Vietnam News Sep 3

2000-09-03 Thread heikki sipilä

An extract.

Grand meeting and parade celebrate National Day A meeting, military parade and
march of the masses were held in Hanoi on the morning of September 2 to
celebrate the 55th anniversaries of the August Revolution and the National
Day. A delegation of athletes carried a revolutionary torchlight from the Ho
Chi Minh Museum to light up the flame from a make-shift tower in front of Ba
Dinh Square. When the Party and State leaders had come to the rostrum, the
national anthem was started. Minister of Culture and Information Nguyen Khoa
Diem, head of the organising board, read an opening speech and President Tran
Duc Luong made a speech highlighting the revolutionary process of 55 years of
national construction and defence. Representatives of 54 nationalities of
Vietnam and young pioneers took the lead of the parade. Following them were
the people’s armed forces including ground troops, anti-aircraft and air
forces, border guards, navy, commandos and people’s police forces and the
Mekong River Delta woman guerillas. Then representatives of governmental
agencies, unions and branches marched past the rostrum.


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IRSP: Solidarity With The Libyan Revolution

2000-09-03 Thread james-tait


01 September 2000

   Solidarity with the Libyan Revolution

The International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
issued a statement sending "greetings and solidarity" with the Libyan
people on the 31st anniversary of the revolution that overthrew the
Libyan monarchy, which functioned as a surrogate for the imperialist
interests operating in North America.

The statement, issued by IRSP International Secretariat member Peadar
Baile said:

"The Irish Republican Socialist Party pause to extend warm wishes
and continuing solidarity to the people of the Libyan Jamahirya on
the 31st anniversary of their revolution against imperialism

"The Libyan Jamahirya has set a shining example through its
willingness to demonstrate its independence from the imperialist
powers, who have bent so many other nations to their will, making
a mockery of national sovereignty.  The Libyan Jamahirya has also
lent its support to many, many people in struggle around the globe,
providing a model of revolutionary internationalism.

"Having endured more than a decade of international sanctions
designed to destroy the independent, revolutionary, posture of
Libya in the world, the Libyan people have shown their determination
and their preparedness to sacrifice for the sake of national sovereignty
and for the principles on which they have constructed one of the most
radical realisations of popular rule in the world today.

"Through having long supported efforts promoting Pan-Arabism
and Pan-Africanism, the Libyan people have set the standard for
internationalism that other nations would do well to follow, if they
would seek to arise from under the thumb of imperialist domination.

"The IRSP is proud to be able to claim a consistent history of solidarity
with the Libyan Jamahirya, which we reiterate today.  In a continuation
of that tradition, we send greetings of solidarity to the Libyan people,
and salute them for their heroic stance in opposition to imperialism and
in support of national liberation and justice for the working people
throughout the world."


USA/Colombia. The President of Hypocrites.

2000-09-03 Thread heikki sipilä

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 09:14:02 -0500 (CDT)


