[Marxism] Australia and the Vietnam War

2012-08-20 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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Fifty years ago the first Australian invaders landed in Vietnam. It's a war our 
rulers lost, so an anniversary will spark debate as they try to justify their 
crimes writes Tom O'Lincoln. However our rulers will never shake off the stench 
of their Vietnam War.


John Passant
All that is solid melts into air

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[Marxism] help needed

2012-08-20 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Does anyone have a link to this article.  it is currently behind a paywall.

Sinomania: global crisis, China’s crisis?
*Ho-fung Hung



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[Marxism] Ecological awareness in ancient India

2012-08-20 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar
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Dear Comrades,
  I have been wondering of late about the existing 
practices in 
traditional customs in India. Every culture would have built up some 
sort of customs and norms for preserving nature.
There is an 
old song philosophical musings', which is usually sung by bards as they travel 
from village to village. This is a rough translation to convey 
the spirit of the song:

O Lord Shiva! 

I wanted to wash your statue with fresh water from the mountain stream.
When I went to collect water, the little fish in the water heckled me and said 
it had already tasted the water.
O Lord Shiva!
I wanted to wash your statue instead with the pious cow's milk.
When I went to the cowshed to collect milk, the little calf taunted me saying 
that it had already tasted the milk.
O Lord Shiva!
I wanted to decorate your statue with fresh flowers from the forest.
When I went to pluck the flowers, millions of butterflies have laughed and 
said they have already tasted the honey in the flowers.
Please tell me O Lord, what should I do?

Indian culture is built up on worship of natural forces. For example, the 
Bunyan tree is a must for every village and it is in the center of the 
Village councils, school and many cultural and religious events are held under 
the shade of the Bunyan. 

Similarly the neem tree is sacred because of its medicinal properties.
It is prohibited to cut down fruit bearing trees and only when the tree is 
sufficiently old, can you cut it for firewood or timber.
In some regions in India, the 
calf has the first right to its mother's milk. Your can share the milk 
only when the calf is fully satiated.
Indian agriculture was 
totally organic and self sustaining before India's Independence. With 
modernization, it had become completely dependent on electricity, 
fertilisers, pesticides and now BT seeds.
As Marx pointed out, Indian villages were self sustained. Most of the goods 
were produced and consumed locally.
What was good for a pre-industrial and feudal society need bot be good 
today. But we can learn some thing from the old customs that had 
sustained and maintained balance between humans and nature.

Any more thoughts?
Vijaya Kumar Marla

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[Marxism] SA mine massacre: the Stalinists respond

2012-08-20 Thread Andrew Pollack
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The first item is a good non-Stalinist analysis, the rest are from a US
Stalinist, the SA CP, and COSATU.

It's possible that some of the allegations against the AMCU are true. In a
very complex social situation, and in the absence of a sizable left
alternative, we've seen more than once the rise of bogus left critics of
the ANC (e.g. Winnie Mandela). That doesn't explain away the pro-capitalist
policies, once again enforced by murder, of the Stalinists.

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Re: [Marxism] SA mine massacre: the Stalinists respond

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 8/20/12 7:38 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

The first item is a good non-Stalinist analysis, the rest are from a US
Stalinist, the SA CP, and COSATU.

It's possible that some of the allegations against the AMCU are true.


Here it is necessary to focus some light on the AMCU
leaders and the political baggage of NUM.

Mathunjwa and AMCU leader Steve Kholekilethe are former
NUM members who were expelled from NUM for anarchism
and who then moved on the form AMCU.

AMCU leaders can rightly be considered the ideological
brothers of the anarchists within the US Occupy movement
who wear masks over their faces, throw trash cans
through store windows and set buildings on fire. The
only difference between those who set buildings on fire
and those who encourage workers to arm themselves and
make unreasonable wage demands is the scale of
collateral damage.

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Re: [Marxism] Ecological awareness in ancient India

2012-08-20 Thread Karen Saunders
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Vijaya Kumar Marla wrote:
I have been wondering of late about the existing practices in
traditional customs in India. Every culture would have built up some
sort of customs and norms for preserving nature.

This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India, by Madhav Gadgil and
Ramachandra Guha,
discusses this in some detail, from a materialist perspective.
The preservation of sacred groves in many places served (and still serves
in a few places)
to preserve indigenous plant species and habitat refuges for wildlife.
Capitalist exploitation of the environment won't be ended by a return to
old religious practices,
but an understanding of the ways in which those practices have preserved
nature may help us
in the struggle for socialism and a more sustainable way of life.


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Re: [Marxism] Ecological awareness in ancient India

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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Descendants of Aryan nomads invaded the Indian subcontinent around 1750 
B.C. They were beef eaters. After 600 B.C., the Aryan overlords and 
their Brahman priests could not supply enough beef for their own 
appetites and the masses. The cause of the beef crisis was a 
combination of population growth and depleting natural resources, 
including grazing land.

The peasants grew angry at the Brahman caste and the Vedic chieftans who 
ruled India. This proved fertile ground for the growth of Buddhism, a 
new religious sect that was opposed to the taking of any animal life. A 
religion that attacked the killing of beef was welcomed by a population 
forced to watch the extravagent dining habits of the ruling-class. A 
struggle between Buddhism and Hinduism lasted nine centuries until 
Hinduism prevailed, but adopting many of the practices, including the 
slaughter of cattle.

