Re: [Marxism] Iraqi Sunni Scholars: Iraqi Rebels, Not ISIS, Who Faced The Iraqi Army

2014-06-15 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Dennis Brasky via Marxism wrote:

 *Iraqi Sunni Scholars: Iraqi Rebels, Not ISIS, Who Faced The Iraqi Army  *
 *By MEM - *

 June 14, 2014 -   The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) said on
 Friday that describing the rebels who drove the Iraqi army from several
 cities as operatives of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is
 incorrect. They decried the designations as an attempt to abort the
 uprising in the country.

 FB sources from Mosul state there is jubilation in the streets due to the
 fact that the second in command under Sadaam Hussein, Ibrahim Ezat
 al-Dor, has returned to Iraq. The armed forces in control are a
 conglomerate of several groups...a combination of Salafia Jehadia
 including Naqshbandia, ISIS, tribal fighters like the ones in Anbar, and
 officers from previous army, Jehad Wa al Taghieer, and others...Those same
 groups had serious political differences. They decided to coordinate till
 they liberate the country then solve their differences.

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[Marxism] Two Salvadoran Generals Ordered Deported for Civil War Torture

2014-06-15 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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It will be a victory for millions of victims who have demanded the United
States stop sheltering murderers and torturers.

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Re: [Marxism] Re And I thought I was the only person who couldn't stand Sebastian Budgen

2014-06-18 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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*Wiki:Psychological projection* is the act or technique of defending
oneself against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in oneself, while
them to others.[1] For
example, a person who is rude may
constantly accuse other people of being rude.

Although rooted in early developmental stages,[2] and
classed by George Eman Vaillant as an immature defence,[3] the
projection of one's negative qualities onto others on a small scale is
nevertheless a common process in everyday life.[4] A
prominent precursor in the formulation of the projection principle was
Vico [5][6] (23
June 1668 – 23 January 1744), and an early formulation of it is found in
ancient Greek writer Xenophanes
(c.c. 570 – c. 475 BC), which observed that the gods of Ethiopians were
inevitably black with flat noses while those of the Thracians were blond
with blue eyes. In 1841, Ludwig Feuerbach (July 28, 1804 – September
13, 1872), was the first to employ this concept as the basis for a
systematic critique of religion.[7][8][9

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Re: [Marxism] Iraq's Night is Long.

2014-06-18 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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  Iraq crisis: Militants bombard Iraq’s biggest oil refinery with mortars
and machine guns as Baghdad braces for impending attack

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

 ps: by coincidence the Guardian reports today on the reactionaries' seizure
 of the country's biggest refinery; hopefully we'll hear soon the oil
 workers' perspective on that:

 Iraq's biggest oil refinery, Baiji, has been shut down and its foreign
 staff evacuated, Reuters reports citing refinery officials.

 Local staff remain in place and the military is still in control of the
 facility, officials said.

 Militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have advanced into
 the town of Baiji and surrounded its refinery.

 The refinery shut down overnight, the sources said.

 Baiji is one of three oil refineries in Iraq and only processes oil from
 the north. The other two are located in Baghdad and the south and are
 firmly under government control and operational.

 Due to the recent attacks of militants by mortars, the refinery
 administration decided to evacuate foreign workers for their safety and
 also to completely shut down production units to avoid extensive damage
 that could result, a chief engineer at the refinery said on condition of

 He said that there is sufficient gas oil, gasoline and kerosene to supply
 more than a month of domestic demand.

 Captured oil fields have been a key source of funding for Isis

 Isis has secured massive cashflows from the oilfields of eastern Syria,
 which it had commandeered in late 2012, some of which it sold back to the
 Syrian regime.

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[Marxism] Iraq Update

2014-06-18 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Got this from Ward Reilly, Vets for Peace:

Some Iraq reality, from a friend (Ahmed) in Mosul;

Update on Iraq situation

After the taking of Mosul by several resistance factions along with ISIS
each operating in considerable isolation to the other, the city now enjoys
a peaceful environment, a new mayor has been appointed and each resistance
faction is assisting local dignitaries to run each area in a manner that
avoids stirring trouble between the factions on one end and ISIS on the
other. The Revolutionaries at this point seem to have received orders that
no tensions are permissible with any party fighting the central government
until the political process in iraq installed by the Americans and Iranians
is removed from power. After that is another story, as most Iraqis
regardless of their sect do not accept that ISIS be the master of the
house. The Military council and Tribes are avoiding even displaying their
full colour allowing ISIS to take the highlight in the Media this way their
bad reputation causes mont on the government side to flee thus reducing
overall casualties and blood spill. This policy obviously has it's negative
implications and allows Maliki to claim that everyone is ISIS to gather
International Political and Media support. When asked by local journalists
the Councils insist that when the time comes where ISIS is consumed by it's
creators in Battle they will choose the hour where they will clear matters
in a more public Manner. This will also force a lot of Media organisations
promoting the ISIS line to accept a new reality where people would discover
the the amount of disinformation they were fed, leaving these media outlets
in an awkward position with their readers and viewers. this is a very
tricky strategy. but they insist that ISIS is the problem of the government
and the Americans and the Military council is fighting its own war and will
not interest itself with any argument that they should fight ISIS first as
this is the government line.

Video from Mosul Markets are open and fighters NOT related to ISIS but
rather to the Military councils great the people

Video of People in Mosul greeting tribal fighters

Video of the municipality removing concrete barriers and checkpoint remains
people in mosul travel freely now as opposed to checkpoints that annoyed
civilians more than it protected them during Maliki's presence.

Interview with with a police officer in mosul after the takeover confirm
their comfort of the presence of the tribal fighters and request the
fighters to protect the city banks and infrastructure and the readiness of
the police force to work with them

Civilian confirming that the revolutionaries in his area are not ISIS and
that the revolution is for all iraqis and that the banks are under the
protection of the revolutionaries now

Civilian asking people who fled Mosul to come back after it is free roads
are all open and services are being repaired

Civilian saying that Mosul is peaceful and he has no obstruction now in

Civilian refugee who returned to Mosul after being welcomed by

[Marxism] For Suarez

2014-06-19 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Professional soccer does everything to castrate that energy of happiness,
but it survives in spite of all the spites. And maybe that’s why soccer
never stops being astonishing. As my friend Ángel Ruocco says, that’s the
best thing about it -- its stubborn capacity for surprise. The more the
technocrats program it down to the smallest detail, the more the powerful
manipulate it, soccer continues to be the art of the unforeseeable. When
you least expect it, the impossible occurs, the dwarf teaches the giant a
lesson, and a runty, bowlegged black man makes an athlete sculpted in
Greece look ridiculous.

An astonishing void: official history ignores soccer. Contemporary history
texts fail to mention it, even in passing, in countries where soccer has
been and continues to be a primordial symbol of collective identity. I play
therefore I am: a style of play is a way of being that reveals the unique
profile of each community and affirms its right to be different. Tell me
how you play and I’ll tell you who you are. For many years soccer has been
played in different styles, unique expressions of the personality of each
people, and the preservation of that diversity seems to me more necessary
today than ever before. These are days of obligatory uniformity, in soccer
and everything else. Never has the world been so unequal in the
opportunities it offers and so equalizing in the habits it imposes. In this
end-of-century world, whoever does not die of hunger dies of boredom.

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Re: [Marxism] More nonsense from the pro-Russia brigade

2014-06-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I've never belonged to a political party, probably never will. The price of
admission always seems too high. Someone from the FMLN once asked me to
marry his sister, for example.  So when I first stumbled upon this forum
some years back, all the talk of tendencies, fractions, splits, etc., was
very foreign to me. I've noticed how people form emotionally strong
attachments to, or against, whatever failed socialist project they may have
been part of in the past, and how these emotions become intertwined with
political positions on any given issue.  I tend to mistrust
emotionally-laden arguments, especially when they are laced with
expletives.  For this reason I always try to read both sides to an issue,
whether or not I may agree or disagree with either point of view.  The blog
above, by some economist named Sam Williams, was quoted by the author of
the piece from Links.

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[Marxism] Someone Is Spilling ISIS’s Secrets on Twitter

2014-06-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Brian Fishman, a fellow at The New America foundation and ISIS analyst who
has been following the group for years, is cautious about @wikibaghdady’s
claims but called the account, “at minimum a keen observer of events in
Syria,” and “a key source of ideas that should be investigated through
other means.” A similar assessment came from Hassan Hassan, an analyst at
the Delma institute in Abu Dhabi and expert on radical groups in the
region. “The account does seem to offer credible insider information about
ISIS,” Hassan said, “but it is not wholly accurate…[and] should be taken
with a pinch of salt.”

Despite the caveats, @wikibaghdady deserves closer examination—especially
at a moment when ISIS’s next moves could lead to a wider conflagration and
more carnage. And some of what @wikbaghdady tweeted months ago has already
been borne out by facts on the ground. The leaker’s revelations about ISIS’s
alliance with Saddam Hussein’s former party, the Baathists,
were confirmed by the events of last week, for example. The rapid takeover
of Iraqi cities was not a solo effort; the campaign relied on a cultivated
network of partnerships between Sunni groups including, critically, ISIS’s
pact with their ideological enemies, the Baathists—a repeated theme in
@wikibaghdady’s tweets.

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[Marxism] On Torture in the Moderate FSA

2014-06-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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From that wonderful exemplar of the tankie press, the Armenian Weekly

In October 2013, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a report titled “You
Can Still See Their Blood” that documented the atrocities committed by
extremist groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and
Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar, against civilians in Latakia, Syria.[1]

In response to the report, the Supreme Military Council (SMC) of the Free
Syrian Army (FSA) “wholeheartedly condemned” the crimes and reiterated its
“full commitment to respecting the rule of law.” The SMC “stressed that the
Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, Suqour
al-Izz, and Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar are not part of the SMC command
structure and do not represent the values of the FSA or the Syrian

Three months earlier, on July 26, 2013, the Free Syrian Army had kidnapped
seven Syrian Armenians (four men and three women) while they were leaving
Aleppo to resettle in Yerevan, Armenia. The women were released within the
first 10 hours, while the men were incarcerated for 45 days.

This report documents the experience of those four men according to the
first-hand accounts of Carlo Hatsarkorzian and Sako Assadourian.

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Re: [Marxism] More nonsense from the pro-Russia brigade

2014-06-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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True, but there must be some way to discuss the intersection of economic
and political inequalities at the international level, which are discussed,
however ahistorical and erroneously, by the campists, without ignoring the
internal class dynamics of each nation. Isn't the primary criticism of the
campists that they ignore internal class dynamics at the expense of a
static geopolitical analysis? Why then ignore geopolitical analysis and
focus solely on internal class dynamics? While Lenin's theory of
imperialism may connote a certain economic reductionism, that does not
negate the fact that finance capital plays an important role in the
movement of politics and war iatthe international level. Why throw the baby
out with the bathwater?  And I'm not talking about the conspiracy theory
stuff, or the absurd bloc of nations critiqued by Michael Karadjis. It
seems to me if you ignore one at the expense of the other, you end up with
a distorted perspective.