The Independent (UK)   
The President of hypocrites
Clinton's intervention in Colombia's drugs war is high risk. It won't
help the chaotic country and it could backfire on the US
By Joan Smith
3 September 2000
I suppose there are bigger hypocrites than Bill Clinton, but their names
escape me for the moment. The US President made a flying visit to
Colombia last week, after assuring the population in a video broadcast
that the US has no military objective in their country. I'm sorry?
Wasn't he about to hand over $1.3bn – some £900m – in mostly
military aid to Colombia's President Andres Pastrana? Well, yes, but you
would barely know it from Mr Clinton's trademark blend of personal
anecdote and stomach-churning sentimentality. He insisted he was merely
providing assist- ance in a campaign against drugs led by the Colombian
government, before going on to salute ordinary people who are marching
for peace, for justice, for the quiet miracle of a normal life.
The compliment was not whole-heartedly returned. Bomb-making equipment
was found in Cartagena, the Caribbean port where Mr Clinton spent
precisely eight hours, well away from the capital, Bogota, and the
southern provinces which the government has ceded to drug traffickers
and left-wing guerrillas. Even so, Mr Clinton's brief presence required
protection from no fewer than 5,000 soldiers and police, 350 US Secret
Service agents, helicopter gunships and several navy patrol boats. Six
people, including three children, died in guerrilla attacks apparently
prompted by the visit, and eight soldiers were injured. Protesters
marched in Bogota, signalling that Mr Clinton's assurance that he wanted
to make life better for people had not been universally believed. With
very good reason. The Colombian military, whose involvement with
paramilitary death squads is admitted even by its own government, is
about to receive 60 helicopters and training for two special army
battalions. At present, they do not have enough helicopter pilots or
hangars, but their job will be to protect police as they attempt to
destroy coca plantations. This is not a task for which Colombians have
shown much aptitude; in the decade since fumigation of coca crops began,
according to one recent calculation, annual production has risen by more
than 750 per cent.
Since there is no meaningful distinction between members of drugs
cartels and the two main guerrilla groups [sic], the US military is
taking sides in a long-running civil war which is set to become, Mr
Clinton's harshest critics say, another Vietnam. The comparison is
fuelled by the fact that the chief architect of Plan Colombia, as it is
called, is the US's drugs tsar Barry McCaffrey, a decorated Vietnam
veteran whose own record in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf War has
come under hostile scrutiny. (In March 1991, General McCaffrey ordered
an attack on retreating Iraqi soldiers which turned, in his words, into
"one of the most astounding scenes of destruction I have ever
participated in". Eye-witnesses have questioned whether the Iraqis began
shooting first, as McCaffrey claimed.)
* Another close parallel is the Reagan administration's military aid to
the government of El Salvador and the opposition Contras in Nicaragua.
Mr Clinton may be a Democrat but, like Mr Reagan, he has invoked
national security in waiving human-rights conditions attached to
military aid by Congress – an admission that the war on drugs is more
important than anything else, including murder. According to Human
Rights Watch, there is "detailed, compelling and abundant evidence" of
the Colombian army's connections with paramilitary death squads; half of
its 18 brigades have been linked to these groups, including those
operating in areas which are about to get US assistance.
Mr Clinton visited a law centre in Cartagena last week and posed in a
silly hat for photographers before scuttling back to Washington. The US
intervention leaves ordinary Colombians, who face a human-rights crisis
of "alarming proportions" according to Amnesty International, acutely
vulnerable in a civil war which is almost certainly about to intensify.
The Colombian military is as incompetent as it is brutal; two weeks ago,
an army patrol mistook a party of schoolchildren for rebels, opened fire
and killed six. Mr Clinton has not said what the US government will do
if its military advisers are attacked in rebel-controlled areas. But the
spectre of US involvement in a protracted jungle war in South America is
belatedly setting off alarm bells in Washington.
Why should Mr Clinton take any notice? This most shameless of US
presidents will be out of office in four months, leaving someone else to
sort out the mess. Opinion polls have suggested that the electorate is
worried about drugs, and that the Democrats are seen as soft on the
issue. Mr Clinton is doing Al 

Organic Farming Will Feed the World

2000-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

Subject: Organic Farming Will Feed the World 
Message sent via ENVLIST
This message originated
From: "George Monbiot" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Organic Farming Will Feed the World

Astonishingly, it's more productive than high-tech agriculture

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 24th August 2000

The advice could scarcely have come from a more surprising source. "If 
anyone tells you that GM is going to feed the world," Steve Smith, a 
director of the world's biggest biotechnology company, Novartis, 
insisted, "tell them that it is not. ... To feed the world takes 
political and financial will - it's not about production and 

Mr Smith was voicing a truth which most of his colleagues in the 
biotechnology companies have gone to great lengths to deny. On a planet 
wallowing in surfeit, people starve because they have neither the land 
on which to grow food for themselves nor the money with which to buy it. 
There is no question that, as population increases, the world will have 
to grow more, but if this task is left to the rich and powerful - big 
farmers and big business - then, irrespective of how much is grown, 
people will become progressively hungrier. Only a redistribution of both 
land and wealth can save the world from mass starvation.

