Re: PerlInitHandler and PerlSetEnv

2001-07-10 Thread Gerald Richter

> >
> > There is no "directory, .htaccess" in the context and that's like it
> > behaves. (unless they changed it in a very recent version and didn't
> > the docs, which I don't expect)
> >
> > PerlSetEnv is the only chance to have different values in different
> > directories.
> i think the docs are out-of-date, seems to work inside location:

Doug, you are right. It apears in the Apache CHANGES file for 1.3.7, but the
docs still not updated


P.S. I have made a bug report, so hopefully the docs will get updated also

Gerald Richterecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:   Tulpenstrasse 5 D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice:+49 6133 925131
WWW:  Fax:  +49 6133 925152

Re: push_handlers and PerlAuthenHandler troubles [second try]

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Bolt Thrower wrote:

> My apologies if you've seen this twice.
> For a particular Location, I'd like to selectively (i.e., based on
> arbitrary criteria) determine whether a visitor needs authentication.
> So I set up a Location section in httpd.conf as follows:

>   PerlAuthenHandler Intranet::CheckSiteAuthen
>   #PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthTicket->authenticate

> package Intranet::CheckSiteAuthen;
> sub handler {
>   my $r = shift;
>   $r->warn("starting CheckSiteAuthen");
>   $r->push_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler =>
> 'Apache::AuthTicket->authenticate');

in the current sources, you cannot push a handler in the current
phase.  you could use a PerlAccessHandler to push the PerlAuthenHandler

Re: swapping of mod_perl parent process / mlockall()

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Adi Fairbank wrote:

> Is it correct that when the Apache/mod_perl parent process swaps to disk, a
> large part of it (swapped pages) becomes unshared?  Even after the kernel
> restores the pages from swap, do they remain unshared?  So once the parent
> process becomes unshared, new apache children that are spawned only share
> the parent's pages that have never been swapped?
> This is what I've grok'ed from my experiments with top/GTop.
> If this is the case, it would be helpful to prevent the parent process from
> *ever* swapping to disk.
> The Linux kernel has a system call mlockall() which disables all memory
> paging for the current process.  This sounds like exactly the recipe for
> preventing parent process swapping.  It won't affect spawned child
> processes, so shouldn't pose a threat of consuming all physical memory and
> crashing the system.
> I want to play around with this, but I'm not sure where in the mod_perl
> source to call mlockall().  It would need to be before the parent spawns any
> children..  Has anyone tried using Linux's mlockall()/mlock() with mod_perl?

according the manpage:
"Child processes do not inherit page locks across a fork."

so you would need to call it in a child init handler, but:
"Only root processes are allowed to lock pages."

Re: help about ap_pool in Perl

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Alberto Canzi wrote:

> Hi I need to use the ap_pool structure. In my Apache Module writing book
> is explained how to use it in C but nothing is said about using it in
> Perl.
> How does it work ? How may I use it in Perl?

what do you need to use it for from Perl?
much of the Perl api uses ap_pool underneath, and certain functions are
exposed, such as register_cleanup, but normally you shouldn't need to use
it directly from Perl.

Re: duplicate causes problems on Tru64

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Dave Hill wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using mod_perl-1.25_01 on Tru64 unix with apxs.
> The default packaging creates the DSO mod_perl as This
> causes problems on Tru64 unix as the loader cannot differentiate between
> which is part of the PERL distribution and which
> is the Apache DSO.
> I found the replacing libperl in apaci/Makefile with mod_perl  (4
> places) solved this issue.
> Given that Apache seems to use mod_*.so for library names. why not
> with mod_perl ?
> If that does not make sense, how about adding a variable that could e
> used with Makefile.PL ?

mainly historical reasons.  mod_perl followed the mod_proxy convention of
nameing multi-source-file modules libname.a, which php does as well,
probably others too.  at the time the lib$name had to match the
$name_module structure for apache's build system to get things right.  the
name stuck when dso was introduced.  you can always rename modperl's to or whatever.  2.0 uses that name to avoid this 
confict/confusion and also allows you to name it whatever you like with a
Makefile.PL option.  i'd be happy to have a Makefile.PL option for 1.xx if
you want to submit a patch, but the default will probably stay
for 1.xx.

Re: Knowing the current VirtualHost at server startup

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Robin Berjon wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been looking around for a way for a  section (or code called from 
> it, or perhaps even loaded through PerlModule) to know the current 
> VirtualHost in which it is, at server startup (ie without a request object 
> handy).
> Apache->server returns the main server object (or so it seems, that would 
> appear to be logical) and I know that I can use $s->next to get a chain of 
> server objects, but I can't seem to find a way in C or in Perl to know about 
> the current server.

Apache->server will point to the current VirtualHost with this patch..

