Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Mark Snyder
So assuming the allegations are true, it sounds like Dyna saying it's OK to
rape someone with a toilet plunger if they're a drug dealer or a member of a
gang? I sure hope that's not the case.

But thinking rationally, such an assault is going to leave some physical
evidence. Does anyone really think that might have been self-inflicted by
the perps in order to take attention away from their alleged crimes? That
seems like an awfully painful approach, especially considering how many on
this list have lamented about drug dealers who get arrested are often back
on the streets before anyone even notices they were ever gone.

Why couldn't the cops just arrest the suspects and go from there?

I think those who automatically jump down the throats of CUAPB or others who
come forward with such charges are missing a point. The reason we even have
an organization like CUAPB in Minneapolis is because there have been so many
different incidents of police brutality over the years.

Defenders of the cops like to trot out the innocent before proven guilty
phrase. That works both ways. If the cops get the benefit of the doubt, so
should those who allege police brutality, whether they are innocent victims
or criminals. 

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread David Shove
On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Diane Wiley wrote:

 Why is it that so many of the white men think that Jennings was opposed
 because he was a white male, when they can clearly see that the process was
 flawed, whatever the legal requirements were?

It's like harrassing the umpire. Next time around there will be a free
ride for any white male whatsoever, no questions asked. That's the way
they like it, white power forever.

--David Shove
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread David Strand
I never heard any of the critics say as Jim Boyd does
that the candidate needed to be a person of color
because the majority of students are of color.  I
heard that people were upset that David Jennings had
historically taken political positions antagonistic or
contrary to the views of the vast majority of
residents of Minneapolis on questions related to
race(i.e. divestiture in South Africa to end
apartheid).  These historic positions I believe
rightly cause one to question whether David Jennings
would be the best qualified individual to head the
Minneapolis Public School System.

I have been further unimpressed by his reaction to the
controversy.  Rather than explaining his past
positions and how or whether his views have changed or
expressing a willingness to discuss his past views and
current views to answer community members questions
and concerns he appeared to immediately become
defensive and dismissive of the concerns.

I also find it remarkable that people don't understand
that equal opportunity does not exist when only one 
internal candidate is interviewed for the position.  I
believe that the school board needs the community's
support behind a superintedent and this is even more
important when the internal candidate being considered
is not traditionally credentialed.  I don't understand
why David Jennings could not have continued to benefit
the district as a lobbyist, consultant or in some
other capacity if his presumed political connections
or influence or experience are what the school
district found so desireable.

I find it sickening when someone calls rascism in a
situation when it is their views that are in question
and not their race.  I believe it was David Jennings'
views and sensitivity to questions of race that were
of concern and not the color of his skin.  The views
of concern were expressed as a matter of public record
when he was a state legislator and I believe it to be
perfectly valid for community members to want answers
to their questions about these past votes and
positions even if they were taken 20 years ago.  It's
a shame he did not take the opportunity to respond in
a constructive manner by respectfully offerring to
meet with the questioners and attempt to address the

I believe his reaction to the questions confirmed his
discomfort with the questions and in my mind supports
the verisimilitude of those community activists who
question his sensitivity and understanding of
questions of racial and cultural diversity.

The reaction of the broader community (including on
this list) has been very disappointing.  Personally, I
am gravely disappointed that the community seemed
unable to engage in a conversation about this without
making broad accusations of those with whom they

Whatever happened to there being no stupid questions?

Since when did it become inappropriate to raise
questions about a school board decision simply because
they are elected?

David Strand
Loring Park
--- Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shawn Lewis wrote:
 Jim Boyd: Jennings deserved a chance to try
 Jim Boyd 
 Published October 12, 2003  
 David Jennings and the Minneapolis school district 
 got the shaft. It was administered by perennially 
 angry rabble-rousers who can't see beyond their own
 narrow agenda. They were aided by a school board
 didn't lay the proper groundwork for naming
 but for this crowd that probably wouldn't have made
 any difference.
 I think Jim Boyd's Sunday editorial gave the
 clearest and most accurate 
 view of the situation I've seen yet.  It should be
 required reading for 
 anyone wanting to comment on the topic of David
 Jennings as MPS 
 superintendent for, if no other reason, it clears up
 just what the laws 
 say and do not say about what requirements a school
 superintendent must meet and what obligations the
 school board has with 
 respect to choosing a superintendent.
 I happen to agree with Boyd's position as well.
 Chris Johnson
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[Mpls] Media Coverage of Stephen C. Porter and Mpls Police

2003-10-16 Thread Shawn Lewis
Man who accused Minneapolis police speaks out
David Chanen, Randy Furst and Paul McEnroe, 
Star Tribune 
Published October 16, 2003 

The 25-year-old man who accused two veteran 
Minneapolis police officers of sexual assault 
took his case to the public Wednesday, saying he 
feared for his life.

Police, community representatives confer for three hours
Rosalind Bentley, Star Tribune 
Published October 16, 2003 
There was no marching in the streets. There were no 
chants of no justice, no peace.

Allegations won't affect vision of what's wanted in new chief
Rochelle Olson, Star Tribune 
Published October 16, 2003 
The latest allegation of Minneapolis police misconduct 
has solidified rather than shaken city leaders' 
commitment to qualities that they are seeking in a 
successor to Chief Robert Olson, whose contract 
expires in January.

New complexities, new clashes, new glimmers of hope
Doug Grow, Star Tribune 
Published October 16, 2003 
All things considered, Minneapolis Police Chief 
Robert Olson seemed to feel pretty good when he 
left a meeting of community leaders Wednesday

Posted on Thu, Oct. 16, 2003   
'I felt threatened for my life. I'm scared.'
Pioneer Press
A 25-year-old man who has accused Minneapolis 
police of assaulting him spoke Wednesday about the 
terror he said he felt as officers sodomized him 
with the handle of a toilet plunger during a drug 
raid earlier this week.

Posted on Thu, Oct. 16, 2003   
RUBÉN ROSARIO: Allegations disturbingly similar to 
Pioneer Press Columnist

AbnerLouima. The name still evokes horrific images 
of sadistic torture. And it is one Twin Citians 
could become more familiar with after disturbing 
allegations of police brutality during a drug raid 
this week at a home in north Minneapolis.

Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood


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[Mpls] Community Meeting on Mpls Police/Community Relations Oct. 17

2003-10-16 Thread Shawn Lewis
Mayor R.T. Rybak met Wednesday with City Council Members Natalie Johnson Lee, Don 
Samuels and Dan Niziolek. They agreed to hold a community meeting at 7 p.m. Friday at 
Fairview Park at 29th Street and Lyndale Avenue North.
Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood
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Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Anne McCandless
Mark says But thinking rationally, such an assault is going to leave some
physical evidence. Does anyone really think that might have been
self-inflicted by the perps in order to take attention away from their
alleged crimes?

I agree. Is there any evidence? Have you seen the medical report?

Shawn says I hope Rev. Staten took Mr. Porter to the hospital for a medical
examination before the press conference.

