[ INDIA ] ML Update, Vol.5; No.5; 30 - 1 - 2002

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: cpimllib [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: cpimllib [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:40:55 +0530
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;@tonto.eunet.fi
Subject: [ INDIA ] ML Update, Vol.5; No.5;  30 - 1 - 2002

ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-5; No.-5; 30-1-2002


In the midst of all-round apprehension about possible terrorist attacks on
Republic Day, a veritable contingent of real terrorists clad in saffron and
armed with swords descended on the capital. The organisers - the VHP and
Bajrang Dal - called it a 'Sant Chetavani Yatra' or a warning march of the
saints! The warning was addressed to the government and the society at large
asking for the disputed Ayodhya land to be immediately handed over to the
VHP and its Temple Trust to enable construction to begin by March 12.

There were no barricades for these terrorists. No tear gas shells or water
cannons. And certainly no POTO! Instead the ruling BJP organised a public
show for the visiting terrorists in saffron on the Ramleela Maidan. And the
Prime Minister and his Man Friday, India's most disgraceful minister of
defence, accorded them an official welcome with the guest terrorists doing
all the talking and the government only taking instructions! The case has
already been referred to the Law Ministry with a brief to expedite the case
and 'examine' the legal and constitutional aspects involved in handing over
the 'non-disputed part' of the land to the VHP! Meanwhile, the RSS has given
a free hand to the VHP and Bajrang Dal to fix the date for launching the
temple operation.

In theory, the Vajpayee government is still talking of either a negotiated
settlement or a judicial resolution of the Ayodhya dispute. But in practice,
it has already taken the first step towards construction of a temple. The
fig leaf of distinction being discovered between the original 'disputed'
land and the land subsequently taken over by the central government in 1993
is a mischievous eyewash. Allowing the VHP to get a foothold on acres
'around' the disputed land and begin construction on it would effectively
preclude any possible subsequent court verdict to the contrary. This
mischievous move on the part of the government is therefore not just an act
of appeasement, the Vajpayee government now officially stands as a
co-accomplice of the saffron brigade.

The so-called dispute in Ayodhya was created by the RSS. The Sangh Parivar
then built up a hysterical campaign around it and in December 1992 the
saffron brigade defied every law and norm of a civilised society to
translate the campaign into action. Since then Ayodhya has become an
open-ended agenda for the fascists. All they have to do to 'turn liberal' is
to shelve it temporarily, but it is always there, hanging like a sword of
Damocles on the country. And there is always the possibility of the saffron
brigade picking up the sword and wielding it against the country at an
opportune moment. The UP elections mark precisely such a moment in the
saffron calendar.

As far as the country is concerned, Ayodhya ceased to be a site of mere
'dispute' on December 6 1992. With the forcible demolition of the Babri
Masjid, Ayodhya became a site of crime and disgrace. For every believer in
secularism and democracy it has become a crucial site of contention and
struggle. After all that happened on December 6 1992, the previous category
of the 'disputed site' has become outdated and irrelevant for this country.
It is no longer a matter of legal semantics to be left to the mercy of an
Arun Jaitley. It is a question of life and death for the future of democracy
in India.
Secular democracy can have only one battle cry: Not an inch of Ayodhya land
for the saffron thugs.


The CPI(ML) organised human chains, marches, demonstrations, and meetings on
25 January as the concluding part of the first phase of CPI(ML)'s nationwide
anti-saffron anti-imperialist campaign in Delhi and several other centers of
the country in protest against communal frenzy, war hysteria, and Vajpayee
govt.'s abject surrender to the US.

In Delhi, hundreds of CPI(ML) activists and supporters formed a human chain
near the Shahid Bhagat Singh statue on the Ferozshah Kotla ground. Party
Gen. Secy. Dipankar Bhattacharya also joined it. He called upon the ranks to
be on the forefront of struggle against what he called saffron subversion
and American arm-twisting of the Indian Republic. He said that the nation
needs a powerful resistance movement against growing imperialist and
communal fascist attacks on its republic. Denouncing the 'Chetavani Yatra'
taken out by the VHP he said, We had seen similar communal build-up ten
years back which had led to the demolition of the Babri Masjid and plunged
the country into the worst communal riots since Partition. Saffron
terrorists are at it again, and this time round they must be given a fitting

He appealed 

UK: Now We Are All Terrorists - SLP Youth

2002-01-29 Thread sipila


Subject: UK: Now We Are All Terrorists - SLP Youth


A personal account of harrasment and arrest under the auspices of the New
Labour PTA from a SLP Youth member, published in the current issue of Spark,
journal of the Socialist Labour Youth.

Now we are all Terrorists
Fahim Ahmed, Ealing Southall CSLP

Since the introduction of the Terrorism Bill in Parliament back in 1999 I
have followed the debate surrounding the new legislation with avid
interest. As a Marxist-Leninist I have a political interest in the
clampdown on Irish freedom-fighters and domestic 'subversives', from
liberal peace protestors to anti-fascist, anti-capitalist demonstrators,
and as a budding criminal defence lawyer I have a professional interest in
the practical application of the law.

These two interests converged on 19 December 2001 when I was 'detained' by
Special Branch under the new legislation for the purpose of 'examination',
arrested, held for 17 hours, interrogated and tortured through repeated
forcible attempts at taking my fingerprints. Eventually I was released on
bail, to return on 18 February to find out if I will be charged with any
offences. The cuff-marks remain on my wrist and the psychological marks
remain on my mind as I write this report one month after the actual event.

