KR> Change of E-mail address

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
To comply with  my company's new  IT policy, I will no longer use this 
E-mail address for KRNet purpose.

Pease do not contact me off net on that address either. Use this one 

(For Phil Matheson: can you also update the Aussie list accordingly, 

Serge Vidal
Canberra, Australia

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Réf. : KR> Fuel Lines

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Most probably, the idea was to use the fuel pump as a booster pump for 
take-off and landing, and to get gravity-fed free-flow to the carb the 
rest of the time.

In theory, you could get free-flow through the Facet, but now, maybe that 
flow was insufficient (on Facets, the flow you get depends on at which 
point of the cycle the pump stops).

I did have a single Zenith to feed my 2.4 liter VW, and I, too, ended up 
bypassing the Facet for that reason.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Serge Vidal

Envoyé par :
12-02-07 09:36
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Remis le : 12-02-2007 09:37

Pour :
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Fuel Lines

 The KR-2 that I am refurbishing has an interesting rats nest of plumbing 
around  the fuel pump. Fuel comes from the header tank to the gascolator 
then out 
 to a tee. One line runs to the fuel pump, the other to another tee and on 
the  carb, coming out of the fuel pump the line runs to that tee in the 
delivery line  to the carb.  Basically there is a line from the gascolator 
to the 
carb  with an attached loop line with the fuel pump in it. 
  Why can't you just go from the gascolator to the fuel pump 
the carb?   The pump is a new Facet and the carb is a Zenith.

Mike McGowan
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Réf. : KR> Fly in in the SW

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
That would be "Canard" (small front wings), which is French for duck.

Nothing to do with "Conard", which, spelled with two "n", is also French 
for... well, let's say moron!

Freezing, eh? The French expression for extreme cold is "un froid de 
canard" (a duck's cold), so we do have consistency here! ; - )

Sorry, never got the chance to be a veteran, so I'm playing teacher ; - )

Serge Vidal
Ex KR owner
Canberra, Australia

"Lee Van Dyke" 

Envoyé par :
31/01/2007 05:05
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Remis le : 31/01/2007 05:06

Pour :  "KRnet" , 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Fly in in the SW

Hey group,

Steve Glover mentioned to me about a fly in with conards..."small front 
wingers"  in Jean or somewhere in the SW.  If anybody knows of such fly in 
let me know.
And to Nick B. I might have to fly to Yuma on SAT, if so I will make it 
quick and fly to Lake Havasu, or to the fly in and visit with you for a 
while.  Have a Great day.  Bob Glidden ir FREEZING is tail feathers off in 
IN  lol   lol

Lee Van Dyke
Mesa AZ 85212
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Réf. : Re: KR> End of the game

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hi, Willie.

No, sorry, the plane is not for sale. I have donated the fuselage to a 
friend who committed to finish the rebuild, and I will keep everything 



"Willie van der Walt" 

Envoyé par :
31/12/2006 06:21
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Remis le : 31/12/2006 06:22

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> End of the game

  Hi  Serge Vidal
  You said
  " I will now salvage it. >
  >> Canberra, Australia"
  Is your project or plane for sale?
  Please e-mail me all the details to Mayde I can 

  Willie van der Walt

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KR> End of the game

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I am very sorry to tell you that I just made the painful decision to part 
from my beloved KR2, Kilimanjaro Cloud, aka ZS-WEC.

 After three years of work in very difficult conditions, I have nearly 
completed the rebuild, and I was only a few hours work away from making 
her airworthy again. But as you know, I am now moving to Australia; I am 
currently in France, organising the move, which is due in a few days. I 
was very determined to bring my KR2 along. Australia really seemed the 
place where I could expect to resume the fantastic flying I enjoyed with 
her in South Africa, and that I missed so much during these past three 
years in Tunisia and France.

Alas, the red tape barriers and the costs have skyrocketed to a point 
where the whole think would not only become a painful and expensive 
process, but also have a very uncertain outcome.

So, I reached the point where I decided to give up. Rather than trying to 
send my KR2 to Australia, I will now salvage it. Hopefully, the money I 
will save that way will help me start another project, somewhere, 
sometimes. Which probably is a much more reasonable option, although, as 
you can imagine, a very painful one. That KR had been love at first sight, 
and for the better or worse, somehow managed to fill a good part of my 
life for the past five years.

So, I guess in 2007, I'll just be an ex builder, eh?

Serge Vidal
Canberra, Australia

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Réf. : Re: KR> End of the game

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

Yes, that could be an option, as well as long term storage, together with 
the spare furniture.

But you know, the real issue is that it will never be easy to have a KR2 
cross a border, and to register a homebuilt that was not built locally. 
That thing is stll registered in South Africa, and I have no intention to 
go back there, and anywhere else, I will face a hassle. What's the point 
of keeping an aircraft that you can't fly?

Better move on.


Envoyé par :
29/12/2006 21:53
Veuillez répondre à raybeth123; Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 29/12/2006 21:53

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> End of the game

 I'm sorry to hear this news, I think it must be painful. Any chance 
that you have someone
you could leave it with and then pick it up again when you move again?

Ray Goree

Arlington, Texas

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KR> LED lighting

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Guys (and gals, let's be PC), my situation is getting worse by the day. In 
Paris, I did not have my aircraft with me. Here, in Canberra, Australia, I 
don't even have my workshop! My aircraft and my house contents are not 
likely to arrive here anytime soon, so, I'm down to making research on 
accessories (sob!)

Anyway, I have long wanted to find a LED-based solution for my lighting. 
Why LED? Well, apart from the fact that they drain a fraction of the 
current that conventional, incandescent bulbs drain, they are also cold, 
and therefore, do not crack the plastic used for the fairings! Even Whelen 
is now making LED-based lights (although at awful prices), so it is 
clearly the future, even in the conservative world of general aviation. 

The tail light is now a no-brainer. Having bought a LED-based replacement 
light for a car indicator light (BA-15S type), I have tested it, and I can 
tell this is plenty bright. It beats a conventional (incandescent) bulb My 
worry was that being LED-based, I suspected it would be way too 
directional for the application. Not so. Now, I just have to find the 
right cover (ideally, a 1 inch diameter dome-shaped diffuser).
To see what that kind of bulb looks like:

The position lights gave me more trouble, until I recently discovered that 
cheap LED-based solutions have arrived in the boat market. I have found 
one with a stainless steel case (white or black plastic cases are also 
available) and an acceptable teardrop shape. There is little effort 
required to adapt them to the KR2: just install a nut to screw them in 
place! These things are sealed, waterproof, and they cover a wide vertical 
angle, because they are meant to work when the boat has bank. So, they are 
nearly perfect for our application. See them at:

While I was at it, I also bought some LED festoon lights, and after 
testing, I believe I will be able to make a decent instrument panel 
lighting system out of them. I will simply machine some Nylon holders, in 
two parts, allowing to pinch the bulb in between the two halves at the 
desired angle. It should take 4 or 5 to light the entire useful section of 
the instrument panel. Have a look at:
(I will use the flush 6 LED ? last one on the page)

Next item on the list will be the landing light. I'm considering 
installing two 3W 12V LED bulbs (these are direct replacement for 12V 
dichroic halogen bulbs). This would give me roughly the equivalent of 40W 
of conventional incandescent light, with only 6W of battery drain. And 
since the technology is likely to improve fast, I will be able to upgrade 
in the future.
I'm not too sure whether I should go for 20° angle or 50° angle. Any 
opinions on that?
(actually, this is going to give me a solution to upgrade my homebuilt 
scuba diving torches too, but that's another story  - and not KR related). 


I can't believe how fast the LED technology is coming to life. Two years 
ago, I could not find any affordable LED based solution. Amazing! 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

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Réf. : RE: KR> discouraging

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I had exactly 170 hours when I bought my taildragger KR2, mostly on 
Diamond Katana and Piper Cherokee. This was in South Africa, and local 
rules required a taildragger endorsement and a type conversion. I found a 
suitable instructor (himself rated on the type), but he wanted me to get 
my taildragger rating on a more forgiving aircraft before starting the 
conversion. I got 5 hours of Bellanca Superdecathlon time, then we started 
the KR2 training. I must say I am a very average pilot, and I battled for 
quite a while to get it right. After 7 hours of training with little 
improvement, I started doing some solo high speed taxi training. This 
taught me how to touch down properly. Then, I did some more flight 
instruction, concentrating on holding the approach speed accurately. That 
did the trick. In total, it took me 15 hours of flight instruction to feel 
safe and comfortable in the KR2. But I am probably an extreme case, and 
the difficult conditions in Johannesburg (hot, high and sometimes windy) 
probably did not help. This being said, had I soloed earlier, I would 
probably have survived the experience, but with a higher pucker factor. 

Then, one day, a good 50 flight hours later, I noticed that I could keep 
the altitude and heading accurately without thinking, and the balance ball 
was now self-centering. The KR2 had just made me a better pilot. I could 
"feel" the aircraft in a way that I had never experienced in any Cessna, 
Piper, or even the Diamond Katana.

A C150, he said? Look, if I was offered a Cessna 150 tomorrow, I would 
quickly sell it, and buy another high performance homebuilt with the 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia 

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Réf. : Re: KR> VFR operations

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Pete, just to second that, and to my absolute shame:  to avoid getting 
stuck under the cloud base, I once chose to climb through a very smooth 
layer of not-so-solid clouds. I was just fresh from my night rating (15 
hours instruments time), and the plane was a Piper Cherokee with a full 
IFR panel. I knew the layer was only 1000 feet thick, and there was no 
high ground around,so it sounded a safer option than to keep dodging the 
powerlines and radio masts under the layer, or even to go for a forced 
landing in the nearest field. No big deal, right?

Wrong. The trouble is that Cherokee was very old, and all the gyros kept 
drifting fast, so after a while, I quickly lost confidence in my 
instruments (could not cross check properly). I ended up going down again, 
hoping that I would see the ground before I hit it.

Now, that was climbing, with a very stable aircraft, in smooth air, with 
pilot recency, and a full IFR panel... and I consider myself  lucky to 
have got away with it.

Had it been in my KR2, descending instead of climbing, with its single 
gyro (turn coordinator) and control sensitivity maybe I would be a 
statistic, by now.

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Réf. : KR> Australian query

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hi, Dene.

That would be Eric Addison, from Springs, right? He is the one who made my 

I did not know he was here. Small world, eh? Norman Stapelberg told me he 
was thinking of moving. 

Just E-mail me off net if I can help.

Best regards,

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
08/11/2006 21:01
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 08/11/2006 21:03

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Australian query

Is there perhaps anyone living in Australia that has come across a guy by
the name of Eric Edison. He comes from South Africa. If you do run into 
please let me know. Thanks
Dene Collett
KR2SRT builder
South africa
Whisper assembler

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Réf. : Re: KR> KR2 Conventional to Tricycle gear conversion

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I needed some of these spacers, although for another reason, and I ended 
up making my own, which gave me an opportunity to learn how to use a 
lathe. The job can be subcontracted easily to any machine shop, too. It is 
simple aluminum cylinders we are talking about.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

"Steve Bray" 

Envoyé par :
31/10/2006 03:43
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 31/10/2006 03:43

Pour :
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> KR2 Conventional to Tricycle gear conversion

I've been trying to research the nose gear converson / CG / engine spacer 
deal and haven't gotten any solid facts. Jeanett or Dan Diehl, both of 
I've asked don't have any solid answers but Bill Page from Mississippi 
his new KR-2 to the gathering with a passenger, is looking where to get 
spacers. I talked to him and he said that as fuel is used out of the 
tank the CG changes noticable.
It appears that a KR-2 with a VW needs the 2 inch spacers between the 
engine mount and the engine with the nose gear.  Most if not all the VW 
at the Gathering had them but I couldn't get a " you need them " answer , 
all I got was  " this is what worked " .
Don't know why everyone is so vague about this but on Dan and Jeanett's 
I think liability may have something to do with it.
I'm working on a skirt for my cowling.
Steve Bray
Jackson, Tennessee

>From: Randy Smith 
>Reply-To: KRnet 
>To: KRnet 
>Subject: Re: KR> KR2 Conventional to Tricycle gear conversion
>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:25:55 -0800 (PST)
>Your CG really will not change in the air. Just be
>careful where you put the gear for ground CG. Don't
>overload the nose gear. Why do you want to get rid of
>the tail wheel?
>--- Mark Langford  wrote:
> > Robert Evans wrote:
> >
> > > I have been looking for information about
> > retrofitting my
> > > KR2 from conventional/retract to Tricycle gear.
> > Anyone have a good idea
> > > where I could find some info on the W/B
> > ramifications etc.
> >
> > I've never done it, so you should probably ignore
> > this comment, but if I'm
> > wrong somebody will correct me.  People do this
> > conversion all the time and
> > I've never heard anybody mention a CG shift problem
> > (although you should
> > certainly check it and fix it if it's not correct).
> > It makes sense that
> > after swapping the gear from the rear of the main
> > spar to the front of the
> > main spar that moving the light tailwheel from the
> > back (with the long
> > moment arm) and adding the heavier nosewheel (with
> > the shorter moment arm)
> > to the front would just about balance out.  You
> > could always call Dan Diehl
> > and get the scoop from the guy that makes the parts.
> >  His phone number (as
> > well as instructions for the swap itself) can be
> > found at
> > .
> >
> > Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> > see KR2S project N56ML at
> >
> > email to N56ML "at"
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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Réf. : Re: KR> engine problem

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Or, you could install a Diesel engine and get away with injection, 
carburetor, magnetos, coils... everything that is known to fail, 

Sorry, could not help. You know that's one of my pet subjects!

Serge Vidal
Canberra, Australia


Envoyé par :
25/10/2006 04:15
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 25/10/2006 04:16

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> engine problem

Or you could install Fuel Injection, and do away with carb problems.

---Original Message---

From: Joe L.
Date: 10/25/06 11:30:04
Subject: KR> engine problem

Mark i think that you will find that the problem thqt you had with your
engine not being able to develop full power can be  traced to the fact 
when your dropped the seat in that cylinder  the vacuum in your whole
manifold will be severly disrupted. If i understand the ellison needs 
vacuum to fuction properly. A normal carb would not be effected by thisin
such alarge degree. Ifthe cylinder just stopped working but kept opening 
closing the valves  as in normal operation the vacuum in the manifold 
not be altered. What will cause the engine to rise and fall in r rpm and
power as you described could be caused by the seat resetting itself for
brief period of time and then coming loose and holding the valve open. The
operation of the ellison requiries STEADY vacuum. I think that you will 
when you get your heads fixed your problem will disapear   Kip

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Réf. : KR> antennas

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

The bare minimum is one antenna for the VHF radio.

Then, depending on what you intend to do with your craft, you might want:

- GPS antenna
- Transponder antenna
- VOR antenna
- ADF antenna

- Emergency Locator Transmitter antenna.

- VHF antennas: usually on top, but you can sink one in the tail fin 
fiberglass too.
- GPS: necessarily on top
- Transponder: bottom
- ADF: bottom
- VOR: bottom (top possible)
- ELT: recommended position is on top, near the tail fin (to preserve it 
in case of crash)

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
25/10/2006 08:33
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Remis le : 25/10/2006 08:33

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> antennas

HI Netters,

   Im still kind of new at all this yet How many antennas are 
in an airplane usually? I know nav/com. What what else? Where do the 
antennas mount?

David Swanson
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Réf. : Réf. : KR> antennas

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Damn, I got my location wrong in the signature.  That should have read 
Canberra, Australia.

"Serge VIDAL" 

Envoyé par :
25/10/2006 09:02
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 25/10/2006 09:02

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Réf. : KR> antennas


The bare minimum is one antenna for the VHF radio.

Then, depending on what you intend to do with your craft, you might want:

- GPS antenna
- Transponder antenna
- VOR antenna
- ADF antenna

- Emergency Locator Transmitter antenna.

- VHF antennas: usually on top, but you can sink one in the tail fin 
fiberglass too.
- GPS: necessarily on top
- Transponder: bottom
- ADF: bottom
- VOR: bottom (top possible)
- ELT: recommended position is on top, near the tail fin (to preserve it 
in case of crash)

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
25/10/2006 08:33
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 25/10/2006 08:33

Pour :
    cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> antennas

HI Netters,

   Im still kind of new at all this yet How many antennas are 
in an airplane usually? I know nav/com. What what else? Where do the 
antennas mount?

