Re: Frontend Bibtex recommendation

2001-06-21 Thread Thomas de Grenier de Latour

> I want to use a database for the bibliography. What do you recommend to me?
> Edit by hand
> tkbibtex
> pybliographer (It's practical?)
> Of course, later I want an easy citation in Lyx
> Thanks for all

I only tried tkbibtex, and it works fine with LyX. Things I appreciate
- easy to install (just a tcl/tk script)
- a few command line option to sort, extract... entries of the bib file
- the popup menu for an easy insert of your strings (which have to be
defined in an hand made separate file)
- about five minutes needed to learn how to use the all features

The only problem I've saw is that existing bibfiles have to respect a
few constraints to be readable by the prog (one line/field...)


Re: Frontend Bibtex recommendation

2001-06-21 Thread Guenter Milde

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 18:09:02 +0200 (MET DST) wrote [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> I want to use a database for the bibliography. What do you recommend to me?
> Edit by hand

Not really. (Still it is an advantage of bibtex, that you are able to do so
with any "normal" text editor.)

> tkbibtex

This would be my program of choice: 
  - higly configurable (both from a user-rc file or by changing the skript)
  - easy and transparent in use
  - easy installation (just one file!) (of course you need a running tcl/Tk)
  - "push to Lyx" insertion of citations in LyX

> pybliographer (It's practical?)
Practical (becouse GUI) is pybliographic.  Still
  - more complex (in my opinion)
You see, my preference goes to tkbibtex (also, becouse I spend some months
on improving it, so no wonder it appeares to me as straightforward and "fit
to my needs").

Push to LyX is no longer so important, as with LyX 1.6 you have the
possibility to scan the database from within LyX (ok, for larger databases
the "find" utility of the abovementioned programs is nice to have)

Both, tkbibtex and pybliographer become slow for large databases: 

For my previous institute I managed a large database with included abstacts
and annotations (ca. 800 entries, 18800 lines). Tkbibtex needs one minute to
read this in (and also long for full-text searches) and pybliographic is not
faster. (Becouse of the skripting-nature of both of them). 

In this case, gbib ( might be a good choice, it has
"push to LyX" as well.

Finally: I believe it is a matter of taste - try them and see what you like



Re: Protecting Math Environments

2001-06-21 Thread Rainer Dorsch

> Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > 
> > > \newcommmand{\myMathEnv}{
> > >   \begin{anyMathEnv}
> > >   . all the mathstuff 
> > >   \end{anyMathEnv}%
> > I want to use the formula editor of lyx to enter the formulas. And it inserts
> > in the latex file
> > 
> > \( stuff \)
> > 
> > but I need
> > 
> > \protect\( stuff \protect\)
> i don't understand the sense of the second \protect.
> this works with the blue box, too

It simply does not work without the second protect :-)

> \newcommmand{\myMathEnv}{
> .. the lyx blue mathbox
> }

ok, something like \protect\myMathEnv{the lyx blue mathbox} might work.

I will experiment a little bit with it.



Re: Protecting Math Environments

2001-06-21 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 08:23:07PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> I want to use the formula editor of lyx to enter the formulas. And it inserts 
> in the latex file
> \( stuff \)
> but I need
> \protect\( stuff \protect\)

Just put \protect in latex mode before the math inset, and also go into the
math inset, and put \protect at the end of the inset (for the second protect,
you will not see the backslash on screen).

Conversion Lyx to doc

2001-06-21 Thread chebira


I would like to know if ther are some converters from Lyx documents to
RTF or DOC format. and in the other way rtf2doc or doc2lyx.


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Au sein du projet RESEDAS, je travail sur des simulations des protocoles de routage dans les réseaux sans fil Ad-Hoc.
adr;quoted-printable:;;CU Monplaisir B270=0D=0ARue Jacques Callot;Vandoeuvre-Lès-Nancy;Nancy;54500;France
fn:Chebira Kamil

About Table of Contents

2001-06-21 Thread Adolfo Pachón


I want to use sections, subsections names without numbering. With the
article class, I use the "section*" and "subsection*" stylesheets, but ...
UPS!!, the TABLE OF CONTENTS don't work.