I had been in Belgium attending a massive trade union demonstration against
the EU on 13 December, and the latest big anti-capitalist demonstration on
14 December, both in Brussels. I returned on the Eurostar on 19 December
and was checked by French customs on the train before it went into the
tunnel. There were dark-suited British officers checking people on the
train once it was officially in the UK, and I assumed that they were
customs as well. An officer approached me, showed me a Metropolitan Police
badge and asked to see my passport. I asked him what he was doing and he
explained that he was a member of Special Branch and was doing routine
anti-terrorism checks. I showed him my passport and he continued on his
way. I thought nothing more of it, but when I got off the train at Waterloo
at 4.30pm, the same officer was waiting for me before the arrivals area.

He approached me and said: Mr Ahmed I'm detaining you under the Terrorism
Act, come with me. I could hardly believe it! I had thought about what a
fuss I would make if I ever found myself in trouble with the police, but I
never imagined I would be targeted as a 'terrorist'. I asked the officer
his name and he told me: DS Geoffrey Singleton. I wrote it down
immediately and followed him into a room there in Waterloo station. He sat
me down and immediately began asking me questions about who I was, where I
had been, where I was going and what I was doing. I began answering his
questions thinking I was being interviewed under the Police and Criminal
Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), which guarantees criminal detainees rights to
legal advice, silence, and a standard of treatment specified in the Codes
of Practice. Little did I know I was actually being 'examined' under
Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (TA), which I later learnt is a piece
of legislation that makes a mockery of the 'rule of law' and civil rights,
which exist only in theory.

After a few general questions he began asking me about my support for the
Intifada - he knew I was a supporter because I was wearing a badge which
had a Palestinian flag for a background, and the words 'End the Occupation,
Support the Intifada' in the foreground. I explained that I had been active
in the Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, having meetings and handing
out leaflets (join PSC, go to www.palestinecampaign.org or call 020 7700
6192). Unsatisfied with my answer he asked the question again, at which
alarm bells started ringing.

I am used to representing people in police stations and when an officer
repeats a question which has been answered, it's usually my cue to say,
'You've had an answer officer, please move onto the next question.' But
now, here I was, in the custody of Special Branch under the Terrorism Act,
being questioned when I had already given an answer. I asked him to clarify
what exactly he wanted to know and he repeated the question again, at which
point I said: I'm not answering any more questions, no comment. He asked
me where I live and I repeated: No comment. He then asked for my
passport, which he had already seen on the train. I handed it over and told
him that the address on the passport was my address, knowing that refusal
to supply an address gives rise to a general power of arrest. I then asked
if I had the right to legal advice, I was told that I had none. DS
Singleton looked at me scornfully and left the room. I had been there no
more than five minutes and things were already getting tense.

Another officer came in and began searching my large rucksack. He also
searched my jacket. 

Washington Post Editorial: Capitalism Is In Trouble:

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [L-I] Capitalism Is In Trouble:

Capitalism Is In Trouble:

A Deliberate Scandal

Washington Post Editorial
January 27, 2002

SUMMONING UP contemptuous rage at the Enron hearings last Thursday, Sen.
Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) declared, When the corporate insiders at Enron
realized the ship was sinking, they grabbed the lifeboats and left the women
and children, their workers and investors, to drown. But this scandal is
actually much worse than that. The bad guys did not merely grab lifeboats;
they deliberately created the leaks that brought the ship of Enron down.
What's more, the bad guys included not just Enron executives and Arthur
Andersen's accountants but also, to a different degree, many of Mr. Durbin's
own colleagues in Congress.

Start with Enron's managers. Until last week, it seemed likely that Enron
had taken on too much risk; that it had hidden this risk from shareholders
by parking it in secret partnerships; and that senior executives had urged
investors to buy stock even when they themselves were selling out. But fresh
details suggest worse than this. Enron's executives apparently used the
secret partnerships not just to hide risk but also to steal money from
shareholders. The small group of financiers and insiders that invested in
the partnerships reaped returns higher than ordinary shareholders could
dream of; one deal paid out 212 percent in just over three months. This was
a way of siphoning money that should have been declared on the company's
balance sheet. The money belonged to Enron's shareholders. They were robbed.

Next, consider Arthur Andersen. The company claims that one rogue partner
was responsible for shredding documents in an apparent coverup. But the
supposed rogue, David Duncan, did at least advise Enron against issuing a
misleading statement about its earnings; it was Andersen headquarters that
recommended he destroy the record of his misgivings. Yet even if other
Andersen employees were involved in shredding, that would actually
understate the scandal. For Andersen was colluding in a different kind of
coverup years before the bankruptcy, starting in 1997 when it signed off on
financial statements that it knew to be wrong. What's more, Andersen may
well have done the same at other companies; the Securities and Exchange
Commission has alleged that the firm's partners saw but failed to prevent
problems at two other companies, Sunbeam Corp. and Waste Management Inc.
Some Andersen managers seem to have made a business decision to condone
misleading financial statements, figuring that it is more profitable to
placate top executives than to protect investors. In consequence,
shareholders again got robbed.

