Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Martin A. Hansen

once again - pdf files are for printing and reading - not for reading
online. printing the documentation may give you a nice book to keep under
the pillow, but it prevents you from seeing how lyx formatting is done,
using cross refereces etc. and i think that lyx is an extremely nice
editor to read docs online!

if you loose the overview of a single lyx document - then it is badly
structured IMHO.

if a single lyx document is too heavy for some machines i would say that is
a major problem. will an equivalent latex file be as heavy, or is this a lyx
specific thing?


On 7/18/06, Uwe Stöhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sven Schreiber schrieb:

 Well isn't there a documentation team?

Unfortunately there is no team. At the moment the developers add new
docs sections if they implemented a new feature. Therefore the docs
aren't consistent in style and not always well verbalized.
The last time I cleaned up the docs a bit was in 2004. In the meantime I
started to work on a big docs update but haven't the time to do this all

Please have a look at this wiki page I created as base for the docs

The docs you'll find there contains lots of improvements and should be
the base for further work on the docs. They are not up to date for LyX
1.4 but this should be done quickly.

The general wiki docs category is

where Christian Ridderström just uploaded a merged docs file.

Just for the info, under

are some Wiki-pages I created. Their content should be part of further

 Maybe they don't think it's a good idea?
 What would be the recommended way of making a concrete
 proposal, attach the resulting single lyx file to a message on this

One of my docs goals is to be able to print a LyX-book, like the books
of the series from Dante, the german TeX-users group. Therefore a single
documentation file as printable PDF is a good idea but not a single
The reason is in one hand the performance: LyX consumes a lot of system
power to handle large files so that some users might have problems when
they want to use the documentation online within LyX.
On the other hand and this is the real problem: You'll loose the
overview to keep the docs up to date. I spent a lot of time to update
the docs to tell you that even the current userguide.lyx is too big for
a single file.
I propose to have a LyX-file for each chapter and a master LyX-file
where they are included. If you run the master through pdflatex you'll
get a nice all in one PDF as you wanted. The small LyX-files helps you
to reduce the compiling time for PDF or DVI if you work on a chapter.
That's the way books are written.

I hope I've written to a new docs team member. I would be very happy if

regards Uwe

Re: Build RPM-Packages from Lyx 1.4.2. for Suse Linux 10.1

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Baum
Holger Schmidt wrote:

 It works now. It was a mistake from me. It was the wrong directory witch I
 used to start with the command rpmbuild -ba lyx.spec
 I am ashamed of...
 How is it possible to give my RPM-Package called:
 lyx-1.4.2-1_qt.i586.rpm for Suse Linux 10.1 the community? It haves 5,8

Rename it to lyx-1.4.2_suse101-1_qt.i586.rpm and upload it to Then tell Lars Gullik Bjønnes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] to move it
to the real site.


qt library not found

2006-07-19 Thread Hans-Martin Adorf


I'm trying to install Lyx on Redhat 9, and during ./configure I'm 
getting a qt library not found message at the very end, no matter what 
I do. I had donwloaded QT, had compiled and installed it, without avail.

Any suggestions?

Hans-Martin Adorf
Dr. Hans-Martin Adorf . Danziger Str. 31 . D-85748 Garching b. München . 
Phone: +49-89-32625881 . Fax: +49-89-32625882 . E-Mail: 

Re: qt library not found

2006-07-19 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Hans-Martin Adorf wrote:
 I'm trying to install Lyx on Redhat 9, and during ./configure I'm
 getting a qt library not found message at the very end, no matter what
 I do. I had donwloaded QT, had compiled and installed it, without avail.

Try to configure


(/usr/lib/qt3 on my Suse box).


Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread John Pye
Hi all,

A little while ago I wrote a message asking if anyone had seen this
problem with chopped-off brackets in printed PDFs. Paul Rubin (on this
list) suggested that I send example files so here they are. See attached
LyX file, the generated PDF and a scan of my printed output (on a
Kyocera FS-1010 printer on Win 2k).

Steps to reproduce:
(1) on LyX 1.4.1 on FC5, I created the attached LyX document.
(2) export to PDF (pdflatex)
(3) copy to my windows machine (Win2k)
(4) open with Acrobat version 4.0.
(5) print directly Kyocera FS-1010 printer
(6) print indirectly to Kyocera FS-1010 print via FinePrint version 5.51

Versions printed at steps (5) and (6) both came out as shown in the
scanned attachment.

Interestingly, the FinePrint preview showed the chopped brackets as well.

Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
without the brackets chopped.

So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Description: Adobe PDF document
#LyX 1.4.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
Minimal example of bracket-chopping problem

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula \[




Re: Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Baum
John Pye wrote:

 Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
 another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
 without the brackets chopped.

That does not match with what I'll write below, but nevertheless...

 So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
 with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).
 If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

I had a similar problem some years ago. In that case all greek letters and
the minus sign in formulas where missing in the printout.

The reason was a bug in Acrobat (also 4.0). It could not read certain
embedded fonts (known bug at adobe IIRC). The solution was to use the .ps
file (made from the same LyX file). Another solution was to upgrade acrobat
to the then current version 5.0, but that was not possible because the pc
with acrobat was tied to the printing machine at the print shop.

Maybe using .ps files or upgrading acrobat works? Good luck!


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Ingo Klöcker
Am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2006 08:58 schrieb Martin A. Hansen:
 once again - pdf files are for printing and reading - not for
 reading online. printing the documentation may give you a nice book
 to keep under the pillow, but it prevents you from seeing how lyx
 formatting is done, using cross refereces etc. and i think that lyx
 is an extremely nice editor to read docs online!

 if you loose the overview of a single lyx document - then it is badly
 structured IMHO.

 if a single lyx document is too heavy for some machines i would say
 that is a major problem. will an equivalent latex file be as heavy,
 or is this a lyx specific thing?

Even if a single lyx file is not too heavy loading the document will 
still be proportional to the file size.

So what is the typical use-case for the LyX Manual? That someone wants 
to read it from the first page to the last page? Or that someone wants 
to read about a specific subject, say including graphics?

In my experience the latter is the way more common use-case. I've read 
the Introduction once and the Tutorial once. And now, every now and 
then, I open the other two documents because I want to look something 
up. Therefore it would be preferable if loading the part I'm interested 
in wouldn't take 10 seconds but only 1 second. The only way to achieve 
this is to split up the document. Of course, there should be a master 
document with a complete toc so that I can quickly navigate to the 
chapter I'm interested in. Ideally, for the user it wouldn't feel 
different from one large lyx file with the exception that loading would 
be magnitudes faster.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we can discuss this to death. Some people 
prefer a several megabyte large HTML file and other people prefer the 
same information nicely split up into several HTML files per chapter or 
even section (with nice navigation buttons of course). While the first 
approach is only feasible for people with a fast internet connection 
the second approach is feasible for anyone.

And as always there's the option to do both. Provide the LyX manual as 
one huge single file and additionally split up into several files. I'd 
put the multiple-files version into the release and put the URL of the 
single file version near the start of the multiple-files version.

And BTW, Martin, since you want to read the documentation in LyX in 
order to see how lyx formatting is done, I don't understand why you 
want to deny the users to see how they can create a document consisting 
of multiple lyx files. By creating one huge file you'd lose the chance 
to demonstrate this feature of LyX/LaTeX.


Description: PGP signature

Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread Andreas Busch

Am 19.07.2006 um 01:15 schrieb Bo Peng:

Now all that is needed is a kind sould with access rights who puts it
in the /bin directory. Could someone kindly move the file?

JMarc is on vacation, and I do not know whoelse can do this...  Lars?


Thanks for the info, Bo. If nobody has access to the ftp server --  
Bennett, could you make the file available on another server and post  
the address? That would be so kind.

Best wishes

Dr. Andreas Busch[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reader in European Politics, and
Course Director, MPhil in European Politics and Society,
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

Fellow and Tutor in PoliticsTel. +44-(0)1865-279 451 (direct)
Hertford CollegeFax +44-(0)1865-279 437
Oxford OX1 3BW, United Kingdom


Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Steve Harris sent me this link

for working with PDFs. I've added it here

so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working 
with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a 
separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and 
one for BibTeX)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Merged manuals

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Steve Harris wrote:

Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of the 
manuals. See here:


The .lyx version was done by Ed Gatzke and included
the Introduction so I uploaded Intro.pdf to ~/Manuals

Oh, my mistake, sorry Ed.

Looking at the files in uploads/LyX/Manuals, I'm guessing you have created 
and uploaded all of these recently:


Is this correct and are they all from LyX 1.4.2?

If so, I think we should either give them -1.4.2.pdf as suffix, or place 
them in a directory such as


In the latter case, the merged manual could go into the same directory. 
Which would you prefer?

The request to promote the Wiki, espcially the Documentation pages, in 
the splash.lyx was sent to the Developers.

Ok, good :-)

Getting another paragraph of splash.lyx translated into the other 
languages...hmmm, I think we need a Lyx for Linguistics user on the 
team. :-)

Quite likely... Btw, I noticed that since a swedish version of LyX starts 
in my case I don't get a splash screen (bad). I'll go and ask about this 
on the developers' list.


PS. Thanks for creating the PDFs of the manuals btw!

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread Anders Ekberg


If you need disk space, send it to me and I can post it on a  
temporary site.

/Anders Ekberg

Am 19.07.2006 um 01:15 schrieb Bo Peng:

Now all that is needed is a kind sould with access rights who  
puts it

in the /bin directory. Could someone kindly move the file?