When I was in high-school, I remember teachers making racist comments 
about how stupid the Indians were since so many of them went to bed 
hungry at night, but they allowed all that beef to just walk around and 
go to waste.

Rifkin [Jeremy Rifkin in Beyond Beef] makes the case for a more 
nuanced understanding of the role of the cow in the Indian peasant 
economy. At present there are 200 million cows in India, freely roaming 
about. These cows provide most of India's dairy requirements. The ox 
provides traction for 60 million small farmers whose land feeds 80% of 
the population. Of the 700 million tons of cattle dung that is produced 
each year, about half is used as fertilizer and the other half for 
cooking fuel. Marvin Harris, author of The Sacred Cow and the 
Abominable Pig, estimates that dung produces the thermal equivalent of 
27 million tons of kerosene, 35 million tons of coal, or 68 million tons 
of wood. In Africa and Latin American, huge swaths of tropical 
rainforests have been cut down to provide cooking fuel. Depletion of the 
rain forest in Africa has created the conditions in which the Ebola 
virus and AIDS can migrate from animal to human populations.

Cow dung is mixed with water in order to produce household flooring. 
Each day small children follow the family cow around collecting 
excrement for a variety of household uses. Cattle hides are used in the 
leather industry, which is the largest in the world. Even the carcasses 
of ancient cows are solw do slaughterhouses and used as a source of meat 
for non-Hindus.

Cattle do not compete with human population for arable lands. In one 
study, it was found that less than 20 percent of the cattle diet in West 
Bengal is composed of foodstuffs edible by humans. The cattle subsist on 
a diet of household garbage, chaff, stalks and leaves. The are also fed 
oil cakes made of cottonseed, soybean, and coconut residues that are 
inedible by people.

I supply this information not in order to point to some kind of 
alternative life-style for non-Hindu populations, but simply to 
illustrate another way that cattle can interact with a political 
economy. My information, of course, comes from Rifkin and not any 
sources that I have explored myself. Any errors that Ruhal or Rakesh can 
point out would be greatly appreciated. Or, if they have a different 
analysis of the role of the cow in India, I would invite them to 
comment. (Not as if they need an invitation from anybody!)

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[Marxism] Assad's Kurdish strategy

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Defense Against Imperialism

2012-08-20 Thread audradavid
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From Andy Pollock:
“Lord knows in thesedays when leftist toadying to Assad, to Ahmedinejad, to

Zuma, is still costingus tremendously on a world scale, we need to be

precise in ourscientific analysis at the same time as we mobilize

energetically in defenseof the Ecuadorean government and any other

government standing upin practice, not just in words, to imperialism,

whatever the classnature of those regimes. Defending them, hailing their

progressive steps,doesn't mean prettifying them.”
This is a crucial point. Defense againstimperialism does not mean apology for 
the regime. The Left in the US has spenddecades apologizing from regimes that 
stand against imperialism. 

David Berger

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Re: [Marxism] SA mine massacre: the Stalinists respond

2012-08-20 Thread Tom Cod
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Never knew the Black Block to have gotten the support of the majority
of workers in one of the country's major industrial facilities, if not
the country as a whole.  They seem more like the IWW to me.  Also I'm
not sure what unreasonable wage demands are.  Seems I recall this
type of accusation being leveled not only at the IWW, but later
against the CIO by the more traditional unionists of the AFL and at
various points by the Stalinists against Cannon, Dunne and the
trotskyists, among others.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 AMCU leaders can rightly be considered the ideological
 brothers of the anarchists within the US Occupy movement
 who wear masks over their faces, throw trash cans
 through store windows and set buildings on fire. The
 only difference between those who set buildings on fire
 and those who encourage workers to arm themselves and
 make unreasonable wage demands is the scale of
 collateral damage.

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Re: [Marxism] SA mine massacre: the Stalinists respond

2012-08-20 Thread Andrew Pollack
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I had exactly the same reaction as Louis to that particular accusation, the
equation of AMCU and Black Bloc. By putting my sentence about some
allegations possibly being true right before that excerpt, Louis may have
given the impression I thought that particular one might be.

I have no idea which IF ANY of the accusations are true. And the repeated
anarchist-baiting in the Stalinists' articles is typical of their
reactionary method.

So again, all I'm saying is that the AMCU don't have to be pure as the
driven snow for us to acknowledge that the ANC/SACP are the servants of
capital, and have blood on their hands in this matter.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 On 8/20/12 7:38 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

 The first item is a good non-Stalinist analysis, the rest are from a US
 Stalinist, the SA CP, and COSATU.


 It's possible that some of the allegations against the AMCU are true.


 Here it is necessary to focus some light on the AMCU
 leaders and the political baggage of NUM.

 Mathunjwa and AMCU leader Steve Kholekilethe are former
 NUM members who were expelled from NUM for anarchism
 and who then moved on the form AMCU.

 AMCU leaders can rightly be considered the ideological
 brothers of the anarchists within the US Occupy movement
 who wear masks over their faces, throw trash cans
 through store windows and set buildings on fire. The
 only difference between those who set buildings on fire
 and those who encourage workers to arm themselves and
 make unreasonable wage demands is the scale of
 collateral damage.

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[Marxism] Brother Can You Spare a Dollar?