David Swanson
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Réf. : KR> (no subject)

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hi, Mike.

My (very biased) advice is: if you can locate a Type 4, forget the Types 
1, 2 and 3. The Type 4 is an extensive redesign, solved most of the 
reliability problems of the preious ones, the case was built in a better 
alloy. Only problem is to find one, because much less Type 4 were 

I own a "how to rebuild your VW engine" book, and the authour keeps saying 
"Of course, this problem is not found on the Type 4 because..."

The Type 4, 1.7 liter version  will give you 65 hp. There are good and 
safe modifications available on the market to increase that to at least 80 

Check Great Plains Aircraft website, it is full of information on the 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

Envoyé par :
26/10/2006 00:32
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/10/2006 00:32

Pour :
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> (no subject)

Hey Netters, I am contemplating type 1 VW2180CC and type 4. I was 
what the weight differences are vs power output.
KR2 builder in NC.
Mike Simpson
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Réf. : KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 477

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Don't be naughty.

I was talking about electronic fuel injection, which is a complex thing on 
a petrol engine.

In a Diesel, it can be a relatively simple mechanical assembly. 
Admittedly, this is the weak point of any Diesel engine.

The beauty of a Diesel is that the fuel self-ignites, so you dispense with 
the entire ignition chain. The mixture is done with an injection ramp, so 
no carburetor either, and much less sensitivity to the proportions in the 

Mind you, I am not considering a tractor engine! In France, a good two 
thirds of all cars in the streets are Diesel-powered, and in Germany, an 
Diesel car won a speed race recently, so high performance, high 
reliability Diesel engines are plentiful. Only a question of choosing one 
and making the conversion.

My next aircraft will be a Diesel KR derivative, probably a twin.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

J Milland 

Envoyé par :
25/10/2006 17:47
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/10/2006 01:12

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 477

I am terribly curious , how do you eliminate injection with a 
diesel?  Is there some new system out there?   John Milland

On Oct 24, 2006, at 9:00 PM, wrote:

> Or, you could install a Diesel engine and get away with injection,
> carburetor, magnetos, coils... everything that is known to fail,
> basicall

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 477

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

How exactly you think this disagrees with what I said?

I have good reasons to distrust electronics in an engine, unless it is of 
the solid state, KISS kind. I recently  owned a fancy 2.5 liter turbo 
diesel pickup (Nissan Navarra), and for two years, I kept having sudden 
stops of the engine. You're on the motorway, cruising, everything is 
normal, and the next second, the engine quits, with no apparent reason. 
Don't have to tell you how that would feel in the sky. Not to mention the 
problem of locating a Nissan dealer ewquipped with the diagnostic computer 
at the nearest airfield... Incidentally, Nissan never found the fault. 
They ended up changing al the wires and all the electronic boxes.

In my aircraft, I want the Diesel for its reliability and fuel economy. 
State-of-the-art Diesels are going to give me considerably more fuel 
economy, but to the expense of less reliability and more difficult 

So, no chips for me, thanks. A good old injection pump will do.

Our French homebuilt Diesel expert went the same route. His first aircraft 
used a 1.4 liter Opel Corsa Turbo Diesel Intercooler. In his next designs, 
he uses the cheaper and less sophisticated ordinary Diesels. Thinks it was 
not worth the effort. 

Serge Vidal

Envoyé par :
26/10/2006 02:41
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/10/2006 02:41

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 348, Issue 477

Hate to disagree with you I have a diesel pickup and it has direct 
(injects directly into ports) and it is electronically controlled with  a 
chip you change the chip you change the injector timing.
Ray Lee
KR2 9763
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Réf. : KR> Friday??

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hey, we are talking alternative engines for the KR, here.

"Dan Heath" 

Envoyé par :
26/10/2006 04:33
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/10/2006 04:33

Pour :  
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Friday??

Is it Friday???  Where is the KRNet?  Or did I accidentally sign up for

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
See you at the 2007 - KR Gathering
There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.
Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
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Réf. : KR> Alternative Engines

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I will try and do some research on the Fiat. For that hp, it must be a 
turbo diesel.

As for the fuel, the French guru of Diesel, Serge Pennec, says you can use 
Jet A1 in a conventional Diesel. All you have to do is mix it with a bit 
of oil.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

"D F Lively" 

Envoyé par :
28/10/2006 00:23
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 28/10/2006 00:23

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Alternative Engines


I read an article in the Oct. 26th  Wall Street Journal that drew my 
attention to Fiat's 1.3 liter (1259 cc) Diesel engine that is being used 
in many Euro small cars.  This peeked my interest in light of a couple of 
entrys that appeared on this forum so I investigated on the net.

The performance specs for that engine are 69 hp and 125 ft. lb of  torque 
at 2000 rpm which is interesting.  What I have not been able to find is 
the weight of this engine with its injector pump and all things needed to 
make it run plus of course the cooling and electrical systems. 

I invision then that it would need to find "Jet A" or the diesel fuel used 
by the military to be acceptable.

Are their any KR-Netters out there that can obtain weights and reliability 
info on this engine?  This may need to come from some of Non-USA 
contributers since diesel are not all that common here.

Don Lively
Burlington IA 52601 

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Réf. : KR> KR2S Life Span

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hi, Richard.

The KR2 is basically wood structure and composite skin, right?

Well, wood structures, if taken care of properly, have a nearly unlimited 
lifespan. Keep the wood dry and it does not lose its properties.

Composite skins, we don't know really, because they haven't been around 
for more than 30 years or so. What we do know, mostly from the gliders 
guys, is that they can last for 30 years, again, if taken care of 
properly. Here, the main thing would be to shelter from the sun, I guess.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

"Richard Mulford" 

Envoyé par :
15/10/2006 14:31
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 16/10/2006 08:58

Pour :
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> KR2S Life Span

Hi KR-Net,just curious what the airframe life span would be for the KR.
If anyone could give me the good and the bad about this subject would be 
About to start building and was wondering about this subject as a friend 
recently had to have his Beech skins removed for a airframe service (a bit 

harder to do with the KR) as this aircraft was ageing.


  Sydney N S W


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Réf. : Re: KR> KR Wheel pants

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Same experience: very difficult to get the wheels spats off without 
jacking up, although there are only a couple centimeters missing. I also 
had to battle with the nuts, until I decided to glue Rivnuts to the spats.

Now, how often do you expect to remove the spats? I fgured out that each 
time I remove them, it will be to do something serious to the tires, 
wheels or brakes, so will have to jack up, anyway. I just drilled a large 
hole in the spat' covered with a plastic plug, to be able to access the 
tires valve. 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Willie van der Walt" 

Envoyé par :
19/10/2006 16:48
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 19/10/2006 16:48

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> KR Wheel pants

  Whatever you use just make sure it will fit over the tyre in the gap 
between the bottom of the wing and the top of the wheel. I need to jack my 

KR up to let all the weight off the spring to allow for enough space for 
spat to slide into place. Also make sure the nuts are fixed to the spats 
you will not be able to get a spanner in between the wheel and the spat to 

hold it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: "Larry&Sallie Flesner" 
  To: "KRnet" 
  Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 3:29 PM
  Subject: Re: KR> KR Wheel pants

  > At 04:16 AM 10/18/2006, you wrote:
  >>  I am using the diehl taildragger UC (Asuza 5" and lamb tire) 

  >>great plains hydraulic brakes. I was wondering which wheel pants
  >>people are using.
  > +++
  > >
  > ___
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Réf. : Re: KR> Tach hook up question.

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I have a problem too. When I switch the second ignition, the tacho goes 
crazy. It gives nearly a double reading, with a shaky needle. Although it 
is wired to only one coil.

The funny thing is that it worked well before, when I had a partial dual 
ignition (two sets of ignition magnetic pick-ups (timing devices), but 
only one set of coils and spark plugs. Now that I have a full dual, I 
cannot read properly when both ignitions are active.

Any advice on that?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

Envoyé par :
10/10/2006 17:29
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 10/10/2006 17:30

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Tach hook up question.


Do not put a jumper between them as it will short the two ignitions 
together. The safest way is to switch the tach wire when you switch the 
That requires a separate deck on the switch but is the safest and most 

Bob Lasecki
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Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Tach hook up question.

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
The DPDT would not work in my case. The re is no backup system as such. 
The two systems are meant to be operated permanently together, like 
magnetos. They are controlled by two separate switches, because you can 
start only on one of them, and I want to be able to isolate the faulty one 
in case of failure.

I guess I should investigate the diode solution.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Randy Powell" 

Envoyé par :
11/10/2006 02:53
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 11/10/2006 02:53

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Tach hook up question.

Most likely your tach is receiving a pulse from both systems.  Some where 
the two systems are interconnected.  Chase out your wiring to find the 
that connects both systems to the Tach and separate them.  As others have 
mentioned this can easily be done with a DPDT switch and can also be done 
with a small SPDT relay wired to switch when you change to the backup 
- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:00 PM
Subject: Réf. : Re: KR> Tach hook up question.

I have a problem too. When I switch the second ignition, the tacho goes
crazy. It gives nearly a double reading, with a shaky needle. Although it
is wired to only one coil.

The funny thing is that it worked well before, when I had a partial dual
ignition (two sets of ignition magnetic pick-ups (timing devices), but
only one set of coils and spark plugs. Now that I have a full dual, I
cannot read properly when both ignitions are active.

Any advice on that?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

Envoyé par :
10/10/2006 17:29
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 10/10/2006 17:30

    Pour :
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Tach hook up question.


Do not put a jumper between them as it will short the two ignitions
together. The safest way is to switch the tach wire when you switch the
That requires a separate deck on the switch but is the safest and most

Bob Lasecki
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Réf. : Re: KR> Why not use two tachos

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
That would be a good idea if I had enough real estate on the instrument 
panel. But then, by the noise only you should be able to hear if one 
fails. I have LEDs on each switch as well to check current flow.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

"Willie van der Walt" 

Envoyé par :
11/10/2006 07:42
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 11/10/2006 07:42

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Why not use two tachos

  Why not use two tacho meters? You can even see  in flight if both are 
doing whet they should.

  - Original Message - 
  From: "Colin Rainey" 
  To: "KRnet" 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:34 AM
  Subject: KR> correction

  > "while allowing the ground to travel to the coil"
  > Should read: while allowing the ground to travel to the tach.
  > Also the y line is one line, split to both coils, and the diode placed 

  > each line running to the ground side of the coil. This prevents the 
  > feeding of the ground signal and the possibility of the tach grounding 

  > the coil due to tach failure.
  > Colin Rainey
  > Independent Loan Officer
  > Branch 2375
  > Apex Mortgage Company
  > 386.615.3388 Home Office
  > 407.739.0834 Cell
  > 407.557.3260 Fax
  > ___
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Réf. : Re: KR> Wanting Plans KR2S

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Yes, part of the history of aviation. The Wright brothers battled to 
protect their invention (wing warping), as did all the inventors that 
followed. Everyone copies everyone, and noone ever succeeded in claiming 
precedence on an aircraft design...

If you want to market a KR2 copycat, improved or not, you are technically 
free to do so, provided you don't copy too closely the text of the manual. 
It has been done before, and will happen again.

I guess it is just a moral issue, and probably, if Ken Rand had not 
disappeared the way he did, our attitude towards Jeanette would be very 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia


Envoyé par :
11/10/2006 07:51
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 11/10/2006 07:51

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Wanting Plans KR2S

Here's another nickles worth... I met Jeanette Rand,
at her "place of business" as a potential customer,
back in the 80's.  All she had were prints, a video,
several fiberglas pieces (in poor condition) and no
enthusiasm whatsoever.  She was the main reason I
built an Avid Speed Wing.

Who did the redesign and created the KR2S version? 
Did he sell the design, or give it to Jeanette?  Does
she own the rights?

Take a look at the homebuilt designs out there...most
are derived from somebodies "improvement" to an
existing plane or idea...and thats exactly what needs
to happen to the KR2/S. 


--- "Myron (Dan) Freeman" 

> This brings up a thought. If Rand Robbinson no
> longer respondes to orders to 
> purchase plans or parts as some are suggesting, then
> could unofficial copys 
> be made and given away as say, "it's your plane now"
> instead of lableing it 
> as a KR-2 as long as it was not a scanned or copied
> from an original set? 
> Like for instance Mark Langford"s highly modified
> and tested aircraft being 
> turned into say, a ML-too or something like that.
> Well, come on, it's just a 
> thought, I'm trying to be creative here. Inquiring
> mind's want to know.
> Also, it is obvious (to me anyhow) that the real
> reason more KR's are not 
> finished is the fibreglass or composite side of
> construction. There are 
> lot's of boats out there that never get any farther
> because a lot of people 
> (builders) get stuck on how to proceed because there
> is no one tried and 
> proven way to proceed with the composite side of
> construction, and having no 
> "set of instructions", they fall by the wayside.
> Well, as I said, that's 
> just my observation. Some people are just not as
> talented in some areas as 
> other's are but we all have special talents in some
> area.
> OK, I'm done.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Richard Mulford" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:22 AM
> Subject: KR> Wanting Plans KR2S
> > Hi krnet,Just wanting to know if there is a chance
> that anyone out there
> > knows of a set of plans for the KR2S that some
> crazy person does not want.
> > If not do you think RAND would reply to me if i
> wanted to purchase a set ? 
> > .
> > By the way i have a set of plans for the teenie
> two which i purchased from
> > calvin parker that i do not want as i am married
> know and need something
> > with an extra seat.
> >
> > R.Mulford
> >
> > Riverstone N S W
> >
> > Australia
> >
> >
> > See The Killers in the UK. Download mobile stuff
> to win!
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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> > please see other KRnet info at
> ___
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KR> Aussi builders, I'm now Down Under!

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

Just wanted you to know that I took possession of my new office yesterday, =

in Canberra, Australia. I guess that makes me a member of the Australian=20
KR community, then, even if my plane is not due to arrive for a good three =


One thing is fore sure: for what I see from my window, the weather seems a =

great deal more flyable than it was back in Paris!

Serge Vidal

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Réf. : RE: KR> vw performance

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
If I remember well, Colin Hales keeps complaining in his diary of the lack 
of reliability of that engine. I suppose it's teething problems that have 
been solved since, since Jabirus now sell like hot cakes. Yet,, you still 
can build a couple VWs for the price of a Jabiru...

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
13/09/2006 11:13
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 13/09/2006 11:13

Pour :  
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : RE: KR> vw performance


have a look at

I know of several VWs flying with these jobbies, everybody very happy.

However if I had the budget, and was at your build stage I would ignore VW
engines and look at a Jabiru. The 80HP motor is approx 60kg ( 140 lbs )
inc starter. Colin Hales flew UK to Oz in his - 2 up, that's good enough
for me.


> Just one thing, on my engine my distributor hole has been blocked of, so
> I have to go for electronic pick up sensors mounted on a disk where the
> flywheel ought to be. (Yes, unless I hear otherwise, I'll have
> everything but the part required for the oil seal removed from my
> flywheel) Anybody in South Africa able to recommend an off the shelve
> ignition system that will work? I am still a long way off from using the
> engine, but might as well send it away now for all the modifications.

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Réf. : KR> wing construction/vw engines

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I have used the Type 4, both modified and unmodified, in my KR2. You can 
E-mail me off net to discuss that.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
08/09/2006 04:52
Veuillez répondre à Bob; Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 08/09/2006 04:52

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> wing construction/vw engines

Has anyone done a detailed wing constrution on their webpage? and I would 
like to here from someone using the vw engines type 1 and type 4 engines
thanks Bob Fry
you can email me direct

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Réf. : Re: KR> the ONLY sensible place

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
That's why the only ABSOLUTE (as opposed to RELATIVE) way to indicate CG 
is in PERCENTAGE of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC for alphabet soup 

Joe tells Bill his CG is located at 28% of MAC, and he can have redesigned 
the plane whichever way he wanted, we still have a reference based on the 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
01/09/2006 17:54
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 01/09/2006 17:55

Pour :  
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> the ONLY sensible place

The problem with that approach is "hand-me-downs"

Joe tells Bill that his CG is 23 inches aft of the firewall.

