Re: Google Code shutting down

2015-05-06 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/05/15 16:53, Phil Holmes wrote:

I'd be willing to start a draft "requirements for issue handling" document
tomorrow, if no-one else is desperate.

That'd be great, though it'd be even better if there could be clear requirements 
beyond merely those of issue handling -- code hosting, code review, automated 
testing, the full works.

Anyway, whenever you have something to share, I'll try and follow up on whether 
it's feasible with Launchpad.  (BTW I recognize there are concerns about 
switching to another 3rd-party service, even if free software; so please do 
treat anything I come back with simply as an FYI.  I figure it's useful to have 
the information even if the choice goes another way in the end.)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Google Code shutting down

2015-05-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 10/04/15 09:34, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

So the question is whether Launchpad has a usable API, right?  Joseph,
do you know more?c

Just to follow up on this, I exchanged a few messages on Reddit with Colin 
Watson (who's leading the git-support effort) following this announcement:

Looks like right now, git hosting is available in beta version, but webooks 
(e.g. to trigger automated testing) are not yet.  Colin's expectation was that 
these would arrive soon, but for obvious reasons he wasn't willing to provide a 
concrete ETA.

I'm going on the assumption that, with fully featured git support fully in 
place, Launchpad could host code, and handle both issue tracking and the review 
of merge requests (including automated testing); its issues allow the attachment 
of files (which ought to take care of Lilypond examples attached to issues, but 
I'd need to check that any file size limits meet Lilypond's issue requirements).

However, I'd like to be sure I'm not missing any requirements, given Lilypond's 
rather particular needs. Any chance someone with a more detailed understanding 
of requirements than me could prepare a list of "must have" features for any new 
hosting service?  Just something that I can run past launchpad folks on IRC or 
suchlike as a sanity-check that this really would be a workable solution.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Google Code shutting down

2015-04-12 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 10/04/15 09:34, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

While I don't like bzr, the launchpad interface for reporting bugs and
the like looks OK to me.  So yes, this is a possible solution.

I think this has already been mentioned but just to chip in that it
isn't just about reviewing patches, patches have to be tested too.
While I can (and have) done manual patch testing in the past before
the patchy scripts were created - it does add significant amounts of
time on my part to test patches this way and would mean that the
times during a given day of the week when I could test any random
new patch (or three) would be severely reduced.

So the question is whether Launchpad has a usable API, right?  Joseph,
do you know more?c

It's certainly possible to do automated testing with Launchpad, but I'm afraid I 
don't know any firm details.  I have asked a question via AskUbuntu that will 
hopefully result in some productive answers:

... and the Launchpad API docs are here:

I did also find the following blog post on integrating Jenkins and Launchpad, 
but it's not really detailed enough to be useful:

I'll keep looking into it and let you know when I have any more directly useful 
info (I have limited internet access at the moment, so not able to chase up on 
this as readily as I'd like).

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fwd: Google Code shutting down

2015-04-08 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 13/03/15 12:51, David Kastrup wrote:

GitLab (like GitHub) does not run on free software.  They have some
"community" version of their software freely available at least.
Gitorious was "eating its own dog food" with regard to running on their
free software version, but they have just been acquired by GitLab, and
due to licensing differences, Gitorious software will not be mixed with
either version of GitLab.  So the outlook for further company
development of Gitorious is somewhat dim.

Now Savannah is running on a continuation of the last free version of
SourceForge if I remember correctly, so that would not be a real
showstopper for picking up there.

But the situation overall is a nuisance.

Might be worth keeping a weather eye on Launchpad, as this is free software and 
is currently in the process of gaining git support:

It's been a while since I last used it, but it has a nice combination of issue 
tracking, code review and hosting features.  AFAICS it'll also support file 
attachments to issues, so should be able to support copying the .png's from 
Lilypond's current issue tracker.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: 3.0?

2014-01-09 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 09/01/14 21:05, David Kastrup wrote:

That must be the reason why the typical Word document features the
consistent use of document styles for arriving at typographically
superior results.

I'm not sure that I feel happy about your benchmark for comparison.  I think 
Lilypond's user base is a bit smarter than that ... ;-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: 3.0?

2014-01-09 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 09/01/14 12:20, David Kastrup wrote:

Another problem is that LilyPond has a usage philosophy and workflow
that strongly penalizes manual tweaks.  Graphically/manually oriented
workflows detract from the importance of getting good default

I'm not sure that's necessarily the case.  Making it easy to experiment with 
manual tweaks could be a very good way of working out how things need to be 
engraved, and thus provide guidance for better automated typesetting.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Some audicious hand-engraved slurs compared to LilyPond

2013-12-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/12/13 14:25, David Nalesnik wrote:

The problem is that the position of the tuplet number is tied to the placement
of the tuplet bracket, whether it is drawn or not.

I would argue that probably here the _real_ problem is that the tuplet bracket 
is designed to always place itself "outside" all the notes, whereas if you look 
at hand-engraved scores, you'd see that the likely way this would be handled 
would be for the number _and_ the bracket to be close to the beam, and for the 
bracket to be broken to let the couple of opposing stems through.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Some audicious hand-engraved slurs compared to LilyPond

2013-12-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/12/13 13:16, David Kastrup wrote:

LilyPond's rendition of the slurs is actually reasonable readable.
However, the measures take probably 40% more width.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.  My impression is that older scores are 
often more horizontally (and vertically) compact in order to save on the number 
of plates that need to be engraved and corrected.

And the tuplet numbers are definitely awful.  I tried it with 2.16.2,
and the results were either equally awful, or one of the tuplet numbers
was written in the middle of the beams.  Can't reproduce this right now
with -dpreview, however, so whether the tuplet numbers are in the clouds
or the beams probably depends on some internal evaluation order.

The tuplet number placement is bizarre.  There's no reason why it shouldn't be 
close to the beams.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-11-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/10/13 18:22, David Kastrup wrote:

Ubuntu 13.10 is delivered with LilyPond 2.16.2 built using a Metapost
version of 1.802.  Consequently, all the included fonts look like crap.

The fix for this should now be released:

We owe a vote of thanks to Iain Lane and Brian Murray for making this fix 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: cross-voice slurs

2013-11-09 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 09/11/13 11:10, Janek Warchoł wrote:

Hmm.  Good question.  Maybe it could be attached to NoteHeads, not NoteColumns?
(As i understand it, the problem with attachments results from the
fact that slurs are attached to notecolumns (the bound of the slur
spanner is the NoteColumn), and at staff-level the NoteColumns from
different voices are joined which makes them not specific enough.
However, if the bound was the notehead, the information should remain
specific enough).

I'd wondered for quite some time whether it would be possible to give slur 
beginnings and endings some kind of identifier, so that one could mark the 
beginning of a specific slur in one part, the end of it in another, and have it 
Just Work; something like,

partI = { c4 d("foo" r2 }

partII = { r2 e)"foo" }

... but I'd assumed that this kind of thing must have already been considered 
and rejected.  (N.B. the particular notation chosen here is just for 
illustration, not a serious suggestion.)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-08 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 07/11/13 22:21, Keith OHara wrote:

The use of two alterations, natural-up and sharp-down, for the same pitch
where the note-head is on the same staff-position is problematic to read.
I would hope that composers choose one glyph and use it consistently
within a piece.

Your notational preferences (and mine) aren't really relevant here.  The fact of 
the matter is that this arrowed notation is one of the two major "standard" 
forms of quarter-tone notation, so it's a good idea for Lilypond to support it 
properly in a way that is simple for the user.

This is what I looked into.  It seems to me that systems with finer
intervals are necessarily more frugal and more systematic with the symbols
they use to denote the alterations.  I found no other cases where two
symbols are conventionally used to represent the same alteration.

Some composers have used the half/three-quarter sharp and flat accidentals for 
quarter-tones while using arrows for eighth-tones.  The same issue arises, just 
for a different set of pitches.

lilypond-devel mailing list

PowerPC build of Lilypond 2.16.2 on Ubuntu 13.10

2013-11-07 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

It looks like there's a blocking factor in releasing the fixed Lilypond 2.16.2 
on Ubuntu 13.10: the PowerPC build of the updated package is failing.

Here's the build log:

Does anyone have any idea why this error should be present?

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-07 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 07/11/13 07:26, Keith OHara wrote:

The arrow notation also gives two options for the half-flat: natural-down-
arrow and flat-up-arrow.  If someone uses both options for the half-flat in
the same piece, LilyPond can keep track of the choice by using a tuning
system that has them at slightly different pitches.

I've discussed at length why that is problematic.  It also rapidly becomes 
unworkable once you start dealing with intervals finer than quarter-tones, 
simply because of the number of cases you have to deal with.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 13:53, David Kastrup wrote:

We've been fingerpointing back and forth for years over this.  Without
an actual user/musician like Hans at least teaming up with a programmer,
nothing will happen.

It's not meant to be fingerpointing -- I'm not blaming anyone for development 
not moving on this item.  I just think that re-awakening the discussion 
occasionally at least helps keep awareness of the issue in place, so if a 
developer thinks it's something they'd like to work on, we can take the 
conversation further.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 17:55, Hans Aberg wrote:

As a preparation, LilyPond might get intervals: it is going to be too 
complicated to write out names for all pitch combinations.

A pitch is defined by a written pitch plus a sequence of intervals added to it. 
Accidentals are a special case: intervals not changing the scale degree.

You've raised a very important point that I was going to mention myself in 
slightly different wording.

There needs to be a way of defining pitches that separates the work of defining 
staff notes from the work of defining alterations, and constructs pitch names as 
a combination of the two.

The current method where (using English names) c, cf, cs, d, df, ds, e, ef, es, 
f, ff, fs, g, gf, gs, a, af, as and b, bf, bs are all defined, just doesn't 
scale when you are dealing with many different kinds of microtonal alteration.

It's just about feasible, if you really want to, to define a quarter-tone scale 
this way.  You can see this in the answer that I gave last year to a user who 
was interested in defining a 16th-tone scale:

So, there needs to be a way of saying: these are the staff pitches and the staff 
positions they correspond to (define c, d, e, f, g, a, b) and these are the 
alterations and the accidentals they correspond to (define -s, -f, etc.), now 
give me my list of available pitch names ...

That isn't a precondition of solving the microtonal notation issue but it would 
be strongly complementary.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compilation errors from Xcode's new standard library

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 13:36, Mike Solomon wrote:

Doesn’t work, but all the files in flower compile fine with gcc, so I’m a happy 
Apple’s home cooked clang is not free software, so there’s no reason to expect 
free software to compile with it.  I don’t mind giving up on it.

It's difficult to see how they could have cooked it to the point where what is 
AFAICS fairly standard C/C++ fails to compile with it.

Anyway, if you want to leave it here, no worries.  I just thought it might be 
useful for other people if we could tie down what the source of the problem is.

Just for reference, do you have a log of what happens when you try running 
./configure with CC=clang and CXX=clang++?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 12:34, Hans Aberg wrote:

I know how to do it from the theoretical point of view, but somebody who knows 
the internals of LilyPond must do it.

Of course.  I'm just raising it as pertinent to the discussion. :-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compilation errors from Xcode's new standard library

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 12:33, Mike Solomon wrote:

[ ... snip ... ]

…these fonts are always a pain, but I usually figure out some way to cheat and 
get them in there.  But that shouldn’t have anything to do with the compiler.

