Re: glbtiq issues Was Re: [Mpls] Natalie Johnson Lee

2005-09-16 Thread Eva Young

At 12:10 AM 9/15/2005, David Strand wrote:

Mark, would you provide support or evidence of her
making such comments?

She voted in favor of the city lobbying the state for
equal marriage rights, in favor of repealing the
restroom ordinance which was leading to harrassment of
transgender people and has supported every other
iniative at the city level over the last four years
apart from the equal benefits ordinance for which she
has explained her reasoning and was and has been held
accountable by the party.  She has explained her
reasoning concerning that vote and even if I disagree
with her choice on that one issue, I trust that she
supports equality under the law based on her actions
and the Lavender Greens have made in effort to be in
contact with Natalie about our concerns about issues
before the council prior to votes taking place which
we failed to do initially.

David, you know very well that Natalie Johnson Lee was quoted in Bob 
Battle's St Paul Pioneer Press column supporting Bachmann.  Don Jorovsky 
raised this issue last November:

So you can imagine my surprise to read the following op-ed
piece in yesterday's Pioneer Press:

You can read it for yourself, but the thrust of it is to oppose equal
rights for gays and lesbians on the basis of biblical teachings.  That
in itself is not surprising -- a wide variety of viewpoints are found
on editorial pages.  What did surprise me was this statement by
the author (Rev. Bob Battle):

.leaders such as Minneapolis 5th Ward Council Member
Natalie Johnson Lee.have added their voices of support
for biblical marriage.

You responded to 

See this from the Green Party's Bob Halfhill to NJL:

Also my post about talking to NJL here:

Battle's column is no longer available on the Pioneer Press website.  I'll 
pull the column from Lexis nexis this weekend and post it on my blog.  Bob 
Battle is a truly horrendous anti-gay black minister - and it speaks 
volumes that Natalie Johnson Lee can't publically distance herself from 
him.  He mentioned no other black elected officials in his column.  My 
question - is part of the reason Natalie is reluctant to publically 
distance herself because Battle is correctly quoting her?

I would ask, is the DFL holding Barb Johnson to a
standard of glbtiq support?  She has voted against
nearly every iniative including the equal benefits
ordinance and the repeal of the restroom
ordinance(don't recall her votes on the other issues
before the council such as establishing reciprocity
and open registration and nondiscrimination in fees
vis a vis spouses for domestic partner registrants).

That's up to the DFL.  Mark Hanson is PAC Chair for Log Cabin Republicans 
of Minnesota.

For that matter, I find it shocking that the Stonewall
DFL chose to endorse Peter MacLaughlin over R.T. Rybak
when R.T. has supported more numerous specific changes
to city policy to address needs of the glbt community
than had passed in the ten years previous.  It makes
no sense to me that Stonewall would not support the
mayor who signed changes to the housing code to allow
domestic partners to rent out as many rooms in their
home as a married couple, nondiscrimination in fees
for domestic partners vis a vis spouses for club
memberships, rental background checks, etc., the
repeal of the restroom ordinance, the reciprocity and
open dp registriy provisions,  and supports lobbying
the state government to allow the city to provide
domestic partnership benefits and legalizing same sex

That's up to Stonewall to explain.  I thought it rather wierd when they 
initially found Rybak unacceptable - but they reversed that one.  I 
understand from talking to Stonewall Chair Paul Skrbec that part of what 
made Peter McLaughlin appealing to him as a candidate was Peter's 
thoughtful answer to a question about party and play drugs.  Mayor Rybak 
apparently gave a very cursory answer to that question.

Just what specific policy pieces can you point to that
Peter has supported that specifically address glbtiq

Talk is nice.  Action is better.

I'll let Mark Hanson speak for himself.  I have never been an apologist for 
Peter McLaughlin.

Eva Young
Near North

Lloydletta's Nooz
Dump Michele Bachmann

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759,
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician,  printer (1706 - 1790)

RE: [Mpls] Natalie Johnson Lee and the Crackpot Fundie

2005-09-16 Thread Eva Young

At 09:32 AM 9/15/2005, Brandon Lacy wrote:
Natalie has been a strong ally to the LGBT community since taking office. 
The one vote in City Hall that she took that did not serve the LGBT 
community (her vote against requiring corporations with city contracts to 
provide domestic partner benefits to their employees) was immediately 
addressed by the party. At the time I was the chair of the National 
Lavender Green Caucus, and I was in direct contact with Natalie over the 
issue. The local party and the state Lavender Green Caucus also called CM 
Johnson Lee to task over that issue. The party is deadly serious about its 
committment to LGBT liberation, and any elected official that acts in a 
way contrary to the Key Values, Pillars, or Platform of the party has been 
and will not continue to move blithely through the party. Natalie's vote 
caused outrage amongst Greens from coast to coast. And she has 
re-established trust with queer Greens since that vote.

You may also be referring to the rumors that Natalie was in cahoots with 
some crack pot fundie. None of that was ever proven. I have met Natalie. I 
have spoken with her on several occassions. She supports freedom and 
equality for LGBT folks.

That's not a rumor.  Natalie was quoted in an article by Bob Battle (who 
speaks regularly about the dangers gays pose to civilization) defending 
Michele Bachmann and her amendment.  I just posted the quote.

Natalie never requested a correction from the Pioneer Press regarding that 
article.  She also never posted a press release clarifying her position on 
that issue to either her campaign or official website.

Eva Young
Near North

Lloydletta's Nooz
Dump Michele Bachmann

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759,
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician,  printer (1706 - 1790)  

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RE: [Mpls] Natalie Johnson Lee and the Crackpot Fundie

2005-09-16 Thread Brandon Lacy
Neither did she confirm it nor has she acted in any manner that would 
suggest that she doesn't support full marriage rights for LGBT individuals. 
Sometimes the best way to let an issue die is to give it no credence 

-Brandon Lacy Campos
-Loring Park

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[Mpls] campaign donations

2005-09-16 Thread Linda Higgins
In the three OFF years, no one can donate more than $100 to any candidate.

In CAMPAIGN years, the limit is $300 per person. If I remember correctly, it
is $500 for the mayor. I might be wrong on this, but I think there was an
accommodation made because of running city wide.

Corporate donations are illegal.

The comment Gary Schiff received $650 from Master Development, according to
his pre-primary campaign finance report. from Mr. McGrath is inaccurate. He
received that amount from PEOPLE WHO WORK AT Master Development, and there
is nothing illegal about that.

linda higgins
old highland

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[Mpls] Soccer Start Minnesota Making Soccer Available to Every Child in Every Community

2005-09-16 Thread Todd Heintz
Soccer Start Minnesota Making Soccer Available to Every Child in Every 
It is the desire of Minnesota Youth Soccer Association to make soccer available 

every child in the state. In order to work towards this goal, MYSA has adopted 
the Soccer Start 

program as developed by US Youth Soccer.


Focused on making soccer available to lower-income children in under-served 
communities, Soccer 

Start provides soccer training and administrative guidance to players and 
organizations who might 

otherwise not be exposed to the sport. Soccer Start also helps new programs 
find the funding and 

equipment to begin and then to expand their activities. 


The Goals of Soccer Start are:

   To reach out to children in under-served and socio-economically 
disadvantaged places in order 
   to offer them an on-going program of positive sports activities through 
   To increase participants self-esteem through participation in an organized 
and supportive program of team activities; 
   To build positive social and life skills; 
   To provide important exercise and increased awareness of one's own health 
through sports; 
   To provide the players with positive, cooperative and enjoyable after school 
and spare time activities. 


