issues compiling the DBD::mysql

2003-08-18 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: issues compiling the DBD::mysql

I'm having issues compiling the DBD::mysqlhopefully someone will have some insight.

Box - mysql 4.0.14/perl 5.8.0/modperl1.28/apache1.38/DBI 1.37

At first installing via cpan or source would bomb during perl makefile without finding the mysql_config script.  I installed mysql 4.0.14 via rpmmysql_config script didn't install; although it is working properly.  So then I downloaded and untare mysql-standard-4.0.14-pc-linux-i686 and found the missing script in ../mysql-standard-4.0.14-pc-linux-i686/bin/mysql_config.

After copying the script into my /usr/bin/ I find the make file gets created, but the make is bombing out with the following:

Using DBI 1.37 installed in
Writing Makefile for DBD::mysql
lamp:/home/jhodge/dloads/ap_mp/DBD-mysql-2.9002 # make
cc -c 
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include
-DVERSION=\"2.9002\" -DXS_VERSION=\"2.9002\" -fpic
usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i686-linux/CORE"   dbdimp.c
In file included from dbdimp.c:29:
dbdimp.h:31: mysql.h: No such file or directory
dbdimp.h:32: errmsg.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [dbdimp.o] Error 1
lamp:/home/jhodge/dloads/ap_mp/DBD-mysql-2.9002 # perl
Makefile.PL --cflags -I /bin/ -L /usr/lib/
I will use the following settings for compiling and

  cflags    (Users choice) = -I
  libs  (Users choice) = /usr/lib/
  nocatchstderr (default ) = 0
  nofoundrows   (default ) = 0
  ssl   (guessed ) = 0
  testdb    (default ) = test
  testhost  (default ) =
  testpassword  (default ) =
  testuser  (default ) =

To change these settings, see 'perl Makefile.PL
--help' and
'perldoc INSTALL'.

Unrecognized argument in LIBS ignored: '/usr/lib/'
Using DBI 1.37 installed in
Writing Makefile for DBD::mysql
lamp:/home/jhodge/dloads/ap_mp/DBD-mysql-2.9002 # make
cc -c 
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include
-DVERSION=\"2.9002\" -DXS_VERSION=\"2.9002\" -fpic
usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i686-linux/CORE"   dbdimp.c
In file included from dbdimp.c:29:
dbdimp.h:31: mysql.h: No such file or directory
dbdimp.h:32: errmsg.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [dbdimp.o] Error 1

Does anybody have any suggestions?

I'm also thinking of compileing the source from mysql-standard-4.0.14-pc-linux-i686 and try to re-build mysql first.  Although mysql is running, so this might be the wrong thing to do



which mod defines transferlogs?

2003-08-14 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: which mod defines transferlogs?

first off.

>perl Makefile.PL -httpd /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd

Stas...this worked great for configuring httpd for Apache:: testI assumed it was something along those lines  tks.


While installing Apache::Bundle through cpan I'm getting this error (below) about transfer logs is not defined/ mod is missing.  Which mod would this be?  Also I tried installing libapreq from source, but the same error occurred.

*** setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST -verbose=0
*** root mode: changing the fs ownership to 'nobody'
/usr/sbin/httpd -X -d /root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.2/t
-f /root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.2/t/conf/httpd.conf
using Apache/1.3.23

waiting for server to start: .Syntax error on line 28
of /root/.cpan/build/libapreq-1.2/t/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'TransferLog', perhaps mis-spelled or
defined by a module not included in the server
server has died with status 255 (t/logs/error_log
wasn't created, start the server in the debug mode)
make: *** [run_tests] Error 143
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install



setting httpd for Apache::test

2003-08-14 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: setting httpd for Apache::test

I have perl 5.8.0 with apache 1.3.28, and mod_perl 1.28 installed.  I need the Apache::Test to be installed as well, as it is a req. for many other modules.  I'm running into trouble with make test.  Apparently it can't find the httpd server.  How/Where would I add the path so that this mod will find the httpd server.  Can I config the makefile or should this be set someplace else?

/usr/local/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -clean
*** setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST -clean
/usr/local/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -verbose=0
*** setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; t/TEST -verbose=0
!!! no test server configured, please specify an httpd
or apxs or put either in your PATH. For example:
t/TEST -httpd /path/to/bin/httpd
make: *** [run_tests] Error 1



RE: the installation nightmare continues

2003-08-10 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: RE: the installation nightmare continues

>edit makepl_args.mod_perl:

>   APACHE_SRC=../apache-1.3/src
>   APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache
>   DO_HTTPD=1

This is exactly what mine looks like.  I don't have the:
>  APACI_ARGS=--enable-module=rewrite
>   APACI_ARGS=--enable-module=so

since I doun't want to run modperl as DSO.  Most literature I'm reading points against for now I'm just trying to have modperl run static.

I didn't relaize that do_httpd=1 was building apache...My issue still remains that make test still won't work.  Here is the tail of my make test output:

cp t/conf/mod_perl_srm.conf t/conf/srm.conf
/home/jhodge/dloads/ap_mp/apache_1.3.28/src/httpd -f
`pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t &
httpd listening on port 8529
Syntax error on line 3 of
Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
by a module not included in the server configuration
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
/usr/local/bin/perl t/TEST 0
still waiting for server to warm up...not
server failed to start! (please examine
t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
make: *** [run_tests] Error 111

It looks like apache isn't building properly through the modperl install
What would cause? :   
Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
by a module not included in the server configuration

It builds if I make apache without modperl

the installation nightmare continues

2003-08-06 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: the installation nightmare continues

Taking a step or two back I have started the process over again.  I have created my download directory for a non-root user and built and compiled perl 5.8.0, which went smoothly and passed all of the tests along the way.  

This brings me to mod_perl.  I opted to build apache staticly, and use the makepl_args.mod_perl file that Ged (tks ged) had suggestion.  Reading through the mod-perl install site (, it actually made a lot more sense after the suggestion.  

I'm having issues running make test for mod perl.  Since Apache is staticly built, it needs to be running in order to test mod perl.   

make test fails
You cannot run make test before you build Apache, so if you told perl Makefile.PL not to build the httpd executable, there is no httpd to run the test against. Go to the Apache source tree and run make, then return to the mod_perl source tree and continue with the server testing.

So I built, tested and made apache with:
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache
$ make 
$ make install 
$ usr/locall/apache/bin/apachectl start   (started fine)

Running make test for mod perl gives: server failed to start! please examine t/logs/error_log
This looks like its apache test server is not working, but apache is tested. compiled, built and started.  I ran into this error before I compiled apache, and it made sense why I was getting the error, but now that this is "fixed" it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm I missing something?
also I checked modperl/t/logs/error_log where mp test should write to (and says that it is), but there is no log file

RE: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

2003-08-05 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: RE: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

First off...thanks for addressing my issues

>> Here's how I installed mod_perl/apache:
>> cd apache_1.3.28
>> ./configure --enable-module=so  
>> cd mod_perl_1.28

>I don't like the look of that.  Please send *exactly* what you did.
>Have you got the mod_perl directory inside the apache directory?
>Your directories should be somethign like this:


>> perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src
>> DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/httpd_perl
>> make && make test && make install

My directories look exactly like that.  First I went to the apache directory and ran the configure to enable DSO.  Then I went to the modperl directory and compiled mod perl with the apache with options outlined above

>What is the user that's running this?  Don't do the first three steps
>as root, only do the 'make install' as root:

Ok. I'll recompile them as another user.  How does root user affect things? (appears to be a perl issue still see below)

% perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src \
% make
% make test
% su
# make install
# exit

>That backslash on the first line is important.  If you've done
>everything as root and if you have the mod_perl directory inside the
>apache one, then it's best to remove the directories and start again.

> So using Cpan I tried to install the Bundle::Apache...which bombs out

>Don't worry about it for now, you don't need it for your mod_perl Apache.

I need Apache::request and DBD::mysql  rsn, but I guess that is another issue all together...allthough I though it might be a sign that something else is fowl if they won't make.

> ALSO here is perl -V 
> Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
> [snip]
> ccversion='', gccversion='2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)',
> [snip]
> gnulibc_version='2.2.5'
> [snip]
> Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
>   Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
>   Built under linux
>   Compiled at Aug  2 2003 13:09:23
> [snip]

>Looks like you compiled this Perl yourself using gcc 2.95.3 a couple
>of days ago, is that right?  Did the Perl tests all pass OK?

yes...seeing as I wasn't sure whether it passed everything...and the make all test wouldn't run again; then I repeated my build/install steps

interesting.  its failing a test; output:   (I'm fairly sure this wasn't the result the other day): 

Failed 1 test script out of 667, 99.85% okay.
### Since not all tests were successful, you may want
to run some of
### them individually and examine any diagnostic
messages they produce.
### See the INSTALL document's section on "make test".
### You have a good chance to get more information by
###   ./perl harness
### in the 't' directory since most (>=80%) of the
tests succeeded.
### You may have to set your dynamic library search
### LD_LIBRARY_PATH, to point to the build directory:
###   setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd`; cd t; ./perl
###   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;
cd t; ./perl harness
###   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`; cd t; ./perl
### for csh-style shells, like tcsh; or for
### Bourne-style shells, like bash, ksh, and zsh,
u=2.73  s=0.72  cu=193.21  cs=19.29  scripts=667 
make[2]: *** [_test_tty] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/dloads/perl/perl-5.8.0'
make[1]: *** [_test] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/dloads/perl/perl-5.8.0'
make: *** [test] Error 2


btw - what is 73?

Thank you,


mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

2003-08-04 Thread Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Title: mod perl issues/ cpan won't make properly

I'm having a lot of problems with installing mod_perl/apache/ properly.  Also installing through CPAN is an issue with certian modules as well.

Suse 8.0/ linux 2.4/perl5.8.0/mod_perl1.28Apache1.3.28/

Here's how I installed mod_perl/apache:

cd apache_1.3.28
./configure --enable-module=so  
cd mod_perl_1.28
perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC= /dloads/apache_mod_perl/apache_1.3.28/src DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/httpd_perl

make && make test && make install

After mod_perl is installed with Apache,  I went to start the apachetl.  It won't start saying that it is missing some modules.

Why won't it start after the installation? I tried to install the apache bundle to see if that would help.
So using Cpan I tried to install the Bundle::Apache...which bombs out saying :
   Why won't CPAN install this bundle

Running make test
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: Leaving directory
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl
"-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0,
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/*t/*.t does not exist
FAILED--1 test script could be run, alas--no output
ever seen
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install
without force

ALSO here is perl -V 

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion
0) configuration:
    osname=linux, osvers=2.4.18-64gb-smp,
    uname='linux lamp 2.4.18-64gb-smp #1 smp wed mar
27 13:58:12 utc 2002 i686 unknown '
    hint=recommended, useposix=true,
    usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef
useithreads=undef usemultiplicity=undef
    useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define
    use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef
    usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
    cc='cc', ccflags ='-DPERL_Y2KWARN
-DPERL_POLLUTE_MALLOC -fno-strict-aliasing
-I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
-fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include'
    ccversion='', gccversion='2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)',
    intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8,
    d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8,
d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
    ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double',
nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8
    alignbytes=4, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
    libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
    libs=-lnsl -lndbm -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt
    perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt -lutil
    libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef,
    cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Aug  2 2003 13:09:23

Re: templating system opinions (axkit?)

2003-07-24 Thread Jeff AA
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jean-Michel Hiver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 1:46 PM

> First of all, it is an implementation of TAL. TAL is a very clever open
> specification for WYSIWYG-friendly templates written by the Zope people.

Do you have a URL for further reading on TAL?

> Petal has an active community and a mailing list, 

Ditto - a URL would be interesting!


Wierd ENV issues

2003-07-02 Thread Jeff Nokes
I have a W2K box, running Win32 binary of Apache 1.3.27, and mod_perl 1.27_01.
 Everything seems to be working fine (AFAIK) except for some strange
environment variable stuff going on.  Here is what I'm experiencing:

- I have a "PerlRequire C:/" line in my httpd.conf, which works
fine.  I set some ENVs in there, one of them being $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT} to
use with the HTML::Template module.

- I have a standard CGI test page that does the following:
# Print out the contents of %ENV just for kicks
my @keys = keys(%ENV);
@keys = sort(@keys);
foreach my $temp (@keys) {
print($temp . "  =>  " . $ENV{$temp} . "\n");
} # end foreach loop

This CGI page prints out all of my ENVs in order, just like one would think,
and it includes the 'HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT' as it should.

- I also have an equivalent mod_perl based page utilizing Apache::Registry
vice vanilla CGI.  It contains the following:
# Get the Apache::Request object reference
my  $r = shift;
$r -> print("HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT = " . $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT} . "\n");
# Print out the entire %ENV hash
my @keys = keys(%ENV);
@keys = sort(@keys);
foreach my $temp (@keys) {
$r -> print($temp . "  =>  " . $ENV{$temp} . "\n");
} # end foreach loop

This mod_perl based script also prints out everything fine, until I comment
out the line the only prints out the 'HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT' ENV.  When I comment
it out, all of the sudden, the %ENV hash dump doesn't have it anymore either. 
And when I uncomment it, the %ENV hash dump magically has it again.  I've even
included a count for the %ENV display dump and it even says 31 when I am
printing HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT, and 30 when I'm not.

I still have that ENV defined in my  I've made sure my browser is
not caching pages, and I've restarted Apache a zillion times, still the same
behavior.  One thing to note is that even when I comment out that single print
line for the ENV in the mod_perl based script, the CGI based one still
displays 'HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT' properly, irregardless of whether the mod_perl
one does or not.  I really stumbled onto this from blind luck, but it seems to
me that something kind of screwy is happening inside mod_perl or Apache.  Can
someone shed some light on this?

Thanks in advance,
 - Jeff

Re: Server side programming PHP Vs CGI Vs modPerl

2003-02-13 Thread Jeff AA

> DM> Hello All,
> DM> We have a server running in a Linux machine, now we would like
> DM> present the data in a browser using HTML interface. Can anyone suggest
> DM> which is the best one (CGI or PHP or modperl) to develop for web
> DM> programming and also their advantages and differences to choose them
> DM> the best

Depends on your requirements, which are not very clearly stated.

Here's my head-up:

  CGI - simple, slow, I wouldn't recommend under any circumstances

  PHP4 - simple, fast, easy to learn, not as fully featured language as
 easy to install, cookies, sessions etc all easy out-of-the box.
 only for dynamic web pages - dont use it for data processing.
 easy to share one Apache server, multiple developers

  MOD_PERL - complex, fast, difficult to master for non-Perl programmers.
 lots of folks have problems installing /building - try yourself.
 Perl is a more fully-featured language, more general purpose
 can share web / data-processing classes and code

We use PHP for complex interactive websites. We use Perl for
data-processing. We plan on building our next generation ASP websites using
mod_perl so that we can share code/classes between data-processing and the
interactive sites. We have build a suite of system admin tools using
mod_perl - this was much harder than the PHP development, but we are pleased
with the results.

You should join the PHP lists and compare the questions with those asked
here - gives you an idea about some of the differences in the communities.
Also consider the number of PHP4 v MOD_PERL development resources available.

> From: "Lee Goddard"
> mod_perl, obviously: you posted to a mod_perl users' list.
> You might wish to have a look at the case-studies pages of
>, as well as
> As for PHP, it's not perl, so forget it :)

Sometimes you just need a toothpick, rather than a swiss-army chainsaw! 8-)

my $0.02


RE: When perl is not quite fast enough

2002-12-17 Thread Jeff AA
> -Original Message-
> From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 16 December 2002 13:22
> Subject: When perl is not quite fast enough
> While reading Mark Fowler excelent Perl Advent Calendar 
> ( 6th entry: 
>, in the references 
> section I've noticed a 
> link to Nicolas Clark's notes from his YAPC::EU::2002 
> presentation, on how to 
> make your perl code faster:

Dear ModPerl Lister,

I have two questions:

1) In this list, I have seen folks asking general Perlish questions 
   told to take their discussions elsewhere, along with the useless 
   recommendation that they browse - I have done this 
   several times and joined a few of the lists, but only ever found 
   lists that were rather beginner. I have also lurked in some of the pearly lists without finding the right level.

   - can folks name any specific useful intermediate/advanced
 Perl lists? i.e. Perl 4+ years in a commercial env

2) I have one common approach to speed improvement that is not
   mentioned at all, to do with symbol table manipulation for
   functions, that I would like to polish via a list discussion

   - is this list appropriate for a thread discussing Perlish
   performance in general? I would guess that symbol table fiddles
   might be risky in a mod_perlish env.