Now consider Mr. Durbin's colleagues. During the 1990s Congress repeatedly
squashed attempts to tighten rules on auditors. Sen. Joe Lieberman
(D-Conn.), who chairs the Senate committee that held Enron hearings on
Thursday, fought in 1994 against proper accounting for stock options. Rep.
Billy Tauzin (R-La.), the chair of Thursday's House hearings on Enron,
opposed a plan to bolster auditors' independence from managers in 2000. Sen.
Chris Dodd (also D-Conn.), who now proposes reformist legislation, led a
battle in 1995 to limit auditors' liability. These and other members of
Congress would like you to forget this, or perhaps to believe it was an
honest error; we were wrong, Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-N.J.) declared on
Thursday, in a show of graciousness. But in Congress there was never a fair
argument over the merits of audit regulation. The merits by and large were
on one side, and the campaign dollars were on the other. Of the 248 members
who sit on committees that plan to hold hearings on the scandal, an
extraordinary 212 received money from Andersen or Enron.

All the players in this scandal -- Enron's managers, its auditors, the
lawmakers -- helped to create the conditions for Enron's collapse. That
collapse cheated investors of their savings and cost thousands of jobs. It
has also called into question the whole premise of stock market capitalism,
which is that investors scrutinize honest financial statements and then
allocate capital to the companies that will use it best. If financial
statements aren't honest, then capitalism is in trouble. Corporate leaders,
auditors and lawmakers need to put aside venality-as-usual and start
thinking of remedies. The past pattern -- in which audit scandals have
yielded brief breast-beating but no action -- must not repeat itself.


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Philippines. Communist Party warns US troops they are targets

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Communist Party warns US troops they are targets

(OK, here is the full story. MB)
this story was taken from www.inq7.net

URL: http://www.inq7.net/nat/2002/jan/30/text/nat_1-1-p.htm

Communist Party warns US troops they are targets
Posted:0:15 AM (Manila Time) | Jan. 30, 2002
By INQ7.net, Inquirer News Service and Agence France-Presse

THE COMMUNIST Party of the Philippines warned Tuesday that its New People's
Army (NPA) would target American soldiers if they go to NPA territory.

Should these so-called US military experts wander into an NPA territory,
our comrades may not possibly resist the temptation to seize them, said
CPP spokesperson Gregorio Rosal, alias Ka Roger.

About 600 American military advisers and troops are expected to join in six
months of training exercises with t Philippine troops in the southern
Basilan island, the stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf Muslim bandit group, with
both government link to the al-Qaeda terrorist network of Osama bin Laden.

The Balikatan training exercises are scheduled for formal launch on
Thursday after a day's delay.

The NPA is said to operate in various parts of the country, in varying

Exiled CPP leader Jose Ma. Sison said, however, that Filipino-American
members of the US contingent visiting their relatives in the country would
not be harmed. The NPA will not fire at or seize my province mates, who
joined the US armed forces, if they are just visiting relatives and are not
in combat gear, said Sison, chief political consultant of the National
Democratic Front. 

Sison also advised militant groups not to rely entirely on the Supreme
Court to resolve the constitutional issue being raised against the presence
of American troops in the Philippines. Mass action should still be the
preferred option. A petition with the Supreme Court could just result in
complacency on the part of those against the presence of US troops.

This is the real intention of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and his
spokesperson Bobi Tiglao, Sison said in a reply to questions e-mailed to

The Macapagal administration maintains that the coming of US forces for
military exercises with Filipino soldiers in the Philippines is allowed
under the Philippine Constitution, and Presidential spokesperson Rigoberto
Tiglao has suggested that the only way to end the debate is to take the
case to the Supreme Court.

Protesters could resort to both mass and legal actions, Sison said, as
militant groups vowed to continue their mass protests. The Bagong Alyansang
Makabayan (Bayan) said it would intensify protests until US troops withdraw
from Mindanao. Bayan spokesperson Renato M. Reyes Jr. said his group, the
youth group Anakbayan and the League of Filipino Students would hold
protest actions this Wednesday in front of the US embassy in Manila.

After a last-minute hitch over how many US troops would be involved in the
Balikatan exercises, Philippine officials announced Tuesday the formal
starting date and some of the ground rules.

Filipino training director Brigadier General Emmanuel Teodosio said US
troops would be allowed to fire on the rebels primarily in self-defense
once they moved to Basilan island.

They (Americans) will be under the command of a Filipino officer, but it's
an inherent right of an individual to defend himself if threatened, he
said. They can fire back primarily to defend themselves.

The campaign will see one of the biggest deployments of American troops
since the United States began its campaign to wipe out the al-Qaeda
terrorist network, which is blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and

Ground rules for the campaign were laid out at a meeting in southern
Zamboanga City Tuesday between Teodosio and his US counterpart, Brigadier
General Donald Wurster.

Teodosio said American troops would train with Filipino units in Manila in
the first week of the campaign before moving in on Basilan island.

The campaign was initially due to start Wednesday but it was delayed after
the US and Philippines negotiated on how many US troops would be involved.

Teodosio said the Americans were apprehensive that setting a fixed number
of US participants would cause them to lose some flexibility, Teodosio

Both later agreed to stick to the previously announced number of more or
less 600 including 160 Special Forces, plus or minus 10, he added.

Wurster, special operations chief of the US Pacific Command, did not speak
to reporters. 

There has been some public anxiety here over the exact role of the US
advisers, as well as concern that the Americans could be killed or taken
captive by the Abu Sayyaf. The Filipino Muslim gunmen operate in small
units on a number of heavily forested islands around Zamboanga City.

