[lfs-support] Android build buddies -- thanks!

2012-02-01 Thread Robert A. Lerche
My thanks to Firerat and DJ Lucas.  I am well on my way -- I have
successfully built gingerbread-release and run it in a target!

DJ IMO, the biggest pain of building android is learning to use the repo 
DJ script instead of git by itself.

Yes, that is the thing I'm still a bit fuzzy on.  How do I check out a
different version after fetching all those zillions of git
repositories?  I specified gingerbread-release on the repo init
and that seems to have worked, but what if I want to try a different

Anyhow, it's not a serious issue for me but I'd like to know.

DJ I'm sure you've found this one already, at least I hope you have:
DJ http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html

Oh, yes, I have been there.

Thanks much for the other links.  I knew if I asked here on LFS I'd
find helpful folks.
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Automated LFS build [was RE: Building LFS using jhlfs]

2011-09-29 Thread Robert A. Lerche
In 2009 I customized the LFS Live CD to build a bootable demonstration
application.  The Live CD includes makefiles that do the full build.
You do a single make and hours later an .iso file pops out.

The last release of the live CD corresponded to LFS 6.3.  I updated
the particular components I was using to the 6.4 level and I have a
.tar.gz file of that if you want it.

The Live CD make system is a little bit touchy but I have used it for
other applications since and it's very effective.  You do have to know
how to handle the command line and chroot, though -- it's a bit

Please feel free to contact me for details.
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Re: bootloaders and USB

2010-06-29 Thread Robert A. Lerche
What I have done is to build a grub CD that also includes copies of
the kernel and initrd from the desired root device.  Grub can then use
the same BIOS I/O to start the kernel and the kernel will have the
device support for the BIOS-inaccessible root device.
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Re: bootloaders and USB

2010-06-29 Thread Robert A. Lerche
 whoa...THAT's what I need I think.
 can you post an iso of that cd so I can use it as a reference?

OK, you can fetch:


It is grub plus the Ubuntu 9.04 kernel.  You can interrupt the boot
sequence and edit the kernel line to specify the desired root volume.



for a howto on building a grub CD.
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Re: stripping down lfs

2010-06-24 Thread Robert A. Lerche
I built a customized (somewhat stripped, then other things added) LFS
back in April, 2009.  It's based on the 6.3 LFS live CD with packages
updated to the 6.4 book (current at the time).

The LFS live CD is a very good starting point.  I haven't explored
other (even more stripped) alternatives like tinycore.

Here's what I posted about it the last time this question was raised:


You can fetch my build it sources (that is, the updated makefiles,
my notes, etc.) from http://msbit.com/osdv/osdvlfs.tgz
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Re: creating my own lfs-cd

2009-11-16 Thread Robert A. Lerche
r-v-r Now I would like to create my own bootable lfs-cd. My question
r-v-r is: How to do it.

I recently built a custom LFS live CD for the Open Source Digital
Voting Foundation.  I updated the live CD makefiles to reflect LFS 6.4
(plus a few other changes) and added an application program (Pvote)
and its dependencies (Python, SDL, pygame).  I made it boot to the
login prompt (with an empty root password), or just run the demo (with
a different /etc/inittab).

You can fetch my build it sources (that is, the updated makefiles,
my notes, etc.) from http://msbit.com/osdv/osdvlfs.tgz

A warning: My build structure is a little fragile due to my adding the
Pvote application, making the live CD automatically run the demo and
stripping down the final output (that was the purpose of my exercise).

The default target in my master Makefile is osdv-iso, the live Pvote
demo CD.  The iso target still works and can be used to build a live
CD with shell access, but *be*careful* to make /etc/inittab,
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on the CD be what you really want.

After completion the .iso make targets unmount everything.  After
building an .iso you can remount and prepare to build a different .iso
by entering ./restart in the master directory

The target LFS /etc files will be accessible via ../image/etc/ after
remounting.  Just change whatever you want and then make iso.

As I wrote in the README, the live CD build environment is a little
touchy and dependencies do not work fully automatically.  The
unmodified make from scratch works but after that you have to be

Please feel free to email me with any questions.
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Re: with new system, how to run a test boot?

2009-08-17 Thread Robert A. Lerche
There's an LFS hint describing how to boot LFS without requiring a
separate partition (i.e., in the same file system as another operating

The trick is a special pre-init program that does a chroot early in
the boot process (automatically, rather than manually as Russell
Stockhammer suggests).

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re. Village Idot question. How do I start? [LFS]

2009-08-03 Thread Robert A. Lerche
 I like the idea behind LFS and would like to explore all of the
 options.  LFS offers better control over the process.

