Re: [Mailman-Users] Error: Incorrect padding?

2003-02-11 Thread Ron Jarrell
At 05:34 PM 2/10/03 -0800, you wrote:
Yesterday we upgraded from Mailman 2.0.x to 2.1.1.  All of the lists
except for one transfered over flawlessly, but any mail sent to that one
particular list causes errors like this to be dumped into 

Yea, I've got a sourceforge bug open on that.  There's a bad mime message
(at least from mailman's point of view) destined for that list, and it's got
the rest of the message stuck behind it,because that piece of the pipeline
dies everytime it sees it.  You're probably shunting those notes too.

I ended up working around the problem temporarily, and getting my equivalent
list back on the air by going into the list directory, and deleting the digest.mbox 
then doing an unshunt to put the messages in qfiles/shunt back into incoming.
Mailman then reprocessed the rest of the messages, which were ok, minus the bad
one, which didn't make it into the digest.

Feb 10 17:05:20 2003 (453) Uncaught runner exception: Incorrect padding
Feb 10 17:05:20 2003 (453) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 105, in _oneloop
self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 155, in _onefile
keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 130, in 
more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 153, in 
sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/, line 82, in process
send_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/, line 123, in 
send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/, line 295, in 
msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
  File /home/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/, line 252, in process
payload = part.get_payload(decode=1)
  File /home/mailman/pythonlib/email/, line 189, in 
return Utils._bdecode(payload)
  File /home/mailman/pythonlib/email/, line 75, in _bdecode
value = base64.decodestring(s)
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.2/, line 44, in decodestring
return binascii.a2b_base64(s)
Error: Incorrect padding

Feb 10 17:05:20 2003 (453) SHUNTING: 1044925519.00936+54468b31b755be1a7fa62d057b

This problem also comes up when the digests are generated.

Any suggestions?  This is 2.1.1 built from source on Immunix Linux 7 with 
Postfix and python 2.2.

Matt Barringer
WireX Communications, Inc.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] newsgroup interface problems

2003-02-09 Thread Ron Jarrell
At 03:43 PM 2/6/03 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Our mailman interface to a newsgroup and was working fine now it only sends
mails to the newsgroup, it has stopped receiving newsgroups posts and
sending them out as mails.  Both newsgroup and mailman servers have been
changed recently which makes investigation difficult.

Well, obviously, check the mailman error log.  Is the gate_news job still 
running in your news users cron?  Are you getting error emails from it? 
(Make sure email to that user actually *goes* somewhere people read).  Your 
news server, unless you've otherwise configured mailman, has to allow a 
random anonymous connection to read all the newsgroups that have a feed set 
up into mailman.

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RE: [Mailman-Users] newsgroup interface problems

2003-02-09 Thread Ron Jarrell
At 08:43 PM 2/9/03 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks we have spotted a problem with gate_news not being in cron.

I don't know where the mailman error log resides or have access to it but
I'm sure Stefan does.  We don't get any error emails probably because it
isn't running.  I assume error emails would go to list admin's email address
which includes me, or do you mean the root mail box?

Errors generated by gate_news (assuming it was in cron, which from what you 
say, it wasn't) would end up in either mailman's log, or, if things really 
go kerflooie, would just dump onto stderr, which would cause cron to mail 
it to the user that the cronjob was running under, like any other 
cronjob.  The mailman error log is under the logs subdirectory of the place 
you installed mailman.

With gate_news not running at all, then there's no point in looking for 
error logs; that's the problem.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] ?? MM2.1b2 Contains code of W32/Nimda.eml ??

2002-07-11 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:32 PM 7/10/02 -0700, you wrote:
   ArchiveType: GZ
 -- mailman-2.1b2.tar
 Contains code of W32/Nimda.eml

Someone please put my mind at ease. Is this a false virus find?
Before testing the beta (2 mo's ago) I checked with symantec -- No virus.
With AntiVir (current personal release) the above Nimda virus is 'found'. 
I do not remember the mirror on
used but I believe it to be the same as Virginia, North America or 
telia.dl.sourceforge.net_sourceforge ...

I repeated the virgina download and rescanned .. same 'virus' code found...

should I be concerned?

There's an inactive piece of a nimda file in one of the test files, not 
even complete, it's just the mime wrapper that a nimda once came, in, with 
the payload replaced by X; apparently it's just enough to trigger 
*that* scanner, but the other scanners realize that it's not the same 
file.  Your scanner is operating on a *really* narrow pattern, since 
there's no payload in the note, it has to be picking up either the subject 
of the message in the test file, or the filename of the fake mime attachment...

