Re: How do you make a bundle from CPAN?

2008-03-20 Thread Michael Barto

Actually, I have found out that when you configure CPAN, you can define
a different "PREFIX" to a private library and it will not go into the
main Perl library you are running. The book "Object Oriented Perl" by
Damian Conway mentioned this trick. Thank you for taking the time to
even make a suggestion.

Tom Wyant wrote:

  On Mar 19, 6:44 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Barto) wrote:
I have developed a Perl module in MacOSX using Arhive::Zip. This library
seems to be installed
in the Perl version on the Mac (Perl v5.8.8). In porting this program to a
Linux machine running Perl v5.8.5, Archive::Zip is missing. I do not
want to
install in this current Perl library by using CPAN. What I would like to
do is define my own library
and use "#!/usr/bin/perl -I my library" name.

I have download all the modules from CPAN I need:


Is there some easy way to make a library module using CPAN and not have
it get installed
in the existing Perl library but go somewhere else. Some option in CPAN
or something.

I don't know about doing this with a CPAN option, but a good starting
point for how to do it from hand-downloaded kits (or from CPAN
look ... ) is the ExtUtils::MakeMaker FAQ, which you will find if you
go to and search for ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

Tom Wyant





  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
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Cell: 714 883 1949

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Re: Using Perl to Read jar file MANIFEST file.

2008-03-07 Thread Michael Barto

THANK for the tip. This will work fine. Great mailing list

Claes Jakobsson wrote:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS);
use Archive::Zip::MemberRead;
my $archive = Archive::Zip-new();
die "read error" if $archive-read(shift) != AZ_OK;
my $fh = Archive::Zip::MemberRead-new($archive,
while (defined($_ = $fh-getline())) {
 print "$_\n";
galaxy:~ claes$ perl /usr/share/java/junit.jar
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
Created-By: 1.5.0_04-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
seems to work
On 5 mar 2008, at 19.40, Claes Jakobsson wrote:
  On 5 mar 2008, at 19.23, Michael Barto wrote:

Has anybody every tried to create a Perl
program ro read the contents of the MANIFEST file in java jar file? We
are trying to develop something to provide comparisons for change
between different implementations. Is this a simple Perl backtic,
system or exec of the jar command or is there a more exotic way to do
it? Also, we need to extract Checksum. But that seems documented.

If I remember correctly JAR files are simply Zip files so you should be
able to use something like Archive::Zip to read the file.







  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
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Cell: 714 883 1949

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Using Perl to Read jar file MANIFEST file.

2008-03-05 Thread Michael Barto

Has anybody every tried to create a Perl program ro read the contents
of the MANIFEST file in java jar file? We are trying to develop
something to provide comparisons for change between different
implementations. Is this a simple Perl backtic, system or exec of the
jar command or is there a more exotic way to do it? Also, we need to
extract Checksum. But that seems documented.



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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Multiple Perl Version on the same server

2008-01-13 Thread Michael Barto

I have a client whose Production and Development Server version of Perl
is significantly out of data particularly with libraries (even though
they are running Perl 5.8.0). This become obvious when I moved my
program on my Mac at 5.8.8 with its current libraries to their
development server. Even though it all worked, a lot of error messages
started appearing in the Apache logs. As a good programmer, I started
to fix them only to find they were experiencing these errors all the
time with all their other programs. Investigating it more, I
discovered that their libraries were severely out of date. For example
their version of is dated 2000. 

I have propose that they install on their Development Linux server a
later version of Perl in another location and migrate the application
over (e.g. /usr/new/perl). Their concern is there is only one MySQL
program, but the Perl libraries to access it would be different.
Second, they think installing a later version of Perl in a different
location would overwrite the current library. I am not really clear how
Perl locates its install Libraries, so I would like some clarification
on this issue with two different versions running. Is there a setup
method with Perl to make sure this does not happen? They will probably
use CPAN to add the new libraries. How should this be set up? Another
issue is they are using a MySQL 4.x version. Not a MySQL 5.x version.
On my Mac, I had to load DBI and DBD driver for MySQL 5 and update
MySQL to 5.x. But I suppose I can get older versions from CPAN.




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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Re: Mac OS alias from Perl

2007-12-09 Thread Michael Barto

Yes the alias function in MacOSX is different than regular Unix. If
your software is targets a Unix server and not to only run under
MacOSX, it is much better to make the links on the Mac at the command
line with Unix ln command (e.g. ln -s -which is safer) to test and
maintain a consistent Unix environment. Fortunately Mac support of
regular Unix is really excellent and ln works as advertise on a Mac. By
the way, another "got-you" is the Mac filesystem. On new Mac computers
where the software is pre-installed, the filesystem ignores case. The
is not true in regular Unix. For example: in regular Unix, a file name
like "johnsfile" and "johnsFile" are considered different file. But on
the Mac, they are considered the same. But you have a true Unix
filesystem by reformating the disk to support case sensitive file
naming. This has hurt me several times till I reformated my drive.

Chris Devers wrote:
On Dec 8, 2007, at 7:06 PM, Celeste Suliin Burris
  Use a symbolic link instead. Perl handles
those natively, and they can be

accessed from the command line. The Finder just treats them the same as



Not quite. I forget the details at the moment, but Finder aliases are
kind of like "firm links": while hardlinks point to inodes, and
softlinks point to file pathnames, aliases point to the logical file in
a more robust way than symlinks. For example, if the reverent file
moves, symlinks break, but aliases shouldn't.
If you really want aliases, I think the CPAN modules of Dan Kogai and
Chris Nandor are the place to start. I forget who wrote what, but
modules like (I think) MacOS::File and Mac::Glue can either make the
right calls directly, or leverage Applescript / OSAscript to do this
for you.
Or if symlinks/softlinks are enough, just use the traditional Perl /
Unix methods to make those.



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

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Re: Installing Net::SFTP

2007-12-07 Thread Michael Houghton


On Dec 6, 2007, at 8:16 AM, Dennis Putnam wrote:

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply. I already have MIME::Base64. However, I  
decided to try to upgrade all the modules to see if that would  
help. What a mess. I have many modules that fail for a host of  
reason, mostly test failures.

So did I. But I went and did the usual incantation on MIME::Base64 by
hand to force an up-to-date install and that seemed to clear up the
problem. I didn't dig for a reason, but the initial error message
pointed to something being awry in MIME::Base64.

Michael and MJ Houghton | Herveus d'Ormonde and Megan O'Donnelly
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | White Wolf and the Phoenix narrowwares
Bowie, MD, USA  |
Proud member of the SCA Internet Whitewash Squad

Library Problem

2007-11-28 Thread Michael Barto

What is the trick to installing Net::SFTP? The Math::GMP library fails.
Trying to use MCPAN -e shell interactively with install Net::SFTP.
MacOSX 10.4.11 PPC. Perl v5.8.6



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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Re: Detecting OS X version from perl

2007-11-18 Thread Michael Barto

Everyone has suggested "system_profiler" for the hardware stuff. But
it appears that I will need do some parsing with 
$ grep -A1 'BundleShortVersion' /Library/Receipts/*.pkg/Contents/version.plist
| grep string

On Solaris you have pkginfo, in HP you have "swlist" and Linux you
need to use RPM and do "

if [ -e /bin/rpm ]; then
 #rpm based distributions:
 /bin/rpm -qiav  ${DATADIR}/${HOST}.programs

elif [ -e /usr/bin/apt-cache ]; then
 #APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) based distributions:
 for PKG in `apt-cache pkgnames`; do apt-cache show $PKG; done

elif [ -d /var/db/pkg ]; then
 #Portage software management system based distributions:
 for PKG in `find /var/db/pkg/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -printf
"%P\n"`; do
 echo "Package name: $PKG";
 if [ -f /var/db/pkg/$PKG/DESCRIPTION ]; then
 echo "DESCRIPTION: `cat /var/db/pkg/$PKG/DESCRIPTION`";
 cat /var/db/pkg/$PKG/*ebuild | grep "DESCRIPTION";
 if [ -f /var/db/pkg/$PKG/HOMEPAGE ]; then
 echo "HOMEPAGE: `cat /var/db/pkg/$PKG/HOMEPAGE`";
 cat /var/db/pkg/$PKG/*ebuild | grep "HOMEPAGE";
 if [ -f /var/db/pkg/$PKG/LICENSE ]; then
 echo "LICENSE: `cat /var/db/pkg/$PKG/LICENSE`";
 cat /var/db/pkg/$PKG/*ebuild | grep "LICENSE";
 done  ${DATADIR}/${HOST}.programs

 echo "Unable to retrieve package information" 


Seems not a simple solution for MacOSX for system managers who use
script to collection information about Unix systems. On the other hand.
MacOSX does support "df" and "ifconfig -a" 

  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Devers) wrote:

Quick report:

 $ system_profiler -detailLevel mini

Obsessive detail report:

 $ system_profiler -detailLevel full


a little more precise if use system_profiler :

system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType|grep "System Version"





  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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Re: Detecting OS X version from perl

2007-11-17 Thread Michael Barto

Just a quick question. Is there a command line at a terminal window of
MacOSX that can do this- tell you more about the hardware? Also list
software packages and their revisions and also patches?

Peter Hartmann wrote:
On my 800Mhz Dual Processor PPC the AS command
system info
returns the correct version (10.4.11).
Am 17.11.2007 um 12:21 schrieb Eberhard Lisse:
  Very Cool,

on my iMini

Gestalt says it's 10.4.9

osascript/fider says 10.4.7

I guess this is the version for the application "Finder", not the OS!
  sw_version 10.4.11

the latter is correct :-)-O

This AS
tell application "Finder"
set FinderVersion to version
set OSVersion to product version
return {FinderVersion, OSVersion}
end tell
{"10.4.7", ""}
So getting the OS version via the Finder seems to be broken - but there
is an alternative, as shown above.
Gestalt seems to be broken, however.
___ Peter Hartmann 



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
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Cell: 714 883 1949

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Re: Not exactly a Perl question

2007-10-26 Thread Michael Barto

Speaking of Solaris and Mac's and multiple OS environments. Solaris 10
is free for X86. It loads really easy in Parallels. There is even a web
site where a Solaris Parallels image that is down loadable.
Solaris 10 supports a virtualization called Zones (virtual Solaris
server). This weekend on an Intel Mac we installed Solaris and setup a
couple of Zones all running under Parallels. Each zone has its own IP
and login like a regular OS. One zone for the database, one zone for
the Web server, with the programming development on the Mac. Note: You
need memory to do this. But it is free.

You can download the Solaris image Parallels image at:

Also checkout the blog:

To setup a Solaris zone, use the runbook posted at :

David Cantrell wrote:

  On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 08:51:16AM -0400, Robert Hicks wrote:
Do any of you use use VMWare or Parallels to test your stuff on other 
distros? Which did you pick to use and why?

I use Parallels for both my CPAN-testers stuff and also for testing my
own code on Linux and FreeBSD.  I also test on Solaris (on a Sparc box)
and NetBSD on Alpha.

I use Parallels because VMware for Mac didn't exist at the time.

I wish that Parallels could run OS X as a 'guest' OS.  That Apple won't
allow virtualisation is bloody annoying.





  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
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Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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Re: Thanks Apple! You snubbed perl yet again!

2007-10-17 Thread Michael Barto

The Perl developers are kind of a quiet group. But I think that Apple
has done a very reasonable job for developers. I remember even in old
MacOS9 that this Perl was ahead of what I had on Sun Solaris OS. There
is always a leading edge, but my application need to be distributed,
therefore I am more conservative in the version I use. Apple's Perl
version fits that real well. And I can always install multiple version
of Perl because in a Unix OS. Just define a different path.

On the otherside, Apple computers are the best developer's hardware.
You can run you Debrian, Redhat, Ubuntu versions of Unix and so forth
on the platform-either under Parallels or native. You can also run
Solaris 10 (which is free I might add) along with all the varieties of
Windows types--all running under one platform. Here you have all the
neat MacOS development tools (e.g. Bbedeit, Dreamweaver, Affrus [Perl
debugger], etc.) running in MacOSX, at the same time you have the
Solaris 10 Application and database server running. At Jave One (in
March), Sun Microsystem use Apple Laptops to show the new Java stuff
and the developers carrier 4 to one for Apple laptops over the PC's. At
the Solaris 10 presentation, Sun stated that their target laptop was
from Apple because it woke up. Finally, my recent friends who have
purchased new Apple Laptops, tell me that Windows XP runs better under
Parallels than on their old PC. I assume that Debrian will be just as

And as I reiterate, you could install the cutting edge Perl on you
system and be fine still under MacOSX with all its tools. It is Unix

Some yummy facts about Leopard:
Scripting Bridge
Use Objective-C, Ruby, and Python programs to automate Mac
applications. The new Scripting Bridge enables them to easily generate
AppleEvents using a concise, AppleScript-like syntax.
Ruby on Rails
Work in a developer's dreamland. Leopard is the perfect platform for
Ruby on Rails development, with Rails, Mongrel, and Capistrano built
Not a single word about perl. No mention of CamelBones, using the
Scripting Bridge for perl, or the fact that perl has CPAN with 12,000+
high quality modules while ruby has 4,000+ on rubyforge. Apple trumpets
its POSIX conformation yet what UNIX is worth its weight in cat5 cable
if it doesn't come with perl?
It looks like I will have to stick with debian for developing my LAMP




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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Is there a True Boolean type in Perl?

2007-10-15 Thread Michael Barto

As both Java and _javascript_ both have a 'true' and 'false' or Boolean
data type, is there any interest in evolution of Perl to have a true
Boolean. Or what is the preferred method to do this in Perl. The "C"
programmers want me to use "0"'s and "1"'s.



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
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Cell: 714 883 1949

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Re: Is there a True Boolean type in Perl?

