Fwd: FW: [lace] Hello . h--y SPAM or Not

2010-06-22 Thread A . González
Yes Daphne, I have also received it. And have marked it as spam... It was
suspicious! After my incident with Shtyle.fm... I suspect of almost

Best regards

Antje.. where the summer is slowly wanting to come.

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Re: [lace] Looking for a book title/author

2010-06-12 Thread A . González
Hello Lorri,

The book you mention is "101 Torchon Patterns", by Robin Lewis-Wild. I
cannot give you more details, because my book is the Spanish translation of
the original. So, the publisher is not the same as the English book.

Best regards..

Antje González, in Guadalajara, Spain.

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Re: [lace] Bus shelter poster

2010-05-25 Thread A . González
Hi Pene... what do the letters in the poster say? Do they announce a
meeting.. or a museum... ?

Best regards

Antje, in sunny Spain.

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Re: [lace] How do you call?

2010-03-24 Thread A . González
I think there are two different things to consider: "honey comb stitch"
(TTC.TTC) and  "honeycomb ground" (the 2nd grid drawn by Jane).

Honeycomb ground being worked with honeycomb stitch on a honeycomb grid. And
honeycomb stitch worked either on a honeycomb grid or on a torchon grid.

In fact, in the area of Barcelona they work mainly this stitch on a torchon
ground for most torchon patterns (Carolina correct me if I am wrong,
please). Perhaps this is the reason some people call it Spanish ground?

Well.. hope I have made myself understood.


Antje González, from Spain.

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Re: [lace] Belgian Color Code

2010-03-14 Thread A . González
Hello Delores.

Most recent books follow the Belgian Colour code, although it doesn't say it
is the Belgian one.

The colours used are:
Cloth stitch (CTC): violet
Whole st. (TCTC): red
Half St. (TC): green
Braid:  blue
Gimp: yellow

Sometimes Dieppe (TTC pin TC) is represented by orange, instead of green and
a small line of the extra twist. And honeycomb in brown.

I hope this answers your question 1.

Best regards from Antje, in Spain.

*"Hasta la más larga caminata empieza por un pequeño paso". Confucio
(551-497 a.C.)*

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Re: [lace] Rescued Laces

2010-02-23 Thread A . González
Hello Mark.

Your second lace is not torchon, but guipur lace. The pattern is very
similar to some of the patterns included in the book "La guipur du Puy"
(France): these S shaped tapes (which are not worked as the tape laces)
filled with a diamond in half stitch, and the foot side, worked with crossed
workers... very typical of this lace of Le Puy. I can send you a scanned
image of the lace I am telling you, so that you can see the similarity.

I really liked your sharing of this find.

Best regards

Antje, in Spain.

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Re: [lace] fantastic Binche

2010-02-21 Thread A . González
Yes Brenda, I think it is a waste of time to contact somebody on the
Internet and complain about their copying. This is my experience with a
complaint I made not a long time ago:

There is a Spanish photographer on the web who posts really beautiful
pictures in his blog. Amongst them, pictures of bobbin lace. And the whole
text of his site was my text: a resume of bobbin lace history I have in my
own site. So, I wrote very politely telling him that his blog was beautiful,
but that he had taken my text without any permission, and it would be a
matter of politeness to ask for this permission. Because I would have given
it. On the other side, I told him that he should check the content before
using it... I could have written wrong things. The answer was the following:
he took away the text from his site but substituted it for a message saying
that I (my complete name and surname) didn't want to share my knowledge with
anybody, and he wished me good luck and that he hoped I could take more
advantage from the web than the one I was ready to give. Behind this notice
you can read the comments of angry women saying how bad a person I am for
not wanting to share anything.

After holding my breath and counting up to 100, trying to believe what I was
reading, I decided to forget about it and not follow his game. With a person
like this I would always be the looser.

Things like this really make me sometimes think if it is a good idea to have
a web site and share information with an anonymous world. But fortunately, I
have also had very good experiences with my web site... and have got in
touch with very interesting people in the lace world. So, let's concentrate
on the good part of it.

Greetings from Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain, where it is snowing again.

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Re: [lace] Re: My lace

2010-01-19 Thread A . González
Hi all.

Here in Spain we have had lots of snow (unusual where I live) and very low
temperatures. These last days it is raining and our reservoirs are finally
getting full...

And meanwhile, I am preparing for a trip to Germany to participate in a
mini-course on drawing Russian lace patterns. I am very fond of Russian
lace, and I have got in touch with some Russian lacers via the Internet. I
hope I will learn a lot... I will tell you when I come back. It is the first
time I attend a course abroad. So, I am very excited about it.

Greetings from Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain.

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Re: [lace] Lace Congress in Spain

2009-11-25 Thread A . González
Thank you very much Carolina for the good information about the Lace
Congress in Spain.You have saved me the job of doing it!

