Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-29 Thread Angelus Novus
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Nestor Gorojovsky:

 [First of all, and though this is already known on this list, I would
 like to point out that Germany may probably be the country where a
 consequent Marxist defense of the Arab cause against the crimes
 committed by the State of Israel requires the highest degree of moral
 courage (and Austria, maybe). The moral equivalent, on the enemy side,
 would be that of someone in Hanoi defending the right of US to invade
 and storm Viet Nam in order to save the world from Communism.]

Either Nestor didn't think before drawing this analogy, or he really is saying 
that Germany's position vis-a-vis Israel is analogous to Vietnam's position 
vis-a-vis the United States.

So the major capitalist power in Europe, which pushes around it's southern and 
eastern neighbors, is second only to China in terms of being a major export 
economy, and which is responsible more than any other state for the vicious 
destruction of Yugoslavisa, is in fact merely subservient to a crappy little 
client state of the U.S. in the Middle East?


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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-29 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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Angelus Novus escribió:

 Nestor Gorojovsky:
 [First of all, and though this is already known on this list, I
 would like to point out that Germany may probably be the country
 where a consequent Marxist defense of the Arab cause against the
 crimes committed by the State of Israel requires the highest degree
 of moral courage (and Austria, maybe). The moral equivalent, on
 the enemy side, would be that of someone in Hanoi defending the
 right of US to invade and storm Viet Nam in order to save the world
 from Communism.]
 Either Nestor didn't think before drawing this analogy, or he really
 is saying that Germany's position vis-a-vis Israel is analogous to
 Vietnam's position vis-a-vis the United States.

Oh, no, don´t seek the hairs in the hen´s egg as we say in Argentina.

It´s so much easier and less contorted.

I mean that given the fact of the Holocaust and the permanent drumbeat 
in favor of Israel in post WWII Germany, the position of someone 
attacking Israel in Germany is as difficult as the position of someone 
defending US pervasive use of Agent Orange, in Viet Nam.

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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-29 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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Lüko Willms escribió:
I am also not so keen to demand that the Jewish settlements in the West 
 Bank should be demolished and their inhabitants being returned to the 
 pre-1967 Israel, as was done with the settlements on the Sinai peninsula and 
 later in the Gaza strip (where they destroyed all houses, but left only the 
 synagogues intact, a real provocation). Maybe one could demand some kind 
 of affirmative action. What has to be done in any case, is to dismantle the 
 fortress character of the settlements, and a disarmament of the settler 
 gangs. I think that people like Avnery -- which I respect a lot for his 
 courageous stand -- think that Jews should not live under Arab majority rule, 
 so that the people living in the settlements should all be evacuated. 


That´s to be bold and serious!!

Never thought of the issue that way, which is obviously the right way.

And of course, Avnery wants to keep Eretz Israel Jewish, this is true. 
It´s not a matter of hating Arab majority rule but of fearing the 
consequences of the non-existence of a Jewish state on all the Jews in 
the world, etc., etc., etc.

Which of course boils down to no Jewish minority again, thus Jewish 
majority always, thus Jews should not live under Arab majority rule.

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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-29 Thread Angelus Novus
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Nestor Gorojovsky:

 I mean that given the fact of the Holocaust and the permanent drumbeat
 in favor of Israel in post WWII Germany, the position of someone 
 attacking Israel in Germany is as difficult

This notion is fairly widespread among leftists outside Germany, and seems 
plausible for obvious reasons, but it's actually just not true.

One of the current governing parties, the CDU, does indeed make ritual 
professions of the Federal Republic's special responsibility for Israel 
during official state ceremonies and things of that nature, but that's mainly 
for the credulous international press and other states.

The other governing party, the right-wing liberal FDP, has flirted openly with 
pro-Palestinian positions in the past through the now-deceased Jürgen 
Möllenmann.  Nowadays it only keeps such positions burning on a low flame, 
though as the party of large capital, it obviously has more of an interest in 
expanding the sphere of influence of German capital in the Middle East, and 
hence is more open to flirting with pro-Arab policies or mild hints at anti-war 
positions with regard to Afghanistan, though obviously that's difficult given 
the current coalition partner.

The mainstream bourgeois media, like Der Spiegel or the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 
are regularly full of reports of Isreali atrocities, and the Springer-owned 
Welt Online even regularly closes the comments feature for its articles on 
Israeli, because it nows the percentage of anti-Israel (and often enough 
anti-Semitic) comments will be quite high.