2007-10-15 Thread Michael Barto

I think in the more newer languages, they have implemented true
booleans. Perl is kind of old school. Pascal defines them as a
grandfather of languages. Therefore as one migrates the languages to a
higher levels (e.g. Perl[n]), they all will end up with a boolean data
type. Therefore, I think the $true and $false is a more consistent
method in a multiple languages environments (particularly doing web
things [Java and _javascript_] for a consistent set of rules across the
board. Thanks for your input.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 11:25 PM, Gary Blackburn wrote:
On Oct 15, 2007, at 4:27 PM, Michael Barto wrote:

As both Java and _javascript_ both have a
'true' and 'false' or Boolean data type, is there any interest in
evolution of Perl to have a true Boolean. Or what is the preferred
method to do this in Perl. The "C" programmers want me to use "0"'s and

In my experience the most common convention is to use undef and 1 as
your boolean values, as in:

my $is_scared; # is_scared is initially set to undef, which
evaluates as "false"

if ($monsters_under_my_bed) {

$is_scared = 1;


Yeah, it's probably bad karma to use "undef" when you mean "0" but this
approach is very perl-ish, easy to read, and even recommended by Damian
Conway in his "Perl Best Practices" book (page 40... just checked. :-D)

You can, if you really want to, do this:
my $true = 1;
my $false;
Still, it is not much of a substitute for knowing what exactly is
_inside_ your variable and testing it to make sure. Plus, boolean
values are un-perlish. Look at this for example:
if ($var) {
 print "Yep!";
} else {
 print "Nep!";
That is perlish, testing if $var is defined and doing some thing based
on that. You can of course make it clearer with
if ( defined ($var))
But to be really perly and terse, this is the idiom:
print "Yep" if ($var);




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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my variable at global level not being passed

2007-10-04 Thread Michael Barto

I am working with an old Perl Library (program module) written in Perl4
and Perl 5 depending who was "hacking the code". My program that calls
it, uses -w and strict and has identified many syntax errors and so
forth in the old library which I fixed. My problem is that this library
needs two variables passed as globals to it to use in one of the
subroutines, One of them is the $dbh variable created when the database
is open. Another is a hash. Both these variables were initiated at the
Main top most level of the program with "my". Unfortunately, this
causes an error and the libraries does not see the global. If I turn
off strict and the -w options and remove the "my" from these variables
assignments, the program works. What is going on? I might point out
that the start of the subroutine that is causing the problem starts
like this.

sub SelectReport (@) {
 my ($var,$val) = @_;
 # Here is the order in which we try to get the reports:
 # matching userid - matching group permission - matching
role_id - userid empty (for everybody)
 my $querystr = "select * from report where $var = '$val' and
 print "QS=$querystr\n";
 debug("SelectReport1: Q=$querystr");
 my $my_error = '';
 my $sth = $dbh-query($querystr) || ($my_error="$querystr: ".

I already found a call in the library that looks like this

my $sth = SelectReport('report_id',$report_id);

Yes it is a hack issue, but the program has worked for years and the
client does not want the code rewritten at present. Does anyone know
what is causing this unstable results with "my" at the global level not
being passed?

One other note. Yes the all the client programs run with strict and -w
turn off. They think it runs faster with the compiler fixing all the
errors when it is executed.




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 



2007-09-28 Thread Michael Barto

This seems like a flame, but I will try and answer your question. The
reason why we are doing the HTML subroutines and so many others with
key at the start (e.g. JSCript, DB, make, get). is mostly to support
long term maintenance and parse out pieces of the code for a very large
project (divide and conquer). The modules libraries are maintained in a
consistent manner. The variables $new_page and $from_page also are
significant in this large code. It just helps the many people that have
to touch this code have an easier path getting though any maintenance.
The main program is nothing more than large set subroutine calls broken
down in sections. The subroutine calls are shared by many modules of
the large project.

Also, I really appreciate "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" response as it did
clarify the issue and was very helpful. 

Jeremiah Foster wrote:

On Sep 27, 2007, at 6:41 PM, Michael Barto wrote:
  Perl snippet question:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use CGI;

use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

my $new_page = new CGI("");

sub HTMLendFORM ($) {

 my $new_page = $_[0];

 print $new_page-end_form;


HTMLendFORM ($new_page);

print "\n\n";


This above code produces "div/div/form". This
ti me is odd, since i only really want /form. Does anyone have
an explanation or another way to use the library and produce
only /form. Yes I could just use a print statement. But I am
kind of curious to why?

Why are you doing it this way? You do not need a sub and it is best to
use $q (or the functional interface) since if anyone has to read your
code they will recognize $q immediately but wonder what $new_page is
for. And why are you printing two new lines? New lines do not show up
in HTML.
Try this:
print $q-end_form();
That usually produces /form



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

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Help with Javascript

2007-09-15 Thread Michael Barto

Since Perl and _javascript_ seem to be hand in a hand for Web 2.0
applications, is there anyone out there using Mac Perl to create Web
Apps using the EXTJS library (e.g. I am looking for a good
_javascript_ forum and any advice on tools on the Mac. Also, how to make
sure they work in Safari



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Conflict with Time::Local and Time::localtime

2006-12-31 Thread Michael Barto

I have a Perl program that gets the date of a file using 'ctime' from "use
Time::localtime;" But this program must also convert an
Epoch time to a date and time using 'localtime'
from "use Time::Local;". The
problem is it appears that only one of these modules can be used in a
single program. Not both since a localtime
subroutine exist as the same name in both modules. How can I support
using both modules in the same program?. Here are the snippits:

use Time:localtime;
use Time:Local;

#needs Time::Local
sub convertEPOCHtime ($) {
 my $time = $_[0];
 my ($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day_of_month, $month,
$year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime
 $year += 1900;
 my @themonths =
 my @weekdays = ("xxx", "Sat", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thr",
"Fri", );
 if ($hours  10) {
  $hours = '0' . "$hours";
 my $datestring = "$weekdays[$wday] $themonths[$month] $day_of_month
${hours}:${minutes} $year";
 return ($datestring);

# needs Time::localtime
sub FILEdate ($) {
 my $filename = $_[0];
 my $as_of_date = ctime(stat("$filename")-mtime);
 return ($as_of_date);




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

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proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: Script menu makes perl zombies?

2006-09-08 Thread Michael Barto

I am not quite sure how you mean to verify this.

I ran a complex Perl program that take over 20 seconds and perform you
script every 5 seconds. 

pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus 329 78.4 3.0 56560 31660 ?? R 9:12AM 0:01.17
/usr/bin/perl -w
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus 329 86.7 3.4 59848 35196 ?? R 9:12AM 0:07.01
/usr/bin/perl -w
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus 329 82.9 3.4 59848 35196 ?? R 9:12AM 0:12.70
/usr/bin/perl -w
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus 329 91.3 3.4 59848 35196 ?? R 9:12AM 0:18.64
/usr/bin/perl -w
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus 329 86.0 3.4 59848 35196 ?? R 9:12AM 0:22.38
/usr/bin/perl -w
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
pwbk2003:~ root# 

If your script is the problem, I will need the script.

Ken Williams wrote:
For months I've been trying to figure out what's causing some perl
zombie processes on my system. Looks like it might be the script
menu. I have a script menu item called "" that establishes
some SSH tunnels, and it works fine. But after I run it, I see this:
% ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
ken 14697 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? Z 31Dec69 0:00.00
Its parent process is 1982, which is /System/Library/CoreServices/
ystemUIServer -psn_0_786433 .
Can other people confirm this? Any known bug covering this or
something (not sure where to look)?




      Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: Perl Module Installation

2006-08-24 Thread Michael Barto

MacOSX has the modules installed in
"Library/Perl/darwin-thread-multi-2level". Since my development is to
use #!/usr/bin/perl, this is the default library location and is where
I have installed

This output should tell you what happens on MacOSX (my version is
10.4.7) with perl

perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 6) configuration:
 osname=darwin, osvers=8.0, archname=darwin-thread-multi-2level
 uname='darwin 8.0 darwin kernel version 7.5.0: thu
mar 3 18:48:46 pst 2005; root:xnuxnu-517.99.13.obj~1release_ppc power
macintosh powerpc '
 config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dccflags=-g -pipe
-Dldflags=-Dman3ext=3pm -Duseithreads -Duseshrplib'
 hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
 usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define
 useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
 use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
 usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
 cc='cc', ccflags ='-g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN
-no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include',
 cppflags='-no-cpp-precomp -g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN
-no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include'
 ccversion='', gccversion='3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build
1809)', gccosandvers=''
 intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
 ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
 alignbytes=8, prototype=define
 Linker and Libraries:
 ld='env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc', ldflags
 libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
 libs=-ldbm -ldl -lm -lc
 perllibs=-ldl -lm -lc
 libc=/usr/lib/libc.dylib, so=dylib, useshrplib=true,
 Dynamic Linking:
 dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
 cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
 Locally applied patches:
 23953 - fix for File::Path::rmtree CAN-2004-0452 security issue
 33990 - fix for setuid perl security issues
 Built under darwin
 Compiled at Mar 20 2005 16:34:19

Joel Rees wrote:

There are other issues in the MacOS X for manual installation or
modules such as where the modules are install. The manual method may
put them in /usr/local instead of in /Library. Be careful.

'sfunny. I actually prefer to load my machine-wide modules in /usr/
local. Maybe it's just the warm fuzzies, but I prefer to avoid giving
the installation process a chance to walk on modules the system uses.
Of course, I also refrain from updating the system perl by installing
my own machine-wide non-system perl in /usr/local, as well. That
allows the system update process to proceed without doing such things
as bumping into a perl I've already updated past the version the
system update process wants to update.
It used to be that such a course was the default when you used CPAN,
but I haven't re-installed perl in about a half year or so.




      Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: Perl Module Installation

2006-08-23 Thread Michael Barto

If you have downloaded the module instead of using CPAN, look at the
file "INSTALL" in the module. If should tell you what to do:


#make check   = VERY IMPORTANT!!
#make install

But using CPAN is better.

There are other issues in the MacOS X for manual installation or
modules such as where the modules are install. The manual method may
put them in /usr/local instead of in /Library. Be careful.

LogiQwest uses for our product which runs in Perl for multiple
Unix types. (we develop on the Mac by the way for Unix reasons with
desktops). The following link I have posted that might be useful to you
for you DBI installation. It is part of our documentation (though it is
general for Unix):

But many of the other links on this page do not work.

Moiss Chicharro wrote:
Hi All,
Can anyone point me to a decent tutorial for installing perl modules.
The one I have downloaded is DBI-1.52.tar.gz
I am running OS X 10.4.7 and have never installed a perl module
before. I have found various pages on the net but I don't want to mess
things up so would like to make sure that the tutorial I am reading
has been recommended by some experts! :)
I am also assuming that the right directory for my install is
Thankyou in advance,




      Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Math::GMP and Net::SSH::Perl still fails

2006-08-06 Thread Michael Barto
line 13.
Compilation failed in require at
line 54.
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

 Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-10
 Failed 10/10 tests, 0.00% okay



Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/02-buffer.t 255 65280 19 38 200.00% 1-19
t/03-packet.t 255 65280 10 20 200.00% 1-10
Failed 2/6 test scripts, 66.67% okay. 29/116 subtests failed, 75.00%
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
 /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install
 make test had returned bad status, won't install without force

IV. Now I try to 

perl -MCPAN -e 'install MATH::GMP'

Also fails

Modify the :



use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.

 'NAME' = 'Math::GMP',
 'VERSION_FROM' = 'lib/Math/', # finds $VERSION
# 'LIBS' = ['-lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
 'LIBS' = ['-L/usr/local/lib', '-lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
 'DEFINE' = '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'


V. perform a make in this directory

pwbk2003:~/.cpan/build/Math-GMP-2.04 root# make
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Math/GMP/GMP.bundle
LD_RUN_PATH="" env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc -bundle -undefined
dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/lib GMP.o -o
blib/arch/auto/Math/GMP/GMP.bundle -lgmp 
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a(mode1o.o) has local relocation
entries in non-writable section (__TEXT,__text)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/Math/GMP/GMP.bundle] Error 1
pwbk2003:~/.cpan/build/Math-GMP-2.04 root# 

What ever the solution to this is, it needs to be documented in a
cookbook fashion that is repeatable. I am will to post a page on this,
if someone can figure out a consistent process to make this happen. I
have got a couple of answers, that they have got it working, but they
do not remember how they did it. Swell!!



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: iCal modules

2006-08-06 Thread michael
I once had to read ical-files and did so with Tie::iCal. I found  
there are plenty of Modules that deal with iCal and a lack of  
Documentation. Someone might even try without a module at all...

Now that you are describing your problem i wonder if there is a site  
that does just this kind of conversion...

Have you considered using an rss-feed? Probably you find something  
appropriate at


Am 05.08.2006 um 16:19 schrieb Mike Schienle:

Hi all -

I'm checking out modules for working with iCal. I want to scrape a  
financial calendar web site at 
Public/MarketAnalysis/Calendars/EconomicCalendar.htm and put the  
dates into an iCal calendar. I checked  
and there were a couple financial ones from previous years, but  
nothing current. Apple's iCal section on their site didn't have any  
financial calendars listed.

Does this exist already for this or a similar calendar?
Data::iCal looks like an appropriate module to use. Any pros/cons  
or more appropriate modules to consider?

If you'd like to subscribe to the resulting calendar when I'm done,  
just drop me a line. I'm creating the iCal calendar by hand at the  
moment, so it's already available.

Thanks for any ideas.

Mike Schienle

Math::GMP and Net::SSH::Perl

2006-08-05 Thread Michael Barto

I am a novice at this. What am I missing? I downloaded the Math::GMP
ran a config, make, make test and make install.

 make check  = VERY IMPORTANT!!

make install

everything worked fine. The library was installed in /usr/local/lib

In my load directory, I have a "" file in a development directory
where I downloaded this module before I did the make(s)/install.

When I try again installed this CPAN module which has this dependency

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::SSH::Perl'

I get 
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite Math::GMP 1.04 not found.
Writing Makefile for Net::SSH::Perl
 Unsatisfied dependencies detected during
[D/DB/DBROBINS/Net-SSH-Perl-1.30.tar.gz] -
Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue
of modules we are processing right now? [yes] 

DIED. FAILED tests 1-19
 Failed 19/19 tests, 0.00% okay
t/03-packet..Can't locate Math/ in @INC .etc.


Should I move the "" to say
/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Math so that the
computation can see it, use libtool (how does that work?) or use an
environmental variable? What is the correct answer to the question
after I have compiled the Math::GMP (yes or no)? Since it is there, I
think it should be no. But it does not see it. Before I hack it to see
it, I would like some advice.

By the way Celeste Suliin Burris, you solved my first part of the
problem in compiling But who do we report these errors to fix
CPAN without hacking around?




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: Math::GMP and Net::SSH::Perl

2006-08-05 Thread Michael Barto

I make this modification, but still get the same error.

t/03-packet..Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC ..

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.

 'NAME' = 'Math::GMP',
 'VERSION_FROM' = 'lib/Math/', # finds $VERSION
# 'LIBS' = ['-lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
 'LIBS' = ['-L/usr/local/lib -lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
 'DEFINE' = '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'

The issue is that the Math/ is located in my development
directory :


Should I change it to that, instead?