Only works with sections, subsections, etc  numbered?
Can I resolv it?


Re: Conversion Lyx to doc

2001-06-21 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke

chebira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to know if ther are some converters from Lyx documents to
> RTF or DOC format. 

I never found a better solution than this bad solution. ;-)

1. Convert Lyx to HTML via tth
2. Start StarOffice :-( , load the HTML-File
3. Save the HTML-File as StarOffice-File
4. Reload the StarOffice-File
5. Save it as Word-File

All my dumb Word-Users never had problems with these files. ;-)

Perhaps it is possible to write a StarOffice-Macro to perform all
steps automagically. You can ask for it in a StarOffice-Newsgroup. If
you find a solution. please post it here!

> and in the other way rtf2doc or doc2lyx.

Isn't there a good Word-Import-Tool for LyX?


Wahrheit schäubleweise

Re: Conversion Lyx to doc

2001-06-21 Thread Mayr

Linux - the choice of a GNU generation !
(... because a PC is a terrible thing to waste)

PGP-Public Key can be downloaded at:

>>> Jan Ulrich Hasecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/21 12:29  >>>
chebira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I would like to know if ther are some converters from Lyx documents to
> RTF or DOC format. 
> and in the other way rtf2doc or doc2lyx.

one possibility would be to export the file as LaTex and then use
the ltx2rtf-converter

>Isn't there a good Word-Import-Tool for LyX?

some time again I heard the opinion (on this list?) that it ii the simplest solution 
to save the doc file as plain text and then import the textfile



Re: About Table of Contents

2001-06-21 Thread Herbert Voss

Adolfo Pachón wrote:
> I want to use sections, subsections names without numbering. With the
> article class, I use the "section*" and "subsection*" stylesheets, but ...
> UPS!!, the TABLE OF CONTENTS don't work.
> Only works with sections, subsections, etc  numbered?
> Can I resolv it?


and than use chapter, section, ... as usual



Re: About Table of Contents

2001-06-21 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 12:16:58PM +0200, Adolfo Pachón wrote:
> Hi!!
> I want to use sections, subsections names without numbering. With the
> article class, I use the "section*" and "subsection*" stylesheets, but ...
> UPS!!, the TABLE OF CONTENTS don't work.
> Only works with sections, subsections, etc  numbered?
> Can I resolv it?


Layout -> Document
Click on the _Extra_ tab

Make Section number depth 0 (with Report or Book you need to make it

You can also adjust the Table of contents depth at this point too.

The "Section number depth" value determines at which level you *stop*
giving your sections numbers (the default for Articles is 3 -- so
Sections have numbers, Sub-Sections and Sub-Sub-Sections...)

The "Table of contents depth" determines at which level you stop putting
headers into the table of contents -- so if you only want Sections and
SubSections in the table of contents, then make the depth 2.

The starred versions (eg Section*) are there to make headings that
aren't "counted" -- they don't have numbers, and they aren't added to
the table of contents.

Kathryn Andersen
Do not underestimate the power of the Force.
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/  \|   
  v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

AW: problem with 116fix2 and pdflatex

2001-06-21 Thread Steffen Seufert

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 05:39:06PM +0200, Beyer, Marcus wrote:
> I am not quite sure if I understand you.
> Certainly there are many bugs fixed from fix1 to fix2.
> And that is very nice. (thank you!)
> But this bug is a new one (since fix2), and it is annoying.
> So I wouldn't have installed fix2 on my Windows system,
> which always costs me serveral hours.
> And oscillating between different versions is not so
> easy as with unix/linux, because the installation
> procedure changed a lot during the last versions.

> Are you sure that you didn't have this problem with fix1 ?
> I don't see how can this happen.