But in one respect Mr Smith is wrong. It is - in part - about 
production. A series of remarkable experimental results has shown that 
the growing techniques which his company and many others have sought to 
impose upon the world are, in contradiction to everything we have been 
brought up to believe, actually less productive than some of the methods 
developed by traditional farmers over the past 10,000 years.

Last week, Nature magazine reported the results of one of the biggest 
agricultural experiments ever conducted. A team of Chinese scientists 
had tested the key principle of modern rice-growing - planting a single, 
high-tech variety across hundreds of hectares - against a much older 
technique: planting several breeds in one field. They found, to the 
astonishment of the farmers who had been drilled for years in the 
benefits of "monoculture", that reverting to the old method resulted in 
spectacular increases in yield. Rice blast - a devastating fungus which 
normally requires repeated applications of poison to control - decreased 
by 94 per cent. The farmers planting a mixture of strains were able to 
stop applying their poisons altogether, while producing 18 per cent more 
rice per acre than they were growing before.

Two years ago, another paper published in Nature showed that yields of
organic maize are identical to yields of maize grown with fertilisers 
and pesticides, while soil quality in the organic fields dramatically 
improves. In trials in Hertfordshire, wheat grown with manure has 
produced consistently higher yields for the past 150 years than wheat 
grown with artificial nutrients.

Professor Jules Pretty of Essex University has shown how farmers in 
India, Kenya, Brazil, Guatemala and Honduras have doubled or tripled 
their yields by switching to organic or semi-organic techniques. A study 
in the United States reveals that small farmers growing a wide range of 
plants can produce ten times as much money per acre as big farmers 
growing single crops. Cuba, forced into organic farming by the economic 
blockade, has now adopted it as policy, having discovered that it 
improves both the productivity and the quality of the crops its farmers 

High-tech farming, by contrast, is sowing ever graver problems. This 
year, food production in Punjab and Haryana, the Indian states long 
celebrated as the great success stories of modern, intensive cultivation 
has all but collapsed. The new crops the farmers there have been 
encouraged to grow demand far more water and nutrients than the old 
ones, with the result that, in many places, both the ground water and 
the soil have been exhausted.

We have, in other words, been deceived. Traditional farming has been 
stamped out all over the world not because it is less productive than 
monoculture, but because it is, in some respects, more productive. 
Organic cultivation has been characterised as an enemy of progress for 
the simple reason that it cannot be monopolised: it can be adopted by 
any farmer anywhere on earth, without the help of multinational 
companies. Though it is more productive to grow several species or 
several varieties of crops in one field, the biotech companies must 
reduce diversity in order to make money, leaving farmers with no choice 
but to purchase their most profitable seeds. This is why they have spent 
the last ten years buying up seed breeding institutes and lobbying 
governments to do what ours has done: banning the sale of any seed which 
has not been officially - and expensively - registered and approved.

All this requires an unrelenting propaganda war against the tried and 
tested techniques of traditional farming, as the big companies 

Fw: [Cuba SI] Cuba: Felipe P.Roque-EU Lacks. Ocean Press. Canada

2000-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 5:16 PM
Subject: [Cuba SI] Cuba: Felipe P.Roque-EU Lacks. Ocean Press. Canada

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Subject: Cuba: Felipe Perez Roque -EU lacks. Ocean Press. Canada

Granma International ... May 3, 2000


"European Union lacks political independence with regard to Cuba"

The island withdraws its application for entrance into the new treaty
of association between Europe and the ACP countries

Havana, April 26, 2000
Your Excellency:

I am writing to tell you that Cuba has decided to withdraw its
request for entry into the new treaty of association between the
countries of the ACP and the EU.

As you know, Cuba has been participating in the negotiations for this
new accord in the capacity of observer for almost two years. From the
outset, we saw the potential entrance of Cuba into the Lomé
Convention as a route to strengthening our relations and integration
with the 71 member countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific
Group and we have always clearly stated that our entry into the new
convention would not affect, even minimally, the preferences and
interests of the ACP countries.

