Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-17 Thread dave x
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I will note that I said on your blog something to this effect - if the right
wing discourse sometimes sounds schizophrenic this tells us something about
the right wing but little about schizophrenia or schizophrenics. I have
agreed with your take on Loughner though not necessarily with your take on
the tea party (I see the tea party as connected to a dangerous right wing
authoritarian trend in neoliberal democracy, they may be a distraction now
but it does not mean they will remain so). The general lack of understanding
of mental illness has been discouraging. In part this is is no doubt simply
the result of the general public lack of knowledge about mental illness but
I wonder if it also doesn't have to do with a certain reluctance on the left
to see people in biological terms. Certainly there is a very real history of
the misuse of biological concepts for reactionary political ends so it is
reasonable to be suspicious and critical (and I think this became ingrained
during the new left as a sort of knee-jerk response) but frankly there is a
lot of good science out there now on the biological basis of behavior that
we won't be able to ignore forever. Sorting out the politics of recent
advances in neurobiology and genetics is a task that remains to be done. To
recognize that biology must be taken seriously both in itself and at a
political level is not to be reductionist or 'biologist' it is to be

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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  his madness drove him in that direction,* implying that only the mad
  interested in 9/11 Truth.

 That's not what I meant at all. Loughner was also drawn to Herman Hesse's
 Siddhartha and The Communist Manifesto. My basic point is that there
 is nothing consistent about his ideology and that it is wrong to
 stigmatize him as a rightwinger in the same way we would describe Timothy
 McVeigh. All in all, the left has fucked up by making such an error, a
 function undoubtedly of its general ignorance about schizophrenia, an
 illness that affects some 24 million people worldwide. Mostly,
 schizophrenics are invisible to the general population, known only to most
 New Yorkers as the disheveled homeless people talking to themselves on the
 street. I can't blame Fidel Castro for making an amalgam between Jared
 Loughner and Timothy McVeigh, but for people on Marxmail to blather on
 about this young man in clear innocence of the facts about this disease is
 really quite off-putting. I have yet to see a single post that makes a
 distinction between having nutty conspiracist ideas and a disease based
 on brain chemistry. Sad, really.

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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-17 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 00:35:12 -0800 dave x writes:

 I will note that I said on your blog something to this effect - if 
 the right
 wing discourse sometimes sounds schizophrenic this tells us 
 something about
 the right wing but little about schizophrenia or schizophrenics. I 
 agreed with your take on Loughner though not necessarily with your 
 take on
 the tea party (I see the tea party as connected to a dangerous right 
 authoritarian trend in neoliberal democracy, they may be a 
 distraction now
 but it does not mean they will remain so). The general lack of 
 of mental illness has been discouraging. In part this is is no doubt 
 the result of the general public lack of knowledge about mental 
 illness but
 I wonder if it also doesn't have to do with a certain reluctance on 
 the left
 to see people in biological terms. 

In the case of left-wing attitudes towards mental illness,
I think that Thomas Szasz's The Myth of Mental Illness
played a major role in shaping attitudes back in
the 1960s and 1970s, even though Szasz himself
is a right-wing libertarian.  And Szasz was part of
an anti-psychiatric trend that also encompassed
Michel Foucault (who Szasz drew heavily from),
and R.D. Laing, whose writings were also very
popular in the 1960s and 1970s.  

 Certainly there is a very real 
 history of
 the misuse of biological concepts for reactionary political ends so 
 it is
 reasonable to be suspicious and critical (and I think this became 
 during the new left as a sort of knee-jerk response) but frankly 
 there is a
 lot of good science out there now on the biological basis of 
 behavior that
 we won't be able to ignore forever. 

Up through the 1960s and beyond there was
very legitmate concern about people being
involuntarily institutionalized for being different.
Since at the time in many states, all you
needed was the signature(s) of one to
three doctors (depending on the state) to
get someone committed.  Most of us
here are familiar with the use of psychiatry
in the former Soviet Union against political
dissidents.  But similar practices existed in
the United States and other countries too.
So that sort of history, I think, helped to
shape left-wing attitudes towards psychiatry.

 Sorting out the politics of 
 advances in neurobiology and genetics is a task that remains to be 
 done. To
 recognize that biology must be taken seriously both in itself and at 
 political level is not to be reductionist or 'biologist' it is to 

Jim Farmelant
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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-17 Thread Louis Proyect
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 I will note that I said on your blog something to this effect - if the
 wing discourse sometimes sounds schizophrenic this tells us something
 the right wing but little about schizophrenia or schizophrenics.