--- src/modules/perl/perl_config.c  2001/06/19 03:12:45 1.110
+++ src/modules/perl/perl_config.c  2001/07/11 02:46:32
@@ -1744,7 +1744,15 @@
 ENTER_SAFE(parms->server, parms->pool);
-perl_eval_sv(code, G_DISCARD);
+SV *server_sv = perl_get_sv("Apache::__SERVER", FALSE);
+IV ptr = SvIVX(SvRV(server_sv));
+SvIVX(SvRV(server_sv)) = (IV)parms->server;
+perl_eval_sv(code, G_DISCARD);
+SvIVX(SvRV(server_sv)) = (IV)ptr;

boot_IO error

2001-07-10 Thread Matt Glosson

Hello. I've searched the internet and found many things relating to this,
but I thought I would present my own specific problem. I'm trying to install
mod_perl with IBM HTTP Server (which is really just apache 1.3.12) on AIX

Everything installs fine, but when I tried to use Net::LDAP, apache
When I analyze the core file, I'm told that boot_IO is where the problem
Has anyone conquered this problem? The mod_perl readme says that if you are
installing on AIX with perl 5.00503 you have to apply a patch to prevent
segfaulting when an XS module is called. I applied it and re-compiled.

I also tried using perl 5.6.1, which yielded the same results. I've traced
down to the 'use IO::Handle;' clause. I'm using the VisualAge C (vac)
to compile everything (gcc hasn't worked very well for most things on this

The following details the method to my madness:

# lslpp -l |grep vac
  vac.msg.en_US.C5.0.1.0  COMMITTED  C for AIX Compiler
Messages -
  vacpp.cmp.rte  COMMITTED  VisualAge C++ Compiler
  vac.C  COMMITTED  C for AIX Compiler
# lslpp -l |grep xlC
  xlC.aix43.rte  APPLIEDC Set ++ Runtime for AIX
  xlC.cpp4.3.0.1  COMMITTED  C for AIX Preprocessor
  xlC.msg.en_US.cpp  COMMITTED  C for AIX Preprocessor
  xlC.msg.en_US.rte  COMMITTED  C Set ++ Runtime
  xlC.rte4.0.2.0  COMMITTED  C Set ++ Runtime

# cd /usr/build/perl_5.00503
# ./Configure -de
# make
# make install

# perl -MCPAN -e shell;
(answer configuration questions...)

cpan> install HTML::HeadParser
cpan> install LWP::UserAgent

# cd /usr/build/mod_perl-1.25
# perl Makefile.PL USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/usr/HTTPServer/bin/apxs
# make
# make install

# cd /usr/HTTPServer/bin
# ./apachectl configtest
Syntax OK

At this point, lots of perl scripts will run fine under mod_perl, until one
them calls 'use IO::Handle;' ... then:

# ./apachectl configtest
./apachectl[145]: 19372 Segmentation fault(coredump)

Now I analyze the core file to find out what is causing the dump.. surprise!

# dbx /usr/HTTPServer/bin/httpd core
Type 'help' for help.
reading symbolic information ...warning: no source compiled with -g

[using memory image in core]

Segmentation fault in boot_IO at 0xd178d39c ($t1)
0xd178d39c (boot_IO+0xc) 8083lwz   r4,0x0(r3)

Thinking it might be IBM HTTP Server implimentation, I built apache from
source with the following method (I did this with Apache 1.3.12 and
Apache 1.3.20):

# cd /usr/build/apache_1.3.12
# ./configure --enable-module=so \
  --enable-module=proxy \
  --enable-shared=proxy \
# make
# make install

Then I repeated the mod_perl installation. Same darn segfault.

This is what my perl -V looks like:
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=aix, osvers=, archname=aix
uname='aix funny 3 4 01716600 '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O', gccversion=
cppflags='-D_ALL_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE -D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=16384'
ccflags ='-D_ALL_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE -D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=16384'
stdchar='unsigned char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=8
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld', ldflags ='-s'
libpth=/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lnsl -ldbm -ldl -lld -lm -lc -lcrypt -lbsd -lPW -lC_r
libc=/lib/libc.a, so=a, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_aix.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-bE:perl.exp'
cccdlflags=' ',
lddlflags='-bhalt:4 -bM:SRE -bI:$(PERL_INC)/perl.exp -bE:$(BASEEXT).exp -b
noentry -lc'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under aix
  Compiled at Aug 14 1999 08:59:55

Does anyone have any insight into this? It's becoming a very painful battle.

Matt Glosson

Re: send_httpd_headers

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> unless ($r->header_in('Content-type')) {

i meant header_out, not header_in

Re: can't start apache-1.3.20 with mod_perl and Mason

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:

> Hi,
> After "upgrading" my installation to Apache-1.3.20 and mod_perl-1.25 as
> as a module I can't start apache anymore when httpd.conf contains:
>   PerlRequire /etc/apache/perl/
> And that file (for debugging purposes) is practically empty:
>   #!/usr/bin/perl
>   package HTML::Mason;
>   use strict;
>   use HTML::Mason;
>   use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;
>   1;
> Running "strace apache -X" shows:
>   read(3, "ETE PATCH PROPPATCH MKCOL COPY M"..., 4096) = 4096
>   read(3, "mLog directive (see below).\n#\nLo"..., 4096) = 4096
>   read(3, "n /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu\nA"..., 4096) = 4096
>   read(3, " tweak mime.types without actual"..., 4096) = 4096
>   --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
>   +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++

see mod_perl-1.25/SUPPORT for hints on howto get a stacktrace.