LFS is an excellent project and I think it will suit your needs as a
starting point; as Ken Moffat points out, you will have some further
work to do on cross-platform development.

I started by following the 6.4 book instructions manually, with one
slight modification -- I used the next to existing systems hint,
which includes a special pre-init program that does a chroot early
in the boot process.  Thus, after building LFS I could boot either my
regular system or test the system built in /LFS (my LFS build
location) without changing any disk partitions.


Be sure to read the errata list for the manual -- there are a few


I also wanted to add an application and make a live CD, so once I had
the base LFS working I started looking at the LFS Live CD project.  The
build structure for the live CD has a Makefile that automatically
fetches sources via wget and builds everything with a single make,
all the way to generating an .iso file.  It seemed ideal for my

Alas, that project is a little behind the times -- LFS itself was at
6.4, but the LFS Live CD project is at 6.3.  I upgraded the packages
I needed and hacked up the Makefile to add my application.  Of course,
now I'm behind too because 6.5 is about to come out.

My particular interest was to build a demo of a minimum system
including only components necessary to run the application (Pvote).
So my build has an additional step that leaves out some libraries and
most of /usr/bin.  However, I left the regular iso target intact and
after building my demo a make iso works to build the regular LFS.

I did *not* bring all the additional BLFS components up to date
because I was only aiming at a minimal system.

My build LFS tar ball (that is, the updated makefiles, my notes,
etc.) might be a helpful base for you.  You can fetch it from

Nowadays, because I'm building a live CD, I test by booting the .iso
in a VMWare virtual machine.  That works well.  I have also gotten
KGDB to work via a virtual serial port.

I retested my build just last week and found that a couple of
sourceforge links had changed (e2fsprogs and tcl), so I made a patch to
fix that.  After installing the tar ball, cd
/mnt/newlfs/newlfs-livecd; patch -p0  lfs-sourceforge-patch

Also, see the note I posted last week:


diff -Naur packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile updated-packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile
--- packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile 2009-04-14 21:57:02.0 -0700
+++ updated-packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile 2009-07-29 08:56:46.0 -0700
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 DIR= $(NM)-$(VRS)
 FILE= $(DIR).tar.gz
 SHA-$(FILE)= d85f05b7bcef1adf8306a789f3ac0325c3c67e8d
 # Targets
diff -Naur packages/tcl/Makefile updated-packages/tcl/Makefile
--- packages/tcl/Makefile   2009-04-14 21:45:51.0 -0700
+++ updated-packages/tcl/Makefile   2009-07-29 08:56:18.0 -0700
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 DIR= $(NM)$(VRS)
 FILE= $(DIR)-src.tar.gz
-URL-$(FILE)= http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/tcl/$(FILE)
+URL-$(FILE)= http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/project/tcl/Tcl/$(VRS)/$(FILE)
 SHA-$(FILE)= af0433feaa7be1da945a1f414c4b10485ffbd386
 # Targets

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Re: Make a bootable LFS iso. [continued, part 2]

2009-07-29 Thread Robert A. Lerche
I ran my build and found one minor glitch: links to fetch tcl and
e2fsprogs from sourceforge have changed.

(If someone knows the right way to make a permanent sourceforge link,
please tell me. :-)

Here is a patch to fix it.  cd /mnt/newlfs/newlfs-livecd; patch -p0 


diff -Naur packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile updated-packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile
--- packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile 2009-04-14 21:57:02.0 -0700
+++ updated-packages/e2fsprogs/Makefile 2009-07-29 08:56:46.0 -0700
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 DIR= $(NM)-$(VRS)
 FILE= $(DIR).tar.gz
 SHA-$(FILE)= d85f05b7bcef1adf8306a789f3ac0325c3c67e8d
 # Targets
diff -Naur packages/tcl/Makefile updated-packages/tcl/Makefile
--- packages/tcl/Makefile   2009-04-14 21:45:51.0 -0700
+++ updated-packages/tcl/Makefile   2009-07-29 08:56:18.0 -0700
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 DIR= $(NM)$(VRS)
 FILE= $(DIR)-src.tar.gz
-URL-$(FILE)= http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/tcl/$(FILE)
+URL-$(FILE)= http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/project/tcl/Tcl/$(VRS)/$(FILE)
 SHA-$(FILE)= af0433feaa7be1da945a1f414c4b10485ffbd386
 # Targets

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Re: Make a bootable LFS iso.