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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“Brother Can You Spare a Dollar?” opened two nights ago at the Quad 
Cinema in NYC and can best be described as a close relative of Michael 
Moore’s “Capitalism, a Love Story”. As was the case with Moore’s 
documentary, the dominant message is that the government should address 
the Great Recession of today just as it during the Great Depression of 
the 1930s. Moore’s film ended on the rather foolish note that Obama 
would become the FDR of today, while director Thom Hoffman ends “Brother 
Can You Spare a Dollar?” with a nod toward the Occupy Movement. That’s 
progress on the political front to say the least.


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[Marxism] Village Voice on its last legs?

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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Good riddance to bad medicine.


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Re: [Marxism] Ecological awareness in ancient India

2012-08-20 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar
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Karen wrote:
Capitalist exploitation of
the environment won't be ended by a return to old religious practices, 
but an understanding of the ways in which those
practices have preserved nature may help us
in the struggle for socialism and a more
sustainable way of life.
I think I had failed to convey my idea properly. I was not advocating any kind 
of a return to old ways of living. I was only highlighting the centuries old 
ecological awareness.
The bard's song philosophical musings made me realise that a few centuries 
ago, they could convey the concept of interdependence in nature 
so succinctly to un-educated masses, where as with all the modern tools, we are 
still finding it difficult to spread the message of Ecological balance. Mine is 
a lone voice in many party meetings, where they patiently go through my talk on 
Marxism and ecology and finally say that : Comrade, we agree with what you are 
saying, but right now, we have to concentrate on urgent day-to-day issues. 
Which means my 15 minutes talk simply evaporated in to thin air. Where are we 
Vijaya Kumar Marla

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[Marxism] Former Black Panther Richard Aoki Named an FBI Informant

2012-08-20 Thread X Y
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YouTube video: The Man Who Armed the Panthers

The man who armed the Black Panthers turns out to have been an FBI informant.

FBI files, uncovered by journalist Seth Rosenfeld, reveal that Richard
Aoki, a prominent activist in the 1960s who was the first to supply
the Black Panthers with guns and weapons training, was also an
undercover FBI source.

The Center for Investigative Reporting has more details

Aoki’s work for the FBI, which has never been reported, was
uncovered and verified during research for the book, “Subversives: The
FBI’s War on Student Radicals, and Reagan’s Rise to Power.” The book,
based on research spanning three decades, will be published tomorrow
by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

In a tape-recorded interview for the book in 2007, two years
before he committed suicide, Aoki was asked if he had been an FBI
informant. Aoki’s first response was a long silence. He then replied,
” ‘Oh,’ is all I can say.”

Later during the same interview, Aoki contended the information wasn’t true.

Asked if this reporter was mistaken that Aoki had been an
informant, Aoki said, “I think you are,” but added: “People change. It
is complex. Layer upon layer.”

A Nov. 16, 1967, intelligence report on the Black Panthers obtained
through a Freedom of Information Act request lists Aoki as an
“informant” with the code number “T-2.”

Visit the Center for Investigative Reporting
http://cironline.org/timeline-informant-history-3756 to view their
interactive timeline that illustrates how Aoki became an informant.

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Re: [Marxism] SA mine massacre: the Stalinists respond

2012-08-20 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

unreasonable wage demands

What are those? I don't know that I've ever seen or heard of one.

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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Re: [Marxism] SA mine massacre: the Stalinists respond

2012-08-20 Thread Andrew Pollack
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And by the way, this is not a new tactic for SA Stalinists. I'll never
forget reading, right after apartheid was ended, a statement from the ANC
or SACP about how autoworkers on strike were being selfish for demanding
too much when the rest of the working class was so poor!

Of course right about the same time Lewie Andersen was helping to bust the
Hormel strike in the Midwest US, using the rationale that they should have
gone along with the downward harmonization of wages to preserve unity...

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Joseph Catron jncat...@gmail.com wrote:


 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 unreasonable wage demands

 What are those? I don't know that I've ever seen or heard of one.

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[Marxism] Counterpunch recirculates ANC/SACP talking points

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 106, Issue 22

2012-08-20 Thread dan

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Nobody on this list is talking about the spate of politicaly-motivated 
proletarian expropriations currently making the healines in Spain.
Farmers and activists are emerging from Spanish supermarkets with 
trolleys full of bread, rice and meat. And they refuse to pay for said 
items, claiming that farmers are being paid bellow production-price.
This new trend is proving very controversial, as Spanish Socialist 
elected officials abstain from actual theft, while Socialist Party 
mayors of small farming communities openly lead their constituencies in 
pillaging supermarkerts.
Spanish radical youth has cought on, and planning a proletarian 
expropriation on a local supermarkert (forty youths fill their trolleys 
with meat and beans and then exit without paying) has become widespread. 
Of course, the current right-wing Spanish government is eager to 
crack down on such malfaiseance and extend the reach of 
anti-terorrism laws.
In Greece, there are reports of similar wide-spread supermarket theft, 
in which the local supermarket is targeted by groups of 20+ individuals 
intent on escaping with pasta, beans and canned sausages. According to 
the BBC, young children in Greece are gathering in groups in Athens to 
pick every single orange tree and cherry tree in sight.
According to the BBC, Orange Trees were deemed to be ornamental in 
many suburbs of Athens, but are now being picked clean by children.
Of course, organized, political, theft from supermarkets is 
exceedingly unusual and will always remain so, as the concept of 
private property is the basis of the present mode of production. Given 
our present way of life, it may actually be in the bosse's interest to 
feed the starving.

