Re: Question regarding Matpower's continuation power flow

2022-11-01 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G
Hi Carlos,

   See MATPOWER manual section 5.5 for description of ‘events’ in MATPOWER. 
Basically, an event is a point on the continuation curve where some sort of 
limit or threshold is met. For example, a generator hitting its active/reactive 
power limit is an event. The full list of events MATPOWER supports is given in 
the manual. For each event located, MATPOWER saves information for the event 
(including a descriptive text) in its output struct (see results.cpf.event).

On detection of each event, MATPOWER locates or pinpoints the event using a 
‘rollback’ mechanism where the continuation step is reverted and the step-size 
reduced successively till the event is located, i.e., some tolerance is met for 
the event. MATPOWER prints whenever the step is reverted (or “rolled back”) 
during the event location process.

Look up Regular Falsi or False Position method on Google if you need additional 
details on event detection and location.

Hope this helps.

 on behalf of Carlos A. Castro 

Date: Monday, October 31, 2022 at 4:01 PM
Subject: Question regarding Matpower's continuation power flow
Check twice before you click! This email originated from outside PNNL.

Dear friends

I have been running the continuation power flow for several networks.

In the case of "case2869pegase", I counted 92 rollbacks. However, "events" is a 
struct with dimension [1x98].

I was expecting that the dimension of "events" was [1x92], that is, the same as 
the number of rollbacks.

I would appreciate to hear from you regarding the relationship between 
rollbacks and events. What are those events specifically? Which events do not 
result in rollbacks?

Thanks a lot for your attention and help.


Carlos A. Castro.

Prof. Carlos A. Castro<>

Question regarding Matpower's continuation power flow

2022-10-31 Thread Carlos A. Castro
Dear friends

I have been running the continuation power flow for several networks.

In the case of "case2869pegase", I counted 92 rollbacks. However, "events"
is a struct with dimension [1x98].

I was expecting that the dimension of "events" was [1x92], that is, the
same as the number of rollbacks.

I would appreciate to hear from you regarding the relationship between
rollbacks and events. What are those events specifically? Which events do
not result in rollbacks?

Thanks a lot for your attention and help.


Carlos A. Castro.

Prof. Carlos A. Castro

Re: Question about the continuation power flow

2017-12-28 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G.
The base case (with PD = QD = PG = 0) is not converging because some of the 
generators have high Qmin limits. You’ll also need to relax the generator Qmin 
limits for your base case.

Ph: (630) 252 0219<>
From:  on behalf of Young-Hwan Lee 

Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
Date: Thursday, December 28, 2017 at 10:13 AM
To: "" 
Subject: Question about the continuation power flow

To whom it may concern,

I'm trying to solve an easy problem with case39 using the continuation power 
flow. I set the base case as origin, which is PG, PD, QD are all zero. I do not 
change any values for the target case, which means I just use the initial 
values. In addition, I set the reactive power limit using the option 
"cpf.enforce_q_lims." However, it didn't work and I got the message "CPF 
TERMINATION: Base case power flow did not converge." If I don't set the 
reactive power limit, the continuation power flow can solve this problem. If I 
change the base case as more than 0.7 times initial values, it worked. Could 
you explain why the continuation power flow cannot converge when setting the 
reactive power limit with origin base case, please?

Thank you in advance.

Young-hwan Lee

Question about the continuation power flow

2017-12-28 Thread Young-Hwan Lee
To whom it may concern,

I'm trying to solve an easy problem with case39 using the continuation
power flow. I set the base case as origin, which is PG, PD, QD are all
zero. I do not change any values for the target case, which means I just
use the initial values. In addition, I set the reactive power limit using
the option "cpf.enforce_q_lims." However, it didn't work and I got the
message "CPF TERMINATION: Base case power flow did not converge." If I
don't set the reactive power limit, the continuation power flow can solve
this problem. If I change the base case as more than 0.7 times initial
values, it worked. Could you explain why the continuation power flow cannot
converge when setting the reactive power limit with origin base case,

Thank you in advance.

Young-hwan Lee

Re: Continuation Power Flow - Target case data

2017-04-02 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G.
The target case lets one set the power transfer direction along which the 
steady state loading limit needs to be determined. Different target 
generation/loading will yield different nose points.


From: Sanjay Rajendran>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Date: Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 12:46 AM
To: "<>">>
Subject: Continuation Power Flow - Target case data


 Forgive me for asking but I'm quite new to CPF. What I don't get is the 
concept of target case data. As I far I can understand, the CPF helps us 
identify the point of voltage collapse in a network, so what is the relevance 
of a target case data ?

Thank You,

Continuation Power Flow - Target case data

2017-04-01 Thread Sanjay Rajendran

 Forgive me for asking but I'm quite new to CPF. What I don't get is the
concept of target case data. As I far I can understand, the CPF helps us
identify the point of voltage collapse in a network, so what is the
relevance of a target case data ?