Bill tells Fred CG should be 23 inches aft of firewall.

Fred has extended his fuse and has his firewall 4 inches further from the
wing, but does his calcs and works out that his CG is 27 inches aft...

Based on wing leading edge there is less chance of misunderstanding


> Anybody can pick any place that they want and it is ONLY sensible, if
> they think that it is sensible.  If it makes sense to you to use the
> tailwheel, you can do it.  However, if you want to keep from making an
> easy job, difficult, just get one of the spread sheets that are
> available, check the formulas, and put in your numbers.  IT IS NOT HARD!

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Réf. : Re: RE: KR> Cowl locks

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

Mine is done entirely with Dzuss fasteners, and I love them. I have Dzuss 
to hold the cowl to the firewall, and to hold the two cowl halves 
together. For the two years I have flown the plane, I removed the top half 
of the cowl for each pre-flight without any effort.

Dzuss are also extremely easy to install. Each one holds on a simple 
S-shaped spring wire, which is held by two screws or two rivets. One pilot 
hole is enough to get an accurate position of the fastener on bothe the 
cowl and the support plate. 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France
Soon packing for Down Under...

"Phil Matheson" 

Envoyé par :
01/09/2006 22:13
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 01/09/2006 22:13

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: RE: KR> Cowl locks

I'm fitting my new cowl, after many mods, What do you  consider the best 
of fixing the cowl?
If I use aircraft screws what type of Anchor nut suits the cowl, and would 

rivets or flox be best to fit them?
Piano hinge, did you use rivets or glass to hold them in place???

Phil Matheson
Web Page
See  VW Engines

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Réf. : RE: KR> Fw: letter & KR content

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Oh, no, Chris! Can't be a mistake! It clearly is addressed to "all KR and=20
other homebuilders".

Someone probably believes that people on the KRNet are necessarily=20
American, and has a simplistic view of Islam too. Once upon a time, in=20
South Africa, I gave a ride in my KR2 to a fellow KR2 builder who happened =

to be Muslim. I guess I should have told him that his faith forbade that=20
he even thought of building a KR, eh?

Oh, well! I don't think there is a cure for that, anyway.

Now, back to KR2 matters. I'm nearly there with the rebuild of my KR2.=20
Rebuilding the control cables was not that easy, because I got slight=20
changes in the geometry of the pulley brackets as well as the aileron=20
bellcranks, and as a result, all the control cable fairleads were=20
off-center. I suggest you pay a lot of attention to centering the holes=20
for the cables and cables fairleads, because believe me, errors ain't easy =

to correct.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France=20

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Yesterday, I thought of something even easier. Why not:

1 - Cut a plug (made of Aluminum or Nylon) that will slip in the end of 
the tube, with a protrusion;
2 - Cut an aluminum L-shaped part to make the horn; one leg of that part 
will be horn, and the other leg part will be rivetted to the tube and the 
plug, thereby holding the plug in place; The L-shaped will have a hole 
that will match the protrusion, thereby preventing any rotational motion.

In other words, the horn would be simple plates affixed against each end 
of the torque tube, and these plates would be retained two ways: by having 
a perpendicular leg rivetted to the tube, and by having a protrusion from 
a plug inside the tube going through them. 

I ain't no mechanical stress expert, but my feeling is that would be 
sturdy enough. And it would definitely be the easiest, lightest and less 
bulky solution I could make without welding. 

Actually, thinking of it, the protrusion could be made man ways:
- Either simply letting the plug step outside the tube (big hole in the 
horn, then)
- Or milling the plug to a smaller diameter (smaller hole in the horn)
- Or drilling a hole through the plug and fitting a large rivet in (would 
probably need a couple washers to make the the protrusion thick enough)
- Or putting a screw and nut through the plug.

Hmm! Can't wait to sneak in my clandestine workshop in the cellar to 
experiment with that!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Larry H." 

Envoyé par :
23/08/2006 19:55
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 23/08/2006 19:56

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : KR> Flaps

I am not sure if someone has already said this, I think they may have but 
if you take a piece of square tubing that will slip over the torque tube 
for the plaps, then take a piece of angle rivet onto one side of the 
square tubing and the other side of the angle will cover the end of the 
square tubing and round tubing inside of it. You could rivet the angle to 
the square tubing on the one side in each corner of the square tubing 
where the round tubing will not hit the rivets then bolt through the 
angle, square tubing and round tubing.
  Hope this makes sense.
  Larry H.

Serge VIDAL  wrote:
  What use were they sold for, exactly? (what application)


"Wood, Sidney M (Titan) @ TITAN" 
Envoyé par :
22/08/2006 22:39
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 22/08/2006 22:39

Pour : 
cc : (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Flaps

My KR-2 has 6061 aluminum flanges for the flap bellcranks. I found them 
in the local True Value Hardware store.
I drilled a 3/16-inch hole through the flange and ¾-inch aluminum tube to 
bolt them in place.

Sid Wood
KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

That is pretty much what I have in mind, except I would like to find (or 
make) an aluminum flange to replace the clamp collars, then glue AND rivet 

that flange to both the torque tube and the bellcranks. The tube stops 
could be made the same way.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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KR> Test - Please ignore

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

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KR> flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Decision taken, Colin! I'm going to retro-fit split flaps, which are=20
probably the best compromise, since:

- They are as easy to install as a belly board,
- They provide as much drag,
- They do give a bit of extra lift.

My aileron control cables being rigged to the rear of the rear spar, I'll=20
have to be very careful on my setting, but that's manageable.
As for the hinge, I plan to use plain piano hinge, which I will screw to=20
the rear spar with plenty small screws.

Now, I've got to find a way to make the torque tube and the actuator rods. =

I need to find a solution that does not require any welding. Maybe I can=20
find a way that takes only rivetting and glueing?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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Réf. : Re: KR> flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
That is pretty much what I have in mind, except I would like to find (or 
make) an aluminum flange to replace the clamp collars, then glue AND rivet 
that flange to both the torque tube and the bellcranks. The tube stops 
could be made the same way.

I guess I've watched too much orf the "A Plane is Born" TV show recently. 
The Europa uses a lot of aluminum-to-aluminum glueing and riveting. And 
that would make for a very easy installation on board the aircraft. Since 
the plane is already built, the difficulty is more in the fitting than the 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Mark Langford" 

Envoyé par :
22/08/2006 15:40
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 22/08/2006 15:40

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> flaps

Serge Vidal wrote:

>>Now, I've got to find a way to make the torque tube and the actuator 
I need to find a solution that does not require any welding. Maybe I can
find a way that takes only rivetting and glueing?<<

I used clamp collars made for machine shaft applications 
Although I welded my bellcranks to these collars, you could also screw 
together if you made your bellcrank cover one half of the clamp collar and 

used about four screws.  You can see these clamp collar things at , along with the general idea 
of the flap torque tube.  The very last picture shows the flap torque tube 

and flap actuator motor, but it eventually ended up under the pilot's 
I have a more recent picture of the flap motor and bellcrank stuff 
that I'll try to dig up tonight.  The other end of the torque tubes just 
extends out through the stub wing rib (which acts as a bearing), where 
another bellcrank and clamp collar setup translates the torque tube 
into pushrod actuation for the flap bellcrank.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"


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Réf. : KR> Gorilla Glue (urethane glue)

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
There is a builder here in France in my homebuilder's club that glued his 
entire aircraft with that kind of glue (replaced Epoxy entirely!). He 
persuaded me to use it to make my mew ribs with it, in lieu of Epoxy.

The only trouble I foresee is that this is an expanding glue, and 
therefore, you have to apply pressure to the entire surface of the bond to 
guarantee the results. Apart from that, I believe it matches Epoxy for 
foam-to-wood bonding.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Scott William 

Envoyé par :
22/08/2006 20:37
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 22/08/2006 20:38

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Gorilla Glue (urethane glue)

I searched the archives and found some discussions
about using this on foam to wood mating.  I also saw
that some guys were going to try it on wood to wood
mating. I couldn't find any reported results of this. 
Anybody use this type of expanding glue on wood
construction?  I am considering it on some wingtip
The bows are made by laminating 6 pieces of 1/8" x
3/4" cap strip to form 3/4" thick bow with a 21"
radius, for 180deg (half circle). 
My concern is that if I use T-88, the clamping
pressure from making the radius in the jig will force
all the glue out and starve the joint, making T-88 not

Any suggestions>?


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Réf. : Re: KR> flaps/PREP

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks for the advicce, Larry! I had no idea an Alodined surfaced could be 
glued. I treat all my aluminum parts with Alodine, essentially because I 
like the finish. Now, you just gave me an extra good reason to do so.

Being the paranoid I am, in any case, I will make a rediundant solution: 
glue PLUS rivets.


"Larry H." 

Envoyé par :
22/08/2006 20:42
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 22/08/2006 20:42

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> flaps/PREP

As food for thought, if you were going to glue two pieces of aluminum 
together you may want to rough sand the two surfaces to be adjoined so the 
adhesion would be stronger because of the roughness just like anything you 
glue or paint. If you choose to do this then you have probably removed any 
corrosion resistance that may have come on the tube or sheet from the 
factory that made it. In this case it may be advisable to apply aladine to 
the surface to seal the aluminum from corrosion in the future if you did 
sand the orginal coating off.
  The reason I am bringing this up has to do with LongEzes elevators. The 
original plans had you take the aluminum tubing which became your torque 
tube for the elevator, sand it down to rough it up for better adhesion, 
glue your hot wired air foil shaped foam trailing edge to it with epoxy. 
Then you wrapped the fiberglass cloth around the leading edge of the 
exposed tube and onto the foam to mate the two together and form the 
elevator. All was fine for a few years until there were some of the ezes 
that developed corrosion on the surface of the tubes and then there was no 
adhesion, the corrosion had caused the seperation. It seems very strange 
that an epoxy coated,sanded aluminum tube would be able to corrode, but 
obviously they can. The repair is to remake your canard elevator. The 
procedure now includes sanding the tube as before but now you aladine the 
tube before you glue the foam and fiberglass to it with epoxy. The aladine 
does not remove or fill the roughness sanded
 into the tube for better grip/adhesion it's job is to seal the aluminum 
to prevent corrosion.
  You all may already be doing this but I thought I would mention it just 
in case someone that didn't know may want to do this as an extra 
precaution. Non alidined sanded aluminum glued together parts may last way 
past our life times but never hurts I guess.
  The old saying is "If I knew better then I would do better" !!
  Larry H.

Mark Langford  wrote:
  > That is pretty much what I have in mind, except I would like to find 
> make) an aluminum flange to replace the clamp collars, then glue AND 
> that flange to both the torque tube and the bellcranks. The tube stops
> could be made the same way.

I've used T-88 to glue some aluminum parts together, and I dare say 
is ever going to separate them. It would be interesting to test what 
happens after a few freeze/thaw/hot cycles, but I'm betting they're more 
less permanent.

The part number for the clamp collars that I used is 6436k72 from Mcmaster 

Carr. They're for 3/4" OD tubing. I don't expect you to order it, but some 

other folks on this side of the pond might be interested. These are 
aluminum, and allow easy adjustment of range, limit, and synchronization 
between the two flaps. Next time I do this I may use a carbon fiber torque 

tube rather than 4130...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at" 

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Réf. : KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
What use were they sold for, exactly? (what application)


"Wood, Sidney M (Titan) @ TITAN" 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Flaps

My KR-2 has 6061 aluminum flanges for the flap bellcranks.  I found them 
in the local True Value Hardware store.
I drilled a 3/16-inch hole through the flange and ¾-inch aluminum tube to 
bolt them in place.

Sid Wood
KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA

That is pretty much what I have in mind, except I would like to find (or 
make) an aluminum flange to replace the clamp collars, then glue AND rivet 

that flange to both the torque tube and the bellcranks. The tube stops 
could be made the same way.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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Réf. : KR> Prop help for Type IV VW

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hi, Jeff.

100 hp? Wow! Tell us more! How big is that VW Type 4? 2.7 liters?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Jeff Provenzano" 

Envoyé par :
12/08/2006 22:19
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Remis le : 12/08/2006 22:20

Pour :  
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Prop help for Type IV VW

Hello KR netters. This is my first time posting to the net. Please let me
know if my netiquette needs help. I have searched the archives over and
over. I can't seem to find enough information about prop selection. Can
anyone help me decide what prop to use. I have a KR-2 that's pretty much
plans built, with a 100hp VW Type IV engine. I plan on buying two props.
First, I want to get a prop that will give me a cruise of somewhere in the
130-140 mph range. I realize this would be more of a climb prop for this
engine, but I want to be able to quickly get off the 3500 ft grass runway
I'm at (50 foot obstacle at either end). Also, since this is such a pitch
sensitive aircraft, I don't want to be going too fast until I get used to
flying my KR. Ultimately, I would like to travel with this KR cruising at
around 180 mph. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Jeff Provenzano

Shreveport, La


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KR> Instruments to give away

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I have a couple instruments to give away to a good home: 1 altimeter and 1 
air speed indicator. These are instruments that I just removed from my 
beloved KR2. The reason why I removed them is they are in the wrong units 
for me (US stuff), and I'm tired of making units conversions from US to 
international and back in flight, so I bit the bullet and bought new ones. 
I hate the idea of throwing away the old ones, so if they can help a 
fellow homebuilder, I will happily ship them away.

The two instruments are perfectly serviceable and accurate, and have given 
10 years of good service in ZS-WEC. Now, I must warn you, they are pretty 
old, and both cases have a slight problem: the ASI has one broken corner 
(screw hole), and on the altimeter, the protrusion (where the setting 
button is) has been partially filed out. Nothing that a bit of Epoxy and 
paint can't fix, but don't expect anything new and shiny.

Anyway, the specifics are:

Air speed indicator: reads
BRONX, N.Y. 10451
RANGE: 40-180 M.P.H.
Markings: Outer scale in MPH, Inner scale in KTS
White from 60 to 118; Green from 62 to 124; Yellow from 125 to 161; Red 
(I used to put decals (sold by Aircraft Spruce) over the instrument window 
with my own color arcs, and in that case, the original color arcs don't 

Altimeter3-pointer , dial reads "CALIBRATED TO 20.000 FEET", settings in 
inches of mercury.
No markings on case (label probably long gone, just a bit of unreadable, 
white painted stamp left), but rest assured this is an old fashioned 
sturdy one.

They are yours for the taking, free of charge. Just send me something nice 
and aircraft-related in return.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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KR> Instruments to give away

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
The altimeter and the VSI are gone. I gave them away on a=20
first-come-first-serve basis.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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KR> Flaps

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I am considering adding flaps to my KR2 at a later stage, and the time is=20
right to make provisions for them. I'm looking at something easy to=20
retro-fit. Now, I have seen pictures of an Australian-built KR2 which has=20
got what I believe is called split flaps (just the lower skin drops,=20
rather than the whole profile). I wonder which design would be more=20
efficient, aerodynamically speaking? That one, or the one described in the =

plans? Also, considering this spans only the width of the stubwings, can=20
you really expect any significant change?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


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Réf. : Re: KR> Plans

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
The most recent issue of the plans I am aware of dates from 1990. There 
are a few differences between these and an older plan I have. In 
particular, the ailerons cables pulley brackets are changed.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
10/08/2006 18:37
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 10/08/2006 18:43

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Plans

revisit my post on this. asfor the questions,
Yes,Ethics & maybe. Consider that the plans are
a miniscule cost of the project, new plans would MAYBE
be a good investment, Virg

On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 01:38:05 -0600 "Kenhenderson"
> Thanks to all who replied to my first post. I have several dumb 
> questions to ask about plans. I have 2 sets, 1 from 1975 with a 
> serial # and 1 from 1984 with no number. It has been advised that I 
> contact Jeanette Rand and have my name transferred to the numbered 
> plans. Do you have to have a set of plans registered to you in order 
> to build a legal, registered airplane? What prevents a person from 
> copying a set of plans and using them for construction? Ethics 
> perhaps? Would a new set of plans have noticeable improvements over 
> the ones I have and would it be advantageous to order said plans? 
> Please answer on or off net to my e-mail address. Still looking for 
> a fixed main gear to replace the retracts. Thanks, Ken
> ___
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Virgil N. Salisbury - AMSOIL
Miami ,Fl

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Réf. : Re: KR> LCD problems

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks for the lesson, Chris. I had no idea there was such thin as a 
learned Aussie! ;-)

>From what you say, and considering that the figures are still readable 
below the leak (when the blot changes shape, more of the figures show), I 
understand that some of the liquid has leaked below the front polarizing 

Oh, well,  as I said, the unit is not ruined. The leak only covers half of 
the rightmost figure, so it remains usable. Only annoying.


