AIC: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:05:07 -
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] AIC: Newsletter of the Anti-imperialist Camp

1st of February 2002

1. Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
by CMKP, Pakistan

3. Discussion on the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Kashmir

4. Filipino peasant groups cry: "Yankees go home!"
by KMU, Philippines

1.Defend the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation!
Conclusions of the Anti-imperialist Solidarity Delegation and call for a new

>From December 30, 2001 to January 6, 2002 an anti-imperialist solidarity
delegation travelled occupied Palestine. The purpose of was twofold: On one
hand to see with our own eyes, to judge with our own mind the situation and
the resistance movement on the ground. On the other hand to express in the
strongest possible way our undivided support for the legitimate resistance
of the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. Both ends of the
delegation were met.

We were able to touch the hottest spots of the conflict i.e. Hebron and the
Gaza strip. We could see the systematic Zionist colonisation projects of
Greater Jerusalem, in the West Bank and in Gaza. We passed deliberately
destroyed agricultural land and we saw thousands of uprooted trees. We heard
about the water shortages while the Israelis are massively pumping and
consuming water. We experienced the restriction of the movement of persons
and goods by Israeli check-points, road blocks, exclusive settler and
military roads. Briefly, we felt the reality of occupation which we can only
subsume as Apartheid.

However, we were also able to confirm that the Intifada, the popular
resistance movement does live and proceed.

It has become crystal clear that Israel has never been striving for peace,
but for the complete colonisation of the territories occupied in 1967. This
plan was designed right after the occupation and has been carried ahead. It
includes a scientifically elaborated plan of Zionist settlements. Their
construction was not slowed down or even stopped after the Oslo agreements,
but it was massively stepped up. A grid of military and settler roads have
been built cutting contiguous Palestinian territories and blocking internal
Palestinian movement whenever intended. The Palestinians expelled from their
lands are being concentrated in densely populated ever tightening zones
eventually resulting in internment camps depriving them of the most
elementary rights - like the Bantustans during Apartheid.

Palestinian resistance resembles the struggle of David against Goliath.
While Israel has got the full backing of imperialism, Palestinians will only
be able to re-conquer their elementary democratic right if they can secure
the support of the popular and proletarian masses of the world struggling
against the Western tyranny.

Therefore the international solidarity movement must be constituted on the
basis of the elementary democratic demands of the Palestinian people :

· Immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces
· Dismantlement of the Israeli settlements
· Right to return for all refugees
· For a sovereign state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as capital

Complete article:


2. Pakistan: Peasant women fight against forceful eviction from their lands
Detailed report about the situation in Charsada (Hashtnagar) by Syed Azeem,
Punjab President, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

During the 1970s a number of peasant struggles started in Pakistan, which
were mainly organized by the Communists. The most successful and militant
land-grab by the peasants took place in Hashtnagar, an area close to the
Pak-Afghan border in the province of NWFP. Organized by the then Mazdoor
Kissan Party (MKP), the peasants were able to liberate this area from feudal
lords, who brutally oppressed the poor peasants and had the backing of the
state. Since those days, Hashtnagar remains to be a liberated area despite
several attempts by the feudal lords and state to eject the peasants.

Recently, another attempt by the feudals, in connivance with the state
machinery, is in progress to forcefully evict the poor peasants from the
lands of Charsada (Hashtnagar). Eager to use the so-called
"War-Against-Terrorism" hysteria, the military and feudals are eyeing to not
only takeover the lands, but also to reverse many gains made by the peasant
movement in Pakistan.

On 22nd January, 2002, 3,500 personnel of police and the Frontier
Constabulary attacked the village of Charsada. The peasants were unarmed,
but organized. The police, on the other hand, was armed with guns, tear-gas
shells, armored vehicles and jee

Colombia: Progress reported in ELN/Govt talks in Cuba - BBC

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 07:40:13 -
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: Progress reported in ELN/Govt talks in Cuba

Friday, 1 February, 2002, 16:49 GMT

Progress reported in Colombia talks

Representatives from the Colombian Government and the country's
second-largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN) have extended
talks in Cuba after making progress towards a ceasefire agreement.

After a three-day meeting which ended on Thursday, both sides announced they
would stay in the Cuban capital Havana for a further round of discussions.

They also issued a declaration calling for children to be excluded from the
conflict, an end to rebel attacks on Colombia's electricity pylons and
measures to stop the use of anti-personnel mines.

>From the newsroom of the BBC World Service

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"A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way."
F Engels

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"There is no revolution without violence. Those who don’t accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary."
Malcolm X 

"Violence is the universal objective law of all thorough national liberation
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung


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Phillipines: NPA May Have Fired on U.S. Plane: PhilippineMilitary - Xinhua

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Phillipines: NPA May Have Fired on U.S. Plane:
Philippine Military  - Xinhua

Rebels May Have Fired on U.S. Plane: Philippine Military
Xinhuanet 2002-02-01 15:45:34

MANILA, February 1 (Xinhuanet) -- Members of a rebel group may have
fired upon a U.S. military exercise aircraft in the northern Philippines,
Philippine military sources said Friday after the Pentagon revealed one of
its planes had been hit by small-arms fire.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer online news quoted an anonymous military
official as saying that the shooting took place in the northern province of
Abra where the New People's Army (NPA) rebelsare known to be active.

However, the official stressed they were still investigating the
incident and trying to determine precisely when and where the shooting
occurred and what type of firearm was used.

Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis has announced in Washington that a U.S.
Air Force MC-130 came under fire Thursday while conducting a low-level
training mission of the joint exercises with the Philippine military in a
mountainous area on the biggest Philippine island of Luzon.

The aircraft, which was hit by at least two bullets, returned safely to
Clark Air Base in Luzon and no one was injured in the incident, Davis said.

The aircraft was taking part in "Balance Piston," a joint
U.S.-Philippine military exercise in Luzon, focusing on counter-terrorism,
he said.

Some 660 American soldiers are arriving the southern Philippines to
train local troops to hunt down the Abu Sayyaf kidnapping group that
allegedly has links with the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden.

The NPA has previously threatened to attack any U.S. soldiers who enter
their so-called territories during the joint operations with local troops.

The NPA has also originally been suspected of killing an American
trekker and wounding his German friend in an ambush near Pinatubo volcano in
the northern Philippines on Wednesday.

However, police later said there were conflicting accounts thatthe
shooting may have been carried out by a local tribesman with ahomemade rifle
for reasons that remain unclear.

Philippine officials have repeatedly stressed that American soldiers
taking part in the joint operations in the south will notengage in actual
combat and will only advise and train local troops.

Philippine Defense Secretary Gen. Angelo Reyes Friday said Filipino
commanders would be running the show in the ongoing jointmilitary exercises
in the southern Philippines but said the Americans have the right to "defend
themselves" in an encounter.

"The right to self-defense is universal, we're talking here of
survival," the Philippine Daily Inquirer online news quoted Reyes as saying.

"They will not get involved in fighting the Abu Sayyaf," he added.

The at least six-month military exercise, which entered its first phase
Thursday, is aimed at combating the Abu Sayyaf group which is holding two
American and one Filipino hostages. Enditem

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"A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way."
F Engels

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"There is no revolution without violence. Those who don’t accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary."
Malcolm X 

"Violence is the universal objective law of all thorough national liberation
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung


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South China Morning Post: 'Axis of evil' label upsets mainland

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Subject: SCMP: 'Axis of evil' label upsets mainland [


  South China Morning Post

  'Axis of evil' label upsets mainland
  Foreign Ministry finds Bush's language jarring but welcomes
strengthening of Sino-US ties



Next Story

China yesterday berated US President George W. Bush for calling
North Korea, Iran and Iraq an "axis of evil".
"The Chinese side does not advocate using this kind of language
in international relations," Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said.

Mr Bush said in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday that
Iran, Iraq and North Korea were attempting to develop weapons of mass
destruction and singled them out as an "axis of evil".

Mr Kong said China believed all countries should be treated
equally in international affairs.

"Otherwise it will damage the atmosphere for seeking solutions
to relevant problems and it would not be conducive to world and regional
peace and stability," he said.

The comments came three weeks before Mr Bush is due to visit
Beijing for talks with President Jiang Zemin, who has backed the US-led war
on terrorism, launched after the September 11 attacks.

Vice-Foreign Minister and former ambassador to the US Li
Zhaoxing is scheduled to leave China for the United States today to make
preparations for Mr Bush's visit.

Observers have expressed doubt that Mr Bush will be able to
conduct substantive discussions with his Chinese hosts during his whirlwind
two-day stay in Beijing.

During the news conference, Mr Kong, however, welcomed another
part of Mr Bush's speech - that on strengthening US-China co-operation.

But the spokesman repeated Beijing's objection to Washington
selling arms to Taiwan and categorically ruled out the need for China and
the US to sign a "fourth communique" on Taiwan.

Richard Bush, Washington's top diplomat to Taipei, reiterated
earlier this week that the US would continue to provide defensive weapons to

Mr Kong repeated that any arms sales to Taiwan would violate
Washington's commitments to Beijing and the three communiques signed between
the two countries. 

The spokesman was referring to documents signed between China
and the US in 1972, 1979 and 1982 that respectively established official
relations, detailed Washington's affirmation that Taiwan is a part of China
and pronounced the United States' commitment to reduce arms sales to Taiwan.
Mr Kong said as long as both Washington and Beijing adhered to these three
communiques, the two sides would not need a new one.

"We are not in favour of the idea that the three joint
communiques are out of date," Mr Kong said.

US officials say privately the joint communiques are merely
diplomatic documents that do not carry the weight of a formal treaty.

Concern has been raised by Taiwan leaders that a fourth
communique would put the island at a disadvantage and weaken Taipei's
bargaining power in negotiating with Beijing.

During his meeting with Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, Richard
Bush reportedly assured his host that Washington had not changed its
position on Taiwan.

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Xinhua: U.S. Continues Espionage Against DPRK

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Subject: Xinhua: U.S. Continues Espionage Against DPRK: KCNA


Friday, February 01, 2002 1:22 PM

  U.S. Continues Espionage Against DPRK: KCNA

  Xinhuanet 2002-02-01 19:14:42
  PYONGYANG, February 1 (Xinhuanet) -- The United States committed
more than 150 cases of aerial espionage against the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea (DPRK) in January with strategic and tactical
reconnaissance planes for various missions, the Korean Central News Agency
(KCNA) reported on Friday.

  The KCNA quoted DPRK military sources as saying that involved in
the espionage were U-2 high altitude strategic reconnaissance planes, EP-3
special operation planes, E-3 commanding planes, RC-12 and RC-7 tactical
reconnaissance planes and EH-60 electronic warfare helicopters.