From the beginning, the group of ACP countries has firmly
and enthusiastically supported Cuba's application. During that time
we have received the solidarity and support of our sister countries
in the Third World, demonstrating their wish that Cuba become a new
member of the ACP family. Irrefutable proof of this was the unanimous
support for our position as observer, the Declaration of the Heads of
State and Government of the ACP countries in Santo Domingo and the
Resolution of the Council of Ministers which took place in Brussels
last February 1st.

Cuba and the ACP countries worked together actively with a view to
the completing a text that takes into account the interests and
claims of our countries and finally, on March 10, we confirmed our
interest in subscribing to the new convention together with the other
71 ACP countries.

Since that time, we have seen arrogance, smugness and the tendency on
the part of various European countries to impose conditions on Cuba.
Such spirits are evident in the unanimous way in which the European
Union countries supported the United States' conspiracy against Cuba
at the Human Rights Commission in Geneva. The United States once
again used the puppet government of the Czech Republic, seconded by
the governments, no less puppets themselves, of Poland, Romania and
Latvia. These countries were formerly part of the socialist bloc, but
today are either members or aspirants to membership in NATO, an
aggressive and interventionist bloc that, with its "new strategic
concept," threatens the sovereignty of all Third World countries.

According to the rules of the European Union, any one of the 15
member countries can veto Cuba's application. Some have already shown
themselves to be particularly hostile to our country joining the new
ACP-EU Convention, due to their growing dislike of Cuba for its vital
struggle in defense of Third World people's interests. To persist
with the request for entry would only serve to allow ourselves to
become victims of the unacceptable demands of the European Union.

The European Union recently asked its triumvirate to visit Cuba, in
order to restart the dialogue that has been halted in 1996 due to a
unilateral decision on their part. During the preparations for this
visit, we were able to verify that the European Union would
effectively try to attach conditions on the incorporation of Cuba
within the convention of association between the ACP and the EU.
These conditions concerned the implementation of political, economic
and social changes within Cuba, which our country rejects in a
sovereign manner, since they constitute outright meddling in our
internal affairs and an unacceptable attempt to pressure Cuba,
something it has resisted for more than 40 years as a result of the
ferocious blockade imposed by the most powerful nation in history.

From the outset, Cuba has expressed in a plain and transparent manner
that it would not accept selective and discriminatory conditions
imposed by any nation of the European Union as a requirement for our
entry into the new convention. We have always explained that our
position is exclusively limited to the duties and rights that are
established by the new text created by all of the future signatories.
Consequently, the European position remains unacceptable to Cuba
because of its interventionist and discriminatory nature. It is proof

Fw: [STOPNATO] Yugoslavia: U.S. Tightening Intelligence And Propaganda Ring

2000-09-03 Thread Bill Howard

- Original Message -
From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2000 12:58 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] Yugoslavia: U.S. Tightening Intelligence And Propaganda Ring


Yugoslavia Says U.S. Tightening Ring Around It

BELGRADE, Sep 2, 2000 -- (Reuters) Yugoslavia's state
news agency Tanjug accused the United States on Friday
of "tightening the intelligence and propaganda ring"
around the country by setting up offices in
neighboring states.

"The minutely planned and synchronized activities of
the newly opened special U.S. government offices for
undermining the legally elected authorities in
Yugoslavia will start early this month," Tanjug said
in a commentary.

It was the latest verbal attack on the United States
ahead of elections scheduled for September 24. The
government regularly accuses Western powers and the
Serb opposition, which it describes as NATO "lackeys",
of plotting to destroy Serbia.

In contrast, the Yugoslav authorities portray
themselves as champions of independence against NATO
countries which bombed Yugoslavia in the 1999 air
campaign over Belgrade's repression of Kosovo's
majority ethnic Albanians.

Tanjug said the United States began opening offices in
mid-August in Budapest, Sofia, Bucharest and Tirana,
engaging almost 120 experts for psychological
propaganda and espionage.

