[Lift] Re: testing

2009-09-12 Thread g-man

OK, I've got the lift-archetype-basic working now just as the post

In pursuit of BDD, I want to test some behavior this way:

1. Set up a 'test' database with a single SuperUser using fields I
know work with password, salt, etc.
2. Sign In as that SuperUser.
3. Sign Up another SuperUser with fields I supply, and send the
verification email.
4. Tear down everything after the tests run, leaving no database.

That's the beginning of the sort of testing I want to use to build my
next app.

Perhaps it's all there already, but it's not obvious to me yet.

On Sep 9, 5:35 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've updated the Basic archetype to include a couple of things:

    - An example of Lift's new Factory support which blends the best of
    dependency injection and and highly configurable, type-safe factories
    - An example of how to set up a session to test a snippet
    - An example of injecting a test value into the snippet test via the

 The test that you asked about looks like:

 object HelloWorldTestSpecs extends Specification {
   val session = new LiftSession(, randomString(20), Empty)

   HelloWorld Snippet should {
     Put the time in the node in {
       S.initIfUninitted(session) {
         val stableTime = now
         DependencyFactory.time.doWith(stableTime) {
           val hello = new HelloWorld
           Thread.sleep(1000) // make sure the time changes

           val str = hello.howdy(spanHello at b:time//span).toString

           str.indexOf(stableTime.toString) must be = 0
           str.indexOf(Hello at) must be = 0


 This demonstrates creating a mock LiftSession and setting up S with

 The DepencyFactory.time.doWith sets up a new value to be generated from the
 DepencyFactory.time object (rather than using the global default function,
 the stableTime value is used.)

 In the HelloWord snippet, we inject the value of the time object:

 class HelloWorld {
   import DependencyFactory._ // Import the Dependency Injector

   val date = inject[Date] // inject the date

   // lazy val date = DependencyFactory.time.make // create the date via

   def howdy(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
     Helpers.bind(b, in, time - date.map(d = Text(d.toString)))


 Note there are two ways of getting the time.  The inject method will locate
 a Maker for a java.util.Date.  This is a whole lot less (in my opinion)
 optimal than the second option, which explicitly calls the time factory.  In
 either case, the current time Maker (global, session-specific,
 request-specific, and stack-specific) is consulted.

 To build the Factory itself:

 object DependencyFactory extends Factory {
   implicit object time extends FactoryMaker(Helpers.now _)


 I hope this answers you question about testing snippets and more broadly
 addresses some of the recent discussions on the list about Dependency
 Injection, Factories, mocks, and testing.



 On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Dustin Whitney 


      I am having trouble finding any literature on how to test a Lift app.
  I've got a snippet.  I'd like to mock a request and test the NodeSeq that
  comes back from the render method in my snippet.  Can anyone point me to
  some code that's doing that?


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[Lift] Re: Crazy idea for lift's mega proto user: admin panel.

2009-09-08 Thread g-man

Right -- not knowing personally as to core vs widget (that is up to
'management'), but I would also look to the web2py and django (even
Google app engine) frameworks for nice admin interface inspiration...

On Sep 7, 4:16 pm, DFectuoso santiago1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was thinking about how wonderful it is to get a login/register/
 forgotPassword functionality with mega proto user and how it could
 become even better with a good tool for creating an admin section.

 I'm just adding the idea here so maybe if other people find value it
 could be considered for development(or probably it already is, i don't

 Adding an admin panel to mega proto user where the moderators/admins
 could change some options(like the way a user is validated, if gzip is
 enabled, etc) would be great for the end users of our apps, since it
 would be easier to change and maintain the site.

 Being a administrator at a Invision Power Board forum and having a
 couple of wordpress blogs, i see a lot of potential on this as a admin/
 dev tool! Listing some of the things that i can imagine in this panel

 -phpMyAdmin-type of DB admin(browse your data easily, remove/change/
 add stuff to it without having to create a CRUD for each thing)
 -execute queries
 -List the actor(and comet actors) with possibility to kill/reset them
 -Memory use analysis.
 -Statistics of use(hits, referrals, etc)
 -Options (any object/class/trait could have a val foo =
 otherValues[]) and be included in this place, of course the categories
 could create different menus.
 -User management(ban, authorize, give admin-rights).
 -Simple to-do list that all admins can edit
 -Log of errors/warnings/exceptions
 -Css editor
 -Easy-logo changer
 -File Manager(upload your images and stuff here)
 -String editor (you can change any default string from the
 megaprotouser forms and the index?)

 Also, a very polemic(and i think bad idea, but its common to see this
 in admin panels):
 -Installable plug-ins for this panel

 I know this seems like one step away from being a full blown CMS,
 forum, blog, etc. But if its extensible while we are building an app,
 it will be very useful for the different moments of development and

 Of course i don't expect any of this to be done right now, i
 understand there are a couple of integrations and bigger things going
 on but i really wanted to brainstorm on this with you guys!
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[Lift] Re: Invalid dates

2009-09-06 Thread g-man

OK, I just went through a lot of work on this over the past month ...

My solution, in a webapp environment, was to hold all date-times as
UNIX timestamps (milliseconds from 1970.1.1), which are in UTC, and
then let the client do all conversions, because the browser is set for
the local timezone.

What I like is that the DB number is a pure Long, so I can add or
subtract as I need (either server-side or client-side), and I can even
sneak in a call on the server to java.util.Date for a (new Date
()).getTime() if I need a timestamp.

The downside is there are some gymnastics to do for JavaScript
formatting, conversion, and even validation on input and display, but
otherwise it works nicely.

On Sep 6, 2:32 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 How do you deal with users entering invalid dates? 1) The default 
 implementation is dependent on the global date formatter/parser, which is 
 nonoptimal. How do you enter a time for a MappedTime? MappedDates should not 
 show the time of day, nor MappedTimes the date.
 2) If toForm or setFromAny fails to parse the date, there is no information 
 about it available to validation.
 I would like to suggest that Mapped(Date)(Time)s hold a DateFormat. 
 MappedDate should default to DateFormat.getDateInstance and MappedTime to 
 DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT). MappedDateTime can use the 
 And they could hold a Boxed String which would be Full if parsing failed, and 
 a validator that requires it to be Empty. The actual set method would reset 
 it to Empty.
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[Lift] what's in Classpath?

2009-08-30 Thread g-man

How can we know what is included in Lift's classpath for javascript
and css files?

I see src=/classpath/jquery.js and src=/classpath/json.js in the
example template, and even lift:CSS.blueprint / and
lift:CSS.fancyType /.

Where can I see exactly what we are getting 'for free', so I will know
what I have to load explicitly into html?

Thanks as always!
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[Lift] why match not exhaustive?

2009-08-28 Thread g-man

I am getting this warning during compile of my ToDo tutorial app

ToDo.scala:355: warning: match is not exhaustive!
missing combination   ParamFailure
missing combination Failure
  case Nil =  selectedTag match {

My code is:

currentTask.validate match {
  case Nil =  selectedTag match {
case Full(currentTag) = if (! currentTask.saved_?) {
  JoinTags.joinTask(currentTag, currentTask)
  S.notice(added Task:  + currentTask.desc.is)
case Empty = S.error(..please supply a Tag);
S.mapSnippet(ToDo.addTask, doTaskBind)
  case xs = S.error(xs); S.mapSnippet(ToDo.addTask,

The code runs fine so far... Is it the nested match?
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[Lift] Re: slow down ajax?

2009-08-20 Thread g-man

Short story - after a fresh start with your instructions... all is

I actually just downloaded the zip file into a liftweb temp directory,
then entered that and ran mvn as you said. After a huge compile, I
changed all 3 of my Lift references in the existing project pom.xml to
'1.1-SNAPSHOT' (which may have been a problem on my last attempt), and
jetty started perfectly.

So, now I will delve back into the mechanics of my program, and tinker

Thanks for your help, and stay tuned for the next exciting episode...
Lift is fun!

On Aug 19, 10:42 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Or just checkout from git master and do a

 mvn clean:clean install

 Trust me it's all there :)


 On Aug 20, 8:15 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

  Are you using maven to compile?
  Delete any earlier jar so you rule out that possibility. Also, if you turn 
  on debug output in maven (-X) it might tell you the path that it's using to 
  invoke the compiler so you can see which jar it's using if any.


  g-mangregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well, I went down the rabbit hole on a quest for 1.1-SNAPSHOT -  It is
  not visible, even though my pom points to it, and the .m2 repository
  shows a directory for it.


  Bottom line is :

  src\main\scala\bootstrap\liftweb\Boot.scala:11: error: value provider
  is not a member of package net.liftweb.http
  import http.provider._


  error:  wrong number of arguments for method
  ajaxText: (String,(String) = net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd)scala.xml.Elem

  So Lift can't see the new stuff, and I also can't get an archetype
  created using the 1.1-SNAPSHOT, so I will keep hacking unless you have
  some further guidance for me.

  On Aug 19, 12:20 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   Please use Lift 1.1-SNAPSHOT


   On Aug 19, 10:06 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

I quoted the def from net.liftweb.http.SHtml in:


and when I tried the other version, my complier did not accept the
extra param.

That's why I thought I had to override something...