  On January 29 the the U.S. sent more than 100 fighter bombers,
pursuit and assault planes, transport and reconnaissance planes tothe sky
above Tanyang, Wonju and Phyongchange, and on January 24 and 16 the U.S.
sent each day more than 150 fighter planes to the sky above Chunchon,
Kaphyong, Ryoju and other areas of South Koreato stage war exercises.

  Such espionage flights and war exercises clearly prove that
theU.S. is seeking to achieve its aggressive design at any time as soon as
it concludes its "war against terrorism" in Afghanistan after designating
the DPRK as the main target of its next operation, said the agency. Enditem

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Vietnam News Feb 2 - 3

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Activities mark Party founding anniversary

A showroom entitled ŒThe Communist Party of Vietnam with the National
Renovation Cause¹ was opened on February 1 at the Vietnam Revolutionary
Museum on the occasion of the 72nd founding anniversary of the party.

Present at the ceremony were leaders of the Ministry of Information and
Culture, representatives from central committees and sectors and localities.

The showroom introduces nearly 300 articles arranged into two sections: The
CPV initiates, organises and leads the national renovation process and The
achievements of the national renovation process in the past 15 years in
political, economic, social and cultural, educational, health care and
diplomatic fields.

On the occasion, the Vietnam Revolutionary Museum has co-ordinated with some
localities to organise a showroom in Ho Chi Minh City on ŒUncle Ho with
Ethnic Minorities¹ and another in northern mountainous province of Cao Bang
on ŒAugust Revolution under the Leadership of the Party.¹

The same day, the final round of the contest ŒHanoi Youth with the
Resolution of the Ninth National Party Congress¹ was held with the
participation of three colleges: the Teachers¹ Training College, the
National Economics University and the Foreign Language Teachers¹ Training

The three teams are the best among the forty teams of forty universities and
colleges that took part in the contest organised by the Hanoi¹s Youth Union
over the past two months.

The teams had to answer questions relating to the Resolution of the Ninth
National Party Congress, and the Resolution of the 13rd Hanoi Party
Congress, sang songs and read poems on the Party, Uncle Ho and expressed
their feelings about the songs and poems. Finally, the contestants had to
come through an rhetorical contest on their understanding of the Party¹s

The Teachers¹ Training College won the first prize. The second prize went to
the National Economics University and the Foreign Language Teachers¹
Training College was the owner of the third prize.

Politburo members Nguyen Khoa Diem and Nguyen Phu Trong presented the prizes
to the winners.

Book exhibition welcomes Party's birthday, New Year

The Hanoi Library opened a book and newspaper exhibition to celebrate the
Party's birthday, the New Year and the national renovation on February 1.

On display are around 1,000 books and 200 different kinds of Tet newspapers
and magazines. Books on show feature those on Ho Chi Minh Thought; the
history of the Communist Party of Vietnam; achievements of the Vietnamese
revolution; the strategic line and leadership of the Party during the
resistance war time against the French colonialists, the US imperialists and
the national construction; the history of Hanoi's Party Committee and the
capital's achievements during the renovation process.

Also on the occasion, a war memorial was inaugurated in Ha Long city of
Quang Ninh northern province on February 1.

The memorial is built on a four-hectare area on the bank of Ha Long bay,
Bach Dang ward.

Deputy PM meets US Pacific commander-in-chief

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed that Vietnam pursues an
external policy of diversification and multilaterlisation and wishes to
befriend other countries in the interests of peace, stability and
development in the world.

Deputy Prime Minister Dung was talking with the United States Pacific
Commander-in-Chief Admiral Dennis Cutler Blair, during a reception in Hanoi
on February 1. 

Mr Dung welcomed Admiral Dennis Blair's visit, describing it as an important
step in accelerating the multi-faceted co-operation between Vietnam and the

Deputy PM Dung said that the two armies can co-operate with each other,
particularly in fighting drug trafficking and terrorism, and disposing of
mines and unexploded munitions on the basis of mutual respect and benefits,
and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

The same day, Admiral Dennis Blair and his entourage paid courtesy visits to
Defence Minister Pham Van Tra, Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, General Vo
Nguyen Giap and Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant General Phung Quang

The US Pacific Command delegation will wrap up their visit on February 2.

Foreign minister meets diplomatic corps

Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien and his wife received the diplomatic corps
in Hanoi on February 1, on the occasion of the Vietnamese traditional lunar
New Year Festival. 

On behalf of the Vietnamese government, Foreign Minister Nien thanked
foreign countries and international organisations as well as their
ambassadors and chief representatives in Hanoi for their valuable support
and assistance to Vietnam, thus positively contributing to Vietnam's

He said he hoped

Palestine. PFLP Press Release Jan 30

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

30 January 2002

Press Release 

Ramallah: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has commented on
the Zionist government's plan to isolate Jerusalem from the rest of the
Palestinian territories. The Popular Front said that these are steps that
lead to the practical annexation of the City of Jerusalem. In addition, this
plan also involves expanding the area to be isolated in accordance with the
old plans for the old, yet new, Greater Jerusalem scheme.

The Popular Front pointed out that although this plan is being pursued under
the camouflage of its being for security purposes, it nevertheless imposes
political facts on the ground that dispel all the prevalent illusions in the
policy of the Palestine Authority about Jerusalem being a subject for
negotiations with the Zionist government. This plan confirms that the
Zionist government is continuing with its plan to gobble up our land,
colonize it, and Judaize it, without regard for any agreements.

The Popular Front stressed that these steps by the Zionist government must
serve as a new lesson for the Palestine Authority about the possibility of
negotiating with the Zionists or of even reaching partial agreements on this

The Popular Front believes that the Zionist government decision contravenes
international resolutions concerning Jerusalem, and it calls on the
international community to shoulder its responsibility regarding this
matter. The Front also calls on the Arab and Islamic states and their
peoples to act, for Jerusalem is not only a Palestinian issue, it is an Arab
and Islamic issue. The Front called on the Palestinian masses to hold fast
to the choice of resistance and intifada, and to continue with them and not
bet on any of the illusions that still find a place in the approach of
official Palestinian policy. The Popular Front said that Jerusalem will
remain Arab Palestinian land in spite of all the arbitrary steps that the
terrorist Sharon government may take.

Central Information Department
Press Office - Palestine
30 January 2002. 

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Radio Havana Cuba-30 January 2002

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: NY Transfer News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:12:37 -0500 (EST)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CubaNews List)
Subject: [CubaNews] Radio Havana Cuba-30 January 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 30 January 2002













Havana, January 30 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro presided over
the inauguration of a Colombian Peace Summit Tuesday evening, which
the island's foreign minister, Felipe Perez Roque, described as
"historic for Colombia, Latin America and the international

The three-day meeting between Colombian government officials and
leaders of the guerilla Army of National Liberation, known by its
Spanish acronym as the ELN, is taking place at Havana's Convention
Center. It is being attended by some 100 participants from all levels
of Colombian society, as well as international observers, and is
designed to confront the obstacles to peace in one of the oldest civil
conflicts in Latin America.

In expressing his hope for a successful outcome to the summit, the
Cuban foreign minister also voiced his country's total opposition to
any kind of outside intervention in Colombia's affairs and underlined
how important it was to respect the South American nation's
sovereignty and independence. Felipe Perez Roque said that Colombia
could count on Cuba's support and that any foreign intervention would
only aggravate the situation and lead to far more serious

ELN spokesperson, Ramiro Vargas, and Bogota's high commissioner for
peace, Camilo Gomez, are leading the two delegations. Representatives
from France, Norway, Venezuela, Switzerland, Spain and the United
Nations are also attending the Peace Summit, which wraps up tomorrow,


Havana, January 30 (RHC)-- The president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, will
make an official visit to Cuba on February 3rd and 4th, at the
invitation of his Cuban counterpart, Fidel Castro.

The visit is designed to increase economic, social and cultural ties
between both nations. Mexico is the country that has the longest
lasting diplomatic relationship with Havana, going back some 100
years. It was also the only nation in the region that ignored pressure
from Washington to break diplomatic relations in the early 1960s.

In an exclusive, live interview with Radio Havana Cuba's Barbara
Betancourt on Wednesday morning, the Mexican head of state said that
he was looking forward to not only tasting Cuban coffee but also the
friendship of the Cuban people. He said there was still much to do to
bring both nations closer together in economic, commercial, diplomatic
and cultural aspects. And the Mexican president added that he wanted
to seek common positions with Cuba wherever possible.

President Vicente Fox will be accompanied by a large delegation, which
will include many trade and commerce representatives.


Santiago de Cuba, January 30 (RHC)-- Pollution in the eastern
mountains of Santiago de Cuba registered a 33 percent reduction in
2001 compared to the previous year thanks to an action plan to
preserve and improve the environment.

According to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the
surface of forest areas in Santiago de Cuba has increased 1.3 per cent
or 1,995 hectares due to the reforestation process taking place in the

The decontamination of the mountains and the protection of the
environment is of great importance for the eastern part of the region
due to the fact that the province of Santiago de Cuba represents a
third of the mountainous region where some 20 per cent of the
population live.

The authorities are also educating the population in an attempt to
stop people from cutting trees, as well as how to avoid forest fires.


Malabo, January 30 (RHC)-- Cuba will help construct the first food
processing plant in Equatorial Guinea next month, according to the
island's Ministry of Agriculture.

A delegation from the Guinean Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to
arrive in Havana this week and meet with Cuban authorities on the food
processing plant.

Relations between Cuba and Equatorial Guinea were suspended in the
1980's and 

FW: [CubaNews] Radio Havana Cuba-31 January 2002

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: NY Transfer News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:15:50 -0500 (EST)

Radio Havana Cuba-31 January 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 31 January 2002














Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- Argentine Foreign Minister Carlos Ruckauf
recently traveled to the United States, seeking economic assistance
for his beleaguered nation. But, according to Cuba's top diplomat,
Felipe Perez Roque, the U.S. placed conditions on its aid: jump on
Washington's anti-Cuba bandwagon at the UN Human Rights Commission.
During a roundtable discussion Wednesday evening -- broadcast live on
Cuban radio and television -- Felipe Perez Roque and other panelists
examined the pressures on Latin American countries, including
Argentina, to go along with the annual resolution against Cuba for
alleged human rights violations.

The Cuban foreign minister noted that his Argentine counterpart
spent only 30 minutes with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on
Monday -- coming out of the meeting with a statement that Buenos Aires
would jointly work with Washington on the issue of human rights in
Cuba. Perez Roque asked how it was possible that the Argentine
foreign minister could sell out so quickly and come to an agreement on
Cuba, when he supposedly met with U.S. officials to secure economic
aid for his bankrupt country.

