Re: Evince as default viewer

2017-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
On 25/08/17 18:00, Julio Rojas wrote:
> I have installed qpdfview and although system-wide Evince is the default
> PDF viewer, Lyx preferes qpdfview. Is there a way to tell Lyx to select
> Evince? I have uninstalled qpdfview and the pdflatex option is grayed out.

Tools / Preferences / File Handling / File Formats / Viewer ?


--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

I am a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect `history' to be
anything but a `long defeat' -- though it contains (and in
a legend may contain more clearly and movingly) some samples or
glimpses of final victory.
  -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

subscript package?

2017-04-01 Thread Matej Cepl

another problem with my wife’s switching to LyX: with the attached test
document, I get LyX complaining about the missing package subscript (the
same happens when I try to process the generated LaTeX file, also attached).

When I look at it seems to indicate, that
it should be completely unnecessary. Not even package fixltx2e
 (recommended by seems to
be required these days.

So, I have removed in $EDITOR line \usepackage{subscript} from the .tex
file and run xelatex over it. And yes, everything was fine, subscript is
correctly displayed.

How to make LyX not to add that subscript requirement? Known bug (using



--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
Of course I'm respectable. I'm old. Politicians, ugly buildings,
and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.
  --John Huston in "Chinatown."

Description: application/lyx
%% LyX 2.2.2 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
 breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},pdfborderstyle={},backref=section,colorlinks=false]

%% User specified LaTeX commands.
% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts

\urlstyle{same}  % don't use monospace font for urls
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em}  % prevent overfull lines

% Redefines (sub)paragraphs to behave more like sections


match XP\textsubscript{syntax} XP\textsubscript{lexical}| superset
principle | readings

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Failed to generate PDF?

2017-03-03 Thread Matej Cepl

my wife returned after many years to the academic work (after having
kids returning back to finishing her PhD) and so she started to write
some documents in LyX. However, when she tried to generate PDF for the
attached .lyx file (with .bib file generated by LyZ from Zotero
bibliography), the result was error. See also /tmp/lyx_tmpbuf0
directory on

Using lyx-2.1.4-7.el7.x86_64 with TeXLive svn30088.0-14.20140525_r34255
on RHEL-7.

Anybody any ideas, what do I do wrong, please?

Thank you,

--, Jabber:
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5  BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8

One reason that life is complex is that it has a real part and an
imaginary part.
-- Andrew König


	address = {Praha},
	edition = {Lingvistika},
	title = {Akademick{\'a} p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ka {\v c}esk{\'e}ho jazyka},
	isbn = {978-80-200-2327-8},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Internetovou jazykovou p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ku kolektivu autor{\r u} {\'U}stavu pro jazyk {\v c}esk{\'y} AV {\v C}R vyu{\v z}ilo b{\v e}hem prvn{\'i}ch t{\v r}{\'i} let od jej{\'i}ho zp{\v r}{\'i}stupn{\v e}n{\'i} v{\'i}ce ne{\v z} milion u{\v z}ivatel{\r u}. Jej{\'i} v{\'y}kladov{\'a} {\v c}{\'a}st nyn{\'i} vych{\'a}z{\'i} poprv{\'e} kni{\v z}n{\v e}. Najdete zde obecn{\'a} pou{\v c}en{\'i} o {\v c}esk{\'e}m jazyce, zejm{\'e}na o pravopisu, tvaroslov{\'i} a n{\v e}kter{\'y}ch syntaktick{\'y}ch jevech. Ve v{\'y}kladech se uv{\'a}d{\v e}j{\'i} i rozpory v {\'u}daj{\'i}ch, kter{\'e} jednotliv{\'e} jazykov{\'e} p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ky p{\v r}in{\'a}{\v s}ej{\'i}, nebo rozd{\'i}ly mezi kodifikac{\'i} a spisovn{\'y}m {\'u}zem, a to s hodnot{\'i}c{\'i}m koment{\'a}{\v r}em a doporu{\v c}en{\'y}m {\v r}e{\v s}en{\'i}m. Kniha je ur{\v c}ena jak {\v s}irok{\'e} ve{\v r}ejnosti, tak profesion{\'a}ln{\'i}m u{\v z}ivatel{\r u}m, zvl{\'a}{\v s}t{\v e} u{\v c}itel{\r u}m a student{\r u}m.},
	language = {{\v c}esky},
	urldate = {2017-03-03},
	publisher = {Academia},
	editor = {Pravdov{\'a}, Mark{\'e}ta and Svobodov{\'a}, Ivana},
	year = {2014},
	file = {Snapshot:/home/marketa/.mozilla/firefox/1oo173o1.test/zotero/storage/66V892C8/akademicka-prirucka-ceskeho-jazyka.html:text/html}

Description: application/lyx

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-09 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:
 There are no sections and chapters in this document. Just the title
 page and scenes.

I would say, that it is a bug in the LaTeX document structure then -- just a
wild idea, cannot you contact developer of the LaTeX class to fix it?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
There are lies, damned lies, and quotes from literary icons.

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-09 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:
 There are no sections and chapters in this document. Just the title
 page and scenes.

I would say, that it is a bug in the LaTeX document structure then -- just a
wild idea, cannot you contact developer of the LaTeX class to fix it?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
There are lies, damned lies, and quotes from literary icons.

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-09 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:
> There are no sections and chapters in this document. Just the title
> page and scenes.

I would say, that it is a bug in the LaTeX document structure then -- just a
wild idea, cannot you contact developer of the LaTeX class to fix it?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
There are lies, damned lies, and quotes from literary icons.

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:

 I was wondering... How do you guys navigate around in large files?

I am not sure about screenplays and their structure, but about conveniently
named menu Navigate? Does it work?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel
Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing!
-- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute
   on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:

 I was wondering... How do you guys navigate around in large files?

I am not sure about screenplays and their structure, but about conveniently
named menu Navigate? Does it work?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel
Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing!
-- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute
   on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001

Re: Navigating in a big document

2006-09-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Elver Loho wrote:

> I was wondering... How do you guys navigate around in large files?

I am not sure about screenplays and their structure, but about conveniently
named menu Navigate? Does it work?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel
Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing!
-- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute
   on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl

Sorry, you need also (before running texhash) make this symlink:

mkdir /usr/share/texmf-var/tex/latex/hollywood/
ln -sf /usr/share/lyx/tex/hollywood.cls 

Then run texhash.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time
reading it.
  -- Moses Hadas

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl
 Thanks for the help.  Matej's suggested changes along with the Reconfigure
 did the trick.  For whatever reason, texhash was not working with the

BTW, you should really file a bug report to Slackware LyX maintainers -- not
making the proper symlink/copy is IMNHO bug and it should be fixed.
Actually, Debian just doesn't install *.cls files into /usr/share/lyx/ tree
but to its proper place in $TEXMF tree in the first place.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
That distinction is reflected in the apocryphal remark made by a
French diplomat to his British counterpart: This is all very
well in practice, but will it work in theory?.