The confusion is over paranoid and paranoia. There is a paranoid style in
American politics. Richard Hofstader wrote a book about this. It involves
conspiracy theories, worries about government surveillance, etc. In the
1980s the militia movement obsessed about black helicopters.

But paranoia schizophrenia is a mental illness. It stems mostly from inner
voices telling the sick person that powerful forces are out to get him or
her. In rare instances that person would use violence against innocent
people during a psychotic break, as was the case with Loughner.

If you want to see a fairly interesting film on the illness, I recommend
A Beautiful Mind about the Nobel prize winning mathematician played by
Russell Crowe. For the first third of the movie or so, you see him
involved in skulduggery with Russian spies and the FBI, only to learn that
this was all in his mind. The most inaccurate thing about the movie is its
wide-scale recreation of visual hallucinations when schizophrenia is
almost exclusively about aural hallucinations--accusatory voices mostly.

If Loughner had shot a reactionary politician, there would not be the kind
of knee-jerk reaction from MSNBC et al about the need for civility.
Although it is not worth constructing hypothetical situations, I would
remind comrades that Arthur Bremer shot George Wallace for pretty much the
same reason that Loughner shot Giffords and other innocent people.
After graduating from high school, from September 1970 Bremer briefly
attended Milwaukee Area Technical College where he studied aerial
photography, art, writing and psychology. He dropped out after just one
semester in college, where he was recalled as a strange, aloof and
argumentative[6] student who rarely talked to anybody.[7]

Bremer got a job as a busboy at the Milwaukee Athletic Club in 1969.
Although his employer said he was a very hard and dependable worker who
kept himself to himself, in 1971, Bremer was demoted to kitchen work
after customers complained that he talked to himself, and that he
whistled and marched in tune with music played in the dining room.[8]
Angered by his demotion, he complained to the program planner for the
Milwaukee Commission on Community Relations. The complaint was
investigated and dismissed. The planner wrote on November 8, Mr Bremer is
a young man who is rather withdrawn. Appears to bottle up anger but will
sometimes let it go. I assess him bordering on paranoid whilst at the same
time, conscientious in doing his job at the Athletic club.[8] After this,
Bremer quit his job at the Athletic club.

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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-16 Thread Sander Hicks
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RE: The left has the causality all wrong on
Loughner. He was not sparked into action because of all the conspiratorial
ideology that surrounded him. *Instead his madness drove him in that
direction, but once he began moving in that direction his understanding of
what he read--from Mein Kampf to the CM--was mediated by a short-circuited
brain*.  -LP

Greetings, MarxMail.

This will be my first post in a number of years. Pardon me if it's a tad on
the long side. I was active on this list in the late 90's. I am a left
historian, author, and vocal critic of the Bush/Cheney War on Terror.

Louis recently posted an article about the history of a publishing company I
started. But he did so with a strange, prefatory note, noting that I was
once on this list, but I have since degenerated into a truther. He
lamented this turn of events with a crestfallen tragic [sigh.]

Well don't cry for me.

In truth, studying the history of the Bush/Cheney War on Terror goes to the
heart of a very Howard Zinn-like practice. Zinn talked about the need for
the people to take up the creation of history, the studying of history, as a
way to empower the working class. A penetrating careful, materialist
historicity is at the heart of what makes the Left, the Left.

So I have always been puzzled at the American Left's reticence to study the
history of the War on Terror, which continues to enfold around us, up to the
present moment.

In fact, just last week, I made a rare prediction. I don't often feel
comfortable making forecasts, but if one studies the ruling class's War on
Terror closely, patterns do begin to emerge.

In the wake of Tucson last week, I posted this on my blog on Tumblr:

Nothing is as it seems with these things. And if the Pentagon Shooter
of just nine months ago is a pattern being followed here, then young Jared,
it will turn out, will probably become a big 9/11 truther…. “New evidence”
will arise, probably in about 12 hours. But don’t you believe it.

And now today, with this New York Times article, and the ABC News footage a
couple days ago, we learn that Loughner supposedly questioned [gasp] the
Bush/Cheney account of 9/11. ABC News reported, via Loughner's best friend,
that Loughner supposedly was a fan of the Zeitgeist 9/11 truth movie.