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Re: [Mailman-Users] import/export

2002-07-02 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:08 AM 7/2/02 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way to export all users and settings from one list,
and then import everything into another?

Look over the stuff in mailman/bin...  config_list will let you export the list 
settings or import them.  But it doesn't do users.  However, clone_member will do what 
the name implies, for one user.  And then there's list_members.

You could probably easily whip something up that does a config_list dump/restore, a 
list_members, then a clone_member for each one.

If you're feeling particularly adventurous, using the code in those programs (and the 
others there) you could probably bash together fairly easily a clone_list command...

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Re: [Mailman-Users] New error message

2002-07-01 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:02 PM 7/1/02 -0500, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
What does this mean, and what do I need to fix?  It started doing this 
after I reconfigured eth1 for multiple IP addresses (may or may not be 

Mailman.pythonlib.nntplib.NNTPPermanentError: 502 You have no permission 
to talk.  Goodbye.

That last is the key part; it's from your nntp server.  It's telling you that you're 
allowed to talk to it.  Chances are your server is configured to accept certain 
and/or ip addresses, and now that you've added some vifs, your connection is going out 
one of those other ip addresses.  Get the server administrator to add the other ips, or
switch to username/password authentication with them.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] bounce processing

2002-05-10 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 10:33 PM 5/9/02 -0400, Kevin Crawford wrote:
Not sure I understand how the bounce proc works...
I have a test list going - sending posts to it - since a few days ago -
maybe just 5 per day or so

I subscribed a test user, non existant has about15 bounces to it -
and still going...
I would like fatal bounces to stop on the 3rd try - no logic - as this is a
low volume information only list. Any tricks I can use? or something I could
be doing wrong...

I don't remember the differences in the rules and when they changed, but, basically, 
it has to bounce consistently for a period of time before mailman gives up, even if 
getting hard bounces (the hard bounces just accumulate faster).  In 2.1 you have to
score N points before the account will be disabled, but you can't score more than
1 point a day.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Problem during install

2002-05-10 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 12:20 PM 5/10/02 -0400, Webmaster wrote:
I finally got the configure file to run properly. I think it had to do with
the fact that my ftp client decided to transfer it in Binary and not ASCII.
That's the only thing I can think of.
I am now getting this error:
checking permissions on /home/micheal/www/mailman... configure: error:
* Installation directory /home/micheal/www/mailman is not configured
* Set-gid bit must be set for directory: /home/micheal/www/mailman

I'm not totally sure how to fix this. Any suggestions?

Do a man on chmod and read up on permission bits and setting them.  You're going to 
need it.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Can't run configure file!

2002-05-10 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:28 AM 5/10/02 -0400, Webmaster wrote:
I did this:
[micheal@blinkin mail]$ /bin/bash ./configure
: command not found
: command not found
: command not found
: command not found
: command not found
: command not found
'/configure: syntax error near unexpected token `do
'/configure: ./configure: line 77: `do

Weird, huh? I am not trying to install a beta release either. No changes to

No, not particularly weird, given that you just forcefed a sh script to bash.

Had you done /bin/sh ./configure it should have worked.  That's why we kept telling
you to check the #! at the top of the file.  The script should be run with the 
listed there, and if that path is wrong (like for some stupid reason your host moved
/bin/sh somewhere else) then running it as ./configure won't work.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Membership management functionality

2002-05-06 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:44 AM 5/6/02 +0200, Norbert Bollow wrote:
 We do have one problem, however, - keeping track of what member (his real 
 name) has what e-mail address. As most of them are kids, they pick totally 
 non-identifiable 'handles'  rather that some recognizable variation on name.
 Is there any way to accomplish what I am trying to do?

Yes.  Upgrade to mailman 2.1 - the first beta version, 2.1b1 is
known to be very stable and useable.

Actually, go to 2.1b2, just out.  2.1b1 is fairly stable, but you *really* need to add 
a bunch
of cvs fixes on top of it, all of which are in 2.1b2.  Without them 2.1b1 can have 
really annoyingly quirky problems.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] List-* messages in mail header

2002-04-24 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 10:40 PM 4/24/02 +0800, Lewis Lau wrote:
Hi all,

I remember some of you guys said that the List-subscribe, List-unsubscribe 
message in the mail header is able to remove in Mailman 2.1 Beta, but I couldn't 
found where to set this up, even I look around the list admin page for some many 
times. Can anyone tell me a little bit more about this?