JMarc is on vacation, and I do not know whoelse can do this...  Lars?


Thanks for the info, Bo. If nobody has access to the ftp server --  
Bennett, could you make the file available on another server and  
post the address? That would be so kind.

Best wishes


Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Anders Ekberg wrote:


If you need disk space, send it to me and I can post it on a temporary 

Or make use and email it to me and I can place it 
(temporarily?) on the wiki server.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Tgif with lyx as equation editor

2006-07-19 Thread Enrico Forestieri

 On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  I am not subscribed to this list and the gmane interface doesn't allow 
  attachments, but if you reply to this mail putting me in CC, I can, in 
  turn, reply to it and can thus attach the above files for everyone 
  interested here.
 Or you could describe it all and add the files to a wiki page... ?
 (I can help you if you like)

This is now described at

Thanks to Christian for setting up that page.


LyX/Mac-1.4.2 (PPC) binary available

2006-07-19 Thread Bennett Helm

The LyX/Mac binary is available here:

(This URL is linked via the wiki page at 
LyXOnMac.) It is compiled for PPC only, though it apparently runs  
well on Intel Macs via Rosetta.

If someone wants to compile an Intel version, contact me for tips and/ 
or instructions as well as for help bundling it up with the Installer  
and docs.


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Very interesting, but what about linux?

Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Harris sent me this link

 for working with PDFs. I've added it here

 so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
 with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


 PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
 separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
 one for BibTeX)

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Steve Harris sent me this link

  Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

  I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
strictly command line.

  Like the tool itself, the relevant web page is just text:


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Richard Heck

The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux: There are also Windows and Mac packages.


Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
 Very interesting, but what about linux?

 Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 

 On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Harris sent me this link
 for working with PDFs. I've added it here

 so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
 with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


 PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
 separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
 one for BibTeX)


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Richard Heck wrote:
 The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux:

And if you run KDE, there's also a nifty service menu that adds a gui to 


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Wednesday 19 July 2006 09:26 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Steve Harris sent me this link

Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
 same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
 strictly command line.

While we're discussing pdftk, remember these:



Steve Litt
   * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
   * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
   * Manager's Guide to Technical Troubleshooting
   * Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
   * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist

Re: Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Georg Baum wrote:

John Pye wrote:

Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
without the brackets chopped.

That does not match with what I'll write below, but nevertheless...

So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

I had a similar problem some years ago. In that case all greek letters and
the minus sign in formulas where missing in the printout.

The reason was a bug in Acrobat (also 4.0). It could not read certain
embedded fonts (known bug at adobe IIRC). The solution was to use the .ps
file (made from the same LyX file). Another solution was to upgrade acrobat
to the then current version 5.0, but that was not possible because the pc
with acrobat was tied to the printing machine at the print shop.

Maybe using .ps files or upgrading acrobat works? Good luck!


The PDF file displays correctly in Acrobat Reader 7.0, so I think that 
Georg must be right -- it must be a problem with the viewer (Acrobat 
4.0).  If you can't upgrade Acrobat and need to print it, you might try 
opening it in Ghostview.


Re: Prouncing LyX - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 05:16:12PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
 It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the difference
 between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when pronouncing LyX
 compared to eg licks.
   More like leeks, eh?

To me the Norwegian pronuncation sounds like something halfway between
'Licks' (pronounced the English way) and 'Lücks' (pronounced the German
way). Seems to be a good compromise ;-}


Re: Prouncing LyX - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Sunday 16 July 2006 03:57 am, Andre Poenitz wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 05:16:12PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
  On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
  It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
   difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when
   pronouncing LyX compared to eg licks.
More like leeks, eh?

 To me the Norwegian pronuncation sounds like something halfway between
 'Licks' (pronounced the English way)

Get your LyX,
on Route 66

Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Re: Prouncing LyX - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Richard Heck

On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...

It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when
pronouncing LyX compared to eg licks.

This kind of difference IS very interesting. And quite common.

Human languages have a vast store of phonological primitives from which 
what we call 'words' are constructed. Each actual language uses but a 
subset of these. All of the different sounds can be heard in children's 
babbling, and each child has the innate capacity to distinguish among 
all of those sounds. But the ability to produce and recognize all of 
these different sounds vanishes as the child matures and its linguistic 
abilities specialize. This is part of what makes it difficult for adults 
to learn other languages and is one of the reasons that a native 
English-speaker who learns Norwegian (say) late in life will, in many 
cases, always speak with an accent, however fluent she may otherwise become.

My favorite example of this difference is difficult to describe but 
impressive to hear. There are languages in which there are two different 
sounds that English speakers would hear as p. The difference is 
whether the sound is aspirated, which corresponds, phonetically, to a 
small puff of breath following the production of the p sound. The 
difference is like that between the th sound in that and the th 
sound in thin. (Hold your hand in front of your mount as you produce 
these words. You'll feel the puff of air.) The difference is relevant in 
so far as there could be, though there is not in fact, another English 
word thin in which the th was pronounced as in that or a word 
that in which th was pronounced as in thin.

If I remember correctly, there are no Eurpoean languages in which 
aspiration is relevant in the case of p. (I could be wrong about 
that.) Hence, speakers of English and other such languages tend not to 
hear it, and that makes learning languages in which the difference is 
relevant difficult for such speakers.

Richard Heck

Manuals PDF and merged (was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

The page

now has a link to PDF-versions of the normal help documents, as well as a 
link to a single PDF with most of the help documents (for searching etc).


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Stephen Harris

Ingo Klöcker wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2006 08:58 schrieb Martin A. Hansen:

So what is the typical use-case for the LyX Manual? That someone wants 
to read it from the first page to the last page? Or that someone wants 
to read about a specific subject, say including graphics?

In my experience the latter is the way more common use-case. I've read 
the Introduction once and the Tutorial once. And now, every now and 
then, I open the other two documents because I want to look something 
up. Therefore it would be preferable if loading the part I'm interested 
in wouldn't take 10 seconds but only 1 second. The only way to achieve 
this is to split up the document. Of course, there should be a master 
document with a complete toc so that I can quickly navigate to the 
chapter I'm interested in. Ideally, for the user it wouldn't feel 
different from one large lyx file with the exception that loading would 
be magnitudes faster.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we can discuss this to death. Some people 
prefer a several megabyte large HTML file and other people prefer the 
same information nicely split up into several HTML files per chapter or 
even section (with nice navigation buttons of course). While the first 
approach is only feasible for people with a fast internet connection 
the second approach is feasible for anyone.

And as always there's the option to do both. Provide the LyX manual as 
one huge single file and additionally split up into several files. I'd 
put the multiple-files version into the release and put the URL of the 
single file version near the start of the multiple-files version.


I wasn't so sure that consolidated Help guides were all that useful.
But making one in .pdf format and one in .lyx format to satisfy those 
who wanted it wasn't all that hard, so why not. It's on the Wiki.

There are people who don't enjoy discussing things and they tend to
describe the people who do enjoy it as beating a good horse to death.
Single .lyx help guides already exist and it is pretty easy to pdflatex
a pdf version from Lyx and there are existing multiple .lyx/pdf guides
it doesn't seem fruitful to debate preferences.

Learning visually brings to mind the Visual FAQ which demonstrates
how to do something on the page itself and links to the tug FAQ.
Having trouble finding the answer to a LaTeX question?  The Visual
LaTeX FAQ is an innovative new search interface that presents over a
hundred typeset samples of frequently requested document formatting.
Simply click on a hyperlinked piece of text and the Visual LaTeX FAQ
will send your Web browser to the appropriate page in the UK TeX FAQ.

SH: I think a LyX VisualFAQ is a possible Wiki documentation project.

Ingo: Of course, there should be a master document with a complete
toc so that I can quickly navigate to the chapter I'm interested in.

SH: The problem with keyword searches is that you have to know the
keyword. We could create a detailed cross-referenced index of the
entire Wiki which would be similar to the ouput of several hundred
keyword searches. This master index would point to the document(s)
which contained the concept being researched or related ideas. One
wouldn't have to wade through several documents to find the right
one. The way it is now, layouts might produce 12 hits, but which
one of the 12 should be prioritized in your reading? A detailed
index incorporates a meta-toc.

Such a document would also be useful for building the Visual LyX
FAQ. It would inform the FAQ as to which document informs the
reader in more detail about a particular process by a hyperlink
to the doc and/or the Index. This treats the whole Wiki as a FAQ.
The index would also point to duplicate entries needing editing or 
possible deletion in an effort to become systematically sectioned

when dividing the whole into assigned parts for a group undertaking.

People don't all learn the same way,

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Steve Litt wrote:

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 09:26 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Steve Harris sent me this link

Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
 same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
 strictly command line.

While we're discussing pdftk, remember these:


Uh... gmaine scrambled those pretty good... could you add them directly to 
the wiki page?

Or send them directly to me so that I can add them?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Merged manuals

2006-07-19 Thread Sven Schreiber
 Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of
 the manuals. See here:

That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
mentioned I have that obsession).


Single TOC of all help documents (Was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:


Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of
the manuals. See here:


That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
mentioned I have that obsession).

In case people are not aware of it, you can get a single table of contents 
for all the help documents by doing the following:

1. Open the help menu
2. Select the entry called Table of Contents

This will open a help document called TOC.lyx which contains a TOC for all 
the help documents.