Minnesota Youth Soccer Association recognizes that many areas of the state are 
under-served by 

existing clubs and leagues in the sport of soccer. In order to support the 
development of soccer in 

these areas, MYSA has developed a three-year plan to reach these areas. MYSA 
has budgeted monies 

and equipment to assist these Soccer Start programs. If you believe that your 
community may qualify 

for identification as a Soccer Start program, please contact Shelly Orr, MYSA 
Director of Operations 

at 952-933-2384 (800-366-6972) or by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Todd Heintz, Jordan

Yahoo! for Good
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Re: [Mpls] campaign donations

2005-09-16 Thread David Strand
Having worked on city wide campaigns,it is correct
that the mayor, library board, city wide park board
seats, school board and board of estimate and taxation
candidates all have a top contribution limit of $500
in election years.

City council and district park board candidates are
both held to a cap of $300.

David Strand

--- Linda Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the three OFF years, no one can donate more than
 $100 to any candidate.
 In CAMPAIGN years, the limit is $300 per person. If
 I remember correctly, it
 is $500 for the mayor. I might be wrong on this, but
 I think there was an
 accommodation made because of running city wide.
 Corporate donations are illegal.
 The comment Gary Schiff received $650 from Master
 Development, according to
 his pre-primary campaign finance report. from Mr.
 McGrath is inaccurate. He
 received that amount from PEOPLE WHO WORK AT Master
 Development, and there
 is nothing illegal about that.
 linda higgins
 old highland
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Re: [Mpls] campaign donations

2005-09-16 Thread Carol Becker

Linda Higgins wrote:

In the three OFF years, no one can donate more than $100 to any candidate.

In CAMPAIGN years, the limit is $300 per person. If I remember correctly, 

is $500 for the mayor. I might be wrong on this, but I think there was an
accommodation made because of running city wide.

City-wide it is $500.

Carol Becker
Candidate for the Board of Estimate and Taxation 

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[Mpls] When to not give credence.....

2005-09-16 Thread Mark Hanson
Re: the fight I resurrected re: Natalie Johnson Lee and her failure to publicly 
refute Reverend Bob Battle's use of her name in a major newspaper...

1.  More people read the Pioneer Press than attend Green Party meetings.  
2.  More people read the Pioneer Press than read this issues list.
3.  If some crackpot capitalist announced an intent to start drilling for oil 
in Powderhorn Park and cited support from a Green Party politician, what would 
my friends in the Green Party expect from that politician in terms of publicly 
correcting the record?

I respect the loyalty and diligence displayed by the people who objected to my 
original message, but private assurances do not equal a public correction.

Mark Hanson
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] Nothing Private about City Council Votes was nlj and glbtiq

2005-09-16 Thread David Strand
Mark Hanson alleges that all he has are private
assurances in regards to Natalie's support for glbtiq
people.  Mark, I must disagree.  There is nothing
private about Natalie's record on the city council.

She has voted to support the lobbying efforts of the
city in favor of same sex marriage, domestic
partnership benefits for public employees, repealing
the restroom ordinance.

Your going to take a quote of someone concerning
someone else's opinions over concrete action in the
form of city council votes?

Don't buy it.

David Strand
Loring Park


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Re: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread Laura and lloyd

On Thursday, September 15, 2005, at 07:21  PM, Erik Riese wrote:

 Perhaps we should institute an election quorum. Say 60% in a primary 
and 85% in a general. Unless we get that level of participation the 
election is void and we have to have a do over. At some point we could 
force a rotation of the candidates. The candidates would be forced to 
put their efforts into real get out the vote instead of just getting 
out their voters.

I don't believe the cause of low voter turnout is lack of candidate 
effort, therefore, forcing candidates to meet voter quotas will not 
have the result desired. Unless a society wide responsibility is 
undertaken, voter turnout will continue to dwindle. Long before I was a 
candidate I worked on get out the vote campaigns. These efforts are 
needed many times over for the same voters and for new voters. I'm a 
supporter of engaging younger people and lowering the voting age to 16.

When we see low voter turnouts in these local elections it is a call to 
all of us to work for the civic good together. Representative 
government works best when it is highly representative of voter choice. 
Nevertheless, when 15% of the voters choose, that is still 
representative government, but the 85% have given away their power of 

That's the message that needs to be broadly communicated: don't let 
others choose your government for you.

Best wishes,

Southeast (Como Neighborhood)

Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
AFSCME Mn Council 5
Minneapolis Building and Trades
Stonewall DFL
Minnesota Women's Political Caucus
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414
Minneapolis, MN

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Re: [Mpls] Mayoral strategy - Question

2005-09-16 Thread Loki Anderson
Commissioner McLaughlin's only child is still gestating in its mother's womb 
and will be joining the world sometime in January. 
Loki Anderson

Dean Lindberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where did/do Commissioner McLaughlin's kids go to school?

Terrell Brown wrote:

  A few things jumped out at me. McLaughlin, for the first time, criticizes
  Rybak for sending his kids to private schools.

Dean Lindberg
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Re: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread Loki Anderson
 I'll agree that overall the low voter turnout is pathetic, but I do want 
to defend the honor of my old neighborhood. Precinct 3-1 is Dinkytown, where a 
great portion of the registered voters in the voter file have moved and a great 
number (probably a majority) of the eligible voters have only moved into the 
neighborhood within the last month. A lot of student voters are simply not 
motivated by local city issues and are seldom targeted by campaigns to engage 
their interest. In the neighboring precincts in the Second Ward students are 
getting a lot more attention from the campaigns, but I haven't heard of any 
similar effort being made by the Hofstede or Neumann campaigns. I don't think 
that's necessarily neglect, since the Third Ward stretches into three distinct 
communities (North, Northeast and Southeast) and I'm sure there are plenty of 
neighborhood events that are demanding their attention.
Loki Anderson
Downtown (formerly Dinkytown)

Erik Riese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Greetings List!
Many folks have mentioned turnout in the Citywide Primary.
Unofficial totals show 14.67% city wide.
Singling out Ward 3 Precinct 1 2.14% of the registered voters showed up 
to vote!

This is pathetic! We need to do something about how little the citizens 
care about their government. Perhaps we should institute an election 
quorum. Say 60% in a primary and 85% in a general. Unless we get that 
level of participation the election is void and we have to have a do 
over. At some point we could force a rotation of the candidates. The 
candidates would be forced to put their efforts into real get out the 
vote instead of just getting out their voters.

Minneapolis should lead the way in voter turn-out the MPLS-Issues list 
is a tool that should inspire participation. We need to change what is 
going on.

In cooperation,

Erik Riese
Seward US@:
A great place to live, work, learn, create and play.


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[Mpls] Drilling in Powderhorn Park...

2005-09-16 Thread Brandon Lacy
Frankly, if some loon nut decided to announce drilling for oil in Powderhorn 
Park, I doubt the party would do anything but hold their sides and giggle. 
As a long term resident of Powderhorn Park, I'd like to see Centerpoint 
bring a drill into that neighborhood. There would be some spectacular 
fireworks that day, I tell you that. A combined army of Greens, lesbians, 
and people of color just plain tired of environmental racism would take care 
of the dirty work ;-).

Really. If Natalie had made any sort of comment with regards to that article 
the long term reprecussions that she would have had to deal with would have 
been ridiculous. That would have been a perfect organizing tool for 
anti-queer marriage organizers that have a long and successful history of 
playing LGBT individuals off people of color communities. I guarantee had 
Natalie allowed this issue to balloon, she would have had Fred Phelps and 
every other fundie minister in the Upper and Lower Midwest organizing in her 
neighborhood against her. Instead she has let her votes make very clear her 
position on supporting LGBT liberation. It isn't an ideal situation. But 
that's the horrific reality of electoral politics. Period. When we allow 
identity politics to become politics of hate, we end up with oppressed 
communities battling needlessly against one another while the corporate 
minority finds new and innovative ways to gentrify our neighborhoods, run 
out our locally owned businesses, line their pockets, while relegating more 
people to the unemployment line or the ranks of the working poor.

