Re: [lace-chat] OT: thyroid question

2009-07-29 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

As I have had hypothyroidism for a long time now, I thought that I'd 
mention that insomnia is a symptom of the disease.  All the suggestions for 
getting to sleep do help, but only if the treatment is 
working.  Unfortunately, fatigue is also a symptom - deadly, mind-numbing 
fatigue that no amount of sleep will counteract.  Thankfully, it seems that 
Thurlow has only a mild case of it and with treatment should return to 

I should also point out, Thurlow that a dosage that works _now_ may not 
work in the future as circumstances change.  My own prescription has been 
altered many times over the years as stresses and physical ailments change 
my needs.

Heather Muth,
Abbotsford, BC
Where it is _much_ too hot!

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[lace] I joined......

2009-04-14 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

I joined back in 1996 while the discussions were going on about the first 
Arachne commemoratives.  I lurk but consider many on here my friends, after 
all, I have known you for 13 years.  I don't do much bobbin lace now but am 
focusing on embroidery with the occasional bit of needlelace thrown in.

Abbotsford, BC
An empty nester for 2 weeks now.

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[lace] Lace as Loo Roll

2008-10-16 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

I was watching a show on tv about how toilet paper is made.  (The show is 
called How It's Made.)  Sometimes they discuss the history of an 
item.  The narrator claimed that 'French Royalty used lace!'  I've never 
heard of this before and highly doubt its veracity.  Aside from the 
expense, the rarity, etc. I would think that the holes and flimsiness would 
make it unsuitable for the job.  What do you think?

Abbotsford, BC

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Re: [lace] Two minutes of fame

2008-08-16 Thread H. Muth

Congratulations Aurelia!  How can we see this?

Abbotsford, BC
Where it is way too hot!

At 04:44 PM 14/08/2008 -0400, Aurelia Loveman wrote:
Thought you all might like to know that if you wait long enough (in my 
case 91-1/2 years)  you can finally get your two minutes of fame (mine 
having recently come in the newest Who's Who in America). My lacemaking 
interests are noted there, which pleases me, although they didn't include 
mention of my blog, Needle Lace in Five Easy Lessons. Ah well, can't 
have everything.


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Re: [lace-chat] blogs versus websites

2008-08-09 Thread H. Muth


If you are talking about which I'd rather readdefinitely a 
website.   Websites tend to have things organized in a section with links 
to related content.  I have found with blogs that I have to scroll through 
a lot of extraneous stuff to find what interests me.  For example, today I 
went to a blog to look for a picture of a crazy quilt.  At first I couldn't 
find it because it wasn't on the main blog page, but the author then sent a 
more direct link.  I had to scroll down past several entries about 
gardening, something I have no interest in, to find it.

Someone mentioned to ability to leave comments on a blog, but that is 
something that I would never do.  If I had something to say to the owner I 
would email them privately.  I just have no need to have my comments out 
there for all to read.

Just my thoughts,
Abbotsford,  BC
Where today is the second day of the airshow and the Snowbirds are roaring 
about over my house!

At 11:11 AM 09/08/2008 +0100, micki wrote:

I am having an interesting chat with my web-technie friends at the moment:
which is better - a blog or a website?   I know you can link a website to a
blog but would like to leave that out of my question.

Could you also give an explanation for your preference?

from the north of Scotland

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[lace-chat] lonely Birthday

2008-02-02 Thread H. Muth

Dear Dora,

Unfortunately when my family sings 'Happy Birthday' we all howl like dogs 
in an effort to cover up the fact that we cannot sing.  So

'Happy Birthdayyy tooo yoouu!

No woman is alone who has friends.  (A slight misquote from 'It's a 
Wonderful Life.)

Snow on the ground and fog in the air

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[lace-chat] Re: cat survey

2008-01-30 Thread H. Muth

Hello Thurlow and all,

  I've already replied to Kate privately about our cats but when I saw 
your cats' names I had to comment.  We have three, ostensibly one each, 
(myself and my two children) but in reality they are all mine.  (In that 
they know to come to me for food, water, etc.)

The first and oldest is Koochka, which is the Russian word for cat.  I call 
her Mooch and my terms of endearment for her, which get her purring and 
looking at me adoringly are - 'silliness, nonsense, dope, fluff'.  It's a 
good thing she doesn't have a dictionary.   She sleeps in my inbox on my 
desk - barely fits into it.  Mooch is grey and white.

The next oldest is Fitzwilliam McFuzzles III.  We call him Fitz. (He's also 
the first Fitzwilliam McFuzzles!)   He has his own online resume that I 
made a couple of years ago for a web design 
class.  I'm afraid that Fitz isn't 
the brightest cat.  He's more of a himbo - very good -looking but dumb as a 
fence post.

Our youngest cat (only 2 1/2) is Senor Pedro el Gato, (Lord Peter the Cat) 
the Spanish ambassador to the Asias.  We call him Pedro.   We discovered he 
was an ambassador when we had Japanese and Korean homestay students.  He 
made it his responsibility to help them settle in and not be 
homesick.  Pedro is black and purrs at the slightest provocation.