Sven, check this out and see how much that helps. Perhaps you could add a 
bugzilla request for being able to have clickable cross-links between 
.lyx-documents. Then it'd just be a matter of making TOC.lyx contain these 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Single TOC of all help documents (Was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread Sven Schreiber
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:

 That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
 be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
 mentioned I have that obsession).
 In case people are not aware of it, you can get a single table of
 contents for all the help documents by doing the following:
 1. Open the help menu
 2. Select the entry called Table of Contents
 This will open a help document called TOC.lyx which contains a TOC for
 all the help documents.

I have to confess I wasn't really aware of this. So step by step I'm
feeling more and more satisfied.

But of course I can't stop complaining, I want two more things:

1. Get the cool dialog Document-Table of Contents with
collapsable/expandable depth levels. I guess that wouldn't be that hard,
one would only have to replace the enumerate environments in the
TOC.lyx file by appropriate Sections, Subsubsub... etc. (I also saw some
developer is working on outline mode for the document itself, that would
be also great but isn't there yet afaik.)

2. As you say, have the cross-links working. This could also be in the
pdf output instead of the original Lyx file.

What I can think of is (what somebody else also mentioned iirc) to have
a master document linking in (input or include or what it's called) the
separate ingredients, and possibly adjusting the cross-references. And
remember that I would be satisfied with only merging the guide and
extended features.

Finally, I don't mean to let all of you work for me, it's just that
right now I don't have the time. So I'm glad you're all so active,
otherwise I will do what I have in mind later (not this month).

Thanks and cheers,

Help categorizing the wiki pages

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

I would like to ask my fellow LyXers with help categorizing the wiki pages.

In all likelyhood most of you are now scratching your heads, wondering if 
heat stroke finally got me. Fear not, I live in Sweden so it's unlikely. 
I'll try to explain...

Several users have noticed that finding stuff on the wiki is ... tricky.

Categorizing pages should make this easier. The goal is to be able to 
associate pages that deal with related topics/subjects so that a reader 
can go from one page about say PDFs to another page about PDFs.

Please note that a page can belong to several categories. You might also 
think of categories as tags or labels. Another way is to think of this as 
building an index (of categories) which I'll then make it so that we can 

This might sound complicated, but how you actually do it is much easier:

1. Look at a page and come up with one, two or three categories you
   think that page should be associated with. Let's say you think the
   page in question is related to PDF and publishing online.

2. Now edit the page and add the following to the (end of the) page

[[!PDF]], [[!Publishing online]]

That's it. (Ok, step 1. is a bit tricky ;-)

The result is that '[[!PDF]]' will become a link to the following page

If you go to that page you will see a list of all pages that have been 
categorized as 'PDF'. This then allows you to read other pages that are 
related to PDFs. If we like we can even edit the page Category/PDF and add 
description about what this category is about. We don't have to though.

The only difficulty here is coming up with categories for a page. I 
suggest the following inital approach:

1. Let's categorize lots of pages without thinking too much about how.
** Place categories last on each wiki page
** Use singular form of category names when possible

2. Then we study the list of categories that we got and prune away

3. If necessary we change some of the names of the categories.

You might have noticed the text Please categorize this page that shows 
up on most pages right now. Once the page belongs to one or more 
categories this text will be replaced with a list of the categories.

Finally I should also say that in order to encourage categorizing, I've 
made it so that it is no longer possible to save a page that doesn't have 
a category...  I'll remove this restriction if people find it too annoying 
and protests.


Some links:
* Main category page in the wiki
  It will eventually let us browse the categories

* Original PmWiki documentation on categories

Here is an excerpt from that page:

Coming Up With Good Category Schemes

The hard part about using categories is choosing a good vocabulary. Site 
content managers may wish to follow the Guidelines for the establishment 
and development of monolingual thesauri (ISO 2788-1986) and the Guidelines 
for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri (ISO 
5964-1985). Questions to think about include:

* whether a scheme already exists and can be reused
* number of levels in a multilevel scheme (not too shallow, not too deep
  -- e.g. 3)
* number of categories per page (not too many, not too few -- e.g. 3)
* consistent use of singular ([[Mercury]] is a [[!planet]]) or plural
  ([[Mercury]] is in the [[!planets]] category)
* disambiguation and use of phrases ([[!musical instruments]] and
  [[!medical instruments]])

Or you can just let people use whatever category terms they find 
meaningful. A vocabulary (or folksonomy) will emerge over time.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread David Neeley

Ghostscript/ghostview has had the ability to work with pdf files for
some time now, and is already installed on many distributions of

There are a number of other tools available as well, IIRC. However, gv
has worked well for me.


On 7/19/06, Juergen Spitzmueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richard Heck wrote:
 The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux:

And if you run KDE, there's also a nifty service menu that adds a gui to


Re: Help categorizing the wiki pages

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Having set up the system so that you can't edit pages without adding a 
category to a page, I'll now pack and go off on vacation. That way I'll 
avoid all the violent protests ;-)

So remember to add stuff like [[!PDF]] and what not to the end of the wiki 


PS. Don't tag pages with [[!LyX]], all pages are more or less about LyX.

PS. If you run into serious problems, please ask someone with access to 
the wiki server ( to simply modify the file


by changing line 222 from
// Require that a new page must contain a category
if(true) {
// Require that a new page must contain a category
if(false) {

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX/Mac-1.4.2 (PPC) binary available

2006-07-19 Thread Anders Ekberg

Bennett Helm
Wed, 19 Jul 2006 06:00:44 -0700

The LyX/Mac binary is available here:

(This URL is linked via the wiki page at  
LyXOnMac.) It is compiled for PPC only, though it apparently runs  
well on Intel Macs via Rosetta.

If someone wants to compile an Intel version, contact me for tips  
and/ or instructions as well as for help bundling it up with the  
Installer and docs.


Thanks Bennett, The installation worked flawlessly for me.
I hope the rescue of your hard drive was successful!

Anders Ekberg

Removing all the bigskip's of a document

2006-07-19 Thread Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez


I use LyX 1.3.5, and I have a big document someone passed to me to work 
with. This man likes to add a lot of extra spaces using the feature 
bigskip which I don't like at all. So I want to remove all of them.

Is there an easy way to do this in lyx ?


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Martin A. Hansen

once again - pdf files are for printing and reading - not for reading
online. printing the documentation may give you a nice book to keep under
the pillow, but it prevents you from seeing how lyx formatting is done,
using cross refereces etc. and i think that lyx is an extremely nice
editor to read docs online!

if you loose the overview of a single lyx document - then it is badly
structured IMHO.

if a single lyx document is too heavy for some machines i would say that is
a major problem. will an equivalent latex file be as heavy, or is this a lyx
specific thing?


On 7/18/06, Uwe Stöhr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sven Schreiber schrieb:

 Well isn't there a documentation team?

Unfortunately there is no team. At the moment the developers add new
docs sections if they implemented a new feature. Therefore the docs
aren't consistent in style and not always well verbalized.
The last time I cleaned up the docs a bit was in 2004. In the meantime I
started to work on a big docs update but haven't the time to do this all

Please have a look at this wiki page I created as base for the docs

The docs you'll find there contains lots of improvements and should be
the base for further work on the docs. They are not up to date for LyX
1.4 but this should be done quickly.

The general wiki docs category is

where Christian Ridderström just uploaded a merged docs file.

Just for the info, under

are some Wiki-pages I created. Their content should be part of further

 Maybe they don't think it's a good idea?
 What would be the recommended way of making a concrete
 proposal, attach the resulting single lyx file to a message on this

One of my docs goals is to be able to print a LyX-book, like the books
of the series from Dante, the german TeX-users group. Therefore a single
documentation file as printable PDF is a good idea but not a single
The reason is in one hand the performance: LyX consumes a lot of system
power to handle large files so that some users might have problems when
they want to use the documentation online within LyX.
On the other hand and this is the real problem: You'll loose the
overview to keep the docs up to date. I spent a lot of time to update
the docs to tell you that even the current userguide.lyx is too big for
a single file.
I propose to have a LyX-file for each chapter and a master LyX-file
where they are included. If you run the master through pdflatex you'll
get a nice all in one PDF as you wanted. The small LyX-files helps you
to reduce the compiling time for PDF or DVI if you work on a chapter.
That's the way books are written.

I hope I've written to a new docs team member. I would be very happy if

regards Uwe

Re: Build RPM-Packages from Lyx 1.4.2. for Suse Linux 10.1

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Baum
Holger Schmidt wrote:

 It works now. It was a mistake from me. It was the wrong directory witch I
 used to start with the command rpmbuild -ba lyx.spec
 I am ashamed of...
 How is it possible to give my RPM-Package called:
 lyx-1.4.2-1_qt.i586.rpm for Suse Linux 10.1 the community? It haves 5,8

Rename it to lyx-1.4.2_suse101-1_qt.i586.rpm and upload it to Then tell Lars Gullik Bjønnes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] to move it
to the real site.


qt library not found

2006-07-19 Thread Hans-Martin Adorf


I'm trying to install Lyx on Redhat 9, and during ./configure I'm 
getting a qt library not found message at the very end, no matter what 
I do. I had donwloaded QT, had compiled and installed it, without avail.

Any suggestions?

Hans-Martin Adorf
Dr. Hans-Martin Adorf . Danziger Str. 31 . D-85748 Garching b. München . 
Phone: +49-89-32625881 . Fax: +49-89-32625882 . E-Mail: 

Re: qt library not found

2006-07-19 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Hans-Martin Adorf wrote:
 I'm trying to install Lyx on Redhat 9, and during ./configure I'm
 getting a qt library not found message at the very end, no matter what
 I do. I had donwloaded QT, had compiled and installed it, without avail.

