[Mpls] Ballpark site to be sold

2005-06-12 Thread List Manager
The Strib reports that Houston-based Hines, the city's biggest landlord, has
an agreement to buy the 16-acre Rapid Park site where the proposed ballpark
is to be built. (The deal also includes more land than the ballpark site.)

Mike Opat worries that the sale would drive up the cost of the ballpark. The
county could still use eminent domain to acquire the site, if they can't
negotiate a deal, but battling Hines' deeper pockets in court could drive up
the price regardless.

A Hines executive says the ballpark is not essential to their plans, that
housing is #1, ballpark #2 

Read Neal St. Anthony's scoop at:

David Brauer
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[Mpls] Ballpark site sale addition

2005-06-12 Thread List Manager
It's Terry Fielder's scoop as well as Neal St. Anthony's...

David Brauer
List manager 

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[Mpls] Public Park/Free speech/Fresh Air/Great Nation

2005-06-12 Thread PennBroKeith
Dear Mr. Jason Stone,

I would like to volunteer my time to distributing your campaign literature to 
individuals at our City parks. Please contact me. I admit I do not know much 
about your campaign, itself. I do know it is appropriate, and essential, to 
bring Park Board election campaign issues, and candidate outlooks, to our Park 

As this is an open letter; I ask if any other readers would care to join me? 
You are invited to share the fresh air and conversation with me and others at 
our parks; you may bring the campaign literature of the candidates of your 
choice. Bring comfortable clothes; we may end up in jail.

Keith Reitman   NearNorth
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[Mpls] Information on violence prevention

2005-06-12 Thread ArthurTHimmelman
Those interested in violence prevention can benefit from looking at what is  
going on in Chicago at _http://www.ceasefirechicago.org/index.html_ 
(http://www.ceasefirechicago.org/index.html) .   You may agree that Chicago's 
could be a model for Minneapolis violence  prevention efforts, if we develop 
the vision and leadership necessary to adapt  it to our circumstances.  I also 
hope others will agree that our seeming  inability to create a violence 
prevention approach as comprehensive and  effective as CeaseFire is a serious 
that deserves our attention as  well.
Arthur T. Himmelman
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Public Park/Free speech/Fresh Air/Great Nation

2005-06-12 Thread Dann Dobson
Keith -
Just read your note to my widfe, Sandi and evenb thou I am alreday working on 
Jason's campaign, she said, Count me in.
Send particualrs off-grou so we can hook up.
Dann Dobson


Dear Mr. Jason Stone,

I would like to volunteer my time to distributing your campaign literature to 
individuals at our City parks. Please contact me. I admit I do not know much 
about your campaign, itself. I do know it is appropriate, and essential, to 
bring Park Board election campaign issues, and candidate outlooks, to our Park 

As this is an open letter; I ask if any other readers would care to join me? 
You are invited to share the fresh air and conversation with me and others at 
our parks; you may bring the campaign literature of the candidates of your 
choice. Bring comfortable clothes; we may end up in jail.

Keith Reitman NearNorth

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[Mpls] Re: Living Wage

2005-06-12 Thread Tim Bonham

The Mpls. DFL rightfully pressed for their Living Wages
YES! resolution at their City Convention (kudos for this! Did it pass?).

Yes, it passed with 88% of the votes in favor.
See the listing of all ballots, including resolutions, on the 
webpage at www.mpls.dfl.org, specifically 

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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Re: [Mpls] Labor endorses McLaughlin for Mayor

2005-06-12 Thread gemgram
Dyna's post about McLaughlin's endorsement by another labor organization was 
comic relief as I read it this morning.  Dyna professes to be a strong labor 
supporter, yet has a difficult time as each labor organization goes on board 
with support for McLaughlin.  It brought to mind the old little bit 
pregnant joke about how pregnant is she?  Dyna is still not believing in 
the pregnancy after the labor mother is eight months along and about to 
deliver.  She demands to know who the father was and how many times the act 
occured before she will believe the baby exists.

Does Peter McLaughlin have labor support?  Yes, all the labor support! 
Teamsters, Firefighters, AFL-CIO, AFSME, and pretty much all the rest.  The 
only labor endorsement he might not have yet is the union of paperboys and 
lawn mowers, if one exists.  So Dyna, what are you going to do, invent a new 
labor group?  Just so you can say, AH ha! He doesn't have ALL the labor 
Of course Peter McLaughlin does not have the Police Federation endorsement 
yet as far as I know, but can any one even in a illusionary dream really 
believe the police department is going to endorse Rybak.  The Mayor who 
created the worst morale within the Department in my memory?  Rybak has 
about the same chance of getting that labor endorsement as he has of 
financing his campaign by winning the Power Ball lottery.

As for Dyna's 'manufactured' endorsement like the Stonewall DFL's.  Come 
on Dyna you owe them an apology.  In my opinion you seem to be saying that 
the gay community does not have the ability to endorse a candidate, and the 
endorsement has to be manufactured for them.  I believe there is a process 
for endorsement for that organization, and believe at the end of that 
process an endorsement takes place or does not take place.  It is also like 
being a little pregnant, either you got it or you didn't.

Though Dyna's post did raise one important question.  Other than the wealthy 
yups from the Southwest, and the Sierra Club, does anyone now support Rybak? 
All the labor, all the neighborhood activists, the community development 
organizations, the Stonewall group, the main workers in Rybak's last 
election. All these support now Peter McLaughlin over Rybak.  Now truthfully 
some of that support for McLaughlin may indeed be more opposition to Rybak 
than wholehearted support for McLaughlin, but that is indicative of their 
perception of how bad a job RT's appointments have done at running the City 
of Minneapolis.  That goes doubly for the different departments of the City 
of Minneapolis itself.  The workers who actually do the work for 
Minneapolis, and who are in the best position to know the job RT's 
administration has done, almost to a man or woman oppose Rybak.  Almost all 
want anyone BUT Rybak.  Want anyone but Rybak because of his appointee's 
bungling management of the City.

Does RT have a chance to turn that mismanagement of the City around, so as 
to get support from more than the affluent?  Yes he does! Yes, but he is 
certainly running out of time.  Rybak must change and begin to act in a 
competent manner immediately, or the opportunity will be lost.  Like the 
grasshopper fiddling and dancing RT has enjoyed the position of Mayor too 
much. He has fiddled away three years enjoying his Mayoral party.  The cold 
hard political winter is almost upon him.  Can Rybak store a little voter 
supply away to carry him through November?  I don't know, but RT better 
hurry cause no one knows where the love of God goes when the Winds of 
November come early.  RT Rybak must already feel that cold winter chill 
blowing up his back while he plays.