Our other pet is Admiral Reginald of the British Navy.  The Admiral is a 
hedgehog whom we refer to lightly as Reggie.  He and Pedro get along 
well.  When Reggie is trucking about the floor, Pedro sits nearby and keeps 
an eye on him.  Reggie barely bothers to 'huff' anymore when Pedro sniffs 
at him.

Abbotsford, BC
Where there is no school today (for me) because of snow.

At 07:26 PM 29/01/2008 -0500, Thurlow Weed wrote:

I suppose I'll go ahead and list my menagerie

Sheridan Alexander: a neurotic Maine Coon.  He hasn't been the same since 
he lost his buddy Sir Christopher Sebastian, World-Famous Adventurer and 
Explorer about two years ago.  Keeps to himself, and nests in strange 
places, such as a litter box, the window sash, staircase newel, top of an 
open door, etc.

Aleksei Krishtof,  a Russian Blue

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[lace-chat] Cards for my Grandfather

2007-11-13 Thread H. Muth

Hello all those who sent cards to my Grandfather,

I wanted to let you know that I'll be seeing him this weekend and will get 
to see all that you have sent.  I'll contact each of you to let you know if 
your offering has arrived.  Unfortunately, I don't get to see Papa as often 
as I'd like, but seeing him this weekend is even earlier than I thought (I 
thought Christmas).

Thanks again everyone,
Abbotsford, BC

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[lace-chat] Birthday Request

2007-10-18 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

In the past I know that some of you have sent greetings to friends of 
people on the list.  Well, it's not my birthday, but that of my 
Grandfather.  He will be 88 next month on the 18th and I am asking a favour 
of my fellow Arachnes.  He would be thrilled to receive postcards and 
greetings from all over the world.  He always looks up places on maps and 
atlases.  Whenever I move he checks the address and marks it on a map.  So, 
if any of you care to wish him a 'Happy Birthday', please contact me for 
his address.  I would be very grateful and I know he will be too.

Abbotsford, BC
Off to school in a moment.

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[lace-chat] Re: Left or right brain?male or female brain?

2007-10-13 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

I came in exactly in the middle.  Exactly!  This doesn't surprise me as 
I've always scored high on the traditionally 'male' quizzes - geometry, 
spacial acuity, etc., but I am definitely a woman.

Abbotsford, BC
Nice, sunny fall day.

At 08:48 AM 13/10/2007 +, Barron wrote:

I came in at 50 towards female
jenny barron
NE Scotland

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[lace-chat] Re: Buddy map

2007-10-11 Thread H. Muth

Hello David, and all,

I'm guessing around 5 kilometers.  That's as the crow flies.  To get to the 
border crossing is a little farther as it's on the other side of 
town.  Alongside the border on our side runs '0' Avenue, then a large 
ditch, then the States.  The border is patrolled on both sides for drug 
runners and there are video cameras which alert the authorities to unlawful 
activity (such as jumping the ditch).  It runs along the 49th parallel for 
most of the distance of our country only doing some jogging in the east and 
a little bit here in the west.  The border swings south of Bev on Vancouver 
Island so that the entire Island is in Canada, but there is a tiny portion 
of the States hanging from us.  The only way off Point Roberts, Washington 
(N 48° 59.381  W 123° 03.389) is through Canada.

More than you wanted to know, I expect, but I thought others might be like 
me and enjoy learning interesting tidbits about other countries.

Abbotsford, BC
Off to school shortly.

Nice shot. So how far south of you is the USA border. Doesn't look very far.
David in Ballarat

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[lace-chat] Re Buddy map

2007-10-08 Thread H. Muth

Hello Achim and all,

I'm enjoying looking people up on Google Maps.  Achim, when I travelled a 
little south and east from where you are I found dinosaurs (and a mammoth) 
in the woods! They are at N 49° 03.278   W 122° 21.214.

I'm located at N 49° 03.278   W 122° 21.214.  I was surprised to see how 
recent the photo was.  I can tell by the vehicles parked around my house 
that the picture was taken within the last two months!  However, at another 
place that I lived, the picture is at least 2 1/2 years old - and the 
houses are only blocks from each other.

Happy Thanksgiving to the other Canadians!

Abbotsford, BC Canada
Turkey yesterday, Ham today

At 09:22 AM 08/10/2007 +0200, Achim Siebert wrote:

Here are mine - living in a flat on the 3rd floor facing the trees in
the SW (an abandoned railway trail):
 52°29'21.23N  13°27'23.88O

Best, Achim.

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Re: [lace-chat] what to do with spoof messages?

2007-09-12 Thread H. Muth

Hello Alice and all,

I use Mailwasher  which is a free little 
program that reads my email off my isp (internet service provider) _before_ 
I download it.  I can scan the subject lines and even preview the content 
(not html).  This is where it gets great.  I can then bounce the email back 
to the sender without opening it.  It then looks to the spammer like it was 
undeliverable and they take my name off their lists.  I have had this email 
address for almost a decade and get very little spam as I bounce it back.