Is there a newer version I should be using?

On Aug 18, 10:38 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 No you can't override it because SHtml is an object not a type. The
 function definition above (def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call,
 func: String = JsCmd) ) already exists in SHtml. In fact we have this
 deferring mechanism for other functions like ajaxButton, a, etc.

 If you're still having trouble using this please let me know and I'll
 make and example app. for you.


 On Aug 19, 5:42 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK, seems like I have to learn a little more about Scala so I can
  override the ajaxText method, right? Here it is in the docs:

  def ajaxText(value: String, func: String = JsCmd): Elem = 
  (value, SFuncHolder(func))

  When I fumble around, it won't compile, because I'm just not doing 
  right. My project is a hobby, not mission-critical, so I'm under no

  For now, I will change to an ajaxForm, but the learning is all good,
  and if you want to keep teaching, I will listen!

  Thanks for your patience...

  On Aug 18, 12:41 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


   def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

   jsFunc parameter is a Call which is defined as:

   case class Call(function: String, params: JsExp*) extends JsExp

   So by this you represent a javascript function invocations.

   So assuming somewhere you have a javascript function like:

   function myFunc(myParam, callback)  {

      // do some logic


   in the snippet we have something like:

                 Call(myFunc, Str(some_param_value))
                  v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();})

   As you can see we called Call(myFunc, Str
   (some_param_value)) .. .we provided the JS function name and one
   parameter. Lift will add the second parameter which is the 
   function. This callback function represents the actual ajax call 
   since it is a callback you can invoke it whenever you want inside
   'myFunc' javascript function. In other words you can defer the 
   ajax call as you see fit.

   Now myFunc function declaration can be:
   1. In your own .js file
   2. Written in the script tag inside your html
   3. Generate using Lifts' JS absctrations using JsCmds.Function()
   object such as:

     JsCmds.Function(MyFunc, List(myParam, callback

[Lift] Re: slow down ajax?

2009-08-19 Thread g-man

I quoted the def from net.liftweb.http.SHtml in:


and when I tried the other version, my complier did not accept the
extra param.

That's why I thought I had to override something...

Is there a newer version I should be using?

On Aug 18, 10:38 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 No you can't override it because SHtml is an object not a type. The
 function definition above (def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call,
 func: String = JsCmd) ) already exists in SHtml. In fact we have this
 deferring mechanism for other functions like ajaxButton, a, etc.

 If you're still having trouble using this please let me know and I'll
 make and example app. for you.


 On Aug 19, 5:42 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK, seems like I have to learn a little more about Scala so I can
  override the ajaxText method, right? Here it is in the docs:

  def ajaxText(value: String, func: String = JsCmd): Elem = ajaxText_*
  (value, SFuncHolder(func))

  When I fumble around, it won't compile, because I'm just not doing it
  right. My project is a hobby, not mission-critical, so I'm under no

  For now, I will change to an ajaxForm, but the learning is all good,
  and if you want to keep teaching, I will listen!

  Thanks for your patience...

  On Aug 18, 12:41 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


   def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

   jsFunc parameter is a Call which is defined as:

   case class Call(function: String, params: JsExp*) extends JsExp

   So by this you represent a javascript function invocations.

   So assuming somewhere you have a javascript function like:

   function myFunc(myParam, callback)  {

      // do some logic


   in the snippet we have something like:

                 Call(myFunc, Str(some_param_value))
                  v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();})

   As you can see we called Call(myFunc, Str
   (some_param_value)) .. .we provided the JS function name and one
   parameter. Lift will add the second parameter which is the callback
   function. This callback function represents the actual ajax call and
   since it is a callback you can invoke it whenever you want inside
   'myFunc' javascript function. In other words you can defer the actual
   ajax call as you see fit.

   Now myFunc function declaration can be:
   1. In your own .js file
   2. Written in the script tag inside your html
   3. Generate using Lifts' JS absctrations using JsCmds.Function()
   object such as:

     JsCmds.Function(MyFunc, List(myParam, callback),

   The main point in all this is that you can defer the actual ajax call.
   You know better if this fits your case.


   On Aug 18, 10:21 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

No, this is the old way ...I am unsure how to invoke the ajax method
-- could you enlighten me?

On Aug 17, 12:26 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I don't see in your code the use of the overloaded ajaxText that I
 posted. Have you tried it?


 On Aug 17, 10:20 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK, thanks for checking back...

  swappable(span class='dueon'{task.dueOn.toString}/span,
                span class='chgDueon'{ajaxText(task.dueOn.toString,
                    v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();
                    }) % (size - 10)}/span)

  $chgDueon // jQuery selection for text field
      .datepicker({dateFormat:'m-d-yy', minDate: +1})
  // works well to pick a new date and change it to millis for save

  Emitted XHTML:
     span class=dueon id=F111290299287IBE
            jQuery('#'+'F1112902992880KN').show().each(function(i) {
                var t = this; setTimeout(function() { t.focus(); },
  200);});return false;;
     span style=display: none id=F1112902992880KN
        input onblur=lift_ajaxHandler('F111290299286DL1=' +
           encodeURIComponent(this.value), null, null)
           type=text value=1248493271843
           onkeypress=lift_blurIfReturn(event) size=10 /

  So, all the parts work well together, but Lift's ajax just takes off
  too quickly, and cannot read the new value.

  On Aug 16, 11:02 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   You can probably use this definition of ajaxText:

   def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

   See the jsFunc

[Lift] Re: slow down ajax?

2009-08-19 Thread g-man

Well, I went down the rabbit hole on a quest for 1.1-SNAPSHOT -  It is
not visible, even though my pom points to it, and the .m2 repository
shows a directory for it.


Bottom line is :

src\main\scala\bootstrap\liftweb\Boot.scala:11: error: value provider
is not a member of package net.liftweb.http
import http.provider._


error:  wrong number of arguments for method
ajaxText: (String,(String) = net.liftweb.http.js.JsCmd)scala.xml.Elem

So Lift can't see the new stuff, and I also can't get an archetype
created using the 1.1-SNAPSHOT, so I will keep hacking unless you have
some further guidance for me.

On Aug 19, 12:20 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please use Lift 1.1-SNAPSHOT


 On Aug 19, 10:06 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I quoted the def from net.liftweb.http.SHtml in:


  and when I tried the other version, my complier did not accept the
  extra param.

  That's why I thought I had to override something...

  Is there a newer version I should be using?

  On Aug 18, 10:38 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   No you can't override it because SHtml is an object not a type. The
   function definition above (def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call,
   func: String = JsCmd) ) already exists in SHtml. In fact we have this
   deferring mechanism for other functions like ajaxButton, a, etc.

   If you're still having trouble using this please let me know and I'll
   make and example app. for you.


   On Aug 19, 5:42 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

OK, seems like I have to learn a little more about Scala so I can
override the ajaxText method, right? Here it is in the docs:

def ajaxText(value: String, func: String = JsCmd): Elem = ajaxText_*
(value, SFuncHolder(func))

When I fumble around, it won't compile, because I'm just not doing it
right. My project is a hobby, not mission-critical, so I'm under no

For now, I will change to an ajaxForm, but the learning is all good,
and if you want to keep teaching, I will listen!

Thanks for your patience...

On Aug 18, 12:41 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


 def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

 jsFunc parameter is a Call which is defined as:

 case class Call(function: String, params: JsExp*) extends JsExp

 So by this you represent a javascript function invocations.

 So assuming somewhere you have a javascript function like:

 function myFunc(myParam, callback)  {

    // do some logic


 in the snippet we have something like:

               Call(myFunc, Str(some_param_value))
                v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();})

 As you can see we called Call(myFunc, Str
 (some_param_value)) .. .we provided the JS function name and one
 parameter. Lift will add the second parameter which is the callback
 function. This callback function represents the actual ajax call and
 since it is a callback you can invoke it whenever you want inside
 'myFunc' javascript function. In other words you can defer the actual
 ajax call as you see fit.

 Now myFunc function declaration can be:
 1. In your own .js file
 2. Written in the script tag inside your html
 3. Generate using Lifts' JS absctrations using JsCmds.Function()
 object such as:

   JsCmds.Function(MyFunc, List(myParam, callback),

 The main point in all this is that you can defer the actual ajax call.
 You know better if this fits your case.


 On Aug 18, 10:21 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  No, this is the old way ...I am unsure how to invoke the ajax method
  -- could you enlighten me?

  On Aug 17, 12:26 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   I don't see in your code the use of the overloaded ajaxText that I
   posted. Have you tried it?


   On Aug 17, 10:20 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

OK, thanks for checking back...

swappable(span class='dueon'{task.dueOn.toString}/span,
                  v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; 
                  }) % (size - 10)}/span)

$chgDueon // jQuery selection for text field
    .datepicker({dateFormat:'m-d-yy', minDate: +1})
// works well to pick a new date and change it to millis for 

Emitted XHTML:
   span class=dueon id=F111290299287IBE

[Lift] Re: slow down ajax?

2009-08-18 Thread g-man

No, this is the old way ...I am unsure how to invoke the ajax method
-- could you enlighten me?

On Aug 17, 12:26 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 I don't see in your code the use of the overloaded ajaxText that I
 posted. Have you tried it?