Re: send_httpd_headers

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO wrote:

> Is there a way to know that headers have already been sent 
> before send headers out?

you can check for things that should be empty until send_http_header is
called, e.g.

unless ($r->header_in('Content-type')) {
#header has not been sent

unless ($r->status_line) {
#header has not been sent

Re: upgrading mod_perl/ shows some weirdness

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On 6 Jul 2001, Peter Rooney wrote:
> machine 1:

> version 2.46
> machine 2 (the new machine):

> version 3.02 

3.02 is alpha, the README says:
Version 3 of is in alpha state.  It has significant performance
improvements over the 2.X series, but is not stable.  If you find a
bug, please track it down, fix it, and send me the patch.

i would send lincoln and report and stick with the 2.xx version for

Re: Possible bug with ModPerl 1.25 and Escape_uri

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Stef Telford wrote:

> Hello,
>   I hope this is the right place to put this. I have some code that takes data
> from a database and encrypts it via Blowfish and CBC. Not a problem so far, 
> the problems comes with sending it to the client.
>   Now, if i look at the string (and ignoring all the strange characters that 
> slip through escape_uri) i cant help but notice that escape_uri 'breaks' on 
> the character after %99G which, lo and behold, is %00 which says to me that
> for some reason CGI::Cookie does the 'right thing' in the case of Blowfish 
> encrypted text, but escape_uri in mod_perl doesnt.

looks like apache's uri escape code does not properly handle binary 
data.  one solution would be base64 encode your $ciphertext before using
it to create the cookie, then decode it after fetching the cookie.  you
can use MIME::Base64 for this, which is fairly lightweight.

Re: nothing-or-all behave of perl module

2001-07-10 Thread Mike & Christine

I'm no expert but I believe if you do what you want to do and return
DECLINED apache will pick it up from there.

According to the book Writing Apache Modules with Perl an C:

The handler has decided it doesn't want to handle the request.  Apache will
act as if the subroutine were never called and either handle the phase
internally or pass the request on to another module that has expressed
interest.  Even if all registered modules return DECLINED for a particular
phase, it will still be handled by the apache core, which has handlers for
each phase( even if they do nothing)."

more to the same effect.

The book is well worth the price.  Check it out.

- Original Message -
From: "Surat Singh Bhati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: nothing-or-all behave of perl module

> hi members,
> While we use a perl handler at any stage handle that
> apache phase using our module, can Apache do its all default
> processing for the same stage, or it works on nothing-or-all
> approchm.
> I want to modify the  PerlTransHandler slightly, but I dont
> want  to rewrite all the processing done by Aapche in perl
> module. Can I forward the default processing to Apache
> handle again for the same stage. OR can I insert my custom handler
> between any two stage of apache.
> I means, at TransHandler , first I want to do some processing
> using the PerlTransHandler , then let the Apache do all the
> task of TransHandler (sort of stack handler)
> Is is possible?
> Reagards,
> -Surat Singh Bhati

nothing-or-all behave of perl module

2001-07-10 Thread Surat Singh Bhati

hi members,

While we use a perl handler at any stage handle that 
apache phase using our module, can Apache do its all default 
processing for the same stage, or it works on nothing-or-all

I want to modify the  PerlTransHandler slightly, but I dont 
want  to rewrite all the processing done by Aapche in perl 
module. Can I forward the default processing to Apache 
handle again for the same stage. OR can I insert my custom handler 
between any two stage of apache.

I means, at TransHandler , first I want to do some processing 
using the PerlTransHandler , then let the Apache do all the 
task of TransHandler (sort of stack handler)

Is is possible?


-Surat Singh Bhati

Re: [ModPerl] missing POST args mystery

2001-07-10 Thread Ed Loehr

Ed Loehr wrote:
> > >I'm stumped ...
> > >In a nutshell, my problem is that POSTed form key-value pairs are
> > >intermittently not showing up in the request object inside my handler
> > >subroutine.

As I was puzzling over this, I saw this error message in the logs...

(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

A google search turned up a note about needing to have "$CGI::NO_DEBUG =
1" before calling CGI::Cookie->parse().  Adding that line of code before
my parse call seems to have fixed the problem.  At a glance, looks like was strangely set to read from the command-line (default
$CGI::NO_DEBUG = 0), probably triggering a call of Apache's request->args
somewhere along the line.  How the default setting may have changed I
don't know, because I've been using for years without this
problem; I may have upgraded that package, picking up a change

Ed Loehr

duplicate causes problems on Tru64

2001-07-10 Thread Dave Hill

I am using mod_perl-1.25_01 on Tru64 unix with apxs.

The default packaging creates the DSO mod_perl as This
causes problems on Tru64 unix as the loader cannot differentiate between which is part of the PERL distribution and which
is the Apache DSO.

I found the replacing libperl in apaci/Makefile with mod_perl  (4
places) solved this issue.

Given that Apache seems to use mod_*.so for library names. why not
with mod_perl ?
If that does not make sense, how about adding a variable that could e
used with Makefile.PL ?