I also only use this email address for personal mail.  When I enter 
contests or respond in any way to something online I use my hotmail or 
gmail accounts.  One of my hotmail accounts is almost a decade old too and 
only recently has the spam level increased.  Usually their filters catch it.   Spamcop is a reporting site.  I believe it only 
takes registering with them and if we all reported it soon spam levels 
would drop.

Hope this helps someone.

Abbotsford, BC
Off to school!

At 05:22 PM 11/09/2007 -0700, Alice Howell wrote:

In this wide world of Arachne, someone may know where
to forward the scam messages that appear in my email.

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[lace-chat] MORE Childhood Rhymes Chants

2007-08-12 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

No one has mentioned one I remember from my childhood (late 60's).  This 
was a 'clapping' song - two girls faced one another and clapped their hands 
together, crossing arms etc in a pattern.  The verse was:

Miss Mary Mack, Mack Mack,
Had silver buttons all down her
back, back, back

Unfortunately that is all that I can remember, but it had to have been at 
least half a century old at that time, because the sartorial detail would 
have be out of date by the twenties.

Abbotsford, BC
I went to the Airshow on Friday with 7 teenage girls and got a sunburn!

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Archaic Saying

2007-04-06 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

I agree with Tamara about the first part of the saying and think that the 
second must be ruddy son of a bitch!  I've never known how 'ruddy' is an 
insult.  I don't use any of these myself (in general, don't swear at all) 
but have heard them all at one time or another.

Abbotsford, BC
A beautiful spring day.

At 01:56 AM 06/04/2007 -0400, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

On Apr 6, 2007, at 0:57, David in Ballarat wrote:
An elderly man told of how his grandfather, a staunch Presbyterian who 
never swore in his life, had a saying which he used when the occasion 
demanded. You have to use the appropriate intonation to get the full 
effect, but he would curse in his loudest voice:  Cheese  rice, a muddy 
bucket of pitch

Never heard this particular curse but, based on what I know -- in 
general -- about curses, euphemisms, etc, I'd stake my linguistic 
reputation g on the first part (cheese  rice) being a substitute for 
Jesus Christ.

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[lace-chat] Fireworks

2007-01-02 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

Happy New Year to you and yours.

Perhaps you'd all better move here.  Abbotsford has outlawed 
fireworks.  The only ones allowed are the official ones of the city and the 
rare private ones that have received approval.  The only official ones that 
I can recall are on Canada Day (July 1st) and maybe Victoria Day (May 
21).  We used to get all kinds of fireworks around Halloween but since the 
ban there have been less.

However, I must say that I love fireworks!  I love the lights, the sound 
and the smell.  I don't get out to see them much anymore as by that time of 
night I'm usually too tired to handle the crowds and walking.

Abbotsford, BC

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Re: [lace-chat] Names Titles

2006-08-26 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

Like Mr. Weed, (or perhaps I should call him 'young Thurlow' as I am 3 
years older) I too, deplore the use of first names of adults by 
children.  However, it is sometimes difficult to insist that my children 
call others by their titles.  We had some friends who insisted that they be 
called by their first names.  As I informed my children, it is alright to 
call them Dale and Leslie, since what you call them is a matter of respect 
and it would be disrespectful to call them Mr. and Mrs. when they don't 
like it.  I am in Canada and have been fighting a losing battle with the 
name 'thing,' so it isn't just limited to the States.

My children's friends call me Mrs. Sterling (my daughter's name) - even my 
son's friends!   Which is fine by me, as long as they don't use only my 
first name.

I also believe that everyone is equal, but that respect is something that 
should be shown and using titles is one way.  The only thing I don't like 
is when someone clings to their title when everyone else is on a first name 
basis.  I have a 'doctor' acquaintance who does that.

Heather (Mrs. Muth)
Abbotsford, BC
After an afternoon spent at White Rock

At 05:07 PM 25/08/2006 -0400, Mr. T. Weed wrote:

But now I'm curious:  the tendency in the US of children addressing
elders by their first name; while I abhor it, I am curious to know if
this is the case in other countries as well.  Is this a US phenomenon, or
does it exist elsewhere?

an old-fashioned person
Lancaster, OH

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Re: [lace-chat] :-) Mr Fenton

2006-06-09 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

I recently went shopping with a friend and saw a sign on a fitting room 
door.  When I asked how a fitting room could be out of order, the clerk 
replied that someone had 'peed' in it!!!  I understood that it was not a 
child, either.

Abbotsford, BC

At 06:00 PM 09/06/2006 +0200, Jeanette Fischer wrote:

15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door and waited a
while; then, yelled, very loudly, There is no toilet paper in here!

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[lace-chat] ly

2006-02-23 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

I have come to this fountain of knowledge to ask about 'ly', as in really, 
badly, etc.  Is there a rule for when a word has ly on the end?

So often I hear people say 'he did real bad' which I know is incorrect, but 
so is 'really bad', isn't it?  Is the correct term 'really badly'?

That went by quick(ly)?

What is the rule for 'ly'?


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[lace-chat] Men's Underwear

2006-02-23 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

Here's a site that is similar to the Art Bras for  Breast Cancer that I 
posted last year.  This one is Men's Underwear for Prostate Cancer.  The 
site is just a photo site unlike the bras one, but I thought you might like 
to see it.