Paul McCann wrote:
Hi Michael,
I think the problem here is that Math::GMP doesn't look in /usr/local/
lib to find the libgmp* libraries, so you need to give it a helping
Just modifying the Makefile.PL file so that instead of
'LIBS' = ['-lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
you have
'LIBS' = ['-L/usr/local/lib -lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
should do the trick.




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: Math::GMP and Net::SSH::Perl

2006-08-05 Thread Michael Barto

Also, I scan the output and "/usr/local/lib" is not even in the search
path error

Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
"test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t

t/02-buffer..Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6
/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6
/Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level
/Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .
/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6
/Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level
/Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .)
at t/02-buffer.t line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/02-buffer.t line 9.


Michael Barto wrote:

I make this modification, but still get the same error.
  t/03-packet..Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC ..
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
 'NAME' = 'Math::GMP',
 'VERSION_FROM' = 'lib/Math/', # finds $VERSION
# 'LIBS' = ['-lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
 'LIBS' = ['-L/usr/local/lib -lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm'
 'DEFINE' = '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
The issue is that the Math/ is located in my development
directory :
Should I change it to that, instead?
Paul McCann wrote:
  Hi Michael, 

I think the problem here is that Math::GMP doesn't look in /usr/local/
lib to find the libgmp* libraries, so you need to give it a helping

Just modifying the Makefile.PL file so that instead of 

'LIBS' = ['-lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm' 

you have 

'LIBS' = ['-L/usr/local/lib -lgmp'], # e.g., '-lm' 

should do the trick. 




Michael Barto
Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649

Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

'tis a gift to be
 This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 




  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Problems installing Net::SSH::Perl'

2006-08-03 Thread Michael Barto

This modules fails to install from CPAN 
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::SSH::Perl'

with error installation in installation of Math::GMP. Hence
Net::SSH::Perl module cannot be installed. This problem needs to be
corrected. Does anyone know how to get by this problem and how can it
be reported to be fixed?

This problem is also true for Sun Solaris (which I tried the same
thing on). We develop on Mac's



  Michael Barto
  Software Architect

16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA92649
Tel:714 377 3705
Fax:714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

  'tis a gift to be

   This e-mail may contain
proprietary information and should be treated as confidential. 


Re: install problems: XML::LibXML::XPathContext

2006-08-01 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Aug 1, 2006, at 23:04 , Sherm Pendley wrote:

I ended up force installing XML::LibXML::XPathContext

Pointless. That will force CPAN to copy the files, but it won't fix  
the real problem. And with *every* test failing, there's virtually  
zero chance of it being a problem with the tests - *especially*  
given that they pass on your PB.

Thanks for confirming this. I generally don't force install modules  
until I have evidence that that's the only option and that the module  
will still work as expected. In this particular case I was anxious to  
get on with the project and wanted to see if any problems arose in  
the absence of any confirmation of the problem. So far I've been  
lucky, as nothing untoward appears to be happening, but it *is*  
something I'm uncomfortable with.

Nothing so far has indicated a bug in the module. Quite the  
contrary - the crash dump suggests otherwise:

Binary Images Description:
  0x605000 -   0x6dafff libiconv.2.dylib/opt/local/lib/ 
0x1008000 -  0x10f0fff libxml2.2.dylib /opt/local/lib/ 

0x92a4a000 - 0x92b28fff libxml2.2.dylib /usr/lib/ 
0x92b45000 - 0x92c32fff libiconv.2.dylib/usr/lib/libiconv. 

Figure out why this module is linked against both copies of libxml  
 libiconv, and I'd bet you'll have solved this problem.

Thanks for pointing this out. I don't have a lot of experience  
reading crash dumps, and your explanation is helpful as an introduction.

Try moving /opt aside before building  testing the module. Before  
you do, use otool to see which of these XML::LibXML::XPathContext  
is linked against - it may also be that one (or more) of its  
prerequisites (XML::LibXML for instance) is also linked the one in / 

I've been trying to figure out where the XML::LibXML::XPathContext  
object files are located, but can't find it. (Am I correct in  
thinking that's what I should be looking for?) I'm looking in / 
Library/Perl/5.8.6. And looking at the otool man page, it looks like  
I want to use otool -L when I finally find it, correct?

Thanks, Sherm for your help.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

Re: install problems: XML::LibXML::XPathContext

2006-08-01 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Aug 2, 2006, at 11:55 , Michael Glaesemann wrote:

On Aug 1, 2006, at 23:04 , Sherm Pendley wrote:

Try moving /opt aside before building  testing the module. Before  
you do, use otool to see which of these XML::LibXML::XPathContext  
is linked against - it may also be that one (or more) of its  
prerequisites (XML::LibXML for instance) is also linked the one  
in /opt.

I've been trying to figure out where the XML::LibXML::XPathContext  
object files are located, but can't find it. (Am I correct in  
thinking that's what I should be looking for?) I'm looking in / 
Library/Perl/5.8.6. And looking at the otool man page, it looks  
like I want to use otool -L when I finally find it, correct?

I think I've found it. I was looking for a .so or .o file, but it  
looks like it's a .bundle.

$ otool -L /Volumes/wilde/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
/opt/local/lib/libxml2.2.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0,  
current version 9.23.0)
/opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,  
current version 1.2.3)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,  
current version 88.1.6)
/opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (compatibility version  
6.0.0, current version 6.0.0)

And here's what XML::LibXML is linked against.

$ otool -L /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/XML/ 
/usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0,  
current version 9.16.0)
/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current  
version 1.2.3)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0,  
current version 88.1.5)
/usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0,  
current version 5.0.0)

So that confirms what you suspected. I moved the previous and /opt out of the way, hopped into CPAN and  
installed XML::LibXML::XPathContext again. Installed without a  
problem, passing all the tests.

Is there a way to specify which libs the modules should be linking  
against, something like changing ones path? I don't see the /opt in  
the perl -V output (in particular in the Linker and Libraries  
section), so I'm wondering why it's picking up the libraries in /opt  

Thanks again, Sherm!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

Re: install problems: XML::LibXML::XPathContext

2006-08-01 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Aug 2, 2006, at 12:35 , Sherm Pendley wrote:

You can pass multiple file names to otool, so you can actually get  
a quick list of everything all your modules are linked against like  

find /Library/Perl/5.8.6 -name '*.bundle' -print0 | xargs -0 otool -L

I can imagine I'll find that useful in future debugging. Thanks again  
for your help. I learned quite a bit today!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

Re: install problems: XML::LibXML::XPathContext

2006-08-01 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Aug 2, 2006, at 13:09 , Sherm Pendley wrote:

One more one-liner before bed. :-)

Thanks! Sleep well! You've more than earned it, from my POV. :)

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

install problems: XML::LibXML::XPathContext

2006-07-30 Thread Michael Glaesemann


I'm having trouble installing XML::LibXML::XPathContext on a Intel  
Mini (via CPAN). I had no problem installing it on my Powerbook, so  
I'm wondering if it has to do with a difference between PowerPC and  
Intel processors (for lack of any other evidence). Has anyone else  
had trouble installing XML::LibXML::XPathContext?

There are a few warnings about arguments differing in signedness  
during compilation, and a truly amazing number of test failures  
(failing 200% and 183%, if the numbers are to be believed.)

One thing I'm wondering about is the following warning:
/usr/bin/ld: warning -L: directory name (/usr/local/lib) does not exist

I've tried creating /usr/local/lib and installing again, but not  
surprisingly it just removes the warning: I still get the same number  
of test failures. Checking this directory on my Powerbook (with the  
successful XML::LibXML::XPathContext install), I see a number of  
libraries, but none of them look like they have any connection with  
XML (libnmz, libreadline, libsqlite3, libruby, libfcgi, libchasen,  
libhistory, libapreq).

Please find my version and install logs below. I've Googled on some  
of the error strings, but nothing except for a CPAN install failure  
log on an older version of Darwin from 7 months ago[1] have risen to  
the surface.

Thanks for any insight, pointers to documentation, or suggestions of  
things I might try to get it installed are most appreciated.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net


$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 6) configuration:
osname=darwin, osvers=8.0, archname=darwin-thread-multi-2level
uname='darwin 8.0 darwin kernel version 8.0.0: tue  
nov 15 13:23:51 pst 2005; root:xnu-792.99.1.obj~6release_ppc power  
macintosh powerpc '
config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dccflags=-g  -pipe  - 
Dldflags=-Dman3ext=3pm -Duseithreads -Duseshrplib'

hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define  

useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no-cpp- 
precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include',

cppflags='-no-cpp-precomp -g -pipe -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -no- 
cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include'
ccversion='', gccversion='4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build  
5250)', gccosandvers=''

intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8,  
Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8

alignbytes=8, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc', ldflags ='-L/usr/ 

libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib
libs=-ldbm -ldl -lm -lc
perllibs=-ldl -lm -lc
libc=/usr/lib/libc.dylib, so=dylib, useshrplib=true,  

  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/ 

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):

  Locally applied patches:
23953 - fix for File::Path::rmtree CAN-2004-0452 security issue
33990 - fix for setuid perl security issues
  Built under darwin
  Compiled at Jan 13 2006 11:59:39
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /Users/saiadmin/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 09:31:45 GMT
Running install for module XML::LibXML::XPathContext
Running make for P/PA/PAJAS/XML-LibXML-XPathContext-0.07.tar.gz
CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok
CPAN: Module::Signature loaded ok
WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
Primary key fingerprint: 2E66 557A B97C 19C7 91AF  8E20 328D A867  
450F 89EC
Signature for /Users/saiadmin/.cpan/sources/authors/id/P/PA/PAJAS/ 

CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok
Checksum for /Users/saiadmin/.cpan/sources/authors/id/P/PA/PAJAS/XML- 
LibXML-XPathContext-0.07.tar.gz ok

Scanning cache /Users/saiadmin/.cpan/build for sizes

Re: PerlTK's -clipboardAppend in OSX...?

2006-05-06 Thread Michael

There are lots of solutions here, but none of them are built into TK,
nor can they be. If you want your program to interface with an
environment other than the one TK is running ni, it's up to you to
make the links.

I believe you are asserting here that, PerlTK can not (or should not) 
concern itself with individual platform issues to which it is ported.  I 
respectfully do not agree.  Additionally I notice the developers of 
PerlTK do not agree.  For example, they appear to have made many 
accommodations for Microsoft Windows.  I draw your attention to the 
Tk-804.027 source files in the directory Tk-804.027/pTk/mTK/win.  Take 
a look at the tkWinPort.h header file in that directory.

The PerlTK developers make calls to Windows DLL's, they might want to 
make a call to OSX libs to make all PerlTK's features work more 
seamlessly with the native GUI.  The developers seem to have lumped OSX 
into the same category as Unix/X.   This is perhaps not the correct 
thing to do.  While OSX runs X, it's primary GUI is not X.

Making sure all function calls work well in each target environment make 
PerlTK a more attractive development tool.  Standing back and taking the 
not my responsibility attitude doesn't help the cause.  Solving the 
problem by adding code to each PerlTK program written is not efficient.


Re: PerlTK's -clipboardAppend in OSX...?

2006-05-05 Thread Michael

Jay Savage wrote:

On 5/3/06, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Anyone have trouble copying things to the clipboard using PerlTK's
-clipboardAppend...?  When I use it to put things in the clipboard, I
cannot paste the contents into other OSX apps like Textedit.  The
Paste option is available in the application, however no data appears
when one pastes.

Correct. Quartz and X11 have different (actually, at least 3)
clipboard systems that aren't shared. You can get around this by using
copy in the munbar at the top of the screen. but in order to
manage this clipboards entirely from within X11 (TK), you're going to
need help. See the xcutsel application that's part of the standard X11
build, or autocutsel from Fink. Alternatively, you can use XDarwin
instead of the Apple X11 port. Recent versions of XDarwin synchronize
the clipboards...most of the time. Note that Quartz does a good job of
reading the X11 clipboard. Items cut in X11 should be available to
Quartz apps. It's just doesn't work the other way around.


-- jay
This email and attachment(s): [  ] blogable; [ x ] ask first; [  ]
private and confidential

daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com

values of β will give rise to dom!

if it is possible to synchronize the clipboards...  perhaps this can be 
done when the PerlTK methods which add or retrieve data from the 
clipboard are called?  Perhaps the developers of PerlTK can address this 

PerlTK's -clipboardAppend in OSX...?

2006-05-03 Thread Michael


Anyone have trouble copying things to the clipboard using PerlTK's 
-clipboardAppend...?  When I use it to put things in the clipboard, I 
cannot paste the contents into other OSX apps like Textedit.  The 
Paste option is available in the application, however no data appears 
when one pastes.

Additionally, I get the same results when I use the context menus for 
-Scrolled to copy text to the clipboard?

Apologies if this has been discussed before.


Re: CamelBones on Intel

2005-11-04 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Nov 5, 2005, at 7:55 , Sherm Pendley wrote:

Here's some good news. I just heard from someone who's been helping  
me test CamelBones on Intel, using the latest ShuX snapshot found  

And here's what he had to say about it:

I spent a few minutes clicking around in this latest version on my  
Intel box with no apparent failures of any kind. It also appeared  
identical to the same version on my PPC machine.

I'll be rolling a new release package soon - probably later tonight  
- but in the meantime I wanted to share the good news.

w00t! Congrats, Sherm!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: ANN: CamelBones 1.0.0-beta4, ShuX 3.0-beta3

2005-10-25 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Oct 26, 2005, at 4:34 , John Delacour wrote:

At 1:49 pm -0400 25/10/05, Sherm Pendley wrote:

ShuX is a graphical POD (Plain Old Documentation) reader for Mac  

Thank you for the new ShuX, Sherm.  There's certainly a world of  
difference between this and a the very early version I last tried.

Hear, hear! I've been (im)patiently hoping you'd find time to be able  
to update and release a new version. Thanks, Sherm! Looks great!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: Help Wanted: Testing CamelBones on Intel

2005-10-25 Thread Michael Glaesemann

On Oct 26, 2005, at 13:07 , rob barris wrote:

On Oct 25, 2005, at 9:03 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Oct 25, 2005, at 12:53 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

Done. As the announcement mentions, the recent release of ShuX,  
as well as the CamelBones framework itself, are built as  
universal binaries. So, of someone with an Intel Mac would  
download ShuX and give it a click, I'd be most appreciative.