 On Aug 17, 10:20 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK, thanks for checking back...

  swappable(span class='dueon'{task.dueOn.toString}/span,
                span class='chgDueon'{ajaxText(task.dueOn.toString,
                    v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();
                    }) % (size - 10)}/span)

  $chgDueon // jQuery selection for text field
      .datepicker({dateFormat:'m-d-yy', minDate: +1})
  // works well to pick a new date and change it to millis for save

  Emitted XHTML:
     span class=dueon id=F111290299287IBE
            jQuery('#'+'F1112902992880KN').show().each(function(i) {
                var t = this; setTimeout(function() { t.focus(); },
  200);});return false;;
     span style=display: none id=F1112902992880KN
        input onblur=lift_ajaxHandler('F111290299286DL1=' +
           encodeURIComponent(this.value), null, null)
           type=text value=1248493271843
           onkeypress=lift_blurIfReturn(event) size=10 /

  So, all the parts work well together, but Lift's ajax just takes off
  too quickly, and cannot read the new value.

  On Aug 16, 11:02 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   You can probably use this definition of ajaxText:

   def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

   See the jsFunc parameter. Essentially you are specifying your function
   call that may have one parameter. To your parameter list List we'll
   add a new parameter which is the ajax invocation function. In other
   words your code gets that function that does the ajax call meaning
   that you have the control over when the ajax call is made.


   On Aug 17, 8:55 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

Would you please post a code snippet with what you're doing? (a
minimalistic example)


On Aug 17, 7:41 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am moving nicely with my 'save all dates as millis and let the
 client localize for display' project, learning while enhancing the
 ToDo sample app.

 I have added a 'dueOn' field, and that is displayed as swappable
 ajaxText, similar to the other fields in the tutorial.

 I have enabled datepicker for the ajaxText field via jQuery, and have
 a parsing function attached an event listener, so when datepicker
 finishes, the date is converted to millis, ready for Lift to send back
 to the server and save.

 So far, all good.

 The problem is that Lift's ajax starts ('onblur') before it has a
 chance to see the new date value, so the new value is never saved.

 What I need is a way to tell Lift to wait until after my parser has
 had a chance to write the changed value.

 I like the ajax style, so I don't want to make a 'submit' form, and
 'onchange' won't do it either, because the value is actually changed
 twice (once to a formatted date, once to millis).

 What I need is some way to say, 'OK to start ajax now'!
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[Lift] Re: slow down ajax?

2009-08-18 Thread g-man

OK, seems like I have to learn a little more about Scala so I can
override the ajaxText method, right? Here it is in the docs:

def ajaxText(value: String, func: String = JsCmd): Elem = ajaxText_*
(value, SFuncHolder(func))

When I fumble around, it won't compile, because I'm just not doing it
right. My project is a hobby, not mission-critical, so I'm under no

For now, I will change to an ajaxForm, but the learning is all good,
and if you want to keep teaching, I will listen!

Thanks for your patience...

On Aug 18, 12:41 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

 jsFunc parameter is a Call which is defined as:

 case class Call(function: String, params: JsExp*) extends JsExp

 So by this you represent a javascript function invocations.

 So assuming somewhere you have a javascript function like:

 function myFunc(myParam, callback)  {

    // do some logic


 in the snippet we have something like:

               Call(myFunc, Str(some_param_value))
                v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();})

 As you can see we called Call(myFunc, Str
 (some_param_value)) .. .we provided the JS function name and one
 parameter. Lift will add the second parameter which is the callback
 function. This callback function represents the actual ajax call and
 since it is a callback you can invoke it whenever you want inside
 'myFunc' javascript function. In other words you can defer the actual
 ajax call as you see fit.

 Now myFunc function declaration can be:
 1. In your own .js file
 2. Written in the script tag inside your html
 3. Generate using Lifts' JS absctrations using JsCmds.Function()
 object such as:

   JsCmds.Function(MyFunc, List(myParam, callback),

 The main point in all this is that you can defer the actual ajax call.
 You know better if this fits your case.


 On Aug 18, 10:21 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  No, this is the old way ...I am unsure how to invoke the ajax method
  -- could you enlighten me?

  On Aug 17, 12:26 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   I don't see in your code the use of the overloaded ajaxText that I
   posted. Have you tried it?


   On Aug 17, 10:20 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

OK, thanks for checking back...

swappable(span class='dueon'{task.dueOn.toString}/span,
              span class='chgDueon'{ajaxText(task.dueOn.toString,
                  v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();
                  }) % (size - 10)}/span)

$chgDueon // jQuery selection for text field
    .datepicker({dateFormat:'m-d-yy', minDate: +1})
// works well to pick a new date and change it to millis for save

Emitted XHTML:
   span class=dueon id=F111290299287IBE
          jQuery('#'+'F1112902992880KN').show().each(function(i) {
              var t = this; setTimeout(function() { t.focus(); },
200);});return false;;
   span style=display: none id=F1112902992880KN
      input onblur=lift_ajaxHandler('F111290299286DL1=' +
         encodeURIComponent(this.value), null, null)
         type=text value=1248493271843
         onkeypress=lift_blurIfReturn(event) size=10 /

So, all the parts work well together, but Lift's ajax just takes off
too quickly, and cannot read the new value.

On Aug 16, 11:02 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can probably use this definition of ajaxText:

 def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

 See the jsFunc parameter. Essentially you are specifying your function
 call that may have one parameter. To your parameter list List we'll
 add a new parameter which is the ajax invocation function. In other
 words your code gets that function that does the ajax call meaning
 that you have the control over when the ajax call is made.


 On Aug 17, 8:55 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Would you please post a code snippet with what you're doing? (a
  minimalistic example)


  On Aug 17, 7:41 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am moving nicely with my 'save all dates as millis and let the
   client localize for display' project, learning while enhancing the
   ToDo sample app.

   I have added a 'dueOn' field, and that is displayed as swappable
   ajaxText, similar to the other fields in the tutorial.

   I have enabled datepicker for the ajaxText

[Lift] Re: slow down ajax?

2009-08-17 Thread g-man

OK, thanks for checking back...

swappable(span class='dueon'{task.dueOn.toString}/span,
  span class='chgDueon'{ajaxText(task.dueOn.toString,
  v = { task.dueOn(v.toLong).save; reDrawTasks();
  }) % (size - 10)}/span)

$chgDueon // jQuery selection for text field
.datepicker({dateFormat:'m-d-yy', minDate: +1})
// works well to pick a new date and change it to millis for save

Emitted XHTML:
   span class=dueon id=F111290299287IBE
  jQuery('#'+'F1112902992880KN').show().each(function(i) {
  var t = this; setTimeout(function() { t.focus(); },
200);});return false;;
   span style=display: none id=F1112902992880KN
  input onblur=lift_ajaxHandler('F111290299286DL1=' +
 encodeURIComponent(this.value), null, null)
 type=text value=1248493271843
 onkeypress=lift_blurIfReturn(event) size=10 /

So, all the parts work well together, but Lift's ajax just takes off
too quickly, and cannot read the new value.

On Aug 16, 11:02 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can probably use this definition of ajaxText:

 def ajaxText(value: String, jsFunc: Call, func: String = JsCmd)

 See the jsFunc parameter. Essentially you are specifying your function
 call that may have one parameter. To your parameter list List we'll
 add a new parameter which is the ajax invocation function. In other
 words your code gets that function that does the ajax call meaning
 that you have the control over when the ajax call is made.


 On Aug 17, 8:55 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Would you please post a code snippet with what you're doing? (a
  minimalistic example)


  On Aug 17, 7:41 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am moving nicely with my 'save all dates as millis and let the
   client localize for display' project, learning while enhancing the
   ToDo sample app.

   I have added a 'dueOn' field, and that is displayed as swappable
   ajaxText, similar to the other fields in the tutorial.

   I have enabled datepicker for the ajaxText field via jQuery, and have
   a parsing function attached an event listener, so when datepicker
   finishes, the date is converted to millis, ready for Lift to send back
   to the server and save.

   So far, all good.

   The problem is that Lift's ajax starts ('onblur') before it has a
   chance to see the new date value, so the new value is never saved.

   What I need is a way to tell Lift to wait until after my parser has
   had a chance to write the changed value.

   I like the ajax style, so I don't want to make a 'submit' form, and
   'onchange' won't do it either, because the value is actually changed
   twice (once to a formatted date, once to millis).

   What I need is some way to say, 'OK to start ajax now'!
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[Lift] slow down ajax?

2009-08-16 Thread g-man

I am moving nicely with my 'save all dates as millis and let the
client localize for display' project, learning while enhancing the
ToDo sample app.

I have added a 'dueOn' field, and that is displayed as swappable
ajaxText, similar to the other fields in the tutorial.

I have enabled datepicker for the ajaxText field via jQuery, and have
a parsing function attached an event listener, so when datepicker
finishes, the date is converted to millis, ready for Lift to send back
to the server and save.

So far, all good.

The problem is that Lift's ajax starts ('onblur') before it has a
chance to see the new date value, so the new value is never saved.

What I need is a way to tell Lift to wait until after my parser has
had a chance to write the changed value.