Well, what's odd is that your ./configure script says that it finds gcc:

checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes

and g++:

checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... (cached) yes

Yet your compile-time errors suggest that it is in fact clang that's being used.

So, I suggest instead of just running ./configure, try instead:

CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure

... and then see if the build works.  (You can also add your custom CPPFLAGS to 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 11:42, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

For Lilypond in particular, the problem of supporting microtonal notation is
less about symbols per se and more about the underlying representation of pitch,
and how that relates both to accidentals and transposition.

Specifically in relation to the Helmholtz-Ellis notation -- some of those 
accidentals would play very badly with existing Lilypond transposition rules.

The double-sharp-up-arrow (i.e. approx +5/4 tone) and double-flat-down-arrow 
(approx. -5/4 tone) would clash with the hardcoded transposition rule that sees 
any accidental pitch alteration greater than 1 tone rewritten to a new staff 
pitch with smaller alteration.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compilation errors from Xcode's new standard library

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 11:18, Mike Solomon wrote:

Yeah, the output is fine (clean bill of health, all systems go). I had to 
specifically set CPPFLAGS to deal w/ some homebrew issues, but otherwise 
nothing out of the ordinary.

Ahh, OK.  That's odd; OK, I accept that the clang you have has been a little 
Applified, but I can't see an obvious reason why it should be fine to compile 
Lilypond with clang 3.3 on Ubuntu, and not on Mac OS.

Obviously, do whatever you need to get things working and compiling again, but 
if you're so inclined I think it'd be worth trying to work out what the problem 
is -- it's better for Lilypond if it works with default Xcode.

Could you try doing a fresh clone of the Lilypond git repo and build in there, 
just to test?

Oh, and -- could you copy-paste the output of running ./configure, just so I can 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Microtonal accidentals

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 11:20, Hans Aberg wrote:

FYI, some "Extended Helmholtz-Ellis JI” accidentals [1-2], in fact designed 
quite recently, but a nice input. There is also a Unicode font at [3]. Notation also 
mentioned at [4].

The arrow accidentals that LilyPond has, are used for syntonic comma 81/81 
alterations (staff system in Pythagorean tuning). LilyPond does not have those 
for double sharps and double flats. In addition, there are accidentals with 
double arrows, for double syntonic comma alterations, which LilyPond does not 
have. (And even triple arrows.)

Some traditional quartertone accidentals end up on the 11-limit rational 
interval 33/32, which seems to be a good idea: in E72, it is approximated with 
E24 quartertones.


Interesting references, thank you!

It's worth bearing in mind that those symbols are far from absolute in their 
meaning -- different composers have used them to indicate different things.

For Lilypond in particular, the problem of supporting microtonal notation is 
less about symbols per se and more about the underlying representation of pitch, 
and how that relates both to accidentals and transposition.

Short version: in many microtonal notations, the number of enharmonic pitches is 
expanded -- but Lilypond has no way to represent these enharmonics.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compilation errors from Xcode's new standard library

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 11:00, Mike Solomon wrote:

That’s fine, I’ll download gcc.

From what I understand from friends who've experienced the same, you'll have to 
manually remove/rewrite some of the symlinks.

Just to check -- before you rework everything -- did you manually re-run the 
configure script before building?  If so, what does it output?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compilation errors from Xcode's new standard library

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 10:37, David Kastrup wrote:

We committed a few Clang-related fixes in the past, I think mostly due
to Graham's insistence/testing, but I think at some point of time the
"compile with Clang" ambition just faded.

I just tried a clang-based build on my Ubuntu 13.10 system, just to see what 
would happen:

make clean
CC=clang CXX=clang++ ./configure
make -j2

It built fine, and also quite a bit faster than a GCC build.

Version info:
  Ubuntu clang version 3.3-5ubuntu4 (branches/release_33) (based on LLVM 3.3)
  Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Thread model: posix

FWIW I've found it a good idea to test C/C++ codebases against clang if nothing 
else because clang is rather better at identifying ambiguities and potential 
errors and providing instructions for how to fix them.

Mike, can you try typing on a terminal prompt both:

   g++ --version
   clang++ --version

... and tell us what you see?  AFAIK Xcode 5 should include clang 3.3, i.e. the 
same version as my GNU/Linux system.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: compilation errors from Xcode's new standard library

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/11/13 10:09, Mike Solomon wrote:

Looks like some files in flower don't play nice with the most recent version of 
the standard library bundled with Xcode…

Any ideas for how to proceed?

If I understand right (I'm not a Mac user), latest Xcode has clang as default 
compiler, and symlinks the gcc/g++ commands to clang/clang++.  So, these errors 
most likely arise because Lilypond compilation has never been tested with clang 
(apologies if I'm wrong, but I imagine Lilypond development has always assumed GCC).

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3631 in lilypond: 2.17 does a worse job with vertical spacing and/or the page layout than 2.16

2013-11-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 02/11/13 15:12, Mike Solomon wrote:

Not sure what a git formatted patch is…I can, however, download the Rietveld 
patch and send it to you if you want.

Git can extract text patch files from your version history, which can then be 
sent by email.  It's a simpler way of getting patches to/from people than 
needing to publish branches.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-11-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 01/11/13 16:29, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

There's now an updated texlive-binaries package in the saucy-proposed
repository, which can be used to test Lilypond builds:

The saucy-proposed repository now also has rebuilt lilypond packages (the full 
range -- lilypond, lilypond-data, lilypond-doc*).  I've checked them out and 
AFAICS they are all now correct.  Anyone else want to take a look?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Where is PDF documentation typically installed (in Ubuntu)?

2013-11-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 02/11/13 11:13, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

I'm just checking the updated Lilypond packages in Ubuntu saucy-proposed (the
ones that have the fix for the mpost bug) and I'm finding something odd: I
installed the PDF docs to check the fonts, but I can't find the actual PDF files
anywhere in /usr/share/doc.

Where are they typically located?

Found it.  I was expecting to find .pdf files but they're .pdf.gz, hence my 
searches didn't find them.  Checking the contents of the .deb file itself 
indicated they are located in subdirectories of /usr/share/doc/lilypond/html.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Where is PDF documentation typically installed (in Ubuntu)?

2013-11-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hi all,

I'm just checking the updated Lilypond packages in Ubuntu saucy-proposed (the 
ones that have the fix for the mpost bug) and I'm finding something odd: I 
installed the PDF docs to check the fonts, but I can't find the actual PDF files 
anywhere in /usr/share/doc.

Where are they typically located?

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-11-01 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 25/10/13 13:45, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

Just FYI -- I've had a response from someone at Canonical who has asked me to
check a couple of things for them.  Will update as/when I have more info.

There's now an updated texlive-binaries package in the saucy-proposed 
repository, which can be used to test Lilypond builds:

I've tested it out, and Lilypond rebuilt with the new package now has what look 
to me like the correct clefs, flags, etc.  But it's probably best if others 
check too.

lilypond-devel mailing list

More verbose doc build

2013-10-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

The building of the various manuals takes quite a long time, but the build 
process itself is silent so it's not easy to tell if they're actually 
progressing or have somehow hung.

e.g. currently I'm just seeing:

LILYPOND_VERSION=2.17.29 /usr/bin/python -tt ../scripts/ -I . -I 
./out-www -I /home/joseph/code/lily/pond/Documentation/snippets/out -I 
/home/joseph/code/lily/pond/Documentation/included -I 
/home/joseph/code/lily/pond/Documentation/pictures -I 
/home/joseph/code/lily/pond/Documentation -I 
--process='/home/joseph/code/lily/pond/out/bin/lilypond -dbackend=eps 
--formats=ps,png,pdf  -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts --header=doctitle 
--header=doctitlecs --header=doctitlede --header=doctitlees --header=doctitlefr 
--header=doctitlehu --header=doctitleit --header=doctitleja --header=doctitlenl 
--header=doctitlezh --header=texidoc --header=texidoccs --header=texidocde 
--header=texidoces --header=texidocfr --header=texidochu --header=texidocit 
--header=texidocja --header=texidocnl --header=texidoczh -dcheck-internal-types 
-ddump-signatures -danti-alias-factor=2' --output=./out-www --format=texi-html 
--loglevel=WARN --info-images-dir=lilypond --lily-output-dir 
/home/joseph/code/lily/pond/out/lybook-db --redirect-lilypond-output learning.tely

... and no change, despite the fact that top reveals various changes of 
different tools being called.

Is there a way to get slightly more verbose output?

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 25/10/13 19:31, Colin Campbell wrote:

FWIW, after installing Ubuntu 13.10 and seeing my ../configure choke on the
mpost version, I followede Werner Lemberg's suggestion from here:
and all seems to be well. At least, I was able to make and install lilypond,
then make and install the docs with no apparent errors, and that resulted in no
obviously broken glyphs or flags in a quick test compile.  Since the fix
involves a quick download and replace, I'm wondering if it's *too* easy, but so
far so good!

Thanks :-)

I think there should be a fix landing in Ubuntu soon, I managed to get the ear 
of the person responsible for the upload of the Ubuntu 13.10 texlive-bin and he 
has been very responsive and helpful.  Fingers crossed ...

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/10/13 18:22, David Kastrup wrote:

Ubuntu 13.10 is delivered with LilyPond 2.16.2 built using a Metapost
version of 1.802.  Consequently, all the included fonts look like crap.

Just FYI -- I've had a response from someone at Canonical who has asked me to 
check a couple of things for them.  Will update as/when I have more info.

Best wishes,

-- Joe

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 25/10/13 12:09, David Kastrup wrote:

Who knows?  If they go with "TeXlive2013" as released for lack of a
compelling reason...

This is the version they have in the current development repositories:

That's the fixed version from Debian Unstable, isn't it?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 25/10/13 11:36, David Kastrup wrote:

More like out-of-stylized.  At any rate, incomplete flags actually
impede the readability more than once per line.

Again, if it makes any difference -- remember that this is a release with only 
6-month max lifecycle, and that non-LTS (long-term-support) Ubuntus tend to 
really be favoured only by the more tech-savvy users.  Next release will be LTS 
and should have the fixed metapost.

So, this probably isn't quite as disastrous as it could be.

Ubuntu development releases tend to be pretty stable these days, especially in 
the buildup to LTS, so it's almost tempting to upgrade immediately anyway ... 
Hmm, maybe wait 'til Alpha 1 in December. :-P

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/10/13 18:22, David Kastrup wrote:

This can seriously affect LilyPond's reputation.  Anybody putting
together a comparison of various typesetting programs under GNU/Linux
will more likely be using this version than any other.

I don't know about other glyphs, but for what it's worth, the treble clef 
doesn't actually look _bad_ to me, just quite stylized.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/10/13 17:24, David Kastrup wrote:

But they take the source package and compile themselves.

I think it likely that's an automated process.

Debian has already taken a fixed Metapost long ago, but Ubuntu has not
updated the TeXlive binaries in spite of me reporting the problem.

When did Debian get the fix?  The Debian import freeze for 13.10 was July 25th:

Well, they upgraded to latest stable alright this time, and the
packaging looks pretty convincing.  But whether or not they upgraded
LilyPond would have made no difference to the situation with the broken
fonts: it would have just been the same if they had compiled an older
version of LilyPond with that version of Metapost.

Yup.  It looks like the development version of Ubuntu has landed the updated 
texlive-bin packages:

... so maybe it can be backported.  I'll look into who might be able to help 
with this.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: The catastrophe has arrived.