RE: [OT]: In my Farthers House there are many mansions

2002-11-02 Thread Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:perrin@;] 
> Sent: 01 November 2002 18:43
> To: Tony Bowden
> Subject: Re: [O] Re: Yahoo is moving to PHP ??
> Tony Bowden wrote:
> >It sounds like you're saying that you should only use a 
> subset of Perl
> >as some programmers may not understand the other parts of it?
> >
> That is what I'm saying.  I'm aware that this is a controversial 
> opinion in the Perl world.  However, I think it's reasonable to 
> know your audience and write for them.  That's the good part of 
> More Than One Way. 
> The New York Times writes their articles for a certain reading 
> level, and I do the same with my code.
> - Perrin

Have to agree 100% with Perrin - in my experience, refactoring for 
performance is often used as an excuse for 'rewrite in my style',
and at this point, future maintainability is usually severly 
compromised. Someone decides to replace all foreach loops with map,
because this is more advanced and kewl.

Does anyone else here remember the COBOL construct ALTER GOTO? I knew
a chap who styled himself 'Super Hot Software Systems', whose favourite
thing was ALTER GOTO -  he soon got told where to go to! Look it 
up - it's a nightmare.

Another time, a contractor working for me complained bitterly about
someone elses obtuse code and lack of comments - the other party 
said 'Why don't you scroll up?', which he did - lo and behold, about 
two pages of beautiful comment. Mmmm as he read the comments, from 
the top, the complainant highlighted each line [easier to read] and 
when he understood the point of it all, pressed Enter - not 
realising that this replaced two screens of comment with an empty 
line... ah ha! we finally figured out the answer to the song:
'Where have all the comments gone?'


RE: Yahoo is moving to PHP ??

2002-10-30 Thread Jeff AA
> -Original Message-
> From: Mithun Bhattacharya [mailto:inzoik@;] 
> Sent: 30 October 2002 09:17
> Subject: Re: Yahoo is moving to PHP ??
> No it is not being removed but this could have been a very big thing
> for mod_perl. Can someone find out more details as to why PHP was
> preferred over mod_perl it cant be just on a whim. I might be biased
> but considering the fact that PHP and mod_perl were neck to neck the
> cons should have made up for any slipup in performance.

err did you look at the same slides as me? 

in all performance tests, YSP(perl) performed better than PHP, with 
the exception of memory usage.

and there is a slide explaining why not Perl - the main objection 
seemed to be:

"There's More Than One Way To Do It
   so many different Perl styles
   everyone's code looks different
   problematic for development when many people working on 
   single codebase"

While there were Pros/Cons for Perl and the other rejectees, there were 
no Pros/Cons for PHP unless you count the gotchas mentioned after four
months of using PHP:

Shallow learning curve
 - very easy to get some pages up quickly
But mixed app/presentation problematic
 - PHP code and HTML forever intertwined
 - coding conventions help
*.inc for function and class libraries
*.php for web pages (call functions, echo $vars)
 - use Smarty to enforce separation?

"The drawback of using a code in template system, is that your code and
HTML output quickly become forever intertwined. This makes changing the
appearance of your pages difficult. For example, if you check the user
cookie and load user database data in the "common-header" moving around
where you include this template will change where you retrieve the
database information for the user, possibly breaking other parts of the
page which rely on that data. "  

The "implement twice" problem
 - much offline processing done in Perl
 - example: tax/shipping calculation for Shopping
 - installer doesn't work in PHP 4.2.x
 - repository smaller, less mature than CPAN
Surprises for people used to coding Perl

Interestingly our experience was/is similar - we chose PHP 2.5 years ago
for the development of our dynamic ASP interactive pages, and Perl for
all our data-processing and server management etc. Hindsight shows us
that it was the right decision at the time - we gained an 18 month lead
on the competition.

After 2.5 years, the 'have to write everything twice' problem has lead
us to plan a gradual migration from PHP to Perl. All our new pages and
products are being developed in mod_perl. I wonder if they will consider
a similar change? Unlikely give the number of developers and the

There is one con for PHP that I disagree with - you don't have to mix
your HTML and application logic - just as in Perl, you can separate them
if you want to - we work extensively in PHP ordered hashes and isolate
the formatting and HTML generation in a few included utility
collections, making it easy to change the HTML we generate without
changing any of the underlying business information.


Re: [OT] Perl vs. PHP..... but where is mod_perl?

2002-10-21 Thread Jeff Stuart

Ok, I've been watching the list for most of the day and watching
"bashing" of PHP (which IMHO is idiotic and immature but again, JMHO). 
I have ALWAYS said, use the right tool for the right job.  

PHP has it's place.  IMNSHO, it's place is web interfaces.  It's GOOD at
that.  That's what it ORIGINALLY was designed for.

Perl on the other hand was not ORIGINALLY designed for that (I
REMEMBER.  I used Perl 4 way back when.  I REMEMBER (VAGUELY) the
changes between the last 4.X and 5.0 and all the work I had to go
through with it. :)).  Perl was originally designed for text
manipulation.  IE PERL = Practical Extraction and Reporting Language.  I
started out with Perl and C.  Then migrated to mod_perl about 2 years
ago.  At that time, PHP wasn't up to snuff IMHO for serious work.  It is

I now use both PHP AND PERL!  IE I have 3 tools in my toolbox instead of

I use PHP for the front end web interface.  I use mod_perl for the
backend work.  IE doing DB manipulations, text manips, sending out
emails, etc.  I also use straight perl scripts for the above when those
actions need to happen via cron.  And if I have to, I DO dip down into C
for those times when I ABSOLUTELY need speed.  

I am VERY excited about mod_perl 2.0.  I am looking forward to hopefully
being able to use it with SOAP to create application servers that ARE
EASY to work with/write.  (Not like java IMHO :)).  

As far as security holes go, ALL languages have em.  Just that more
people use PHP than mod_perl.  So it's security holes are more
noticeable.  ANYONE can write insecure apps in ANY language.  


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [OT] Perl vs. PHP..... but where is mod_perl?

2002-10-21 Thread Jeff Stuart

Ok, I've been watching the list for most of the day and watching
"bashing" of PHP (which IMHO is idiotic and immature but again, JMHO). 
I have ALWAYS said, use the right tool for the right job.  

PHP has it's place.  IMNSHO, it's place is web interfaces.  It's GOOD at
that.  That's what it ORIGINALLY was designed for.

Perl on the other hand was not ORIGINALLY designed for that (I
REMEMBER.  I used Perl 4 way back when.  I REMEMBER (VAGUELY) the
changes between the last 4.X and 5.0 and all the work I had to go
through with it. :)).  Perl was originally designed for text
manipulation.  IE PERL = Practical Extraction and Reporting Language.  I
started out with Perl and C.  Then migrated to mod_perl about 2 years
ago.  At that time, PHP wasn't up to snuff IMHO for serious work.  It is

I now use both PHP AND PERL!  IE I have 3 tools in my toolbox instead of

I use PHP for the front end web interface.  I use mod_perl for the
backend work.  IE doing DB manipulations, text manips, sending out
emails, etc.  I also use straight perl scripts for the above when those
actions need to happen via cron.  And if I have to, I DO dip down into C
for those times when I ABSOLUTELY need speed.  

I am VERY excited about mod_perl 2.0.  I am looking forward to hopefully
being able to use it with SOAP to create application servers that ARE
EASY to work with/write.  (Not like java IMHO :)).  

As far as security holes go, ALL languages have em.  Just that more
people use PHP than mod_perl.  So it's security holes are more
noticeable.  ANYONE can write insecure apps in ANY language.  


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

RE: [OT] Perl vs. PHP..... but where is mod_perl?

2002-10-18 Thread Jeff AA
 - I get 

  The requested story: 19716 has not been published (set live) yet.

when I visit

Do you think the lists comments upset someone? 8-)

modperl 1.27 blues

2002-08-29 Thread Jeff Chen

Hi, I recently ran into a problem which has puzzled me about Perl
compilation and installation.  I would appreciate some help in
understanding this.

I run Redhat 7.2, which comes with perl-5.6.0-17.  I was able to
compile and install 5.6.1 and 5.8.0 all seemingly without problems. 
However, I ran into problems when I tried to get mod_perl 1.27 working
on my machine.  It compiles but does not pass the tainting test when I
use either the 5.6.1 or 5.8.0 that I compiled and installed myself. 
When I revert back to using 5.6.0, I am able to pass the mod_perl self

I would like to use a more current perl than 5.6.0.  But try as I
might, I keep getting stuck on failing the tainting test.  Can someone
explain to me what is happening and help me get past this?  Is this a
simple as file permission problem?  I compile perl as a regular user
and only run "make install" as root.  This is most confusing.


File Problems in Perl-Run?

2002-08-10 Thread Jeff Crist

We recently migrated to modPerl, but only the Perl-Run parser (not
Apache::Registry) to maintain compatibility while I clean up the
scripts.  We are seeing an abnormal behavior when reading files, very
randomly (maybe about 1 out of 20 times) only the first line of the file
is read.  The code looks something like:

open (FILE, "<$path/$filename");
@lines = ;
close FILE;

The file contains about 50 lines with each line containing values
separated by commas.  Normally, this routine returns a 50 element array
@lines with all the lines in the file.  But sometimes, it just returns a
1 element array with just the first line of the file.  Very strange.
The only thing I can think of is that the old server was FreeBSD and the
new server is Linux.  Not sure if they handle file I/O differently in a
Perl environment but it seems for some reason the script things the end
of file is after the first line sometimes.

Any suggestions, ideas, would be greatly appreciated.


Verifying Which Handler

2002-08-08 Thread Jeff Crist
Title: Message

Can someone send me 
an example of a test Perl script that will display which Perl handler Apache is 
using - Apache::Registry or PerlRun.
We just migrated our 
website to a new server that was initially setup to run Appache::Registry but we 
don't have time to cleanup the code so I change the configuration (at least 
thought I did) to PerlRun.  However we are seeing random behavior 
when running scripts on our website (the content of the page 
unexplainably changes sometimes) that seem to indicate variables are not being 
reset (ie, maybe we are still using the Apache::Registry handler)   
Another tipoff was when he had to go change all the exit commands in the Perl 
scripts to Apache::exit(); and PerlRun

2002-06-29 Thread Jeff
Title: Message

I am gradually 
moving to mod_Perl using Apache::PerlRun instead of Apache::Registry.  I am 
also considering switching from to however I hear takes 
longer to load.  Will automatically be cached, thereby eliminating 
the performance hit, by handling the scripts with Apache::PerlRun or do I have 
to preload the modules at server startup using PerlModule 
If I preload, do I 
have to put a PerlModule CGI; within every  directive or just 
once in the httpd.conf and it will apply to all 
And finally if I 
want to run in CGI-LIB compatibility mode, do I have to use a startup 
file instead or can I say:
PerlModule CGI 
qw(:cgi-lib);  I'm guessing I have to put it in a startup 

.cgi with ModPerl

2002-06-29 Thread Jeff
Title: Message

I am setting up a 
server so that all my scripts have .cgi extentions.  It would be nice if I 
could just add some directives in the httpd.conf that will have all my virtual 
hosts use modPerl for any files with either a .pl or a .cgi extention.  The 
reason I prefer this method is that I have a couple scripts that I load in my 
httpdocs directory (the site home page is a script) So this is what I 
Commented out: 
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Added the 
perl-script    PerlHandler 
+ExecCGI    allow from 
all    PerlSendHeader 
What I found is that 
when I only had this code only outside of the VirtualHost configurations, my 
test script indicated .pl was running in modPerl but .cgi wasn't.  I only 
could get .cgi to run in mod_Perl by copying this code inside of each of 
the VirtualHost configurations.
Obviously I'm not an 
Apache config expert but one thing that also struck me strange is that while 
this code clearly indicates how to handle .pl and .cgi file extentions, prior to 
adding this, I could not find anywhere in httpd.conf where it maps .cgi files in 
this same way.  The only code I could find is AddHandler cgi-script .cgi 
but shouldn't there be some additional corresponding code like PerlHandler 
Appache::Mod_CGI, Options +ExecCGI, etc.??  Also, how does appache know 
which module to use for ScriptAlias directories?  I left the ScriptAlias 
directives in for the cgi-bin director and didn't change them to just Alias 
directives and it works fine but I guess that means a filematch directive 
overrides a ScriptAlias directive?
A bit 
confused.  Anyway, is the above method for achieving what I want an 
acceptable and secure/safe way to handle it?

Need Porting Sanity Check

2002-06-29 Thread Jeff Crist
Title: Message

Excuse my typos, I 
just wanted to clarify I added 'use strict;' not 'use stricts;' to my code along 
with the -w operator (#!/usr/bin/perl -w) and I'm not seeing all the errors 
in my logs.

Need Porting Sanity Check

2002-06-29 Thread Jeff
Title: Message

I have a 'medium' 
traffic e-commerce site (about 30GB xfer a month).  It is mostly written in 
Perl (about 40 scripts or 4,000 lines of code). We have had no problems with 
performance to date but in preparation for future growth (in addition to other 
changes to the site's scripts) I thought it would be a good idea to switch from 
CGI to Mod_Perl.
I read all of Stas 
Bekman's Porting Guidelines and looked at my scripts.  While 
I have a long programming history, I must admit I started cranking out the 
code (in a nice modular fashion) as soon as I grasped the basic of the 
language, ignoring things like the -w operator, use strict;, and only used 
variable localization (my) in some of my subroutines.  I have 
determined that as a result, I would have quite a bit of work to do to move to 
modPerl (using Apache::Registry) including:
- avoid inner 
subrouting nesting problem by having all Perl scripts called by the webserver 
only executive code in included files (using require from a main 
- make all variables 
localized using 'my' and special variables using local  (although my coding 
is sloppy from a localization standpoint, it is written so it doesn't even need 
global variables - all variables are passed through the subroutines properly 
even though I forgot to specifically localize them)
- Make sure required 
files are reloaded after modification by setting PerlInitHandler to Reload, 
Setting PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off, and then when I am developing including 
Apacher::Reload in the scripts I am working on, then taking it out when they go 
into production (this was the method that made the most sense to 
- I actually didn't 
really understand the problem with testing from the shell and using CGI::Switch 
- Use '^T = time' in 
the scripts that I test filetime to determine its age
- Use 'open my $fh, 
$filename or die $!; wherever I open files to insure they get closed 
That's going 
to be A LOT of work and I have lots of other modifications to do.  So then 
I get to his section titled 'Apache::PerlRun--a closer look' and come to find 
out that Apache:PerlRun is basically a nice compromise offering some (not all) 
of the performance benefits of mod_Perl while not forcing you to have to 
drastically clean up your code.
So here is my 
strategy that I would like a sanity check from anyone on.  Go through and 
quickly clean up my existing code by adding use strict and localizing all 
my variables (with 'my' and 'local' for special variables) and then run is under 
mod_Perl using the Apache::PerlRun.  Write all my new code so that it will 
run under Apache::Registry and then when I have spare time (ya right) go work on 
porting the older code.
On thing that 
is interesting is that even though I added the -w operator to the end of 
#!/usr/bin/perl in my scripts and added use stricts;  I am not seeing the 
hundreds of error messages I should see in either error_log or suexec_log.  
Any ideas?  Thanks.

RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Jeff AA

> -Original Message-
> From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 13 June 2002 13:23
> To: Jeff AA
> Subject: RE: separating C from V in MVC
> >Controller:
> >---
> >my $Stale  = Model::WatchCollection->new( status => 'stale' );
> >
> >Controller:
> >---
> >my $WC= Model::WatchCollection->new();
> Out of these two, I would think that the first one is actually 
> better.  What if you have 300,000 watches and only 25 are stale, for 
> example (numbers that are not all that far from the truth, in my 

Don't make the mistake of fetching all the data when a Collection is
instantiated. It is usually better to make the Collection only really
fetch data when a View actually asks for it by calling $WC->fetch(
status => 'stale' ), after all, sometimes you might go down another
route and the View might never call fetch() - for example if there is an
exception and you decide not to bother showing stale Watches. 

Also, you should generally not fetch everything from the database unless
there is a very good reason to do so. Try to keep your memory usage to a
minimum, and restrict the result set to something useful. I recall a
system that used to pop up a dialog saying 'Warning: This will return
645,345 rows' and the only user option was 'Ok'!

I have seen about 4.2 million Collection designs, and my current
favourite is an abstraction of the Borland Data Engine DB/Table/Dataset
design (BDE) in conjunction with some of the Java collection concepts.
Common Collection niceties include things like 'find me Watch ABC' in
the Collection. A Collection can have the concept of a 'current' thing
so that a View can display both the list of Watches in a table, and more
detailed attributes of the 'currently selected' Watch object etc.

If you are going to support paginated collections, you should build this
into your base Collection class.

So far we have been talking about flat Collections, don't forget that
some of them are not flat, but hierarchical - e.g. tree-like, and some
are circular e.g. no beginning and no end, etc.


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Jeff AA

> -Original Message-
> From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 13 June 2002 06:48
> Subject: Re: separating C from V in MVC
> Ok, great stuff, now we're getting somewhere.  So, the model = the 
> nouns.  Good.  That helps.  Now, how do you represent in the model a 
> complex query that joins across 5 of the nouns?  