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl

Sorry, you need also (before running texhash) make this symlink:

mkdir /usr/share/texmf-var/tex/latex/hollywood/
ln -sf /usr/share/lyx/tex/hollywood.cls 

Then run texhash.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time
reading it.
  -- Moses Hadas

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl
 Thanks for the help.  Matej's suggested changes along with the Reconfigure
 did the trick.  For whatever reason, texhash was not working with the

BTW, you should really file a bug report to Slackware LyX maintainers -- not
making the proper symlink/copy is IMNHO bug and it should be fixed.
Actually, Debian just doesn't install *.cls files into /usr/share/lyx/ tree
but to its proper place in $TEXMF tree in the first place.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
That distinction is reflected in the apocryphal remark made by a
French diplomat to his British counterpart: This is all very
well in practice, but will it work in theory?.

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl
> /usr/share/lyx/tex/hollywood.cls
> /usr/share/lyx/bind/hollywood.bind
> /usr/share/lyx/layouts/hollywood.layout
> /usr/share/lyx/templates/hollywood.lyx

Sorry, you need also (before running texhash) make this symlink:

mkdir /usr/share/texmf-var/tex/latex/hollywood/
ln -sf /usr/share/lyx/tex/hollywood.cls 

Then run texhash.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time
reading it.
  -- Moses Hadas

Re: [Re: adding hollywood TeX class]

2006-09-07 Thread Matej Cepl
> Thanks for the help.  Matej's suggested changes along with the Reconfigure
> did the trick.  For whatever reason, texhash was not working with the
> modifications.

BTW, you should really file a bug report to Slackware LyX maintainers -- not
making the proper symlink/copy is IMNHO bug and it should be fixed.
Actually, Debian just doesn't install *.cls files into /usr/share/lyx/ tree
but to its proper place in $TEXMF tree in the first place.


23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
That distinction is reflected in the apocryphal remark made by a
French diplomat to his British counterpart: "This is all very
well in practice, but will it work in theory?".

Re: adding hollywood TeX class

2006-09-06 Thread Matej Cepl
 Where can I find the hollywood TeX class, and how do I install it so that
 Lyx will find it?

It is usually part of the LyX package (lyx-common in Debian to be exact).
What is your distribution/operating system?



23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review
   of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: adding hollywood TeX class

2006-09-06 Thread Matej Cepl
 Where can I find the hollywood TeX class, and how do I install it so that
 Lyx will find it?

It is usually part of the LyX package (lyx-common in Debian to be exact).
What is your distribution/operating system?



23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review
   of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: adding hollywood TeX class

2006-09-06 Thread Matej Cepl
> Where can I find the hollywood TeX class, and how do I install it so that
> Lyx will find it?

It is usually part of the LyX package (lyx-common in Debian to be exact).
What is your distribution/operating system?



23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259, map
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review
   of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: Ligature problem

2006-09-03 Thread Matej Cepl
Reinhard Mayr aka Czerwinski wrote:
 Can somebody please tell me what to tweak to make all ligatures (ff, fi,
 ffi, fl, ffl) work?

What fonts do you use? TeX cannot more than what is available in the fonts.
The best coverage (of course) is in Knuth's Computer Modern fonts. So, if
you use ae fonts (in Document settings), then you should all ligatures TeX
is able to support.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259
The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse
every time Congress meets
-- Will Rogers

Re: Ligature problem

2006-09-03 Thread Matej Cepl
Reinhard Mayr aka Czerwinski wrote:
 Can somebody please tell me what to tweak to make all ligatures (ff, fi,
 ffi, fl, ffl) work?

What fonts do you use? TeX cannot more than what is available in the fonts.
The best coverage (of course) is in Knuth's Computer Modern fonts. So, if
you use ae fonts (in Document settings), then you should all ligatures TeX
is able to support.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259
The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse
every time Congress meets
-- Will Rogers

Re: Ligature problem

2006-09-03 Thread Matej Cepl
Reinhard Mayr aka Czerwinski wrote:
> Can somebody please tell me what to tweak to make all ligatures (ff, fi,
> ffi, fl, ffl) work?

What fonts do you use? TeX cannot more than what is available in the fonts.
The best coverage (of course) is in Knuth's Computer Modern fonts. So, if
you use ae fonts (in Document settings), then you should all ligatures TeX
is able to support.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 876-1259
The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse
every time Congress meets
-- Will Rogers

Re: book koma-script options explained?

2006-09-01 Thread Matej Cepl
tom poe wrote:
 Is there a discussion of the options, e.g., backtitle, uppertitleback,
 lowertitleback, extratitle, etc. that would help me prepare for book
 layout? Tom

Well, what about manual to koma-script ?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: book koma-script options explained?

2006-09-01 Thread Matej Cepl
tom poe wrote:
 Is there a discussion of the options, e.g., backtitle, uppertitleback,
 lowertitleback, extratitle, etc. that would help me prepare for book
 layout? Tom

Well, what about manual to koma-script ?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: book koma-script options explained?

2006-09-01 Thread Matej Cepl
tom poe wrote:
> Is there a discussion of the options, e.g., backtitle, uppertitleback,
> lowertitleback, extratitle, etc. that would help me prepare for book
> layout? Tom

Well, what about manual to koma-script ?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: Bibtex or bibitem?

2006-08-27 Thread Matej Cepl
Miki Dovrat wrote:
 Is there a way to translate entries from a bibtex file to a specific
 format and then reinclude them as items in the bibliography? Nice or dirty
 solutions are welcome.

That's what *.bbl file is about. Paste it into ERT to your document, and you
are all set.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

Re: Bibtex or bibitem?

2006-08-27 Thread Matej Cepl
Miki Dovrat wrote:
 Is there a way to translate entries from a bibtex file to a specific
 format and then reinclude them as items in the bibliography? Nice or dirty
 solutions are welcome.

That's what *.bbl file is about. Paste it into ERT to your document, and you
are all set.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

Re: Bibtex or bibitem?

2006-08-27 Thread Matej Cepl
Miki Dovrat wrote:
> Is there a way to "translate" entries from a bibtex file to a specific
> format and then reinclude them as items in the bibliography? Nice or dirty
> solutions are welcome.

That's what *.bbl file is about. Paste it into ERT to your document, and you
are all set.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

Re: Aspell and language de_CH

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
david wrote:
 How can I get aspell to use the language German Switzerland (de_CH)?

It is weird -- I tried to find out what is the status of support of de_CH in
LaTeX, but it seems to be pretty nonexistent (be aware, that I don't speak
German at all, so I know nearly nothing about this subtleties). Neither in
$TEXMF/tex/generic/babel/ nor in /usr/share/lyx/languages I found anything
mentioned about swiss. Try to ask here

 If I chose Deutsch (neue Rechtschreibung) in the document properties
 (format/document) I get an error message:
 The file /usr/lib/aspell/ngerman could not be opened for reading.

The best language seems to me to be NGerman, but why aspell makes troubles I
don't know -- /usr/share/lyx/languages clearly indicates that the language
should be de_DE and if you have correctly installed aspell-de than its
dictionary should be present. What do you get when running

ls /usr/lib/aspell/swiss* /usr/lib/aspell/de*



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a light
Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Martin A. Hansen wrote:
 what can i do?

Install dvipost ( or from your


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
Home is where ~/.bashrc is.
   -- from Usenet

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 And dvipost.sty is in the tex search path?

I.e., what do you get with

kpsewhich dvipost.sty


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with
great pleasure.
  -- Clarence Darrow

Re: Aspell and language de_CH

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
david wrote:
 How can I get aspell to use the language German Switzerland (de_CH)?