I don't know if they did, but in watching the news clips of Mr Porter
leaving the Hennepin County Jail, he didn't seem to need medical help when
he left the jail. The reporters were hurrying to keep up with him and he did
not walk in a manner indicating he was in pain.  It wasn't until he walked
into the Press Conf on the arms of Staten and Moss that he needed
assistance.  Did something happen to the man after he was released from

I agree with Dyna (never thought I would say that, girl).  Before I would
take Mr Porter's word that the sky is blue, I'd step outside and make sure.
How many of the people on this list,  members of CUAPB included, would want
to be convicted solely on Mr Porter and his buddies say so?

If, and I know this is going to be hard for some of you to imagine, but if
Mr Porter's allegations are not true, what do you think the officers deserve
to get?  They have been accused, in public, named in the media and by their
accuser of one of the most perverted acts one man can commit on another.  If
they did not do this, will all these people, including CUAPB, apologige as
loudly and as publicly as they are now condemning them?  Or will this act
just be considered one of the risks of the job?

Anne McCandless

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[Mpls] Local bad actor takes the plunge/Moon crackstasher swoon chafes critics

2003-10-16 Thread PennBroKeith
In the matter of Stephen Porter. He has been convicted and released to his 
own devices, repeatedly, for cocaine selling. He had reportedly acknowledged 
past storage of drugs in his rectum; for safe keeping. 

Over and over, it appears, local community leaders rally around a poster boy 
of criminal behavior, and his jailhouse allegations. Over and over, such words 
are treated like Gospel by a coalition of local preachers as publicity, and 
photo-ops, abound.

Certain cops make high-risk entries into criminal lairs on behalf of a much 
broader community. They take huge risks to enforce the law against organized 
cocaine selling; and the gun violence that accompanies it. They do this 40 hours 
a week. It is their job. They rarely, if ever, are given credit for the 
danger they face; over and over. 

Now, let one serial cocaine seller, and Moon crackstasher with possible 
diaper rash, allege that the police violated him.  Place him on a platform of media 
coverage, to swoon into the arms of the most strident civil critics of our 
police force. Pat his head as he cries to high heaven how brutal those people 
are to him.

Drug addicts and sellers will do, and say, anything, and everything, to get 
away with it. Former addicts to the drug would attest to that fact. I am sure 
someone, among the fair minded, righteous, and reverend critics of our police 
force, might have some first hand experience with coke. He could probably 
tell all about how low the devil-cocaine can lead an individual.

In the mean time I will consider the source and not jump to damning 
conclusions regarding the narcotics raid; nor the policemen who's forced entry was 
likely only through the doors of the drug house. 

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

I wish for a thorough investigation 
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[Mpls] Northeaster on Jennings/Johnson

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Brandt
For those who like to debate the David Jennings affair, there's an
interesting editorial in the Oct. 9 issue of the Northeaster newspaper. 
The editors recycle their June, 1997 editorial questioning the school
board's process in hiring a superintendent, using strikeouts and
underlines to substitute Jennings' name for Carol Johnson's.  Presumably
it was sent to press before Jennings withdrew.  It's not available

Steve Brandt
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread Socialist2001
In a message dated 10/16/2003 4:33:34 AM Central Daylight Time, David Strand 

 I never heard any of the critics say as Jim Boyd does
  that the candidate needed to be a person of color
  because the majority of students are of color 

That argument was out there, nonetheless. Two examples: A column by Clarence 
Hightower in Insight News. An opinionated news item in the Pulse of the Twin 
Cities by Ed Felien. Passages from both pasted are below, after two short 
paragraphs of commentary by me.

The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism, when it can be 
utilized to support the status quo. The Strib supported Carol Johnson because she 
was a trusted team player, not a boat rocker or feather ruffler.  Johnson was 
qualified and black, and could therefore help to muzzle the NAACP. No need to 
look further.

The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism when it serves to 
stifle dissent and paralyze opposition to the status quo.  The Strib never took 
anyone to task for saying Isn't it wonderful that we have a black female 
superintendent! and How dare you criticize our black superintendent! 
In Minnesota, its one and done for our people
by Clarence Hightower President/CEO Minneapolis Urban League

Many will say that I am wrong. Some will say that I am off base. A few will 
say that I am barking up the wrong tree. Well, a few days ago this great state 
could have proved me wrong. Carol Johnson, a person of color, vacated her 
position as superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools. Did the school board 
hire another person of color? No! Did the school board interview another person 
of color? No! Did the school board seek the opinion of folks of color? No!

There couldnt have been a better opportunity to prove me wrong. I mean, 
after all, the Minneapolis Public Schools system is 70% students of color. There 
is a tremendous achievement gap between students of color and White students. 
The district has acknowledged this gap and fashioned a 12-point plan to 
improve the achievement of students of color. Here was a great chance to prove me 
wronghire a superintendent of color!

What is the School Board doing now?
Wednesday 01 October @ 14:04:48  
by Ed Felien

Now, they have appointed Dave Jennings as Superintendent of Public Schools 
for Minneapolis.

Why would they appoint a former head of the Republican Party to lead the 
schools in a heavily Democratic city?

Why would they appoint a white male to lead a school system that that now 
counts a non-white majority and furthermore a person who voted against making 
Martin Luther King Day a State holiday and who voted against sanctions for South 
Africa when it was practicing apartheid?

Why would they appoint someone with no education experience and no education 
credentials to run an education system?

-Doug Mann, King Field
Mann for School Board web site:
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Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Michelle Gross
Actually, Dyna, we don't pick our cases--the cops do that for us.  If they 
would stop beating and abusing people, we wouldn't have any cases.

CUAPB doesn't have any problem with people who commit crimes being 
prosecuted and, if found guilty, punished for those crimes.  What we have a 
problem with are the extrajudicial punishments that are meted out on a 
regular basis by our local cops.  No matter what you believe a person has 
done, they are still entitled to a fair trial.  We cannot allow a person to 
be made indefensible by accusations and we cannot allow the police to 
become judge, jury and executioners.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr
At 09:34 AM 10/15/03 -0500, Dyna wrote:
With all due respect for CUAPB, they need to be a bit more 
selective in the cases they take on. The fact that the alleged assualt is 
virtually identical to the one alleged to have occurred at the jail makes 
the story suspect. This was not a bunch of average citizens mistakenly 
attacked by police. The perps who operated out of 2519 3rd St. were 
veteran gangbangers who slickly raised havoc in our neighborhood. It 
would not be unusual for a veteran gangbanger to cop a story like this to 
try to take the attention away from the criminal charges they face.
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Re: [Mpls] Local bad actor takes the plunge/Moon crackstasher swoon chafes cr...

2003-10-16 Thread Joncgord
In a message dated 10/16/03 9:10:20 AM Central Daylight Time, 

 Certain cops make high-risk entries  

I don't think plungers are the recommended instrument for full cavity 
searches. The medical report as stated in todays Strib said there was evidence 
consistent with the claims of the defendant. I believe a full investigation IS 
underway and everyone is aware of how much veracity to grant the guy. Evidence 
is evidence, let's let the pros stack it up for us before too much more 

Jon Gorder
Loring  Park
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[Mpls] Old Highland

2003-10-16 Thread Linda Higgins
Chris Johnson wants to know where Old Highland neighborhood is.

Old Highland is part of Near North. It goes from Plymouth Ave. to West
Broadway (south to north) and Bryant to Girard. It sits next to the Lyn Park
neighborhood (from Bryant east to the freeway).