She has not hidden in any way her support for queer people or queer people 
of color for that matter. I do not expect Natalie to become a front page 
banner carrier for LGBT rights. I do expect her to do everything possible in 
her capacity as an elected Green to support LGBT liberation when she has the 
opportunity in her purvue as a City Council member. With one exception the 
Coucil Member has shown her support for our community. In the one instance 
where she didn't, she heard about it loudly and clearly from Greens from 
coast to coast. I'd LIKE to know the last time a Democrat pulled some middle 
of the road anti-queer liberation we'll give 'em separate but equal 
treatment shennanigans and faced an outcry from their party members all 
across the country. Oops. It's never happened. That's New Democrats for ya. 
No wonder they're at the lowest point in their history...well...since before 

Well folks that two for today. Now it's off to load the car and begin my 
treck to the desert. Talk to ya'll next week...from sunny Albuquerque.

-Brandon Lacy Campos
-Loring Park

Writer, Poet, Playwright, and Rabble Rouser

Lavender Greens:

From: Mark Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] When to not give credence.
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 07:41:33 -0500

Re: the fight I resurrected re: Natalie Johnson Lee and her failure to 
publicly refute Reverend Bob Battle's use of her name in a major 

1.  More people read the Pioneer Press than attend Green Party meetings.
2.  More people read the Pioneer Press than read this issues list.
3.  If some crackpot capitalist announced an intent to start drilling for 
oil in Powderhorn Park and cited support from a Green Party politician, 
what would my friends in the Green Party expect from that politician in 
terms of publicly correcting the record?

I respect the loyalty and diligence displayed by the people who objected to 
my original message, but private assurances do not equal a public 

Mark Hanson
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] Turnout: Best and Worst by Precinct

2005-09-16 Thread Aaron Klemz
Questions of overall turnout are interesting, but I'm
fascinated by the unevenness of turnout. So I went and
did a quick look see of the highest and lowest turnout

Lowest (by percentage):

1) W2 P4 .78%
2) W3 P1 2.14%
3) W2 P11 2.26%
4) W5 P7 5.12%
5) W4 P9 5.14%

Highest (by percentage)

1) W2 P2 32.13%
2) W7 P2 29.55%
3) W8 P7 28.81%
4) W13 P6 27.39%
5) W13 P7 26.76%

We talk about high and low turnout wards, but the
numbers tell a complicated story of wide precinct
level swings in turnout. In my home Ward 2 - the
highest turnout and two of the lowest are in the Ward.

A shout out to my neighbors in my home precinct (W2
P2) for leading the city in turnout. Any theories
about the outliers as to why they are so high or low?
Part of the problem I have in interpreting the results
is that I'm not as aware of the different precinct
boundaries, but those of you who live in these
precincts might offer theories as to why.

aaron klemz
W2 P2 Voter 

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Re: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread Greg Abbott
It is a mistake to draw conclusions from this low turnout primary  

There was nothing at stake in this election.   Both Rybak and  
McLaughlin were going to advance to the general, and supporters on  
both sides knew that.  Given the low stakes, plenty of folks in both  
camps sat this one out, particularly given the rainy start to the  
day.  This is also true of the most council races.  Most wards did  
not have a primary or a hotly contested race.  The only real drama  
was in 8, 10, and 13.

The results tell me that chronic voters (people who vote in every  
election, rain or shine) have a slight preference for Rybak.  But  
given that turnout in the general election will more than double,  
perhaps even triple, from the primary, drawing any conclusions from  
Tuesday's results is a fool's errand.

As an example, take the 13th Ward.  Betsy Hodges got over 50 percent  
in this primary, which is amazing for a DFL-endorsed candidate in  
13.  Yet her total vote was only about 2700.  When I ran and lost in  
13 four years ago, I got 4724 votes in the general election.  The  
vote totals for the winning candidate in the last three general  
elections ('93, '97, and '01) were approximately 6800, 7400, and  
5700, respectively.  Hodges needs to find another 3000-3500 votes to  
win, and in Ward 13 that's going to be a challenge for a DFL-endorsed  

So it's a mulligan for everyone.  Tee it up, and take another swing  
in November.

Greg Abbott
Linden Hills
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RE: [Mpls] Turnout: Best and Worst by Precinct

2005-09-16 Thread Michael Atherton
Aaron Klemz wrote:

 Questions of overall turnout are interesting, but I'm
 fascinated by the unevenness of turnout. So I went and
 did a quick look see of the highest and lowest turnout

 Highest (by percentage)
 1) W2 P2 32.13%

W2 P2 is Prospect Park Central. I guess it's interesting
to know that we're so political active (in a bizarre kind
of way).  Of course, there's a debt owed for saving Pratt
Elementary from closure (the city's smallest school).  I'm
glad to see that Pratt parents reciprocated for the Mayor's
personal promise to help.  Power to those who vote!

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Turnout: Best and Worst by Precinct

2005-09-16 Thread Michael Atherton
OPPS!  Right!  Sorry, my mistake.  Misread the map. 
Thanks Loki.  Well, that's also interesting given that
it's Cam Gordon's neighborhood.  Right?  Goes to show
what can go wrong when you rush things.  Ack.
Michael Atherton
Prospect Park


From: Loki Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 11:32 AM
To: Michael Atherton
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Turnout: Best and Worst by Precinct

Michael, Prospect Park is 2-5 (and 2-6). 2-2 is in Seward.
Loki Anderson

Michael Atherton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Aaron Klemz wrote:

 Questions of overall turnout are interesting, but I'm
 fascinated by the unevenness of turnout. So I went and
 did a quick look see of the highest and lowest turnout

 Highest (by percentage)
 1) W2 P2 32.13%

W2 P2 is Prospect Park Central. I guess it's interesting
to know that we're so political active (in a bizarre kind
of way). Of course, there's a debt owed for saving Pratt
Elementary from closure (the city's smallest school). I'm
glad to see that Pratt parents reciprocated for the Mayor's
personal promise to help. Power to those who vote!

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread freealonzo
Here's the scenario:

Incumbent Mayor running for re-election for the first time in a primary 
against a well known, elected official who is charging that the 
incumbent hasn't done enough about crime or neighborhood development, 
and questioning the budget decisions over the past 4 years.  Although 
there are other candidates running, it is clear that the incumbent and 
the challenger will come through the primary.

The primary has low turnout, in the 14 percents, with the challenger 
coming in 2nd with 35 percent of the vote.

2005?  No, sorry, 1997: Barbara Carlson vs. SSB.  The general election 
has SSB winning 55-45.

Now of course I'm sure many will point out differences between 1997 and 
2005.  I agree, it's not a perfect apples to apples comparison.  The 
point is that there isn't a whole lot clamering for change among 
the joe schmoe voter out there.  Contrary to what was stated below, 
there was something at stake out on Tuesday and that was to send a 
message that we aren't happy with the direction of the City and the 
Mayor running the ship.  Given the fact that there was a legitimate 
challenger with a solid base of support from the typical interests who 
have a stake in the outcome of the mayoral race who could only muster 
35 percent of the vote speaks volumes about his chances 7 weeks from 

Dean E. Carlson
East harriet, Ward 10

- Original Message -
From: Greg Abbott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, September 16, 2005 9:53 am
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

 It is a mistake to draw conclusions from this low turnout primary  
 There was nothing at stake in this election.   Both Rybak and  
 McLaughlin were going to advance to the general, and supporters on 
 both sides knew that.  Given the low stakes, plenty of folks in 
 camps sat this one out, particularly given the rainy start to the  
 day.  This is also true of the most council races.  Most wards did 
 not have a primary or a hotly contested race.  The only real drama 
 was in 8, 10, and 13.
 The results tell me that chronic voters (people who vote in every  
 election, rain or shine) have a slight preference for Rybak.  But  
 given that turnout in the general election will more than double,  
 perhaps even triple, from the primary, drawing any conclusions 
 Tuesday's results is a fool's errand.
 As an example, take the 13th Ward.  Betsy Hodges got over 50 
 in this primary, which is amazing for a DFL-endorsed candidate in  
 13.  Yet her total vote was only about 2700.  When I ran and lost 
 13 four years ago, I got 4724 votes in the general election.  The  
 vote totals for the winning candidate in the last three general  
 elections ('93, '97, and '01) were approximately 6800, 7400, and  
 5700, respectively.  Hodges needs to find another 3000-3500 votes 
 win, and in Ward 13 that's going to be a challenge for a DFL-
 So it's a mulligan for everyone.  Tee it up, and take another 
 in November.
 Greg Abbott
 Linden Hills