YET we have been given NO DIRECT QUOTES about this. Where are the sources?
Bourgeois journalism violates its own ethics [shocking, I know] and
maligns a huge social movement. This is a defamatory action against an
entire working class social movement.

I can't say whether this is true or not: was Loughner a truther? I am open
to actual evidence.

What I will say is that the Pentagon Shooter, March 2010, was an eerie turn
of events. This was another lone gunman who made no statements as he
opened fire on Pentagon security guards, and was then gunned down. However,
in the wake of the tragedy, a tenuous link to 9/11 was found, online, posted
by someone with a similar name. And with that vague association, the
Pentagon Shooter became a 9/11 Truther. Thus, making 9/11 Truth even more
of a taboo topic to the would-be critics of the oppression, secrecy and war
without end that have come to define today's modern National Security

That same weekend, left activists like Cindy Sheehan and myself were
speaking alongside a diverse group of activists and speakers at the Treason
in America conference in Valley Forge. ABC's Nightline showed up, and on
camera, asked me about the Pentagon Shooter being a 9/11 Truther. I
pointed out to host Chris Hardy that I knew nothing about that sudden bit of
breaking news, but I did point out facts he was not aware of, such as that
Osama Bin Laden is NOT even on the FBI's Most Wanted List for 9/11. (Even
the FBI admits that there's not enough evidence linking Bin Laden to the

I am amazed that the entire 9/11 Truth cause has been largely poo-pooed by
the the more doctrinaire factions of the Left.

But let's remain materialists, let's be true to science, and let's stick to
the facts. No steel frame structure has ever collapsed due to fire. Yet, It
happened three times on 9/11. No case has ever been made that those 19
young Arabs were even on the planes. And yet most of the Left and Centrists
and GOP have all gone along with the racist scapegoating of the Arab people
for 9/11. Two wars of imperialism have been waged, without a peep from most
anti-imperialists, who should be filled with an exacting rigor when it
comes to investigating the *cause* for war. The 9/11 event has taken the
reins off ruling class power.

Bourgeois democracy has leaped towards all out fascism: the torture, the
renditions, the surveillance, the subway searches in NYC, the kevlar coated

Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-16 Thread Louis Proyect
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 his madness drove him in that direction,* implying that only the mad are
 interested in 9/11 Truth.

That's not what I meant at all. Loughner was also drawn to Herman Hesse's
Siddhartha and The Communist Manifesto. My basic point is that there
is nothing consistent about his ideology and that it is wrong to
stigmatize him as a rightwinger in the same way we would describe Timothy
McVeigh. All in all, the left has fucked up by making such an error, a
function undoubtedly of its general ignorance about schizophrenia, an
illness that affects some 24 million people worldwide. Mostly,
schizophrenics are invisible to the general population, known only to most
New Yorkers as the disheveled homeless people talking to themselves on the
street. I can't blame Fidel Castro for making an amalgam between Jared
Loughner and Timothy McVeigh, but for people on Marxmail to blather on
about this young man in clear innocence of the facts about this disease is
really quite off-putting. I have yet to see a single post that makes a
distinction between having nutty conspiracist ideas and a disease based
on brain chemistry. Sad, really.

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[Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-15 Thread Louis Proyect
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But Jared, a curious teenager who at times could be intellectually
intimidating, stood out because of his passionate opinions about
government — and his obsession with dreams.

He became intrigued by antigovernment conspiracy theories, including that
the Sept. 11 attacks were perpetrated by the government and that the
country’s central banking system was enslaving its citizens. His anger
would well up at the sight of President George W. Bush, or in discussing
what he considered to be the nefarious designs of government.

“I think he feels the people should be able to govern themselves,” said
Ms. Figueroa, his former girlfriend. “We didn’t need a higher authority.”

Breanna Castle, 21, another friend from junior and senior high school,
agreed. “He was all about less government and less America,” she said,
adding, “He thought it was full of conspiracies and that the government
censored the Internet and banned certain books from being read by us.”

Among the books that he would later cite as his favorites: “Animal Farm,”
“Fahrenheit 451,” “Mein Kampf” and “The Communist Manifesto.” Also: “Peter

And there was that fascination with dreams. Ms. Castle acknowledged that
in high school, she too developed an interest in analyzing her dreams. But
Jared’s interest was much deeper.

