Re: “Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-02-01 Thread S. Noble
>> Am Dienstag, den 30.01.2018, 13:09 -0500 schrieb Scott Kostyshak: 

>> Thank you for your detailed explanations. 

>> Scott 

> +1.

> Jürgen. 

+ 2. 

It's much appreciated.


Re: “Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-01-30 Thread S. Noble
> Yes, we can (and will) do that. But it's getting annoying, to be honest. This 
> is the fourth time a new package for libertine is released  
> and the old one declared obsolete over the last 5 years. We had 
> libertine-type1, which was then declared obsolete by libertine (or 
> libertine-legacy), which was then declared obsolete by a new libertine-type1. 
> Now libertineRoman declares libertine-type1 obsolete. This is just crazy. 
> Jürgen

It's interesting to hear all that. As nice as the Linux Libertine font
is, it's the one that gives me the most issues, such as the one
described above. I'm sure that the hassles I experience are different
from the ones you face, but when you say that it's getting annoying, I
fully agree. 

Again, LyX is fantastic software--keep up the great work! 


Re: “Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-01-29 Thread S. Noble
> Using the above approach you can narrow your document down and find
> which character is causing the issue.
> Best,
> Scott 
> The v is defined as a "ligature break" (\textcompwordmark in LaTeX)
> in the LGR font encoding. It is, e.g. used to prevent sigma (σ) becoming a
> final sigma (ς) at the end of a word. 
> It is missing in Libertine LGR. 
> As the ligature break is an invisible character, it may be there is no
> problem with you file. Just check Greek parts -- maybe combined with the
> method proposed by Scott. 
> Günter

Thanks, Scott and Günter, for your quick, helpful replies. 

I had followed Scott's advice and found the offending character. It was
indeed the lower-case Greek letter "sigma", not in a word-final position
(i.e., "σ"). (There was just one of them in the document). 

I was then puzzling over LyX's error message -- "There is no v in font
LinLibertineT-osf-lgr". It didn't seem to make sense, for two reasons:
(1) the problem was certainly the letter "sigma", but in principle it
has nothing to do with a "v"; and (2) in the PDF print-out, the letter
"sigma" is printed correctly. So, all in all, nothing is missing. I
couldn't figure it out or find anything about it, and then came Günter's

So at least I've understood (sort of), but this is strange behaviour
from LyX. LaTeX, on the other hand, doesn't complain and prints the
"sigma" identically. 

I'm wondering if the problem might be solved by LyX following LaTeX's
advice. If, as LaTeX complains, "The libertine-type1 package is
obsolete", then perhaps LyX should be using, as LaTeX's suggests,
"\usepackage[type1]{libertineRoman}" in the Preamble instead of
"\usepackage{libertine-type1}". For my part, I have no idea. 

Anyway, thanks for your help. LyX is fantastic software--keep up the


“Missing Glyphs!” / LinLibertine

2018-01-28 Thread S. Noble
Hello, List Members, 

I'm experiencing strange issues with LyX's "Libertine" font when I
attempt to compile a document. I'm now using LyX 2.2.2 on Mac OSX
10.11.6 (El Cap.). I didn't have these issues in the past, when I first
created the documents. (I can't remember on which version of LyX they
were created, but it was't that long ago).

One of the documents, for example, is in French and German, with French
being the main language. When I hit "View" or "Update", LyX gives me the
following error:

- "Missing Glyphs!"

with the following description:

- "Missing character: There is no v in font LinLibertineT-osf-lgr!"

I've tried to scan the source code, but can't find the offending

If I chose "Show Output Anyway", the document appears to compile
correctly, although the document is long and complex and I can't run the
risk of a missing character in a footnote somewhere.

Even more strangely, if I export to LaTeX and compile using a TeX
editor, the document compiles correctly with no issues at all.

However, the LaTeX compile log file does indicate a warning:

- "The libertine-type1 package is obsolete. For new documents, please
use \usepackage[type1]{libertineRoman}" 

I note that LyX (2.2.2) still puts "\usepackage{libertine-type1}" in the

This looks like a font problem, and I know that these things are a
nuisance. I use the "Libertine" font a lot, and I'd like it just to
work, as it used to. I can't run the risk of losing characters in long,
complex documents.

I've searched for possible similar problems on the forum and elsewhere,
but have found none. If anyone knows of the problem, and how to fix it,
I'd greatly appreciate any pointers anyone might be able to provide.


Missing Menu Items (LyX vers. 2.0.7)

2014-03-09 Thread s . noble
Hello List Members,

I had to do a full OS reinstall (Mac 10.7, Lion). I thus installed the latest
version of LyX (2.0.7). While working with the newly installed version of LyX, I
noticed that there are menu items missing.

For example, when I go to Insert  List / TOC, there are only 3 choices: Table
of Contents, Nomenclature,  BibTex Bibliography. There should, I think, be
others, such as List of Algorithms, List of Figures, List of Tables 
Index List.