"Chris Johnston" 

Envoyé par :
11/08/2006 02:47
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 11/08/2006 02:48

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> LCD problems

LCD modules are made up typically of a front polarising panel, a 
conductive plane with teh segment images printed on them, the liquid 
material, a electrically common plane, and another polarising plane and a 
reflective backplane. If the display is has a two tone image, usually grey 

and black with wavy edges, then it is a pretty safe bet that the liquid 
leaked out and the unit is ruined, usually impact damage causes this 
failure. Sometimes due to temperature, usually too cold rather than too 
the display will change color over the whole of the screen, a lot of lcd 
material is not freeze proof. The big advantage of lcd 's is that they use 

microcosm's of power, ie millionths of an amp, or micro amps, comparitive 
solid state led's use around milliamps of power, ie thousandths of an amp, 

there fore the lcd modules are used for battery powered application, there 

power requirements are so low that even the stray static and capacitive 
charges on your fingers is enough to activate the display if touched, so 
static build up from teh commonly used plastic protective strips on teh 
display is also enough to turn the segments on and sometimes keep them 
on, but when the unit is powered up all is well. They sometimes also 
multiplex teh display, ie turn each segment on and off in turn at a rate 
slighlty greater than about 30 hz, so that if something is turned on and 
more than about 30 times per second, the persistance of vision of the 
eye makes it appear to be permanntly on, which saves on more power. And if 

you have ever wondered why safety gear is always yellow, its because the 
peak optical response of the human eye is around 555 nano metres, ( I 
think!! ), ie the colour yellow.

Chris Johnston


NSW Australia.
- Original Message - 
From: "AVLEC" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:49 AM
Subject: KR> LCD problems

> Serge
> Just a short note on your LCD problem. Yesterday I bought one of those
> electronic barometers that has temp, time date, and weather forecast. 
> I
> removed it from its wrapping it had a clear protective strip stuck over 
> the
> display with a fake display printed on it. As I removed this strip the 
> same
> symptom appeared on the display. I at first wanted to throw the thing
> against the wall but decided to apply a bit of slight pressure to the
> display with my thumb and wala the display cleared perfectly and worked 
> fine
> after that.
> Just as well I never threw it against the wall because it turns out that 

> it
> didn't have a RH readout which was my primary reason for needing one of
> these things. Back it goes tomorrow!
> Regards
> Dene Collett
> KR2SRT builder
> South africa
> Whisper assembler
> See:
> mailto:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Serge VIDAL" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 13:46
> Subject: KR> Drilling template for Precision Vertical Card Compass
>> I just made a printable paper template for the Precision Vertical Card
>> Compass. As usual with me, it's a Microsoft Powerpoint file. I'm not a
>> draughtsman by any account, so precision not garanteed. But it's free, 
>> anyone interested, just shoot.
>> (And by the way, could anyone tell me if that compass is going to work
>> well in the Southern Hemisphere, although it is a Northern Hemisphere
>> P/N?)
>> Serge Vidal
>> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
>> Paris, France
>> ___
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Réf. : Re: KR> Fixing an LCD

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Interesting thought. You definitely teach me something here.  Now, looking 
at it, it looks more like a leak of black liquid that spreads above the 


"Randy Powell" 

Envoyé par :
08/08/2006 07:09
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 08/08/2006 07:09

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Fixing an LCD

Serge,  you may have magnetized some of the metal and this could be 
affecting the LCD.  If this is the case you may be able to clear it 
completely by using a degaussing coil on it.  Any TV repair shop will have 

one and it will only take them a minute to do.  If you cannot find one you 

can easily construct one out of a little wire and a couple of other 

Randy Powell

- Original Message ----- 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: KR> Fixing an LCD

I recently bought a GT-50 electronic G-meter. For some reason, I had to
redrill the fitting holes of the face plate to a bigger diameter. Now, I
while I was doing that, part of the LCD window turned black. Don't know
whether this comes from the heat of the drilling or from the vibration, or
maybe excess pressure on the window, but the result is there.

Everything seems to work fine, apart from the black patch.

Would anybody know a trick to get that LCD window back to normal?

KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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KR> GT-50 evaluation

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
By the way , the G-meter whose LCD I have damaged is a GT-50, bought from 
Aircraft Spruce, and maybe I should tell you what I think of my purchase.

That thing is a 5-in-1 electronic instrument that fits a standard 2 inch 
aircraft hole. It has 5 functions:  G-meter, voltmeter, clock, stopwatch, 
Hobbs (= timer that starts when aircraft power is on)
Of course, you can display only one function at a time; you toggle between 
It uses 2 AAA batteries for standby power (keep clock and memories alive).

What I like about it:
- The large LCD display with huge figures, no clutter;
- The efficient backlighting (although orange would not have been my color 
of choice)
- The very good MMI, no-nonsense; only 3 buttons, everything darn logical.

What I don't like about it:
- The enclosure (box) is definitely substandard. A bad aluminum sheet 
metal work, not even sealed, inaccurate finish...
- Connection by three loose wires (no lugs) 
- The screws are not provided, which is a pain, because it has thraded 
holes, and of course, imperial standard.

All in all, for $154.00, that's good value for money by amateur aviation 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

KR> Drilling template for Precision Vertical Card Compass

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I just made a printable paper template for the Precision Vertical Card 
Compass. As usual with me, it's a Microsoft Powerpoint file. I'm not a 
draughtsman by any account, so precision not garanteed. But it's free, so 
anyone interested, just shoot.

(And by the way, could anyone tell me if that compass is going to work 
well in the Southern Hemisphere, although it is a Northern Hemisphere 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Réf. : RE: KR> Drilling template for Precision Vertical Card Compass

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I believe that's not the way it works. The Earth works, roughly, as a 
giant magnet whose ends correspond to the South and North poles. So your 
compass does not invert when you go from one hemisphere to the other. The 
needle always points along the magnetic field "lines", and these are 
roughly parallel to the ground and to the meridians.

My guess is the reason for building special compasses for 
Northern/Southern Hemisphere must have to do with compass behaviour at 
high latitudes, where the field lines are no longer parallel to the 
ground, and start "dipping" towards the ground when you fly towards the 
pole. I suppose this requires clever mechanical compensations, which may 
not be symmetrical.


"Colin Rainey" 

Envoyé par :
08/08/2006 14:40
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 08/08/2006 14:40

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : RE: KR> Drilling template for Precision Vertical Card Compass

It is my understanding that it will work fine as the magnetic attraction
will be to the South Pole, but the indications will be reversed: your 
indication will be to the SOUTH POLE, so as long as you know that is what
you are seeing, then no confusion. All the quirks of the compass, ie: lead
and lag reverse in the Southern Hemisphere. You might get really good at
math conversions when given headings by approach control, cause you will
always be 180 degrees out.

-Original Message-
From: []On
Behalf Of Serge VIDAL
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 7:47 AM
Subject: KR> Drilling template for Precision Vertical Card Compass

I just made a printable paper template for the Precision Vertical Card
Compass. As usual with me, it's a Microsoft Powerpoint file. I'm not a
draughtsman by any account, so precision not garanteed. But it's free, so
anyone interested, just shoot.

(And by the way, could anyone tell me if that compass is going to work
well in the Southern Hemisphere, although it is a Northern Hemisphere

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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Réf. : KR> Flight Reports

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Don't you see? He just wants us to beg.

"Stephen Teate" 

Envoyé par :
08/08/2006 15:11
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 08/08/2006 15:06

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Flight Reports

"I guess I need to tone down or eliminate the "pilot reports","

Bull shit! Keep them coming. 

Stephen Teate

Paradise, Texas

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Réf. : KR> Expanded polystyrene foam

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
That is what has been used in the construction of my KR2, for both the 
tail feathers and the wings leading edge. Although I could not tell which 
density was used And so far so good.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
09/08/2006 16:07
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Remis le : 09/08/2006 16:39

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Expanded polystyrene foam

I am contemplating the use of white EPS for tail feather construction.
A KRnet search revealed no entries related to expanded polystyrene foam 
for use
in KR construction. I found several entries on extruded polystyrene foam 
blue, pink or green in 2lb density.  Has anyone used the 1lb white foam? 
is the stuff commonly used for concrete displacement blocks in house 
walls to block out window openings and brick ledges. This stuff is very 
cuts great with a hot wire and bonds well with epoxy.  I have used it in 
construction of large scale RC aircraft wings with excellent results when
covered with .75oz bid glass and epoxy. Hot wire cutting requires only 
sanding with 220grit to remove the hairs and requires no micro filler.

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

Delrin was invented around WWII, so yes, nothing new. Just wanted to tell 
people that they should know it's easier to machine than Nylon, so if that 
does make a difference for them...

Now, don't tell me you consider replacing Nylon with aluminum?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Chris Johnston" 

Envoyé par :
30/07/2006 11:11
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 30/07/2006 11:12

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

It does seem pretty common, RS Components seem to carry it here, ie the 
electronics people, but seems pretty expensive, it machines well and gives 

excellent threads, seems to have a useful melting point, machining 
tolerances quoted seem to range from a few thousandths of an inch to half 
millimetre, and one site stated it may need "stress relieving " after 
machining. A 500mm x 330mm sheet, 15 mm thick is around $200 to $300 
here, seems to be used succesfully for plastic gears. Your initial reports 

seemed to suggest some you beaut space age material solving all home 
aeroplanes builders problems, but seems as though the stuff has been 
for donkey's years. There does not seem to be any great cost advantage 
Aluminium, thats here locally anyway, ( Australia ).

Chris Johnston

 North Richmond

     NSW Australia
- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 10:38 PM
Subject: Réf. : Re: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

Delrin is old stuff, and pretty common. I think Aircraft Spruce carries
it, but rods only, not sheets. Cost-wise, it's about 1.5 times more
expensive than Nylon. I have no idea of its density, but it feels about
the same than Nylon.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Chris Johnston" 

Envoyé par :
28/07/2006 12:16
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 28/07/2006 12:17

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

Can you tell us some more about this material, what type of plastic,
density, where do you get it and what cost compared to other plastics.

    Chris Johnston

 North Richmond

 NSW Australia.
- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 7:33 PM
Subject: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

Oh, and by the way, the shop that sold the sheet to me said that it can be
glued, too. Haven't tried it yet.

- Réacheminé par Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM le 28/07/2006 11:32 -

28/07/2006 11:23

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :
Objet : Delrin versus Nylon

I just machined my first Delrin part, and I can tell you Delrin is an
absolute pleasure to work with, especially compared with plain Nylon! It
does not melt easily, and can be sanded very easily, up  to a glaze.
Another nice thing is it can be found in black, which looks better than
the yellowish Nylon. If you have to make Nylon blocks, like rudder pedal
mounts, for instance,  you should consider Delrin instead. It has the same
mechanical properties.

I think I will find many applications for this thing, because I simply
love it!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, france
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Réf. : RE: KR> Subaru engines

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I have operated a KR2 from Johannesburg, South Africa (5300' with frequent 
 high temperatures, which had a stock VW Type 4 (given for 65 hp), coming 
nearly straight out of a minibus. My opinion is it would have had more 
than enough power if the combination of engine and prop had been right (it 
had been optimized for speed at sea level). I finally changed the engine 
for a VW 2.4 liter, given for about 80 hp, and from the testing I did 
before I left the country, it is more than enough for a heavy KR like 
mine, even with full fuel and 2 on board.

I changed the engine because I could, and wanted to build one of my own. 
But frankly, I could have made another prop, and that would have done the 

IMHO, people tend to get carried away on their power requirement. A KR can 
fly nicely on low power, if you get your powerplant right.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Fred Johnson" 

Envoyé par :
04/08/2006 22:02
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 04/08/2006 22:04

Pour :  "'KRnet'" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : RE: KR> Subaru engines

Thanks Mark!

I've forwarded an email to them.

My other option has been using an O-200 or 235. I'm not sold on the
Corvair yet, nor the VW. My altitude here at 4SD is 5046' and the VW
just makes marginal horsepower at this altitude in my opinion for two
and full fuel, unless I built a type IV with 2700 CC's or more. 

I had considered the EJ22 which would net me 120 ponies from what I've
read so far. But claims about their weight scares me, it would mean an
aircraft empty weight of around 650#.

Any thoughts on all this?

Fred Johnson
Product Manager
T.E. West, LLC.

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mark Langford
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 12:07 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> Subaru engines

Fred Johnson wrote:

> Hey Mark, since it is so quiet today, do you know of anyone
> using either a Subaru or Geo engine in a KR?

Steve Makish and Bob Lester have a lot of hours on a Subaru (don't know
exactly which one).  They were big proponents until Steve wore his case
a couple of times at about 300 hours.  His opinion is that they can't
the RPMs, and are not worth the trouble.  He's now flying a Corvair.
not on the list but his email address is if want to
him direct and ask his opinion.

Yes Ken Thomas also had a Subaru and is now running a Jabiru, and is
with it.  Dave Stroud weighed a Subaru engine installation firewall
and came up with 285 pounds, substantially more than "they" tell you
weigh. The Corvair is about 245, by comparison.

My 2 cents worth, but I've never flown behind a Subaru, so take it for
it's worth...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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KR> Fixing an LCD

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I recently bought a GT-50 electronic G-meter. For some reason, I had to=20
redrill the fitting holes of the face plate to a bigger diameter. Now, I=20
while I was doing that, part of the LCD window turned black. Don't know=20
whether this comes from the heat of the drilling or from the vibration, or =

maybe excess pressure on the window, but the result is there.

Everything seems to work fine, apart from the black patch.

Would anybody know a trick to get that LCD window back to normal?

KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

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Réf. : Re: KR> center spars and wing tanks

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Or ship it in a container, too. Not much width left with a stock KR and 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Larry H." 

Envoyé par :
07/08/2006 03:08
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 07/08/2006 03:09

Pour :  KRnet 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> center spars and wing tanks

If you ever wanted to place your plane in an enclosed trailer for hauling 
or storage, you would be disappointed to find that the longer spar 
prevented it from fitting in. You never know what you may want to do years 
down the road. Right now it may not matter but who knows.
  Larry H.

StRaNgEdAyS  wrote:
  That depends on how much dihedral you give the wings when you build 
The Jodel's dihedral starts a fair way out as well.
Peter Bancks.

---Original Message---

From: Bavo
Date: 08/07/06 08:14:24
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> center spars and wing tanks

Moving the WAFs further outboard would also decrease the amount of 
This would affect roll stability wouldn't it?
John Bavington.

On 8/6/06, Larry&Sallie Flesner wrote:
> At 08:02 AM 8/5/2006, you wrote:
> >It should also be mentioned that carrying fuel in the outer wings is
> >practically a free lunch for the WAFs, unless you tend to land really
> hard.
> >But I like mine in the stub wings, so there are no fuel connections 
> >disconnecting the wings, but then that's not something you'd have to do
> very
> >often either.
> >Mark Langford
> All my fuel is in the outer wing panels. I cut a 5"X9" (approx) panel in
> the
> bottom side of the wing center section at the tips to attach fuel lines
> and
> wiring after the outer wing panels are attached. They are hinged on the
> forward end and the trail edge is held in place with two short screws.
> Like you say, it's not something you do very often. I've not had mine
> off
> in two years but need to pull at some point to repaint one wing, check
> the tank screens, calibrate the sending units, etc. I rather like the
> thought of having all my fuel outboard of the center section. It does
> not seem to influence the handling characteristics, at least that I've
> noticed. Finally, in 240 hours, I've not landed hard enough to break
> off the outer wings, even with nearly full fuel. (12.5 gal each side)
> Larry Flesner
> ___
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John Bavington
Secretary SAAA Chapter 20
P.O.Box 759 Sunbury 3429.
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Réf. : KR> Fixing an LCD

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks, Rob. That was pretty much my guess, although I remember that I 
once had a stopwach whose LCD turned black, then back to normal. Go 

I tried a few things, including heating the display with a heat gun. For 
some reason, that reduced the size of the black patch by half, and what is 
left is in a corner. So now, the display is not exactly pretty, but 
entirely readable. I can live with that until I buy another one.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Robin Wills" 

Envoyé par :
07/08/2006 04:32
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 07/08/2006 04:33

Pour :  
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Fixing an LCD

If the LCD has turned black, it means the screen has cracked and allowed
some of the liquid crystal to leak. As far as I am aware, it cannot be
repaired and a new screen is required.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Robin Wills
Second Person, Pacific National
KR-2 19-4594, Ser# N111

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Réf. : Re: KR> Gathering location

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Count me in, John! Just give me another 6 weeks to move Down Under, and 
find a big suitcase to fit the KR in it!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
07/08/2006 04:46
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 07/08/2006 04:47

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Gathering location

I've got an 800 metre grass strip on my place, and enough beef on the hoof
to ensure there's a prime rib for everyone, even Larry. And it's only 
from Melbourne Intl for those who don't want to bring thier own KR!
What more could you ask for?

