Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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-Original Message- 
From: Chris Slee

Readers can look at Amnesty International's report on the siege of 
Sheikh Maqsoud (a predominantly Kurdish neighbourhood of Aleppo) by some 
rebel groups and decide for themselves if the accusation is "spurious":

Yes, we already had that discussion, so I'll just post it here again, 
and then you tell me if this spurious accusation is in the same league 
as Assad's sarin massacre and whether it justifies the PYD leader 
calling for US air strikes on the rebels:


"There are also **allegations** that members of armed groups attacking 
Sheikh Maqsoud **may have** used chemical weapons. A local doctor told 
Amnesty International that on 7 and 8 April he treated six civilians and 
two YPG fighters for symptoms including shortness of breath, numbness, 
red eyes and severe coughing fits. Several of the victims, he said, 
reported seeing yellow smoke as missiles impacted. A toxicologist 
consulted by Amnesty International, who viewed video-clips of the 
apparent attack and reviewed the doctor’s testimony, said the patients’ 
symptoms **could be** the effects of a chlorine attack. A subsequent 
statement purportedly issued by the leader of the Army of Islam armed 
group said that a field commander had deployed an **“unauthorised 
weapon”** on Sheikh Maqsoud and that he would be held to account".

Not sure that the only cause of “shortness of breath, numbness, red eyes 
and severe coughing fits” is the use of chemical weapons. Lots of “may”, 
“could” etc in this report for very good reason.

But the trouble with the bit about a Jaysh Islam leader disciplining a 
northern field commander (JI is almost entirely a Damascus-based group) 
for use of “weapons not authorized for use in these types of 
confrontations” is that JI specified it was referring to “modified Grad 
rockets, not chlorine: 

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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread John Edmundson via Marxism
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Chris Slee writes:

   Michael Karadjis claims that Saleh Muslim made a "spurious assertion
   about an alleged use of chlorine" by the rebels.

   Readers can look at Amnesty International's report on the siege of
   Sheikh Maqsoud (a predominantly Kurdish neighbourhood of Aleppo) by some
   rebel groups and decide for themselves if the accusation is "spurious":

   This amnesty article includes the following, which suggests that on one
   isolated occasion a chemical weapon was used: I would suspect from the
   context that someone found and used one, and was being dealt with for it,
   although what that means is anyone's guess. It's still comparing apples and
   oranges (or watermelons and grapes) to liken this one incident to the
   regime's record.
  "A toxicologist consulted by Amnesty International, who viewed
  video-clips of the apparent attack and reviewed the doctor’s testimony,
  said the patients’ symptoms could be the effects of a chlorine attack. A
  subsequent statement purportedly issued by the leader of the
Army of Islam
  armed group said that a field commander had deployed an “unauthorised
  weapon” on Sheikh Maqsoud and that he would be held to account."
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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Michael Karadjis claims that Saleh Muslim made a  "spurious assertion about an 
alleged use of chlorine" by the rebels.

Readers can look at Amnesty International's report on the siege of Sheikh 
Maqsoud (a predominantly Kurdish neighbourhood of Aleppo) by some rebel groups 
and decide for themselves if the accusation is "spurious":

In my view the hostility between some rebel groups and the Syrian Democratic 
Forces is a product of Turkish and Gulf state intervention.  Gulf funding and 
Turkish military aid have gone largely to the more reactionary rebel groups 
that are hostile to Kurdish rights and/or the rights of religious minorities 
and/or the PYD's leftist politics.

Chris Slee

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[Marxism] Are four U.S. cities really among the most dangerous in the entire world?

2017-04-12 Thread Joaquin Bustelo via Marxism

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From my blog: Data driven journalism is hot, but it can't replace 
common sense.

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Re: [Marxism] not so fast, Lars!

2017-04-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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David, funny you should mention Joe's great article, because it brings us
full circle to the critique of Lih with which I started this thread.

Corr describes the concrete reasons why Lenin thought moves toward
socialism were possible (which the "Old Bolsheviks" were denying). Such
reasons included:
"Railways, postal and telegraph communications had contributed to
establishing the infrastructure necessary to accomplish the task of
socialising the basic structure of the economy."
I.e., the logistics of the day.