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[Marxism] Richard Aoki

2012-08-20 Thread Red Arnie
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The disclosure that Aoki was an FBI informant is a bombshell in the Asian
American and African American communities in the Bay Area.  I knew Aoki
personally and could never figure him out.  Now it appears that he was  one
of the many informants whose name was blacked out in my Freedom of
Information Act files from the FBI.  This disclosure underscores the
importance to only conduct political work with people who espouse a
political philosophy with which you agree so that you support the
philosophy rather than the person.  To my knowledge Aoki never promoted the
study of political economy or philosophy nor did the people who idealized
him in life and after death.

Red Arnie

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Re: [Marxism] help needed

2012-08-20 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones
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Has somebody sent you this yet? If not I have it so send me an email address so 
I can send it on. Best, Steff.
  Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:35:09 +1000
 From: gary.maclenn...@gmail.com
 Subject: [Marxism] help needed
 To: mrpettymrsmo...@hotmail.com
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 Does anyone have a link to this article.  it is currently behind a paywall.
 Sinomania: global crisis, China’s crisis?
 *Ho-fung Hung
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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 8/20/12 5:09 PM, Red Arnie wrote:

The disclosure that Aoki was an FBI informant is a bombshell in the Asian
American and African American communities in the Bay Area.  I knew Aoki
personally and could never figure him out.  Now it appears that he was  one
of the many informants whose name was blacked out in my Freedom of
Information Act files from the FBI.  This disclosure underscores the
importance to only conduct political work with people who espouse a
political philosophy with which you agree so that you support the
philosophy rather than the person.  To my knowledge Aoki never promoted the
study of political economy or philosophy nor did the people who idealized
him in life and after death.

They are discussing this at Kasama Project:


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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki

2012-08-20 Thread Jeff
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At 14:09 20-08-12 -0700, Red Arnie wrote:

The disclosure that Aoki was an FBI informant is a bombshell in the Asian
American and African American communities in the Bay Area.

I'll bet it is! And well beyond that locality given his relationship to the
founding and early years of the BPP. Moreover, it is stated that he had
also infiltrated the SWP (presumably in Oakland) which would appear to
have been in the early 1960's. I wonder if anyone else on this list might
have known him in that regard. (Was he actually a member??)

I found the timeline and the 5 minute video extremely interesting. They
can be viewed at:

Also of great interest is the book by Seth Rosenfeld (who uncovered this
information) which is officially released tomorrow and available at Amazon.

  I knew Aoki
personally and could never figure him out. 
...  This disclosure underscores the
importance to only conduct political work
To my knowledge Aoki never promoted the
study of political economy or philosophy

Well, whenever you find out something like this it's natural to go back and
cite the indications and warning signs. But that can be self-illusory.
It is really counter-productive when you invoke rules about how to detect
an informer, because each case is different. You will almost surely find
yourself going after innocent people if you take those seriously, and
generally creating false mistrust.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] 1,500$ a month for SA mine workers !

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 8/20/12 6:09 PM, dan wrote:

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Dear Louis,

Your latest comment :

AMCU leaders can rightly be considered the ideological
brothers of the anarchists within the US Occupy movement
who wear masks over their faces, throw trash cans
through store windows and set buildings on fire. The
only difference between those who set buildings on fire
and those who encourage workers to arm themselves and
make unreasonable wage demands is the scale of
collateral damage.

is disturbing.

That was *not* my comment. I was quoting Jean Damu, an American CP'er or 
fellow traveler: 

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Re: [Marxism] 1,500$ a month for SA mine workers !

2012-08-20 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 1:15 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

That was *not* my comment. I was quoting Jean Damu, an American CP'er or
 fellow traveler: http://www.counterpunch.org/**

Thanks for your clarification. I think you dropped a URL from your e-mail
cited here, which clearly left some of us wondering!

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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[Marxism] Sorry

2012-08-20 Thread dan

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I am really, really sorry for accusing you of reactionary intentions. I 
apologize profusely.

I read your post and wrongly assumed that you were criticizing SA mine 
workers for demanding a two-fold increase in pay and arming themselves 
to better pressure the government.

I, as most Marxists, spend my time analysing the current state of 
society and looking for signs of change. For the last 300 years, mines 
and extractive ressources have become especially important for the 
ever-changing paradigms of Capitalist accumulation.

By cutting each individual worker from a global understanding of the 
process of production, the present mode of production depends on the 
market to allocate ressources after they have been extracted. This 
means that Capitalism can continue as no worker knows what his trouble 
is worth until after his pay. SA Mine workers can extract several tons 
of Platinium and know that it is to be used in the automobile industry 
(47%), but they may not manage production for their own sake.

