Poor PDF preview quality - LyX 2.4.0, Release Candidate 1

2024-01-22 Thread didiergabory

Compared to version 2.3.7 and from the default settings the difference is 
The PDF (graphic) option is set to pdfview... But by changing the parameters 
(custom, default system...) It's still just as ugly... On the other hand, the 
pdflatex export is very good.

This is an installation under Windows 10.

Do you have an idea? 


Thanks to the whole team for this great tool! -- 
lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4, Beta 3

2023-06-29 Thread didiergabory
Thank you very much for all this work done.
Lyx is a great tool, thanks to all the contributors. 

- Mail original -

| A new beta of LyX 2.4 has been released. Source code and binaries for
| Windows and OSX can be found here:

| http://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.4/

| Please report any bugs either using our bug tracker or else by
| sending
| an email to

| lyx-de...@lists.lyx.org

| We hope to proceed to a release candidate in the near future.

| Riki

| --
| lyx-users mailing list
| lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
| http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users
lyx-users mailing list

Lyx beta3 version

2023-06-24 Thread didiergabory

I read that a Lyx beta3 version is coming up... Will there be an executable 
version under windows for this beta3 ? 

Thanks to the whole development team for this great tool ! 

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4 Beta 2 — How to use dark theme on windows10 ?

2023-02-05 Thread didiergabory
Thanks Daniel for your help. I will look at it. 

- Mail original -

| On 2023-02-01 21:18, didiergab...@free.fr wrote:
| > Thank you for your feedback. Regarding the preferences file... It
| > occurred to me that the color configuration file that I use with
| > 2.3.7
| > does not give satisfaction with 2.4... The names of the dynamic
| > colors
| > may have changed? The background, for example, does not appear in
| > black…
| > That's why I was asking if someone would agree to share their "dark
| > color preferences" file from 2.4... Because it's not an easy
| > exercise.

| The dark mode colors that are currently part of LyX 2.4 are hard
| coded.
| You can see them here:

| https://www.lyx.org/trac/browser/lyxgit/src/Color.cpp

| There you will find a comment

| // ColorCode, gui, latex, x11hexname, x11darkhexname, lyx

| So, for example,

| { Color_footlabel, N_("footnote label"), "footlabel", "#00aaff",
| blue,
| "footlabel" }

| means that the color "footlabel" will be set to "blue" in dark mode.
| So,
| without dark mode support, this corresponds to the following line in
| the
| Preferences file:

| \set_color "footlabel" "blue" "blue"

| (Setting the light mode color to the same color as the dark mode
| color.)

| In this way you should be able use the same colors in the work area
| (!)
| that LyX uses where it supports dark mode.

| Granted, it is a bit cumbersome to transfer all the colors.

| It might be a good idea to add a button to the color dialog for
| manually
| switching to dark mode/light mode colors.

| Hope that helps!

| Daniel

| --
| lyx-users mailing list
| lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
| http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users
lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4 Beta 2 — How to use dark theme on windows10 ?

2023-02-01 Thread didiergabory
Thank you for your feedback.
Regarding the preferences file... It occurred to me that the color 
configuration file that I use with 2.3.7 does not give satisfaction with 2.4... 
The names of the dynamic colors may have changed? The background, for example, 
does not appear in black…
That's why I was asking if someone would agree to share their "dark color 
preferences" file from 2.4... Because it's not an easy exercise.-- 
lyx-users mailing list

LyX 2.4 Beta 2 — How to use dark theme on windows10 ?

2023-01-29 Thread didiergabory
I use windows10. I naively thought that with version 2.4 it was now possible to 
activate the dark theme. But I can't find anything like that... Is there 
something I missed?
In addition, the color options (see attachment. Not terrible, especially with 
the mathematical macros in edit mode) that I use with 3.7 do not seem to work 
with this latest V2.4.

Failing a possible "activation", could someone share their "2.4 dark theme" 
color option file ? 