The public safety fiasco, the StormWatergate fiasco, the attacks on 
neighborhoods and attempts to destroy NRP fiasco, his lack of leadership on 
housing and the mess CPED has become fiasco, and RT's support of the 
criminal briber Basim Sabri fiasco.  How many more fiascos does it take? 
What happened to the promises that RT made, and the promise he offered.  RT 
has not done much while in office; other than look good, take credit for 
other's work, and party.  At that New-Year's party three years ago RT 
promised to run City Hall by day and party all night.  God knows Rybak 
remembered that part about party, unfortunately it seems to be the ONLY 
promise he remembered.  RT may not remember the part about run the City by 

RT was a cute, fun, date at first.  But that is getting old fast, and I 
think we are starting to look for a little more substance than cute in this 
relationship and love affair. Is RT cuter and more polished than Peter? Sure 
he is! I would much rather have RT running a cocktail party for me, but 
running the City has probably taken RT beyond his natural talent. Would I 
rather have RT Rybak being a television talk show host or news announcer? 
Sure I would! It's his natural talent! But running the City takes a lot 
More Substance, and a lot Less Fluff.

So if Dyna is waiting 

Re: [Mpls] Information on violence prevention

2005-06-12 Thread wmmarks


Those interested in violence prevention can benefit from looking at what is  
going on in Chicago at _http://www.ceasefirechicago.org/index.html_ 
(http://www.ceasefirechicago.org/index.html) .   You may agree that Chicago's CeaseFire 
could be a model for Minneapolis violence  prevention efforts, if we develop 
the vision and leadership necessary to adapt  it to our circumstances.  

The last time the MPD adapted a program from another city it was the 
Broken Windows program from NYC? or Boston? Can't remember which. 
However, the heart of the program was cut out by MPD, making it much 
less effective than it could have been.

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Peter McLaughlin

2005-06-12 Thread m1r3201
Despite my obvious dislike for the Stadium Deal...

I remain steadfast in giving credit where credit is due regarding issues 
pertaining to homelessness.

Peter McLaughlin has proven to me that he is a man of his word regarding his 
commitment to proactive work on homelessness.

I have previoulsy noted my concern about the Livability Ordinance passed by 
the county commissioners.

After receiving feedback from advocates and meeting with advocates, Peter was 
instrumental (along with Gail Dorfman's advocacy) in including a commitment 
to form a DT Work Group to address positive, humane solutions regarding 
homelessness in DT Mpls.

This group is now up and running and includes so many voices and perspectives 
that there are too many to mention.

This is COLLABORATION in it truest sense and I would not be fair if I did not 
thank Peter McLaughlin for his causing this wonderful opportunity to create 
solutions and understanding.

As I have said before on this list..I don't care if you are Democrat, 
Republican, Green or whatever. If you push forward solutions and work to make 
happen, you deserve respect and recognition.

Margaret Hastings
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[Mpls] Mower Update - Thanks for all the help!

2005-06-12 Thread ABerget
Thanks for all the words of sympathetic outrage, offers of mowers  and/or 
mowing assistance. As it turns out, yesterday ended on a pretty upbeat  note 
cut grass, good will and the prospect of a replacement mower  soon.
Anyhow before I abandoned my mower quest yesterday, I stopped in at  Nicollet 
ACE (38th  Nicollet) and although they didn't have much in  the mower 
department, one of the guys there lives around the corner from me and  offered 
lend me his own machine to use. How nice is that? When I  finished mowing and 
brought the it back, he even offered me a beer. 
Again, thanks to everyone for comiserating. I was pretty frustrated with  the 
whole thing, but my faith in most people is pretty much restored for the  
time being.
Ann Berget

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Re: [Mpls] Park Board Candidate Considers Legal Action to ProtectFreedom of Spee

2005-06-12 Thread Randall G Cutting
Let me start by saying thank you Jason!  Never back down when your rights
are being abused by a government official.

I do have two questions however.  First is what repercussions will there
be for Gurban?  Will he be fired for this abuse of power?  Not likely with
the current park board majority.  Will he be suspended with, or without,
pay for any period of time?  Not likely with the current park board
majority.  Will he have an official letter of reprimand placed in his
personnel file?  Again not likely with the current park board majority. 
Will he get off with no punishment what-so-ever?  Likely with the current
park board majority.

Attention Park Board Commissioners:  WE'RE WATCHING!  We EXPECT a
significant reprimand, if not removal, for this abuse of power.  Election
day is only a few short months away.  This will not be forgotten.

My second question is about the park police.  Why didn't they tell Gurban
to piss off?  Don't they know the law?  Don't they know what is, and is
not, allowed on park property?  While the blame for this abuse clearly
falls on Gurban's shoulders, why didn't the park police remove HIM from
park property for attempting to limit Mr. Stone's rights?

While I do not live in Mr. Stone's park district I will be writing him a
check as a donation to his campaign.  I encourage everyone who is
frusterated by this sickening abuse of power, or the dirty politics and
policies of the current majority, to do the same.  I also encourage
everyone to visit Mr. Stone's web site at:  http://jasonforparks.com

Randall Cutting
Daily park user

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RE: [Mpls] Accessory Units - Legalize them

2005-06-12 Thread Dean Zimmermann
For those who don't know, a carriage house is an apartment over a detached
garage. There are actually a lot of them in Minneapolis, build decades ago.
It was common practice that when a well off family built their house that
they would build an apartment over their carriage house for the
butler/gardener(s) while the third floor (read attic) was living quarters
for the maid/cook(s).  Today we refer to these buildings as single family
homes when in fact they were built to house much more than a nuclear

The model makes sense today as well.  As far as I am concerned every house
or duplex should be allowed to have a carriage house build above its garage.
Just keep the footprint requirements for garages the same, but allow a small
living unit to be added on the second floor.  It would add density without
changing the character of the neighborhood.  It would be a way for home
owners to get a cash little help with their house payment or with just
keeping up their property.   Elderly people could rent to people who would
help them keep up the yard, help them with shopping or working on the house.
They would be idea low cost apartments for students or young people trying
to save up money.  In the interest of promoting home ownership, one might
allow such a carriage house to be a legal rental unit only if the property
(meaning the main house) is homesteaded. 