Near North, which spans the northside from the river to the city limits, has
other neighborhoods within neighborhoods too, including Willard Hay.

Linda Higgins
president of Old Highland sometime in the early 80s

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Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Michelle Gross
I can't speak for Staten, Moss or any of the folks in that crowd but I can 
tell you that as soon as we got called about the incident, we sent a team 
of investigators to meet with three different sets of people who witnessed 
the incident, including folks who were not arrested.  At this time, to 
protect their safety and keep our word to them, we cannot reveal anything 
else about them.  However, they each gave nearly identical descriptions of 
the incident (though some did not see all of the incident) and they were 
not together when we talked to them and they had not communicated with each 
other since the incident occurred.  We also conducted other research that I 
am not at liberty to divulge at this time.

Believe it or not, CUAPB doesn't want to get snowed so we investigate cases 
to the best of our ability before we put out any kind of public 
statement.  That's why we did not put out a public statement until very 
late Tuesday night after our team had done it's preliminary work, despite 
being hounded by the media for a statement.  Our team continued to 
investigate yesterday and has some information that even the media is not 
privy to.

I feel we have acted in a completely responsible manner.  However, I 
personally can't say the same about Moss, Staten and company.  It was the 
height of irresponsibility to bring a man straight from jail after such an 
ordeal and let him spill his guts to the media, thus possibly blowing any 
legal case he could have.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr
At 08:40 AM 10/16/03 -0500, Anne McCandless wrote:
I agree with Dyna (never thought I would say that, girl).  Before I would
take Mr Porter's word that the sky is blue, I'd step outside and make sure.
How many of the people on this list,  members of CUAPB included, would 
want to be convicted solely on Mr Porter and his buddies say so?

If, and I know this is going to be hard for some of you to imagine, but if
Mr Porter's allegations are not true, what do you think the officers deserve
to get?  They have been accused, in public, named in the media and by their
accuser of one of the most perverted acts one man can commit on another.  If
they did not do this, will all these people, including CUAPB, apologige as
loudly and as publicly as they are now condemning them?  Or will this act
just be considered one of the risks of the job?
Anne McCandless
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[Mpls] Police cleared in alleged abuse

2003-10-16 Thread Mark Wilde
Sources told WCCO Officer Jindra recently received a
letter from the FBI saying it had finished
investigating allegations against Jindra and concluded
that evidence does not establish a prosecutable
violation of the federal criminal civil rights

This is from a WCCO story about an alleged police
butality case from last summer.  I hope people who are
complaining about the recent alleged abuses read this
story and take it to heart. 

Allegations are often proven false.  Sometimes they do
turn out to be true, and if so, the officers should be
punished appropriately, but sometime they are not

Mark Wilde
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] Community Meeting on Mpls Police/Sardines

2003-10-16 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 10/16/03 3:49:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Mayor R.T. Rybak met Wednesday with City Council Members Natalie Johnson 
Lee, Don Samuels and Dan Niziolek. They agreed to hold a community meeting at 7 
p.m. Friday at Fairview Park at 29th Street and Lyndale Avenue North.
Keith says; There will NOT be enough room in that space to accommodate the 
crowd that will show up. I predict a VERY uncomfortable, and crowded event, and 
media circus. This meeting should be at North High auditorium; or the 
equivalent. Who chose that small space? When? And why?

Keith Reitman  NearNorth
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread Jason C Stone

It is unfortunate that people are so ready to throw around the terms racist and 
reverse racist. 
We all know how much baggage they carry.  If you can't craft your arguments without 
actually using
those words, it's probably not very well considered.

I understand that there is mixed opinion on why Jennings was not a suitable candidate, 
on what your sources are, but can someone explain to me why it *would be* wrong for a 
community of
color to express their preference for a leader of color?  Should not the school board 
be making an
attempt to keep their finger on the pulse of what their community wants?

If you're going to reply, I again encourage you to try and justify your statements 
without using
loaded words.

Jason Stone | Hale

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 10/16/2003 4:33:34 AM Central Daylight Time, David Strand 
  I never heard any of the critics say as Jim Boyd does
   that the candidate needed to be a person of color
   because the majority of students are of color 
 That argument was out there, nonetheless. Two examples: A column by Clarence 
 Hightower in Insight News. An opinionated news item in the Pulse of the Twin 
 Cities by Ed Felien. Passages from both pasted are below, after two short 
 paragraphs of commentary by me.
 The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism, when it can be 
 utilized to support the status quo. The Strib supported Carol Johnson because she 
 was a trusted team player, not a boat rocker or feather ruffler.  Johnson was 
 qualified and black, and could therefore help to muzzle the NAACP. No need to 
 look further.
 The Strib doesn't have a problem with reverse racism when it serves to 
 stifle dissent and paralyze opposition to the status quo.  The Strib never took 
 anyone to task for saying Isn't it wonderful that we have a black female 
 superintendent! and How dare you criticize our black superintendent! 
 In Minnesota, it’s one and done for our people
 by Clarence Hightower President/CEO Minneapolis Urban League
 Many will say that I am wrong. Some will say that I am off base. A few will 
 say that I am barking up the wrong tree. Well, a few days ago this great state 
 could have proved me wrong. Carol Johnson, a person of color, vacated her 
 position as superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools. Did the school board 
 hire another person of color? No! Did the school board interview another person 
 of color? No! Did the school board seek the opinion of folks of color? No!
 There couldn’t have been a better opportunity to prove me wrong. I mean, 
 after all, the Minneapolis Public Schools system is 70% students of color. There 
 is a tremendous achievement gap between students of color and White students. 
 The district has acknowledged this gap and fashioned a 12-point plan to 
 improve the achievement of students of color. Here was a great chance to prove me 
 wrong…hire a superintendent of color!
 What is the School Board doing now?
 Wednesday 01 October @ 14:04:48  
 by Ed Felien
 Now, they have appointed Dave Jennings as Superintendent of Public Schools 
 for Minneapolis.
 Why would they appoint a former head of the Republican Party to lead the 
 schools in a heavily Democratic city?
 Why would they appoint a white male to lead a school system that that now 
 counts a non-white majority and furthermore a person who voted against making 
 Martin Luther King Day a State holiday and who voted against sanctions for South 
 Africa when it was practicing apartheid?
 Why would they appoint someone with no education experience and no education 
 credentials to run an education system?
 -Doug Mann, King Field
 Mann for School Board web site:
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 PROTECTED] before
 continuing it on the list.
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[Mpls] Revenge of the Nerds (was Old Highland)

2003-10-16 Thread List Manager
on 10/16/03 9:52 AM, Linda Higgins at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris Johnson wants to know where Old Highland neighborhood is.
 Old Highland is part of Near North. It goes from Plymouth Ave. to West
 Broadway (south to north) and Bryant to Girard. It sits next to the Lyn Park
 neighborhood (from Bryant east to the freeway).
 Near North, which spans the northside from the river to the city limits, has
 other neighborhoods within neighborhoods too, including Willard Hay.

Here's where some of the confusion may come in.

On city maps (several in my office), Willard Hay is listed as a distinct
neighborhood, but Old Highland is nowhere to be found.

From Linda's description, it looks like Old Highland is a part of what the
city labels the Near North neighborhood.