A big thank you to the entire development team for this absolutely great tool! #

\set_color "cursor" "#ffaa00"
\set_color "background" "#262728"
\set_color "foreground" "#d4d7d6"
\set_color "selection" "#646496"
\set_color "selectiontext" "#fefefe"
\set_color "latex" "#7f"
\set_color "preview" "#ff"
\set_color "inlinecompletion" "#AE81FF"
\set_color "nonuniqueinlinecompletion" "#AE81FF"
\set_color "note" "#75715E"
\set_color "notebg" "#252728"
\set_color "commentbg" "#252728"
\set_color "greyedoutbg" "#252728"
\set_color "shaded" "#dc322f"
\set_color "listingsbg" "#75715E"
\set_color "footlabel" "#AE81FF"
\set_color "urllabel" "#ff"
\set_color "urltext" "#55aaff"
\set_color "depthbar" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "language" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "command" "#ff"
\set_color "commandbg" "#f0"
\set_color "commandframe" "#AE81FF"
\set_color "special" "#66D9EF"
\set_color "graphicsbg" "#FF"
\set_color "math" "#00"
\set_color "mathbg" "#737679"
\set_color "mathmacrobg" "#ff"
\set_color "mathmacroframe" "#50504f"
\set_color "mathmacroblend" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "mathframe" "#00"
\set_color "mathcorners" "#262728"
\set_color "mathline" "#ff"
\set_color "insetframe" "#262728"
\set_color "eolmarker" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "added_space" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "appendix" "#dc322f"
\set_color "changebar" "#4d4d4c"
\set_color "addedtext" "#8b"
\set_color "changedtextauthor1" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "changedtextauthor2" "#d33682"
\set_color "changedtextauthor3" "#cf4b16"
\set_color "changedtextauthor4" "#b58900"
\set_color "changedtextauthor5" "#859900"
\set_color "tabularline" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "tabularonoffline" "#AE81FF"
\set_color "newpage" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "pagebreak" "#7f"
\set_color "buttonframe" "#50504f"
\set_color "buttonbg" "#262728"
\set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#ff"
\set_color "paragraphmarker" "#8abeb7"
\set_color "previewframe" "#A6E22E"-- 
lyx-users mailing list

Re: [ Lyx Module syntaxe ? ] Need help for a custom enumerate style module.

2020-11-19 Thread didiergabory
- Mail original -

| On 11/15/20 12:37 PM, didiergab...@free.fr wrote:

| | Hi,

| | For the first time I try to write a LYX module corresponding to a
| | custom enumerate style (with two levels).
| | I use the article Koma class with enumitem.sty package (I try…)

| | I encounter a problem :

| | * In the Lyx interface the 1rst level counter returns to the
| | initial
| | value on paragraph breaks. I am unable to mimic the correct
| | behavior
| | visible in the pdfLatex export produce by Lyx.

| I believe this has been solved for 2.4.0. In 2.3.x, yes, there's no
| way to mimic the LaTeX output.

| Riki

Thanks for reading me. 

I will patiently wait for the new version… 


Please disregard the first version of this email posted on November 14th. It 
was initially blocked due to attachments that are too large and I have not 
received a notification... In the meantime I have fixed one of the concerns and 
this first version should not have existed in the end. 
lyx-users mailing list

Fwd: [ Lyx Module syntaxe ? ] Need help for a custom enumerate style module.

2020-11-15 Thread didiergabory


For the first time I try to write a LYX module corresponding to a custom 
enumerate style (with two levels). 
I use the article Koma class with enumitem.sty package (I try…) 

I encounter a problem : 

* In the Lyx interface the 1rst level counter returns to the initial value 
on paragraph breaks. I am unable to mimic the correct behavior visible in the 
pdfLatex export produce by Lyx. 

I place: 

* the mwe on lyx; 
* my poor Mes_listes_CPGE.module file; 

I hope to find some help here to move forward. 


Description: Binary data

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: [Help] Can't get what I want with the enumitem module. Need Help…

2020-11-14 Thread didiergabory
Thank you Paul for your help and for your time reading me.
I keep your solution while waiting for something better.
I would prefer, as you understood, to change the part written in preamble… 


- Mail original -

| On 11/12/20 7:29 AM, didiergab...@free.fr wrote:

| | Hello,

| | The pdf shows the alignment issue which I cannot resolve. I tried
| | to
| | understand the doc of the enumitem package but how to say... Not
| | very easy...

| | As you can see the label of the first item, in second level
| | enumerate, is shifted to the right ...

| | I attach a mwe in lyx as well as the generated tex.

| | Here are the lines entered in the preamble:

| | \setlist[enumerate]{font=\bfseries}
| | \setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\textbf{\emph{Q\,\arabic*.}}, %
| | labelwidth=30pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt, leftmargin=0pt, %
| | labelindent=0pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}
| | \setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\emph{\alph*)}, %
| | labelwidth=10pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt,leftmargin=30pt,%
| | labelindent=30pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}

| | Thanks for your help.