The Sofia office, it said, had recruited at least 15
Bulgarian army intelligence officers who would try to
enter Yugoslavia to gather information ahead of the
parliamentary, presidential and local elections,
especially about the combat readiness of the army.

The four centers will conduct the bulk of their work
through non-governmental organizations and
multi-national companies, Tanjug said. It named one
major U.S. company specializing in military

It also accused the United States of aiming to gain
control of rich oil deposits believed to lie under
Kosovo and off the coast of Montenegro, Serbia's
pro-Western sister republic in the Yugoslav

The United States set up an office in Budapest to deal
with Serbian affairs just weeks before the elections.
But American diplomats this week said this was a
coincidence [?!] and they had planned to open the
office much earlier. [SureHave they ever lied to
us before?]

They said the office was set up to better coordinate
existing programs [don't ask] dealing with Serbia
following the closing of the U.S. embassy in Belgrade
last year due to the NATO-led bombing of Yugoslavia.

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Cuba -Message to US State Dept

2000-09-03 Thread heikki sipilä

Subject: Cuba -Message to US State Dept.
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its complements to the Honorable
Embassy of Switzerland, the Interest Section of the United States of
America, and takes this opportunity to inform the following.
Last Monday, 28 August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received Note
from the State Department in texts delivered in Washington and Havana -
which, although very similar are curiously, not identical -. One of the
versions of the Note was simultaneously given by its authors to the press in
Washington D.C. We are replying to it with this Note. Later the same day
State Department spokesman, Philip Reeker, made some statements which
deserve comment in our reply. Peter Romero, the Undersecretary of State
even the Secretary of State herself have added their voices to these kinds
of comments in a slanderous publicity stunt. This suspiciously coincides
with the visit to Miami of the presidential candidates who are competing for
contributions from and the support of the Cuban-American terrorist mafia.

The State Department's version is an attempt devoid of any seriousness
which tries to falsify facts and cover up the irresponsible behavior of its
government which openly and systematically violates the migration
accords signed with Cuba.

The only truth about the US note is that everything it states - even the
most ludicrous aspects --has been said before by the US representatives at
the bilateral migration talks.  On every occasion the Cuban delegation has
given an appropriate reply and has demonstrated the superficiality or lack
of foundation of the US allegations. The State Department's Note doesn't
refer to that. Neither is there any mention of the basic problems which
seriously affect the implementation of the migration accords and which
have been what have in fact taken up the greater part of the time in our
talks, as can be seen from the minutes of the meetings. Common sense tells
us that we should first refer to these important matters, not forgetting to
reply, one by one, to the list of falsehoods, on other issues, all of them
secondary, with which the State Department's document is packed to the

We have done this patiently in the bilateral meetings. We are left with no
other recourse than to do this publicly, since that is what Washington has

In one of his most picturesque statements, Mr. Reeker made reference to
the denunciations made by Cuba against the Cuban Adjustment Act and
presented them as an alleged excuse and as something which our
government has only recently raised. Nothing could be farther from the
truth. That Act, the policy behind it, its nefarious consequences and the
need to put an end to it have always been the main issue raised by the
Cuban delegation.
Therefore, these issues have always been at the core of the discussions
during the bilateral talks, including those that led to the accords of 1984,
1994 and 1995.

After intensive negotiations at the most recent talks in the summer of 1994,
an agreement was reached on 9 September. In its first paragraph it states
specifically that: "Those migrants who are rescued at sea and who are
trying to enter the United States will not be permitted to enter the United
.  Further on it adds that: "In addition, the United States has discontinued
its practice of giving provisional entry to all Cuban migrants who reach US
territory by irregular means".  It is easy to understand that this paragraph
contains a clear recognition by the United States, which up to that point
had taken anyone interdicted at sea to its territory. It also admitted
anyone who arrived under his or her own steam and it offered resident
status to everyone under the Cuban Adjustment Act. The clear, explicit
commitment in this paragraph to cease this practice is the foundation on
which the accords of 1994 and 1995 were based.