2009-07-28 Thread Robert A. Lerche
 I need help for making LFS bootable iso.
 I have already googled about how making an bootable iso but i have no
 idea how should i process -_-
 If some one did it yet, please i need to know all the steps.

I recently built a custom LFS live CD for the Open Source Digital
Voting Foundation.  I updated the live CD makefiles to reflect LFS 6.4
(plus a few other changes) and added an application program (Pvote)
and its dependencies (Python, SDL, pygame).  I made it boot to the
root prompt (with an empty root password), or just run the demo (with
a different /etc/inittab).

You can fetch my build it sources (that is, the updated makefiles,
my notes, etc.) from http://msbit.com/osdv/osdvlfs.tgz

The .iso is there too (50M), but msbit.com is on a slow link, so be
patient.  The OSDV Wiki moved recently and isn't quite working yet.

Please feel free to email me with any questions.
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/faq.html
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Re: Make a bootable LFS iso. [continued]

2009-07-28 Thread Robert A. Lerche
A warning about my OSDV LFS Live CD:

My build structure is a little fragile due to my adding the Pvote
application and making the live CD automatically run the demo (that
was the purpose of my exercise).

The default target in my master Makefile is osdv-iso, the live Pvote
demo CD.  The iso target still works and can be used to build a live
CD with shell access, but *be*careful* to make /etc/inittab,
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on the CD be what you really want.

The .iso make targets also unmount everything.  After building an .iso
you can remount and prepare to build a different .iso by entering
./restart in the master directory (/mnt/newlfs/newlfs-livecd).

The target LFS /etc files will be accessible via ../image/etc/ after
remounting.  Just change whatever you want and then make iso.

As I wrote in the README, the live CD build environment is a little
touchy and dependencies do not work fully automatically.  The
unmodified make from scratch works but after that you have to be
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Re: Building a LiveCD

2009-05-21 Thread Robert A. Lerche
I recently built a custom LFS live CD for the Open Source Digital
Voting Foundation.  I updated the live CD makefiles to reflect LFS 6.4
(plus a few other changes) and added an application program (Pvote)
and its dependencies (Python, SDL, pygame).  I made it boot to the
root prompt, or just run the demo (with a different /etc/inittab).

You can fetch my build it sources (that is, the updated makefiles,
my notes, etc.) from http://msbit.com/osdv/osdvlfs.tgz

The .iso is there too (50M), but msbit.com is on a slow link, so be
patient.  The OSDV Wiki is moving and isn't quite working yet.

Please feel free to email me with any questions.
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/faq.html
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error installing e2fsprogs

2009-05-01 Thread Robert A. Lerche
 On a whim, I renamed the executable /tools/bin/touch and created a
 symlink from /bin/touch (the app from the host system) and the make
 completed and the app install without errors.
 Could this be a mis-step when I installed the coreutils?

I hit this too.  It's due to building on an old system.  There was a
change (utimensat) that the latest glibc and touch use to update a
timestamp.  (I grumbled for a few minutes when I discovered this --
why is there a change to this ancient function?)

See, for example, http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=224483

Anyhow, your fix should work for now but you probably want to upgrade
the kernel, glibc and coreutils on the build system.  You might run
into something else later.

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re. Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

2009-04-21 Thread Robert A. Lerche
You write that the kernel has successfully mounted the root file
system.  Are you sure?  This kind of crash is often due to a failure
to mount /.  How is the CF card connected physically?

You also write you have no initramfs.  I suggest you create one --
then if initialization cannot mount root it will drop into a shell and
you can examine the kernel boot messages.  Be sure to include dmesg,
grep, more and so on in your initramfs so you can look around easily.

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LFS Live CD future direction -- a suggestion

2009-04-16 Thread Robert A. Lerche
First, I want to thank everyone involved in creating the LFS project.
It is a beautiful piece of software craftsmanship -- useful, elegant
and well documented.

I'm writing this post because I have a suggestion for the Live CD part
of the LFS project.  I went back and read the Live CD mailing list
archive and there was a request looking for future directions posted
back in October of 2008.  

After I built LFS manually, I decided to try using the Live CD
makefiles to automate the build of a system I customized.  This was a
somewhat complex undertaking but I finally made it work.  My
suggestion is: enhance the Live CD structure to be a platform for
creating minimal Linux system source code development environments.

I ran across LFS while searching for a starting point for a project:
the Open Source Digital Voting Foundation aims to create a minimal,
verifiable platform for development of reliable election systems.  As
a proof of concept prototype, I used LFS to build a live CD
demonstration version of Pvote, Ka-Ping Yee's voting thesis project.

