[lace-chat] FW: Some history for you

2005-08-10 Thread Jane Bawn
 You might have seen this one!!!

This was forwarded to me but not being American or an historian I can't
vouch for these but they seem interesting.  I would be interested to know if
they are correct.

Have a history teacher explain this...if they can

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Now hang on to your seat.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran
and hid in a warehouse.

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid
in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And here's the kicker...

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Portchester, UK

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[lace-chat] RE: lace-chat-digest V2005 #133

2005-08-10 Thread Jane Bawn
Tamara and Weronika

You might be interested in this test.  It takes quite a while to do but is
quite interesting.  There is currently a series running on our BBC regarding
this very thing and this test relates to it.


Have fun.

Portchester UK

 I was uncertain about my orientation at 20:) And, even at 55 (almost
 56), I still think a female form is easier on the eyes than a male one;
 it just doesn't give me as much satisfaction beyond the visual aspect
 g  We grew up being much more relaxed about sex than Americans are -
 Colette and Proust were compulsory reading as early as highschool. And
 we *never* equalled moral and sexual... To us, moral and
 ethical were synonyms, and both extended *waaay past* matters of
 simple sex, which are one of the *components* of morality, but not the
   i do girl things too. i love to shop,crochet, knit, crewel, and
  lately bobbin lace.  i also like sewing. quilting, and dance and
  country music,

 Ah, but according to the writer of the article I'd mentioned, most of
 those activities are *not* girly :)

 Shopping is. Or can be.  But that's really the only one which doesn't
 require *systematic* approach... I'm a more masculine shopper than DH
 is... I go (with a list), I see, I conquer, I get the hell outa there.

 He goes, it takes him twice as long, and he comes back with half of the
 stuff I asked him to get, but a bagfull of stuff we don't need (but it
 caught his eye)... It used to drive me up the wall, because it's
 *women* who are supposed to be the nitwits who spend the money without
 thinking (and do everything else without thinking). When I first came
 here, Severn even *warned* me that, coming from a deprived environment,
 I might be tempted to lose my cotton-picking mind and spend, and spend,
 and spend... But I notice that *it's he* - who grew up among all the
 riches - that gets beguiled by non-essentials...

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[lace-chat] RE: Skype

2005-08-10 Thread Ian Chelle Long
Gidday David,

-Original Message-
I'm about to install SKYPE on my computer - that's the most popular
programme whereby your computer replaces your telephone for free. I'd be
most interested to know if any other Arachnids have it.

Yes I use this, it is fantastic for us as we pay less than 3 cents a minute
(AUD) to ring Australia from Suriname.  With 7 kids to ring this is
important for us!  This is the cost for ringing from my computer to a normal
telephone, but if the other end also has Skype it is totally free. You just
download credit  in multiples of Euro10.00 with your credit card.  This
lasts for a long time.

My only complaint is that sometimes there are so many users online
(2.7Million last time I used it a few days ago) that it can get pretty
congested and then you get a delay which is a real pain.  It pays not to be
letting your PC do any other background work to miminise this. Sometimes
there is no delay but sometimes I've given up and just used the chat part
of Skype instead of the verbal speaking.

Be careful that you activate the secure settings properly to make sure that
every man and his dog can't contact you/spam you - you can choose to keep
your details private apart from users that you approve.

an Aussie living in Suriname

Ian  Chelle Long
+597 352505
Evaluate things less and rest more in the clear space of one's mind (O.
Nydahl 1994)

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[lace-chat] Irish Humour

2005-08-10 Thread David Collyer

Irish Maths

An Irishman applies for a job, but the foreman won't employ him until he
passes a little maths test.

Here's your first question, the foreman said. Without using numbers,
represent the number 9.

Without numbers? the Irishman says, Dat is easy. and proceeds to draw
three trees.

What's this? the boss asks.

Haven't you got a brain? Tree and tree and tree makes nine, says the

Fair enough, says the boss. Here's your second question. Apply the
same rules using the number 99, this time.

The Irishman stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that
he has just drawn and makes a Smudge on each tree. Dere you go.

The boss scratches his head and asks, How on earth do you get that to
represent 99?

Each of da trees is dirty now. So, it's dirty tree, and dirty tree, and
dirty tree. Dat equals 99.

The boss starts getting worried that he's actually going to have to give
the Irishman the job, so he says,All right, final question: same rules
again, but represent the number 100.

The Irishman stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture
again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says, Dere you
go. One hundred.