Greg McDonald

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

 The formal logic struck me too when reading Williams' sections on finance
 capital and wealth, who's got 'em or not. There's no sense of direction of
 motion. Yes, Russia and China have comparatively less finance capital
 needing to be invested abroad (although China's propping up of Treasury
 bills with revenue from commodity exports is nothing to sneeze at as a
 factor impacting diplomacy and military behavior). But both countries want
 and need to head in that direction, are impelled to do so by the
 resurrected laws of motion of capital in their countries.

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Re: [Marxism] Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup (HBO)

2014-06-21 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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If anyone has not been watching, Costa Rica just trounced Uruguay and
Italy, until now two of the better teams in the world cup (historically
speaking). These were not fluke victories, but rather solid efforts on the
part of the Ticos, who are not only in excellent shape, they are playing
with some innovative tactical maneuvers as well. They have a brilliant
coach in Jorge Luis Pinto. Costa Rica managed to disrupt Italy's game plan
of controlling the ball in midfield. Such control and possession allows the
Italian side to launch organized attacks.  By placing as many as four
players at a time just outside the opposing penalty box, the Costa Rican
squad forced Italy off balance, making it more difficult for them to
advance. It would be the same thing as a full court press in basketball,
risky but doable, with the caveat that your squad must be in superb
physical shape. The lone goal of the match was sheer mastery, and reflected
Tico control of the pitch.

Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, Costa Rica's integrity has been called
into question by, you guessed it, FIFA. Yes, and here is the latest scandal:

FIFA tests seven Costa Rica players

René Tovar | Mexico
June 21, 2014

RECIFE, Brazil -- Bryan Ruiz and Keylor Navas guaranteed that if FIFA
wanted the whole Costa Rica team to undergo doping tests then they would,
because they've got nothing to hide.

After the Ticos beat Italy on Friday, FIFA ordered seven of their players
to undergo post-match doping tests, while only two Italian players were

In a statement posted by Football Italia, FIFA explained that two Costa
Rica players were ordered for normal post-match tests, while the five
others had not done pre-competition testing

Navas, Ruiz, Celso Borges, Joel Campbell, Yeltsin Tejeda, Christian Bolanos
were among the players who took and passed the test, while reports said
Michael Barrantes was the seventh.

Following almost two hours spent between the locker room and doping
control, the last three Ticos players finally appeared after taking the

Goalkeeper Navas said that people still don't believe that Costa Rica
could beat Uruguay and Italy.

We believed it from the outset, but thank God we're all relaxed, with a
clear conscience, Navas said. If they want to test the whole team, that's
no problem.

Navas said that initially it may not have sat well with them that so many
players had to attend the doping tests, as it could be seen as a a lack of
respect as well.

You have to take it in good humour, he said. At the end of the day,
we're all relaxed and happy that we've gone through to the knockout stage.

Team captain Ruiz also supported the words of his teammate.

It seems a little bit excessive to me, but we can't do anything about it,
he said. We've got nothing to hide. We have trained well, without taking
any banned substances. It's partly that people can't believe what we're
doing, I think that's it.

They ordered the tests, we didn't have a problem with taking them, but
perhaps seven is excessive.

On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] More nonsense from the pro-Russia brigade

2014-06-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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All the snarky back-slapping is fine and well, but in answer to the
question of whether or not Russia is imperialist, Louis writes: But Japan!
Not much of an answer. How about a concrete analysis of Russian activities
demonstrating its imperialist intent in Ukraine?


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[Marxism] Fwd: More nonsense from the pro-Russia brigade

2014-06-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message --
From: Greg McDonald
Date: Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] More nonsense from the pro-Russia brigade
To: Louis Proyect


So Buketov counterpoises the role of the gendarme to that of a strict
economic rationale for Russia pushing a separatist division in the Donbas
region. That would be the only possible explanation given that the Donbas
is itself an economically depressed region:

 At the same time, Russia has little use for these territories: it has
more than its fair share of economically depressed regions. It is the logic
of the Gendarme that is at work here: “Punish and let others beware!” And
it wants to weaken these countries: without their annexed territories,
democratic governments will be unable to build sustainable economies.
Heaven forbid that uncorrupt, free, and democratic countries should emerge
along unwashed Russia’s borders.

I don't know about you, but I am not too terribly optimistic about the
possibilities of an uncorrupt and free (read: brownish and oligarchic)
Ukraine state, whose primary job is to implement IMF austerity diktat. That
aside, Buketov's explanation makes some sense.

Greg McDonald

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 On 6/25/14 7:26 AM, Greg McDonald via Marxism wrote:

 How about a concrete analysis of Russian activities
 demonstrating its imperialist intent in Ukraine?

 This can be summarized briefly in a few sentences. Russia is determined
 that Ukraine serve as a buffer state after the fashion of the rest of
 Eastern Europe in the Cold War. This means that imperialism is mostly a
 function of military rather than economic domination analogous to China's
 grip on Tibet or Xinjiang. There is also an argument from the Russian left ( that
 Russia interfered with Euromaidan because it feared the positive example of
 a mass movement achieving an anti-oligarchic transformation. This was the
 sort of conflict seen over Czechoslovakia in 1968, the need to keep the
 natives in order. In order to justify its interference in Ukraine, the
 Kremlin uses its fans in the West to go on the offensive about Privy
 Sektor, Victoria Nuland, NATO, etc. in the same way that much of the left
 tried to justify the crackdown in Poland against Solidarity, etc.

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Re: [Marxism] Were McCain and Romney the lesser evils?

2014-06-29 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 The legacy children of the Honduran coup

Many of the youths crossing the US border are fleeing a country torn apart
by coup supported by US government
 June 28, 2014 12:00AM ET
 by Dan Beeton

Prior to its 2009 coup d’état, five years ago on June 28, Honduras rarely
made headlines in the U.S. Since the ouster of President Manuel Zelaya,
however, the Central American nation has received a lot of bad press. It is
in the spotlight again for the recent surge of unaccompanied Honduran
minors crossing U.S. borders. Of the 47,000 children apprehended by U.S.
Border Patrol since October, 28 percent, or more than 13,000,
came from Honduras. This is a whopping 1,272 percent increase over the
number apprehended on the border in 2009.

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[Marxism] Soccer Thugs Burned a Palestinian Boy Alive in Jerusalem

2014-07-07 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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This is an interesting slant but I disagree with the analysis. Instead of
viewing soccer-related violence as the inverse of geopolitics, I would
say rather that nationalist and racist acts of violence become magnified by
membership in right-wing football ultra support groups. However, he does
state below that the Beitar members of la familia are racist against Arabs.


If you want to understand the gruesome murder of 16-year-old Muhammed
Abu-Khudair in the hands of six young Israelis last week, don’t turn to
Bibi or the Bible or Hamas or Abbas: turn to Beitar Jerusalem, the favorite
soccer team of Israel’s undivided capital

All six suspects are fanatical Beitar fans. According to an Israeli police
officer familiar with the investigation, who spoke to Buzzfeed
on condition of anonymity, members of the murderous cabal are all
affiliated with La Familia, a small group of several thousand Beitar fans
known for their anti-Arab opinions and a more general penchant for
thuggery. The six met at a soccer-related rally, the cop said, and decided
to expand the scope of their hooliganism as far as they could, resulting in
the murder of Abu-Khudair a short while later.

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[Marxism] Jerusalem: Ultra right-wing Soccer Hooligans on the Rampage

2014-07-15 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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On July 12th, a violent fascist mob led by ultras attacked an anti war
protest in Tel Aviv. Two of the participants could be seen wearing blatant
neo nazi t-shirts that read “good night left side.” For those who are not
familiar with this slogan, it’s used by neo nazi groups all over Europe and
in the US to combat the original “Good Night White Pride” slogan used by
North London Anti-Fascists identified
one of the ultras as Tom Katz, a leader of the Maccabi Fanatics.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: [Pen-l] Joe Catron ... human shield for the El-Wafa Medical Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza

2014-07-16 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Additionally, Israel has hit Wafa Rebab hospital in Gaza City, with 3
rockets and has ordered last night its evacuation. International activists
are inside the hospital as human shield, but Israel threatened to bomb it
nevertheless. Patients, such as 16 year old Aya with spinal tumour and
lower limb paralysis have been evacuated to the ground floor.

Doc Jazz

 That's our Joseph Catron. Good for him, even if he is a pain in the ass

 Catron gives a first-person account of becoming a human shield for
 the El-Wafa Medical Rehabilitation Hospital in GazaÂ

 International activists remain in Gaza hospital threatened by Israeli

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[Marxism] How Not To Understand ISIS -- Alireza Doostdar

2014-10-04 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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October 2, 2014

The group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant or simply the
Islamic State (ISIL, ISIS, or IS) has attracted much attention in the past
few months with its dramatic military gains in Syria and Iraq and with the
recent U.S. decision to wage war against it.

As analysts are called to explain ISIS’ ambitions, its appeal, and its
brutality, they often turn to an examination of what they consider to be
its religious worldview—a combination of cosmological doctrines,
eschatological beliefs, and civilizational notions—usually thought to be
rooted in Salafi Islam.

The Salafi tradition is a modern reformist movement critical of what it
considers to be misguided accretions to Islam—such as grave visitations,
saint veneration, and dreaming practices. It calls for abolishing these and
returning to the ways of the original followers of Prophet Muhammad,
the “salaf” or predecessors. Critics of Salafism accuse its followers of
“literalism,” “puritanism,” or of practicing a “harsh” or “rigid” form of
Islam, but none of these terms is particularly accurate, especially given
the diverse range of Salafi views and the different ways in which people
adhere to them [1].

Salafism entered American consciousness after September 11, 2001, as
Al-Qaeda leaders claim to follow this school. Ever since, it has become
commonplace to demonize Salafism as the primary cause of Muslim violence,
even though most Salafi Muslims show no enthusiasm for jihad and often
eschew political involvement [2], and even though many Muslims who do
engage in armed struggles are not Salafi.

ISIS is only the most recent group whose behavior is explained in terms of
Salafism. What makes it unique is its aspiration to form immediately a
caliphate or pan-Islamic state. Even so, analysts’ emphasis on Salafi
thought and on the formation of a caliphate makes it easy to ignore some
important aspects of the ISIS phenomenon. I would like to draw attention to
some of these neglected issues and to offer a few cautions about attempts
to understand ISIS purely in terms of doctrines. My argument is not that
studying doctrines is useless; only that such study is limited in what it
can explain.