2013-10-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/10/13 18:22, David Kastrup wrote:

Of course, this was sort of predictable.  Would we have been in time if
we had immediately created a backport of the configure patch and named
the result 2.16.3?

I think it would depend on when you got it out by.  As far as I can tell Ubuntu 
just imports Lilypond direct from Debian Unstable and doesn't make any direct 
intervention in it.  I don't think there's even a volunteer contributor who 
takes any responsibility (which there is for e.g. Frescobaldi).

There have been a bunch of occasions in the past when Ubuntu hasn't picked up on 
an upgraded stable release of Lilypond despite it being available, for exactly 
this reason.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 14:30, Carl Sorensen wrote:

In our current workflow, once I submit a patch, it's a fixed submission.
I have to resubmit a different patch in order to change it.

In the gitlab workflow, when I submit a merge request, it's a dynamic
thing.  Any time I push my merge-request branch to origin, I'm changing
the merge request.  (Oh -- I just saw the protection against unintended
changes -- don't push the branch to origin!)

I found the opposite -- that whereas with GitHub any push to the feature branch 
updates the corresponding pull request, with GitLab that _doesn't_ happen; I had 
to manually click on the "Edit" button for GitLab to recognize that the head of 
the branch had changed, and then click "Save Changes" to update it.  But maybe 
this is a cosmetic issue and actually if I approved the merge, it would be the 
branch head that got merged.  I'll test.

On GitHub personally I find this auto-update of the pull request useful.  Apart 
from anything else, if you realize there's some small issue with what you 
submitted, it makes it trivial to fix, and it means you can have a fast 
turnaround between receiving reviewer feedback and responding to it with 
patches.  If you wind up with too many patches in the pull request, you can 
always rebase and squash stuff before the branch is merged.

More broadly, in the GitHub-style workflow (which GitLab is copying) it's a good 
rule of thumb to assume, "Don't push anything to any public branch unless you 
intend for other people to see and use it."

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 14:25, Carl Sorensen wrote:

And based on Joseph's comments, it appears that I may be misusing GitLab a
little bit -- we've not been using good descriptions of the merge requests
(in fact, we may have not been using *any* descriptions of the merge
requests) so the merge commits only have the git-generated statement about
the merge.  I'll try doing a better job on merge request descriptions and
see if I like that better.

No, you were right -- it's a current limitation of GitLab, and a very irritating 
one at that.  See:

I think one workaround might be to perform the merge manually -- I'll let you 
know how this goes.

GitHub does this in a much nicer way: the merge commit message references the 
pull request ID and includes at least the title of the pull request, so that you 
can always find the associated discussion and have at least an overview of what 
the merge does.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 11:11, David Kastrup wrote:

Now it's rather hard to do a proper balance of the merits: basically we
are not aiming for a "I could discipline myself into using xxx" verdict
but rather for "this will definitely make things quite easier for me in
the long run" for a majority of existing and potential contributors.

Now testing a setup is, in a way, sort of an intellectual challenge,
costs energy, and one is understandably proud if one masters such a
challenge and does not want this work to go to waste.

Well, it depends on the overall outcome.  There's no shame in coming to the 
conclusion "OK, I spent a lot of time mastering that tool and in so doing I 
proved definitively that it doesn't work as well as other stuff I know."

I may be very critical of Lilypond's existing tools, but I'm not going to try 
and push you towards an inadequate development environment just because I spent 
time trying to get it to work.

But in the end, of course we are interested most in those experiments
which ended up not challenging at all, at least from the user side.

I'd rather have people try out five tools in a rather shallow fashion
and report back their relative impressions than have five different
people involve themselves deeply with a particular setup.  That way we
lose the focus on "easy for the casual user" and lose the comparison.

Casual impressions of GitLab: it seems to offer broadly the same scope of 
functionality as GitHub (it's much more feature-complete and user-friendly 
compared to Gitorious).  There are lots of little ways in which it is less 
user-friendly than GitHub; none of them are showstoppers, but any of them would 
be annoying to someone used to GitHub workflows.

One single example: if you rebase and force-push a branch, open merge requests 
won't automatically pick up on the new code; you have to manually edit the merge 
request.  It's two mouse clicks -- click "Edit", click "Save changes" -- but 
that's two mouse clicks you don't need in GitHub.

It's a promising tool but not a perfect one, and it's playing catch-up with the 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 10:01, Trevor Daniels wrote:

The vast majority of my contributions are single-commit, and I
suspect most other contributions are the same.  They are easy
to manage and generate a clean history with merge commits
appearing only when they are appropriate.  Our git repository was
not always managed in this way, so the advantages of a clean history
are obvious, at least to me.

I wouldn't want to do anything to disrupt having a clean git history.

Our current workflow already enforces: "No one pushes directly to master".
Why is it "ultimately worth it" to lose a real advantage only to regain
something we already have?

It's not just about "no one pushes ..." but also about having, in the version 
history, a visible log of both who authored code and who approved its inclusion. 
 I don't think the result is fundamentally less "clean" than the alternative of 
single-commits-plus-merges-when-necessary; what you actually ought to see is a 
linear history of one-merge-commit-per-new-feature.

But I accept it's a matter of taste.

Having worked with Carl for some years I respect his opinion,
and for me his bottom line: "I'm seriously thinking of junking
Gitlab because the benefit seems to be more promised than realized",
based on his experience of actually using Gitlab on a real project
clinches the matter.

Before we risk people getting demotivated, I think we should be clear that at 
this stage it's unlikely that the advantages of any alternative will be obvious. 
 If they were obvious, all of you would be leaping and jumping to get things 
set up this way and Janek, Colin and I wouldn't be having to do this exploratory 

The onus is clearly on us to make the case to you -- I'd simply like to ask that 
you all keep an open mind while we explore the possibilities.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
A couple of messages accidentally went off-list, forwarding them back here with 
Werner's agreement :-)

On 21/10/13 08:02, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

The other advantage is that the merge commit is "authored" by the
person with master commit access who approves the merge request.
So, you have in history not just who wrote what, but also who took
the decision to include it.  That can be valuable.

Hmm.  In case this is important, you have to GPG-sign patches,
possible since git version 1.7.9.  I think that lilypond doesn't
belong into the category of programs where this is necessary.

Yes, GPG-signed patches can be used to track authorization, approval etc., but 
as you say, it's overkill for something like Lilypond.  I'm just talking instead 
about having an easily visible record of "Who reviewed/approved this?".

It's surely a matter of taste, but personally on a large-ish project with lots 
of contributors, I find the "only merge commits in the master branch" approach 
to be quite useful as a way of keeping a clean overview of changes to the 
codebase, with the option to drill deeper if necessary.

You might read

on this topic.

Thanks for that -- had not come across it before.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 09:09, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Good to know, thanks.  [I assume that `overwrite' still somehow
retains the previously version for reference, right?]

In the short term I think so (you'll see stuff in the comment history like 
"so-and-so commented on an outdated diff").  In the long run it seems to be 
discarded.  You may recall that git periodically collects garbage from the 
version history, but on a time frame so that even "deleted" material is 
preserved for at least 1 month -- see:

So I'm guessing that GitHub preserves this data until git collects the garbage 
from the repo.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 07:58, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

I don't see a major simplification for the maintainer.  The most
important action IMHO for contributing a patch is to rebase, ensuring
that the patch compiles with master.  As far as I can see, github's
ticketing system doesn't allow to simply update the patch; instead,
you have to open a new ticket.

Not true at all.  Rebase your branch, then,

git push -f origin my-branch

... will overwrite the contents of the pull request branch, and so update the 
request itself.  I've done it many times. :-)

Hopefully GitLab allows for similar functionality -- I will be checking this.

Lilypond's two-level approach with
separating issues from actual patches gives more consistency here.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

GitHub has separate issues and pull requests, but there's automated coordination 
between the two -- so submit a pull request titled "Fix Issue #102" (or with a 
reference to Issue #102 in the description) the issue tracker will pick up on 
the fact that such-and-such a pull request has referenced that issue; and 
vice-versa if in an issue, I make reference to a commit or pull request.

As Carl noted, GitLab doesn't have that automated relationship yet, but it 
should be arriving in the next release.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 07:41, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

This latter thing bothered me too initially (with GitHub) as I was
used to just pulling from the main repo to my local machine and
submitting patches via email; but I quickly realized that it was
actually sensible, and that those user repos are just places to
publish one's own branches, which can then be submitted to the
central project for merging.

What me drives crazy is the structure of the main git repository.  If
you follow github style, the graph gets littered with zillions of
`merge request' commits, one per pull request, which makes it quite
hard to follow the development IMHO.

It's true it can get annoying if you have lots of one-commit contributions.  On 
the other hand it lends itself to being able to split your contributions into 
multiple separate commits for which the main git history simply gets a summary 
(the merge commit).

I still think it's ultimately worth it for the discipline of "No one pushes 
directly to master", which helps enforce a requirement that everything gets 
tested and reviewed, even stuff by core developers.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 06:13, Carl Sorensen wrote:

Even though it can be a pain to rebase commits, when it's done on the
current Lilypond process I feel like the commit messages are much better
than the ones that show up by default on Gitlab (merging branch xyz).

I'll test this out on GitLab just to see what it's like.  Working on GitHub I 
have never had any particular issue with rebases, but what I see as an issue may 
not be what you see as an issue, and vice versa ... :-)

I don't like the proliferation of branches on Gitlab.  I realize they can
be automatically deleted when the merge is accepted (and that's the
workflow I've been following, at least some of the time).  But then that
leaves an unmerged branch on the local system that it can be hard to tell
when it is safe to delete.  I don't like lots of branches hanging around
in my local repository.  I only like to have branches for issues I'm
currently working on.

I don't really understand the concern here, there's no reason why there should 
be more branches than for features/issues that are currently being worked on. 
Or do you mean that it bothers you that users are encouraged to clone the repo 
so there is a proliferation of project repositories?

This latter thing bothered me too initially (with GitHub) as I was used to just 
pulling from the main repo to my local machine and submitting patches via email; 
but I quickly realized that it was actually sensible, and that those user repos 
are just places to publish one's own branches, which can then be submitted to 
the central project for merging.

A consequence of that is that you don't need many people to have commit access 
to the main repo, and that can be kept very clean -- in fact, in well-managed 
project, the only writes to the main repository should be merges, with 
everything getting reviewed before it's committed.

As for when it's safe to delete a branch: when it's been merged.  GitLab should 
auto-detect that and recommend it via the UI, while on your local machine, git 
branch -d branchname will only carry out the deletion if it's safe.

I don't like the fact that the commit message is different on origin that
it is on my remote.

Can you elaborate?  This is odd for me because one reason I reacted badly to the 
existing Lilypond setup was that the commits I sent were being rewritten (e.g. 
my patch was automatically rebased with different author info, using my gmail 
address).  I don't anticipate any similar problems with GitLab.

Is it that, because GitLab asks for a merge request summary, you find that this 
gets used in the mainline commit history?  But that's natural given that it's 
the summary for the _merge_; the commits that are merged in should preserve 
their own commit messages.

I find the Rietveld interface for reviewing patches friendlier than the
Gitlab interface, but that may be just because of my familiarity.

Any particular features that you have in mind here?

I haven't found a nice connection between issues and merge requests.  I
guess there isn't a nice connection in the current LilyPond toolset,
either, but I was hoping that using an integrated system would make it
easier.  I didn't find it so.

