Re: Keyboard Shortcuts: 1.6.3

2009-07-09 Thread Christian Ridderström

On Tue, 7 Jul 2009, Rich Shepard wrote:

 This question is about my installation of 1.6.3 on linux. Under
Tools->Preferences->Shortcuts->Documents and window, there is a key
'buffer-export' with the assigned value of 'Ctrl-X H'. That key combination
does nothing; the status line tells me it's been disabled. What I don't know
is what flavor of buffer export it is supposed to invoke. If I try to change
the valued from 'Ctrl-X H' to 'Ctrl-H' a message pops up telling me that
chord is already assigned to buffer-export.

 Under File->Export I can manually select pdflatex and that works as

 In ~/.lyx/bind/my.bind the 'buffer-export' value is assigned to the key
'Ctrl-H', but that does not work either. It moves the cursor a line above
the title, but that's it.

 I'd appreciate learning what to do to get ctrl-h to export the buffer
using pdflatex. Of course, learning why the icon bar handles don't let me
move them would also be appreciated.

Here's a (very) partial answer. I think that 'buffer-export' requires an 
argument, e.g. 'pdf2' to say what kind of export you want. Maybe that's 
incompatible with just using 'Ctrl-x h' for export?

You could try doing
M-x (should give you a prompt, and then type)
buffer-export pdf2

After getting that to work, you could probably bind a command that does 
the above to a keyboard shortcut. Or ask on the developers list... :-)


Christian Ridderström   Mobile: +46-8 768 39 44

Sty to Layout problem

2009-07-09 Thread Luis Amorim

I'm trying to write an article at Lyx, but I had some problems when I tried
to use a .layout that I created from the .sty file provided by the
conference. I've followed the Customization Instructions (5.2.3) but it
doesn't work at Lyx, especially when I try to add a Title (it says is a
\maketitle problem). Searching the mailing list I found someone who had
almost the same problem, and added

Style TitleERT
 InTitle 1

in the .layout to solve it. I tried to do that, but I still can't compile my

I attached the .sty and .layout files, and a .tex which is an example of


Luis Amorim
% LaTeX definitions for SBC 2001 style
% Created by Jomi Hubner & Rafael Bordini, june 2001
% updated march 2005


% margem sup 3.5 cm: há 1,5 cm para header, + 2 cm para top
% margem inf 2.5 cm: há 1,5 cm para foot, + 1 cm para bottom
% margem esq/dir 3 cm

\parindent 1.27cm
\parskip   6pt


% captions

% font


% new commands
\newcommand{\nextinstitute}{\\\mbox{}\\[-6pt] \addtocounter{instn}{1}\inst{\instnum}}
\renewcommand{\and}{, }

% to avoid [...] in the bibliography
% \item[] instead of \ite...@biblabel{#1}\hfill]
%% changed!
   \itemindent -\leftmargin
   \itemsep 6pt
  \...@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
   {...@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

% itens
\setlength\leftmargini   {1.27cm}
\setlength\leftmarginii  {\leftmargini}
\setlength\leftmarginiii {\leftmargini}
\setlength\leftmarginiv  {\leftmargini}
\setlength  \labelsep{.5em}
\setlength  \labelwidth  {\leftmargini}
\addtolength\labelwidth  {-\labelsep}
\parsep 0\p@ \...@plus1\p@ \...@minus\p@
\topsep 0\p@ \...@plus2\p@ \...@minus4\p@
\d...@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
  \topsep0\p@ \...@plus2\p@ \...@minus\p@}
  \topsep0\p@ \...@plus\p@\...@minus\p@
  \partopsep \p@ \...@plus\z@ \...@minus\p@}

% sections
   {-6\p@ \...@plus -4\p@ \...@minus -...@}%
   {0\p@ \...@plus 4\p@ \...@minus 4...@}%
\rightskip=\z@ \...@plus 8em\pretolerance=1 }}

   {-6\p@ \...@plus -4\p@ \...@minus -...@}%
   {0\p@ \...@plus 4\p@ \...@minus 4...@}%
\rightskip=\z@ \...@plus 8em\pretolerance=1 }}



% first page




 %\null % isso dava um espaco extra antes do title
   %\vglue -6pt
%   \vspace*{12pt}
   \vglue 6pt plus 3pt minus 3pt

Re: Using Lyx with Noweb help offered

2009-07-09 Thread Sam Liddicott

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Probably better to post it on the wiki 
( -- it would be easier to find (and 
keep up to date) there.