I feel bad seeing this entire thread Warnocked three times, but  
I'm afraid I'm unable to do anything substantive about it -  
perhaps Intel Macs are still so rare out there that nobody on this  
list actually has one.  Maybe try p5p if you haven't already?

we have one (OK, two).  Where do I get the app? 

ShuX is very helpful :)

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: How to build 5.4.5 on OS X

2005-07-05 Thread Michael G Schwern
On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 07:28:55PM -0500, Ken Williams wrote:
 With a hint from Jarkko I got 5.4.5 to build on OS X.  Here's how.
 Do I hear a 5.4.6 in the future, then? ;-)

Because we want to simultaneously maintain 1..2..3..4..5 tracks of Perl.
5.4.x, 5.5.x, 5.6.x, 5.8.x, 5.9.x.  (8 if you include Pugs, PONIE and Perl 6).

Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'All anyone gets in a mirror is themselves,' she said. 'But what you
gets in a good gumbo is everything.'
-- Witches Abroad by Terry Prachett

Re: chmod not working on firewire drive

2005-04-25 Thread Kevin Michael Vail
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Goedicke) wrote:

 Dear Y'all - 
 I'm having a disquieting experience in which I can't remove write
 permission (i.e. bash$ chmod a-x filespec) on my firewire drive.
 I've sudoed to no avail.

Well, removing write permission is a-w...
Kevin Michael Vail | a billion stars go spinning through the night,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | blazing high above your head.
 . . . . . . . . . | But _in_ you is the presence that
  . . . . . . . .  | will be, when all the stars are dead. 
 . . . . . . . . . | (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Malformed filenames

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Glaesemann
Hello, all!
What I have is not a problem with perl on Mac OS X, but rather a 
problem on Mac OS X that I'd like to solve using perl. I'm not sure how 
to go about solving it, and am looking for suggestions.

I have a number of files that were created on Windows that have 
Japanese characters in the file name. The files were sent to me zipped. 
When the zip archive is uncompressed with English as the main language 
under Mac OS X, the filenames are malformed. (iirc, if Japanese is the 
main language, this isn't a problem, but it's been awhile since I've 
done that, and I wouldn't want to have to switch languages and relaunch 
the Finder every time I unzipped a file that might have Japanese in the 

I'd like to make a perl script that would rename the files, but I'm not 
sure how to force reading the characters as a different encoding, nor 
sure which encoding I should use. I can handle a little trial and error 
with the last part (trying different encodings should be a simple 
matter of a foreach loop :), but am not sure how to approach the 
re-encoding part.

Hints, pointers, perldoc references much appreciated.
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: Malformed filenames

2005-03-03 Thread Michael Glaesemann
Resending, as I neglected to cc the list.
(BOn Mar 3, 2005, at 21:08, Kino wrote:
(B On 3 Mar 2005, at 20:48, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
(B I have a number of files that were created on Windows that have 
(B Japanese characters in the file name. The files were sent to me 
(B zipped. When the zip archive is uncompressed with English as the main 
(B language under Mac OS X, the filenames are malformed.
(B I have no idea about a perlish way to correct them but you can try 
(B some applications.
(B As they are not new, they may not work on Panther.
(BThanks for the quick response! I couldn't get the first to install, but 
(BUnifix looks promising.
(BMichael Glaesemann
(Bgrzm myrealbox com


2004-12-09 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 09:35:34AM +0100, Christian Schneider wrote:
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 11:55:57PM -0800, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Well, I'm about to take the plunge and begin to learn MySQL. I have 
Apache and Perl all running great (stock installs), but I'm not sure 
how to get started with installing MySQL. I guess what I'm asking is, 
can some one share some good links/pointers on installing MySQL. As 
well, links on USING MySQL with Perl. I'm not planning on doing any 
huge things with multiple databases, just some basic info to be stored 
and then searched through when needed.
In addition to the Perl details below, you can install MySQL (or PostgreSQL 
(resisting starting religous war) ) with DarwinPorts or fink.
I could do what I need in a flat file DB, but want to learn how to use 

Any pointers anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.
well, for using Perl there's which explains how Perl
talks to databases; the book mentioned on their home page (Programming
the Perl DBI) is also quite good if you want to learn more.
To talk to MySQL you need to know about the driver DBD::mysql:
I find the documentation on a good source on the installation
and configuration of MySQL and I liked the book by Michael Kofler - though
I read the originial (German) version of the book and don't know how
good the translation is.
Dr Michael A. Maibaum 
voice: [m] 07813 713 952 [w] (020) 7679 3890

Re: SOLVED: Re: Installing SOAP::Lite

2004-11-07 Thread Michael Glaesemann
On Nov 7, 2004, at 3:49 AM, David Wheeler wrote:
I just installed Test-Class-0.06_7 and tests still fail. But I use it 
all the time for running the Bricolage tests and haven't had any 
problems. I sent the test output to the author.

I get failures with SOAP::Lite, too, but again, I've been using it for 
a while without trouble. Again, I have sent a failure report to the 
author. They're probably fairly simple issues; hopefully the will be 
addressed soon.
Thanks a lot for your feedback on this. Good to get confirmation!
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

SOLVED: Re: Installing SOAP::Lite

2004-11-06 Thread Michael Glaesemann
Sherm (and fellow perlers),
Just wanted to give y'all a heads up on what happened.
On Nov 4, 2004, at 4:30 PM, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
On Nov 4, 2004, at 2:32 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
Don't forget about the Bundle::Bricolage bundle on CPAN. Bricolage 
needs a *huge* number of modules, and the bundle is easier than 
installing them all one-by-one.
Thanks for the advice. I've actually already done that. It took quite 
a while, but I think in the end it worked out okay.
I spoke too soon. Bundle::Bricolage includes SOAP::Lite as well as 
Test::Class, both of which failed tests on my machine. From looking 
some of the Bricolage documentation, it appears Test::Class is only 
used for development, so I wasn't too worried about using force 

You can reinstall by doing a force install. I.e:
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'force install MIME::Parser'
I did end up force installing both SOAP::Lite and Test::Class, though I 
wasn't able to do it using sudo perl -MCPAN ... for some reason. It 
still failed the tests and wouldn't install. However, I succeeded when 
I logged into the cpan shell using sudo cpan. Then using force install 
inside the shell worked just fine. Seems to be working, but a little 
odd, don't you think?

Thanks again for your help!
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Installing SOAP::Lite

2004-11-03 Thread Michael Glaesemann
Hello all!
I'm working on installing Bricolage 1.8.2 on Mac OS X 10.3.5 (stock  
perl v5.8.1-RC3). One of the required modules is SOAP::Lite. However,  
I'm having make test failures installing it via CPAN (v1.76). It seems  
that I'm having a problem with MIME::Parser. (Something wrong with MIME  
message: MIME::Parser: can't flush:  at  
/Library/Perl/5.8.1/MIME/ line 789). I'm unfamiliar with how  
to attempt to reinstall MIME::Parser in case there's a problem with my  
MIME::Parser install. I believe it was installed as a requirement for  
another module I installed via CPAN.

Relevant sections posted below. Any additional information cheerfully  
submitted upon request.

Thanks for any help!
Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Dali:~ glaesema$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install SOAP::Lite'
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /Users/glaesema/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Tue, 02 Nov 2004 20:13:16 GMT
Running install for module SOAP::Lite
Running make for B/BY/BYRNE/SOAP/SOAP-Lite-0.60a.tar.gz
snip /
Removing previously used /Users/glaesema/.cpan/build/SOAP-Lite-0.60 Going to build B/BY/BYRNE/SOAP/SOAP-Lite-0.60a.tar.gz
We are about to install SOAP::Lite and for your convenience will provide
you with list of modules and prerequisites, so you'll be able to choose
only modules you need for your configuration.
XMLRPC::Lite, UDDI::Lite, and XML::Parser::Lite are included by default.
Installed transports can be used for both SOAP::Lite and XMLRPC::Lite.
Press enter to see the detailed list.
Feature   PrerequisitesInstall?
Core Package  [*] XML::Parser (v2.23)  always
  [*] MIME::Base64
  [*] URI
Client HTTP support   [*] LWP::UserAgent   [ yes ]
Client HTTPS support  [ ] Crypt::SSLeay[ no ]
Client SMTP/sendmail support  [ ] MIME::Lite   [ no ]
Client FTP support[*] IO::File [ yes ]
  [*] Net::FTP
Standalone HTTP server[*] HTTP::Daemon [ yes ]
Apache/mod_perl server[*] Apache   [ yes ]
FastCGI server[ ] FCGI [ no ]
POP3 server   [*] MIME::Parser [ yes ]
  [*] Net::POP3
IO server [*] IO::File [ yes ]
MQ transport support  [ ] MQSeries [ no ]
JABBER transport support  [ ] Net::Jabber  [ no ]
MIME messages [*] MIME::Parser [ yes ]
SSL Support for TCP Transport [ ] IO::Socket::SSL  [ no ]
Compression support for HTTP  [*] Compress::Zlib   [ yes ]
MIME interoperability w/ Axis [ ] MIME::Parser (v6.106)[ no ]
--- An asterix '[*]' indicates if the module is currently installed.
Do you want to proceed with this configuration? [yes]
During make test phase we may run tests with several SOAP servers
that may take long and may fail due to server/connectivity problems.
Do you want to perform these tests in addition to core tests? [no]
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
snip /
Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e  
test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch') t/01-core.t t/02-payload.t  
t/03-server.t t/04-attach.t t/05-customxml.t t/06-modules.t  
t/07-xmlrpc_payload.t t/08-schema.t
t/02-payload...ok 41/125# Failed test 42 in t/02-payload.t at  
line 271
#  t/02-payload.t line 271 is:   ok($serialized =~ m!SOAP__SOM(?:  
t/02-payload...FAILED test 42
Failed 1/125 tests, 99.20% okay
t/03-server# Failed test 1 in t/03-server.t at line 138
t/03-serverNOK 1#  t/03-server.t line 138 is: $_ =~  
/XML/ || $is_mimeparser ? ok(($result-faultstring || '') =~ /Failed to  
access class \(Calculator\)/)
# Failed test 2 in t/03-server.t at line 138 fail #2
t/03-serverok 4/30# Failed test 5 in t/03-server.t at line  
t/03-serverNOK 5#  t/03-server.t line 148 is: $_ =~  
/XML/ || $is_mimeparser ? ok(($result-result || 0) == 7)
# Failed test 6 in t/03-server.t at line 148 fail #2
t/03-serverFAILED tests 1-2, 5-6
Failed 4/30 tests, 86.67% okay
t/04-attachSomething wrong with MIME message: MIME::Parser:  
can't flush:  at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/MIME/ line

Re: Installing SOAP::Lite

2004-11-03 Thread Michael Glaesemann
Hi Sherm,
On Nov 4, 2004, at 2:32 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
Don't forget about the Bundle::Bricolage bundle on CPAN. Bricolage 
needs a *huge* number of modules, and the bundle is easier than 
installing them all one-by-one.
Thanks for the advice. I've actually already done that. It took quite a 
while, but I think in the end it worked out okay.

You can reinstall by doing a force install. I.e:
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'force install MIME::Parser'
I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
I'd be tempted to do a force install on SOAP::Lite. MIME::Parser 
passed all of its own self-tests (on my machine), so a likely cause of 
the problem is that SOAP::Lite uses an API in MIME::Parser that has 
either been vanished or changed. Another possibility is simply that 
the self-tests are faulty - it happens.
I'm still in my training-wheels phase, so I'm a bit hesitant to force 
install until getting a second opinion--and now I've got it :) Thanks 
for the explanation as well.

BTW, I get the same results on my Linux machine - so it's not 
something you've done, or something wrong with your Mac.
Do you mean the MIME::Parser error or the other test failures as well? 
(Still am not sure what to do about those, though hopefully a force 
install takes care of it.)

It's definitely an issue with SOAP::Lite and the current version of 
MIME::Parser. Have you reported the problem to the SOAP::Lite 
I haven't reported it, but I did notice that there was mention on the 
SOAP::Lite mailing list that one should really install a bleeding edge 
version of MIME::Tools that reportedly fixes this problem.

soaplite ML Thread:
updated MIME::Tools
Thanks a lot for your response. You're explanation and suggestions are 
really helpful.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Problems installing IPC::Run on Mac OS X 10.3.5

2004-10-06 Thread Michael Glaesemann
I'm having some difficulty installing IPC::Run on Mac OS X 10.3.5.
perl -v returns
This is perl, v5.8.1-RC3 built for darwin-thread-multi-2level
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)
Interested parties can find perl -V output at the end of this email.
I'm using CPANPLUS to install IPC::Run and get the following error  
(appended at the end and truncated a bit for clarity):

Googling hasn't revealed much other than a report of the same failure  
on perl.cpan.testers with, unfortunately, no solution. I get the same  
t/run.t error installing via CPAN as well. Any ideas or suggestions? It  
seems that IPC::Run to install other modules I'm interested in using.

I posted this first to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The lone response pointed  
out that the test failure was due to a test that unexpectedly  
succeeded, and recommended I try here, or perhaps force install. I feel  
I don't have enough experience with perl to feel confident forcing a  
module installation without having an adequate reason, however.

