RE: MD mescaline

2001-06-26 Thread N. Glen Dickey

Gerhard, Clarke 
and all,

I quite agree with 
you that music is definitely a static pattern of quality, no no danger 
there. I wonder though if psychedelic music would have been invented 
without the use of pschyedelic substances? Perhaps but perhaps not. 
I think this underscores my point that drugs can produce something other than 


While 'organized' 
crime existed in some forms prior to prohibition, prohibition opened up a huge 
resevoir of profit to criminal organization and certainly spawned the 'modern' 
organized crime syndicate.

What if your taste for Snickers bars caused you to break into peoples' 
houses and rob them or kill them, as those with a craving for crack cocaine tend 
to do? 

But would you 
prosecute me for my love of sugar or because I murdered people? I don't 
see a problem prosecuting people for murder butif people choose to do 
something to their bodies that I didapprove of I see no reason to incarcerate 
them. I don't want a tatoo but I don't think that people that do are 
criminals. Is there any doubt that if these substances were legalized that 
junkies would no longer need to steal to support their habits? I think 
not.Millions, and I do mean millions, of people get up go to work 
and then come home and get stoned. Prominent businessmen were junkies in 
New York up to the passage of the Harrison Naroctic act, after that they were 
criminals. Just for the record how many drug users have you met weren't in 

Speaking from experience, I worked in our local prison 
system for a couple of years and never encountered an individual convicted 
solely of drug abuse. 

When I think of the 
US prison system I feel revulsion and nausea. Yeah the land of free, 
right. You hear a lot of talk about freedom but what people usually mean 
is freedom to bejust like they are. 
doubt! The state makes a substance illegal and the prices sky-rocket to 
levels where the poor junkie has got to steal 'cause they're never going to make 
enough at a straight job to continue their habit. If your not robbin' or 
rapin' or wreckin' what you do in your own home behind closed doors (possibly 
with other consenting adults) is not of the state's damn business. 

Absolutely. We 
may not share the same musical taste, but I love Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and 
Jim Morrison!!!
Perhaps your not such 
a bad person after all. Morrison was a big role model for me when I was 
younger.Jim and Jimi created music (for a while at least) that 
the world would be poorer without. Given Achilles choice, what would you 
choose? These substances can be used to good effect without destroying 
your life.
"out here on the 
perimiter there are no stars, out here we is stoned, immaculate." - 

Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-25 Thread Wim Nusselder

Dear Glen (AreteLaugh),

I'm afraid I don't really appreciate 
being questioned without getting any information about your opinions or 
(preferably) experiences (like in your 23/6 09:35 -0700 post), especially as you 
questions taste like criticism of my writings. Did you feel attacked by my 
writings? I didn't mean to. I replied to David's invitation to try 
mescaline, explaining why I don't intend to and granting anyone the right to do, 
but I may have used formulations with moralising overtones for some of you. 
Excuse me if that's the case.
Possibly having been at fault myself, I 
will put up with your criticism and uncomfortable style and answer your 
questions as good as I can.

Don't you think that those of 
us from a Western culture should be free to modify that culture to suit our 
Interpreting Western 
culture as (Pirsig's) social statical patterns of value:
Not if your needs are biological, only 
to the extent that they are intellectual. I like Marco's suggestion (20/6 22:48 
+0200) to take intellectual in a broad sense though, including 
rational, emotional and spiritual forms.
So please explain yourself if you 
think, feel or are inspired to state that Western culture is or can be modified 
to the better by drugs.

Would you call the current US 
government's 'War on Drugs' not relevant to the world at 
What makes you think so? I don't think 
my stating the irrelevance of drug induced DQ-experience to the world at large 
implies that.
(By the way: I don't like any war. See 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05021.html, 
my post of 12/6 23:17 +0200)

Would you say that Psychedelic music was 
not a static pattern of value?
I know very little about Psychedelic 
music. You mean that someone must take drugs to produce it, which makes 
experiencing DQ by drug users relevant for the world at large as it would 
otherwise miss something valuable like Psychedelic music? Music consists (I 
think) of intellectual patterns of value (in the broad sense) that can be of 
value to the world at large by offering freedom to social patterns 
of value. I don't know to what extent Psychedelic music does and can be 
considered valuable. Do you?