Panelists on last night's roundtable discussion agreed that the United
States was turning up the heat on Latin American countries -- aimed at
getting their support for Washington's resolution in Geneva to condemn
Cuba. They pointed out that the Argentine Foreign Ministry has
apparently chosen to repeat last year's performance at the UN Human
Rights Commission -- when they voted along with the U.S. against Cuba
in exchange for Washington's support of a multi-billion dollar loan
from the International Monetary Fund.

Juan Antonio Fernandez, the Director of Multilateral Affairs at the
Cuban Foreign Ministry and one of the panelists, said that
Washington's resolution in Geneva is an annual circus, designed to
demonize Cuba and provide a rationalization for the U.S. blockade
against the island. He reminded the audience that Washington was voted
off the UN Human Rights Commission last year and, for the first time
in 50 years, does not have a seat on the Commission in Geneva.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry official also noted that Argentina is
undergoing a severe social and economic crisis, leading to scenes of
repression in the streets of Buenos Aires and other cities -- hardly
putting that country in a position to criticize anyone for alleged
human rights violations.


Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- Cuban President Fidel Castro Wednesday met
with the coordinator of Spain's United Left Party, Gaspar Llamazares
and his delegation who were on an official visit to the island.

Llamazares had previously met with Cuban Vice-President Carlos Lage in
a general discussion of relations between his party and the Communist
Party of Cuba which had extended the invitation for the Spanish
dignitary to visit the island.

After meeting with the Cuban leader, the delegation accompanied him to
the Cuban television studios to attend a round table on the current
crisis in Argentina, and Buenos Aires' capitulation to the US
government in relation to Cuba, which was attacked in the Cuban daily
Granma in Thursday morning's edition.

The Spanish politician and his delegation left the island Thursday


Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- In Cuba's massive offensive against the
mosquito that spreads the dengue fever virus, the entire student and
teacher faculty of a school that trains social workers in the city of
Santa Clara have joined thousands of other volunteers traveling to
Havana for a weekend fumigation campaign.

The campaign to eradicate the Aedes Aegypti mosquito will be
concentrating its efforts on Havana's 15 municipalities today,
fumigating every single residence for the third time in three weeks.
Street fumigation is also taking place.

Cuban public health authorities have taken unprecedented steps to
prevent the type of epidemic that has hit other nations in the region
- especially in Central America - and appear to be gaining ground. The

Radio Havana Cuba-01 February 2002

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:17:21 -0500
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Radio Havana Cuba-01 February 2002

Radio Havana Cuba-01 February 2002

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Radio Havana Cuba - News Update - 01 Febuary 2002














Havana, February 1 (RHC)-- Four Nobel Prize winners will give masters
conferences during the IV Economist's Meeting on Globalization and
Problems of Development, which will be held in Havana from February
11th through the 15th.

Nobel Laureates for the last three years, Robert Mundel, James
Heckman and Joseph Stiglitz will participate in the conference along
with Nobel Peace prizewinner, Adolfo Perez Esquivel and some 400
researchers, academicians and professionals from around the world.

The organizing committee reports that 160 papers from 37 countries
have been received. Esther Aguilera, vice president of Cuba's
Association of Economists and Accountants, which is sponsoring the
meeting along with the Latin American and Caribbean Association of
Economists, announced that World Bank Vice President, Guillermo
Perry, and International Monetary Fund official, Claudio Loser would
also participate in the five-day gathering.

The Inter-American Development Bank, the World Trade Organization,
the International Work Organization and the Pan-American Health
Organization will also represented.

Aquilera told reporters in the Cuban capital that the meeting is
unique in the varied schools of thought that will be represented, all
concerned about finding solutions to today's pressing problems.

The Cuban economist said that in addition to conferences, the meeting
would feature round table discussions focusing on the first economic
crisis of the millennium, the consequences of the events of September
11 in the United States, the Argentina situation and the Free Trade
Area of the Americas.

Cuba began hosting economists' meetings on Globalization and the
Problems of Development in l999.


Geneva, February 1 (RHC)-- The World Trade Organization has
officially adopted the ruling of its Appellate Body report on the
Havana Club trademark dispute between the United States and the
European Union.

The U.S. company Bacardi is illegally using the trademark, arguing
that it was confiscated after the 1959 victory of the Cuban
Revolution. Havana Club -- jointly owned by Havana Rum and Liquors
and the French company Pernod Ricard -- contends that the United
States is violating the basic principles of the World Trade

The announcement of the decision was made on Friday by the WTO's
Dispute Settlement Body. According to the report, the WTO adopted the
appeals decision on the U.S. implementation in the foreign sales
corporation dispute with the European Union.

In Washington, the U.S. government said they respected their
obligation to comply with WTO rules and were working with the EC to
resolve the dispute.


Havana, February 1 (RHC)-- Writers from Argentina, Spain, Cuba and
Guyana are the winners of Latin America's coveted Casa de las
Americas literary awards for 2002. It was announced on Thursday night
at the cultural institution's headquarters in Havana that the novel
"Plop" by Argentine Rafael Pinedo, had won Casa's top prize. The
jury said the work was as "strange as it was disconcerting."

The first prize for Latin American poetry went to Cuban Luis Manuel
Perez Boitel for his "Aun nos pretenece el ontono" or Autumn still
belongs to us. Spain was the winner in the best essay category, with
"The impure love of cities: Notes on modernist literature and urban
space" by Alvaro Salvador Jofre.

Argentine Carlos Marianidis won the best children's literature award
with his novel, "Nada detiene a las golondrinas" or Nothing stops the

And the Casa de las Americas prize for best Caribbean English
language work was awarded to Guyanese, Oonya Kempadoo, for his novel
"Tide Running."

For the second time honorary awards were made, and this time among
the winners was late Cuban author Jose Lezama Lima for poetry.

Thursday evening's closing ceremony ended the 43rd Casa de las
Americas literary awards that were chosen from among 740 works from
28 countries and were presided over by Colombian Cultu

Bangladesh general strike

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP. 2 February 2002. 20 injured as police and activists clash in
Bangladesh strike.

DHAKA -- Twenty people were injured in Bangladesh Saturday as riot
police used tear gas in clashes with left-wing activists during a
nationwide general strike, witnesses said.

The violence erupted as police tried to stop around 100 leaders and
activists of an 11-party leftwing alliance, which called the half-day
strike to protest against rises in fuel and utility prices, from holding
a march outside their offices in Dhaka.

At least 35 people were arrested, including senior leader Rashida (EDS:
one name), the alliance said.

"The police did not allow us to come out of our offices and stopped our
people from coming to the offices from other parts of the city," said
Mujahedul Islam Selim, the chief of the Communist Party of Bangladesh.

Most shops, private offices and banks were shut during the strike. Some
transport services were also affected.

In December the government put up the price of all petroleum products by
between 10 and 20 percent, while utility prices were also raised.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Nepal struggle

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP. 2 February 2002. Army defuses six suspected Maoist bombs in Nepal

KATHMANDU -- The army in Nepal Saturday defused six bombs, four of which
were planted at a bus station in Kathmandu, police said.

Maoist rebels are believed to have planted the devices as anti-monarchy
and anti-prime minister slogans were found written on banners nearby.

Members of the public spotted the bombs at the bus station in the
outskirts of Kathmandu and in the nearby suburb of Sanepa, and called
the police. Army bomb disposal squads were called in to defuse the

"We managed to avert a possible disaster in the capital," a police
source said.

Officials said Saturday that three Maoist rebels were killed in clashes
with security forces in western Nepal.

"Two Maoists were killed in Dandeldhura and one in Bara district when
they clashed with security forces Thursday night," a defence ministry
statement said.

A large cache of guns, ammunitions and explosives were also recovered in
the encounters, it said.

But Home Minister Devendra Raj Kandel admitted Friday that despite the
emergency security personnel had not been able to locate senior Maoist

Minister for Communications Jayaprakash Prasad Gupta said Saturday that
the state-controlled Nepal Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) had
incurred losses of a 250 million rupees (328,947 dollars) because of
damage caused by Maoist attacks since 1996.

"Telecommunication links in nine of the country's 75 administrative
districts have been disrupted (over this period)," Gupta said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

NPA: 'Americans are the number 1 terrorists'

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP. 2 February 2002. Communist insurgents threaten US troops in

MANILA -- A communist insurgent spokesman Saturday warned his forces
were ready to fight US troops in the Philippines but was evasive on an
incident in which a US airforce plane taking part in a military exercise
was fired upon.

Gregorio Rosal, spokesman of the communist New People's Army (NPA), said
in a statement read over the radio that the communist guerrillas were
the next target of US soldiers deployed in the southern Philippines for
joint operations against the Abu Sayyaf Muslim kidnapping group.

"The party and the revolutionary movement is not afraid of these actions
of the imperialists and militarists. The entire party is determined to
crush this and to fight the entry of the US in all its aspects," Rosal
said in comments broadcast by the DZBB radio station.

However when questioned about an incident on Thursday when a US MC-130
plane was hit by two bullets while flying over the northern Philippines
as part of military exercises, Rosal tried to deflect blame from the NPA
which is known to operate in the area.

"It's only the Pentagon which said that a US plane was hit," Rosal said
despite confirmation by local authorities that two M-14 bullets struck
the American plane.

In a separate interview, Press Secretary Noel Cabrera said they were
investigating the shooting, adding that "we're looking at possible
suspects and one of those is the NPA."

But he said that at the moment "there is no basis" to conclude that the
NPA were behind the shooting incident.

Rosal also denied that communist insurgents were behind the incident on
Wednesday when an unidentified person shot dead an American trekker and
wounded his German companion as the two were hiking up Pinatubo volcano
in the northern Philippines.

Rosal said the communist guerrillas were the next target of the
Americans after the Abu Sayyaf, saying that "the US and the (President
Gloria) Arroyo government is just looking for an excuse," to bring US
troops into this country.

"The true purpose of this entry is to justify a bigger and more
dangerous operation of the US. The US will not limit to Basilan and the
Abu Sayyaf, their armed intervention," Rosal said.

Rosal conceded that the majority of Filipinos supported the entry of the
Americans but said this was because they were misinformed by the media.

"The ordinary people think the Americans are helping us. They do not
know the Americans are the number one terrorists," he said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Milosevic denies issuing atrocities orders

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP. 2 February 2002. Milosevic denies issuing atrocities orders.

MOSCOW -- Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic said in an
interview Saturday he never ordered his military to commit atrocities in
the Balkans.

Milosevic, due on trial for genocide, crimes against humanity and other
charges over events in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo, said his army
commanders acted on their own.

"Decrees are being attributed to me that I never signed, and which were
carried out on specific initiatives of the military," Milosevic told the
Izvestia daily.

"They (the military commanders) acted on their own, while defending
themselves from attacks by bandits, who were burning down homes and
killing innocent civilians," he said.

Izvestia said the written interview with Milosevic was conducted by a
reporter with ITAR-TASS, but it failed to specify when.