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Re: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread Rick Mons

On Sep 15, 2005, at 7:21 PM, Erik Riese wrote:

This is pathetic! We need to do something about how little the  
citizens care about their government. Perhaps we should institute  
an election quorum. Say 60% in a primary and 85% in a general.  
Unless we get that level of participation the election is void and  
we have to have a do over. At some point we could force a rotation  
of the candidates. The candidates would be forced to put their  
efforts into real get out the vote instead of just getting out  
their voters.

this is somewhat facetious, but I think we ought to run elections  
like MPR runs their fund-raising pledge drives.  Start the election  
on, say, Friday and run it through the following Friday.  Every day  
-- on every broadcast station -- announce what the voter turnout  
percentages are (but not the counts for individual candidates).   
Exhort folks to do your share.  Guilt folks to do your share.   
Offer premiums for voting (uh, guess not -- strike that).  Once the  
participation goal is met, turn off the exhortation(s) but let the  
polls stay open until the end.

Of course, we political junkies will need to sit on pins and needles  
for a week to know what the outcome is ... just imagine the tone of  
the posts on lists like this (grin)

Rick Mons
Shoreview - Tanglewood Area

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[Mpls] Why I didn't seek Green Party endorsement in 2005

2005-09-16 Thread Socialist2001
This year I stood for election to a seat on the Minneapolis City Council as a 
Green Party candidate and bypassed the local Green Party endorsement process. 
I decided to stand for election in early May, after being informed that the 
Green Party steering committee had recruited a candidate who I could not 

At two GP membership meetings in 2002, before and after the primary election, 
50% supported my candidacy for a seat on the Minneapolis School Board. I won 
the primary election. At a meeting in 2004 I sought endorsement for the same 
office and received support from only about 10% of the members in attendance. 

I didn't seek the GP endorsement this year because, in 2004, my criticism of 
statements by another school board candidate seeking the GP endorsement was 
considered beyond the pale, a cardinal sin, according to many GP members. The 
discussion which followed my presentation including the airing of many 
criticisms of a personal nature directed at me, and no discussion of the issues 
raised in my presentation or of the issue that I raised in opposing the 
of the other candidate (who fell one vote short of the two-thirds 
supermajority needed for endorsement). 

I criticized the other candidate for saying that the school board could not 
be faulted for a significant part of the black-white learning gap, and that 
most African American students are hard to educate. 

In my opinion, the so-called racial learning gap in the public schools is 
mostly the byproduct of an education access gap. Simply put: Students enrolled 
in the strongest educational programs achieve the most, and students enrolled 
in the weakest educational programs achieve the least. African American 
students are heavily concentrated in the weakest programs.

The school board is perpetuating the education access gap by its actions, and 
inaction. For example: There were fewer than 1,700 full time teaching 
positions budgeted for the 2003-2004 school year. In 2004 the school board 
planned to 
cut about 150 full time teaching positions, but laid off 608 teachers. That 
drives up teacher turnover rates, especially at schools with a high 
concentration of low seniority teachers.

In my opinion, the school board can quickly and dramatically reduce the 
education access gap by not laying off teachers they plan to rehire or replace, 
desegregating the district's least experienced teachers, and by phasing out 
all but college bound curriculum tracks for the general student population. 

-Doug Mann, King Field
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[Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Constance Nompelis
Hello list,

It has been brought to my attention by a friend who
recently bought a corner hood store, that one of the
best-selling items is a product known as roses which
is a glass tube used for smoking crack.  This product
retails for $2.50.  (Though stores purchase them
wholesale for 13 cents each.)

In addition, for the wealthier addict, many stores
also carry glass pipes for $9.99.  

I fail to see what legal use these products could
have, since I'm pretty sure you can't comfortably
smoke tobacco from them, and who would want to

So this is yet another bothersome trait of the
so-called hood stores which dot the landscape of
Phillips, North Minneapolis and other locales, and I
wonder what people think about it?

I have emailed my house representative on this subject
plan to follow up on the issue because I find it
absolutely offensive that these stores can participate
in the culture of crack which is so integral to the
perpetuation of violence and hopelessness in my

In fact, now that I think about it, I am outraged.  I
mean, what's next, selling empty syringes?

Connie Nompelis
West Phillips  Powderhorn
(Live in WP)

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Dennis Plante

Some of the hood stores also sell small scales (for weighing) and jewelry 
bags for distributing $5 bags of pot behind the counter.

dennis plante

From: Constance Nompelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:55:04 -0700 (PDT)

Hello list,

It has been brought to my attention by a friend who
recently bought a corner hood store, that one of the
best-selling items is a product known as roses which
is a glass tube used for smoking crack.  This product
retails for $2.50.  (Though stores purchase them
wholesale for 13 cents each.)

In addition, for the wealthier addict, many stores
also carry glass pipes for $9.99.

I fail to see what legal use these products could
have, since I'm pretty sure you can't comfortably
smoke tobacco from them, and who would want to

So this is yet another bothersome trait of the
so-called hood stores which dot the landscape of
Phillips, North Minneapolis and other locales, and I
wonder what people think about it?

I have emailed my house representative on this subject
plan to follow up on the issue because I find it
absolutely offensive that these stores can participate
in the culture of crack which is so integral to the
perpetuation of violence and hopelessness in my

In fact, now that I think about it, I am outraged.  I
mean, what's next, selling empty syringes?

Connie Nompelis
West Phillips  Powderhorn
(Live in WP)

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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread John Harris
 It has been brought to my attention by a friend who
 recently bought a corner hood store, that one of the
 best-selling items is a product known as roses which
 is a glass tube used for smoking crack.  This product
 retails for $2.50.  (Though stores purchase them
 wholesale for 13 cents each.)

and while that is legal to sell, they are restricting and or banning
the sale of sudafed, which actually has a very common legal use.

John Harris
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RE: [Mpls] Turnout: Best and Worst by Precinct

2005-09-16 Thread Sheldon Mains
Looking at the numbers in more detail:

The 14% voter turnout is calculated using the registered voters from last
year.  Last year's election saw a surge in voters because of the contentious
presidential race.  So the number of registered voters for this election is
artificially high.

Voter turn out is always higher in Presidential years because of the media
coverage (and in the Governor elections).  In a city race, you will not see
candidates buying advertising on TV (too expensive); you don't see media
providing much coverage of Minneapolis City elections (Minneapolis City
population is less than 10% of the market for the major papers or TV).  All
this means that the race is much less visible to the general public(and this
is even more true for a primary election).

Low precincts:
W2 P4 .78%  -- U of M dorms and the Frat row account for more than 95%.
Students are not back yet.  Also, voting was unusually high in the
Presidential election.

W2 P 11 2.26% --almost the same, but does have some non-dorm housing in the
Neighborhood between the 94 exit and Oak Street.

W3 P1 2.14% --Dinkytown east of I 35--mostly student housing. 