There's a config setting you have to turn on to allow overrides, which makes the 
option appear in the admin pages.
*However*, in the *current* cvs, that option is now turned on by default.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] wrapper

2002-04-24 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 05:59 PM 4/23/02 +0200, E.J.L. Kemper wrote:
Ok, you got a point there!

So I reinstalled it again.

./configure   no errors.

but make install, after a very close look gave this...

make[1]: Entering directory `/unpack/mailman-2.0.9/src'
gcc -c -I. -DPREFIX=\/home/mailman\ -DPYTHON=\/usr/bin/python\ -DHEL
In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from common.h:27,
 from ./common.c:20:
/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [common.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/unpack/mailman-2.0.9/src'


so could there be a problem there?

PS: /usr/include/bits/errno.h:   exists...??

Uh, yea, I'd say that was a problem, given that prat of mailman didn't compile.  Look 
through configure.log, and config.status, and review what configure did.  Configure 
rarely generates errors unless something majorly bad happens, but it *can* make the 
wrong guesses!

Note that /usr/include/bits/errno.h *should* exist.
The error you got:

/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory

Says that /usr/include/bits/errrno.h at line 25 referred to a file called 
linux/errno.h, and *that* was what it couldn't find.  I'd review bits/errno.h to see 
what it's referring to, and verify that that file is there, and as I said, double 
check what configure actuallys set, because it could have easily screwed up your 
include file paths.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] error 126

2002-04-22 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:18 AM 4/22/02 +0200, you wrote:

But the strange thing is I think, that de installation procedure didn't
build the wrapper file at all.
Some-one from this list send me this file, but that didn't help.

Ok, what version of mailman are you running?  As I said in my message,
if you're running 2.1+ *there is no program called wrapper*.  If the install
didn't build it, then getting it from someone else is the wrong solution, either
your source tree is horrible corrupted at this point, or you're using the install
instructions for the wrong version!

I did however change the error to this?


  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test
(reason: service unavailable)
(expanded from: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Sendmail's smrsh either isnt' configured to use wrapper, or wrapper isn't there,
or isn't runnable.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] wrapper

2002-04-22 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 11:24 AM 4/22/02 +0200, E.J.L. Kemper wrote:

Hi again,

I am using 2.09 BTW

I re-installed the whole program several times, starting with MAKE CLEAN
then removing the directory.
So really from scratch?

Did you also delete everything under /home/mailman?

What are you feeding as arguments to configure?  Honestly, the error messages
your getting indicate fundamental issues with the way your copy of mailman got 
and installed; for 99.9% of the world, you do a configure, make, and a make install, 
you're ready.  Unless you don't give configure the right arguments, or it guesses 
and you don't notice.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman Question

2002-04-22 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 05:00 PM 4/20/02 -0700, Marc Ash wrote:
Does Mailman generate unique remove links in the message for one click un-subs by the 

Look up at the header :-)

You'll see a:

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe 

Since by default mailman attempts to bulk mail you can't get a personalized
link in there *for just that subscriber*, but as long as he's getting mail where he's
subscribed from, the mailto link will work, otherwise they can follow the listinfo 

If you switch to personalized email (which sends out a *different* email message to
each subscriber, that can have it's contents monkeyed with) you could build custom
links for them, but at the cost of having X seperate notes.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Multiple message types within a single list?

2002-04-22 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 01:52 PM 4/22/02 +0100, Graham Robinson wrote:


I'm looking for some advice. The scenario is that a client wants me to set up a 
mailing list (or several...) that they can use to keep in touch with subscribers to 
their services. They operate three different levels of service, and want to be able 
to send information specific to each level to only those individuals. They also want 
to be able to send some e-mails to everyone, but to allow people to choose which 
types of message they will or won't receive.

Now, I realise I could set this up with some combination of umbrella lists, but I 
can't see how to manage it without having the end users subscribed to several 
different lists, depending on their desires. Is there a better way? Any advice much 

2.1 topic filters?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Any reason why my mails are ignored?

2002-04-21 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 01:08 PM 4/21/02 +0200, E.J.L. Kemper wrote:


Is anybody reading this?

I asked some questions regarding Mailman, but no replys yet.
I do see other peoples mail in the list.