Mpls could increase its stock of affordable rental units by allowing attics
to be converted into housing apartments.  There are thousands of duplexes
(and some single family homes) that have attics that could easily be
converted into nice live quarters for $10,000 to $40,000).  Actually there
are many that do have third floor apartments already - what their legal
status is, is anybodies guess.  There would be no change to outward
appearance to the building.  The only thing standing in the way is our
draconian housing and zoning codes.  There are many attics that are finished
but not occupied because they are not legal.   

If I thought for one second there were votes on this Council to do what it
takes to make this possible, it would be done.  Thank you Jim for keeping
this discussion in front of us.  


Dean Zimmermann
Mpls City Council - Ward 6
C: 612-388-1311
W: 612-673-2206
H: 612-724-3888
2200 Clinton Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55404

Surely the most important task for all of us is to leave behind a planet
that is fit for our great grandchildren to live on.  So all of our personal
actions, as well as our political policies, must be tempered with an eye to
long term sustainability, not short term profit or expediency

-Original Message-
Of gemgram
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 11:47 PM
To: Dan McGuire
Cc: Minneapolis Issues
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Accessory Units - Legalize them

No, sorry Dan.  The grant from the Met Council is specific to Ventura 
Village Neighborhood.  The other Ventura Village grants are from Ventura 
Village NRP and specific to that neighborhood.  The neighborhood NRP process

stipulates that Ventura Village NRP funds SHALL only be used for 
revitalization within that neighborhoods boundaries.

Dan is correct about who seem to oppose the accessory housing principal. 
After all, we are talking about private investment, NOT City investment. 
Investment that might be used for a son, a daughter, a mother or father, and

yes by someone who just might need an AFFORDABLE place to live. Perhaps 
the City should not finance carriage houses because there are too many 
rental units as Dennis Plante suggested, but as long as those same city 
officials are claiming there is a housing shortage, then it is ridiculous to

prevent PRIVATE dollars being spent to create accessory units. Dennis, when 
we approached mortgage lenders they loved the idea of financing 
construction of carriage houses. They thought they were the most secure type

of investment a Bank or Mortgage lender could make. Also, while Dennis is 
correct about Why zoning laws are in existence , please do not confuse 
this with wise zoning law.  When it takes $2000 extra FEEdollars and 
several months to get through what the City has already declared as 
permissible, then you certainly do not have wise zoning law.  What you 
have is a zoning system purposefully created to allow CM's the most 
arbitrary of decision making possible for political purposes, NOT zoning law

that is sound for our City.

Private individuals in my neighborhood often rent units in their buildings 
for far below the rent levels being charged under the supposed affordable 
rent guidelines.  I rent three bedroom units for 550 to 650 a month.  Why? 
In part because my wife believes it is criminal to squeeze poor people for 
more. She thinks the renters become part of our extended family, or of our

village, and you just do not do that to your own people. Unique 
perspective for some, but very common in my 

Re: [Mpls] Park Board Candidate Considers Legal Action to ProtectFreedom of Spee

2005-06-12 Thread wmmarks

Randall G Cutting wrote:

My second question is about the park police.  Why didn't they tell Gurban
to piss off?

Cause he's the park superintendent.

 Don't they know the law?  Don't they know what is, and is
not, allowed on park property? 

Cause Gurban's the park superintendent.

While the blame for this abuse clearly
falls on Gurban's shoulders, why didn't the park police remove HIM from
park property for attempting to limit Mr. Stone's rights?

Cause he's the park superintendent.

WizardMarks, Central

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RE: [Mpls] 2005 Election Issues

2005-06-12 Thread Anderson Turpin
Your list of questions below is certainly not worthless, Aaron.  In fact,
this is probably the most intelligent list of questions about governing the
city that I've seen.  I would be happy if candidates commented on just half
of these issues.

It would sure be nice if the local papers asked our candidates a list of
sophisticated questions like this, instead of the more general questions
normally asked.  I suppose that would result in far too much volume, which
wouldn't be very marketable.  Anyone have ideas on how to make our campaigns
more substantial with fewer sound bites?

Mark V Anderson

Aaron Klemz wrote:

I'd like to see the candidates for mayor and city
council address the following issues in their

1)  Report and prioritize the disposition rate of
criminal cases reported to the Minneapolis Police.
Currently, response time to 911 calls and number of
reported serious crimes (e.g. murder and rape) are
used as the primary measures of policing
effectiveness. Statistics on the success of the
Minneapolis Police in investigating crimes and
referring cases for prosecution are unavailable. Since
those who commit serious crimes rarely start there,
investigation and prosecution of crimes such as
assault and theft serve to preempt more serious
2)  Increase transparency for City of Minneapolis
budgets. The City of Minneapolis should make all
non-privileged financial transactions available for
public scrutiny. Budgets should be specific and
precise enough that a duly diligent citizen would be
able to trace city expenditures from City to
recipient. The conditions that have allowed bribery
and corruption remain unchanged, although individuals
may have been caught.
3)  Reform the Stormwater Fee. The fundamental
principle of the fee is good, but the City should make
the process for appealing inaccurate assessments clear
and user-friendly, and set a timetable for assessing
the fee based on accurate measurements rather than
general guidelines.
4)  Eliminate duplicative inspection and licensing
requirements. Where the State of Minnesota has
established licensure requirements for work performed
the City of Minneapolis should repeal additional and
duplicate requirements.
5)  Increase cooperation between the independent boards
of Minneapolis governance and the City. For example,
since we all agree that education is crucial, the
City, Library Board, School Board and Park Board
should cooperate in offering Summer education programs
that draw on the strengths, resources and expertise of
each in creating meaningful employment and educational
experiences for the young people of Minneapolis.
Similar avenues for cooperation should be pursued,
beginning with a frank dialogue about how the various
instruments of Minneapolis governance can pool their
resources and expertise to maximize the public good.
6)  Lead by example by creating a responsive governance
structure for both the City and independent boards.
Offer to host the minutes and documents for all
Council, independent boards and other branches of city
governance on a single website so that interested
citizens can understand the operations of every brach
of city governance from the Charter Commission to the
Board of Estimate and Taxation.
7)  Significantly reduce tax base subsidies for
development. The City should limit TIF and other forms
of tax subsidies for developments that serve a
significant public interest, would not otherwise
occur, and do not simply shift development from one
metropolitan area city to Minneapolis. Minneapolis
should also dialogue with other metropolitan area
cities (within the property tax base sharing region)
to adopt similar guidelines on the usage of TIF
8)  Adopt constituent service models that create an
equitable citywide constituent service response as a
primary model, with individual council members as a
9)  Unambiguously oppose the proposed Hennepin County
proposal for the Minnesota Twins ballpark and 15 mill
sales tax. Minimize general tax burdens by taxing
ticket sales and parking to the extent possible and
capturing revenue created by a ballpark before
creating a general and regressive tax to provide the
remaining necessary revenue to fund a ballpark.
Unambiguously state that Minneapolis needs additional
and proportional representation on any newly created
Ballpark Commission. Utilize the ballpark dialogue to
leverage change that benefits all Minneapolis
residents, such as a Transit Hub connecting LRT and
commuter rail.
10)  Adopt a leadership role in generating a
metro-wide dialogue on metropolitan governance issues.
Propose a metropolitan council of municipal executives
that could strongly influence legislative actions and
represents the elected officials of the metropolitan
cities, as opposed to the appointed representatives of
the governor.