That's disappointing, but looks like it's a known issue that should be fixed 

I had hoped that I could use the milestone facility in Gitlab to help with
the connection between issues and merge requests, but haven't found a good
way to do so.

I suspect it's down to the same problem referenced above.

As an overview (not really specific), I only have about 25 issues on my
Gitlab project, but I feel more out of control about it than I do with the
thousands of issues on LilyPond.

I recognize that much of this could just be familiarity.  It's difficult
to teach an old dog new tricks, and I'm turning into an old dog.

I'd be happy to take a look at how you're organizing things and see if I can 
suggest some better solutions.  Out of curiosity, what were you using before you 
tried GitLab?  Or is it a new project?

I'm not opposed to having you and Janek work on an improved system.  But
for my little project (3 developers), I'm seriously thinking of junking
Gitlab because the benefit seems to be more promised than realized.

What kind of workflow are you trying to achieve?  I wonder with so few 
developers if you're used to a setup where everyone is trusted and just has push 
access to the main repository, and GitHub, GitLab etc. do rather militate 
against that.  I think that's a feature, but obviously not everyone is going to 
feel the same.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 21/10/13 04:00, Carl Sorensen wrote:

I have to say that I much prefer the Lilypond method for handling tasks
and reviews to the Gitlab method.

Can you describe in more detail what it is that you like about how Lilypond does 
things, and how that is missing (or inferior) in GitLab?

However, it is much easier to submit a
merge request on gitlab than to submit a patch on Rietveld.

Yes, that's the principal reason to want to pursue something like this.  The 
goal is a situation where the handling of merge requests is as easy as possible, 
and all other necessary parts of code review (like testing) are automated behind 
the scenes, so contributors and patch reviewers just have to worry about their 

This latter part will most likely involve hooking some auto-testing tool into 
GitLab via its public API.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 20/10/13 11:15, James wrote:

Yes, although I don't want to be considered arrogant that it should only be
'acceptable to me'; but when the last Patch-nanny decided he was going 'spend
more time with his family' (so to speak speaking) and wanted to pass on the role
to someone else, the silence from the LilyPond community was deafening. I know
that real developers would pitch in if need be, but it has taken me away from
doing documentation patches - my original role - as I simply do not have time to
do this and any documentation that is of any significant size or that may
require a lot of back-and-forth as we polish and refine some explanatory section
that needs an overhaul.

You may want to take a look at:

I submitted a trial merge request just so we could all explore the experience of 
reviewing a proposed change to the library.  It's as near the GitHub experience 
as makes almost no difference (although there are a couple of tiny ways in which 
it seems to be different -- the most obvious is that there's no preview 
functionality for comments, which is cosmetic but still annoying).

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 19/10/13 10:16, James wrote:

The point is that when I am managing 15 patch reviews I don't (won't) read the
email thread [1] I look at tracker, see what has been said, I click on Rietveld
see what has been said; it's all there in front of me, no extra windows to click
or open, one single application (web browser) to use, it's two tabs on my
browser. Quick, easy, simple. Anyone who can read English can do it.

Would the kind of thing you see here be acceptable to you?

Note that the GitHub comment threads can also include extracts from the 
patch(es) under consideration, with comments directly under relevant lines of code.

As per previous discussion, GitHub itself shouldn't be used for Lilypond, but 
I'm reasonably confident we can get similar functionality out of other tools.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our workflow with better tools - let's test things.

2013-10-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 16/10/13 00:11, Janek Warchoł wrote:

I need at least 2 people who'd like to experiment with me - doing this
alone doesn't make sense.  Colin, Joe - are you still interested?
Anyone else?

Yup, still in. :-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond build dependencies

2013-10-05 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 05/10/13 19:01, David Kastrup wrote:

Maybe you can use tlmgr for updating your Metapost.

Well, you saw the error I encountered when trying to use tlmgr to do that. 
(Maybe I'm just misunderstanding how it works, I've never used it before.)

No idea.  Or complain to Ubuntu that they still have not updated their TeXlive.

Done. :-)

Maybe downgrading Metapost is an option if you can't figure out how to

If Ubuntu don't do anything I'll try installing sid packages as you suggested.

Can you confirm that my list of missing build dependencies is accurate?  I'd be 
happy to send a CG patch about this (assuming I get to the point of a working 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fedora and mpost

2013-10-05 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 05/10/13 20:08, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

In my experience it can help if more than one person reports the bug as
affecting them (I've just done so).  So, fingers crossed.  By the look of it
though, they just copy over from Debian rather than having any dedicated TeXlive
maintainers themselves :-(

Yup, their janitor bot has updated the bug's status to "Confirmed" now that I've 
asserted the bug affects me too.  Hopefully that will prompt some action.

There is an Ubuntu TeX team <>, and I've 
written to them to see if there's anything they can do.  If not I'll try 
installing the sid packages as you suggest, but better to get it actually fixed 
in Ubuntu if possible.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fedora and mpost

2013-10-05 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 05/10/13 19:39, David Kastrup wrote:

Joseph Rushton Wakeling  writes:
Unfortunately, nobody seems to be interested in>

Thanks ever so much for looking into the problem in this depth.

In my experience it can help if more than one person reports the bug as 
affecting them (I've just done so).  So, fingers crossed.  By the look of it 
though, they just copy over from Debian rather than having any dedicated TeXlive 
maintainers themselves :-(

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Fedora and mpost

2013-10-05 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 05/10/13 17:24, David Kastrup wrote:

That's not a "workaround" since your fonts would all be broken.  Maybe
install TeXlive2013 to a local tree and update to the newest version
using tlmgr?

Currently trying to get it to set up a local texmf tree -- running any tlmgr 
command, e.g. tlmgr init-usertree or tlmgr update --list, results in the 
following error (I'm running on Ubuntu 13.10):

(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
cannot setup TLPDB in /home/joseph/texmf at /usr/bin/tlmgr line 5308.

... any suggestions?  Googling around isn't proving much help other than to find 
that it was a "known issue" earlier this year. :-(

tlmgr --version gives:

tlmgr revision 31259 (2013-07-22 00:07:38 +0200)
tlmgr using installation: /usr/share/texlive
TeX Live ( version 2013

lilypond-devel mailing list

Lilypond build dependencies

2013-10-05 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

I'm trying to build Lilypond from git-HEAD source for the first time in a while 
and running into some curiosities from the ./configure script.  This is on 
Ubuntu 13.10.

First of all: ./configure requests a number of build dependencies that are not 
listed on the pages here:

... which included dblatex, epsf.tex (contained in texlive-generic-recommended) 
and lh (contained in texlive-lang-cyrillic).  At a guess, perhaps these would 
typically be installed as recommended by the packages that are listed, so anyone 
(like me) installing _only_ what's listed (and its strict dependencies) will 
come up against this issue.

I'm sure that if I'd just run apt-get build-dep lilypond all would have been 
fine, but the listed dependencies are the first thing one reads.

The blocker to building is the metapost version currently in Ubuntu 13.10. 
./configure reports:
ERROR: Please install required programs:  mpost (due to a bug in metapost, 
versions 1.600 <= x < 1.803 are not supported; installed: 1.802)

What's the problem here, and is it possible to work around (i.e. tell 
./configure "I don't care, go ahead and accept working with 1.802) or is the bug 
sufficiently show-stopping that nothing can be done bar install the updated 

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 27/09/13 03:44, Graham Percival wrote:

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 03:12:27PM +0200, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

This risks becoming another corrosive discussion,

Then WTF are you starting it?

Because I had hoped that what I said was sufficiently qualified not to create 
bad feeling.  Obviously I was wrong.

I am happy to answer any of the questions you've asked, but I will not do so 
on-list, because it's obvious this will just perpetuate an unnecessarily 
divisive discussion.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Quarter-tone arrow notation [was: Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow]

2013-09-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 18:38, David Kastrup wrote:

You commented on the issue where this patch originated as late as July:>.  So
it's hard to argue that it was not discoverable to you.

This July I got an email update from the issue, and responded.

The creation of the issue tracker was pointed out to you in a direct
reply by Valentin in>.

I was never unaware of the _issue_, it's the code review that I was not involved 
in (and did not receive email updates from).

Most likely it's because the issue update with the link to the code review 
arrived on 30 December 2010, with subsequent updates going up to February 21, 
which was a period when I was completely snowed under with work issues.  By the 
time I caught up with progress, the code review was long over and the patch had 
been abandoned.

The discussion thread containing this pointer consists of four mails.
Three of those mails were written by yourself, only the final reply with
the pointer to the tracker issue was written by Valentin.

I doubt that using a different tool would have changed your perception
of never having been invited to take part in that review.

There is a difference between getting auto updates on an issue and getting an 
invitation to participate or give feedback.  When I've submitted code to a 
project that attempts to resolve a user's issue, I've usually written to them 
directly asking for their input and involvement.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Quarter-tone arrow notation [was: Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow]

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 17:35, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

Unfortunately, it was someone putting forward a workaround which I'd already
proposed and found lacking, as it doesn't play nice with transposition :-(

There was actually a patch submitted which tweaked the internal pitch
representation appropriately:

... but work on it seems to have been abandoned.

I should add that despite being the author of the original enhancement request, 
I don't think I was ever invited to take part in that review, which is a shame, 
as a number of participants seem to have misunderstood what I asked for.

It may have just passed me by, though.  I was working in a very intense and 
stressful job at the time and not following discussion very closely.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Quarter-tone arrow notation [was: Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow]

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 17:16, Phil Holmes wrote:

I think it's waiting for someone to propose how it could be represented in
LilyPond.  If _someone_ were to do that, it might progress - it was only a few
months ago it was last looked at.

Unfortunately, it was someone putting forward a workaround which I'd already 
proposed and found lacking, as it doesn't play nice with transposition :-(

There was actually a patch submitted which tweaked the internal pitch 
representation appropriately:

... but work on it seems to have been abandoned.

_Conceptually_, the problem is this: Lilypond's pitch model consists of


where alteration is some fraction of a whole tone.  (Actually there's no 
theoretical limit.  You could have 3/2 of a tone, 2 tones ... although because 
the current transposition rules have a hard-coded limit of +/- 1, it's actually 
impossible in practice to transpose into keys where you might have triple sharps 
or flats.  Hey, they do exist...:-)

That model works fine for the standard 12 chromatic pitches, and it works fine 
for microtonal notation where each microtonal alteration is represented by a 
unique accidental.  It fails for microtonal notation that essentially consists of


of which quarter-tone arrow notation is one example (you have a first-order 
alteration which is the regular accidental, and a second-order alteration which 
is the up- or down- arrows).

Ben Johnston's notation for "extended just intonation" is another example that 
very strongly relies on this hierarchy of pitch shading -- see e.g.:

... and for 
some explanation.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 16:37, Trevor Daniels wrote:

Almost exactly what I was about to reply, but Phil beat me to it!  In fact I
think I remember helping you add the Contemporary music headings some
time ago, or was it someone else?

The section originates with me but I got diverted into trying to create a more 
elegant solution for how to rewrite accidentals in transposed music.  It was all 
related to the need for an effective chromatic transposition solution that also 
worked well with arbitrary microtonal accidentals.

I was also rather discouraged by the fact that the quarter-tone arrow notation 
issue didn't find a solution -- see:

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 15:23, David Kastrup wrote:

Well, you think that it's better to demoralize existing developers
rather than hypothetical would-be contributors nobody knows.