On 08/12/2012 08:00 PM, marxism-requ...@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu wrote:

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Today's Topics:

1.  Breaking news from Egypt (Jim Farmelant)
2. Re:  Jack A. Smith: My life and times with the Guardian
   (Jack Smith)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 16:17:19 GMT
From: Jim Farmelant farmela...@juno.com
To: marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
Subject: [Marxism] Breaking news from Egypt
Message-ID: 20120812.121719.1428...@webmail10.vgs.untd.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Egypt's Morsi Cans Top Brass, Appoints VP

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

Better Than A Facelift#63
Doctor Reveals Lazy Way To Look Up To 15 Years Younger in 17 Seconds


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 13:38:24 -0400
From: Jack Smith jac...@earthlink.net
To: Marxism List marxism@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Jack A. Smith: My life and times with the
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In response to Ethan Young's comment in issue 22 where he suggests it was
appropriate for me to mention the founders of the National Guardian:
The document in question consisted of a quickly written notes for the Rag

Blog interviewer to use in introducing me. I gave credit to James Aronson,
Cedric Belfrage and John T McManus in my essay, The Guardian Goes to War,
published in Insider Histories of the Vietnam Era Underground Press edited
by Ken Wachsberger, (Michigan State University Press, 2011).

This contribution also offers an insider's view of the transfer of the
newspaper's ownership and control to its staff collective, and the political
ramifications of this move during the so called Old left/New left
conditions of the time.

Editor Aronson, for whom I had considerable respect, was not ousted, as
Young declares. His abrupt voluntary resignation was a complete surprise to
staff members who were agitating for the newspaper to improve its coverage
and take a more supportive stance toward the developing new movements of
these years. The Guardian at the time was in critical financial
difficulties, made all the more serious by the withdrawal of contributions
attendant upon Aronson's departure. The staff kept the paper going for many
years thereafter ? ultimately doubling its size and circulation - through
low pay and long hours.
Jack A. Smith


Marxism mailing list

[Marxism] TERRIBLE column slandering Correa

2012-08-20 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Their motto should be All that's filth, we print.

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Re: [Marxism] TERRIBLE column slandering Correa

2012-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 8/20/12 7:02 PM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

Their motto should be All that's filth, we print.

Well, Professor Isaacs has a long-standing association with Freedom 
House so this is to be expected. You are dealing with cruddy neo-cons 
who would love nothing more than to see Julian Assange in Guantanamo and 
Correa suffering the same fate as Salvador Allende.

Some Freedom House board members:

Joshua Muravchik

Max Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus

Jay Mazur

Diana Villiers Negroponte (wife of John Negroponte, the pig who as 
Ambassador to Honduras in the 1980s worked with Oliver North to keep the 
Nicaraguan contras going.)

The chairman of the board of these sleazy criminal bastards says it all:

William H. Taft IV

Will Taft most recently was the Warren Christopher Visiting Professor of 
the Practice of International Law and Diplomacy at Stanford Law School. 
His long service in government includes serving as the Deputy Secretary 
of Defense, the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO, and as chief 
legal advisor to the State Department. He is a retired partner in the 
Washington office of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver  Jacobson.

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Re: [Marxism] TERRIBLE column slandering Correa

2012-08-20 Thread Andrew Pollack
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thanks Louis
two nota benes:
1. for those who haven't heard of him, Jay Mazur was president of the
ILGWU, rival with the AFT for coldest of the cold warrior unions
2. Freedom House was one of the bogus NGOs whose offices in Egypt were
raided a few months ago (not for the right reasons, but as a pretext to
allow SCAF to continue repressing the real NGOs).

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 Well, Professor Isaacs has a long-standing association with Freedom House
 so this is to be expected. You are dealing with cruddy neo-cons who would
 love nothing more than to see Julian Assange in Guantanamo and Correa
 suffering the same fate as Salvador Allende.

 Some Freedom House board members:

 Joshua Muravchik

 Max Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus

 Jay Mazur

 Diana Villiers Negroponte (wife of John Negroponte, the pig who as
 Ambassador to Honduras in the 1980s worked with Oliver North to keep the
 Nicaraguan contras going.)

 The chairman of the board of these sleazy criminal bastards says it all:

 William H. Taft IV

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[Marxism] Even Muravchik's parents can't stand him

2012-08-20 Thread Glenn Kissack
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 Some Freedom House board members:
 Joshua Muravchik

From Wikipedia:

Muravchik is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he 
researches Middle East politics, democracy, and the history of socialism. He is 
also a patron of the Henry Jackson Society, which sponsors discussions and 
activities around the political legacy of Senator Henry Scoop Jackson. He 
describes himself as a neo-conservative,  despite the disapproval of his 
social-democratic father and socialist mother. His father criticized his Heaven 
on earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism:

Josh Muravchik’s father, Manny, eighty-five-years-old, breathing through 
oxygen tubes, [was] handing out his own two-page Xeroxed affirmation of 
socialism. Manny let the reader know that his own life, and that of Josh’s 
mother, would be impossible today absent the very sort of anti-market 
reforms—Medicare, rent-controlled apartments—for which they’d worked while Josh 
was still a pisher and toward which he sounded at best ambivalent today. 
Father told son that if there was utopian impulse to be feared, it was that 
messianic laissez-faire nonsense he must have picked up once he’d left home. 
You think your mother and I could survive in your perfect world, Mr. Capitalist 

His mother was too upset with his book to attend the discussion.

In 2006, he called for the bombing of Iran in a Los Angeles Times op-ed 
entitled Bomb Iran.

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Re: [Marxism] TERRIBLE column slandering Correa

2012-08-20 Thread Thomas Bias
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I met Josh Muravchik when he was a YPSL leader in 1970; he was on a speaking
tour, and he came to UMass. What a slimeball! Tom

-Original Message-

Some Freedom House board members:

Joshua Muravchik

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[Marxism] Assange

2012-08-20 Thread dan

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It's quite simple really, as it boils down to :

a) The Swedish government will guarantee that Assange will not be 
deported to the US

b) The Swedish gov. will not give any guarantees that Assange will not 
be subject to deportation to the US.