I'm happy to be told that my issues are worthless, but
I don't hear much (if anything) on any 

[Mpls] Stone vs Gurban

2005-06-12 Thread Anderson Turpin
I've been reading the discussion on the Stone/Gurban dustup with
trepidation.  I certainly agree that if the incident occurred just as Stone
reported it, then Gurban deserves at least a severe reprimand by the Park
Board, and perhaps should be fired.  (By the way, do the park police report
to Gurban?  If so, it is somewhat hard to blame the cops, but would be one
more black mark on Gurban.)  


But I hate to jump on the bandwagon when I haven't heard a peep explaining
Gurban's side of what happened.   Gurban doesn't get a free pass on the
incident just by ignoring it, but so far I've only seen discussion on this
List, and that only for the last few days.  So I don't know that it's
reasonable that Gurban should have responded publicly by this point.


How public is this information?  I haven't seen anything in the Strib -
anything coming soon Steve Brandt?  Can it be added to the Park Board
agenda?  Will this get covered in the Southwest Journal, even though Pearl
Park is east of 35W?  Anywhere else?


Mark V Anderson


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[Mpls] Social responsibility

2005-06-12 Thread Bill Cullen
Over the past two weeks, this forum had multiple threads blaming landlords
for their tenants behavior.  The first, implied that the landlord was not a
good Christian, and the second said the landlord was not meeting their
social responsibility.


I, and most landlords, want to be socially responsible.  We want to run a
good business that is an asset to the community.  However, everyday we are
torn.  We accept applications from families only to find out that they have
a history of causing problems.   Some landlords accept tenants with
historical behavioral problems, others reject the applicants outright.


What is the socially responsible thing to do?  Should landlords refuse to
rent to applicants with a criminal history?  Applicants with bad credit?
Applicants with a history of trashing apartments?  Applicants with a history
of drug or alcohol abuse?  Applicants that have a shaky income history?


I have a proposal to make this board.  I am President of the St. Paul
Association of Responsible Landlords.  If this board is would take the time
to describe who a socially responsible landlord keeps out of housing, I
promise to send the specification to all landlords I know of.  I currently
have addresses for over 1500 landlords.  I will pay to mail this myself.


If you wont help me determine what families a socially responsible
landlord will refuse housing to, then I dont know how we can ever meet your


I look forward to reading your responses.


Regards, Bill Cullen

Whittier Landlord.

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[Mpls] Information on violence prevention

2005-06-12 Thread Gregory Reinhardt

CODEFOR is the Minneapolis version Of NYPD's COMPSTAT paradigm.  Both use, in 
part, the broken window theory advanced by Wilson and Kelling.  The theory in 
short:   A broken window--or a littered sidewalk, a graffito, or what you 
like--does no great harm to a neighborhood if promptly addressed. But left 
untended, it sends a signal: that no one cares about this neighborhood, that it 
is a safe place to break things, to litter, to vandalize. Those who engage in 
such behaviors will feel safe here. And once these minor miscreants have become 
well established, perhaps it will seem a safe enough neighborhood in which to 
be openly drunk, in which to beg for money, and possibly extort it. In short 
the smallest symptoms of antisocial behavior will, left to fester, breed 
greater and greater crimes, all the  to murder.


Using strategic deployment and the above management theory, NYPD reduced levels 
of reported crime by 70% in the last 12 years.  Minneapolis has had a similar, 
but to a lesser degree, of success.  Reported Part I crimes (Murder, rape, 
robber, aggravated assault, theft, auto theft, arson, and burglary) have 
decreased nearly 40% since the 1998 inception of CODEFOR

(Compute Optimized Deployment Focused On Results).

Much like a Fortune 500 company the police industry, including MPD,  employes 
best pratices that have been used with success elsewhere.

Gregory Reinhardt

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Re: [Mpls] Court Opinion Needed Regarding Gurban's Ruling Prior to PRIDE

2005-06-12 Thread Dann Dobson
I had not heard that Gurban had issued this opinion / order. Was this before or 
after he tried to have Jason Stone arrested for passing out campaign material 
on Park Board property?
I would advise any candidate who asked me, to just ignore this clearly illegal 
and unconstitutional edict. Maybe write the Park Board in advance that they 
intent to ignore this illegal policy, but one should not have to go to court IN 
ADVANCE to exercise their First Amendment Rights. Make the Park Board enforce 
this asscinine rule and look stupid in front of the whole world 
Regarding marching in Gay Pride, the Park Board and Park Police have no 
jurisdiction over 98% of the parade route or maybe none, since the parade is on 
Minneapolis City Streets and only ends at Loring Park. I am not sure the parade 
route even goes into Loring Park. Having marched in PRIDE with both Paul 
Wellstone and Mike Circisi, I would advise any candidate to march in the PRIDE 
Parade, as it is one of the largest turnout of people in Minneapolis at any 
event during the year. It's great for name recognition.
If the Park Board and Gurban want to try and enforce this restriction they will 
look as stupid as hell and could be subjecting taxpayers to a huge liability. 
If the Park Police are stupid enough to arrest anyone who is politicking on 
Park Land it is a clear violation of 14 USC 1983, Federal  Civil Rights Law. 
If Gurban issued this opinion, on top of trying to have Stone arrested he 
clearly needs to be placed on leave, until Gurban and the Park Board 
understands that the Constitution applies to Minneapolis Park land, as much as 
certain members of the staff and board want to treat it as their own private 

Dann Dobson
Saint Paul

Ron Lischeid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I hope that the courts will be able to successfully make a ruling on 
Superintendent Gurban's interpretation and enforcement of Park Board Policy 
before the PRIDE Festival two weeks from today. If Mr. Gurban is correct, then 
all candidates and all political parties that have traditionally had booths in 
Loring Park during the 2-day PRIDE Festival will not be able to participate 
because of the restriction of candidates to campaign on Park Board property. We 
might also have to get a ruling to see if it is okay for candidates to 
participate in the PRIDE parade on Sunday since it is held on public streets 
within the city of Minneapolis.
It sure is going to be a different atmosphere at Loring Park during the PRIDE 
Festival if none of the candidates can be there because Superintendent Gurban 
is correct in his interpretation of Park Board Policy.
Then again, maybe we will find out that someone should be arrested for 
impersonating a Park Superintendent.

