Re: Your help is needed: Please help us fund a replacement for ga@'s stolen laptop

2008-05-20 Thread Tim Post
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 21:04 +0200, Marc Balmer wrote:
 If you think you can step in and help oga and the project, then please
 contact me off-list.  We can accept donations by wire, Visacard and
 Mastercard (creditcard fees are covered by my company).

I am flat ass broke. If you can provide a URL with donation links, I
will ensure that everyone I know stumbles, diggs, reddits, slashdots and
(all the rest of those things) it, which should help replace the laptop.

That really $(*# stinks. Hopefully no uncommitted code was on it :(

 I started myself by tossing in CHF 200 (approx $ 200).

As a matter of principle I live in self imposed poverty, but perhaps I
could help a bit. Please create a page.

 (And any excess money would go as a donation to OpenBSD, btw.)

I could give a rat's ass where excess money goes. Anyone who 'donates'
should feel the same way. Helping someone under scrutiny is stupid. The
point is he needs some help, since we can (even without donating), we
should. Since we should we must.


Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

Re: Debian libssl security (Cause???)

2008-05-17 Thread Tim Post
On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 08:36 +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
 Yeah, using tools such as valgrind can help a lot, but the danger side
 is that it will cause actions to be taken by people who do not
 understand the code, just to silence valgrind. Since valgrind flags
 the location of the use of uninialized mem, and--of course--not the
 root cause, developers can easily be mislead and apply the wrong fix.
 I think we have a clear demonstration of the danger of using a tool
 without proper understanding of the code here. In addition, the vague
 posts from both sides on openssl-dev mailing lists did not help too. 

This might be a good example. I'm working on a CLI which is rapidly
turning into a mini-shell. I'm not using readline, or other commonly
used things to gather input, for the purposes of my own learning and
keeping code portable I've elected to write my own functions.

Every time I make major changes, I run the program through valgrind.
Example results:

==10858== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 13 from
==10858== malloc/free: in use at exit: 48 bytes in 5 blocks.
==10858== malloc/free: 12 allocs, 7 frees, 4,182 bytes allocated.
==10858== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==10858== searching for pointers to 5 not-freed blocks.
==10858== checked 63,724 bytes.
==10858== LEAK SUMMARY:
==10858==definitely lost: 37 bytes in 3 blocks.
==10858==  possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==10858==still reachable: 11 bytes in 2 blocks.
==10858== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==10858== Use --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.

As you can see, my program is in its infancy and not much is allocated.
I have a leak due to some input stuff not freeing things that are
strdup()'ed (I know about this) and I have done a pretty good job of
being defensive so far.

If something I inherit from libc leaks or throws errors, I quickly know
and can explain it. Its not my program, its stuff I used from xxx

Valgrind is something that is (ideally) used as you go. If you screw up,
it will tell you. It should not be dismissed like trivial compiler
warnings, but it should also not invoke some kind of knee jerk

Its not exactly the world's best auditing tool for someone who is not
used to using it every step of the way. 

Taking something you are unfamiliar with and trying to correct whatever
valgrind complains about is asking for trouble beyond trivial warnings.

What amazes me about this whole mess is that at least 1/3 of the GNU
core utilities issue many complaints but they are ignored.

When you package software, the only reason for squelching the valgrind
results of other people's work is to keep those who install your package
from asking about those warnings.

Like I said in previous posts, shit happens. Nobody needs to be nailed
to a cross for this. The lesson to be learned is:

Q. Why does your x-y-z package throw so many warnings?

A. I am not quite sure, I'm going to ask the developers who wrote it.
Well, I know why its happening, but I can't quite be sure why the code
that causes it is in there.


Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

Re: DNS Question.

2008-05-17 Thread Tim Post
On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 18:21 -0700, Lord Sporkton wrote:
 2008/5/17 Dark Nebula [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hi all,
  Is possible perform a DNS query, that gives me all A records from one ip,
  (without using the reverse DNS) ?
  Thanks a lot
 Are you asking to find all the forward A records for a given IP?
 If so, there is no way to do that, not even with rDNS

There are services that track IP usage and correlate them to domains.
The tools allow you to find out (approximately) what A records point to
any given IP.

