0.4. This is probably randbool() 
 vs. rand(Bool). 
  On Monday, January 5, 2015 4:50:56 PM UTC+1, Isaiah wrote: 
  Very neat. Just in case this gets posted to the interwebz, it is worth 
 pointing out that the performance advantage for Julia can probably be 
 explained by differences in the underlying RNG. We use dsFMT, which is 
 known to be one of (if not the?) fastest MT libraries around. I could not 
 find any published comparisons in a quick google, but based on this test 
 harness [1], dsFMT may be significantly faster than std::mt19937: 
  ihnorton@julia:~/tmp/cpp-random-test$ ./random-real 
  C++11 : 2.34846 
  Boost : 0.371674 
  dSFMT : 0.281255 
  GSL   : 0.649981 
  On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:12 AM, wrote: 
  Oh, and, (I forgot to mention!)  the Julia code runs much faster. 
  On Monday, January 5, 2015 3:56:07 PM UTC+1, 
  Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random walk. 
  It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github. 

Re: [julia-users] Julia vs C++-11 for random walks

2015-01-05 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Good. This is fine with me.Thanks.

On Monday, January 5, 2015 9:52:58 PM UTC+1, Viral Shah wrote:

 I believe the labels can only be attached by those who have read/write 


  On 06-Jan-2015, at 2:20 am, javascript: wrote: 
  Ok. It's done.  Just to be sure I understood what I read on a github 
 forum; there is no way for me to attach a label to the PR. So the labels 
 are always added by someone else ? 
  On Monday, January 5, 2015 9:25:18 PM UTC+1, Viral Shah wrote: 
  Thanks. Do create a PR. 
   On 06-Jan-2015, at 1:53 am, wrote: 
   I meant randbool() in v0.3, where it was a more direct call, not 
 randbool() in v0.4. 
   Anyway, I just found the problem and patched it. Adding one '@inline' 
 now makes rand(Bool) in v0.4 
   about as fast as randbool() in v0.3. 
   Should I open an issue (bug report), or just make a PR ? 
   On Monday, January 5, 2015 8:59:02 PM UTC+1, Viral Shah wrote: 
   I doubt that rand(Bool) is any slower, since randbool() calls 
 rand(Bool). It is worth filing this as a performance regression. 
   On Monday, January 5, 2015 9:41:45 PM UTC+5:30, 
It may be in part the implementation of the RNG. I think it is also 
 in part whether the abstraction is optimized away. 
   Notice that Julia v0.3 is faster than v0.4. This is probably 
 randbool() vs. rand(Bool). 
   On Monday, January 5, 2015 4:50:56 PM UTC+1, Isaiah wrote: 
   Very neat. Just in case this gets posted to the interwebz, it is worth 
 pointing out that the performance advantage for Julia can probably be 
 explained by differences in the underlying RNG. We use dsFMT, which is 
 known to be one of (if not the?) fastest MT libraries around. I could not 
 find any published comparisons in a quick google, but based on this test 
 harness [1], dsFMT may be significantly faster than std::mt19937: 
   ihnorton@julia:~/tmp/cpp-random-test$ ./random-real 
   C++11 : 2.34846 
   Boost : 0.371674 
   dSFMT : 0.281255 
   GSL   : 0.649981 
   On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:12 AM, wrote: 
   Oh, and, (I forgot to mention!)  the Julia code runs much faster. 
   On Monday, January 5, 2015 3:56:07 PM UTC+1, 
   Hi, here is a comparison of Julia and C++ for simulating a random 
   It is the first Julia program I wrote. I just pushed it to github. 

[julia-users] Re: Constructing Expr from s-expressions

2015-01-04 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Not sure, but maybe this is what you are looking for,

On Sunday, January 4, 2015 6:49:39 AM UTC+1, Darwin Darakananda wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Is there currently a function that converts s-expressions into Expr 
 structures (basically the reverse of Base.Meta.show_sexpr)?

 I just started playing around with metaprogramming in Julia, so I'm 
 probably doing things wrong.  But there are a lot of times where I end up 
 creating highly nested Expr objects, ending up with code that is 
 indecipherable.  I've found that the output from show_sexpr is sometimes 
 easier to read that that of dump or xdump (which only seems to display the 
 first couple of levels).  So I'm curious to see if the reverse 
 (s-expression - Expr) is also true.  

