Re: Cloud Backup

2013-05-17 Thread Ghiora Drori
Please read the doc's regarding S3 and Glacier again.
The best way is to backup Linux under Amazon is  to S3. This way you have
immediate access to the recently backed up stuff.
Once the backups are in S3 you can tell Amazon to move it to Glacier  based
on  the names of the files in S3 and* time constraints; *lets say after two
weeks when it becomes less likely you will need it.
Using the S3 Amazon console, you can also specify when to delete the
backups from glacier automatically a very nice feature.
The cost in glacier is very low.
You only pay high fees for restoring from glacier to S3 (From where you can
easily recover to Linux) if you break the rules. Read the rules below:
Quote Glacier is designed with the expectation that retrievals are
infrequent and unusual, and data will be stored for extended periods of
time. You can retrieve up to 5% of your average monthly storage (pro-rated
daily) for free each month. If you choose to retrieve more than this amount
of data in a month, you are charged a retrieval fee starting at $0.01 per
gigabyte. Learn more. In addition, there is a pro-rated charge of $0.03 per
gigabyte for items deleted prior to 90 days.

There is an article by some one who has comprehension problems on the
Internet saying it will cost a fortune to restore, and people seem to be
quoting it a lot.
I have done restores and it is simply not so.
I backup a few 100GB's this way every night. I have done restorations.

As to reliability: (This is effectively a contract):
Quote: Amazon Glacier is designed to provide average annual durability of
If this is not good enough for you too bad.

( I do not work for Amazon)

Thanks Ghiora

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 12:04 AM, Nadav Har'El

 On Thu, May 16, 2013, Steve Litt wrote about Re: Cloud Backup:
   If anyone was following this thread, I'll give you the latest news. just announced (see that during May, they
   sell 50 GB of quota for $60 a year. I switched to this deal, and it

  What happens in June? I was looking at , and that listed the price
  before quantity discounts at $0.80/gigabyte_month, so with my 30 GB,
  I'd be paying $24/month. I like the idea of using rsync or sftp to
  upload and download my files, but $24/month is pretty steep.

 They promised the 10 cent per gigabyte per month will stay forever, if you
 just *enroll* in May.

 Until this month, I've been paying them just 40 cents/gigabyte/month
 and thought I was getting a good deal (50% discount), because I'm a free
 software author :-)

 Nadav Har'El|  Thursday, May 16 2013, 8 Sivan
 Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |When you handle yourself, use your
 head;   |when you handle others, use your

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Mark Twain - If you don't *read* the newspaper, you're *uninformed*. If
you *read* the newspaper, you're *mis*-*informed*.
Linux-il mailing list

Re: Cloud Backup

2013-05-17 Thread Ghiora Drori
Shachar Shemesh enjoys being rude and wrong.
I suggest he install new fuses.

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Shachar Shemesh shac...@shemesh.bizwrote:

  On 17/05/13 11:43, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

 Shachar Shemesh writes:

  On 17/05/13 10:13, Ghiora Drori wrote:
 Quote: Amazon Glacier is designed to provide average annual
 durability of 99.9% 

 If this is not good enough for you too bad.

 When you see someone, anyone, saying such a thing, run. As fast and as
 far as you can.

 This level of assurance is called nine nines(henceforth 9*9). It
 amounts to one thousandth of a second of downtime a year.

  I think you are misreading the claim, Shachar. It is not about
 availablity, it is about durability. I read it as a measure of the
 probability that your data will not be lost before a year passes.

  You are right that this is not about availability. The previous response
 was my fuse jumping because of the pure ludiciority of people claiming 9*9
 availability. After reading the actual text, however, it is not clear what
 it is about.

 It is possible that this means that they will lose (on average) ten bits
 per Terabyte per year. If that is the case, honestly, this does not sound
 very good. Assuming they have several exabytes of customers data, this
 means that they have several actual cases of customer data lose all the
 time. Not a particularly good track record.

 Or, and this is the more likely scenario, they are talking out of their
 asses, and put the number in because it sounds impressive.

 Omer Zak wrote:

 IMO, the quote does not promise a nine nines assurance.
 It only says that Amazon Glacier WAS DESIGNED to provide this kind of

  See my previous comment for why this is equally ludicrous.


  Disclaimer: I have never used the service and th above is my common
 sense and reading comprehension take on what is written in the above

Mark Twain - If you don't *read* the newspaper, you're *uninformed*. If
you *read* the newspaper, you're *mis*-*informed*.
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Re: Newer gcc swallow version control keywords

2011-10-17 Thread Ghiora Drori

 I do have three suggestions for you:

 1) The current way to tell the compiler not to throw away
apparently-unused data is __attribute__((used)), like this:

   static const char __attribute__((used)) rcs_sccs_id[] =
   $Id: @(#)%M% %I% 20%E% %U% copyright 2005 %Q% string1\\ $;

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

 Nadav Har'El writes:

#if (__GNUC__ = 4)  (__GNUC_MINOR__  4)
#define USED(x) x __attribute__((used))
#define USED(x) x
#define IDENT(x) static const char USED(foo_src_id[]) = x;
  and then in each file just do
  #include ident.h

 The proper contents of ident.h would actually be

 #ifndef _IDENT_H_
 #define _IDENT_H_

 #if defined(__GNUC__)
 #define USED(x) x __attribute__((used))
 #define USED(x) x

 #define IDENT(s,x) static const char USED(s[]) = x


 - this is because one would want to use different identifiers in every
 file to avoid a) clashes when keywords are used in header files (very
 useful: which versions of the headers was this file compiled with?) and
 b) possible effects of -fmerge-constants and friends.

 Oleg Goldshmidt |

 Linux-il mailing list

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be
trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people's
thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner
voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and
intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs
Linux-il mailing list

Re: Amazon free to new customers!

2010-10-25 Thread Ghiora Drori
Correction, sorry but you are not up to date.
1) You can use your own kernel (This changed a few month ago, used to be
that you needed special permission to do this.)
I am using mine on a significant number of instances. There are articles
on the internet explaining how:

2) You should create your own images on EBS drives and use snapshots from
the images to boot. It is very easy to create new ones.
since they are simply just Linux root images.
You then boot from the snapshot of the EBS drive and specify other
drives that are to be mounted as additional snapshots.
Life on Amazon is much easier now then is was a couple of years ago.

   If you boot an existing public image (with EBS as root you can stop it
with ec2-stop  and take a snapshot of the root
   drive and use EBS's created from it for modifications. Fairly east to do
with the Centos or Ubuntu public images.

  The snapshot images also boot faster since they are read into the EBS
drive when needed.

  I do this a lot so please do not tell it cannot be done :)

  Have fun.

2010/10/24 Etzion Bar-Noy

 With defined limitations. You can use *their* kernel and initrd, or some
 others supplied, but you cannot supply your own. Also - adding custom OS
 selections is not trivial. If not already created by someone else (with
 his/hers S3 space to store that image), you might find yourself lacking the
 right image for your needs.

 That said, almost anything can be done using the existing, limited, images
 supplied by Amazon. Add to that the images supplied by users, and you will
 be just fine.