I like the ajax style, so I don't want to make a 'submit' form, and
'onchange' won't do it either, because the value is actually changed
twice (once to a formatted date, once to millis).

What I need is some way to say, 'OK to start ajax now'!
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[Lift] Re: New Mapped Fields (MappedTimestamp and MappedMac)

2009-07-30 Thread g-man

I've been working on implementing a better Date solution in my apps,
and the best one I have found is to use a Long to store the instant in
millis, then pass that down the line in response, let JavaScript do
all the conversions to display and validations for submission client-
side, and then send back millis in a request.

It's just an world-wide instant in time, after all, with no time zone
(UTC), and I can do all my date math easily with millis.

True, it's not human-readable in the database, but so what? True,
relying on JS may not be a universal solution, but how many users
don't have JavaScript turned on?

This approach would fit in well with your idea, being a Long, but I
see no need to bring in the Date object at all. Even if you want to
let the Java Date do any work, it can still use the millis perfectly,
and mySQL strips off the milli-portion of its timestamp data type
anyway, which is why it's useless.

Walks like a Date, talks like a Date, but it's a milli...

On Jul 30, 5:53 pm, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 As some of you may have noticed, I have been playing around with
 timestamps[1] and mac addresses[2] in my models. I really like
 Mapper's specialized fields, both to make it easier for people to read
 model definitions and to better ensure that only valid values are used
 along all levels of the service, from the persistence to the
 presentation layers.

 So, I would like to propose an effort to develop more specialized
 fields, starting with MappedTimestamp and MappedMac. I talked to David
 today and he is willing to provide some advice. Hopefully this will
 prove a useful way for me to improve my Scala knowledge and contribute
 to Lift.

 Focusing just on the two mapped fields I mentioned, do you have any
 comments how that should be implemented? My thinking is that
 MappedTimestamp would be stored as a java.util.date and MappedMac as
 a  String, converting both of them to Longs for the database in the
 interest of saving space.

 Are there any other mapped fields you'd like to see? I'll add that I
 think using the units compiler plugin[3] looks cool[4] but probably
 would be considered to create an unacceptable dependency.

 Peter Robinett

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[Lift] Re: Timestamps, Mapper, and MySQL

2009-07-17 Thread g-man

I, too, want to get a better grip on managment of dates and times, and
for me the first step is to record everything as a UTC instance in my

What I need to do is to have a way to make the client browser include
a 'Date' HTTP Header in every request. From that, I can get the
timezone and set a SessionVar to use in translating the particular
data back to the correct timezone in the response.

As it is now, it looks like only:

GET /ajax_request/liftAjax.js HTTP/1.1

are sent over.

Lift and Scala are fun!

On Jul 15, 12:30 pm, Peter Robinett pe...@bubblefoundry.com wrote:
 As others have encountered before[1], MappedDateTime has some
 limitations. Unlike others I'm not losing my time information: in my
 MySQL database correct datetimes are stored. However, the datetimes
 are in my local timezone, not GMT. I could change the MySQL timezone
 but I'd rather not rely on that.

 Given this and because I would like to store millisecond timestamps
 and MySQL's native timestamp column type only stores timestamps to the
 second, I figure using an unsigned BIGINT would be best. Assuming that
 is a reasonable decision (please tell me if you think it isn't), what
 is the best way to map to this database column?

 One solution I see is to just use a MappedLong. However, then I would
 have to manually convert to and from usable Dates and so on. I see
 that Joda Time is a popular replacement for java.util.Date but I don't
 know how to beginning using it as a MappedField. Could someone advise

 Finally, given the common need for timestamp fields, would it make
 sense to create a MappedTimestamp MappedField? If so, how would I go
 about doing this? As you can tell, I am quite new to Lift and Scala
 but this would be a good way to improve my knowledge and to contribute
 to Lift.

 What do you think? I look forward to your thoughts!

 Peter Robinett

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[Lift] Re: Creating a project

2009-07-03 Thread g-man

I have been working on a project for a while, so I haven't needed to
use it, but I found this in my collection of .bat files:

cd C:\Liftweb
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://scala-tools.org/

... that way, you get a bunch of choices during the creation process,
as I recall.

Yes, Lift is young, and is in more of the 'for programmers' phase than
the 'for everyone' phase as far as books and instructional websites
go, but things are moving fast!

Try it out and see what you can create, then report back with what you
have learned, as many here do...

On Jul 3, 4:00 pm, Douglas Quaid lee.ami...@gmail.com wrote:
 I heard some good vibes about Lift and then I saw this gem in the
 Getting Started documentation for creating a project:

  From a command prompt, type:

 mvn archetype:generate -U \
 -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-basic \
 -DarchetypeVersion=1.0 \
 -DgroupId=com.liftworkshop \
 -DartifactId=todo \

 Perhaps you guys could innovate and wrap this crap (rhyme!) in a
 shell script.

 Good day!
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[Lift] Re: can a Snippet call a Snippet?

2009-07-02 Thread g-man

The open_! came right from the 'Getting Started' Todo tutorial I am

Listing 17:  list method in TD class
def list(html: NodeSeq) = {
 val id = S.attr(all_id).open_!

Nevertheless, the question remains: How can I filter the Todo items by
a Tag and render the list?

I guess I could always link to a new page and let the template drive
the snippet, but I kind of wanted to keep one page open and just do
AJAX stuff within div elements.

Thanks again..

On Jul 2, 5:46 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 10:43 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm getting a Null Pointer: 'Trying to open an empty box', from S.attr

 Don't use open_!  It's dangerous.

 That's why Boxes exist.  They contain (or don't) something that may or may
 not exist.  If you use open_! in your code, it is a major mistake (a logic
 error) unless the line before the open contains if (thing.isDefined) {



  Here's my layout:

  todo.html template 

  lift:TD.listTodos todos=todos
  --- Todo list table stuff ---
  lift:TD.listTags tags=tags
  --- Tag list table stuff (where the selection to filter comes from)

  TD.scala snippet =

  // this arity is for the default 'show all Todos' condition
  def list(html: NodeSeq) = {
     val id = S.attr(todos).open_!

  // this arity is for the 'filter by Tag' case
  def list(filterTag: Long)(html: NodeSeq) = {
     val id = S.attr(todos).open_!

  The two snippet methods could probably be combined with a (param:
  Long*) signature, but Scala does not seem to care right now. The
  default works perfectly, but when a Tag is selected to filter by, the
  'todos' id Box cannot be seen when attempting to open.

  Is this because it is probably out of scope? I am using an ajaxbutton
  to make the call and pass in the tag.id, but it is hard to see how an
  S.attr could exist for one request, then be gone for the next, unless
  I am confusing this with a stateful attribute.

  On Jul 1, 2:42 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 2:28 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

I will look into the nested snippets.

For expediency, I folded all the snippets that interact with my
template into one file, so I can concentrate on the business logic.

For my Todo app enhancement, I need to pass the id of my selected Tag
(which I have confirmed is correctly gathered from the page request)
in to the TD.list method, so that the filtered Todos (those bearing
the required Tag) will be found and rendered.

My problem is that if I try to pass an additional argument (tagId:
Long), the TD.list method is not happy and will not even render the

I have tried both paired (html: NodeSeq, tagId: Long) as well as
curried style (html: NodeSeq)(tagId: Long), but neither works.


   list(tagId: Long)(html: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

   That way list(44L) _ becomes a NodeSeq = NodeSeq

There must be a simple way to accomplish such a common task!

Thanks to all the members for commenting...

On Jun 29, 11:25 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Or you can use S.locateMappedSnippet ... but first try to see if
 nested snippet won't do the trick for you ...

 On Jun 30, 10:17 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you paste some code?

  Essentially we support nested snippets so your snippet can simply
  return a markup containing another snippet and it will be invoked.
  you really want to manually invoke a snippet from another snippet
  if you are not using StatefulSnippets you can just instantiate the
  class and call your function and pass it the right NodeSeq.


  On Jun 30, 5:36 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am enhancing the Todo app by adding tags.

   I have retained the TD.scala snippet to manage the Todos on my
   and added a TG.scala snippet to handle tags on the same page,
   works well for creating new and listing in both cases.

   Now I want to filter my Todos list by a Tag instance I select
  from my
   list, and therefore need to pass the id of the selected tag over
   the TG snippet to the TD snippet, where it can be used as a
   argument for a find method.

   The problem is that scala says it cannot find snippet TD, whose
   I am calling as TD.list from the TG.scala snippet. I have tried
   kinds of explicit importing, but no luck.

   So,  can a snippet call a snippet, or is that controlled only
   web page?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

   Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
   Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
   Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
   Git some:http://github.com/dpp


[Lift] Re: can a Snippet call a Snippet?

2009-07-01 Thread g-man

I will look into the nested snippets.

For expediency, I folded all the snippets that interact with my
template into one file, so I can concentrate on the business logic.

For my Todo app enhancement, I need to pass the id of my selected Tag
(which I have confirmed is correctly gathered from the page request)
in to the TD.list method, so that the filtered Todos (those bearing
the required Tag) will be found and rendered.