The United States' compliance with this obligation began to weaken as time
went by. The return to Cuba of people rescued at sea has become more and
more selective and the number of people taken to United States territory by
Coast Guard units has grown. Cuba has repeatedly denounced this situation,
as we have done about Washington's systematic and arrogant refusal to
release any information about those who somehow manage to reach its
And that's in spite of the fact that both the authorities and relatives in
Cuba have the duty and the right to request this information, especially
when there have been accidents.

Moreover, on April 19 last year, the Commissioner of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service, Doris Meissner, circulated a memo to her
subordinates making clear the fact that the provisions of the 1996
Migration Law to be applied to persons of any other nationality were not to
be applied to Cuban migrants "no matter how they reached the United
States". Cubans were to continue to be admitted and then granted residence

Korean Central News Agency Sep 2

2000-09-03 Thread heikki sipilä

September.02.2000 Juche 89


   * Kim Jong Il visits Jagang Province

   * Anniversary of end of World War II observed

   * UNICEF grants aid equipment to DPRK

   * Delegation of south side leaves

   * Anniversaries of DPRK and WPK to be celebrated in Sri Lanka

   * Vietnamese ambassador gives reception to mark National Day

   * Papers welcome return to fatherland of unconverted long-term prisoners

   * Kim Yong Nam leaves to participate in new millennium U.N. summit

   * Repeal of "SL" urged in S. Korea

   * Unconverted long-term prisoners reunite with their families and

   * Unconverted long-term prisoners pay homage to Kim Il Sung

   * Unconverted long-term prisoners back to fatherland

   * Greetings to President of Slovakia

Kim Jong Il visits Jagang Province

   Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il visited
Jagang Province
from August 28 to 31 to direct the work in different domains of its
national economy. The units
given his on-site guidance include the Kanggye Precision Machine Complex,
the Kanggye
Silk-Spinning Mill, a power station, a forestry station, cooperative farms
and a school.
He went first to the Kanggye Precision Machine Complex to see how its
workers work and
expressed satisfaction with their production of high-quality machines
before highly appreciating
their successes.
Then, he called at shops of the Kanggye Silk-Spinning Mill to acquaint
himself with its
production and set forth tasks to increase the output of silk thread.
The next leg of his visit was the Hungju Youth Power Atation newly
built on river Jangja
and a village of modern dwelling houses equipped with electric appliances.
He acquainted himself with the construction of the power station and
its management and
operation before highly appreciating the builders' feat.
He went round the village of model dwelling houses built in Hungju-dong
electrification has been realized.
Visiting a discharged soldier's house to learn about his living
conditions, he said that each
household in this village should be provided with uptodate tv sets. and he
posed for a picture
with his family members.
Then he moved to a village of the Songgan Forestry Station and said the
village looks like a
He also inspected Jangphyong and Mudok co-op farms in Janggang county
and the Songha
Sericultural Cooperative Farm in Songgan county.
After learning about the farming, stock-breeding and sericulture there,
he praised the
farmers for their devoted efforts.
He also provided on-site guidance to the Songgan Senior Middle School
in Songgan
county. He looked round a classroom, laboratory and other facilities of the
school and learned
about how students are educated.
He had a picture taken with teachers and students of the school.
He also posed for a photograph with a merited road maintenance worker
of the Songgan
county road management corps and her family on a pass, highly appreciating
their patriotic
He appreciated an art performance given by school children in Jagang
He, on the basis of having acquainted himself in detail with the
overall work in the
province, put forth highly important tasks which would serve as guidelines
in putting the
national economy in the province on a higher plane.
He highly appreciated the fighting spirit and traits of the workers and
other people in Jagang
Province, the creators of the great spirit of Kanggye, noting that they are
performing miracles
and feats every hour, taking the lead also in the all-out charge for
building a powerful nation.
He also proposed tasks to keep production going at a high rate, boost
the electricity and
grain production, develop stock-breeding and sericulture, improve land
management and the
standard of people's living.
He was accompanied by Yon Hyong Muk, chief secretary of the Jagang
Committee of the WPK, Jon Pyong Ho and Kim Kuk Thae, secretaries of the
c.c., the WPK,
and its first vice-department directors.