Milosevic also conceded to suffering from depression, and lashed out at
the international warcrimes tribunal in The Hague for keeping him jailed
and isolated from the outside world.

"My physical and moral health is one of suspension between inertia and
timid hope, which in and of itself is not enough to keep up the presence
of morale," he said.

"But still I am keeping a diary, to hand down to our descendants the ray
of light born in a true Serb."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

China. People´s Daily Feb 3

2002-02-02 Thread sipila


Bankrupt US Energy Firm Silent on Steel Project in Mozambique.

The bankrupt American energy company Enron has still not contacted the
Mozambican government about the future of the Maputo Iron and Steel Project
(MISP), of which Enron was the sole shareholder.

The bankrupt American energy company Enron has still not contacted the
Mozambican government about the future of the Maputo Iron and Steel Project
(MISP), of which Enron was the sole shareholder.

The Noticias daily Friday quoted Mozambican Deputy Minister of Industry and
Trade Salvador Namburete as saying "Enron has an authorization from the
government to implement the project. The authorization belongs to Enron".

MISP is a project to build a factory on the outskirts of Maputothat would
produce 2.5 million tons of steel slabs a year, using iron ore from South
Africa, and natural gas from the southern Mozambican province of Inhambane.

But the spectacular collapse of Enron in December last year, and the
subsequent revelations of criminal behavior by its top executives, have left
the future of MISP in grave doubt.

Even before the bankruptcy, Enron was having difficulty in attracting
partners for MISP. Originally Enron had planned to workwith the Industrial
Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa,but the IDC pulled out in

Enron then brought in the companies Duferco, of Switzerland, Kobe Steel of
Japan, Midrex of the U.S., VAI of Australia, and Techint of Italy. These
companies were to hold 50 percent of the equity in MISP, with Enron owning
the other 50 percent.

But by early 2001, all five companies had withdrawn, apparentlyworried about
the future market for steel slabs.

"Enron spent money preparing this project", said Namburete. "It's up to
Enron to decide what it's going to do. We don't know whether it's going to
sell it or not. We don't know what it's going to do with the authorization
it has". 

Namburete claimed that other companies, whom he did not name, had asked if
they could look at the project, to see whether they might be interested in
taking it over. 

"We've told them to contact Enron, because the project belongs to Enron", he

But the project authorization is limited in time. If within that time there
is no movement on the MISP site, then the authorization expires.

Weapons Purchase Priority of Bush's Defense Budget Proposal.

United States President George W. Bush will request 68.7 billion U.S.
dollars for buying weapons and other equipment as part of the defense budget
for fiscal year 2003, according to documents obtained by local media Friday.

United States   President George W. Bush will request 68.7 billion U.S.
dollars for buying weapons and other equipment as part of the defense budget
for fiscal year 2003, according to documents obtained by local media Friday.

The amount would be more than 10 percent over the about 60 billion dollars
the Pentagon received for weapon purchase last year. Included is 911 million
dollars to continue developing the Comanche reconnaissance helicopter, the
documents said. 

Bush will submit to Congress a 2.13 trillion-dollar federal budget on
Monday. He will request 379 billion dollars for the Defense Department, a
revised increase of 45 billion, or 13.5 percent, over this year's defense

Putting security on top of his priorities, Bush said he needs to increase
the defense budget to cover weapon purchase, missile defense and another
military pay rise. 

With the war in Afghanistan
  still under
way, it is widely expected that the military spending hike will get a
bipartisan approval in Congress.

The defense budget also requests 53.9 billion dollars for research and
development, almost 10 percent above this year's total.

It includes 7.8 billion dollars for national missile defense research and
testing procurement, plus an extra 815 million U.S. dollars for development
of space-based sensors that can detect missile launches, about the same as
this year. 

It calls for 9.4 billion dollars to be spent on fighting terror,including 3
billion for counter-terrorism, force protection and domestic security; and
1.2 billion dollars to continue combat air patrols over the country, which
started after the September 11 terror attacks.

The documents say Bush will also propose money for a 4.1-percent increase in
basic military pay, a cut in troops' out-of-pocket costs for private
housing, and extra spending for training and for the increased military
operations after the September 11 attacks.

U.S. Leads Comprehensive War Against Islam: Hamas.

Palestinian radical Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on Friday in a
leaflet that the United States is leading a war against Arab and Islamic
countries and not against terrorism.

Palestinian radical Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on Friday in a
leaflet that the United States  is leading a war against Arab and Islamic
countries and

Virus News. Friday, February 01, 2002

2002-02-02 Thread Partija rada

Virus News. Friday, February 01, 
The Virus Top Twenty for January2. How to 
subscribe/unsubscribe1. The Virus Top Twenty for 
January    The latest monthly installment of the Kaspersky 
Virus Top 20 ishere.1. The Virus Top Twenty for JanuaryKaspersky 
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3,000 US Troops, German War Planes In Kenya

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: 3,000 US Troops, German War Planes In Kenya


"The start of "Edged Mallet" follows news last week
that Germany wants to station navy planes in Mombasa,
Kenya's chief port, to monitor shipping in the Indian
Ocean as part of its contribution to the U.S.-led war
on terror." 
3,000 U.S. Troops Training in Kenya
February 2, 2002 7:57 am EST
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Three thousand U.S. troops were
due to begin a joint military exercise with Kenya in
the east African country's coastal region this
weekend, a U.S. embassy spokesman said on Saturday.
The exercise, known as "Edged Mallet," had been
planned since before the Sept. 11 attacks rekindled
Washington's interest in the region as a whole and
Kenya's neighbor Somalia in particular.
"They've been wanting to do something like this along
the beach for a number of years, and they started
planning it late last spring," said a spokesman for
the U.S. embassy in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.
The United States fears the lack of central authority
in Somalia could make it an ideal haven for extremists
and has launched a series of intelligence operations
in the region to assess whether to target Somalia in
its war on terror.
The embassy spokesman said that "Edged Mallet"
predated Washington's increased interest in Somalia
and was part of an ongoing series of U.S.-Kenya
military activities designed to help the two countries
work together more efficiently.
Three U.S. ships, including an amphibious assault
craft, will be involved in the exercise, which is due
to last several weeks.
Kenyan ground forces will join about 1,000 Marines
coming ashore for maneuvers in coastal military
exercise grounds.
Parts of the event will involve wargames-style
training with small arms, while others will include
humanitarian training such as building bridges or
providing medical services, the spokesman said.
The start of "Edged Mallet" follows news last week
that Germany wants to station navy planes in Mombasa,
Kenya's chief port, to monitor shipping in the Indian
Ocean as part of its contribution to the U.S.-led war
on terror. 

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geopolitical news:
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Afghanistan bans Taliban - and communists

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP. 2 February 2002. Taliban and communists banned from Afghanistan

KABUL -- New political laws being drawn up in Afghanistan will demand
all parties abide by democratic principles, and ban communists and
Taliban leaders and followers from political activity, Justice Minister
Abdul Rahim Karimi said Saturday.

"All parties must accept the rules of [what we call] democracy. They
will only be authorised on this condition, there will be no exceptions,"
he said.

Karimi, who is charged with defining new political laws, expected they
would be ready within three weeks.

The laws will "refuse the right for anyone who took part in the
destruction of the country to form a party," he said.

"Taliban leaders will not be tolerated" nor would parties "that
supported the regime," he said, citing the ultra-fundamentalist
Hezb-i-Islami of anti-Soviet resistance commander Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Although the leaders of former communist parties would be excluded from
Afghan politics, the law would not apply to lower level commmunists "who
accept democracy and abandon the principle of dictatorship of the

In the new political era, parties must be registered with the culture
ministry and have a minimum 500 members, which is one of the
requirements of the country's 1964 constitution, a reference point for
the interim administration.

"The budgets of political parties will have to be transparent, and their
source of finance cannot come from a foreign country to avoid the risk
of a coup d'etat," the minister said.

The Taliban, which ruled for five years until last November, was largely
set up and financed by Pakistan.

Former communist rulers were backed by the Soviet Union.

The slew of laws being drawn up also ban personal attacks on rivals and
forbid the release of military or confidential information. The right of
free speech and Muslim values must be respected.

Parties implicated in the jihad (holy war) against the Soviet forces
"will only be able to resume political activity when they return 22
billion dollars received during the (1979-89) Soviet occupation," Karimi

"Before they begin operating they must clarify their financial situation
and the channels by which they were financed."

Among these parties are those of former president Burhanuddin Rabbani,
the Jamiat-i-Islami and the Northern Alliance which includes interim
Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah, Defence Minister Qasim Fahim and
Interior Minister Yunus Qanooni, the justice minister said.

The 1964 constitution, established during the reign of former king Zahir
Shah, states only that "Afghan citizens have the right to form political
parties in accordance law" but does not control how they operate.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

US troops 'will enter Philippine combat zones'

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AP. 2 February 2002. U.S. General: American Troops Will Enter Philippine
Combat Zones to Help End Rebel Threat.

ZAMBOANGA -- U.S. special forces on an antiterrorism training mission
will enter combat zones but will use their weapons only in self-defense,
their commander said Saturday.

Brig. Gen. Donald Wurster said: "We want to destroy terrorism and
they've asked for certain kinds of help. We're offering that certain
kind of help."

The U.S. military is providing training and weapons to the poorly
equipped Philippine military to help destroy the Muslim extremist Abu
Sayyaf group, which is holding Wichita, Kan., missionaries Gracia and
Martin Burnham and Filipino nurse Deborah Yap on nearby Basilan island.

Although most American troops haven't arrived yet, the training exercise
started Thursday.

Potentially, about 160 U.S. special forces could be among the 660-strong
American contingent accompanying Filipino troops to war zones on
Basilan, where the rugged jungles in the southern Philippines have seen
frequent bloody clashes with the rebels.

Left-wing groups and many intellectuals traditionally wary of Washington
have opposed the US troops with small, rowdy protests at the U.S.
Embassy and the presidential palace in Manila.

Late Saturday, about 200 supporters of the leftist New Patriotic
Alliance marched with torches to the embassy, chanting, "U.S.
imperialist - No. 1 terrorist!"

Wurster also acknowledged that "there are many people who would like to
hurt us here." On Wednesday, a U.S. Air Force plane sustained light
damage when it was hit by gunfire during a training exercise in the
northern Philippines.

No one was injured and the source of the small arms fire has not been
determined, Philippine Air Force officials said.

A communist rebel spokesman denied Saturday that guerrillas fired at the
plane. The Communist Party of the Philippines opposes the joint

Wurster said U.S. planes no longer would fly over that area.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Argentina 'on brink of anarchy'

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

BBC. 2 February 2002. Argentina 'on brink of anarchy.'

Protesters have again taken to the streets of Argentina after the
president criticised the Supreme Court over a ruling that said limits on
cash withdrawals from banks were unconstitutional.