Yes, I confirm that we had a very good time, and also got to know important
people in the lace world. I was especially excited to meet Anna Rühle, the
author of the book about Hunnia Lace, which I like a lot. It is also always
a pleasure to talk to Marianne and Lothar Stang, as well as to Nadine
Pauwell, the organizers of the German and Belgian groups. And many other
lacers who I didn't know before, and now I scarcely remember their names...
but I don't forget the talk with them. It is so interesting to share
information with lacers from other countries, because our uses and ways of
making lace is so different. I really enjoyed the Congress.

This was my first Congress, and after this experience, I am sure I will
attend other congresses in the future.

Have a good time reading Carolina's report.

Greetings from Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain.

> I had the chance to assist last 16nth to 19nth October to the X
> International Lace Congress of Castilla León, and I thought you would like
> to see some pictures and a resume of my trip.
> The Congress focused about laces in 16nth. century.
> Because of the amount of information in the report, I decided to put it on
> my page instead of write it on mail. At the end of the report I have
> included a slide show that it have to be opened with Windows media 11.
> I don't know if it will work properly with other version of this program.
> Another link will lead you to Picassa Web albums, where I hang a lower
> resolution video, in the case that you cannot manage the main version.
> http://www.carolgallego.com/tordesillas.html
> I hope you will enjoy it
> Carolina. Barcelona. Spain.
> --
> Carolina de la Guardia
> http://www.carolgallego.com
> Witch Stitch Lace
> -
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Antje González

"Porque sólo aquellos que se arriesgan a ir muy lejos...pueden llegar a
saber lo lejos que pueden ir..." (T.S. Eliot)

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[lace] Russian tape lace book

2009-11-12 Thread A . González
Hello all.

I am very interested in Russian bobbin lace, and have seen a book on
Vologda's grounds. The book is
*The Technique of Vologda Lace*, by Vera Cockuyt.  As I haven't seen the
book, I would like to have some references before buying it. Do any of you
have the book or know it? I would like to know if it includes diagrams,
explanations, pictures, patterns, etc. Any information is welcome.

Greetings from

Antje, in Spain.

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[lace] X Congreso Internacional del encaje “Juana I una R eina” in Spain

2009-10-11 Thread A . González
Hi everybody.

Although we live very far from most members of Arachne, I think it
will be of your interest to know that next weekend begins a very
important Lace Congress in Spain.

Tordesillas is a beautiful town in the north of Castilla, (near
Valladolid), with a lot of important monuments, and a lot of history.
Also lace related. Because in Tordesillas is the only Didactic Lace
Museum of Spain, a private collection of laces and books, a real
delight for all lace lovers. At the same time, when speaking of
Tordesillas we must necessarily think of Joan I (also called Juana la
Loca), the daughter of the Catholic Kings (Isabel and Fernando) and
married to Phillip II. After the death of her husband, she was
considered mad, unable to reign and imprisoned in Tordesillas until
her death. She was a very well educated woman, and among others, it is
said that she made lace.

But, this year is the 5th centenary of her arrival in Tordesillas. So,
there are many celebrations there around Joana I. One of them being
the 10th International Congress of lace, which will be held starting
16th-25th of October.

Carolina and I are happy to be able to be there and travel with the
German and Belgian groups of lacers who are coming to the Congress. We
will hopefully tell you something about it all when it is finished.

You can have a look at the site of Tordesillas, where they inform
about the Congress and all other events.


If there is anybody in this group who is attending the Congress and
would like to meet us, please get in touch with us. We would love to
know you in person.

Greetings from Carolina and Antje, in Spain.

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[lace] Basic grounds and others...

2009-09-06 Thread A . González
Hello all Arachneans,

Here I am again with a linguistic question of terminology.

Speaking of torchon laces, I understand that there are two types of grounds,
each of them can be worked with different stitches.
1. The basic ground (whose grid is made of little square diamonds), that can
be worked in simple torchon, double torchon, Dieppe or Brussels st.).
2. Then there are other grounds, such as a bigger diamond with two vertical
lines one at each side... (the typical for roseground, ok?), that can also
be worked in simple torchon, double torchon, Dieppe or Brussels. And also
the ground for honeycomb, that also can be worked with the four st. But the
ground itself is the same.

Now the question is: how are these grounds called : double grounds?
decorative grounds? compound grounds? Is there a name for them?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Antje González, from Spain.

*"Porque sólo aquellos que se arriesgan a ir muy lejos...pueden llegar a
saber lo lejos que pueden ir..." (T.S. Eliot)

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Re: [lace] travel comment and lace books

2009-08-11 Thread A . González
Hello Jane and other interested Arachneans.