I should begin by emphasizing that our knowledge of ISIS is extremely
scant. We know close to nothing about ISIS’ social base. We know little
about how it made its military gains, and even less about the nature of the
coalitions into which it has entered with various groups—from other
Islamist rebels in Syria to secular Ba‘athists in Iraq.

Sensationalist accounts of “shari‘a justice” notwithstanding, we do not
have much information about how ISIS administers the lives of millions of
people who reside in the territories it now controls.

Information about the militants who fight for ISIS is likewise scarce. Most
of what we know is gleaned from recruitment videos and propaganda, not the
most reliable sources. There is little on the backgrounds and motives of
those who choose to join the group, least of all the non-Western recruits
who form the bulk of ISIS’ fighting force. In the absence of this
information, it is difficult to even say what ISIS is if we are to rely on
anything beyond the group’s self-representations.

Let me emphasize this last point. What we call ISIS is more than just a
militant cult. At present, ISIS controls a network of large population
centers with millions of residents, in addition to oil resources, military
bases, and roads [3]. It has to administer the affairs of the populations
over whom it rules, and this has required compromise and
coalition-building, not just brute force.

In Iraq, the group has had to work with secular Ba‘athists, former army
officers, tribal councils, and various Sunni opposition groups, many of
whose members are in administrative positions [4]. In Syria, it has
likewise had to negotiate with other rebel factions as well as tribes, and
relies on local (non-ISIS) technical expertise to manage services such as
water, electricity, public health, and bakeries [5].

The vast majority of ISIS’ estimated 20,000-31,500 fighters are recent
recruits and it is not clear whether and how its leadership maintains
ideological consistency among them. All told, our sense of ISIS’ coherence
as a caliphate with a clear chain of command, a solid organizational
structure, and an all-encompassing ideology is a direct product of ISIS’
propaganda apparatus.

We see ISIS as a unitary entity because ISIS propagandists want us to see
it that way. This is why it is problematic to rely on doctrines espoused in
propaganda to explain ISIS’ behavior. Absent more evidence, we simply
cannot know if the behaviors of the different parts of ISIS 

[Marxism] U.S. nurses say they are unprepared to handle Ebola patients

2014-10-04 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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If an Ebola patient becomes sick while being transported, How do you clean
the elevator?

Nurses at hospitals across the country are asking similar questions.

A survey by National Nurses United of some 400 nurses in more than 200
hospitals in 25 states found that more than half (60 percent) said their
hospital is not prepared to handle patients with Ebola, and more than 80
percent said their hospital has not communicated to them any policy
regarding potential admission of patients infected by Ebola.

Another 30 percent said their hospital has insufficient supplies of eye
protection and fluid-resistant gowns.

If there are protocols in place, the nurses are not hearing them and the
nurses are the ones who are exposed, said RoseAnn DeMoro, executive
director of National Nurses United, which serves as both a union and a
professional association for U.S. nurses.

Unlike influenza or the common cold, which can be spread by coughing and
sneezing, Ebola is only spread by contact with bodily fluids from someone
who is actively sick. That means the risk to the average person is low, but
for healthcare workers, the risk is much higher.

As of Aug. 25, more than 240 healthcare workers have developed the disease
in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and more than 120 have died,
according to the World Health Organization.

Many of these infections occurred when healthcare workers were removing the
personal protective gear - masks, gowns, gloves or full hazmat suits used
to care for the patients, said biosafety experts.

Sean Kaufman, ‎president of Behavioral-Based Improvement Solutions, an
Atlanta-based biosafety firm, helped coach nurses at Emory University
through the process of putting on and taking off personal protective
equipment (PPE) while they were caring for two U.S. aid workers flown to
Atlanta after becoming infected with Ebola in West Africa.

Kaufman became known as Papa Smurf to the Emory nurses because of the
blue hazmat suits he and others wore that resembled the cartoon character.

Our healthcare workforce goes through so many pairs of gloves that they
really don't focus on how they remove gloves. The putting on and the taking
off doesn't occur with enough attention to protect themselves, he said.

Nurses say hospitals have not thought through the logistics of caring for
Ebola patients.


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[Marxism] Kobane's own Vasily Zaitsev

2014-10-15 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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[Marxism] USA Air Drops Supplies to Kurds in Kobane

2014-10-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Kobani: US drops weapons to Kurds in Syria

Kobani air drops likely to anger Turkish government, which opposes sending
arms to Kurdish rebels in Syria

 The US military says it has airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical
supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against
Islamic State militants.

The air drops on Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of
US and coalition air strikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border.
The US earlier said it had launched 11 air strikes overnight in the Kobani

Meanwhile Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday that
Turkey was facilitating the passage of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters to
Kobani. Cavusoglu did not provide details on the transfer of the fighters.

In a statement on Sunday night, US Central Command said US C-130 cargo
planes made multiple drops of arms and supplies provided by Kurdish
authorities in Iraq. It said they were intended to enable continued
resistance to Islamic State efforts to take full control of Kobani.

The air drops are almost certain to anger the Turkish government, which has
said it would oppose any US arms transfers to the Kurdish rebels in Syria.
Turkey views the main Kurdish group in Syria as an extension of the Turkish
Kurd group known as the PKK, which has waged a 30-year insurgency in Turkey
and is designated a terror group by the US and by Nato.

Senior US administration officials said three C-130 planes dropped 27
bundles of small arms, ammunition and medical supplies. The officials spoke
on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House.

One official said that while the results of the mission were still being
assessed, it appeared that “the vast majority” of the supplies reached the
intended Kurdish fighters.

The official also said the C-130s encountered no resistance from the ground
in Syria during their flights in and out of Syrian airspace.

In a written statement, Central Command said its forces had conducted more
than 135 air strikes against Islamic State forces in Kobani.

Central Command said: “Combined with continued resistance to Isil on the
ground, indications are that these strikes have slowed Isil advances into
the city, killed hundreds of their fighters and destroyed or damaged scores
of pieces of Isil combat equipment and fighting positions.”
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[Marxism] Coltrane's Offering

2014-11-12 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 The discovery and release of a previously unknown recording by the
saxophonist John Coltrane, who died at the age of forty in 1967, is cause
for rejoicing—and I’m rejoicing in “Offering: Live at Temple University,” the release
of a tape, made for the school’s radio station, of a concert that Coltrane
and his band gave on November 11, 1966, a mere nine months before his death.

I knew and already loved this concert, on the basis of a bootleg of three
of its five numbers. But the legitimate release offers much better sound
and contains the pièce de résistance: a climactic performance of “My
Favorite Things,” the Richard Rodgers tune that Coltrane turned into a jazz
classic in 1960. Yet this 1966 performance of it is very different from that
of 1960,
and, indeed, even from Coltrane recordings from a year or two before the
Temple concert. In the intervening years, Coltrane’s musical conception had
shifted toward what can conveniently be called “free jazz.”

The term started as the name of an album by one of the form’s
key artists, Ornette Coleman, from 1960, even though that recording only
hinted at the further extremes of free jazz, some of which were in evidence
in Coltrane’s final two years. The idea, roughly, involves playing without
a set harmonic structure (the framework of chords that lasts a pre-set
number of bars and gives jazz performances a sense of sentences and
paragraphs), without a foot-tapping beat, and sometimes even without the
notion of solos, allowing musicians to join in or lay out as the spirit
moves them. Lacking beat, harmony, and tonality, free jazz cuts the main
connection to show tunes, dance-hall performances, or even background music
to which jazz owed much of whatever popularity it enjoyed.

There’s a temptation to consider free jazz as a freedom *from*: freedom
from structures and formats and preëxisting patterns of any sort. But it’s
also a freedom *to*: a freedom to musical disinhibition of tone, a
vehemence and fervor, as well as a freedom to invent. The very word
“freedom” meant something particular to black Americans in the
nineteen-sixties. They didn’t have it, and there’s an implicit, and
sometimes explicit, political idea in free jazz: a freedom from European
styles, a freedom to seek African and other musical heritages, and, also, a
freedom to cross-pollinate jazz with other arts. In the process, jazz
musicians developed new forms and new moods that reflected a new
generation’s experiences and ideals. The politics of free jazz were
inseparable from its aesthetic transformation of jazz into overt and
self-conscious modernism.
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[Marxism] Just When You Think Things Could Not Get Any Worse...

2015-01-14 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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While Reuters reports
that 32 prison guards and officers were fired across the state this past
September related to dozens of cases of abuse, corruption, and death, one
should lose a lot more than their job for poisoning, gassing, or beating
inmates to death. This is not enough. It's not even close to being enough.
These officers should be indicted and convicted of murder and given the
stiffest penalty allowed under law. They've not only abused their power,
but they've abused it at the expense of citizens who are virtually
defenseless in our country. It's unacceptable.

With the hope that it motivates you to push the cause of prison reform and
justice for the officers who murdered these men and women, I'd like to tell
you the story of Darren Rainey.

Fifty years old, battling mental illness, and serving two years in the
psychiatric ward of the Dade County prison for the victimless nonviolent
offense of cocaine possession without the intent to distribute, Darren
Rainey would soon experience a death so cruel and so violent and so
unthinkably heinous that we would expect such a thing to happen only in a
country governed by a so-called evil dictator. It's almost too ugly to type.

After allegedly defecating in his cell, Rainey was handcuffed and locked
into a tight shower cell and blasted for nearly two hours with water that
was over 180 scolding hot degrees in temperature. Begging for his life,
screaming apologies and remorse so loud that other inmates could hear them,
the officers kept the water so hot and forceful that the steam began to
melt off Darren Rainey's skin. Video shows Rainey forced into the shower at
7:38 PM and he was pronounced dead at 9:30 PM.
Mark Joiner, a prisoner in Dade County, was called in to clean up the
chunks of skin left behind. He detailed it for the *Miami Herald*:

-  cut
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Greek games and scenarios — Crooked Timber

2015-01-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Thomas wrote:

Allende’s political party, living in some silly fantasy world, didn’t wish
to offend the generals in command and made no effort to organize support
inside the Army.

Neither did most of the self-styled revolutionaries in the three years they
had to organize inside the Army before their end came.

Well this is bullshit as well. Anyone who has read the history knows the
MIR organized inside the ranks of the military. Of course it was too
little, too late, and the sympathetic junior officers were quickly weeded

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Re: [Marxism] Samuel Charters, Foundational Scholar of the Blues, Dies at 85

2015-03-20 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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That audio archive is nice, but you can still get a lot of those recordings
on vinyl at decent prices. Check out Testament, Rounder, and Blind Pig
labels. I just sold the first recording of Muddy Waters by Lomax, put to
vinyl on Testament, for a mere $20.

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Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA leader: 'Less words, more action' needed now

2015-03-07 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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How about more grammar--as in fewer words, more action...
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Re: [Marxism] Cops kill an unarmed Black man in Venice : What do we have to burn down to make the news?