In my other post about Controller, I assert [but feel free to disagree!]
that Models are really Nouns+Business Verbs

> network monitoring and display tool.  It receives status 
> them."  We call this a stale watch.  We have a report that 
> shows all of the 
> currently stale watches across our network.  The query is a 
> join of around 
> 4 tables (or nouns) - Site, Watch, Watch Config, Message - 
> something along 
> those lines.
> Does one create a model object called StaleWatchReport?  That 

Not generally. Having grasped the core business Model classes, you now
need to also realise that the real world often deals with Collections of
objects. So instead of a StaleWatchReport class, what you need is a
collection of Watches that are stale.

You should ask this collection to present qualifying Watch items.

Collection can be powerful, so give some careful thought to this, and
don't bind your Collection base class too closely to the database (there
was another post by someone on keeping $dbh chroot jailed!)

Here is an example, though there are many other possible collection

my $Stale  = Model::WatchCollection->new( status => 'stale' );
my $View   = View::StaleWatches( stale => $Stale );

print $View->render();

foreach my $watch ( @{$Stale->fetch()} ) {
  describe_in_HTML( $watch );

Note that the web controller knows nothing about stale watches, it just
knows that given the current request, it will pass the token 'stale'
into the WatchCollection. You can use the same Model::WatchCollection
class in a batch overnight report, and it too will understand how to
identify stale Watches.

Here is an alternative, possibly better approach:

my $WC= Model::WatchCollection->new();
my $View  = View::StaleWatches( watches => $WC );

print $View->render();

foreach my $watch ( @{$WC->fetch( status => 'stale' )} ) {
  describe_in_HTML( $watch );

In this second example, we have even moved the need for the Controller
to know about 'stale' into the View, which already knew that it only
wanted stale Watches.

> In your concert example, if I wanted to define a report that 
> showed me all 
> of the seats that were purchased by people from New Jersey with a 
> Mastercard in the last week, how would I represent that?

The web request might look like this:

  my $query = {};
  foreach ( parameter starting with q ) {
$token = param name without the 'q';
$query->{token} = URLDecode(parameter value);
  my $SC = Model::SeatCollection->new( query => $query );
  my $View = View::SeatGeneric->new( seats => $SC );
  print $View->render();

Note that the Controller handles decoding the parameters etc, but
doesn't care what queries that the SeatCollection understands. It does
understand a mini protocol where query params start with 'q', but this
is not business logic, it is UI logic.

Next you'll want to know about handling Form validation and Models with
multiple field level exceptions? 8-)


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-13 Thread Jeff AA

> -Original Message-
> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 13 June 2002 03:43
> To: Fran Fabrizio; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: separating C from V in MVC

> > 2.  Does the first part of my code above even remotely resemble a
> > Controller?
> Sort of.  It does choose a view and it does parse some user 
> input, but a
> controller is more than just a dispatcher.  It would include 
> some of the
> code that you're currently putting into your doDoctorActivity() sub.
> The idea is that the model objects represent just the data in your
> application (the nouns) and the controller understands how to 
> translate
> user input into a series of method calls on the model objects to carry
> out the user's request.
> It's hard to give a good example that is short, but let's say you were
> building an application to sell concert tickets.  The act of 
> buying the
> ticket might involve model objects representing a concert, a user, a
> form of payment, etc.  The concert object knows how to reserve a
> specific seat (or call a seat object to do that).  The payment object
> knows how to verify and charge a credit card.  The user object has a
> mailing address.  The controller knows how to turn the user's 
> form data
> into a bunch of method calls on these objects that accomplish 
> reserving
> the ticket and charging the user.  If you find yourself writing a
> "BuyTicket" module, that's a controller not a model object.

I disagree with this definition of a Controller. A Controller is
primarily responsible for mapping user input onto a business Model, and
should not know that buying a ticket requires creation of concert,
payment, seat, client, theatre, agent, reservation, whatever objects.

In the same way that the View keeps the output format independent of the
Model properties, the Controller keeps the User Input method independent
of business logic. This is the reason for having a Controller class.

Consider that your mod_perl website Controllers will have to understand
all about web requests, headers, error headers, cookies, sessions,
redirects, URLs and URL decoding etc etc - these are things that relate
directly to how the user is interacting with the Model.

In the concert example, the Controller would interpret the web request,
create a Ticket object, and call $Ticket->buy(
%all_the_cleaned_up_params ). It would then pass this to the View to
render. That's it.

Consider the case where you wanted to buy hundreds or even thousands of
tickets in a batch process - maybe you have agents that collect all the
details for Kylie concerts, and then send them to you in a file.

If you had made the mistake of creating a web Controller aka BuyTicket()
module that understood it had to create concert, payment, seat, client,
theatre, agent, reservation, whatever objects, you would have to
duplicate all this logic AGAIN in the batch process Controller. You now
have to maintain the business logic in two places.

Always keep the _business_ behaviour in Models. The $Ticket->buy()
processing must instantiate and create relationships to all the other
objects it needs.

Put all things that are specific to handling the User Interaction (eg
web request) into your Controller. Business logic always goes into a

> The idea is that the model objects represent just the data in your
> application (the nouns) and the controller understands how to 
> translate
> user input into a series of method calls on the model objects to carry
> out the user's request.

Models are not just collections of stateful data, they are the right
place to encapsulate complex business behaviour. At the risk of
repetition, all behaviour [e.g. $Ticket->buy()] that is not specific to
the User Interface should go into Models. 

Controller and View are closely related elements of GUI. This is like
the old 'Two Tier App' problem... when business logic and GUI become
inexorably entwined, maintenance goes out the window.

Have a look at this picture: which comes from
this article:

Maybe in the future, we will get drag-and-drop via the web -
interpreting this should go into the Controller. 

Maybe in the future you will change the business requirements for buying
Tickets - this will go in a Model, and the effect will be felt
consistently in both your web applications and your batch processing.


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-12 Thread Jeff

> From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 21:48

Nothing indepth, just a quick response, but it looks like your huge if
statement can be replaced using a hash. Maybe something like:

# just an eg, this data is static and can be required from
# your so that all child get a shared copy
%global::dispatch = (
  summary => { template => 'summary', actions => [ 'doSummary',
'doOther' ] },
  doctor  => { template => 'docact,   actions => [ 'healthyself', ] },

# In your generic Controller / Handler
if ( exists $global::dispatch{$template} ) {
  my $dispatch = $global::dispatch{$template};
  my $tmpl = getTemplate( $despatch->{template} );
  foreach my $function ( @{$dispatch->{actions} ) {
  print header . %tmpl->output();
} else {

The nice thing about this is you end up with a generic Controller, and
can separate the config off somewhere else. The Controller will probably
change much less than your config, so separation makes sense.

I don't really see an issue with the Controller being responsible for
returning the response, after all it fielded the request in the first
place. I would try hard to keep ALL HTML in the View world - whether you
create a View class or use a templating approach. 



RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 18:15

> Right, which is why you shouldn't try to store server-side state 
> for anything that could be different in multiple browser windows. 
> Only store global browser information on the server-side.  Everything 
> else has to go into the links and forms.

m I see what you're saying, for example a user wants to look at page
1 and page 3 of the same query in two windows side by side. It doesn't
make sense to store page specific info (egg the current record offset)
on the server. The Next link on each page should deliver the Next set
for this window.

The same problem would occur with query tweaks egg,
/query?query_id=12345&order=colour. The order tweak is relative to the
current query state, and might confuse if the same query is displayed in
multiple windows.

Ditto for use of the Back button in the browser

Ok - full-circle back to encoding page state in links and hidden fields
on the page itself, but it was an interesting loop!


RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 16:29

>> Agreed, but he wasn't talking about storing the results, just the
>> parameters and current offset / number of rows, which is a-ok for
>> putting into a session.

> No, that's exactly what ISN'T okay for putting into a session.  If a 
> user opens two browser windows, does a search in each, and then pages 
> forward in each set of results, he will get completely wrong pages if 
> you do this.  The query parameters from the first search will be
> over and lost.

Please - s/session/Apache::Session/g above

> You could do that, with a unique ID for each set of parameters, but
> might as well just put the parameters right in the link unless they're

> very long.

The [Apache::]session approach makes it easy to store and change lots of
params to the query. It also lets you keep track of [recommendedly]
minimal info about the Query on the server, without having to re-execute
it, and it lets you pick up a previous query, with minor tweaks things
like /query?query_id=12345&order=value+desc where the tweak doesn't get
lost in the params.

>> Don't mix transient query sessions with a User Session that stores
>> about the user's logged in state etc. It would be normal for one user
>> have multiple queries in a login session
> Hold on, I think we actually agree, but you're using the word session 
> for a bunch of different things.  What you're saying here sounds like 
> the opposite of what you said above.  In common usage, a session is
> state of the user's interaction with the application.  A cache of
> data would be something else.

Again, please s/session/Apache::Session/g 

> MySQL is fast, but usually not as fast as simple disk access. 
> Cache::Cache and Cache::Mmap handle the details of the cache stuff for

> you, making it pretty easy.

I do agree that disk access _can_ be faster, but disagree with the
implication that caching DB results outside the db is a cool trick. I
would assert that in all general circumstances caching DB results is a
Common Mistake. Special circumstances do exist, but in my experience
very rarely, and that's why we have MI6. I can imagine a circumstance
where a cache may prove useful - a large number of concurrent users, all
wanting exactly the same data, slow db connection, non-optimisable
query. This doesn't seem to be the case here where the question was
about a faster Apache::Session.

Interestingly MySQL and other DBs are often as fast as simple disk
access - contrary to popular wisdom, most DB engines actually cache in
memory, with more data access information and hence effective cache
memory usage than is available to external cache components. Yes,
Network transference can be an issue - but hey! be a masochist, buy a

I recall an impressive chap at a bank, who was asked to address
performance issues. He immediately identified DB queries as taking far
too long, and proceeded to hand craft a mega-smart shareable multi-user
in-memory cache server in C. He ran into dozens of issues, which were
ingeniously solved using the tersest possible sin tax. After about six
months of effort, the performance problem still existed,  - the DB
resided entirely in memory anyway! A tweak of the schema [i.e. about 2
hours including test and release] by a DB admin took the problematic
process from 2 hours down to 120 seconds. We spent cash for cache, and
lived to rue the day.

I parse 'use a cache for db stuff' as 'my XYZ cache component is way
smarter than all the guys at 'Oracle|Sybase|MySQL' combined', or 'I know
my data better than the database, cos I'm a kewl Koder'. Actually, I
really parse 'use a cache for db stuff' as 'I don't really understand
databases, 3NF and indexing, and can't be bothered learning to use them

But ok then, use a cache for your mod_perl query parameters, but don't
call it an [Apache::]Session.


RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Eric Frazier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 16:52

> I don't know this term "query hijack" can you put it in different

Lets say your user who is the boss makes a query
  'show me everyone's salary'

and your system checks who he is, and because he is the boss, allocates
query_id 1, issues the query and sends back page one with everyone's
salary details.

now some other user in the system can now say

and hijack the query results - i.e. they will see the results of the
query, even though they should not be allowed to.

If your security model is user centric, at a minimum you should put the
user_id inside the query_id session, and only let the same user get the
results from the saved query parameters. A better approach is to have
the query ALWAYS authenticate the current user, then you won't ever give
out data to the wrong person, and users can share query links that will
work if they have the appropriate rights.



n : seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an
alternate destination [syn: highjack] v : take arbitrarily or by force;
"The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami" [syn:
commandeer, highjack, pirate, expropriate]


RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Ken Y. Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 15:39

> I've munged the query results in Perl and a couple template 
> packages to make each link contain everything necessary to 
> perform the query again (including every parameter from the 
> original request) and putting in the appropriate "limit_start"
> number...

Using sessions and a query_id is a shortcut for this, instead of stating
all the complex parameters again, you just issue an id and put that into
the link. 

An advantage of the session/id is that you end up with stateful query
instances, and can remember [at least for a short period!] the total
number of items, so that you can say 'Results 1 to 10 of 34,566' without
having to count all results every time. This is also useful if you want
users to be able to jump to a LAST page, as you can for example calc the
starting point for limit statement easily.

One disadvantage is that you cannot link to the query result pages, as
you will no doubt expire the query sessions eventually. By putting all
the params in the link, Ken's way lets the users link to the results,
remember them in their favourites etc.

Another possible feature is to allow the link to override any of the
current query parameters, so to do a DB resort, you can say something
like Sort by Colour and
the order param is not lost in amongst lots of other params. Obviously
changes to the where clause, ordering etc may invalidate current row /
page remembered values.

Further variations are readily available. You can create persistent
queries, rather than session queries, store the params in the DB and let
your users have their very own private or shareable searches. If you use
the optional param overide approach, you can store the params once, and
then the options as a separate query that refers to the underlying
query. When users add columns or other bits to the underlying, all child
searches will respect the change.


RE: mod_perl/passing session information (MVC related, maybe...)

2002-06-12 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 15:11

> You can store anything in Apache::Session; it's just a persistent hash

> table.  However, storing query results based on a user's session is
> a good idea!  What if your users open up two browser windows and tries

> to do a search in each one?  Server-side session data is global to all

> browser windows, so they'll get bizarre and incorrect results.

Agreed, but he wasn't talking about storing the results, just the query
parameters and current offset / number of rows, which is a-ok for
putting into a session.

some query session do's and don'ts...

Don't forget that you can have multiple sessions - store the query
params in a session identified by a query_id so that subsequent requests
just say something like: Next

Don't mix transient query sessions with a User Session that stores info
about the user's logged in state etc. It would be normal for one user to
have multiple queries in a login session

Don't bother passing the query ids in cookies, they are not browser
session specific. Just use the query_id as a parameter in the
first/next/prev/last links as exampled above. You can then have a web
control page that handles multiple queries simultaneously

Do put the user_id into the query session and check it against the
user_id in the User session to prevent query hijack

> My suggestions would be to have a separate cache just for query

Or even to use a database that has a decent approach to caching. MySQL
promises automatic cacheable paged queries in the near future. And if
you write your own DB cache, you then need to manage the DB / cache
synch issues, cache size, cache expiry etc etc issues. Good cache is
very hard to do! better to get it from a real data bank.

> From: Vuillemot, Ward W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 12 June 2002 14:58

> I want to be able to remember the last query so that I can return
> results into multple pages along with memory of where in the stack I
am at.
> The easiest would to be store the query parameters along with the
> information. . .but I do not want to use Apache::Session as I believe 
> that has too much overhead for this sort of thing.

Apache::Session is just what you want here! It is an easy peasy way to
remember things on the server, and you can implement it with whatever
type of storage underneath that you want [e.g. database] so that you can
even share sessions when your query is being served by multiple web
servers. If you look through the source, you will see that the overhead
is minimal. You can specialise the session persistence mechanism if you
want to for example store the key => value pairs as visible records in
the DB rather than a serialised blob.



The T in MVC?

2002-06-11 Thread Jeff AA

I have some questions for users of Templating... we currently, (in
another language) have a set of standard functions for things like
printing data tables, so in our HTML page outlines, we just insert a
call to 

printDataTable( table => $table, user => $user, data => $data, layout =>
layout );

 * $table  => optional ref to hash containing
 table title, any unusual table properties etc.
 * $user   => ref to hash of user preferences
 * $data   => ref to array of hash 
 * $layout => ref to array of field names

This standard routine combines these details and produces an HTML table
containing the data. 

The use of standard routines ensures consistency throughout the entire
site. Our printDataTable() function references site specific
configuration data so that all the tables within a website are
consistent, but that different sites can have their own skins applied.

How is something like this best accomplished with the templating tools
like TT?
I guess I am asking how the template world achieves intra/extra site
reuse and ensures consistency?


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-11 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Rob Nagler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 10 June 2002 20:41

> ... a Facade is the front face of the web site which includes colors,
> text, URLs, etc.  All the other MVC components talk to the currently
> selected Facade when they need these values.

> The controller calls Bivio::UI::Task->parse_uri, which strips the
> "*" from the URL (if there) and sets the facade before parsing
> the rest of the URL.  The default Facade is, which is
> why we don't need a rewrite.

> The links are generated by the Facade component Bivio::UI::Task.

Sounds interesting, can you briefly describe the MVCF parts, and what
their responsibilities are? Have you split the View into View + Facade?
What are the differences between your MVCF and the MVP pattern?

> This allows the Facade to pick its own URLs.  
> URLs are part of your user interface, not your controller.

I think I like this, though the w3 might not 8-)

> We rarely change the controller except to add new function.  
> Query and form values are parsed by the Models after they are 
> translated to key/value format by the controller.  

I definitely like this - small number of relatively generic Controllers
seems to me to be a desirable goal of an MVC arch.

> abstracted the concept of paging and drill down in our ListModel and 
> Table classes.  

I find that the mix of business object e.g. Bank Account and
presentation objects, e.g. Table can lead to confusion - are your Table
objects just a way of organising data, or do they contain presentation
style hints -e.g. dynamic width indication etc? 

Do you have something similar to a Bank Account object with some primary
properties and containing a collection of current Transaction objects?
Or do you focus on the presentation style objects - Tables, nested
Tables, Lists etc?

I looked over your site and code, compact and impressive - probably a
stupid question, but are there any higher-level overviews of your
approach / framework?