As I've mentioned previously, Lenin in this period was appropriately manic
about accounting, control and cooperation.

All of which of course are immensely more possible with today's logistics.
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Re: [Marxism] not so fast, Lars!

2017-04-12 Thread DW via Marxism
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Barry initiated an interesting digression...Barry believes our species to
be parasites. How interesting and indeed, anti-Marxist. That the root of
the labor theory of Value is that we, humanity, take nature, build tools,
and change our environment. Boo hoo. Back to the trees you scallywags
There is no hope!!! No, Marx allowed us to analyses capitalism. Everything
else is about how we use that analysis. There is no profit without labor,
regardless of what it is you automate. It just changes where that power of
the working class lies. I suggest as an intro probably the best peice of
Marxist analysis I've read in the last 5 years as a start before you start
raising he Green flag off that branch you are clearly sitting on.

Labor replaceable? Passseee

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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I totally agree with all your points, Michael. I was trying to be
diplomatic and guarded, knowing my tendency to go ballistic...

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Michael Karadjis 

> Yes Andy, well that's the test isn't it. If the radical people's
> revolution as it claims to be - and is no doubt partly true - can't seem to
> inspire anyone outside the regions they control, then that needs analysis.
> For one thing, we are aware of the real life restrictions on the Rojova
> revolution (as on the rest of the revolution). The PYD runs a one-party
> state, it arrests and jails oppositionists, it bans newspapers (eg Rudaw)
> etc. It does not engage in ethnic cleansing in the systematic sense but the
> allegations about less-systematic uprooting villagers and destroying
> property are widespread enough.
> But much as we could debate all that (how much are restrictions imposed by
> the situation etc, again, as with the rest of the revolution), the alliance
> with US and Russian imperialism is more fundamental. Of course I agree that
> we shouldn't attack them, or invalidate their own revolution, simply
> because they get massive military aid from the US (and I have never done
> that; and never mind that many Rojava-Firsters do precisely that to the
> FSA/rebels due to the comparatively insignificant US aid they sometimes
> get). But there is aid and aid. There is defence and there is offence. US
> aid for the defence of Kobani was existential. The ongoing war however is
> another thing. Sure, despite the US alliance, of course we still prefer
> victories of SDF over ISIS tyranny, that is a given. But at what point does
> systematic alliance become a political problem? Clearly, anyone can see
> there are dangers.
> Here's the thing: their supporters talk about "extending the revolution."
> Yet every extension of the borders of Rojava has been a military extension
> with the direct aid of US imperialism, air strikes, special forces etc. Can
> a radical democratic revolution really be extended that way? Even of we
> leave aside the widespread allegations of abuses, what of the fact that
> these US bombings kill lots of civilians? The US bombs killed 200 civilians
> on the way into Manbij. I'm sure the people are happy to see the back of
> Daesh. But how do these bombings and killings affect the reception of the
> YPG/SDF? I don't know for sure, but it seems to me a problem. Certainly the
> underground anti-ISIS group 'Raqqa is being Slaughtered Silently'
> continually reports both on the terror unleashed by US bombing, and on
> widespread distrust of the YPG. They are anything but ISIS tools. And all
> that is before we even come to last year's alliance with Russian
> imperialism in the conquest not of ISIS territory, but of rebel territory,
> north of Aleppo city, which cut the city off from Azaz, Mare and the
> Turkish border: ie, prepared the way for Assad's victory in Aleppo. I don't
> think we can underestimate the effects of such actions on the mutual
> solidarity Andy is talking about.
> And Salih Muslim's statements like this one - US should bomb the rebels
> too, based on some spurious assertion about an alleged use of chlorine
> (Assad has used chlorine dozens if not hundreds of times) - is an example
> of the political impact of long-term alliance.
> -Original Message- From: Andrew Pollack via Marxism
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 12:17 AM
> To: Michael Karadjis
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb
> rebels too
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> *
> Meanwhile ROAR has another puff piece about the Ocalanists:
> Much of what they say about the essential linkages of revolution, war,
> class, gender etc. is true. And don't miss their mostly valid denunciation
> of purist Western leftists who attack them for getting aid from
> imperialism. (Sound familiar?)
> But...
> If they're so ideologically advanced, democratic, self-less blah blah blah,
> how come they have made virtually no impact on the anti-Assad movement?
> Yes, Syrian Arab elites are still mostly racist toward Kurds. But where's
> the mutual solidarity between LCCs and Kurdish equivalents?
> _
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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Yes Andy, well that's the test isn't it. If the radical people's 
revolution as it claims to be - and is no doubt partly true - can't seem 
to inspire anyone outside the regions they control, then that needs 
analysis. For one thing, we are aware of the real life restrictions on 
the Rojova revolution (as on the rest of the revolution). The PYD runs a 
one-party state, it arrests and jails oppositionists, it bans newspapers 
(eg Rudaw) etc. It does not engage in ethnic cleansing in the systematic 
sense but the allegations about less-systematic uprooting villagers and 
destroying property are widespread enough.