It is weird -- I tried to find out what is the status of support of de_CH in
LaTeX, but it seems to be pretty nonexistent (be aware, that I don't speak
German at all, so I know nearly nothing about this subtleties). Neither in
$TEXMF/tex/generic/babel/ nor in /usr/share/lyx/languages I found anything
mentioned about swiss. Try to ask here

 If I chose Deutsch (neue Rechtschreibung) in the document properties
 (format/document) I get an error message:
 The file /usr/lib/aspell/ngerman could not be opened for reading.

The best language seems to me to be NGerman, but why aspell makes troubles I
don't know -- /usr/share/lyx/languages clearly indicates that the language
should be de_DE and if you have correctly installed aspell-de than its
dictionary should be present. What do you get when running

ls /usr/lib/aspell/swiss* /usr/lib/aspell/de*



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a light
Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Martin A. Hansen wrote:
 what can i do?

Install dvipost ( or from your


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
Home is where ~/.bashrc is.
   -- from Usenet

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 And dvipost.sty is in the tex search path?

I.e., what do you get with

kpsewhich dvipost.sty


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with
great pleasure.
  -- Clarence Darrow

Re: Aspell and language de_CH

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
david wrote:
> How can I get aspell to use the language German Switzerland (de_CH)?

It is weird -- I tried to find out what is the status of support of de_CH in
LaTeX, but it seems to be pretty nonexistent (be aware, that I don't speak
German at all, so I know nearly nothing about this subtleties). Neither in
$TEXMF/tex/generic/babel/ nor in /usr/share/lyx/languages I found anything
mentioned about swiss. Try to ask here

> If I chose "Deutsch (neue Rechtschreibung)" in the document properties
> (format/document) I get an error message:
> The file /usr/lib/aspell/ngerman could not be opened for reading.

The best language seems to me to be NGerman, but why aspell makes troubles I
don't know -- /usr/share/lyx/languages clearly indicates that the language
should be de_DE and if you have correctly installed aspell-de than its
dictionary should be present. What do you get when running

ls /usr/lib/aspell/swiss* /usr/lib/aspell/de*



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
How many Bavarian Illuminati does it take to screw in a light
Three: one to screw it in, and one to confuse the issue.

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Martin A. Hansen wrote:
> what can i do?

Install dvipost ( or from your


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
Home is where ~/.bashrc is.
   -- from Usenet

Re: change tracking in 1.4.2

2006-08-25 Thread Matej Cepl
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> And dvipost.sty is in the tex search path?

I.e., what do you get with

kpsewhich dvipost.sty


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with
great pleasure.
  -- Clarence Darrow

Re: Copying and pasting

2006-08-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Pupeno wrote:
 My wife is doing some work in which she pastes lots of text from mails and
 other places, most of the on UTF-8 and pastes it on Lyx, but Lyx uses
 Latin-1, so she ends up with a lot of weird characters. Any ideas how to
 solve the problem ? something that is agile ?

What's your platform? I could help with KDE (and klipper), where it should
be trivial to make a script which would convert between encodings in
clipboard. Anything else is beyond my ability.

 If upgrading to 4.0 is needed, I'll consider it, we are currently running
 1.3.7, but the last time I tried 4.0, it didn't seem to be have UTF-8

No, it doesn't help -- current LyX doesn't support UTF-8. Period.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying
I approved of it.
  -- Mark Twain

Re: Copying and pasting

2006-08-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Pupeno wrote:
 My wife is doing some work in which she pastes lots of text from mails and
 other places, most of the on UTF-8 and pastes it on Lyx, but Lyx uses
 Latin-1, so she ends up with a lot of weird characters. Any ideas how to
 solve the problem ? something that is agile ?

What's your platform? I could help with KDE (and klipper), where it should
be trivial to make a script which would convert between encodings in
clipboard. Anything else is beyond my ability.

 If upgrading to 4.0 is needed, I'll consider it, we are currently running
 1.3.7, but the last time I tried 4.0, it didn't seem to be have UTF-8

No, it doesn't help -- current LyX doesn't support UTF-8. Period.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying
I approved of it.
  -- Mark Twain

Re: Copying and pasting

2006-08-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Pupeno wrote:
> My wife is doing some work in which she pastes lots of text from mails and
> other places, most of the on UTF-8 and pastes it on Lyx, but Lyx uses
> Latin-1, so she ends up with a lot of weird characters. Any ideas how to
> solve the problem ? something that is agile ?

What's your platform? I could help with KDE (and klipper), where it should
be trivial to make a script which would convert between encodings in
clipboard. Anything else is beyond my ability.

> If upgrading to 4.0 is needed, I'll consider it, we are currently running
> 1.3.7, but the last time I tried 4.0, it didn't seem to be have UTF-8
> support.

No, it doesn't help -- current LyX doesn't support UTF-8. Period.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying
I approved of it.
  -- Mark Twain

Re: Scaling an A4 doc to 2-up Landscape on A4

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
john wrote:
 I have tried: cat | psbook | psnup -2 | lp -d printer

Aside from honoring you with Useless Use of Cat Award
( psnup has really
weird syntax -- the parameter is really -2up (don't ask me why). So this
should read:

psbook | psnup -2up # BE GREEN - check with gs first
 # and only then print



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: access privileges of new files

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
pol wrote:
 It appears LyX always creates new files with privileges   -rw-r--r--
 Is that a bug?

umask(1) is your friend.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in
  -- Samuel Johnson

Re: Scaling an A4 doc to 2-up Landscape on A4

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
john wrote:
 I have tried: cat | psbook | psnup -2 | lp -d printer

Aside from honoring you with Useless Use of Cat Award
( psnup has really
weird syntax -- the parameter is really -2up (don't ask me why). So this
should read:

psbook | psnup -2up # BE GREEN - check with gs first
 # and only then print



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: access privileges of new files

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
pol wrote:
 It appears LyX always creates new files with privileges   -rw-r--r--
 Is that a bug?

umask(1) is your friend.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in
  -- Samuel Johnson

Re: Scaling an A4 doc to 2-up Landscape on A4

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
john wrote:
> I have tried: cat | psbook | psnup -2 | lp -d printer

Aside from honoring you with Useless Use of Cat Award
( psnup has really
weird syntax -- the parameter is really -2up (don't ask me why). So this
should read:

psbook | psnup -2up > # BE GREEN - check with gs first
 # and only then print



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213

Re: access privileges of new files

2006-08-05 Thread Matej Cepl
pol wrote:
> It appears LyX always creates new files with privileges   -rw-r--r--
> Is that a bug?

umask(1) is your friend.


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in
  -- Samuel Johnson

tex4ht just doesn't work for me ...

2006-08-03 Thread Matej Cepl

couple of people mentioned htlatex as tool for conversion from LaTeX to
HTML. I have long history (at least 2 years) of not being able to convert
even quite simple LaTeX to HTML with tex4ht stuff. Using Debian/testing, I
have tex4ht 20060619-1 and when I tried to convert my dissertation
proposal, I got just garbage -- certainly not correct HTML. You can see
record of my attempts on . Could anybody explain
me what's wrong with me, please?

Thanks a lot,

GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

tex4ht just doesn't work for me ...

2006-08-03 Thread Matej Cepl

couple of people mentioned htlatex as tool for conversion from LaTeX to
HTML. I have long history (at least 2 years) of not being able to convert
even quite simple LaTeX to HTML with tex4ht stuff. Using Debian/testing, I
have tex4ht 20060619-1 and when I tried to convert my dissertation
proposal, I got just garbage -- certainly not correct HTML. You can see
record of my attempts on . Could anybody explain
me what's wrong with me, please?