RE: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-08 Thread Jeff

> From: Bill Moseley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 08 June 2002 20:48

> I've gone full circle on handling user input.  I used to try to
> CGI input data into some type of request object that was then passed
> the models.  But then the code to create the request object ended up
> needing to know too much about the model.

> For example, say for a database query the controller can see that
there's a
> query parameter and thus knows to pass the request to the code that
> how to query the database.  That code passes back a results object
> then the controller can look at to decide if it should display the
> a "no results" page and/or the query form again.

So in pseudo code-speak, how about something like:

# Note that I am ignoring Exceptions for the sake of dealing with the
# Controller / Model interaction question.

# $param is a ref to an Apache::Table that contains all the user
# parameters from the request. The main job of cleanupParams() is to do
# things like URDDecode() etc, and marshal all the user input into a
# structure.
my $param = cleanupParams($r);

# Instantiate Model. Pass it ALL user parameters - Model can cherry pick
# the ones it is interested in, and ignore the others. Adding new
# in the preceeding View that gave rise to this request makes no
# to the Controller - only the Model and View needed to change.
my $Model = My::Model->new( %$param );

# And which View should we instantiate? Well, you might choose one in
# Controller, but I only do this if there was a major Model meltdown.
# no result searches, the usual search View should be able to handle
# with a nice message.

> Now, what happens is that features are added to the query code.  Let's
> we get a brilliant idea that search results should be shown a page at
> time (or did Amazon patent that?).  So now we want to pass in the
> starting result, and the page size.

As shown above, the Controller doesn't really care about any new
parameters, it passes them all, including new ones through transparently
to the model.

The model I like for paginated results is straight-forward. When the
Model is instantiated, it does NOT find a query_id field in the passed
parameters, so it assumes a brand new query, and returns the first N
results. A brand new, unique query_id is issued, and becomes a property
of the Model. In the paginated View, this query_id is inserted into a
hidden field (or cookied if you prefer). A session is created using the
query_id that contains all of the parameters that the Model considers
important. The paginated View contains First, Last, Next, Prev links
that just call the same URL with an action=>next, last, prev etc.

When the Model is instantiated for a subsequent page, it sees a
query_id, loads all the query details in from the session storage, and
retrieves the appropriate set of records for the this-time-round View.

> What I didn't like about this is I then had to adjust the so-called
> controller code that decoded the user input for my request object to
> include these new features.  But really that data was of only interest
> the model.  So a change in the model forced a change in the

I think covered above? 

> So now I just have been passing in an object which has a param()
> (which, lately I've been using a CGI object instead of an
> so the model can have full access to all the user input.  It bugs me a
> because it feels like the model now has intimate access to the user

I don't like this either, but probably need a concrete example of
exactly what Request properties you find it necessary to use in your
Model. The way I see it is that the Controller is interested in the gory
details of the Request object, after all it is a Web Controller, but the
Model should only be interested in the parameters. The Controller uses
the Request object context, and sometimes basic parameters to decide
which Model to instantiate, it doesn't care about Model parameter
requirements - the Model must validate itself.

> links back to a page, such as a link for "page next".  I like to build
> links in the view, keeping the HTML out of the model if possible.  But

> for something like a "page next" link that might contain a bunch of 
> parameters it would seem best to build href in the model that knows 
> about all those parameters.

As described above, I like to use a session to store Model state over
multiple executions / pagination of a collection type Model.


Exceptional MVC handling (was something about MVC soup)

2002-06-08 Thread Jeff

> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 07 June 2002 18:05

> For example, if you have a form for registering as a user which has 
> multiple fields, you want to be able to tell them everything that was 
> wrong with their input (zip code invalid, phone number invalid, etc.),

> not just the first thing you encountered.

> Putting that into a model object is awkward, since coding your 
> constructor or setter methods to keep going after they've found the 
> first error feels wrong.  You can write a special validate_input() 
> method for it which takes all the input and checks it at once
> a list of errors.  You could also just punt and push this out to the 
> controller.  (Not very "pure" but simple to implement.)  Either way
> can use one of the convenient form validation packages on CPAN.

When collecting multiple values for a single model, there generally is
both individual field validation, and an overall validation check. I
work in financial applications - often, there are inter-field
dependencies where validity cannot be determined until some decision has
been made, or some other detail gathered. As a general rule, there will
_always_ be a point in time after all details have been gathered, where
the Model must ask itself, 'Am I complete and integral?'.

What I am saying, is that you can't get around it! At some point in
time, you have to ask 'Are you OK, honey?'

There are a number of obvious stategies for dealing with this.

Some folks like to pass it all to the constructor, and get it over with
during the pangs of birth. Sometimes when this happens, instantiation
will fail, and you end up hanging your error information at a class
level ala DBD/DBI. Others don't mind instantiating an invalid Model, to
hold details of what went wrong (argh!). Some smarties pass an Exception
object into the instantiation, that collects all the exceptional detail
on the way, leaving the Controller at least with an instance handle on
what when badly wrong.

An alternative approach is to instantiate a mini-me Model without much
going on, and then to iterate through assigning properties or calling
methods and reaping any exceptions along the way into a collection for
later user castigation. Such mini-me Modellers must always remember to
ask the 'Was that good for you, Honey?' question at the end, or they end
up in purgetory, and have to bring home flowers!

Another intereting introspection is: Should I let the default View deal
with the errors, or should I have an Error View?

And the answer is... well, I guess it depends on your bent. 

For finicky field errors, it feels natural that the default View should
indicate problems where they occurred [ala stars next to the required
fields, or little digs at the users, next to the offending erroneous

For major whamoo! if ( not defined $universe ) big bangs, it may be
better to redirect to a safer plane. If this is the case, the Controller
must be able to grok the exception and redirect as appropriate.

All in all, I think prefer a Controller something like this:

  my $Exeption = My::Exception->new();
  my $params = cleanupParams( $r );
  my $Model = My::Model->new( %$params, exception => $Exception, );

  my $View;
  if ( $Exception->had_Fatal() or not defined $Model ) {
$View = My::ErrorView->new( exception => $Exception, model => $Model
  } else {
$View = My::View->new( exception => $Exception, model => $Model );  
  print $View if $View;
  print STDERR $Exception if $Exception->had_Any();



RE: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-08 Thread Jeff

> From: Jesse Erlbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 07 June 2002 18:58

> The purpose of the controller is to validate input and construct 
> valid arguments into these model methods.

Jesse, maybe its just semantics coming between us - if so, I apologise
in advance!

I think that the purpose of the Controller is to map User Input onto
Model properties and methods. The validation of any of the properties,
Model parameter calls etc must be in the Model, otherwise every
Controller that uses a Model must duplicate all the validation.

Let's say for example that I have a generic page with lots of fields,
that lets you create a Payment Instruction from your bank account.
Payment Instructions can be domestic or international. When you fill in
the details and hit submit, our Controller gets poked in the belly.

It is not reasonable for the Contoller to know that when creating an
International Payment, that the instruction dates for Italy must be at
least five working days in the future, and must not fall on an Italian
bank holiday. This is information that the Payment Instruction Model
should validate.

It is also not reasonable for a Controller to know that when creating
Swiss Blue Slip International Payments, that in addition to all the
other usual required fields, a 15 digit creditor reference number is
also required. 

The responsibility of the Controller is to take all the supplied user
input, translate it into the correct format, and pass it to the Model,
and watch what happens. The Model will decide if the instruction can be
realised, or if the system should explode.

The only type of validation that a controller _might_ perform would be
data type - e.g. is this a recognisable date? but even then it may may
more sense for the Model to interpret it. For example, a US Payment
Instruction might interpret 04/15/02 [15th April] as valid, but a UK
Payment Instruction might consider this a bad joke [4th day of 15th

Such basic type validation is often pushed to the Client in JavaScript,
to make for a 'richer user experience', but in any case would still need
to be checked - either in the Controller or Model.

It is a valid job of the controller to TRANSLATE input parameters into
an acceptable format for the Model. For example, it is valid to URL
Decode a string before passing it to a Model. The URL decoding is a
direct consequence of the way in which the user is interacting with the
Model, and hence a valid thing for a Web Controller to do. URL decoding
should not be in the Model, as it would have no relevance when the Model
is used in a cron job. There is a difference between translation and

> The controller is also responsible for catching any exception from the
> methods it calls ... and relaying that to the output view in a
> fashion.  By reasonable I do *not* mean "pretty HTML".  A "500
> Server Error" is perfectly reasonable in some situations.

I agree that this is a problematic area that needs some careful advance
thought, and a protocol whereby the Controller is told that something
went wrong - the Controller might well choose to instantiate a different
View after an exception.

> As I said in my first message on the topic, the model should be
> of in the context of being used from a variety of interfaces besides 
> the web ("cron", for instance).  A "controller" between a cron process

> and your model, for example, would be responsible for ensuring that 
> valid arguments are passed into the model methods

Maybe I am miss-understanding your 'valid arguments'? Because I disagree
- Models must validate themselves. You DON’T want to duplicate
validation code and tests in both the Web Controller and the cron job



RE: MVC alphabet soup (=> MVP?)

2002-06-06 Thread Jeff

> From: Jesse Erlbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 06 June 2002 23:21

>> All in all, the additions that led to MVP do not seem particularly
>> applicable to web development - it seems to me that a simplified MVC 
>> may work better here. Do others concur?
> YES!  I would agree whole-heartedly.  As I said in my first message on

> this thread, a pattern is not a panacea.  Practical, useful solutions 
> are rarely "academically correct".
> Let's not get caught up in "pattern-for-pattern's sake" thinking here.
> an aspect of someone else's idea (and that's all patterns like MVC are
> someone else's idea!), then TOSS IT!  Jettison.  Use what works and
> out the rest.

Jesse, I see your assertions, and may agree with them, but I am
interested to know specifically WHY you think MVC might be more
appropriate than MVP, and what parts of MVP are actually [!]cool-for-web

Call me old fashioned, but when I see that a large community of folks
have obviously invested much thought and effort into the original
Smalltalk MVC and then into MVP. I am reluctant to throw out the baby
until I am sure that the water is cold!

I too like a 'use what works' approach, but tempered with a bit of
'softly slowly lookee feelee', especially when it comes to fundamental
design and approach 8-)


RE: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-06 Thread Jeff

> From: Bill Moseley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 06 June 2002 19:06

> My MVC efforts often fall apart in the C an M separation.  
> My M parts end up knowing too much about each other -- typically 
> because of error conditions e.g. data that's passed to an M that 
> does not validate.  And I don't want to validate too much data 
> in the C as the C ends up doing M's work.

This sounds like an interesting area to explore - I would quite like to
get down to some specifics, for example to work through some concrete
examples and bounce some designs around. Can we take a real instance
where you have a problem, and see if we can develop an

Will you be willing to post some descriptions of [possibly simplified]
cases where you want to review your current MVC split? 

Or should we take a simple example and see what happens? For example, we
could model a basic internet banking site - the
data strunctures, range of events, presentation etc are simple and
generally well understood.

We can take the discussion off-line if the list feels it will be too OT.


OT: MVC alphabet soup (=> MVP?)

2002-06-06 Thread Jeff

and so my research into the world of MCV continues, and suddenly I feel
cheated when I discover that the MVC world moved on years ago to
something brighter, shinier and newer? MVP - Model-View-Presenter

So for us poor folks lagging behind, do any of the MVC pundits have any
comments on Model-Vew-Presenter?

My uninformed reading leads me to the following intermediate

The best explanation [and it covers MVC] that I have found seems to be

It appears to me that the MVC we are discussing in mod_perl is a
simplification of the original - an almost stateless remote user
interface is somewhat different from the richly interactive GUI apps
that MVC was originally designed for. I would guess that there is no
need for Views to register as observers with the Models [is there??]

Interestingly, most of the limitations of MVC that led to MVP seem to
have to do with the interaction of Controller and View, which led to
additional intermediate components that IBM call Interactors. Additional
formalisations include the addition of Command components with do, undo
and redo methods to communicate between the Controller aka Presenter and
the Model, and Selection components to identify ranges and selections of
data in the Model to be acted upon.

All in all, the additions that led to MVP do not seem particularly
applicable to web development - it seems to me that a simplified MVC may
work better here. Do others concur?

Does anyone know of an MVC disseratation similar to the IBM MVP
document, that particularly discussed MVC in a web development context?

RE: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-06 Thread Jeff

> From: Jesse Erlbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 06 June 2002 19:34
> To: 'Bill Moseley'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> First off, it is less of an "MVC crime" to combine your Model and 
> Controller than it is to combine your Controller and View.  

I disagree - coupling Controller and Model contradicts the fundamental 
tenet of MVC which is separation of Model from the Controller and View
As I understand it, the main benefit of MCV is that the Model knows the 
minimal possible about the Controller and View UIs.

Most pundits indicate that the only relationship between a Model and
is that of the weakly typed observer pattern.

I should point out that the mod_perlish MVC as described so far in these
threads is only loosely based on the MVC pattern, which was originally
designed for more traditional stateful user interfaces than web

Here are some MVC pages that indicate Models should NOT be closely
to Controller, and that in fact the relationship between the two user
interface components [ie Controller and View] may be stronger.

And the MVC relationships are covered, esp on page 5 of this

and there are some good pictures on this link 

which also says:
'What we really want, though, is a tight coupling between AM and View
but a 
loose coupling between Domain Model and View'

I parse this as 'tight coupling between Controller and View but a loose 
coupling between Model and View'



RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-01 Thread Jeff

> From: Rob Nagler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 31 May 2002 23:48

> Models can only express meta info about the data, not the context 
> in which the data is rendered.  Some info, like placement, is 
> conditional on the grouping which is chosen by the view.  A layout 
> manager abstracts placement using meta data supplied by the model 
> and context supplied by the view.

This is an interesting comment. We have so far tried [successfully]
to keep our document object models completely independent of the
rendering component, which means the same DOM can be passed to an
Excel/PDF/etc component for rendering.

The challenge of course is that it is much easy to render complex 
things in HTML than for example Excel which imposes a global tablular
view where a column can only have one width for a page. Excel does
however support multiple pages, but HTML doesn't [frames?]. Whilst
one can rely on scroll-bars for HTML, PDF rendering requires the 
component to decide on wrapping or truncating to fit page widths.

We relied heavily on the layout analysis that the W3 did for CSS and
HTML when desiging our DOM class, and so HTML rendering is easy. As
Rob  mentions in one of his emails, the HTML rendering component
does not actually have to calculate final layout, as this is done 
by the browser. Final layouts do have to be managed by some of our
other rendering components - the PDF rendering component has to
understand all flow, wrap, alignment, trunctation etc layout info.

Your comment seems to hint that maybe the DOM should take into 
account the target rendering flavour eg craft a complex DOM for 
HTML but a simple DOM for Excel. We chose to make our rendering 
components all accept complex DOMs and then make their own 
decisions on to best render them taking into account limitations 
of the target format. I don't know if this was the right decision,
but it has met our requirements for fast reporting development 
times for over a year now, and I am hoping to take it into the
HTML world.

I somehow feel that the MVC and MVC+template patterns described so 
far in the discussions go a long way towards, but do not quite
reach our desired level of reusable infra. Templating is an 
interesting variant, but actually solves a different problem.

Perhaps we are wanting too much! I can certainly see that the MVC+
template approach is simpler, and this is the strongest point in 
its favour.



RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-01 Thread Jeff

> From: Barry Hoggard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 01 June 2002 19:16

> I don't think the standard HTML::Template has support for formatting 
> numbers, dates, etc.

Perrin indicated that you can extend HTML::Template in some way
to accommodate this, but I am not yet sure of the details.

> How do you make sure that it's done consistently in your applications?

> It seems problematic to me to require the programmers to do work when
> designer wants to change the number of decimals in a page, for

In our reporting infra we handle this by extending the number of basic 
data types to include things like
cash value
interest rate
market price

and then set up a central store of meta-data that says
xxx => cash value
yyy => interest rate

and then set up the extended data types
cash value => '#,##0.00' 
quantity   => '#,##0' 

we also allow field specific overrides
zzz=> '#,###'  [blank when zero]

All our components use the meta-data to determine how the result
should look. In Excel, quantities are rendered with both a numeric 
value and a picture. Excel itself handles the commify. In PDF, the 
rendering component has to create a commified string representation 
with the correct number of dps.

By centralising the meta-data and having rendering components that use
your meta-data, you can globally change the accuracy or presentation 
rules in all view formats.

At present, all our folks are Perl literate, so the metadata is 
very easily managed in a series of Perl modules, but there is 
nothing stopping you from storing it in a DB, text file etc and
creating a non-technical user maintenance interface.


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-01 Thread Jeff

> From: Per Einar Ellefsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 01 June 2002 18:10
> To: Jeff

> Well, as I see this, it isn't a problem. The layout manager takes 
> the place of the view, as it essentially decides how things should 
> be rendered. You then have two stages in your view, but the same 
> techniques apply (as the 2nd stage of the view isn't really specific 
> to any model or controller).