I particularly like the codpiece.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/1334683/

Abbotsford, BC

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[lace-chat] Soil or Source

2005-11-18 Thread H. Muth

Hello all,

Regarding 'place' of birth over 'source' of birth - quotoed from What 
Makes Canada Cool?

Ottawa, Ontario - In 1943 Princess Margriet Francisca (younger sister of 
Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard, the current Queen of the Netherlands) was born 
at the Ottawa Civic Hospital. She is only royal ever to be born in North 
America. The Dutch Royal Family had fled to Canada in 1940 after the WWII 
invasion of their country. Among their problems - the expected royal child 
needed to be delivered on Dutch territory to be a Dutch citizen. So, this 
one hospital maternity room was temporarily ceded to the Netherlands. Each 
year Ottawa receives 20,000 tulip bulbs from the Royal Family and the Dutch 
Bulb Growers, as a thank you for sheltering the Royal Family, and for 
Canada's help with liberation of the Netherlands during WWII. Each May the 
gardens of Ottawa burst into bloom and the city celebrates the world's 
largest tulip festival. About three million flowers blossom in the region, 
300,000 of them at Commissioners Park near Dows Lake.

As far as ambassadors' children are concerned, is not the embassy 
considered 'home'land?  That is, the Canadian Embassy in whatever country 
is Canadian soil.

in Abbotsford, BC (Pure Canadian soil)

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[lace] Arachne Dowager

2005-10-23 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I think I'm a Dowager as well.  I joined in early 1996, March or February, 
but I'm pretty sure I was here by April.  Yes, I was.  I remember the first 
Anniversary bobbin.

I know others don't like the term Dowager but I've told my kids that's what 
I want my grandkids to call me.  Dowie for short.  Then my kids can call me 
The Dowager. As in, Who was on the phone? It was The Dowager wondering 
when we're going to have kids.

In foggy Abbotsford, BC

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[lace-chat] Elderly!!!

2005-07-15 Thread H. Muth

I beg to differ.  My mother is only 62 and by no means elderly.  My 
grandfather is 84, now he is elderly.  I've noticed the trend here in 
Canada to declare that 60 is middle age, but that would only be if you 
lived to be 120.  However, I just can't get my head around 62 being 
elderly.  Just what is the definition of 'elderly', anyway.


At 09:06 AM 15/07/2005 +0100, Jean Nathan wrote:
  I'm elderly (62),

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[lace] A Lace Name

2005-04-08 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

Due to financial constraints I am a member of no lace groups.  I do have a 
suggestion for a name if anyone wants it.  Lacemakers and Collectors 
Inc.  LACI.   I thought it was appropriate. The 'I' could be changed to 
International, if desired and there could easily be two I's (International, 
Inc.) without changing the sound of the acronym.

Abbotsford, BC
On a day which looks like it could be sunny.

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[lace-chat] Art Bras for next year

2005-04-02 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

The guidelines for the Women's Wellness Art Bras are published on their 

Let us know if anyone sends in a bra.

Abbotsford, BC

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[lace] Musing on Lace Classes

2005-03-20 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I have found the recent discussion on attracting young people to lacemaking 
interesting.  I have a  theory of my own.  It is the simplification 
factor.  I have noticed a trend in North America towards simplification and 
a desire for quickness.  It seems that magazines and books here are 
catering to those who want to 'make it in an evening'.  Embroidery and 
cross stitch patterns no longer are those which take a long time to make 
and are more difficult.  Instead both the technique and the final product 
are naive and simple.

I say 'North America' because I don't believe the trend crosses the ocean 
either direction.  The UK still has magazines which publish designs that 
require _work_ and Australia seems to leading the way with magazines such 
as Inspirations which is a quality publication.  This isn't to say that 
these books don't have 'quickie' designs, as well.  There is a place for 

Which brings me to lacemaking.  This is a skill which requires time - time 
to learn and time to create.  Not to mention a financial outlay, which as 
we know needn't be substantial, but can look it to the casual observer, 
whereas knitting only needs the needles and some yarn and cross stitch 
designers are using less different colours of floss in a single pattern 
(more simplification) cutting down on expenditure.

Which frankly makes some sense, for if what you are making is throwaway 
(baby bibs, a sweater which will be out of fashion in a period of time, or 
a plastic canvas tissue box cover that looks like a cactus) why spend much 
money on materials or time on learning technique.

Let me point out here that I am in no way demeaning those here who engage 
in these activities.  There is a time and a place for the throwaway.  I am 
referring, instead, to what I see as a trend that may explain why young 
people are not coming in droves to be taught lace.

Just my thoughts on a subject which I have noticed for some time.

Abbotsford, BC
Newly single, unfortunately.

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[lace-chat] Newly Single

2005-03-20 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,
I hope that you will forgive me for some maudlin reflections.  And to those 
to whom I owe letters, hopefully this will explain some of my tardiness 
(Tamara).  I am recently separated from my husband of 22 years, not by 
choice, however, and am adjusting to my new state.