2015-05-10 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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NY's finest taxi service?
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[Marxism] Aníbal Quijano: por una racionalidad liberadora

2015-06-03 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 Hace algunos años, al investigar la categoría colonialidad, que había
encontrado en diversos textos de análisis sobre la relación cultura, poder
y América Latina, tuve la oportunidad de acercarme al pensamiento de Aníbal
Quijano. Hasta entonces, era confusa la diferencia entre colonialidad y
colonización; esta última hace referencia a la conquista y a la relación
jurídico-política entre España y Portugal y sus colonias en América. El
aporte de Quijano es, pues, “formular para la teoría y la historia la
colonialidad, ese pensamiento que coloca a la invención de raza en el
centro, como un eje que va a explicar nuestro mundo y su desigualdad a
partir de la conquista y la colonización. ¿Por qué raza y no clase? Si
hablamos de clase solamente queremos decir: en un punto somos iguales
colonizados y colonizadores. Todos podemos hablar de una estructura que es
económica, sin nombrar la raza. Y al no nombrarla, no se nombra la
conquista, no se nombra la sangre, no se nombra el paisaje” —dice la
antropóloga argentina Rita Segato.

Para Quijano, las categorías de ‘raza’, ‘color’ y ‘etnicidad’ median las
relaciones de poder y dominación, gracias a la aceptación de una
superioridad biológica de los conquistadores que justifica la imposición de
una clasificación social de las poblaciones. El autor peruano concibe el
poder como una relación social en la que confluyen dominación, explotación
y conflicto; el poder es el resultado de la disputa por el control de
cuatro ejes: el trabajo, el sexo, la autoridad y la subjetividad e
intersubjetividad, cada uno con sus recursos y productos. En este sentido,
la ‘racialización’ —diferenciación por razas— de las relaciones de poder ha
implicado una intersubjetividad que, afirma Quijano, “ha llevado a los
latinoamericanos a vernos todo el tiempo con los ojos del dominador”.

La colonidad del poder, no solo como una propuesta teórica sino también
como una posición política, sale a la luz por primera vez con la
publicación del ensayo *Colonialidad y modernidad/racionalidad*, en 1992,
en el contexto de debate de los 500 años de la conquista de América.
Curiosamente, para los noventa, cuando Quijano propuso la categoría
colonialidad, el neoliberalismo se había consolidado en América Latina, se
hablaba del fin de la Historia —con la caída del muro de Berlín y de la
Unión Soviética— y la izquierda se había debilitado. En este sentido, la
colonialidad resulta un concepto esperanzador que abre nuevos horizontes
para una racionalidad liberadora pensada desde el sur del continente.

En Ecuador, la analítica de la colonialidad cobra fuerza también en los
noventa en un contexto de demandas y luchas sociopolíticas y epistémicas
del movimiento indígena, que acompañó Catherine Walsh, especialmente en el
campo educativo. Desde entonces, Walsh —actual directora del Doctorado de
Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Andina— comprende a
Quijano y su pensamiento como acompañantes: “No en el sentido de doctrina,
disciplinamiento o un nuevo universal. Acompañantes, más bien, de ruta —de
mi ruta y de rutas compartidas— de apostar, caminar y preguntar. En el
doctorado, Quijano no es simplemente un pensador para ser estudiado;
tampoco es una suerte de padrino intelectual. Más bien, es un catalizador,
un intelectual políticamente comprometido y activo, cuyo pensar prende
fuego y hace estructuralmente interconectar e interrelacionar. Quijano nos
obliga a reconocer la centralidad de la racialización de seres y saberes en
Abya Yala, y del patrón eurocéntrico del conocimiento que permanece y se
refuerza en la educación superior”.

La teoría de la dependencia y la obra de José Carlos Mariátegui fueron dos
pilares de su pensamiento, no solo en la elaboración de la categoría
colonialidad sino también en otras fundamentales como ‘heterogeneidad
histórica estructural’. En una entrevista en su paso reciente por Quito,
Walter Mignolo, parte del proyecto de modernidad/(des)colonialidad junto a
Catherine Walsh, comentó al respecto: “Quijano estuvo muy de cerca de los
debates de la teoría de la dependencia, que fue una contribución desde
América del Sur al pensamiento global. Esta teoría mira el capitalismo
global: no puede haber desarrollo si somos dependientes. Quijano forma
parte de este debate del setenta al noventa. En el noventa, él se da cuenta
de que algo ha cambiado en el mundo e introduce el concepto de
colonialidad. Pero este no se puede entender sin Mariátegui, quien ya había
planteado el problema de la colonización y del racismo. Quijano hace de la
raza o racismo un 

Re: [Marxism] Charleston killings 'a symbolic attack on the Black community'

2015-06-19 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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The point could have been made more strongly, had the author been aware
that the massacre occurred on the anniversary and at the locale of Vesey's
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Re: [Marxism] FIFA scandal

2015-05-30 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Well, Dave, you’ve been covering this for a long time. We were interviewing
you in Brazil when the World Cup was there. Are you surprised?

*DAVE ZIRIN:* Not surprised at all, about as surprised as I’d be if I fell
in a pool and emerged wet. The only thing that is surprising here is that
we’re now dealing with charges that have actual teeth. That’s the only
surprise. I mean, we are talking about the Enron of sports and a hubris and
arrogance that is bringing down a multibillion-dollar corporation. The only
difference between FIFA and Enron is that FIFA has been designated a
nonprofit by the Swiss government, which makes looking at its books and
finding the extent of the corruption all the more difficult.

Now, for *Democracy Now!* listeners and viewers, I could understand why
people would look at the U.S. Justice Department and say, Why can’t they
be this aggressive towards the Wall Street bankers? Why can’t they be this
aggressive towards police brutality? And those viewers are absolutely
correct. But people should also realize that this is a day that people
should celebrate, because it is crippling one of the most corrupt
multinationals that we have, sports or otherwise.

*NERMEEN SHAIKH:* And, Dave, could you tell us a little bit about Sepp
Blatter, the president of FIFA? He wasn’t among those who was indicted, and
today he’s running for president, for re-election for president of FIFA.

*DAVE ZIRIN:* Yes, Sepp Blatter, as you said, he has been in charge of FIFA for
17 years. The thing about Sepp Blatter that distinguishes him from the
people who were indicted is that Sepp Blatter uses his power and influence
to attain more power. He’s less interested in personal enrichment than he
is in influence, and this is what has allowed him to remain free of prison
these last many years. Although Sepp Blatter is also—he will not get off a
plane in the United States, for fear that he will be arrested. That is
true. There are also people saying that he might not attend the Women’s
World Cup in Canada, for fear that he might be arrested. So, you’re talking
about somebody who is effectively a stateless actor, somebody who is under
investigation, who will probably be re-elected for a fifth term to head FIFA

*AMY GOODMAN:* Are there any U.S. Justice Department Blatter leaks? What
will happen to Blatter next, Dave?

*DAVE ZIRIN:* That’s a terrific question. What is very clear is that
Lorreta Lynch has Blatter in her sights. That’s why she said she wanted to
uproot corruption going back 20 years. That’s Blatter’s term. And let’s be
clear about this, too: The U.S. Justice Department is going after FIFA very
simply because the U.S. was not awarded the 2022 World Cup. If they had
been, I don’t think this investigation would be taking place. And also
let’s keep in mind that the Justice Department has only gone after, at this
point, a small part of the world—North America, Central America, these
confederations. What it says to us is that this is just the tip of the
iceberg, and if some of these FIFA vice presidents begin to talk, begin to
flip, if you will, to use Mafia parlance, what we could be looking at is
the bringing down of Sepp Blatter and perhaps the beginning of the end of
FIFA itself.

*AMY GOODMAN:* Could you talk about the revelations regarding the Clinton


*AMY GOODMAN:* —having received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the
Qatari World Cup Committee—


*AMY GOODMAN:* —when Bill Clinton was serving as the U.S. World Cup
delegate with the U.S. cup world delegation—the World Cup delegation?

*DAVE ZIRIN:* Yes. Not only has the Clinton Foundation received hundreds of
thousands of dollars from the Qatar World Cup Committee, it has also
received millions of dollars from the Qatari government over the last
several years. And the Clintons are going to have to answer this question,
because, as you said in the intro, the Qatari World Cup construction has an
absolutely monstrous body count—1,200 deaths—slavery, and even the
prevention of Nepalese migrant workers of going home to Nepal after the
recent earthquake to go to funerals for members of their family. Now, there
is this lore that’s out there in the media that Bill Clinton was so angry
after the U.S. did not get the World Cup bid for 2022, he broke a mirror,
and that signaled that the United States was going to get serious about
corruption in the World Cup. This is mainstream media hooey. What you see
much more clearly is a very bizarre, very unexplained connection between
the Qatari royal family, the Qatari World Cup bid 

Re: [Marxism] a different take on recent demonstrations in Ecuador

2015-08-23 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 And don't miss the comments posted below the article, including from
 Ecuadorians. A different take, indeed.

Yes, from the comments we are informed that this is a USA/zionist-backed
color revolution. Those poor indios who can't think for themselves are
getting duped once again.(yes I'm being sarcastic). I'm just curious if the
Luis Maca quoted in the article is actually ex-CONAIE president Luis Macas.
He drank me under the table once but he forgot his head gear. Can't recall
how we got his hat back to him.
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Re: [Marxism] WSJ: A Personal War - America’s Marxist Allies Against ISIS

2015-07-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Democratic Confederalism is an offshoot of Marxism? hahahahahaha

Poor Murray Bookchin must be spinning in his grave.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Greek Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion

2015-07-31 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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This sort of thing has been going on for quite some time . In The
Sleepwalkers, by Christopher Clark, the author writes:

fragile debtors like Serbia  (the same applied to the other Balkan states
and to the Ottoman Empire) could secure loans on reasonable terms only if
they agreed to concessions of fiscal control that amounted to the partial
hypothecation of sovereign state functions.

Not that Germany's terms are reasonable.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Folk City: New York and the American Folk Music Revival’

2015-08-09 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Al Kooper describes the scene at Newport:
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Re: [Marxism] Black Lives Matter protesters shut down Sanders event

2015-08-10 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Bernie Sanders Unveils Sweeping Policy Platform To Combat Racial
addressed the issue in front of more than 20,000 supporters in Portland,
drawing his largest crowd yet.
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[Marxism] A couple of Interesting Interviews on Music

2015-08-06 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I turned 12 in 1964. The Stones turned me on to a lot of American music I'd
never heard before. Muddy Waters. Howlin' Wolf. Robert Johnson.

Funny—I was having a conversation with Buddy Guy just a few days ago where
he was very generously saying, Thank God for you guys, because you really
did save the blues in America. You brought it all back to life. It was a
great thing, because when we were just starting out in London, the idea was
to bring Chicago blues to London. We were a bit idealistic at the time—you
know what kids are like—but no matter how bizarre it might sound, as a
living or as an aim, that was it. We kind of did that in England, and then
suddenly we found within a year or two that it was translating over to
America—taking coal to Newcastle.