Thanks a lot,

GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

tex4ht just doesn't work for me ...

2006-08-03 Thread Matej Cepl

couple of people mentioned htlatex as tool for conversion from LaTeX to
HTML. I have long history (at least 2 years) of not being able to convert
even quite simple LaTeX to HTML with tex4ht stuff. Using Debian/testing, I
have tex4ht 20060619-1 and when I tried to convert my dissertation
proposal, I got just garbage -- certainly not correct HTML. You can see
record of my attempts on . Could anybody explain
me what's wrong with me, please?

Thanks a lot,

GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
When you're happy that cut and paste actually works I think it's
a sign you've been using X-Windows for too long.
   -- from /. discussion on poor integration between KDE and

Re: File with png graphics hangs lyx

2006-07-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
 However, I never noticed that I have to close the last display
 of a pdf in Acrobat to be able to view the new one (I get the
 message I can't write on foo.pdf until I close foo.pdf.

 You might want to look at Being too
 absent-minded to reliably close AR each time, I've found this 
 quite valuable.

Adobe Acrobat has long (really long -- since version 1.0) bug, 
that it opens files both for reading and writing (instead of 
opening it read-only as good viewer should; it is probably 
residuum from from Adobe Acrobat not-only-Reader, which could 
write to PDF. So you have two options:

a) either do terrible tricks described in the above link,
b) use better PDF viewer -- GSView 
( opens file RO 
and it is able to do the same trick as DVI Viewers -- 
actualizing view when PDF file changes.



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
The function of the expert is not to be more right than other
people, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
-- Dr. David Butler, British psephologist

Re: File with png graphics hangs lyx

2006-07-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
 However, I never noticed that I have to close the last display
 of a pdf in Acrobat to be able to view the new one (I get the
 message I can't write on foo.pdf until I close foo.pdf.

 You might want to look at Being too
 absent-minded to reliably close AR each time, I've found this 
 quite valuable.

Adobe Acrobat has long (really long -- since version 1.0) bug, 
that it opens files both for reading and writing (instead of 
opening it read-only as good viewer should; it is probably 
residuum from from Adobe Acrobat not-only-Reader, which could 
write to PDF. So you have two options:

a) either do terrible tricks described in the above link,
b) use better PDF viewer -- GSView 
( opens file RO 
and it is able to do the same trick as DVI Viewers -- 
actualizing view when PDF file changes.



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
The function of the expert is not to be more right than other
people, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
-- Dr. David Butler, British psephologist

Re: File with png graphics hangs lyx

2006-07-08 Thread Matej Cepl
Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> However, I never noticed that I have to close the last display
>> of a pdf in Acrobat to be able to view the new one (I get the
>> message "I can't write on foo.pdf" until I close foo.pdf.

> You might want to look at
> Being too
> absent-minded to reliably close AR each time, I've found this 
> quite valuable.

Adobe Acrobat has long (really long -- since version 1.0) bug, 
that it opens files both for reading and writing (instead of 
opening it read-only as good viewer should; it is probably 
residuum from from Adobe Acrobat not-only-Reader, which could 
write to PDF. So you have two options:

a) either do terrible tricks described in the above link,
b) use better PDF viewer -- GSView 
( opens file RO 
and it is able to do the same trick as DVI Viewers -- 
actualizing view when PDF file changes.



GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
The function of the expert is not to be more right than other
people, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons.
-- Dr. David Butler, British psephologist

Re: Subtitles

2006-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Steve Litt wrote:
 If you notice, most modern books have two lines to their title, as in:
 Guide to LaTeX
 Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting

Try this one. Basically it means redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] like this
(notice using [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is per default [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

and now we fill [EMAIL PROTECTED] with some stuff (if desired):

The redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to the Preamble section of Title 
and definition of \subtitle into Preamble section of Subtitle style. Size
of the font can be changed in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this what you want?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
This message has been composed of recycled electrons. None of
these electrons has been harmed or injured in the creation and
transmission of this message but they have been shamelessly
exploited for this use.
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (like from groff)}
# $Id:,v 1.1 2006/06/06 18:55:44 matej Exp matej $

# General textclass parameters
Input article.layout

   Other 11pt



% rcssimple.sty -- local version
\def\RCS$#1: #2 ${\expandafter\def\csname RCS#1\endcsname{#2}}


% protect content from TTH

% make url.sty work
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@hyp{\do\-}

% setting some basic LaTeX variables






\newcommand{\fixme}[1]{\textsc{{[}FIXME: #1{]}}}

% apply rcssimple

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[L]{\scriptsize{rev. \RCSRevision{}}}




# Title style definition
Style Title
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName title
  ParSkip   0.4
  ItemSep   0
  BottomSep 1
  Align Center
  AlignPossible Center
  LabelType No_Label
\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

  # standard font definition


Style Subtitle
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName subtitle
  ParSkip   0
  ItemSep   0

Re: Subtitles

2006-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Steve Litt wrote:
 If you notice, most modern books have two lines to their title, as in:
 Guide to LaTeX
 Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting

Try this one. Basically it means redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] like this
(notice using [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is per default [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

and now we fill [EMAIL PROTECTED] with some stuff (if desired):

The redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to the Preamble section of Title 
and definition of \subtitle into Preamble section of Subtitle style. Size
of the font can be changed in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this what you want?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
This message has been composed of recycled electrons. None of
these electrons has been harmed or injured in the creation and
transmission of this message but they have been shamelessly
exploited for this use.
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (like from groff)}
# $Id:,v 1.1 2006/06/06 18:55:44 matej Exp matej $

# General textclass parameters
Input article.layout

   Other 11pt



% rcssimple.sty -- local version
\def\RCS$#1: #2 ${\expandafter\def\csname RCS#1\endcsname{#2}}


% protect content from TTH

% make url.sty work
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@hyp{\do\-}

% setting some basic LaTeX variables






\newcommand{\fixme}[1]{\textsc{{[}FIXME: #1{]}}}

% apply rcssimple

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[L]{\scriptsize{rev. \RCSRevision{}}}




# Title style definition
Style Title
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName title
  ParSkip   0.4
  ItemSep   0
  BottomSep 1
  Align Center
  AlignPossible Center
  LabelType No_Label
\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

  # standard font definition


Style Subtitle
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName subtitle
  ParSkip   0
  ItemSep   0

Re: Subtitles

2006-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Steve Litt wrote:
> If you notice, most modern books have two lines to their title, as in:
> ===
> Guide to LaTeX
> Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
> ===

Try this one. Basically it means redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] like this
(notice using [EMAIL PROTECTED], which is per default [EMAIL PROTECTED]):

\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

and now we fill [EMAIL PROTECTED] with some stuff (if desired):

The redefinition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to the Preamble section of Title 
and definition of \subtitle into Preamble section of Subtitle style. Size
of the font can be changed in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is this what you want?


GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 Marion St. #3, (617) 876-1259, ICQ 132822213
This message has been composed of recycled electrons. None of
these electrons has been harmed or injured in the creation and
transmission of this message but they have been shamelessly
exploited for this use.
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article (like from groff)}
# $Id:,v 1.1 2006/06/06 18:55:44 matej Exp matej $

# General textclass parameters
Input article.layout

   Other "11pt"



% rcssimple.sty -- local version
\def\RCS$#1: #2 ${\expandafter\def\csname RCS#1\endcsname{#2}}


% protect content from TTH

% make url.sty work
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@hyp{\do\-}

% setting some basic LaTeX variables






\newcommand{\fixme}[1]{\textsc{{[}FIXME: #1{]}}}

% apply rcssimple

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[L]{\scriptsize{rev. \RCSRevision{}}}




# Title style definition
Style Title
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName title
  ParSkip   0.4
  ItemSep   0
  BottomSep 1
  Align Center
  AlignPossible Center
  LabelType No_Label
\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \bfseries [EMAIL PROTECTED] \par}%
\vskip 1.5em%
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1em%
\vskip 1.5em}

  # standard font definition


Style Subtitle
  LatexType Command
  InTitle   1
  LatexName subtitle
  ParSkip   0
  ItemSep   0

Re: Overview of the NatBib styles - which is the right one for me?

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
 Can anyone point me to a place that can give me an overview of (the
 differences between) the styles - and help me choosing which is right for
 me? I guess I simply need something apalike. As said for sociale science.

I usually use just plainnat and it works pretty well for me (I am a PhD
student of sociology with lawyer's background).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I went to a Grateful Dead Concert and they played for SEVEN
hours.  Great song.
-- Fred Reuss

List of .bst files

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Somebody was asking for a list of .bst files. Here are two:



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.
  -- Winston Churchill

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
 1) When trying to compile the Lyx-doc (show as PDF); I get an error
 message if the title or author fields contain Danish characters such as ?,
 ? and ?. How can I work around this issue?

Check that in your LyX document Layout/Document/Language/Encoding you have
lain1. Alternatively you can type (in your .bib file) \ae{} instead of ?,
\o{} instead of ? and \r{a} instead of ?.

Does it help?

Check out the attached files

 2) Am an not happy with the way my bibliography looks if I use literature
 published by an organisations. Example: I refer to  a report by The
 Board of Technology and in my reference section it becomes of
 technology, T. D. B.. This is fine if I refer to a person, but not if I
 refer to an organisation, a ministry etc.

This seems to me that you are using somehow incorrectly information in
BibTeX database. Can you send please an example of whole BibTeX record? For
example, IMHO the author of the report shouldn't be an institution, but
some person. Institution is then just in the field institution of

Does it help?


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its
victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The
robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at
some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own
good will torment us without end, for they do so with the
approval of their consciences.
-- C. S. Lewis

Description: TeX dvi file

Description: application/lyx

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
 I agree. But if if I do like that technical report will be written in my

That's what 'type' field is for. See this:

  author = {Truman Bewley},
  title = {Fairness, Reciprocity, and Wage Rigidity},
  institution = {Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale
  year = {2002},
  type = {Discussion Paper},
  number = {1383},
  url = {}

Works like a charm for me (except that this whole reciprocity group of
people leads to nowhere for me, but that is not problem of LyX :-).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Re: [rayavarapu2000-/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: help]

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
 Can you plaes help me in convertin *.pdf to *.lyx

Another tool which may be of help is KWord, which can read pdf and export it
to some other format, which may be more helpful for LyX editing than the
original PDF.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Faithful love is what people look for in a person; ...
   -- Proverbs 19:22 (NJB)

Re: Overview of the NatBib styles - which is the right one for me?

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
 Can anyone point me to a place that can give me an overview of (the
 differences between) the styles - and help me choosing which is right for
 me? I guess I simply need something apalike. As said for sociale science.

I usually use just plainnat and it works pretty well for me (I am a PhD
student of sociology with lawyer's background).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I went to a Grateful Dead Concert and they played for SEVEN
hours.  Great song.
-- Fred Reuss

List of .bst files

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Somebody was asking for a list of .bst files. Here are two:



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.
  -- Winston Churchill

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
 1) When trying to compile the Lyx-doc (show as PDF); I get an error
 message if the title or author fields contain Danish characters such as ?,
 ? and ?. How can I work around this issue?

Check that in your LyX document Layout/Document/Language/Encoding you have
lain1. Alternatively you can type (in your .bib file) \ae{} instead of ?,
\o{} instead of ? and \r{a} instead of ?.

Does it help?

Check out the attached files

 2) Am an not happy with the way my bibliography looks if I use literature
 published by an organisations. Example: I refer to  a report by The
 Board of Technology and in my reference section it becomes of
 technology, T. D. B.. This is fine if I refer to a person, but not if I
 refer to an organisation, a ministry etc.

This seems to me that you are using somehow incorrectly information in
BibTeX database. Can you send please an example of whole BibTeX record? For
example, IMHO the author of the report shouldn't be an institution, but
some person. Institution is then just in the field institution of

Does it help?


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its
victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The
robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at
some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own
good will torment us without end, for they do so with the
approval of their consciences.
-- C. S. Lewis

Description: TeX dvi file

Description: application/lyx

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
 I agree. But if if I do like that technical report will be written in my

That's what 'type' field is for. See this:

  author = {Truman Bewley},
  title = {Fairness, Reciprocity, and Wage Rigidity},
  institution = {Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale
  year = {2002},
  type = {Discussion Paper},
  number = {1383},
  url = {}

Works like a charm for me (except that this whole reciprocity group of
people leads to nowhere for me, but that is not problem of LyX :-).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Re: [rayavarapu2000-/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: help]

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
 Can you plaes help me in convertin *.pdf to *.lyx

Another tool which may be of help is KWord, which can read pdf and export it
to some other format, which may be more helpful for LyX editing than the
original PDF.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Faithful love is what people look for in a person; ...
   -- Proverbs 19:22 (NJB)

Re: Overview of the NatBib styles - which is the right one for me?

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a place that can give me an overview of (the
> differences between) the styles - and help me choosing which is right for
> me? I guess I simply need something apalike. As said for sociale science.

I usually use just plainnat and it works pretty well for me (I am a PhD
student of sociology with lawyer's background).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
I went to a Grateful Dead Concert and they played for SEVEN
hours.  Great song.
-- Fred Reuss

List of .bst files

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Somebody was asking for a list of .bst files. Here are two:



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.
  -- Winston Churchill

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
> 1) When trying to compile the Lyx-doc (show as PDF); I get an error
> message if the title or author fields contain Danish characters such as ?,
> ? and ?. How can I work around this issue?

Check that in your LyX document Layout/Document/Language/Encoding you have
lain1. Alternatively you can type (in your .bib file) \ae{} instead of ?,
\o{} instead of ? and \r{a} instead of ?.

Does it help?

Check out the attached files

> 2) Am an not happy with the way my bibliography looks if I use literature
> published by an organisations. Example: I refer to  a report by "The
> Board of Technology" and in my reference section it becomes "of
> technology, T. D. B.". This is fine if I refer to a person, but not if I
> refer to an organisation, a ministry etc.

This seems to me that you are using somehow incorrectly information in
BibTeX database. Can you send please an example of whole BibTeX record? For
example, IMHO the author of the report shouldn't be an institution, but
some person. Institution is then just in the field institution of

Does it help?


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its
victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The
robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at
some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own
good will torment us without end, for they do so with the
approval of their consciences.
-- C. S. Lewis

Description: TeX dvi file

Description: application/lyx

Re: Problems with BibTex and LyX

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
Janus Sandsgaard wrote:
> I agree. But if if I do like that "technical report" will be written in my
> bibliography.