But much as we could debate all that (how much are restrictions imposed 
by the situation etc, again, as with the rest of the revolution), the 
alliance with US and Russian imperialism is more fundamental. Of course 
I agree that we shouldn't attack them, or invalidate their own 
revolution, simply because they get massive military aid from the US 
(and I have never done that; and never mind that many Rojava-Firsters do 
precisely that to the FSA/rebels due to the comparatively insignificant 
US aid they sometimes get). But there is aid and aid. There is defence 
and there is offence. US aid for the defence of Kobani was existential. 
The ongoing war however is another thing. Sure, despite the US alliance, 
of course we still prefer victories of SDF over ISIS tyranny, that is a 
given. But at what point does systematic alliance become a political 
problem? Clearly, anyone can see there are dangers.

Here's the thing: their supporters talk about "extending the 
revolution." Yet every extension of the borders of Rojava has been a 
military extension with the direct aid of US imperialism, air strikes, 
special forces etc. Can a radical democratic revolution really be 
extended that way? Even of we leave aside the widespread allegations of 
abuses, what of the fact that these US bombings kill lots of civilians? 
The US bombs killed 200 civilians on the way into Manbij. I'm sure the 
people are happy to see the back of Daesh. But how do these bombings and 
killings affect the reception of the YPG/SDF? I don't know for sure, but 
it seems to me a problem. Certainly the underground anti-ISIS group 
'Raqqa is being Slaughtered Silently' continually reports both on the 
terror unleashed by US bombing, and on widespread distrust of the YPG. 
They are anything but ISIS tools. And all that is before we even come to 
last year's alliance with Russian imperialism in the conquest not of 
ISIS territory, but of rebel territory, north of Aleppo city, which cut 
the city off from Azaz, Mare and the Turkish border: ie, prepared the 
way for Assad's victory in Aleppo. I don't think we can underestimate 
the effects of such actions on the mutual solidarity Andy is talking 

And Salih Muslim's statements like this one - US should bomb the rebels 
too, based on some spurious assertion about an alleged use of chlorine 
(Assad has used chlorine dozens if not hundreds of times) - is an 
example of the political impact of long-term alliance.

-Original Message- 
From: Andrew Pollack via Marxism

Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 12:17 AM
To: Michael Karadjis
Subject: Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should 
bomb rebels too

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Meanwhile ROAR has another puff piece about the Ocalanists:

Much of what they say about the essential linkages of revolution, war,
class, gender etc. is true. And don't miss their mostly valid 

of purist Western leftists who attack them for getting aid from
imperialism. (Sound familiar?)


If they're so ideologically advanced, democratic, self-less blah blah 

how come they have made virtually no impact on the anti-Assad movement?
Yes, Syrian Arab elites are still mostly racist toward Kurds. But 

the mutual solidarity between LCCs and Kurdish equivalents?
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[Marxism] Business as usual - The taming of the shrew (?)