Not if you're a white kid in the suburbs.

That's what we realized when we got here, that white kids only listened to
that end of the dial, and up the other end was all of this incredible stuff.

Coltrane’s vision of jazz as a global music was a reflection of his own
humanity and increasing political activism. Indeed his ballad “Alabama”
served as a major requiem for the four little girls killed in Birmingham
during the civil rights movement. In later years he would attend meetings
of Malcolm X’s Organization of African American Unity and perform at a
major fundraiser for Olatunji Center for African Culture. For many
activists like Amiri Baraka, Coltrane’s music was the soundtrack of the
Black freedom struggle.

As Coltrane became more political, his music became more and more freer.
While this may have alienated fans in the states, his popularity rose in
post war Germany and Japan.Indeed, the US military occupation of both of
these countries inadvertently created a market for jazz, particularly for
its burgeoning “new left” that sought to break with previous generations
and create a free culture. In fact, Coltrane’s albums were best sellers in

In 1966, Coltrane along with his wife Alice Coltrane (piano) Jimmy Garrison
(bass), Rashied Ali (drums) and Pharaoh Sanders took on a major tour of
Japan. From the moment the quintet landed, they were treated like royalty,
with hundreds of fans meeting them at the Tokyo Airport (Coltrane
reportedly wondered to Garrison if there was a major diplomat on the

Despite playing 2 shows a night, Coltrane and the band displayed unlimited
passion and energy in their performances, with nearly hour long renditions
of signature tunes “Afro Blue” and “My Favorite Things.” Coltrane and his
protegee Sanders played off his other with a unheard of velocity, even
switching to alto saxophone (An instrument that Coltrane hadn’t played
since his days in the Navy)

But Coltrane’s tour also marked his own awareness of the pain and suffering
caused by the atomic bombings. His rendition of “Peace on Earth” in
Nagasaki  is a remarkable testimony to power of love and healing in the
midst of war. The composition begins with a solo by Coltrane along with the
mid-tempo bass by Garrison. Sanders and Ali provided a meditative
percussion against Alice Coltrane’s divine playing.
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Re: [Marxism] Counterpunch promoting left-right alliance (aka Querfront)?

2015-07-23 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 The rhetoric from Hendrick sounds very similar to this bizarre Zionist
 rant, posted here in the spirit of LOL:

I've had numerous exchanges with Hendricks on FB, and although, like many
of us, she can rush quickly to judgement, I would not accuse her of being
pro-zionist. I will say I found her to be somewhat hypercritical, as if she
makes up her mind about someone's political stance based on some emotional
criteria or otherwise insignificant tidbit. I remember her digging around
in my FB page for personal info after we had a disagreement over some
issue, which ended with her posting a photo I had uploaded of a vintage
Marlin 30-30 lever-action rifle from 1954, which I had recently acquired
and had been in the process of cleaning, repairing, and sighting in with a
new Williams peep sight.  Due to the fact that I am left eye dominant, I've
always had a preference for Marlin lever actions, for obvious reasons.
Having been raised in the rural south by parents who had both grown up on
medium-sized working farms, I have always owned long guns and shotguns. I
enjoy target practice after a swim at the pool. i find it relaxing. Anyway,
I digress. She ended up trying to cast me as a right wing loonie. When I
saw the photo of Louis in that article with the sub-heading of
ex-marxist, I had to laugh. In defense of Hendricks, she eventually came
around to understanding my own stance on guns and the south, after I shared
with her some pertinent material.

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Re: [Marxism] Turkey and ISIS

2015-07-24 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Under the pretext of an anti-ISIL operation Turkish security forces have
conducted raids in 13 provinces - most of the areas raided are left-wing
strongholds. A female member of DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation
Party Front) has been killed by security forces in ‪#‎Bağcılar‬
, ‪#‎Istanbul‬
Heavy clashes reported in ‪#‎Gazi‬
251 detainees but the number is rising, the vast majority of the detainees
are members of Kurdish and leftist groups and organizations. Unsurprisingly
there are no confirmed reports of any arrests of ISIL members.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: America’s white working class is a dying breed - The Washington Post

2015-11-05 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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The last three paragraphs of the piece seek to link the declining fortunes
of the white working class to a nativist backlash, in order to explain the
rise in popularity of republicans like Trump. The author states that the
democratic party's emphasis on race and gender, rather than class,  is to
blame, as if these categories are mutually exclusive.  If we rather adopt
the notion that the color line is indeed the class line, as DuBois argued,
we can see matters a bit more clearly, in my opinion. Of course, that
involves jettisoning the idea of whiteness as a useful social construct.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Hannibal: Television in the Spirit of Buñuel

2015-10-16 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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You probably know this already, but Michael Mann adapted "Red Dragon" for
film back in the 80's.  It was called "Manhunter". Sort of a stylized
adaptation currently enjoying cult status--Miami Vice meets Silence of the
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The world economic order is collapsing and this time there seems no way out | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Guardian

2015-10-11 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 "The heart of the economic disorder is a world financial system that has
gone rogue. Global banks now make profits to a extraordinary degree from
doing business with each other. As a result, banking’s power to create
money out of nothing has been taken to a whole new level."

I like the oblique Warren Zevon reference. Must be Waddy Wachtel's

 "Something For Nothing"

We can figure the odds
We can pray to the gods
Something for nothing
You can shuffle the deck until you're a wreck
Something for nothing
Money they don't make anymore, at least not around me
Might as well beg from the poor, pitiful me, pitiful me yeah

This is the game, the rules never change
Something for nothing
It's just w roll of the dice that you put on ice
Something for nothing
Money, they don't make anymore, not around me
Might as well beg from the poor, poor poor pitiful me
Pitiful me, yeah poor pitiful me

Gimme a break, I'm losing my stake
Something for nothing
Money, they don't make anymore, not around me
Might as well beg from the poor, pitiful me, poor pitiful me, pitiful me
Oh yeah
Something for nothing
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Elvis Has Left the Building: a Reply to Slavoj Žižek

2015-10-12 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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" By 1935, Du Bois had written his BLACK RECONSTRUCTION IN AMERICA, a
Marxist history of the post-Civil War period, but still had not joined the
CPUSA. With the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Party would do a classic
political back-flip and abandon their radical militancy in opposition to
racism, disgusting labor activists like A. Philip Randolph in the process.
Du Bois is still a revolutionary and dangerous thinker. "

One example of a Civil War historian who has taken the work of DuBois
seriously is Valdosta State professor David Williams. He explicitly follows
in DuBois' footsteps with recent books such as Rich Man's War: Class,
Caste, and Confederate Defeat in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, and A
People's History of the Civil War: Struggles for the Meaning of Freedom.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] Eating Shit and Liking IT: USA--The Case against Ground Beef and Chicken

2015-08-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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[Marxism] Eating Shit and Liking IT: USA--The Case against Ground Beef and Chicken

2015-08-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Consumer Reports recently issued a warning on ground beef:

Putting beef to the test

Given those concerns about the safety of ground beef, *Consumer
Reports *decided
to test for the prevalence and types of bacteria in ground beef. We
purchased 300 packages—a total of 458 pounds (the equivalent of 1,832
quarter-pounders)—from 103 grocery, big-box, and natural food stores in 26
cities across the country. We bought all types of ground beef:
conventional—the most common type of beef sold, in which cattle are
typically fattened up with grain and soy in feedlots and fed antibiotics
and other drugs to promote growth and prevent disease—as well as beef that
was raised in more sustainable ways, which have important implications for
food safety and animal welfare. At a minimum, sustainably produced beef was
raised without antibiotics. Even better are organic and grass-fed methods.
Organic cattle are not given antibiotics or other drugs, and they are fed
organic feed. Grass-fed cattle usually don’t get antibiotics, and they
spend their lives on pasture, not feedlots.

We analyzed the samples for five common types of bacteria found on
beef—clostridium perfringens, E. coli (including O157 and six other
toxin-producing strains), enterococcus, salmonella, and staphylococcus

The results were sobering. All 458 pounds of beef we examined contained
bacteria that signified fecal contamination (enterococcus and/or
nontoxin-producing E. coli), which can cause blood or urinary tract
infections. Almost 20 percent contained C. perfringens, a bacteria that
causes almost 1 million cases of food poisoning annually. Ten percent of
the samples had a strain of S. aureus bacteria that can produce a toxin
that can make you sick. That toxin can’t be destroyed—even with proper

Just 1 percent of our samples contained salmonella. That may not sound
worrisome, but, says Rangan, “extrapolate that to the billions of pounds of
ground beef we eat every year, and that’s a lot of burgers with the
potential to make you sick.” Indeed, salmonella causes an estimated 1.2
million illnesses and 450 deaths in the U.S. each year.
One of the most significant findings of our research is that beef from
conventionally raised cows was more likely to have bacteria overall, as
well as bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, than beef from
sustainably raised cows. We found a type of antibiotic-resistant S. aureus
bacteria called MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), which
kills about 11,000 people in the U.S. every year, on three conventional
samples (and none on sustainable samples). And 18 percent of conventional
beef samples were contaminated with superbugs—the dangerous bacteria that
are resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics—compared with just 9
percent of beef from samples that were sustainably produced. “We know that
sustainable methods are better for the environment and more humane to
animals. But our tests also show that these methods can produce ground beef
that poses fewer public health risks,” Rangan says.


*Poultry Slaughter Procedures*, a USDA training video recently obtained by
the Physicians Committee through the Freedom of Information Act, reveals
that the chicken slaughtering process ends with carcasses soaking in cold
water—“fecal soup”—for up to one hour before being packaged for consumers.2

Large chicken processing plants, such as Tyson and Perdue, can slaughter as
many as 30,000 chickens an hour.2 During processing, chicken carcasses are
mechanically disemboweled and later soaked in a chill tank before being
packaged and sent to distributors.

A federal inspector said, “We often see birds going down the line with
intestines still attached, which are full of fecal contamination. If there
is no fecal contamination on the bird’s skin, however, we can do nothing to
stop that bird from going down that line. It is more than reasonable to
assume that once the bird gets into the chill tank, that contamination will
enter the water and contaminate all of the other carcasses in the chiller.
That’s why it is sometimes called ‘fecal soup.’”