Thank You,

Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)

2017-02-23 Thread Ray Zimmerman
There are a few things that I think make your case below behave in 
non-intuitive ways. First, you are reducing only a few of the loads from one 
base case to the next, but each time you are setting the target to be a scaled 
version of that new base (exaggerating the differences from the original base 
load pattern). Second, you allow these few loads to go negative. This means 
that in the target case, they are even more negative, meaning that you have to 
increase the other loads much further before you get to the same total load 
(which is what you are basing the load margin on).

So, I think sticking to positive loads and using a fixed target case might 
yield much more intuitive results.


> On Feb 16, 2017, at 1:16 PM, Majid Mehdizadeh  wrote:
> I have tried the same load reduction in other ieee cases and again i have got 
> the same answer. It is a big question in matpower cpf function that when the 
> load of system reduces, why the load margin becomes lower? May be we should 
> use a same target loading and generation in every cases. It means that as the 
> system load reduces, the target load and generation remains the same and then 
> the cpf is performed with the base and target loading and generation 
> condition. Is this reasonable? I did it for the mentioned problem. The load 
> margin increased in this case!
> On Feb 16, 2017 7:41 PM, "Abhyankar, Shrirang G."  <>> wrote:
> I agree with Ray. The base case dispatch being updated by OPF causes a 
> reduction in generation, commensurate to the load reduction, and hence you 
> are seeing a decrease in the load margin. What happens when you decrease the 
> load at some other buses? Do you get the same behavior?
> Shri
> From: Ray Zimmerman>>
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum  <>>
> Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:28 AM
> To: MATPOWER discussion forum  <>>
> Subject: Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)
> The code looks correct to me. I’m not sure why the load margin decreases, but 
> the changes in load (from positive to equally negative) may be forcing the 
> OPF solution into generator dispatch solutions that somehow reduce the load 
> margin.
> Ray
>> On Feb 15, 2017, at 10:45 PM, Majid Mehdizadeh > <>> wrote:
>> Dear sir and matpower committee
>> It is very strange for me that when the load of some PQ buses in IEEE 39 bus 
>> test system are reduced and then cpf is performed then the load margin of 
>> the system is becoming lower . It should be noted that i use the following 
>> code to estimate the load margin of the system using maximum lambda.:
>> clc
>> clear all
>> a=0;
>> for ii=1:20
>> mpcb = loadcase(case39); % load base case
>> for v=[1 3 4 7];
>> mpcb.bus(v,3)=mpcb.bus(v,3)-a*mpcb.bus(v,3);
>> end
>> mpopt = mpoption('verbose',0,'out.all',0); %default
>> result=runopf(mpcb,mpopt);%bayad print ro disable koni
>> mpcb.gen(:,2)=result.gen(:,2);
>> load=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3))
>> generation=sum(mpcb.gen(:,2))
>> mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0);
>> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','NOSE','cpf.step', 0.2);
>> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',0,'cpf.plot.bus',8);
>> mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>> mpct.gen(:,[2 3]) = mpcb.gen(:,[2 3]) * 3.5; % increased generation
>> mpct.bus(:,[3 4]) = mpcb.bus(:,[3 4]) * 3.5; % and increased load
>> results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>> landa(ii)=results.cpf.max_lam;%
>> Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));
>> Pinitial(ii)=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3));
>> Pfinal(ii)=sum(Pf);
>> loadmargin(ii)=Pfinal(ii)-Pinitial(ii);
>> a=a+0.1;
>> end
>> bar(loadmargin)
>> Is there any wrong calculation of final or initial load with maximum lambda? 
>> as you see, the load margin is final load minus the initial load:
>>  Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));
>> Pinitial(ii)=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3));
>> Pfinal(ii)=sum(Pf);
>> loadmargin(ii)=Pfinal(ii)-Pinitial(ii);
>> -- 
>> Best Regards
>> Majid Mehdizadeh
>> Ph.D Student of electrical engineering, Power Department,
>> Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
>> Substation and Transmission Line Expert, Engineering office,
>> Khorasan Regional Electric Co.
>> <>

Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)

2017-02-16 Thread Majid Mehdizadeh
I have tried the same load reduction in other ieee cases and again i have
got the same answer. It is a big question in matpower cpf function that
when the load of system reduces, why the load margin becomes lower? May be
we should use a same target loading and generation in every cases. It means
that as the system load reduces, the target load and generation remains the
same and then the cpf is performed with the base and target loading and
generation condition. Is this reasonable? I did it for the mentioned
problem. The load margin increased in this case!