2017-04-12 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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The Guardian head lines
US-Russia relations at a low, says Tillerson after meeting with Putin 'I
like Steve, but ...': Trump gives tepid approval of Bannon amid staff

So it looks like Trump is moving from Franco Lite to Obama Heavy.  The Lord
of the Drones has retired but now we have the Lord of the Drones, plus
Cruise Missiles, and blood thirsty tweets and Christ knows what else.

What sickens me is the audible sigh of relief of the liberal intelligentsia
as they relax back into the familiar contemplation of the spectacle of life
being made hell for millions of Muslims.

Things could go wrong though. Very wrong.  The Chinese Oligarchy may be
willing to stomp on North Korea to appease Trump, but they will pay a price
for that. the Australian Prime Minister has weighed in with a "China must
do more"  attack.  When one of the world's great cowards feels emboldened
to attack China you may well suspect the fix is on.


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Re: [Marxism] not so fast, Lars!

2017-04-12 Thread Barry Brooks via Marxism
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While trying to understand why you owe Vivek a punch, I found the
Which has the following ...

"The working class is unlike any other social grouping in the
non-capitalist section of modern society. However penurious it is,
however dominated it is, however atomized it is, it is the goose that
lays the golden egg. It is the source of profits, because unless
workers show up to do their work every day and create profits for their
employers, that principle of profit maximization cannot be carried out.
It remains a dead letter."

Singular source? Labor is not exactly irreplacable, anyway we are all
just parasites on the planet. This is an example of how those who
merely follow Marx are like those who hold that Newton is all we need
in physics.

"We have to start thinking of the nucleus, the core, and the foundation
of modern society, and building and establishing power within those
foundations." The core we haven't started thinking about is that those
few fleas who are running the blood pumps are not the singular source
of value.   

I still don't know about the punch you own him, but those I have
received were not from thinkers like you. I suppose you owe him a punch
for some non-animal reason?


Observer vs participant
Want to learn more? Taking sides doesn't help.

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Re: [Marxism] not so fast, Lars!

2017-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/12/17 12:43 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

Kevin Corr rebuts claims of Lih (and by extension Blanc) on April Theses:

Blanc and Lih will be speaking about this stuff in an HM Panel at the 
NYC conference alongside Todd Chretien, who I suppose will say something 
akin to Kevin Corr.

At least Vivek Chibber is not scheduled to speak at any of these panels. 
I owe him a punch in the nose.

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[Marxism] not so fast, Lars!

2017-04-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Kevin Corr rebuts claims of Lih (and by extension Blanc) on April Theses:
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[Marxism] Fwd: Preliminary Schedule – HMNY

2017-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Historical Materialism conference in NYC, April 21.
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[Marxism] A Woman’s Death Sorting Grapes Exposes Italy’s ‘Slavery’

2017-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, April 12 2017
A Woman’s Death Sorting Grapes Exposes Italy’s ‘Slavery’

SAN GIORGIO IONICO, Italy — Her husband can still recall how Paola 
Clemente used to set two alarms to make sure she woke in the middle of 
the night — 1:50 a.m. — to catch the private bus that would take her and 
dozens of other women to the vineyards.

There, she would pick and sort table grapes up to 12 hours, taking home 
as little as 27 euros a day, about $29, after middlemen skimmed her pay. 
Sometimes she was so exhausted, she fell asleep in the midst of 

Her death of a heart attack at 49 in the fields has set off nearly two 
years of soul-searching in Italy over what the authorities, labor 
experts and union organizers described as an elaborate system of 
modern-day slavery — involving more than 40,000 Italian women, as well 
as migrant and seasonal laborers — that remains at the core of Italy’s 
agricultural economy, especially here at the country’s jagged heel.

After months of investigation, this year the authorities arrested six 
people, accusing them of using their recruiting and transportation 
agencies to extort wages from women so poor and desperate they dared not 
speak up and worked under extreme conditions.