The boss looks at the illustration and bursts out: You must be nuts if
you think that represents a hundred! whereby the Irishman leans forward
and points to the marks at the base of each tree, saying: A little dog
came along and crapped by each tree.So now you've got dirty tree and a
turd, dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, dat makes one
hundred. ... So, when do I be starting the job?!


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[lace-chat] Re: Convention-me sitting in on Greet's Class

2005-08-10 Thread PhaserBait
Hi all!
I have been reading the letters about me sitting in on Greet's class, and I  
didn't realize that it would cause such a flurry.  Greet had come thru  Cedar 
Rapids on the way to the convention and when she had shown her lace, and  the 
basic stitch, I was floored by the beauty of it!  I was very  disappointed to 
think I was too late to take her class, so I bought the book,  and was going 
to buy the class supplies (if she had any kits left over) and try  to work it 
out on my own.  When I ran into Greet at the convention, she  said that I could 
take the class in the afternoon.  We checked with the  committee people to 
make sure that it was all right, seeing that Greet didn't  have more students 
than she could handle.  I did pay the half class fee,  full kit fee, and I 
my best to ask questions when she wasn't helping  someone else.  I thought it 
was wonderful that they would let me do that,  and I really appreciate it.  I 
did do as much homework outside the class as  I could, and I do think that I 
have the basics down pretty well.  It is  VERY inspiring to continue, 
especially after seeing Debra Jenny's  gold and  bead piece!  Sigh!
JoAnne Pruitt

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: .......And flying things

2005-08-10 Thread RicTorr8
In a message dated 8/9/2005 11:50:54 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
it's *women* who are supposed to be the nitwits who spend the money without 
thinking (and do everything else without thinking). 

Something I read recently dispelled this rumor - if I can find it agaion, 
I'll send it to the list. The gist of it was that women (statistically) are 
more careful shoppers than men are -- they/we investigate alternative costs 
and features before making up their/our minds, and are in general much more 
concerned about making sure they/we get a bargain and that what they/we 
will meet their/our requirements. That is, in fact, the article stated, the 
reason why women typically spend more time shopping than men-- they/we are more 
careful about it, and they/we also enjoy the sense of ensuring that what 
they/we bought was worth the price, to them/us.  It also said that women do 
something like 80% of the spending in the US market. I'll see if I can dredge 
article up


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Re: [lace-chat] Re: ......And flying things

2005-08-10 Thread Carol Adkinson
Hi Tamara and the Spiders,

It was Simon Baron Cohen who - perhaps tongue in cheek? - postulated the
view that Autism is probably only male behavious taken to extremes!For
example, they cannot do more than one thing at a time, are *very*
methodical, take everything said very literally, etc - and for almost anyone
who has sons and/or husbands, this does ring tiny bells!

My psychologist daughter, who has listened to some of his lectures, is a
great fan - but even she says that the above was probably said to gain
attention to Autism.

However - back to the slave-labour garter!

Carol in Suffolk UK.

- Original Message - 
From: Tamara P Duvall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: chat Arachne lace-chat@arachne.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:17 AM
Subject: [lace-chat] Re: ..And flying things

 There was a most fascinating article in yesterday's New York Times
 (op-ed section). Written by Simon Baron-Cohen (... is the director of
 the autism research at Cambridge University and the author of The
 Essential Difference: The Truth About the Male and Female Brain)
 called The Male Condition..com

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[lace-chat] designs for bobbins

2005-08-10 Thread susan
has any one ever seen those little sparkly designs they put on long 
fingernails?  they sell them everywhere.  i was thinking of using them to 
decorate some bobbins.  there are also those temporary tattoos that might be 
good.  i wonder if they would be permenant if they where varnished over?  they 
should be.

from susan in tennessee,u.s.a.
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[lace-chat] Re: designs for bobbins

2005-08-10 Thread Tamara P Duvall

On Aug 10, 2005, at 15:21, susan wrote:

has any one ever seen those little sparkly designs they put on long 
fingernails?  they sell them everywhere.  i was thinking of using them 
to decorate some bobbins.  there are also those temporary tattoos that 
might be good.  i wonder if they would be permenant if they where 
varnished over?  they should be.

Since I can't draw, much lesss paint, never mind paint in miniature... 
I've used all kinds of applied art on my bobbins (my bobbinmaker says 
he can't paint either g), including some of the fingernail 
decorations and temporary tattoos as well as old-fashioned decals. I've 
never used varnish on them, being afraid they might dissolve or 
distort. So, on the fingernail things I used clear fingernail polish 
and on the tattoos plain, clear-drying glue. The glue-covered tattoos 
haven't worked all that well, but the fingernail ones did - they seem 
to be permanently stuck and protected. I think, if I were to use the 
tattoo ones again, I'd try the decoupage glue (or whatever it is they 
use for decoupage) and see if it works any better.