Good idea.

The pages are there now, I'll have to upload the files tomorrow.


Re: AW: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread James C. Sutherland

On Jul 9, 2009, at 2:23 PM, Jannick Asmus wrote:

"James C. Sutherland"  schrieb im  
You may want to try Skim as a pdf reader ( 
 ).  I have used it for quite a while and am very pleased.  It  
will  allow auto reloading as well.

To hook it in, go to LyX->Preferences->File Formats and then in the  
drop-down box choose PDF and then in the  "Viewer" box enter:

open -a $$i

Thanks !!! The PDF-preview feature works with the Mac-PDF-Previewer  
as described in my latest posting, but the dvi-preview does not seem  
to be very comfortable. I was a bit puzzled since on my Windows  
machine the dvi's are opened by yap shipped with MikTeX, but on the  
iMac the dvi's have the extension .pdf, but are opened by the  


Mac's likes to take over for DVI and EPS.  If you install  
a dvi previewer like xdvi you can preview DVI directly without Preview  
trying to take over.

In that case, tell LyX to open the dvi files with xdvi following  
analogous instructions as above, but put "xdvi" in the "Viewer" box.

The easiest way to get xdvi may be through Fink if you are on a mac.   
Or build and install from source...

AW: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus
"James C. Sutherland"  
schrieb im Newsbeitrag
You may want to try Skim as a pdf reader 
( ).  I have used it for quite a while 
and am very pleased.  It will  allow auto reloading as well.

To hook it in, go to LyX->Preferences->File Formats and then in the 
drop-down box choose PDF and then in the  "Viewer" box enter:

open -a $$i

Thanks !!! The PDF-preview feature works with the Mac-PDF-Previewer as 
described in my latest posting, but the dvi-preview does not seem to be 
very comfortable. I was a bit puzzled since on my Windows machine the 
dvi's are opened by yap shipped with MikTeX, but on the iMac the dvi's 
have the extension .pdf, but are opened by the TeXShop-Previewer.


AW: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus

"BH" wrote:
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Jannick 
Asmus wrote:

BH wrote:

It's a TeXShop issue. In TeXShop, select Preferences > Preview > 

Preview Update.

I have just checked. It was already configured as you suggested. 

there is some other nasty config error?

Have you tried View > PDF instead of View > Update > PDF?

Hmm, I double-checked what I had done:

- dvi-button (boxed): activation of TeXShop-Previewer with no update 
when doc was already compiled before;
- dvi-update (circled): LyX remains activated, no refresh of 
TeXShop-Previewer- even if it is manually activated
- pdf-button (boxed): activation of PDF-Previewer and refresh with 
updated version :)
- pdf-update (circled): LyX window remains activated, but clicking at 
the pdf-Previewer the doc is refreshed :)

I think that it is better to use the PDF-Previewer. The dvi-preview 
feature does not provide the comfort of the PDF-previewer.


Re: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread James C. Sutherland
You may want to try Skim as a pdf reader ( 
).  I have used it for quite a while and am very pleased.  It will  
allow auto reloading as well.

To hook it in, go to LyX->Preferences->File Formats and then in the  
drop-down box choose PDF and then in the  "Viewer" box enter:

open -a $$i

On Jul 9, 2009, at 12:58 PM, Jannick Asmus wrote:


hitting the dvi or pdf button a second time the TexShop previewer does
not refresh. I need to close the pdf window and hit the dvi button
again. How can this be amended? Is this because I have some weird

Details of the machine are:
- Mac OS X 10.5
- TexShop 2.26
- LyX 1.6.3

Thanks !!!

Best wishes,

Re: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread BH
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Jannick Asmus wrote:
> BH wrote:
>> It's a TeXShop issue. In TeXShop, select Preferences > Preview > Automatic
> Preview Update.
> I have just checked. It was already configured as you suggested. Perhaps
> there is some other nasty config error?

Have you tried View > PDF instead of View > Update > PDF?


Re: Using Lyx with Noweb help offered

2009-07-09 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Sam Liddicott wrote:

I've had a dreadful job getting noweb 2.11b and Lyx 2.6.2 to work
together nicely. My pain does make me if anyone uses Lyx with noweb

I now have a Lyx 2.6.2 document which talks about how to get it working,
requiring various changes to Lyx's noweave filters, and some awk to
fixup the output of notangle.