It is interesting to try and fit our approach into the MVC+template
pattern, and I guess it comes down to where you draw the line. I think
that the layout manager / creation of the document object model is
not really part of a View, as a single DOM can be passed to a number 
of rendering components. I see it more as something the controller
creates and passes to all of the Views that you want to implement.

For example lets say that I want to present both a web page, and also
render an Excel report in response to a single query [the page gets
sent back to the requestor, the Excel gets saved into the db as a
blob for later download].

I would see this happening like this:
1) creates collection of Models and model meta-data
2) creates DOM using layout hints in meta-data
3) passes DOM to HTML View and reaps the HTML rendering
4) passes DOM to Excel View and reaps the Excel rendering
5) saves the Excel rendering in the DB as a blob
6) returns the HTML view to the page requester

As you can see from this outline, the controller manages the creation
of the DOM outside either the HTML or Excel views. 

I see the Controller as also responsible for deciding what to do with 
the results of rendering the DOM in Excel or HTML formats - Views 
don't decide how their results should be distributed. In the above 
example, the Controller might decide to return the Excel object to
the client, and save the HTML view into a cache or blob etc etc.

This is my current thinking. Now that I have heard more details from
the MVC folks on the list, I will have to sit down and spend some 
mental effort in assimilating MVC+template into what we currently 
do, and see what sort of beast emerges.


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-01 Thread Jeff

> From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 01 June 2002 00:17
> To: Rob Nagler

> The same template?  How does the layout manager help with that?  
> Does it modify the template?  It would make more sense to me if 
> this were a sort of abstraction to factor out common layout 
> ideas from multiple templates.

The layout manager is more complex than a static template. It takes 
a collection of data and meta-data and creates a document tree that 
is not a specific rendering flavour - the DOM might subsequently
be rendered in NS4.0 HTML, IE5.01+ HTML, Excel, PDF etc. without 
requiring (every page) x (every format) x (every option) templates.

> ...
> That doesn't require a layout manager though.  Simple templating is 
> fine for that, i.e. two different templates (views).

In most circumstances it is ok to have templates that are 
specific to one output flavour, possible with some simple alts.

But what if I have 40 pages that I want to render in: IE5+HTML, 
NS4-HTML, Excel, HP-PCL5 and PDF - and I also want SIMPLE views 
of each page. This would result in 40 x 5 x 2 = 400 templates. 
For every change in a basic page, I have to keep 9 other templates 
in other languages in step.

If the number of output formats and page variants is not trivial, 
it might make more sense to have an active component that creates 
the document tree, and passes it to simple components that know how 
to render a DOM in the desired output format.

All in all, I think the MVC+template approach described is fine for
most of the type of dynamic sites currently available on the web.

But I work for a small ASP and we have to manage rapidly changing 
complex dynamic sites and complex user reporting requirements, with
minimal work. We don't have any HTML specialists, but rather a few 
very good technical generalists. I think that for us a meta-data 
layout driven approach will be more effective. 

We do however plan to borrow all the good ideas we can find from any 
other model, including MVC+template. Our planned move to mod_perl is
mostly due to the benefits we have seen from out Perl data processing
and reporting - hence the desire to join both the web and DP infra at
the hip.


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-06-01 Thread Jeff Aqua

> From: Jesse Erlbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 30 May 2002 22:42
> To: 'Ray Zimmerman'; modperl List; Mason List

Jesse, thanks for your comments, I found them very interesting.
I am comfortable with Perl and Web programming (though previously
not the two together) and am about to embark on development of
a new product for an ASP, so have considerable interest at this
stage of the proceedings.

I would like to ask some further questions, please forgive the
extensive haircut of your comments:

> applying a design pattern such as MVC is not a panacea
I agree - I much prefer Perlish DWIM dweomer

>Model:  The business logic.  Not related to the UI at all.
>View:   The user interface.
>Controller:  The glue between the View and the Model.

> ... the Model is simply a Perl module... make it entirely separate 
> from the user interface... the methods... being called from a web 
> application, a cron script, or an email-based interface

Makes sense, in old-style speak [yes, I am approaching 'Ancient of Days'

status] this seems to indicate the Model accepts method calls and
data that will be rendered elsewhere. In our planned development, there
is a LOT of tabular data - do you use any standards for the data being 
returned to the Controller? eg do you use a struct [ie hash/array Perl
primitive] or do you return an object? eg a table object etc?

> The View, in a web application, is really the HTML output.  

Sounds good, so I could also pass the Models returned data to a
flavoured rendering view eg PDF, Spreadsheet, Text etc. This sounds a
like our existing Perl reporting infra which does exactly that.

W3 did a huge amount of analysis on layout and style as part of the CSS 
specs. In our setup, the table objects contain lots of style info. It is

easy to render complex tables in PDF [as HTML will be] but formats like 
Excel are very hard, as there are layout constraints [eg a column can
only one width for the entire page - we call this the 'Highlander

Is this true of your setup? does the Model returned data contain lots of
style hints? Or do you leave this completely to the View layer? How does
the view layer know for example to render an Error cell as RED in HTML
but blue in Excel due to Excel palette limitations?

> Optimally, the View avoids *ALL* application logic.  
 - so the Model has to say RED rather than ERROR? but that wouldn't
work if rendering something where RED is illegible? Our reporting knows
about basic things like Error, Good, User Date / Numeric preferences 

> At my company we use HTML::Template ... it's damn fast, too
will look at this - is there a list somewhere?

> The Controller connects the View to the Model... takes user input 
> ... translates it into method calls on the Model... then takes output 
> from the Model and passes it to your View.

Sounds like Controller only interacts with one Model? I would assume 
that a Controller might collect data from a number of Models, and then
pass the collection of data to a View?

What controls the overall layout? e.g. what is the equivalent of the
'Grid Bag' layout manager - is this done in the Controller? and then
passed to the View with all the data from a set of Models? Or do you 
make the Controller minimalist and have a meta-Model that assembles
all the sub-Models into a layout.

> CGI::Application modules
will do some reading on this also then.

> separating the View from Controller is a problem.

I guess this is a balance between purist and DWIMism, but as we already
have this separation for reporting, I would like to extend it into our
dynamic web page generation.

> If you have to work with an SPS such as Mason but you still want to 
> separate your View from your Controller, you have to work twice as

Jesse, I found your posting extremely useful - thank you very much!


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Jeff AA
TML:Template route? Not sure, I guess
it depends on whether HTML::Template can be smartened up to 
understand that I want Dates rendered in a pretty format, quantities
should be commified, cash values must have commas and 2dps, interest
rates should have 4dps and cells with an error attribute should have
a red background.

mmm - I will also think more about the layout manager - methinks I 
need to mull over other possible implementation arrangements...

> I wrote about this in my article on the eToys system:

I remember reading this at the time - and will re-read it with a
fresh perspective.

Thanks again for all the info and experience.


RE: separating C from V in MVC

2002-05-31 Thread Jeff AA

> From: Jesse Erlbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 30 May 2002 22:42
> To: 'Ray Zimmerman'; modperl List; Mason List

Jesse, thanks for your comments, I found them very interesting.
I am comfortable with Perl and Web programming (though previously
not the two together) and am about to embark on development of
a new product for an ASP, so have considerable interest at this
stage of the proceedings.

I would like to ask some further questions, please forgive the
extensive haircut of your comments:

> applying a design pattern such as MVC is not a panacea
I agree - I much prefer Perlish DWIM dweomer

>Model:  The business logic.  Not related to the UI at all.
>View:   The user interface.
>Controller:  The glue between the View and the Model.

> ... the Model is simply a Perl module... make it entirely separate 
> from the user interface... the methods... being called from a web 
> application, a cron script, or an email-based interface

Makes sense, in old-style speak [yes, I am approaching 'Ancient of Days'

status] this seems to indicate the Model accepts method calls and
data that will be rendered elsewhere. In our planned development, there
is a LOT of tabular data - do you use any standards for the data being 
returned to the Controller? eg do you use a struct [ie hash/array Perl
primitive] or do you return an object? eg a table object etc?

> The View, in a web application, is really the HTML output.  

Sounds good, so I could also pass the Models returned data to a
flavoured rendering view eg PDF, Spreadsheet, Text etc. This sounds a
like our existing Perl reporting infra which does exactly that.

W3 did a huge amount of analysis on layout and style as part of the CSS 
specs. In our setup, the table objects contain lots of style info. It is

easy to render complex tables in PDF [as HTML will be] but formats like 
Excel are very hard, as there are layout constraints [eg a column can
only one width for the entire page - we call this the 'Highlander

Is this true of your setup? does the Model returned data contain lots of
style hints? Or do you leave this completely to the View layer? How does
the view layer know for example to render an Error cell as RED in HTML
but blue in Excel due to Excel palette limitations?

> Optimally, the View avoids *ALL* application logic.  
 - so the Model has to say RED rather than ERROR? but that wouldn't
work if rendering something where RED is illegible? Our reporting knows
about basic things like Error, Good, User Date / Numeric preferences 

> At my company we use HTML::Template ... it's damn fast, too
will look at this - is there a list somewhere?

> The Controller connects the View to the Model... takes user input 
> ... translates it into method calls on the Model... then takes output 
> from the Model and passes it to your View.

Sounds like Controller only interacts with one Model? I would assume 
that a Controller might collect data from a number of Models, and then
pass the collection of data to a View?

What controls the overall layout? e.g. what is the equivalent of the
'Grid Bag' layout manager - is this done in the Controller? and then
passed to the View with all the data from a set of Models? Or do you 
make the Controller minimalist and have a meta-Model that assembles
all the sub-Models into a layout.

> CGI::Application modules
will do some reading on this also then.

> separating the View from Controller is a problem.

I guess this is a balance between purist and DWIMism, but as we already
have this separation for reporting, I would like to extend it into our
dynamic web page generation.

> If you have to work with an SPS such as Mason but you still want to 
> separate your View from your Controller, you have to work twice as

Jesse, I found your posting extremely useful - thank you very much!


Confusion: Perl/mod_perl ????

2002-05-30 Thread Jeff McLean

I have been programming in Perl for about 3 weeks 
now, and I just started doing some Perl CGI. I have Apache 2 installed on my 
linux system, but and my perl scripts work fine, but I don't knwo whether or not 
I'm using Perl (as in /usr/bin/perl) or mod_perl. I thought up untill recently 
that Apache has it's own version of Perl that it uses for CGI scripts (mod_perl) 
but I am now having doubts. Could someone please tell me exactly what the 
difference is between Perl and mod_perl, and how exactly mod_perl is used (.i.e. 
is it just for writing apache modules or is it just for CGI, or what) I'm 
big-time confuesd here.
Thanks very much!!!

RE: Configuring mod_perl on Debian

2002-05-28 Thread Jeff A

> From: Andrew McNaughton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 27 May 2002 21:02
> To: Ian D. Stewart
> You miss most of the advantage of debian's package management 
> if you start building core components independently.  Debian 
> looks after you pretty well, but it's a bit of an all or 
> nothing affair.  ie it's worth a little effort to stick 
> with the debian packages if you can.

I agree with Andrew - getting Apache, Mod_SSL, PHP4 and mod_perl
with PHP4/MySQL and mod_perl/mySQL all co-operating is a relative 
doddle with Debian packaging. Especially in view of the volume of 
the 'I cant build...' comments on the mod_perl mailing lists.

We usually wget the .debs we want installed as a set, into a dir
e.g. /usr/local/deb/ and then do a 
  dpkg -i *.deb
  apt-get check

FYI, these are SOME of the installed packages on our Dev server 
yes - it's a bit messy, but it's potato flavoured, with woody 
extras, and we don't seem to have any issues.
apache 1.3.23-1Versatile, high-performance HTTP server
apache-common  1.3.23-1Support files for all Apache webservers
libapache-mod-ssl 2.8.7-1  Strong cryptography (HTTPS support) 
libssl0. shared libraries

mysql-client   3.23.46-2   mysql database client binaries
mysql-common   3.23.46-2   mysql database common files
libmysqlclient 3.23.38-2   mysql database client library

perl   5.6.1-7 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and 
libperl5.6 5.6.1-7 Shared Perl library.

libapache-dbi-perl 0.88-5  Connect apache server to database via 
libapache-mod-perl 1.26-2  Integration of perl with the Apache web
libapache-reload-perl 0.07-1  Reload changed modules in a mod_perl
libapache-request-perl 0.33-1 Generic Apache Request Library
libapache-session-perl 1.54-1 Perl modules for keeping persistent 
libapache-ssi-perl 2.16-1  perl Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side
libdbd-mysql-perl 1.2216-2 mySQL database interface for Perl
libdbi-perl1.21-2  The Perl5 Database Interface by Tim Bunce

php4   4.1.2-1 A server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
php4-mysql 4.1.2-1 MySQL module for php4
php4-pear  4.1.2-1 PEAR - PHP Extension Application Reposit

RE: unable to use method type handlers?

2002-05-14 Thread Jeff AA

> Try per load the class my::class via or PerlModule

I already had PerlModule my::classes in httpd.conf
Tried PerlRequire as well - still the same error


-Original Message-
Sent: 14 May 2002 09:58
To: Jeff AA
Subject: Re: unable to use method type handlers?

Try per load the class my::class via or PerlModule


Jeff AA wrote:
> Whenever I try to set up a method type handler
>   PerlHandler my::classes->mymethod
> I get the following in the error log:
>   Undefined subroutine &my::classes->mymethod::handler called.
> using:
>   Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux
>   mod_perl/1.26 mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6c
> any hints would be appreciated

unable to use method type handlers?

2002-05-14 Thread Jeff AA

Whenever I try to set up a method type handler 

  PerlHandler my::classes->mymethod

I get the following in the error log:

  Undefined subroutine &my::classes->mymethod::handler called.

  Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux 
  mod_perl/1.26 mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6c

any hints would be appreciated

RE: mod_perl: User Authentication recommendations requested

2002-05-14 Thread Jeff Armstrong

And then he reads on p360 that there are tantalising recipes in chapter

I would still appreciate the lists thoughts and experience.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff AA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 14 May 2002 09:07
Subject: mod_perl: User Authentication recommendations requested

I have a requirement to protect all pages on a website, and to only
allow in users with a valid user id, password, client certificate and
recognised IP.

I know this is asking a lot, but I would appreciate an
overview/recommendation of approaches that are 1st safe, and 2nd fast.

I think something like:

Scenario 1: unauthenticated user gets authenticated
1) user hits site - no session = unauthenticated
   create new session, remember requested page, redirect to /login page
2) /login page: collect username/password, POST action is /authenticate
3) /authenticate page: perform checks, if all ok set
   and redirect to originally requested page [stored in session]

Scenario 2: authenticated user accesses site
1) user hits page - has session
   redirect to /login if ( not $session->is_logged_in() );
   redirect to /login?message=inactivity+timeout if (
time-$session->last_access()>1hr );

Which seems to fit the functionality bill - users can bookmark their
favourite part of the system. When they come in but have not yet
authenticated, they get momentarily diverted through the
/login/authenticate pages.

Is this safe? 
How should I ensure that the sessions never get hijacked?

I am thinking along the lines of an additional transient cookie issued
the session authenticates the user that contains
md5(some_secret+session_id) that
is also checked?

And... is there already a nifty mod_perl class that does all this? I
have Apache::AuthCookie working from examples, but don't know what the
security implications of using it are, without reading the code [which I
will do soon I guess]. I also have problems with the LOGIN POST saying
POST: METHOD NOT ALLOWED when I try to get mod_perl to be the handler
for Location /.

Any recommendations/feedback appreciated! Even if it's a recipe I
haven't yet reached!

Thanks in advance,

mod_perl: User Authentication recommendations requested

2002-05-14 Thread Jeff AA

I have a requirement to protect all pages on a website, and to only
allow in users with a valid user id, password, client certificate and
recognised IP.

I know this is asking a lot, but I would appreciate an
overview/recommendation of approaches that are 1st safe, and 2nd fast.

I think something like:

Scenario 1: unauthenticated user gets authenticated
1) user hits site - no session = unauthenticated
   create new session, remember requested page, redirect to /login page
2) /login page: collect username/password, POST action is /authenticate
3) /authenticate page: perform checks, if all ok set
   and redirect to originally requested page [stored in session]

Scenario 2: authenticated user accesses site
1) user hits page - has session
   redirect to /login if ( not $session->is_logged_in() );
   redirect to /login?message=inactivity+timeout if (
time-$session->last_access()>1hr );

Which seems to fit the functionality bill - users can bookmark their
favourite part of the system. When they come in but have not yet
authenticated, they get momentarily diverted through the
/login/authenticate pages.

Is this safe? 
How should I ensure that the sessions never get hijacked?

I am thinking along the lines of an additional transient cookie issued
the session authenticates the user that contains
md5(some_secret+session_id) that
is also checked?

And... is there already a nifty mod_perl class that does all this? I
have Apache::AuthCookie working from examples, but don't know what the
security implications of using it are, without reading the code [which I
will do soon I guess]. I also have problems with the LOGIN POST saying
POST: METHOD NOT ALLOWED when I try to get mod_perl to be the handler
for Location /.