That's what 'type' field is for. See this:

  author = {Truman Bewley},
  title = {Fairness, Reciprocity, and Wage Rigidity},
  institution = {Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale
  year = {2002},
  type = {Discussion Paper},
  number = {1383},
  url = {}

Works like a charm for me (except that this whole reciprocity group of
people leads to nowhere for me, but that is not problem of LyX :-).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Re: [rayavarapu2000-/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: help]

2005-06-22 Thread Matej Cepl
> Can you plaes help me in convertin *.pdf to *.lyx

Another tool which may be of help is KWord, which can read pdf and export it
to some other format, which may be more helpful for LyX editing than the
original PDF.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Faithful love is what people look for in a person; ...
   -- Proverbs 19:22 (NJB)

Re: Still have problems with version control

2005-06-21 Thread Matej Cepl
Todd Denniston wrote:
 $export TZ=BST001
 Tue Jun 21 13:08:13 BST 2005

I believe that this version is the most canonical one. When googling for
TZ rcs Windows the second link leads to,
which shows this version.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The world is coming to an end!  Repent and return those library

Re: Still have problems with version control

2005-06-21 Thread Matej Cepl
Todd Denniston wrote:
 $export TZ=BST001
 Tue Jun 21 13:08:13 BST 2005

I believe that this version is the most canonical one. When googling for
TZ rcs Windows the second link leads to,
which shows this version.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The world is coming to an end!  Repent and return those library

Re: Still have problems with version control

2005-06-21 Thread Matej Cepl
Todd Denniston wrote:
> $export TZ=BST001
> $date
> Tue Jun 21 13:08:13 BST 2005

I believe that this version is "the most canonical" one. When googling for
"TZ rcs Windows" the second link leads to
which shows this version.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The world is coming to an end!  Repent and return those library

Re: Still have problems with version control

2005-06-20 Thread Matej Cepl
Elias Schwerdtfeger wrote:
 c: The TZ environment variable is not set; please set it to yout timezone
 ci aborted
 On my system (Linux, Fedora Core 3) RCS is working without trouble (and
 without strange messages). I checked my environment for a variable named
 TZ with a simple
  set | grep TZ
 and there is _no such variable_. Strange, but your Windows XP port of
 RCS is different from my Linux version (ci -V: Version 5.7).

There used to be a variable TZ which setted timezone on all Unixes, which is
where the RCS got the idea. Since then however, some Unices (especially
Linux) developed different strategy for setting time zone
(tzselect/tzconfig -- part of glibc) and newbies in Linux have no clue
about this venerable variable. Read more about its format here


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
- Do you think of yourself as a Christian artist?
- I'm an artist who is a Christian. I'm not a Christian artist.
  -- Johny Cash
 in his last interview

Re: Still have problems with version control

2005-06-20 Thread Matej Cepl
Elias Schwerdtfeger wrote:
 c: The TZ environment variable is not set; please set it to yout timezone
 ci aborted
 On my system (Linux, Fedora Core 3) RCS is working without trouble (and
 without strange messages). I checked my environment for a variable named
 TZ with a simple
  set | grep TZ
 and there is _no such variable_. Strange, but your Windows XP port of
 RCS is different from my Linux version (ci -V: Version 5.7).

There used to be a variable TZ which setted timezone on all Unixes, which is
where the RCS got the idea. Since then however, some Unices (especially
Linux) developed different strategy for setting time zone
(tzselect/tzconfig -- part of glibc) and newbies in Linux have no clue
about this venerable variable. Read more about its format here


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
- Do you think of yourself as a Christian artist?
- I'm an artist who is a Christian. I'm not a Christian artist.
  -- Johny Cash
 in his last interview

Re: Still have problems with version control

2005-06-20 Thread Matej Cepl
Elias Schwerdtfeger wrote:
>> c: The TZ environment variable is not set; please set it to yout timezone
>> ci aborted
> On my system (Linux, Fedora Core 3) RCS is working without trouble (and
> without strange messages). I checked my environment for a variable named
> TZ with a simple
> > set | grep TZ
> and there is _no such variable_. Strange, but your Windows XP port of
> RCS is different from my Linux version (ci -V: Version 5.7).

There used to be a variable TZ which setted timezone on all Unixes, which is
where the RCS got the idea. Since then however, some Unices (especially
Linux) developed different strategy for setting time zone
(tzselect/tzconfig -- part of glibc) and newbies in Linux have no clue
about this venerable variable. Read more about its format here


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
- Do you think of yourself as a Christian artist?
- I'm an artist who is a Christian. I'm not a Christian artist.
  -- Johny Cash
 in his last interview

Re: My versions won't control

2005-06-18 Thread Matej Cepl
Richard Brown wrote:

 Thanks to everyone for their comments, which I have found illuminating.
 It seems to me that RCS would probably be sufficient for me now, as I am
 a single user but that CVS would cope with future developments if my
 colleagues also adopt Lyx. So I'd go for RCS now, if I could find any
 information on how to install it! The RCS lists are full of spam going
 back to 2001, so I reckon nobody uses them any more. Does anyone on this
 list have an idea of how to install RCS (or CVS, for that matter) on
 WinXP? Grateful for help!

I am not Windows anymore, but try this
or maybe this

Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The main idea of the pope's asking for forgiveness was not to be
afraid of the truth. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF TRUTH! We have to have
faith in the God's governing power to be able not to be afraid.
-- On NPR The Connection from March 13, 2000

Re: My versions won't control

2005-06-18 Thread Matej Cepl
Richard Brown wrote:

 Thanks to everyone for their comments, which I have found illuminating.
 It seems to me that RCS would probably be sufficient for me now, as I am
 a single user but that CVS would cope with future developments if my
 colleagues also adopt Lyx. So I'd go for RCS now, if I could find any
 information on how to install it! The RCS lists are full of spam going
 back to 2001, so I reckon nobody uses them any more. Does anyone on this
 list have an idea of how to install RCS (or CVS, for that matter) on
 WinXP? Grateful for help!

I am not Windows anymore, but try this
or maybe this

Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The main idea of the pope's asking for forgiveness was not to be
afraid of the truth. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF TRUTH! We have to have
faith in the God's governing power to be able not to be afraid.
-- On NPR The Connection from March 13, 2000

Re: My versions won't control

2005-06-18 Thread Matej Cepl
Richard Brown wrote:

> Thanks to everyone for their comments, which I have found illuminating.
> It seems to me that RCS would probably be sufficient for me now, as I am
> a single user but that CVS would cope with future developments if my
> colleagues also adopt Lyx. So I'd go for RCS now, if I could find any
> information on how to install it! The RCS lists are full of spam going
> back to 2001, so I reckon nobody uses them any more. Does anyone on this
> list have an idea of how to install RCS (or CVS, for that matter) on
> WinXP? Grateful for help!

I am not Windows anymore, but try this
or maybe this

Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The main idea of the pope's asking for forgiveness was not to be
afraid of the truth. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF TRUTH! We have to have
faith in the God's governing power to be able not to be afraid.
-- On NPR The Connection from March 13, 2000

Re: lmodern, ae and missing fonts

2005-06-17 Thread Matej Cepl
On Friday 17 of June 2005 18:01, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
 Which means that lm fonts are fine as long you only use a few
 common font sizes, I assume.