 2010/10/24 Tom Rosenfeld

 On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 10:10 AM, geoffrey mendelson wrote:

 On Oct 24, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Tom Rosenfeld wrote:

 If you haven't already tried cloud computing, this is your chance to use
 free for a year!

 Does this have to be a web server? Can one use it for an Asterisk or
 other SIP relay or a private HTTP or SOCKS proxy?


 Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
 To help restaurants, as part of the stimulus package, everyone must
 order dessert. As part of the socialized health plan, you are forbidden to
 eat it. :-)

 No, it does not have to be a web server. Actually, the point of Amazon is
 that you can install any OS and any software you like!


 Linux-il mailing list

 Linux-il mailing list

The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.
Alfred Adler
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Re: n900 preorder

2009-10-10 Thread Ghiora Drori
I will be surprised if Amazon agrees to ship it to Israel...

2009/10/10 Erez D

 i saw that i can pre-order the n900 for just 580$ (it's real price should
 be 500 euro) from

 i was wondering what about customs, and will the us version work well in

 does anybody know ?


 Linux-il mailing list

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Re: Cheap VM cluster (software, storage) ideas

2009-03-05 Thread Ghiora Drori
s3 is not used for block storage!! local ec2 instances storage or EBS drives
are used.

I have instances running for 485 days. These are from the time we started
using Amazon which was in beta.
The fact that during the beta they some issued is not a big surprise.

As to cost if you are using 4 servers it really does not matter. If you are
you are using a 100 and
there number can drop to 50 or go up depending on what you are doing the
savings are significant.
Being able to setup more servers to test a large new installation and then
discard them paying only for actual usage
gives you a lot of flexibility.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Ira Abramov

 Quoting Ghiora Drori, from the post of Wed, 04 Mar:
  Why would s3 bother you ? Its there it does not cost money if you do not
  it it cost fairly little when you do
  and it works ok.

 Well, I was told it's not accassible as a simple filesystem, which means
 it won't work as shared storage for my current set of apps (various PHP
 and other tools expecting to find plain files in the directories they
 put them in...

  The only thing you will need s3 for is to store images of systems you
  to launch, you could use public images
  but the cost of keeping private onse in s3 is negligible and this gives
  more flexiblity in creating custom servers.

 Well, the hosting guy has 5 very different servers hosted right now. a
 winXP for Marcom, a couple of production Debian LAMPs, a test LAMP and a
 machine for sensitive sites. I think we are talking about too many
 details to try and just dump them P2V on a cloud and hope for the

  You do have to learn how to handle it aka instances can die and then
  you loose their disk this has been rare lately, was more common a few
  month ago. The EBS drives however do not die with the machine so data

 are you trying to cheer me up? :) I have machines with 500-600 days of
 uptime here, I don't need to move a bunch of Israeli sites to a far away
 cloud that occasionally has a lightning storm as well.

  You can put mysql, or any other software in images or load them when
  the instance is up.  You can run RedHat, Gentoo, Ubuntu or even
  Windows...  You can scale up and down the number of your servers and
  EBS disks as needed.

 If your servers were built for clustering in the first place, maybe.
 This is not a case of Drag'n'drop, as you can understand :)

  Make an account and play with it!!  A small machine/instance (32 bits)
  is 10 cents an hour. If you cannot afford that you are not really
  commercial :) A few minor calculations should give you the correct
  cost numbers.

 10 cents an hour are $2.4 a day or about $75 a month. this is more or
 less what the guy is paying in Israel now, and he gets less latency (all
 Hebrew sites and wanted only by Israelis), more disk space, etc.

 I guess the only real plus of histing the apps there is the Fun in the

  As sysadmin using it in a real web company it is very good, has a
  learning curve like everything else.

 yeah, only he's expecting definite answers from me, and Now I have to
 talk him into doing a pilot because I don't have all the correct
 answers. But that's the way the Internet works, right? :-)


 Santa's little helper
 Ira Abramov

 Linux-il mailing list

Constant change is here to stay!
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Re: Cheap VM cluster (software, storage) ideas

2009-03-04 Thread Ghiora Drori
Amazon EC2 instances plus their EBS disks.
Scalable, available, reliable (from my experience) and you can experiment
for a few $'s a day.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Ira Abramov

 related to the Citrix-vs-VMware question, in the spirit of the times...

 I want to create a way to host a cheap HA solution for a web hosting
 outfit. they are running a few pretty busy asymetric servers and want to
 start improving that infrastructure. each machine holds several dozens
 of virtual hosts.

 At the moment each server has its own local storage and mysql. every
 part is a SPOF other than the minimal RAID and such things.

 I'm thinking:
 * Move to a central non-virtual MySQL for the backend.
 * have two servers go P2V and have those VMs hosted back on their
 original hardwares (sadly this means some painful downtime), and find a
 way to let them crash-migrate for HA (still trying to figure this out)
 * Second stage, add a second MySQL in a master-master setup.

 I'd love to have two servers with symetrical setup, but as you can
 guess, the virtual hots are dozens of different apps that are too
 expensive to go and rewrite for clusters at this point, with the issues
 of user-uploaded files having to be available to both Apaches, etc.

 Assuming we want the cheapest reliable solution, i.e. not a $6K-20K SAN
 and FC, I am looking for an easier solution (easier on the pocket at
 least). However NFS proved to be a disaster in such cases (high-load web
 services), OCFS has not been nice to me with any setup other than maybe
 Oracle clusters, and GFS also never ran smoothly in my tests.

 Also OCFS and GFS require a common disk, which at this budget would be a
 Linux machine running an iSCSI target at best (or OpenNAS).

 Am I missing something? Can this kind of reliability be achieved without
 shelling out big bucks?

 Of course, The other option is just separate the MySQL, have a third
 machine rsync the files of the two (non virtual) servers every few
 minutes and have the hosting farm's layer4 switch redirect to the
 fallback if something happens. Not very smart nor scalable, but does
 70% of what we need till a bigger investment is required.

 your thoughts, as before, are welcome...


 Can't catch me yet
 Ira Abramov

 Linux-il mailing list

Constant change is here to stay!
Linux-il mailing list

Re: Cheap VM cluster (software, storage) ideas

2009-03-04 Thread Ghiora Drori
Why would s3 bother you ? Its there it does not cost money if you do not use
it it cost fairly little when you do
and it works ok.
The only thing you will need s3 for is to store images of systems you want
to launch, you could use public images
but the cost of keeping private onse in s3 is negligible and this gives much
more flexiblity in creating custom servers.
EBS has been in production for quite a while (I also used it before it was
in production.) So far after a few month no glitches.

You can do anything you want with it software wise.
You do have to learn how to handle it aka instances can die and then you
loose their disk this has been rare lately, was
more common a few month ago. The EBS drives however do not die with the
machine so data on them is much safer, they
are kept in 3 copies at Amazon in different locations. You can split your
servers to 3 different zones for more reliability.
You can use s3 for backups and it is probably much safer then anything else
you have.

You can put mysql, or any other software in images or load them when the
instance is up.
You can run RedHat, Gentoo, Ubuntu or even Windows...
You can scale up and down the number of your servers and EBS disks as
Make an account and play with it!!
A small machine/instance (32 bits) is 10 cents an hour. If you cannot afford
that you are not really commercial :)
A few minor calculations should give you the correct cost numbers.