My problem is that if I try to pass an additional argument (tagId:
Long), the TD.list method is not happy and will not even render the

I have tried both paired (html: NodeSeq, tagId: Long) as well as
curried style (html: NodeSeq)(tagId: Long), but neither works.

There must be a simple way to accomplish such a common task!

Thanks to all the members for commenting...

On Jun 29, 11:25 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Or you can use S.locateMappedSnippet ... but first try to see if
 nested snippet won't do the trick for you ...

 On Jun 30, 10:17 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you paste some code?

  Essentially we support nested snippets so your snippet can simply
  return a markup containing another snippet and it will be invoked. If
  you really want to manually invoke a snippet from another snippet and
  if you are not using StatefulSnippets you can just instantiate the
  class and call your function and pass it the right NodeSeq.


  On Jun 30, 5:36 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

   I am enhancing the Todo app by adding tags.

   I have retained the TD.scala snippet to manage the Todos on my page,
   and added a TG.scala snippet to handle tags on the same page, which
   works well for creating new and listing in both cases.

   Now I want to filter my Todos list by a Tag instance I select from my
   list, and therefore need to pass the id of the selected tag over from
   the TG snippet to the TD snippet, where it can be used as a filter
   argument for a find method.

   The problem is that scala says it cannot find snippet TD, whose method
   I am calling as TD.list from the TG.scala snippet. I have tried all
   kinds of explicit importing, but no luck.

   So,  can a snippet call a snippet, or is that controlled only from the
   web page?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[Lift] Re: can a Snippet call a Snippet?

2009-07-01 Thread g-man

I'm getting a Null Pointer: 'Trying to open an empty box', from S.attr

Here's my layout:

todo.html template 

lift:TD.listTodos todos=todos
--- Todo list table stuff ---
lift:TD.listTags tags=tags
--- Tag list table stuff (where the selection to filter comes from)

TD.scala snippet =

// this arity is for the default 'show all Todos' condition
def list(html: NodeSeq) = {
val id = S.attr(todos).open_!

// this arity is for the 'filter by Tag' case
def list(filterTag: Long)(html: NodeSeq) = {
val id = S.attr(todos).open_!

The two snippet methods could probably be combined with a (param:
Long*) signature, but Scala does not seem to care right now. The
default works perfectly, but when a Tag is selected to filter by, the
'todos' id Box cannot be seen when attempting to open.

Is this because it is probably out of scope? I am using an ajaxbutton
to make the call and pass in the tag.id, but it is hard to see how an
S.attr could exist for one request, then be gone for the next, unless
I am confusing this with a stateful attribute.

On Jul 1, 2:42 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 2:28 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I will look into the nested snippets.

  For expediency, I folded all the snippets that interact with my
  template into one file, so I can concentrate on the business logic.

  For my Todo app enhancement, I need to pass the id of my selected Tag
  (which I have confirmed is correctly gathered from the page request)
  in to the TD.list method, so that the filtered Todos (those bearing
  the required Tag) will be found and rendered.

  My problem is that if I try to pass an additional argument (tagId:
  Long), the TD.list method is not happy and will not even render the

  I have tried both paired (html: NodeSeq, tagId: Long) as well as
  curried style (html: NodeSeq)(tagId: Long), but neither works.


 list(tagId: Long)(html: NodeSeq): NodeSeq

 That way list(44L) _ becomes a NodeSeq = NodeSeq

  There must be a simple way to accomplish such a common task!

  Thanks to all the members for commenting...

  On Jun 29, 11:25 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
   Or you can use S.locateMappedSnippet ... but first try to see if
   nested snippet won't do the trick for you ...

   On Jun 30, 10:17 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

Can you paste some code?

Essentially we support nested snippets so your snippet can simply
return a markup containing another snippet and it will be invoked. If
you really want to manually invoke a snippet from another snippet and
if you are not using StatefulSnippets you can just instantiate the
class and call your function and pass it the right NodeSeq.


On Jun 30, 5:36 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am enhancing the Todo app by adding tags.

 I have retained the TD.scala snippet to manage the Todos on my page,
 and added a TG.scala snippet to handle tags on the same page, which
 works well for creating new and listing in both cases.

 Now I want to filter my Todos list by a Tag instance I select from my
 list, and therefore need to pass the id of the selected tag over from
 the TG snippet to the TD snippet, where it can be used as a filter
 argument for a find method.

 The problem is that scala says it cannot find snippet TD, whose
 I am calling as TD.list from the TG.scala snippet. I have tried all
 kinds of explicit importing, but no luck.

 So,  can a snippet call a snippet, or is that controlled only from
 web page?- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
 Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
 Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
 Git some:http://github.com/dpp
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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] can a Snippet call a Snippet?

2009-06-29 Thread g-man

I am enhancing the Todo app by adding tags.

I have retained the TD.scala snippet to manage the Todos on my page,
and added a TG.scala snippet to handle tags on the same page, which
works well for creating new and listing in both cases.

Now I want to filter my Todos list by a Tag instance I select from my
list, and therefore need to pass the id of the selected tag over from
the TG snippet to the TD snippet, where it can be used as a filter
argument for a find method.

The problem is that scala says it cannot find snippet TD, whose method
I am calling as TD.list from the TG.scala snippet. I have tried all
kinds of explicit importing, but no luck.

So,  can a snippet call a snippet, or is that controlled only from the
web page?

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[Lift] Re: date management

2009-06-25 Thread g-man

OK, things are working well with RequestVar, but now I need to know
how to kill it!

After I create and save my record, if I refresh the browser, I get
another record created. I did a temporary hack-fix with:

if(! myRecord.saved_?)

but I would just like to kill the RequestVar after the first round of
record creation-saving.

In terms of your example above, how would I do that?

On Jun 8, 7:18 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Generally you can either use RequestVars or a StatefulSnippet class to keep
 the values around on form resubmission. If you're using a Mapper class, you
 really just need one RequestVar to hold your Mapper instance. For example,
 if I had a Mapper class for a person with first name, last name and email, I
 could do something like this in my snippet class:

   // Set the up the RequstVar to initialize a new MyUserClass by default
   object userVar extends RequestVar[MyUserClass](MyUserClass.create)

   def editMyUser (xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
     // We define a val to capture the current value of the userVar. This
 will be used to reinject later, as well
     // as for current access
     val current = userVar.is
     def saveMyUser () {
       current.validate match { ...

     bind(user, xhtml,
            // First we re-inject the current MyUserClass instance using a
 hidden field
            current - SHtml.hidden(() = userVar(current))
            // normal fields follow, e.g.
            name - SHtml.text(current.name.is, current.name(_))
            // alternatively, you could do both steps in the first form
            name - SHtml.text(current.name.is, { in = userVar(current);
 current.name(in) })

 Let me know if you have any questions on that.


 On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 9:47 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I now have the due date arriving OK from the jQuery datepicker, and I
  cobbled together some ugliness to give days left until the ToDo due
  date, so that is good.

  My problem now is since we are not using the 'magic' of the _toForm
  methods for the form elements, I have to set each var value for the
  model field from the input SHtml data, as was done in the PocketChange
  app AddEntry.scala file.

  What is happening is that the initialization for each var is resetting
  the form if validation fails, so I guess I need to institute some
  RequestVars to remember the form values for resubmission, right?

  All my questions will take take the form of 'how to' recipes of
  foundational webapp elements, as you can see. My plan is to develop
  them for a 'cookbook' section of the wiki, so that's why I am asking
  one simple conceptual thing at a time.

  Therefore, what I have to learn now is all about form binding and
  recalling form value state if validation fails, so please break that
  down for me.

  Thanks as always!

  On Jun 3, 10:25 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
   Box is the base class. What you want is Full(2).


   On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:53 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

Very good!

I did a little homework, rearranged some things, and am getting some
nice results with the 'manual method'...

Since I am following the PocketChange app now rather than the ToDo
example, there is no 'todo' val in scope to bind, so the
todo.priority.toForm method will not work.

I have SHtml.select working with a mapping for my choices, and I can
use Empty for my default, but how do I get a Box[2] as my default?

On Jun 3, 7:21 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 The only issue I would mention is that there's currently an open
 because MappedDateTime won't save the time portion when you use
  Derby. I
 haven't had time to triage this yet.


 On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Timothy Perrett


  I dont really use toForm; have you explored doing it manually? It
  seems like that would be able to tell you if there is a problem
  toForm on MappedDateTime.

  I use mapped date time quite a bit and have no problems at all
  persisting the dates :-)

  Cheers, Tim

  On Jun 3, 3:09 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:
   Are there no ideas for my problem?

   I have many more questions saved up, but would like to clear each
   before starting a new one.

   Thanks again!

   On May 31, 1:57 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

As I proceed to enhance the ToDo example, I have added a new
the ToDo.scala model:

object dueOn extends MappedDateTime(this) {
    final val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance
    override def asHtml = Text(dateFormat.format(is))}

Next, I added a binding in the TD.scala snippet within the add

[Lift] Re: Deployment questions and little Java web dev experience

2009-06-22 Thread g-man

I came from a similar background, but with some detours after Rails
through Erlang, GAE w/ Django, and web2py. It took me about 2 months
to finally start having fun with Lift and Scala, but I can tell you
now it's really nice to just sit down, write something, and watch it

I'm no expert yet, and I'm constantly reading all the books I can
find, but the rewards and power are definitely there. Where I needed
dozens of files with Rails, I only need 3 models, 3 snippets, and 2
templates now, and they are far cleaner!