Ms. Clemente’s death in July 2015 moved Italian legislators to pass a 
law last year aimed at combating exploitation of agricultural workers. 
But, experts say, their virtual enslavement remains disturbingly 
widespread for a country renowned for its products worldwide. By some 
measures, Italy is the second-worst state in the European Union for the 
enslavement of people, behind Poland.

“We are back to the situation we were in in the 1950s — the rights 
acquired by workers through the land reform have been crippled, if not 
nixed,” said Leonardo Palmisano, author of various books on agricultural 
workers and a native of Apulia. “This is a phenomenon that is pervasive 
everywhere, not only in Apulia, and it affects Italians as well as 
foreign workers.”

In Ms. Clemente’s case, farm owners regularly paid middlemen to pick up 
and transport her and the other women. Sometimes, the middlemen pocketed 
two-thirds of the women’s pay and deducted transportation costs. 
Five-hour trips were not counted on the clock.

If the women complained, the recruiter would threaten not to call them 
anymore. “Another woman can take your place,” one recalled being told, 
according to a court document.

Even now, no woman who worked through a recruiter would speak for 
attribution for fear of losing her job. Investigators faced the same 

“When we started interviewing Ms. Clemente’s colleagues, we faced a wall 
of silence,” said Nicola Altiero, provincial commander in Bari for 
Italy’s financial police. “We see this system as exploitation, but 
workers see it as a chance, an opportunity that they dread losing.”

Indeed, in court records, several women declared that their recruiters 
were benefactors and that they considered themselves “fortunate” to have 
the work, as difficult as it was.

Today, Stefano Arcuri, 62, Ms. Clemente’s husband of 27 years, with whom 
she had three children, sometimes still sets the alarm for the same time 
she used to wake, or calls her cellphone, when he misses her. “I want to 
feel that she is still alive,” he said.

Two months after Ms. Clemente died, the financial police searched her 
fellow workers’ homes and found calendars on which many of them marked 
the days they had worked over past years. The number of days far 
exceeded what was listed on company contracts.

It is a measure of Italy’s lingering economic crisis and scarcity of 
work that the women accepted almost any working conditions and would not 
go to the authorities even as middlemen siphoned off their hard-earned pay.

Moreover, mafia organizations take part in the workers’ exploitation, 
feeding what Mr. Palmisano, the author, defined as a “system of slaves 
that impoverishes small farmers, enriches the large retailers and favors 
money laundering.”

Italy’s new law has raised jail sentences for exploiting workers to up 
to six years, and it imposes harsh sanctions against employers who use 
underpaid labor. Goods and even companies can be seized by the 
authorities, with the proceeds going to a fund used to benefit the victims.

But many farmers say the law’s strict new requirements in terms of 
health checks and equipment are a serious burden for small companies, 
favoring large producers.

“I am very glad we have a law against the exploitation of workers in the 
fields, because these practices damage healthy companies, creating 
unfair competiti

[Marxism] Fwd: University of Sydney investigates tutor’s online attack on a News Corp reporter | World news | The Guardian

2017-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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An article about Jay Tharappel, a character so toxic that even Sukant 
Chandan felt the need to break with him.
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Re: [Marxism] Tariq Ali's reading list on Russian Revolution

2017-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/12/17 10:20 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

While we're discussing historical lessons and parallels, considering Ali's
treachery against the Syrian Revolution, who do comrades think he most
resembles?Plekhanov? Kautsky? Ebert/Scheideman/Noske?

Sam Marcy.
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Re: [Marxism] Tariq Ali's reading list on Russian Revolution

2017-04-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Not a bad list.

While we're discussing historical lessons and parallels, considering Ali's
treachery against the Syrian Revolution, who do comrades think he most
resembles?Plekhanov? Kautsky? Ebert/Scheideman/Noske?
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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Meanwhile ROAR has another puff piece about the Ocalanists:

Much of what they say about the essential linkages of revolution, war,
class, gender etc. is true. And don't miss their mostly valid denunciation
of purist Western leftists who attack them for getting aid from
imperialism. (Sound familiar?)