> Maybe you updated latex and this caused the problem ?

I don't think it's an update problem, because the problem
exists on my system, too.

I searched the archive about this problem:

Is it possible that it's caused by some optimizing compiling
options of gcc as mentioned earlier?

If it's so, how can the source made robust to be protected
about this "optimizations"?


Long equation in a two-column article

2001-06-21 Thread Matias Freytes

I have a two column article (ieeetrans.cls) and I have a
very long equation. I'd like two span the equation over both

aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
  my long equation (1)
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb
aa  bb

Any hints?

thanks in advance.

Re: problem with 116fix2 and pdflatex

2001-06-21 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 03:07:26PM +0200, Steffen Seufert wrote:
> I don't think it's an update problem, because the problem
> exists on my system, too.
> I searched the archive about this problem:
> Is it possible that it's caused by some optimizing compiling
> options of gcc as mentioned earlier?

It is possible.

> If it's so, how can the source made robust to be protected
> about this "optimizations"?

It is possible to disable compiler optimization if the compiler is gcc 2.96
(but recent versions of gcc 2.96 work correctly, so people with older
version should really upgrade).

Inserting a figure that is wider than the preset margins...and wanting it that way

2001-06-21 Thread Michelle Dukich

Greetings All:

I have a table that is wider than my right and left
margins, but not too high.  I would like to leave it
in the middle of the page, and not rotate it 90
degrees.  How do I change the margins--just for the
inserted table?

Thanks for all the help.  & hello Herbert...long time
no talk...*grin*.


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Re: Inserting a figure that is wider than the preset margins...and wanting it that way

2001-06-21 Thread Herbert Voss

Michelle Dukich wrote:
> I have a table that is wider than my right and left
> margins, but not too high.  I would like to leave it
> in the middle of the page, and not rotate it 90
> degrees.  How do I change the margins--just for the
> inserted table?

if it's in a float just before the table i nthe same
line \hspace{-2cm} (for example)

and don't worry, that lyx shows on screen the positive

Herbert :-)


getting closer to what I want for FloatNote

2001-06-21 Thread Michelle Dukich


I am trying to still find a way to put a block of
shaded text that is also outlined, into a very
specific location in my text.  This is what I have

I made a few tables (in a separate Lyx file) using
only one column and different row amounts (the row
amounts are based on coming up with a width for each
line of text so that the widths are uniform between

I used the right click->cell->multicolumn option to
remove the lines between the rows and to left align
the horizontal rows.  

I inserted TeX command to create shading (which goes
over the edge of my box...but then I may just lose the
table edges altogether and just stick with the


I then cut and pasted them into my document.  What I
get is the boxes looking very nice, but not in nice
locations.  And I would prefer to have the text "wrap"
around them like in Section 1.8.3 of the Lyx Extended
Features online handbook.  

If you have been following my posts, this is still my
attempt at "FLOAT-NOTE".  The other suggestions I have
not yet made work to my satisfaction.  

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Frontend Bibtex recommendation

2001-06-21 Thread Marko Degenkolb

Am Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2001 09:59 schrieben Sie:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 18:09:02 +0200 (MET DST) wrote [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > I want to use a database for the bibliography. What do you recommend to
> > me?
> In this case, gbib ( might be a good choice, it has
> "push to LyX" as well.

I use gbib as well. I have never tried tkbibtex and pybliographer since gbib 
seems to have a more convenient user interface (only judging by screenshots).
BUT: you have to be careful - it has some bugs:
 - in case the number of opening and closing braces per entry doesn't
   match (e.g. Zeitschrift f{\"ur Dichtung) gbib generates invalid
   bibfiles which get corrupted when they are saved again with gbib
   (two bibitems are "merged" together)!!
 - If you create an bibitem with an emtpy author, the saved bibtex file
   isn't valid:
editor = {A. Artur Kuhnert and Martin Raschke},
   I sent a patch to the maintainers but got no reply - so I don't know
   if gbib is still being maintained.