My house has recently been put up for sale and we have a buyer with the 
subjects being removed on Tuesday and final move out date May 1st.  Please 
go to and click on Properties, Randy's listings, Houses 
and my house is in the third row, right hand side (it's pink), address is 
31034, to see a virtual tour of my place, if you are interested.   It is a 
typical house for this area.  Bedroom #3 used to be my craft room with all 
my stuff in it, but that is all packed away for now, until I find a new 
place for the kids and I.

I thought, perhaps, I'd explain my signature in my letter to lace and let 
you, some of whom I have known for years, know what's up in my 
life.  Although separation is an awful thing, I find that I am getting more 
and better sleep now than I have done for some time!  Funny how things work 

Thanks for listening,
Christine N. - email me.
Abbotsford, BC
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Re: [lace-chat] US Christmas of old?

2004-11-23 Thread H. Muth

While I don't know the answers to your questions about Christmas trees 
coming to the Americas, I do know (being Canadian through and through) that 
we celebrated Thanksgiving more than a _month_ before you.   This year it 
was on October 11th.  We've been waiting patiently for you to catch up so 
that we can get going on the next set of festivities.  :)

Abbotsford, with the type of rain that you can't really see but it gets you 
very wet.

At 10:54 PM 23/11/2004 -0500, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:
Yes, I do know we still have the Thanksgiving hurdle to tackle (I assume 
the Canadians are over that pain; my understanding is y'all celebrate a 
week earlier than we do?), but time flies... :)

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[lace-chat] Cats and more Cats

2004-10-25 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,
Here's a site my son passed on to me.  It's definitely for cat lovers.
Watch for our cats coming soon!
Abbotsford, BC - overcast and cool
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[lace-chat] More Art Bras

2004-10-19 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

Here's more art bras.  These ones all from Australia (I think).I'm 
tempted to make one myself to hang in my craft room.  Maybe men will come 
up with a decorated jock strap fundraiser for prostate cancer.

Overcast and cool Abbotsford.  Back from a day trip to Victoria to see the 
Treasures of Egypt exhibit.

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[lace-chat] Sending cards online

2004-09-05 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

Just a warning about sending e-cards.  Most of these sites are email 
address gatherers.  So if you put your friend's email in as the recipient 
her email address is collected and sold as a live, viable account.  I have 
asked my friends not to send me e-cards and have noticed the amount of spam 
I receive has dropped considerably.

Like Avital, I also have a 'throwaway' email address with Hotmail.  This is 
where my friends could send e-cards without concern.

So, send any cards to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll be happy to receive 
them.  :)

In overcast Abbotsford, just home from 7 weeks in Calgary with my SIL

At 05:12 PM 05/09/2004 +1000, Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:

They have  e cards which members can access, and it might be fun to send some!

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[lace-chat] Phone call charges

2004-06-01 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,
I just got my phone bill today and you will all (especially Tamara) be 
pleased to know that it cost me CAD$1.64 to talk to David.  Yes, only $1.64 
and we talked for 23 minutes!  I was expecting 5-7 dollars so am pleased at 
this price.   And my short call to Tamara (she called me back and we talked 
mostly on her bill) was only CAD$.44.   Not bad for a chance to get to hear 
you both.

To give you an idea of relative value, a large Tim Horton's (a Canadian 
icon) coffee is CAD$1.55 and a McDonald's Big Mac costs CAD$2.99.  Pretty 
good deal for the call, eh?

I am Canadian
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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Tax Feedom Day

2004-05-31 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,
Just thought I'd check when our tax freedom day comes.  We haven't reached 
it yet.  For the average Canadian, tax freedom day comes June 28th and 
according to one website I visited our family's personal day comes July 
1st.  Half the year working for someone one else.  I do appreciate the many 
benefits we receive such as our medical system, but still - 6 months!

Abbotsford, Overcast but warm.
At 11:59 PM 30/05/2004 -0400, Tamara P. Duvall  and Jean wrote:
Today is the first day, for the average UK taxpayer, when you can keep the
money you earn - every penny you've earned up to yesterday has been paid to
the government as tax.
You mean, for *5 full months* you've been working for the government? I 
knew that Brit taxes were ridiculous, but didn't know the extent...
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[lace-chat] Vancouver Area Bobbin Lacemakers

2004-05-31 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,
Lacers in the Vancouver, B.C. area - I have been made aware of a needlework 
showcase at the Burnaby museum the August long weekend.  I will be there 
demonstrating stumpwork, but the organizer would be interested in have 
someone demonstrate lacemaking.  There will be no payment, but we receive 
lunch and tickets to the museum at a later date.  There are several shifts 
available.  They are three hours each, in the morning or afternoon each of 
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  If you are interested, email me and I'll put 
you in contact with the organizer.   There will be someone there 
demonstrating Romanian Point Lace.

Abbotsford, overcast
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Re: [lace-chat] Heather's Phone Call

2004-05-09 Thread H. Muth
Yes, all,

I did phone David, but not in the middle of the night.  He certainly didn't 
sound as Aussie as I expected, more like an Englishman who has lived in 
Australia for some time.