President Eduardo Duhalde said Argentina was now on the brink of
anarchy, and he warned that millions of Argentines could lose their

The BBC's Peter Greste, in Buenos Aires, said angry people filled the
streets with the clanging and clattering of pots and pans - a sound
which has become the symbol of middle-class rage.

Small neighbourhood assemblies gathered in streets across the capital
and then marched beneath banners to the city centre.

There, a crowd grew outside the presidential palace, chanting "out, out,
all the politicians out" and "give us our money."

Protesters are demanding free access to their bank accounts and the
resignation of the government.

Demonstrations began soon after Mr Duhalde went on television and warned
Argentines that, despite the court ruling, they should not expect to see
their savings soon.

The court had ruled 5-0 in favour of a group of plaintiffs who had
demanded access to their savings.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

List address change.

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Dear listmember.

The list [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be replaced by the

However, because of technical reasons the address change
takes some days.

So far, the list address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
will work normally.

You will be informed accordingly when all the arrangements
are ready.

With friendly regards.

Heikki Sipila

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geopolitical news:
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cuba: Trade embargo will ultimately end

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AP. 2 February 2002. Cuba's Foreign Minister: Trade Embargo Will
Ultimately End.

HAVANA -- The push by some Americans to overturn the 40-year-old U.S.
trade embargo against Cuba is turning into a snowball that ultimately
will end the policy, Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said Saturday.

Perez Roque said that growing opposition by many Americans to the trade
sanctions ultimately will "squash" support for the trade sanctions,
which he characterized as a "dinosaur" policy.

"It's like an unstoppable snowball," the foreign minister said in
comments carried by the Cuba's Prensa Latina news agency.

The Prensa Latina dispatch said that nearly 2,000 Americans visited Cuba
with different delegations in January alone. That does not count
Americans who traveled here in defiance of U.S. regulations requiring
them to gain Treasury Department approval before spending money here.

Perez Roque said that last year an estimated 80,000 Americans visited
Cuba, the vast majority of them ignoring the spending restrictions that
effectively ban travel here for most U.S. citizens.

Most members of the U.S. Congress oppose American policies toward Cuba
such as the restrictions on most trade and travel, the Cuban foreign
minister, repeating the view of Americans who oppose those policies.

The changing winds on Capitol Hill, along with Cuban proposals for
increased cooperation between the two countries in drug interdiction,
migration and the fight against terrorism are all positive signs, he

"We are waiting for responses to move ahead. Cuba is ready for this,"
Perez Roque said.

A "certain distention and cooperation in some areas in the last months
show that normal and respectful relations are possible between Cuba and
the United States," he said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


(preceded by a week of mass actions)
-West Coast mobilization in San Francisco-

Tell President Bush:

TO ENDORSE the April 27 National March in Washington DC,

The U.S. corporate and banking establishment seeks to
maintain U.S. domination throughout the globe for their
own benefit. It is these corporate and banking elites who
profit from the exploitation of oil and natural gas
resources in the Middle East and South Asia, from bloated
military contracts and from Bush administration bailouts
and tax breaks. With skyrocketing unemployment, evictions,
foreclosures, and slashing of welfare and healthcare
benefits at home, people in the U.S. need billions to
create jobs, improve our schools, and provide quality
health care. Instead the Bush administration is spending
billions on bombing civilians and military aggression.

Record layoffs continue and the U.S. government’s response
is billions of dollars in bailouts to corporations and
insurance companies while cuts in social programs
continue. The immediate response of the Bush
administration after September 11 was a $15 billion
package for major airlines, while they have refused to
increase unemployment insurance for 100,000 travel
industry employees and 400,000 workers in other sectors
who lost their jobs.  The Bush-proposed $100 billion
“economic stimulus package” that is under consideration
would not only repeal the corporate minimum tax, but would
refund to the big corporations of the U.S. fourteen years
of taxes, and would provide more permanent tax cuts for
the wealthiest individuals.

As the U.S. war and occupation in Afghanistan continues
and that country lies in ruins, the Bush administration is
preparing to widen its war against other countries. Many
in the Bush administration would like to greatly intensify
their 11-year-long war against Iraq.  Eleven years of
U.S.-led UN sanctions and bombing of Iraq have already
left over 1.5 million Iraqis dead and many more ill and
malnourished. Almost 700 special forces and “advisers”
have been sent to the Philippines, and talk continues of
military exercises involving 2,000-4,000 U.S. troops.

The U.S./Israeli war against the Palestinian people is
intensifying as the U.S. continues to give billions in aid
and political support to the Israeli government, which is
brutally oppressing the Palestinian people. There can be
no lasting peace in the Middle East until the Palestinian
people’s right to self-determination and a homeland are

Other countries targeted for possible attack include
Somalia, Sudan, Indonesia, Yemen, North Korea and Cuba.
The U.S. is intensifying their aid to countries such as
Colombia and the Philippines who are attempting to
suppress people’s struggles.  At this moment, the U.S. is
using Plan Colombia as a wedge to intensify its
intervention, threatening a Vietnam-type war in Latin

As the war abroad threatens to expand, the war at home
against Arab, Muslim, South Asian and all working people
continues.  So-called “anti-terrorism” legislation has
legitimized and legalized racial profiling as more than
5,000 young Arab men have become the targets of FBI
investigation, over 1,200 people have been detained and
college administrations have been asked by the FBI to turn
over names and records of Arab, Muslim and international
students. Bush and Ashcroft are reorganizing federal law
enforcement into a domestic surveillance police state that
gives the government license to listen to the public's
phone calls, read the public's e-mail, execute covert
searches, and target political and religious groups.

On SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2002, tens of thousands of peace
activists, workers, students, labor unionists, and others
will converge in Washington, DC for a massive march on the
White House to say:

*The April 27 national march on Washington against racism
and war will be the conclusion of a week of mass actions.
 We call on people to join the National Colombia
Mobilization April 19-22
( ).*

International A.N.S.W.E.R.  Act Now to Stop War & End
Racism - is a coalition that was formed in response to the
headlong rush to war and racist attacks following the
horrific events of September 11.  A.N.S.W.E.R. has the
support participation of more than 500 organizations and
prominent individuals and has scores of organizing centers
across the U.S. and around the world.

TO ENDORSE the April 27 National March in Washington DC,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (plea


2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Revolutionary_Diary] KOREA FRIENDSHIP & SOLIDARITY

A Reminder of the forthcoming meeting for all activists! KOREA FRIENDSHIP &
The Korea Friendship & Solidarity Campaign is pleased to invite you
to a public meeting. Prospects for Peace and Reunification in Korea
Speakers: Councillor Mushtaq Lasharie Chair, Third World Solidarity
Dorothy Legg Secretary, KFSC
Chris Coleman Revolutionary Communist Party of
Britain (M-L)
Dermot Hudson Society for Friendship with Korea Chair: Keith Bennett, KFSC
Plus: Documentary Film on the official visit of General Secretary Kim
Jong Il to the Russian Federation.
Thursday 7th February
Starting at 7.30pm 
Small Hall, Conway Hall,
Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
This meeting is in celebration of the 60th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il, this February 16, and is also sponsored by the
Juche Study Group of Britain.
All welcome. KFSC, BM 1322, London, WC1N 3XX

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
General class struggle news:
subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Another bomb attributed to FARC

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

Reuters. 2 February 2002. Colombian rebels try to bombard bus station.

BOGOTA -- In what appeared to be the latest of a wave of leftist rebel
attacks, suspected FARC guerrillas tried unsuccessfully to bombard a bus
station in Colombia's capital Bogota Saturday, police said.

The suspected rebels managed to fire off one home-made mortar bomb at
the bus station in the neighborhood of El Porvenir in the early hours of
Saturday morning, when it had closed for the night, police said.

The prompt arrival of the police forced them to abandon two pick-up
trucks loaded with another five of the mortars -- made out of gas
canisters. Their only shot missed, and injured no one, but they managed
to escape, police said.

The inaccurate gas-cylinder mortars are a trademark weapon of the
17,000-strong Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -- known by the
Spanish initials "FARC."

The FARC, the country's largest leftist rebel force, has launched an
offensive throughout the country since reaching a deal with the
government on January 20 to negotiate a deal by an April 7 deadline
toward implementing a cease-fire.

Analysts say that the FARC onslaught could be calculated to show it has
not gone soft.

['Analysts' don't seem to have any speculations about the AUC, which has
publicly rejected the peace process.]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Afghanistan. Tons of money grabbed by Northern Alliance

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 15:10:29 -0600
Subject: Tons of money grabbed by Northern Alliance

Tons of money grabbed by Northern Alliance
Karzai government deprived of desperately needed cash

By our correspondent

KABUL: The Russians are believed to have shipped six containers full of
currency to Afghanistan, which never reached Kabul and was grabbed by
Northern Alliance allies.

The NA is apparently busy in fulfilling its own secret agenda, in what
appears to be widening gap between the Karzai Administration and its allies,
diplomatic sources here said.

Reports said General Fahim's brother Yaseen is busy in selling Afghanis
recently delivered to the NA through these Russian containers. Yaseen was
buying up to $600,000 daily through certain moneychangers. Bags full of
Afghanis were also reportedly being sent to the money markets in Peshawar
and Quetta to buy dollars.

Sources say the Punjsheris of the NA also seem to be unwilling to disperse
these freshly printed Afghanis, it is receiving from Germany through Russia.
Recently seven container loads of Afghanis had arrived in Punjsher valley
and all were kept by the NA and not sent to Kabul's Karzai administration,
in spite of the great shortage of funds at Kabul.

Intentionally, or perhaps ignorant of such moves, the interim Karzai
government has asked UN to provide funds to pay government officials in
Kabul. NA leaders and warlords as in the past, are still serving their own
as well as foreign interests. Security situation all around Afghanistan is
extremely poor, night being the worst time. Looting, massacre, car lifting
and war lordism is once again order of the day. Most of the Afghans, have
supported NA, only to bring a change. Almost all Afghans remember the
atrocities of NA in pre-Taliban era and do not trust them. They also feel
that despite presence of coalition troops, the situation will deteriorate
and cannot be controlled.

The recent infighting at Kunduz between General Rasheed Dostum and General
Faheem forces on January 21, 22, 2002 is a point in case. Afghanistan with
its peculiar socio-cultural environments has been known for its successful
tribal system and Jirga rule for centuries. The main tribal/ethnic
composition of Afghan-society has remained approximately 50% Pushtoons, 20%
Tajiks, 11% Hazaras (Shias), 9% Uzbeks and 10% others. Pushtoons being in
majority have always had an edge over others in ruling Afghanistan.