Two things you might consider when applying those do-dads to bobbins:
1) how transparent they are. If very, they may not show up well against 
some colours of the wood. Blocks of solid colours show off better.
2) how thick/3-D they are. If very, they'll either require many 
applications of whatever medium you're using to keep them stuck (to 
make them completely covered), or else they'll poke above the covering 
medium and eventually get dislodged.

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2005-08-10 Thread Win Lambert
I have had a couple of days in bed with flu, and came downstairs for the 
first time this morning to find a parcel waiting - thank you for the 
bobbins, cutter, cover cloth, cross stitch kit and books.

I've seen the depth of frost on the grass and out rather large deck outside, 
so think I'll go back to bed again.

Thank you again.

in a really cold Tasmania 

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[lace-chat] RE: Skype

2005-08-10 Thread Helen Bell
David,  We have a friend in Belgium who uses it and swears by it.

Helen, Aussie recovering from Convention in Denver

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[lace-chat] Need help making a bobbin lace pattern with Corel Draw

2005-08-10 Thread jstavast
Hi All.

My wife asked me to create a pricking pattern from a scan of a piece 
of lace.  I have Corel Draw 11 and would like to use that for making 
the pattern.  I know that to create the dots I need to make small 
filled  circles.   How can I easily place them at each point where 
they need to be?  I tried using symbols but it seems that I have to 
drag them from the library docker which is kind of tedious.  Does 
anyone know how to do what I am trying to do?


BeeUtahful Bobbin

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[lace-chat] Bird stories

2005-08-10 Thread RicTorr8
Hi All --

This Stella Award came in my inbox today---more bells! -- do I hear bells?


by Randy Cassingham

  Rhonda Nichols, 40, says she was shopping in the garden center at
Lowe's Home Center in Fairview Heights, Ill., when a wild bird attacked

  This was no sparrow, says her attorney, Zane T. Cagle. The bird was
described to us as being about the size of a robin or pigeon. In other
words, it was large and slow -- a bird that it would seem to be easier to
avoid than, say, a sparrow? But I digress.

  Yes, Nichols has an attorney. With Cagle's aid she has filed suit
against the store in Madison County Circuit Court, alleging Lowe's
allowed wild birds to enter the Gardening area in which customers travel
... [and] that said wild birds created a dangerous condition. When the
bird attacked Nichols, the suit says, it caused injuries including
head, brain, neck, including herniation of her C5-C6 and C6-C7 [disks],
loss of neurological functions, cognitive skills as well as injuries to
her muscles, bones, nerves, and ligaments.

  Sounds pretty serious, but Nichols has returned to work, so apparently
the injuries aren't life threatening or even hampering her ability to
make a living. Cagle refuses to say where she works or what she does, but
says that the injuries have reduced her earning capacity by in excess of
$3,000. The suit asks for at least $100,000 in damages.

  Nichols claims the incident occurred on April 15, 2003, but Lowe's
says no one reported being hit by a bird on that date. Besides, a Lowe's
spokeswoman points out, the garden area is outside, and they have no
control over wild birds flying freely in the air around its store.

  Yes, you read that right: Nichols was OUTSIDE the confines of the
store, in the open air, yet she claims it's negligent for the store to
allow birds to fly around in the open.

  Still, attorney Cagle says this is part of a large problem. These
wild birds are an issue in many of these types of stores, he said.

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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: Multiculturalism

2005-08-10 Thread Tamara P Duvall
Very, very un-PC; something you'd expect from a Republican, not from a 
Democrat... :)  I can't help it, it's still funny; the balance between 
ideals and reality tends to be bashed into a bloody mess - with equal 
zeal - by both sides...

From: D.C.

A Somali arrives in Sydney as a new immigrant to Australia. He stops 
the first person he sees walking down the street and says, Thank you 
Mr. Australian for letting me in this country! But the passer-by says 
You are mistaken, I am from Ireland.

The man goes on and encounters another passer-by. Thank you for having 
such a beautiful country here in Australia. The person says I no 
Australian, I Vietnamese.

The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, 
shakes his hand and says Thank you for the wonderful Australia. That 
person puts up his hand and says I am from Iraq, I am not an 

He finally sees a nice lady and asks suspiciously, Are you an 
Australian?  She says, No, I am from New Zealand. So he is puzzled, 
and asks her, Where are all the Australians? The New Zealand lady 
looks at her watch, shrugs, and says... Probably at work.

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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