In Basilan, roughly the size of Los Angeles, the Abu Sayyaf is holding a US
Christian missionary couple and a Filipina nurse hostage.

An independent 

Colombia: On the brink of all-out war

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Carlos A. Rivera [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Fw: Colombia: On the brink of all-out war

Australia's Socialist Newspaper
Web: http://www.greenleft.org.au
- Number 478, 30 January 2002 -



Colombia reached the brink of all-out war as the government threatened to
end three-year-old peace negotiations with the left-wing guerilla
organisation, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Buoyed by increased US weaponry and funds, Colombia's President Andres
Pastrana suddenly announced on January 9 that the peace negotiations had
ended. He gave the FARC two days to withdraw its forces from the
demilitarised zone that was established in 1998 to foster the peace

Just minutes after Pastrana's deadline expired, FARC negotiators offered a
proposal aimed at defusing the threat. While Pastrana responded almost
immediately, saying the proposal was unsatisfactory, he gave the FARC two
more days, until January 14, to come back with an alternative proposal that
would promise concrete results towards a cease-fire.

Meanwhile, some 13,000 army troops, supported by the navy and air force,
amassed on the borders of what the FARC call the liberated zone, an area
two-thirds the size of Tasmania (42,000 sq kms), with a population of some
100,000. Top Colombian general, Fernando Tapias, announced that the army
was ready for all-out war.

FARC combatant Mauricio, who lives in San Vicente del Caguan, the principal
town in the liberated zone, said that the FARC was pulling back from the
towns, but warned that, If the government wants the rural areas, even a
place five minutes from here, they'll have to fight for it.

With some 35,000 lives already lost in the war over the last decade, the
scene was set for a bloodbath. The situation was so serious that Ecuador's
President Gustavo Noboa, fearing a massive escalation of the conflict,
announced that his troops were reinforcing Ecuador's northern border with

'War on drugs'

On January 8, the day before Pastrana's announcement, US ambassador to
Colombia Anne Patterson handed 14 Black Hawk combat helicopters to the
Colombian military. She pledged unfailing support for the country's war
against drug producers. Valued at US$14 million each, Colombia now has a
fleet of 29 Black Hawk choppers, which can be mounted with machine guns and
modified to launch rockets and mortars.

For more than a year the US has been funding Plan Colombia, a US$7.5
billion military aid package, which includes the supply of military
hardware and more than 1000 US military trainers and pilots.

Amnesty International has described Washington's massive military backing
for Bogota as the same policy that backed death squads in El Salvador in
the 1980s.

With 90% of cocaine and some 70% of heroin sold in the US originating in
Colombia, Plan Colombia is painted as part of a global war on drugs.

On the ground, it is Colombian peasants who are the victims of this war. It
devastates their fields with herbicides, poisons their water and drives
them into deeper poverty. There is a continual threat of massacres from
government-backed paramilitary forces. There are more than 1.5 million
internal refugees. Trade union activists face murder, relentless repression
and subversion charges. All this is on the rise because of the growing US
interference via Plan Colombia.

As the BBC News noted, Washington is calling on the Colombian government
to take tougher action against the insurgents, yet it is America's own
policies that are generating recruits for these movements.

'War on terrorism'

Now, on top of this war on drugs comes the war on terrorism. In
mid-October, Colombia's General Tapias attended the Inter-American
Conference Against Terrorism, at which Washington proclaimed the Latin
American chapter of its international war against terrorism.

At this conference on October 15, Francis Taylor, the US State Department's
anti-terrorism coordinator, stressed that all the resources available
will be used in the anti-terrorism campaign in Latin America, including,
as we have done in Afghanistan, the use of military force.

Taylor stated that the FARC and Colombia's second largest armed insurgent
group, the National Liberation Army (ELN), were on Washington's terror
list. Taylor declined, however, to differentiate between anti-terrorist
and anti-insurgency operations in Colombia, in which Washington has vowed
not to become involved.

In spite of this promise, the real face of Plan Colombia -- a scheme
devised to destroy the left -- has been quickly unmasked since September
11. During the Christmas recess, US President Bush managed, against
congressional opposition, to nominate arch right winger 

Only goal is global supremacy, not the defeat of terrorism - JohnPilger

2002-01-29 Thread sipila


Subject: [R-G] Only goal is global supremacy, not the defeat of terrorism -
John Pilger

The Mirror January 29, 2002

War on terror:

Only goal is global supremacy, not the defeat of terrorism

 By John Pilger

Last week, the US government announced that it was building the biggest-ever
war machine. Military spending will rise to $ 379billion, of which $
50billion will pay for its war on terrorism.

There will be special funding for new, refined weapons of mass slaughter and
for military operations - invasions of other countries.

Of all the extraordinary news since September 11, this is the most alarming.
It is time to break our silence. That is to say, it is time for other
governments to break their silence, especially the Blair government, whose
complicity in the American rampage in Afghanistan has not denied its
understanding of the Bush administration's true plans and ambitions.

The recent statements of British Ministers about the vindication of the
outstanding success in Afghanistan would be comical if the price of their
success had not been paid with the lives of more than 5,000 innocent
Afghani civilians and the failure to catch Osama bin Laden and anyone else
of importance in the al-Qaeda network.

The Pentagon's release of deliberately provocative pictures of prisoners at
Camp X-Ray on Cuba was meant to conceal this failure from the American
public, who are being conditioned, along with the rest of us, to accept a
permanent war footing similar to the paranoia that sustained and prolonged
the Cold War. 