I don't know if you would call the book I want to suggest an "obvious book"
or a "not so well known". In my case, it is a "not so well known" one. The
book is "Der Anfang vom Ende" (don't know the English translation for it).
It has very good suggestions of different ways of starting laces, depending
on the way you want to end it. Many of the suggestions are not the ordinary
ones we are used to. So, for perfect finishings, and for those who already
know how to make bobbin lace but want to improve the endings, this book is
really very interesting.

The edition is from 2000.
Publisher: Frechverlag, Stuttgart, Germany.

Greetings to all.

>From Antje, in Spain

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Re: [lace] Dillmont dating

2009-06-29 Thread A . González
Hi Liz,

As I see that you are gathering info from other countries too... here is
mine from a Spanish version of the book:

It has the number 631, and the copyright for this Spanish edition is from
1975. It also says 1,335,000 copies published, and has 832 pages plus index
and coloured pictures of laces, and some history of DMC. I have bought it a
few years ago. It measures 23,5 x 15,5 cm.

I like this thread. Really interesting. And the book is beautiful. But...
has anyone tried to learn how to make bobbin lace following the instructions
of this book? Well, I haven't. But it seems quite difficult to me. Diagrams
are a great help nowadays!


Antje, from Gualdalajara, Spain

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Re: [lace] Couvige at Pierrefeu du Var, France

2009-06-12 Thread A . González
The pillows on the pictures come from the North of Italy, next to France
(where they have the same kind of pillow.

It is interesting to observe the lace they make on this pillow (without any

Have a look at the Lacefairy's site:


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Re: [lace] quiet list

2009-06-07 Thread A . González
Hi Beth.

I think that things work. But, I suppose that the good spring weather has
driven us away from the computer... We have had such a long and cold winter
in Spain, that we are enjoying the sun as soon as it rises. But... I keep
making lace. And your Cluny project looks magnific. You remind me of myself,
surrounded by all my books trying to figure out how to make a V or a sharp
corner... Good luck making your square motif.

Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain.

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Re: [lace] Problem with bobbins that dye

2009-06-01 Thread A . González
Thanks a lot Jacqui and Devon for your quick reply. Your advices have
already been sent to my colleague. And I suppose she will be able to solve
her problem following any of them.

Many greetings from Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain.

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[lace] Problem with bobbins that dye

2009-06-01 Thread A . González
Hi everybody.

I have a friend who is a lacer and she has a problem with an edging she is
making. She bought nice dark brown wooden bobbins and started working her
white edging. When she had worked for a while, she observed that the thread
got dyed from the bobbins. That is, her edging is now stained in an
irregular  brown colour.

The question is: What is the solution for this?

A. Cut the lace and start again with new bobbins and new thread.
B. Continue working the lace and once finished, wash it. In this case, the
question is : HOW?
C. Continue with the lace and once finished, dye it with tea (but, I suppose
the stains on the lace will remain there, won't they?)
D. Other solutions

As usual, I will be very grateful for any idea I receive.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Antje, from Guadalajara, Spain

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[lace] Lace events in England?

2009-05-13 Thread A . González
To all English Arachneans.

I am going to spend one week with my family in England first week of August,
in the area of Sheffield, and would like to know if there are any lace
events I could attend, or any museum I can visit or any lace group I could
contact... or really anything related with our great lace passion.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Greetings from Antje, in Guadalajara, Spain

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Fwd: [lace] Some lovely photos

2009-05-01 Thread A . González
Hi Sister Claire and all Arachneans.

As a matter of fact, precisely these photographs you see when opening the
link you have given us are from an Italian lace maker called Cristina. The
title of the images says: "Cercando di ricominciare", which means: "Trying
to restart".

Some of you may not have heard of the terrible earthquake which has
devastated a big part of the Abruzzo. Abbruzzo is an Italian region situated
aprox at the level of Rome, but more to the east. And it is very famous for
the lace they make there. The famous laces from these region are from
L'Aquila, Scanno and Pescocostanzo. (Forum Alte Spitze has edited a very
good and interesting book on these laces).

There are two well known lace teachers of this area affected by the
earthquake: Maria Cristina Bravi and Simona Iannini. They have lost
everything in this tragedy, that's why the pictures are made in a camp.
Cristina was fortunate to save her pillow, and is restarting to make lace
again, with a lot of perseverance and tenacity.

And that's all. Just wanted you to know.

Greetings from Antje, in Spain

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Re: [lace] class

2009-04-27 Thread A . González
Hi Carmen

Yes, I have attended many courses of Mariña Regueiro. I just love her
classes and she is really so nice.

In summer she teaches in her county (Galicia) several courses. I myself have
not been there, but have attended intensive courses in Madrid, usually with
an invited foreign teacher too. Just great. She is a very good professional,
and teaches also tricks and these kind of things.