If they're so ideologically advanced, democratic, self-less blah blah blah,
how come they have made virtually no impact on the anti-Assad movement?
Yes, Syrian Arab elites are still mostly racist toward Kurds. But where's
the mutual solidarity between LCCs and Kurdish equivalents?
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[Marxism] Tariq Ali's reading list on Russian Revolution

2017-04-12 Thread Gregory Adler via Marxism
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An interesting list  I will try to catch up with the ones I haven't read as
a personal celebration of the anniversary.
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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Reported elsewhere, eg,

I think he is just trying to be consistent. As the main beneficiary, and 
active ally, of 2.5 years of 8000 US air strikes in Syria against ISIS, 
a mere mouse compared to the Assad hyena, and Nusra, a mere flea, 
resulting in over a thousand civilian deaths, Salih Muslim's PYD would 
sure look funny only complaining when the US finally made a strike 
against an Assad air base, killing no civilians. Clearly he doesn't want 
to look as silly as so many western leftists and "anti"-war folk, who 
apparently think US bombing of Syria began a few days ago.

But adding that the US should bomb the rebels too (as if the US hasn't 
already bombed plenty of rebels plenty of times long before the one 
strike on Assad) really is a new low for this guy. Probably better for 
SA to just say in this case you disagree with him (gulp!), much as you 
like his movement overall. Try it. You'll find it not as hard as you 

-Original Message- 
From: Chris Slee

I looked at the Voice of America website to try to find the interview 
from which extracts are quoted in this article.  However I was unable to 
find the interview.

Rudaw has a history of misrepresenting the views of Salih Muslim.  For 
example, see the comments following this article:

Chris Slee

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[Marxism] Fwd: Review of Richard Murphy, "Dirty Secrets: How Tax Havens Destroy the Economy"

2017-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels too

2017-04-12 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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I looked at the Voice of America website to try to find the interview from 
which extracts are quoted in this article.  However I was unable to find the 

Rudaw has a history of misrepresenting the views of Salih Muslim.  For example, 
see the comments following this article:

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of Michael 
Karadjis via Marxism 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 April 2017 11:58:54 PM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: [Marxism] PYD: US bombing of airbase good, but it should bomb rebels 

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PYD leader: US strikes should target all who use chemical weapons in
By Rudaw 7/4/2017

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The co-leader of the main Kurdish party in
Syrian Kurdistan, Salih Muslim, has called on the US to extend strikes
against every Syrian party that has chemical weapons.

“We hope that the United States will not confine itself to punishing the
Syrian regime alone, because there are a lot of chemical weapons in
Syria and others parties have also used it, in Sheikh Maqsoud, in Rojava
[Syrian Kurdistan], and Raqqa,” Muslim said as he was speaking to
US-funded Voice of America from Brussels, naming alleged chemical
attacks by ISIS and Syrian opposition forces.

Muslim said that he cannot assess whether or not the US strikes against
a Syrian airbase overnight will have a positive or negative results on
the ground. “We will look at the results,” he said.

He however said that this may force parties on the ground to realize
that there is not a military solution to the six-year civil in Syria
that has claimed half a million lives, by some estimates. From this
perspective, the strikes may turn out to be good, he noted.

“We believe that this attack must yield positive results since the
parties who did not believe in a political solution may reconsider and
see that there is no military solution,” Muslim argued, explaining that
the US was “forced” to take actions in an atmosphere where they were
left with no other options.

Muslim is the co-leader of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the
political party in northern Syria aligned with the armed YPG who are
receiving military backing from the US-led coalition as part of the
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). He has helped to carve out a mainly
Kurdish enclave in northern Syria.

Muslim hoped that the US strikes will not be a “one-off” option and
called on the US to also target other Syrian armed groups, whom he said
have their hands on the banned weapons.

Asked about US involvement, the PYD leader said that regional and
international powers have now entered the Syrian civil war with their
own forces following a period of waging a “proxy war.” The US is already
involved to such an extent that it cannot “turn its back” on Syria, he
argued, especially in its war against ISIS where it is helping the
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in their campaign to defeat the extremist
group in Raqqa, the ISIS de-facto capital in Syria

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