We had a nice talk about weather, climate change, David's summer holidays, 
time zones, forest fires, lace, old Arachnes, Tamara, linguistics, accents, 
and even more than that.

If I had used my regular telephone provider, it would have cost me just 
over $1CAD per minute but I used another long distance provider and it 
should only cost me $.25CAD per minute.  At least it better!  I won't find 
out until my bill comes in.  $5 for a chance to talk to David was well 
worth it, I thought.

I like having the voice and the photo to go along with the letters from 
Arachnids.  I 'hear' them when I read their writings.  I have a picture of 
Bev Walker in my mind whenever she writes.  And any others I have met or 
heard or of whom I have seen pictures.  It just adds to the daily Arachne dose.

Well, my billy has boiled and I'm off to enjoy a 'nice cup of tea'.

Sunny Abbotsford, BC
At 03:15 PM 07/05/2004 +1000, David Collyer wrote:
Dear Friends,
About half an hour ago I had the most delightful chat with Heather MUTH 
from B.C., Canada!! Yes, she phoned.
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[no subject]

2004-05-05 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,
Many years ago David Downunder had called Tamara and described her 
voice.  I'd been wanting to hear it ever since and yesterday's mail problem 
seemed as good a reason as any.  I also pay very cheap phone rates.  I very 
nearly called David in the middle of the night (his night) just to hear 
what he sounded like!

Tamara and I chatted about how it seems we know those on the lace lists as 
friends even though we've never met.  I know I miss my daily dose of 
letters from you all when I'm away and commiserated with Tamara over her 
(albeit short term) loss.

And although my friends might heartily agree with the tag (below), my last 
name is Muth, an German inheritance from my husband.

Abbotsford, BC, not far from Vancouver and the ocean

Particular thanks to Heather (Mouth) who both forwarded a bunch of lace 
and lace-chat messages (some of which reached me today both as a forward 
and as messages directly from the lists) *and* telephoned -- all the way 
from Brit. Columbia -- this morning... You ladies are *the greatest* 
friends anyone could wish for.
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[lace-chat] Cross stitch Alphabets

2004-05-04 Thread H. Muth
The last address has quite a few alphabets on it.  There's lots available 
out there.  I love the internet!

Rainy Abbotsford, BC
At 04:40 PM 03/05/2004 -0700, John OConnor wrote:
Dear Lacers,
This plea for help is off lace topic but I sure do hope someone comes to
the rescue. I need an alphabet and numerals in cross stitch. Particularly
an A, L, M, Y and in numerals - 2,0, and 4.
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[lace-chat] Art Bras

2004-04-27 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I belong to a crazy quilt list as well.  'A Way to Women's Wellness' is 
putting together a calendar of designer bras to raise funds for breast 
cancer research.  There are pictures of the calendar bras on the website to 
entice you to purchase the calendar.  Go have a look, they are beautiful.

Abbotsford, BC
Overcast, very different from yesterday's sun and warmth.

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[lace-chat] was Mary Stewart - Good Reads

2004-04-16 Thread H. Muth
Hello, All,

Happy 9th birthday.  Hard to believe I've been here since the first birthday.

One of my favourite authors is Angela Thirkell.  She wrote in the era that 
Tamara mentioned - 30's- 60's, and was the granddaughter of Edward 
Burne-Jones, the pre-Raphaelite painter.  Her books use characters and 
histories from Anthony Trollope and continue their stories in fictional 
Barsetshire.  One of her characters is a writer and people say about her 
books nothing ever happens in them and they are very nice.  Which is also 
true of Thirkell's books.   They are the English Country Life of Agatha 
Christie and Dorothy Sayers without the mysteries.  to find out more.

Abbotsford, BC
There are blue edges to the sky, but clouds overhead.  Our new kitten is 
watching the birds out the window.

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[lace-chat] Magnolias and Tulips

2004-03-16 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

When I want to find out something I turn first to the internet (if I don't 
have it here in one of my reference books) and then to you.  Therefore:

O Great Fount of Wisdom and Knowledge that is the Arachne list,
What is the difference between a Tulip tree and a Magnolia tree?
Awaiting your reply with baited breath (I've been eating worms).

Rainy Abbotsford where a Northern Flicker in all his spring glory came to 
my suet feeder today.

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[lace-chat] Tulip Tree and Magnolia

2004-03-16 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

It must have been because I asked for your wisdom that I found the answer 
immediately after I wrote you the question.  It seems that a Tulip Tree is 
a member of the Magnolia family.  I still am not sure what are the trees 
that I see in my neighbourhood but at least I can check out their leaves 
and find out.  It is also called the Yellow Poplar.  Here's a site with a 
picture of the flowers.

Abbotsford BC - Rainy and the flicker has gone.
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Re: [lace-chat] Magnolias and Tulips

2004-03-16 Thread H. Muth
Thanks Jim,

It is that the tulip tree normally has yellow flowers that decides the 
matter.  What we have here are magnolias and they are just starting to 
bloom.  Lovely big blooms with petals fading from violet to white on the 
tips.  The petals are big and waxy and if only they lasted longer I'd make 
clothes from them.