Not sure about why 5-7 and 4-9 were low (5-7 includes the major
re-development of the North side public housing area) 

High precincts:
W2 P2 32.13%--the part of Seward south of Franklin, next to the river--just
east of my house.  (Just south of Cam Gordon's home.  Cara Letofsky lives
right in the center of the precinct.)
 2) W7 P2 29.55%
 3) W8 P7 28.81%
 4) W13 P6 27.39%
 5) W13 P7 26.76%

On average, all of the high precincts are higher income areas (all bordering
the river or a lake except 8-7)

Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees [EMAIL PROTECTED], 612/618-7149
Mains for Library Committee, 2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406 

It is incredibly important to this country that we have people who run
libraries that actually believe in reading books instead of burning them.
   Howard Dean

 -Original Message-
 From: Aaron Klemz
 Questions of overall turnout are interesting, but I'm
 fascinated by the unevenness of turnout. So I went and did a 
 quick look see of the highest and lowest turnout
 Lowest (by percentage):
 1) W2 P4 .78%
 2) W3 P1 2.14%
 3) W2 P11 2.26%
 4) W5 P7 5.12%
 5) W4 P9 5.14%
 Highest (by percentage)
 1) W2 P2 32.13%
 2) W7 P2 29.55%
 3) W8 P7 28.81%
 4) W13 P6 27.39%
 5) W13 P7 26.76%
 We talk about high and low turnout wards, but the
 numbers tell a complicated story of wide precinct
 level swings in turnout. In my home Ward 2 - the
 highest turnout and two of the lowest are in the Ward.
 A shout out to my neighbors in my home precinct (W2
 P2) for leading the city in turnout. Any theories
 about the outliers as to why they are so high or low?
 Part of the problem I have in interpreting the results
 is that I'm not as aware of the different precinct boundaries, but 
 those of you who live in these precincts might offer theories as to 
 aaron klemz
 W2 P2 Voter
 Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota
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RE: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread David Brauer
Greg Abbott notes:

 The results tell me that chronic voters (people who vote in every
 election, rain or shine) have a slight preference for Rybak.  But
 given that turnout in the general election will more than double,
 perhaps even triple, from the primary, drawing any conclusions from
 Tuesday's results is a fool's errand.

I would be shocked if the vote tripled. In 2001, 59,000 folks voted in the
primary, 89,000 in the general - a 50 percent jump.

Granted, this year's turnout (33,500) was a lot lower, so the bump may be
higher. But tripling this year's number would mean 100,000 general election
votes - 11,000 more than four years ago.

One interesting note: despite the sad, sad turnout in the 2005 city primary,
the 33,500 souls who trooped to the polls were more than in than the 2002
primary (32,869) or the 2004 primary (22,766). Those were state elections;
there were no city races save the school board.

Final thing: while no one would ever - EVER - pay me to crunch numbers for a
campaign, I looked the last three campaigns to see how much a ward's
percentage gained or shrunk from the primary to the general.

Using that history and my own guesswork, I projected how much a precinct's
slice of the electorate would change.

For example, I expect Ward 4, which provided 4 percent of the primary votes,
to provide 5 percent in the general election. In order, Wards 5, 4, 6 and 3
will gain the most share, while Wards 13, 1, 12 and 7 will lose the most.
Despite having a smaller piece of the general election pie than in the
primary, Ward 13 will still be the biggest piece: it will have the highest
turnout, as it has in every election of the 2000s.

By my guess, Peter should gain as his wards historically gain share in a
general election. Assuming Hakeem votes split 50/50, and so do non-primary
voters who show up Nov. 8, Peter would get 45.3 percent of the vote and RT
would get 54.7 percent. That compares to 44.7/55.4 in the primary, if you
exclude votes for everyone else.

Of course, no one knows what any voting group will do, so keep this for
laffs later on.

David Brauer

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RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
Nope, as my insulin taking Mother found out when visiting here last
year.  She could get her insulin refilled, but her prescription for the
syringes had run out so she could not get the very tool needed to take
the insulin the pharmacy sold her.
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East

Constance wrote: 
In fact, now that I think about it, I am outraged.  I mean, what's next,
selling empty syringes?

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[Mpls] re: best and worst turnout

2005-09-16 Thread flewn
There's a good reason for the low turnout in W2 P4 and W2 P11: the vast 
majority of both precincts' residents are U students living in dorms.  They 
moved into their residences between the 3rd and 5th of September, less than 
thirty days before the primary, and were therefore legally prohibited from 

The high turnout in W2 P2 is also relatively straightforward: both primary 
frontrunners are well known there.  The north end (eastern Seward) knows Cam 
from his years of neighborhood activism and was his 2001 base.  The south end 
(Cooper) is the neighborhood surrounding Cara's home.  Both candidates got more 
votes in 2-2 than in any other precinct.

Robin Garwood
Campaign Manager,
Neighbors for Cam Gordon
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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread mphilip451
I don't understand what the problem is selling a pipe or such. It's not 
causing people to go out buy drugs and smoke them. If someone wants to 
use crack they're going to find a way to do it whether it is with tin 
foil and a straw or with a light bulb. Now if you could buy crack at 
your local neighborhood store that might be something to take issue 
with. I don't think hiding paraphernalia is going to lessen the use of 
crack. It's not addressing the actual issue of drug use. Also, it's not 
the same as restricting the sale of sudafed (or at least tracking its 
sale) because that is used to make the actual illegal substance. And 
you can still easily buy it, it's you can't buy massive quantities of 
it all at once.

Matthew Philip
The Wedge

-Original Message-
From: Leurquin, Ronald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Constance Nompelis [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:16:41 -0400
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

Nope, as my insulin taking Mother found out when visiting here last
year. She could get her insulin refilled, but her prescription for the
syringes had run out so she could not get the very tool needed to take
the insulin the pharmacy sold her.
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East

Constance wrote:
In fact, now that I think about it, I am outraged. I mean, what's next,
selling empty syringes?

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RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
Restricting the sale of Sudafed is an effort to curb drug use by making
production harder.
Why not apply the curb to the paraphernalia used to take the drugs too?
Sudafed access affects everyone, good or evil.  Crack pipe access only
affects the crack users.
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East 

Matthew wrote:
I don't understand what the problem is selling a pipe or such. It's not
causing people to go out buy drugs and smoke them. If someone wants to
use crack they're going to find a way to do it whether it is with tin
foil and a straw or with a light bulb. Now if you could buy crack at
your local neighborhood store that might be something to take issue
with. I don't think hiding paraphernalia is going to lessen the use of
crack. It's not addressing the actual issue of drug use. Also, it's not
the same as restricting the sale of sudafed (or at least tracking its
sale) because that is used to make the actual illegal substance. And you
can still easily buy it, it's you can't buy massive quantities of it all
at once.
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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Constance Nompelis
Having crack pipes in these corner stores is one of
the ways in which the owners essentially support the
drug dealers and crackheads.  Another way is by
allowing them to congregate out in front of the

There have been several shootings around Lake and Park
recently... my realtor actually witnessed a driveby on
that very intersection when he was coming to my house.
 Why was the person shooting there?  Most likely
because one of the idiots milling around outside of
the store was some competition to his business...

This lawlessness has to stop.  I am fed up with the
violence and everyone knows that a big part of the
problem is drugs and the huge sums of money involved.

In a perfect world I would be libertarian and say let
people do what they want to their own bodies... but
this world ain't perfect and the drug dealers are
shooting each other over turf and $$$ and the crack
pipes, hood stores, and blase attitudes of stores
owners are contributing to the madness.