Dave Hill

|Dave Hill(0 0)Unix Software Group |
|Mailstop: ZKO3-2/W17 \//\/|
|Digital Equipment Corp.   (603 )884-2985  |
|110 Spitbrook Road   /\//\enet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|Nashua, NH 03062-2698(0_0)|

Re: Apache::SimpleTemplate (don't do it!)

2001-07-10 Thread Joachim Zobel

At 20:19 09.07.01 +0200, you wrote:

>It's your decision, but I think you waste your time while you make all the
>experiences the other had made during the last 3-5 years. I think it would
>more helpfull if you help to improve the other modules (for example makeing
>them easier to install etc.)

>...but I know that's useless to say, mostly everybody has to write his own
>templating solution...
>P.S. I guess we would have much better ones, if we don't have hundreds of
>them all doing nearly the same !

The reason is IMHO that it is easy to write a simple template engine. It is 
nearly as easy as understanding one by reading docs and sources. And it is 
easier than understandig 3 or 4 of them to find one that matches several 
needs. And contributing to an existing one is the hardest.


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen."- Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

Re: !!!reevaluating part of the module

2001-07-10 Thread Joshua Chamas

raptor wrote:
> hi,
> What I want is access from module to executed-at-the-moment script namespace
> i.e.
> the module :
> $"abc.asp"::buffer .= 'hello.';
> PS. It seems to work only if into the script I'm clearing $Utils::buffer at
> the begining of the script, but this is exactly what I don't want to do...
> want this to be done from outside... code reuse i say :"). It doesn't matter
> too much to me where is the $buffer variable in Utils or in the script
> name-space, I just don't want to clear it out manualy every time in the
> script...

It looks like you are using ASP, did you know that $Response->Write()/print()
has its own buffering if you have BufferingOn set ?  If you used print()
by itself, then you might have the most flexibility if you are looking
at porting issues.

To answer your question specifically, you can do a 
Apache->register_cleanup(sub { $Utils::buffer = '' } );
or the same with ASP $Server->RegisterCleanup()... or
you could do this in ASP global.asa Script_OnStart too,
but you have to do it at some point.  You might 
also have some function called Utils->init_buffer() which
you could call to do this, and declare buffer as a my() 
in Utils so no other package could possibly access it.

-- Josh
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Knowing the current VirtualHost at server startup

2001-07-10 Thread Robin Berjon


I've been looking around for a way for a  section (or code called from 
it, or perhaps even loaded through PerlModule) to know the current 
VirtualHost in which it is, at server startup (ie without a request object 

Apache->server returns the main server object (or so it seems, that would 
appear to be logical) and I know that I can use $s->next to get a chain of 
server objects, but I can't seem to find a way in C or in Perl to know about 
the current server.

Is there such a thing ?


Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- CTO
k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency
"What I like about deadlines is the lovely whooshing sound they make 
as they rush past." 
--Douglas Adams

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Issac Goldstand

> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 10:44 AM
> > > > To: Geoffrey Young; 'João Pedro Gonçalves'; brian moseley
> > > > Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on
> > > > port 443 which
> > > > will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but will, in
> > > > reality, not
> > > > necessarily be over a secure connection.
> > >
> > > what would negotiate the https protocol then?  its not like
> > you can just
> > set
> > > up to listen on 443, make
> > > a an http request, and Apache will serve it - at least not through a
> > browser
> > > or telnet.
> >
> > Of course it will!!!
> whoops, I meant an https request - of course you can listen on any port
> want for plain http.

Then, you are correct.  Of course you could simply just pipe the telnet
session through stunnel, or openssl, or whatever - and work something out
like that.  But the point is, then it really IS an HTTP request going over
SSL, so mod_ssl will jump in and set $ENV{HTTPS} anyway, so that really
doesn't say anything.

> [snip]
> > Also,
> > if I'd use a
> > simple client that just used https as port 443 without
> > automatically trying
> > to use a secure layer (which is actually proper...), I could even grab
> > https:// from the URI request.
> ok, I'm not claiming to be an ssl expert, so how would one do that?  if I
> telnet my.ssl-enabled.server 443
> GET / HTTP/1.0
> I get 400 - BAD_REQUEST.  something has to negotiate the https layer, no?

Of course.  My point is that just because the server's listening on port
443, it doesn't necessarily mean it's using SSL.  That's where the danger
is.  By checking for $ENV{HTTPS}, you are eliminating that danger by
actually checking whether the individual requests are occuring over a secure
layer, rather than counting on the server and client to do what you would
expect them to - which is the worst mistake that we, as programmers, can
afford to make... :-)

> I've been searching for documentation, but all I can find is the TLS spec,
> which says that TLS is relegated to the scheme of 'https', so pointers to
> something useful would probably be good (for all :)

Umm...  If the RFCs aren't helpful, you can try fooling around with (and
reading the man page for) openssl's s_client mode...


PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Issac Goldstand

> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 10:44 AM
> > > > To: Geoffrey Young; 'João Pedro Gonçalves'; brian moseley
> > > > Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on
> > > > port 443 which
> > > > will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but will, in
> > > > reality, not
> > > > necessarily be over a secure connection.
> > >
> > > what would negotiate the https protocol then?  its not like
> > you can just
> > set
> > > up to listen on 443, make
> > > a an http request, and Apache will serve it - at least not through a
> > browser
> > > or telnet.
> >
> > Of course it will!!!
> whoops, I meant an https request - of course you can listen on any port
> want for plain http.