On Feb 16, 2017 7:41 PM, "Abhyankar, Shrirang G."  wrote:

> I agree with Ray. The base case dispatch being updated by OPF causes a
> reduction in generation, commensurate to the load reduction, and hence you
> are seeing a decrease in the load margin. What happens when you decrease
> the load at some other buses? Do you get the same behavior?
> Shri
> From: Ray Zimmerman 
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
> Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:28 AM
> To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
> Subject: Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)
> The code looks correct to me. I’m not sure why the load margin decreases,
> but the changes in load (from positive to equally negative) may be forcing
> the OPF solution into generator dispatch solutions that somehow reduce the
> load margin.
> Ray
> On Feb 15, 2017, at 10:45 PM, Majid Mehdizadeh 
> wrote:
> Dear sir and matpower committee
> It is very strange for me that when the load of some PQ buses in IEEE 39
> bus test system are reduced and then cpf is performed then the load margin
> of the system is becoming lower . It should be noted that i use the
> following code to estimate the load margin of the system using maximum
> lambda.:
> clc
> clear all
> a=0;
> for ii=1:20
> mpcb = loadcase(case39); % load base case
> for v=[1 3 4 7];
> mpcb.bus(v,3)=mpcb.bus(v,3)-a*mpcb.bus(v,3);
> end
> mpopt = mpoption('verbose',0,'out.all',0); %default
> result=runopf(mpcb,mpopt);%bayad print ro disable koni
> mpcb.gen(:,2)=result.gen(:,2);
> load=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3))
> generation=sum(mpcb.gen(:,2))
> mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0);
> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','NOSE','cpf.step', 0.2);
> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',0,'cpf.plot.bus',8);
> mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
> mpct.gen(:,[2 3]) = mpcb.gen(:,[2 3]) * 3.5; % increased generation
> mpct.bus(:,[3 4]) = mpcb.bus(:,[3 4]) * 3.5; % and increased load
> results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
> landa(ii)=results.cpf.max_lam;%
> Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pinitial(ii)=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pfinal(ii)=sum(Pf);
> loadmargin(ii)=Pfinal(ii)-Pinitial(ii);
> a=a+0.1;
> end
> bar(loadmargin)
> Is there any wrong calculation of final or initial load with maximum
> lambda? as you see, the load margin is final load minus the initial load:
>  Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pinitial(ii)=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pfinal(ii)=sum(Pf);
> loadmargin(ii)=Pfinal(ii)-Pinitial(ii);
> --
> *Best Regards Majid Mehdizadeh Ph.D Student of electrical engineering,
> Power Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Substation and
> Transmission Line Expert, Engineering office, Khorasan Regional Electric
> Co.
> <>*

Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)

2017-02-16 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G.
I agree with Ray. The base case dispatch being updated by OPF causes a 
reduction in generation, commensurate to the load reduction, and hence you are 
seeing a decrease in the load margin. What happens when you decrease the load 
at some other buses? Do you get the same behavior?


From: Ray Zimmerman>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:28 AM
To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Subject: Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)

The code looks correct to me. I’m not sure why the load margin decreases, but 
the changes in load (from positive to equally negative) may be forcing the OPF 
solution into generator dispatch solutions that somehow reduce the load margin.


On Feb 15, 2017, at 10:45 PM, Majid Mehdizadeh>> wrote:

Dear sir and matpower committee
It is very strange for me that when the load of some PQ buses in IEEE 39 bus 
test system are reduced and then cpf is performed then the load margin of the 
system is becoming lower . It should be noted that i use the following code to 
estimate the load margin of the system using maximum lambda.:
clear all
for ii=1:20
mpcb = loadcase(case39); % load base case
for v=[1 3 4 7];
mpopt = mpoption('verbose',0,'out.all',0); %default
result=runopf(mpcb,mpopt);%bayad print ro disable koni
mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0);
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','NOSE','cpf.step', 0.2);
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',0,'cpf.plot.bus',8);
mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
mpct.gen(:,[2 3]) = mpcb.gen(:,[2 3]) * 3.5; % increased generation
mpct.bus(:,[3 4]) = mpcb.bus(:,[3 4]) * 3.5; % and increased load
results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));

Is there any wrong calculation of final or initial load with maximum lambda? as 
you see, the load margin is final load minus the initial load:
 Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));


Best Regards
Majid Mehdizadeh

Ph.D Student of electrical engineering, Power Department,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Substation and Transmission Line Expert, Engineering office,
Khorasan Regional Electric Co.<>

Re: load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)

2017-02-16 Thread Ray Zimmerman
The code looks correct to me. I’m not sure why the load margin decreases, but 
the changes in load (from positive to equally negative) may be forcing the OPF 
solution into generator dispatch solutions that somehow reduce the load margin.