The threat of terrorism, some of it real, most of it invented, is the new
Red Scare. 

The parallels are striking.

IN AMERICA in the 1950s, the Red Scare was used to justify the growth of war
industries, the suspension of democratic rights and the silencing of

That is happening now.

Above all, the American industrial-complex has a new enemy with which to
justify its gargantuan appetite for public resources - the new military
budget is enough to end all primary causes of poverty in the world.

Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, says he has told the Pentagon to
think the unthinkable.

Vice President Dick Cheney, the voice of Bush, has said the US is
considering military or other action against 40 to 50 countries and warns
that the new war may last 50 years or more.

A Bush adviser, Richard Perle, explained. (There will be) no stages, he

This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of
them out there ... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we
embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy but
just wage a total war, our children will sing great songs about us years
from now. 

Their words evoke George Orwell's great prophetic work, Nineteen

In the novel, three slogans dominate society: war is peace, freedom is
slavery and ignorance is strength.

Today's slogan, war on terrorism, also reverses meaning. The war is

The next American attack is likely to be against Somalia, a deeply
impoverished country in the Horn of Africa.

Washington claims there are al-Qaeda terrorist cells there.

This is almost certainly a fiction spread by Somalia's overbearing
neighbour, Ethiopia, in order to ingratiate itself with Washington.
Certainly, there are vast oil fields off the coast of Somalia.

For the Americans, there is the added attraction of settling a score.

In 1993, in the last days of George Bush Senior's presidency, 18 American
soldiers were killed in Somalia after the US Marines had invaded to restore
hope, as they put it.

A current Hollywood movie, Black Hawk Down, glamorises and lies about this

It leaves out the fact that the invading Americans left behind between 7,000
and 10,000 Somalis killed.

Like the victims of American bombing in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and Cambodia,
and Vietnam and many other stricken countries, the Somalis are unpeople,
whose deaths have no political and media value in the West.

WHEN Bush Junior's heroic marines return in their Black Hawk gunships,
loaded with technology, looking for terrorists, their victims will once
again be nameless. We can then expect the release of Black Hawk Down II.

Breaking our silence means not allowing the history of our lifetimes to be
written this way, with lies and the blood of innocent people. To understand
the lie of what Blair/Straw/Hoon call the outstanding success in
Afghanistan, read the work of the original author of Total War, a man
called Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was President Carter's National Security
Adviser and is still a powerful force in Washington.

Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the
American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorised $
500million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread
Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and destabilise the Soviet Union.



2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Vladimir Krsljanin [EMAIL PROTECTED]



A resolution of the Assembly and a process in its Committee on Legal Affairs
and Human Rights have been initiated in the last week session by a group of
CPRF deputies, joined by their colleagues of the Left from other six

 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Violations of Law in the Case of Slobodan Milosevic


24 January 2002


Motion for the resolution

presented by Mr. Zyuganov and others


1. The Assembly notes that new facts have emerged concerning the involvement
of Osama bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation, in
supporting the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army. This evidence proves the
KLA was part of the international terrorist network. This in turn makes it
possible to assess the nature of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998-1999
differently, proving that the aim of the Yugoslav leadership was not to
suppress a liberation movement but to fight armed separatism and
international terrorism.

2. Slobodan Milosevic was arrested on 31 March 2001. But an investigation by
the Yugoslav authorities, which lasted three months, resulted only in an
accusation of abuse of position.

3. The transfer of Mr. Milosevic from Belgrade to The Hague in June 2001 at
the demand of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) was
carried out in gross violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. This was
confirmed by the Yugoslav Constitutional Court decision of 6 November 2001.
Thus the unlawful transfer of Mr. Milosevic to The Hague may be considered

4. As a result of the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, the Yugoslav State was
denied the right to a court examination of the accusations leveled against
the former head of state, while Mr. Milosevic was deprived of the right to
defend himself against those accusations.

5. The ICTY was created by a decision of the UN Security Council.  However
the UN Charter does not permit the UNSC to create judicial bodies. Thus the
legitimacy of the ICTY is highly questionable.

6. A group of independent lawyers has submitted a complaint to the European
Court for Human Rights in connection with the flagrant violations of law in
the Milosevic case. However the ICTY authorities prevent free and
unmonitored communication between Mr. Milosevic and his lawyers. This
violates the generally recognised norms of human rights.

7. During Mr. Milosevic's detention in Holland his rights have been notably
violated by the 24 hour a day illumination of his cell and by monitoring him
24 hours a day, using video and infrared equipment.

8. The Assembly calls on the Dutch and Yugoslav authorities as well as the
ICTY to work for the return of Mr. Milosevic to Yugoslavia. That would help
end the violation of law caused by his transfer to Holland. It would enable
Yugoslavia to exercise its right for a court trial of Mr. Milosevic and it
would allow Mr. Milosevic to exercise his right to defend himself.

Until then the Assembly calls on the ICTY to ensure that the conditions of
Mr. Milosevic's detention in the UN Detention Center conform to the
generally accepted norms of human rights.