Then, you are correct.  Of course you could simply just pipe the telnet
session through stunnel, or openssl, or whatever - and work something out
like that.  But the point is, then it really IS an HTTP request going over
SSL, so mod_ssl will jump in and set $ENV{HTTPS} anyway, so that really
doesn't say anything.

> [snip]
> > Also,
> > if I'd use a
> > simple client that just used https as port 443 without
> > automatically trying
> > to use a secure layer (which is actually proper...), I could even grab
> > https:// from the URI request.
> ok, I'm not claiming to be an ssl expert, so how would one do that?  if I
> telnet my.ssl-enabled.server 443
> GET / HTTP/1.0
> I get 400 - BAD_REQUEST.  something has to negotiate the https layer, no?

Of course.  My point is that just because the server's listening on port
443, it doesn't necessarily mean it's using SSL.  That's where the danger
is.  By checking for $ENV{HTTPS}, you are eliminating that danger by
actually checking whether the individual requests are occuring over a secure
layer, rather than counting on the server and client to do what you would
expect them to - which is the worst mistake that we, as programmers, can
afford to make... :-)

> I've been searching for documentation, but all I can find is the TLS spec,
> which says that TLS is relegated to the scheme of 'https', so pointers to
> something useful would probably be good (for all :)

Umm...  If the RFCs aren't helpful, you can try fooling around with (and
reading the man page for) openssl's s_client mode...


PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B

RE: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Geoffrey Young

> -Original Message-
> From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 1:07 PM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 10:44 AM
> > > To: Geoffrey Young; 'João Pedro Gonçalves'; brian moseley
> > > Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> > >
> > >
> > > Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on
> > > port 443 which
> > > will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but will, in
> > > reality, not
> > > necessarily be over a secure connection.
> >
> > what would negotiate the https protocol then?  its not like 
> you can just
> set
> > up to listen on 443, make
> > a an http request, and Apache will serve it - at least not through a
> browser
> > or telnet.
> Of course it will!!!  

whoops, I meant an https request - of course you can listen on any port you
want for plain http.


> Also, 
> if I'd use a
> simple client that just used https as port 443 without 
> automatically trying
> to use a secure layer (which is actually proper...), I could even grab
> https:// from the URI request.

ok, I'm not claiming to be an ssl expert, so how would one do that?  if I do

telnet my.ssl-enabled.server 443
GET / HTTP/1.0

I get 400 - BAD_REQUEST.  something has to negotiate the https layer, no?

I've been searching for documentation, but all I can find is the TLS spec,
which says that TLS is relegated to the scheme of 'https', so pointers to
something useful would probably be good (for all :)

> The ONLY safe way, is to use mod_ssl to tell you you're using 
> it.  Consider
> a comparison: assuming you're using mod_perl by grepping the 
> server info for
> mod_perl/x.xx rather than checking $ENV{MOD_PERL}



Re: RFC: Logging used Perl Modules (was Re: API Design Question)

2001-07-10 Thread James G Smith

Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, James G Smith wrote:
>> The current code I have uses %INC, but I wanted to write
>> something like the following:
>> sub use : immediate {
>>   # do stuff here if logging
>>   return CORE::use(@_);
>> }
>you could just override CORE::GLOBAL::require.  you don't need to
>override the import, and your version of require will be called at the
>same time as the 'use'. 

Thanks!  I will see what I can do with that.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

Re: Accessing server config during parent startup

2001-07-10 Thread Robin Berjon

On Tuesday 10 July 2001 05:42, Doug MacEachern wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Robin Berjon wrote:
> > cfg = (axkit_dir_config *)
> > ap_get_module_config(s->module_config, &XS_AxKit);
> try s->lookup_defaults instead of s->module_config
> see also: modperl-2.0/src/modules/perl/modperl_pcw.c
> where you can see howto access all of the config apache has
> parsed.  the same logic should work with 1.x, just need to
> s/apr_pool_t/pool/g and the like.

Thanks Doug, the first option works like a charm :) And I'm far too scared 
already what with all this finding out about XS and all to apply the second 
one immediately, but I definitely will once I get a better grasp of these 

Thanks a lot !

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- CTO
k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency
Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable. Let us prepare 
to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it 
after all. 
-- Dirk Gently (Douglas Adams)

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Issac Goldstand

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 10:44 AM
> > To: Geoffrey Young; 'João Pedro Gonçalves'; brian moseley
> > Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> >
> >
> > Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on
> > port 443 which
> > will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but will, in
> > reality, not
> > necessarily be over a secure connection.
> what would negotiate the https protocol then?  its not like you can just
> up to listen on 443, make
> a an http request, and Apache will serve it - at least not through a
> or telnet.

Of course it will!!!  To prove it, I set up a relatively simple Apache
server with the following httpd.conf file.  (I'm not sure how much I can cut
down the httpd.conf file, so there's probably still excess baggage here...)


ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "/usr/local/httpd"
PidFile /usr/local/httpd/logs/
ScoreBoardFile /usr/local/httpd/logs/httpd.scoreboard
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 2
MaxSpareServers 6
StartServers 4
MaxClients 50
MaxRequestsPerChild 200
Port 443
Listen 443
User www
Group www
DocumentRoot "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs"

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

AccessFileName .htaccess
DefaultType text/plain


Then, I did telnet 443...



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 15:54:47 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 PHP/4.0.4pl1
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html


Now, if I'd have checked the port, I'd be in trouble.  Also, if I'd use a
simple client that just used https as port 443 without automatically trying
to use a secure layer (which is actually proper...), I could even grab
https:// from the URI request.

The ONLY safe way, is to use mod_ssl to tell you you're using it.  Consider
a comparison: assuming you're using mod_perl by grepping the server info for
mod_perl/x.xx rather than checking $ENV{MOD_PERL}


!!!reevaluating part of the module

2001-07-10 Thread raptor


What I want is access from module to executed-at-the-moment script namespace

the module :

$"abc.asp"::buffer .= 'hello.';

the script xxx.asp :

use Utils;
use vars qw($buffer);
print $buffer


How can I do this. Currently I'm doing something like this :
the module :
(export  $buffer)

our $buffered = 1;
our $buffer;
eval qq{ $buffer = '' };

sub _print {
 if ($buffered) { $buffer .= $_ for @_  }
  else  {  print $_ for @_ };

the script :
use Utils;
print $buffer

but this still doen't clear the buffer betwen different invocation of the
tried also  :

eval q{ $buffer = '' };
eval { $buffer = '' };

how can I achieve similar effect .. or I'm doing something wrong

PS. It seems to work only if into the script I'm clearing $Utils::buffer at
the begining of the script, but this is exactly what I don't want to do...
want this to be done from outside... code reuse i say :"). It doesn't matter
too much to me where is the $buffer variable in Utils or in the script
name-space, I just don't want to clear it out manualy every time in the

Thanx alot in advance

RE: announce: mod_perl-1.25_01

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Christian Gilmore wrote:

> Hrm. Ok, I'll have to release new versions of my modules that have tests
> for mod_perl < 1.26. At what release level do you expect this patch to be
> committed?

well, i don't want to make any promises like i did for 1.26 :)

Re: PerlInitHandler and PerlSetEnv

2001-07-10 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Gerald Richter wrote:
> The docs says:
> SetEnv directive
> Syntax: SetEnv variable value
> Context: server config, virtual host
> Status: Base
> Module: mod_env
> Compatibility: SetEnv is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.
> Sets an environment variable, which is then passed on to CGI scripts and SSI
> pages. Example:
> There is no "directory, .htaccess" in the context and that's like it really
> behaves. (unless they changed it in a very recent version and didn't update
> the docs, which I don't expect)
> PerlSetEnv is the only chance to have different values in different
> directories.

i think the docs are out-of-date, seems to work inside location:

--- t/conf/httpd.conf~  Mon Jul  9 20:23:10 2001
+++ t/conf/httpd.conf   Tue Jul 10 08:35:03 2001
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
+SetEnv mod_env location
 PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler +Apache::Status

% GET 'http://localhost:8529/perl/perl-status?env' | grep mod_env
mod_env = location

Re: Apache::SimpleTemplate (don't do it!)

2001-07-10 Thread Patrick

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 02:07:21PM -0400, Perrin Harkins took time to write:
> > I think that CGI::FastTemplate does all of that.
> > Please have a look at it, and see if everything you need is not
> > already in it.
> It's a good module for CGI, since it doesn't rely on caching/compiling
> techniques, just simple regex stuff.  It will use a lot less RAM than tools
> that compile in-line perl, because it doesn't eval anything or cache
> anything.  The only real downside of this module is that coding repeated
> sections (loops) can't be done in-line, i.e. you have to use multiple files.
> That's a bit of a pain.

Yes and no. It is a simple template thing.
The original poster wanted : 
it's either code or it's not. no added tags, etc.

In CGI::FastTemplate there is no embedded code, no added tags, so it
suits that need perfectly.

If you want more advanced stuff (loops, code, etc...) then
probably Mason, AxKit or things like that will be more of your taste.

Personnally, since 2 years, CGI::FastTemplate was always enough for

Needs are different. CGI::FastTemplate is very good for very basic
needs (that is no HTML code in mod_perl handlers, but in separate
files). For more advanced needs there are other solutions.

``C'est un monde qui n'a pas les moyens de ne plus avoir mal.''

 PGP signature

RE: PerlInitHandler and PerlSetEnv

2001-07-10 Thread Michael Barry

   Thanks for the quick turn around. The patch works

-Original Message-
From: Doug MacEachern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

this patch should fix the problem.  you should also be able to
s/PerlSetEnv/SetEnv/g, unless Embperl needs these variables before the
fixup phase.