If you want some more information, don't hesitate to ask. You see I am a
"fan" of Mariña.

Many greetings.


PD. ¿Eres española? Si es así, escríbeme en español, que, a pesar de mi
nonbre, soy española.

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Fwd: [lace] Schneeberger Lace

2009-04-22 Thread A . González
Hi Bev.

The long  "e" from German doesn't exist in English. So it is difficult to
explain... The sound is the "e" which you pronounce in "men" or "let." But
it has to be pronounced long. (Perhaps "present" was a wrong example! It
just came to my mind in the moment of writing the first message).

Hope this is clearer now.

Greetings from Antje

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Fwd: [lace] Schneeberger Lace

2009-04-22 Thread A . González
Hi Diane

I am from Spain, but was born in Germany and have been living there 10
years And I can assure you that "Schneeberg" is pronounced with a long
"e" (similar as the first "e" in present"). Schneeberg is the name of a
place in Germany, and the final ending in -er is a genitive (same as in
English 's): meaning "from Schneeberg.

I suppose the German lacers in the group can confirm this.

Many greetings and keep enjoying your Schneeberger lace.

Antje, from Spain.

Antje González, Guadalajara, España


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Re: [lace] Thread choices questions

2009-04-21 Thread A . González
> Q1, If all sizes and all colours were available which fibre (silk, cotton,
> linen or rayon) would you be most likely to choose for

> a, hankie edging: cotton
> b, table mat/doiley: cotton
> c, collar: cotton
> d, wall hanging: cotton, linen
> e, cushion cover: cotton
> f, baby dress trimming: cotton
> g, pictorial piece to be framed: cotton, linen
> h, scarf: linen. wool. silk

As you see, I have mostly chosen cotton. That's because this is what I
always use, as here in Spain linen is difficult to buy. I am used to cotton,
find it OK, and also very washable. I like making my bobbin lace to use it,
and think that cotton has a good "life".

> Q2,  If a new range of coloured linen became available would you like it to
> be:

> b, about 30 wraps/cm - similar thickness to DMC Special Dentelles 80
> (tatting cotton)

As before... I don't work much point ground (too fine for me!), so always
use thicker threads.

Greetings from Antje in Spain.

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[lace] Re: slince again

2009-03-23 Thread A . González
Hi Bev

I see that there is also a lot of linguistic interest in this group! Thank
you very very much to all who have contributed to try to understand what
slince means. After your final explanation, I think everything is very clear

I am very grateful.

Many greetings from

Antje González, in Guadalajara, Spain


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Re: [lace] Esther Chacon Exhibition

2009-03-23 Thread A . González
> Thanks a lot Carolina for this information and these beautiful images. Is
> this finger lace? And is finger lace the same thing as macrame?

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Re: [lace] What does "Slince" mean?

2009-03-10 Thread A . González
Hi Sister Claire,

The text we found in the Internet is as follows:

"Na razstavi predstavljene idrijske èipke in izdelki iz èipk so delo
èlanic ... tulipane, pajke, satovje, slince, kantu ro¾ice, ro¾ice z
listi, figure ..."

But it doesn't describe what a slince is, it just has a number if motives (I
guess) used in Idrija lace. Which include the slince.

Thanks to all for your help... in the end we will find out what "slince"
really means!

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Re: [lace] What does "Slince" mean?

2009-03-09 Thread A . González
Hi Adele, Patty, Bev and Lorelei.

Thanks a lot for your help. Although there wasn't a complete solution for
the translation of the word, your opinions have taken me to search a bit
further. And now I know (surfing the Internet) that the Slovenian word
"slin" means "saliva" (same in English, Italian and Spanish). I suppose that
"-ce" is a suffix, perhaps for the plural (just a guess). That's why the
Italians call this motive "saliva" (just a translation of slince). But now
comes the next question: why saliva? Unless saliva means something else than
the liquid in the mouth!

For those who don't know what we are talking about: this "slince" is a braid
with kind of spiders in the center, which is typical of Idrijan lace and
also of Gorizian lace (northern Italy, next to Slovenia).

Many greetings to all from Antje, from Spain.

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[lace] What does "Slince" mean?

2009-03-08 Thread A . González
Hi all.

I have a terminology question, which I hope you can help me solving. I use
to participate in an Italian lace group, where we have just been taught to
make a braid with a kind of spiders in it, which they call "salive". It
happens to be exactly the same thing I have seen in Bridget Cook's book "Idrija
Lace". And here Bridget Cook calls it "slince" (page 65). I can't find this
word in the dictionary nor googling. The word seems to be nonexistent. Does
anybody know if it means something, or if it is just an invented word?

Just for curiosity. I am looking forward to reading your opinions.

Greetings from Antje

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