Even before the Soviet invasion in 1979, Afghanistan was ruled by a Pushtoon
leader, King Zahir Shah who headed a set-up of balanced representation by
all factions/ethnic groups. Today, after two decades of war, the Afghan
society totally in shambles, still finds a Pushtoon leader heading the
interim Afghan government.

However, this time, even with a Pushtoon leader on top, the interim Afghan
government seems to be inclined towards Northern Alliance (NA) - a group of
Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara minorities. Such a scenario, seems to be augmenting
the imbalances and dangers of Afghanistan. On the other hand NA, in spite of
occupying/controlling important cities of Afghanistan and holding three most
important ministries of defence, Interior and foreign affairs, due to her
inherent weaknesses is unlikely to deliver any goods to the Afghan people.

Infact, NA is not a well-defined organisation. It was formed in 1996/97 by a
Tajik Commander Abdullah Shah Masood in response to a newly emerged
'Taliban' revolution. Comprising of various small political groups like
Pushtoon Ittehad-e-Islami (Prof Abdul Rasul Sayyaf), Uzbek Jumbesh-e-Milli
(Abdur Rashid Dostum), Jamiat-e-Islami (General Ismail) and Hizb-e-Wahadat
(Karim Khalili), NA took the shape of a politico-military organisation
headed by Professor Rabbani. However, it never carried a good repute. Its
military head, ASM was considered to be a traitor by the Afghans as he
entered into a truce with the Russians during Jihad.

In addition, various leaders of this alliance were self-styled warlords,
playing for their own as well as foreign interests. Most of them gained bad
repute due to the lawlessness, looting and atrocities undertaken by them
during the early 90s. Mutual distrust, factional divide, lust for power and
disunity within NA, were the major reasons for their failure against

Their survival had mainly depended upon foreign support from Russia, India
and Iran. In the post-September 11 scenario, NA had gained much more
importance than before. Having assisted US/coalition forces in the ground
battle against Taliban, they had been obliged and given a lion's share in
the interim Afghan government.

However their overt and covert activities in the past 3 months, in
collaboration with Russia, India and Iran are intensifying, to gain complete
control over Afghanistan/Kabul and serve the vested interests of their own
as well as foreign masters.

On the diplomatic front, in spite of catch

Re: List address change.

2002-02-02 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

can you tell us the reason for the change?

in struggle as always,

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: List address change.

> Dear listmember.
> The list [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be replaced by the
> new list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> However, because of technical reasons the address change
> takes some days.
> So far, the list address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> will work normally.
> You will be informed accordingly when all the arrangements
> are ready.
> With friendly regards.
> Heikki Sipila
> moderator
> _
> P.O. Box 66
> 00841 Helsinki
> Phone +358-40-7177941
> Fax +358-9-7591081
> General class struggle news:
> subscribe mails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Geopolitical news:
> subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> __

Milosevic's 'secret banned prison interview'

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

Reuters. 2 February 2002. Milosevic Said to Give Banned Prison

MOSCOW -- Slobodan Milosevic has given a secret interview to a Russian
news agency which was smuggled out of his jail cell in The Hague using
high-tech spy methods, the Moscow newspaper Izvestia said on its Web
site on Saturday.

But associates in Belgrade of the former Yugoslav president challenged
the authenticity of the report, which quoted him denying war crimes
charges and saying God had spoken to him and promised that his efforts
would one day be recognized.

A duty editor at Itar-Tass news agency stood by the interview, which he
said had been made available only to some of Tass's subscribers. He said
it was conducted in answer to written questions from its Rome
correspondent, Oleg Osipov.

But Milosevic's Socialist Party of Serbia issued a statement flatly
denying that the interview had occurred.

"Slobodan Milosevic did not give any kind of Itar-Tass
agency or...any other journalists." The SPS said the reports were
intended to damage its leader.

Milosevic's Belgrade lawyers Zdenko Tomanovic and Dragoslav Ognjanovic
also denied that their client had given such an interview, B92 radio

"When we saw parts of the alleged interview with Itar-Tass, it was clear
to us that those were not Milosevic's words. We talked to him and he did
not give any kind of interview," Tomanovic told the radio.

A spokesman for the International Criminal Tribunal, where Milosevic
goes on trial this month told Reuters the 60-year-old remand prisoner
had been warned after a previous incident last year that he could lose
privileges if he spoke to the media.

He did not know whether he had given any further interview.

In his answers as they appeared on the Web site,
Milosevic complained of a lack of access to the media and said he was
transmitting his answers using James Bond-style gadgets  -- "methods
used by Agent 007...tiny microchips."

There was little in the comments that the former president had not said
before, although some Belgrade observers said parts of the report
sounded unlike him.

He said he wanted to clear his name as a loyal Serb before his people
rather than in the U.N. tribunal and denied ordering massacres in Kosovo
in 1999.

"I intend to defend myself not before the court but before the people by
stressing that Kosovo is Serbian territory," Milosevic was quoted as
saying on the Izvestia Web site.

"Orders are being attributed to me that I never gave and were the result
of individual initiatives by the military. They acted independently to
defend themselves from attacks by bandit groups who were burning homes
and killing innocent people."

In another bizarre twist, the Izvestia Web site said the press service
of leading Kosovo Albanian politician Ibrahim Rugova, who long opposed
Milosevic, helped set up the interview.

A senior Rugova aide, Skender Hyseni, told Reuters on Saturday: "These
are pure fabrications and lies."

"The minute I try to say anything differing from the court's political
line and aims, I am denied the floor," Milosevic was quoted as saying.
"I therefore decided to find alternative means to tell the truth without
restrictions and I chose the press."

Describing himself as "politically persecuted," he added: ''I am keeping
a diary to leave to my descendants a ray of history born within the
conscience of a true Serb."

He has refused to enter pleas or appoint counsel.

Milosevic complained he was isolated from the outside world and said his
moral and physical state was "somewhere in between inertia and uncertain
hope, not enough to keep my spirits up."

"In this interview I am crying out to the world that I have been
betrayed," the quotes went on, though seasoned observers in Belgrade
said the tone was not at all vintage Milosevic.

"I place my trust in God and not in some illegal political tribunal. God
has already told me that this period in history is a part of the
inevitable human process. My sacrifice will be recognized in many years.
That is my hope and my faith."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

WEF - Thousands march in NYC

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP (with additional material by AP and BBC). 2 February 2002. Thousands
march against globalization.

NEW YORK -- The "Radical Rockettes" sang against the World Economic
Forum. A man sported a shark hat as a symbol of corporate greed. Some
chanted against racism. Others supported the Palestinians.

For the first time since the forum opened, protesters turned out in
large numbers Saturday to shout for their causes and criticize the
international business and government leaders meeting at the
Waldorf-Astoria hotel.

"Stop the capitalist oil spill," read one hand-painted sign.

"We are all Palestinians," said a neon orange sticker worn by many

"KKK in the White House," announced another sign.

Other demonstrators complained about U.S. Navy bombing practice in
Puerto Rico, military intervention in Somalia and racial profiling.

Protesters and police engaged in a couple of brief shoving matches, but
there was none of the serious violence that has marred protests at
recent gatherings of international leaders in other cities.

Nearly all the demonstrators had left the hotel area a few hours after

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said 36 people were arrested during
the day.

Officers detained 27 protesters outside the Plaza hotel near Central
Park for unlawful assembly or disorderly conduct, Kelly said. He said
"specific information" had been received that the demonstrators, all
carrying either wooden shields or masks, planned to attack police.

Nine other people were arrested at three different locations, including
four after a scuffle with officers on Lexington Avenue, Kelly said.
Three police officers suffered minor injuries during the day, he said.

With hundreds of police in riot gear watching, demonstrators marched 1
1/2 miles to the hotel early in the afternoon, causing traffic jams.

Anthony Flynn showed up at Columbus Circle dressed in suit and tie for
his protest against the forum, an annual meeting of business elite.

"This is a cocktail party for the rich," the 18-year-old said. "So we're
here for the cocktail party."

After two days of rain, protesters ranging from teens to senior citizens
were out in temperatures in the mid-30s and winds gusting to 20 mph.

The marchers included the "Radical Rockettes," a group of women in
Statue of Liberty costumes. Using the tune of "New York, New York," they
sang, "If they can WEF us here, they'll WEF us anywhere."

Pete Myers, a social worker from Ithaca, N.Y., wore a shark hat -
complete with two menacing rows of teeth - as a symbol of corporate

"The idea is that the U.S. is being taken over by corporate interests,"
he said. "It's not a democracy. There's a few people making decisions
for the rest of the world."

Protests began Saturday with an anti-war demonstration of some 2,000

Saturday's first large-scale protest, organised by a group called Act
Now to Stop War and End Racism, saw several thousand demonstrators
carrying placards calling for the US to end funding to Israel, not to
broaden anti-terror action to Somalia, and to "Let Iraq live."

Later they were joined by a march of several thousand that began from
Central Park and wound its way through the streets of midtown Manhattan
to within blocks of the Waldorf-Astoria.

Fifth Avenue shoppers dressed in designer fashions and fur were
perplexed and slightly put out as they tried to navigate a route through
the curb-to-curb carnival.

The colourful demonstrations of dissent included an anarchist
cheerleading group. Their homemade sweatshirts called for "Pom poms not
bomb bombs."

Many of the protesters carried messages critical of the war on terror.

Not only did they call on the US not to broaden its military campaign to
Iraq and Somalia, but they also questioned domestic initiatives such as
anti-terrorism laws passed in the wake of the attacks last autumn.

Protesters also responded to criticism that somehow protest was
inappropriate as the nation and New York City recovered from 11

One protester carried a placard which read: "I'm a patriot and I

"I feel happy and overwhelmed," said an elated Kate Cooper, an activist
with the movement Another World Is Possible.

"It was a beautiful, creative, joyful expression of our message that the
world needs true democracy."

Said student Schmeel Balto, 22: "We are out here protesting the World
Economic Forum, which is a group of the richest individuals on Earth
making decisions for the rest of the planet.

"The decisions don't benefit the six billion people that live on this
planet, they do not benefit the plants, the animals, the Earth or the
culture; they only benefit the rich."

In addition to the environmental and labour messages common to
anti-globalisation protests, the Enron scandal was emblematic for many
of the protesters of the dangers of corporate influence.

Ironically shaking the tin, one protester begged for spare change for
the bankrupt energy company.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"CPI(M) MPs demand resignation of George Fernandes for Maligning the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)"

2002-02-02 Thread Ganashakti Newspaper

From India News Network (INN)

"CPI(M) MPs demand resignation of George Fernandes for Maligning 
the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)"

New Delhi, February 1: In a Press Conference held at Delhi this 
afternoon Senior CPI(M) Members of Parliament Com. Somnath Chatterjee MP and 
CPI(M) leader of the Lok Sabha along with Com. Nilotpal Basu MP released a 
letter addressed to the Prime Minister against the improper steps taken by the 
Defence Minister George Fernandes to malign the institution of the 
Comptroller and the Auditor General(CAG) by circulating the booklet titled 
"Aluminium Caskets" authored by Shri R V Pandit to MPs. Both M Ps 
protested against the impropriety shown by the Defence Minister by allowing 
access of confidential material to a private man and to join hands with him to 
campaign against a Constitutional Authority and have demanded the immediate 
removal of George Fernandes from the Cabinet. 