Anniversary of end of World War II observed

Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The members of the Russian Embassy
here laid
wreaths before the Liberation Tower and the cemetery of fallen Soviet
soldiers in Sadong
district, Pyongyang, on Friday on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of
the end of the Second
World War. Standing at the tower and the cemetery were guards of honor of
the Korean
People's Army.
Present at the wreath-laying ceremonies were charge d'affaires
Alexander Timonin and staff
members of the Russian Embassy.
Amid the playing of music wreaths were placed at the tower and the
cemetery in the name of
the embassy.
The participants paid a silent tribute to the Soviet soldiers who fell
in the battles for the
liberation of Korea.

UNICEF grants aid equipment to DPRK

Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) sent
the DPRK aid equipment needed for 

Re: [BLACK-LEFT] Devrimci Sol-Revolutionary Left magazine - NewEdition

2000-09-03 Thread { brad brace }

note: the Netcom-FTP site is being shut-down;
please chose an alternate link

note: new e-address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Synopsis: The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project began December 30, 1994.
A `round-the-clock posting of sequenced hypermodern imagery by Brad
Brace. The hypermodern minimizes the familiar, the known, the
recognizable; it suspends identity, relations and history.

   The 12-hour ISBN JPEG Project
  began December 30, 1994

Pointless Hypermodern Imagery... posted/mailed every 12 hours... a
stellar, trajective alignment past the 00`s! A continuum of minimalist
masks in the face of catastrophe; conjuring up transformative
metaphors for the everyday... A poetic reversibility of events...

A post-rhetorical, continuous, apparently random sequence of
imagery...  genuine gritty, greyscale...  corruptable, compact,
collectable and compelling convergence. The voluptuousness of the grey
imminence: the art of making the other disappear. Continual visual
impact; an optical drumming, sculpted in duration, on the endless
present of the Net.

An extension of the printed ISBN-Book (0-9690745) series... critically
unassimilable... imagery is gradually acquired, selected and
re-sequenced over time... ineluctable, vertiginous connections. The
12hr dialtone...

  [ see ]

KEYWORDS:  Disconnected, disjunctive, distended, de-centered,
de-composed, ambiguous, augmented, ambilavent, homogeneous,
reckless...  Multi-faceted, oblique, obsessive, obscure, obdurate...
 Promulgated, personal, permeable, prolonged, polymorphous,
provocative, poetic, plural, perverse, potent, prophetic,
pathological...  Evolving, eccentric, eclectic, egregious, exciting,
entertaining, entropic, erotic, entrancing, enduring...

Every 12 hours, another!...  view them, re-post `em, save `em, trade
`em, print `em, even publish them...

Here`s how:

~ Set www-links to - Look
for the 12-hr-icon. Heavy traffic may require you to specify files
more than once! Anarchie, Fetch, CuteFTP, TurboGopher...  Or -

~  Download from -  /pub/users/bbrace
   Download from -
   Download from - /users/bbrace
   Download from -   /pub/users/bbrace
   Download from -  /u/b/bbrace
* Remember to set tenex or binary. Get 12hr.jpeg

~ E-mail - If you only have access to email, then you can use FTPmail
to do essentially the same thing. Send a message with a body of 'help'
to the server address nearest you:


~ Mirror-sites requested! Archives too!
  The latest new jpeg will always be named, 12hr.jpeg
  Average size of images is only 45K.
  Perl program to mirror ftp-sites/sub-directories:

~ Postings to usenet groups:

* * Ask your system's news-administrator to carry these groups! (There
are also usenet image browsers: TIFNY, PluckIt, Picture Agent,
PictureView, Extractor97, NewsRover, Binary News Assistant, Newsfeeds)

~ This interminable, relentless sequence of imagery began in earnest
on December 30, 1994. The basic structure of the project has been over
twenty-four years in the