Any recommendations/feedback appreciated! Even if it's a recipe I
haven't yet reached!

Thanks in advance,

Logging Perl errors to browser

2002-05-07 Thread Jeff


How do I get to log my mod_perl handler Perl errors to the browser
instead of into the Apache logs?


Perrenial Sessions: An Object Interface?

2002-05-07 Thread Jeff


A pol of gee's in advance - this is probably an inane question for ye
olde mod_perl gods but I'll ask it anyway to see if I get struck by the
lightning of enlightenment!

All the e dot gee's that I can find, perldoc and guide pages show
sessions being used with a tied old hash interface - I was wondering if
there is an new style object interface?

Something like:

  my $session;
  if ( exists $jar->{session} ) {
# restore the session from server storage
$session_id = $jar->{session}->value();
$session = Apache::Session::File->open( $session_id, { isnew => 0,
opened => ht_time(time()) } );
LogFatal "Didn't find session: $session_id" unless $session;

  } else {
# Create a new session and remember the ID in a cookie
$session = Apache::Session::File->new( $session_id, { isnew => 1,
newtime => ht_time(time()) } );
$session_id = $session->{_session_id};
my $sessionCookie = Apache::Cookie->new( $r,
  -name   => 'session',
  -value  => $session_id,
  -path   => '/',
  -domain => '',



RE: framesets/AuthCookie question

2002-04-21 Thread Jeff Armstrong

I'm just a budding modperlie - is notes info maintained 
across a server redirect?



-Original Message-
From: Michael Schout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 19 April 2002 17:44
To: Peter Bi
Cc: Fran Fabrizio; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: framesets/AuthCookie question

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Peter Bi wrote:

> Fran:
> You may need to 1) add a few lines of code in AuthCookie to make your
> code aware to other methods,  and 2) have a dynamic login page that
> interpret the code. Alternatively,  you may try AccessCookie I posted.

The CVS version of AuthCookie has a custom_errors() hook in it that does
sort of thing.

However, I dont think it will work for his problem because his
javascript code
seems to launch a NEW REQUEST, thus loosing anything that was stored
away in
$r->subprocess_env().  So the only viable option is to pass the error
codes in
they url (as part of the query string) I think.


RE: framesets/AuthCookie question

2002-04-17 Thread Jeff

Sounds to me like your Javascript should be smarter?
ie it should ask top to open the full url including
any optional message.

Why not include this in your real login page:

// Frame buster
if ( top.location != document.location ) {
  top.location = document.location;
// -->

and your authentication should do a server redirect to
something like

and the page can taint-check and display message

I no longer use this simple framebuster, as most of my 
websites use multiple windows, so I have to cope with
/login being opened in a child window, and/or a frame.
For this I use a home-brewed openWindow() function and
a window naming scheme.



PS I don't have much mod_perl yet, so excuse me if I err.
There may be a better mod_perilsh way.

-Original Message-
From: Fran Fabrizio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 17 April 2002 23:01
Subject: framesets/AuthCookie question

I'm using AuthCookie and as some of you know, if it determines your 
session to be invalid it redirects to a login page instead by way of a 
FORBIDDEN response coupled with a custom error page.

My app has a frameset (navigation on the left, and two data frames on 
the right).  I know the evils of framesets, but in our case, it's the 
best way to present our particular data.

What ends up happening is that if the session expires, AuthCookie 
displays the login page inside whatever frameset you were clicking in, 
while the other two remain on whatever they were on previously.

I made a quick solution...I told AuthCookie that my login page was 
login.html.  login.html had javascript which called /real/login (a 
mod_perl handler) and targeted it to the top frame.  All is well and now

the entire browser window gets cleared and replaced with the login page.

However...I then thought it'd be neat to include on the /real/login page

a message to tell them how they got there ("Your session has expired", 
"Your account has logged on from another location", "Invalid 
username/password combination", whatever...).

At first I thought I could accomplish this by simply doing 
$r->notes('LOGINFAILMSG' => 'Your session has expired') if AuthCookie 
detected it to be thus, and then in my handler I could retrieve it and 
display it.

However, it's failing of course because I added the extra redirection of

the login.html w/ the javascript, which makes a round trip to the client

and back, so it looks like a brand new request to mod_perl, thus, no 
notes() any more.  Is there a solution to breaking out of the frameset 
AND propagating the reason for the logout to the /real/login page?

I'd appreciate and and all ideas.  Thanks!


RE: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

2002-04-15 Thread Jeff

Forgive a mod_perl newbie for non mod_perl thinking, but this
is (a simplified overview) of how I would approach this:

request for any protected page 
 - if no existing session data [so not authenticated]
 create new session
 remember target page in session
 redirect to login page
 allow access to page

login page POST with user id / password.
 - if ( valid user / password )
 add user info to session
 expire previous session [id was saved in db]
 save new session id in the database [for next login]
 redirect to the originally requested page
 redirect to login page with error message

If someone now tries to come back with an old session id,
there is no data in the session, so they will be considered
un-authenticated, and will get redirected to login page.

In PHP, I would expire the old session during login, by deleting
the session storage, if it still existed. mod_perlers can probably
best suggest how to empty the contents of a session and / or 
remove the session storage.

As the decisions are made based on information on the server,
this should also be safe from users pressing the BACK button, 
as BACK to a protected page will redirect to login.

I'm not sure what happens with using History to select the page 
that immediately followed login - probably the usual 'Do you
want me to post again?' question from Explorer etc.

I can see two issues with this approach:
1) login ping-pong. Two users using the same id/password will
   be logging each other out as they log in (but this seems
   to be what you want?)

2) it does not prevent the user from having the same pages
   open multiple times within the same browser instance
   (eg when the user presses Ctrl-N after having logged in)

just my 2 newbie pennies...


-Original Message-
From: Perrin Harkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 15 April 2002 16:02
To: Fran Fabrizio
Subject: Re: Enforcing user logged in from only 1 browser?

Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> Unfortunately, there's some terminology muddling...AuthCookie calls it
> session when it establishes that a user is a valid user and sets a 
> cookie on their browser.  Apache::Session considers a session a series

> of page hits from the same user.  It assumes you've already done 
> whatever you need to do to assure that the user is valid.

I think you may find that neither of these does everything you need 
without a bit of additional coding.  The common way to do this sort of 
thing is to use Apache::Session to track sessions (as in a series of 
page hits from the same user), and if the user authenticates, you put 
his user ID into the session data.

You would have to do the auth part yourself, as well as the actual 
cookie handling, or else hack AuthCookie to cooperate with

- Perrin

RE: PDF generation

2002-04-08 Thread Jeff

Of course others have already told you about Text::PDF, and no doubt
you googled the group Yahoo!

You can do anything you want with PDFs, but the interface is hard to
and you really need to wrap it.

I have a framework that we use to pull info from a database on-the-fly, 
and generate either Excel spreadsheets, Text dumps or PDFs. It ain't 
really ready for public primetime. 

I put out a message about 6 months ago in the PDF list asking if anyone 
wanted to co-operate with me on getting it ready for realworld. 
The goal is to be able to create some relatively simple Perl structures 
and then throw them at a Spreadsheet, PDF, HTML or other rendering
and reap the rewards!

The doc tree used [i.e. Perl structures] leant heavily on the CSS
done by the w3 guys on how to organise layout and styles etc in such a
way as to be independent of the ultimate rendering environment.

Here is the post where I postulate an ideal universe where data is 
automagically formatted in wondrous tabular PDF prose...

mail me direct if you want to help take it further.


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Eibner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 08 April 2002 13:47
To: modperl
Subject: Re: PDF generation

On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 01:32:58PM +0200, Patrick wrote:
> Few seconds, at least for my cases (and by doing PUSHs to the Web
> client it let it know exactly where we are at the generation).

Okay, that sounds bareable.

> You should also consider, if possible, to generate files in advance
> of use.

That would have been a possibility if there wasn't such a high impact
when you generate the statistics I need.

> I also think that should not mess with the PDF output directly.
> Because it looks like text, but as you show yourself, it is in fact
> more complicated. 

That is true, but it's a fine line between either having to do ALL the
work everytime a layout has to change (try getting any of your 
graphical designers to make a layout in LaTeX :( ) or "just" parsing a
PDF. And since placing content at an absolute position isn't really an
option either it's not possible just to import the PDF and then write
the information needed to the document. 

I wonder how much PDI from will do..

  Thomas Eibner <> DnsZone <>
  mod_pointer <> <>

RE: mod_perl Cook Book

2002-04-05 Thread Jeff

I bought it two weeks ago, as a mod_perl newbie, and recommend it. 

I really like the cookbook style: 'You want to XXX' => snippet / recipe.
If you already read Perl, it is fast and compact.

I have had questions along the way [specific to the cookbook], but
posting a question on this list gets an almost immediate response.

Summation: Worth the money - buy it.


-Original Message-
Sent: 05 April 2002 21:13
Subject: mod_perl Cook Book

Hello folks,
Has anyone purchased the mod_perl cook book from this list? If so, what
do you think of it? Is it a good buy? Appreciate feed back.
Thanks in advance

mod_perl developers cookbook... a kitchen hand asks... doh!

2002-03-23 Thread Jeff

Just Curious of Hither Green writes: 

I feel like a right tit for asking this...

I already have mod_perl et al running, including my persistent DB
connections etc etc, but following gourmet cookery advice on this list
induced me to buy a copy of the mod_perl Developers Cookbook... and yes,
my nails were rather short after the week it took my Amazon to deliver
said arcane tome unto my abode.

So, I am working my way through, and get to page 83 which has a little

sub handler {
  my $r = shift;
  print STDERR $r->as_string();
  return OK;

looks easy peasy - but

1) OK ->  Bareword "OK" not allowed while "strict subs" in use
   well, that's easy to fix - I must be missing a 'use' [which one??]
   I assume OK is 1 - ie TRUE

2) error log: Subroutine handler redefined at xxx line 1

This is interesting - probably because PerlHandler Apache::Registry so
kitchen whizzes, tell me please, exactly what knead I put in my
httpd.conf instead of Apache::Registry?

Thanks a munch!


RE: Tie hashes in DBIx::Recordset [OT]

2002-03-13 Thread Jeff

Obviously sorting the hash keys wont give you the columns
in the select statement order.

After doing something like:
  my $sth = $dbh->execute(@params) or die...

You can get back the lower case column names in the select 
statement order using:
  my @names = @{$sth->{NAME_lc}};

Note that $sth->{NAME_lc} is not always populated, depending 
upon your SQL.



-Original Message-
From: Ged Haywood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 13 March 2002 10:30
To: Marcus Claesson
Subject: Re: Tie hashes in DBIx::Recordset [OT]

Hi there,

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Marcus Claesson wrote:

> How do I succesfully preserve the column order (''$fields'=>
> $joined_col') in my array-of-hashes generated using DBIx::Recordset?

Check out a Perl tutorial or the Camel book.  Perl's hashes do their own
thing with ordering, so unless you do something like (sort keys %hash)
you will get what you get.  Arrays can preserve sequences but involve
you in more coding much of the time.


Newbie help - My cookies won't bake?

2002-03-08 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Revered Chefs,

Please forgive a mere mod_perl kitchen-hand, undergoing early cookie 
training... I have the following cookie code, but no cookies come 
back when I refresh, and I don't see any $HTTP_COOKIE in %ENV. 
$cookies ends up as a hash ref pointing to an empty hash.

I have the following in my httpd.conf:
  PerlWarn On
  PerlTaintCheck On
  PerlFreshRestart On
  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
  PerlSetVar ReloadAll On
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
PerlSendHeader Off
Options +ExecCGI

Help?? TIA


# As you will note, this highly original recipe was lifted unchanged 
# from Delia Smith's 'How to Boil Eggs for Breakfast'.
# This is the cookie dough that don't want to bake
use strict;
require "";
use Apache;
use Apache::Cookie;

# read in the cookie if this is an old session
my $r = Apache->request();
my $cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;

my $sent = '';
if (!$cookies->{foo} ) {
  $sent = 'sending cookie';
  my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new(
  -name=>  'foo',
  -value   =>  'bar',
  -expires =>  '+1D',
  -domain  =>  undef,
  -path=>  '/',
  -secure  =>  undef,
} else {
  $sent = 'received cookie';

print "$0 $sent", "";
print "", $r->as_string, "";
map { print "  $_ => '$ENV{$_}' \n"; } sort keys %ENV;

Can anyone recommend a good flavour of Cookie?

2002-03-07 Thread Jeff

Please forgive a mod_perl wannabie [aka woza.PHP4.user]

I have googled two differing flavoured cookies in the
mod_perl recipe library:

and of course, there is the 'Why not hack the HTTP_COOKIE 
env all by your lonesome?' peppermint flavour too!

So which is it folks? Please vote for your favourite
flavour of cookie for poor woza.PHP4.user

Thanks in advance!


PS Any kind Debian soul might also include the name of the 
.deb containing said flavour?

PPS Not too keen on the taste of hysterical raisins.

Re: Status of mod_perl 2.0

2002-02-27 Thread Jeff Stuart

On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 13:00, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Jeff Stuart wrote:
> > Question?  What is the status of mod_perl 2.0?  Also, is it working
> > with/playing with Apache 2.0 at all?  
> Tell me what's the status of apache 2.0 and I'll tell you the status of 
> mod_perl 2.0 :)
> But seriously mod_perl 2.0 will be ready about the time apache 2.0 (i.e. 
> httpd-2.0) gets released.
> You can start playing with it already. I've successfully run my 
> code using mod_perl 2.0 a few months ago. And there 
> are many tests, so you can see what works and what not. Registry is 
> almost completed, a few thread-safety issues unresolved (e.g. chdir() in 
> the threaded env).
> If you plan on adding a testing platform for you product, make sure to 
> use the Apache::Test framework from 2.0 distro, which rocks!
> _
> Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
>  mod_perl Guide

Heh... status of Apache 2.0?  WHO Knows? LOL

Status of mod_perl 2.0

2002-02-27 Thread Jeff Stuart

Question?  What is the status of mod_perl 2.0?  Also, is it working
with/playing with Apache 2.0 at all?  

perl cgi's and apache

2002-02-05 Thread Jeff

I am having a problem getting my cgi script to complete processing when it is launched 
via apache server.
The script itself runs fine from the command line.  It is a script that processes a 
long array of values and interacts with a database per value.
When the array is relatively short, the program will complete and everything is fine 
(even when launched through the browser).  When the array is larger, and only when 
launched through the browser, the perl.exe on the Windows 2000 machine just seems to 
hang after about 30 seconds or so and if I stop apache server, it will start 
processing again and finish its job.
I think I have all the apache timeout parameters set long enough.  Can anyone help me 
out on this?

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Jeff Yoak


 I wasn't sure what volume of response to expect when I originally 
wrote.  Thank you all for the comments that you all are making.  They are 
helping.  Given that the response is fairly high, I'm waiting for stuff to 
roll in rather than replying to each of you.  Don't think it is falling on 
unappreciating ears.  :-)
 To respond to a few recurring comments / questions:

Me?  I've spent most of the last four years working on mod_perl-based stuff 
and most of the last eight working with Perl.  Actually I've worked with 
folks who were involved with some of the projects you've mentioned, having 
been at idealab!, a parent of eToys and CitySearch.  One of the original 
(THE original?) developer at CitySearch was probably the most helpful 
mentor / teacher I've ever worked with.  I programmed in C a lot early in 
my career, but at this point I couldn't write anything substantial without 
brushing up, and frankly wouldn't care to.  It just isn't as fun to work 
with C.  But then, the argument, "But if you used C, you wouldn't get to 
work with ME!" may not convince some of these people with their values all 
screwed up...  ;-)

The project?  What I consider to be standard web junk.  About 30% ecommerce 
combined with lots of database-driven, interactive content, some 
authentication foo and things like that.  The thing is that it is in the 
adult industry and the investor in question turns on the hose... well... 
there will be lots of traffic.

Mistakes and misunderstandings?  Sure.  And yes, as some of you have 
pointed out publicly or privately, not my fault.  I was kept very insulated 
from the people who were familiar with the alternatives.  My involvement at 
this point is to try to smooth things over and keep the project 
functional.  These immediate problems aside, the people involved are great 
to work with and if everyone feels better about the situation and things 
move forward in the best possible way from here, there will be a lot of 
valuable work for me.  So I'm trying to help.

More than you cared to hear about and terribly off-topic for the 
list?  Sure.  But you did sorta ask, and somehow it seemed rude to not 
reply.  Forgive me and thanks for providing all of your commentary.


Jeff Yoak   626-705-6996

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Jeff Yoak

At 09:15 PM 12/14/2001 +0100, Thomas Eibner wrote:
>The key to mod_perl development is speed, there are numerous testimonials
>from users implementing a lot of work in a very short time with mod_perl.
>Ask the clients investor wheter he wants to pay for having everything you
>did rewritten as an Apache module in C. That is very likely going to take
>a lot of time.