| | Didier.

| I don't know the correct way to do this, but the attached hack seems
| to get the job done. The vertical spacing adjustment (-17pt), which
| brings the first item of the inner list onto the same line as the
| outer list label, was done by trial and error and may not line up
| perfectly. There likely is a better way to get the correct value,
| but it is (way) beyond my LaTeX skills.

| Paul

| --
| lyx-users mailing list
| lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
| http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users
lyx-users mailing list

[Help] Can't get what I want with the enumitem module. Need Help…

2020-11-12 Thread didiergabory


The pdf shows the alignment issue which I cannot resolve. I tried to understand 
the doc of the enumitem package but how to say... Not very easy... 

As you can see the label of the first item, in second level enumerate, is 
shifted to the right ... 

I attach a mwe in lyx as well as the generated tex. 

Here are the lines entered in the preamble: 

\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\textbf{\emph{Q\,\arabic*.}}, % 
labelwidth=30pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt, leftmargin=0pt, % 
labelindent=0pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt} 
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\emph{\alph*)}, % 
labelwidth=10pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt,leftmargin=30pt,% 
labelindent=30pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt} 

Thanks for your help. 


Description: application/lyx

Description: Adobe PDF document
%% LyX created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}  % auxiliary length 

%% User specified LaTeX commands.

\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\textbf{\emph{Q\,\arabic*.}}, labelwidth=30pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt, leftmargin=0pt, labelindent=0pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\emph{\alph*)}, labelwidth=10pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt,leftmargin=30pt, labelindent=30pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}




\section*{Essai custum enumerate}

\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Lyx2.1 problem with metafile2eps converter

2014-05-13 Thread didiergabory

Today I try again... And every thing works correctly... I can't reproduce the 

Thanks for your answers (sorry for waste of time)

- Mail original -
De: "aparsloe" 
À: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Envoyé: Mardi 13 Mai 2014 09:44:45
Objet: Re: Lyx2.1 problem with metafile2eps converter

On 13/05/2014 7:46 a.m., Georg Baum wrote:
> aparsloe wrote:
>> On 11/05/2014 8:31 a.m., didiergab...@free.fr wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have problem wth lyx2.1 (on windows 7 64bits)... I often copy images
>>> from adobe reader with the embedded tool and paste directly on lyx
>>> (ctrl+V)... I have a error message "Can not open Metafle to EPS converter
>>> printer" (without "i" on "Metafle" :o)
>>> When I try the conversion directly from Lyx2.1 dir\bin\metafile2eps.exe
>>> the same error occur... Any idea ?
> Is the virtual printer installed which is used by metafile2eps.exe? Maybe
> something wnet wrong during installation.
>> I've also got LyX2.1 on  64 bit Windows 7, and Adobe Reader X, and the
>> copy and paste works without problems, so this looks like a problem at
>> your end rather than with LyX.
> Also for copying vector images? metafile2eps.exe is not used for bitmap
> images or text. You can easily see whether a vector imagtes was copied by
> looking at the type of the copied image: If it is eps, the original image
> was in vector format, and metafile2eps.exe worked.
> Georg
I was hasty in my response. In Adobe Reader X, under the Edit menu, 
there's the option Take a Snapshot. I assume this is the "embedded tool" 
referred to. When I copy a figure from the pdf and then go to paste it 
into LyX I get asked first to save the file, always as an .emf file 
although that can be changed to .png if I wish. The first one I paste 
into LyX reproduces the copied figure. Copying and pasting other figures 
(after saving in .emf format) generally insert into LyX  figures that 
are about 25 times too big. I have to scale to about 4% for the Adobe 
--> LyX --> Adobe round trip to reproduce a figure about the size of the 
original. But this doesn't happen always and seems to depend on whether 
I've saved a file at some point as .png (which seems to paste at the 
right size). So, it works for a one-off, but clearly not flawlessly for 
a number of copy-pastes.


Lyx2.1 problem with metafile2eps converter

2014-05-10 Thread didiergabory

I have problem wth lyx2.1 (on windows 7 64bits)... I often copy images from 
adobe reader with the embedded tool and paste directly on lyx (ctrl+V)... I 
have a error message "Can not open Metafle to EPS converter printer" (without 
"i" on "Metafle" :o)

When I try the conversion directly from Lyx2.1 dir\bin\metafile2eps.exe the 
same error occur... Any idea ?