As sysadmin using it in a real web company it is very good, has a learning
curve like everything else.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Ira Abramov

 Quoting Ghiora Drori, from the post of Wed, 04 Mar:
  Amazon EC2 instances plus their EBS disks.
  Scalable, available, reliable (from my experience) and you can experiment
  for a few $'s a day.

 I tried to calculate the hosting costs, but was lost when I could not
 find the full explanation on how to calculate some of the parameters
 Amazon asked. Also it seemed the move to the EC2 would force me to use
 S3 and that was a deal breaker. this EBS feature is something I missed
 from the stroll in their site, so I suppose it's not something they are
 pushing hard yet. is it production-ready? can I stick a mysql server and
 all and just keep it all running as-is?

 As for hosting cost calculations - is there a tool you can recommend I
 can run on existing servers, or just a checklist to go over, that will
 help me judge if my system would make the move smoothly and at what
 price? I see so many conflicting suggestions on Google and I don't know
 which to trust, and have 0 time for useless trial and error.

 Also, knowing this client, I think he's not too happy about shooting his
 precious core business machines over the net to be hosted out of reach.
 It may be a psychological thing, but I can sympathize :-)

  On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Ira Abramov
   related to the Citrix-vs-VMware question, in the spirit of the times...
   I want to create a way to host a cheap HA solution for a web hosting
   outfit. they are running a few pretty busy asymetric servers and want
   start improving that infrastructure. each machine holds several dozens
   of virtual hosts.
   At the moment each server has its own local storage and mysql. every
   part is a SPOF other than the minimal RAID and such things.
   I'm thinking:
   * Move to a central non-virtual MySQL for the backend.
   * have two servers go P2V and have those VMs hosted back on their
   original hardwares (sadly this means some painful downtime), and find a
   way to let them crash-migrate for HA (still trying to figure this out)
   * Second stage, add a second MySQL in a master-master setup.
   I'd love to have two servers with symetrical setup, but as you can
   guess, the virtual hots are dozens of different apps that are too
   expensive to go and rewrite for clusters at this point, with the issues
   of user-uploaded files having to be available to both Apaches, etc.
   Assuming we want the cheapest reliable solution, i.e. not a $6K-20K SAN
   and FC, I am looking for an easier solution (easier on the pocket at
   least). However NFS proved to be a disaster in such cases (high-load
   services), OCFS has not been nice to me with any setup other than maybe
   Oracle clusters, and GFS also never ran smoothly in my tests.
   Also OCFS and GFS require a common disk, which at this budget would be
   Linux machine running an iSCSI target at best (or OpenNAS).
   Am I missing something? Can this kind of reliability be achieved
   shelling out big bucks?
   Of course, The other option is just separate the MySQL, have a third
   machine rsync the files of the two (non virtual) servers every few
   minutes and have the hosting farm's layer4 switch redirect to the
   fallback if something happens. Not very smart nor scalable, but does
   70% of what we need till

Re: finding which public key was used to login to ssh

2009-01-20 Thread Ghiora Drori

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Try :

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Amos Shapira amos.shap...@gmail.comwrote:

 2009/1/20 Ehud Karni
  Did you have a line like:
  Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: Found matching DSA key:
  just preceding the Accepted publickey ?


  This is fingerprint of the corresponding key.
  You can check the fingerprint of a key by `ssh-keygen -l -f
  Also, if you change the debug level of sshd by changing the LogLevel
  to DEBUG (instead of the default INFO, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
  you'll have an added line:
  Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: debug1: matching key found: file
 /home/ehud/.ssh/authorized_keys, line 3
  So you know the exact match.

 Thanks. This sounds like what I'd like to know.

 The question now is how much more crap I'll have to sort through in
 the log file with DEBUG turned on...



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Constant change is here to stay!

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi,brbrTry :brLogLevel VERBOSEbrbrbrdiv class=gmail_quoteOn 
Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Amos Shapira span dir=ltrlt;a;;/span 
blockquote class=gmail_quote style=border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 
204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;2009/1/20 Ehud Karni 

div class=Ih2E3dgt; Did you have a line like:br
gt; Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: Found matching DSA key: 
gt; just preceding the quot;Accepted publickeyquot; ?br
div class=Ih2E3dbr
gt; This is fingerprint of the corresponding
gt; You can check the fingerprint of a key by `ssh-keygen -l -f 
gt; Also, if you change the debug level of sshd by changing the 
gt; to quot;DEBUGquot; (instead of the default quot;INFOquot;, in 
gt; you#39;ll have an added line:br
gt; Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: debug1: matching key found: file 
/home/ehud/.ssh/authorized_keys, line 3br
gt; So you know the exact
/divThanks. This sounds like what I#39;d like to
The question now is how much more crap I#39;ll have to sort through inbr
the log file with DEBUG turned
font color=#88br
/fontdivdiv/divdiv class=Wj3C7cbr
To unsubscribe, send mail to a; 
the word quot;unsubscribequot; in the message body, e.g., run the commandbr
echo unsubscribe | mail a;
/div/div/blockquote/divbrbr clear=allbr-- brConstant change 
is here to stay!brbrbrbr


To unsubscribe, send mail to with
the word unsubscribe in the message body, e.g., run the command
echo unsubscribe | mail

Re: finding which public key was used to login to ssh

2009-01-20 Thread Ghiora Drori

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Actually (trying not to be lazy) I am using VERBOSE and works very well
showing the RSA keys.

DEBUG is not recommended:
From the man page:

 Logging with a DEBUG level
 violates the privacy of users and is not recommended.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Ghiora Drori wrote:


 Try :

 On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Amos Shapira amos.shap...@gmail.comwrote:

 2009/1/20 Ehud Karni
  Did you have a line like:
  Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: Found matching DSA key:
  just preceding the Accepted publickey ?


  This is fingerprint of the corresponding key.
  You can check the fingerprint of a key by `ssh-keygen -l -f
  Also, if you change the debug level of sshd by changing the LogLevel
  to DEBUG (instead of the default INFO, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
  you'll have an added line:
  Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: debug1: matching key found: file
 /home/ehud/.ssh/authorized_keys, line 3
  So you know the exact match.

 Thanks. This sounds like what I'd like to know.

 The question now is how much more crap I'll have to sort through in
 the log file with DEBUG turned on...



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 the word unsubscribe in the message body, e.g., run the command
 echo unsubscribe | mail

 Constant change is here to stay!

Constant change is here to stay!