Shri George Fernandes has openly acknowledged that he and his 
office has helped Mr. Pandit in the distributing and writing the booklet which 
exposes the institutions created under the constitution and their functioning 
which is nothing short of a frontal attack on the CAG. In doing so Mr. Fernandes 
has flouted the established procedures of dealing with the CAG reports. Both MPs 
have said that this act of Shri Fernandes constitutes a major affront on the 
functioning of the Parliament itself and therefore the attention of the Prime 
Minister is drawn to this gross impropriety so that immediate action can be 
initiated against him which will be commensurate with the gravity of the 
misdemeanor and only such a action will be able to reassure the Nation that such 
attempts against established conventions will not be permitted. Both M Ps 
demanded the removal of the Defence Minister on the issue.

Given below is the copy of the letter written to the Prime 
Minister Mr Atal Behari Vajpayee and released at the Press Conference:

"Dear Prime Minister,

The attempts of your government through the office of the 
Defence Minister to malign the institution of the Comptroller and Auditor 
General (CAG) have caused nothing but outrage to all patriotic people. At the 
same time, we also greatly concerned to witness the manner in which official 
documents have been passed on to a private person to join issues with the Press 
and the CAG in defence of the positions of the Government and in particular, the 
Defence Minister himself. All these activities came to our attention yesterday 
when we received a letter dated 15/23 January, 2002 (perhaps to each of the 
Members of Parliament of both Houses) by Shri George Fernandes, Minister of 
Defence forwarding a Booklet titled "Aluminium Caskets", authored by Shri R.V. 

In his letter, Shri Fernandes has pointed out "My office 
provided Shri Pandit with the available documents and also arranged for him to 
see one of the 150 Aluminium Caskets imported by us". Shri Fernandes has also 
justified this by pointing out – "I felt that it would be in the interest of the 
defence establishment to let him have a look at the correspondence connected 
with the purchase of the re-useable caskets we have bought". Finally, Shri 
Fernandes observes approvingly of Shri Pandit’s booklet by stating that "Shri 
Pandit may appear to be harsh with the CAG and the Press: however, as one reads 
the booklet, it becomes obvious that he is deeply concerned about the Press 
(with which he is involved for more than 50 years and how it conducts itself 
presently) and about institutions created under the Constitution and how they 
function currently".

A perusal of the booklet by Shri Pandit (which is priced at 
Rs.50 and one doesn’t know who paid for the free copies sent to the MPs) reveals 
a single point agenda – to malign the CAG and wide sections of the press who 
made critical observations on the defence establishment and the Defence Minister 
over the purchase of Aluminium Caskets on the basis of the references of the CAG 
in its Report – Union Government (Defence Services) No.7A of 2001, titled 
"Review of Procurement for Op. Vijay (Army)". It is not our contention here to 
join issues with Shri Pandit on the content of his booklet, which can be any way 
refuted point by point. But we would like to draw your attention primarily to 
the flouting of the established procedures of dealing with CAG reports by 
Parliament. It is an exclusive prerogative of the Public Accounts Committee to 
deal with the CAG report. But Shri George Fernandes has in open violation of all 
norms and conventions sponsored Shri Pandit to launch a frontal attack on the 
CAG, and he has approvingly forwarded the same with a view to join in the 
campaign against a high constitutional authority.

We feel that this act of Shri Fernandes constitutes a major 
affront on the functioning of the Parliament itself and therefore we draw your 
attention to this gross impropriety with the request that you will

Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly condemns

2002-02-02 Thread Ganashakti Newspaper

From India News Network (INN)

New Delhi, February 1: The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party 
of India (Marxist) strongly condemns the killing of Comrade Ramnath Mahato, 
leader of the CPI(M) and agricultural workers movement in Bihar, on January 31. 
Com. Ramnath was shot dead while addressing a dharna of agricultural workers at 
Manda chowk in Samastipur district by a criminal gang linked to the landlords. 
Com. Mahato was a member of the state secretariat of the CPI(M) and secretary of 
the Bihar state Kethihar Mazdoor Union.

The heinous murder of Ramnath Mahato is one more killing 
perpetrated by the landlords through their criminal gangs. Ramnath Mahato was 
prominent in leading the agricultural workers movement in Samastipur district 
and championing the cause of the rural poor against the oppression of the feudal 
landlords. Com. Mahato courageously fought against the vested interests and was 
a dedicated leader of the rural poor. He became a member of the undivided 
Communist Party and joined the CPI(M) when it was formed in 1964. He was the 
secretary of the Samastipur district committee of the Party from 1972 to 1995. 
Only two days before his murder he was re-elected to the state committee and the 
secretariat at the state conference of the Party.

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its deep concern at 
the state of law and order prevailing in Bihar. It demands of the state 
government prompt steps to arrest the culprits responsible for this crime.

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) conveys its heartfelt 
condolences to the family members of Com. Ramnath Mahato.

CPN(M) blows up electricity transmission line

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

KOL. 2 February 2002. Maoist blow up electricity transmission line.

KATHMANDU -- At least one Maoist insurgent has been killed in continuing
skirmishes with security forces as Maoists blow up power transmission
line in an indication that they are now targeting infrastructure of the

The state run Radio Nepal reported Sunday morning that at least one
armed Maoist cadre was shot dead by security forces during clashes in
western Kailali district late Saturday night. It gave no other details.

Meanwhile, there are growing indications that Maoists are now targeting
infrastructure facilities of the country. In their latest attack, Maoist
insurgents blew up 11 KV power transmission line in eastern
Sankhuwasabha district, rendering districting headquarter Khandbari and
four other villages without electricity.

Our correspondent reports that the Maoists blew up the power line at
Mangling Village using socket bomb.

This the second time that the Maoists have attacked infrastructure
facility. Few days ago, Maoist blew up a power house in neighbouring
Bhojpur district.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Porto Alegre - update

2002-02-02 Thread Barry Stoller

AFP. 3 February 2002. Resolution condemning US "axis of evil" stance
issued by World Social Forum.

PORTO ALEGRE -- A strongly-worded resolution condemning the United
States for designating Iran, Iraq and North Korea as targets in the US
war on terror, was issued here, esteeming "war cannot be the way to
solve the world's problems."

Delegates to the World Congressional Forum, held on the margins of the
World Social Forum, condemned Saturday the Bush administration's
decision to warn the three countries, termed an "axis of evil," they
were under close US scrutiny for ties to terror.

Five hundred of the 1,155 lawmakers from 40 countries gathered here to
support the anti-globalization efforts of the second-annual World Social
Forum voted at their final plenary session to state they were "convinced
that a military escalation will not conquer terrorism and that war
cannot be the way to solve the world's problems."

Developing nations' foreign debt -- dubbed "economic terrorism" by
Argentine Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel -- remained a
major topic of the seminars, debates and panel discussions that make up
the World Social Forum, which attracted 10,000 young people among its
60,000 participants, organizers said.

So, too, did the current economic crisis embroiling Esquivel's country
-- as demonstrators banging their pots and pans to the rhythm of an
infectious samba paraded the streets to show solidarity with Argentines
enduring nearly four years of agonizing recession.

The Forum convened its own court to debate the merits of external debt
and after two days of largely ceremonial deliberations, ruled that the
debt burden of southern hemispheric countries is "illegitimate, unjust
and unsustainable" because it was "ordained outside of national and
international law without consulting the people."

The defendants, "transnational banks and corporations, the International
Monetary Fund, the World Bank, northern hemisphere governments" were
found guilty and ordered to "pay restitution for the wealth stolen from
the south and the damage they have caused."

Earlier Saturday, in the second full day of the six-day conference that
gathered social activists from 150 countries for discourse and
strategizing to end the disconnect between the northern and southern
hemispheres that fuels globalization, activists paraded their causes
like models down a runway.

In two-hour slots, social concerns like police brutality, feminism, the
liberation of Palestine and the electoral campaign of Brazil's Luiz
Inacio "Lula" da Silva masquerading as citizen advocacy, took to the
stage, their proponents blowing whistles, showing off T-shirts and
chanting slogans.

At its final plenary session, the Congressional Forum's delegates
pledged "solidarity" with the Argentine people, "who have, since
December, embarked on a popular protest after neoliberal politics that
have only aggravated the economic, political and social crisis," a
resolution's text read.

"It's the clearest demonstration of the failure of neoliberalism in
Latin America, when politics prevent economic growth, send our countries
plunging into debt and menace our sovereignty."

Woven through discussions at a Social Forum session devoted to health
was the reality that 72 percent of the world's population lives in
developing nations that account for barely seven percent of global
pharmaceutical sales, with one-third of humanity unable to access
medicine. In some parts of Africa and Asia, the toll exceeds 50 percent.

"Between 1979 and 2002, only one percent of new research was focused on
tropical illnesses," said Michel Lotrowska of Doctors Without Borders.

"For malaria, sleeping sickness, we use drugs from 40 years ago," he
said. "There are no drugs to treat dengue, which is currently reaching
epidemic proportions in Brazil."

Noted Belgian activist Eric Toussaint of the Committee to Annul Third
World Debt: an outlay of 80 billion dollars over 10 years -- less than
one-third of the annual service of external debt -- would guarantee
every world citizen access to education, basic health care, adequate
nutrition, potable water and sanitation.

But while organizers hailed the astounding success of the Forum,
attracting 10,000 more participants than planned, uninvited activist
Hebe de Bonafini of the Argentine Mothers of May Plaza group, complained
bitterly the Forum was caving in, inviting "leaders, not fighters."

"When they don't invite the fighters like the Zapatistas, or Fidel
(Castro, Cuban president) and the Mothers (of May Place), it shows that
the Social Forum is becoming Socially-Democratic," she said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

Re: List address change. "Knights for freedom of speech"

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

on 3.2.2002 02:28, Macdonald Stainsby at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> can you tell us the reason for the change?
> in struggle as always,
> Macdonald

Thanks, Macdonald, for your message. Some words are really necessary.

The  has been disturbed by different forms
of spamming or other methods so that for every sent mail I get some five-six
mails back as "undelivered mail" of "quota exceeded" or with some other type
of arbitrary  explanation. There are hundreds of mails in  couple of hours
on the screen. Difficult to work.