John Bavington
Secretary SAAA Chapter 20
P.O.Box 759 Sunbury 3429.

On 8/7/06, Mark Langford  wrote:
> Maybe there's a little room for compromise here.  I don't think anybody
> can
> complain about the venue that Larry and Chris have provided at MVN. It's
> hard to imagine how it could be much better.  But I also think there's
> something to be said for the adventure of going to a new airport, and
> giving
> somebody else the chance to make me say "wow...this is a neat part of 
> country", or "what a great Gathering that was!".  Would you want to miss
> the
> great "Colorado Springs Gathering of '08"?  No way!   Or maybe San 
> or Ohio, or Wisconsin or MN?  We could conceivably do it one year at MVN
> and
> the next somewhere "strange", still by secret ballot vote at the 
> of
> course.  Although there's something to be said for the traditional
> "banquet
> pitch", you have to admit that it makes more sense to kick it around on
> the
> internet weeks in advance so people have a chance to investigate, run it
> by
> family members, think about it some, point out pluses or minuses to
> others,
> or whatever.  Maybe this is the best of both worlds... I don't know.
> I also feel like the west coast guys are getting a raw deal.  It's great
> that Lee, Steve, Jeff, Richard, and Rich fly all the way out here to the
> Gatherings, but I'd love to have a year where we all fly to Jeff Scott's
> field in New Mexico to see what a density altitude of 9500' is like. And
> I"ll bet there are a bunch of west coast KRs that we've never even seen
> before.  If we had a Gathering out there and brought in some new ones,
> maybe
> they would come to MVN the next year.  Or maybe we need to start cooking
> up
> "KR Karavan" trips in the Spring just to get out and get together
> somewhere,
> like Joe Horton and I did in West Viginia one day.
> Just another angle on the Gathering thing.  I'd volunteer to have one at
> my
> father's farm (which I visited today), but I'm a little worried that
> somebody would roll one up in a ball down there...
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> see homebuilt airplane at
> email to N56ML "at"
> ___
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KR> NACA air scoop for engine air intake

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I have to make a NACA airscoop to feed the carburetor. Knowing that the=20
engne is an 80 hp, 2.4 liter VW, what size would you recommend for the=20

Now, knowing that this airscoop is going to end on an airduct made of SCAT =

tubing, which diameter should I use? Is 1.25" diameter enough?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France=20

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Réf. : Re: KR> NACA air scoop for engine air intake

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hmmm! Good point. I believe the carburetor opening is 37mm, which is 
1.45". I will check tonight on the spare carb I have at home.

Starting from there, I suppose I should just go backwards: make sure the 
SCAT matches the carb opening, then that the section of the NACA opening 
matches the section of the SCAT.


Envoyé par :
07/08/2006 15:46
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 07/08/2006 15:46

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> NACA air scoop for engine air intake

What is the opening to your carb?  I would make it that size or larger for 
the SCEET.

From: "Serge VIDAL" 
Date: 2006/08/07 Mon AM 08:09:21 CDT
Subject: KR> NACA air scoop for engine air intake

I have to make a NACA airscoop to feed the carburetor. Knowing that the 
engne is an 80 hp, 2.4 liter VW, what size would you recommend for the 

Now, knowing that this airscoop is going to end on an airduct made of SCAT 

tubing, which diameter should I use? Is 1.25" diameter enough?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France 

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KR> Altimeter unit in Australia

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Could anybody confirm what unit is used for altimeter setting in=20
Australia? Inches of mercury, hpa, or milibars?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France
(and soon Down Under)=20

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Réf. : Re: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Delrin is old stuff, and pretty common. I think Aircraft Spruce carries 
it, but rods only, not sheets. Cost-wise, it's about 1.5 times more 
expensive than Nylon. I have no idea of its density, but it feels about 
the same than Nylon.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Chris Johnston" 

Envoyé par :
28/07/2006 12:16
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 28/07/2006 12:17

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

Can you tell us some more about this material, what type of plastic, 
density, where do you get it and what cost compared to other plastics.

Chris Johnston

 North Richmond

 NSW Australia.
- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 7:33 PM
Subject: KR> Delrin versus Nylon

Oh, and by the way, the shop that sold the sheet to me said that it can be
glued, too. Haven't tried it yet.

- Réacheminé par Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM le 28/07/2006 11:32 -

28/07/2006 11:23

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :
Objet : Delrin versus Nylon

I just machined my first Delrin part, and I can tell you Delrin is an
absolute pleasure to work with, especially compared with plain Nylon! It
does not melt easily, and can be sanded very easily, up  to a glaze.
Another nice thing is it can be found in black, which looks better than
the yellowish Nylon. If you have to make Nylon blocks, like rudder pedal
mounts, for instance,  you should consider Delrin instead. It has the same
mechanical properties.

I think I will find many applications for this thing, because I simply
love it!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, france
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KR> Delrin versus Nylon

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I just machined my first Delrin part, and I can tell you Delrin is an 
absolute pleasure to work with, especially compared with plain Nylon! It 
does not melt easily, and can be sanded very easily, up  to a glaze. 
Another nice thing is it can be found in black, which looks better than 
the yellowish Nylon. If you have to make Nylon blocks, like rudder pedal 
mounts, for instance,  you should consider Delrin instead. It has the same 
mechanical properties.

I think I will find many applications for this thing, because I simply 
love it!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, france

KR> Delrin versus Nylon

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Oh, and by the way, the shop that sold the sheet to me said that it can be 
glued, too. Haven't tried it yet.

- Réacheminé par Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM le 28/07/2006 11:32 -----

28/07/2006 11:23

Pour :  KRnet 
cc : 
Objet : Delrin versus Nylon

I just machined my first Delrin part, and I can tell you Delrin is an 
absolute pleasure to work with, especially compared with plain Nylon! It 
does not melt easily, and can be sanded very easily, up  to a glaze. 
Another nice thing is it can be found in black, which looks better than 
the yellowish Nylon. If you have to make Nylon blocks, like rudder pedal 
mounts, for instance,  you should consider Delrin instead. It has the same 
mechanical properties.

I think I will find many applications for this thing, because I simply 
love it!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, france

KR> To Phil Matheson

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

The E-mails I send you keep bouncing. Here is what the mail delivery 
system message says: 

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
mailbox is full: retry timeout exceeded

Since you seem to be on the KRNet, however, (which beats me!), here is the 
bottomline of what I have to say: I will be in Canberra next week, and I 
propose I make the drive to Finley (for a mini-gathering! ), possibly on 



Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Réf. : Re: KR> Oil cooler

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
It works because Coke is full of phosphoric acid. There are other more 
convenient sources of phosphoric acid, one of them being engine cleaner 
and degreaser liquid.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

(Posted from Canberra, Australia)

"Dennis Dyer" 

Envoyé par :
18/07/2006 15:40
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Remis le : 18/07/2006 15:41

Pour :  , 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Oil cooler

Jack, Sounds strange, but you might try Coke.  It works in auto radiators.

Dennis Dyer
Pine, CO

--- wrote:

From: "Jack Cooper" 
To: "Corvair engines for homebuilt aircraft" ,  
"KR builders and pilots" 
Subject: KR> Oil cooler
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 21:42:13 -0400

I recently got a folded fin oil cooler from Clarks and have been trying to 
clean it. I have sprayed several cans of carob cleaner through it, blasted 
it out with an air hose, put it in the cleaning tank with a biodegradable 
solvent running through it for hours, ran water hot and cold through it 
and still getting specks of scale out of it. When I thought it was clean I 
filled it with clean oil and let it set overnight and when I poured the 
oil out there was still a lot of scale coming out. Any suggestions on how 
to clean it. I would like to stay with a stock oil Cooler if possible. 

Jack Cooper
Fayetteville. NC.
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Réf. : Re: KR> VW / Corvair

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Mark, that would be true for the VW Type 1, 2 and 3. But the Type IV is a 
complete redesign of the VW case, complete with new alloy and thicker 
walls, and much more. It was designed right from the start for high power, 
with the Porsche racing cars in mind. The stock 2.0 liter, non 
turbocharged, non injected, was good for 65 hp. There also is a rare 6 
cylinder Porsche version of it which is pretty mean

This being said, if I could get my hands on a Corvair, I would build 
something bigger tha a KR2 to match it! ;-)

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Mark Langford" 

Envoyé par :
08/07/2006 13:37
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 08/07/2006 13:37

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> VW  / Corvair

Jim Ferris wrote:

> Designed for 180 HP and runing at 100 Hp is why it will run longer than 
> VW, rotax, cont. or Jab  in the final analynis.

And contrast that with the VW, which was designed for 46 hp (the most 
fuel injected engines were 60 SAE HP, but they used the "same" case), and 
are asking it to put out 70-80 hp continuously, and then taking that power 

out of the engine through the "pulley" end of the engine, which was 
to power only the fan and generator.  As Bill mentioned, VW crankshafts 
evolved to a point that greatly improves their reliability, but they still 

break cranks, and the engine cases still have longevity problems. Standard 

VW rebuild practice is to inspect the crank bore in the case for fretting, 

and often they are "line bored" and oversize crank bearings are used to 
bring them back to a useable condition.  Corvair cases are so strong that 
there is no such procedure, because that problem is virtually 

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> VW / Corvair

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I had no idea you had done that in your life, Mark. You're full of 
surprises. My mentor just improved! ;-)

I firmly believe all a KR needs in the front is 60 hp. Anything more than 
that is nice to thave, but frankly, not mandatory. So, for the rest, guys, 
get whatever engine suits your taste and/or your budget.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France 

"Mark Langford" 

Envoyé par :
10/07/2006 01:29
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Remis le : 10/07/2006 01:26

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> VW  / Corvair

Serge Vidal wrote:

> Mark, that would be true for the VW Type 1, 2 and 3. But the Type IV is 
> complete redesign of the VW case, complete with new alloy and thicker
> walls, and much more.

I realize that the Type 4 VW is a vast improvement over the Type 1, which 
what I was speaking of, because it's the one that's primarily used in
aircraft, and also the one that Dan has in his airplane.  You may have
forgotten that I spent a few years as a mechanic at a VW dealership while
waiting for my first wife to get out of the Air Force so we could start
college at Auburn.  I own two Type 4 engines myself, and have a Type 4 
sitting on the shelf, so I'm aware of the improvements over the Type 1. My
airplane was originally going to be powered by a Type 4 (see ), but the discovery of the
Corvair changed that...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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Réf. : KR> post mortum

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I experienced only one engine sudden stop in my life, and that was due to 
a seized main bearing. If your prop does not feel harder when you turn it, 
then that could probably be excluded. If everything mechanical turns 
smooth and unobstructed as you describe, then, most probably, we are 
looking at an ignition failure.

Time to call the CSI team?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Joseph H. Horton" 

Envoyé par :
10/07/2006 15:06
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Remis le : 10/07/2006 15:09

Pour :,
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> post mortum

I did not get back to check the engine until this morning. I had
not touched anything before tearing into it. The prop was still in the
same position as when it stopped. I did move it a couple degrees back and
forth to verify if the crank was still connected through and it was. I
could also feel that it was going into compression on what ever firing
order it had stopped at.
First thing I did was remove the top cover. Suspecting bearing or
connecting rod familiar. When I opened the top I was almost kind of
disappointed. There is nothing broke bent or other wise in nothing but
the pristine condition that it was in when it was originally closed up.
There is no visible sign of metal in the case or the oil reservoir. I
grabbed onto each connecting rod and tried to shake or move them. The
only motion was the side to side in parallel with the crank.
Next I moved the prop to see if everything moved together and it
did. I could see most of the cam and lifters and they looked OK from
above. I slowly swung the prop through a half revolution and everything
continued just the way it should. Nothing at all to make a sudden stop.
The next thought was the distributor. I pulled all the wires and
took the cap off. The rotor was at a position that was pointing towards
the opposite side of the motor ( I think at #5 but not sure right now) I
moved the prop back and forth again just a couple degrees and the rotor
moved instantly in both directions. 
The next thing I will do is pull the plugs and try to see in the
cylinders for anything. But I don't have much hope at this point of
seeing anything in the heads for a couple of reasons. I am looking for
something that caused an immediate stopping at full power. If detonation
was a factor I would think I would have found metal already somewhere. If
swallowing a valve or more I would have expected a loss of power first.
I guess looking for some good news the replaced EIS instrument
seems to be working flawlessly just like I observed in Mark Langfords
panel. And I found where a small oil leak was coming from that had been
pestering me the past few weeks.
Right now Just looking at the engine I would defy anyone that
didn't know it had quit from looking in there and saying looks great
Let's start it up and go fly.
Thinking more about detonation - Would there actually be any
debris left over or would it burn up and exit the exhaust? Could it be so
quick that there would not be any signal of a problem?
Right now I'm sitting at work and just shoot at this blindly from
what very little I think I know.
Please any and all comments. The reason that detonation has come into my
head is that I can not honestly say that I remember making sure that I
was full rich at the start of the take off roll.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

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Réf. : Re: KR> Oshkosh Reading

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
The canopy of my KR was once blown away during an airshow by a powerful 
aircraft starting its engine(s) nearby. That was during the time of the 
previous owner...

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Robert L. Stone" 

Envoyé par :
05/07/2006 18:00
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 05/07/2006 18:00

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Oshkosh Reading

 Just a thought, KR aircraft are so small and light that prop wash on 
the ground can damage one very easy.  This happened to Ken Rand at Chino 
Airport back in 1977.  All small very light aircraft should be parked if 
possible in a place where this is least likely to happen.  In other words, 

away from the larger aircraft.

Bob Stone, Harker Heights, Tx
EAA 0395065

- Original Message - 
From: "Linda Warner" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7:17 AM
Subject: RE: KR> Oshkosh Reading

> You're all right about most of the guys in the tower etc not getting the 

> type of airplane right. But it's not because they aren't trying. These 
> guys are from all over the country... and how many tower operators ever 
> see that many home builts?
> I'm a helper with the welcome wagons at Oshkosh and we're on the same 
> radio freq as the folks who direct and park the planes as they come in.
> Now there's a group who know their planes!!
> It's been my finding that the KR's get parked right close to the 
> announcers stand by the arched entrance to the flight line.
> That is, if they are there early. After the show starts, it's hard for 
> them to know where there is a hole to stick someone into.
> AND, we're ALL volunteers. Not a paid person out on the field.
> It takes over 4000 of us volunteers to put that show on, and we all try 
> our best.
> So if some of you feel mis treated or neglected, you're welcome to come 
> and volunteer yourself. That way you will see the situation from the 
> side.
> See ya all in Oshkosh.
> John Sickafoose
> Naples, Fl
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Kraut
> Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:20 PM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: RE: KR> Oshkosh Reading
> My KR was always called a Glassair, the Midget Mustang is always called 
> RV, and the Clipper and Pacer are always called Cubs.  When I get the 
> Pitts
> done they will probably get it right.
> Brian Kraut
> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
> -Original Message-
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Kenneth B. Jones
> Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 9:01 PM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: Re: KR> Oshkosh Reading
> Mark,
> I'm not sure what this says about your plane, but they called me a 
> Glassair
> at KOSH last year.  :-)
> Ken Jones,
> Sharonville, OH
> N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig, KR-2
> > I knew my place though, as he kept calling me "yellow
>> Glasair"...
>> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> ___
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KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
It is with an immense pleasure that I inform you all that in September, I 
will move to Australia, on a two to three years assignment (and hopefully, 
for much longer, if I succeed). The job assignment is in Canberra, but on 
family grounds, I will probably settle in Sydney, and commute.