Thank you for your reply.  I realized in reading it that my tone leads one 
to the common image of a buzzword driven doody-head who wants this because 
of what he read in Byte.  That's certainly common enough, and I've never 
had a problem dealing with such types.  (Well... not an unsolvable 
problem... :-)

This is something different.  The investor is in a related business, and 
has developed substantially similar software for years.  And it is really 
good.  What's worse is that my normal, biggest argument isn't compelling in 
this case, that by the time this would be done in C, I'd be doing contract 
work on Mars.  The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, 
to have witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl 
causes a CPU usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load 
mod_perl completely falls apart where C doesn't.  (This code is, of course, 
LONG gone so I can't evaluate it for whether the C was good and the Perl 
was screwy.)  At any rate, because of this, he's spent years having good 
stuff written in C.  Unbeknownst to either me or my client, both this 
software and its developer were available to us, so in this case it would 
have been faster, cheaper and honestly even better, by which I mean more 

So he's upset.  Everyone acknowledges that given our particular 
circumstances, it would have been better to build upon what we already had, 
but because of his previous experience he feels that mod_perl wasn't even a 
responsible choice even within the limits of our lack of knowledge of his 
software and its availability.

So I'm trying to show that mod_perl doesn't suck, and that it is, in fact, 
a reasonable choice.  Though within these limits it is still reasonable to 
point out the development cycle, emotionally it is the least compelling 
form of argument, because the investor has a hard time removing from 
consideration that given our particular situation, there was a very fast 
solution in using his C-based routines.

>Take a look at Joshua Chamas benchmarks (Although they're only hello
>world style apps) it shows that mod_perl is pretty fast.

I will look for this particularly.  Thanks.



Jeff Yoak   626-705-6996

mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-14 Thread Jeff Yoak

Hi All,

 Recently I did a substantial project for a client in using 
mod_perl.  That client is happy with the work, but an investor with their 
company is very angry because of what a horrible choice mod_perl is for 
high-load web applications compared with Apache modules and even CGI 
programs, written in C.  If anyone on this list could forward any resources 
that do comparisons along these lines, or even analysis of mod_perl's 
handling of high-load web traffic, I would be very grateful.


Jeff Yoak   626-705-6996

Re: load balancing on apache

2001-12-14 Thread Jeff Beard

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> > I _really_ hate so-called dedicated boxes. They're closed, nasty,
> > inflexible and often don't work in _your_ situation. Doing smart
> > session-based redirection can be hard with these boxes.
> You can make it work with homegrown solutions, but I've found the dedicated
> load-balancing tools (at least Big/IP) to be effective and fairly easy to
> work with, even with large loads, failover requirements, and more exotic
> stuff like sticky sessions.  This is one area where the problem seems to be
> well enough defined for most people to use an off-the-shelf solution.
> They're often more expensive than they should be, but if you don't have
> someone on hand who knows the ipchains or LVS stuff it can save you some
> time and trouble.

I couldn't agree more. In terms of managability and scalability,
the various software solutions simply add complexity to something that is
already so. I've got some experience with Alteon AceDirectors and even though
they seem little flakey at times, you do end up with true load balacing. (We
have Cisco's solution deployed and they periodically have issues too.)

DNS round-robin should be avoided at all costs. It's half-assed at best. In
the case of a failure those clients that have that IP cached are SOL.

On some of the systems that I've deployed we have a frontend proxy on the same box
as the mod_perl with the mod_perl server listening on This is
behind an Alteon (or 2). You can put the proxy on a separate box as well but
(I've seen some odd problems with TCP connections not working in this situation
which I never fully understood but may have had to do with the Alteon being flakey.)

Anyway, my advice is to go with a hardware load balancer/intelligent IP switch.
In the long term, it will pay for itself in the time recovered from *not* being
spent on troubleshooting complex problems.



"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Re: DBI connections build up..

2001-09-12 Thread Jeff Beard

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, DJ (David J Radunz) wrote:

> use strict;
> use vars ($dbh);

You don't need this with Apache::DBI. Globals in general should be
avoided/used with extreme caution.

> use mod_perl;

Don't need this either.

> 1;

> END {
> $dbh->disconnect;
> }

Put this before the '1;' or just don't use it.

Read the guide front to back:



Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Children dying

2001-08-14 Thread Jeff Beard

I've got the same configuration and it's working fine.
No seg faults unless I cause'em.

If nothing else is giving you adequate information,
you can always remove code until it works. Not
very elegant but it works consistently.


On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, darren chamberlain wrote:

> Aleksandr Vladimirskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 
> >I am running a perl 5.6.0, mod_perl 1.26, apache 1.3.19 on Solaris 2.6.
> >I get the following error in my logs:
> perl 5.6.0 has DynaLoader bug that minifests itself under
> mod_perl.  Upgrade to 5.6.1, downgrade to 5.00503, or wait for
> 5.8.0 to fix the bug.
> (darren)

Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Regarding the PerlAuthenHandler[2]

2001-05-11 Thread Jeff Sheffield

You should see this one.

Compiled-in modules:
-- snip --

for how to build mod_perl against apache


On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 04:50:21PM -, qazi Ahmed wrote:
> Hi..
> When i am giving the command:
> ./httpd -l in the bin directory of apache
> i get the following details:
> rad-sun-2> ./httpd -l
> Compiled-in modules:
>   http_core.c
>   mod_env.c
>   mod_log_config.c
>   mod_mime.c
>   mod_negotiation.c
>   mod_status.c
>   mod_include.c
>   mod_autoindex.c
>   mod_dir.c
>   mod_cgi.c
>   mod_asis.c
>   mod_imap.c
>   mod_actions.c
>   mod_userdir.c
>   mod_alias.c
>   mod_access.c
>   mod_auth.c
>   mod_setenvif.c
> suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper 
> rad-sun-2> 
> What should i get  actually to confirm that  mod_perl is installed properly.
> And further if suexec is an error, please reply by sending the solution to overcome 
> Thanks and regards
> Qazi
> - Original Message --
> Owen Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To:qazi Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From:Owen Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 14:01:11 +0200
> Subject: Re: Regarding the PerlAuthenHandler
> qazi Ahmed wrote:
> > 
> > Syntax error on line 547 of 
> > Invalid command 'PerlRequire', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
>included in the server configuration
> Are you *really* sure you have installed mod_perl? Try ./httpd -l to
> list the modules and check..
> Rgds,
> Owen Boyle.
> _
> Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

| Heres milk in your eye..   |
| and on your shirt, shorts, couch, and floor.   |
|- Matthew Scott Sheffield   |
|  (@ six months old)|
| Jeff Sheffield |
| AIM=JeffShef ICQ=4340529 Yahoo=jsheffieus  |
| NowDocs (day gig)   |

Re: [OT] JMS-like event framework for Perl

2001-03-10 Thread jeff saenz

Might be possible that soap is addressing messaging issues.

Nathan Torkington wrote:

> "Michael A. Nachbaur" wrote:
> >
> > Since today seems to be "The Day of the Off Topic(tm)", I thought I'd jump
> > in with my question.
> >
> > Is there a event messaging framework available for Perl, similar to JMS?
> > I'd like to be able to have an object registered as a handler for certain
> > "events", and have perl code throw those events causing the object to be run
> > automatically (publish / subscribe model).
> I think there's an, but you're probably after something like POE:
>   <- intro and tutorial
>   <- homepage (down?)
> <- Rocco's dialin machine
> Nat

Perl/Linux/Java Development

Re: [JOB] Perl expert for hire

2001-02-26 Thread jeff saenz

ditto for me.  but include c++, corba,html and an interest soap and mason.
drop me a line if your interested in this power pack.

but include "Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:

> I am available for contract or permanent work beginning immediately.  I am
> an expert in Perl programming, have a long history of experience with
> mod_perl, and can write Perl extensions in C.  I am also a productive C
> programmer and a passable Java programmer.  Recently I have begun dabbling
> in Apache core programming and embedding the Perl engine in C programs.
> You may view my resume at
> Best regards,
> Jeffrey Baker
> --
> 415.279.0768

Re: Unexpected PATHINFO behavior under SSL

2001-02-21 Thread Jeff Beard

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

> is this under Apache::Registry?

Nope. It's a content handler.

> Does it happen on with SSL connections or with both SSL connections
> and normal connections when Raven SSL is loaded/compiled in? If the
> latter then I would suspect that Raven SSL is patching something
> funny into Apache. (I've never tried Raven SSL. I use mod_ssl for
> SSL in Apache).


I prefer to use mod_ssl too but I have other folks that manage
certificates and such at work.

> In any case, you might have more luck with Covalent's support.





Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Unexpected PATHINFO behavior under SSL

2001-02-19 Thread Jeff Beard

Hi there,

This may be offtopic-ish but I'm hoping for some forbearance.
This has ruined a perfectly good day. :)

I have an application that gets it state information from PATHINFO.
Runs fine without SSL but I setup a test env using Raven SSL then
PATHINFO, and SCRIPT_NAME, start returning different data.

For instance the program handler would be called /foo and I'll add /bar to
the path to trigger a behavior. Under SSL, the SCRIPT_NAME is set to /foo/bar
and PATHINFO is empty. Without SSL, SCRIPT_NAME is /foo and PATHINFO is bar.

This is Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24, Raven 1.5.3 on RH Linux 6.2. mod_perl
was built with EVERYTHING=1. All modules were statically built. Perl 5.00503.




Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Help with configuration - Linux/Mandrake 7.2

2001-02-18 Thread Jeff Beard



I think there's some documentation on this issue as well.


On Sun, 18 Feb 2001, Rich Feather wrote:

> I'm trying to get my Apache Web Server to read *.pl files using mod_perl
> (standard Linux-Mandrake 7.2).  Under perl, it works fine and, indeed, in
> httpd-perl.conf, it shows
> Alias perl /var/www/perl
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> PerlSendHeader On
> Options ExecCGI -Indexes
> Also, I've tried up the following
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> PerlSendHeader On
> Options ExecCGI -Indexes
> and/or
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler Apache::Registry
> Options ExecCGI
> Restarted after each change
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
> ...but I cannot get the server to parse *.pl files using mod_perl.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.

Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Apache::Registry, mod_perl interface, and post data

2001-02-16 Thread Jeff Beard

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:

> Hello,
> JB>I added a button and push it. It works. ;)
> Urgh, I had a button on my actual test page; it just magically disappeared
> when I retyped it in the e-mail.

I don't think the problem is with what you posted. I tried your snippets on
two different systems and they worked as expects. What's your config look like?
Do you get the 'Post = ()' output from the Registry script? Are you running any
other software that might interfere?


Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Apache::Registry, mod_perl interface, and post data

2001-02-16 Thread Jeff Beard

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:


I added a button and push it. It works. ;)


Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Send a cookie, AND a redirect ?

2001-02-08 Thread Jeff Beard

Read the POD docs for Apache under the heading 'Setting up the response';


On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Harrison wrote:

> Dear All.
> I can set a cooke fine using:
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $r->header_out('Set-Cookie' =>$cookie);
> $r->send_http_header;
> And i can also send a redirect fine using:
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $r->header_out('Location'=>$the_url);
> return REDIRECT;
> BUT!
> how do i do both? if i use my redirect code, and add an extra header_out , the 
>cookie is not sent (because i have not called send_http_header ? ).
> If i add send_http_header, i see the full sent http_header in my browser.
> My idea was to have something like
> $r->content_type('text/html');
> $r->header_out('Location'=>$the_url);
> $r->header_out('Set-Cookie' =>$cookie);
> $r->send_http_header;
> return REDIRECT;
> Which does not work.
> Thinking about it whilst typing this email, does header_out have a field where i can 
>set the REDIRECT status?
> Thanks in advance,
> Richard Harrison.

Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

Re: ticketsystem

2001-01-10 Thread Jeff Sheffield

> I noticed that the MS Explorer remembers both username and corresponding
> password, making the cookie based authentication system useless.
> (closing and reopening all windows does not help)
pure evil..!! (IMHO)
I don't use exploder very often...
is this really true..??

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:08:37PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> I am using a cookie based authentication scheme.
> Cookie expires therefore login again. ( like the ticket master example in
> O'reilly's.)
> I noticed that the MS Explorer remembers both username and corresponding
> password, making the cookie based authentication system useless.
> (closing and reopening all windows does not help)
> So using the default browser preferences is no good. Does anybody know 
> which browser preference is involved here.
> Arnold

| If you go to the zoo, always take somethin' to feed the animals  |
| even if the signs say "Do not Feed Animals." It wasn't the   |
| animals that put them signs up.  |
| -- Forrest Gump  |
| -- Winston Groom |

| Jeff Sheffield   |
| AIM=JeffShef |

Re: mod-perl on Solaris 2.6

2001-01-08 Thread Jeff Beard

Check out the mailing list archive for something I posted
a while back. It boiled down to not using GNU binutils for
anything. Including GCC.


Jeff Beard
Email:  jeff at cyberxape dot com
Earth:  Boulder, CO, USA

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Siddhartha Jain wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to compile mod-perl (various 1.21 to 1.24_01 ) on Solaris
> 2.6 with apache (various 1.3.11 to 1.3.14) with perl-5.005003 and also
> perl-5.6. If i compile it statically, i get a core dump on running apache
> and if i compile it via apxs, i get a "Symbol not found main, in"
> error. I had compiled perl-5.6 using Solaris's malloc and later i compiled
> perl-5.005 with perl's malloc but nothing helped. I am mostly at my wits
> ends having tried all sorts of combinations. Could someone help me?
> Siddhartha Jain

Re: perl calendar application

2001-01-07 Thread Jeff Sheffield

> build something large.  (Trying to build a garden with three different
> climates and have it work as one big garden is a huge challenge and
> certainly not worth pursuing if you're trying to maximize production.)  
I agree with this... however if you have to play in that garden
> because half of you developers are PHP developers and have are perl
> developers.

then take a look at this module.
I believe the module was originally written to play
will with domonio apps. 
We used it to have a mason back ended server playing
with a php back ended server and then unifying the site.

This is really cool when you are "lazy" and you wan to install
some app that already written. 
no more 
Gosh darn ... that is just what I need
 guess i will have to port it.


On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 11:38:24AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Blue Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> espoused:
> > Eh, I'm prepared to take my lynching, but I'd just like to remind
> > everyone that there's nothing at all wrong with using PHP for things
> > like this. You'll never be a worse person for learning something new,
> > and the overheard required to manage a php+perl enabled apache is only
> > minimally more than managing one or the other.
> >
> > IMHO, it's just lame to rewrite something for which there exists
> > dozens of good apps just because of the language im which it is
> > written. You might as well be arguing about GPL/BSD/Artistic at that
> > point.
> I'm not going to get sucked into a language advocacy debate.  But at least
> in my case, your comments are quite off base.
> A) I don't need to learn PHP.  I learned PHP four or five years ago.  The
> experience wasn't pleasant.  My most recent experience with PHP was to
> port a PHP3 app from PostgreSQL to MySQL.  It was very tedious and still
> unpleasant.  (Yes PHP4 supposed finally has a real database interface like
> DBI, but most of the apps out there aren't written for PHP4.)
> B) Simplicity is good.  The fewer things running inside my web server to
> meet my needs the better.  This is a security issue as well as an ease of
> maintenance issue.
> C) We are organizationally committed to perl.  Our employees and
> contractors are not expected to know PHP and most are quite happy that I
> don't make them write in PHP.  A long term strategy of keeping my
> programmers (including myself) happy seems like a good thing.
> D) (And I think this is the most important point of all.)  There are good
> reasons for deciding on a language and sticking with it if your hope is to
> build something large.  (Trying to build a garden with three different
> climates and have it work as one big garden is a huge challenge and
> certainly not worth pursuing if you're trying to maximize production.)  
> My hope is to take the calendar portion of things and build upon it.  
> Ultimately I'd like to have something that has the functionality of
> Outlook plus bugzilla.
> I've gotten several emails privately with offers of source for various "in
> progress" projects that people say they're willing to make open source.  I
> will keep the list informed.
> -- 
> Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to buy Microsoft products.

| "0201: Keyboard Error.  Press F1 to continue."  |
|  -- IBM PC-XT Rom, 1982 |
| Jeff Sheffield  |
| AIM=JeffShef|

Re: Newbie cookie question

2001-01-05 Thread Jeff Sheffield

Problem Solved ... ;)
(yes I am an idiot, but keep that under your hat)

I had the Apache::AuthCookieDBI's
PerlSetVar WhatEverDomain variable set to
PerlSetVar WhatEverDomain

then I would make my request to http://localhost/LOGIN
and the domain check would fail.
That is why the cookie would not get set.