Connie Nompelis
West Phillips and Powderhorn

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't understand what the problem is selling a
 pipe or such. It's not 
 causing people to go out buy drugs and smoke them.
 If someone wants to 
 use crack they're going to find a way to do it
 whether it is with tin 
 foil and a straw or with a light bulb. Now if you
 could buy crack at 
 your local neighborhood store that might be
 something to take issue 
 with. I don't think hiding paraphernalia is going to
 lessen the use of 
 crack. It's not addressing the actual issue of drug
 use. Also, it's not 
 the same as restricting the sale of sudafed (or at
 least tracking its 
 sale) because that is used to make the actual
 illegal substance. And 
 you can still easily buy it, it's you can't buy
 massive quantities of 
 it all at once.
 Matthew Philip
 The Wedge
  -Original Message-
  From: Leurquin, Ronald
  To: Constance Nompelis
  Sent: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:16:41 -0400
  Subject: RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your
 local corner store
  Nope, as my insulin taking Mother found out when
 visiting here last
  year. She could get her insulin refilled, but her
 prescription for the
  syringes had run out so she could not get the very
 tool needed to take
  the insulin the pharmacy sold her.
  Ron Leurquin
  Nokomis East
  Constance wrote:
  In fact, now that I think about it, I am outraged.
 I mean, what's next,
  selling empty syringes?
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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread wmmarks

Leurquin, Ronald wrote:

Restricting the sale of Sudafed is an effort to curb drug use by making
production harder.
Why not apply the curb to the paraphernalia used to take the drugs too?
Sudafed access affects everyone, good or evil.  Crack pipe access only
affects the crack users.
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East 

This is something I do not understand. Sudafed is made of tiny beads of 
drugs, only some of which are the ones used in making meth. Who sits 
around and separates all those little beads into the ones that work and 
the ones that don't? Or do they even separate them? Or is every dose of 
meth a dose of sudafed too?

WizardMarks, Central
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RE: [Mpls] Primary Turnout

2005-09-16 Thread David Brauer
I need to correct myself, thanks to the insight of a more politically
experienced list member.

To recap:

 Greg Abbott notes:
  given that turnout in the general election will more than double,
  perhaps even triple, from the primary, drawing any conclusions from
  Tuesday's results is a fool's errand.

Then I wrote:

 I would be shocked if the vote tripled. In 2001, 59,000 folks voted in the
 primary, 89,000 in the general - a 50 percent jump.
 Granted, this year's turnout (33,500) was a lot lower, so the bump may be
 higher. But tripling this year's number would mean 100,000 general
 votes - 11,000 more than four years ago.

The experienced operative remembered that '01 was a low-turnout general
election, Even though we all remember the fascinating scrum of a primary,
the general was apparently quite lackluster, historically. 

To wit: in the '97 general, 96,700 people voted. Only 30,000 people voted in
the primary - so the vote total more than tripled in the general.

 In '93, 104,626 voted. 51,000 voted in the primary - a doubling between
primary and general

So ... '01 was an unusual year (out of the last three city elections
anyway). Primary participation was far higher, and general election turnout
was 10-15 percent lower.

I have to conclude that a tripling could happen this year, and Greg was
right to mention it as a possibility.

David Brauer

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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread 5540Shauna JeMai Croom

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[Mpls] Low and High Turnout: More Complete

2005-09-16 Thread Aaron Klemz
Hi List - 

Well, I posted this morning, and got some great
responses, but I thought maybe I should do more
homework on the questions that I posed myself instead
of being lazy. Several folks pointed out that the top
3 in low turnout were U dominated wards with students
that may not have been eligible to vote. Wards 4 and 5
were overrepresented on the low turnout list, and
since neither had an active primary for council, that
shouldn't be too surprising. Wards 8, 10, 12 and 13
were generally high turnout. There is definitely a
strong correlation between income and turnout, with
some notable exceptions. Anyway, here are the top
twenty high and low turnout precincts with
neighborhoods this time for some better location
context. I actually learned a lot compiling this list
about neighborhood boundaries.

Twenty Highest Turnout Precincts ( 21%)

1)  W2 P2  32.13% N. Cooper / E. Seward
2)  W7 P2  29.55% Kenwood
3)  W8 P7  28.81% S. King Field
4)  W13P6 27.39% Lynnhurst
5)  W13P7 26.76% East Harriet
6)  W13P2 26.69% N. Linden Hills
7)  W2 P1  26.14% W. Seward
8)  W13P4 25.84% N. Fulton
9)  W8 P4  24.90% S. Powderhorn Park
10)W10P8 24.77% East Harriet
11)W8 P2  23.35% N. Powderhorn Park
12)W10P10 22.90% East Isles
13)W8 P8  22.44% Bancroft
14)W8P10 22.39% Field - Regina
15)W10P3 22.25% ECCO
16)W9 P9  22.03% E. Howe
17)W13P5 22.00% S. Fulton
18)W12P3 21.57% N. Hiawatha
19)W6 P7  21.55% N. Phillips West
20)W9 P2  21.01% Longfellow

Twenty Lowest Turnout Precincts ( 7.3%)

1)  W2 P4 0.78% University
2)  W3 P1 2.14% E. Marcy Holmes
3)  W2P11 2.26% University
4)  W5 P7  5.12% S. Willard-Hay
5)  W4 P9  5.14% N. Folwell
6)  W5 P6  5.69% Harrison / Sumner
7)  W4P10 5.90% S. Folwell
8)  W3 P7  6.27% McKinley
9)  W4 P8  6.28% Cleveland
10) W5P8  6.60% S. Jordan
11) W7P10 6.70% Elliot Park
12) W5 P2  6.73% N. Jordan
13) W1 P7  6.76% Como
14) W5 P9  6.84% North Loop / Near North
15) W3 P2  7.08% W. Marcy Holmes
16) W5 P3  7.11% Near North / Old Highland
16) W6 P1  7.11% S. Whittier
18) W4 P5  7.18% W. Webber-Camden
18) W7 P9  7.18% Downtown West / Loring Park
20) W4 P6  7.30% E. Webber-Camden

I hope I got all the neighborhoods right. 


aaron klemz
budding election returns geek - cooper

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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[Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Nathan Hunstad
On 9/16/05, Constance Nompelis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a perfect world I would be libertarian and say let
 people do what they want to their own bodies... but
 this world ain't perfect and the drug dealers are
 shooting each other over turf and $$$ and the crack
 pipes, hood stores, and blase attitudes of stores
 owners are contributing to the madness.

If the problem is drug dealers shooting each other and other people
over turf and $$$, then banning crack pipes or other paraphernalia
from corner stores isn't going to accomplish anything.  Users and
dealers aren't prevented or encouraged to use or sell drugs based on
whether you can go into a store and buy a pipe, syringe, etc.  There
isn't anybody out there that is thinking, I would start doing drugs
if only I could buy a pipe, but since I can't I won't!

On the other hand, if that corner store sold the drugs themselves,
then all the dealers would disappear, driven out of business by a
higher quality and cheaper product.  If the elimination of drug turf
wars is the goal, then we should talk with our city and state leaders
about ending this irrational War on Drugs.  I haven't heard of too
many shootings over tobacco and alcohol turf wars.

Nathan Hunstad
Minneapolis, MN

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RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Dennis Plante

Nathan Writes:
If the problem is drug dealers shooting each other and other people over 
turf and $$$, then banning crack pipes or other paraphernalia from corner 
stores isn't going to accomplish anything.  Users and dealers aren't 
prevented or encouraged to use or sell drugs based on whether you can go 
into a store and buy a pipe, syringe, etc.  There isn't anybody out there 
that is thinking, I would start doing drugs if only I could buy a pipe, but 
since I can't I won't!

On the other hand, if that corner store sold the drugs themselves, then all 
the dealers would disappear, driven out of business by a higher quality and 
cheaper product.  If the elimination of drug turf wars is the goal, then we 
should talk with our city and state leaders about ending this irrational War 
on Drugs.  I haven't heard of too many shootings over tobacco and alcohol 
turf wars.

Dennis Plante Responds:
And how exactly would this solve the problem of disadvantage citizens 
earning a living illegally?  Take away their income and my guess is 
they'fdmove-on to something equally illegal and just as damaging to society.

dennis plante

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RE: [Mpls] Low and High Turnout: More Complete

2005-09-16 Thread Earl Netwal
Aaron, I recommend that if you are serious about trying to figure out
turnout, you add into your thought proceses home ownership versus
apartments. That variable may be leading you to think you are seeing
affluence versus lack thereof. Actually both factors are probably relevant.
Transients are less likely to be grounded in local elections, while they are
almost as likely to perceive their stake in national and even state
elections. My two cents... Earl Netwal Nokomis east.