Christodoulides Doris (Cyprus), Carvalho Lino (Portugal), Churkin Guennady,
Gamzatova Hapisat, Gostev Ruslan, Melnikov Ivan, Zyuganov Gennady, Shaklein
Nickolay, Bakulin Vladimir  (Russia), Marmazov Yevhen, Oliynyk Boris,
Pakhansky Anatoly (Ukraine), Kanelli Liana (Greece),  Neguta Andrei
(Moldova), Manukyan Yuri (Armenia)


Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


24 January 2002

On Violations of Law

in the Case of Slobodan Milosevic


Dear Colleagues, 

Recently new facts have emerged concerning the involvement of Osama bin
Laden, leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation, in supporting the
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army. This evidence proves the KLA was part of
the international terrorist network. This in turn makes it possible to
assess the nature of the conflict in Kosovo in 1998-1999 differently,
proving that the aim of the Yugoslav leadership was not to suppress a
liberation movement but to fight armed separatism and international

It is necessary to note that former FRY President Slobodan Milosevic was
arrested on 31 March 2001. But an investigation by the Yugoslav authorities,
which lasted three months, resulted only in an accusation of abuse of

Later in June 2001  Mr. Milosevic was transferred from Belgrade to The Hague
at the demand of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY).
But it was carried out in gross violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. This
was confirmed by the Yugoslav Constitutional Court decision of 6 November
2001. Thus the unlawful transfer of Mr. Milosevic to The Hague may be
considered kidnapping.

As a result of the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic, the 


2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]




The positions of Zinni and Cheney show a policy which is biased,
one-sided, incomplete, wholly tendentious, factious, divisive and
intrusive, one based upon self-interest and exclusion of parts. The
United States of America is not a peace-maker in the Middle East, but
rather, following this policy, takes a position which facilitates the
perpetration of violence and a perpetuation of the conflict.

The Israeli newspaper Maari quotes Anthony Zinni, the retired General
who until now had performed an excellent task in brokering a peace deal
in the Middle East, as having made totally unprofessional declarations
at a private dinner in Washington DC.

The newspaper claims that Zinni called Yasser Arafat capo di tutti
capi (Head of all the Godfathers in Mafia Organisations) and an
incorrigible liar. Maari adds that Zinni went on to say During my
meetings in the Middle East, he told me so many obvious lies that I came
to the conclusion that he could not be trusted at all (sic).

However, regarding Sharon (currently under investigation for war crimes
in Belgian courts), Zinni was more deferential: Everyone had warned me
about Sharon but when I got to know him, I discovered a sort of daddy
bear, always positive towards me, always ready to help me immediately
and always proposing constructive solutions.

Meanwhile, Richard Cheney made public statements on the same theme, on
ABC TV channel on Sunday. Regarding the incident in the Eastern
Mediterranean at the beginning of January, in which 50 tonnes of arms
were found about the ship Karine A, supposedly shipped from Iran to the
Palestinians, he accused Arafat of being involved in arms trafficking
and called him a liar for denying implication in the case.

Cheney went further, accusing Arafat of involvement with terrorism. We
do not believe him. He is currently involved in an operation which leads
him to work with terrorist organisations, Hezbollah, and with Iran, a
state which is intent on torpedoing the peace process.

That anyone in a United States administration should have the nerve to
mention Iran, after the Irangate scandal, when the US itself shamefully
involved itself in the Iran-Contra case, in which arms trafficking from
Iran to Nicaragua's oppressive fascist regime was undertaken by
Washington for use in the civil war, which incidentally cost around
30,000 lives. 

Whether or not Arafat was involved in arms trafficking or not, and it
would not be beyond the realms of the imagination for Mossad or the CIA
to stage anything (it would not, after all, be the first time), it
appears that certain members of the US administration have yet to
understand how simple the situation is to resolve.

If the Palestinian Authority does not fulfil its international
obligations, then neither does Israel, a State which reaches new lows in
world public opinion by the day. The lesson to be learned from September
11, although the methods were totally unacceptable, was that there are
two sides to the Middle East story and the USA takes one side (due to
the important Jewish lobby in US society).

Traditionally leaning more towards the Arab side, contrary to the
position of the Democrats, the Republicans now appear to be following
the same path and are switching to Israel.

A more constructive approach would be for the USA to encourage Israel,
using its considerable economic and diplomatic clout, to honour its
international obligations, namely respecting the UN Resolutions on the
Occupied Territories. Building colonies on stolen lands is only going to
exacerbate the issues. This is what Israel does, and arrogantly refuses
to leave. 

That the USA can take this side and not understand that the Palestinians
have no other option but to defend themselves, gives the likes of Osama
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein claims to the moral high ground, whether or
not they deserve it.



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Weekly News Update on Colombia #626, 1/27/02

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Red Palante! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Weekly News Update on Colombia #626, 1/27/02