Of course this entire document is a Noweb article.

It also contains a way of bootstrapping a makefile out of the Lyx
document, and by treating the Lyx document as a sort of read-only source
archive it automatically keeping the extracted sources up to date so
that you can use Lyx and noweb as part of a regular automake/autoconf

I have this document as the final part to two of my Lyx-noweb projects.

I hope that it will be useful to readers, and I invite comment.

Is it appropriate to post this to this mailing list?

[I will of course attach the notangle fixup as well - it would be hard
to extract the notangle fixup tool without already having the fixup tool]


Probably better to post it on the wiki ( 
-- it would be easier to find (and keep up to date) there.


RE: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus
BH wrote: 

> It's a TeXShop issue. In TeXShop, select Preferences > Preview > Automatic
Preview Update.

I have just checked. It was already configured as you suggested. Perhaps
there is some other nasty config error?


Re: Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread BH
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Jannick Asmus wrote:
> Hi,
> hitting the dvi or pdf button a second time the TexShop previewer does
> not refresh. I need to close the pdf window and hit the dvi button
> again. How can this be amended? Is this because I have some weird
> configuration?

It's a TeXShop issue. In TeXShop, select Preferences > Preview >
Automatic Preview Update.


Mac: Refresh of pdf-view?

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus

hitting the dvi or pdf button a second time the TexShop previewer does 
not refresh. I need to close the pdf window and hit the dvi button 
again. How can this be amended? Is this because I have some weird 

Details of the machine are:
- Mac OS X 10.5
- TexShop 2.26
- LyX 1.6.3

Thanks !!!

Best wishes,

WinVista: Scrolling in LyX-window with mouse wheel?

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus

using LyX 1.6.3 on WinVista. I cannot scroll in the LyX-window with my 
mouse wheel. Of course, (arrow up) and (arrow down) work. Is this 

Thanks !!!


Using Lyx with Noweb help offered

2009-07-09 Thread Sam Liddicott
I've had a dreadful job getting noweb 2.11b and Lyx 2.6.2 to work
together nicely. My pain does make me if anyone uses Lyx with noweb

I now have a Lyx 2.6.2 document which talks about how to get it working,
requiring various changes to Lyx's noweave filters, and some awk to
fixup the output of notangle.

Of course this entire document is a Noweb article.

It also contains a way of bootstrapping a makefile out of the Lyx
document, and by treating the Lyx document as a sort of read-only source
archive it automatically keeping the extracted sources up to date so
that you can use Lyx and noweb as part of a regular automake/autoconf

I have this document as the final part to two of my Lyx-noweb projects.

I hope that it will be useful to readers, and I invite comment.

Is it appropriate to post this to this mailing list?

[I will of course attach the notangle fixup as well - it would be hard
to extract the notangle fixup tool without already having the fixup tool]


Re: scrolling=shutdown

2009-07-09 Thread Marcus Broberg
2009/7/9 Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW 

>  Yes, it is the image omtenta_trig.jpg that has an uneven number of lines
> (1123) and is scaled down 50% (changing either of the two will work
> around the problem).
> This is a bug in Qt 4.5 (which you probably have because of Ubuntu9.04).
> Please upgrade Qt to 4.5.2 (I'm not sure about 4.5.1, I think it was
> fixed).
> There have been threads about this on this list.
> Vincent
>  --
> *From:* Marcus Broberg []
> *Sent:* donderdag 9 juli 2009 16:37
> *To:* rgheck
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: scrolling=shutdown
> 2009/7/9 rgheck 
>> Marcus Broberg wrote:
>>> hi
>>> I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a document lyx exits.
>>> Is
>>> this a know issue?
>> It probably has something specific to do with some document you are using.
>> If you could post it, or better a simplified version, with instructions for
>> causing the crash, then we might be able to fix it.
>> You can also check the trac buglist and see if it's been reported, or even
>> better fixed.
>> rh
> I add a copy of the file. The file is i swedish and english, but that
> shouldnt matter
> thanks for the tip, changed to 1124lines and problem solved.


RE: scrolling=shutdown

2009-07-09 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
Yes, it is the image omtenta_trig.jpg that has an uneven number of lines
(1123) and is scaled down 50% (changing either of the two will work
around the problem).
This is a bug in Qt 4.5 (which you probably have because of Ubuntu9.04).
Please upgrade Qt to 4.5.2 (I'm not sure about 4.5.1, I think it was
There have been threads about this on this list.