-Original Message-
Of Aaron Klemz
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Low and High Turnout: More Complete

Hi List - 

Well, I posted this morning, and got some great responses, but I thought
maybe I should do more homework on the questions that I posed myself instead
of being lazy. Several folks pointed out that the top
3 in low turnout were U dominated wards with students that may not have been
eligible to vote. Wards 4 and 5 were overrepresented on the low turnout
list, and since neither had an active primary for council, that shouldn't be
too surprising. Wards 8, 10, 12 and 13 were generally high turnout. There is
definitely a strong correlation between income and turnout, with some
notable exceptions. Anyway, here are the top twenty high and low turnout
precincts with neighborhoods this time for some better location context. I
actually learned a lot compiling this list about neighborhood boundaries.

Twenty Highest Turnout Precincts ( 21%)

1)  W2 P2  32.13% N. Cooper / E. Seward
2)  W7 P2  29.55% Kenwood
3)  W8 P7  28.81% S. King Field
4)  W13P6 27.39% Lynnhurst
5)  W13P7 26.76% East Harriet
6)  W13P2 26.69% N. Linden Hills
7)  W2 P1  26.14% W. Seward
8)  W13P4 25.84% N. Fulton
9)  W8 P4  24.90% S. Powderhorn Park
10)W10P8 24.77% East Harriet
11)W8 P2  23.35% N. Powderhorn Park
12)W10P10 22.90% East Isles
13)W8 P8  22.44% Bancroft
14)W8P10 22.39% Field - Regina
15)W10P3 22.25% ECCO
16)W9 P9  22.03% E. Howe
17)W13P5 22.00% S. Fulton
18)W12P3 21.57% N. Hiawatha
19)W6 P7  21.55% N. Phillips West
20)W9 P2  21.01% Longfellow

Twenty Lowest Turnout Precincts ( 7.3%)

1)  W2 P4 0.78% University
2)  W3 P1 2.14% E. Marcy Holmes
3)  W2P11 2.26% University
4)  W5 P7  5.12% S. Willard-Hay
5)  W4 P9  5.14% N. Folwell
6)  W5 P6  5.69% Harrison / Sumner
7)  W4P10 5.90% S. Folwell
8)  W3 P7  6.27% McKinley
9)  W4 P8  6.28% Cleveland
10) W5P8  6.60% S. Jordan
11) W7P10 6.70% Elliot Park
12) W5 P2  6.73% N. Jordan
13) W1 P7  6.76% Como
14) W5 P9  6.84% North Loop / Near North
15) W3 P2  7.08% W. Marcy Holmes
16) W5 P3  7.11% Near North / Old Highland
16) W6 P1  7.11% S. Whittier
18) W4 P5  7.18% W. Webber-Camden
18) W7 P9  7.18% Downtown West / Loring Park
20) W4 P6  7.30% E. Webber-Camden

I hope I got all the neighborhoods right. 


aaron klemz
budding election returns geek - cooper

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Michellehill64
Nathan Writes:
If the problem is drug dealers shooting each other and other people over 
turf and $$$, then banning crack pipes or other paraphernalia from corner 
stores isn't going to accomplish anything.  Users and dealers aren't 
prevented or encouraged to use or sell drugs based on whether you can go 
into a store and buy a pipe, syringe, etc.  There isn't anybody out there 
that is thinking, I would start doing drugs if only I could buy a pipe, but 
since I can't I won't!

Michelle Hill responds:
It may not stop the behavior, but we should not allow any stores in the 
community to contibute to the behavior. The problem not only lies with drug 
shooting each other and other people over turf and $$$, It involves any 
activity or action that contributes to the decline of neighborhoods and overall 
livability. Remember, our children often go to those corner store too. 

Booker Hodges has written many articles, in the Spokesman-Recorder, about 
corner stores, to no avail. They not only sell crack pipes, baggies and 
scales, they sell cigars in which the young people replace with Marijuana, 
called a blunt. They also sell expired baby formula and bad meat, and allow 
people to sell stolen items outside and inside the stores. 

I often wonder how they stay in business, with all of the complaints they 
receive. I know for sure that my council person knows all about those stores 
the problems they cause in the community. Yet, they continue to remain open 
and continue to add to the decline of the community. I choose to go the extra 
distance to CUB FOODS to do my shopping, even though some of their prices are 
not much better than the corner store.

Michelle Hill

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[Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Nathan Hunstad
On 9/16/05, Dennis Plante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dennis Plante Responds:
 And how exactly would this solve the problem of disadvantage citizens
 earning a living illegally?  Take away their income and my guess is
 they'fdmove-on to something equally illegal and just as damaging to society.

Of course legalizing drugs wouldn't eliminate crime.  Nothing can do
that; as far as I know, there isn't a crime-free utopia somewhere on
this planet.  However, if you take away the selling of drugs, you take
away a lot of gang activity.  That doesn't mean that people who want
to break the laws won't keep doing so.  But they would probably be
doing something else, like resorting to theft.  Frankly, if there was
a choice between stealing cars and getting into gun battles that kill
innocent bystanders, I'll take the car stealing any day.

What can reverse the decline of neighborhoods?  Clearly, the current
plan to simply throw users into jail doesn't cut it.  What we are
doing now is not working.  This is also why I don't see how public
safety can be a big issue in the upcoming elections, at least for
mayor.  Neither Rybak nor McLaughlin are proposing anything that will
actually change the drug problem other than to perhaps nibble away at
the edges.  No new ideas at all.

It seems pretty simple to me: if there aren't people demanding drugs
from gang members, then there won't be any violent gang members to
sell those drugs.  Until somebody comes up with a good idea that
eliminates the demand from the drug dealers, not much is going to

Nathan Hunstad
Minneapolis, MN

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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Constance Nompelis
You know what?  I've had this conversation - (to
legalize or not to legalize?) at many a cocktail party
and upscale restaurant gathering... it's nice and
philosophical but frankly I don't have the ear of the
President or the Senate so it ain't changing in
Minneapolis this week.

I have learned that this academic discussion about the
root of the problem (nat'l policy, poverty, race
issues, etc.) is of very little assistance to the
people living with gunfire and death and addiction and
hoplessness around the corner...

I really don't want to see this conversation degrade
into the typical us-against-them-in-the-nice-hoods
kind of debate, but I have to say that we can't afford
to screw around with philosophy when it's not going to
change anything about what's really going on at this

I say: let's get rid of the dang pipes for now, and
I'll write a thousand letters to DC about drug policy

Connie Nompelis
Pretty agitated with kids running up and down my
dangerous street in WEST PHILLIPS

P.S. Booker has indeed brought this topic up before,
and I followed his commentary with interest.  He's got
a lot of good points.  I don't want to squelch
business at all (I'm exceedingly pro-business in
general) but I can't handle this violence anymore. 
Something's gotta give.