And since I'm kind of attached to my KR2, I intend to bring it with me. 
This way, I will probably break the world record for the longest distance 
ever travelled by a KR2 (remember, my KR2 was born in South Africa, 
followed me to Tunisia, then France. OK, it travels in a container, but 
hey! You can't have it all, and a record is a record is a record! ; - )

So, guys, I need a little help from you to prepare the move.

Here are the first questions that come in mind:


Can I import my KR2 in my move container? (I'm talking red tape; 
technically, it works, I've done it before).
What should I declare it as? An aircraft? A homebuilt aircraft project? A 
microlight project?

Pilot's license:

How do I convert my European (JAR) PPL in Australia?

Aircraft ownership

Can you own and register an aircraft in Australia when you have a 4 years 
work visa? (Just checking, in South Africa it was not the case).


How much does aircraft insurance cost? Who provides such insurance (broker 
names in the Sydney/Canberra area would be helpful)


What general aviation airfields are there around Sydney and Canberra? 
Which ones are best for a homebuilt?

Is it easy to find some hangar space?

How much does hangar space cost? 

KR2 requirements

I understand that the Australian CAA has some specific requirements on the 
KR2. So far, I have heard of the followings:

-   CG envelope (what is the limitation in Australia, exactly?)
-   Elevator hinges (5 hinges instead of 3, is that correct?)
-   WAFs-to-WAFs bolts (each spar linked by 2 long bolts instead of 4 
small bolts, with a crusher piece in-between)

Are there any more requirements that I don't know about?

Is it possible to raise the maximum take-off weight above the limit 
specified by Rand Robinson?

Also, in general, for experimental aircraft:

-   Is it a requirement that the firewall be made of stainless steel?
-   Can experimentals fly in controlled airspace in Australia?

Certification process

Is there a homebuilder's association (PFA or EAA style) in Australia?

Is there a homebuilder's club in Sydney or Canberra?

Who do you talk to for certification? Is it the CAA, or a homebuilder's 
association like in the UK?

Are there normally inspections during the construction process?

Can you test the aircraft yourself, or do you have to use a test pilot?

What is the testing procedure?

Do you have to go through a noise test? If yes, how?

Aircraft radio license 

Do you have to have you radios tested individually? If yes, by whom?
Do you have to have your radio installation tested? If yes, by whom?
Is it a requirement to have a transponder?

Any other relevant info is most welcome.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Réf. : KR> fuel tank(s)

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Many military helicopters have crash-proof fuel tanks. The tanks are lined 
as you describe, and/or the thanks are filled with a fuel-resistant porous 

Now, for our application, I would rather look at what they do in the race 
car industry.

Alternately, change your petrol engine for a Diesel engine

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Ameet Savant 

Envoyé par :
30/06/2006 15:39
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 30/06/2006 15:40

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> fuel tank(s)

Hello all,

I saw a documentry on Discovery the other day about
the early (well, not so early) testing of car fire in
a rear ended collision. The results were just
unbelievable by today's standards. Fuels spilling all
over and causing huge consuming fires in the passenger
compartments. The car industry solved that problem by
putting a rubber liner inside the fuel tanks and the
spillage was bad only in the really bad accidents.

I haven't read about or seen anyone do the same in
experimental aircrafts. Post crash fires are a reality
that we plan for as pilots, but is it possible for us
to prevent them as builders? Any KRs out there with
some inbuilt safety systems against this?

On another note, can someone from the Los Angeles and
surrounding area contact me off the krnet at ?

Hope ya'll have a great 4th!

Ameet Savant
Omaha, NE

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Réf. : Re: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks a lot.



Envoyé par :
30/06/2006 20:36
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 30/06/2006 20:39

Pour :
cc : 
Objet : Re: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd


Can I import my KR2 in my move container? (I'm talking red tape;
technically, it works, I've done it before). Yes
What should I declare it as? An aircraft? A homebuilt aircraft project? A
microlight project? I think that option 2 is the better choice

Pilot's license:

How do I convert my European (JAR) PPL in Australia? I'm not sure, but I
think you present your credentials, get a medical, pay a gazillion dollars
in fees to CASA and you're there. I'll check up on it and let you know

Aircraft ownership

Can you own and register an aircraft in Australia when you have a 4 years
work visa? (Just checking, in South Africa it was not the case).No idea


How much does aircraft insurance cost? Who provides such insurance (broker
names in the Sydney/Canberra area would be helpful)no idea, but OAMPS
aviation in paramatta would be a good place to start


What general aviation airfields are there around Sydney and Canberra? 
a few
Which ones are best for a homebuilt?

Is it easy to find some hangar space? That Depends

How much does hangar space cost? That Depends

KR2 requirements

I understand that the Australian CAA has some specific requirements on the
KR2. So far, I have heard of the followings:

-   CG envelope (what is the limitation in Australia, exactly?) Don't
Know, never heard about that one, but you do have some stall speed and 
limits if you want RAA registration
-   Elevator hinges (5 hinges instead of 3, is that correct?) Correct
-   WAFs-to-WAFs bolts (each spar linked by 2 long bolts instead of 4
small bolts, with a crusher piece in-between) Don't know, but mine were
going to end up that way anyway

Are there any more requirements that I don't know about? Probably, this is
CASA we are talking  about here

Is it possible to raise the maximum take-off weight above the limit
specified by Rand Robinson? Yes

Also, in general, for experimental aircraft:

-   Is it a requirement that the firewall be made of stainless steel?
-   Can experimentals fly in controlled airspace in Australia? Yes

Certification process

Is there a homebuilder's association (PFA or EAA style) in Australia? Yes,
the SAAA

Is there a homebuilder's club in Sydney or Canberra? yes, in both

Who do you talk to for certification? Is it the CAA, or a homebuilder's
association like in the UK? That depends on how you want it registered, 
for GA stuff it's CASA

Are there normally inspections during the construction process? Yes

Can you test the aircraft yourself, or do you have to use a test pilot? 
you can test for yourself, if you have the kahones.

What is the testing procedure? you get inspected, questioned, issued a
provisional certificate, a test area is designated and you have to fly of 
certain number  of hours to earn a permanent certificate of airworthiness.

Do you have to go through a noise test? If yes, how? don't know

Aircraft radio license Yes

Do you have to have you radios tested individually? If yes, by whom? don't
Do you have to have your radio installation tested? If yes, by whom? don't
Is it a requirement to have a transponder? For the most part,yes. Not 
one will limit where and how high you can fly

Any other relevant info is most welcome.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France
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Réf. : Re: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Yep. Next round will be mine.

And this time, we will have the KRs handy as we talk!

See you soon,


"Phil Matheson" 

Envoyé par :
01/07/2006 01:09
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Remis le : 01/07/2006 01:10

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

Surge, my good friend, it will be good share a beer or two AGAIN and talk 
Look forward to seeing you again soon.

Phil Matheson
New Web Page :

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Réf. : Re: KR> fuel tank(s)

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Agree with point 1. Although I have seen them advertised that way many 
times. When I was selling combat helicopter upgrades (for Eurocopter Pumas 
or Mil Mi-17 or Mi-24), I used the more conservative terminology 

And it definitely was beaucoup, beaucoup $$$, especially once I had put my 
markup on it !!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Allen Wiesner " 

Envoyé par :
01/07/2006 02:02
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 01/07/2006 02:03

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> fuel tank(s)

1.  There ain't no such thing as a crash-proof helicopter fuel tank.

2.  Latest practice is to move the fuel outside the fuselage if possible, 
i.e. sponson tanks.  For KR use, think of the wings as skinny sponsons. If 

you're familiar with the MH-53E/S80-M1, make that very skinny :-)

3.  If the fuel has to be in the fuselage, put it behind the cabin with 
strongest bulkhead in the A/C in front of it, i.e. Blackhawk.  Also, use 
"Breakaway" connections on all fuel lines (boucou $$$)

4.  All tanks do use a "self-sealing" inner bladder (think "bullet-proof", 

up to 20/23 mm) (more )

5.  And, as I mentioned before, internal/external auxiliary tanks use foam 

or "Explosafe" aluminum mesh to prevent fuel from flying around in a 
It doesn't stop the fuel from burning, though :-(
Sorry, I don't remember the manufacturer/trade name for the foam.


Allen G. Wiesner  KR-2SS/TD S/N 1118 (ex {involuntarily retired} Sikorsky 
Tech. Rep.)
65 Franklin Street
Ansonia, CT  06401-1240

(203) 732-0508 

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Réf. : Re: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks for the tips, Chris.

Thanks for the tips, Chris.

That's not so bad. My KR already has the 5 hinges on the elevator, a dual 
stick assembly, and many more things that go in the good direction 

As far as airfields are concerned, all I want is a LONG airstrip.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Chris Johnston" 

Envoyé par :
01/07/2006 14:56
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Remis le : 01/07/2006 14:57

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

In Sydney there is Camden and the Oaks, Camden is GA nad teh Oaks is 
ultralights, hanger rental at Camden is pretty expensive, soem people have 

quoted $200 per week, others $ 6o  per week, there is also a private strip 

at Wedderburn, a few miles SE of Camden, a lot of homebuilts hang out 
but I am told they are a bit of a clicky old boys club, don't know how 
that is, probably more fiction than fact. Camden is about 1 hour from most 

of Sydeny, and teh OAKS about 1 hour 20 mts. You might get some hanger 
with teh ultra light people for a price at The Oaks.
The local authorities don't like teh stick arrangement in kr's and 
require more than the three hinges on teh plans, best thing to do is go 
the casa office in, well, wherever they hide now, and ask what you can do, 

as your machine is already built and working, you might get away with 
to do nothing, There are a few gliding sites around CANBERRA, and I am 
they would cater for ultra lights, search on teh web for ultrlights in 
Australia and they have a web sire, RAA something I think it is, 
Recreational Aircraft Association I think they call themselves now.

Chris Johnston

North Richmond

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 10:58 PM
Subject: KR> A call to the Aussie crowd

> It is with an immense pleasure that I inform you all that in September, 
> will move to Australia, on a two to three years assignment (and 
> for much longer, if I succeed). The job assignment is in Canberra, but 
> family grounds, I will probably settle in Sydney, and commute.
> And since I'm kind of attached to my KR2, I intend to bring it with me.
> This way, I will probably break the world record for the longest 
> ever travelled by a KR2 (remember, my KR2 was born in South Africa,
> followed me to Tunisia, then France. OK, it travels in a container, but
> hey! You can't have it all, and a record is a record is a record! ; - )
> So, guys, I need a little help from you to prepare the move.
> Here are the first questions that come in mind:
> Customs:
> Can I import my KR2 in my move container? (I'm talking red tape;
> technically, it works, I've done it before).
> What should I declare it as? An aircraft? A homebuilt aircraft project? 
> microlight project?
> Pilot's license:
> How do I convert my European (JAR) PPL in Australia?
> Aircraft ownership
> Can you own and register an aircraft in Australia when you have a 4 
> work visa? (Just checking, in South Africa it was not the case).
> Insurance
> How much does aircraft insurance cost? Who provides such insurance 
> names in the Sydney/Canberra area would be helpful)
> Airfields
> What general aviation airfields are there around Sydney and Canberra?
> Which ones are best for a homebuilt?
> Is it easy to find some hangar space?
> How much does hangar space cost?
> KR2 requirements
> I understand that the Australian CAA has some specific requirements on 
> KR2. So far, I have heard of the followings:
> -   CG envelope (what is the limitation in Australia, exactly?)
> -   Elevator hinges (5 hinges instead of 3, is that correct?)
> -   WAFs-to-WAFs bolts (each spar linked by 2 long bolts instead of 
> small bolts, with a crusher piece in-between)
> Are there any more requirements that I don't know about?
> Is it possible to raise the maximum take-off weight above the limit
> specified by Rand Robinson?
> Also, in general, for experimental aircraft:
> -   Is it a requirement that the firewall be made of stainless 
> -   Can experimentals fly in controlled airspace in Australia?
> Certification process
> Is there a homebuilder's association (PFA or EAA style) in Australia?
> Is there a homebuilder's club in Sydney or Canberra?
> Who do you talk to for certification? Is i

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Building Update

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
I didn't know the bunyips were that sensitive to cold water. Too bad. I 
wanted to try and make a bunyip skin diving suit. ; - )

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
20/06/2006 03:49
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 20/06/2006 03:51

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Building Update

At 04:36 PM 19/06/2006, you wrote:
>Congrats. Although I don't believe a word of that minus 5C story.
>Actually, you are just trying to deter me from emigrating to Australia.
  no its true serge, the flat lands are colder that the high country 
, wangeratta was -7* c the other day. there's been heaps of sightings 
of the bunyips, river appears to be too cold for them at the 
moment  :-D . Steve Edwards .. Myrlteford.. victoria 

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Réf. : KR> steel and ally

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I suppose you mean alloy, not ally?

There is a lot of info about steel and aluminum alloy grades  in the 
Aircraft Spruce catalogue. Which you can download as a PDF from their 

Hope this help.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
21/06/2006 20:55
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Remis le : 21/06/2006 20:44

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> steel and ally

Can anyone tell me what differences there are between 4130, 4140 to EN19 
well as the phisical differences between 6061 and 6261 ally.
Dene Collett
KR2SRT builder
South africa
Whisper assembler

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Réf. : KR> vertical card compass

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Hi, Bob.

Why do you get rid of it?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
16/06/2006 04:46
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 16/06/2006 04:46

Pour :
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> vertical card compass

If anyone is interested, I have a vertical card compass available. It is 
made by Precision Aviation Inc. and is model PAI-700. It is serial 32549, 
lighted (14V) and has a bracket included for mounting on a goare shield. I 
removed it from my Bonanza while doing an upgrade.  I am asking $100 and 
pay ups freight within the US.

Bob Lasecki
Chicago - long time and still building
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Réf. : Re: KR> Building Upbate

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

Congrats. Although I don't believe a word of that minus 5C story. 
Actually, you are just trying to deter me from emigrating to Australia. 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Phil Matheson" 

Envoyé par :
18/06/2006 02:18
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 18/06/2006 02:34

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Building Upbate

Well, I can now say I have a complete KR2,( less cowl)
My only main items are , inner wing fairings, gap seals.
Cowl is being made and will be a week or two, hope to start on my inner 
fairing tonight , But it's minus 5 C and a bit cool in the shed.
So I'm filling and sanding sanding sanding,

Phillip Matheson
0408665880 (cell)

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Réf. : Re: KR> WAF Bolt Sheer Load

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Phil, what would the compression member look like exactly?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Phil Matheson" 

Envoyé par :
09/06/2006 23:17
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 09/06/2006 23:19

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> WAF Bolt Sheer Load

A better design is to use one long bolt with a 
compression member between the WAF pairs instead of paired short 
bolts, placing the joint in a balance double shear.   This is my 
considered opinion as a professional engineer.

This is the requirement in Australia.

Phil Matheson
New Web Page :
VH-PKR  ( Phil's KR)
61 3 58833588
Australia.( Down Under)
See My KR2 Building Web Page at:
See our VW Engines and Home built web page at

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2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I should start rebuilding my KR2 tomorrow. One of the tasks is to put the 
WAFs back in place, with new bolts and locknuts.


1 - How much torque must I apply to the nuts for front and rear WAFs?

2 - Can I put some sort of lubricant on the bolts to help them slip in the 
holes? (And maybe help to seal the wood)

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Réf. : Re: Re: KR> removing the foam after glassing as wing.

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Makes me wonder... for those of us who have molded wing skins, Dan Diehl 
style, how much weaker would our KR2s be as compared to the original Rand 
Robinson foam core design, and what would the failure mode be? High Gs? 
Nearing the VNE?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
28/05/2006 17:13
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 28/05/2006 17:14

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Re: KR> removing the foam after glassing as wing.