Similarly, under Insert  Float, the new version of LyX only proposes Figure
Wrap Float  Table Wrap Float. Algorithm, Figure  Table are missing.

The toolbar buttons for these missing menu items are present on the toolbar, but
can anyone say why the menu items are missing? Is this a bug? Is there a way to
get them back?

I used to work on LyX version 2.0.6 and there was no such problem.

Thanks for any pointers anyone might be able to provide.


Missing Menu Items (LyX vers. 2.0.7)

2014-03-09 Thread s . noble
Hello List Members,

I had to do a full OS reinstall (Mac 10.7, Lion). I thus installed the latest
version of LyX (2.0.7). While working with the newly installed version of LyX, I
noticed that there are menu items missing.

For example, when I go to Insert  List / TOC, there are only 3 choices: Table
of Contents, Nomenclature,  BibTex Bibliography. There should, I think, be
others, such as List of Algorithms, List of Figures, List of Tables 
Index List.

Similarly, under Insert  Float, the new version of LyX only proposes Figure
Wrap Float  Table Wrap Float. Algorithm, Figure  Table are missing.

The toolbar buttons for these missing menu items are present on the toolbar, but
can anyone say why the menu items are missing? Is this a bug? Is there a way to
get them back?

I used to work on LyX version 2.0.6 and there was no such problem.

Thanks for any pointers anyone might be able to provide.


Missing Menu Items (LyX vers. 2.0.7)

2014-03-09 Thread s . noble
Hello List Members,

I had to do a full OS reinstall (Mac 10.7, Lion). I thus installed the latest
version of LyX (2.0.7). While working with the newly installed version of LyX, I
noticed that there are menu items missing.

For example, when I go to Insert > List / TOC, there are only 3 choices: "Table
of Contents", "Nomenclature", & "BibTex Bibliography". There should, I think, be
others, such as "List of Algorithms", "List of Figures", "List of Tables" &
"Index List".

Similarly, under Insert > Float, the new version of LyX only proposes "Figure
Wrap Float" & "Table Wrap Float". "Algorithm", "Figure" & "Table" are missing.

The toolbar buttons for these missing menu items are present on the toolbar, but
can anyone say why the menu items are missing? Is this a bug? Is there a way to
get them back?

I used to work on LyX version 2.0.6 and there was no such problem.

Thanks for any pointers anyone might be able to provide.


Footnotes in titles

2013-10-27 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

This one may be easy but I can't figure it out.

If you put a footnote at the end of a title (sometimes it has to be done), the
footnote mark obviously takes on the default font of the title: usually
something big and bold. This makes the footnote mark stick out in a way you
might not want. Hence the question: is there a way to change the formatting of
the footnote mark within a title, in order to make the footnote mark less
obtrusive at this particular place? I've tried a number of things but none of
them work.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to give.


Footnotes in titles

2013-10-27 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

This one may be easy but I can't figure it out.

If you put a footnote at the end of a title (sometimes it has to be done), the
footnote mark obviously takes on the default font of the title: usually
something big and bold. This makes the footnote mark stick out in a way you
might not want. Hence the question: is there a way to change the formatting of
the footnote mark within a title, in order to make the footnote mark less
obtrusive at this particular place? I've tried a number of things but none of
them work.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to give.


Footnotes in titles

2013-10-27 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

This one may be easy but I can't figure it out.

If you put a footnote at the end of a title (sometimes it has to be done), the
footnote mark obviously takes on the default font of the title: usually
something big and bold. This makes the footnote mark stick out in a way you
might not want. Hence the question: is there a way to change the formatting of
the footnote mark within a title, in order to make the footnote mark less
obtrusive at this particular place? I've tried a number of things but none of
them work.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to give.


Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
\setbibpreamble command, followed by a minisec section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few \breakBibliograpy
commands, each followed by minisec section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first minisec
title, immediately following the \setbibpreamble command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the \protect command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
footmisc package documentation, and I've added \usepackage[stable]{footmisc}
to the preamble. The stable option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
minisec title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd  3rd minisec titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.


Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
\setbibpreamble command, followed by a minisec section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few \breakBibliograpy
commands, each followed by minisec section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first minisec
title, immediately following the \setbibpreamble command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the \protect command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
footmisc package documentation, and I've added \usepackage[stable]{footmisc}
to the preamble. The stable option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
minisec title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd  3rd minisec titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.


Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
"\setbibpreamble" command, followed by a "minisec" section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few "\breakBibliograpy"
commands, each followed by "minisec" section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first "minisec"
title, immediately following the "\setbibpreamble" command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the "\protect" command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
"footmisc" package documentation, and I've added "\usepackage[stable]{footmisc}"
to the preamble. The "stable" option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
"minisec" title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd & 3rd "minisec" titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.


Bibliographies hanging indents

2013-10-20 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm newcomer to LyX.

This seems simple but I can't find an answer to it.

I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X 10.7) and I'm typing
the bibliography references manually from within LyX. I'm not using any external
files or editors. (No time yet, I'll get to that later). Is it possible to
change the format of the bibliographical references in order to have them
typeset with a hanging indent, as is often done?