From: Marcus Broberg [] 
Sent: donderdag 9 juli 2009 16:37
To: rgheck
Subject: Re: scrolling=shutdown

2009/7/9 rgheck 

Marcus Broberg wrote:

I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a
document lyx exits. Is
this a know issue?


It probably has something specific to do with some document you
are using. If you could post it, or better a simplified version, with
instructions for causing the crash, then we might be able to fix it.

You can also check the trac buglist and see if it's been
reported, or even better fixed.


I add a copy of the file. The file is i swedish and english, but that
shouldnt matter


Re: scrolling=shutdown

2009-07-09 Thread James C. Sutherland

No problems on a Mac running LyX 1.6.3.

On Jul 9, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Marcus Broberg wrote:

2009/7/9 rgheck 
Marcus Broberg wrote:
I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a document lyx  
exits. Is

this a know issue?

It probably has something specific to do with some document you are  
using. If you could post it, or better a simplified version, with  
instructions for causing the crash, then we might be able to fix it.

You can also check the trac buglist and see if it's been reported,  
or even better fixed.


I add a copy of the file. The file is i swedish and english, but  
that shouldnt matter

Re: scrolling=shutdown

2009-07-09 Thread Marcus Broberg
2009/7/9 rgheck 

> Marcus Broberg wrote:
>> hi
>> I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a document lyx exits.
>> Is
>> this a know issue?
> It probably has something specific to do with some document you are using.
> If you could post it, or better a simplified version, with instructions for
> causing the crash, then we might be able to fix it.
> You can also check the trac buglist and see if it's been reported, or even
> better fixed.
> rh

I add a copy of the file. The file is i swedish and english, but that
shouldnt matter

Description: application/lyx

Re: scrolling=shutdown

2009-07-09 Thread rgheck

Marcus Broberg wrote:

I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a document lyx exits. Is
this a know issue?

It probably has something specific to do with some document you are 
using. If you could post it, or better a simplified version, with 
instructions for causing the crash, then we might be able to fix it.

You can also check the trac buglist and see if it's been reported, or 
even better fixed.


Re: Shuffling subsections in different sub-docs

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus
suppose that the main LyX doc is organized by a couple of inputs. What is the 
best and most efficient way to reorder the subsections which are the different 
sub-docs? Thus I do not mean shuffling within the sub-docs, but shuffling like
  1.. sub-sec 2 - doc 1
  2.. sub-sec 1 - doc 2
  3.. sub-sec 1 - doc 1
  4.. sub-sec 2 - doc 2 
Thanks for your input.

Simply import the LyX docs into the main doc and reorder the sections as 
desired. I suppose that there is no way to do it if the subsections reside in 
the sub-docs. I would be like a wonder ... ;)

Best wishes,

Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Thu, 2009-07-09 at 11:36 +, silvio grosso wrote:
> In my opinion, it is always a bit "tricky" to ask about donating money
> for Open-source developers.
> Some users assume that Open-source softwares must be always developed
> and released for free.

Often people assume that because they miss the most basic thing about
Free Open Source Software, that is, a better way to develop software.
And there are multiple examples that it is.

(Of course, there are many unsuccessful open source projects as well.
Everybody should learn through these unsuccessful experiences.)

"Free" is/should referring/refer to transparency, access to knowledge,
meritocracy, the right to be informed, the right to doubt and not to
(solely?, necessarily?) have cost-free software.

Personally, I feel great to have the opportunity to use FOSSes which do
not restrict the way I like to work, where I work or force me to either
pay licenses or find somehow "illegal" copies of proprietary tools.

All this is enough to make me, a simple user, to contribute as much as I
can (financially, bugreporting, documenting, communicating FOSS news).

Now if FOSS will make our world better the time will show... ;-)
Best regards, Nikos

Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread Abdelrazak Younes

Luca De Marini wrote:

just a curiosity. Why do they need money, or better, a certain amount of
money? Are they using something like Rentacoder? Because if this is not the
case, I do not understand the need for money.

Let me take the case of the inline spellchecker that is now implemented 
in trunk (i.e. next version of LyX):

This feature has been requested for *years* by a lot of users. 
Unfortunately no LyX developer, including me, found this feature 
interesting enough to devote their spare time in order to implement it.