Do you think it 
reasonable to compare two experiences, one of which you ... admit to never 
having experienced?
Yes, I do. The intellectual level 
consists of symbolic representations of (inorganic, biological, social and less 
abstract intellectual) reality. Its rationale is to enable discussing phenomena 
you haven't directly experienced.
I admit it is risky. Symbolic 
representations can be false.
Comparing different experiences (at 
different times in different circumstances), even if you have experienced them 
your very self, may be even riskier. The difference in value experienced may be 
due to the difference in circumstances more than to the experience itself. E.g. 
when I, being part of a subculture (socially) valuing religious experience much 
higher than drug-induced experience, would take drugs, I would almost certainly 
value the latter experience much lower than someone being part of a subculture 
in which using drugs is considered cool. I admit to having a 
prejudice against subcultures in which using drugs is normal. I don't see them 
changing society as a whole for the better.
Please cure me of that prejudice by 
telling me about your experiences.

With friendly greetings,


Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-25 Thread HisSheedness


It's good to have another female voice on this list; i guess most women arent 
really into philosophy (dont tell the Oxygen network i said that).  I didnt 
really think your post was confusing.  i think i need to try drugs before i 
can engage in too much intellectual discussion about them tho.  That's  the 
same thing Pirsig was laying down when he said that to truly understand 
cultures, you must take a subjective approach, ie taking mescaline to truly 
know Native American spiritual journeys.  In an earlier post i said that 
drugs are DQ without a static latch; just an experience that one goes thru 
and then wakes up and realizes that they are back where they started.  When 
you say that drugs have helped you in working ideas, do you mean creative 
endeavors such as music or poetry?  That's where drugs seem to help many 
people, altho im a damn good musician without them, (and very humble about it 


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Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-25 Thread Brian Taylor

I agree with Rasheed. The War on Drugs is immoral. Partly for the reasons 
Rasheed mentioned, and I think also because it's targeting the wrong people 
and groups of people. The US government believes that the war on drugs can 
be won if they rid the US of drug barons getting drugs into the states and 
stop people from selling drugs, etc. They do this mainly by just throwing 
them in jail. But there aren't enough jails to hold all these people, and 
even if there were, as soon as you threw all the dealers and traffickers in 
jail, more would come and take their place, because as long as drug trade is 
illegal, it's an extremely lucrative business. When something is in such 
high demand with so little supply, dealers can charge as much as they want 
to. The solution would obviously be to target the users, and I don't mean 
target them by throwing them in jail. What users would need in any case like 
this one (and there are many cases in many different contexts) is to have 
morals instilled that this is wrong and unhealthly and dangerous, etc. etc. 


I don't think that drugs are wrong. I think drugs should be legalized, or 
more to my personal opinion, un-illegalized. I'm not saying the government 
should condone the use of drugs, that's not their place. But it is also not 
their place to say that I can't smoke some dope whenever I feel like it. Now 
if I shoot up some heroine and then go down and shoot someone because I was 
tripping out or something, sure, the government should intervene. But only 
because I endangered someone else's wellbeing and infringed upon their 
rights. Not because I was on heroine when I did it.

I think drugs are great, personally. I think it's bad when people get 
addicted to them, but hey, what is there in the world that you can't get 
addicted to? In most SOM viewpoints, only biological things cause 
addictions. But as per MOQ, any level could cause any addiction. From being 
addicted to the internet (social), to being addicted to drugs (biological) 
to any of the other levels (I can't think of an intellectual addiction 
offhand. Perhaps our unhealthy addiction to the MOQ discussion ;) ).

So, in conclusion, do drugs. If you want to that is. But at least try it 
once. Sure, if you try some hard cocaine your first time, you might get 
addicted or OD, so don't do those things. It's pretty common sense kind of 
stuff... It's just that media and government have tried to really make you 
believe that you really don't want to do drugs, even some that aren't so bad 
(and there are some that aren't so bad!).


It seems that drug use IS becoming an inextricable part of Western culture 
The war on drugs to me is immoral.  First of all, it costs ludicrous 
of money.  It also puts offenders in jail, possibly separating them a 
with no other means of support.  And in Amsterdam, where drugs are legal,
less teens do drugs.  I personally have no problems with drugs, if they are
used intelligently (some of you might argue that there's no way to do 
which basically means that they dont harm others or themselves for that
matter.  Maybe the war on drugs is a social pattern dominating an
intellectual one.  but im still thinking about how moral of an intellectual
pattern drug use is.


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RE: MD mescaline

2001-06-25 Thread N. Glen Dickey

Wim Nuesselder 

I can be a little 
scathing when I think something is obviousand people are being 
unreasonable. It is not my intention to insult anyone but to make them 
think. I freely admit that my style is very adverserial but please don't 
take it personally. I only wish to root out error (IMHO). By 
asking questions I am seeking to elicityou to support for your 
statements. Perhaps by answering questions you will provide a argument in 
support that had not occured to me or you will find your own arguments difficult 
to support and deny them. I think that the Principle of Falsification is 
very important and have found myself caught in it more than once. Let me 
provide some answers and information to these questions.