--- Nathan Hunstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 9/16/05, Dennis Plante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Dennis Plante Responds:
  And how exactly would this solve the problem of
 disadvantage citizens
  earning a living illegally?  Take away their
 income and my guess is
  they'fdmove-on to something equally illegal and
 just as damaging to society.
 Of course legalizing drugs wouldn't eliminate crime.
  Nothing can do
 that; as far as I know, there isn't a crime-free
 utopia somewhere on
 this planet.  However, if you take away the selling
 of drugs, you take
 away a lot of gang activity.  That doesn't mean that
 people who want
 to break the laws won't keep doing so.  But they
 would probably be
 doing something else, like resorting to theft. 
 Frankly, if there was
 a choice between stealing cars and getting into gun
 battles that kill
 innocent bystanders, I'll take the car stealing any
 What can reverse the decline of neighborhoods? 
 Clearly, the current
 plan to simply throw users into jail doesn't cut it.
  What we are
 doing now is not working.  This is also why I don't
 see how public
 safety can be a big issue in the upcoming elections,
 at least for
 mayor.  Neither Rybak nor McLaughlin are proposing
 anything that will
 actually change the drug problem other than to
 perhaps nibble away at
 the edges.  No new ideas at all.
 It seems pretty simple to me: if there aren't people
 demanding drugs
 from gang members, then there won't be any violent
 gang members to
 sell those drugs.  Until somebody comes up with a
 good idea that
 eliminates the demand from the drug dealers, not
 much is going to
 Nathan Hunstad
 Minneapolis, MN
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[Mpls] Felien on Zimmerman

2005-09-16 Thread Shawne FitzGerald

What did Dean do wrong?
By Ed Felien

Shawne FitzGerald


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[Mpls] Politics in Minnesota on the Mpls mayor's race

2005-09-16 Thread List Manager
Note: this is published by Republican Sarah Janecek, who lives in
Minneapolis, and DFLer Blois Olson. See

Across the River...Where the Mayor System is Weak.

Two middle-aged white guys running against each other.   Both from south
Minneapolis (the political stronghold of the city).  Both have liberal
roots, both with pet issues, and neither with anything too distinguishing.
Welcome to what people might expect out of St. Paul - instead it's

While Mayor RT Rybak was the clear choice of Minneapolitans for change four
years ago, today he faces a tighter reelection.  Rybak hasn't raised the
funds he needs, and he has lost his ability to excite the city, something he
campaigned well on in 2001.  Meanwhile, Peter McLaughlin can take credit for
the wildly successful light rail line which he championed for the county.
For Republicans in the city, McLaughlin is the lesser of two evils, and many
moderate Republicans openly support him, in part, as recognition for his
solid work in public policy for twenty plus years.

Tuesday's primary was something that people expected, the two guys would
split the vast majority of the vote and move onto the general.  But last
week's ads launched by the police union leave Rybak without distinguishing
issues or a clear message.  He is responding and reacting, not driving his
own message.

While Minneapolis is also going to be close, and there is a good chance of
another incumbent losing, it is clear that the contrast isn't quite the same
as good 'ole St. Paul.

The Muck That is Minneapolis City Government

Seemingly lost in the Minneapolis mayor's race is the elephant in the room.
That elephant is the sorry, sleazy state of city politics.  Anonymous Source
author Dan Cohen writes eloquently about it.  

Is Cohen the only person to be seriously struck by three Minneapolis City
Council members taking bribes?  He could not be more right:  the Byzantine
system of Minneapolis government plus the one-sided political nature of the
affair is a fertile breeding ground for corruption.  Months ago, the Star
Tribune editorial board did a fabulous job dissecting all that's
structurally wrong in city government.

Unfortunately, nothing came of the reform series.  Predictably, those
invested in the current system wrote counter opinion pieces defending their
turf.  One of your publishers had a follow-up conversation with Cohen about
why the hometown newspaper had no impact on revamping city government.
Cohen argues two points.  First, the series by the paper's editorial board
provided a far too detailed proposal, giving opponents the opportunity to
pick it apart.  Second, and at some risk of offending our friends on the
Star Tribune editorial board, in Cohen's words, they researched and wrote it
with journalistic hubris...They did it all by their little selves, with no
input or fingerprints from any other interest group in the community.
Meaning, no one else in town had a stake in promoting reform.  Again, Cohen
is right.  

Forwarded by David Brauer, list manager

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[Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store.....better answers

2005-09-16 Thread WJKAHN
I'll concede that we're not going to take the profits (and the killing) out 
of the illicit drug trade without getting the Feds on board, but until that 
happens, we have to do something. I'd like the list to consider a Force 5 
Hurricane analogy; since the udder night, Dubya seems more than willing to 
hundreds of billions of dollars to save face after the failure of FEMA to act 
before and after Katrina hit, so Why not deal with a drug storm of much greater 

For a little perspective, the Office of National Drug Control Policy budget 
for this year is $12.2 billion. No state or local government entity deals 
specifically or entirely with drug crimes, but I would suspect a hypothetical 
item to be an infinitesimally small fraction of what NDCP spends. Compare it 
to what we spend on Homeland Security, $40.2 billion for '05, let alone the 
unfunded mandates for state and local governments, and what is actually spent 
a problem that is directly connected with terrorism seems an obscenely small 

So what do we do as a municipality short of legalizing or decriminalizing 
drugs? Regulating or outlawing drug paraphernalia is a pitifully small thing to 
do as some list contributors have pointed out. 

I've half jokingly suggested vice asylums not so long ago and I believe 
Wizard Marks suggested some sort of Devil's Island at Fort Ripley a few weeks 
back, and I think one way of focusing the Feds on the problem might be free 
zones (as opposed to drug free zones). Convicted drug offenders in the Metro 
should be given a choice of entering the conventional corrections system or 
move to Drug Town, and all the seized drugs from evidence rooms or the 
partipating cities and counties in the Metro should go with them. No 
either: whether you're a poor minority offender from the inner city or a rich 
middle class offender from the 'burbs, you have the same choice. We should 
on treatment and let the Feds go to Drug Town to do the lion's share of drug 
enforcement on their own. My preference would be to have it somewheres in 
Anoka or Dakota Counties, but I'm open to other possible sites. If Dubya can 
rebuild New Orleans for several billion dollars, I think we can build a Drug 
or two for a few million, fence them, perhaps even mine their perimeters, and 
wait for a US Federal Government that can give up the present ineffective 
approach to what is essentially an economic and public health problem.

Bill Kahn
not certain if I'm joking in Prospect Park
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Re: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Barbara Lickness
Many times I have heard people on this list say the drug problems we are 
currently experiencing on the streets of a select group of neighborhoods in 
Mpls. would all just go away if drugs were legalized. You are absolutely 
However, they aren't legal and as a result streets like mine have been the 
supermarkets for them. With all due respect it feels almost condescending to 
hear people from neighborhoods that do not experience this travesty to say if 
they were legal the problem would go away. 
While we are waiting for the wisdom of the many people who do not live with 
this problem in their daily lives to see the light and push for national 
legislative changes to our archaic drug laws, I choose not to tolerate the 
violence and livability issues caused by out of control crack, heroine or meth 
addicts that terrorize our streets. 
I also view it as a big slap in the face and counterproductive disconnect when 
the corner store by my house sells crack pipes or other drug paraphenalia. I 
know it's not going to encourage or discourage drug use. But, why make it so 
dang convenient for them? I am irritated that the store owner would be that 
blatant about their lack of concern for the neighborhood they are doing 
business in. None of the dozen or more owners of the corner store by my house 
live anywhere near this neighborhood. They leave here at night and go to the 
comfort of their home in the suburbs somewhere or in a neighborhood that 
doesn't contend with drug problems.
My history with the corner store owners that sell drug paraphanelia is that in 
all likelihood they are also selling drugs under the counter, fencing stolen 
goods, running prostitutes, commiting EBT fraud and other livability crimes. I 
am not making a general statement about every corner store in Mpls. I am just 
stating that my personal experience with the store by my house has been that 
where there is smoke, there is fire. 
Barb Lickness

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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RE: [Mpls] Crack pipes for sale at your local corner store

2005-09-16 Thread Barbara Lickness
It is actually illegal to sell drug paraphenalia in Mpls. If you go into 
Electric Fetus where they sell tobacco smoking products and mention that you 
might use that product to consume an illicit drug the employees in the store 
have been instructed not to sell them to you. My neice used to work at the 
Fetus, that is how I know about it. 
The drug paraphenalia sold in the corner stores are not marketed as crack 
pipes. They are marketed for use with tobacco or for other uses. They could not 
sell them if they marketed them directly as drug paraphenalia.
Barb Lickness

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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