RE: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Geoffrey Young

> -Original Message-
> From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 10:44 AM
> To: Geoffrey Young; 'João Pedro Gonçalves'; brian moseley
> Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on 
> port 443 which
> will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but will, in 
> reality, not
> necessarily be over a secure connection.  

what would negotiate the https protocol then?  its not like you can just set
up to listen on 443, make
a an http request, and Apache will serve it - at least not through a browser
or telnet.  

but maybe there are ways to spoof the SSL layer?

> $ENV{HTTPS}, on the 
> other hand, is
> set by mod_ssl, and is therefore a better sign to know that 
> the connection
> is really secure.

that's good to know... thanks


new and multipart/form-data

2001-07-10 Thread Miroslav Madzarevic

Had the same problem two days ago, solved it by copying old (luckily
we have few computers running linux).

Does Cpan have old module versions ? I believe so ...

RE: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Joe Breeden

Looking at the port number still doesn't ensure that the request is a SSL
request. I believe the mention to looking at $ENV{HTTPS} is the best couse
as that is set when the connection is a SSL connection and not just a
connection to port 443.

--Joe Breeden

Sent from my Outlook 2000 Wired Deskheld (

> -Original Message-
> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 8:50 AM
> To: brian moseley
> Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> > no need to do a lookup or rely on PerlSetupEnv On I 
> wouldn't think...
> >
> > my $ssl = Apache::URI->parse($r)->scheme =~ m/^https/;
> Or maybe just look at the port # of the request.
> - Perrin

[Solved] and multipart/form .. error

2001-07-10 Thread raptor


I moved to 2.74 and everything is OK now :")
So be aware that u may have problems with the following config :
RedHat 7.1  + Apache 1.3.20/mod_perl 1.25,, CGI ver 3.x  

CGI 3.01 even gives error on /compilation test.
CGI 3.02 doesn't give this error


RE: announce: mod_perl-1.25_01

2001-07-10 Thread Christian Gilmore

Hrm. Ok, I'll have to release new versions of my modules that have tests
for mod_perl < 1.26. At what release level do you expect this patch to be


> -Original Message-
> From: Doug MacEachern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 10:37 PM
> To: Christian Gilmore
> Cc: 'Modperl Mailing List (E-mail)'
> Subject: Re: announce: mod_perl-1.25_01
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Christian Gilmore wrote:
> > Doug,
> >
> > I didn't see in the announcement that the below fix is included in
> > 1.25_01. Can you please confirm?
> the patch has not been committed and will probably wait until after
> 1.26.  i'm concerned that the current patch might introduce bugs
> elsewhere, its a thorny problem to solve and i don't want to
> delay 1.26
> any longer.

help about ap_pool in Perl

2001-07-10 Thread Alberto Canzi

Hi I need to use the ap_pool structure. In my Apache Module writing book
is explained how to use it in C but nothing is said about using it in

How does it work ? How may I use it in Perl?

Many Thanks

Alberto Canzi
OpenFor s.r.l.

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Perrin Harkins

> no need to do a lookup or rely on PerlSetupEnv On I wouldn't think...
> my $ssl = Apache::URI->parse($r)->scheme =~ m/^https/;

Or maybe just look at the port # of the request.
- Perrin

Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Issac Goldstand

Not necessarily.  I could easily set up any virtualhost on port 443 which
will be accessable by https://nasty.servername/ but will, in reality, not
necessarily be over a secure connection.  $ENV{HTTPS}, on the other hand, is
set by mod_ssl, and is therefore a better sign to know that the connection
is really secure.


Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of
yourself in front of a very large audience.

Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble...  Clicking it might.

PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B

- Original Message -
From: "Geoffrey Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'João Pedro Gonçalves'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "brian moseley"
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 14:33
Subject: RE: detecting ssl

> > -Original Message-
> > From: João Pedro Gonçalves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 9:08 AM
> > To: brian moseley
> > Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> >
> >
> > This approach should be ok:
> >
> > my $s = $r->lookup_uri($r->uri);
> > my $ssl = $s->subprocess_env('HTTPS');
> >
> > I looked at this a while back and this is usually set internally
> > in apache by the ssl implementation.
> no need to do a lookup or rely on PerlSetupEnv On I wouldn't think...
> my $ssl = Apache::URI->parse($r)->scheme =~ m/^https/;
> ?
> --Geoff

Re: [] and multipart/form .. error

2001-07-10 Thread raptor

hi again,

I've made some tests and debuging, the problem seems to be in CGI module...
first of all in eg/file_upload.asp   this :

print $q->start_multipart_form();

returns this :

do U see no POST (the interesting thing is that $r->method returns GET in
this case i didn't knowed that :") ).. even when I make it manualy and put
debuging code into $Request object multipart handling

if($@) {
$self->{asp}->Error("can't use file upload without
} else {
my %form;
my $q = $self->{cgi} = new CGI;
$self->{debug} = '-->'.$q->param('xxx');# <=
there is one more text field in the form named 'xxx'
for(my @names = $q->param) {
my @params = $q->param($_);