"Don't you think that those of us from a 
Western culture should be free to modify that culture to suit our 

My point here is that (hopefully) weshould have the 
foresight to keep our social patterns of quality dynamic. We should be 
free to adopt patterns of value thatour intellectual patterns find 
valueable originating in other cultures or create ourselves. The 
"pattern of use" of psychoactive substances is the generally the determinate 
factor in deciding how harmful a substance is going to be to an 
individual.Most people are familiar with alcohol, a physically 
addicting substance,but which used in moderation has few harmful side 
effects.It seems ludicrous to me to have alcohol unprohibited, while 
marijuanna is classified along with PCP. Drug prohibition laws were 
originally passed in the US with the sole purpose of suppressing immigrant 
populations of Chinesse and Hispanics (Harrison Nacotic Act). 

"Would you call the current US government's 
'War on Drugs' not relevant to the world at large?"

I do not approve of 
unself regulated consumption of psychoactives substances but that the 
prohibition of these substances leads to social patterns that are worse than the 
problems they puport to solve. Alcohol prohibition spawned organized crime 
in the US, no one disputes this. The current demand for prohibited 
substances ensure that a supply will emerge and has spawned organization even 
more ruthless than the gangsters of the twenties. Putting peaceful 
non-violent individuals in prison with murders and rapist is a morally 
absurd. Furthermore the application of these laws falls dispoportionately 
on the poor.

Additionally I 
think that I (my intellectual pattern) owns my body (biological pattern) and 
that the state (social pattern) should not interfere if I decide to modify it or 
experiment with it's function.Should the social pattern interfere if 
my intellectual patternvalues eatting excess sugary foods or not 
exercising regularly? I think not. This premiss opens the door for 
completedomination of the intellect by social which according to the MoQ 
is immoral. 

(Does anyone really 
believe our civilyzation would have been well served by incarcerating Robert 
Pirsig for his attendance at the Native American Church? I believe this is 
a felony in the US)

"Do you think it reasonable to compare 
two experiences, one of which you ... admit to never having 

Trying to describe 
a psycheldic experience, particullarly LSD or mescaline,to someone who has 
never directly experienced it is like trying to describe Dynamic quality 
(Or sight to the blind). You just can't do it and any effort is at best 
avery poor analogy.I'm not adovcating everyone dropping 
acid, but I do find it odd that people insist on passing judgement on the 
experience who have never experienced it.

"Would you say that Psychedelic 
music was not a static pattern of value?"
The only point here 
was that the experience of drug use can produce intellectual patterns of 
elegance and beauty.


AreteLaugh or 

Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-25 Thread Gerhard Ersdal


Arete (Glen) asked:

Would you say that Psychedelic music was 
not a static pattern of value?

Wim replied:
I know very little about Psychedelic 
music. You mean that someone must take drugs to produce it, which makes 
experiencing DQ by drug users relevant for the world at large as it would 
otherwise miss something valuable like Psychedelic music? Music consists (I 
think) of intellectual patterns of value (in the broad sense) that can be of 
value to the world at large by offering freedom to social patterns 
of value. I don't know to what extent Psychedelic music does and can be 
considered valuable. Do you?

Gerhard would like to add:
Being a musician for many 
years I would like to state that IMO music is indead an intellectual pattern of 
value (and if you all dissagree, I'm out of here :-). Psychedellic music was to 
me, when I for the first time was listening to it, a very dynamic quality 
experience. I was trained to expect certain things from music, and suddenly 
someone was more or less joking around with the static patterns I had. After a 
while psychedellic music also become predictable, and in my understanding 
static. I can not have a dynamic experience listening to Gong's Flying 
teapot anymore, but it still brings me good memories. Any new music is 
giving me dynamic quality experiences, and if the music is breaking new 
barriers, the experience is greater. So I would say that psychedelic music has 

I do not think that you need to use drugs in order to make or 
listen to psychedellic music. I've never used drugs, but have both been enjoing 
the music and contributed with my own. 

The difficult question is offcourse if my experiences are 
biological or intellectual. The expected tonality of melodies are a social 
pattern, and is different in different cultures. Dynamic changes to these static 
patterns are induced by the intellectual level, but the experience feel like 
both biological and intellectual. I think RMP stated something on this, but I 
cant find it right now.


Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-24 Thread Andi Norby


I'm a girl... are there really so few female voices on this list?  I suppose 
it's to be expected.  I realize that my last post could have been confusing. 
  It was mostly about the idea that drugs will affect people differently 
depending on their reasons for using them.  The last thing I think is that 
drugs neccessarily arrest intellectual growth, they've been useful to me in 
working ideas through.  But I also know that they can stop people from 
growing, and provide... almost an alternative to intellect
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RE: MD mescaline

2001-06-23 Thread N. Glen Dickey

Nusselder and all, 

Wim Nusselder 

 Analogous to that, I think that 
experiencing DQ may be fun for the drug user, but is not relevant for the world 
at large. It 
 can't latch onto a (new) static 
pattern ofvalue, because it is 
forced on the user without any context of social and 
 intellectual patterns that get the credit 
for the fun and can be induced to migrate (to 
partlybreak up and change for the 
 better). Use of peyote in the Native 
American church is a different thing, for it has such a context of 
social and intellectual 

couple of questions:

you think that those of us from a Western culture should be free to modify that 
culture to suit our needs?

you call the current US government's "War on Drugs" not relevant to the world at 

you say that Psychedelic music was not a static pattern of 


 Why use drugs? If what I experience is real 
and if it is possible to experience it also in more culturally acceptable ways 

 (even if they are more difficult), these 
otherways are better, because they enable me to convince others (and 
 that my experience is veracious and worthy 
of application.

you think it reasonable to compare twoexperiences, one of which you know 
admit to never having experienced?



Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-23 Thread HisSheedness

Wim and Arete,

It seems that drug use IS becoming an inextricable part of Western culture .  
The war on drugs to me is immoral.  First of all, it costs ludicrous amounts 
of money.  It also puts offenders in jail, possibly separating them a family 
with no other means of support.  And in Amsterdam, where drugs are legal, 
less teens do drugs.  I personally have no problems with drugs, if they are 
used intelligently (some of you might argue that there's no way to do that), 
which basically means that they dont harm others or themselves for that 
matter.  Maybe the war on drugs is a social pattern dominating an 
intellectual one.  but im still thinking about how moral of an intellectual 
pattern drug use is.  


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Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-23 Thread Enliten3

You are correct.  When I responded to Evolve's mescaline query I didn't have 
a copy of Lila, so I was remembering my particular impression of what I had 
actually read.  It's happened frequently that I will get a distinct 
impression of something Pirsig said, and then when I try to find the exact 
passage it seems fuzzier than I recall.  As a personal note, I have never 
done hallucinogens, because if I ever find Nirvana (or whatever) I'd like to 
be certain that it's not artificially induced, and I don't buy into the 
premise that drugs are a bridge or gateway to higher consciousness.  When I 
run into old acquaintances who have done their share of mind-altering 
substances, something always seems to be missing from them, from my 
perspective.  And wherever their mind is now is not something that appeals to 
me.  I must admit to some great coke (cocaine) buzzes in the whirling 80s, 
but the difficulties the day after, and the realization that I was acting 
like an idiot, quickly put an end to my escapist activities.


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Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-23 Thread Andi Norby

It seems to me that the morality of drug use can't really be judged as one 
issue at all.  Drugs are used for many reasons, and the specific reason one 
is using a drug can alter the affects it has on the user.  That is, we can't 
forget that drugs are often used simply for pleasure to escape situations of 
low biological quailty, or as a tool to remove oneself from reality to 
escape situations of low social quality.  Both of these reasons tend to 
arrest intellectual growth and replace it with pleasure.  Pirsig's use of 
mescaline suspended static patterns to the extent that he was able to 
experience Dynamic intellectual quality more purely and easily.  I would 
agree that the war on drugs is immoral.  Let me continue this later after I 
finish working it out and referring back to what my books have to say about 


by the way, I'm new to this mailing list as well as mailing lists in general 
and i really have no idea what I'm doing.  Please forgive if I managed to 
mess this up.
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Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-23 Thread HisSheedness

Hi Andrea.

Are you a boy or a girl?  We have another Andrea here, and it's a man, which 
confused me because i always thought 'Andrea' was a girl's name.  But it's 
all cleared up now.  That said, welcome to this mailing list.   Your post was 
good, the only thing i question is your assertion that drugs 'arrest 
intellectual growth.'  I think of Jimi Hendrix and how his creativity 
seemingly spurred from drug use (altho that was not the only thing that made 
him who he was).


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Re: MD mescaline

2001-06-22 Thread Enliten3

I don't have my copy of Lila handy, but I'm pretty sure Pirsig indicated that 
the peyote was a shortcut to enlightenment, necessary because of the 
infringement of Western society.


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