> Finally: I believe it is a matter of taste - try them and see what you like
> most.
> Guenter
> --

Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-21 Thread José Ernesto Jardim


I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
problems (at least :-)

1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."

2) It uses the entire author's name in the text. For example,

  Author = {{John Doe}},
  Title  = {A},
  institution= {BB},
  year   = 2000,

is printed on the text like (John Doe, 2000) instead of (Doe, 2000)

Can someone help me with this ?



ps: I've included in the latex preamble \usepackage{apalike}

Re: problem with 116fix2 and pdflatex

2001-06-21 Thread John Levon

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 05:10:21PM +0300, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> It is possible to disable compiler optimization if the compiler is gcc 2.96
> (but recent versions of gcc 2.96 work correctly, so people with older
> version should really upgrade).

Just to be clear: the latest available upgrade for RedHat 7.0 is still buggy.


"Euler's equation contains the five most important numbers in mathematics."

Re: Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-21 Thread Herbert Voss

José Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
> problems (at least :-)
> 1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."

what does it than?



Re: Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-21 Thread Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes


I et. al means and others (in latin), and it is used in some
bibliographich styles to supress authors names, when they are more than 3.

Apa like will process such abreviation only in the citation, in the body
of the text, but not in the bibliography, when all the authors are

For instance for the citation (Biber et al., 1999: 01) it will print at
the bibliography chapter:

Biber, D. Conrad, S. and Reppen, R. 1999 Corpus
linguistics. London: Cambridge


R.E. de Lima-Lopes
GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:04:44 +0200
> From: Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: José Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Mailing List LyX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Bibtex and apalike
> José Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > 
> > I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
> > problems (at least :-)
> > 
> > 1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."
> what does it than?
> Herbert

Re: Bibtex and apalike

2001-06-21 Thread José Ernesto Jardim

Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes wrote:

> Hi
> I et. al means and others (in latin), and it is used in some
> bibliographich styles to supress authors names, when they are more than 3.
> Apa like will process such abreviation only in the citation, in the body
> of the text, but not in the bibliography, when all the authors are
> present.
> For instance for the citation (Biber et al., 1999: 01) it will print at
> the bibliography chapter:
> Biber, D. Conrad, S. and Reppen, R. 1999 Corpus
> linguistics. London: Cambridge
> []s
> lima-lopes
> R.E. de Lima-Lopes
> GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:04:44 +0200
> > From: Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: José Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: Mailing List LyX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Bibtex and apalike
> >
> > José Ernesto Jardim wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm using bibtex and apalike style to process references. I have two
> > > problems (at least :-)
> > >
> > > 1) When there are more then 2 authors it doesn't process "author et al."
> >
> > what does it than?
> >
> > Herbert
> >
> >

Yes I know.

The problem is that, having the entry you're referring, I'm getting (Biber, D.
Conrad, S. and Reppen, R., 1999).


"long view" of digest messages with kmail

2001-06-21 Thread Peer Frank


Not really a LyX question, but anyway:

I did not get kmail to display the messages of the daily digest, even with 
smart or inlined attachments activated, only the icons and message number are 
listed and have to be klicked, very annoying because one has to memorize the 
message number to klick open each subject of interest one by one (while 
Netscape messenger lists all messages in full length and detail).

Did anybody find a solution for this ?


Can't get helvetica font in LyX

2001-06-21 Thread Glenn Hutchings

Hi there!

Just installed the latest version of LyX, thinking it might 
fix my lack-of-Helvetica problems, but nope.  I can select 
Helvetica in the document layout menu, but it still appears 
as the default font (computer-modern) on output.  Is this a 
LyX problem, or is it TeX/LaTeX, or is it my system?  Anyone 
else have font problems like this? (BTW, all the other fonts 
work fine, and my system is Mandrake 7.2.)

Thanks in advance,