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi,brActually (trying not to be lazy) I am using VERBOSE and works very w=
ell showing the RSA keys.brbrDEBUG is not recommended:brFrom the man =
page:brpre Logging with a DEBUG levelbrviolates the privacy of =
users and is not
/prebrbrdiv class=3Dgmail_quoteOn Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:41 PM, G=
hiora Drori span dir=3Dltrlt;a;=;/span wrote:brblockquote class=3Dgmail_q=
uote style=3Dborder-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0=
pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;
Hi,brbrTry :brLogLevel VERBOSEdivdiv/divdiv class=3DWj3C7c=
brbrbrdiv class=3Dgmail_quoteOn Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Amos=
 Shapira span dir=3Dltrlt;a; ta=;/span wrote:br

blockquote class=3Dgmail_quote style=3Dborder-left: 1px solid rgb(204, =
204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;2009/1/20 Ehud Ka=
rni lt;a; target=3D_blanke...@unix.=;:br

divgt; Did you have a line like:br
gt; Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: Found matching DSA key: a6:af:c4:f6=
gt; just preceding the quot;Accepted publickeyquot; ?br
gt; This is fingerprint of the corresponding
gt; You can check the fingerprint of a key by `ssh-keygen -l -f lt;the_ke=
gt; Also, if you change the debug level of sshd by changing the quot;LogL=
gt; to quot;DEBUGquot; (instead of the default quot;INFOquot;, in /etc=
gt; you#39;ll have an added line:br
gt; Jan 19 14:45:50 mvs-s1 sshd[6153]: debug1: matching key found: file /h=
ome/ehud/.ssh/authorized_keys, line 3br
gt; So you know the exact
/divThanks. This sounds like what I#39;d like to
The question now is how much more crap I#39;ll have to sort through inbr
the log file with DEBUG turned
font color=3D#88br
To unsubscribe, send mail to a
il withbr
the word quot;unsubscribequot; in the message body, e.g., run the command=
echo unsubscribe | mail a; t=
/div/div/blockquote/divbrbr clear=3Dallbr/div/divfont =
color=3D#88-- brConstant change is here to stay!brbrbrbr
/font/blockquote/divbrbr clear=3Dallbr-- brConstant change =
is here to stay!brbrbrbr


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Re: OpenOffice won't access nfs partition

2008-10-12 Thread Ghiora Drori
This is old by my guess would be locking again:

On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Oren Held [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday, 12 October 2008 20:59:34 Shlomo Solomon wrote:
  I just upgraded OpenOffice on my wifes Mandriva 2007.1 computer (to OO
  2.1). Now she can no longer save documents on a partition mounted as NFS
  (the partition is on my machine). This is specific to OO. Other
  applications can write to the drive, so it's not a permission problem
  some OO setting that I may have screwed up).

 This doesn't make much sense; somehow the openoffice process probably
 write files to these directories.

 I'd be:
 1. trying to mimic openoffice by simply echoing into a file on the same
 path, using the same user.

 2. strace -e file -f -o /tmp/ooo.strace oowriter
 then inspect /tmp/ooo.strace for these file-writing errors.


  - Oren

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Constant change is here to stay!

Re: Telling libtool/automake to be less anal

2008-09-24 Thread Ghiora Drori
This is the beginning of Shachar's posting:

Quote ( bold mine):
Libtool is a* great tool*, and it fits nicely with automake and autoconf,
making it extremely simple to just take a new project, write a few (less
than 10) lines to instructions, and get a project that already builds static
and shared libraries, including support for cross build, out of tree builds,
make install/uninstall, strip and even packaging the sources into a
distribution tar ball. Just great.

I happen to disagree and I can say so even if any of you do not like it.
This does not mean I have to fix Shachar's problem or even look at at it,
If you are looking for a fight I am not interested.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 1:38 AM, Tzafrir Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 09:54:34AM +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
  Ghiora Drori wrote:

  Use cmake. It is much better then the gnu tool builder stuff. And it
  is free.

  2. How does cmake handle this problem differently?

 I'll note that with all of your cmake advocacy, you still haven't
 answered Shachar's original question (which Oron did, for autotools).

 Tzafrir Cohen | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is || a Mutt's
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Constant change is here to stay!

Re: Telling libtool/automake to be less anal

2008-09-23 Thread Ghiora Drori
My comment was cmake was regarding the general use of libtool, automake and

From *KDE developer Alexander Neundorf : (*

Now the next big change is happening: KDE is leaving the aging autotool
build chain behind. Some developers, not only in KDE, like to nickname the
autotools as *auto-hell* because of its difficult to comprehend
architecture. So, KDE 4 will feature a completely different build system:

Having Used cmake (I have no association with them) I found it much easier
to handle build systems with the cmake.
 then with the autotool chain which I did get to meddle with quite a bit in
the past.
Have a nice day.

2008/9/23 Oron Peled [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Tuesday, 23 בSeptember 2008, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
  Oron Peled wrote:
   Libtool has a standard '-module' option for this which is used during
   linking (--mode=link) and weirdly enough is passed as an argument
   the gcc argument (but parsed and handled by libtool... hmmm).
   For the details you'd want to look at:
info libtool dlopen building
  plugin_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
  Now I'm wondering what other options libtool has that do not appear in
  either libtool --help nor at the manual.

 You was probably missled by the man page packaged by Debian (upstream
 autotools have only info pages).

 As I said, run:
  info libtool dlopen building
 And it will bring you right to the page.

 The -avoid-version option was new to me, thanks. However, I just
 checked and it's documented as well (both in the reference section
 and in:
  info libtool 'using libltdl' modules


 Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
 The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
  discoveries, is not Eureka! (I found it!) but That's funny ...
 -- Isaac Asimov

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Constant change is here to stay!

Re: Memory manipulator

2008-09-01 Thread Ghiora Drori
I assume this is relevant:
:H. Peter Anvin writes:

Mikael Pettersson wrote:

On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 14:35:29 +0100, James Pearson wrote:

/proc/PID/environ currently truncates at 4096 characters, patch based on
the /proc/PID/mem code.

Does /proc/PID/mem even work? If I do `strace cat /proc/PID/mem  /dev/null'
for a known good PID, the first read() from /proc/PID/mem fails with ESRCH,

Of course it does. Address zero isn't typically mapped.

I would also look here:
and use item 6 maps plus  /dev/mem

(Warning I am not a kernel programmer, so this is just my 2 cents after

Indeed. My bad :-(
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On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:

 Shachar Shemesh wrote:

  You can only use /proc/PID/mem if you are already attached to that
 process as a debugger.

 How interesting. Where is that documented?

 Google. I spent almost half an hour trying to figure that one out. It is,
 indeed, not documented anywhere I could find.

 neither the proc man page or the relevant kernel documentation file does
 not mention this.

 Don't use no double negatives! Sorry, couldn't resist.

 I'm going to send a patch...

 Go for it.


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Constant change is here to stay!

President John F. Kennedy once said that the hottest places in Hell
are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their

Re: Virtualization software on Linux

2007-07-10 Thread Ghiora Drori
I have KVM working on an AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+
Runs Windows XP  Ubuntu  and Gentoo as Guests. As long as I do not go to
a kernel above 2.6.16 in the Linux guests. Getting the networking to
work with a bridge was kind of tricky but now its OK.
Performance is very good at least for what I need.

Amos Shapira wrote:
 On 09/07/07, *Eran Sandler* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Amos, there are a couple of other contenders that are similar to VmWare.
 Parallels also has a Linux version.
 VirtualBox - which was even GPLed a while back
 I haven't tested VirtualBox yet but Parallels and VmWare are the
 ones with the best performance (at least that I know of). 
 Thanks for the summary.
 What about Xen? I heard that its user interface is notorious, and that
 basically VMware's user interface makes it a leader (beyond the speed
 Then there is the question about KVM - is it a real option for people
 who just want something that Just Workd(TM)?
 To give context for my question - I've just bought a Dell desktop based
 on Intel Core 2 Duo and installed Debian Etch (amd64) on it, and now I
 wonder how should I go about running Windows XP under it (possibly using
 the Windows XP partition I got with the computer, but not necessarily).