Assange has made it clear that he is willing to go to Sweden PRO*VIDED 
he is given assurances he will not be deported.

For my part, I am perplexed by the Swe resoldish gov.'s refusal to 
guarantee there will be no extradition to the US.

The merits and demerits of Sweden's Sexual assault charges are one 
thing, Assange's deportation to the US are another.

The whole diplomatic incident is heading for a resolution : Assange 
will stand trial in Stockholm but will not be deported to the US. Until 
this agreement is reached (after the US 2012 election ???) Assange will 
not budge.

And any court in Stockholm that will hear the charges of sexual assault 
will sentence Assange to a maximum of six months in prison, but actually 
this will be a suspended sentence, or perhaps the Australian will be 
ordered to perform community service. The sexual assault charges are 
related to Assange having sex with two Wikileaks volunteers who later 
acknowledged that sex did happen but that it was not entirely 
consensual. A Swedish court sentencing Assange to more than a year in 
prison would be really bizzare, so that Assange's refusal to be tried in 
Sweden is a strong indicator of his fear of being deported to the US, a 
country whose fascistic tendencies are growing ever more notorious.

I must end this mail by stating that I am a Feminist and that any power 
structure that oppresses women (or men for that matter) is unacceptable.


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Re: [Marxism] Assange

2012-08-20 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:32 AM, dan d.koech...@wanadoo.fr wrote:

For my part, I am perplexed by the Swe resoldish gov.'s refusal to
 guarantee there will be no extradition to the US.

Apparently, they simply can't without an active extradition request:

The difficulty is that Sweden has not received an extradition request and
nor could it have since Assange is in Ecuador's Embassy in the UK. On a
practical level Sweden could not give an undertaking on a request not yet
received. Legally there are problems too. In Sweden section 15 of their
Extradition For Criminal Offences Act states that “ Before the government
makes a decision , the Prosecutor General shall deliver a statement of
opinion on the matter. In addition , if the person referred to in the
request has not consented to being extradited, the case shall be tried by
the Supreme Court. The request shall , however, be rejected immediately if
there is a manifest reason why it should not be granted. “ Therefore it
appears that if the extradition is contested as it would be in Assange's
case then it is a matter for the court not the government to decide if he
is extradited.


Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen

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[Marxism] South Africa

2012-08-20 Thread Philip Ferguson
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It was written in 1999, but folks might be interested in this paper, which
looks at the evolution of South African capital and the ANC, most
particularly the ANC's first five years in government:

I'd also recommend Patrick Bond's Elite Transition book.


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[Marxism] Why defend Assange against Imperialist-Bourgeois campaign of persercution and also at the same time what is the best strategies to fight Sexism?

2012-08-20 Thread Anthony Brain
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[Marxism] Massacring miners: the ANC, the Provos and the Irish struggle

2012-08-20 Thread Philip Ferguson
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On August 16, South African police opened fire on striking miners at the
Lonmin mine, near Johannesburg.  The police shot dead 34 miners and injured
78 more.  While ANC leader and South African president Joseph Zuma has
called for a commission of inquiry and declared a national week of
mourning.  Cyril Ramaphosa, once a militant workers’ leader and now a
multi-millionaire with shares in the Lonmin mine, has offered to pay for
the funerals.  Zuma and Ramaphosa are total hypocrites.  The massacre of
these workers is the perfectly logical outcome of the entire course of the
ANC since it won the country’s first democratic elections in 1994.  The
entire ANC is rotten to the core because its primary commitment is to
managing capitalism in South Africa, a course which also has the happy
result of enriching a whole layer of ANC bureaucrats and converting them
into millionaires.

For an analysis of this course, see
(This is a paper from 1999, which lays out the evolution of South African
capitalism and the ANC.)
The massacre and the evolution of the ANC is of direct relevance to the
Irish struggle for several reasons.  The development of the ANC is similar
to that of Fatah in the Palestine, the Sandinistas after their removal from
power, and the Provos in Ireland.  In each. . .

Full at:

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Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange against Imperialist-Bourgeois campaign of persercution and also at the same time what is the best strategies to fight Sexism?

2012-08-20 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Anthony Brain brainanthony...@yahoo.comwrote:


From what I know I do not believe Assange raped those women.

What does that even mean? The actions of which he is accused would
constitute rape under both the British and Swedish legal codes (
I hope the author has some case, which he hasn't presented here, for
absolute innocence, as there could hardly be a less opportune week for Todd
Akin/Sparticist League-style attempts to redefine rape in the attacker's

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[Marxism] Peru: BHP spill devastates community

2012-08-20 Thread Stuart Munckton
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The highland agricultural community of Santa Rosa de Cajacuy, in Peru’s
central Ancash department, has been severely affected by a toxic spill from
the BHP Billiton and Xstrata-operated Antamina mine.

Antamina is one of the world’s largest sources of copper and zinc. It
relies on a 300 kilometre high-pressure pipeline to pump resources from the
mountains to coastal port facilities.
“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange...

2012-08-20 Thread Eli Stephens
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Whether this case originated as a legitimate rape investigation or whether
it was a frame-up job from the start (both are possible, although probably
not equally possible), this case has not been about rape for a LONG time.