My question (as list manager and ignorant south-sider) is, Is Old Highland
a separate neighborhood, with a neighborhood organization, etc., or is it a
piece of the Near North neighborhood and its neighborhood group.

Mostly, this is just curiosity, but list rules ask for city neighborhoods
that are identifiable (i.e., on city maps) so others can easily figure out

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Revenge of the Ners (Old Highland)

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Brandt
David Brauer asks about the Old Highland neighborhood group.

Linda Higgins can correct me if I'm wrong, but here's my understanding:
 Old Highland does have an association, but I don't think it's
city-recognized in terms of having an MCDA-funded citizen participation
function for feedback on development issues.  It doesn't appear on the
city's list of neighborhood groups.  I believe that it is represented
for that purpose by Northside Neighborhood Redevelopment Council.  It
does appear on a privately published map of neighborhoods in Minneapolis
and St. Paul put up for sale recently by a company out of Chicago

That said, I'm all for preserving the identities of these nooks and
crannies of the city by using them as identifiers for people who post on
the list

Steve Brandt
Star Tribune
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Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Jhpalmerjp

Here's what I don't quite understand.  How do you reconcile this statement:

No matter what you believe a person has done, they are still entitled to a fair 
trial.  We cannot allow a person to be made indefensible by accusations...
 -[Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

with this one:

We denounce in the strongest possible terms this heinous attack on a member of our 
community, stated Michelle Gross, spokesperson for CUAPB. She added, It is shocking 
to the conscience that two similar incidents involving sexual assault should occur 
nine days apart by two different law enforcement agencies in Minneapolis. Communities 
United Against Police Brutality will continue to advocate for and assist these 
survivors of police brutality and their families. We are calling for independent 
medical examinations and for appropriate medical and psychological care for these men 
in the aftermath of their assaults.
-[Mpls] CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality Incident

While there is still investigations going on?

Any rational person recognizes that there are disproportionate numbers of people of 
color and poor people in the criminal justice system, as well as there are police 
officers who abuse the power that they have, and who should never have a badge in the 
first place.  What I'm not sure of is why a criminal, especially a repeat offender, is 
more worthy of being innocent until proven guilty than a police officer?

When police officers violate the very law they are sworn to uphold, I would be the 
first to argue that the penalties and punishment should be more severe than the 
average person on the street, and if any of these officers are guilty of these crimes, 
there is no amount of punishment that would be severe enough in my mind, and I would 
harken back to some medieval techniques that would be closer to appropriate treatment 
for this.

However, isn't it just as appropriate to give these officers, if not the benefit of 
the doubt, than at least the same fair trials you call upon for criminals?  Is it not 
right that they as well should be afforded an unbias investigation into this matter?  
And if they are found to be innocent, I will echo Anne's question of will you as 
strongly exonerate them as you have pre-emptively condemned them?

No one has said that these individuals deserved the alleged assaults, but they have 
raised the concern that people could make up these allegations in order to draw 
attention from their crimes.  How is it more plausible that an officer assaulted an 
individual with a plunger than that a individual created a story for leniency?  Is 
this not what investigations are for discerning?  And should we not wait for all the 
facts to emerge and investigations to be completed before coming to the conclusions of 
what happened?

Having been a victim of police harassment and assault, I strongly believe that those 
who we have trusted with power have a higher responsibility not to abuse it.  But as 
someone who believes strongly in principles of law and order, in fair and equal 
treatment, in appropriate measures for dealing with one another in a civil society, I 
submit that we have to adhere to the self same principles and ideals that we call for 
from our officers.  Most noted among these is giving the same right of due process to 
our enemies or those we despise as much as we do to those we love or support. The 
validity of being able to call for an end to abuse and unfair treatment, requires that 
the ethic be consistent across the board and that all people, including police 
officers, be afforded equal treatment under the law and in public.

Jonathan Palmer
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Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Dennis Plante
Michelle Gross Writes:

I can't speak for Staten, Moss or any of the folks in that crowd but I can 
tell you that as soon as we got called about the incident, we sent a team of 
investigators to meet with three different sets of people who witnessed the 
incident, including folks who were not arrested.  At this time, to protect 
their safety and keep our word to them, we cannot reveal anything else about 
them.  However, they each gave nearly identical descriptions of the incident 
(though some did not see all of the incident) and they were not together 
when we talked to them and they had not communicated with each other since 
the incident occurred.  We also conducted other research that I am not at 
liberty to divulge at this time.

Dennis Plante Responds:

I was under the impression (based upon previous published statements) that 
there were no witnesses to the allegations.  Wth three sets of witnesses (to 
the allegation), it appears it should be an open and shut case.  Whereas 
this is criminal investigaton, I do hope there is the ability to 
substantiate that the witnesses (to the event) had not had the opportunity 
to speak with each other, prior to being interviewed by CUAPB.

Believe it or not, CUAPB doesn't want to get snowed so we investigate cases 
to the best of our ability before we put out any kind of public statement.  
That's why we did not put out a public statement until very late Tuesday 
night after our team had done it's preliminary work, despite being hounded 
by the media for a statement.  Our team continued to investigate yesterday 
and has some information that even the media is not privy to.

Dennis Plante Responds:

Based upon the statement that CUAPB DID put out, it would appear that the 
investigation (initiated by CUAPB) confirms the allegations made by the 
individual.  Is this the case?

I feel we have acted in a completely responsible manner.  However, I 
personally can't say the same about Moss, Staten and company.  It was the 
height of irresponsibility to bring a man straight from jail after such an 
ordeal and let him spill his guts to the media, thus possibly blowing any 
legal case he could have.

Dennis Plante Responds:

It all depends upon what you feel the height of irresponsibility (in the 
matter) is.  The subsequent actions of those that you've mentioned however, 
do beg the question as to whose's interests they have in mind.  Are they 
really interested in affecting a positive change to a problem?  Or, are they 
only interested in maintaining their own power-base?  Shame on them

As an individual that has a vested interest (I live in Jordan) in the 
outcome of such allegations, I am deeply interested in where this issue 
goes.  I didn't just fall-off the vegetable truck, and I wasn't born 
yesterday.  False allegations (made against police officers) DO afect my 
quality of life.  The officers responding to calls I make (to protect myself 
and my property) become hyper-senstive to policing minor offenses, because 
of these allegations.

In recent memory I have called on individuals for the following offenses 
committed against myself and my property - public urination, dealing drugs, 
playing craps, throwing beers cans into my yard, burglary, theft, swindle, 
public riot, death threats, selling stolen property, etc...  Forgive me for 
saying so, but based upon the evidence that has been made available thus 
far, I tend to lean towards the accused.

The allegations have been made...  Regardless of the outcome, the (unfair) 
cycle continues.  If the allegations are proven to be unfounded, then it 
still remains the fault of the system.