Ron Lischeid
University Neighborhood
(Stirring the pot a little to make sure that it doesn't boil over)
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Re: [Mpls] Social responsibility

2005-06-12 Thread gemgram

Bill Cullen writes,
If this board is would take the time
to describe who a socially responsible landlord keeps out
of housing, I promise to send the specification to all landlords
I know of.  I currently have addresses for over 1500 landlords.
I will pay to mail this myself.

If you wont help me determine what families a
socially responsible landlord will refuse housing to, then
I dont know how we can ever meet your

Well Bill I think you started out great with landlords refuse to
rent to applicants with a criminal history?  Applicants with bad credit?
Applicants with a history of trashing apartments?  Applicants with a history
of drug or alcohol abuse?  Applicants that have a shaky income history?

All the above will do, unless the person has gone through a period of 
recovery and rehabilitation, including classes on tenant responsibility. 
Under those situations a person or family may demonstrate an attempt to 
change and be forgiven for some past stupidity ignorance and thus be 
forgiven by the community.

In describing who a responsible landlord should refuse to rent to let's 
start with:

1. Anyone with three or more unlawful detainers.
2. Follow that with any person or family who has a substantial history of 
criminal behavior, particularly several arrests for drug sales.
3. Anyone using a rental unit for direct criminal activity that could result 
in charges of controlling a Disorderly House under Minnesota Statute. 
(This includes, but is not limited to, tippling house, prostitution, 
gambling, and most important of all Drug dealing.
4. Why in God's name would anyone rent to someone with a history of trashing 
apartments? You would have to be crazy.
5.  Anyone with a history of gang affiliation unless proof of rehab and a 
long period of separation from such activities exists.

6. Those with a history of criminal violence towards others.
7. Anyone with a history of sexual abuse of children.  Unless that person 
has willingly or unwillingly undergone physical castration, or tanking 

Personally, as a responsible property owner, I would never rent to any 
person, or family, who I would not rent a unit in a duplex where I 
personally also lived.  If I would not want them living in a house with me, 
then I certainly will not subject others to living with them for just a 
profit.  It is not hard to be responsible.  Just treat every person as if 
they were going to be moving into your house with you and your children.  If 
you wouldn't live with them, then please do NOT bring them into my 

I am sure I have not covered all reasons to banish people from Minneapolis 
housing, so other Listers continue to add to the list for Bill.

Jim Graham,
A land-peasant from Ventura Village

He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself 
must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be 
forgiven. In the forgiveness of others one forgives themselves, and this is 
the forgiveness that is most essential.

Forgiveness can not change the past, but it does enlarge the future 

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[Mpls] RE: Library Board Candidates Forum

2005-06-12 Thread Laura and lloyd
Translating delegates' interest and questions into action! I'm happy to 
announce that there will be a series of candidate forums in the 
community libraries. Many delegates at the DFL city convention were 
disappointed in the vote to cut the library board candidates' 
presentation time from five minutes to three minutes. No questions from 
delegates were allowed. Several delegates asked me to help bring the 
campaign to them in their community libraries. Now it will happen!

Minneapolis voters made a tremendous investment in libraries by passing 
the referendum to build a new central library with updating of the 
community libraries. Now the library system is being starved by one 
after another cut in Local Government Aid. Have a point of view on 
this? Pick a date and come on out.

The Friends of the Library will moderate the sessions. This is a great 
opportunity for all of you to see and hear the candidates up close.

Here is what is lined up so far. There may be one or two more: (these 
are all for 1.5 hours).

1. Franklin Library Thursday, July 21 at 6:30 pm - Meeting Room
2. Washburn Library Saturday, July 23 at 2:00 pm - Meeting Room
3. Northeast Library Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 pm - Homework Helper 

4. Nokomis Library Thursday, July 28 at 6:30 pm - Meeting Room
5. Southeast Library Monday, August 1 at 6:30 pm - Meeting Room
6. Linden Hills Library Thursday, August 4 at 6:30 pm - History Area
7. Pierre Bottineau Library Monday, August 8 at 6:30 pm - Sheridan 
Meeting Room

8. Sumner Library Thursday, August 11 at 6:30 p.m. - Cargill Room
9. Hosmer Library Tuesday, August 16 at 6:30 pm - Meeting Room
10. Walker Library Saturday, August 20 at 2:00 pm - Meeting Room

Best wishes,


Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Minneapolis, MN
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414

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[Mpls] Gurban should resign....

2005-06-12 Thread Niel Ritchie
People need to remember that John Gurban was appointed
to fill the vacant superintendent's job over more
qualified applicants after serving in an interim

The Park Board majority responsible for Gurban's
appointment as Superintendent included Commissioners
Fine, Kummer, Dziedzic, Olson and Hauser. 

Prior to his appointment Gurban ran a recreation group
that was housed in a historically significant park
building,  the Theordore Wirth House in East Harriet
Farmstead Park. Gurban's group had a sweateheart deal
with the Park Board, rented the space at far below
market rates, and repeatedly thwarted neighborhood
efforts to renovate the building for use as a museum
with public access.

During his tenure with the recreation group, Gurban
apparently had problems with state charitable gaming
officials which become public during the time he was
serving as the interim superintendent.

Of those who voted for Gurban, Hauser is running for
city council and the others are standing for
re-election. This is an issue they should all be
called to account for...both for the poor quality of
their choice, and for Gurban's misuse of power. 
Bullying behavior cannot be tolerated.

Gurban's unprofessional actions in this instance make
plain his poor judgement and demonstrated his lack of
commitment to open access. He should resign. 

The fact that three squads were disipatched to hassle
Jason Stone for his perfectly legitimate activity
certainly makes me question the need for a seperate
park police force, especially one with such poor
control over its resources.

As for the Park Board, they should  1) speak out
against Gurban's abuse of power and 2) take action to
remove him if he doesn't resign and 3) take steps to
reign in the Park Police and make the parks open and
welcoming of free speech and political discourse. 

If they aren't up to the task, they should find
another job.