Try to configure


(/usr/lib/qt3 on my Suse box).


Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread John Pye
Hi all,

A little while ago I wrote a message asking if anyone had seen this
problem with chopped-off brackets in printed PDFs. Paul Rubin (on this
list) suggested that I send example files so here they are. See attached
LyX file, the generated PDF and a scan of my printed output (on a
Kyocera FS-1010 printer on Win 2k).

Steps to reproduce:
(1) on LyX 1.4.1 on FC5, I created the attached LyX document.
(2) export to PDF (pdflatex)
(3) copy to my windows machine (Win2k)
(4) open with Acrobat version 4.0.
(5) print directly Kyocera FS-1010 printer
(6) print indirectly to Kyocera FS-1010 print via FinePrint version 5.51

Versions printed at steps (5) and (6) both came out as shown in the
scanned attachment.

Interestingly, the FinePrint preview showed the chopped brackets as well.

Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
without the brackets chopped.

So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Description: Adobe PDF document
#LyX 1.4.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
Minimal example of bracket-chopping problem

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula \[




Re: Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Baum
John Pye wrote:

 Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
 another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
 without the brackets chopped.

That does not match with what I'll write below, but nevertheless...

 So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
 with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).
 If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

I had a similar problem some years ago. In that case all greek letters and
the minus sign in formulas where missing in the printout.

The reason was a bug in Acrobat (also 4.0). It could not read certain
embedded fonts (known bug at adobe IIRC). The solution was to use the .ps
file (made from the same LyX file). Another solution was to upgrade acrobat
to the then current version 5.0, but that was not possible because the pc
with acrobat was tied to the printing machine at the print shop.

Maybe using .ps files or upgrading acrobat works? Good luck!


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Ingo Klöcker
Am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2006 08:58 schrieb Martin A. Hansen:
 once again - pdf files are for printing and reading - not for
 reading online. printing the documentation may give you a nice book
 to keep under the pillow, but it prevents you from seeing how lyx
 formatting is done, using cross refereces etc. and i think that lyx
 is an extremely nice editor to read docs online!

 if you loose the overview of a single lyx document - then it is badly
 structured IMHO.

 if a single lyx document is too heavy for some machines i would say
 that is a major problem. will an equivalent latex file be as heavy,
 or is this a lyx specific thing?

Even if a single lyx file is not too heavy loading the document will 
still be proportional to the file size.

So what is the typical use-case for the LyX Manual? That someone wants 
to read it from the first page to the last page? Or that someone wants 
to read about a specific subject, say including graphics?

In my experience the latter is the way more common use-case. I've read 
the Introduction once and the Tutorial once. And now, every now and 
then, I open the other two documents because I want to look something 
up. Therefore it would be preferable if loading the part I'm interested 
in wouldn't take 10 seconds but only 1 second. The only way to achieve 
this is to split up the document. Of course, there should be a master 
document with a complete toc so that I can quickly navigate to the 
chapter I'm interested in. Ideally, for the user it wouldn't feel 
different from one large lyx file with the exception that loading would 
be magnitudes faster.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we can discuss this to death. Some people 
prefer a several megabyte large HTML file and other people prefer the 
same information nicely split up into several HTML files per chapter or 
even section (with nice navigation buttons of course). While the first 
approach is only feasible for people with a fast internet connection 
the second approach is feasible for anyone.

And as always there's the option to do both. Provide the LyX manual as 
one huge single file and additionally split up into several files. I'd 
put the multiple-files version into the release and put the URL of the 
single file version near the start of the multiple-files version.

And BTW, Martin, since you want to read the documentation in LyX in 
order to see how lyx formatting is done, I don't understand why you 
want to deny the users to see how they can create a document consisting 
of multiple lyx files. By creating one huge file you'd lose the chance 
to demonstrate this feature of LyX/LaTeX.


Description: PGP signature

Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread Andreas Busch

Am 19.07.2006 um 01:15 schrieb Bo Peng:

Now all that is needed is a kind sould with access rights who puts it
in the /bin directory. Could someone kindly move the file?

JMarc is on vacation, and I do not know whoelse can do this...  Lars?


Thanks for the info, Bo. If nobody has access to the ftp server --  
Bennett, could you make the file available on another server and post  
the address? That would be so kind.

Best wishes

Dr. Andreas Busch[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reader in European Politics, and
Course Director, MPhil in European Politics and Society,
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

Fellow and Tutor in PoliticsTel. +44-(0)1865-279 451 (direct)
Hertford CollegeFax +44-(0)1865-279 437
Oxford OX1 3BW, United Kingdom


Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Steve Harris sent me this link

for working with PDFs. I've added it here

so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working 
with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a 
separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and 
one for BibTeX)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Merged manuals

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Steve Harris wrote:

Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of the 
manuals. See here:


The .lyx version was done by Ed Gatzke and included
the Introduction so I uploaded Intro.pdf to ~/Manuals

Oh, my mistake, sorry Ed.

Looking at the files in uploads/LyX/Manuals, I'm guessing you have created 
and uploaded all of these recently:


Is this correct and are they all from LyX 1.4.2?

If so, I think we should either give them -1.4.2.pdf as suffix, or place 
them in a directory such as


In the latter case, the merged manual could go into the same directory. 
Which would you prefer?

The request to promote the Wiki, espcially the Documentation pages, in 
the splash.lyx was sent to the Developers.

Ok, good :-)

Getting another paragraph of splash.lyx translated into the other 
languages...hmmm, I think we need a Lyx for Linguistics user on the 
team. :-)

Quite likely... Btw, I noticed that since a swedish version of LyX starts 
in my case I don't get a splash screen (bad). I'll go and ask about this 
on the developers' list.


PS. Thanks for creating the PDFs of the manuals btw!

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread Anders Ekberg


If you need disk space, send it to me and I can post it on a  
temporary site.

/Anders Ekberg

Am 19.07.2006 um 01:15 schrieb Bo Peng:

Now all that is needed is a kind sould with access rights who  
puts it

in the /bin directory. Could someone kindly move the file?

JMarc is on vacation, and I do not know whoelse can do this...  Lars?


Thanks for the info, Bo. If nobody has access to the ftp server --  
Bennett, could you make the file available on another server and  
post the address? That would be so kind.

Best wishes


Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Anders Ekberg wrote:


If you need disk space, send it to me and I can post it on a temporary 

Or make use and email it to me and I can place it 
(temporarily?) on the wiki server.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Tgif with lyx as equation editor

2006-07-19 Thread Enrico Forestieri

 On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
  I am not subscribed to this list and the gmane interface doesn't allow 
  attachments, but if you reply to this mail putting me in CC, I can, in 
  turn, reply to it and can thus attach the above files for everyone 
  interested here.
 Or you could describe it all and add the files to a wiki page... ?
 (I can help you if you like)

This is now described at

Thanks to Christian for setting up that page.


LyX/Mac-1.4.2 (PPC) binary available

2006-07-19 Thread Bennett Helm

The LyX/Mac binary is available here:

(This URL is linked via the wiki page at 
LyXOnMac.) It is compiled for PPC only, though it apparently runs  
well on Intel Macs via Rosetta.

If someone wants to compile an Intel version, contact me for tips and/ 
or instructions as well as for help bundling it up with the Installer  
and docs.


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Very interesting, but what about linux?

Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Harris sent me this link

 for working with PDFs. I've added it here

 so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
 with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


 PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
 separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
 one for BibTeX)

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Steve Harris sent me this link

  Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

  I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
strictly command line.

  Like the tool itself, the relevant web page is just text:


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Richard Heck

The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux: There are also Windows and Mac packages.


Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
 Very interesting, but what about linux?

 Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 

 On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Harris sent me this link
 for working with PDFs. I've added it here

 so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
 with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


 PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
 separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
 one for BibTeX)


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Richard Heck wrote:
 The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux:

And if you run KDE, there's also a nifty service menu that adds a gui to 


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Wednesday 19 July 2006 09:26 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Steve Harris sent me this link

Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
 same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
 strictly command line.

While we're discussing pdftk, remember these:



Steve Litt
   * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
   * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
   * Manager's Guide to Technical Troubleshooting
   * Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
   * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist

Re: Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Georg Baum wrote:

John Pye wrote:

Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
without the brackets chopped.

That does not match with what I'll write below, but nevertheless...

So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

I had a similar problem some years ago. In that case all greek letters and
the minus sign in formulas where missing in the printout.

The reason was a bug in Acrobat (also 4.0). It could not read certain
embedded fonts (known bug at adobe IIRC). The solution was to use the .ps
file (made from the same LyX file). Another solution was to upgrade acrobat
to the then current version 5.0, but that was not possible because the pc
with acrobat was tied to the printing machine at the print shop.

Maybe using .ps files or upgrading acrobat works? Good luck!


The PDF file displays correctly in Acrobat Reader 7.0, so I think that 
Georg must be right -- it must be a problem with the viewer (Acrobat 
4.0).  If you can't upgrade Acrobat and need to print it, you might try 
opening it in Ghostview.


Re: Prouncing LyX - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 05:16:12PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
 It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the difference
 between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when pronouncing LyX
 compared to eg licks.
   More like leeks, eh?