Roughly 3 months ago, I watched in disbelief as a MPD squad followed a group 
of 4 yound women who were walking down the middle of my street.  The officer 
repeatedly told them that they needed to move to the sidewalk, as they were 
blocking traffic and creating a hazard.  The officer (yes he was white) 
wated until one of them called him a name which I can't repeat and 
defiantely threw a soda can on the street next to his squad before getting 
out and writing a ticket.  When this occurred, the officer was accussed by 
both the perp and her friends of sexual harrasment AND racial profiling.  
The only thing that I ask of members (on this list) is that they first ask 
themselves whether or not this is the type of life they would want for 
themselves and their neighbors. And secondly, how do we change it?  Do we 
become less-lenient of offenders?  Do we make-up for 300 years of racial 
discrimmination by policing differently in neighborhoods predominantly of 

Dennis Plante
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Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police Brutality(?) Incident

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Nelson
Making no judgement on the veracity of the claims made by the perp/victim or
the questionable methods opted for by the officers, if true, I have heard no
discussion of the long history this perp has had with the police or the fact
that he tried hiding a bag of cocaine in his butt crack on a recent arrest.

I mention this because it was brought up on Channel 9 news last night and
throws a slightly different light on the idea that--if the incident
acctually occurred--this was a sexual assault instead of a badly handled
cavity search.

Thrown in only for the fact that it created a whole different picture of the
events in my mind than what had emerged here over the last few days.  What
seemed to be coming out was a picture of a punitive attack by out of control

Steve Nelson
Willard Hay (near Old Highland that was official enough to have city signs
saying Welcome to Old Highland for years--don't know why the city maps are
quiet on it.)

- Original Message - 
From: Anne McCandless [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Minneapolis Issues Forum
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Coddling the Criminals: CUAPB Statement on Latest Police
Brutality(?) Incident

 Mark says But thinking rationally, such an assault is going to leave some
 physical evidence. Does anyone really think that might have been
 self-inflicted by the perps in order to take attention away from their
 alleged crimes?

 I agree. Is there any evidence? Have you seen the medical report?

 Shawn says I hope Rev. Staten took Mr. Porter to the hospital for a
 examination before the press conference.

 I don't know if they did, but in watching the news clips of Mr Porter
 leaving the Hennepin County Jail, he didn't seem to need medical help when
 he left the jail. The reporters were hurrying to keep up with him and he
 not walk in a manner indicating he was in pain.  It wasn't until he walked
 into the Press Conf on the arms of Staten and Moss that he needed
 assistance.  Did something happen to the man after he was released from

 I agree with Dyna (never thought I would say that, girl).  Before I would
 take Mr Porter's word that the sky is blue, I'd step outside and make
 How many of the people on this list,  members of CUAPB included, would
 to be convicted solely on Mr Porter and his buddies say so?

 If, and I know this is going to be hard for some of you to imagine, but if
 Mr Porter's allegations are not true, what do you think the officers
 to get?  They have been accused, in public, named in the media and by
 accuser of one of the most perverted acts one man can commit on another.
 they did not do this, will all these people, including CUAPB, apologige as
 loudly and as publicly as they are now condemning them?  Or will this act
 just be considered one of the risks of the job?

 Anne McCandless

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread ABerget
A casual look at the gap in major metro school districts suggests no advantage 
associated with race of the superintendent,  but I don't think formal studies exist on 
this very provocative subject. Can anyone cite formal research here?

Ann Berget
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Re: [Mpls] Local bad actor takes the plunge/Moon crackstasher swoon chafes critics

2003-10-16 Thread Dyna
	Excellent post Keith, cutting through CUAPB's fog and providing 
insight on what more likely happened in Mr. Porter's rearmost body 
On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 09:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the matter of Stephen Porter. He has been convicted and released to 
own devices, repeatedly, for cocaine selling. He had reportedly 
past storage of drugs in his rectum; for safe keeping.
	Which suggests a more plausible explanation. In cocaine culture body 
cavities are not special  places, being considered ideal pouches for 
the routine storage and transport of drugs, or a means of earning 
money for purchase of more drugs. Mr. Porter already has prior 
experience in the use of his rearmost body cavity for at least the 
first of these applications, safe(?) storage of cocaine.

	Which neatly leads us to a more plausible explanation of what happened 
to Mr.Porter's rearmost body cavity on the day of his arrest. What if 
Mr. Porter, noting an imminent bust and in possession of cocaine, 
decided to conceal it in his rearmost body cavity. Mr. Porter is also 
perhaps already high on cocaine, his nervous system is quite 
preoccupied by the rush of same and feeling no pain, and his 
judgement processes are as short term as you would expect a cokehead's 
to be.

	Perhaps then Mr. Porter took his prized cocaine and as was his habit 
in the past, inserted in his rearmost body cavity for safekeeping. 
Now a brief review of any decent anatomy text will reveal that this 
rearmost body cavity is extremely lengthy. However, Mr. Porter's hands 
are nowhere near as long and given their awkward positioning for this 
task he would without tools be barely able to insert it in said 
rearmost body cavity, never mind insert it far enough into said 
rearmost body cavity to avoid detection.

	This part of the Northside appears not to have received sanitary sewer 
service until 1937, thank you FDR and the WPA. Much of that 1930s 
plumbing is still intact, and as such the plunger is standard issue in 
homes such as this deteriorating rental property. Perhaps Mr. Porter 
remembers the previous failure of his cocaine storage strategy and the 
limitation of his own hands in more deeply storing said cocaine beyond 
the reach of the gloved hands of public employees stuck performing such 

	So perhaps Mr.Porter, in a split second of drug induced inspiration, 
seizes upon this lowly tool and puts it to work. But perhaps also Mr. 
Porter, in racing fear of getting busted again and already under the 
influence of cocaine and who knows what else, botched the job.

	And perhaps when this safe storage strategy failed, Mr. Porter 
grabbed the currently popular rape alibi and ran with it?

Over and over, it appears, local community leaders rally around a 
poster boy
of criminal behavior, and his jailhouse allegations. Over and over, 
such words
are treated like Gospel by a coalition of local preachers as 
publicity, and
photo-ops, abound.
	I continue to be amazed at CUAPB's failure to properly investigate the 
allegations they trumpet. I have an excellent view of the drug house in 
question, and may be an eyewitness to the incident. Yet no one from 
CUAPB has interviewed me or even contacted me.

Certain cops make high-risk entries into criminal lairs on behalf of a 
broader community. They take huge risks to enforce the law against 
cocaine selling; and the gun violence that accompanies it. They do 
this 40 hours
a week. It is their job. They rarely, if ever, are given credit for the
danger they face; over and over.
	This was indeed a drug house, and since the bust we've slept well in 
the homes nearby. The bust confirmed my suspicions that this drug house 
was wholesaling tp street dealers as well as retailing- last night the 
dealers indicated they were out drugs and inquired if I had any to sell!

Now, let one serial cocaine seller, and Moon crackstasher with possible
diaper rash, allege that the police violated him.  Place him on a 
platform of media
coverage, to swoon into the arms of the most strident civil critics of 
police force. Pat his head as he cries to high heaven how brutal 
those people
are to him.
	Agreed- I'm amazed at the way some of our local leaders have fallen 
for Mr. Porter's suspect story.

Drug addicts and sellers will do, and say, anything, and everything, 
to get
away with it. Former addicts to the drug would attest to that fact. I 
am sure
someone, among the fair minded, righteous, and reverend critics of our 
force, might have some first hand experience with coke. He could 
tell all about how low the devil-cocaine can lead an individual.