> On Feb 15, 2017, at 10:45 PM, Majid Mehdizadeh  wrote:
> Dear sir and matpower committee
> It is very strange for me that when the load of some PQ buses in IEEE 39 bus 
> test system are reduced and then cpf is performed then the load margin of the 
> system is becoming lower . It should be noted that i use the following code 
> to estimate the load margin of the system using maximum lambda.:
> clc
> clear all
> a=0;
> for ii=1:20
> mpcb = loadcase(case39); % load base case
> for v=[1 3 4 7];
> mpcb.bus(v,3)=mpcb.bus(v,3)-a*mpcb.bus(v,3);
> end
> mpopt = mpoption('verbose',0,'out.all',0); %default
> result=runopf(mpcb,mpopt);%bayad print ro disable koni
> mpcb.gen(:,2)=result.gen(:,2);
> load=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3))
> generation=sum(mpcb.gen(:,2))
> mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0);
> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','NOSE','cpf.step', 0.2);
> mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',0,'cpf.plot.bus',8);
> mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
> mpct.gen(:,[2 3]) = mpcb.gen(:,[2 3]) * 3.5; % increased generation
> mpct.bus(:,[3 4]) = mpcb.bus(:,[3 4]) * 3.5; % and increased load
> results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
> landa(ii)=results.cpf.max_lam;%
> Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pinitial(ii)=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pfinal(ii)=sum(Pf);
> loadmargin(ii)=Pfinal(ii)-Pinitial(ii);
> a=a+0.1;
> end
> bar(loadmargin)
> Is there any wrong calculation of final or initial load with maximum lambda? 
> as you see, the load margin is final load minus the initial load:
>  Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pinitial(ii)=sum(mpcb.bus(:,3));
> Pfinal(ii)=sum(Pf);
> loadmargin(ii)=Pfinal(ii)-Pinitial(ii);
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Majid Mehdizadeh
> Ph.D Student of electrical engineering, Power Department,
> Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
> Substation and Transmission Line Expert, Engineering office,
> Khorasan Regional Electric Co.

load reduction in continuation power flow (CPF)

2017-02-15 Thread Majid Mehdizadeh
Dear sir and matpower committee
It is very strange for me that when the load of some PQ buses in IEEE 39
bus test system are reduced and then cpf is performed then the load margin
of the system is becoming lower . It should be noted that i use the
following code to estimate the load margin of the system using maximum
clear all
for ii=1:20
mpcb = loadcase(case39); % load base case
for v=[1 3 4 7];
mpopt = mpoption('verbose',0,'out.all',0); %default
result=runopf(mpcb,mpopt);%bayad print ro disable koni
mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0);
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','NOSE','cpf.step', 0.2);
mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',0,'cpf.plot.bus',8);
mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
mpct.gen(:,[2 3]) = mpcb.gen(:,[2 3]) * 3.5; % increased generation
mpct.bus(:,[3 4]) = mpcb.bus(:,[3 4]) * 3.5; % and increased load
results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));

Is there any wrong calculation of final or initial load with maximum
lambda? as you see, the load margin is final load minus the initial load:
 Pf= mpcb.bus(:,3) +landa(ii)*(mpct.bus(:,3)-mpcb.bus(:,3));


*Best RegardsMajid MehdizadehPh.D Student of electrical engineering, Power
Department,Ferdowsi University of MashhadSubstation and Transmission Line
Expert, Engineering office,Khorasan Regional Electric

Re: Continuation Power Flow

2015-12-02 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G.
You need to create a callback routine for CPF that plots what you need and set 
it in the options struct.

mpopt = mpoption(‘cpf.user_callback’,’cpf_user_callback’);

where cpf_user_callback is the name of your callback routine.

Read pages 38 - 40 of the manual.


From: Anjali Sharma>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 9:09 AM
To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Subject: Re: Continuation Power Flow

Thanku so much sir for your help.

But how can i plot real power flow at each iteration of cpf.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on 

From:"Ray Zimmerman">>
Date:Mon, 30 Nov, 2015 at 10:12 pm
Subject:Re: Continuation Power Flow

If by “real power flow” you mean the power transfer, then you can compute it 
from the lambda and the base and target power injections (loads, generations) 
according to equations (5.2)–(5.4) in the User’s 
Manual<>. The 
lambdas after each predictor and corrector step, respectively, are returned in 
results.cpf.lam_p and results.cpf.lam_c.

If you mean the full power flow solution, then you’ll have to use the 
appropriate lambda to set set up the injections for the case, according to 
equations (5.2)–(5.4), and initialize the power flow with the corresponding bus 
voltages (from results.cpf.V_p or results.cpf.V_c) and run a simple power flow.


On Nov 29, 2015, at 3:10 AM, wrote:

thanku so much sir...

i need one more help, which command can be used for CPF IN IEEE 14 BUS TEST 
SYSTEM so as to obtain real power flow after each corrector predictor step in 
the graph.