Thanks for any and all assistance. I look forward to expanding my perl  
knowledge--with your kind assistance :)

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com
snip /
t/run..# Test 1 got: '012-89--' (t/run.t at line 160)
#   Expected: '012-8---'
#  t/run.t line 160 is: sub { ok( _map_fds, $fd_map ) ; $fd_map =  
_map_fds },
FAILED test 1
Failed 1/266 tests, 99.62% okay
snip /
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/run.t  2661   0.38%  1
 (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 61 subtests skipped.
Failed 1/15 test scripts, 93.33% okay. 1/703 subtests failed, 99.86%  
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 45
MAKE TEST failed! -  in CPANPLUS::Internals::Make::_make at Tue Oct  5  
09:52:37 2004 at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line  
An error occurred handling module IPC::Run in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::Install::_install_module at Tue Oct  5 09:52:37  
2004 at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/CPANPLUS/Internals/ line 170
Installing IPC::Run failed! in CPANPLUS::Backend::install at Tue Oct  5  
09:52:37 2004 at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/CPANPLUS/ line 255
Error installed IPC::Run
Problem installed one or more modules
*** You can view the complete error buffer by pressing 'p' ***
CPAN Terminal p
Could not find or check module 'IPC::Run' in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::_can_use at Tue Oct  5 09:52:13 2004
Could not find or check module 'IPC::Run' in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::_can_use at Tue Oct  5 09:52:14 2004
Could not find or check module 'IPC::Run' in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::_can_use at Tue Oct  5 09:52:16 2004
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at t/pty.t  
line 256. in CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:22 2004
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at t/pty.t  
line 257. in CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:22 2004
# Test 1 got: '012-89--' (t/run.t at line 160) in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:23 2004
#   Expected: '012-8---' in CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue  
Oct  5 09:52:23 2004
#  t/run.t line 160 is: sub { ok( _map_fds, $fd_map ) ; $fd_map =  
_map_fds }, in CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:23  
v-strings are deprecated at (eval 1) line 1. in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:37 2004
v-string in use/require non-portable at (eval 1) line 3. in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:37 2004
Failed 1/15 test scripts, 93.33% okay. 1/703 subtests failed, 99.86%  
okay. in CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at Tue Oct  5 09:52:37 2004
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 45 in CPANPLUS::Internals::__ANON__ at  
Tue Oct  5 09:52:37 2004
MAKE TEST failed! -  in CPANPLUS::Internals::Make::_make at Tue Oct  5  
09:52:37 2004
An error occurred handling module IPC::Run in  
CPANPLUS::Internals::Install::_install_module at Tue Oct  5 09:52:37  
Installing IPC::Run failed! in CPANPLUS::Backend::install at Tue Oct  5  
09:52:37 2004
Stack printed successfully

$ perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 1 RC3)  
osname=darwin, osvers=7.0, archname=darwin-thread-multi-2level
uname='darwin hampsten 7.0 darwin kernel version 6.0: fri jul 25  
16:58:41 pdt 2003;  
root:xnu-344.frankd.rootsxnu-344.frankd~objrelease_ppc power macintosh  
powerpc '
config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dccflags=-g  -pipe   
-Dldflags=-Dman3ext=3pm -Duseithreads -Duseshrplib'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define  
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='cc', ccflags ='-g -pipe -pipe -fno-common

Re: Panther problems

2003-11-19 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Nov 18, 2003, at 17:15, William H. Magill wrote:

My .profile has:

export MANPATH
NOTE the export

Which works as it has always worked -- both in zsh (which I normally 
use, emulating ksh) and bash.
I did not even need to modify my .profile  from Jaguar.

Setting MANPATH works as it always worked, but it also turns of the 
'smart' behaviour of manpath where the MANPATH is worked out from the 
PATH variable, without requiring MANPATH to be set.



Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [m] 07958 604025|

Re: Panther problems

2003-11-18 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Nov 17, 2003, at 18:31, John Labovitz wrote:

On Nov 16, 2003, at 6:45 PM, Vic Norton wrote:

I'm sorry about the confusion, Morbus. My .bash_profile contains 
the line
The set command, with no parameters, reproduces this as
Regardless, I cannot see manuals in either
   /man  or  /usr/X11R6/man
and manpath still produces

My conclusion, in bash the value of the variable MANPATH has no effect
whatsoever on man. Maybe bash doesn't need setenv, but, so far, it
can't tell man where to look either.
Apparently we're not supposed to set $MANPATH anymore.  There's a 
manpath command that man calls to automatically figure out the 
paths (from man manpath):

 Manpath is used by man(1) to determine the search path, so users 
 don't need to set the MANPATH environment variable directly.

If you *do* set $MANPATH, manpath just echoes that, without doing 
its searching.

There is an /etc/manpath.config file that lets you expand the default 
places that manpath searches.  On closer looking, and doing several 
searches across my whole system looking for manpages, I found that I 
needed to add the following lines:

The /opt/local reference is because I use Darwinports, which (like 
fink) puts all its installed files into its own directory.  (Note that 
I have actually changed /usr/bin/perl to point to /opt/bin/perl, which 
may mean that a lot of what I've written may not be true on your 
system. ;)

FWIW, DarwinPorts now installs a symlink from ${prefix}/share/man to 
${prefix}/man to keep manpath happy.


Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [m] 07958 604025|
Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [m] 07958 604025|
Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [m] 07958 604025|

Re: Apache::Scoreboard trouble

2003-10-20 Thread Michael Chamberlain
On Monday, October 20, 2003, at 02:50  pm, Ray Zimmerman wrote:

At 5:58 PM +0100 10/18/03, Michael Chamberlain wrote:
On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 09:36  pm, Ray Zimmerman wrote:

I have perl-5.8.0 installed in /usr/local with no problems.

Today I installed Apache::Scoreboard but when I try running ...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Apache::Scoreboard;
... I get ...

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
Any ideas?

My guess would be your running an apache1 version of 
Apache::Scoreboard with
an apache2 binary.
I don't think this is possible. I'm sure the httpd that I'm running is 
1.3.28 ... and I don't think I've ever even touched this machine with 
anything related to Apache 2. In any case, from the output of 'make' 
it looks like the only place it is looking for Apache stuff is in 
and that definitely doesn't have anything related to Apache 2 in it.

Any other ideas?

Ok, the reason I thought that was the problem, is that when you start 
porting a module
from modperl1 to modperl2, you get similar error messages. Basically, 
you've got a module which is links
against modperl1/apache1 in some way, and it can't find those symbols.

Which leads me to conclude you can't use Apache::Scoreboard outside of 
a modperl1/apache1 environment.

Try writing an apache handler using it, rather than a perl script.


Re: Apache::Scoreboard trouble

2003-10-18 Thread Michael Chamberlain
On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 09:36  pm, Ray Zimmerman wrote:

I have perl-5.8.0 installed in /usr/local with no problems.

Today I installed Apache::Scoreboard but when I try running ...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Apache::Scoreboard;
... I get ...

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap
Any ideas?

My guess would be your running an apache1 version of Apache::Scoreboard 
an apache2 binary.


Re: BBEdit-Perl confusion

2003-10-17 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 02:20  am, Doug McNutt wrote:

At 16:12 -0700 10/16/03, Ingles, Juan W. wrote:
I wonder: Is this because
/opt/local/bin/perl   points to the perl 5.6 binary
5.6 binary path is hard coded in BBEdit
I don't have any /opt/local/bin/. None was created by the CPAN perl 
5.8 install in July 2002

which perl
on the terminal will tell you what binary you are launching
It just says /usr/bin/perl and says nothing about what it links to.

FWIW (as the maintanier of the dports perl port) We deliberately do not 
replace the system (/usr/bin/perl) binary. If you want to use perl 
5.8.x via darwinports as your 'system' perl you should remove 
/usr/bin/perl and replace it with a symlink to ${prefix}/bin/perl 
(usually /opt/local/bin/perl).

I've been meaning to add a 'switch_perl' shell script similar to the 
one used in freebsd to semi-automate this for those that want it.

Also, I've just updated the perl port to 5.8.1, with the previously 
discussed fix for the DBD::mysql issues.



Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [m] 07958 604025|
Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [m] 07958 604025|

Re: How to stat a symlink rather than its target dir?

2003-08-25 Thread Kevin Michael Vail
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Thorman) wrote:

 [Why do I want to use stat() instead of -l?  Because I am indexing an entire 
 disk's worth of files and want to execute the minimum number of stat() calls. 
  Certainly I don't want to have to use -l with a path on every file -- I want 
 to get the mode and other stat values once and then use the sys/stat.h (use 
 Fcntl) macros S_ISLNK, S_ISDIR, etc.]

The _ filehandle can be used to apply the file test operators to the 
last file that was referenced by any of them, or by stat.  For example, 
you can do something like this:

   if (-f $file) {
  ## do something here
   } elsif (-d _) {
  ## do something here

The -d operator uses the same stat buffer as the -f operation, without 
querying the file system again.  This is documented in perldoc -f stat.
Kevin Michael Vail | Dogbert: That's circular reasoning.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Dilbert: I prefer to think of it as no loose ends.

Re: Installing 5.8.0

2003-06-18 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 10:25:28PM +0900, Robin wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 07:13  pm, Michael Maibaum wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 04:24:23PM +0900, Robin wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:24  pm, Sherm Pendley wrote:
 On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 10:54 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
 What is the best, simplest, and easiest approach to having a rock
 solid, reasonably standard perl setup?
 If you really and truly need 5.8.0 - and there are some good reasons
 you might, such as improved Unicode support - your best bet would be
 to get it from darwinports.
 Dunno I used and provided you follow the instructons at
 which with the exception of setting the LC_ALL environment variable, 
 pretty concise, it went pretty smoothly.
 I would strongly recommend against this approach, or if you use it,
 expect problems if/when you upgrade to Mac OS X 10.3.
 Are you objecting to CPAN or darwinports?

Neither, the directions at
which overwrite the Apple supplied perl.

 If its the CPAN method, you are being a tad dramatic. Provided you have 
 installed the dev tools of course (no compiler otherwise), if you 
 follow the instructions at appledev perl5.8 the distro will be 
 installed by CPAN in/Users/YOU/usr/local/  and like anyother app you 
 have installed in your user file, it won't be touched by system 
 upgrades, it belongs to you. Install perl via CPAN as shown also won't 
 overwrite the perl used by the OSX system itself (perl5.6, kept in 
 /Sysytem/LIbrary/Perl). Overwriting this would cause problems for the 
 parts of the system even before a system upgrade.

Agreed, I was objecting to the guidlines on the Apple website, not 
installing a local perl as a user.

 The effect of darwinports I don't know.

DarwinPorts puts perl in /opt/local so it should be pretty safe.

One or two people emailled asking about a static mod_perl apache build
against perl 5.8, so I've uploaded one at

On the dmg are 2 package installers 
perl5.8 (destination /opt/local/)
apache-1.3.27 with a statically linked mod_perl, (destination

Feedback welcome on these packages.

Dr Michael A. Maibaum 
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
voice:[h] 07958 604025   | [w] (020) 7631 6725

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing 5.8.0

2003-06-17 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 04:24:23PM +0900, Robin wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:24  pm, Sherm Pendley wrote:
 On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 10:54 PM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
 What is the best, simplest, and easiest approach to having a rock 
 solid, reasonably standard perl setup?
 If you really and truly need 5.8.0 - and there are some good reasons 
 you might, such as improved Unicode support - your best bet would be 
 to get it from darwinports.
 Dunno I used and provided you follow the instructons at
 which with the exception of setting the LC_ALL environment variable, is 
 pretty concise, it went pretty smoothly.

I would strongly recommend against this approach, or if you use it,
expect problems if/when you upgrade to Mac OS X 10.3. 

The darwinports perl builds fine to the best of my knowledge, and if it
doesn't I want to know as I maintain the package. (On that note, if
anyone has any suggestions for package variants that would be useful let
me know, I'm going to add a variant for a debugging perl, threads,
anything else?)

Dr Michael A. Maibaum 
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
voice:[h] 07958 604025   | [w] (020) 7631 6725

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing 5.8.0

2003-06-17 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 08:23:55AM -0500, Lorin Rivers wrote:
 On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 05:13 AM, Michael Maibaum wrote:
 I would strongly recommend against this approach, or if you use it,
 expect problems if/when you upgrade to Mac OS X 10.3.
 The darwinports perl builds fine to the best of my knowledge, and if it
 doesn't I want to know as I maintain the package. (On that note, if
 anyone has any suggestions for package variants that would be useful 
 me know, I'm going to add a variant for a debugging perl, threads,
 anything else?)
 What will happen if I use the darwinports perl? Does it automagically 
 replace the existing perl in terms of the command line and what not? Or 
 would I have to use /opt/bin/perl for 5.8.0 (and just perl for 5.6)?

DarwinPorts perl will not touch /usr/bin/perl (ie Mac OS X's standard
perl). What I do is replace /usr/bin/perl with a symlink to the 5.8
version of perl, that allows things to work with my 'new' perl, but
means it is easy to go back to Apple's 'system' perl by simply deleting
that symlink and replacing it with one pointing at /usr/bin/perl5.6.0

 I'm asking all these questions because I have hosed my perl more than 
 once out of ignorance (most people find installing and configuring perl 
 a trivial task, I'm sure) and want it mostly for using prebuilt scripts 
 and tools, not for writing my own perl (shudder).

If you are using prebuilt scripts that need a newer perl, I'd probably
use the symlink approach described above, then you can easily back out
of the newer pero if you need to, but most scripts etc should, 'just


Dr Michael A. Maibaum 
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
voice:[h] 07958 604025   | [w] (020) 7631 6725

Description: PGP signature

10.2.x, perl 5.6.1, gcc3.1?

2003-03-31 Thread Michael Glaesemann
Hello! I'm trying to install perl 5.6.1 on my Mac running 10.2.x (right 
now it's 10.2.1, but that will change in a couple of hours, when I 
should be back up to 10.2.4), but there seems to be an incompatibility 
between perl 5.6.1 and the gcc3.1 compiler that comes with the December 
2002 Developer Tools. I keep getting
make: *** No rule to make target `built-in', needed by 
`miniperlmain.o'.  Stop.

I've been following the instructions posted by Ray Zimmerman[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00895.html
and David Wheeler
with the variation to use the gcc2 compiler[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg03679.html
(exact same no rule to make target error back in October 2002.)
but of course that didn't work because I don't have a gcc2 compiler. 
I'd rather not install a gcc2 compiler because I've heard of other 
incompatibilities with binaries compiled under the two different 

Searching for perl 5.6.1 and gcc3.1 under google brought me to a 
posted patch for linux.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg84893.html
It appears the Ken William's fink installation includes a similar patch.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04611.html
I'd rather compile it myself and keep it in it's own directories 
parallel to the 5.6.0 installation.

Is there a way I can use the patch supplied with the Ken William's fink 
installation during my own compile? If so, where I can look to find how 
to do this? Or maybe there's a way to modify the fink installation to 
install where I'd like it to?

Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers of where to look for more 

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: Compiling libapreq 1.1 on Mac OS 10.2.4

2003-03-21 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 06:22 PM, David Wheeler wrote:

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 08:17  PM, R. Hannes Niedner wrote:

I have tried it hard and long with all kinds of recipes and always 
got the
same error messages with make test. Remember you checked the output 
of the
make and the verbose test... It looks that the tests screw up big 
time on
mac os x (at least for me with perl 5.8). I forced the install so far 
trouble but I would need a killer script to test it though :-).
My suggestion force make install in cpan or just make install without 
Well, not in cpan, but manually. Just go ahead and 'make install' and 
see if it works with your own code.
FWIW, Darwinports has apache with a static mod_perl variant, perl 
5.8.0, and libapreq in ports you should get a clean, working set up 
after you've installed darwinports by doing

#  port install -v -d apache +mod_perl

here you should probably set the /usr/bin/perl to be a symlink to 
/opt/local/bin/perl, or have /opt/local/bin in your path before /usr/bin

# port install -v -d libapreq-perl

at some point in the near future I intend to make a .mpkg so you can 
have a double clickable installer of apache+ mod_perl, perl 5.8.0 and 
libapreq... but I'm about to move continents so that might have to wait 
a week or 2.