Assange has repeatedly invited Swedish prosecutors to question him in
Britain, and Ecuador has now repeated that invitation. Assange has also
repeatedly offered to go to Sweden if guaranteed that he wouldn't be
extradited to the U.S. That Sweden has refused both of those requests shows
that their interest in prosecuting a rape case and providing justice to an
alleged rape victim is nil.

Furthermore, we know that the prosecution initially dropped the entire case
because of insufficient evidence, before taking it up again as a result of
political pressure. Now they claim the only thing they need to do is to
question...Assange? The potential DEFENDANT? How exactly is questioning the
potential defendant going to strengthen their already weak case and allow
them to proceed to prosecution? The idea is preposterous.

Further, we now have Britain bearing the expense of stationing 20 cops
outside the Ecuadorian embassy 24/7, indefinitely, and threatening to tear
down centuries of international law by invading an embassy. And we're to
believe they're doing this not to bring a convicted mass murderer to
justice, not for a convicted rapist, not even for someone who has been
CHARGED with rape, but someone who is simply wanted for questioning?

Any assertion that this case is not 100% political simply strains credulity.

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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[Marxism] Recently at Redline

2012-08-20 Thread Philip Ferguson
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Redline is an independent, Marxist blog based in NZ.

Some recent material that may be of interest:
Capital and the state:
Stand by our  migrant brothers and sisters:
The rate of profit, finance and imperialism:
Leila Khaled MayDay speech:


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Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange...

2012-08-20 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Eli Stephens elishasteph...@hotmail.comwrote:

Assange has repeatedly invited Swedish prosecutors to question him in
 Britain, and Ecuador has now repeated that invitation. Assange has also
 repeatedly offered to go to Sweden if guaranteed that he wouldn't be
 extradited to the U.S. That Sweden has refused both of those requests shows
 that their interest in prosecuting a rape case and providing justice to an
 alleged rape victim is nil.

Well, no. Assange isn't merely wanted by Sweden authorities for
questioning, but also for arrest. And the Swedish government cannot
guarantee its refusal of an extradition request that doesn't exist, under
either its own or international law.


 Further, we now have Britain bearing the expense of stationing 20 cops
 outside the Ecuadorian embassy 24/7, indefinitely, and threatening to tear
 down centuries of international law by invading an embassy. And we're to
 believe they're doing this not to bring a convicted mass murderer to
 justice, not for a convicted rapist, not even for someone who has been
 CHARGED with rape, but someone who is simply wanted for questioning?

Aside from the legal confusion in your last two clauses (the Swedes DON'T
charge you UNTIL you're arrested), I agree.

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[Marxism] South America backs Ecuador over asylum at UNASUR meeting

2012-08-20 Thread Stuart Munckton
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The Union of South American States (UNASUR) threw its support behind
Ecuador in its diplomatic dispute with Britain over Wikileaks founder
Julian Assange, after a meeting of UNASUR foreign ministers yesterday in
Guayaquil, Ecuador.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange against Imperialist-Bourgeois campaign of persercution and also at the same time what is the best strategies to fight Sexism?

2012-08-20 Thread John Obrien
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The governments of Britain and Sweden are trying to capture Assange - not to 
question him - but to place him under United States government control.  You 
know the same governmentthat tortures!  How could any Marxist on this list 
knowing history, state such ignorant bourgeois liberal crapabout conforming to 
legal codes of Britain and Sweden concerns - and not recognize this isa 
political case based on the exposing of governments foreign policies - and has 
nothing todo with women's rights.  Shameful ignorance! Date: Tue, 21 Aug 
2012 03:31:50 +0300
 From: jncat...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange against Imperialist-Bourgeois 
 campaign of persercution and also at the same time what is the best 
 strategies to fight Sexism?

 From what I know I do not believe Assange raped those women.
 What does that even mean? The actions of which he is accused would
 constitute rape under both the British and Swedish legal codes (
 I hope the author has some case, which he hasn't presented here, for
 absolute innocence, as there could hardly be a less opportune week for Todd
 Akin/Sparticist League-style attempts to redefine rape in the attacker's


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Re: [Marxism] Richard Aoki

2012-08-20 Thread Tom Cod
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On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Jeff meis...@xs4all.nl wrote:
I wonder if anyone else on this list might
 have known him in that regard. (Was he actually a member??)

Kipp Dawson and Les Evans knew him and talked about him leaving the
YSA for the BPP.  In fact there was brief thread at the FB Partido
site about him awhile back after he died.  I also agree with Jeff
about the danger of paranoia around tests for political loyalty,
particularly if they're oriented around abstruse stuff like political
economy or philosophy that many people with limited formal education
have little affinity for, even though intellectuals lap that stuff up.
 Yes it has it's place, but it's far from the sine quo non of
political work, quite the opposite.

 Well, whenever you find out something like this it's natural to go back and
 cite the indications and warning signs. But that can be self-illusory.
 It is really counter-productive when you invoke rules about how to detect
 an informer, because each case is different. You will almost surely find
 yourself going after innocent people if you take those seriously, and
 generally creating false mistrust.

 - Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange...

2012-08-20 Thread Sean Andrews
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On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Eli Stephens
elishasteph...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Whether this case originated as a legitimate rape investigation

Read that slowly and consider your bedfellows here.

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Re: [Marxism] Why defend Assange against Imperialist-Bourgeois campaign of persercution and also at the same time what is the best strategies to fight Sexism?