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Re: Fwd: ADSL connection problem

2007-07-05 Thread Ghiora Drori
This ADSL problem sounds like what I had from Friday till yesterday when
it went away. I also use a Linux firewall. I kept on getting email and
could go to the web via a proxy on the firewall but the going to the web
from my Linux computer behind the firewall directly did not work... I
spoke with Bezeq (AKA Actom) They had me online for 15 minutes trying to
verify my identity and then when they passed me to tech support I got a
beep, beep beep.
Now its all working with no changes...
Go figure.

Gadi Cohen wrote:
 From my personal experience, Bezeq is absolutely useless.
 I've had regular conversations that go like this Hi, is there a problem
 with the ADSL in my area? No But I have this problem, I haven't
 changed anything on my PC, and last time this happened, the problem was
 on your side.  After confirming that the problem is indeed mine, and
 going through the motions of disconnecting every phone in my house,
 changing cables, filters, etc, finally they agree to send a technician. 
 Of course in the end it always turns out the problem is on their side,
 so now I don't even bother phoning any more.
 Those are the obvious problems, when I can't get an ADSL sync.  I still
 have intermittent speed problems..  I can reach high speeds but they're
 never stable; it's alot more obvious when downloading from foreign
 sites.  I have accounts with Bezeqint and Netvision - when the speed
 problems act up, I experience them no matter which ISP I connect
 through.  So, I think we probably have the same problem, only yours
 affects you much worse.  Of course, I could be wrong, and it could be
 something else... my plan is to move over to Hot (just for Internet) and
 see how it compares.
 P.S. Can you access your modems connection status?  Line attenuation and
 SNR?  Although I must admit, mine never look out of the ordinary, I
 think Bezeq's problems are between the DSLAM I'm connected to and the
 rest of their network, but its just my thoughts.
 shlomo solomon wrote:
 Sorry if this arrives twice, but my original message to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] didn't arrive
 after waiting an hour.

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: *shlomo solomon* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Jul 3, 2007 7:28 AM
 Subject: ADSL connection problem

 This is a classic chicken-and-egg problem. I've got a problem with my
 ADSL connection, so can't write this from home. On the other hand,
 from work, I have no access to Gmail or to the mailing-list, so I
 won't be able to see if anyone answers me.

 Therefore, if anyone can help, please CC to my work address -
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - although, I'm not
 sure the content filter will allow the messages through :-(

 I apologize that I may not provide enough info, since I'm not at my
 computer and don't have access during the day. But I'll be happy to
 provide any additional info requested.

 First some background history - I've been connected to ADSL on
 Mandriva (currently 2007.0) for years with no problems. My ISP is
 015-Smile. The first problem I ever had was 2 weeks ago and that
 turned out to be a problem with a hardware component at the Bezeq
 side. Since then everything was back to normal.

 According to /var/log/syslog, my connection was up for about 3500
 minutes and went down on Saturday night (at 22:04). Since I have a
 script that checks if I'm on-line at regular intervals, I was
 automatically re-connected 2 minutes later. Since then, I can't reach
 any sites on the Internet. I can ping my local network and also can
 ping Internet addresses (for example google or ynet) so I am connected
 and DNS is working. The output of ifconfig seems normal. But any
 attempt to use a browser (I tried FF, Opera, Konqueror and even lynx)
 or to send or receive e-mail (Kmail) fails. Ktorrent is also dead. BTW
 - when I try to use a browser, I see the normal site contacted
 message and there is some sort of exchange of data. For instance, when
 I type, the address bar shows,7340,L-8,00.html, so some sort of contact
 has been made.

 Since the problem started, syslog has been full of thousands of
 messages like the following:

 Jul 2 18:47:01 shlomo1 pptp[9910]: anon
 log[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:407]: buffering packet 354(expecting 353,
 lost or reordered)

 I contacted 015 and after being instructed to telnet into one of their
 servers and succeeding (telnet
 110) they said they had no idea what to do (we don't support Linux).
 The only thing they suggested was to lower mtu from 1452 to 1420. I
 tried but it made no difference. Actually, I didn't really expect any
 change since I haven't changed the mtu for the last 7 years and saw no
 reason for the change.

 I called Bezeq and they claim the 

Re: Web mail security

2007-06-22 Thread Ghiora Drori
You are right.
I stand corrected.

Oded Arbel wrote:
 On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 22:32 +0300, Ghiora Drori wrote:
 In the following RFC :
 It says the browser can be told NOT to cache the page.
 No, it doesn't. Read:
 quote:14.9.1 What is Cacheable
 Indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a
 single user and MUST NOT be cached by a shared cache. This allows an
 origin server to state that the specified parts of the
 response are intended for only one user and are not a valid response
 for requests by other users. A private (non-shared) cache MAY cache the
 I would assume an email server would use it. Anyone know if yahoo email
 does? Anyone know if IE5 does respond properly. fRom What I can see it
 does not.
 I don't understand why you think IE5 does not respond properly. You have
 to remember that the cache used by a browser is of the private
 (non-shared) type and hence may store pages marked as private. The
 only type of cache that may not store private pages is a web proxy's

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Re: Web mail security

2007-06-22 Thread Ghiora Drori
I made the following experiment:

I created an image of windows and ran it under a virtual system (KVM on
This lets me see any changes that occur on the disk when  windows is

I saved the original image before starting as: windows.img.orig

I then emailed to my yahoo account email from a google account an email
with the following lines:
from google from google from google from google from google from google
from google from google from google from google from google from google
from google from google from google from google from google from google

I then went into the windows system and read my yahoo email.
The next thing I did was to shutdown the windows virtual system and
store a copy of the windows new image now named:

Then I started the windows again and wrote 4 emails containing the
following lines in my yaooh email account:

Sending from Yahoo sending from Yahoo Sending from Yahoo sending from Yahoo
Sending from Yahoo sending from Yahoo Sending from Yahoo sending from Yahoo
Sending from Yahoo sending from Yahoo Sending from Yahoo sending from Yahoo

Once these emails where sent I shudown the windows system and saved he
image as:windows.img.after_sending

I now did a search for the string : from google from google in the
images and found it plus my gmail signature which shows the incoming
email was
stored in the image windows.img.after_recieveing and could be read.
However the text Sending from Yahoo cannot be found in any of the images
specifically : windows.img.after_recieveing.

Conclusions: Incoming email normally gets stored on the disk ( I assume
in the cache)
Outgoing email normally does not.

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re:Web mail security

2007-06-19 Thread Ghiora Drori

Thanks for the answers, however I think I was not exact enough with my
questions. We are talking about yahoo mail which as much as I can tell
does not use https. Even gmail only uses https only when forced to (that
is when you access it through https//
I found an article claiming that web pages are only stored in the cache
for incoming pages. Outgoing pages (ones that you filled up are not.)
This is the article:

In the following RFC :
It says the browser can be told NOT to cache the page.

quote:14.9.1 What is Cacheable
Indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a
single user and MUST NOT be cached by a shared cache. This allows an
origin server to state that the specified parts of the
response are intended for only one user and are not a valid response
for requests by other users. A private (non-shared) cache MAY cache the


Note: Most HTTP/1.0 caches will not recognize or obey this directive.