 ISSUE #626, JANUARY 27, 2002
 (212) 674-9499 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Jan. 22, Colombian president Andres Pastrana called for
expanded US military aid to Colombia, including US soldiers to
train Colombian troops to protect oil pipelines, bridges and
other infrastructure from rebel attacks. At the same time,
Pastrana said he hoped the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC) would stick to an Apr. 7 target date for reaching
ceasefire terms. The deadline was part of an agreement signed on
Jan. 20 following talks in the rebel-controlled safe haven in
southern Colombia [see Update #625]. [Miami Herald 1/22/02 
1/23/02, both from AP]
On Jan. 20, the Colombian weekly El Espectador revealed details
of the US government's Plan B for Colombia if peace talks fail.
The plan would channel US military aid directly to the fight
against leftist rebels. [Irish Times 1/21/02]
The FARC meanwhile seems to be stepping up its armed actions.
Explosives strapped to a bicycle blew up on Jan. 25 in front of a
restaurant frequented by police in Bogota, killing four police
officers and a child, and injuring several other people. The
Josefa restaurant is across the street from the Fatima Police
Station in southern Bogota. No one claimed responsibility for the
attack, but Bogota mayor Antanas Mockus said initial
investigations pointed to the FARC. Police also deactivated a car
bomb in a residential area near Bogota's El Dorado airport, and
another explosive device in the western area of the capital.
The FARC has claimed responsibility for dozens of attacks on
electricity towers around the country that have caused power
rationing in three departments. The rebels also downed towers
south of Bogota, causing authorities to announce an electricity
rate hike to cover the repairs. The FARC was also blamed for a
car bombing that closed a highway briefly on Jan. 24. [MH 1/26/02
from AP; La Jornada (Mexico) 1/26/02 from AFP, DPA, Reuters]
Weekly News Update on the Americas * Nicaragua Solidarity Network of NY
339 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012  *  212-674-9499 fax: 212-674-9139
http://home.earthlink.net/~nicadlw/wnuhome.html*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Red Palante!
Comunicacion Antagonista y
Resistencia Cultural

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Colombia: New hostilities

2002-01-29 Thread Barry Stoller

Reuters (with additional material by AP). 29 January 2002. Twelve
Colombians Killed, 22 Missing in Blasts.

BOGOTA -- An explosion in a Marxist guerrilla weapons dump killed seven
raiding Colombian soldiers and left 22 missing on Tuesday, and a car
bomb killed five civilians in a southern city, the army said.

An army spokesman blamed the latest car bombing, in a restaurant
district of the city of Florencia, on the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia -- known by the Spanish initials FARC.

It came during an apparent offensive by the 17,000-member Marxist force,
launched since they signed a landmark agreement with the government to
reach a cease-fire deal by April 7.

The soldiers were killed storming a house where the FARC had stored an
estimated two tons of dynamite in the El Dorado district of the central
Colombian province of Meta.

The dump exploded. But it was not clear whether guerrillas set off the
dynamite or whether it had gone of by accident.

Troops were still trying to account for their missing comrades around
the ruins of the house.

Another six wounded were taken to a hospital in the nearby city of

The army's Fourth Division said in a written statement that troops had
seized the cache after fighting in which four FARC guerrillas were
killed. At least six soldiers were wounded in the explosion.

At this moment the troops are (trying)... to locate 22 army members who
are missing as a result of the explosion, said the statement signed by
division commander Gen. Arcesio Barrero.

Later on Tuesday evening, a car bomb activated by remote control
exploded as a military convoy passed through Florencia's restaurant
district, killing five civilians including two children, an army
spokesman said.

He pointed the finger at the FARC, which is known to have a presence in
Florencia. The city lies two hours' drive from a Switzerland-sized chunk
of land granted the rebels by President Andres Pastrana to start peace
talks three years ago.

The Florencia car bomb, which also injured 10 soldiers and policemen as
well as one civilian, exploded just before peak dining time on Tuesday
evening. The city has long been a battleground not only for the FARC and
the army, but also for far-right paramilitaries -- who target the

Rather than the cease-fire deal's heralding an easing in fighting, the
rebels have stepped up attacks against military units, and bombings of
energy and water infrastructure.

Many analysts say the guerrillas could be making a show of military
might to prove that it they have not turned soft after agreeing to
negotiate a cease-fire with the government.

Others point to internal divisions within the guerrilla force, which is
calling for land redistribution and social reforms.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Afghanistan. Four US commandos die.

2002-01-29 Thread sipila


Subject: Afg: Four US commandos die


Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:26 AM
Subject: [Peoples War] Four US commandos die

Four US commandos die

KANDAHAR (Online): Eye witness accounts state that at least four US
commandos were killed during a Mujahideen ambush in the southern Afghan
city of Kandahar.The commandos had been patrolling the area.

As a result, US warplanes retaliated by heavily bombing this region of
Kandahar, known as Lewa.

This was followed by a deployment of US troops to carry out a search
operation in order to arrest the unidentified assailants.

The US Military is believed to have imprisoned approximately 250 Taliban
Mujahideen in this region and consequently, US troops are on continuous
high alert in fear of possible Mujahideen attacks.

Web: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Peoples_War

A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way.
F Engels

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

There is no revolution without violence. Those who don't accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary.
Malcolm X

The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses.
General Vo Nguyen Giap

Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing
Mao Tse-Tung


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Pakistan: The Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (CMKP) deploresaction against peasants.

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Pakistan: CMKP deplores action against peasants


CMKP deplores action against peasants

By Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD, Jan 28: The Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (CMKP) here on Monday
condemned district administration's action against the peasants of
Charsadda and registration of cases against the party's general-secretary ,
Afzal Khamosh, provincial president Nisar Khan and about 120 other peasant
leaders under Anti-Terrorism Act.

In a meeting, Punjab CMKP president Syed Azim claimed that about 3,500
personnel of law-enforcement agencies and Frontier Constabulary surrounded
the peaceful peasants of Hasht Nagar and forced them to leave their lands.

The police terrorised the peasants as a result of which tension is
prevailing in the area, he said adding the peasants resisted the 'police
attack' and laid down before the armoured vehicles and police jeeps. One
thousand women also took part in the resistance.