This is going to be a toxic direction of discussion if we pursue it, so I won't 
respond, except to say that it is not my intention to demoralize anyone, and I'm 
sorry if anyone does feel attacked or demoralized by what I've said here.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 15:04, David Kastrup wrote:

How many substantial patches would you expect yourself to be
contributing in the wake of such a move per month to LilyPond?

Don't know.  Most of my potential contributions to Lilypond are likely to be 
documentation -- among other things I'd like to revisit and finish up the 
Contemporary Music section.

But in a way I think this is the point -- I'm likely to continue to be an 
occasional contributor, sending something in when I have something I'm 
enthusiastic about when I have time and space to work on it.  As things stand 
it's difficult to get that enthusiasm because there's a load of finnicky and 
annoying things involved with making a submission.  If the ease of contribution 
was comparable to GitHub, I'd feel a lot better about doing so.  I do appreciate 
your offer to just send patchlists to the mailing list and let you guys handle 
them, and I will try and do that, but it's still not as nice as a good 
code-hosting system.

By the way, I'm not advocating GitHub as a solution.  I'm pointing out GitHub as 
a now typical example of typical user experience contributing to free software 

I also think that kind of usability would also pay off for you and other core 
developers and code reviewers, even if there are is no substantial increase in 
patch submission.  I can understand if you don't see things the same way, though.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 14:52, Phil Holmes wrote:

I thought I made this clear - I was repeating something Graham said to me on a
number of occasions.  He would argue it was realistic, not pessimistic. You have
to be aware of the fact that, simply by working hard on a problem does not
guarantee that the effort expended will be rewarded.

Here's a direct quote from him - clearly you don't fall into the category of new
contributor, but the warning still applies:

"We've had bad experiences where a helpful and enthusiastic new
contributor misunderstood the instructions, ran off and did 5 hours of
work instead of 10 minutes, and none of the main developers wanted to
take the time to deal with the results of the 5-hour work, so the
whole thing was wasted. (literally wasted, as in "the project would
have received more benefit from the 10-minute job instead of the
5-hour work")"

Check the results of the grand regression test review.

This risks becoming another corrosive discussion, so please understand that what 
I say next is not intended as an attack on anyone here and is meant in a spirit 
of hope for Lilypond's prosperous future.

There is another possible response to such a situation, and it's: "Oh wow, this 
person put a load of work in, they're obviously really committed and 
enthusiastic.  OK, let's use these problems with what they've done as an 
opportunity to educate them better about how Lilypond works and how to avoid 
these kinds of problem in the future, and make them feel that we really value 
the time they've put in and want to repay them in kind."

Now, I'm not assuming that no one has ever done this.  I rather imagine it's 
been tried and that the resulting workload (probably mostly Graham's) has been 
overwhelming and that in fact there is no guarantee that it pays off in terms of 
another long-term contributor -- so people have been discouraged from this 
approach by hard experience.  But I still think that it's possible to approach 
contributors with enthusiastic caution rather than lowered expectations, which 
are demoralizing for everyone.

FWIW I think automated testing of pull requests is helpful here because test 
failures are impersonal and encourage the contributor to pro-actively sort out 
the problems in their code without having to be told -- there's not the same 
sense of personal rejection.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 11:48, Janek Warchoł wrote:

David is going to talk with Savannah people - that's great!
Other things that are worth looking at are:
- gitorious
- gerrit
- something else i've forgotten?


Looks more feature-complete and user-friendly than Gitorious (it's got issue 
tracking as well as code hosting built in).  You can use a hosted version 
( or host your own version.  It's MIT-licensed.

They do a Red Hat-y kind of thing where they have an Enterprise Edition as well 
as Community Edition, but so far as I can tell from this summary, it's still 

... so there shouldn't be any GNU/FSF-related political objections here.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 13:56, Phil Holmes wrote:

As far as I'm concerned, Google Code could be changed.  I find its restriction
on attachments annoying.  However, a replacement would have to be able to import
_all_ the issues lodged there with all their detail and attachments, and provide
similar facilities.  If it made other stuff easier, great.

Good.  That should make the range of available solutions much broader.

I'd see the way to approach this as in 3 stages:

   (1) propose the architecture of the solution and present a prototype with a
   "toy" project just so that everyone can try it out from a user

   (2) if people like it, work to get a prototype set up that works with the
   Lilypond codebase.

   (3) if people still like that, do any necessary work like importing issues,
   etc. and switch over to the new system.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 14:26, David Kastrup wrote:

So Graham organized the infrastructure where this would not easily
happen again in the same manner, and the Contributor's Guide reflects

But we haven't exactly seen a flurry of patches from newcomers appearing
on the lists.  Of course, part of the reason is that any good mailing
list citizen will, before contributing, study some of the mailing list
archives to figure out how things are usually done.

There may be another side to this.  Post-GitHub there has been a pretty 
substantial increase in the user-friendliness of DVCS.  What's currently 
advocated in the Contributors' Guide stands in stark contrast to the ease of 
contribution (and contribution management) that many people experience as the 
norm now.

I'll give one example, because it's not clear to me that people have understood 
my past objections to git-cl etc.

Here's a currently-open pull request of mine in another project that I 
contribute to:

You'll see that below the summary there is a report from the project 
auto-testing facility, with a link to a more detailed overview of the test results.

What that means is that -- as a contributor -- I just submit a pull request via 
GitHub's UI.  Testing is taken care of for me, and the feedback is there and 
integrated into my pull request for me to read and (if necessary) respond to.

Or, if I were a reviewer, I again wouldn't need to worry about the testing, 
except as information useful for my review.

In other words testing is a completely automated process that requires no manual 
intervention from anyone and no changes to the standard GitHub workflow. 
Contrast that with git-cl, and also bear in mind how user-friendly GitHub makes 
pull request submission and review.

Unfortunately in this case the tool is a custom-written one for the project, 
because they had some very specific requirements and at the time no one tool 
supported all of them.  It's possible of course that now the existing tools 
would satisfy what they needed.  So, it's not likely to be directly useful for 
Lilypond, but it _is_ a very good model of how testing can be integrated into 
code review in a non-intrusive way.

Similarly, the project's bugzilla listens in on pull requests and can be 
automatically updated when an appropriate pull request lands (the requirement is 
that the pull request title contain the issue number, so in this case it's not 
100% automatic, but then, how could it be?).

All of this is orders of magnitude more user-friendly than what Lilypond 
currently operates and I don't think I'm wrong in saying that this kind of easy 
DVCS experience is now the expected norm for many developers.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: improving our contributing tools and workflow

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 26/09/13 12:26, David Kastrup wrote:

The dean is annoyed: "Why can't you be like the mathematicians?  They
just need pencils, paper, and a wastebasket and will work for years.
And the philosophers don't even need a wastebasket..."

Not any more, either for mathematicians or philosophers ... :-)

You can't make decisions without evaluating things, and evaluating
things does not even mean that the work will lead to a change from the
current state of affairs.  It may make you realize that minor changes
will already address some problems, for example.

Quite, but one of the problems we have right now is that it's not clear what the 
broad requirements are.  For example -- we know that GitHub is out because of 
its proprietary nature.  That means that no one is going to waste time setting 
up a trial system using GitHub.  There are surely other things that can be 
clarified now so as to not evaluate systems that are going to be rejected out of 

For example -- is it essential that any solution proposed work well with Google 
Code issues?  Or will consideration be given to a solution that involves an 
alternative issue tracker?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 20:16, David Kastrup wrote:

Well, let's just say that our track record with "I'll contribute once
everything is exactly like I want it, I could not expect to bother you
with my help before" is not unlike that spelled out in Wilde's "The
Devoted Friend">.

Hmm, I think you do me a _little_ injustice there. :-P  But thanks for reminding 
me about that story.  It's far too long since I last read it.

If you already find the suggestion offensive of working yourself on your
preferred way of contributing, that does not make for a very encouraging
outlook regarding other contributions.

No, I don't find the suggestion offensive per se.  We came to it in a bad 
conversational context.

That said, I think I'd have reacted rather differently if you'd said something 
like, "Look, we'd love to see something better in place -- if you would like to 
try prototyping something or if you can point us to some examples of this 
working in practice we'd look at it with interest."

There is some history to Graham saying "good!" for our current tools
looking discouraging as indeed the complexity of working on LilyPond and
its documentation system itself dwarves that of the contribution
process, and so it's not necessarily ill intent that stops contributors
short after the "VCS tool" hurdle has been placed aside.

Agreed, Lilypond is inherently complex to contribute to, but I don't think 
that's ever an argument for complex tools.  It feels a bit like saying that 
because rock climbing is inherently dangerous, no one should ever climb with 
ropes, because it'll stop the unskilled from trying to go to high ...

On the contrary, my feeling is that the more complex the project, the greater 
the need for tools that are easy and pleasurable to use, because people need 
their mental energy _for the project_.

I tend to find it a bit of a demotivator if a project is not strongly pro-active 
about ease of use both of their software and of their contribution mechanisms, 
because that usually means that there is tolerance of unnecessary (rather than 
necessary) difficulty, and that in turn means that often there are going to be 
unnecessary frustrations in getting things done.

So don't worry about contributing only "nice and responsible".  After
enough naughty and irresponsible contributions of code and
documentation, people will be more willing to listen to suggestions how
your contributions could be made involving less manual work by others.

I'll see what I can do. :-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 18:59, David Kastrup wrote:

How about not worrying about the tools then and just doing your
contribution any old way you prefer to work?  We have procedures in
place for picking up from there.

I can give a detailed response here, but ... it's got a bit heated today.  Shall 
we pick up tomorrow? :-)

Short version: I like working with a project's tools where possible (it's the 
nice and responsible thing to do), and I don't like the idea of asking someone 
else to do manual labour in place of my using those tools.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 18:19, Janek Warchoł wrote:

Whatever is meant by those saying it, at the end of the day it comes across
as: "Hey, we don't care about your usability issues, we don't care that it's
difficult and finnicky to contribute to us, we only care about solving that
problem if you solve it for us."

I believe that you are unjust to them.

I chose my words carefully here, but perhaps not carefully enough.

I wrote "whatever is meant" because I understand full well that it's extremly 
unlikely that anyone here really would not care.  It's quite clear that much of 
this disagreement stems from concern over the practical impact of any changes to 
Lilypond's workflow and tools, and it's completely understandable that people 
would want to be cautious about changing from something that has flaws but 
works, to something that is unproven.

Anyway, I sincerely apologize for this remark, although it was meant to be a 
comment on how to avoid unproductive discussion, in retrospect it rather serves 
as an example of how to engage in such ... :-(

PS this will sound silly, but here's a smiley for you all: :-)
I like you!

Right back. :-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 18:05, James wrote:

The fact our documentation is (even if I do say so myself) very comprehensive,
is precisely because patches get reviewed and discussed before they are
incorporated (this wouldn't happen with a wiki). Things like users reporting
typos and simple changes often get fixed by other developers very quickly, if
not tracker items get put up and it isn't long before they get fixed.

Yes, a "raw" wiki like Wikipedia can be vulnerable to rubbish, but you don't 
have to operate like that.  There's a nice balance in the solution found by 
Citizendium, where you have a "public" article which is stable and updated 
rarely, and a "draft" article which anyone can edit, but which is carefully 
reviewed and revised before its updates are copied over to the public page.