Niel Ritchie
Linden Hills

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RE: [Mpls] Court Opinion Needed Regarding Gurban's Ruling Prior toPRIDE

2005-06-12 Thread Paul Skrbec
Dann and Rob, et. al.

I would like to start with a bit of a history lesson for all. The
following excerpt is from a web site that describes the significance of
Stonewall to the GLBT community:


On June 27, 1969, a raid by New York City police on the Stonewall Inn
in Greenwich Village resulted in the first ever gay riot in the United
States. Raids on gay bars and other bawdy establishments weren't
uncommon in that day and age, in fact they usually preceded without much
resistance. The reputations, and even the lives, of the people who
frequented these bars were often destroyed when they found their names
posted in the newspapers the following day.

Something was different that hot summer night, as the community mourned
the death of gay icon Judy Garland. While many fled the police in
defeat, a handful of drag queens stood up for themselves and began to
resist and taunt the police. They began to throw pennies from broken
parking meters and stones. The police barricaded themselves inside the
bar for protection. A growing number of mass street demonstrations
followed for the next several nights. This stand inspired other
homosexuals to stand up for themselves. Over the next few years a
plethora of gay and lesbian rights organizations began to spring up all
over the country.

Every June, members of the GLBT community gather in cities across the
country to celebrate our right for equal protection under the law, to
make a renewed statement of commitment for our rights and to remember
our past victories and defeats. In the 1990's, a group of GLBT DFLers
formally organized the Stonewall DFL caucus whose name honors the
beginning of the modern GLBT rights movement. GLBT Pride is at its CORE
a political event - a protest event - a celebration of spirit. 

This year, as in years past, GLBT Pride/Twin Cities will host the
official Pride Festival on June 25  26 in Loring Park, the pride boat
cruise on Lake Minnetonka on June 18th, the annual Pride Picnic at Como
Zoo on June 19th, the Pride Block Party at 9th  Hennepin on June 26th
and the Ashley Rukes Pride Parade on Hennepin Avenue on June 26th.

DD: Regarding marching in Gay Pride, the Park Board and Park Police
have no jurisdiction over 98% of the parade route or maybe none, since
the parade is on Minneapolis City Streets and only ends at Loring Park.
I am not sure the parade route even goes into Loring Park. Having
marched in PRIDE with both Paul Wellstone and Mike Circisi, I would
advise any candidate to march in the PRIDE Parade, as it is one of the
largest turnout of people in Minneapolis at any event during the year.

PRS: The permits for the PARADE are not under the jurisdiction of the
parks board since the parade itself is on city streets. The GLBT Pride
parade is the largest parade OF ANY TYPE in the entire Midwest -
Minneapolis Aquatennial events, I believe hold second place honors. 

RL: I hope that the courts will be able to successfully make a ruling
on Superintendent Gurban's interpretation and enforcement of Park Board
Policy before the PRIDE Festival two weeks from today. If Mr. Gurban is
correct, then all candidates and all political parties that have
traditionally had booths in Loring Park during the 2-day PRIDE Festival
will not be able to participate because of the restriction of candidates
to campaign on Park Board property.

PRS: Point me to the front of the 'hand-cuff line' because I have full
intention of 'breaking the law' over Pride weekend then. They better
have a couple hundred-thousand extra pairs of handcuffs, too...and a
fist full of lawyers because I am speculating that the City of
Minneapolis could be liable for a host of contracts that would not be
honored including the fees for booth space by Stonewall DFL (to
Pride/Twin Cities) for the specific purpose of participating in the
festival in Loring Park and advocating for our endorsed and acceptable
candidates. Not to mention ticking off candidates for Mayor, City
Council, Library Board, PARKS BOARD and the Board of Estimate and
Taxation that Stonewall DFL has endorsed. I'm guessing that this is not
a crowd that will go quietly. ;) The permits for the Pride FESTIVAL
would be under the jurisdiction of the Parks Board (obviously).

I'm just waiting for this one to hit the mainstream media. It will be
interesting to see how this one is spun, retracted or covered-up...

Peace  Pride,
Paul R. Skrbec
Chair, Stonewall DFL
Inver Grove Heights, MN

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dann Dobson
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 10:33 PM
To: Ron Lischeid; Minneapolis Issues E-group
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Court Opinion Needed Regarding Gurban's Ruling Prior

I had not heard that Gurban had issued this opinion / order. Was this
before or after he tried to have Jason Stone arrested for passing out
campaign material on Park Board property?

[Mpls] (no subject)

2005-06-12 Thread Guy Gambill
  I would like to address the recent posting regarding
the success of CODEFOR in the City of Minneapolis.
First of all, the reputed success of COMPSTAT in New
York, initiated under Mayor Giuliani, is by no means
indisputable. In support of this assertion, I would
cite studies done at Harvard, the University of
Pennsylvania, the City of Philadelphia, Seattle,
and by the Council on Juvenile Justice in the City
of San Francisco. In this last instance, San Francisco
actually enjoyed a higher reduction in criminal
activity than did NYC. This was accomplished not
through targeting livability (or low-intensity level)
types of crime, but through a combination of creative
strategies in the Court system, housing services,
homeless outreach, Mental Illness training and
outreach, and neighborhood organization. If anyone
cares to read about this in more detail, a cursory
search on the web will yield a study entitled,
Shattering Broken Windows. Further information
on related strategies may be found for the city of
Philadelphia, as well as, for Seattle, Philadelphia
and other Metropolitan areas.
   The decline in crime rates is not a localized 
phenomenon, it is a nation-wide and not clearly 
understood trend. In support of this lack of clarity,
one can reference the Minneapolis City Attorney's
5 year Business Plan: Therein, on page 5 under
Significant Trends, paragraph 2, the following
passage may be found;

   The number of criminal cases is declining. In
CY 2003 the Criminal Division handled 35,393 cases:
In contrast, the Office handled 43,961 cases in CY
2002; 44,970 cases in CY 2001; 51,808 cases in CY
1999 and 63,887 in CY 1998. It is unclear why this
caseload decline has occurred or whether it will