Folks ask "where are my mails"?  This is because of outsiders´ mixing up the

For instance, "somebody", obviously some "knight for fight for freedom of
speech" , adds systematically  non-existing e-mail  addresses to the list
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Those addresses cannot be removed,  not even by
the server.

At the same time, on the yahoo-list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> this
phenomena does not exist. Maybe yahoo is a bit more difficult to be
manipulated in that sense.

That is why I thought a yahoo-list might technically work better also with
kominform. At least, must try. Yet the transfer to yahoo seems to be a bit
complicated and it takes time. Hence, in the meantime the majordomo -list
will work normally. If the transfer does not succeed, must, in spite of all,
come back to the old list.

The heroes of "freedom of speech" read and control all e-mails anyway not
depending of the server or network. They have got quite a lot of work... Is
this one way to reduce stupid people´s  unemployment...?

There is and will be nothing secret on the kominform mailings. In case such
information exists, must use fax or latter, even phone.

All the troubles began after 9-11. There is no doubt that kominform - among
other corresponding mailing systems - is classified as "terrorist", like
soon all oppositions in the world.

In hard struggle...


> - Original Message -
> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 10:51 AM
> Subject: List address change.
>> Dear listmember.
>> The list [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be replaced by the
>> new list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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U.S. troops will enter combat zones in Philippines.

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

U.S. troops will enter combat zones in Philippines,
commander says
By JIM GOMEZ, Associated Press
Published 8:50 a.m. PST Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines (AP) - U.S. special forces sent
to the Philippines on an antiterrorism training
mission will enter combat zones but will use their
weapons only in self-defense, their commander said

Brig. Gen. Donald Wurster also rejected comparisons
between the American war in Afghanistan and the
six-month mission in the Philippines.

"The comparisons are, I think, not terribly dramatic
other than the fact that we have an ally that wants to
destroy terrorism," Wurster told Associated Press
Television News.

"We want to destroy terrorism and they've asked for
certain kinds of help. We're offering that certain
kind of help."

That help does not include combat assistance, which
was rejected by the Philippines, Wurster said.

The U.S. military is providing training and weapons to
the poorly equipped Philippine military to help
destroy the Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf group, which
is holding Wichita, Kan., missionaries Gracia and
Martin Burnham and Filipino nurse Deborah Yap on
nearby Basilan island. They are the last of scores of
hostages seized since May. Some, including Guillermo
Sobero of Corona, Calif., have been beheaded. Others
escaped or were freed, reportedly for large ransoms.

Abu Sayyaf has been linked to Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaida network believed to be responsible for the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

Although most American troops haven't arrived yet, the
training exercise started Thursday.

Potentially, about 160 U.S. special forces could be
among the 660-strong American contingent accompanying
Filipino troops to war zones on Basilan, where the
rugged jungles in the southern Philippines have seen
frequent bloody clashes with the rebels.

Many Filipinos, exasperated with their military's
failure to crush the Abu Sayyaf, have welcomed the
U.S. troops.

But left-wing groups and many intellectuals
traditionally wary of Washington have opposed it with
small, rowdy protests at the U.S. Embassy and the
presidential palace in Manila.

Late Saturday, about 200 supporters of the leftist New
Patriotic Alliance marched with torches to the
embassy, chanting, "U.S. imperialist - No. 1
terrorist!" The protesters dispersed peacefully.

Some question whether the exercise could violate
Philippine constitutional limits on the presence and
activities of foreign troops. President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo, whose economic development plans in
the impoverished south have been stymied by
law-and-order problems, maintains the exercise is
allowed under a bilateral 1999 agreement.

Wurster said it was important for U.S. soldiers to
observe their counterparts in combat, and for both
sides to cooperate on intelligence work to support
offensive operations.

"I would not understate the fact that there are going
to be American forces that are accompanying Philippine
commanders and their units into dangerous places,"
Wurster said.

"It's inherent in any military man's frame of
reference that the right to defend oneself is assumed.
I don't think that should be a point of debate."

Wurster also acknowledged that "there are many people
who would like to hurt us here." On Wednesday, a U.S.
Air Force plane sustained light damage when it was hit
by gunfire during a training exercise in the northern

No one was injured and the source of the small arms
fire has not been determined, Philippine Air Force
officials said.

A communist rebel spokesman denied Saturday that
guerrillas fired at the plane. The Communist Party of
the Philippines opposes the joint maneuvers.

Wurster said U.S. planes no longer would fly over that

Despite the risks, Wurster emphasized the need to
immediately end the Abu Sayyaf threat in Basilan
because "a small number of terrorists hold the entire
island hostage." 

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Paraguay: torture of leftist lead to minister resignation

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

Subject: [Peoples War] Paraguay: torture of leftist lead to minister

PARAGUAY, 1 FEB 2002 (16:4)

The Paraguayan Minister of Interior Julio Fanego, presented his resignation
to the President Luis Gonzales Macchi, following the incident that involved
two executives of the left wing party, abducted and tortured by presumed
police agents. The head of State announced the news and specified that he
has not yet accepted and is still evaluating Fanego’s letter of
dismissal, awaiting to receive more detailed information on the episode
which pushed Fanego to resign. Juan Arrom, leader of the Marxist ‘Free
Homeland Movement’ was abducted last January 17 and released last
Wednesday after being brutally beaten up, together with one of his
collaborators, journalist Anuncio Martí, who also object of abuses. Arrom
was accused by the police for the kidnapping of Maria Edith Bordon, wife of
a well known local businessman, released after 64 days of captivity
following the ransom payment of 2 million dollars. The investigators are
carrying out further enquiries on what happened to Arrom and Martí,
national civil police are thought to be involved. The ‘Free Homeland
Movement’, which defines itself as an ‘anti-imperialist movement, was
founded in 1990 by Arrom and according to local press sources it is
ideologically close to the FARC (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces)
guerrillas. (CO) 


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Philippines communist rebels warn US troops

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [R-G] Philippines communist rebels warn US troops

AFP. 30 January 2002. Philippines communist rebels warn US troops will
be met with "force."

MANILA -- A communist guerrilla leader warned US troops on the eve of a
joint counter-terrorist mission in the southern Philippines that they
faced armed attack if they strayed in the rebels' zones of influence.

New People's Army (NPA) rebels oppose the deployment of about 600 US
troops in joint operations with the Philippines to crush the Abu Sayyaf
Muslim kidnap-for-ransom group.

But NPA leader Gregorio Rosal said his group will not go out of its way
to seek the US troops out and attack them.

"It is possible that they would not enter our territories," Rosal said
over DZMM radio here in a telephone interview, citing statements by the
two governments that the operations would be limited in areas where the
Abu Sayyaf operates.

However, should the US troops venture into the main southern island of
Mindanao, "they may stray into NPA guerrilla zones," Rosal said.

"Naturally, if they enter these areas armed, they will be facing an
armed force as well."

Rosal, head of NPA units operating in provinces south of Manila, said
the 12,000-member Maoist guerrilla army "strongly opposes" the US
military deployments.

"If this military intervention escalates, we will resist it because the
Abu Sayyaf is not the real target," he said, repeating previous
allegations from the left that the US troops could eventually turn their
attention to the NPA.

Communist guerrilla leaders have made threats to disrupt the operations,
Filipino military spokesman Brigadier General Edilberto Adan said

"We shall be prepared to meet them," he warned, while stressing that
communist guerrillas are not known to operate in these parts.

Macdonald Stainsby
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In the contradiction lies the hope.
 --Bertholt Brecht

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[IAC] REPORT: Thousands protest World Economic Forum in NYC

2002-02-02 Thread sipila

From: "Action Center" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 21:45:56 -0500
Subject: [IAC] REPORT: Thousands protest World Economic Forum in NYC

February 2, 2002


Tens of thousands of activists demonstrated throughout
midtown Manhattan to protest the World Economic Forum
today in protests that show that the anti-corporate
globalization movement is alive and well.

More than 5,000 people joined a demonstration called by
the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition, which began at 9 a.m. in front
of the hotel at 50th and Park Avenue, stretching north for
five city blocks. Thousands of demonstrators joined to
?meet and greet? WEF delegates who paid $25,000 to attend
the gathering of the 1,000 largest transnational

Despite the presence of thousands of armed police
officers, protestors were heard clearly within the
Waldorf-Astoria. Their message of an end to Bush?s war at
home and abroad was carried from the ?streets to the
suites? of executives like Bill Gates and Bush officials
like Colin Powell.

?The police diverted thousands of protestors who sought to
access the demonstration area by establishing checkpoints,
barricades and closing surrounding streets,? said Mara
Verheyden-Hilliard, attorney for the A.N.S.W.E.R.

?Many people who made it through reported it took them at
least an hour to navigate through the maze of obstacles
set up by the police. Police told people the permit and
protest were cancelled, they misdirected others, and
diverted a large number of buses away,? stated

Undaunted by the paramilitarized police presence,
demonstrators concluded the rally by marching to Times
Square to protest a showing of ?Black Hawk Down,?
denouncing the movie as racist war propaganda.

Outside the Waldorf-Astoria, Rev. Graylan Hagler, senior
minister, Plymouth Congregational Church in Washington,
D.C. said, ?Our detractors say the anti-globalization
movement is just rich, white kids. But we are here and
clear to say that we will not be separated nor
marginalized. The issue we are discussing affects people
at home, including people of color and the economic
policies of the W.E.F. affect people of color around the
world, with whom we have a kindred relationship.?

The day before today?s demonstration, the A.N.S.W.E.R.
coalition sponsored a day-long teach-in with 500 people at
the Community Church in Manhattan. Later that evening
nearly 1,000 people packed a standing-room-only indoor
rally at the Fashion Institute of Technology auditorium,
to hear speakers representing a wide range of struggles
affected by U.S. military and economic domination in the

Included were Palestinian, Korean, Filipino, Somali,
Iraqi, Muslim, Mexican, Puerto Rican and other activists
who denounced bombings, sanctions and economic devastation
caused by U.S. corporate and government policies.

A large number of speakers represented labor, immigrant
and civil rights, and youth. A special featured speaker
was Saikou A. Diallo, the father of Amadou Diallo, who
gave a moving presentation. He invited all rally
participants to join him Monday evening for a family
memorial for his son, killed when New York City police
fired 41 shots into Diallo as he stood in the vestibule of
his home in Washington Heights. Rev. Lucius Walker of
IFCO/Pastors for Peace told the ANSWER teach-in, ?we are
asked whether it is inappropriate for us to be
demonstrating against the World Economic Forum. We are the
only ones who can change the world.?

?The conveners of the World Economic Forum were
calculating that the movement for social justice was also
a casualty of the events of September 11,? said
A.N.S.W.E.R. organizer Larry Holmes. ?The strong protests
of this weekend have proven that their calculations are

Organizers will be returning home from the weekend of
protest against the World Economic Forum to start planning
for the April 27 March on Washington Against War and


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