I would assume an email server would use it. Anyone know if yahoo email
does? Anyone know if IE5 does respond properly. fRom What I can see it
does not.

One more thing: I have been programming and working with computers for
over 20 years. I know the internals of systems, networks and file
systems. Please no lectures for newbies. What I am looking at this as
part of a criminal investigation. If there is anyone in the group with
such low level knowledge of these processes I would like to hear from him.

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Web mail security

2007-06-13 Thread Ghiora Drori
I heard a story about how a program called
encase by
was supposedly used to recover web mail (yahoo) from a disk of a person
after the person had deleted the cache etc.. I am talking about large
amounts of email perfectly being restored.

I find the idea that web mail is stored on the local disk over long
periods weird.
The web browsers does use a cache to speed up browsing but I assume that
things like web mail pages get overwritten pretty fast. If not it would
be possible to go into an Internet cafe or university and read all web
mail read there in the past from the disk. This would be a huge security
hole. Anyone got some solid information about what happens when you read
My guess is that the above program was running and storing the webmail
when it was being read not month later.
Thanks Ghiora

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Re: wireless card 2200GB doesn't start.

2006-05-27 Thread Ghiora Drori

I have what looks like the same problem on an IBM r50e portable 
computer. After I do modprobe two or three times manually the problem 
goes  away, so obviously the firmware is there.

Why it takes more then one attempt s what puzzels me?!!

Noam Meltzer wrote:

most likely you haven't installed the firmware for this card:
tey to emerge 'ipw2200-firmware' again


On 5/27/06, * David Harel* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I did as in:


and when I do:

modprobe ipw2200

I get the following message in dmesg:

ipw2200: ipw2200-bss.fw request_firmware failed: Reason -2
ipw2200: Unable to load firmware: -2
ipw2200: failed to register network device
ACPI: PCI interrupt for device :06:05.0 disabled
ipw2200: probe of :06:05.0 failed with error -5

Any idea?


David Harel,


Home office +972 77 4422234
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email web security

2006-05-25 Thread Ghiora Drori

I hope this is not to much of topic but does anyone know if web mail for 
example yahoo mail gets somehow stored on the local disk while reading 
or writing it (specifically if you did not save to the disk)?
( Please no specualtions about the swap I assume in the long run it get 
run over.)

Thanks Ghiora

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Re: email web security

2006-05-25 Thread Ghiora Drori

Yahoo mail is not through SSL or am i wrong about this?
This of course means anyone can also listen online.
Thanks Ghiora

Amos Shapira wrote:

On 5/26/06, Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your Web browser's cache?

If it's over SSL (as it is at least with Gmail) then it shouldn't be
cached, should it?

On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 17:11 +0300, Ghiora Drori wrote:
 I hope this is not to much of topic but does anyone know if web mail 

 example yahoo mail gets somehow stored on the local disk while reading
 or writing it (specifically if you did not save to the disk)?
 ( Please no specualtions about the swap I assume in the long run it get
 run over.)
 Thanks Ghiora
You haven't made an impact on the world before you caused a Debian
release to be named after Snufkin.
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Re: Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Licensing Clarification question

2004-12-08 Thread Ghiora Drori
Anyone conidered this:
This product is derived from the Free/Open Source Software made 
available by Red Hat, Inc but IS NOT produced, maintained or supported 
by Red Hat. Specifically, this product is forked from the source code 
for Red Hat's _Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3_ product under the terms and 
conditions of it's EULA.

Seems ok from my experience.
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Re: printing in hebrew from KDE3 (konqueror/koffice) and mozilla

2002-04-11 Thread Ghiora Drori

And neither does it print hebrew on my setup cups to a HP deksjet.
Considering that ABIWord does manage to print Hebrew through this setup 
is obviously something missing in my Hebrew setup for KDE ...
Any ideas welcome.

Ariel Biener wrote:

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Ely Levy wrote:

Kde 3 suppose to have no problem printing hebrew

Nevertheless it doesn't print hebrew.


Ariel Biener
PGP(6.5.8) public key

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Re: Languages in Linux [was Re: Basic Compiler]

2002-02-11 Thread Ghiora Drori

You come of as very arrogant. When was the last time you looked at 
visual basic?
I have been doing Unix C/C++ for over 15 years but once in a while I 
take a look at
what other's are doing. VB is very powerfull and is used worlwide in MIS 
to accomplish
a lot of work in a short time. For many task VB is the best tool around. 
You would
not talk the same way about Tcl/TK which are used in simmilar way's and 
are relatively speaking primitive comapred to VB.
Take care Ghiora

Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

On Saturday 09 February 2002 21:34, Shlomi Fish wrote:

Hetz, I believe you were a bit rude in your post. OK: here is a small
coverage of the various languages used in Linux and their role.

Shlomi, I didn't mean to be rude - at all...

It's just that I think that VIsual Basic is, although very easy language - 
it's quite a shit quality - people don't really learn much from programming 
with Visual Basic ...

So I appologize if anyone has been insulted by this remark...

As for MCSE - I stand on my opinion - nothing is worse then to see people 
learn to MCSE (2000, XP) like they learn for Bagroot or Psichometri - just to 
pass the tests, learning nothing about security and nothing about the 

Of course - I'm not saying all of them are like that - but most of them - 
they are. 


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Re: Also, Sendmail...

2002-02-11 Thread Ghiora Drori

You obviously know everthing from your email regarding Visual Basic but...
Port 110 is popmail
and has nothing to do with Sendmail (unless something has changed in 
Sendmail in the last three years since I abandoned it and its 500 page 
configuration manual, I actaully spent a whole
Suckot vacation once reading the dammened thing) which is an SMTP client 
port 25.
You do not need to scan just telnet to the port
telnet machine_name 25

If it does not answer you have a problem.

Read the RFC  before doing this 
and then
you can talk with the smtp client manually.

On the other hand you should probably switch to qmail or the Standford 
program (who's name I forgot)
qmail which I run is much easier to setup and does not have a track 
record of being a big security hole..
Ghiora Drori

U. P. wrote:

Sendmail also is having a few problems, it start usually anytime i start the
computer, just lately it is not working in port 25 neither 110 i tried to scan
with nmap my self, but the results was useless, i also _ran_ the :
chkconfig --list sendmail
and it was fine ! also:
ps auxw| grep sendmail
but it wrote that he accepting connection not: accepting connection on port
25 like he\she suppose to.

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ADSL keep alive script or virus

2001-12-05 Thread Ghiora Drori

I just got an email  from [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
subject : ADSL keep alive script
and with a file that is not readable on Linux. However strings shows it is
a windows executable. (stuff like: this program will not run on DOS )
Anybody know if this is a virus ?
The sender is supposed to be David Tabachniikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It tries to save itself as: INBOX9433
Of course on Linux it can't do much if it is a virus.

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Re: adsl keep alive script

2001-12-03 Thread Ghiora Drori


1) Please do not CC me if you answer this I read the list; thanks.