It is OK to use them for whatever -- extrapolation of the sizes 
not covered directly by the fonts is done by lmodern.sty (which 
is what you load with \usepackage{lmodern}) and by browsing 
through the list of files in lmodern package (dpkg -L lmodern on 
Debian) it seems that still you get much more fonts then with 
your average fonts (and possibly still more or at least the same 
number as with Adobe Professional fonts).



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for
support, rather than illumination.
  -- Andrew Lang

Re: lmodern, ae and missing fonts

2005-06-17 Thread Matej Cepl
On Friday 17 of June 2005 18:01, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
 Which means that lm fonts are fine as long you only use a few
 common font sizes, I assume.

It is OK to use them for whatever -- extrapolation of the sizes 
not covered directly by the fonts is done by lmodern.sty (which 
is what you load with \usepackage{lmodern}) and by browsing 
through the list of files in lmodern package (dpkg -L lmodern on 
Debian) it seems that still you get much more fonts then with 
your average fonts (and possibly still more or at least the same 
number as with Adobe Professional fonts).



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for
support, rather than illumination.
  -- Andrew Lang

Re: lmodern, ae and missing fonts

2005-06-17 Thread Matej Cepl
On Friday 17 of June 2005 18:01, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> Which means that lm fonts are fine as long you only use a few
> common font sizes, I assume.

It is OK to use them for whatever -- extrapolation of the sizes 
not covered directly by the fonts is done by lmodern.sty (which 
is what you load with \usepackage{lmodern}) and by browsing 
through the list of files in lmodern package (dpkg -L lmodern on 
Debian) it seems that still you get much more fonts then with 
your average fonts (and possibly still more or at least the same 
number as with Adobe Professional fonts).



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for
support, rather than illumination.
  -- Andrew Lang

Re: lmodern, ae and missing fonts

2005-06-16 Thread Matej Cepl
Martijn Brouwer wrote:
 As far as I know type1 fonts (such as lmodern) scale just by multiplying
 the width and height by the same factor. The CM and EC fonts are scaled
 more subtle depending on the size. I assume that the lmodern fonts
 look the same as EC modern at all font sizes. How doest that work?

You are right, that expressibe abilities of Metafont are much bigger than
Type1's. Therefore there are two options how to create Type1 fonts
emulating Computer Modern fonts -- either just to select some most used
size of tons (which is I assume what lmodern does), or to generate A LOT of
Type1 fonts. There IS the font which does the latter, but
the result is that fonts itself is huge (whole tarball with many thousands
fonts has over 70MB) and the resulting documents (if you use many fonts)
are big as well.

Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to
the dictionary.
  -- William Faulkner
 (about Ernest Hemingway)

Re: lmodern, ae and missing fonts

2005-06-16 Thread Matej Cepl
Martijn Brouwer wrote:
 As far as I know type1 fonts (such as lmodern) scale just by multiplying
 the width and height by the same factor. The CM and EC fonts are scaled
 more subtle depending on the size. I assume that the lmodern fonts
 look the same as EC modern at all font sizes. How doest that work?

You are right, that expressibe abilities of Metafont are much bigger than
Type1's. Therefore there are two options how to create Type1 fonts
emulating Computer Modern fonts -- either just to select some most used
size of tons (which is I assume what lmodern does), or to generate A LOT of
Type1 fonts. There IS the font which does the latter, but
the result is that fonts itself is huge (whole tarball with many thousands
fonts has over 70MB) and the resulting documents (if you use many fonts)
are big as well.

Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to
the dictionary.
  -- William Faulkner
 (about Ernest Hemingway)

Re: lmodern, ae and missing fonts

2005-06-16 Thread Matej Cepl
Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> As far as I know type1 fonts (such as lmodern) scale just by multiplying
> the width and height by the same factor. The CM and EC fonts are scaled
> more subtle depending on the size. I assume that the lmodern fonts
> look the same as EC modern at all font sizes. How doest that work?

You are right, that expressibe abilities of Metafont are much bigger than
Type1's. Therefore there are two options how to create Type1 fonts
emulating Computer Modern fonts -- either just to select some most used
size of tons (which is I assume what lmodern does), or to generate A LOT of
Type1 fonts. There IS the font which does the latter
<>, but
the result is that fonts itself is huge (whole tarball with many thousands
fonts has over 70MB) and the resulting documents (if you use many fonts)
are big as well.

Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to
the dictionary.
  -- William Faulkner
 (about Ernest Hemingway)

Re: My versions won't control

2005-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Andre Poenitz wrote:
 As a sidenote: RCS has been (sort of) superseded by CVS a dozen years
 ago which in turn is in the process of being superseded by SVN as far
 as I can tell. Things might be bearable on a single-user system, though.

Aren't CVS (and even more SVN) kind of overkill for personal one-user
editing (which is what most people do with LyX)? I happily use RCS for all
my needs and I haven't found a reason why to switch to CVS (I do not know
much about SVN though).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
There is no reason to suppose that most human beings are engaged
in maximizing anything unless it be unhappiness, and even this
with incomplete success.
-- Ronald Coase
   Introduction to ``The Firm, the Market, and the Law''

Re: My versions won't control

2005-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Andre Poenitz wrote:
 As a sidenote: RCS has been (sort of) superseded by CVS a dozen years
 ago which in turn is in the process of being superseded by SVN as far
 as I can tell. Things might be bearable on a single-user system, though.

Aren't CVS (and even more SVN) kind of overkill for personal one-user
editing (which is what most people do with LyX)? I happily use RCS for all
my needs and I haven't found a reason why to switch to CVS (I do not know
much about SVN though).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
There is no reason to suppose that most human beings are engaged
in maximizing anything unless it be unhappiness, and even this
with incomplete success.
-- Ronald Coase
   Introduction to ``The Firm, the Market, and the Law''

Re: My versions won't control

2005-06-14 Thread Matej Cepl
Andre Poenitz wrote:
> As a sidenote: RCS has been (sort of) superseded by CVS a dozen years
> ago which in turn is in the process of being superseded by SVN as far
> as I can tell. Things might be bearable on a single-user system, though.

Aren't CVS (and even more SVN) kind of overkill for personal one-user
editing (which is what most people do with LyX)? I happily use RCS for all
my needs and I haven't found a reason why to switch to CVS (I do not know
much about SVN though).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
There is no reason to suppose that most human beings are engaged
in maximizing anything unless it be unhappiness, and even this
with incomplete success.
-- Ronald Coase
   Introduction to ``The Firm, the Market, and the Law''

Re: Natbib sort and compress

2005-06-02 Thread Matej Cepl
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 First step would be a class options manager. But there are so much
 plans. Recently, I heard someone say There's only so much I can do

Yes, yes, yes, ... just release 1.4.0 soon and do not let yourself to be
distracted by anyting else!!!


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in
the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
-- Barry Goldwater (actually written by Karl Hess)

Re: Natbib sort and compress

2005-06-02 Thread Matej Cepl
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
 First step would be a class options manager. But there are so much
 plans. Recently, I heard someone say There's only so much I can do

Yes, yes, yes, ... just release 1.4.0 soon and do not let yourself to be
distracted by anyting else!!!


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in
the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
-- Barry Goldwater (actually written by Karl Hess)

Re: Natbib sort and compress

2005-06-02 Thread Matej Cepl
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> First step would be a "class options manager". But there are so much
> plans. Recently, I heard someone say "There's only so much I can do...".