This one is relatively accurate:

I would not treat its output as gospel. It gives a decent indicator of
how many virtual hosts are pointed at any given IP and shows you who
they are. Note, this only tracks A records, not MX records and is easily
confused by CNAMEs.

There is no way to query for this, you would have to get a list of all
FQDN's in use on the Internet and continuously dig them to record their

I don't know of any service that does this and offers free automated
queries via some kind of text client, most insist that you use their web
interface. This makes them handy for manual look ups but useless in any
kind of automated tool.


Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

Re: Debian libssl security (OpenSSH safe?)

2008-05-16 Thread Tim Post
On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 06:31 -0700, Darrin Chandler wrote:
 Can you explain why that's not effective? Do you know ssh-vulnkey (or
 the Perl script) does not reliably detect bad keys?

Just to ensure I have facts separated from co-workers just going on
paranoid tangents, I checked again and asked those who noted it did not
work exactly what happened now that the 'knee jerk' syndrome is over.

2 people might have botched the install (not a reliable indicator)

3 Did not have ordinary configurations (again, not a reliable indicator)

1 Reported weak keys weren't detected. 

So, I guess I can't be sure. I know that it didn't work for some but
that might be due to human error. Things go badly when rushing :)

What does seem correct is that the utility can't guess beyond the
typical locations and names.

Sorry for the ambiguity, 

Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

Re: Time for OBSD everywhere?

2008-05-16 Thread Tim Post
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 10:21 +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote:

That reminds me of a story where investigators were stumped for 3 months
trying to get data off a 1541 5.25 drive connected to a Commodore 64. I
wish I could find the link to it.

I'm not so worried about that particular project (for obvious reasons),
but I have been putting together a plan to move anything that talks to
the world to OBSD.


Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

Re: Time for OBSD everywhere?

2008-05-16 Thread Tim Post
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 23:26 +0200, Rico Secada wrote:
 On Fri, 16 May 2008 22:35:00 +0200
 chefren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I know at time it was said that OpenBSD is not for everything, but
  so far, I still haven't find anything that I need that OpenBSD
  can't shine doing.
 I can almost second that except for the few cases in which we really
 need to update stuff without fuzz, then we use Debian.

I'm probably going to keep desktops / laptops Debian(ish). I've been
working with it for years, I'm extremely used to it and I need to remain

My plan is to replace most servers with OBSD while really refining
skills at writing stuff to be portable.

Once I get that down, I'm going to start replacing firewalls, load
balancers and other appliances with OBSD.

Its probably going to take a year, but I think the result will be a nice
example of putting each OS to its best use.

Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

Re: Debian libssl security (OpenSSH safe?)

2008-05-15 Thread Tim Post
On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 10:02 +0100, Dave Ewart wrote:

 Debian (and thus also Ubuntu) have released updated openssh packages
 which include a new tool called ssh-vulnkey which can be used to check
 the running system[1] for vulnerable keys: ssh-vulnkey works similarly
 to the Perl script in the Debian announcement. 

That is not 100% effective (afiak). Its still advised that you toss any
key that you are not 100% certain came from a non-effected system for
every user.

They can always go back in once your sure that they are safe.

 I believe the original assessment was correct: *all* systems running SSH
 ought to check for these vulnerable keys, not just those systems running
 Debian or derivatives. 

Correct, It is a user propagated issue. Its best to just chuck all keys
for now and put them back as you're sure that they did not come from a
buggy keygen.

  Yes, it's Debian's fault, but we all have to
 manage the consequences.

Shit happens :)

Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )

A list of non-free compliant companies?

2008-05-07 Thread Tim Post
First, Theo, thank you for your work to keep non-free drivers out of
free operating systems. I am a die-hard GNU, however I really respect
your work and applaud you for giving you time. Every push counts.

Does someone have a list of companies (model numbers included) that have
produced free drivers for their hardware? I'm making yet (another) fork
of Ubuntu named Gridnix, for those who want a completely free server OS
that lends well to virtualization and clustering.

I hope to say on our website, if you use such and such, our OS won't
work for you, go away and complain to your hardware manufacturer.

My hope is that my ideals do not get in the way of productivity. I don't
re-license code, I don't preach and I don't argue. I'm just hoping to
gather some information. 2/3 of the patches that I've submitted (and
were accepted) have been under the modified BSD license. 

Hopefully, someone can help :) 

Monkey + Typewriter = Echoreply ( )