To me the Norwegian pronuncation sounds like something halfway between
'Licks' (pronounced the English way) and 'Lücks' (pronounced the German
way). Seems to be a good compromise ;-}


Re: Prouncing LyX - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Sunday 16 July 2006 03:57 am, Andre Poenitz wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 05:16:12PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
  On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
  It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
   difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when
   pronouncing LyX compared to eg licks.
More like leeks, eh?

 To me the Norwegian pronuncation sounds like something halfway between
 'Licks' (pronounced the English way)

Get your LyX,
on Route 66

Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Re: Prouncing LyX - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Richard Heck

On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...

It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when
pronouncing LyX compared to eg licks.

This kind of difference IS very interesting. And quite common.

Human languages have a vast store of phonological primitives from which 
what we call 'words' are constructed. Each actual language uses but a 
subset of these. All of the different sounds can be heard in children's 
babbling, and each child has the innate capacity to distinguish among 
all of those sounds. But the ability to produce and recognize all of 
these different sounds vanishes as the child matures and its linguistic 
abilities specialize. This is part of what makes it difficult for adults 
to learn other languages and is one of the reasons that a native 
English-speaker who learns Norwegian (say) late in life will, in many 
cases, always speak with an accent, however fluent she may otherwise become.

My favorite example of this difference is difficult to describe but 
impressive to hear. There are languages in which there are two different 
sounds that English speakers would hear as p. The difference is 
whether the sound is aspirated, which corresponds, phonetically, to a 
small puff of breath following the production of the p sound. The 
difference is like that between the th sound in that and the th 
sound in thin. (Hold your hand in front of your mount as you produce 
these words. You'll feel the puff of air.) The difference is relevant in 
so far as there could be, though there is not in fact, another English 
word thin in which the th was pronounced as in that or a word 
that in which th was pronounced as in thin.

If I remember correctly, there are no Eurpoean languages in which 
aspiration is relevant in the case of p. (I could be wrong about 
that.) Hence, speakers of English and other such languages tend not to 
hear it, and that makes learning languages in which the difference is 
relevant difficult for such speakers.

Richard Heck

Manuals PDF and merged (was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

The page

now has a link to PDF-versions of the normal help documents, as well as a 
link to a single PDF with most of the help documents (for searching etc).


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Stephen Harris

Ingo Klöcker wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2006 08:58 schrieb Martin A. Hansen:

So what is the typical use-case for the LyX Manual? That someone wants 
to read it from the first page to the last page? Or that someone wants 
to read about a specific subject, say including graphics?

In my experience the latter is the way more common use-case. I've read 
the Introduction once and the Tutorial once. And now, every now and 
then, I open the other two documents because I want to look something 
up. Therefore it would be preferable if loading the part I'm interested 
in wouldn't take 10 seconds but only 1 second. The only way to achieve 
this is to split up the document. Of course, there should be a master 
document with a complete toc so that I can quickly navigate to the 
chapter I'm interested in. Ideally, for the user it wouldn't feel 
different from one large lyx file with the exception that loading would 
be magnitudes faster.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we can discuss this to death. Some people 
prefer a several megabyte large HTML file and other people prefer the 
same information nicely split up into several HTML files per chapter or 
even section (with nice navigation buttons of course). While the first 
approach is only feasible for people with a fast internet connection 
the second approach is feasible for anyone.

And as always there's the option to do both. Provide the LyX manual as 
one huge single file and additionally split up into several files. I'd 
put the multiple-files version into the release and put the URL of the 
single file version near the start of the multiple-files version.


I wasn't so sure that consolidated Help guides were all that useful.
But making one in .pdf format and one in .lyx format to satisfy those 
who wanted it wasn't all that hard, so why not. It's on the Wiki.

There are people who don't enjoy discussing things and they tend to
describe the people who do enjoy it as beating a good horse to death.
Single .lyx help guides already exist and it is pretty easy to pdflatex
a pdf version from Lyx and there are existing multiple .lyx/pdf guides
it doesn't seem fruitful to debate preferences.

Learning visually brings to mind the Visual FAQ which demonstrates
how to do something on the page itself and links to the tug FAQ.
Having trouble finding the answer to a LaTeX question?  The Visual
LaTeX FAQ is an innovative new search interface that presents over a
hundred typeset samples of frequently requested document formatting.
Simply click on a hyperlinked piece of text and the Visual LaTeX FAQ
will send your Web browser to the appropriate page in the UK TeX FAQ.

SH: I think a LyX VisualFAQ is a possible Wiki documentation project.

Ingo: Of course, there should be a master document with a complete
toc so that I can quickly navigate to the chapter I'm interested in.

SH: The problem with keyword searches is that you have to know the
keyword. We could create a detailed cross-referenced index of the
entire Wiki which would be similar to the ouput of several hundred
keyword searches. This master index would point to the document(s)
which contained the concept being researched or related ideas. One
wouldn't have to wade through several documents to find the right
one. The way it is now, layouts might produce 12 hits, but which
one of the 12 should be prioritized in your reading? A detailed
index incorporates a meta-toc.

Such a document would also be useful for building the Visual LyX
FAQ. It would inform the FAQ as to which document informs the
reader in more detail about a particular process by a hyperlink
to the doc and/or the Index. This treats the whole Wiki as a FAQ.
The index would also point to duplicate entries needing editing or 
possible deletion in an effort to become systematically sectioned

when dividing the whole into assigned parts for a group undertaking.

People don't all learn the same way,

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Steve Litt wrote:

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 09:26 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Steve Harris sent me this link

Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
 same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
 strictly command line.

While we're discussing pdftk, remember these:


Uh... gmaine scrambled those pretty good... could you add them directly to 
the wiki page?

Or send them directly to me so that I can add them?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Merged manuals

2006-07-19 Thread Sven Schreiber
 Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of
 the manuals. See here:

That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
mentioned I have that obsession).


Single TOC of all help documents (Was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:


Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of
the manuals. See here:


That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
mentioned I have that obsession).

In case people are not aware of it, you can get a single table of contents 
for all the help documents by doing the following:

1. Open the help menu
2. Select the entry called Table of Contents

This will open a help document called TOC.lyx which contains a TOC for all 
the help documents.

Sven, check this out and see how much that helps. Perhaps you could add a 
bugzilla request for being able to have clickable cross-links between 
.lyx-documents. Then it'd just be a matter of making TOC.lyx contain these 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Single TOC of all help documents (Was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread Sven Schreiber
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:

 That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
 be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
 mentioned I have that obsession).
 In case people are not aware of it, you can get a single table of
 contents for all the help documents by doing the following:
 1. Open the help menu
 2. Select the entry called Table of Contents
 This will open a help document called TOC.lyx which contains a TOC for
 all the help documents.

I have to confess I wasn't really aware of this. So step by step I'm
feeling more and more satisfied.

But of course I can't stop complaining, I want two more things:

1. Get the cool dialog Document-Table of Contents with
collapsable/expandable depth levels. I guess that wouldn't be that hard,
one would only have to replace the enumerate environments in the
TOC.lyx file by appropriate Sections, Subsubsub... etc. (I also saw some
developer is working on outline mode for the document itself, that would
be also great but isn't there yet afaik.)

2. As you say, have the cross-links working. This could also be in the
pdf output instead of the original Lyx file.

What I can think of is (what somebody else also mentioned iirc) to have
a master document linking in (input or include or what it's called) the
separate ingredients, and possibly adjusting the cross-references. And
remember that I would be satisfied with only merging the guide and
extended features.

Finally, I don't mean to let all of you work for me, it's just that
right now I don't have the time. So I'm glad you're all so active,
otherwise I will do what I have in mind later (not this month).

Thanks and cheers,

Help categorizing the wiki pages

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

I would like to ask my fellow LyXers with help categorizing the wiki pages.

In all likelyhood most of you are now scratching your heads, wondering if 
heat stroke finally got me. Fear not, I live in Sweden so it's unlikely. 
I'll try to explain...

Several users have noticed that finding stuff on the wiki is ... tricky.

Categorizing pages should make this easier. The goal is to be able to 
associate pages that deal with related topics/subjects so that a reader 
can go from one page about say PDFs to another page about PDFs.

Please note that a page can belong to several categories. You might also 
think of categories as tags or labels. Another way is to think of this as 
building an index (of categories) which I'll then make it so that we can 

This might sound complicated, but how you actually do it is much easier:

1. Look at a page and come up with one, two or three categories you
   think that page should be associated with. Let's say you think the
   page in question is related to PDF and publishing online.

2. Now edit the page and add the following to the (end of the) page

[[!PDF]], [[!Publishing online]]

That's it. (Ok, step 1. is a bit tricky ;-)

The result is that '[[!PDF]]' will become a link to the following page

If you go to that page you will see a list of all pages that have been 
categorized as 'PDF'. This then allows you to read other pages that are 
related to PDFs. If we like we can even edit the page Category/PDF and add 
description about what this category is about. We don't have to though.

The only difficulty here is coming up with categories for a page. I 
suggest the following inital approach:

1. Let's categorize lots of pages without thinking too much about how.
** Place categories last on each wiki page
** Use singular form of category names when possible

2. Then we study the list of categories that we got and prune away

3. If necessary we change some of the names of the categories.

You might have noticed the text Please categorize this page that shows 
up on most pages right now. Once the page belongs to one or more 
categories this text will be replaced with a list of the categories.

Finally I should also say that in order to encourage categorizing, I've 
made it so that it is no longer possible to save a page that doesn't have 
a category...  I'll remove this restriction if people find it too annoying 
and protests.