He said dozens of peasants were injured during the police violence, as it
fired about 200 tear-gas shells on the resisting peasants. Member of the
central committee Hamid Hashmi expressed the resolve that the party would
not leave the peasants of Charsadda alone and would leave no stone unturned
in supporting the genuine rights of the peasants.

The meeting demanded that the harassment of poor peasants in Charsadda
district should be stopped forthwith, SSP Mardan and officials concerned of
Charsadda district be suspended and the cases against the party leaders and
peasants be withdrawn immediately.

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Korean Central News Agency Jan 29

2002-01-29 Thread sipila

TODAY'S NEWS (January.29.2002 Juche 91)



U.S. use of biological and chemical weapons assailed

KCNA on U.S. futile attempts

Sports contest for Paektusan Cup opens

Bush's projected trip to S. Korea opposed

Japan hit for trying to justify overseas military actions of SDF

Senior middle schoolers' mathematic contest held

Anti-U.S. struggle called for

More dendrolites unearthed

Number of books on steady increase at Grand People's Study House

Full play to advantages of Korean socialist economic management called for

Anecdotes about President Kim Il Sung

Central Youth Hall

For Spanish-speaking people


descubiertos nuevos fosiles de vegetales

vana intencion de ee.uu. - comentario de atcc -

rodong sinmun califica de tropas agresivas fuerzas de autodefensa de

promotor de amenaza de armas bioquimicas

U.S. use of biological and chemical weapons assailed
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed
commentary 50 years after the U.S. full-scale use of biological and chemical
weapons in the northern half of Korea during the Korean War. The U.S.
imperialists began a germ warfare by spreading contagious bacteria including
smallpox. From Jan. 28 to march 1952 they dropped germ bombs and a variety
of things carrying germs on over 800 occasions over more than 400 places in
the northern half of Korea.
    The commentary says:
    The U.S. use of germ and biological and chemical weapons took many lives
of Koreans and seriously polluted the picturesque Korean land and its
ecological environment.
    The U.S. has not even admitted its crimes though a half century passed
since then. This is little short of revealing its intention to repeat such
    The U.S. units for biological and chemical warfare are armed with about
90 types of chemical bombs and have stockpiled more than 3 million chemical
shells. All these facts clearly prove that the U.S. is chiefly responsible
for the threat of biological and chemical weapons.
    The U.S. is well advised to officially admit the war crimes committed by
it by use of biological and chemical weapons in Korea, make an apology to
the Korean people and dismantle as soon as possible the nuclear weapons,
biological and chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction
stockpiled in South Korea and the U.S. mainland.

KCNA on U.S. futile attempts
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The United States is now seeking to
stage such political farces as investigation and hearing over the human
rights and religious issues of the DPRK, with the mobilization of Ragtags
from the United States, Japan and South Korea, including some
parliamentarians and the U.S. commission on religious freedom. It is getting
undisguised in its moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK after the emergence
of the bush administration.
    Such hearing and international meeting to be held by the U.S. at the
beginning of the new year are intended to escalate its unjustifiable
pressure on the DPRK.
    This is an expression of the anachronistic hostile policy toward the
DPRK zealously pursued by the U.S. in a bid to increase pressure upon the
DPRK and isolate it by raising even human rights, religious and other minor
issues besides nuclear, missile and conventional weapons issues as
outstanding ones for discussion between the two countries.
    In fact, the U.S. has no right to take issue with any other country over
the human rights issue.
    It should look into its well-known worst human rights situation, before
talking about other country's human rights issue, and frankly make public
its truth to the world.
    In the United States there are countless people seized with unrest and
panic, deprived of elementary human rights and freedom and other vital
    The U.S., which rose from the graves of Indians, natives of America, has
grown fat at the cost of the blood and sweat of African black slaves and
through ceaseless wars of aggression. It is still staging aggression and
war, terrorism and intervention everywhere in the world, wrecking peace and
wantonly violating human rights.
    This is evidenced by its war in Afghanistan conducted under the pretext
of anti-terrorism operation. in this war the U.S. has massacred a large
number of innocent civilians in cold blood only to come in for criticism.
    It is sheer hypocrisy and a foolish attempt of the U.S. to pull up the
DPRK over its human rights issue.
    The U.S. seeks to put pressure on the DPRK, slandering its system where
all human rights are fully ensured. But it is a reckless and futile attempt.

Sports contest for Paektusan Cup opens
     Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- A 

[marxistindia] denial of cvc papers to pac

2002-01-29 Thread marxistindia

January 30, 2002

Press Statement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued 
the following statement:

Submit CVC Report to PAC

The decision of the Defence Minister, George Fernandes, to deny the 
Public Accounts Committee of parliament access to the Central 
Vigilance Commissioner's report on defence purchases is indefensible. 
The CVC had been requested to scrutinse the purchases of defence 
equipment for the past one decade. His report is of the highest public 
interest in the light of the continuing scandals surfacing in defence 

In a democratic system, defence contracts involving huge amounts of 
money must be transparent and accountable to parliament. To take cover 
behind grounds such as prejudicial to the interests of the State are 
untenable. The Vajpayee government must immediately ensure that the 
report is made available to the Public Accounts Committee and a 
similar approach must be adopted in making all relevant documents 
available to the PAC regarding the purchases made during the Kargil 
war which has been the subject of scrutiny by the CAG.


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