So I had the idea to create these sponsorship project in order to enable 
users or company to actually do something about it. I found no other 
means than money in order to motivate a developer.

The rest is history: people donated money, I took the project (and the 
money) and I implemented the feature. Now let's be clear about it: this 
money is not worth the total time I spent on this feature; I actually 
spent more than 10 full days for that project. I actually this a just 
retribution for a feature I was not interested in to begin with.


Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread Abdelrazak Younes

silvio grosso wrote:

To sum up, if you wish to have a certain feature, money is often the best way 
to get it :-)
Even in the Open-source world ;-)

Excatly. Thanks for the explanation Silvio (and many thanks for your 


Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread silvio grosso

Hello everybody,

I would like to add something about what  Manveru explained about money and 
Open-source projects,  that is: 

Manveru wrote:
>A lot of open source developers are freelancers,
>so they income depends on number of projects they are able to realize
>for their clients. As you probably know money are needed to cover
>existence cost like accommodation, food, etc

In my opinion, it is always a bit "tricky" to ask about donating money for 
Open-source developers.
Some users assume that Open-source softwares must be always developed and 
released for free.
Actually, in my opinion, in the "real world", it happens often the contrary.

For instance, Ubuntu is developed thanks to the money of its multi-millionaire 
founder, that is, Mark Shuttleworth.
OpenOffice, lives thanks to the backup of Sun (now Oracle) and Novell (even Ibm 
has its hands on it).
Ardour, probably the most powerful open-source software to modify your music 
tracks, lives only thanks to the money donated by its users (it gets 5000$ 
every month).
Many Open-source projects (e.g Gimp, Scribus, Inkscape, Blender etc) flourish 
thanks to Google, through its "Summer code projects" (for each project 
sponsored, Google gives 5000 $).

To sum up, if you wish to have a certain feature, money is often the best way 
to get it :-)
Even in the Open-source world ;-)

Best regards,



Shuffling subsections in different sub-docs

2009-07-09 Thread Jannick Asmus

suppose that the main LyX doc is organized by a couple of inputs. What is the 
best and most efficient way to reorder the subsections which are the different 
sub-docs? Thus I do not mean shuffling within the sub-docs, but shuffling like
  1.. sub-sec 2 - doc 1
  2.. sub-sec 1 - doc 2
  3.. sub-sec 1 - doc 1
  4.. sub-sec 2 - doc 2 
Thanks for your input.

Best wishes,


2009-07-09 Thread Marcus Broberg
I have a problem. When a scroll(arrow down) trough a document lyx exits. Is
this a know issue?

I use ubuntu 9.04 and lyx 1.6.2.


Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread silvio grosso
Hello Luca,

>Just a curiosity. Why do they need money, or better, a certain >amount of 
>money? Are they using something like Rentacoder? >Because if this is not the 
>case, I do not understand the need for >money.

I am not a Lyx's developer, as a consequence I can't answer you.
I have only donated a bit of my money for this project :-)
Nevertheless, more technical information about how this project could be 
developed is here:

Let'us hope Lyx's developers will add some more explanations on this mailing 
list ;-)

Best regards,



Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread Manveru
2009/7/9 Luca De Marini :
> 2009/7/9 silvio grosso 
> just a curiosity. Why do they need money, or better, a certain amount of
> money? Are they using something like Rentacoder? Because if this is not the
> case, I do not understand the need for money.

The answer is simple. A lot of open source developers are freelancers,
so they income depends on number of projects they are able to realize
for their clients. As you probably know money are needed to cover
existence cost like accommodation, food, etc. If someone declared that
can add such feature to the LyX project and need some time for this,
and knows that needs time that cannot be share across other project,
someone else have to cover such costs of existence.

This is something like rent-a-coder, but it this case AFAIK this is
about developer from LyX team.

I am somehow interested in such feature, but I do not have spare money
to donate and my company is rather not interested in LyX. Maybe
 gg: 1624001

Re: Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread Luca De Marini
2009/7/9 silvio grosso 

> Hello everybody,
> For anyone interested in the option to compare two Lyx documents there is
> the opportunity to donate some money to develop such feature.
> The link in the Lyx webpage to get more information is:
> This feature will be developed by Lyx's developers as soon as It reaches
> the minimum money to get the project started.
> More precisely, the projects aims at compare two documents and generate a
> third document where the differences between the two documents will be
> highlighted using the track change feature (Menu "Edit->Change
> Tracking->Enable Change Tracking" if you don't know about it).
> So you would have to open the menu "File->Compare two Documents" then
> select the two documents with a file dialogue one after the other and
> 'voila', LyX will generate the third document and open it automatically for
> you.
> At present, there are 1270 euros available but the project needs still 730
> euros to being accepted.
> In conclusion, if you are interested in this new feature and you wish to
> donate a bit of your spare money this project allows you to do so :-)

just a curiosity. Why do they need money, or better, a certain amount of
money? Are they using something like Rentacoder? Because if this is not the
case, I do not understand the need for money.