2) What I wrote a few day's ago was that when I switched to ADSL,
   the Nezek salesman told me they could not give me a fixed ip for
   technical reasons ( It cannot be done on ADSL ).
   At that time I had a fixed ISDN IP number and was happily paying $10 a
   month to Nezeq for it. I have no problem paying for what I get,  It 
was the
   attempt to tell me that is was technically impossible that pissed me of.

3)Yesterday I looked at the prices for aquiring a blockof IP's I got the 
   that at $120 a year Nezeq was making off like a bandit.
   254*$120  =~EURO30480
   There is  a one time ~ Euro 2100  registration fee to become a small
   ripe member.
   Take look at
   I cannot locate the cost of each 256 block but I would be surprised 
if is was even
   close to EURO30,000 a year.

4) This is from MSNBC today regarding IPV6 and  cisco

   Cisco delivers second phase of IPv6 (lots of IPv6 to IPv4 functionality.)
   Actually I happen to know from a very good source that three years 
ago Cisco
   was very happy to deliver NAT and charge everybody for it and IPV6 
was not
   exactly a high priority. Looks like they now plan to make money on IPV6.
   The way the market works everyone else will follow.

5) Somebody implied here that there is no IPv6 for Windows XP,
Well Bill Gates would like to disagree:

6)  Considering the above I think we can assume that IPV6 will become a 
 player in the next three years. End of IP shortage problem. 
(Perhaps I am
 optimitic, you may send your flames to /dev/null)

7) To the person who wrote to me about using the F word; the Fword is also
used a lot by Americans (born in the USA and proud of it).
However as opposed to Israeli's they tend to do something about it. For
example when working at a company called Altos about 12 years ago the
local vendor raised the price of a can of Cola from 50cent to 60 cents.
A month later he lowered  it back people simply stopped buying.
In Israel on the other side the restaurant's in Park Rabin raised 
their prices
by 10 percent each year during Jan 2000 and Jan 2001.
The Israeli response is to keep them full. Last time I looked 
inflation here was
close to zero for these years. To bad I got used to American habbit of
not thinking its rain when someone is pissing on me.
Have nice day all you.

Nimrod Simba Carmi wrote:

Hey everyone,

NezeqInt gives static IPs over ISDN and ADSL.
(I'm not their salesman or something, just FYI)

On Monday 03 December 2001 12:56, Ariel Biener wrote:

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Ghiora Drori wrote:

You should use actcom they give you a fixed IP
Actually there is no reason why all ISV's should not give you a fixed IP
for ADSL

There is, and it pertains to the amount of address space an ISP needs to
reserve. If, say, NezeqInt has 10,000 adsl customers, it would need to
reserve 10,000 IPs (about 40 /24s). These need to be aquired (from RIPE
for example), and it costs !!!. Using healthy statistics, you can see that
maybe about 30% of those are connected all at once, so they would just
hold some 7000 of IPs for nothing. Thus, they can save money, and not
waste the fast depleting IPv4 address space.


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Re: adsl keep alive script

2001-11-30 Thread Ghiora Drori

You should use actcom they give you a fixed IP
Actually there is no reason why all ISV's should not give you a fixed IP 
for ADSL
Nezeq even tried to convince me this was impossible with this technology
to quote there salesman.  When I told him actcom is giving me a fix IP
he had to shut up. a few month later they called again to inform me they can
supply but I don't plan to switch. I also remeber another Israeli ISV 
telling me I will need a commercial agreement for $100 or more a month 
to get a fixed IP.
As usuall in this country if they can fuck you they do.

Nadav Har'El wrote:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2001, Dani Arbel wrote about Re: adsl keep alive script:

ppp , pptp (cleanly) and if you reconnect fast enough, your tcp connection
may live the disaster.

Yes, but only if your ISP gives you the same IP address again. From my
experience (using Netvision), this usually doesn't happen...

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Re: adsl keep alive script

2001-11-29 Thread Ghiora Drori

Here is my script seems to work for month...
Change the YOUR_ISV to the name of your ISV'S DNS or mail server
and yourname@IYOUR_ISV to

And Yes there is an l between the @ and YOUR_ISV when invoking pptp

Also do not forget to make sure the cleaning person is not hooking up the
vacum instead of your moedm once in a while. :)


while [ 1 ]
# This returns 1 if not connected !!
ping -c 3  /dev/null 21
if [ $? != 0 ]
date /tmp/dial_log 21   
echo Attempting to connect  /tmp/dial_log
#eliminate the pptp process
ELIM=`ps -eaf |grep pptp |grep -v grep |tail -n1 |awk '{ print 
$2 }'`
kill -9 $ELIM
#lower and raise th0 to clear the connections to the modem
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
#remove a bsocket left by pptp (a bug)
rm -f /var/run/pptp/
# run pptp
/usr/sbin/pptp  user yourname@IYOURUSV remotename RELAY_PPP1  defaultroute netmask mtu 1500 mru 
1500 noauth /dev/null 21 
if [ -f /var/run/ ]
 ps -eaf |grep -v grep |grep `cat /var/run/` 
 /dev/null 21
 if [ $? != 0 ]
date /tmp/dial_log 21
echo Connected  /tmp/dial_log
sleep 500  # Every 15 minutes we check we are connected
exit 0



 Hello all,


 I'm trying to write a script which will keep my adsl connection up all 
 the time.


 I tried something like running :

 while 1

 rm -rf /var/run/pp*

  pptp parameters nodetach 



 but from some reason, whenever i ran it, it worked for about 10 
 minutes, and after ten minutes, the pptp was detached and alot of pptp 
 process started ( even that the connection was still alive ).


 I also wish to enter in the script, that if the modem fails, i could 
 telnet it a reboot it under the system menu ( something like telnet 
 with chat, maybe netcat).


 Anyone wrote something like that?





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Re: adsl keep alive script

2001-11-29 Thread Ghiora Drori

I probably could use SIGTERM but I like using an axe...

*As  the saying goes:

..* Lizzie Borden *took**an**Axe*,. She gave her mother forty *wacks*,. 
she saw what she had done,. She gave her father forty one!


Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Ghiora Drori wrote:

Here is my script seems to work for month...
Change the YOUR_ISV to the name of your ISV'S DNS or mail server
and yourname@IYOUR_ISV to

And Yes there is an l between the @ and YOUR_ISV when invoking pptp

Also do not forget to make sure thecleaning person is not hooking up the
vacum instead of your moedm once in a while. :)


while [ 1 ]
  # This returns 1 if not connected !!
  ping -c 3  /dev/null 21
  if [ $? != 0 ]
  date /tmp/dial_log 21
  echo Attempting to connect  /tmp/dial_log
  #eliminate the pptp process
  ELIM=`ps -eaf |grep pptp |grep -v grep |tail -n1 |awk '{ print
$2 }'`
  kill -9 $ELIM
  #lower and raise th0 to clear the connections to the modem
  /sbin/ifconfig eth0 down
  /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
  #remove a bsocket left by pptp (a bug)
rm -f /var/run/pptp/

Why did use kill -9 in the first place if it leaves you so much

Why not simply kill?