In the mean time I will consider the source and not jump to damning
conclusions regarding the narcotics raid; nor the policemen who's 
forced entry was MOST
likely only through the doors of the drug house.
	A drug house so obvious it begged to be busted.

		enjoying our new found peace in 

[Mpls] Source for community improvement ideas

2003-10-16 Thread Steven Clift

I bumped into a new web site in the UK with all sort of community 
improvement articles that can be applied to Minneapolis:

Together: tackling anti-social behaviour (Anti-social behaviour 
action plan)  14/10/03  Policy Guidance  1132 Kb  

  Graffiti and vandalism on and around public transport  13/10/03  
Policy Guidance  169 Kb

  Clean, safe and green: approaches that work  13/10/03  Policy 
Guidance  1143

  How schools can contribute to area regeneration  13/10/03  

  Evaluation of a contracted community policing experiment  

Also see:

The one thing I like about non-U.S. sources is that they seem much 
more willing to gather best practices from around the world.

Steven Clift
Carag Resident

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Steven L. Clift-W:
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[Mpls] NAACP gag order // reverse racism cuts both ways

2003-10-16 Thread Socialist2001
NAACP gag order

Minneapolis NAACP Branch parliamentarian offers advice regarding Mr. Mann's 
coverage of NAACP's involvement with the Hollman Consent Decree.
Reverse racism cuts both ways

In the Sunday Star-Tribune, editor Jim Boyd complained about reverse racism 
as a factor in motivating opposition to the Jennings appointment.  But the 
Star-Tribune has never complained about reverse racism when it served to 
stifle dissent and paralyze opposition to the status quo, as in misplaced loyalty 
to Carol Johnson. 

-Doug Mann, King Field
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[Mpls] A new challenge for Minnepolis- Americans returning to their rural roots.

2003-10-16 Thread Dyna
	A few observations along the Floyd B. Olson Memorial Highway:

	Here in the thereabouts of North High, Governor Olson's alma mater, 
the For Rent and For Sale signs are popping up like mushrooms. 
There are new tenements going up in Bassett's Creek bog, but not much 
of anyone is moving in.

	Head west a bit, further out than the tract homes popping up in Medina 
and such. Buffalo, beyond the MUSA, is becoming a full fledged suburb, 
with all the attendant problems. The tract houses are popping up as far 
west as Watkins, over an hours drive west of downtown Minneapolis. Not 
quite as far though from the western suburbs, where much of our job 
base has moved.

	Around Paynesville it hits you- every little 10 acre plot with a bit 
of woods, a hilltop, or water in view is sprouting new homes like 
mushrooms after a drenching. Paynesville doesn't have much of a job 
base to speak off, especially not living wage jobs. So it's not the 
locals that are building these lake homes and hobby farms. Neither does 
St.Paul or Willmar, a half hour away. If you want a clue of what's 
going on, take a look at the local tractor dealer or who's buying up 
tracts of land. The only new tractors moving off the lot in any numbers 
are the little ones aimed at the hobby farmer market. And the real 
farmers are bemoaning the hunters from the cities who are bidding up 
the price of farm land above what there kids can afford.

	About now someone will rise to Minneapolis' defense, throwing out the 
census numbers for Minneapolis (growing) and Boondocks, MN (stagnant). 
As long as you've got the census figures out, look at that Baxter, 
Alexandria, and some of the other rural towns that boomed during the 
1990s. These towns portend a trend that is spreading across rural 

	After flocking to metropolitan areas for over a century, why are folks 
headed home to the country? The industrial revolution drove millions 
from the now mechanized farms to the city's factories. The captains of 
industry has since subcontracted such work to China and other low wage 
sweatshop economies. This leaves many of those that still have jobs 
often free of the factory and able to live where they wish. The same 
loss of our manufacturing base has resulted in a loss of jobs which 
have forced many to government economic assistance- over 10,000,000 
working ages americans now draw SSDI or SSI checks. The treasury 
department will be happy to deposit these checks in most any bank. Then 
there are the retiring baby boomers, who can again live where the 
please, free of the metro area's workplaces.

	For the first time in over a century we have increasing hordes of 
citizens who need no longer commute to work. In fact, in many areas of 
the country already over half of the adult population is not working. 
This forces core cities like Minneapolis into competition with the 
whole country and even foreign countries in the race to attract 
residents and their tax dollars. In such competition Minneapolis 
currently has little to offer, with a few downtown neighborhoods being 
able to offer amenities like easy mobility and diverse goods and 
services. However, much of Minneapolis is in comparison with greater 
Minnesota overpriced and crime ridden. If Minneapolis is to survive it 
will have to offer as secure and affordable an environment as greater 

	on Highway 55,

		Dyna Sluyter	


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[Mpls] Seward Art Crawl

2003-10-16 Thread Erik Riese
Once again Ed has his facts straight.

The story is in the details however. 

On Saturday, November 8, from 11:00 a.m. 'til almost dawn the next day,
the Seward Arts Festival will rumpus!

With over 50 visual artists and more than 30 performing artists this
year's Seward Arts Festival will be an opportunity to revel in the arts.
From early in the morning 'til late into the night, you can explore art,
music, spoken word, and dance. Pick up a program starting October 24 at
the Birchwood Cafe, Second Moon Coffeehouse, Seward Co-op, Matthews
Center, and the Northern Clay Center.

It's going to great fun!

Off list inquiries receive a special invitation to Erik Riese created events.

Ed Felien wrote:
 To Constance Nompelis and interested others:
 The 4th Annual Seward Art Crawl will happen Saturday, November 8.
 For more info contact Beth Marie at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

In cooperation,
Erik Riese

a great place to live, work, learn, and play! 

(612) 724-3217 home
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[Mpls] more on Old Highland

2003-10-16 Thread Linda Higgins
Yes, Old Highland has its own neighborhood association, a 501(c)3, called,
cleverly enough, Old Highland Neighborhood Association (see For city purposes, we're part of Near North and are
represented by neighbors on the Northside Neighborhood Redevelopment Council
(, as are Willard Hay, Homewood and Lyn Park. In fact, until
recently, the NRRC office was located in Old Highland.

We were the first neighborhood in the city to have a spring Clean Sweep,
back in the 80s, and continue each year, combining with a neighborhood
picnic afterwards. We've had several wonderful porch parties this summer,
go caroling at Christmas, plant Blooming Boulevards together, and are
enjoying our new neighbors who have built new houses in former vacant lots.
We're the home, both original and current, of Sister Jean's Cookie Cart. We
are proud of the Queen Anne Victorian house on Dupont Avenue that is listed
on the National Register of Historic Places. (You may have toured it on one
of the city's Home Tours.)

Our churches include The Church of the Ascension and St. Joseph Hien, the
first, I believe, Vietnamese Catholic Church in Minnesota. Both throw great
fall festivals, where you can eat yourself into nirvana.

North High School is just outside our boundaries, but we have their football
field. Go Polars!

linda higgins
old highland

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[Mpls] Star Tribune: Don Samuels: City must seek accountability and healing

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Don Samuels: City must seek accountability and healing
Published October 16, 2003

Recent allegations that two members of the Minneapolis Police were
involved in a felony assault at a north Minneapolis apartment have
shocked us all. The event is made more challenging because of its racial

On the one hand we are tempted to act as if we are totally unaware of
this racial factor and hope it goes away. On the other hand, our
reaction might become so emotional that we are unable to make
constructive contribution to the ensuing dialog.