To put the engineering in perspective, the foam controls two very specific 
and important structural concerns - first, the pure moment of inertia of 
the structure; the larger the moment of inertia, the easier it becomes to 
make a structure stiff for the amount of material needed- here in lies the 
secret to building superior composite structures.  Second, the foam nearly 
eliminates the composite lamina critical local buckling stress (the 
critical local buckling stress is primarily in reference to the side of 
fiberglass/carbon/kevlar that is in compression, which in most cases, is a 
composite structure's failure mode).  To complete Steve's reasoning 
(below), a cored composite maintains its structural integrity so long as 
the skins *stay* apart.

Cedric Gould

> From: "3343V" <>
> Date: 2006/05/27 Sat AM 02:25:59 EDT
> To: "KRnet" 
> Subject: Re: KR> removing the foam after glassing as wing.
> Harold Woods wrote:
> > Hi Netters.
> > The answer to the subject of this question becomes readily available
> > if the person involved will do the following experiment:
> > Take a piece of the blue styrofoam that is used for home insulation.
> > Cut it 1 foot wide, 1 foot long and use the type that is 1 inch
> > thick. Cover it with fibreglass cloth as you would your wing. Epoxy
> > the glass to the foam. After curing, place one end on the edge of one
> > chair and the other end on the edge of another chair. Sit in the
> > middle! It should take it.  Now pour gasoline onto the blue foam to
> > dissolve it. Now it is gone. Repeat the experiment but this time
> > press down in the middle with your finger. You now have the answer to
> > your problem. The foam may be light , it may be frail but it servers
> > a very important purpose.
> In other words, a cored composite structure's strength increases as the 
> glass gets farther apart.
> -- 
> Steve
> N3343V- '75 C150M
> N205FT- KR1 #6170
> He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in. 
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at
> to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> please see other KRnet info at

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: Re: KR> removing the foam after glassing as wing.

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Now, you get me worrying even more! Because my wings are plain fiberglass 
skin! Mind you, this is seriously thick fiberglass, so no wonder the plane 
has survived for 400 flight hours ; - )

I believe these wing skins were sold in South Africa by the RR 
representative back in the 1980's. The manufacturer was (still is?) a 
respected composite expert with a lot of interest and experience in 
gliders. The skin is made of two halves that are positioned over half a 
dozen light foam ribs, plus a solid expanded polystyrene leading edge foam 
block. Needless to say the leading edge is rock solid.

Well, at least, you just gave me a good justification for those new ribs I 
am building, whichh I so far considered a serious overkill.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Mark Langford" 

Envoyé par :
29/05/2006 00:53
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 29/05/2006 00:53

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: Re: KR> removing the foam after glassing as wing.

Serge Vidal wrote:

> Makes me wonder... for those of us who have molded wing skins, Dan Diehl
> style, how much weaker would our KR2s be as compared to the original 
> Robinson foam core design, and what would the failure mode be? High Gs?
> Nearing the VNE?

Diehl skins have a quarter inch foam core (I think it is), but since it's 
glassed on both sides, rather than just one side, I'd call it much 
and stiffer.  The two sides are even joined with "risers" of resin created 

by something akin to a bunch of nail holes in the foam before vacuum 
bagging.  Mine are built with glass on both sides as well, and I think 
they're pretty tough wings.  Don Reid has done an analysis on the wing, 
determined that the spars will fail first, where the bolts hold the wing 
attach fittings on.I don't know of anybody that's had either the skin 
the spars fail during flight, however, so it may not be worth worrying 

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at" 

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KR> Test

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
(Please ignore)

Réf. : KR> cabin cooling

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

Maybe a stupid question, but are those NACA airscoops fore of the fuselage 
widest point?

Mine are slightly aft, and therefore in a low pressure area, and this is 
why they don't work.

My plan is to do exactly what you describe: make a flap that stretches in 
the airstream when you open the NACA airscoop. But that's low on my list 
of priorities, so I haven't done the design yet. 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Joseph H. Horton" 

Envoyé par :
01/06/2006 14:33
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 01/06/2006 14:36

Pour :,
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> cabin cooling

I have the NACA ducts on the side of the KR and they work fine on
the ground for taxi and even sitting still, but as soon as I reach flying
speed almost no air comes in through them. I remember seeing someone's at
the Gathering a couple years ago that had some sort of slide or something
that popped out to pick up air from the slipstream. Anyone remember them
or have any ideas???
  I got a little time in this afternoon (I flew Jordan 
> around 
> some), but it was real soupy and a record breaking hot afternoon.  I 
> need to 
> get that intercom in and add some cooling air to the cabin!
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL

> see homebuilt airplane at
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

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KR> KR2 for sale in France

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
There is a KR2 for sale on the Website of the Reseau du Sport de l'Air 
(local EAA equivalent).

Nope, not mine. I haven't given up yet!   ; - )

It says it has flown 130 h, has a Limbach 2000 engine. Registered as 
F-PGJB, and the picture shows a tri-gear.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

KR> KR2 for sale in England

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Mac McConnell-Woodasked me to forward the following (Mac, I suspect the 
reason why your E-mail did not go through isthe picture you attached). 
Cute looking KR2!
Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Hi Serge, For some reason I can not post direct to the list since I 
changed to Hotmail. I would be greatful if you would relay the following : 
   KR2 for sale in England. Revmaster .tail dragger,built as a single 
seater .Permit valid till September 06. Hours less than 50. Builder/owner 
needs space for next project.
Thanks Serge,  MacG-BVZJ

Réf. : KR> instrument panel

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
When I bought ZS-WEC, her instrument panel was made of a 4mm thick sheet 
of Perspex (dark tinted). I replaced that, and did two instrument panels 
since. The first one was made of a 0.8mm sheet of 2024 T4 aluminum. I 
should mention there is a central piece of wood behind, so the thickness 
was OK, except for the automotive instruments that would distort it. 
Second iteration was 1.2mm, and I made flanges to convert all the 
automotive instruments into aircraft type 
As for the holes, I cut the smallest ones with wood drill bits, the larger 
with wood "spades" bits, and large instrument holes with a fly cutter. 
If it was to be done again, I would put the panel on shock absorbers.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Dan Heath" 

Envoyé par :
25/05/2006 01:40
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 25/05/2006 01:40

Pour :  
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> instrument panel

Instrument panel made of .063 aluminum and holes cut with hole saws.

A couple of pics from the top.

I made the one on my first KR out of luan plywood covered with a couple of
layers of glass. 

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
is OVER.

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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Réf. : KR> ethanol

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Guys, play with Ethanol if you wish. As for me, my next aircraft will be a 
Diesel, so that I can fly on Jet A-1, and tour the world if I fancy, with 
huge endurance, no no unreliable carb, magnetos or plugs, and without ever 
risking to run out of Agas because the local airfield does not have it 

That's my plan, and I will stick to it, even if it takes me another 15 
years to build the darn thing!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Harold Woods" 

Envoyé par :
27/05/2006 05:16
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 27/05/2006 05:17

Pour :  
    cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> ethanol

Hi Netters.
re Issue 186 on 25 Apr 06.
Lets face it, there is going to be a shortage of gasoline in the future. 
in the airplane group are a tiny drop in the pot. No one is going to make 
special fuel for us. Go with the flow and that is ethanol. Adapt now. No 
aluminum fuel lines. Ethanol attacks them. Redo your carb to ensure all 
rubber parts are ethanol safe. Ensure that your gas tank will hold 
pure if necessary.  Expect to burn a greater volume of fuel to do the same 

thing. I am not going to start a war about how efficient gasoline is 
compared to pure ethanol. Get the numbers straight from a knowledgeable 
source.I do not have them. Size your gas tank to suit.  Those of you in 
USA are fortunate, if you want to produce your own ethanol fuel then apply 

for a licence for a few dollars.  Go to the archives in "Mother Earth 
and find the article on a modern high efficiency still that you can make. 
The plans are very reasonable cost. If you can grow your own carbohydrate 
vegetable. Process it into ethanol. The "still" will give you about 80% 
ethanol and 20 % water.
That is an excellent mixture for a gas engine. The water will give you a 
high octane rating, it reduces the burn rate thus more power ( the water 
becomes steam and that pushes uniformly on the piston). There was a man 
names given), living not too far away that grew sugar beets, which he made 

into ethanol. He quoted the cost as 25 cents a gallon (Imperial ), no 
or taxes involved.  He ran his station wagon on this fuel. He had a sign 
the back window to the effect that this vehicle ran on alcohol. In Canada, 

this is VERY illegal. After a few years the RCMPolice arrived and shut him 

down.  They said that they had been watching him, he was not abusing the 
alcohol by selling or drinking it so nothing was done until some idiot in 
bureaucratic Ottawa decided that he should not do this. This man solved 
problem by running for parliament in his area. He won. Government has a 
problem. A member of parliament is charged with making alcohol. Solve the 
problem, give him a permit to do so. (normally this would cost upwards of 
$35,000.00 for a permit.) .  The moral of this story is "adapt" Stop 
bitching, do something constructive so that you can safely burn anywhere 
from 10% to 100% ethanol, or any other fuel that shows up (natural gas, 
propane, butane etc.)  If you want to fly you must adapt. I am sending 
on a Friday, If it is too late send it next week on a Friday.
Harold Woods
Orillia, ON. Canada. 

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : KR> ethanol

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
As far as I know, the current "popular" Diesels are:

1°) - Certified engines:
- SMA (This is a new design, conventional flat four)
- Thielert (These are conversions of the automotive Mercedes Diesel 

2) Experimental:
- The Isuzu series , 1.4 liter and 1.9 liter Turbo Diesel
- The Citroen Visa 1.4 liter Diesel.

But rest assured more will follow.

Go visit the DAC aircraft Website, at to see what a nice 
Diesel aircraft looks like!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

D F Lively 

Envoyé par :
28/05/2006 14:43
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 28/05/2006 14:44

Pour :  KRnet 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : KR> ethanol


Has anyone explored using the old or newer VW diesels as conversions or is 
weight to big a problem?  You must use the better grades of diesel or "Jet 
because of the "Jelling" problem common for #2 Diesel in cold weather, add 
that altitude.


Serge VIDAL wrote:

> Guys, play with Ethanol if you wish. As for me, my next aircraft will be 
> Diesel, so that I can fly on Jet A-1, and tour the world if I fancy, 
> huge endurance, no no unreliable carb, magnetos or plugs, and without 
> risking to run out of Agas because the local airfield does not have it
> anymore!
> That's my plan, and I will stick to it, even if it takes me another 15
> years to build the darn thing!
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France
> "Harold Woods" 
> Envoyé par :
> 27/05/2006 05:16
> Veuillez répondre à KRnet
> Remis le : 27/05/2006 05:17
> Pour :  
> cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
> Objet : KR> ethanol
> Hi Netters.
> re Issue 186 on 25 Apr 06.
> Lets face it, there is going to be a shortage of gasoline in the future.
> We
> in the airplane group are a tiny drop in the pot. No one is going to 
> special fuel for us. Go with the flow and that is ethanol. Adapt now. No
> aluminum fuel lines. Ethanol attacks them. Redo your carb to ensure all
> rubber parts are ethanol safe. Ensure that your gas tank will hold
> ethanol,
> pure if necessary.  Expect to burn a greater volume of fuel to do the 
> thing. I am not going to start a war about how efficient gasoline is
> compared to pure ethanol. Get the numbers straight from a knowledgeable
> source.I do not have them. Size your gas tank to suit.  Those of you in
> the
> USA are fortunate, if you want to produce your own ethanol fuel then 
> for a licence for a few dollars.  Go to the archives in "Mother Earth
> News"
> and find the article on a modern high efficiency still that you can 
> The plans are very reasonable cost. If you can grow your own 
> vegetable. Process it into ethanol. The "still" will give you about 80%
> ethanol and 20 % water.
> That is an excellent mixture for a gas engine. The water will give you a
> high octane rating, it reduces the burn rate thus more power ( the water
> becomes steam and that pushes uniformly on the piston). There was a man
> (no
> names given), living not too far away that grew sugar beets, which he 
> into ethanol. He quoted the cost as 25 cents a gallon (Imperial ), no
> labour
> or taxes involved.  He ran his station wagon on this fuel. He had a sign
> in
> the back window to the effect that this vehicle ran on alcohol. In 
> this is VERY illegal. After a few years the RCMPolice arrived and shut 
> down.  They said that they had been watching him, he was not abusing the
> alcohol by selling or drinking it so nothing was done until some idiot 
> bureaucratic Ottawa decided that he should not do this. This man solved
> the
> problem by running for parliament in his area. He won. Government has a
> problem. A member of parliament is charged with making alcohol. Solve 
> problem, give him a permit to do so. (normally this would cost upwards 
> $35,000.00 for a permit.) .  The moral of this story is "adapt" Stop
> bitching, do something constructive so that you can safely burn anywhere
> from 10% to 100% ethanol, or any other fuel that shows up (natural gas,
> propane, butane etc.)  If you want to fly you must adapt. I am sending
> this
> on a Friday, If it is too late send it next week on a Friday.
> Regards
> Harold Woods
> Orillia, ON. Canada.
> ___
> Search the KRnet Archives at

KR> Progress reports, and tips

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Guys, I can report some progress, at last, on the rebuild of "Kilimanjaro 
Cloud". As some may remember, I live in downtown Paris, so I battle to 
make parts in my flat and damp cellar.

Well, I invested one working day into refurbishing the cellar. I put a 
wooden floor on top of the dirt floor, the biggest Neon (flourescent) 
light I could find, as many shelves as I could possibly fit, and a serious 
wooden table top as a bench. Man, what a difference! It still is 
ridiculously small (6 square meter, about 55 square feet!), but I now see 
what I am doing, can vacuum clean the dust as I go. Everything gets easier 
and faster, and I am nearly done with the last parts I need to complete 
the rebuilding, namely a new set of ribs (I call them "spare ribs", of 

Now, here is the tip. I am making foam ribs, about 40mm thick, with large 
lightening holes in them, and I needed to build a couple tools for that. 
First, I needed a sort of very deep hole saw. To make that, I took a 50mm 
(about 2") steel tube, cut it neatly with a large tube cutter. Then, I cut 
a thick wooden disk with a hole saw. The outside diameter of the disk 
matches closely the inner diameter of the tube. The disk has a hole in the 
middle to put an axle (in that case, a piece of threaded rod, washers and 
nuts). I made 4 small holes near the edge of the tube, so that I can 
insert some screws to hold the disk to the tube. I then aligned neatly the 
disk and the tube with an angle, making sure they are perpendicular, and 
screwed the screws. Voilà! I then experimented on a scrap iece of foam 
until I found the correct drilling speed setting to cut the extruded 
polystyrene foam neatly. Worked great!

Second tool I needed was some sort of sanding tool to sand neatly the 
inside of the large lightening holes. All my pals at the homebuilder's 
club here seem to own what they call "une toupie" (a top toy, litterally). 
It consists of an axle bearing a large diameter aluminum barrel at the 
bottom, and a diameter washer on top of it. The washer free wheels, 
whereas the barrel is clamped to the mandrel. The barrel is either 
grooved, or covered with coarse sanding paper that is glued to it. They 
use this to replicate wooden ribs. They put the toupie in the drill press, 
and make a stack of plywood ribs roughly cut to shape, with one template 
rib at the top. The washer is aligned with the template rib, and the other 
ribs get sanded by the barrel.

Without a lathe, there was no way I could build something like that, so I 
simply wrapped some sanding paper around my first tool in a spiral, and 
stopped it at both ends using electrical cable ties. Worked great, saved 
me a lot of pain!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France 

Réf. : KR> LSA KR-Thanks!

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
What is great about the Zenair range is the construction method, using 
high grade "pop" rivets. IMHO, it makes it the second easiest method to 
build an all-metal plane (the best being Michel Colomban's designs). Way 
faster to build than an RV.

For the rest, I don't like the stick either, and many other things would 
definitely need some improvement.

I have considered the Zenair, and finally decided that if I ever build an 
aircraft, ease of construction would not be the main criteria for me.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
05/05/2006 15:06
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 05/05/2006 15:07

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> LSA KR-Thanks!