However, I'd love to have more people testing the above ports for 
me (One thing, fink shouldn't screw things up, but it is if there are problems, remove fink from you environment 
(stop sourcing the init scripts) and try again.



Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [h] (415) 626-6733   |[w] (415) 561-1682

Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-02-28 Thread Michael Maibaum
FWIW, it seems likely that 5.8.0 will be in 10.3, though that isn't 
certain. I have been told that it is what they would like to happen, 
and barring any unforeseen problems we should see it.

Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [h] (415) 626-6733   |[w] (415) 561-1682

Description: PGP signature

Re: magic bullet needed for Perl upgrades on Mac OS X

2003-02-28 Thread Michael Maibaum
On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 01:04 AM, Rich Morin wrote:

At 12:13 AM -0800 2/28/03, Michael Maibaum wrote:
FWIW, it seems likely that 5.8.0 will be in 10.3, though that isn't
certain. I have been told that it is what they would like to happen,
and barring any unforeseen problems we should see it.
Do you have an idea of the release schedule for 10.3?

Nope, no clue

Michael Maibaum
internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
voice: [h] (415) 626-6733   |[w] (415) 561-1682

Description: PGP signature

Re: getting $1, $2 etc. in evaled regexp

2003-02-25 Thread Michael P . Wilson

I'm pretty sure you don't have to go through the eval to do what you're 
trying to do.  Can't you just build the regex straight like that, with 
the $str?

if ($line =~ /$str/)
or am I just imagining things because it's 3:30 in the morning?

- M

On Tuesday, Feb 25, 2003, at 03:03 America/New_York, allan juul wrote:


perl question

eh, is not possible to get the values in parens when you do a reg 
match on an
evaled string ?

consider the snippt below, how do i get the values into $1, $2 etc ...

my $str  = /(.{11})(.{10})/i;
my $line  = test string etc  etc test string;
if ($line =~ eval(/ . $str . /)) {
  print id = $1\n;
  print pw = $2\n;

Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on 
some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate 
friendship. - Cicero

Re: konfabulator -- something to ponder

2003-02-13 Thread Michael P . Wilson
Careful, neither is Konfabulator.

On Wednesday, Feb 12, 2003, at 22:28 America/New_York, Joel Rees wrote:

Shux, I just wish this had been Perl...

So, is this konfabulator thingy going to have some advantage over, say,
Tk with Perl?

(Or RealBASIC, or Borland's Java gadget, except that those are not 


Thus nature has no love for solitude, and always leans, as it were, on 
some support; and the sweetest support is found in the most intimate 
friendship. - Cicero

Re: OT: macosx list?

2003-02-11 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 09:29 AM, Riccardo Perotti wrote:

Sorry for the OT, but I've been looking for a MacOSX mailing list, 
like this
one but not perl-only. Somewhere one could ask / discuss about apps, 

macosx-talk at the omnigroup for general macosx chat, darwin-users at 
apple or darwin-discuss at for darwin specific user 


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: OT: macosx list?

2003-02-11 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 11:09 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Riccardo Perotti wrote:

Sorry for the OT, but I've been looking for a MacOSX mailing list, 
like this
one but not perl-only. Somewhere one could ask / discuss about apps, 

Does anybody know where to find one?

Yes, but I hesistate to recommend it.

Omnigroup sponsors Mac related lists, including macosx-talk, -admin, 
-dev. Last time I checked (six months ago?) there was some good 
there, but a *lot* of aggressive trolling burying it all, and you 
much have to have your personal Reality Distortion Field set to stun 
higher most of the time.

As Flava Flav taught, I don't believe the hype :)

yep, I have an aggressive set of filters running on -talk... It is 
getting better as there is now an active moderator, I wouldn't describe 
it as good yet, but the improvements stopped me unsubscribing.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: dmg of perl 5.8.0 on Mac OS X

2003-02-06 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 07:37 AM, Drew Taylor wrote:

At 09:36 PM 2/5/03 -0800, Michael Maibaum wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 08:37 PM, Chris Nandor wrote:

Now, who is going to do a dmg of Apache / mod_perl / libapreq?  :-)

We'll be providing .pkg and .mpkgs shortly, and the packages that 
there are already are availible over webdav or from the website 
(webdav address is These packages 
are still in testing at the moment...

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but could someone explain the 
difference between a disk image (dmg) and a package (pkg)? I know the 
dmg mounts a virtual drive, but other than that which is better?

The dmg usually contains a .pkg  which is run once the dmg is mounted.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)


Re: Mac OS X client and #perl

2003-01-24 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 04:32 PM, Brad Hughes wrote:

Semi-off topic...  What IRC client are people here using, and which 
IRC servers
do perl folk inhabit?

I use irssi and am usually on #perl

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Oracle OCI problems

2003-01-21 Thread Michael Leahy
This article was essential when I tried to install Oracle on my machine:

DBD::Oracle on OS X Success!
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg14864.html


At 1:04 AM -0600 1/19/03, Alan Sill wrote:


Tried similar things, with similar results.  I followed all of the 
instructions in

and finally got things to the point that perl -v would return 5.8.0 
and all seemed well.

Ran the CPAN shell and updated itself (CPAN) successfully, and then 
went on to some other things (DBI, DBD-Oracle, etc.).

Everything seems to install OK, but if I try (after setting my 
ORACLE_HOME correctly to point to the Developer Release of 
Oracle too do the DBD::ORacle installation, I get errors at the make 
test stage like the following:

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap

Anyone have any idea as to what is going on?  All tests in the make 
test stage of DBD::Oracle fail, although the previous make command 
seemed to go OK.

David Wood wrote:

On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 04:42  PM, Morbus Iff wrote:

 khsmith% sudo perl -MCPAN -eshell

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
Trace/BPT trap

As per the article, under the Preparation portion:

 If, after the installation, you get warnings about missing symbols,  you
 probably have an old version of Perl (or parts of one) in  /Library/Perl.
 These undefined symbols existed in pre-5.8.0 versions. For more
 information on this issue, check out perldelta.

with a link to: 

As a matter of fact, I'm having similar problems, with significant 
differences. Lemme get some obligatories out of the way here...

500 MHz PowerBook G4, 20Gb HD total (about 2.3Gb free), 512Mb 
memory,  running OS 10.2.3, and with a hand-compiled Perl 5.8.0 and 
Apple's X11  beta, blah blah blah...

I have a very similar problem with Perl doing untoward crashy 
things  because of undefined symbols. However, I can run the CPAN 
just fine.  I'm having my problems with, among other things, GIMP, 
which has some  Perl calls in it which crash *consistently*.

I tried deleting the libperl.dyld, I tried renaming it, I tried 
deleting every bundle in /System/Library/Perl/*.

As a last resort, I tried sudo mv /System/Library/Perl 
/System/Library/Perl-Old and redid the sudo make install to 
create a  *new* Perl directory. Same problem all over again. Bleh.

Could the problem have anything to do with the dyld search paths, 
which  the make process griped about for no fathomable reason?


After all, we can't have too many meta-stable personality constructs
gallivanting around the universe in Pfhor attack ships, can we?
--Durandal, Marathon 2


2002-12-17 Thread Kevin Michael Vail
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin Michael Vail) wrote:

 I *know* I'm missing something, I just don't know what.

OK, thanks to Rick and Jerry for pointing out that what I was missing 
was the boat.  ;-)  I remembered too far back.  DYLD_ALLOW_MULTISYMS is 
out, patches to Tk/ is in.

Now if I can just put this somewhere where I'll remember it next time.  
Can't be my brain, I need something that'll keep it secure.

Thanks, all!
Kevin Michael Vail | Dogbert: That's circular reasoning.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Dilbert: I prefer to think of it as no loose ends.


2002-12-16 Thread Kevin Michael Vail
OK, I know I had this working once before.  Trying to install Tk.  I've 
got the DYLD_ALLOW_MULTISYMS environment variable set but I'm still 
getting the note about duplicate definitions of _LangExit in Tk.bundle 
and the other one (Event, I think).

This is under 10.2.2.  Am I correct that you don't need to (and should 
not!) download the hacked version of 'dyld' under Jaguar?

Tk800.024, Perl 5.8.0.

I *know* I'm missing something, I just don't know what.
Kevin Michael Vail | Dogbert: That's circular reasoning.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Dilbert: I prefer to think of it as no loose ends.

Apple Perl directory layout

2002-12-09 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

As I guess most of you know, Apple's system Perl layout is broken, 
because it doesn't version the module directories and this means Perl 
upgrade trauma. Anyway, I just found out that Apple has no bugs on 
this, there are no open, or it seems, closed bugs on the way perl is 
installed with the base system.

I'd like to encourage people to file a bug on this, so when apple 
upgrades the system Perl to 5.8.x they will hopefully use a sane 
directory layout


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Apple Perl directory layout

2002-12-09 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 11:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Michael Maibaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 9, 2002 2:38 pm
Subject: Apple Perl directory layout

Hash: SHA1

As I guess most of you know, Apple's system Perl layout is broken,
because it doesn't version the module directories and this means
upgrade trauma.

Is it really broken or is it different?  Lots of folks here just tend 
to install their version in the correct place and leave Apple's alone. 
 (I haven't yet but I will when I decide to upgrade to 5.8.0.)  
Perhaps Apple squashes bug reports like this because they see it not 
as A bug, but a feature

I think it is really broken, for example, how is apple going to 
upgrade Perl to 5.8 without it breaking for people who've installed XS 

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Apple Perl directory layout

2002-12-09 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 11:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Michael Maibaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, December 9, 2002 2:52 pm
Subject: Re: Apple Perl directory layout


I think it is really broken, for example, how is apple going to
upgrade Perl to 5.8 without it breaking for people who've
installed XS


But doesn't that break anyway?  When I went from 5.6.1 to 5.8.0 I had 
to redo all my modules.  I'm not sticking up for Apple and their weird 
install plan.  I'm just wondering if they don't see their Perl as a 

well, sure you have to recompile the XS modules, but you don't have to 
hunt through to find and erase them first. Pure Perl modules shouldn't 
be an issue.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Apple Perl directory layout

2002-12-09 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 12:12 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 02:52 PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:

how is apple going to upgrade Perl to 5.8 without it breaking for 
people who've installed XS modules?

If *you* chose to install a copy of Perl 5.8 in a location where you 
are fully aware that it will be overwritten by a future Apple update, 
then whatever problems arise from *your* poor choice are your own 
fault. If you ask for problems, you have no right to complain about it 
when you get what you've asked for.

No, how is apple going to upgrade, not how am I, I have perl5.8 in 
/opt/local FWIW.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Apple Perl directory layout

2002-12-09 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 12:07 PM, John Siracusa wrote:

On 12/9/02 2:52 PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:

I think it is really broken, for example, how is apple going to
upgrade Perl to 5.8 without it breaking for people who've installed XS

Apple's going to upgrade to perl 5.8.0?  I thought the plan was 5.6.0
forever! :P

fair point, perhaps the plan is to remain at 5.6 till perl 6 arrives ;)

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Mission Critical Perl

2002-12-05 Thread John-Michael Keyes

Awright, I'm gonna float this one, even if it == $off_topic++;

And I float to this group first, because I'm writing mostly 
ActiveState-deployed Perl on a pilfered Mac running Jag.2.2 and a 
vanilla Perl install in an MSUBERALL shop. (And BBEdit is still the 
envy, and bane, of my Windows brethren: Regex this... studio-boy!) 
Yes, my days are weird, but entertaining.

So the reality that I live with is:
	a. Perl is the Language of Last Resort culturally in the 
	b. Despite the fact that Perl is running mission-critical in EVERY 
aspect of our business.
	c. And because of (a.) MANAGEMENT doesn't know how much (b.) is going 
	d. if this $ENV is atypical, let me know ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and stop 
reading, but if this resonates, maybe a Barnumesque maneuver is 

Because, I think there is a growing perception out there that is 
depreciating the value of Perl, and we need to counterfud/act it (I'm 
still not sure which) now or soon.

My notion is that collectively, we add some vocabulary to the gestalt 
of development... Maybe we call it Mission Critical Perl. You know, 
it's not com, it's dotnet (I mean .NET). So, it's not Perl it's .MCP.

What is Mission Critical Perl?
	It's code that gets the job done.
	It's strongly commented, both in architecture and execution.  (Yeah, I 
know. Perl is self commenting. Comment more anyway dammmit.)
	It logs actions. (No matter how trivial, without metrics - it ain't 
important. This is essential, if EVERY script you've written isn't 
logging, write a .pm, go back and include it. We can't show 'em how 
much we're doing with Perl unless we have a bar graph.)
	It's code reviewed.
	It's heralded: Mission Critical Perl. Maybe even .MCP
..MCP When what you need is: RAD, Reliable, Reporting and Robust.

So there's my teaser. If I'm alone, cool. I've been meaning to polish 
the bytes on my resume. But if you're in the same scenario, let's start 
a movement.


PS. Tim O., Think about A Manager's Guide to Leveraging Corporate Perl 
Assets, the Killer Whale Book.

Re: unix or mac-style text files?

2002-11-25 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Sunday, November 24, 2002, at 05:21 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 07:34  AM, Heather Madrone wrote:

Administrivia question:  I'm getting a lot of duplicate responsese
because the Reply-to on the list is set to sender.  On moderated
lists, this can be a good idea because the approval cycle causes
a lag between posting and mail reflection.

Is the Reply-to merely a hint that we should consider taking topics
offline, or is there some reason I should be leaving redundant 
in the headers?

The extra copies are more for your convenience - I appreciate when 
people send them to me, because one copy goes to my list mailbox and 
the other goes to my inbox.  The one in my inbox will be read faster.

I wish there were a standard way to indicate in your own mail headers 
I do/don't wish to receive a direct copy of replies to this message. 
 This can be done on usenet pretty effectively, but not really in 
email lists.

There is the Mail-Follow-Up-To header, unfortunately AFAIK mutt [1] is 
the only client to respect it, or provide methods to set it according 
to your preference.