My advice is to slow down, do the 'ToDo' app tutorial, and then start
adding functionality to it. As you add features, you will research and
learn about new things and how to do them. As a study aid, I keep the
'PocketChange' app from the book open, and look to see how similar
problems were solved there.

As they say, almost everything you need to know is contained in those
two examples. As to all the niceties of the servers and deployment to
a VPS, I suggest you leave that for later. The little Jetty thing
running on localhost will give you a taste of how Maven sets up
things, and how to tweak them (adding logging, comments, debugging
messages, etc), plus you always have the Group here for help.

Lift (and Scala) are both very young, so it will take a while for all
the books, websites, tutorials, and videos to come out. Imagine Rails
5 years ago and you have some idea of where we are, and that's not
even considering the new 'Goat Rodeo' project...

No worries -- have fun!

On Jun 19, 1:09 pm, Nolan Darilek no...@thewordnerd.info wrote:
 Hi, all. I'm new to Lift and have a few questions about using it. For
 background, I'm coming from Ruby to Scala, having finally been
 frustrated by some aspects of the former enough to try jumping ship. I
 know Java syntax, but the simplicity of Ruby has always been a powerful
 draw for me, so when I used Java I always stayed away from Maven and
 other cornerstones of the Java tool community. I say all of this not to
 stir up Ruby vs. Scala drama (because we just don't have enough of that
 already :P ) but to explain that I'm mistified by much of the Java
 ecosystem, and a lot of what's out there seems to take it for granted
 that I know all of this. So please pardon my newbie questions, and feel
 free to point me to the FM on the subject if there is one, because I've
 certainly been *trying* to RTFM. :) I also recognize that these topics
 aren't specific to Lift, but I figure I'm likely to find more proponents
 of low ceremony in the Scala community than I'd find if I seeked out
 some more general purpose Java enterprise deployment resource.

 First...servlets? Web containers? App servers? Oh my. I want to write a
 few hobbyist apps with Lift and deploy them to my VPS. They may or may
 not take off, in which case I'd like a solution that can scale to
 real-world use. Not heavy real-world use, mind you, but I figure a
 separate VM/port for every app instance is overkill. So what do I need
 for this? I gather the app server is what handles arranging web apps in
 a single VM instance, but it's tough cutting through all the enterprise
 language to figure out which one of these is best for my circumstances,
 especially since I'm not dealing with legacy code and just want to
 launch hobbyist/personal projects. And I can't for the life of me figure
 out whether Tomcat is an app server or something else entirely. This
 seems so much more complicated than just throwing up a few Mongrels and
 a load balancer, or reading through the nicely-written Passenger manual
 and following the step-by-step instructions. I'm sure it has its
 advantages, I just can't get a grip on how it works.

 I've also been reading a lot about OSGi and it looks really nice. Am I
 correct in assuming that OSGi is to Java web apps what Rack is to Ruby
 ones? OK, maybe not exactly, and I know it's a more general-purpose
 mechanism (I'm toying with ScalaModules in a desktop app for providing
 pluggable UIs and other services) but in poking through OSGi articles,
 I've read a few statements hinting that this is probably the best way to
 deploy new apps with no legacy dependencies. Is this true? Is an app
 server actually needed here, or do I just create an OSGi execution
 environment and start adding bundles?

 It seems like the way to deploy an app is to build a war file and drop
 it into a specific directory of your servlet/app
 server/doohicky-whatamajig serverletcontainerthingie. It also looks as
 if all apps are installed into the same HTTP namespace, with URL path
 collisions resolved by editing web.xml and prepending something to the
 /* for the map elements. Is this accurate? Or is it possible to have the
 server prepend  /myapp or /myapp.war based on the name of the deployed
 app, then handle the mappings via ProxyPass in the front-end server?
 That's closer to what I'm used to in Ruby, where the app takes over the
 URL namespace beneath whatever path you assign it, but it's not clear 

[Lift] Scala learning tool

2009-06-17 Thread g-man

All the Scala books and tutorials recommend using the Scala
interactive shell to set up scenarios and learn how Scala works.

I agree, but my problem was the (apparent) lack of something like
Python's dir(object) call, which gives you all the 'names'
available; Ruby and Erlang have similar commands, but not, as far as I
know, Scala.

I did find a little script that does just that at:


with the source at:


I compiled it, and when I import it, it works just dandy:

scala import ScalaReflection._
import ScalaReflection._

scala 3.methods__

scala 3.fields__

Perhaps there is something like this already built-in to Scala, but I
can't find it... if not, it may be worthwhile adding.

Now, what I want to know is: is there a way to load an actual Lift
session into the interactive command interpreter, so I can create and
check out out functions, etc? I remember doing that with Ruby and
Rails back in the day.

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[Lift] Re: Mapper record deletion

2009-06-17 Thread g-man

Thanks, I'm working on it.

It seems, after reading the Lift book, since we have 'Alert' in the
list of basic JsCmds in Table 8.2, a companion 'Confirm' (and perhaps
even 'Prompt') command would be logical to have, since these are basic
and popular user interface elements.

On Jun 16, 6:46 am, Magnus Alvestad magnus.alves...@gmail.com wrote:
  As I move deeper into learning Lift, I now want to start deleting
  Mapper records in the ToDo example.

 Here's how I did it (based on suggestions in this group, I think):

 bind ( question, html,
   text - ..,
   delete - ajaxButton(Text(Remove),
       Call(dialog, Str(Do you want to delete the question?)),
       () = {q.delete_!; S.notice( Deleted the question!); reDraw

 .. and then in the template (default.html) ..

 script type=javascript

 function dialog(text, theCall) {
   if (confirm(text)) theCall();




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[Lift] Mapper record deletion

2009-06-12 Thread g-man

As I move deeper into learning Lift, I now want to start deleting
Mapper records in the ToDo example.

My first problem is how to get an ECMAscript or jQuery 'Confirm
delete' dialog to actually delegate an affirmative 'OK' button click
to the deletion, and conversely, to do nothing for the 'Cancel'

Right now, both just fall through to the default:

toShow.flatMap(td = bind(todo, html, delete - link(/todo, ()
= td.delete_!, img src=../images/cross.png/)% (onclick -
confirm();) , check - ...


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[Lift] Re: date management

2009-06-10 Thread g-man


Things are moving now, thanks to your guidance. It's a matter of: 1)
knowing what you want to do, and 2) knowing how to do things with
Scala... duh, yea.

I will post my results in a few days after I get everything working
well, but the RequestVar is doing its job.

On Jun 8, 7:18 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Generally you can either use RequestVars or a StatefulSnippet class to keep
 the values around on form resubmission. If you're using a Mapper class, you
 really just need one RequestVar to hold your Mapper instance. For example,
 if I had a Mapper class for a person with first name, last name and email, I
 could do something like this in my snippet class:

   // Set the up the RequstVar to initialize a new MyUserClass by default
   object userVar extends RequestVar[MyUserClass](MyUserClass.create)

   def editMyUser (xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
     // We define a val to capture the current value of the userVar. This
 will be used to reinject later, as well
     // as for current access
     val current = userVar.is
     def saveMyUser () {
       current.validate match { ...

     bind(user, xhtml,
            // First we re-inject the current MyUserClass instance using a
 hidden field
            current - SHtml.hidden(() = userVar(current))
            // normal fields follow, e.g.
            name - SHtml.text(current.name.is, current.name(_))
            // alternatively, you could do both steps in the first form
            name - SHtml.text(current.name.is, { in = userVar(current);
 current.name(in) })

 Let me know if you have any questions on that.


 On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 9:47 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  I now have the due date arriving OK from the jQuery datepicker, and I
  cobbled together some ugliness to give days left until the ToDo due
  date, so that is good.

  My problem now is since we are not using the 'magic' of the _toForm
  methods for the form elements, I have to set each var value for the
  model field from the input SHtml data, as was done in the PocketChange
  app AddEntry.scala file.

  What is happening is that the initialization for each var is resetting
  the form if validation fails, so I guess I need to institute some
  RequestVars to remember the form values for resubmission, right?

  All my questions will take take the form of 'how to' recipes of
  foundational webapp elements, as you can see. My plan is to develop
  them for a 'cookbook' section of the wiki, so that's why I am asking
  one simple conceptual thing at a time.

  Therefore, what I have to learn now is all about form binding and
  recalling form value state if validation fails, so please break that
  down for me.

  Thanks as always!

  On Jun 3, 10:25 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
   Box is the base class. What you want is Full(2).


   On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:53 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

Very good!

I did a little homework, rearranged some things, and am getting some
nice results with the 'manual method'...

Since I am following the PocketChange app now rather than the ToDo
example, there is no 'todo' val in scope to bind, so the
todo.priority.toForm method will not work.

I have SHtml.select working with a mapping for my choices, and I can
use Empty for my default, but how do I get a Box[2] as my default?

On Jun 3, 7:21 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 The only issue I would mention is that there's currently an open
 because MappedDateTime won't save the time portion when you use
  Derby. I
 haven't had time to triage this yet.