Abbotsford, BC
At 10:13 AM 16/03/2004 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The Tulip tree I know of has the scientific name Liriodendron 
flowers are greenish yellow in color and look quite a bit like tulips but are
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Re: [lace-chat] :) Fwd: golden sunsets

2004-02-24 Thread H. Muth
At 08:14 PM 23/02/2004 -0500, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:
From: D.C.
The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.

I'm not senile but I have a disease which affects my memory (among other 
things).  I have hypothyroidism.  When my car was stolen a few weeks ago, I 
stood in the parking lot and couldn't remember - not where I'd parked but 
how I got to work in the first place!  There are advantages, however, I 
never have to watch reruns, I get to meet lots of new people, (had a 
conversation with a woman at church one week and when we parted my son told 
me I'd had the exact same conversation with her the previous week), and get 
to hide my own Easter eggs!

Abbotsford, BC
A little rainy but still spring-like.
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[lace-chat] Lincoln's address

2004-02-15 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I recognized this within seconds.  As neighbours to the USA, I have heard 
of this since my childhood.  I don't remember if we studied it in school, 
but I knew the words _and_ the name of the Address and the speaker's name 
(see subject line).However, I am college educated, and a history buff, 
so maybe someone for whom history is a subject to be avoided at all costs 
may not have picked up on it.

Abbotsford, BC
Fr scr nd svn yrs g r frfthrs brght frth t ths ntn...
. How many *native English speakers* from other countries (UK, OZ, Canada) 
also recognised and interpreted correctly the same truncated version?
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[lace-chat] Re: :-) Did you know?

2004-02-12 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I thought I'd address this one.
Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child
reaches 2 to 6 years of age.
Babies are born with many of their bones at the stage of calcified 
cartilage.  Knee caps included.  As they grow up ossification occurs and 
cartilage is replaced by bone.  For the long bones, the tubular shaft 
ossifies first and then within the cartilage ends, bone is produced from 
the centre out.  The cartilage at the ends of the shaft is responsible for 
lengthening the bones.  By the end of our teens or so, our bones have 
completely ossified.

I learned this in an anatomy class that I took as my science requirement 
for my degree (still working on it).  Our text book was a colouring book, 
what fun.

In sunny Abbotsford, BC
Near Vancouver
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Re: [lace-chat] Red shoes

2003-12-02 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I never had a pair of red shoes.  I did have a pair with very high cork 
platforms which had white sandal straps on them.  (I'm trying very hard to 
remember.)  And I also had a pair of very high black boots which my parents 
hated.  My daughter is working on her own style (she's 13) but I don't 
think there'll be any such shoes in her fashion future.

Abbotsford, BC
Almost finished this semester's classes.  Just 2 major essays to go.
At 11:55 AM 02/12/2003 +, Lynne Cumming wrote:
My 16 year old daughter received her 'first' pay packet last week (has done
a paper round for a year but it doesn't really count!) and promptly spent
most of it on a pair of red shoes. Winkle picker, 3 stiletto jobs in bright
red fabric. A pair of shoes to die for! I tried them on and my Achilles
tendon screamed no, no!! Now, every woman I have spoken to since says,  I
had a pair of red shoes. Now my query is this, how many are there of
you out there who have NEVER owned a pair of red shoes? I had a pair at 14
(plus boots which I had to dye black in the end to wear on my motorbike to
school) and my father was furious when he discovered me limping around in
the shoes because I couldn't bear to give them up and they were far too
I have a photo for posterity (taken with my new digital camera  - cheap from
Lidl but it's not at all bad for the price) if anyone wants to drool!
I wish I had legs like hers tho.

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, UK

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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Re: [lace-chat] Re: Reindeer and Horses

2003-11-27 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

Thank you, Tamara, for the horse site and Dominique was kind enough to send 
the reindeer site.  Here it is and please consider it a greeting from me to 
all of you.,,4845,00.swf

Abbotsford,  BC
Almost done the Philosophy and the English Lit courses.
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[lace-chat] Reindeer and Horses

2003-11-25 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

Do you remember last year there was someone who posted a URL for singing 
reindeer (on a roof, if I remember correctly) and another for singing 
horses?  Does anyone have those URLs and could send them to me?  Some 
friends of mine are interested.

Abbotsford, BC
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Re: [lace-chat] Direction of the sun

2003-11-11 Thread H. Muth

That was me.  (I?)  I wrote a short play for my philosophy class using Bugs 
Bunny and Porky Pig as debaters over whether the earth was flat.  You may 
be pleased to know that I got an A+ on it!  If any one is interested I 
could send you a copy.  (Although why you would want to see my schoolwork, 
is beyond me.)

Abbotsford, BC
Where I now have to reconstruct an argument by Thursday.
At 09:09 AM 12/11/2003 +1100, W  N Lafferty wrote:
Hey, didn't someone here write a piece on The Earth is Flat recently?

Noelene in Cooma
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[lace-chat] Philosophy Play

2003-11-11 Thread H. Muth

I've sent you a copy privately, but I'd like to clarify that the play was 
about a Rational speaker (a speaker with the truth) and a Rhetorical 
speaker (a speaker with all the bells and whistles).  It was a requirement 
that the audience reacted to the speakers positively or negatively.  So 
while the argument itself may not be that convincing one of the speakers 
certainly is.