Some links:
* Main category page in the wiki
  It will eventually let us browse the categories

* Original PmWiki documentation on categories

Here is an excerpt from that page:

Coming Up With Good Category Schemes

The hard part about using categories is choosing a good vocabulary. Site 
content managers may wish to follow the Guidelines for the establishment 
and development of monolingual thesauri (ISO 2788-1986) and the Guidelines 
for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri (ISO 
5964-1985). Questions to think about include:

* whether a scheme already exists and can be reused
* number of levels in a multilevel scheme (not too shallow, not too deep
  -- e.g. 3)
* number of categories per page (not too many, not too few -- e.g. 3)
* consistent use of singular ([[Mercury]] is a [[!planet]]) or plural
  ([[Mercury]] is in the [[!planets]] category)
* disambiguation and use of phrases ([[!musical instruments]] and
  [[!medical instruments]])

Or you can just let people use whatever category terms they find 
meaningful. A vocabulary (or folksonomy) will emerge over time.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread David Neeley

Ghostscript/ghostview has had the ability to work with pdf files for
some time now, and is already installed on many distributions of

There are a number of other tools available as well, IIRC. However, gv
has worked well for me.


On 7/19/06, Juergen Spitzmueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richard Heck wrote:
 The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux:

And if you run KDE, there's also a nifty service menu that adds a gui to


Re: Help categorizing the wiki pages

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Having set up the system so that you can't edit pages without adding a 
category to a page, I'll now pack and go off on vacation. That way I'll 
avoid all the violent protests ;-)

So remember to add stuff like [[!PDF]] and what not to the end of the wiki 


PS. Don't tag pages with [[!LyX]], all pages are more or less about LyX.

PS. If you run into serious problems, please ask someone with access to 
the wiki server ( to simply modify the file


by changing line 222 from
// Require that a new page must contain a category
if(true) {
// Require that a new page must contain a category
if(false) {

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: LyX/Mac-1.4.2 (PPC) binary available

2006-07-19 Thread Anders Ekberg

Bennett Helm
Wed, 19 Jul 2006 06:00:44 -0700

The LyX/Mac binary is available here:

(This URL is linked via the wiki page at  
LyXOnMac.) It is compiled for PPC only, though it apparently runs  
well on Intel Macs via Rosetta.

If someone wants to compile an Intel version, contact me for tips  
and/ or instructions as well as for help bundling it up with the  
Installer and docs.


Thanks Bennett, The installation worked flawlessly for me.
I hope the rescue of your hard drive was successful!

Anders Ekberg

Removing all the bigskip's of a document

2006-07-19 Thread Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez


I use LyX 1.3.5, and I have a big document someone passed to me to work 
with. This man likes to add a lot of extra spaces using the feature 
bigskip which I don't like at all. So I want to remove all of them.

Is there an easy way to do this in lyx ?


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Martin A. Hansen

once again -> pdf files are for printing and reading - not for reading
online. printing the documentation may give you a nice book to keep under
the pillow, but it prevents you from seeing how lyx formatting is done,
using cross refereces etc. and i think that lyx is an extremely nice
"editor" to read docs online!

if you loose the overview of a single lyx document - then it is badly
structured IMHO.

if a single lyx document is too heavy for some machines i would say that is
a major problem. will an equivalent latex file be as heavy, or is this a lyx
specific thing?


On 7/18/06, Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sven Schreiber schrieb:

> Well isn't there a documentation team?

Unfortunately there is no team. At the moment the developers add new
docs sections if they implemented a new feature. Therefore the docs
aren't consistent in style and not always well verbalized.
The last time I cleaned up the docs a bit was in 2004. In the meantime I
started to work on a big docs update but haven't the time to do this all

Please have a look at this wiki page I created as base for the docs

The docs you'll find there contains lots of improvements and should be
the base for further work on the docs. They are not up to date for LyX
1.4 but this should be done quickly.

The general wiki docs category is

where Christian Ridderström just uploaded a merged docs file.

Just for the info, under

are some Wiki-pages I created. Their content should be part of further

> Maybe they don't think it's a good idea?
> What would be the recommended way of making a concrete
> proposal, attach the resulting single lyx file to a message on this

One of my docs goals is to be able to print a LyX-book, like the books
of the series from Dante, the german TeX-users group. Therefore a single
documentation file as printable PDF is a good idea but not a single
The reason is in one hand the performance: LyX consumes a lot of system
power to handle large files so that some users might have problems when
they want to use the documentation online within LyX.
On the other hand and this is the real problem: You'll loose the
overview to keep the docs up to date. I spent a lot of time to update
the docs to tell you that even the current userguide.lyx is too big for
a single file.
I propose to have a LyX-file for each chapter and a master LyX-file
where they are included. If you run the master through pdflatex you'll
get a nice all in one PDF as you wanted. The small LyX-files helps you
to reduce the compiling time for PDF or DVI if you work on a chapter.
That's the way books are written.

I hope I've written to a new docs team member. I would be very happy if

regards Uwe

Re: Build RPM-Packages from Lyx 1.4.2. for Suse Linux 10.1

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Baum
Holger Schmidt wrote:

> It works now. It was a mistake from me. It was the wrong directory witch I
> used to start with the command "rpmbuild -ba lyx.spec"
> I am ashamed of...
> How is it possible to give my RPM-Package called:
> "lyx-1.4.2-1_qt.i586.rpm" for Suse Linux 10.1 the community? It haves 5,8

Rename it to lyx-1.4.2_suse101-1_qt.i586.rpm and upload it to Then tell Lars Gullik Bjønnes
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to move it
to the real site.


qt library not found

2006-07-19 Thread Hans-Martin Adorf


I'm trying to install Lyx on Redhat 9, and during ./configure I'm 
getting a "qt library not found" message at the very end, no matter what 
I do. I had donwloaded QT, had compiled and installed it, without avail.

Any suggestions?

Hans-Martin Adorf
Dr. Hans-Martin Adorf . Danziger Str. 31 . D-85748 Garching b. München . 
Phone: +49-89-32625881 . Fax: +49-89-32625882 . E-Mail: 

Re: qt library not found

2006-07-19 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Hans-Martin Adorf wrote:
> I'm trying to install Lyx on Redhat 9, and during ./configure I'm
> getting a "qt library not found" message at the very end, no matter what
> I do. I had donwloaded QT, had compiled and installed it, without avail.

Try to configure


(/usr/lib/qt3 on my Suse box).


Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread John Pye
Hi all,

A little while ago I wrote a message asking if anyone had seen this
problem with chopped-off brackets in printed PDFs. Paul Rubin (on this
list) suggested that I send example files so here they are. See attached
LyX file, the generated PDF and a scan of my printed output (on a
Kyocera FS-1010 printer on Win 2k).

Steps to reproduce:
(1) on LyX 1.4.1 on FC5, I created the attached LyX document.
(2) export to PDF (pdflatex)
(3) copy to my windows machine (Win2k)
(4) open with Acrobat version 4.0.
(5) print directly Kyocera FS-1010 printer
(6) print indirectly to Kyocera FS-1010 print via FinePrint version 5.51

Versions printed at steps (5) and (6) both came out as shown in the
scanned attachment.

Interestingly, the FinePrint preview showed the chopped brackets as well.

Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
without the brackets chopped.

So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Description: Adobe PDF document
#LyX 1.4.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 245
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false


\begin_layout Standard
Minimal example of bracket-chopping problem

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula \[




Re: Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread Georg Baum
John Pye wrote:

> Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
> another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
> without the brackets chopped.

That does not match with what I'll write below, but nevertheless...

> So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
> with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from
>, btw).
> If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

I had a similar problem some years ago. In that case all greek letters and
the minus sign in formulas where missing in the printout.

The reason was a bug in Acrobat (also 4.0). It could not read certain
embedded fonts (known bug at adobe IIRC). The solution was to use the .ps
file (made from the same LyX file). Another solution was to upgrade acrobat
to the then current version 5.0, but that was not possible because the pc
with acrobat was tied to the printing machine at the print shop.

Maybe using .ps files or upgrading acrobat works? Good luck!


Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Ingo Klöcker
Am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2006 08:58 schrieb Martin A. Hansen:
> once again -> pdf files are for printing and reading - not for
> reading online. printing the documentation may give you a nice book
> to keep under the pillow, but it prevents you from seeing how lyx
> formatting is done, using cross refereces etc. and i think that lyx
> is an extremely nice "editor" to read docs online!
> if you loose the overview of a single lyx document - then it is badly
> structured IMHO.
> if a single lyx document is too heavy for some machines i would say
> that is a major problem. will an equivalent latex file be as heavy,
> or is this a lyx specific thing?

Even if a single lyx file is not too heavy loading the document will 
still be proportional to the file size.

So what is the typical use-case for the LyX Manual? That someone wants 
to read it from the first page to the last page? Or that someone wants 
to read about a specific subject, say including graphics?

In my experience the latter is the way more common use-case. I've read 
the Introduction once and the Tutorial once. And now, every now and 
then, I open the other two documents because I want to look something 
up. Therefore it would be preferable if loading the part I'm interested 
in wouldn't take 10 seconds but only 1 second. The only way to achieve 
this is to split up the document. Of course, there should be a master 
document with a complete toc so that I can quickly navigate to the 
chapter I'm interested in. Ideally, for the user it wouldn't feel 
different from one large lyx file with the exception that loading would 
be magnitudes faster.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we can discuss this to death. Some people 
prefer a several megabyte large HTML file and other people prefer the 
same information nicely split up into several HTML files per chapter or 
even section (with nice navigation buttons of course). While the first 
approach is only feasible for people with a fast internet connection 
the second approach is feasible for anyone.