A major reason for wanting to minimize the sources is to make a
source code inspection of a proposed voting system practical.  As a
first cut at creating a minimal system, after a complete LFS build by
the book, I removed libraries and executables that were not required
for a skeleton system.  I was able to omit almost all of /usr, as well
as a bunch of libs.  I have not yet tried to go back and isolate which
sources could be left out of a build -- that is the next step.

The Live CD makefiles fetch sources and deliver a working bootable CD.
The basic idea is, type make and hours later a live CD pops out.
This works, but it is not an ideal structure if a developer has to do
further work to customize the system.  For example, the build process
destroys the intermediate results (object files) after each component
is completed.  Also, the make file dependencies are incomplete, so a
change may require a developer to know which rebuilds need to be
forced (initramfs falls in this category).

Don't get me wrong: the LFS Live CD was a great starting point for
what I needed, and it only took a week or so of manual work to upgrade
it to LFS 6.4+, add the Pvote requirements and cut the unnecessary
parts.  But that still is only a start.  My work has many rough edges,
nowhere near as polished as LFS or the LFS Live CD themselves.

I think many people have a need to build custom live CDs and this
would be a fruitful path for future LFS Live CD work.  Having an LFS
Live CD development environment as a starting point would benefit
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wrong md5sum for udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2 (LFS 6.4)

2009-03-21 Thread Robert A. Lerche
I have been checking the md5sums as I build LFS following the
instructions in the 6.4 book.  All have matched except for

On p. 27 the LFS 6.4 book indicates the md5sum for
udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2 is ac53f85ee6d3f31964a591f4b86e7707.

Files fetched from www.linuxfromscratch.org, lfs-matrix.net and
lfs.phayoune.org all have md5sum 54a23553332b0f1aa6366f884cd4799e.

I also tried the two sites in Texas, they both seem to be gone.
lfs.introspeed.com has a web server but the there is no pub/lfs
directory.  mirrors.probonic.com gives NXDOMAIN.

BTW, *thank*you* for LFS.  This is a wonderful project and the
documentation is excellent.

[logs follow]

l...@archie:~$ wget 
--2009-03-21 13:59:28--  
Resolving www.linuxfromscratch.org...
Connecting to www.linuxfromscratch.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 12917 (13K) [application/x-bzip2]
Saving to: `udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2'

100%[==] 12,917  41.0K/s   in 0.3s

2009-03-21 13:59:28 (41.0 KB/s) - `udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2' saved 

l...@archie:~$ md5sum udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2 
54a23553332b0f1aa6366f884cd4799e  udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2
l...@archie:~$ wget 
--2009-03-21 14:49:21--  
Resolving lfs-matrix.net...
Connecting to lfs-matrix.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 12917 (13K) [application/x-bzip2]
Saving to: `udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.1'

100%[==] 12,917  --.-K/s   in 0.07s   

2009-03-21 14:49:22 (184 KB/s) - `udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.1' saved 

l...@archie:~$ md5sum udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.1 
54a23553332b0f1aa6366f884cd4799e  udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.1
l...@archie:~$ wget 
--2009-03-21 14:51:14--  
Resolving lfs.introspeed.com...
Connecting to lfs.introspeed.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2009-03-21 14:51:14 ERROR 404: Not Found.

l...@archie:~$ wget 
--2009-03-21 14:51:39--  
Resolving lfs.introspeed.com...
Connecting to lfs.introspeed.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2009-03-21 14:51:39 ERROR 404: Not Found.

l...@archie:~$ wget 
--2009-03-21 14:53:14--  
Resolving lfs.phayoune.org...
Connecting to lfs.phayoune.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 12917 (13K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.2'

100%[==] 12,917  26.0K/s   in 0.5s

2009-03-21 14:53:15 (26.0 KB/s) - `udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.2' saved 

l...@archie:~$ md5sum udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.2 
54a23553332b0f1aa6366f884cd4799e  udev-config-20081015.tar.bz2.2

r...@mercury:~/file$ dig mirrors.probonic.com

;  DiG 9.2.4  mirrors.probonic.com
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 29989
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;mirrors.probonic.com.  IN  A

probonic.com.   10773   IN  SOA vmisrv1.combinetworks.com. 
root.vmisrv1.combinetworks.com. 1225412168 10800 3600 604800 38400

;; Query time: 28 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Mar 21 14:00:00 2009
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 101

[Firefox attempt to access lfs.introspeed.com]

Not Found

The requested URL /pub/lfs/ was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.8 
OpenSSL/0.9.8g Server at lfs.introspeed.com Port 80
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