Abbotsford, BC

Congratulations on your grade. And I'd like a copy, please -- if the chat 
can't/doesn't want to support it because of length, then privately. As 
for why... :)

I'm argumentative by nature, and I *like* a well-reasoned argument, 
whether I agree with the final findings or not; it's the beauty of 
looking at something (anything: lace problem, philosophical problem, 
language/thought process relationship, a twig) from more than one angle 
that appeals to me.
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Re: [lace] Symbols for elements

2003-10-13 Thread H. Muth

Here's another site about Haida art. Although other tribes have started
making totem poles the Haida on the west coast of what is now British
Columbia and Alaska were the first to do so.   This site actually tells
about design principles found in their art.

This is a very interesting site with lots of information about the poles.

The poles tell a story about the clan or their mythology.  And while we
think the 'top of the totem pole' is a good place to be, it is actually at
the bottom where the most important character is placed.  

Abbotsford, BC
No expert on Haida art but I've lived here for a long time.

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Re: [lace-chat] Philosophical Question

2003-10-06 Thread H. Muth
Thanks to all who wrote me about my philosophical question.  I have sent in
my essay and my characters argued over a flat earth.  I don't know how long
it will be before I get me grade.  Hopefully, it will be a good one !  :)

Abbotsford, BC
Taking online classes through UCFV

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Re: [lace-chat] Language question

2003-09-28 Thread H. Muth

It's called a compass rose.  Here's a website that tells of it's origins.

Abbotsford, BC
Where we are having unseasonable warm weather.

At 09:59 PM 28/09/2003 -0400, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:
Gentle Spiders,

I need help...

What's the English term -- *is* there an English term? -- for the 
do-dad that used to show up on old maps? It looks like what one sees 
on a compass: a convergence of rhombuses (rhombi?), usually 8, 
sometimes 16, but at least 4, each pointing to a different direction.

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Re: [lace-chat] Philosophical Question

2003-09-26 Thread H. Muth
Thanks, Linda.  I only have a page and a half in which to do my play.  And
it must be a play.  Hopefully we will be marked on content not style.  :)


At 09:17 PM 26/09/2003 +0100, Linda Walton wrote:
Dear Heather,

I suggest you model your play on one of the Socratic dialogues by Plato.
Perhaps a scene in The Symposium, or something in the early part of The
Republic will catch your attention and set your imagination running?

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[lace-chat] Thin bodies in low rises

2003-09-09 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

My daughter takes after her father, tall and slender.  She has several
pairs of these pants and they look great on her.  However, long ago (she's
almost 13 now) I threatened to pierce any thing I saw between pants and
shirt.  She was horrifed at the thought and has so far kept the tops long
enough.  I'm pretty sure that at some date she will take me up on the
challenge but so far it is 'awful' enough to keep her covered up.  

Reverse psychology works!

Abbotsford, BC
Where we are getting some rain but need lots more.

yet to see one who doesn't have at least a small roll of fat overhanging the
top of the trousers.

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[lace-chat] Computer Help Needed

2003-09-03 Thread H. Muth
Hello all,

I need some computer help.  I have IE 6.0.2800 and I just reformatted my
computer.  Since then I installed Java Plug-in Software from Sun
Microsystems.  However, some Java applets won't run because I don't have
Microsoft's own Java program (can't remember it's name).  Now because of
the legal java situation I can't find a copy of MS's program.  Can anyone
help me?  Tell me where to switch Java programs on my browser?  Or do I
have to change to Netscape?  Except I can't use Netscape for everything
because my internet schooling uses IE.

Thanks for any help,
Abbotsford, BC
Where we have had almost the driest 3 months on record.

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Re: [lace] English translations

2003-08-21 Thread H. Muth
Jean and all,

I just registered my daughter for school starting in a couple of weeks
(she's been homeschooled up 'til now, my son is staying home).  The office
offered her the choice of two languages, one was French - quite natural in
a country with two offical languages - and the other was Punjabi.  We live
in an area with a large Sikh population mostly from the Punjab in northern
India.  She chose French but then her Indian friends all speak English.  I
can speak a smattering of Spanish but understand quite a bit more.  I did
speak French rather well in high school, but the lack of someone to
converse with means I have forgotten most of it.  Now it ususally come out
Franglish (French  Spanish mixed).

Abbotsford, BC
Way too hot, still.

In English (don't know about Scottish or Welsh) schools all children have to
study at least one foreign language from age 11, and now it's being brought
into schools so that those as young as 7 start learning. The usual languages
are French or German, with some now offering Italian or Spanish. 

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Re: [lace-chat] Stars in their eyes

2003-07-12 Thread H. Muth
Cher, Susan Sarandon, Sigourney Weaver, my sisters-in-law Bev and Carrie,
and many others I'm sure.  Not me, although my husband is.  :)

Abbotsford, BC
Another hot one on the way.

So - which *woman* is better looking
as she gets older ? Or maybe *we* haven't
*earned* 'equal treatment/rights' yet . . .
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