What *is* true is that within the left in Germany, there is a fairly widespread 
anti-Israel sentiment, compared with the left in other countries.  That sort of 
thing is the unfortunate consequence of a left that thinks the proper task of 
leftists is to get mixed up in the territorial claims of opposing national 


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[Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-29 Thread David Thorstad
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Angelus Novus wrote:
What *is* true is that within the left in Germany, there is a fairly 
widespread anti-Israel sentiment, compared with the left in other 
countries. That sort of thing is the unfortunate consequence of a left 
that thinks the proper task of leftists is to get mixed up in the 
territorial claims of opposing national collectives.
A longtime and close German friend of mine broke off all relations and 
contact with me because of my criticisms (too irreverent, perhaps) of 
the Zionist entity. He is a former (youthful) Maoist, and his reaction 
had nothing to do with territorial claims, but rather with what he 
perceived to be un-pc speech.

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[Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-29 Thread David Thorstad
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Angelus Novus wrote:

What *is* true is that within the left in Germany, there is a fairly
widespread anti-Israel sentiment, compared with the left in other
countries. That sort of thing is the unfortunate consequence of a left
that thinks the proper task of leftists is to get mixed up in the
territorial claims of opposing national collectives.
A longtime and close German friend of mine broke off all relations and
contact with me because of my criticisms (too irreverent, perhaps) of
the Zionist entity. He is a former (youthful) Maoist, and his reaction
had nothing to do with territorial claims, but rather with what he
perceived to be un-pc speech.

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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-28 Thread Ian Pace
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Surely the biggest question for a single state is what its immigration (and 
thus 'right of return') policy would be? An extension of the current Jewish 
Right of Return to all those of Palestinian origin (however that is defined) 
as well?


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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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David Thorstad wrote:
 I don't see how a single state would grant the Jewish character of the 
 state necessarily. Aren't demographics relevant here? 

About as relevant as they are in South Africa with 10 percent of the 
country being white. They figured out a way to keep the Black majority 
down after the end of formal apartheid, so Israel should have no 
problems especially given the corrupt leadership in the West Bank. In 
fact, the real question facing the Arab masses is how to break through 
the religious and class distinctions that keep them from fighting 

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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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Ian Pace wrote:
   Surely the biggest question for a single state is what its 
immigration (and
 thus 'right of return') policy would be? An extension of the current Jewish 
 Right of Return to all those of Palestinian origin (however that is defined) 
 as well?

I think the more far-sighted Zionists have figured out that they can 
continue to run the show even if every Palestinian scattered across the 
planet returns. Political power flows from economic power, something 
that seems lost on the single state theorists. Even though he is for a 
two state solution, another chimera, Michael Neumann gets to the heart 
of the problem in responding to Jeff Halper and Virginia Tilley, single 
state advocates:

And how does this work in the snake oil one-state solution? Here the 
sales pitch gets murky. In Israel, Jewish property holders either keep 
what they have, or the disputes continue as they have since before 
Israel's foundation--it isn't clear. In the occupied territories, 
though, the settlers get a sweet deal: Jews in the occupied territories 
simply keep what they have.

Am I kidding? Here we have Jeff Halper, justly celebrated for his 
Committee against House Demolitions, writing around 2003:

 Israeli Jews wishing to live in the settlements could continue to 
do so under Palestinian sovereignty (which would permit the settlements 
to be integrated, of course), but would lose their role as extensions of 
Israeli control by remaining Israeli citizens.  [A Middle Eastern 
Confederation: A Regional 'two-Stage' Approach To The 
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict . A working paper by Jeff Halper, written 
around 2003)]

Here he is again, writing in The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle on 
November 24, 2006:

 The two-state solution is dead. Israel killed it (as Begin charged 
Sharon with doing back in 1977). The settlement enterprise has gone 
beyond the point of no return.

And Virginia Tilley agrees:

 ...Israel must admit its Muslim and Christian population as 
citizens and then grapple with the ensuing tough work of pluralist 
democracy like the rest of us.

 This was the hard-won South African solution, where the state now 
represents everybody. Seventeen languages and differing historical 
narratives are recognized and dignified. Whites have retained their 
property and wealth, while black Africans are rising rapidly to join the 
middle and upper classes.

 ...that we presently have a one-state solution--Israel's apartheid 
version--allows us to affirm a different one: a unified 
secular-democratic state, in which everyone is equal in dignity and 
rights, and where the Jewish and Palestinian national homes can share 
the land as they should.