Donations for the Lyx project: Compare two Lyx documents

2009-07-09 Thread silvio grosso

Hello everybody,

For anyone interested in the option to compare two Lyx documents there is the 
opportunity to donate some money to develop such feature.
The link in the Lyx webpage to get more information is:
This feature will be developed by Lyx's developers as soon as It reaches the 
minimum money to get the project started.

More precisely, the projects aims at compare two documents and generate a third 
document where the differences between the two documents will be highlighted 
using the track change feature (Menu "Edit->Change Tracking->Enable Change 
Tracking" if you don't know about it).
So you would have to open the menu "File->Compare two Documents" then select 
the two documents with a file dialogue one after the other and 'voila', LyX 
will generate the third document and open it automatically for you.

At present, there are 1270 euros available but the project needs still 730 
euros to being accepted.

In conclusion, if you are interested in this new feature and you wish to donate 
a bit of your spare money this project allows you to do so :-)

Best regards,


Re: Multiple Language Quotation Problem

2009-07-09 Thread Helge Hafting

Ben Allen wrote:

I very commonly have a paragraph of quotation in Greek, followed by a paragraph
that is the English translation. The problem is that all of the regular English
text AFTER the translation then gets printed as Greek when the output is

Here is an example. This is what I type in Lyx:

Looks like you found a LyX bug then.

Could you please report it here:

Uploading a small problem file with the report is nice too.

I tested LyX 1.6.3, and the bug is there too. It happens if both
environments are quotations (the greek and the translation).

It does not happen if the "normal" layout is used instead of
qutoation. The bug also goes away if an environment separator is 
inserted, but that results in more white space in the output too.

The problem happens with quote and verse too. But the two paragraphs has 
to be the same type - one quote and one verse gives no bug.

Seems to be a problem with latex code generation. When two paragraphs
of the same type follow each other, they are set with less vertical 
space. And if they are numbered (like theorem) then they only get
one number. They get merged in a way. And this goes wrong when combined 
with langauge changes.

The latex export shows the problem:

Test with greek

\inputencoding{latin9}Test with greek
Test with greek

As we see, plutonikogreek is selected before the quote,
because the entire _first_ quote is in greek.

Then, the language gets reset to english in the middle
of the _merged_ qutoes.

Finally, the _merged_ quotes ends, and the language then reverts
to what it was immediately before the the merged quotes. And that
was greek!

The problem does not happen with colors or textstyles, probably because
latex do these differently.

When having several greek quotes following each other, greek is
activated only once, before the first one. This is nice as it saves 
latex code when long sets of paragraph are typeset in a different
language. (Common for bilingual books) But, when there are these 
"mergeable" layouts, care must

be taken when language gets switched in the middle. Currently,
latex looses the switch when the merged set of paragraphs ends,
but LyX does not. Therefore, the bug.

Helge Hafting

Re: page numbers not bold in table of contents

2009-07-09 Thread Markus Büchele
Hi list,

there is no need for a reply any more. I solved the problem manually (i.e. 


Am Wednesday 08 July 2009 15:37:53 schrieb Markus Büchele:
> Hi,
> I have been bothering you in the past weeks with tweeks and other stuff to
> get my PhD thesis right for my publisher. Thanks for your valuable help.
> Unfortunately my publisher wants one _last_ change (in her own words).
> In the table of contents (book class), chapters are printed in bold and
> subchapters in normal printing.
> I need just the headlines of chapters in bold print and the page numbers in
> normal print.
> Could you help me, please? Thanks in advance!
> Markus

Include a movie in a beamer presentation under linux

2009-07-09 Thread Micha Feigin
Is it possible to include a movie inside a beamer presentation created under
linux and played under linux? I found the movie15 package but the movie plays
only under windows acrobat but not with linux acrobat. Are there any