2012-08-20 Thread Joseph Catron
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On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 5:33 AM, John Obrien causecollec...@msn.com wrote:

How could any Marxist on this list knowing history, state such ignorant
 bourgeois liberal crapabout conforming to legal codes of Britain and Sweden
 concerns - and not recognize this isa political case based on the exposing
 of governments foreign policies - and has nothing todo with women's rights.
  Shameful ignorance!

I do not define, and have never defined, myself as a Marxist. Marxish,

If you choose to embrace willful ignorance of objective facts, that is a
decision you are entitled to make. But it is extremely unfair to the great
majority of Marxists, as well as the Marxist tradition, to attribute this
preference to Marxism.

And spare me the breathless moral panic, dude. I'm just not impressed by
that sort of thing.

For the record, I oppose Assange's extradition, for reasons that have as
much to do with Ecuador's national sovereignty and self-determination as
anything else. But I'm a little repulsed by the eagerness with which many
of Assange's most passionate defenders - inevitably men - dismiss
allegations of rape, argue (without a shred of support) that they simply
couldn't have happened, etc. As Sean reminded me in another thread, I've
now seen the phrase legitimate rape in two contexts today. If there's any
shame to be had here, it won't be found with me.

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Re: [Marxism] TERRIBLE column slandering Correa

2012-08-20 Thread Dayne Goodwin
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amen!  i remember at least one Muravchik book in the '80s attacking the
FSLN and/or FMLN...

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Thomas Bias tgb...@ptd.net wrote:

 I met Josh Muravchik when he was a YPSL leader in 1970; he was on a
 tour, and he came to UMass. What a slimeball! Tom

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Re: [Marxism] South Africa

2012-08-20 Thread Patrick Bond

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On 8/21/2012 2:03 AM, Philip Ferguson wrote:

I'd also recommend Patrick Bond's Elite Transition book.

Thanks comrade, a version is up here: ccs.ukzn.ac.za/default.asp?10,24,8,55

Your article is very strong in retrospect.

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[Marxism] Rich Aoki

2012-08-20 Thread shacht
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Aoki always gave the impression of a bent twig about to snap. In his speech, 
his mannerisms, even the way he flicked the ash of the cigarette he invariably 
clamped between his teeth instead of his lips, snapping his thumbnail ascross 
the filter in a gesture of contempt against everything except the person he was 
talking to. In the late sixties he would turn up here or there in the 
anti-war movement, never staying for long. It was almost as though he wanted to 
be publicly clandestine. Perhaps it was part of the act elaborated to penetrate 
the Panthers. Perhaps it was the natural result of the tension playing the role 
would have caused.

Aoki had gone from the YSA into the BPP, at first, as he gave all to understand 
working with them and not renouncing his membership in the YSA. Then he came to 
speak only in terms of the BPP. Always there was the implication that he was 
doing something conspiratorial, something verging on violence. But it was hard 
to accept as reality, just as words. And again, it could have been his 
circumstances as above that caused it.

Nevertheless, the left has always attracted marginal types, crackpots, 
potential demagogues.This has been the case for over a hundred years.So, it 
didn't seem abnormal in a way that would shout out Informer. 

When Rosenberg's book comes out we will see just when Aoki's connection with 
the FBI began -befofre the YSA or after. Was he sent into the YSA or recruited 
after. How does one become an informant. Infiltration is something we always 
anticipate, but often not the turning of a comrade.

Wayne Collins

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[Marxism] Cuba: Report on Guidelines implementation

2012-08-20 Thread Marce Cameron
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On a personal note, readers may be interested to know that I'm
beginning a Master of Arts (Research) in Political Economy, under Dr.
Tim Anderson, at Sydney University. It's a one-year research thesis on
Cuba. Specifically, where is Cuba headed? Perhaps when it's finished I
can post a link to this blog.

Here is my translation of a summary of an important address by Marino
Murillo, head of the Cuban government's permanent commission
overseeing the implementation of the Economic and Social Policy
Guidelines, to Cuba's National Assembly in late July. I was able to
watch a telecast of his address on Cuban TV. It was a very thorough
report that took up about two hours, accompanied by a Power Point

Murillo used his report to announce to major new initiatives in the
implementation process: an experimental phase in the projected
overhaul of central planning and state enterprises, and the
establishment of 222 experimental non-agricultural cooperatives that
will manage small and medium-sizes state-owned entities. Note that
state-owned entities will not be privatised but handed over, under
various leasing arrangements, to work collectives to manage on a
cooperative basis.

It's also worth drawing attention to what this progress report
indicates about the status of the Guidelines. Raul Castro has
repeatedly stressed that they cannot be allowed to be shelved and
forgotten, as as often happened in the past. In his closing speech to
the same National Assembly session, Raul explained that the updating
of the economic model has entered a qualitatively new phase with the
drafting and approval of the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan for
implementation of the Guidelines, with a corresponding timetable for
comprehensive, step-by-step measures. He added:

You have no doubt noticed that in the various reports presented to
the Assembly, and in my own address, repeated mention is made of
specific guidelines when matters relating to them are being discussed.
I must say that this is not by chance, it is intended to firmly
establish in our minds a determination to fulfill these Guidelines and
to not to allow decisions of the utmost importance for the future of
our nation to, once again, become a dead letter.

LINK to translation:

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