In 2012, the Physicians Committee tested chicken products sold by 15
grocery store chains in 10 U.S. cities for the presence of fecal bacteria.
48 percent of chicken samples tested positive.4

Applying high cooking heat to poultry products does not remove the feces,
it merely cooks it along with the muscle tissue.
In March 2013, the Physicians Committee submitted a legal petition
requesting that 

Re: [Marxism] Syrian refugees, and the major culprit

2015-09-09 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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In his famous work "The Raw and the Cooked", Levi-Strauss posits that
binary opposites form the basis of all human culture and signifying
systems. It's simply the way the mind works in default mode. In this case,
such thinking should also be examined as culturally unconscious myth-making.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Neolithic roots of economic institutions | VOX, CEPR’s Policy Portal

2015-09-12 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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A study which makes use of Murdoch's database should be taken seriously.
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Re: [Marxism] The Bay of Pigs and Syrian Rebels

2015-10-03 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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>  I understand that rural folk can be pretty intimidating when they get
> their dander up but I am afraid a pitchfork is no match against a jet that
> is firing rockets.
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[Marxism] Lady Bo “Mother of Rock ‘N’ Roll” Dies at 75 Years-Old

2015-09-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Peggy Jones, later known as Lady Bo, was an innovative and expressive
guitarist who was an original part of Bo Diddley’s sound from 1957 to 1962
and influential in her own songwriting and musical endeavors thereafter.
Although there is no obituary currently published, a few hours ago
Stomp Foundation —an annual music
festival taking place in New Orleans, LA—who hosted Lady Bo in 2011
announced her death. A few days prior, husband and bass player Wally Malone
wrote on his Facebook page,  “Today is one of the saddest days of my life.
My wife and partner of 47 Years has been called up to that great rock &
roll band in the heavens to be reunited with Bo Diddley, Jerome Green and
Clifton James”. Peggy Jones played a pivotal role in rock and roll and
remained a main source of inspiration for hundreds of musicians to follow.
Her immense dedication, passion and talent will forever be remembered and
influential in the history of music. Rest in peace Lady Bo. We love you.

*A brief history of Peggy Jones A.K.A Lady Bo*

Peggy Jones was born on July 19th, 1940 in New York City where she  grew up
 and attended Manhattan’s High School for the Performing Arts. She trained
in opera, tap dancing, and ballet. Her life and music took a new direction
when she met Bo Diddley for the first time; Diddley was so shocked to see a
young woman with a guitar that he initiated conversation, eventually
inviting her to play with him in his dressing room after a show. Jones
quickly became a session musician in Bo Diddley’s band before officially
joining as a full time member. During this time, Diddley taught her how to
play in his distinctive open tuning and she began to make bold use of
effects which contributed greatly to her style. Jones and Diddley traded
back and forth between rhythm and lead guitar so effortlessly that it often
sounded like one player. Jones herself once said, “You couldn’t tell one
guitar from the other unless you were there.” Together they created the
sound that would define rhythm and blues guitar in the sixties. During her
first stint with Diddley’s band she contributed guitar and vocals to
recordings such as “Road Runner” and “Hey Bo Diddley.” She demonstrated her
skill and animated style on the 1961 recording “Aztec,” which she played
all of the guitars, but is often mistakenly attributed to Bo Diddley.

In addition to her work with Bo Diddley’s band, Jones had a rich solo
career. She formed her own band, The Jewels (also known as The Family
Jewel, Lady Bo and the Family Jewel, The Fabulous Jewels, Little Jewel and
the Family Jewel, and Lady Bo and the BC Horns). Jones left Diddley’s band
in 1961 to focus on her work with the Jewels which went on to become one of
the most popular touring bands on the East Coast. During this time she also
released singles with groups such as the Bop Chords and the Continentals
and even briefly joined James Brown’s backing band. When Jones rejoined Bo
Diddley in 1970 her entire band came with her and became his new backing
band. At their first show back together the crowd was so excited to see
them back on stage together that they chanted “Lady Bo”—thus creating
Jones’s famous nickname.

Peggy Jones always displayed a wonderful willingness to experiment with new
guitars, effects, and sounds. Her enthusiasm for new guitar technologies
helped balance out Diddley’s reliance on the cigar box guitar that made him
famous, and allowed the band to evolve sonically over the course of time.
Though she typically favored Gibson guitars, Lady Bo also played more
experimental instruments such as the Roland guitar synthesizer and used
their unique sounds in ways not often heard in rhythm and blues guitar.
Lady Bo is seldom given the recognition she deserves for helping create the
sound that would define rhythm and blues for decades, but her sonic
influence will remain a significant part of music history.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Back to the 1930s: Hitler, Da’esh and the West

2016-01-02 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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"The economic implications of protracted stagnation, and the possible
systemic responses to it at the macroeconomic level, are matters I shall
not enter into here. I shall, however, end by drawing attention to an
obvious political implication, one that relates to the threat to democracy
that this protracted stagnation poses, of particular significance in the
case of my own country, India.

The general incompatibility between capitalism and democracy is too obvious
to need repetition here: capitalism is a spontaneous system driven by its
own immanent tendencies, while the essence of democracy lies in people
intervening through collective political praxis to shape their destinies,
including especially their economic destinies, which militates against this
spontaneity. The fate of Keynesianism, which thought that capitalism could
be made to operate at close to full employment, and thereby be made into a
humane system through state intervention in demand management, shows the
impossibility of the project of retaining capitalism while overcoming its

This conflict becomes particularly acute in the era of globalization, when
finance capital becomes globalized, while the state, which remains the only
possible instrument through which the people could intervene on their own
behalf, remains a nation-state. Here, as already mentioned, the state
accedes to the demands of finance capital, so that no matter whom the
people elect, the same policies remain in place, as long as the country
remains within the vortex of globalized finance. Greece is only the latest
example to underscore this point.

But once we reckon with the tendency of the system in the era of
globalization to fall into a protracted crisis, this incompatibility
becomes even more serious. In the context of crisis-induced mass
unemployment, the corporate-financial oligarchies that rule many countries
actively promote divisive, fascist, and semi-fascist movements, so that
while the shell of democracy is preserved, their own rule is not threatened
by any concerted class action. And the governments formed by such elements,
even when they do not move immediately towards the imposition of a fascist
state as in the case of classical fascism, move nonetheless towards a
“fascification” of the society and the polity that constitutes a negation
of democracy. In third-world societies such fascification not only
continues but even increases the scope for “primitive accumulation of
capital” at the expense of petty producers (which also ensures that the
world labor reserves are not exhausted).

But that is not all. Since such fascism invites retaliation in the form of
counter-fascistic movements, as in the case of Hindu supremacism in India,
which is starting to encourage a Muslim fundamentalist response, the net
result is social disintegration. This disintegration is the denouement of
the current globalization in societies like mine, and no doubt in many
others. It is important, of course, to struggle against this, but at the
current juncture, when there are no international workers’ movements, let
alone any international peasant movements, and hence no prospects for any
synchronized transcendence of capitalist globalization, any such struggles
must necessarily be informed by an agenda of “delinking” from capitalist
globalization. This delinking should entail capital controls, management of
foreign trade, and an expansion of the domestic market through the
protection and encouragement of petty production, including peasant
agriculture; through larger welfare expenditure by the state; and through a
more egalitarian distribution of wealth and income."
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Case for the the Green Party’s Passing of the Anti-Capitalist Amendment

2016-06-06 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I am contacting Green National Committee delegates by e-mail to try and get
them to support Amendment 835: The Economic Democracy Amendment which would
make the GP anti-capitalist.

Here is a letter that I received from one of them:


Though this reply may open a can of worms (labelled "Further Replies"
perhaps) but I have to ask you to not to write me again. Nothing personal
or anything having to do views on 835, but I'd rather not recieve
unsolicited pleas (that should be restricted to the GPUS NC list.)


My response:

I will respect your wishes and will not contact you again, but I am sorry
that we have NC delegates who take this top-down attitude towards rank and
file Greens who have a right to voice their positions to GNC delegates.
Your office is not only for you and other delegates (the NC listserv is
only for delegates and alternates), you are accountable to the party as a
whole because your votes determine the course of the party, which is the
business of rank and file Greens.

Best Wishes.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Orlando Mass Shooting Not Deadliest in American History - Washington Wire - WSJ

2016-06-14 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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237 Black sharecroppers killed in Arkansas

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Rich Man's War: Class, Caste, and Confederate Defeat in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley: David Williams: 9780820320335: Books

2016-06-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Both books come highly recommended. I do believe Williams is still at
Valdosta state. The latter book is cast as a history from below approach to
the Civil war. I will try to post some more examples in this vein. I just
need to pull a few down from my shelf.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Rich Man's War: Class, Caste, and Confederate Defeat in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley: David Williams: 9780820320335: Books

2016-06-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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A good companion piece to William's critique of the "solid south" is Thomas
G. Dyer's "Secret Yankees", which examines a circle of pro-unionists in
Atlanta during the civil war.

On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 7:57 PM, Greg McDonald  wrote:

> Both books come highly recommended. I do believe Williams is still at
> Valdosta state. The latter book is cast as a history from below approach to
> the Civil war. I will try to post some more examples in this vein. I just
> need to pull a few down from my shelf.
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[Marxism] Mexico: State Terrorism and Education, the New Speculative Sector in the Stock Market

2016-06-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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The reasons why the Mexican government wants to impose the Educational
Reform, even if it means killing people, as with the massacre in Nochixtlán
by repressive state forces on June 19, are rooted in economic objectives
guided by international financial organizations. The reform, proposed by
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
with the *OECD-Mexico
Agreement* *to Improve the Quality of Education in Schools of Mexico*, aims
to lay the groundwork to shift education from being a State responsibility
to instead being resolved in the realm of the financial market.

One of the state’s actions accompanying the Educational Reform is the
issuing of bonds to the speculative market. Just over a year after the
adoption of the reform, in December 2015, the first educational bonds or
National School Infrastructure Certificates (CIEN) were issued by the
Mexican Stock Exchange, which investors BBVA Bancomer and Merrill Lynch
purchased for 8.581 billion pesos.

When a company or state issues bonds, the investors who buy them are
lending them money in exchange for the issuer – in this case the Mexican
State – committing to pay the interest at fixed intervals over a
predetermined period of time. These payments will be made every six months
and by the states and their inhabitants.

With the educational bonds, the state aims to attract investors to this
sector and, in a first stage, aims to renovate existing infrastructure and
promote the development of new schools and basic services. That is, the
state has converted the bonds into a given number of common stocks to
attract investors to this sector that, since its establishment, is seen as
another company that will have to generate profits for shareholders.

The Educational Reform is part of the Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP),
guided by the World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).  In total, 11 structural reforms
have been approved: labor, the treasury, education, finance, energy, reform
on transparency, political and electoral reform, reform in
telecommunications and broadcasting, the new court-ordered protection law,
the national criminal procedures code, and reform in economic competition.
Twenty-two more reforms still need to be approved.
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit

2016-06-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Mark Blyth on EU Economic policy, brexit, etc.
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Re: [Marxism] Statement by anti-Assad activists on the repression of the Kurdish population in Turkey

2016-03-11 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Well this is pretty fucking alarming:

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Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-13 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Famed investor Byron Wien of Blackrock, who previously spent 21 years at
Morgan Stanley, voiced major concerns when it comes to Donald Trump
potential ascension to the White House.