 If this function does not exist, would it be something that people would 
 find useful?

 Thanks and Happy New Years!


[julia-users] Re: Julia takes 2nd place in Delacorte Numbers competition

2015-01-04 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Congratulations! Awesome. Don't know if this is Arch D or Arch S. The 
scores look even closer than
track and field times.

On Sunday, January 4, 2015 6:35:46 PM UTC+1, Arch Robison wrote:

 FYI, I won 2nd place in the recent Al Zimmerman programming contest 
 Numbers, using only 
 Julia and a quad-core MonkeyStation Pro   Julia worked out well 
 because it had:

- interactivity to study the problem
- quick prototyping to try ideas
- fast scalar code
- fast SIMD loops 

 I've working on a paper that will describe the experience in more detail.

 - Arch

[julia-users] Re: bug in jacobisymbol Combinatorics.jl

2015-01-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Changing the line that calls libgmp like this ( Int is replaced with Int32 )
 return convert(Int,ccall((:__gmpz_jacobi, :libgmp), Int32,

gives correct results. The C header and code says the return type is 'int'.
All values that should be -1, come out 4294967295.  This may be system
dependent, but I only have one laptop available at the moment.

On Saturday, January 3, 2015 6:44:40 PM UTC+1, wrote:

 This is not correct

 julia jacobisymbol(10,7)

 This happens in v0.3 and v0.4
 I can send more information, and have a possible fix. I tried to find a 
 way to make a comment or issue or something at,
 but was unable to find a button for it.  Better to talk before issuing a 


[julia-users] bug in jacobisymbol Combinatorics.jl

2015-01-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a
This is not correct

julia jacobisymbol(10,7)

This happens in v0.3 and v0.4
I can send more information, and have a possible fix. I tried to find a way 
to make a comment or issue or something at,
but was unable to find a button for it.  Better to talk before issuing a PR.


Re: [julia-users] Re: bug in jacobisymbol Combinatorics.jl

2015-01-03 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Great,  thanks. Cint make more sense. Also, the same change needs to be 
made for

On Saturday, January 3, 2015 7:11:19 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 Thanks for the report and the fix.

 I've updated the code and strengthened the test; the only change was to 
 use Cint instead of Int32 for consistency with our C calling code:

 I've also enabled the issue tracker; didn't realize it was off.

 On Sat Jan 03 2015 at 12:52:41 PM javascript: 

 Changing the line that calls libgmp like this ( Int is replaced with 
 Int32 )

  return convert(Int,ccall((:__gmpz_jacobi, :libgmp), Int32,

 gives correct results. The C header and code says the return type is 
 All values that should be -1, come out 4294967295.  This may be system
 dependent, but I only have one laptop available at the moment.

 On Saturday, January 3, 2015 6:44:40 PM UTC+1, 

 This is not correct

 julia jacobisymbol(10,7)

 This happens in v0.3 and v0.4
 I can send more information, and have a possible fix. I tried to find a 
 way to make a comment or issue or something at,
 but was unable to find a button for it.  Better to talk before issuing a 


Re: [julia-users] Static type fields

2015-01-02 Thread lapeyre . math122a
I guess that many people coming from a common OO language will look for 
this and it seems natural to look in the
manual in the sections 'Types' or 'Methods'.  Maybe somewhere near the 
discussion of fields in
 Composite Types  It 
looks like before Immutable Composite Types
would be good. For instance: (with existing surrounding text)

 You can also change the values as one would expect:

You can associate static data with a type like this:
   static_data(::Type{MyObj}) = 1
   static_data(::Type{MyOtherObj}) = 2

Composite types with no fields are singletons 

On Thursday, January 1, 2015 8:34:48 AM UTC+1, wrote:

 On Thursday, January 1, 2015 11:45:00 AM UTC+10, Jameson wrote:

 method dispatch on the object type does a remarkably good job at 
 providing this functionality without needing a specialized feature:

 static_data(::Type{MyObj}) = 1
 static_data(::Type{MyOtherObj}) = 2

 Would like to document this, but not sure where it should go?