“It started off with dream interpretation, but then he delved into the
idea of accessing different parts of your mind and trying to control your
entire brain at all times,” she said. “He was troubled that we only use
part of our brain, and he thought that he could unlock his entire brain
through lucid dreaming.”

With “lucid dreaming,” the dreamer supposedly becomes aware that he or she
is dreaming and then is able to control those dreams. George Osler IV, the
father of one of Jared’s former friends, said his son explained the notion
to him this way: “You can fly. You can experience all kinds of things that
you can’t experience in reality.”


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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-15 Thread Mark Lause
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To clarify for those not blessed with residency in the American heartland,
not liking Dubya doesn't mean anything vis-a-vis the teabaggers.  A lot of
them think George W. Bush was a closet fancy-pants corporate Republican.  A
lot of them also distrust the official tale about 9/11, as I've pointed out
many times to the truthers on this list.


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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-15 Thread Louis Proyect
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 To clarify for those not blessed with residency in the American heartland,
 not liking Dubya doesn't mean anything vis-a-vis the teabaggers.  A lot of
 them think George W. Bush was a closet fancy-pants corporate Republican.
 lot of them also distrust the official tale about 9/11, as I've pointed
 many times to the truthers on this list.


You're missing the point, Mark. There is no coherency to Loughner's
thinking, as the favorable reference to the Communist Manifesto would
indicate, not to speak of lucid dreaming. While my next article will
focus mainly on Obama's calculations, I will make the point that
Loughner's schizophrenia was manifest FIVE years ago long before Palin was
a factor in American politics. The left has the causality all wrong on
Loughner. He was not sparked into action because of all the conspiratorial
ideology that surrounded him. Instead his madness drove him in that
direction, but once he began moving in that direction his understanding of
what he read--from Mein Kampf to the CM--was mediated by a short-circuited

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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-15 Thread Greg McDonald
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Materialists should not have such a hard time understanding this very
basic point.

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

 You're missing the point, Mark. There is no coherency to Loughner's
 thinking, as the favorable reference to the Communist Manifesto would
 indicate, not to speak of lucid dreaming. While my next article will
 focus mainly on Obama's calculations, I will make the point that
 Loughner's schizophrenia was manifest FIVE years ago long before Palin was
 a factor in American politics. The left has the causality all wrong on
 Loughner. He was not sparked into action because of all the conspiratorial
 ideology that surrounded him. Instead his madness drove him in that
 direction, but once he began moving in that direction his understanding of
 what he read--from Mein Kampf to the CM--was mediated by a short-circuited

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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-15 Thread Mark Lause
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Sorry, Greg.  I don't see what's obviously materialist about blue-skying
about the motives and psyche of someone none of know.

We might as well be trying to psychoanalyze Howdy Doody.

For my two cents, I'd be flabberghasted if Loughner was actually goaded by
his understanding of the _Manifesto_ or _Mein Kampf_.  Indeed, I see
absolutely no evidence that he ever actually read these things, and a strong
indication that he did not read either of them...  Otherwise, I doubt he'd
have tossed them into the same buffalo chip salad.

Most likely, he found them to be verbal irritants he used to shock, impress
and get attention from his peers.  Everybody's whose taught for any period
of time has probably encountered students like this.  While I was in grad
school, one of my professors in Chicago--a Jewish historian of Germany--had
a student who used to argue about the Nazis the way some of the would-be
ancestor-worshippers of the Lost Cause talk about the Confederacy as a
multicultural grass roots movement against Federal regulation.  When the
class spent a session on Nazi propaganda films, this guy showed up for class
in an SS uniform.

A friend of mine who taught English had a student who came up to him several
times and told him that he had an irritating voice and that he (the student)
was going to shoot him.

There are mentally disturbed people out there and who knows what's going to
set them off or how they're going to express their being set off

The bigger questions about Tucson are those I've posed earlier...but we're
probably beating a dead horse here...


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Re: [Marxism] Loughner was a truther who hated George W. Bush

2011-01-15 Thread Louis Proyect
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 Most likely, he found them to be verbal irritants he used to shock,
 and get attention from his peers.

No, Mark. I was just playing a kind of shock jock game in 1960 when I
joined the YAF to scandalize my JFK worshipping classmates in high school.
Or Charles Bukowski telling his classmates in 1938 that he admired Hitler.

Loughner was somewhere else entirely. He was in an alternate universe as
he frequently expressed.

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