Similar commentary can be found in UCR data
reports throughout most (not all) metropolitan areas
of the US. Articles in journals, periodicals and
scholarly studies abound and are easily found on
the net and in any Public Library. 
It is very odd that we need to remind ourselves
of the intimate connection between poverty and 
criminal activity. The loss of hope, hunger,
homelessness...these things have long driven people
toward criminal behavior. Mental Illness and substance
dependency and abuse also contribute to 'livability'
crime rates. This is an observation older than the
If implementation of the Broken Windows model
were such a clear-cut deterrant to livability
why is it that in the neighborhood of 70% of all 
people listed on the NPA (No permanent address) list
of the MPD appear year after year after year. Would
it not follow that they would most likely commit
a more serious offense and end up in prison? In fact,
continual arrests for livability ordinance and Statute
offenses during 2003-2004 provided little apparent
deterrant at all for the top 100 offenders on the 
NPA list...only 2 are now incarcerated...most continue
to cycle in and out of jail, detox, shelters, Mental
Illness treatment facilities...with no resolution
(and at an enormous cost to the Public) in sight.
The Broken Windows model may work, in part, but it
is by no means a universal panacea. 
Another troubling aspect of the CODEFOR
implementation is the huge racial disparity which
occurs. In 2002 the Council on Crime and Justice 
completed its Racial Disparity Initiative at the
behest of the City. This was followed up on in a
subsequent report on Low-Intensity Level Offenses
(livability crime) in the City of Minneapolis. This
report was completed in November of 2004-both reports
are also available on-line. In this study, examining
moving violations, Loitering, Lurking and other 
'livability' crimes, 75% of all those arrested were
African-American. An African-American male is 16 times
more likely to be stopped than a caucasian male. 
Literally millions of dollars have been expended
on achieving some sort of articulation and at least
a modicum of equity...but the problem continues. 
Native Americans receive an even higher level of
   In summation, the assertion that the Broken
Windows Model provides (or has provided) all the
answers to an increasingly complex set of issues...
is hardly incontestable. Minneapolis needs to 
explore an homegrown version of homeless outreach,
strategies for dealing with the Mentally Ill, public
Housing, of dealing with diversity. This effort 
needs to involve the MPD, the City Attorney,
neighborhoods, housing service providers, and Public
   In fact, the foundation for just such a work-
group exists in the newly formed Downtown Council
Work-Group initiated by Commissioner Mclaughlin,
and chaired by Judge Hopper. The members of this
group-though disagreeing on details-share a common
desire to improve our response to livability crime.
Deputy Chief Lubinski, Judge Hopper, Natalie Johnson-
Lee, Commissioners Dorfman and Mclaughlin, CM 
Niziolek, Mental Health providers, Homeless Outreach
people, District Court Staff, Shelter Providers,

RE: [Mpls] Social responsibility

2005-06-12 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Jim raises a great list of solid reasons for a responsible property owner to
refuse rental to a potential tenant.  It is framed by an equally compelling
value of only renting to those we would want as a roommate (my personal
reason for getting out of the rental property business. I am not good living
with anyone other than myself and wouldn't wish anyone to be my roommate --
thus tenant.)

However, I think there is a deeper challenging question presented by Bill.  

Where DO those people live?  We live in a dark time where both the social
commitment to rehabilitation and the funding for transition programs is
diminishing. As we have discussed here, the facts consistently point to the
manifestations of racism in who gets arrested, who serves time, who ends up
with unlawful detainers. 

The spirals of credit history in an era of predatory lending by mortgage
companies, credit card companies and ever retailer with their own finance
department; and employment stability in an economy that puts a higher
priority on maximizing shareholder return then employment seem equality
prone to systemic inequalities. I am sure there are those much more literate
than I who can expose the horrific role of family and gender violence in
destabilizing families and leaving them with 

This is not to provide excuses. Yet, socially responsibility necessitates
we take these factors into consideration.

Driving people from neighborhood to neighborhood, from municipality to
municipality until they end up a permanent transient class seems to me to be
unhealthy for the families, the children and our community. It also raises
legitimate value and ethical issues for consideration.

I think that Bill's challenge for us to contemplate the social
responsibility as individuals and as a community in ensuring that there is
safe and affordable housing for everyone  -- even for those we don't want to
live with or next too -- is worth deeper thought and reflection.

Joseph Barisonzi
CommunityLeader, Inc

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[Mpls] Campaigning on park property

2005-06-12 Thread Sheldon Mains
Campaigning is prohibited on park property?  Since when?

-Many of this year's DFL ward conventions were held on park property--with
many candidates campaigning --including current Park board members.

-Candidates campaign at neighborhood festivals--for example, at Windom and
Prospect Park last Friday I was campaigning.  At Prospect Park I saw a least
two Mayor candidates, two 2nd Ward candidates and at least one member of
Park Board.
Pride at Loring Park--always lots of candidates.

I plan on actively campaigning at all neighborhood events this year in city
parks and at Pride in Loring Park in two weeks.  I invite Gurban to have me
arrested. We'll have an interesting discussion of the first amendment. I
don't think that will happen because I expect (hope) the Park Board resolves
this issue before Pride.


Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for 
Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406

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[Mpls] MPRB rules regarding free speech

2005-06-12 Thread WJKAHN
To drive home Randall Cutting's point:
PB2-19. Parades, entertainments, public meetings, etc. Bands, processions, 
parades, military displays, entertainments, exhibitions, public meetings and 
constitutionally protected expressions shall be allowed, given or held in the 
parks subject to the rules and regulations regarding such activities as 
promulgated under this section. (Code 1960, As Amend., § 1010.271; Pk. Bd. Ord. 
90-103, § 1, 9-5-90) --one section in a chapter of thirteen chapters of MPRB 
laws one can find by following the link to the muncode.com site from the City 
Mpls site (http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/)

One would think Gurban and the board would be familiar with these laws.
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Re: [Mpls] Social responsibility

2005-06-12 Thread Tim Bonham

2. Follow that with any person or family who has a substantial history of
criminal behavior, particularly several arrests for drug sales.
3. Anyone using a rental unit for direct criminal activity that could result
in charges of controlling a Disorderly House under Minnesota Statute.
(This includes, but is not limited to, tippling house, prostitution,
gambling, and most important of all Drug dealing.

5.  Anyone with a history of gang affiliation unless proof of rehab and a
long period of separation from such activities exists.
. . .
Jim Graham,
A land-peasant from Ventura Village
Jim -- I think a few of your items would get you in trouble 
legally, regarding non-discrimination statutes.

#2: you say arrests, rather than convictions.  Generally, in America, we 
say people are innocent until proven guilty.
#3: you say that could result in charges, as opposed to has resulted in 
conviction on charges.  Again, innocent until proven guilty.  (Heck, I've 
been to a lot of political fundraisers at somebodys house 'that could 
result in charges' of a tippling house, if someone had complained.)
#5: history of gang affiliation -- pretty wide open here.  What's a 
history of affiliation, and what do you define as a gang?  Could I say that 
membership in the republican party that's sending our boys to die in Iraq 
for who knows what reason is affiliation with a violent gang?  Seems I 
could, under your rules.