I get nothing into $$Request{debug}


Thanx alot

> ivan wrote:
> >
> > hi there ,
> >
> > I encoutred a problem with (ver.2.17) and multipart form what is
> > happening is that when I try to use "file" fields I get something like
> > into the log
> >
> > [Mon Jul  9 23:20:22 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method
> > request -7d11b8668d0668
> > [Mon Jul  9 23:20:41 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method
> > request -7d13c1268d0668
> > [Mon Jul  9 23:21:41 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method
> > request -7d17811a20
> >
> > if the form is normal (w/o enctype="multipart/form-data" ) I'm getting
> > normally data into $Request.. nothing is crashing just I'm getting
> > into $Request collection...
> >
> Can you get the ./site/eg/file_upload.asp example working from
> the distribution?  If so, see what's different about your script.
> I believe I'm running the same Apache + modperl now too, and I
> have never seen the problem you report, Apache 1.3.20, mod_perl 1.25
> BTW, from the error, it doesn't look like it has to do with Apache::ASP.
> Maybe someone from the modperl list will give you some better info
> specific to modperl.
> -- Josh

help about ap_pool in Perl

2001-07-10 Thread Alberto Canzi

Hi I need to use the ap_pool structure. In my Apache Module writing book
is explained how to use it in C but nothing is said about using it in

How does it work ? How may I use it in Perl?

Many Thanks

Alberto Canzi
OpenFor s.r.l.

Re: Tutorials Need To Learn More

2001-07-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Purcell, Scott wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working with mod_perl and apache on NT (No ripping please ... it is a
> political issue here at my work.).
> Anyway, I have been trying to learn more about taking advantage of handlers,
> etc. I purchased the book "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C", but it
> is NOT NT friendly. Most of the examples DO NOT work on my NT mod_perl.
> Anyway, I figure there has to be more resources than just that book. Does
> anyone know of any? I am looking for examples and techniques to get me
> rolling.


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RE: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread Geoffrey Young

> -Original Message-
> From: João Pedro Gonçalves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 9:08 AM
> To: brian moseley
> Subject: Re: detecting ssl
> This approach should be ok:
> my $s = $r->lookup_uri($r->uri);
> my $ssl = $s->subprocess_env('HTTPS');   
> I looked at this a while back and this is usually set internally
> in apache by the ssl implementation.

no need to do a lookup or rely on PerlSetupEnv On I wouldn't think...

my $ssl = Apache::URI->parse($r)->scheme =~ m/^https/;



Re: detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread João Pedro Gonçalves

This approach should be ok:

my $s = $r->lookup_uri($r->uri);
my $ssl = $s->subprocess_env('HTTPS');   

I looked at this a while back and this is usually set internally
in apache by the ssl implementation.

João Pedro

brian moseley wrote:
> warning: these may be silly questions. but i've looked
> through the guide and not found the answers, so hopefully
> they're not that silly.
> how can i test in a content handler if the request was
> received over an ssl connection? do i have to look for an
> environment variable? is there a test that works with all
> the various ssl modules? is there a standard "ssl
> interface"? if so, where is it documented?
> thanks!

detecting ssl

2001-07-10 Thread brian moseley

warning: these may be silly questions. but i've looked
through the guide and not found the answers, so hopefully
they're not that silly.

how can i test in a content handler if the request was
received over an ssl connection? do i have to look for an
environment variable? is there a test that works with all
the various ssl modules? is there a standard "ssl
interface"? if so, where is it documented?


Re: announce: mod_perl-1.25_01

2001-07-10 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> adjust perl_clear_symtab() to deal properly bleedperl's version of
> cv_undef() (which broke modules with directive handlers)
> thanks to Geoffrey Young for the spot

FWIW, perl_clear_symtab is the only part of config directives now that
cause segfaults for AxKit users. Without that line, we're totally clear
of complaints (removed for AxKit 1.4_80), apart from the old expat


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Install problems with Apache 1.3.12 - Raven SSL 1.4.1 - mod_perl 1.25 and perl 5.6.x

2001-07-10 Thread Kurt Hansen


My apache segfaults when I start it in SSL mode and a page is accessed. If
it is started in standard mode, it runs fine.

I've been able to create a stable apache using apache 1.3.12-Raven
1.4.1-mod_perl 1.24 and perl 5.005_3. I think the problem is more in the
perl version than the mod_perl version. I've tried it with 5.6.1 with no
success; 5.6.0 scared me so I can't quite remember if I tried it several
months back.

I'm sure the problem is in how I am compiling it, with the most likely cause
being how I upgraded to perl 5.6.1 from from 5.6.0 on my RH 7.0 system. I
did it using CPAN, but it didn't seem to put the binary in the right place
for 5.6.1 to be recognized. So, I just copied the binary to /usr/bin/perl
where RH had put it. Then, I built apache/mod_perl/Raven and ran into the
above problems. The perl has run fine since doing the upgrades. mod_perl &
Mason run fine as long as I keep it out of SSL mode.

Could I have upgraded perl incorrectly? It is possible that I setup raven
before upgrading to perl 5.6.1 -- could this be causing the problem? If I
have upgraded perl incorrecly, how should I do it?

Any clues would be very helpful!

Take care,

Kurt Hansen

P.S. Anyone else find the non-standard places RH puts things very annoying?
Seems kind of Microsoftian (rhymes with Faustian...) Or, maybe my brain is
just too small to do the conversion from the documentation to RH's file