And as always there's the option to do both. Provide the LyX manual as 
one huge single file and additionally split up into several files. I'd 
put the multiple-files version into the release and put the URL of the 
single file version near the start of the multiple-files version.

And BTW, Martin, since you want to read the documentation in LyX in 
order to see how lyx formatting is done, I don't understand why you 
want to deny the users to see how they can create a document consisting 
of multiple lyx files. By creating one huge file you'd lose the chance 
to demonstrate this feature of LyX/LaTeX.


Description: PGP signature

Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread Andreas Busch

Am 19.07.2006 um 01:15 schrieb Bo Peng:

Now all that is needed is a kind sould with access rights who puts it
in the /bin directory. Could someone kindly move the file?

JMarc is on vacation, and I do not know whoelse can do this...  Lars?


Thanks for the info, Bo. If nobody has access to the ftp server --  
Bennett, could you make the file available on another server and post  
the address? That would be so kind.

Best wishes

Dr. Andreas Busch[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reader in European Politics, and
Course Director, MPhil in European Politics and Society,
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

Fellow and Tutor in PoliticsTel. +44-(0)1865-279 451 (direct)
Hertford CollegeFax +44-(0)1865-279 437
Oxford OX1 3BW, United Kingdom


Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

Steve Harris sent me this link

for working with PDFs. I've added it here

so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working 
with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.


PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a 
separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and 
one for BibTeX)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Merged manuals

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Steve Harris wrote:

Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of the 
manuals. See here:


The .lyx version was done by Ed Gatzke and included
the Introduction so I uploaded Intro.pdf to ~/Manuals

Oh, my mistake, sorry Ed.

Looking at the files in uploads/LyX/Manuals, I'm guessing you have created 
and uploaded all of these recently:


Is this correct and are they all from LyX 1.4.2?

If so, I think we should either give them -1.4.2.pdf as suffix, or place 
them in a directory such as


In the latter case, the merged manual could go into the same directory. 
Which would you prefer?

The request to promote the Wiki, espcially the Documentation pages, in 
the splash.lyx was sent to the Developers.

Ok, good :-)

Getting another paragraph of splash.lyx translated into the other 
languages...hmmm, I think we need a Lyx for Linguistics user on the 
team. :-)

Quite likely... Btw, I noticed that since a swedish version of LyX starts 
in my case I don't get a splash screen (bad). I'll go and ask about this 
on the developers' list.


PS. Thanks for creating the PDFs of the manuals btw!

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread Anders Ekberg


If you need disk space, send it to me and I can post it on a  
temporary site.

/Anders Ekberg

Am 19.07.2006 um 01:15 schrieb Bo Peng:

Now all that is needed is a kind sould with access rights who  
puts it

in the /bin directory. Could someone kindly move the file?

JMarc is on vacation, and I do not know whoelse can do this...  Lars?


Thanks for the info, Bo. If nobody has access to the ftp server --  
Bennett, could you make the file available on another server and  
post the address? That would be so kind.

Best wishes


Re: PLEASE: can someone move the Mac 1.4.2 binary from incoming to the bin directory?

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Anders Ekberg wrote:


If you need disk space, send it to me and I can post it on a temporary 

Or make use and "email" it to me and I can place it 
(temporarily?) on the wiki server.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Tgif with lyx as equation editor

2006-07-19 Thread Enrico Forestieri
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > I am not subscribed to this list and the gmane interface doesn't allow 
> > attachments, but if you reply to this mail putting me in CC, I can, in 
> > turn, reply to it and can thus attach the above files for everyone 
> > interested here.
> Or you could describe it all and add the files to a wiki page... ?
> (I can help you if you like)

This is now described at

Thanks to Christian for setting up that page.


LyX/Mac-1.4.2 (PPC) binary available

2006-07-19 Thread Bennett Helm

The LyX/Mac binary is available here:

(This URL is linked via the wiki page at .) It is compiled for PPC only, though it apparently runs  
well on Intel Macs via Rosetta.

If someone wants to compile an Intel version, contact me for tips and/ 
or instructions as well as for help bundling it up with the Installer  
and docs.


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Very interesting, but what about linux?

Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Steve Harris sent me this link
> >
> for working with PDFs. I've added it here
> so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
> with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.
> cheers
> /Christian
> PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
> separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
> one for BibTeX)

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Steve Harris sent me this link

  Oh. That's only for Microsoft.

  I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
strictly command line.

  Like the tool itself, the relevant web page is just text:


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)|Accelerator
 Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Richard Heck

The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux: There are also Windows and Mac packages.


Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> Very interesting, but what about linux?
> Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 
> linux?
> On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Steve Harris sent me this link
>> for working with PDFs. I've added it here
>> so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
>> with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.
>> cheers
>> /Christian
>> PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
>> separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
>> one for BibTeX)

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
Richard Heck wrote:
> The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux:

And if you run KDE, there's also a nifty service menu that adds a gui to 


Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Wednesday 19 July 2006 09:26 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Steve Harris sent me this link
> >
> >>
>Oh. That's only for Microsoft.
>I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
> same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
> strictly command line.

While we're discussing pdftk, remember these:



Steve Litt
   * Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
   * Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
   * Manager's Guide to Technical Troubleshooting
   * Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
   * Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist

Re: Revisited: chopped-off brackets in printed PDF

2006-07-19 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Georg Baum wrote:

John Pye wrote:

Here's the really surprising part. When I copy the same PDF file to
another machine (also Win2k, also Acrobat 4.0), it prints out fine,
without the brackets chopped.

That does not match with what I'll write below, but nevertheless...

So I guess the conclusion is that I have a crazy local problem perhaps
with Acrobat or with my printer driver, or with FinePrint (which is from, btw).

If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

I had a similar problem some years ago. In that case all greek letters and
the minus sign in formulas where missing in the printout.

The reason was a bug in Acrobat (also 4.0). It could not read certain
embedded fonts (known bug at adobe IIRC). The solution was to use the .ps
file (made from the same LyX file). Another solution was to upgrade acrobat
to the then current version 5.0, but that was not possible because the pc
with acrobat was tied to the printing machine at the print shop.

Maybe using .ps files or upgrading acrobat works? Good luck!


The PDF file displays correctly in Acrobat Reader 7.0, so I think that 
Georg must be right -- it must be a problem with the viewer (Acrobat 
4.0).  If you can't upgrade Acrobat and need to print it, you might try 
opening it in Ghostview.


Re: Prouncing "LyX" - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 05:16:12PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
> >It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the difference
> >between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when pronouncing "LyX"
> >compared to eg "licks".
>   More like "leeks," eh?

To me the Norwegian pronuncation sounds like something halfway between
'Licks' (pronounced the English way) and 'Lücks' (pronounced the German
way). Seems to be a good compromise ;-}


Re: Prouncing "LyX" - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Sunday 16 July 2006 03:57 am, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 05:16:12PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
> > >
> > >It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
> > > difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when
> > > pronouncing "LyX" compared to eg "licks".
> >
> >   More like "leeks," eh?
> To me the Norwegian pronuncation sounds like something halfway between
> 'Licks' (pronounced the English way)

Get your LyX,
on Route 66

Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Re: Prouncing "LyX" - help with sound file

2006-07-19 Thread Richard Heck

On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...

It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
difference between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when
pronouncing "LyX" compared to eg "licks".

This kind of difference IS very interesting. And quite common.

Human languages have a vast store of phonological primitives from which 
what we call 'words' are constructed. Each actual language uses but a 
subset of these. All of the different sounds can be heard in children's 
babbling, and each child has the innate capacity to distinguish among 
all of those sounds. But the ability to produce and recognize all of 
these different sounds vanishes as the child matures and its linguistic 
abilities specialize. This is part of what makes it difficult for adults 
to learn other languages and is one of the reasons that a native 
English-speaker who learns Norwegian (say) late in life will, in many 
cases, always speak with an accent, however fluent she may otherwise become.

My favorite example of this difference is difficult to describe but 
impressive to hear. There are languages in which there are two different 
sounds that English speakers would hear as "p". The difference is 
whether the sound is aspirated, which corresponds, phonetically, to a 
small puff of breath following the production of the "p" sound. The 
difference is like that between the "th" sound in "that" and the "th" 
sound in "thin". (Hold your hand in front of your mount as you produce 
these words. You'll feel the puff of air.) The difference is relevant in 
so far as there could be, though there is not in fact, another English 
word "thin" in which the "th" was pronounced as in "that" or a word 
"that" in which "th" was pronounced as in "thin".

If I remember correctly, there are no Eurpoean languages in which 
aspiration is relevant in the case of "p". (I could be wrong about 
that.) Hence, speakers of English and other such languages tend not to 
hear it, and that makes learning languages in which the difference is 
relevant difficult for such speakers.

Richard Heck

Manuals PDF and merged (was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

The page

now has a link to PDF-versions of the normal help documents, as well as a 
link to a single PDF with most of the help documents (for searching etc).


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: please consolidate the documentation

2006-07-19 Thread Stephen Harris

Ingo Klöcker wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2006 08:58 schrieb Martin A. Hansen:

So what is the typical use-case for the LyX Manual? That someone wants 
to read it from the first page to the last page? Or that someone wants 
to read about a specific subject, say including graphics?