 On Wed Dec 31 2014 at 8:23:40 PM Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 I currently am trying to solve a problem where I have many composite 
 types and I would like to associate some data with each type, such that 
 every instance has access to it. Obviously, in C++ I would just create a 
 static member variable. 

 Is there a good way to go about this in Julia? Currently, I have it 
 working by using a global Dict mapping DataType objects to their associated 
 data but I really don't like this. Something more naive like just adding 
 that field to every object instance also strikes me as unnecessary and 
 wasteful. I haven't seen any significant discussion about static fields on 
 the lists or on github so is this something that could be considered for 
 addition to the language?


[julia-users] Re: Static type fields

2015-01-02 Thread lapeyre . math122a
And more generally, sections for C++ and java in Noteworthy Differences 
would be useful. Except, I'm thinking of not only syntactic differences, 
but rather how very common features or idioms in C++ are done in Julia. A 
colleague asked if Julia supports objects. I said; yes, well not really, 
but you do it like this. A section like that could quickly show whether you 
can do what you want with Julia.

On Thursday, January 1, 2015 2:23:39 AM UTC+1, Josh Langsfeld wrote:

 I currently am trying to solve a problem where I have many composite types 
 and I would like to associate some data with each type, such that every 
 instance has access to it. Obviously, in C++ I would just create a static 
 member variable. 

 Is there a good way to go about this in Julia? Currently, I have it 
 working by using a global Dict mapping DataType objects to their associated 
 data but I really don't like this. Something more naive like just adding 
 that field to every object instance also strikes me as unnecessary and 
 wasteful. I haven't seen any significant discussion about static fields on 
 the lists or on github so is this something that could be considered for 
 addition to the language?


Re: [julia-users] Re: checking a version number?

2014-12-31 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Apparently it's important to get it right from the beginning:

version numbers should be boring

On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 2:25:54 PM UTC+1, Tim Holy wrote:

 Yes, dealing with version numbers is really sweet in julia. I believe 
 deserves credit for this. Incidentally, if you parse C library version 
 into a VersionNumber type, you can use all the same machinery. 


 On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 04:19:44 AM Andreas Lobinger wrote: 
  I see. The a = Base.VERSION and then looking at a.major a.minor is 
  enough in my case. I wasn't aware you could do even comparisions with 
  v string. 

[julia-users] Re: Declaring variables in julia

2014-12-31 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Yes, the short answer is that the Julia manual is full of talk about types.

Whether to specify type information, and if so, how depends on what you are 
trying to do. So an example of what you are trying to write would be 

Exact type correspondences
are listed in the Julia manual, but these are normally only useful for 
interfacing with Fortran or C libraries. 


On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 1:57:25 PM UTC+1, 


 Please let me know how to declare float, double, long int, unsigned long 
 and unsigned char to some variable in julia( Please mention syntax)


[julia-users] Re: ANN: ApproxFun v0.05 with support for piecewise and singular functions

2014-12-31 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Pkg.add(ApproxFun) did not give me v0.0.5 for some reason
$ git  tag

So your first examples failed. But, this is very impressive!


On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 4:54:06 AM UTC+1, Sheehan Olver wrote:

 ApproxFun is a package for approximating functions and solving 
 differential equations.  ApproxFun v0.05 adds support for piecewise and 
 singular functions.  For example, we can sample a function with semicircle 
 or other Jacobi singularities:


 Or integrate the absolute value of sin:


 Or even solve PDEs with discontinuous coefficients.  Other improvements 
 include 2-5x faster ODE solving, so that now an ODE requiring a million 
 unknowns can be solved in one second, and preliminary support for high 
 precision functions.  

 Thanks go to Gustavo Goretkin (MIT) and Mikael Slevinsky (Oxford) for many 

 Note: Julia v0.4 is not supported due to issue #9378

Re: [julia-users] Re: ANN: ApproxFun v0.05 with support for piecewise and singular functions

2014-12-31 Thread lapeyre . math122a
Sorry for adding noise to the list.

On Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:06:22 PM UTC+1, Jiahao Chen wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 2:53 PM, javascript: 

 Pkg.add(ApproxFun) did not give me v0.0.5 for some reason

 0.0.5 was posted less than two days ago. Did you run Pkg.update() before 
 doing Pkg.add? 


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