“Donald Trump is attacking Mexico, he’s attacking pretty much all of
Europe, he’s attacking the Muslim religion and he’s not denounced the Klu
Klux Klan,” noted Wien.

“It has been, so far, a difficult year. I think it will be a down year, and
I didn’t [initially] anticipate Donald Trump’s ascendency, but he’ll
contribute to that,” the investor added.

Economists on both the left and right have had choice words for Trump’s
controversial positions on trade and immigration. Some think his threat to
slap tariffs on China could lead to a trade war, or even a global
recession. Wien also faulted the billionaire real estate mogul’s plans on
trade, which could isolate the U.S. economy from major trading partners.

*READ MORE: How Bernie Sanders supporters shut down a Donald Trump rally in

Joseph Grano, who as a key figure in the merger between UBS and PaineWebber
and now works as Chairman and CEO of Centurion Holdings, echoed Wien’s

“Donald’s got to show us some depth,” warned Grano, who also served as
Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. “If he doesn’t start
acting more presidential, and tone down the hyperbole and the rhetoric, he
may get the [GOP] nomination, but I don’t think he can win the presidency.”
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Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-13 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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> Hillary is counting on that, actually. Some time ago a few of us were
> joking that Trump was Hillary's manchurian candidate.
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Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-14 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I honestly do not think the Trump campaign engineered the confrontation in
Chicago. Now, if Juan Cole's analysis is correct--that Trump supporters are
all Klan and biker gang wannabe's, then perhaps. But if we look at Thomas
Frank's analysis, the primary concern of the white working class voters who
support Trump is the economy. I'm pretty sure that above all the dog
whistle politics, the Trump campaign understands this.

"People are much more frightened than they are bigoted"...

“But there is another way to interpret the Trump phenomenon. A map of his
support may coordinate with racist Google searches, but it coordinates even
better with deindustrialization and despair, with the zones of economic
misery that 30 years of Washington’s free-market consensus have brought the
rest of America.”

It is worth noting that Trump is making a point of assailing that Indiana
air conditioning company from the video
 in his speeches. What this
suggests is that he’s telling a tale as much about economic outrage as it
is tale of racism on the march. Many of Trump’s followers are bigots, no
doubt, but many more are probably excited by the prospect of a president
who seems to mean it when he denounces our trade agreements and promises to
bring the hammer down on the CEO that fired you and wrecked your town,
unlike Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Here is the most salient supporting fact: when people talk to white,
working-class Trump supporters, instead of simply imagining what they might
say, they find that what most concerns these people is the economy and
their place in it. I am referring to a study just published by Working
America, a political-action auxiliary of the AFL-CIO, which interviewed
some 1,600 white working-class voters in the suburbs of Cleveland and
Pittsburgh in December and January.

Support for Donald Trump, the group found, ran strong among these people,
even among self-identified Democrats, but not because they are all pining
for a racist in the White House. Their favorite aspect of Trump was his
“attitude”, the blunt and forthright way he talks. As far as issues are
concerned, “immigration” placed third among the matters such voters care
about, far behind their number one concern: “good jobs / the economy”.

“People are much more frightened than they are bigoted,” is how the
findings were described to me by Karen Nussbaum, the executive director of
Working America. The survey “confirmed what we heard all the time: people
are fed up, people are hurting, they are very distressed about the fact
that their kids don’t have a future” and that “there still hasn’t been a
recovery from the recession, that every family still suffers from it in one
way or another.”

Tom Lewandowski, the president of the Northeast Indiana Central Labor
Council in Fort Wayne, puts it even more bluntly when I asked him about
working-class Trump fans. “These people aren’t racist, not any more than
anybody else is,” he says of Trump supporters he knows. “When Trump talks
about trade, we think about the Clinton administration, first with Nafta
and then with [Permanent Normal Trade Relations] China, and here in
Northeast Indiana, we hemorrhaged jobs.”

“They look at that, and here’s Trump talking about trade, in a ham-handed
way, but at least he’s representing emotionally. We’ve had all the
political establishment standing behind every trade deal, and we endorsed
some of these people, and then we’ve had to fight them to get them to
represent us.”
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[Marxism] Baked Alaska Anyone?

2016-03-14 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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It was so hot last month that large parts of the Arctic *averaged* more
than 18°F (10°C) above normal
Not only did last month easily set the record for lowest February Arctic
sea ice extent, as the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reported
but Arctic sea ice growth has been almost flat for over a month during a
time when it normally soars to its annual maximum.
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Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-14 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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In other Trump-related news, the Donald explores alternative funding for
the Mexico border wall:
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Re: [Marxism] Trumped?

2016-03-12 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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When Ja’Mal Green, a prominent black activist and Bernie Sanders supporter
in Chicago, saw that Donald Trump was coming to the University of Illinois
Chicago, he knew what he had to do. “Everyone, get your tickets to this.
We’re all going in ‪#‎SHUTITDOWN‬,” he posted on Facebook last week.

Little did he know they actually would shut it down.

Friday night, hundreds of protesters invaded Trump’s rally while thousands
more marched outside, leading the candidate to abruptly cancel the event
due to safety concerns. The night spun out from there, as angry Trump fans
clashed with protesters, who saw the shutdown as a victory.

*RELATED: GOP candidates accuse Donald Trump of encouraging violence at

Protesters interrupt virtually every Trump speech. But what made Chicago
different were its scale and the organization behind the effort. Hundreds
of young, largely black and brown people poured in from across the city,
taking over whole sections of the arena and bracing for trouble.

And as the repeated chants of “Ber-nie” demonstrated, it was largely
organized by supporters of Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential
candidate who has struggled to win over black voters, but whose
revolutionary streak has excited radicals of all colors.

“Remember the #TrumpRally wasn’t just luck. It took organizers from dozens
of organizations and thousands of people to pull off. Great work,” tweeted
for Bernie, a large unofficial pro-Sanders organization founded by veterans
of the Occupy movement and other lefty activists.
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Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-13 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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For the sake of argument, let's pretend Trump did initiate a set-up. If so,
it backfired. The MSM and sunday afternoon network talking heads have been
having a field day.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Re-imagining Miles Davis and Chet Baker | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-03-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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While cleaning out my parent's basement, I discovered a long lost copy of
Monk's "Criss Cross", sans cover, as well as my only vinyl copy of the
soundtrack for "Let's Get Lost", a Chet
Baker biopic released in the 1980's while he was still alive. A bit
depressing, but the music is really good.
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[Marxism] How to Hack an Election

2016-03-31 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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"For eight years, Sepúlveda, now 31, says he traveled the continent rigging
major political campaigns. With a budget of $600,000, the Peña Nieto job
was by far his most complex. He led a team of hackers that stole campaign
strategies, manipulated social media to create false waves of enthusiasm
and derision, and installed spyware in opposition offices, all to help Peña
Nieto, a right-of-center candidate, eke out a victory. On that July night,
he cracked bottle after bottle of Colón Negra beer in celebration. As usual
on election night, he was alone."

"Last year, based on anonymous sources, the Colombian media reported
that Rendón was working for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Rendón
calls the reports untrue. The campaign did approach him, he says, but he
turned them down because he dislikes Trump. “To my knowledge we are not
familiar with this individual,” says Trump’s spokeswoman, Hope Hicks. “I
have never heard of him, and the same goes for other senior staff members.”
But Rendón says he’s in talks with another leading U.S. presidential
campaign—he wouldn’t say which—to begin working for it once the primaries
wrap up and the general election begins."
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Re: [Marxism] Sanders clobbered Clinton in Washington primary

2016-03-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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In spite of comparing socialists to Milli Vanilli fans (WTF is that all
about? I would have referenced some old died-in-the-wool folkies myself),
the Jacobin editor makes a few good points. Interesting to see this in the
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[Marxism] Piedad Cordoba Escapes Assassination Attempt

2016-04-02 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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The backdrop to all this: Right wing paramilitary groups are demonstrating
their opposition to the peace talks between the Colombian government and
the FARC.
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[Marxism] Venezuela: Socialist Mayor Shot Dead

2016-04-01 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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In addition, the Union Patriotica in Colombia have denounced an
assassination attempt against Piedad Cordoba.
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[Marxism] Jacobin: Walking on the Fighting Side of Me

2016-04-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Were you thinking, I really need to know what Jacobin has to say about
Merle Haggard? Probably not. Unfortunately, Jacobin decided to publish a
Merle Haggard obituary of sorts, by Jonah Walters
It is, without exaggeration, the worst essay I have ever seen in that
publication and one of the worst essays on music I have ever read. It is
essentially an exercise in Aesthetic Stalinism, arguing that Merle Haggard
was a terrible person and overrated artist because he was supposedly the
voice of American reaction for a half-century. This is not only wrong
politically, it’s wrong musically. Let’s break it down.
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[Marxism] Dock Ellis pitched a no-hitter on LSD almost 46 years ago

2016-05-10 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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The original title is dated but the message is not. Check out the hilarious
animated video at the bottom of the article.

June 12th 1970: One of the most important days in sports history, a day
perhaps bigger than any Stanley Cup victory, any World Series, or any
Superbowl. 45 years ago today, Dock Ellis pitched an eight-walk, 2-0, no
hit-victory while high on LSD.

Ellis, who pitched for the Pittsburgh Pirates, was ahead of his time in the
wild world of sports, not necessarily for his playing style but for his
antics on and off the field. He was a flamboyant loudmouth, a shit-talker,
and one of the most competitive players in the game. He attempted to hit
every batter on the Cincinnati Reds in 1974 and was maced by a security
guard for acting out of pocket in 1972. Ellis was also outspoken about
prejudice and racism in the league. When the pitcher showed up to pregame
workouts with curlers in his hair—that’s how he got his “Superfly”
hairstyle—Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered Ellis never to wear them
on a MLB field again. According to the Baseball Reliquary
Ellis complied, but responded “They didn’t put any orders about [Yankees]
star Joe Pepitone when he wore a hairpiece down to his shoulders.” Ellis
has stated that the most scared he’s ever been was attempting to pitch a
game stone cold sober in 1973. However, Dock Ellis is perhaps most famous
for the no-hitter against the San Diego Padres.
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[Marxism] El Salvador will not Recognize Brazil's Temer

2016-05-14 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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*San Salvador.* El presidente de El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén,
anunció este sábado que no reconocerá al gobierno interino de Michel Temer
en Brasil, por considerar que la suspensión de Dilma Rousseff es "una
manipulación política" que ha llevado a "a la configuración de un golpe de
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[Marxism] Star Wars and Vietnam

2016-05-06 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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According to George Lucas's commentary on the 2004 re-release of *Return of
the Jedi*, the Ewoks were directly inspired by the forces that successfully
defeated the US and South Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam War - the
National Liberation Front, or Viet Cong.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Review: David Williams, Bitterly Divided: the South’s Inner Civil War (2008) | Insurgent Notes

2016-07-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Someone should really devote a book to the 1st Alabama Cavalry.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-10 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Mark Lause wrote:

"In places, though, African American radicals have assumed leadership of the
party and its active composition reflects that (Georgia is a very
interesting state party in this regard)."