FWIW, I object to reply to munging [2]


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Package distro for 5.6.1 or 5.8?

2002-10-18 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 12:40 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 01:57 PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:

I would, but be aware the darwinports goes into /opt/local by default.

Mine is not the only distribution that would clash with it, then. Many 
of the Server Logistics packages are also installed into /opt. It's 
the traditional place to put individua, unmanagedl third-party 
applications. I think you should reconsider using /opt - for a package 
manager, a separate sandbox in which it has complete control over 
managed packages is much more appropriate. Take Fink, for example, 
which uses /sw.

I understand this point, though I'm not sure I agree about that 
tradition. I'm more concerned about a naive installer (ie Apple's) 
stomping on stuff that already exists. darwinports couldn't care less 
if other stuff is in /opt/local, it will recognise it and use it to 
fulfill dependancies if need be. It was more of a of a warning as 
stomping on stuff is rude, be it installed by fink/darwinports/another 
package/by hand or whatever.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: Package distro for 5.6.1 or 5.8?

2002-10-18 Thread Michael Maibaum
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 10:17 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 12:53 PM, Nathan Torkington wrote:

I remember reading that Ken was
working on a simple installer distro for newer Perls.  Did that ever
go anywhere?

I've been thinking of building a 5.8.0 installer package that includes 
a copy of CamelBones. I'd configure it to install in /opt, as Apple's 
advice to install 5.8.0 in /Library/Perl is only appropriate for a 
clean system with no CPAN modules installed. If you've installed 
some CPAN modules with 5.6.0, they're in /Library/Perl, so installing 
5.8.0 into the same location will be interesting, to say the  least...

I took that root for my darwinport port of Perl 5.8. Once you've 
installed darwinports, perl 5.8 in /opt/local is just a port install 
perl5.8 away.

I've been meaning to add some additional perl variants when I get time, 
including a debug perl, a threaded perl, etc.

Anyway - is anyone interested in such a bundle?

I would, but be aware the darwinports goes into /opt/local by default.

I could help you write a darwinports port, or you could help 
me...shouldn't be that hard I guess. :)

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: darwinports.....

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Maibaum

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, Sep 26, 2002, at 17:21 US/Pacific, Ken Williams wrote:

 On Thursday, September 26, 2002, at 11:55  PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:

 I've submitted ports for Perl5.8, apache with static mod_perl 
 (including a version with joe's experimental libapreq stuff). Only 
 the simplest apache port has shown up in cvs yet...but the rest soon 
 I hope.

 Hmm - how is this different/better than fink?  All I see in the FAQ is 
 that it's sort of like fink.

I think it hopes to be more extensible than fink, in terms of embedding 
in other applications (though I know this has been done with fink, c.f. 
fink commander) and in terms of port variants. Also I think the 
dependancy tracking will ultimately be more flexible than that of fink.

Fink is cool, but I think Jordan is one of the few people with the 
experience (FreeBSD ports), and the skill (along with Landon and Kevin) 
to bring something even better to the table. We'll see.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: darwinports.....

2002-09-26 Thread Michael Maibaum

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, Sep 26, 2002, at 18:17 US/Pacific, Ken Williams wrote:

 On Friday, September 27, 2002, at 11:03  AM, Michael Maibaum wrote:
 On Thursday, Sep 26, 2002, at 17:21 US/Pacific, Ken Williams wrote:
 On Thursday, September 26, 2002, at 11:55  PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:

 I've submitted ports for Perl5.8, apache with static mod_perl 
 (including a version with joe's experimental libapreq stuff). Only 
 the simplest apache port has shown up in cvs yet...but the rest 
 soon I hope.

 Hmm - how is this different/better than fink?  All I see in the FAQ 
 is that it's sort of like fink.

 I think it hopes to be more extensible than fink, in terms of 
 embedding in other applications (though I know this has been done 
 with fink, c.f. fink commander) and in terms of port variants. Also I 
 think the dependancy tracking will ultimately be more flexible than 
 that of fink.

 Fink is cool, but I think Jordan is one of the few people with the 
 experience (FreeBSD ports), and the skill (along with Landon and 
 Kevin) to bring something even better to the table. We'll see.

 Hmm - this does burst my happiness bubble quite badly to know that 
 there are parallel projects and that they're not able to directly 
 leverage each other's work.  IMO because it'll be better is never a 
 good enough reason to re-invent the wheel unless someone can also 
 explain why the previous work isn't fixable.

well, I'm certain that the darwinports will benefit from the previous 
porting projects experience. Jordan once wrote a rather persuasive 
email why FreeBSD ports needed redoing, make macros not being the most 
user-friendly/extensible/maintainable of systems.

As to why not fink, I'm not sure. Purely for me, I found fink tied me 
to tightly to what other people wanted (in terms of configuration etc), 
as do pretty much every other porting system (with the possible 
exception of Portage, which I haven't used yet). This is not to say I 
found fink bad, just I haven't found my prefect ports engine yet. 
Maybe this will be it, maybe not.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: lost path settings and funky cpan

2002-09-23 Thread Michael Maibaum

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday, Sep 22, 2002, at 22:08 US/Pacific, Puneet Kishor wrote:

 two odd things I have noticed since clean upgrading to OS X 10.2

 1. path settings seem to be changed. one examples -- (1) Dan Kogai's 
 lifesaving psync sitting under /usr/local/bin is not reachable 
 anymore. A quick look at setenv shows that my PATH is just 
 /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin so obviously psync will not be reachable 
 now from my home directory. Of course, I can add /usr/local/bin to 
 PATH, but what curious minds want to know is how did this happen? It 
 worked fine earlier, and I don't recall ever adding /usr/local/bin to 
 the path... so how did it work earlier? or conversely, why did it 
 break now?

Apple changed the tcsh configuration to be more normal, it shipped in 
10.0/.1 with Wilfredo's Sanchezs personal settings. Not really 
appropriate, now it ships with unix-like defaults. see 
/usr/share/tcsh/examples for the old config files if you still want to 
use them.

 2. cpan did something strange -- I fired up cpan and it promptly 
 reminded me that I should upgrade cpan itself as well as libnet. I 
 dutifully upgraded cpan to 1.63 and reloaded, and then asked it to 
 upgrade libnet. Lo and behold... I see cpan is trying to download 11 
 Mb of Perl 5.8.0, not something I asked for. I ctr-c-ed out and it 
 seems to have installed libnet ok. Could anyone please reassure me 
 that cpan didn't try to go in and screw around with my stock Apple 
 Perl 5.6.0 install... that is not something I want at all.

This was a but in the older versions of CPAN, upgrade to a recent 
version of CPAN (*NOT* Bundle::CPAN, just CPAN) and you should then be 
able to to install stuff happily, at least that is what I recall, the 
first thing I did with jaguar was build Perl5.8 so...

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (Darwin)


Re: OS Poll

2002-09-23 Thread Michael P . Wilson

I thought one of the real core differences was that it was built with 
GCC 3.1 instead of the 2.95 branch.  As a developer I'm quite happy to 
have paid for the new updated tools to be so deeply integrated.  I 
kinda wish they'd gotten perl 5.8 under the wire, but that wasn't a big 
deal to install.  There's alot under the hood that really makes it 
worth the $$$. IMNSHO

- M

On Monday, September 23, 2002, at 09:19 PM, Ken Williams wrote:

 Just when I thought I'd sworn off this thread...

 On Monday, September 23, 2002, at 11:39  PM, Gregory Cranz wrote:
 I RESENT the fact that I just paid for 10.1  now I have to pay the 
 full price all over again for a system that I haven't owned for two 
 years yet.  Both 'major improvements' were speed related - which 
 screams to me that OS/X was beta-released as non-optimized code.  
 As a software developer I find that distasteful - as a consumer the 
 fact that I have to pay money to have debugging scaffolding removed 
 from a production release - or whatever optimizations were required - 
 just to be told that I have to do it AGAIN at FULL PRICE - completely 

 So, if they should have done that in the first version of OS X, would 
 you have been willing to wait until June 2002 for it?

 Anyway, if you're a software developer you should know that there are 
 *lots* of ways to increase speed of a project.  One is to remove 
 debugging code, which simply couldn't explain the purported difference 
 between 10.1.5 and 10.2.  One is to find little sections of your code 
 that are taking a long time and try to optimize them, which maybe can 
 explain some of it.  But by most accounts the majority of the speedups 
 came from genuine new development, for instance creating new 
 interfaces between things like graphics accelerators and pieces of the 

 It's quite inaccurate to insinuate that the difference between 10.1.5 
 and 10.2 is just the removal of debugging scaffolding.


Re: OS Poll

2002-09-23 Thread Michael P . Wilson

Kinda depends on who us is.

If us is me it means we have a much more stable, mature, closer 
to state of the art, well-supported development environment.

If us is Joe mac user on the street who plays a couple games, uses an 
office suite, browses the web and farts around with MIDI a bit then I 
don't think I'd recommend the outlay.

Personally I think the stability, speed increase, and feature set are 
noticeable.  But that may be because I'm looking for them.  But I don't 
really care enough to evangelize (sp?).

On Monday, September 23, 2002, at 11:43 PM, Bill Stephenson wrote:

 From: Michael P. Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I thought one of the real core differences was that it was built with
 GCC 3.1 instead of the 2.95 branch. 

 What does that do for us?

 As a developer I'm quite happy to
 have paid for the new updated tools to be so deeply integrated.  I
 kinda wish they'd gotten perl 5.8 under the wire, but that wasn't a 
 deal to install.  There's alot under the hood that really makes it
 worth the $$$. IMNSHO

 What exactly is under the hood that makes it worth the $$$. Is it 
 More stable?

 I don't mean to be sarcastic, I'd really like to know before I pony up 

 I know that Apple has one of the greatest Hype and Spin departments 
 of any
 large company, shoot, they practically wrote the book on how to hype 
 products. I want more than hype for my money.

 Bill Stephenson

Re: OS Poll

2002-09-23 Thread Michael P . Wilson

See I didn't know the numbers that well.  Nice to know I wasn't just 
imagining it :-)

deeply integrated was really just a flippant turn of phrase.  I'm a 
recent switcher, so it may simply be that my familiarity has increased.

On Tuesday, September 24, 2002, at 12:03 AM, Les Harris wrote:

 on 9/23/02 8:43 PM, Bill Stephenson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Michael P. Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I thought one of the real core differences was that it was built with
 GCC 3.1 instead of the 2.95 branch. 

 What does that do for us?

 Due to various improved compile time code optimizations executable code
 generated by GCC 3.1 tends to be about 6 percent faster on average 
 than code
 generated by the 2.95 branch.  GCC 3.1 also features a much faster
 preprocessor which makes compiling faster if you are a developer.

 A few Obj-C improvements include things like fixed linker warnings, 
 @protocal definitions will work properly, and perhaps the largest
 improvement: the classlookup code in the runtime library has been 
 providing faster performance.

 There are some caveats to this as some things that will compile in 
 have a few more problems with 3.1.  Also, previously compiled 
 libraries (or
 programs even, perhaps) already installed on your system might have to 
 recompiled if you upgrade to Jaguar.

 As a developer I'm quite happy to
 have paid for the new updated tools to be so deeply integrated.  I
 kinda wish they'd gotten perl 5.8 under the wire, but that wasn't a 
 deal to install.  There's alot under the hood that really makes it
 worth the $$$. IMNSHO

 What exactly is under the hood that makes it worth the $$$. Is it 
 More stable?

 Things are generally faster.  I am unsure how the developer tools are 
 deeply integrated in Jaguar than in previous versions however.

 Les Harris

perl 5.8, mod_perl

2002-06-30 Thread Michael Maibaum

Has anyone got 5.8 RC2 to work, I'd like to have a version of Perl,
mod_perl and apache2 that works reasonably well.

I don't need absolute stability, this is a development box only and I
just want to play.

I've tried both RC2 and bleadperl but while both complile and test
successfully (except the DB test, which is a little odd as I have an up
to date Berkly DB installed..)

However, once installed doing almost anything that involves loading a
module results in undefined symbol errors and perl crashing. I've tried
compiling both statically and dynamically with much the same problems.

This box has had a fair amount of other junk installed, removed,
reinstalled etc over time so it may be something wierd with all the
other junk if it works for other people...I'm trying to hold out for Jaguar
before I wipe it and start again.

Thanks for any help


Dr Michael A. Maibaum - (W)+1 (415) 561 1682 /~\ The ASCII
[EMAIL PROTECTED]- (H)+1 (415) 626 6733 \ /   Ribbon Campaign  X  Help Cure
 / \HTML Email

Description: PGP signature

Re: Accessing Samba - Mount Volume Possible?

2002-05-03 Thread Michael Turner


This was _absolutely_ tremendously helpful. Thanks.



if(-f /users/userid/.nsmbrc) {
print mounting share\n;
system('mount_smbfs -W workgroupname //username@domain/share 
} else {
print password file does not exist\n;


Re: Accessing AFP remote volumes?

2002-05-02 Thread Michael Bartosh

After getting the password to the user, I'd make a call to the mount_afp 
shell command.


On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at 02:04 PM, Jeff Lowrey wrote:

 At 4:04 PM -0400 5/1/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While we're on the subject of remote volumes, I've been trying to 
 figure out
 how to automate mounting normal AFP volume from Perl (or the 
 Terminal --
 it just has to let Perl read  write files) in OS X. The servers 
 require ID

 Right now, I'm using FTP to access these remote volumes. Is there a 

 Maybe you want to use osascript and AppleScript to do this.  mount 
 volume is your friend.

Re: puzzling results from missing she-bang

2002-04-29 Thread Michael Turner


Thanks again. Now, I have it clear.


 Thanks for your response. I remain puzzled, however. Your response 
 seems to imply that if I invoke print from the command line, it will 
 be interepreted. This is not the case, it errors.

 Sure it will - if you are using the sh shell.  Try this:

 zany:~/unix/avr/avr/include% sh
 zany% print hello;
 zany% exit

 (ie, type: shreturnprint hello;return)


Re: puzzling results from missing she-bang

2002-04-28 Thread Michael Turner

 Note the missing she-bang line: #!/usr/bin/perl -w   Note also that I
 didn't tell the shell how to execute the file. So the file is set to
 executable, but I thought it should error. Is that line not necessary 
 a Mac for some reason? How is this a Mac thing? It is not functional on
 other unix  machines I have access to (and I tried various shells,
 including tcsh  bash). I repeated the experiment with no .pl
 extension, that isn't it.