On Thursday, 26 November 2015 2:03 AM, Ray Zimmerman 
> wrote:

I don’t think there is anything special about the number of buses. These are 
just systems whose data has been published and then used by many researchers.


On Nov 24, 2015, at 6:22 PM, Yogess H Singh 
> wrote:

Dear all,

I am wondering if someone can explain the reason behind choosing the certain 
number of buses such as 9 bus, 14 bus, 39 bus and so on for the standard test 
I know these systems represent some portions of existing power grid networks 
for example IEEE-14 Bus system is a portion of American Electric Power System 
(in the Midwestern US) as of February, 1962.

But other than this is there any other reason of standardization of the test 

Best Regards,

Yogesh Kumar
Graduate Research Assistant
NE 2042, EECS Department
University of Toledo, OH 43507
+1 (419)530-8295

Re: Continuation Power Flow

2015-11-30 Thread Ray Zimmerman
If by “real power flow” you mean the power transfer, then you can compute it 
from the lambda and the base and target power injections (loads, generations) 
according to equations (5.2)–(5.4) in the User’s Manual 
. The 
lambdas after each predictor and corrector step, respectively, are returned in 
results.cpf.lam_p and results.cpf.lam_c.

If you mean the full power flow solution, then you’ll have to use the 
appropriate lambda to set set up the injections for the case, according to 
equations (5.2)–(5.4), and initialize the power flow with the corresponding bus 
voltages (from results.cpf.V_p or results.cpf.V_c) and run a simple power flow.


> On Nov 29, 2015, at 3:10 AM, wrote:
> thanku so much sir...
> i need one more help, which command can be used for CPF IN IEEE 14 BUS TEST 
> SYSTEM so as to obtain real power flow after each corrector predictor step in 
> the graph.
> On Thursday, 26 November 2015 2:03 AM, Ray Zimmerman  wrote:
> I don’t think there is anything special about the number of buses. These are 
> just systems whose data has been published and then used by many researchers.
>> On Nov 24, 2015, at 6:22 PM, Yogess H Singh > > wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am wondering if someone can explain the reason behind choosing the certain 
>> number of buses such as 9 bus, 14 bus, 39 bus and so on for the standard 
>> test systems?
>> I know these systems represent some portions of existing power grid networks 
>> for example IEEE-14 Bus system is a portion of American Electric Power 
>> System (in the Midwestern US) as of February, 1962.
>> But other than this is there any other reason of standardization of the test 
>> systems?
>> Best Regards,
>> Yogesh Kumar
>> Graduate Research Assistant
>> NE 2042, EECS Department
>> University of Toledo, OH 43507
>> +1 (419)530-8295 

Re: Continuation Power Flow

2015-11-25 Thread Ray Zimmerman

help mpoption

… to get documentation on mpoption() 
and check Table C-6 in the User’s Manual 


> On Nov 25, 2015, at 1:19 PM, wrote:
> hi, i am new in using matpower.
> an i want to use CPF for 14 bus system, but i am confused in the first line 
> of the given manual example i.e.
> mpopt = mpoption(out.all, 0, verbose, 2);
> what is "out.all" and "verbose"
> kindly reply soon.
> i need to submit my project.

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-20 Thread arun s nair

Thanks a lot for the input Ray .

Matpower is a great tool, thanks to all of you guys for developing it.



On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Ray Zimmerman  wrote:

> You do not *need* to multiply the generation, but if you don’t then all of
> the additional generation, as you increase load, will come from the slack
> generator. Scaling the other generators is simply a more uniform way to
> handle the additional load.
> Lambda is the continuation parameter and is proportional to the power.
> Lambda = 0 means you are at the base loading level and Lambda = 1 means you
> are at the target loading level. See equations (5.3) and (5.4) in the User’s
> Manual <> for the details.
> Ray
> On Jan 17, 2015, at 10:24 PM, arun s nair  wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks a lot of the input Shri, I am able to run the code now and now able
> to get the nose power and voltage values.
> I used the below code.
> define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2,'out.bus',1);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.bus',4,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:,[PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:,[PG QG])*2
>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
> realpower = results.bus(4,3)
> vm = results.bus(4,8)
> I have a small doubt, In the example for plotting the PV curve, they are
> both multiplying the load and generation by a factor. For plotting the
> curve do we need to multiply the gen bus also?
> One more doubt, in the curve its V vs Lamda, is the lamda factor same as
> power?
> Sorry if these are silly doubts, I am new to Matpower and the power area.
> Thanking in advance.
> Nair
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <
>> wrote:
>>  runcpf returns a MATPOWER case struct that has the loading/genration
>> and the voltages at its last continuation step. By using the option
>> 'cpf_stop_at_nose', the continuation power flow will stop when it is near
>> the nose point. You can then extract the voltages and power from the
>> MATPOWER case struct.
>>  For example,
>>   define_constants;
>>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
>>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
>>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>>  Vm = results.bus(:,8);  % Voltage magnitude at the nose point for all
>> the buses.
>>  Other values can be extracted from the case struct by accessing the
>> appropriate fields and their corresponding columns. The data format for the
>> case struct is defined in caseformat.m.
>>  Shri
>>   From: arun s nair 
>> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
>> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:06:50 -0700
>> To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
>> Subject: Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow
>>  Hi
>>  Thank you Abhyanker for your input, the example in the manual worked.
>>  I am really new to Matpower and I am learning it from scratch. My
>> intention is to get the critical value of power and voltage values(Nose
>> point of the PV curve) of a particular bus, Can anyone please tell me  is
>> it possible to get the values using Matpower  using continuation power flow
>> ?
>>  I am trying to modify the example code from the manual (I am working on
>> IEEE 39 bus system)
>>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
>>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
>>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>>  results.cpf
>>  Thanking in advance
>>  Regards
>>  Nair