Both extremes are avoidable. It is possible to approach this dilemma in
such a way that accountability is justly pursued and healing is

The African-American community has been, historically, at the lowest end
of America's racial hierarchy. Long centuries and decades of this abuse
should not be covered up in the cause of peace.

When this willful denial happens, hate inevitably erupts, inconveniently
and often violently. Instead we should examine how this alleged incident
has become the eventuality of America's continuum and then change course
toward a better future.

The violence of black gangs and the genocidal repercussions of the drug
trade testify to the fact that the externally inflicted lynchings of the
Jim Crow era have now been replaced by internally inflicted homicide.
Young black men in gangs might not have learned much in school, but they
have learned well the diminished value of their lives and the lives of
their people.

From these lessons in inferiority, they have emerged as master scholars.
They know now, more than anyone else, the true insignificance of their
worth. In turn they treat each other accordingly. They occupy
residential communities where their women, mothers and children live at
great risk. They fight turf battles, destroying the lives they hate and
putting at risk the depreciated lives they share. They train disposable
recruits in their fatal trade like crops for the grim reaper.

That is why we must try our best to send them new messages of their full
humanity and provide opportunities, for those who are open, to learn new
ways to survive and thrive. And that is why we must, with even swifter
urgency, dispatch the incorrigible among them to institutions of
constraint, where they are no danger to those of us whose lives they so

On the other hand, the genocidal violence and humiliating actions of
renegade police also testify to the lingering strains of virulent

Men armed with lethal weaponry, official sanction and racial hate will
degrade and destroy life, sully community relationships and debase the
profile of our city's authority. Their hate of black bodies becomes
justifiably expressed in the vile humiliation of the deserving

There is this class of men, who have found in the city's sanction of
their use of force a perverse opportunity to violently express their
rabid disregard for the human dignity of people born brown. That is why
we must mandate effective training in racial sensibility for all our
officers. That is why we must actively screen officers for racist and
abusive tendencies and that is why, when racial crimes are perpetrated,
we must also put away the offenders.

And so, these two faces of the one coin continue to flicker in a society
that continues to bet its future on the naïve notion that things are
different now.

What we must do instead is commit ourselves to strident intolerance of
all forms of racial hate, whether it is expressed intraracially or

We must unwaveringly face the reality that the wanton disregard for
human life is possible from all quarters. It exists in denser
concentrations in the smoldering cauldron of race.

As a society, we must act swiftly to address the dehumanizing of people
of color and especially black people. We must name it when it appears in
the form of community defilement by gang terrorism. And we must identify
it even when it erupts in the guise of justice, inflicting degradation
on the very perpetrators of intraracial hate to which they were

We must recognize the hate of brown bodies in any form. We must call it
hate in every guise and we must address it with a sure and even hand.

In this case, should the allegations against the alleged community
perpetrators be true, then let us act according to the remedies
prescribed by law. And should the charges against the alleged official
perpetrators be true, then we must act with even swifter, impartial
justice. After all, they are the face of our justice.

In either case our deep wound gouged by history and exacerbated by this
incident will begin to heal. Our diverse community will begin to
recognize our common enemies. And we will realize that the common values
of human dignity and peace make siblings of us all.

Don Samuels represents the Third Ward in the Minneapolis City Council.

Joseph Barisonzi

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but 

[Mpls] The Nonpartisan Party

2003-10-16 Thread Melendez, Brian
The Nonpartisan Party

From:   Joseph Barisonzi
Holle Brian
Carleton Crawford
Lee Eklund
Cameron Gordon
Brian Melendez

You and your friends are cordially invited to the Nonpartisan Party on
Saturday 8 November, from 7 p.m. until Whenever, at Brian Melendez's home,
1777 Dupont Avenue South, Minneapolis. (Please see below for directions.)

The Concept

This time most years, we are in the midst of campaigning. But this year, for
the first time in many years, there are neither federal, state, legislative,
nor municipal elections scheduled in Minneapolis. The first Tuesday after
the first Monday in November will come and go without a general election.

The co-hosts are volunteer activists in different political parties. We
spend practically all our volunteer time around politics, helping get our
candidates elected. But some of the most decent and interesting folks that
we have met in local politics are not necessarily members of the same party
as we are. Unfortunately, those folks seldom deal with each other outside
the partisan political context, so building relationships and actual
friendships with each other is tough. But local politics would be much more
civil, and perhaps focused more on issues and less on personalities, if
there were more opportunities for building relationships and friendships
among volunteers across party lines.

To that end, we are throwing a party next month--the Non-Partisan
Party--as an opportunity for volunteer leaders in all the political parties
to meet and mingle outside partisan politics. The date is Saturday 8
November, the weekend after what would have been Election Day if there were
an election this year.

If this event is a success, we are hoping that it will become an annual
event, a chance for coming together after an actual election, taking off our
hats as partisans for a moment and looking at the candidates and at each
other as neighbors and fellow citizens.

The Rules

There will be a few ground rules:

1.  The party is a private event, hosted by individuals and not by
political parties, organizations, or titles. Everyone who cares about local
politics, regardless of partisan affiliation (or lack of affiliation), is

2.  No agenda or program.

3.  The party is mostly in honor of volunteer activists. Publicly
elected officers are more than welcome. So are candidates for those offices.
But nobody gets a soapbox or a formal introduction.

4.  No campaigning allowed. (Gossip and speculation are okay.)

5.  No speeches!

We will supply some beverages and munchies (and maybe even some Mel-O-Glaze
and Krispy Kreme donuts). You don't need to bring anything. But if you do
want to bring something, you can bring a favorite beverage or snack for

The Directions

1777 Dupont Avenue is a red-brick house with white trim, in Lowry Hill,
three blocks west of Hennepin Avenue, between Summit and Douglas (three
blocks north of Franklin). You can park on the street in front. Brian's
phone number is 612.377.1777.

We hope that you can come! Please write or call any co-host if you have any

Brian Melendez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cameron Gordon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carleton Crawford
Joseph Barisonzi
Lee Eklund  


Brian Melendez
Lowry Hill (Ward 7)

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[Mpls] Minneapolis in CNN's Spotlight. Council Member Samuels to be interviewed live.

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Minneapolis City Council Member Don Samuels will be CNN's Anderson
Cooper's guest on 350* at 6:00 pm tonight.  

My understanding is that there will be a 45 minute segment starting at
6:25 pm CST about Minneapolis, community-police relations, the alleged
police brutality, and the FBI involvement. 

Interviews with numerous City and community leaders have been (or are
being) taped. Council Member Don Samuels will be interviewed live. 

Joseph Barisonzi

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[Mpls] Minneapolis in CNN's Spotlight. Council Member Samuels to be interviewed live.

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Barisonzi
Minneapolis City Council Member Don Samuels will be CNN's Anderson
Cooper's guest on 350* at 6:00 pm tonight.  

My understanding is that there will be a 45 minute segment starting at
6:25 pm CST about Minneapolis, community-police relations, the alleged
police brutality, and the FBI involvement. 

Interviews with numerous City and community leaders have been (or are
being) taped. Council Member Don Samuels will be interviewed live. 