Maybe because no one had an immediate answer to your question?  Note that 
while several developers often hang out here and answer questions, and 
other knowledgeable users do to, that it's no one's *job* to do so - in 
fact, we all actually have jobs of our own, no doubt much like you.  I'm 
sure no one was intentionally snubbing you.  Honestly, I haven't even 
*seen* your question yet, because I almost never have a chance to catch up 
on mailman-users, I tend to react to subjects that I recognize as being 
something I know I'll be able to answer quickly because I have personal 
experience with it, or ones that look like something's wrong, like yours...

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Re: [Mailman-Users] wrapper

2002-04-21 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 05:29 PM 4/20/02 +0200, E.J.L. Kemper wrote:

Hi everyone,

can anyone please tell me what I should do when I see this?

Honestly, what you need to do is delete your installed mailman config,
(save if you edited it), and go through and reverify your 
settings to configure.  Verify the paths you set, for instance.  Make sure 
the mailman homedir is there, and has the right permissions.  Then 
reinstall.  Because the error below is very self explanatory - an essential 
piece of mailman simply isn't where you told the software you were going to 
put it.

Start at the beginning of the INSTALL file and reverify everything step by 

I'm assuming you're running 2.0something, because in 2.1 there is no 
wrapper program there anymore, it got renamed.  If you're running 
2.1anything then, again, you really need to read the install and upgrade 
files, because there's a *lot* of stuff you needed to do, including 
regenerating all your aliases.

Traceback (innermost last):
   File bin/check_perms, line 281, in ?
   File bin/check_perms, line 202, in checkmail
 mode = statmode(wrapper)
   File bin/check_perms, line 74, in statmode
 return os.stat(path)[ST_MODE]
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/mailman/mail/wrapper'


please help,

after 4 days toying with all kinds of hickups, i would like to see this
great prog run here...???


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Re: [Mailman-Users] error 126

2002-04-21 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 12:23 AM 4/20/02 +0200, E.J.L. Kemper wrote:

I am still stuck at the smrsh.

I am getting error 126 send back to the email?

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test
 (reason: 126)

- Transcript of session follows -
/bin/sh: /usr/adm/sm.bin/wrapper: is a directory
554 5.3.0 |/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test... unknown mailer error

sounds like you screwed up your smrsh config.  if 
/usr/adm/sm.bin/wrapper  is a directory, smrsh certainly cant exec 
it.  It's not a mailman issue.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] MI:3 - Installing Mailman on Solaris

2002-04-17 Thread Ron Jarrell

Basically, what's happening, is that postfix isn't configured how you think it's 

You told mailman to expect the wrapper to be invoked by the mail system with a gid of
postfix, which, from your files below is 5.  It's telling you it was *not* 
invoked that
way, it was run with a gid of 60001, which is nobody.

Your two, very simple, choices are:

Re run configure with --with-mail-gid=60001
Reconfigure postfix to run programs as postfix instead of nobody.

At 08:42 PM 4/17/02 +0200, Martin Schmitt wrote:
Apr 17 13:09:36 vortex Mailman mail-wrapper: [ID 702911 mail.error] Failure to exec 
script. WANTED gid 5, GOT gid 60001.  (Reconfigure to take 60001?)
Apr 17 13:09:36 vortex postfix/local[12816]: [ID 197553] 27FA03846E: 
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=local, delay=0, status=deferred (Command died 
with status 2: /home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd testlist. Command output: Failure 
to exec script. WANTED gid 5, GOT gid 60001.  (Reconfigure to take 60001?) )
./configure --with-username=mailman --with-groupname=mailman --with-cgi-gid=httpd 

# grep postfix /etc/passwd /etc/group

# grep mailman /etc/passwd /etc/group

# grep httpd /etc/passwd /etc/group

# grep 60001 /etc/passwd /etc/group

# python -V
Python 2.2

# ls -la /home/mailman
total 40
drwxrwsr-x  18 mailman  mailman  512 Apr 17 12:53 .
drwxr-xr-x   5 root other512 Mar 17 03:04 ..
drwxrwsr-x   8 root mailman 1536 Apr 17 13:03 Mailman
drwxrwsr-x   4 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:53 archives
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:54 bin
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:54 cgi-bin
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:58 cron
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 13:04 data
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:54 filters
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:54 icons
drwxrwsr-x   3 root mailman  512 Apr 17 13:03 lists
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 13:11 locks
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 13:05 logs
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:54 mail
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:53 qfiles
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:54 scripts
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman  512 Apr 17 12:53 spam
drwxrwsr-x   2 root mailman 1536 Apr 17 12:54 templates