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-20 Thread Ray Zimmerman
You do not *need* to multiply the generation, but if you don’t then all of the 
additional generation, as you increase load, will come from the slack 
generator. Scaling the other generators is simply a more uniform way to handle 
the additional load.

Lambda is the continuation parameter and is proportional to the power. Lambda = 
0 means you are at the base loading level and Lambda = 1 means you are at the 
target loading level. See equations (5.3) and (5.4) in the User’s Manual 
<> for the details.


> On Jan 17, 2015, at 10:24 PM, arun s nair  wrote:
> Hi 
> Thanks a lot of the input Shri, I am able to run the code now and now able to 
> get the nose power and voltage values.
> I used the below code.
> define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2,'out.bus',1);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.bus',4,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:,[PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:,[PG QG])*2
>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
> realpower = results.bus(4,3)
> vm = results.bus(4,8)
> I have a small doubt, In the example for plotting the PV curve, they are both 
> multiplying the load and generation by a factor. For plotting the curve do we 
> need to multiply the gen bus also?
> One more doubt, in the curve its V vs Lamda, is the lamda factor same as 
> power?
> Sorry if these are silly doubts, I am new to Matpower and the power area.
> Thanking in advance.
> Nair
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G.  <>> wrote:
> runcpf returns a MATPOWER case struct that has the loading/genration and the 
> voltages at its last continuation step. By using the option 
> 'cpf_stop_at_nose', the continuation power flow will stop when it is near the 
> nose point. You can then extract the voltages and power from the MATPOWER 
> case struct.
> For example,
>  define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
> Vm = results.bus(:,8);  % Voltage magnitude at the nose point for all the 
> buses.
> Other values can be extracted from the case struct by accessing the 
> appropriate fields and their corresponding columns. The data format for the 
> case struct is defined in caseformat.m.
> Shri
> From: arun s nair>>
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum  <>>
> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:06:50 -0700
> To: MATPOWER discussion forum  <>>
> Subject: Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow
> Hi
> Thank you Abhyanker for your input, the example in the manual worked.
> I am really new to Matpower and I am learning it from scratch. My intention 
> is to get the critical value of power and voltage values(Nose point of the PV 
> curve) of a particular bus, Can anyone please tell me  is it possible to get 
> the values using Matpower  using continuation power flow ?
> I am trying to modify the example code from the manual (I am working on IEEE 
> 39 bus system)
>   define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>  results.cpf
> Thanking in advance
> Regards
> Nair
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G.  <>> wrote:
> Arun,
>   You have the same generation/load for both the base (mpcb) and target 
> (mpct) cases. What are you seeing is that runcpf is solving the base case 
> over and over again since there is zero power tran

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-17 Thread arun s nair

Thanks a lot of the input Shri, I am able to run the code now and now able
to get the nose power and voltage values.

I used the below code.

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2,'out.bus',1);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.bus',4,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:,[PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:,[PG QG])*2
 mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
realpower = results.bus(4,3)
vm = results.bus(4,8)

I have a small doubt, In the example for plotting the PV curve, they are
both multiplying the load and generation by a factor. For plotting the
curve do we need to multiply the gen bus also?

One more doubt, in the curve its V vs Lamda, is the lamda factor same as

Sorry if these are silly doubts, I am new to Matpower and the power area.

Thanking in advance.