  # run pptp
  /usr/sbin/pptp  user yourname@IYOURUSV remotename RELAY_PPP1defaultroute netmask mtu 1500 mru
1500 noauth /dev/null 21 
if [ -f /var/run/ ]
   ps -eaf |grep -v grep |grep `cat /var/run/`
 /dev/null 21
   if [ $? != 0 ]
  date /tmp/dial_log 21
  echo Connected  /tmp/dial_log

  sleep 500  # Every 15 minutes we check we are connected
exit 0


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2001-11-29 Thread Ghiora Drori

It looks like netfilter has it I do not know how good it is right now.
As of Nov 2001:



5.5. My outgoing mail server is eating up all my bandwidth.

You can limit your SMTP, Postfix, Sendmail, or whatever, in a way 
similar to the question above. Just change or add one rule:


Moreover, if you have an SMTP server, you can force your local LAN users 
to use it, even though they have set up their own SMTP servers to 
smtp.some.server! We'll do it in a transparent way we did before with Squid.

5.6. Can I limit my own FTP or WWW server in a manner similar it is
shown in the question above?

Generally you can, but usually these servers have got their own 
bandwidth limiting configurations, so you will probably want to look 
into their documentation

Ilya Konstantinov wrote:

On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 16:08, Erez Doron wrote:


who is maintaining ?

it allows only 2 connectsions from the same IP.
the problem is that my company uses NAT, so all my company
is one ip and I can open only 2 connections to it from whole the
users in my company.

I see your problem. This change was implemented by me to make sure there
are enough downloading slots for everyone. Previously, users with all
kinds of download accelerators opened gazillions of FTP connections
for a single file, draining out the 100 maximum connections allowed.

Anyone has a better solution?

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2001-11-29 Thread Ghiora Drori

Actually items 5.6 and 5.7 in what I sent you do not seem to be the correct
answer, my mistake.
However I do recall discussions about the subject in the netfilter group.

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2001-04-12 Thread Ghiora Drori

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Re: Problem connecting with ADSL

2001-04-06 Thread Ghiora Drori

Thanks for your email. My ADSL on Linux is now working.

A few comments and answers:

1) I got it to work by recompiling pppd without the MSCHAP80 stuff.
   apprently compiling this in causes it use chap instead of pap.
   The -DUSE_CRYPT comes from the README.MSCHAP80 where they
   discuss Linux users in the pppd documentation.

  I think the faq should indicate that Actcom uses pap;
  a list of what each ISV uses might save people time.

2) I also tried using the pppd option require-pap but with the above
   MSCHAP80 compiled out it does not seem to matter.

3) I could not get nodefaultip to work but sine it works for me...

4) MTU and MRU have to be 1425 only for Orckit. I have an Alcatel
   and 1500 seems to work fine.

5) The idea of using two lines in the pap-secrets , I got it from
   some faq on the internet. Somebody out there said it worked for
   him. When you are "desperate" in the middle of the night
   anything goes.
   I have removed it since it does not seem to do anything.

6) There seems to be a socket /var/run/ppt/ created
   by pptp. I found out that under certain conditions if I do not
   rm it I cannot restart pptp again.

7) Using username@IActcom ,
   Well you are correct about this one.
   However I think the Faq could use
   a little editing on line 191 it says:

   "username@IISP" " RELAY_PPP1" "your password"

   But on line 200 it says:

pptp debug user xxx@ISP remotename " RELAY_PPP1"

I experimented with different possibilites but without the chap
nothing works.

Also on line 132 in the (winodws stuff ) it says:

username is username@IActcom. 'username' is obviously your actcom user
I suppose line 200 should be fixed.

And last but not least thank you very much Guy for responding.
I was half way through reading the 50 pages of rfc1661 (ppp) when
your email saved me a lot of time.

Ghiora Drori

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Problem connecting with ADSL

2001-04-05 Thread Ghiora Drori

I am trying to get ADSL to work with my account an Actcom.
It works ok with win98...

With Linux however things are a bit hectic, It looks like
I do manage to dial in (with Linux) since I get back a response
with the correct IP in the /usr/adm/debug :

Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1
addr compress VJ 0f 01]

Which is my designated Actcom IP; However once this is done
I get disconnected (immidiatly)  and the pppd process
Any Ideas what is wrong?
Thanks Ghiora Drori


I had isdn before which is now disabled and the card has been removed.
I am using kernel 2.4.1 with the ppp modules loaded and with devfs
but that does not seem to be a problem.

I compiled and installed the latest pppd as recommended by the:

I compiled and installed the pptp-mulix.

This is my start up script:

/usr/sbin/pptp debug  5 user edrori@actcom remotename
" RELAY_PPP1" defaultroute netmask mtu 1500 mru
1500 noauth

Running it gives me this:
(unknown)[243]: log[main:pptp.c:74]: trying to connect to ''
(unknown)[245]: log[pptp_dispatch_ctrl_packet:pptp_ctrl.c:555]: Client 
connection established.
(unknown)[245]: log[callmgr_main:pptp_callmgr.c:189]: new call!
(unknown)[245]: log[pptp_dispatch_ctrl_packet:pptp_ctrl.c:661]: calling 
(unknown)[245]: log[pptp_set_link:pptp_ctrl.c:477]: pptp_set_link() packet 
sending succesfull
(unknown)[245]: log[pptp_dispatch_ctrl_packet:pptp_ctrl.c:664]: Outgoing 
call established.
warn[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:240]: discarding out-of-order

In /usr/adm/debug:

Apr  6 00:19:16 varda pppd[249]: using channel 1
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0xd03f0f36 pcomp accomp]
Apr  6 00:19:19 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0xd03f0f36 pcomp accomp]
Apr  6 00:19:19 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
pcomp accomp]
Apr  6 00:19:19 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 magic 
Apr  6 00:19:19 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 magic 
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 magic 
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 magic 
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x84 mru 1500 auth 
pap magic 0x1d35c91d]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x84 auth pap]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x85 mru 1500 magic 
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x85 mru 1500 magic 
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xd03f0f36]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 deflate 15 
deflate(old#) 15 bsd v1 15]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP TermReq id=0x86]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: sent [LCP TermAck id=0x86]
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xf4 mru 1500 auth 
pap magic 0x1d35c9de]

In /usr/adm/messages:
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda (unknown)[245]: 
661]: calling pptp_set_link()
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda (unknown)[245]: log[pptp_set_link:pptp_ctrl.c:477]: 
et_link() packet sending succesfull
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda (unknown)[245]: 
664]: Outgoing call established.
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda pppd[249]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda pppd[249]: Using interface ppp0
Apr  6 00:19:16 varda pppd[249]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttya0
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Apr  6 00:19:22 varda pppd[249]: LCP terminated by peer
Apr  6 00:19:25 varda pppd[249]: Connection terminated.
Apr  6 00:19:27 varda pppd[249]: Exit.

My modem is an alcatel

This is my /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets:

(XX is not my real passwd obviously )
"edrori@IActcom" " RELAY_PPP1" "XX"
" RELAY_PPP1" "edrori@IActcom" "XX"

I have the following kernel modules:


This is my lsmod :

bash-2.04# lsmod |grep ppp
ppp_generic12928   0  [bsd_comp]
slhc4580   0  [ppp_generic]

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