That has a few advantages.  If someone posts something that is in poor English, 
it doesn't have to be cut straight away (it hasn't changed the public page), and 
anyone watching that page can step in and correct it.  Ditto if what has been 
written is unclear -- someone can make some revisions, there can be some 
back-and-forth, etc.  And finally, review of changes isn't just limited to one 
patch, it's on a Talk page which everyone can read and follow, so the lessons 
learned there can be more broadly spread.

Basically it means there can be more creativity and spontaneity in the drafting 
process, users' editing procedures are much more nice and simple, and you can 
still be rigorous in final review.

But I understand that there can be other reasons why wikis etc. are not a 
desirable solution.  Just out of curiosity -- was a wiki ever actually seriously 
attempted, or was it rejected because of the reasons you mention?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 17:10, Phil Holmes wrote:

Poor syntax; poor explanation; unnecessary; failure to compile; failure to
follow standards.

OK.  What are the typical patch-reviewer reactions to each of these?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 17:05, David Kastrup wrote:

No, you are not just "asking".  You are throwing diagnoses around and
proposing solutions that are known not to work.

I keep asking you questions because I want to correct my ideas and impressions 
if they are wrong.

Still, I'm curious -- what is it about making a Windows development
environment for Lilypond that doesn't make sense?  Is it just the
hassle with the dependencies, or are there other factors?

You are probably assuming that Windows is the market leader for desktop
operating systems because it the choice of engineers, picking the best
product made by the best engineers to be found.

OK, now I _know_ that your impression of me is false. :-)

I did originally have some further remarks and questions about Windows 
development, but to be honest, I don't think they're helpful or relevant at this 
point.  I never meant to sidetrack the discussion in that way.

But what follows is I think relevant.

My response to Phil wasn't meant to be cheap pontification, it was
meant to be simply: "Here are a list of reasons why you shouldn't be
complacent about the usability of your tools."

It's always fun to suggest eating humble pie to others.  But I really
recommend getting some experience _before_ lecturing them.

Forget big-picture pontification -- I never intended to engage in that.  What it 
comes down to is this.

I've contributed code and documentation to a variety of different free software 
projects.  Lilypond stands out among them in being _astonishingly_ difficult to 
contribute to, and this difficulty is almost entirely down to the choice of 
tools and the way in which certain procedures are managed.

In every case, whether it's git-cl, whether it's the way the bug squad duties 
are to be carried out, or whether it's how pull requests are managed, it almost 
always seems to come down to involving unnecessary mental and manual and 
custom-built work where for years there have been standard automated tools that 
would handle those problems.

That makes me very, very sad because I love so many aspects of Lilypond and I 
want very much to contribute.  But -- I'm sorry -- I don't want to tolerate 
unnecessary obstacles to contribution.  I want the time I spend on contributions 
to be spend on writing code or documentation, not on working around finnicky 
tool problems.

I'd be much more willing to temporarily put in that effort to work around those 
issues, if I felt that at least there was recognition of the usability issues I 
(and others) have raised.  But every time there is this reaction: "Why don't you 
do it, then, since you know so well how it ought to be."

Whatever is meant by those saying it, at the end of the day it comes across as: 
"Hey, we don't care about your usability issues, we don't care that it's 
difficult and finnicky to contribute to us, we only care about solving that 
problem if you solve it for us."

And ultimately, that's very demotivating and makes everything about contribution 
feel bad.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/09/13 12:59, Graham Percival wrote:

Reviewing patches?  Explaining why we reject a patch (I don't
think we can fairly reject a patch unless we explain why)?  Those
are significant costs.

What are the most common reasons for doc patch rejection?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 15:45, David Kastrup wrote:

"you" is you.  So start fixing it.  You know better than everybody else
what is in need of fixing, so go ahead.

Every time I raise usability issues related to the contribution tools, I run 
into this big wall of denial that there is actually a problem.  And rather than 
recognizing this as a concern of someone who wants to contribute, you throw it 
back at me as somehow a sign of inadequate commitment, that I complain without 
solving the problem.

I freely admit that I don't have all the technical skills needed to provide a 
solution to this problem.  But I _do_ know what user experience I have 
contributing to other projects, and it is very, very different to what I have 
when trying to contribute to Lilypond.  I don't think that it is wrong (or 
unhelpful) of me to point out that difference.

The thing is, even if I _did_ have all the technical skills required, or if I 
invested time and effort to learn them, do I have any guarantee that my work 
would be rewarded with acceptance of my solution?  The hostile reception to my 
saying, "Here are a set of usability problems" doesn't exactly encourage my hope 
that a solution would be welcomed.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 15:41, David Kastrup wrote:

What about "Try it" did you not understand?  Windows does not just allow
you to say

 sudo apt-get build-dep lilypond

Instead you have several dozens of dependencies you have to satisfy by
hand, and then the fun with registry entries and other stuff starts.

I didn't need to try it -- I already anticipated that it would involve huge 
amounts of hassle setting up the dependencies.  I asked you simply because it 
was important to me to understand the problem as _you_ saw it.

No doubt about that, but we're not in the situation to fix Windows.

Is the problem Windows, or that many of the GNU dependencies are difficult to 
install on Windows?

Look, before you have experience _maintaining_ a cross-platform software
project, stop the pontification.  At my last regular job, we had a
publishing project with a TeX core and Java control logic and some
scripting/packaging.  All cross-platform technology, so we decided to
offer a Windows version because everybody wants Windows and how hard can
it be.  A few man-years later (as there were several people working on
it), we had the thing working.  Deployments?  Some.  Eventually replaced
by virtual machines running GNU/Linux since they were far more robust
and unproblematic.

LilyPond is doing _amazingly_ well.  At least we deliver working
packages that run on Windows.  If you think that a development
environment running under Windows for LilyPond makes any sense, I have
the strong impression that you have no experience whatsoever what you
are talking about.

Note that I never said that Lilypond's delivered packages were inadequate.

I don't know what kind of issues you have in practice with debugging and 
diagnosing Windows-related issues.  Given other factors I can imagine that it 
might be less of a problem than the hassle involved in setting up development on 

Still, I'm curious -- what is it about making a Windows development environment 
for Lilypond that doesn't make sense?  Is it just the hassle with the 
dependencies, or are there other factors?

Pretty thinking gets us only so far.

Well, I was responding to a post that said, "We have X, Y and Z set up to let 
users contribute, what's so difficult about that?"

But there _are_ difficulties that result -- some of them quite explicit, some of 
them more conjectural.  My impression here is that you're strongly locked in to 
certain difficulties because of historical choices about the design and 
architecture of Lilypond.  In other cases I think those difficulties can be 
resolved, and fairly simply.

My response to Phil wasn't meant to be cheap pontification, it was meant to be 
simply: "Here are a list of reasons why you shouldn't be complacent about the 
usability of your tools."

git-cl does nothing that you can't do directly in the web browser, so
why don't you use the web browser directly?  Saves you complaining about
git-cl.  Do it for a few weeks of serious work, and you'll be glad
git-cl saves you most of the typery/clickery.

Your documentation says nothing about web browser-based submission of patches. 
Perhaps if it did, I would not have had the bad reaction I did.

Suffice to say that what's easier for someone doing full-time work on a project, 
and what's easier for an occasional contributor, is not necessarily the same.

I would also add: I have found GitHub pull request submission and review to be 
much, much easier than git-cl.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 15:34, Phil Holmes wrote:

 I imagine that one problem of using a VM is that it makes it much more
difficult/slow to run such local tests?

Not with current servers.  GUB is built in a VM, much faster than most people
could do it natively.

Running on servers, sure.  I was thinking of the case where people wanted to run 
the test suite on their own machine before submitting.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 14:22, Graham Percival wrote:

I've done #1.  I spent a WHOLE YEAR doing #1.  It was an
experiment.  I was absolutely committed to teaching people how to
do docs.  However, #1 gives a net penalty of 25 minutes.

One thing to add.  I completely get how frustrating and annoying it must be to 
have someone like me, who has made a handful of small contributions in total, 
come and have a go at how the project handles things.  I understand how that 
must feel relative to the huge commitment and effort you have put into the project.

So, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not saying these things to have a go at 
you.  I'm saying it because it seriously bothers me that certain tool choices 
place an unnecessarily large burden not just on contributors but also on you and 
other maintainers, who have to sort out that hassle.

It's my personal belief that a couple of months spent really, seriously thinking 
about the tools used to manage contribution, and the ease of the contribution 
process, would really, really pay off in the long run.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 14:22, Graham Percival wrote:

Suppose somebody sends you a bad patch that would take you 5
minutes to re-implement from scratch.  Do you:

1) spend 30 minutes explaining how to fix the patch
2) tell them to go screw themselves
3) ignore the patch silently and give the person no indication of
what went wrong.

I've done #1.  I spent a WHOLE YEAR doing #1.  It was an
experiment.  I was absolutely committed to teaching people how to
do docs.  However, #1 gives a net penalty of 25 minutes.

"oh, but maybe that person will do better next time"

Yes.  In many cases they did.  So the next patch only took me 20
minutes to explain how to fix it.  The one after that took 10
minutes.  Then, on the 4th patch, it was ok without needing any
fixes.  So... currently we're at a deficit of 45 minutes.  If they
send in another 9 patches, each one doing a 5-minute fix, then
we've broken even.

If the problem is so persistent, I would suggest that this is a fundamental 
issue with the usability of your documentation tools and submission procesures, 
and that _this_ is the issue you consider fixing.

Look at it this way.  If you were starting a new software project from scratch, 
now, would you choose TeXinfo as your documentation format?  Almost certainly 
not -- you'd probably create a MediaWiki instance and have people contribute 
there, and write a few plugins that would enable Lilypond input to be entered 
into the Wiki page and auto-generated into the desired PNG for display.

Now, do you think you'd be having half the problems you have with tweaks to that 
wiki, as you are having with patches to your TeXinfo docs?  Almost certainly 
not, because (i) the wiki gives immediate preview feedback during editing so 
that users can _see_ that their tweaks don't work; (ii) wiki markup is much 
simpler than TeXinfo; (iii) wiki markup is much more widely used these days, so 
many more people are already familiar with it; (iv) contributing to a wiki 
doesn't have to involve the command-line complication of handling git or any 
other VCS tool.

TL;DR I think you spent a whole year _solving the wrong problem_, because you 
were attempting to train people to become long-term contributors who could work 
round the issues of the existing tools, rather than solving the real issue, 
which is:

   "How can I get things set up so that docs contributors GET IT RIGHT FIRST
   TIME even if they've never contributed to Lilypond docs before?"  [*]

[* Corollary: "... and so that if they get it wrong, they can see it and work 
out how to fix it themselves before it becomes my problem."]

Your "suppose" and "maybe" does not trump my empirical evidence.

Your empirical evidence reflects the fact that your docs setup makes it 
difficult for the 75% to easily create value.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 14:14, Graham Percival wrote:

Umm, the whole point of the VM is to ensure that the contributor's
setup is *right*.

As far as I can see, the whole point of the VM is to get round the fact that the 
range of environments you can use to hack on Lilypond is severely restricted.

I'm suggesting to you that this restriction is in itself a problem.

That's way more fragile than having them use a VM.

I don't know if I understand the history here.  Were custom package repos tried 
as a first solution before the VM?  Was it a practical history of failure, or a 

I accept that faced with the situation of most devs being on Windows but Windows 
being impossible as a dev environment, a VM must be the only reliable solution.