Note the glowing Whites have retained their property and wealth. I 
gather that, come Tilley's revolution, Palestinians and Israelis will be 
equal in their right to stare at what was once a Palestinian home. This 
will be very good because it will 'recognize and dignify different 
historical narratives'.

The more you look at claims about the settlements, the more suspicious 
you grow. Sure, the settlement enterprize has gone beyond the point of 
no return, and sure the settlements are there to stay. It's just that 
the settlers aren't: their buildings would house Palestinians quite as 
well as Jews. Is it impossible to get the settlers to give up their 
settlements? Not at all. If the Israeli army withdraws, the Palestinians 
would have no difficulty persuading the settlers it was time to leave. 
The Algerians did the same with settlers much more deeply rooted than in 
Palestine. If it's so impossible, why did it already happen--why did 
Israeli troops make it happen--in Gaza?

It's impossible to get rid of the settlers only if the Israeli 
government supports them, that is, only if it's impossible to get the 
Israeli government to stop supporting them. But if that's impossible, 
how, is it possible that Israeli government will give up something far 
dearer to it--its home turf, its own existence, and the existence of a 
Jewish state, at the very least within 1948 borders? How are the 
settlements a tougher nut to crack than the state of Israel itself?

What's the point of this one-state solution? If the settlements are 
something to be legitimated, why not say the same--as Tilley hints--of 
all Israeli land claims, everywhere in Palestine? Entrenching the 
settlements means a great big pat on the back for the very worst, least 
conciliatory, most violent political forces in Israel, the spoilt, 
fanatic racial supremacists who conceived the settler movement and made 
it into the formidable force it is today. It confirms that their 
strategy worked. Do Halper and Tilley really think this is 

[Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-28 Thread James Holstun
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Louis, how can you have the popular revolution that you and I want in Palestine 
without guaranteeing the right of return for exiled Palestinians? 

Doesn't the current two-state project imply, at best, the installation of a 
Palestinian national bourgeoisie?

How can one guarantee a practical right of return for millions of Palestinians 
to the tiny state (22% of historical Palestine) that is the best possible 
outcome of the two-state model? Doesn't the right of return require one-state, 
which would simply apply international law and allow Palestinian refugees and 
their descendants to return to their country of origin?

And if you reject the one-state solution, and see the two-state solution as 
another chimera, what model do you favor instead, and what historical 
tendencies do you see towards its realization?

Yes, there are all kinds of grim capitalist prospects, even for a democratic 
and unified Palestine. But despite the capitalist horrors of contemporary Kenya 
and South African, I doubt you could find many of their black citizens yearning 
for British colonial rule or apartheid.


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[Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-28 Thread James Holstun
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Louis, I think you're closer to Ali Abunimah than you want to admit--also to 
As'ad AbuKhalil, Edward Said, Ilan Pappe, and the other advocates of a secular, 
democratic Palestine. Abunimah's discussion of Moshe Ahrens and the other 
right-wing Zionist one-staters is precisely the dialectical approach that 
Engels favors in SOCIALISM: UTOPIAN AND SCIENTIFIC--looking for impulses, 
contradictions, and movements that might be bent toward a radical social 
transformation, rather than simply insisting on an abstract ideal. 

It misrepresents his argument to suggest he's embracing the right-wingers, of 
whom he says, Their visions still fall far 
short of what any Palestinian advocate of a single state would consider 
to be just: the Israeli proposals insist on maintaining the state's 
character -- at least symbolically -- as a 'Jewish state,' exclude the 
Gaza Strip, and do not address the rights of Palestinian refugees.

I wish Abunimah's ONE COUNTRY had dealt more with class struggles and the 
Palestinian communist tradition. But in arguing for one state and the right of 
return, he seizes the bull point. Anything short of this will inevitably 
produce, at best, a sordid and patriarchal Palestinian national bourgeoisie.

Thanks for your wonderful blog and for all your work.


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Re: [Marxism] Israel, South Africa and the single-state non-solution

2010-07-28 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Lou wrote:
At the moment the majority of the Hebrew-speaking workers in Israel
support the maintenance of the Jewish state. This support helps keep
them ideologically enslaved to the Israeli capitalist ruling class,
blocking them from fighting for their own class interests. Unless and
until the Israeli Jewish working class ends its support for the Israeli
state and supports the demand of the Palestinian Arabs for a united,
democratic, secular Palestine, it will remain the cat's paw of Zionist

This of course could also be an exact description of the Northern Irish
situation.  Just substitute Protestant for Hebrew-speaking and Israeli
Jewish and British for Zionist and you have the Northern Ireland tragedy,
encapsulated in three sentences.



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