 I suspect that it is a shell issue of some kind.

 /Michael Turner

 Not an issue. No shebang line means that 'exec(2)' will invoke your 
 shell on it. 'print' is defined in some 'bash' or 'ksh' environments, 
 or you
 may have such an alias or local program.


Thanks for your response. I remain puzzled, however. Your response seems 
to imply that if I invoke print from the command line, it will be 
interepreted. This is not the case, it errors.

/Michael Turner

puzzling results from missing she-bang

2002-04-26 Thread Michael Turner

I performed a test, and was surprised by the results. Can anyone tell me 
why the result occurs?

-rwxr-xr-x  1 mt  staff  25 Apr 26 19:07

print Hello, World.\n;


Hello, World.

Note the missing she-bang line: #!/usr/bin/perl -w   Note also that I 
didn't tell the shell how to execute the file. So the file is set to 
executable, but I thought it should error. Is that line not necessary on 
a Mac for some reason? How is this a Mac thing? It is not functional on 
other unix  machines I have access to (and I tried various shells, 
including tcsh  bash). I repeated the experiment with no .pl 
extension, that isn't it.

I suspect that it is a shell issue of some kind.

/Michael Turner

Re: Problems with interchange

2002-04-25 Thread Michael Stearne

Maybe try for help in the Interchange mailing list.  Sign up at


Antonio Blanco wrote:

Hi to everyone,

Has anyone had any experience with interchange (,
it's a very interesting perl based GNU e-commerce server.
I'm running it on macosx 10.1.3 with perl 5.6.1 apache 1.3.23 and mysql
3.23.47, the server is running fine but the administration part is not
working, any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance


Re: Problems with interchange

2002-04-25 Thread Michael Stearne

I think it was written off mostly as a problem with the Perl in OS X. 
 Maybe now in 10.1.4 it's better. Try to determine the exact bug and see 
if either list can help.


Chris Devers wrote:

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Antonio Blanco wrote:


Has anyone had any experience with interchange (,
it's a very interesting perl based GNU e-commerce server.

I was messing around with it a month or two ago, and signed up for the
RedHat lists for it, but most of those people seemed indifferent or
outright hostile to the idea of getting it running on anything other than
RedHat. (The most constructive advice was to wipe out OSX and install
Linux instead err, no.)

After a while I gave up in frustration, but I'd still like to mess around
with IC. How did you get it working? I could install it, but it wouldn't
really do anything without immediately crashing on me. I forget what the
problems were exactly at this point, I'll have to give it another try.

Apache / mod_perl /

More war soon. You know how it is.--


perl can't use sasl?

2002-03-31 Thread Michael Bartosh

I'm trying to build cyrus imapd on Mac OS X.

It includes a number of perl based facilities- including cyradm- used to 
manage acl's, mailbox creation, etc.

Cyradm needs access to sasl libs so it can authenticate. Perl doesn't 
seem to be able to find them, though (they're in /usr/local/lib/sasl, 
linked to /usr/lib/sasl)

When I run cyradm, I see this:

 [localhost:~/cyrus/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16] mab9718% cyradm
 dyld: perl Undefined symbols:

during build, I see this:

 ### Making all in /Volumes/iPod/mab9718/cyrus/cyrus-imapd-2.0.16/perl
 (cd imap; \
  SASL_LIB=-lsasl SASL_INC= CC=cc \
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local)
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 Warning: -L../../lib changed to 
 Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lsasl
 Writing Makefile for Cyrus::IMAP


 ### Making all in /Volumes/iPod/mab9718/cyrus/cyrus-
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 Warning: -L../../../acap/ changed to 
 Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lsasl
 Warning: -L../../../lib/ changed to 

I've added this to perl/

 imap/Makefile: imap/Makefile.PL
(cd imap; \
   $(PERL) Makefile.PL PREFIX=$(prefix))


   'LIBS'  = [-L../../lib -L/$LDFLAGS -lcyrus $SASL_LIB -lssl 

to perl/imap/Makefile.PL


'LIBS'  = [-L../../../acap/ -L/$LDFLAGS -lacap $SASL_LIB 
 -L../../../lib/ -lcyrus -lssl -lcrypto],   # e.g., '-lm'

to perl/sieve/acap/ and finally:

'LIBS'  = [-L../lib/ -L/$LDFLAGS -lisieve $SASL_LIB 
 -L../../../lib/ -lcyrus -lssl -lcrypto],

to  perl/sieve/managesieve/

But no luck. I'm hardly a perl master... I'm wondering if there's an 
obvious solution I'm missing? sasl it's self is working properly- the 
sample client/server works fine.

Mac OS X Consulting and Training
Michael Bartosh
Denver, CO

The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher
regard those who think alike than those who think differently.

- -- Nietzsche

Think Different.

Re: how to include a file

2002-03-16 Thread Michael Maibaum

On Sat, Mar 16, 2002 at 07:37:18PM -0600, Puneet Kishor wrote:
 question from a newbie. How do I include a code fragment in a perl 
 script so it first gets included and then interpreted/compiled?
 Ok. that's the short question. In other words, this is what I am trying 
 to do --
 I have one (this is a web app), and everything passes through 
 this. So, if the call is to then the login page is 
 included, if the call is to then the verify page is 
 included. This is how I work in the world of other web programming (Cold 
 Fusion, PHP, etc.). This way I have to declare all my use statements (to 
 import packages), other declarations, param checking, etc. in one place. 
 I also have one master template, and everything else is simply 

look at HTML::Mason, you will like it :).


Dr Michael A. Maibaum - (W)+1 (415) 561 1682 - (H)+1 (415) 626 6733

Re: how to include a file

2002-03-16 Thread Michael Maibaum

On Sat, Mar 16, 2002 at 10:30:44PM -0600, Puneet Kishor wrote:
 Michael, Thanks for the Mason tip. It does look exactly like what I 
 need. Although I wonder how it compares with embperl... anyone any 
I don't really know embperl well, so I'll leave that to someone else..
 On another note... I saw that the mod_perl lines were commented out in 
 my httpd.conf. Since mod_perl is required for Mason (well, Mason 
 performs best with mod_perl), I uncommented the mod_perl lines. Now 
 httpd won't start. I get the following error when I tail my error_log

Well, the stock apache (with stock perl) and stock mod_perl work fine.

It looks like you updated the perl on your machine...I recompiled
mod_perl and apache when I upgraded my perl
 perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
 perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
 LC_ALL = (unset),
 LANG = en_US
 are supported and installed on your system.
 perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

This is a fairly minor issue, set LC_ALL to LC_ALL=C in the system
startup scripts, but this error shouldn't break anything.

For me, when I upgraded perl, mod_perl would crash apache until I
recompiled it.
 Looks like I have made a bigger mess than I was in.
Was apache working before this? Anything else in the error log?
 Please help, someone.

I imagine someone more expert than I could have something to add...
Dr Michael A. Maibaum - (W)+1 (415) 561 1682 - (H)+1 (415) 626 6733

Re: socket

2002-03-14 Thread Michael Maibaum

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:45:27PM -0800, bob ackerman wrote:
 yes. i uncommented the daytime tcp line, did a 'kill -HUP 239' and the 
 script worked.
 i didn't find 'killall' on my system. and 'kill -HUP inetd' didn't work. i 

killall is a linux abomination, the other option on non linux ssystems

sudo kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`

not backticks, not single quotes.


 had to use the pid of inetd.
 Thanks. i learning am.
 On Thursday, March 14, 2002, at 01:46  PM, Tim Rayner wrote:
 Incidentally, to get a service such as 'daytime' to run, you can edit the 
 /etc/inetd.conf file to remove the leading remark # characters from the 
 lines referring to the service of interest. There are two lines in the 
 case of daytime; I don't know whether both are actually required. 
 Probably not,
  on reflection. Anyway, you should then issue the command 'killall -HUP 
 inetd' to restart the inetd server daemon, and you should be set.
 Both these activities require root/admin privileges, of course.

Dr Michael A. Maibaum - (W)+1 (415) 561 1682 - (H)+1 (415) 626 6733

Re: socket

2002-03-14 Thread Michael Maibaum

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:50:46PM -0800, Michael Maibaum wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 02:45:27PM -0800, bob ackerman wrote:
  yes. i uncommented the daytime tcp line, did a 'kill -HUP 239' and the 
  script worked.
  i didn't find 'killall' on my system. and 'kill -HUP inetd' didn't work. i 
 killall is a linux abomination, the other option on non linux ssystems
 sudo kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
 not backticks, not single quotes.
erm note backticks

doh, and while on the subject, I should say GNU isn't the
kernels fault
  had to use the pid of inetd.
  Thanks. i learning am.
  On Thursday, March 14, 2002, at 01:46  PM, Tim Rayner wrote:
  Incidentally, to get a service such as 'daytime' to run, you can edit the 
  /etc/inetd.conf file to remove the leading remark # characters from the 
  lines referring to the service of interest. There are two lines in the 
  case of daytime; I don't know whether both are actually required. 
  Probably not,
   on reflection. Anyway, you should then issue the command 'killall -HUP 
  inetd' to restart the inetd server daemon, and you should be set.
  Both these activities require root/admin privileges, of course.
 Dr Michael A. Maibaum - (W)+1 (415) 561 1682 - (H)+1 (415) 626 6733

Dr Michael A. Maibaum - (W)+1 (415) 561 1682 - (H)+1 (415) 626 6733

Re: is posix broken?

2002-02-13 Thread Michael McShan

I tried your script and got essentially the same result as you:

POSIX timezone tag seems broken:
System date command thinks the timezone is CST.
POSIX thinks the timezone is ¿??q?2X.

One more data point.

Mike McShan
OK City

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, ellem wrote:

  using your code on FreeBSD 4.4 I get

  barney ellem ~/code $ perl
  System date command thinks the timezone is EST.
  POSIX thinks the timezone is EST.

  I get this on OS X 10.1.2

  macnix ellem ~/code $ perl
  POSIX timezone tag seems broken:
  System date command thinks the timezone is EST.
  POSIX thinks the timezone is ø?macnix ellem ~/code $

Oh good, someone else is seeing it too then.


Re: MacOSX::File uploaded to CPAN

2002-01-07 Thread Michael Stearne
That sounds like a great resource. Thanks, Dan.


Dan Kogai wrote:

 Hi all,

 My name is Dan Kogai and this is my first time to drop a message here
 -- maybe with a good reason.
 I just uploaded a module called MacOSX::File, which allows you to
 write programs like the ones on /Developer/Tools. You can now copy()
 with resource fork and finder info, gets and sets finder flags, etc.
 Hope you guys like it. Any comments are welcome.


 _ Dan Kogai
 __/  CEO, DAN co. ltd.
 /__ /-+-/ 2-8-14-418 Shiomi Koto-ku Tokyo 135-0052 Japan
 /--/--- mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / -
 __/ / Tel:+81 3-5665-6131 Fax:+81 3-5665-6132
 PGP Key:$B!1(Bdankogai/dankogai.pgp.asc

Re: Problems installing perl-5.6.1 on Mac OS X 10.1

2001-11-09 Thread Michael P. Monan


no... gnutar -xzf was used...

Any other ideas?



Was StuffIt used to unpack the tar.gz ?

I followed the steps  didn't use Stuffit  it worked.

- Sam.

--- Michael P. Monan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  After hunting around the archives, I still don't
  have an answer to this one...

  I'm hoping that someone is either having the same
  problems as I am
  (so that I know I'm not crazy), or better yet, can
  solve them... ;)

  I downloaded the current stable version 5.6.1 off
  the site
  and attempted to build it following the list of
  changes below that
  seem to work for most everyone here...

  As I get into my make I get problems with


   Making ByteLoader (dynamic)
  Writing Makefile for ByteLoader
  cp ../../lib/
  cc -c  -pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE
  -I/usr/local/include -O3   -DVERSION=\0.04\
  -I../..  byterun.c
  .../../miniperl -I../../lib -I../../lib
  -noprototypes -typemap ../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap
  ByteLoader.xsc  mv ByteLoader.xsc ByteLoader.c
  cc -c  -pipe -fno-common -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE
  -I/usr/local/include -O3   -DVERSION=\0.04\
  -I../..  ByteLoader.c
  Running Mkbootstrap for ByteLoader ()
  chmod 644
  rm -f ../../lib/auto/ByteLoader/ByteLoader.bundle
  LD_RUN_PATH= cc  -flat_namespace -bundle
  -undefined suppress
  -flat_namespace -L/usr/local/lib byterun.o
  ByteLoader.o  -o
  /usr/bin/ld: -undefined: unknown argument:
  make[1]: ***
  [../../lib/auto/ByteLoader/ByteLoader.bundle] Error
  make: *** [lib/auto/ByteLoader/ByteLoader.bundle]
  Error 2


  If you're interested, the full make output is posted
  at the end of
  this message...

  Is anyone else seeing this problem or know a good

  I'm using MacOS X 10.1.



  SUMMARY: installing perl-5.6.1 on Mac OS X 10.1

  *  Subject: SUMMARY: installing perl-5.6.1 on Mac OS
  X 10.1
  *  From: Ray Zimmerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *  Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 10:35:10 -0400
  *  Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  *  Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run
  by ezmlm

  Given all the time I spent looking through mailing
  list archives and
  re-Configure-ing, recompiling, reinstalling, etc
  ... I thought I'd
  share what worked for me (borrowing from previous
  posts on the list)
  (1) Install the Developer Tools for 10.1 if you
  haven't already (a
  free download from with
  a free membership
  (2) Unpack with tar, not via StuffIt Expander or
  tar zxvf perl-5.6.1.tar.gz
  (3) Configure, build, and test it ...
  cd perl-5.6.1
  # set locale stuff
  setenv LC_ALL C
  setenv LANG en_US
  # fix sitelib in hints
  perl -i.bak -p -e 's|Local/Library|Library|g'
  sh Configure -des -Dfirstmakefile=GNUmakefile
  make test

  [localhost:src/build-perl-5.6.1/perl-5.6.1] root#
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib miniperlmain.o`
 CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib perl.o`  perl.c
  CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib gv.o`  gv.c
 CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib toke.o`  toke.c
 CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib perly.o`  perly.c
 CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib op.o`  op.c
 CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  `sh  cflags libperl.dylib regcomp.o`  regcomp.c
 CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -pipe
  -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing
  -I/usr/local/include -O3
  regcomp.h:154: warning: redefinition of macro MASK
  /usr/include/ppc/param.h:120: warning: this is the

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