Yes, yes, yes, ... just release 1.4.0 soon and do not let yourself to be
distracted by anyting else!!!


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in
the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
-- Barry Goldwater (actually written by Karl Hess)

Re: colorizing section headings

2005-05-31 Thread Matej Cepl
Peter Harkins wrote:
 I'm trying to colorize my section headings, and I can't quite get it
 right. I've got some LaTeX (below) that's almost it, but the background
 box is taller than I want; I'd like it to only be a little taller than
 the text of the section heading. Can anyone tweak this to the right

You cannot change sections so easily -- use titlesec package (it has
extensive documentation how to use it).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
But if we find we have left our bones to bleach in these desert
sands for nothing, beware the fury of the legions...
  -- Centurion in a letter home from North Africa
 3rd Century

Re: colorizing section headings

2005-05-31 Thread Matej Cepl
Peter Harkins wrote:
 I'm trying to colorize my section headings, and I can't quite get it
 right. I've got some LaTeX (below) that's almost it, but the background
 box is taller than I want; I'd like it to only be a little taller than
 the text of the section heading. Can anyone tweak this to the right

You cannot change sections so easily -- use titlesec package (it has
extensive documentation how to use it).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
But if we find we have left our bones to bleach in these desert
sands for nothing, beware the fury of the legions...
  -- Centurion in a letter home from North Africa
 3rd Century

Re: colorizing section headings

2005-05-31 Thread Matej Cepl
Peter Harkins wrote:
> I'm trying to colorize my section headings, and I can't quite get it
> right. I've got some LaTeX (below) that's almost it, but the background
> box is taller than I want; I'd like it to only be a little taller than
> the text of the section heading. Can anyone tweak this to the right
> height?
> \usepackage{color}
> \let\mySection\section
> \renewcommand\section[1]{%

You cannot change sections so easily -- use titlesec package (it has
extensive documentation how to use it).


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
But if we find we have left our bones to bleach in these desert
sands for nothing, beware the fury of the legions...
  -- Centurion in a letter home from North Africa
 3rd Century

Re: Strange behavior LyxWin qt 1.3.5 - possibly relating to Bibtex

2005-05-30 Thread Matej Cepl
Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:

 Mike Shell has identified the problem -- it is not a
 LyX problem, nor is it related to hyperref (as I
 thought) but a bug relating to the combination
 babel+fancyhdr+natbib. See

Could you please some description of the solution here, please, so that it
could be found in archives?



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays
the illiterates can read.
-- Alberto Moravia

Re: Strange behavior LyxWin qt 1.3.5 - possibly relating to Bibtex

2005-05-30 Thread Matej Cepl
Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:

 Mike Shell has identified the problem -- it is not a
 LyX problem, nor is it related to hyperref (as I
 thought) but a bug relating to the combination
 babel+fancyhdr+natbib. See

Could you please some description of the solution here, please, so that it
could be found in archives?



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays
the illiterates can read.
-- Alberto Moravia

Re: Strange behavior LyxWin qt 1.3.5 - possibly relating to Bibtex

2005-05-30 Thread Matej Cepl
Ekkehart Schlicht wrote:

> Mike Shell has identified the problem -- it is not a
> LyX problem, nor is it related to hyperref (as I
> thought) but a bug relating to the combination
> babel+fancyhdr+natbib. See

Could you please some description of the solution here, please, so that it
could be found in archives?



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays
the illiterates can read.
-- Alberto Moravia

Re: whereabouts of chktex [Was Re: feature suggestion]

2005-05-26 Thread Matej Cepl
Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
  Not installed on my system (SuSE 9,3)

Well, then you should complain to the maintainers of your distribution --
Debian has it :-).

 Perhaps this should be included with LyX (and since there is already a
 menu hook to it) -- or is it already (though not in my distro)?

No, it shouldn't be certainly included in LyX. I do not think it is a good
idea to fix broken distribution by bundling it all together with LyX (have
you heard about do one thing, and do it perfectly principle?). Will you
expect LyX maintainers to maintain it, so they have something to do in
their plenty of spare time?

Moreover, chktex is so simple program that anybody could make .rpm/.deb out
of it. I did it myself (many years ago, when I was still with RedHat) as my
first .rpm package and even though I knew next to nothing about packaging I
did it in an hour or so.



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Give your heartache to him. (1Pt 5,7; Mt 11:28-30)

Re: whereabouts of chktex [Was Re: feature suggestion]

2005-05-26 Thread Matej Cepl
Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
 Try clicking on the very first entry returned by googling on
 That would be much too easy. :-) I guess I assumed that it should be
 included in the usual packages  or even in the LyX distribution.

BTW, just one more thing -- is still around?


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
See, when the GOVERNMENT spends money, it creates jobs; whereas
when the money is left in the hands of TAXPAYERS, God only knows
what they do with it. Bake it into pies, probably. Anything to
avoid creating jobs.
-- Dave Barry

Re: whereabouts of chktex [Was Re: feature suggestion]

2005-05-26 Thread Matej Cepl
Angus Leeming wrote:
 Incidentally, Matej, which Debian flavour do you use?

testing (soon to be stable, but I will probably keep with testing).

 I have a machine 
 running Debian unstable at work and keeping it up to date is, not
 surprisingly, a continual battle.

Unstable is really, well, unstable. With testing I am able to somehow work
over dial-up (that somehow is that aptitude update downloads 3MB+ of
data, and that sucks) with occasional taking notebook to some friendly
Internet cafe or university, when I want to actually upgrade (that could be
100MB+ of packages, especially when KDE is upgraded, which was pretty often
this year). If you have broadband at home, then I do not see any problem
with Debian/testing whatsoever. It is just six months of experience but I
have never experienced any hiccup with testing (and I know there were some
with unstable, even though it was kept slightly back, because sarge was
being frozen last year). It may get slightly wilder ride when unstable will
be open wide again and we could get some broken packages into testing --
but then certainly sid will be more broken then it is now as well, so eck
will be still much better choice IMHO.

 Indeed, it would be impractical to use 
 at home. However, Debian stable is, well a little to stable :)

I was able to work with Debian stable until the spring of this year with a
lot of backports and KDE backports, but when I
got a new computer, I gave up on that and have been using sarge since then,
and it serves me pretty well.

 I quite like the Fedora twice yearly update cycle, but also like Debian's
 you don't need to reinstall the entire machine, just update the packages
 as and when they are improved.

I do not know anything about Fedora (I gave up on RedHat when it was IIRC
7.0), but ability of Debian people to held whole distribution together so
well as they do never stops to amaze me (and the fact, that I do not have
to hunt packages all over the Internet anymore). And yes I am willing to
pay price in getting slower updates than rest of the world -- when it is
just slightly slower, not woody.



Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as
the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to
steal bread.
-- Anatole France

Re: whereabouts of chktex

2005-05-26 Thread Matej Cepl
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 There is a similar utility named 'lacheck'. Is it bundled on more
 distributions? If it is we could think about modifying our code to
 understand this.

Except that chktex seems to be maintained (the latest Debian package of it
from 2005-01-01 indicates that there was New upstream version), but the
latest update on lacheck seems to be from 1998.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be
a completely unintentional side effect.
  -- Linus Torvalds
 New York Times, 28 Sept 03

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