I think you need criteria that's a bit more objective, and more based on 
proven activity, not just accusations.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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Re: [Mpls] Labor endorses McLaughlin for Mayor

2005-06-12 Thread Dyna
	Jim, endorsements are imperfect tools. When comparing 
candidates with widely diverging platforms and past performance like 
John Kerry and George W. Bush they're pretty accurate. When comparing 
members of the same progressive wing of the same DFL party 
endorsements are often of little value. Oftentimes in these cases 
endorsements reflect who did the better job of getting their 
supporters onto the endorsement deciding group more than their value 
to the cohort the group pretends to represent.

Dyna's post about McLaughlin's endorsement by another labor 
organization was comic relief as I read it this morning.  Dyna 
professes to be a strong labor supporter, yet has a difficult time 
as each labor organization goes on board with support for 
McLaughlin.  It brought to mind the old little bit pregnant joke 
about how pregnant is she?  Dyna is still not believing in the 
pregnancy after the labor mother is eight months along and about to 
deliver.  She demands to know who the father was and how many times 
the act occured before she will believe the baby exists.

	Again, an endorsement by a thin margin does little to move me 
to support Peter McLaughlin. However, if the endorsement were truly 
unanamous I would of course support Peter.

Does Peter McLaughlin have labor support?  Yes, all the labor 
support! Teamsters, Firefighters, AFL-CIO, AFSME, and pretty much 
all the rest.  The only labor endorsement he might not have yet is 
the union of paperboys and lawn mowers, if one exists.  So Dyna, 
what are you going to do, invent a new labor group?  Just so you can 
say, AH ha! He doesn't have ALL the labor Of course Peter 
McLaughlin does not have the Police Federation endorsement yet as 
far as I know, but can any one even in a illusionary dream really 
believe the police department is going to endorse Rybak.  The Mayor 
who created the worst morale within the Department in my memory? 
Rybak has about the same chance of getting that labor endorsement as 
he has of financing his campaign by winning the Power Ball lottery.

	Jim, my own union representative tells me that many union 
members spoke in favor of R.T. at the endorsing meetings.

As for Dyna's 'manufactured' endorsement like the Stonewall DFL's. 
Come on Dyna you owe them an apology.  In my opinion you seem to be 
saying that the gay community does not have the ability to endorse a 
candidate, and the endorsement has to be manufactured for them.  I 
believe there is a process for endorsement for that organization, 
and believe at the end of that process an endorsement takes place or 
does not take place.  It is also like being a little pregnant, 
either you got it or you didn't.

	The Stonewall DFL more so owes gay DFLers an apology for 
misrepresenting them.

Though Dyna's post did raise one important question.  Other than the 
wealthy yups from the Southwest, and the Sierra Club, does anyone 
now support Rybak? All the labor, all the neighborhood activists, 
the community development organizations, the Stonewall group, the 
main workers in Rybak's last election. All these support now Peter 
McLaughlin over Rybak.  Now truthfully some of that support for 
McLaughlin may indeed be more opposition to Rybak than wholehearted 
support for McLaughlin, but that is indicative of their perception 
of how bad a job RT's appointments have done at running the City of 
Minneapolis.  That goes doubly for the different departments of the 
City of Minneapolis itself.  The workers who actually do the work 
for Minneapolis, and who are in the best position to know the job 
RT's administration has done, almost to a man or woman oppose Rybak. 
Almost all want anyone BUT Rybak.  Want anyone but Rybak because of 
his appointee's bungling management of the City.

	First off the nonprofit community development groups cannot 
legally support any candidate. As for your attempt at stereotyping 
R.T.'s supporters, at the city convention we both saw folks from all 
sectors of the city including union members on each candidates side.

Does RT have a chance to turn that mismanagement of the City around, 
so as to get support from more than the affluent?  Yes he does! Yes, 
but he is certainly running out of time.  Rybak must change and 
begin to act in a competent manner immediately, or the opportunity 
will be lost.  Like the grasshopper fiddling and dancing RT has 
enjoyed the position of Mayor too much. He has fiddled away three 
years enjoying his Mayoral party.  The cold hard political winter is 
almost upon him.  Can Rybak store a little voter supply away to 
carry him through November?  I don't know, but RT better hurry cause 
no one knows where the love of God goes when the Winds of November 
come early.  RT Rybak must already feel that cold winter chill 
blowing up his back while he plays.

	Even Peter McLaughlin's campaign admits they have an uphill 
fight- he has the same demographic problem Sharon Sayles-Belton had 
with most of her support coming 

[Mpls] This Week in The Minneapolis Observer

2005-06-12 Thread Craig Cox

* MTN Drops Suspension of Hodges and Flowers
* North Side Kowalski's to Close
* Grant Will Help Local Research Firm Develop Biomass Market in 
Northern Minnesota

* Park Board Candidate Alleges Free Speech Violation
* Lagoon High Rise Gets Planning Commission Approval
* Park Board Begins Negotiations with De LaSalle Over Football Field
* Local Think Tank Gets National Civil Leadership Award
* Online High School to Open in September
Plus: Remembering Frenchy Belair, selling anti-freeze, a modest 
proposal for a new golf community at Fort Snelling, and the 10-ton 
cure in the garden

Go to: http://www.mplsobserver.com
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

Support the independent media! Pick up your neighborhood newspaper!
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Re: [Mpls] Social responsibility

2005-06-12 Thread Dennis Plante
If we truly want the problem to addressed, the solution is simple.  The City 
needs to find a legal way to limit the number of rental licenses available 
by neighborhood.  It would take a fair amount of assesment, but a formula 
could be arrived at that took into consideration ALL of the indexes 
associated with the issue.

We are in the process of creating our own ghettos in Minneapolis by 
packing low-income, disenfranchised peoples into specific geographic 

Literally hundreds of children from the next generation are doomed to 
failure.  Not because the programs to assist them aren't available.  But, 
because of where they have to live and under what conditions.

Children are much more astute observers than we give them credit for.  When 
they hop-off a school bus at the end of the day and they see their norm as 
being volence and drug dealing, they are very apt to accept this as the 

You want to leave a lasting legacy for the next generation?  Place more of 
these kids AND their families in better neighborhoods that become positive 
role models.  Start building affordable houysing in those neighborhoods that 
can offer this.

As for the landlords.  They don't need a list of social responsibilities.  
They need to start aggressively censuring those landlords that choose to 
operate in a substandard manner, and stop making excuses for them..

dennis plante

dennis plante

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