On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <> wrote:

>  runcpf returns a MATPOWER case struct that has the loading/genration and
> the voltages at its last continuation step. By using the option
> 'cpf_stop_at_nose', the continuation power flow will stop when it is near
> the nose point. You can then extract the voltages and power from the
> MATPOWER case struct.
>  For example,
>   define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>  Vm = results.bus(:,8);  % Voltage magnitude at the nose point for all
> the buses.
>  Other values can be extracted from the case struct by accessing the
> appropriate fields and their corresponding columns. The data format for the
> case struct is defined in caseformat.m.
>  Shri
>   From: arun s nair 
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:06:50 -0700
> To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
> Subject: Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow
>  Hi
>  Thank you Abhyanker for your input, the example in the manual worked.
>  I am really new to Matpower and I am learning it from scratch. My
> intention is to get the critical value of power and voltage values(Nose
> point of the PV curve) of a particular bus, Can anyone please tell me  is
> it possible to get the values using Matpower  using continuation power flow
> ?
>  I am trying to modify the example code from the manual (I am working on
> IEEE 39 bus system)
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
>  mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>  results.cpf
>  Thanking in advance
>  Regards
>  Nair
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. <
>> wrote:
>>  Arun,
>>   You have the same generation/load for both the base (mpcb) and target
>> (mpct) cases. What are you seeing is that runcpf is solving the base case
>> over and over again since there is zero power transfer. Use different
>> generation/load for mpcb and mpct and run the continuation power flow
>> again. See the MATPOWER User's Manual
>> <> for a CPF example on
>> a test 9-bus case.
>>  Shri
>>   From: arun s nair 
>> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
>> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:02:57 -0700
>> To: 
>> Subject: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow
>>  Hi All
>>  I am trying to use matpower to evaluate IEEE 39 bus system and I tried
>> to run an example code for runcpf (Continuation Power Flow)
>>   define_constants;
>>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>>  mpcb = loadcase(t_case9_pfv2); % load base case
>>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])
>>  mpct.bus(2,[PD]) = mpcb.bus(2, [PD])
>>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>>  results.cpf
>>  The program is keep on running and is not converging. Can anybody
>> please help on this.
>>  If anyone can send me a running example for runcpf of matpower , it
>> will be of great help and if anybody has worked on IEEE 39 bus using
>> runcpf, please let me know
>>  Thanking you all in advance.
>>  Regards
>>  Arun Nair

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-16 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G.
runcpf returns a MATPOWER case struct that has the loading/genration and the 
voltages at its last continuation step. By using the option 'cpf_stop_at_nose', 
the continuation power flow will stop when it is near the nose point. You can 
then extract the voltages and power from the MATPOWER case struct.

For example,

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
 mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
 mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);

Vm = results.bus(:,8);  % Voltage magnitude at the nose point for all the buses.

Other values can be extracted from the case struct by accessing the appropriate 
fields and their corresponding columns. The data format for the case struct is 
defined in caseformat.m.


From: arun s nair>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:06:50 -0700
To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Subject: Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow


Thank you Abhyanker for your input, the example in the manual worked.

I am really new to Matpower and I am learning it from scratch. My intention is 
to get the critical value of power and voltage values(Nose point of the PV 
curve) of a particular bus, Can anyone please tell me  is it possible to get 
the values using Matpower  using continuation power flow ?

I am trying to modify the example code from the manual (I am working on IEEE 39 
bus system)

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
 mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
 mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);

Thanking in advance



On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G.>> wrote:
  You have the same generation/load for both the base (mpcb) and target (mpct) 
cases. What are you seeing is that runcpf is solving the base case over and 
over again since there is zero power transfer. Use different generation/load 
for mpcb and mpct and run the continuation power flow again. See the MATPOWER 
User's Manual<> for a CPF 
example on a test 9-bus case.


From: arun s nair>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:02:57 -0700
Subject: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

Hi All

I am trying to use matpower to evaluate IEEE 39 bus system and I tried to run 
an example code for runcpf (Continuation Power Flow)

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
 mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase(t_case9_pfv2); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])
 mpct.bus(2,[PD]) = mpcb.bus(2, [PD])
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);

The program is keep on running and is not converging. Can anybody please help 
on this.

If anyone can send me a running example for runcpf of matpower , it will be of 
great help and if anybody has worked on IEEE 39 bus using runcpf, please let me 

Thanking you all in advance.


Arun Nair

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-16 Thread arun s nair

Thank you Abhyanker for your input, the example in the manual worked.

I am really new to Matpower and I am learning it from scratch. My intention
is to get the critical value of power and voltage values(Nose point of the
PV curve) of a particular bus, Can anyone please tell me  is it possible to
get the values using Matpower  using continuation power flow ?