(5) In the specific case of git-cl, my own experience was that it
was an absolute pain.  Multiple (custom) commands to be typed;

err, the whole point of the VM is that we provided a GUI to take
care of patch submission.

Compare that with GitHub: push patches to my own repo.  Click on
"Submit pull request."  Type a brief description and click a button
... done.

and then somebody else needs to check if it compiles or not.

Yes, and repositories can be set up to automatically run test suites on 
submitted pull requests.  This is how it should be done -- it makes no sense for 
a contributor to have to take any manual responsibility for submitting to the 
testing system.

Of course, it's a good habit as a contributor to run the test suite on one's own 
machine before submitting a pull request (I always did this with LP submissions, 
even though they were docs not code).  I imagine that one problem of using a VM 
is that it makes it much more difficult/slow to run such local tests?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 14:09, David Kastrup wrote:

You _are_ aware that the _majority_ of current contributors is running

Try setting up a native development environment for LilyPond on
Windows.  Come back when you are done.

What is the reason for it being so difficult?

and the risk is that users are failed because developers weren't aware
of the needs and requirements in cases outside their own setup.

Please compare LilyPond's track record to that of _any_ other project
delivering binaries for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX (PowerPPC _and_ Intel, I
might add) and Windows.  We make a working development release every
2 weeks for all platforms.

Which other project does that?  Can you please get more specific about
how we are failing our users here?

Well, there could be a point of view that the fact that you can't set up a 
native dev environment on Windows is a pretty serious design failure.  I don't 
know how much of a practical impact that has on developers' ability to diagnose, 
debug and test Windows-related problems.

But the point wasn't that Lilypond is specifically failing on some particular 
point, the point was that by not designing to enable easy development and 
contribution access across multiple platforms, you wind up with a situation 
where the contributor base is constrained to those who can cope with your 

I found the git-cl experience absolutely inexplicable given that at
the time not only was GitHub offering the service it did, but similar
experiences were available via Bitbucket, Launchpad and Gitorious.

They don't offer command line interfaces into issue trackers, do they?

Off the top of my head, I don't know.  Why does that matter?  The 
web-browser-based tools are much more user-friendly.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 24/09/13 13:58, David Kastrup wrote:

Well, the usage conditions prohibit mimicking them, but then I have my
doubts that this will stand before a court.  So the worst that can
happen realistically is that they kick you out.  Which they can for any
reason at all anyway.

Hmm, I'd like to see the day when they start trying to enforce that condition. 

The git-cl work was genuinely necessary for making it tolerable for
command-line people to deal with the web interfaces of Google Code
chosen for hosting and maintenance of the issue tracker, as far as
I understand.

You go mad if you have to do serious amounts of stuff in the "as
intended" way without it.

[... snip ...]

So how do you set up Google Code properly?  It's always easy to blame
people for the things they had to do in order to work with the limited
options available in the past.

No, I understand that it was a workaround for limited options.  What I don't 
understand was why, when faced with the need to make that workaround, the 
reaction wasn't, "This is an unacceptable complication given the functionality 
available elsewhere, we need to find new platforms."

Again, I don't mean to sound intolerant, but it seems to me that many issues 
with Lilypond (and particularly contributing to Lilypond) derive from 
workarounds built on top of workarounds built on top of workarounds.

That kind of situation is very easy to get used to and creates a lot of 
unnecessary difficulty for newcomers or occasional contributors.

Heh.  Are you sure you have an accurate view of what Savannah is and

Not at all sure.  Happy to be educated. :-)

My impression was that it's a code-hosting and issue-tracking service dedicated 
to GNU projects, but I have never used it and so know nothing of the details.

I do seem to recall that they were very slow at getting set up to work with git, 
bzr, and other DVCS's.

The main obstacle is not making decisions but rather putting in the work
required to follow through with them.

What I'm getting at is that I don't see any detailed summary of pros, cons and 
how-this-will-work that might form the basis of a decision.

For example: was Rietveld chosen on the basis of a thorough review of the 
code-hosting and testing services available, or was it chosen because it was the 
easy thing to get working with Google Code issue tracking, which you were 
already using?  If the latter, then to my mind that was a workaround rather than 
an optimal decision, and it's obviously resulted in long-term problems (albeit 
that it clearly also fulfilled a need).

What I'm concerned about is that future tool choices take Lilypond away from 
that sort of workaround-on-top-of-workaround situation.  I honestly feel that 
the project will be saved a lot of long-term grief by choices of contribution 
tools that are future-proof, easy to use and easy to leave, rather than just 
something that most readily fits with the current setup.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/09/13 14:15, David Kastrup wrote:

At any rate, I think the first thing we would likely want to experiment
with would just be Gerrit.

May be useful to you, if you haven't already read it:

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/09/13 08:59, David Kastrup wrote:

It may be that something like Gitorious would obsolete Gerrit (as well
as the Google issue tracker), but then we need to start somewhere.

Gitorious has no in-built issue tracker.  I think the normal thing is to 
integrate it with a project-specific Trac instance.  Redmine can also be 
integrated with it AFAIK.

If there are no objections in the next few days, I'll try bringing the
topic up on the Savannah hackers list.

I am surprised that Savannah doesn't already have a nice pull submission and 
review management system already in place.  It's something they should implement.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 22/09/13 17:21, Phil Holmes wrote:

IMHO this is solving a problem that doesn't exist.  Using LilyDev (possibly in a
Virtual Machine) provides git and git-cl.  Git allows a developer to create a
patch with 2 commands: git commit and git format-patch.  That can be uploaded to
Rietveld with a single command (possibly 2 commands, depending on what you were
doing earlier).  When the review is passed, it can be pushed to staging with 4
simple commands; or mailed to -devel for any active developer without push
access - these are very rare.

How hard is that?

(1) If you need to install a VM or a custom distro flavour to hack on a project, 
your design setup is very likely to be wrong.  If you really, really need 
contributors to use certain custom packages, you're almost certainly better off 
making custom package repos for the minimal set of dependencies.

(2) If your developers are working on maintaining a custom distro flavour, 
that's a maintenance burden that is very likely a distraction from useful work.

(3) If your developers all converge around a particular install setup, then you 
are missing out on important usability information from other platforms, and the 
risk is that users are failed because developers weren't aware of the needs and 
requirements in cases outside their own setup.

(4) If your submission process involves non-standard software tools that are 
custom written for the project, you're probably doing something wrong (and again 
creating a maintenance burden for your devs).  A distributed VCS should be 
sufficient out of the box.

(5) In the specific case of git-cl, my own experience was that it was an 
absolute pain.  Multiple (custom) commands to be typed; multiple _different_ 
issue numbers to be remembered (Google Code issue number, Riedveld number...), 
problems if they got mixed up ... and at the end of the day, it wasn't my patch 
that was applied -- the system rebased on a new patch using the email associated 
with my Google account, rather than simply applying the patch I'd submitted.

Compare that with GitHub: push patches to my own repo.  Click on "Submit pull 
request."  Type a brief description and click a button ... done.

I found the git-cl experience absolutely inexplicable given that at the time not 
only was GitHub offering the service it did, but similar experiences were 
available via Bitbucket, Launchpad and Gitorious.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/09/13 03:16, Graham Percival wrote:

The experience from the Grand Documentation Project is that only
25% of new doc contributors ended up being a net benefit.  Having
an up-front hurdle, provided that it's well-explained, is a useful
way to weed out people who are likely to fall into the remaining
75%.  Granted, some of the 25% might also be turned away.  So it's
a question of the
   sum of values from all E(contributor | uses git-cl)
 % noting that the value from a contributor can be positive
 % or negative
   sum of values from all E(contributor)

I'm confident that the sum of the first is greater than the

There is research on Wikipedia which suggests that many of the most useful 
contributions to articles come from "Good Samaritans" who show up once, make one 
or two crucial improvements, and never touch the article again.

So, you should not consider the 75% to be without value -- you may find there is 
a better docs experience from many, many more people submitting rare patches, 
than from having a few more people submitting patches regularly.

If you have a bad experience dealing with volume, I'd suggest that might be more 
to do with your choice of documentation system than a problem with volume per 
se.  Finnicky problems with TeXinfo markup, Lilypond's custom extensions of it 
and so on will generate a lot of noise.

On the other hand, if your docs were hosted on a Wiki with a couple of custom 
plugins to allow users to insert Lilypond source and auto-display the compiled 
image, you might find there to be far more people making _useful_ contributions 
without noise; and also, far more people being capable of offering supervision 
and management of the docs.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 23/09/13 14:15, David Kastrup wrote:

GitHub's usage conditions are so aggressively proprietary and
disenfranchising that it's not suitable for our regular processes.  They
reserve the right of shutting accounts and projects down if they don't
like their bandwidth usage or for any other reason.  They prohibit
mimicking the "look and feel" of the GitHub web interfaces, and their
software is proprietary.

So they are pretty unfit for a GNU project like LilyPond aligning itself
with them.  That does not mean that individual contributors might not
use GitHub for their personal workflows, but I would consider it highly
inappropriate to move parts of the project-wide infrastructure there.

Yes, I completely agree with that.  They are very aggressively trying to 
colonize the "collaboration space" online, and it's very much at odds with any 
project concerned with freedom.

However, it's worth looking into the technical side of how GitHub manages things 
like automated testing.  The user experience of using GitHub to manage 
submission, review and automated testing of pull requests is extremely nice.  If 
you don't have personal experience of that, it's worth looking into, just in 
order to appreciate what people are looking for.

So I think the options we might be thinking about is seeing whether
Savannah could host Gerrit (which covers just the review part of our
processes as far as I could tell) and/or something like Gitorious which
would cover more.

Gitorious offers hosting, but it seems like that would mainly be
interesting for getting a good first impression.  If that's an option,
it would likely be much preferable to run their software (it's AGPL) off

Of course, as a GNU project you could always switch your VCS to Bazaar and use 
Launchpad.  Yes, I am joking. :-)

More seriously -- can I humbly suggest that as a first port of call it's better 
to let someone else deal with the hosting and maintenance of whatever 
code-hosting/pull management solution you choose, and only roll your own if it 
turns out to be genuinely necessary?

My personal experience is that Lilypond already suffers from too many 
custom-made and custom-hosted tools.  In some cases this is obviously necessary, 
in other cases it seems to be a workaround for problems that are best solved in 
other ways.

E.g. git-cl:

... which in my experience is an annoying and cumbersome workaround for the code 
submission and code testing services either not working well together or not 
being set up properly.  Code submission and testing shouldn't be more difficult 
than, "Push branch to public location, send public branch location to testing 
system."  (In any decent code-hosting system, submitting a pull request should 
_automatically_ link in with the testing system.)

I apologize if that sounds harsh or inconsiderate of the particular issues 
Lilypond development has faced, but I think it would be a good idea to factor 
into this decision how many custom tools and custom-hosted solutions can be 
completely eliminated [*].  That should both reduce the maintenance burden and 
also remove unnecessary obstacles for contributors.

[* Without locking you in to anything.  E.g. with Gitorious you _can_ roll your 
own, you just shouldn't need to.]

At any rate, I think the first thing we would likely want to experiment
with would just be Gerrit.

I think before making any experiments or decisions, it's best to make sure that 
the following things are well known:

 (i) What Savannah offers _out of the box_ in terms of code hosting, easy
 web interface for submission, management & review of pull requests,
 hooks into issue tracking services (Google Code?) and hooks into
 automated testing services.