Joseph Barisonzi

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread Andy Driscoll
St. Paul's superintendent, a woman of color, is now resident on the board of
the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, the same body that opposed - as she
did - the last referendum passed by the city's voters. She openly defied her
own board in her opposition and her membership on the Chamber board is
without justification and loaded with conflict.

A superintendent of color - or the color of a superintendent - is hardly
indicative of the personal tastes or positions of the holder of the post. I
find Pat Harvey's Chamber board membership and sticking her thumb in the eye
of her employer(s) utterly inexcusable. It takes chutzpah and the kind of
arrogance that throws public confidence in their elected board members in
complete disarray. The Board should dismiss her forthwith, in my view.

David Jennings had shown by his work in the district - not in the
legislature - that the experience had a profound effect on his views of
public education

 and the Constitutional responsibility to provide a system of quality public
teaching and learning. That says nothing about the idiotic move to hire him
without allowing public input and explaining and defending their choice.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

 Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 13:18:11 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues
 A casual look at the gap in major metro school districts suggests no
 advantage associated with race of the superintendent,  but I don't think
 formal studies exist on this very provocative subject. Can anyone cite formal
 research here?
 Ann Berget

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[Mpls] Assault

2003-10-16 Thread Jim Mork
Thousands and thousands of people are falsely accused every year by the 
state.  They have to empty their bank accounts in their own defense.  And 
when the jury acquits, they feel lucky to walk away.  Now, tell me why the 
police should suddenly be DIFFERENT. One thing we can safely expect. We can 
count on it that this officer, if innocent, will not spend 20 years in 
prison on a false charge as has happened to some civilians.  The fact is 
that NO ONE would believe the accuser in this case except there have been 
quite enough cases where police have beaten people, suffocated them to the 
point of death, browbeaten handcuffed prisoners on video.  It is THAT which 
makes this charge credible, not the track record of the accuser.  Some of 
the sympathizers don't think it right for the police to be judged on their 
history, but that's the way it happens. Moreover, that is exactly what the 
POLICE do.  They haul in usual suspects before they go after unknown 
offenders.  In any case, a public review of objective facts can decide this 
one way or the other.  The worst thing the police can do here is try to 
sweep it quietly under the rug.  Innocence wouldn't avail anything if they 
go the secrecy route.  If police were more concerned to discipline their 
own, they wouldnt be dealing with this sort of thing now.  I think Olson is 
FINALLY getting this, as he heads for resignation. Laux never got it at all.

There was a question to the effect how would you like to be convicted on 
the word of these guys?  Well, first, prosecutors have convicted LOTS of 
people on the word of these sorts of people.  None of the convicted were 
police.  All were African American residents of Minneapolis.  So, though 
this hypothetical has no history in discipline of police, it has a LOT of 
history in the prosecution of African Americans accused by local 
prosecutors.  But, more than THAT, no one will be convicted on the WORD of 
the accusers in these recent cases.  No, first it is unlikely, no matter how 
STRONG the case, that internal affairs will recommend a prosecution.  List 
off the police prosecuted, despite killings and beatings, in the last 
decade. You can't.  I don't think there has been one. But if history should 
change, it will ONLY because they DON'T have to depend on the word of the 
alleged victims.  So the question is not even relevant.  Basically, it is a 
way to try to make people fearful.  That is a standard way to make the white 
community passive and uninvolved, thereby isolating African Americans AGAIN 
from community protection.  It is a shame that this has worked in 
civilization for millenia.  We have advanced so LITTLE in so many years.  
And such a pattern is unworthy of a city like Minneapolis.

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood
Crimes against Peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of 
a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, 
agreements or assurances, or participation in a Common Plan or Conspiracy 
for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing; -- Nuremberg War Tribunal

Surf and talk on the phone at the same time with broadband Internet access. 
Get high-speed for as low as $29.95/month (depending on the local service 
providers in your area).

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[Mpls] Rybak: ready to put my butt on the line for Twins ballpark

2003-10-16 Thread List Manager
Says Twins cannot play Minneapolis versus St. Paul.

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Eastside Food Co-op Investing

2003-10-16 Thread Aaron Neumann
this is a forward [a.n.]: 

From: kevin reich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Eastside Food Co-op investing 

The Eastside Food Co-op is About to Open
Make History With It
Make a Great Social Investment with a Wonderful Financial Return! 

The Eastside Food Co-op is about to open a 6,500 square foot natural foods
grocery store in the building it owns at 2551 Central Avenue NE. This
project, close to 10 years in the making, will cost $1.96 million. The
Co-op's 800 members have made this possible by investing almost $500,000
in equity and loans. Neighborhood association support has also been
critical; five neighborhoods are loaning another $510,000. 

The Co-op is now conducting its third member-owner loan drive, with the
goal of raising $150,000. Buying inventory will cost $135,000. These funds
will stock the shelves. 

Over 90 member-owners have taken out loans totaling over $200,000 to date.
Many of these are no interest loans. The financial support from
member-owners has been incredible, far exceeding, on a per capita basis,
any loan campaign of any area co-op. 

With this final funding push, the Co-op is offering a strong financial
investment to match its great social investment. Get an annual return of 4
to 8 percent and a total return of up to 64 percent on loans of at least
$8,000. Loans of up to $5,000 will have an interest rate of 4%, for a 5
year, CD-type lump sum payout. Loans of $5,000 to $7,000 will have terms
of 5-5-5, 6-6-6, and 7-7-7. Anyone lending $7,000 for 7 years will get 7%
interest. You get the idea. The Co-op needs your money now and is willing
to pay a premium for it (when it matures). Are you able to help? 

You must be a member-owner to make a loan. An ownership share in the Co-op
is $100. 

As a fellow member-owners, that will be your 1.96 million beauty at 2551
Central Avenue. You will be so proud when you see it. You will be so glad
it is conveniently located when you enter it. You will be so excited to be
shopping in it. 

Dream, expand your vision, and invest in paying for it. Go ahead. You own
it. Your help is needed to pay for it. You can say to your friends I (or
we) own that great grocery store on Central Avenue. You can say and my
loan was crucial to getting it open. And you will be right. 

Consider these words from W.E.B. DuBois:
Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season.
It is today that our best work can be done and not some future day or
future year. It is today that we fit ourselves for the greater usefulness
of tomorrow. Today is the seed time, now are the hours of work, and
tomorrow comes the harvest and the playtime. 

There is some risk involved. Your investment is not insured. Still,
consider the stock market of the last three years and guess ahead. Where
else can you get a 4-percent annual return on $1,000? 

Please call Ken Jerome-Stern, project manager, at 612-788-0950. He wants
to speak with you.
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[Mpls] Re: FBI to probe claims of felony assault by Minneapolis officers

2003-10-16 Thread Aaron Neumann
Terrell Brown writes: 

Writing about a couple of Minneapolis cops accused of assault Dyna
Sluyter writes:
	The house where these perps were busted has been 
supplying drugs and 
prostitutes for months now. 
aaron neumann asks: tongue was getting sore for biting it this sluyter 
mentioned a couple of times that the individual who is charging the police 
with this horrific allegation is a veteran criminal and drug dealer, and 
that there is history of this which warranted a search warrant in the first 
place.  fair enough.  but, why was mr. porter released and NOT charged with 
ANY crime? (according today's strib front page article) 

aaron neumann

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