I have a friend who is close to completing a 601.  Personally, I don't 
like it.  That center, flip over stick, looks like it could really be a 
problem.  The plane is big and looks bulky.  It costs as much as an RV. 
All the parts did not fit well.  This guy has completed 4 RVs and this was 
a real "experience" for him.  I do love the Jabiru 3300 installation on it 

Dan Heath

The Zenith 601 HD is a good choice. 

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Réf. : KR> CAD Software

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
The Powerpoint references you found are probably from me. Since I am no 
much of an engineer, never got any serious technical drawing (drafting) 
training in my life, and not being very patient with computers either, I 
frequently use Microsoft Powerpoint to do simple drawings. By simple 
drawings, I mean, anything you could do with a pencil, a ruler, an angle 
and a compass. I found the printed results to be very accurate (to a 
fraction of degree and a fraction of millimeter), so for what I do, and 
until I find the time to learn some decent CAD, it works for me.

Won't work for, say, a wing profile, though!

I use these basic drawings for two purposes:

1 - I print the drawings on sticker labels, which I then stick to the 
material to serve as a cutting and drilling template; I did the entire 
aileron bellcrank assemblies (for instance) that way, and the result is 
2 - I send such templates to friends over the Internet to let them 
replicate the parts.

Nearly anybody has access to Powerpoint and knows how to use it; CAD 
packages are another story.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Bill Johnson" 

Envoyé par :
02/05/2006 04:50
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 02/05/2006 04:47

Pour :  "'KRnet'" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> CAD Software

KR Netters (especially you CAD guys):

This question is a two-parter: 1) What CAD software do you use and, 2) 
would you recommend for a new CAD user / KR builder?

I've searched the archives and fould only two references to specific CAD
software - PowerPoint (?) and VectorEngineer.  I'm interested if anyone 
any opinions on packages such as TurboCAD, IntelliCAD, Alibre, or any 
I may have overlooked.

Thanks and I look forward to your responses.

Bill Johnson
Digital Printing & Imaging, Inc.
3240 Town Point Drive, Suite 130
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Ph: 404-228-8333
Fx: 404-228-8331

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KR> Water ingress protection in the tail compartment

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
A few weeks ago, I removed the tail wheel blade of my taildragger KR2 to 
resurface and repaint it.
Last week, when I was ready to put it back in place, I noticed that the 
wood of the tail block looked funny, and did notsand right . Being by no 
means a wood expert, I asked the most experienced builders in the 
homebuilder's club for opinions. The consensus is that there once was 
water ingress in the tail compartment. The water got infiltrated in the 
block, which started rotting at the bottom, but ultimately dried up 
nicely, so it is now OK . Good. Aircraft saved.  But these guys also 
pointed out that the way the horizontal stabilizer and elevator join the 
tail encourages water ingress there. Rain striking the tail will 
ultimately drip in, and be trapped.

So, my advice is: if you still can, seal the wood as well as you can in 
this area. See if you can make a drain, too. And if you intend to leave 
the aircraft outside, see what you  can do to cover the gaps. And I still 
recommend an inspection hatch in this area.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Réf. : Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks for the info. Could you explain what magnetic compass shielding 
consists of?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
26/04/2006 21:34
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/04/2006 21:29

Pour :  "KRnet" 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

I have the Precision Vertical Card compass. They are out of Chicago IL.
There unit is FAA certified and I beloieve it is standard equipment in
Pipers and several other aircraft.

As far as working with the company that makes them. I have had a great
experience with them. I wanted to mount mine back in the panel. The 
was that ther was magnetic interference with it in the panel.

I made several phone calls to them and I believe I worked with a guy named
John. They spent the time to help out me and my several year old compass 
how to resolve my issue. The fix was installing  magnetic compass 
and they even recommended who I could get it from.

I could not give a higher recommendation for a company and their product.

Jeff York
Lexington, KY.
KR-2 Flying
Home page
My KR-2   to see my KR-2

- Original Message - 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

> I think they have been around for at least 20 years.  I ordered one from
AS a long time ago.  It was the cheap one.  It took forever to be 
because it was back ordered for a long time.  When it arrived, it did not
work.  I think they are usually very good if you spend the money.  I did 
want to spend that much money and am using the old air path.
> From: Serge VIDAL 
> Date: 2006/04/26 Wed AM 09:02:42 CDT
> To: KRnet 
> Subject: KR> Vertical Card Compass
> Has anybody got experience (good or bad) with Vertical Card Compasses?
> (Fore those who are not familiar with them, these are new type of
> compasses that are proposes as a replacement for traditional oil-filled
> compasses. They are dry, and have a dial that looks like a Direction
> Indicator dial).
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France
> ___
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Réf. : Re: KR> livin' the KR dream

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Burt Rutan once said that one of his wives (he has had plenty!) told him: 
"Burt, wou will have to choose. Eitheir your aicraft, or me". He says that 
was the easiest decision in his life!

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
26/04/2006 22:23
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/04/2006 22:24

Pour :  KRnet 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> livin' the KR dream

I must admit she's special.
Please notice that I had to wait for my second chance to find her. I am
divorced :-)
When we met, five years ago, I was already a pilot and she still tells me
she fell in love during our first flight.
Maybe it's not usual, but I've been VERY lucky.


2006/4/26, Mark Jones :
> Don't press your luck...Langford's wife is an exception. I showed his 
> to my wife and now I have so many honey do's to do I doubt if I will 
> get back to the airport plus I have this huge knot just above my right 
> Thank God I did not get Bobbisized. And I pray she does not see this 
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI
> Web site:
> -Original Message-
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Cris.
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:04 PM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: Re: KR> livin' the KR dream
> I forwarded your message to my wife. She recognized ME :-)
> Ciao.
> Cristiano.
> Roma (ITALY)
> 2006/4/26, Mark Langford :
> >
> > NetHeads,
> >
> > It just occured to me that I have flown somewhere substantial for the
> last
> > four weekends:  Illinois to visit Larry Flesner, then to Sun n Fun 
> a
> > stopover at my father's grass strip in southern Alabama, Gatlinburg to
> > join
> > in the family vacation, and Columbia, SC to visit Dan Heath.  I'm now
> > planning a trip to Indy during race month to take Wyatt Swaim (the TIG
> guy
> > that verified that I can weld) up on an offer to visit him at the
> welding
> > shop he runs at the Brickyard during race month.  I am finally reaping
> the
> > rewards of 12 years and 5400 hours of KR fabrication.
> >
> > I am so eaten up with flying that I basically don't do anything
> > else...sort
> > of like a meth addict.  My basement shop is a mess, I never watch the
> news
> > anymore, I haven't washed my car in months, and I can't even find time
> to
> > buy new underwear or socks.  But I do manage to keep several 5 gallon
> cans
> > of 93 octane fuel in the hangar at all times (I wouldn't want to run
> out),
> > my flight bag in the trunk of the car, and the key to the plane with 
> at
> > all times, just in case.
> >
> > And it's obvious to those who've seen my plane that actually making it
> > look
> > nice (or anything short of embarrasing) is way down on the list.  I'm
> > flying
> > the crap out of this thing, and enjoying every nanosecond of it, and I
> > don't
> > see any relief in sight.  I wanted to fly late yesterday afternoon
> (having
> > just come back from several hours of flying to SC the day before) but
> > thought I'd try to hang around and visit with the family a little, 
> my
> > wife says "why are you not out flyingit's GORGEOUS out there!"
> This
> > worries me a little, because I don't think life is supposed to be this
> > good.
> > Next time you see me, I'll probably be the guy that can't find the 
> to
> > shave...
> >
> > Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> > see homebuilt airplane at
> > email to N56ML "at"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Search the KRnet Archives at
> > to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to
> > please see other KRnet info at
> >
> --
> Cristiano -
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at
> ___
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> please see other KRnet info at

Cristiano -
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Réf. : KR> Videos

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL

I will jump at the opportunity, if you don't mind. I have asked several 
times to have some pics of my KR2 on the KRNet website, but my requests 
have always been ignored. Maybe my poor KR2 will find a good home on your 
server! ;-)

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
27/04/2006 10:51
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 27/04/2006 10:57

Pour :  KRnet 
    cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : KR> Videos

Excuse me for the silly question, but: does anybody have videos of KR2 
or not) taking off, flying and/or landing? I've just seen the ones at and would like to watch
more dor... educational pourposes. I have plenty of internet band, can
receive HUGE attachments or download everything.

Besides, if someone wants me to host some files in order to share them 
the community, I have a webserver at home with plenty of space.

Thank you.


Cristiano -
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Réf. : Re: Réf. : KR> Videos

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Mark, aren't you being a bit jumpy here?

I am not playing a blame game, and my post - which was supposed to be 
humorous - was certainly not directed against you. You have done way more 
that your duty to this community, and you sure deserve to enjoy your 
flying, without being pestered by us! Yes, indeed, I asked you a few years 
ago to post some pics, and did not get an answer, but hey! there is a 
period of limitation! You probably had something else to do at that time, 
and we all enjoy the result, namely N56ML. 

Anyway, it was not worth writing  a novel about it, either. And you will 
notice that the first question I asked was about the required size for the 
pics, because I am conscious of other people's time.

And it is true that if I really wanted publicity, I should have created my 
own site long ago.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

"Mark Langford" 

Envoyé par :
27/04/2006 14:26
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 27/04/2006 14:26

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
    Objet : Re: Réf. : KR> Videos

Serge Vidal wrote:

> I will jump at the opportunity, if you don't mind. I have asked several
> times to have some pics of my KR2 on the KRNet website, but my requests
> have always been ignored.

I don't know if you're talking about me, but it sure sounds that way.  If 
you have asked me directly, or sent photos directly to me and I didn't 
them to KRnet, I apologize.  At the risk of signing up for doing 
website, send the pictures to me and I'll post them.  I don't go out of my 

way to volunteer to do this becuase it takes a minimum of an hour to do 
that, and often quite a bit more.  Most people who don't have web sites 
don't know how to compress a photo, so I end up cropping and compressing 
photos as well as writing the website, and then I end up updating it from 
time to time, and when you multiply that time 50, it's a hassle and  a 
drainer.  As most of you know, I'm pretty selfish with my time, because 
between work and flying, I basically have none.  I get 5 hours of sleep 
night, period, and I'd love to get a lot more, but that's where my "extra" 

time comes from.

 That's why I welcome Mark Jones and Dan Heath's efforts at hosting some 
you guys, and I just point to the link.  I wouldn't mind hosting them if 
were as easy as Lynn Hyder makes it...he does the html and zips it up with 

the photos and all I have to do it upload it and update to 
point to it.  And don't forget there are hundreds of free web sites that 
allow you to put your pictures out there with comments for people to view, 

but most email accounts come with some kind of web space where you can 
create your own website and maintain it yourself.

 I'll gladly add a link to anything that resembles a KR, as long as I 
find anything else offensive on the same page (remember Justin?).  If I 
ignored any pleas to post photos from you, you have my sincerest 
and I assure you it was unintentional.  I don't remember any requests from 

you, or I'd have posted them.  If you just asked for "somebody" on KRnet 
post them, I probably let it slide, hoping somebody else would spend their 

time doing it rather than me.  That's just the way I am.I'd still 
you made it easy on me and just give me a link to point to.  I posted a 
details on how to create a web page and compress photos at the top of a few years ago.  If you can 
build an airplane, you can build a website, and I'll gladly add a link to 

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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Réf. : KR> Serge Vidal KR

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
Thanks, Mark! Will do that.


"Mark Jones" 

Envoyé par :
27/04/2006 17:24
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Remis le : 27/04/2006 17:14

Pour :  "KR Net (E-mail)" 
    cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
    Objet : KR> Serge Vidal KR

Please send your photos direct to me at along with some 
descriptions of each photo and I will set you up a page that Langford can 
link the KR Net to.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
Web site:

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Réf. : Fw: KR> Pictures of ZS-WEC are on the Web

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
OK, Mark, you've got my apologies. I do remember having sent you a request 
for that missing link, though, because I remember feeling frustrated not 
to see my name on that builder's list.

The first change will be the category: that KR2 of mine is no longer 
"complete", since it is now being rebuilt.

New pics coming soon, time for me to write the captions.


"Mark Langford" 

Envoyé par :
27/04/2006 18:07
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 27/04/2006 18:07

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Fw: KR> Pictures of ZS-WEC are on the Web

Serge Vidal wrote:

> I have asked several
> times to have some pics of my KR2 on the KRNet website, but my requests
> have always been ignored.


I'd like to re-announce the web site that I created in 2002 for Serge 
at  Although he unveiled it back then 
(see message below), I apparently forgot to provide a link from but I have now remedied that situation.  My bad, but it 
happens.  Feel free to correct me with any other oversights I've made. 
searched through my email, and see no other enclosures from Serge since 
of 2002, so these are apparently the photos he spoke of.  I'd be happy to 
update with new photos, however...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge F. VIDAL" 
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 1:37 AM
Subject: KR> Pictures of ZS-WEC are on the Web

> Mark Langford found a bit of space to hangar my aircraft in his Website. 

> You
> can get the pictures of the bird and the aileron balance horns at:
> If anybody needs any more info or pictures, please, do not hesitate to 
> post
> me.
> Serge VIDAL
> Johannesburg, South Africa

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Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

2008-10-12 Thread Serge VIDAL
And it will get even better the day when we will have a single language!

Thanks for the tip, I will put that on my shopping list.


Envoyé par :
27/04/2006 19:23
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 27/04/2006 19:18

Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: Réf. : Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

Man is the internet cool or what, Here I am conversing with a guy in 
I remeber back in my young days as a boy growing up on a farm, that the 
of communicating with someone in France was either by ham radio or by 
in the service and getting stationed in Europe.

OK, so some of the simple things in life thrill me. Remember , I said a 
growing up on the farm. Did I mention poor boy on the farm.

Ok, to your subject.

Magnetic shielding is a thin metal that I believe has a high amount of
nickel in it. It is somewhere between aluminum foil and really thin sheet

You wrap the insturment in your panel that is causing the magnetic
interference. The shielding must be at least 1.75 inches away from your
compass. The method of finding the interferring source is to hold your
vertical card compass in your hand ( level) turn on your master switch and
radios. Then while holding your compass, pass it near all of the itmes in
your panel and watch and see which one causes the compass to ms behave. 
wrap the offending insturment with the shielding material and wire tie it.
Obviously this would be on the back side of the insturment.

This seemed to work fine for me.

You can buy the Magnetic Compass Shield ( MU Metal) can be purchased
directly from Precision Insturments or from Aircraft Spruce. The part 
is 11-00973

Hope this helps

Jeff York
Lexington, KY
KR-2 Flying
Home page
My KR-2   to see my KR-2

- Original Message - 
From: "Serge VIDAL" 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:22 AM
Subject: Réf. : Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

Thanks for the info. Could you explain what magnetic compass shielding
consists of?

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
26/04/2006 21:34
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 26/04/2006 21:29

    Pour :  "KRnet" 
cc :(ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
Objet : Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

I have the Precision Vertical Card compass. They are out of Chicago IL.
There unit is FAA certified and I beloieve it is standard equipment in
Pipers and several other aircraft.

As far as working with the company that makes them. I have had a great
experience with them. I wanted to mount mine back in the panel. The
was that ther was magnetic interference with it in the panel.

I made several phone calls to them and I believe I worked with a guy named
John. They spent the time to help out me and my several year old compass
how to resolve my issue. The fix was installing  magnetic compass
and they even recommended who I could get it from.

I could not give a higher recommendation for a company and their product.

Jeff York
Lexington, KY.
KR-2 Flying
Home page
My KR-2   to see my KR-2

- Original Message - 
To: "KRnet" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Vertical Card Compass

> I think they have been around for at least 20 years.  I ordered one from
AS a long time ago.  It was the cheap one.  It took forever to be
because it was back ordered for a long time.  When it arrived, it did not
work.  I think they are usually very good if you spend the money.  I did
want to spend that much money and am using the old air path.
> From: Serge VIDAL 
> Date: 2006/04/26 Wed AM 09:02:42 CDT
> To: KRnet 
> Subject: KR> Vertical Card Compass
> Has anybody got experience (good or bad) with Vertical Card Compasses?
> (Fore those who are not familiar with them, these are new type of
> compasses that are proposes as a replacement for traditional oil-filled
> compasses. They are dry, and have a dial that looks like a Direction
> Indicator dial).
> Serge Vidal
> KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
> Paris, France
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