(ii) Same for Gitorious.

   (iii) Any other code-hosting services out there that meet the free-as-
 in-freedom requirements?

If the pros and cons of all of that are written up so that everyone can review 
it, then everyone is in a much better position to make a decision.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: we now have "lilypond" organization on GitHub

2013-09-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 22/09/13 17:53, David Kastrup wrote:

Yup.  So we are talking about creating untested patches here that
eventually travel into the usual testing pipeline we use.

The main GitHub-hosted project that I'm involved with has auto-testing set up 
for pull requests, that's obviously integrated to some degree with GitHub itself 
(as the pull requests display info about test pass/failures).

I don't know how much work might be involved or what tools would be needed, but 
there's certainly no problem in principle with using GitHub and having rigorous 
testing of all submitted code.  In fact it should be easier for contributors to 
use than Rietveld because it entirely avoids the need for the custom tools that 
Lilypond currently uses for Riedveld submission.

The major problems that I can see with GitHub are a mix of GNU (it's a non-free 
online tool) and the potential for lockin (GitHub is very obviously positioning 
itself to be _the_ online collaboration space and is developing a whole load of 
functionality that is only available via its web service and not offline).

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: References to publications in the docs

2013-07-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 07/13/2013 07:52 PM, Mark Polesky wrote:
> Personally, I'd prefer to remove all mention of Gardner
> Read's book.  Many of his recommendations are not good at
> all, and I've found a fair number of them that are just
> wrong.

Better to say that it's out of date.  But its datedness is one reason it's
valuable, because some of its notational suggestions will be found in actual
works of the time, but not in more modern notation manuals.

> Kurt Stone's book addresses everything that Gardner
> Read's book covers, and is much more carefully written, and 
> far better for reference, though one or two things might be
> a little outdated (like percussion pictograms, which are 
> discouraged nowadays).

Yes, Kurt Stone's advice is generally better and more in touch with standard
practice.  It was after all the result of the Ghent conference which
standardized a lot of contemporary notations.

> Regarding your actual question about listing these in the 
> LM, I wouldn't be opposed, though you might consider putting
> the list at the end of the "Common notation" chapter
> instead.

The reason for putting them there was to ensure that the reader had some clear
recommendation: "These are books to look at if you are interested in particular
in the notation of avant-garde contemporary music."  But do as you think best.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: References to publications in the docs

2013-07-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 07/13/2013 02:11 PM, Federico Bruni wrote:
> It was ignored from the very beginning (perhaps a kind of todo list):

Pretty much.  At the actual time of writing there was some discussion of whether
or not to include info on interesting scores to look at, the general feeling was
against, but no conclusion was reached and so nothing got updated.

I should apologize that the whole contemporary notation section isn't fuller and
more fleshed out.  Motivation on it kind of got lost when I realized that
certain very simple contemporary notations (e.g. arrowed quarter-tone notation)
were unacceptably complex in practice, and though some people did attempt to
work on that, AFAIK nothing came of it.  See:

... for some of the details.  But the main reason was that I took up a new job
which had me too busy to focus on following up on the work. :-(

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Adds Ferneyhough hairpins to LilyPond. (issue 7615043)

2013-05-09 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 05/09/2013 02:52 PM, wrote:
> just installed 2.17.17 and it seems that the new (and nice!) angled
> hairpins are not compatible with the circled tip

I think this should be considered a bug, as the two notations are clearly

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Suggestions for participating institutions?

2013-03-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 03/26/2013 06:27 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
> It might even make sense to try getting Steinberg on board.  They have
> just acquired the old Sibelius developers.  Now the focus I see for
> LilyPond itself is bringing it into line for operating it with a growing
> corpus of public domain music.  We'd bring in music academic partners
> for the sake of entering music into a MusicXML based database.  We'd
> want to move to a Mutopia 2 web framework that makes it easy to check in
> music in either LilyPond or MusicXML form.

This sounds like something well worth pursuing.

However, a note of caution -- building this kind of conversion functionality
into LP and other software, and building a MusicXML archive of public-domain
music, are unlikely in themselves to be things that would excite a research
funding organization.

If you want to secure research funding, the main part of the proposal should be
on the things it is possible to do _on top_ of such functionality and archival
material -- you can see this very clearly in the call which is talking very much
about media/device use, user interfaces, interactivity, etc. etc.

In other words your starting point has to be a pitch for what you want students,
teachers, etc. to be able to _do_, the _functionality_ that you want them to
have and the ways in which it will be beneficial educationally.  And you need to
bear in mind that some of our ethical concerns and desire to free music, etc.,
are unlikely to be worthwhile considerations for the funding body.

That's not to say you can't provide them, it's just that the focus of the
project proposal should be on the factors which are of research interest, and
these technical details should be a (probably minor) part of the proposed
delivery mechanism.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Suggestions for participating institutions?

2013-03-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 03/26/2013 11:52 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Take in mind that EU research programmes come with an incredible
> amount of burocracy and require both academic and industry partners,
> the more the merrier. The projects that get funded are buzzword
> compliant, but often nobody knows what they set out to do, except
> divert EU money into the partnering institutions.

Buzzword compliance is not particularly a problem, except for the fact that you
want to chew your own head off after writing all those sickening words ;-)  And
the bureaucracy is mainly a matter of time and effort -- it helps very much if
you have some people who can effectively be full time preparing the grant 

But I agree that the academic/industry partnership is the key thing to get
right.  There is a bias towards prestigious institutions, and towards
pan-European and cross-disciplinary projects that also bring in industry
partners.  So ideally I think that what you'd want to have is _at least_ two
fairly prominent music colleges in different countries together with _at least_
two different computer science departments in different countries, _at least_
one reasonably well known music publisher, and preferably at least one other
research group from a different discipline (in this case, educational research
seems like an obvious choice).

Reading not too deeply between the lines it looks like what they are really
after is tablet and smartphone based learning solutions, with the goal being to
get apps on popular devices.  So you could also look for another industry
partner in the form of developers for mobile/touch platforms.  In fact the ideal
might be an app that allows a well-known publisher to disseminate their
published works on tablet/smartphone in a way that allows a great deal of
interaction with those works.

Would I be right in assuming that this is quite a UK-driven call for
participation?  It sounds like the sort of thing which is being pushed in
British education.

And, sad to say, it wouldn't surprise me if this call has been issued in
anticipation of a preconceived product development by Sibelius (despite UK
office defunct-ness), Finale or Steinberg, in collaboration with already
selected academic partners ...

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Adds Ferneyhough hairpins to LilyPond. (issue 7615043)

2013-03-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 03/17/2013 06:47 PM, wrote:
> And while above the staff dynamic brackets have the hook down.

As I said before, I'd have argued for that feature even in the absence of a
Ferneyhough example, as it makes musical/notational sense.  But I think the
example settles it. :-)

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Adds Ferneyhough hairpins to LilyPond. (issue 7615043)

2013-03-17 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On 03/17/2013 05:28 PM, wrote:
> My suggestion was flairpin, which is infinitely cheesier and thus way cooler.

I know, but ... at the end of the day, less clear in meaning than either
ferneyhough-hairpin or flared-hairpin.  Sad but IMO true. :-P

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Adds Ferneyhough hairpins to LilyPond. (issue 7615043)

2013-03-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 03/13/2013 12:22 AM, Janek Warchoł wrote:

this reminds me of an idea i had that would probably play nicely with this:
make it possible to manipulate hairpins' ends separately.
The point would be that you could specify a vertical offset for one
end and thus easily achieve a slanted hairpin (without going into
hassle of figuring out rotation angle, doing trigonometry etc).

Would be even better if LP could figure out optimal height for the ends of a 
hairpin based on surrounding dynamic marks and note positions, and calculate 
angle accordingly.

One of my (minor) frustrations with Lilypond is that the ends of hairpins don't 
necessarily line up with nearby dynamic marks -- calculating the optimal 
vertical position of dynamic marks and hairpin ends could probably be better 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Lilypond Feta font license

2012-10-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 10/18/2012 09:38 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

The idea behind this is twofold: first, the GPL does not make sense
for a font.

That's not entirely true.  Obviously it's not a good condition for use of a font 
in a document, and you _can't_ copyright the _appearance_ of the font, but it 
makes sense for GPL to be applied to the underlying "code" of a font so long as 
you have an exception in place that permits embedding in a document -- see:

Second, the font can be used independently of LilyPond,
and thus it is in a sense a standalone work, the use of which does not
create a derivative work.

Yea, this seems a broadly correct assertion with respect to fonts although the 
precise interpretation might differ depending on whether (and how) you bundle 
the font together with other software.

On a related note, this raises the issue of how Lilypond itself bundles the 
fonts -- as an internal part of Lilypond, or to install as a system font?  See:

AFAICS this latter issue is why e.g. if you open up a Lilypond-generated SVG, 
PS, etc. in Inkscape, all the Feta font characters display as gobbledegook.

Although, this project in particular is not GPLd, questions about
using Feta have popped up from time to time before from others, and
the OFL is a way to answer all these questions in one fell swoop.

Even with just GPL+exception (the embedding exception is important; is it in 
place for Feta?), it's most likely possible for a non-GPL, even proprietary, 
application to use the Feta font, and even distribute it as part of a collection 
of software, so long as the font is included as a standalone element and not 
integrated into the code in other ways.  It may be worth touching base with FSF 
and related bodies on this.

But (GPL+exception)+OPF is a fairly standard way to licence a font and does 
remove uncertainties on the part of other software developers.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: stepping down as project manager

2012-10-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 10/13/2012 11:44 PM, David Kastrup wrote:

\once creates a one-time-step temporary change, \temporary an
unterminated temporary change which can be terminated element-wise with
\revert or, again using a converter, en bloc from the original overrides
with \undo.

Forgive me for coming into this without the background, but what's the 
difference between \temporary and the existing \override?

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [proposal] easy triplets and tuplets - Draft 3

2012-10-10 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 10/10/2012 09:52 AM, David Kastrup wrote:

However, forcing a certain form of input representation for a certain
form of output is a nuisance for programmatically generated music.

I'd rather recommend using something separate like
\tupletStyle "3:2", \tupletStyle "3", \tupletStyle "".

That's fair enough, but I'm still inclined to think that whatever the display 
style used, there may be some value in allowing tuplets to be entered not just 
as ratios of numbers, but as ratios of musical durations: e.g. {8*7}/{4*3}, or 

Note that unlike my earlier suggestion I'm _not_ proposing this as a way to 
force a particular display style, although it might be useful in _enabling_ some 
display choices (hope that distinction is clear).

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Clefs and transposition [was: Re: [proposal] easy triplets and tuplets - Draft 3]

2012-10-09 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 10/10/2012 12:08 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:

Yes, definitely a bad idea.  Use 8va.  brackets instead when you want to
send everything up an octave like that.  It was fine for _you_ because you wrote
it and knew what you wanted anyway, but it would have probably been confusing
for anyone else who had to read it, at least at initial glance.

Anyway, _most_ of the time you shouldn't need to do any such octave shifts --
it's only at the very extreme upper end of the instrumental register (and
sometimes lower, e.g. on piano) that you would bother.

All of this (and what follows) seems rather aggressive and blunt on a second 
reading -- wasn't meant to be.  Apologies. :-\

lilypond-devel mailing list

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