I am trying to modify the example code from the manual (I am working on
IEEE 39 bus system)

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
 mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase('case39'); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])*2.5
 mpct.bus(:,[PD QG]) = mpcb.bus(:,[PD QG])*2.5
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);

Thanking in advance



On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G.  wrote:

>  Arun,
>   You have the same generation/load for both the base (mpcb) and target
> (mpct) cases. What are you seeing is that runcpf is solving the base case
> over and over again since there is zero power transfer. Use different
> generation/load for mpcb and mpct and run the continuation power flow
> again. See the MATPOWER User's Manual
> <> for a CPF example on
> a test 9-bus case.
>  Shri
>   From: arun s nair 
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum 
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:02:57 -0700
> To: 
> Subject: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow
>  Hi All
>  I am trying to use matpower to evaluate IEEE 39 bus system and I tried
> to run an example code for runcpf (Continuation Power Flow)
>   define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase(t_case9_pfv2); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])
>  mpct.bus(2,[PD]) = mpcb.bus(2, [PD])
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>  results.cpf
>  The program is keep on running and is not converging. Can anybody please
> help on this.
>  If anyone can send me a running example for runcpf of matpower , it will
> be of great help and if anybody has worked on IEEE 39 bus using runcpf,
> please let me know
>  Thanking you all in advance.
>  Regards
>  Arun Nair

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-16 Thread Ray Zimmerman
I’ve just made some changes to the dev version to handle this situation 
gracefully. It now prints out a messages telling you that your base and target 
cases are identical and returns after 0 iterations, rather than getting stuck 
in an infinite loop.


> On Jan 15, 2015, at 5:25 PM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G.  
> wrote:
> Arun,
>   You have the same generation/load for both the base (mpcb) and target 
> (mpct) cases. What are you seeing is that runcpf is solving the base case 
> over and over again since there is zero power transfer. Use different 
> generation/load for mpcb and mpct and run the continuation power flow again. 
> See the MATPOWER User's Manual 
> <> for a CPF example on a 
> test 9-bus case.
> Shri 
> From: arun s nair>>
> Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum  <>>
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:02:57 -0700
> To:>>
> Subject: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow
> Hi All
> I am trying to use matpower to evaluate IEEE 39 bus system and I tried to run 
> an example code for runcpf (Continuation Power Flow)
>  define_constants;
>  mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
>  mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
>  mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
>  mpcb = loadcase(t_case9_pfv2); % load base case
>  mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
>  mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])
>  mpct.bus(2,[PD]) = mpcb.bus(2, [PD]) 
>  results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);
>  results.cpf
> The program is keep on running and is not converging. Can anybody please help 
> on this.
> If anyone can send me a running example for runcpf of matpower , it will be 
> of great help and if anybody has worked on IEEE 39 bus using runcpf, please 
> let me know
> Thanking you all in advance.
> Regards
> Arun Nair

Re: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-15 Thread Abhyankar, Shrirang G.
  You have the same generation/load for both the base (mpcb) and target (mpct) 
cases. What are you seeing is that runcpf is solving the base case over and 
over again since there is zero power transfer. Use different generation/load 
for mpcb and mpct and run the continuation power flow again. See the MATPOWER 
User's Manual<> for a CPF 
example on a test 9-bus case.


From: arun s nair>>
Reply-To: MATPOWER discussion forum>>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:02:57 -0700
Subject: Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

Hi All

I am trying to use matpower to evaluate IEEE 39 bus system and I tried to run 
an example code for runcpf (Continuation Power Flow)

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
 mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase(t_case9_pfv2); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])
 mpct.bus(2,[PD]) = mpcb.bus(2, [PD])
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);

The program is keep on running and is not converging. Can anybody please help 
on this.

If anyone can send me a running example for runcpf of matpower , it will be of 
great help and if anybody has worked on IEEE 39 bus using runcpf, please let me 

Thanking you all in advance.


Arun Nair

Matpower- Continuation Power Flow

2015-01-15 Thread arun s nair
Hi All

I am trying to use matpower to evaluate IEEE 39 bus system and I tried to
run an example code for runcpf (Continuation Power Flow)

 mpopt = mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',2);
 mpopt = mpoption('cpf.stop_at','nose','cpf.step',0.2);
 mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,'cpf.plot.level',2);
 mpcb = loadcase(t_case9_pfv2); % load base case
 mpct = mpcb; % set up target case with
 mpct.gen(:, [PG QG]) = mpcb.gen(:, [PG QG])
 mpct.bus(2,[PD]) = mpcb.bus(2, [PD])
 results = runcpf(mpcb, mpct, mpopt);

The program is keep on running and is not converging. Can anybody please
help on this.

If anyone can send me a running example for runcpf of matpower , it will be
of great help and if anybody has worked on IEEE 39 bus using runcpf, please
let me know

Thanking you all in advance.


Arun Nair


2013-09-23 Thread loren michael
Hello sir,
  The matlab code posted below is used for the calculation of ATC
using continous power flow equation. The iteration must limit the ATC on
voltage collapse and must display the relevant graphs. But the below code
uses a modified runpf subroutine which I am unable to figure it out. Can
somebody do it??

Thank you sir,

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