I've been too busy with work and care-taking an 88 year old to get
involved, but I fully intend to vote for the Greens in this election cycle.
They canvassed more than enough signatures to get on the ballot here in
Georgia. Mark references the state leadership. They are in fact the very
same BAR editors disparaged in this thread. Well, it turns out their
early-on reference to Sanders as a sheepdog for the Democratic party was
prescient. I'm also more heartened by the fact that Ajamu Baraka has spoken
at rallies organized by the Coalition for Immokalee Workers than I am
discouraged with the current Green "line" on Syria.  But please, by all
means let me know when Hillary stumps for a human rights group organized by
farmworkers. I won't be holding my breath in anticipation.

Greg McDonald
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: 7 officers shot; 3 feared dead in Baton Rouge -

2016-07-17 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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"“There was multiple gunshots going back and forth and back and forth
before any police ever showed up. This was not a come-at-police situation,”
Vancel said. “They weren’t targeting police at first, I don’t assume so,
because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking
lot until the police showed and then it turned into a gun battle, I’m
guessing to try to get themselves free or get out of the situation.”"
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[Marxism] Black Hillbilly - or - What you really know about the Upper South?

2016-08-07 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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The fiddle and the banjo soon made their way to the mountains of the *Upper
they were played at barn dances and frolics by free men. Although it’s
probably a widely held assumption that free blacks all hightailed it to the
*North,* most actually remained in the *South*. Many free black southerners
came from the *Caribbean
 *or had lived in *France
*’s* La Louisiane
, *where blacks
were free until it was purchased by the *US
*. Even more were freed
former slaves who either elected to remain or were unable to leave. In
1860, 84% lived not in the *Deep South
*, however, but in
the hilly *Upper South
* (*Arkansas
*, *Missouri
*, *North Carolina
*, *Tennessee
*, and *Virginia
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Re: [Marxism] Donald Trump's remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast

2017-02-03 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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He really is mentally ill. Howard Stern says so.
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Re: [Marxism] Trump CIA speech transcript - CBS News

2017-01-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Jaco in the bin | s0metim3s

2017-02-18 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Poor Jaco must be spinning in his grave.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Is Black Bloc a Racist Tactic in the Trump Era: Why White Activists Should Stop Wearing Masks at… – Race & Law — A Critical Analysis – Medium

2017-02-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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If all the Black Bloc folks were wearing masks, then how does the author
know they were all white?

On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> c-a-racist-tactic-in-the-trump-era-why-white-activists-shoul
> d-stop-wearing-masks-at-f7cf45390292
> _
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> ions/marxism/
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: White Farm Women Protest Confederate Abuse: The North Carolina Civil War Home Front – Renegade South

2016-08-22 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know: The National Anthem Is a Celebration of Slavery

2016-08-29 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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More of the backstory on Key
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know: The National Anthem Is a Celebration of Slavery

2016-08-29 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: Who's wasting their vote? |

2016-09-15 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Not the SWP. Try ISO.

> Just to take one tiny example from the SWP to show how when you start to
> deviate from Marxism you end up throwing the method out with it:
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[Marxism] Bill Clinton's Stone Mountain Moment

2016-09-17 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Speaking of presidential candidates and White Supremacy...
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[Marxism] Health Dangers of Fracking Revealed in Johns Hopkins Study

2016-08-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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A new study out today from Johns Hopkins inEnvironmental Health Perspectives
associations between fracking  and
varioushealth symptoms

nasal and sinus problems, migraines and fatigue in Pennsylvanians living
near areas of natural gas development. The study suggests that residents
with the highest exposure to active fracking wells are nearly twice as
likely to suffer from the symptoms.

This is the third study released by Hopkins in the past year that connects
proximity to fracking sites with adverse health outcomes. Last fall,
researchers found an association between fracking and premature births and
high-risk pregnancies
, and last month,
found ties between fracking and asthma

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[Marxism] Assad and Jihadis

2016-08-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I need documentation regarding Assad's release of jihadist prisoners to
attack the Syrian revolutionaries. 2 or 3 sources would be helpful of
course. I've tried searching the list but thought a direct question would
save some time.

Greg McDonald
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Re: [Marxism] Assad and Jihadis

2016-08-27 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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thanks. I also found this one:
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Re: [Marxism] MRZine retweets Partisan Girl

2016-08-24 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Someone on FB called Syrian girl is claiming the photographer of the little
girl who was bombed is the same guy who beheaded the little boy...Yeah I
know, it wasn't a child. Lots of people are being taken in by this bullshit.

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Re: [Marxism] Ah, the madness

2016-09-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I know for a fact that George Shultz has a tiger tattoo. On his behind.

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Mark Lause via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> I think Goering had a little Aryan bunny rabbit tatooed on his ass.  Though
> I probably saw this in a History channel documentary . . . .
> ML
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Tom Hayden and Bob Dylan

2016-10-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Anyone interested in a more serious appraisal of Dylan's work should check
out "Wicked Messenger" by Mike Marqusee.
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Re: [Marxism] following the link on Dylan

2016-10-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Something else comes to mind. I don't think Dylan ever thought for one
minute that by writing and singing songs he could help make the world a
better place.
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Re: [Marxism] following the link on Dylan

2016-10-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I don't think Marqusee, or any other writer grappling with Dylan's oeuvre,
has argued that Dylan remained part of the movement. That much is patently
obvious. Dylan himself has stated he never felt comfortable as a topical
folk song artist. I think we should take him at his word. After all, he was
VERY straightforward about that with his Tom Paine award fuck you speech. I
don't think he was really interested in sticking around as Pete Seeger's
junior partner in the CPUSA. Would you?

He was obviously more interested at the time in developing a new mode of
artistic self-expression, combining elements of symbolist poetry with rock
music. Whether he was successful or not is in the ear of the beholder. A
lot of people like Dylan's music, a lot of people don't. I think much of
his topical work sounds dated, while some of his later work, especially
since "Oh Mercy",  I can still listen to and it doesn't bore the shit out
of me. I still enjoy  the records he cut with The Band, as well as the
original Highway 61, which is very punk IMO, especially with Mike
Bloomfield ripping it up. "Blonde on Blonde" is quite special, "Blood on
the Tracks" is great if you're going through a divorce. "John Wesley
Harding" and "Nashville Skyline" are very enjoyable with a cup of coffee in
the morning, but I've always been a big Johnny Cash fan.

After Dylan broke his neck in a motorcycle accident and retreated from
public view for three years, he seemed to relish being out of the
spotlight. He avoided Woodstock, choosing the Isle of Wight instead. Much
to the consternation of people who kept looking to him for answers and
guidance, he refused to come out publicly against the Vietnam war. i think
he was just fed up with the whole circus. Anyway, that's my own assessment.
Much of his music from 1989 on seems to be an attempt to further refine his
take on the great american songbook. In that sense it was prescient.
Americana is now part of the musical lexicon.

Marqusee's book was originally titled "Chimes of Freedom". It looks at the
topical stuff and offers a political interpretation. "Wicked Messenger" is
an updated edition taking into consideration some of Dylan's later work.

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Re: [Marxism] latest campist mantra

2016-10-24 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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"It's tough out there, high water everywhere".
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the Guerillas’ Victory – Book Review

2016-11-23 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Someone should send Farber a copy.
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[Marxism] Clinton Hops on the Recount Bandwagon

2016-11-26 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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[Marxism] Trump's Victory Has Fearful Minorities Buying Up Guns

2016-11-24 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Swastikas have been found spray-painted on churches, playgrounds, and
college walls. White Texas high school students chanted "Build that wall"
during a volleyball game with a predominantly Hispanic rival school.
Internet personality and model Tila Tequila was suspended from Twitter
after she was photographed giving a "Heil Hitler" sign at a restaurant
following the post-election gathering in Washington, D.C., of the National
Policy Institute, an "alt-right" organization.

"It's best that I be proactive," said Scott, a fiery 49-year-old financial
analyst. "I know where I live."

She's from Alpharetta, Georgia. It borders Forsyth County, which in 1912
systematically drove out nearly all its black residents for the next
quarter century. After two alleged attacks on white women, a black suspect
was lynched and two more were hanged after a short trial. Armed bands of
whites began terrorizing blacks, torching homes and churches in night
raids, firing through the door, telling them it was time to "get" [out of
America] and then seized their homes and land. As recently as 1987 the
county saw the marching of 5,000 white supremacists.
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Re: [Marxism] David Cobb wins

2016-11-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Here's what Bruce Dixon is saying:

"Stop and think about it. In 2017 there will be elections for school
boards, mayors, alderman, county commissioners and a host of local offices.
Hundreds of Green candidates will be running. If presidential election
results in multiple states can be gamed, and there is persuasive evidence
to suggest they were, what makes you think the same thing won't happen to
Green candidates in local elections in 2017?
We don't give a damn about Hillary or Trump. But we care very much about
the integrity and security of the election process, unlike the Repubs and
the Dems."
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Re: [Marxism] Jill Stein recount

2016-11-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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[Marxism] Dylan’s revolutionary lyrics celebrate play, protest

2016-11-02 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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This is a fairly good article. I would disagree with the characterization
of "John Wesley Harding" as apolitical, however, given it contains "All
Along the Watchtower". That song is simply Isaiah (21: 5-9 ) put to music.
I'm not gonna quote scripture on the marxmail forum, so you can look it up
yourselves The point being the whole album carries a strong apocalyptic
tone, much like the rest of Dylan's work. Marqusee writes that a friend who
visited Dylan's home in Woodstock saw only two books on his table--a Bible
and a Hank Williams lyric sheet.

The album also rehashes the old "Joe Hill" song "I dreamed I saw St.
Augustine", with the Christian saint standing in for Joe. This was a
popular front song from the 30's written at a communist party-inspired
summer workshop in upstate NY.  Dylan's version contains the stunning line:
"No martyrs are among you now who you can call your own".  Not that there
were not martyrs, but that "the public world is now too inauthentic to
sustain anything as grand as a martyr", writes Marqusee. Ironically the
writer himself is one among the mob that has killed the saint. Marqusee
surmises "The only prophecy the artist can make with confidence is that he
and his message will be rejected by a world that values all the wrong
things". Hard to argue with that.  The song indicts us all.

I'm reminded here of two later songs, "Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)", and
"Everything is Broken". I like this version of the former, with Willie
Nelson backed up by Calexico:

And here's good old R.L. performing the latter:

That sounds like Derek Trucks on slide. Buddy Guy sits in as well.
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