 On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Timothy Perrett


  I dont really use toForm; have you explored doing it manually? It
  seems like that would be able to tell you if there is a problem
  toForm on MappedDateTime.

  I use mapped date time quite a bit and have no problems at all
  persisting the dates :-)

  Cheers, Tim

  On Jun 3, 3:09 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:
   Are there no ideas for my problem?

   I have many more questions saved up, but would like to clear each
   before starting a new one.

   Thanks again!

   On May 31, 1:57 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

As I proceed to enhance the ToDo example, I have added a new
the ToDo.scala model:

object dueOn extends MappedDateTime(this) {
    final val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance
    override def asHtml = Text(dateFormat.format(is))}

Next, I added a binding in the TD.scala snippet within the add
of the TD class:

def doBind(form: NodeSeq) = {
      bind(todo, form

[Lift] Re: date management

2009-06-06 Thread g-man

I now have the due date arriving OK from the jQuery datepicker, and I
cobbled together some ugliness to give days left until the ToDo due
date, so that is good.

My problem now is since we are not using the 'magic' of the _toForm
methods for the form elements, I have to set each var value for the
model field from the input SHtml data, as was done in the PocketChange
app AddEntry.scala file.

What is happening is that the initialization for each var is resetting
the form if validation fails, so I guess I need to institute some
RequestVars to remember the form values for resubmission, right?

All my questions will take take the form of 'how to' recipes of
foundational webapp elements, as you can see. My plan is to develop
them for a 'cookbook' section of the wiki, so that's why I am asking
one simple conceptual thing at a time.

Therefore, what I have to learn now is all about form binding and
recalling form value state if validation fails, so please break that
down for me.

Thanks as always!

On Jun 3, 10:25 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Box is the base class. What you want is Full(2).


 On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:53 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  Very good!

  I did a little homework, rearranged some things, and am getting some
  nice results with the 'manual method'...

  Since I am following the PocketChange app now rather than the ToDo
  example, there is no 'todo' val in scope to bind, so the
  todo.priority.toForm method will not work.

  I have SHtml.select working with a mapping for my choices, and I can
  use Empty for my default, but how do I get a Box[2] as my default?

  On Jun 3, 7:21 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
   The only issue I would mention is that there's currently an open ticket
   because MappedDateTime won't save the time portion when you use Derby. I
   haven't had time to triage this yet.


   On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu


I dont really use toForm; have you explored doing it manually? It
seems like that would be able to tell you if there is a problem with
toForm on MappedDateTime.

I use mapped date time quite a bit and have no problems at all
persisting the dates :-)

Cheers, Tim

On Jun 3, 3:09 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:
 Are there no ideas for my problem?

 I have many more questions saved up, but would like to clear each out
 before starting a new one.

 Thanks again!

 On May 31, 1:57 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  As I proceed to enhance the ToDo example, I have added a new field
  the ToDo.scala model:

  object dueOn extends MappedDateTime(this) {
      final val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance
      override def asHtml = Text(dateFormat.format(is))}

  Next, I added a binding in the TD.scala snippet within the add
  of the TD class:

  def doBind(form: NodeSeq) = {
        bind(todo, form,  desc - todo.desc.toForm,
                            priority - todo.priority.toForm,
                            dueOn - todo.dueOn.toForm,
                            submit - submit(create new Task,

  Then, the todo.html template gets a bind point:

  lift:TD.add form=post

  When I check the database, the record does save, and all the other
  fields are OK, but the date itself is null.

  Somehow, it seems the text of the input field is not getting
  into a Date object for the database to handle, right?

  When I look at the PocketChange app from the book, everything is
  completely differently from the ToDo example (no use of _toForm,

  I know dates and times are convoluted in Java, so what am I


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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: date management

2009-06-03 Thread g-man

Very good!

I did a little homework, rearranged some things, and am getting some
nice results with the 'manual method'...

Since I am following the PocketChange app now rather than the ToDo
example, there is no 'todo' val in scope to bind, so the
todo.priority.toForm method will not work.

I have SHtml.select working with a mapping for my choices, and I can
use Empty for my default, but how do I get a Box[2] as my default?

On Jun 3, 7:21 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 The only issue I would mention is that there's currently an open ticket
 because MappedDateTime won't save the time portion when you use Derby. I
 haven't had time to triage this yet.


 On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Timothy Perrett 


  I dont really use toForm; have you explored doing it manually? It
  seems like that would be able to tell you if there is a problem with
  toForm on MappedDateTime.

  I use mapped date time quite a bit and have no problems at all
  persisting the dates :-)

  Cheers, Tim

  On Jun 3, 3:09 am, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:
   Are there no ideas for my problem?

   I have many more questions saved up, but would like to clear each out
   before starting a new one.

   Thanks again!

   On May 31, 1:57 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

As I proceed to enhance the ToDo example, I have added a new field to
the ToDo.scala model:

object dueOn extends MappedDateTime(this) {
    final val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance
    override def asHtml = Text(dateFormat.format(is))}

Next, I added a binding in the TD.scala snippet within the add method
of the TD class:

def doBind(form: NodeSeq) = {
      bind(todo, form,  desc - todo.desc.toForm,
                          priority - todo.priority.toForm,
                          dueOn - todo.dueOn.toForm,
                          submit - submit(create new Task,

Then, the todo.html template gets a bind point:

lift:TD.add form=post

When I check the database, the record does save, and all the other
fields are OK, but the date itself is null.

Somehow, it seems the text of the input field is not getting changed
into a Date object for the database to handle, right?

When I look at the PocketChange app from the book, everything is done
completely differently from the ToDo example (no use of _toForm, for

I know dates and times are convoluted in Java, so what am I missing?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: date management

2009-06-02 Thread g-man

Are there no ideas for my problem?

I have many more questions saved up, but would like to clear each out
before starting a new one.

Thanks again!

On May 31, 1:57 pm, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:
 As I proceed to enhance the ToDo example, I have added a new field to
 the ToDo.scala model:

 object dueOn extends MappedDateTime(this) {
     final val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance
     override def asHtml = Text(dateFormat.format(is))}

 Next, I added a binding in the TD.scala snippet within the add method
 of the TD class:

 def doBind(form: NodeSeq) = {
       bind(todo, form,  desc - todo.desc.toForm,
                           priority - todo.priority.toForm,
                           dueOn - todo.dueOn.toForm,
                           submit - submit(create new Task,

 Then, the todo.html template gets a bind point:

 lift:TD.add form=post

 When I check the database, the record does save, and all the other
 fields are OK, but the date itself is null.

 Somehow, it seems the text of the input field is not getting changed
 into a Date object for the database to handle, right?

 When I look at the PocketChange app from the book, everything is done
 completely differently from the ToDo example (no use of _toForm, for

 I know dates and times are convoluted in Java, so what am I missing?


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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Future of the Lift wiki

2009-06-01 Thread g-man

Having gone through Rails, the Google App Engine with Django, and
web2py over the last four years, I have seen it all as far as learning
new frameworks goes, and I have posted a few ideas on that subject
both here and on the book group.

For those of us spoiled by the wealth of learning material on Rails,
and to a lesser degree Django and web2py, all I can say is: 'Lift is a
new framework, and a sophisticated one at that, which uses a new
language derived from a convoluted one, and is at a relatively early
stage of development, so therefore the designers are forging ahead to
completion of the foundation, and thus there are few who can devote
the time to creating the documentation we newcomers need.'

My post on the book group defined the three classes of useful
documents to be the Guidebook, the Encyclopedia, and the Cookbook. My
role for the wiki is to hold Cookbook recipes which answer the most
common 'how to' questions we encounter when building a website.

In my personal learning quest, I am extending the 'ToDo' app by adding
pieces of functionality, like many-to-many tagging, date manipulation,
deletion, an admin interface, etc.

As I come across solutions or questions, I post those on the group in
order to help others and to get improvements and refinements from the

David is right... Lift and Scala together are taking web applications
to a whole new level of performance, so naturally it will take a
little time to make things happen.

By the way, today my copies of David's and Martin's Scala books
arrived, and I urge all to purchase them yourselves!

On Jun 1, 3:35 pm, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:
 Hi, Xavi,

 One of my tasks is to come up with a good organization for the wiki and
 a site map, as well as a list of things we'd like to add to it.
 Unfortunately, with the coming Scala/Liftoff and OSB conferences, I've
 been swamped with other things. But I am working on it, albeit slowly.
 If you have any specific recommendations, please post them.



 Xavi Ramirez wrote:

  I'm a bit confused about the future of the lift wiki.  What's the end
  goal?  In an ideal world is it supposed to be the main repository of
  lift knowledge, or just another documentation source?

  I personally feel that having one repository of knowledge is much more
  noob friendly.  Currently new members have to navigate through started
  guides, books, e-mail threads, scala docs, and personal blogs to find
  relative information.  Though the get started guided and book provide
  a good introduction, it's hard to progress from novice to intermediate
  with these fragmented resources.