In my experience the latter is the way more common use-case. I've read 
the Introduction once and the Tutorial once. And now, every now and 
then, I open the other two documents because I want to look something 
up. Therefore it would be preferable if loading the part I'm interested 
in wouldn't take 10 seconds but only 1 second. The only way to achieve 
this is to split up the document. Of course, there should be a master 
document with a complete toc so that I can quickly navigate to the 
chapter I'm interested in. Ideally, for the user it wouldn't feel 
different from one large lyx file with the exception that loading would 
be magnitudes faster.

In any case, I'm pretty sure we can discuss this to death. Some people 
prefer a several megabyte large HTML file and other people prefer the 
same information nicely split up into several HTML files per chapter or 
even section (with nice navigation buttons of course). While the first 
approach is only feasible for people with a fast internet connection 
the second approach is feasible for anyone.

And as always there's the option to do both. Provide the LyX manual as 
one huge single file and additionally split up into several files. I'd 
put the multiple-files version into the release and put the URL of the 
single file version near the start of the multiple-files version.


I wasn't so sure that consolidated Help guides were all that useful.
But making one in .pdf format and one in .lyx format to satisfy those 
who wanted it wasn't all that hard, so why not. It's on the Wiki.

There are people who don't enjoy discussing things and they tend to
describe the people who do enjoy it as "beating a good horse to death".
Single .lyx help guides already exist and it is pretty easy to pdflatex
a pdf version from Lyx and there are existing multiple .lyx/pdf guides
it doesn't seem fruitful to debate preferences.

Learning visually brings to mind the Visual FAQ which demonstrates
how to do something on the page itself and links to the tug FAQ.
"Having trouble finding the answer to a LaTeX question?  The Visual
LaTeX FAQ is an innovative new search interface that presents over a
hundred typeset samples of frequently requested document formatting.
Simply click on a hyperlinked piece of text and the Visual LaTeX FAQ
will send your Web browser to the appropriate page in the UK TeX FAQ."

SH: I think a LyX VisualFAQ is a possible Wiki documentation project.

Ingo: Of course, there should be a master document with a complete
toc so that I can quickly navigate to the chapter I'm interested in.

SH: The problem with keyword searches is that you have to know the
keyword. We could create a detailed cross-referenced index of the
entire Wiki which would be similar to the ouput of several hundred
keyword searches. This master index would point to the document(s)
which contained the concept being researched or related ideas. One
wouldn't have to wade through several documents to find the right
one. The way it is now, "layouts" might produce 12 hits, but which
one of the 12 should be prioritized in your reading? A detailed
index incorporates a meta-toc.

Such a document would also be useful for building the Visual LyX
FAQ. It would inform the FAQ as to which document informs the
reader in more detail about a particular process by a hyperlink
to the doc and/or the Index. This treats the whole Wiki as a FAQ.
The index would also point to duplicate entries needing editing or 
possible deletion in an effort to become systematically sectioned

when dividing the whole into assigned parts for a group undertaking.

People don't all learn the same way,

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Steve Litt wrote:

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 09:26 am, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Steve Harris sent me this link
> >
> >>
>Oh. That's only for Microsoft.
>I've been using pdftk (the PDF Tool Kit) for several years. It has the
> same functions, perhaps more. Unfortunately, it does not have a GUI, but is
> strictly command line.

While we're discussing pdftk, remember these:


Uh... gmaine scrambled those pretty good... could you add them directly to 
the wiki page?

Or send them directly to me so that I can add them?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Merged manuals

2006-07-19 Thread Sven Schreiber
> Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of
> the manuals. See here:
> /Christian

That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
mentioned I have that obsession).


Single TOC of all help documents (Was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:


Thanks to Stephen Harris there's now a PDF that's the merger of some of
the manuals. See here:


That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
mentioned I have that obsession).

In case people are not aware of it, you can get a single table of contents 
for all the help documents by doing the following:

1. Open the help menu
2. Select the entry called "Table of Contents"

This will open a help document called TOC.lyx which contains a TOC for all 
the help documents.

Sven, check this out and see how much that helps. Perhaps you could add a 
bugzilla request for being able to have clickable cross-links between 
.lyx-documents. Then it'd just be a matter of making TOC.lyx contain these 


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Single TOC of all help documents (Was: Merged manuals)

2006-07-19 Thread Sven Schreiber
> On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:

>> That is a step in the right direction, thanks. But for my taste it would
>> be nicer to have only a single TOC to get the overview (I already
>> mentioned I have that obsession).
> In case people are not aware of it, you can get a single table of
> contents for all the help documents by doing the following:
> 1. Open the help menu
> 2. Select the entry called "Table of Contents"
> This will open a help document called TOC.lyx which contains a TOC for
> all the help documents.

I have to confess I wasn't really aware of this. So step by step I'm
feeling more and more satisfied.

But of course I can't stop complaining, I want two more things:

1. Get the cool dialog Document->Table of Contents with
collapsable/expandable depth levels. I guess that wouldn't be that hard,
one would only have to replace the "enumerate" environments in the
TOC.lyx file by appropriate Sections, Subsubsub... etc. (I also saw some
developer is working on outline mode for the document itself, that would
be also great but isn't there yet afaik.)

2. As you say, have the cross-links working. This could also be in the
pdf output instead of the original Lyx file.

What I can think of is (what somebody else also mentioned iirc) to have
a master document linking in (input or include or what it's called) the
separate ingredients, and possibly adjusting the cross-references. And
remember that I would be satisfied with only merging the guide and
extended features.

Finally, I don't mean to let all of you work for me, it's just that
right now I don't have the time. So I'm glad you're all so active,
otherwise I will do what I have in mind later (not this month).

Thanks and cheers,

Help categorizing the wiki pages

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom

I would like to ask my fellow LyXers with help categorizing the wiki pages.

In all likelyhood most of you are now scratching your heads, wondering if 
heat stroke finally got me. Fear not, I live in Sweden so it's unlikely. 
I'll try to explain...

Several users have noticed that finding stuff on the wiki is ... tricky.

Categorizing pages should make this easier. The goal is to be able to 
associate pages that deal with related topics/subjects so that a reader 
can go from one page about say PDFs to another page about PDFs.

Please note that a page can belong to several categories. You might also 
think of categories as tags or labels. Another way is to think of this as 
building an index (of categories) which I'll then make it so that we can 

This might sound complicated, but how you actually do it is much easier:

1. Look at a page and come up with one, two or three categories you
   think that page should be associated with. Let's say you think the
   page in question is related to PDF and publishing online.

2. Now edit the page and add the following to the (end of the) page

[[!PDF]], [[!Publishing online]]

That's it. (Ok, step 1. is a bit tricky ;-)

The result is that '[[!PDF]]' will become a link to the following page

If you go to that page you will see a list of all pages that have been 
categorized as 'PDF'. This then allows you to read other pages that are 
related to PDFs. If we like we can even edit the page Category/PDF and add 
description about what this category is about. We don't have to though.

The only difficulty here is coming up with categories for a page. I 
suggest the following inital approach:

1. Let's categorize lots of pages without thinking too much about how.
** Place categories last on each wiki page
** Use singular form of category names when possible

2. Then we study the list of categories that we got and prune away

3. If necessary we change some of the names of the categories.

You might have noticed the text "Please categorize this page" that shows 
up on most pages right now. Once the page belongs to one or more 
categories this text will be replaced with a list of the categories.

Finally I should also say that in order to "encourage" categorizing, I've 
made it so that it is no longer possible to save a page that doesn't have 
a category...  I'll remove this restriction if people find it too annoying 
and protests.


Some links:
* Main category page in the wiki
  It will eventually let us browse the categories

* Original PmWiki documentation on categories

Here is an excerpt from that page:

Coming Up With Good Category Schemes

The hard part about using categories is choosing a good vocabulary. Site 
content managers may wish to follow the Guidelines for the establishment 
and development of monolingual thesauri (ISO 2788-1986) and the Guidelines 
for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri (ISO 
5964-1985). Questions to think about include:

* whether a scheme already exists and can be reused
* number of levels in a multilevel scheme (not too shallow, not too deep
  -- e.g. 3)
* number of categories per page (not too many, not too few -- e.g. 3)
* consistent use of singular ([[Mercury]] is a [[!planet]]) or plural
  ([[Mercury]] is in the [[!planets]] category)
* disambiguation and use of phrases ([[!musical instruments]] and
  [[!medical instruments]])

Or you can just let people use whatever category terms they find 
meaningful. A vocabulary (or "folksonomy") will emerge over time.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread David Neeley

Ghostscript/ghostview has had the ability to work with pdf files for
some time now, and is already installed on many distributions of

There are a number of other tools available as well, IIRC. However, gv
has worked well for me.


On 7/19/06, Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Richard Heck wrote:
> The PDF toolkit is a good place to start for Linux:

And if you run KDE, there's also a nifty service menu that adds a gui to


Re: Help categorizing the wiki pages

2006-07-19 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Having set up the system so that you can't edit pages without adding a 
category to a page, I'll now pack and go off on vacation. That way I'll 
avoid all the violent protests ;-)

So remember to add stuff like [[!PDF]] and what not to the end of the wiki 


PS. Don't tag pages with [[!LyX]], all pages are more or less about LyX.

PS. If you run into serious problems, please ask someone with access to 
the wiki server ( to simply modify the file


by changing line 222 from
// Require that a new page must contain a category
if(true) {
// Require that a new page must contain a category
if(false) {

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

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