/home is a symlink to /usr/home on /usr, which is mounted with the following 

/usr on /dev/md/dsk/d33 
read/write/setuid/intr/largefiles/logging/onerror=panic/dev=1540021 on Sat Mar 16 
04:13:16 2002

When sending mail to a list, all I get is:

Apr 17 13:09:36 vortex Mailman mail-wrapper: [ID 702911 mail.error] Failure to exec 
script. WANTED gid 5, GOT gid 60001.  (Reconfigure to take 60001?)
Apr 17 13:09:36 vortex postfix/local[12816]: [ID 197553] 27FA03846E: 
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=local, delay=0, status=deferred (Command died 
with status 2: /home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd testlist. Command output: Failure 
to exec script. WANTED gid 5, GOT gid 60001.  (Reconfigure to take 60001?) )

What is missing? Does anyone of you have Mailman running on Solaris with
Postfix, like I'm trying to do? Does the Fallback to nobody has anything
to do with Postfix security? 

The precise script in question looks like this:

# ls -l /home/mailman/mail/wrapper
-rwxr-sr-x   1 root mailman36536 Apr 17 12:54 /home/mailman/mail/wrapper

The CGI interface works fine, BTW.

Thanks in advance for all hints,


I will talk and Redmond will listen.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Admin passwords made invalid by upgrade to Python 2.2

2002-04-05 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 04:47 PM 4/3/02 -0500, Neal M. Holtz wrote:
I'm using mailman 2.0.6 and was using Python 1.5.2

Last week I upgraded to Python 2.2.1c2.  A few days later, it was
noticed that none of the list administrators passwords would work any
more.  I suspect this was related to the Python upgrade (its hard to
tell for sure, but at least one other person has noticed - Jeff
Klassen in
).  There was no reply to that message.

When I looked at the encrypted password in the list config.db
I noticed that there were characters in there that were NOT
put there by crypt() (and so the file contained an invalid encryption):

# ./dumpdb ../lists/foro/config.db.last | fgrep password
 'password': 'ix\xeb\xeaA\x9b\xd6\x01\xb3\xd8j\x9dtN\x80\xb8',

A bit strange. Was wondering if anyone knew about this or why it

Yea, I'm pretty sure what happened to you is what happened to me.
You weren't actually using crypt before - your 1.5.2 install probably
didn't sucessfully enable the crypt library, so you were using the
other password system.  Python 2+ is much better about finding things,
enables crypt, and suddenly all your passwords are broken, because
by default crypt is enabled.   Try setting USE_CRYPT to 0 in

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Archive access with only password?

2002-03-29 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 10:41 PM 3/29/02 +0900, Gary Wang wrote:
I was hacking around my new Mailman setup, and found out to my great surprise:
The private archives are accessible without a username. Well, that's only half the 
story, but it really caught me by surprise. I eventually figured out that the list is 
accessible by entering just the admin password. Is there a way to change this so that 
admin also needs to enter username?

2.1b1 does that, which I find annoying as hell, because now if I need to fix something 
I have to first go lookup a valid user on the list to use the admin password on...  
But it sounds like you'll be happy :-).

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: how to remove List-* headers

2002-03-29 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 12:37 PM 3/29/02 -0500, Tom Neff wrote:
On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 23:53:00 +1100
Darryl Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was wondering if there was an option to turn on or off the email
headers that mailman adds.

This is one of their ideological hot buttons - you're not supposed to WANT 
to turn them off. :)

Back in the real world - go to $base/Mailman/Handlers/ - 
down in the last few lines - and look for a line saying

In 2.1 you can go into and break RFC2369 compliance by setting 
ALLOW_RFC2369_OVERRIDES to 1.   That'll enable a policy at your site that 
list owners can turn it off, which will cause the cgi scripts to display 
that as an option for them.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Another mailman bug

2002-03-29 Thread Ron Jarrell

At 03:43 PM 3/28/02 +, Russell King wrote:

I've just been through my mailman lists handling the held postings, and I
notice that mailman is playing silly buggers with the web interface.
Please see:

What's the issue?  The funny characters in subject?  That message
claims to be in the ks_c_5601_1987 character set, which is probably
an oriental set.  It's not displaying right in 7bit ascii.  2.1 would 
probably handle it much better, unless the html the person was sending you 
one charset and using another.

The dev team has been slow about dealing with 2.0 issues because all
the energy is going to 2.1 right now, which is in beta.

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