Determining a Valid Cookie

On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 03:52:47PM -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: James Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 3:23 PM
> > Subject: Newbie cookie question
> >
> > Now that I have mod_perl installed I cannot pass any cookies 
> > like I used to.
> > I have not changed any scripts [yet] and all use DBI connections to a
> > postgres DB.
> > 
> a code snippet of how you set your cookies would be most helpful...
> be sure to check your outbound and inbound headers (either using telnet or
> CPAN modules such as Apache::DumpHeaders or Apache::DebugInfo) to see what
> is going on
> do you have PerlSendHeaders On?
> --Geoff

| "0201: Keyboard Error.  Press F1 to continue."  |
|  -- IBM PC-XT Rom, 1982 |
| Jeff Sheffield  |
| AIM=JeffShef|

Re: the edge of chaos

2001-01-03 Thread Jeff Sheffield

this is not the solution...
but it could be a bandaid until you find one.
set the MaxClients # lower.

# Limit on total number of servers running, i.e., limit on the number
# of clients who can simultaneously connect --- if this limit is ever
# reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it should NOT BE SET TOO
# It is intended mainly as a brake to keep a runaway server from
# the system with it as it spirals down...
MaxClients 150

>On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 10:25:04PM -0500, Justin wrote:
> Hi, and happy new year!
> My modperl/mysql setup does not degrade gracefully when reaching
> and pushing maximum pages per second  :-) if you could plot 
> throughput, it rises to ceiling, then collapses to half or less,
> then slowly recovers .. rinse and repeat.. during the collapses,
> nobody but real patient people are getting anything.. most page
> production is wasted: goes from modperl-->modproxy-->/dev/null
> I know exactly why .. it is because of a long virtual
> "request queue" enabled by the front end .. people "leave the
> queue" but their requests do not.. pressing STOP on the browser
> does not seem to signal mod_proxy to cancel its pending request,
> or modperl, to cancel its work, if it has started.. (in fact if
> things get real bad, you can even find much of your backend stuck
> in a "R" state waiting for the Apache timeout variable
> to tick down to zero..)
> Any thoughts on solving this? Am I wrong in wishing that STOP
> would function through all the layers?
> thanks
> -Justin

| "0201: Keyboard Error.  Press F1 to continue."  |
|  -- IBM PC-XT Rom, 1982 |
| Jeff Sheffield  |
| AIM=JeffShef|

Re: Apache::AuthCookieDBI BEGIN problems...??

2001-01-02 Thread Jeff Sheffield

> ahh yes my config file is here for anyone who is intrested


| Gender Diff's |
| THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Any married man should forget his mistakes.  |
| There's no use in two people remembering the same thing.  |
|   |
|   --Anonymous |
| Jeff Sheffield|
| AIM=JeffShef  |

Apache::AuthCookieDBI BEGIN problems...??

2001-01-02 Thread Jeff Sheffield

Well been racking my brain against this one for awhile now..
so I figured that I would reach-out for some help ;)
First let me say
I am ashamed ... I twitled with the shiny bits.

the following code in the Apache::AuthCookieDBI module
does not work properly (for me).

-- code -- 
my @keyfile_vars = grep {
   $_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/ } keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
   foreach my $keyfile_var ( @keyfile_vars ) {
   my $keyfile = Apache->server->dir_config( $keyfile_var );
   my $auth_name = $keyfile_var;
   $auth_name =~ s/DBI_SecretKeyFile$//;
   unless ( open( KEY, "<$keyfile" ) ) {
Apache::log_error( "Could not open keyfile for $auth_name in 
file $keyfile" );
} else {
$SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = ;
close KEY;
my $auth_name = "WhatEver";
$SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = "thisishtesecretkeyforthisserver";
-- end code --

Note that without MY DIRTY LITTLE HACK it does not set those two
variables. I am/was pretty sure that this somehow relates to
I built mod_perl statically with ALL_HOOKS=1 EVERYTHING=1
it is  Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) mod_perl/1.24_01 configured 

So after I set MY DIRTY LITTLE HACK. Things chug right along
i bind to the database I authenticate against the db.
until I/the module tries to set_cookie in the form 
path=/; domain=.jeff

So that makes me wonder if Date::Calc is installed correctly.
i.e. he module uses Date::Calc. also note that it installed fine.

I figured that the cookie problem could be a side effect of the 
firt problem I mentioned.

ahh yes my config file is here for anyone who is intrested

Any clue's..??


| Gender Diff's |
| THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Any married man should forget his mistakes.  |
| There's no use in two people remembering the same thing.  |
|   |
|   --Anonymous |
| Jeff Sheffield|
| AIM=JeffShef  |

Unset PerlAuthenHandler (I wish)

2000-12-18 Thread Jeff Sheffield

Ok, essentially I want all but one directory on the
server to be password protected.
I want 1 directory to have the "I forgot my password"

I am using Mason.
and setting SetHandler default-handler has undesired results.
i.e. mason files do not get parsed.
Essentially I want to do this.
Unset PerlAuthenHandler

here is a portion of my conf file.
AddType text/html .mhtm

SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler HTML::Mason

AuthName "foo"
AuthType Basic

PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authen
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authz

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username  jsheffie
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password  fooo
# DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)

PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table users
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field user_id
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field password
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_field groups
#SELECT pwd_field FROM pwd_table WHERE uid_field=$user

require valid-user

ErrorDocument 401

   SetHandler default-handler

Any ideas..??


|  Configuring /etc/diphosts |
| |
| (taken from the Linux Networking-HOWTO) |
| Jeff Sheffield  |
| AIM=JeffShef|

RE: Apache::ASP + Apache::Filter - how fast? (was:sending Apache::ASPoutput to a variable?)

2000-10-27 Thread Jeff Ng

> > The only 
> remaining concern is
> > speed.
> > 
> > Does anyone have experience with this setup?
> > 
> No real world experience, but in the lab it seems speedy enough,
> but then it all depends on what you need to get out of it.
> Your own performance analysis will be the best here.
> I would recommend cranking on it with ab for a rough 
> estimate.
> One fundamental limitation with this setup is how I/O is
> buffered, that you can't ever send a trickle down to 
> the web client, its all or none.
> --Joshua

Turns out that speed is not the only problem...

I'm having some form submission problems when I chain modules like so:
PerlHandler inFilter Apache::ASP

If I call $r->content in inFilter, Apache::ASP just hangs.  Has anyone seen
this before?

Could it be because Apache and mod_perl were installed from RPMs?  I'll do a
rebuild this weekend to check.


Re: Connection Pooling / TP Monitor

2000-10-27 Thread Jeff Horn

The only way I really see this working is in a threading environment.  First
of all, for some databases database connections don't survive forking
(Oracle is the notable example here).  Also, even if we could get forking to
work, we would still get the scaling problem we are trying to avoid.
Instead of Oracle keeping a huge list of persistent connections, the
Connection Pool would keep a huge list of persistent connections.  In both
cases each connection would map to a Unix process and all these processes
would chew up OS resources big time!

- Original Message -
From: "Matt Sergeant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tim Bunce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Connection Pooling / TP Monitor

> On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > > Sounds like just a CORBA/RPC type thing. Wouldn't you be better off
> > > CORBA::ORBit?
> >
> > Maybe. I dunno. I don't actually need this stuff, I just want there to
> > be a solution out there for those that do. I'm waving my hands around
> > and pointing in various directions hoping someone will _do_ something!
> Hehe...
> OK, lets think about exactly what is needed here then. I figure Doug's
> Apache::DBIPool module (for mod_perl 2.0) is exactly the right
> architecture:
> 2 pools of connections (Busy and Waiting)
> New connections always taken from the head of Waiting
> Finished connections always replaced on the head of Waiting
> Threaded architecture (DBI::Oracle handles don't survive a fork)
> One thread for management
> One thread per connection once a handle has been supplied
> Some sort of timeout mechanism for connections if the pool is
> fully allocated
> Anything I've missed?
> If we don't go the threaded route, we can't easily expand and contract the
> connection pool I don't think - but I'd love to be proved wrong. Also an
> entire Apache server for the connection pool would be too much - the
> pre-forking server from the cookbook would be better. And it should even
> work on Win32 now...
> --
> /||** Director and CTO **
>//||** Ltd   **  ** XML Application Serving **
>   // ||** **  ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP  **
>  // \\| // ** Personal Web Site: **
>  \\//
>  //\\
> //  \\

Re: Connection Pooling / TP Monitor

2000-10-27 Thread Jeff Horn

I think that something like Apache::DBIPool is exactly right on!  Is there
any way that this can be made to work as a standalone process like
DBI::ProxyServer or be made to work with Apache 1.3.x?  I'm leary of using
alpha software for my whole production server and would be more comfortable
running tests just on the database pooling within Apache 1.3.x or as a
seperate process.

In any event, where can I get my hands on Apache::DBIPool... I cannot seem
to find it on CPAN or on

-- Jeff
- Original Message -
From: "Matt Sergeant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tim Bunce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Connection Pooling / TP Monitor

> On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > > Sounds like just a CORBA/RPC type thing. Wouldn't you be better off
> > > CORBA::ORBit?
> >
> > Maybe. I dunno. I don't actually need this stuff, I just want there to
> > be a solution out there for those that do. I'm waving my hands around
> > and pointing in various directions hoping someone will _do_ something!
> Hehe...
> OK, lets think about exactly what is needed here then. I figure Doug's
> Apache::DBIPool module (for mod_perl 2.0) is exactly the right
> architecture:
> 2 pools of connections (Busy and Waiting)
> New connections always taken from the head of Waiting
> Finished connections always replaced on the head of Waiting
> Threaded architecture (DBI::Oracle handles don't survive a fork)
> One thread for management
> One thread per connection once a handle has been supplied
> Some sort of timeout mechanism for connections if the pool is
> fully allocated
> Anything I've missed?
> If we don't go the threaded route, we can't easily expand and contract the
> connection pool I don't think - but I'd love to be proved wrong. Also an
> entire Apache server for the connection pool would be too much - the
> pre-forking server from the cookbook would be better. And it should even
> work on Win32 now...
> --
> /||** Director and CTO **
>//||** Ltd   **  ** XML Application Serving **
>   // ||** **  ** XSLT, XPathScript, XSP  **
>  // \\| // ** Personal Web Site: **
>  \\//
>  //\\
> //  \\

Apache::ASP + Apache::Filter - how fast? (was:sending Apache::ASP output to a variable?)

2000-10-26 Thread Jeff Ng

Thanks Ged.  I started down that path, but found that Apache::Filter
combined with Apache::ASP basically does the job I need.  There are a few
limitations, but it should be good enough.  The only remaining concern is

Does anyone have experience with this setup?



> > it appears that the output of Apache::ASP goes directly to
> > stdout.  Is there a way to use Apache::ASP as part of a 
> normal mod_perl
> > module, then capture the output to a variable?
> Have a look at sub PRINT and sub PRINTF in, I'm sure you can do
> what you want there.  Check out the Eagle Book if you're unsure about
> tied filehandles.
> 73,
> Ged.

sending Apache::ASP output to a variable?

2000-10-26 Thread Jeff Ng

I would like to Apache::ASP to parse pages in an existing mod_perl
environment.  Ideally, I could set headers with mod_perl, then use
Apache::ASP to parse templates which I can arbitrarily combine.  It seems
that using Apache::ASP forces me to do most of my coding in the perlscript
whereas I would prefer to minimize this for the sake of not interspersing
too much code within the HTML.

As it stands, it appears that the output of Apache::ASP goes directly to
stdout.  Is there a way to use Apache::ASP as part of a normal mod_perl
module, then capture the output to a variable?

Or perhaps there is a better solution using Mason?

 Jeff Ng
Lead Web Developer
   onDevice Corp.

Connection Pooling / TP Monitor

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Horn

First let me say that I'm aware that this topic 
comes up with some frequency on the mod_perl and DBI-users list.  I am 
aware of posts like this one:
which argue against the necessity of pooling.  

However, I am also aware of a _major_ ISP that 
implements their email system using a _major_ RDBMS that has had problems that 
are best solved via connection pooling.  Essentially, the time it takes 
them to search through all the cached connections is nearly as long as the time 
it is taking to read/write to the database.   Although, I'm not 
implementing email as this ISP is, I think that scalability in my case may 
definitely run into similar roadblocks.
I am interested in hearing from anyone that has 
tried to implement true connection pooling either within Apache or as an 
external process.  I'm particularly interested in hearing about 
implementations that could be made to work or are done using Perl and 
DBI/DBD.  I am mostly interested in things that are Open Source or licensed 
like Perl itself.
I am aware of a project called Gnu Transaction 
Server (GTS), but it doesn't seem like this is quite ready for prime time at the 
moment or is even under active development.  I've seen posts that hint at 
using shared memory and IPC to implement this within Apache as well as posts 
that hint at possibilities of implementing this using DBI::Proxy.
I basically want to do what the big TP monitors 
(Tuxedo/Encina/CICS) do with respect to condensing connections to a database, 
but I'm not in need of features like two-phase commit, cross database joins, 
heterogeneous database environment, etc. incorporated in these 
Even if you'd simply be interested in working on 
such a project, I'd like to hear from you.  If you think such a project is 
plain stupid, I'd also be interested in hearing from you (but be gentle!).  
If you already have something sort of working along these lines, I'd DEFINITELY 
be interested in hearing from you!
-- Jeff Horn

Re: persistent database problem

2000-10-23 Thread Jeff Beard

Are using Apache::DBI and establishing a connection in

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd wrote:

> Hi,
> I have started with one httpd; and executed the following mod-perl program from 
>the browser. We've configured apache to have persistent DBI
> The idea is first time the database handle will be inactive and it will print 
>'INSIDE'.  From the second time onwards the database handle will be active and it 
>will print 'OUTSIDE'.  This is working.
> But, sometimes the 'OUTSIDE' comes from the third or fourth time only.  (that is 
>it takes more than one attempt to become persistent) Why it is happening like this?
> Thanks
> Muthu S Ganesh
> mod-perl code is here:
> $rc = $dbh_pg->{Active};
> print "$$: $rc\n";
> if($rc eq '')
> {
> print "INSIDE\n";
> $dbh_pg = 
>DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=adcept_smg_ctrl","postgres","postgres",{RaiseError => 1}) 
>|| die $DBI::errstr;
> }
> else
> {
> print "OUTSIDE\n";
> }
> Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
> 176, Ground Floor, 6th Main,
> 2nd Block, RT Nagar
> Bangalore - 560032
> Phone : 91 80 3431470

Jeff Beard
Location:   Boulder, CO, USA

Re: Apache trouble reading in large cookie contents

2000-10-20 Thread Jeff Beard

There are techniques in the Eagle book for storing data in a cookie.
(Check out the discussion on maintaining state)

However, in my experience, you'll do better in the long run using
something like Apache::Session. It'll be a scalable solution.


On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Biggs, Jody wrote:

> I'm having trouble when a browser sends a fair sized amount of data to
> Apache as cookies - say around 8k.
> I know that most clients will not allow cookies greater than 4k per cookie
> (and often no more than 20 per hostname), and as such have broken the cookie
> being sent out to be sent in smaller chunks, with names such as 'Cookie0',
> 'Cookie1', 'Cookie2', etc., which I would later concatenate back together to
> obtain the full data that I had originally sent out.
> However, when the browser sends data back to Apache, it sends all the
> cookies on the same header line (Cookie: Cookie0=...; Cookie1=...;
> Cookie2=...) and so on.  Apache then complains (and fails the request) with
> a message of the sort:
> [date]  [error] [client] request failed: error reading the headers
> and spits out an error screen to the user with essentially the same message,
> but including the "Cookie:" line
> I assume this is due to a compile time directive to Apache specifying the
> maximum size of a header line.
> Has anyone else run into this problem, and if so, could you point me in the
> right direction?
> Sorry if this seems to be a bit more of an Apache question than mod_perl.
> Thanks -
> Jody Biggs

Re: Apache 1.3.14 and Mod_Perl

2000-10-17 Thread Jeff Beard

Here's what I would do:

Remove the rpm version of apache:

# rpm -e 

If you want to use the start up files that are part of that
package just copy them some where since they'll be removed.

Build the source version following the directions in the mod_perl
document called INSTALL.apaci under the heading "The flexible way".

Unless you have a specific reason for it, I wouldn't bother with
building it as a DSO. It's usually not a problem on Linux but it
adds a level of complexity.

I used mod_perl 1.24_01 with Apache 1.3.14 last time and had no 
problems with the build.


On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Annette wrote:

> I am new to Apache and Mod_Perl and I have a question.
> I am running Red Hat 6.0 on an Intel machine.
> I loaded the Server setup.
> Apache 1.3.6 is loaded and runs fine. I was able to load and run Mod_Perl RMS 
>package from Red Hat as DSO.
> I want to upgrade to Apache 1.3.14 and latest version of Mod_Perl.
> Here are the steps I took to load Apache 1.3.14.
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
> I downloaded Apache_1.3.14.tar.gz to the /usr/src directory
> tar zvxf apache_1.3.14.tar.gz
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache
> make
> make install
> /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
> I verified that Apache 1.3.14 is now running.
> How do I install the latest version of Mod_Perl? Every time I try to install it I 
>receive a message stating I need Apache 1.3.0 and then it aborts.
> I tried Mod_Perl version 1.19, 1.21, and 1.24 and I receive the same error.
> Any input would be appreciated and I hope this is the right address to send my 
> Ann.

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