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[Lift] date management

2009-05-31 Thread g-man

As I proceed to enhance the ToDo example, I have added a new field to
the ToDo.scala model:

object dueOn extends MappedDateTime(this) {
final val dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance
override def asHtml = Text(dateFormat.format(is))}

Next, I added a binding in the TD.scala snippet within the add method
of the TD class:

def doBind(form: NodeSeq) = {
  bind(todo, form,  desc - todo.desc.toForm,
  priority - todo.priority.toForm,
  dueOn - todo.dueOn.toForm,
  submit - submit(create new Task,

Then, the todo.html template gets a bind point:

lift:TD.add form=post

When I check the database, the record does save, and all the other
fields are OK, but the date itself is null.

Somehow, it seems the text of the input field is not getting changed
into a Date object for the database to handle, right?

When I look at the PocketChange app from the book, everything is done
completely differently from the ToDo example (no use of _toForm, for

I know dates and times are convoluted in Java, so what am I missing?


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[Lift] Tutorial incremental enhancements

2009-05-26 Thread g-man

As a learning project for myself, I'm adding incremental enhancements
to the ToDo app, which could lead to further tutorial chapters:

1. 'Due Date' and reset via datepicker.js, with countdown and warning
color when past due.

2. 'Tagging' (many-to-many) with editing, filtering, addition, and

3. 'Sorting by Due Date' and back to 'by Priority'.

4. 'Date Completed' when 'Done' is checked, and undo of 'Done' status
with consequent date nullification.

5. 'Deletion of Records' and cascading dependencies.

6. 'Admin Interface' with SuperUser who can delete any records or user
and dependent records.

Based on experience, it seems a shame for others to have to suffer
through the old java Date, Calendar, and other time manipulation
classes, so it would be nice to be able to integrate Joda and Scala-
Time into Lift, but I'm not that advanced.

These elements cover many of the main attributes of practical webapps,
and I'm sure many group members have explored them already.

I've got a few of these elements partially working, but I don't
necessarily want to clog up the group if this is not the place to
share information -- is the wiki better?

Thanks for all your hard work, David -- there's a lot to chew on in

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[Lift] Re: Model methods in either Class or Object?

2009-05-18 Thread g-man


Being a hobbyist rather than a professional, my questions will be more
conceptual in nature, and may help others learn what I hope to find of
the essence of Lift, which includes a little of its java-like
heritage, as in the 'static' analogy.

I see Lift as a vehicle with 'legs' for the future, meaning it can
scale well and handle almost any type of web app, so I want to
concentrate on it fully and master it, and I want my understanding to
be rock-solid.

Therefore, I'm starting with what I see as the foundation of any app,
which is the Model, hence my question, which I see now I understood
totally backwards!

On May 18, 3:05 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 2:39 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  As I create the Models to define the real-world things of interest to
  my webapp, I'm wondering what to put into either the class or the
  object. Here is some pseudocode as I understand the Model table
  definition pattern:

  // first comes the class, which defines fields and creates the
  class Thing extends LongKeyedMapper[Thing] with IdPK {
   def getSingleton = Thing
   // define a field...
   object field extends mappedWhatever(this) {
     // and define some constraints and validations for the field...
   // global class methods here plus xml, json, etc output...
  // then the object:
  object Thing extends Thing with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Thing] {
   // define an instance method:
   def instanceMethod() = {
   // more instance methods, etc...

  My question is: how do I know what kinds of methods and other goodies
  should go into either the class or the object, that is, into each
  'half' of the Model specification?

 The object Thing is a singleton object in your system.  It is a good place
 for methods associated with the model, but not a particular instance of the
 model.  If you're a java programmer, this is the place to put methods that
 would be static in Java.

 The class Thing is an instance that contains one model object.  Methods on
 the instance should operate on the instance data.

 Hope this helps.



 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
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[Lift] Model methods in either Class or Object?

2009-05-16 Thread g-man

As I create the Models to define the real-world things of interest to
my webapp, I'm wondering what to put into either the class or the
object. Here is some pseudocode as I understand the Model table
definition pattern:

// first comes the class, which defines fields and creates the
class Thing extends LongKeyedMapper[Thing] with IdPK {
  def getSingleton = Thing
  // define a field...
  object field extends mappedWhatever(this) {
// and define some constraints and validations for the field...
 // global class methods here plus xml, json, etc output...
// then the object:
object Thing extends Thing with LongKeyedMetaMapper[Thing] {
  // define an instance method:
  def instanceMethod() = {
  // more instance methods, etc...

My question is: how do I know what kinds of methods and other goodies
should go into either the class or the object, that is, into each
'half' of the Model specification?

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[Lift] Re: Fwd: New basketball court(s) near you: 'Mosswood Park'...

2009-05-15 Thread g-man

A little off-topic perhaps, but have you read how 37signals is using
erlang for a little piece of the puzzle?...

a href=http://www.37signals.com/svn/posts/1728-nuts-bolts-campfire-
loves-erlangCampfire loves Erlang/a

Looks like scala's Actors may play a similar role for us!

On May 14, 8:40 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

 Just a reminder about nofouls.com... a Lift powered site.



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 From: Nofouls nofo...@nofouls.com
 Date: Wed, May 13, 2009 at 7:41 PM
 Subject: New basketball court(s) near you: 'Mosswood Park'...
 To: feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

 The following court(s) have been added to Nofouls:

 'Mosswood Park' -http://nofouls.com/court/2717

 Remember, your login is: feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

 Want to control what emails you receive? Go to:http://nofouls.com/user/me

 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
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[Lift] Re: error tickets?

2009-05-10 Thread g-man

The idea is that the user never sees any internal errors -- if one
does happen, it gets ticketed to '/templates-hidden', a redirect
occurs, and stuff like this:

XML Parsing Error: prefix not bound to a namespace
Location: http://localhost:8080/
Line Number 29, Column 15:
biTest:user.email/Test:user.email/ibr /

...is never seen in public.

I realize testing will catch most of these, but there are also
database errors to be handled, and other unforseen events as well.

On May 7, 9:26 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 lol - now i see that also! been out of the loop today

 Examples wise, it would probally be a good idea for us to do an
 example implementation of each of the LiftRules PF's as they do tend
 to provoke a lot of questions on list.

 Cheers, Tim

  Yep... this is much like the other exception handling question that came up
  this morning.

  If you guys need an example of a handler, please let me know and I'll work
  something up.

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[Lift] error tickets?

2009-05-07 Thread g-man

I'm having a great time learning Lift, and am happy to read all the
excellent posts by the growing community of developers...

As I experiment and create my app, I naturally get errors, and I was
wondering if Lift has, or has considered, an 'error ticket' system
like web2py has, where the user never sees an error, but a ticket is
created, which is a link to an admin directory (templates-hidden?)
where the actual error stack trace is saved.

Otherwise, all is well!

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[Lift] Re: optional validation

2009-04-23 Thread g-man

Nice -- I'm getting the spirit of Lift now; it's kind of a way of
saying 'NULL or Validate', right?

On Apr 23, 10:39 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 How about:

 class MappedBlankableEmail[T:Mapper[T]](owner: T, maxLen: Int) extends
 MappedString[T](owner, maxLen) {

   override def setFilter = notNull _ :: toLower _ :: trim _ ::

   override def validate =
     (if (*i_is_!.length == 0 ||
 Nil else List(FieldError(this, Text(S.??(invalid.email.address) :::

 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:10 PM, g-man gregor...@gmail.com wrote:

  All is going well with my Lift learning...

  The form field validations are working well, and I especially like the
  field object types that know what they are, like 'email'.

  My question is:

  How do I tell Lift that a Contact's email is optional (empty string is
  OK), but if it is provided, then validate it?

  This is not for the regular User model, but only for Contacts I am
  entering in an address book.


 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
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[Lift] optional validation

2009-04-22 Thread g-man

All is going well with my Lift learning...

The form field validations are working well, and I especially like the
field object types that know what they are, like 'email'.

My question is:

How do I tell Lift that a Contact's email is optional (empty string is
OK), but if it is provided, then validate it?

This is not for the regular User model, but only for Contacts I am
entering in an address book.


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[Lift] Re: developing Scala/Lift using Eclipse

2009-04-21 Thread g-man

Since Scala is a dialect of Java, and Lift is an extension of that, I
went the Netbeans route because NB is basically part of Java, and I am
happy so far:

- Netbeans is quicker to load than Eclipse, and doesn't create all
those zillions of files behind;
- Netbeams handles all the moving parts well, and Maven is happy;
- Lift and Scala are not that complex that you need any heavy lifting
for debugging (I have found) - it's mostly learning the Lift magic
about how to make the Derby db, Jetty, and Maven all work together.

I agree Eclipse has some nice features, but the light weight of
Netbeans tipped the scales for me...

Programming is fun again, thanks to Lift!

On Apr 20, 2:40 pm, kmed k...@meder.info wrote:
 Hello all,

 I just started learning Scala and came across Lift. I am using Eclipse
 Ganymede with the Scala-Plugin. How do I fully include the Lift-
 sources to navigate (Strg+Click) into the Lift-Classes?
 Currently Eclipse does not even understand the absolute _root_-package-
 thingy. It's pretty annoying if everything is red and only maven knows
 if it compiles correctly :(
 Any Hint?

 Thanks in advance,

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