I've found how to remove the label from the bibliographical references, as I
don't need them, but I can't I can't get the hanging indent with manual entries.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.



Bibliographies hanging indents

2013-10-20 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm newcomer to LyX.

This seems simple but I can't find an answer to it.

I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X 10.7) and I'm typing
the bibliography references manually from within LyX. I'm not using any external
files or editors. (No time yet, I'll get to that later). Is it possible to
change the format of the bibliographical references in order to have them
typeset with a hanging indent, as is often done?

I've found how to remove the label from the bibliographical references, as I
don't need them, but I can't I can't get the hanging indent with manual entries.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.



Bibliographies & hanging indents

2013-10-20 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm newcomer to LyX.

This seems simple but I can't find an answer to it.

I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X 10.7) and I'm typing
the bibliography references manually from within LyX. I'm not using any external
files or editors. (No time yet, I'll get to that later). Is it possible to
change the format of the bibliographical references in order to have them
typeset with a hanging indent, as is often done?

I've found how to remove the label from the bibliographical references, as I
don't need them, but I can't I can't get the hanging indent with manual entries.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.



Bibliographies with sections and preambles

2013-10-13 Thread s . noble
Hello List Members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer.

I have a question about sections  preambles in a bibliography to which I just
can't figure out the answer.

I'm working with the Koma Script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on OS X 10.7). At the end
of the book, I have to (1) have a bibliography with 3 different sections. Also,
(2) I have to insert text preambles, preferably after the bibliography section
titles and before the actual references themselves. At the very least, I could
settle for just one text preamble after the main title Bibliography, and
before the first bibliography section title. (See below for crude examples of
the desired result).

Also#8212;and this seems to be important#8212;I'm doing the bibliography
manually, i.e. I'm not generating it automatically with any external databases.

I discovered the setting Sectioned Bibliography in Document Settings /
Bibliography. And I've read the PDF entitled LyX Extended Features, esp.
§3.1.2., and other messages on this list. However, I just can't figure out how
to implement this manually. Any solutions seem to rely on the use of an external
database, which I don't use. But it doesn't seem as if it should be that
complicated, especially for someone not averse to using ERT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, and many thanks to anyone who'd have any ideas about this.


Example of the desired result:


All Published Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the published works
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the unpublished works
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2

At the very least, this would be acceptable:

Some text preamble about the bibliography

All Published Works by An Author
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2

Bibliographies with sections and preambles

2013-10-13 Thread s . noble
Hello List Members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer.

I have a question about sections  preambles in a bibliography to which I just
can't figure out the answer.

I'm working with the Koma Script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on OS X 10.7). At the end
of the book, I have to (1) have a bibliography with 3 different sections. Also,
(2) I have to insert text preambles, preferably after the bibliography section
titles and before the actual references themselves. At the very least, I could
settle for just one text preamble after the main title Bibliography, and
before the first bibliography section title. (See below for crude examples of
the desired result).

Also#8212;and this seems to be important#8212;I'm doing the bibliography
manually, i.e. I'm not generating it automatically with any external databases.

I discovered the setting Sectioned Bibliography in Document Settings /
Bibliography. And I've read the PDF entitled LyX Extended Features, esp.
§3.1.2., and other messages on this list. However, I just can't figure out how
to implement this manually. Any solutions seem to rely on the use of an external
database, which I don't use. But it doesn't seem as if it should be that
complicated, especially for someone not averse to using ERT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, and many thanks to anyone who'd have any ideas about this.


Example of the desired result:


All Published Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the published works
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the unpublished works
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2

At the very least, this would be acceptable:

Some text preamble about the bibliography

All Published Works by An Author
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2

Bibliographies with sections and preambles

2013-10-13 Thread s . noble
Hello List Members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer.

I have a question about sections & preambles in a bibliography to which I just
can't figure out the answer.

I'm working with the Koma Script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on OS X 10.7). At the end
of the book, I have to (1) have a bibliography with 3 different sections. Also,
(2) I have to insert text preambles, preferably after the bibliography section
titles and before the actual references themselves. At the very least, I could
settle for just one text preamble after the main title "Bibliography", and
before the first bibliography section title. (See below for crude examples of
the desired result).

Alsoand this seems to be importantI'm doing the bibliography
manually, i.e. I'm not generating it automatically with any external databases.

I discovered the setting "Sectioned Bibliography" in Document Settings /
Bibliography. And I've read the PDF entitled "LyX Extended Features", esp.
§3.1.2., and other messages on this list. However, I just can't figure out how
to implement this manually. Any solutions seem to rely on the use of an external
database, which I don't use. But it doesn't seem as if it should be that
complicated, especially for someone not averse to using ERT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, and many thanks to anyone who'd have any ideas about this.


Example of the desired result:


All Published Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the published works
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the unpublished works
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2

At the very least, this would be acceptable:

Some text preamble about the bibliography

All Published Works by An Author
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2