Re: NetSurf 3.11 Released

2024-01-01 Thread Brian Jordan
In article
   Michael Drake  wrote:
> NetSurf 3.11 is now available to download from


> The biggest change to the core is improved CSS support, including
> support for the "display: flex" property value, which improves the
> layout of some web pages. There is also a new option in the Choices
> to disable CSS.

> A huge number of other changes have also been made including
> new features, significant performance optimisations, stability
> improvements, and other fixes.

[Snip details]

Many thanks, much appreciated.


Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 (16-Dec-20) on Raspberry Pi
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Please test the latest build

2022-11-05 Thread Brian Jordan
In article ,
   Michael Drake  wrote:

> Please could you test the latest builds (5377 or later) from:



#5378 now running here.


Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 (16-Dec-20) on Raspberry Pi
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Fetch_NS

2021-10-05 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Dave  wrote:


> Ooeer!

> I've just rechecked and that's what is presented after a *show
> inetdbase*.

I have just had a look at VA here and I get precisely this response to
the same input.

> Obviously I have no idea what it all means... RISC OS 6.20 hasn't been
> touched/updated since December 2009.

And a MeToo here.

The rest of this thread has enabled me to get Fetch_NS going again
although there doesn't seem to be a great deal new for me to fetch...



Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 (19-Oct-20) on Raspberry Pi
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: Netsurf suddenly fails to start

2021-08-18 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Dave  wrote:
> In article <>,
>Dave  wrote:


> It should start with "Exclaim"  :-(

It's OK Dave - we knew what you mwaned.


Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 (19-Oct-20) on Raspberry Pi
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: antiClickJack

2021-04-25 Thread Brian Jordan
On 25 Apr, wrote:
> In article <>,
>Harriet Bazley  wrote:

> [Snip]

> >   body{display:none !important;}
> > which has the effect of hiding the entire content of the page.

> [Snip]

> Great find, thank you.
> B

My interest piqued I have been looking at this and discovered (I say
'discovered' while suspecting this is well known) that using NetSurf's
Full save facility produces a page which can be opened. The layout is
something of a dog's breakfast and all pictures are pixellated but the
links I have tried so far work and lead to nicely laid out pages which
NetSurf is happy with.

Stuffed Eggs BĂ©arnaise anyone?

'If a web page fails to render in Netsurf try a full save' now added to
my 'Things to Try' notes

NetSurf test builds 5278 and 5286



Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 on Raspberry Pi
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: antiClickJack

2021-04-25 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Harriet Bazley  wrote:


>   body{display:none !important;}
> which has the effect of hiding the entire content of the page.


Great find, thank you.


Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.28 on Raspberry Pi
netsurf-users mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

Re: The 3.9 Release

2019-07-21 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Vincent Sanders  wrote:
> I am pleased to announce the latest release of NetSurf is now available.

> NetSurf 3.9 features support for CSS Media Queries (level 4) and
> improvements to JavaScript handling.

> Also included are many bug fixes and improvements.

> We recommend all users upgrade to NetSurf 3.9.

Many thanks, this is much appreciated.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Text colour

2018-05-30 Thread Brian Jordan
In RISC OS build #4350 I see mainly white text on a black background.

In article <>,
   Peter Slegg  wrote:
> Hi,


> This page mostly show black text on a black background.
> Atari build 4350. Is it the same in other ports ?

> Peter


Brian Jordan
RISC OS 5.23 on Raspberry Pi

Re: Forcing website menus to reveal themselves

2018-02-23 Thread Brian Jordan
On 23 February 2018 13:51:14 GMT+00:00, Tim Hill  wrote:

>I have never been able to get CSS-only drop-down menus to work in NS.

Nor I.  Typical is the "Results" tab in which behaves as 
expected when viewed in all other browsers I've tried; similarly the overflow 
of the last menu item, which could be related, is peculiar to NS. 

Sent from my Android tablet.

Re: Page causes crash

2017-10-30 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Peter Young <> wrote:


> OT: I am, and I do.

Aren't, and don't, we all?


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Page layout

2017-10-26 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Tim Hill <> wrote:


> It's great example of a page which uses Javascript to no advantage but
> even if hover-and-drop menus are implemented with only CSS they don't
> work in NetSurf either.  :-(

Yeah. I spent ages some time back trying to get to the bottom of why I
couldn't get some hover-and-drop CSS code to work. The reason was that I
was using RISC OS to develop sites, mainly because of StrongED and the
command line access to HTML Tidy, but then I was testing the code on
Netsurf. I continue to use RISC OS to write web stuff but these days
always test it in Chrome on the other side.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Unable to Fetch document

2017-06-02 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Peter Slegg <> wrote:


> I updated to 4095 and that is the same. After 1-2mins:

> Unable to fetch document

> I suspect it is some sort of timing issue but other pages will render
> after 15-20mins.

> Peter

As I have today update NetSurf to #4098 I thought I'd try this. The
result is a full download of the page in, according to the message at the
foot of the page, 16.4 seconds. "Done (16.4s)"

My machine details in my signature.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

Re: input focus

2017-05-05 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel <> wrote:
> I notice that the input focus -- often but not always -- goes to 
> Netsurf when I click on a link in an email that opens a web page.

> This was not the case until fairly recently*.  The input focus always 
> used to remain with the email window.


> Using Ro 5.23 on ArmX6, Ro 5.22 on Armini (Beagle).

I confess to not having noted this as a change but I can confirm that as
of now (using Netsurf #4085) the behaviour here is as Jim has described.
A click on the Archive magazine link in the Pluto article viewer which
has the input focus opens the web page in Netsurf and the Netsurf window
gains the input focus.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

Re: RESOLVED: [Was] Netsurf inconsistent behaviour between RISC OS 5.23 and 6.20

2017-01-25 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Tim Hill <> wrote:
> In article <>, Brian Jordan
> <> wrote:


>  />

> Appending any fake variable to the URL forces it to be loaded every
> time the page is viewed and not just when the browser feels like it.

You live and learn! Many thanks for this tip.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RESOLVED: [Was] Netsurf inconsistent behaviour between RISC OS 5.23 and 6.20

2017-01-24 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Brian Jordan <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>Brian Jordan <> wrote:


>Today I discovered that NetSurf on the VA displays the site as intended
> when it is loaded from my local mirror although it still doesn't work
> properly with files from the www. "Aha!" you say "go through the site
> until you find the discrepancy, it's probably a style sheet." "But," I
> reply,"it still renders correctly on the same version of NetSurf on the
> Pi when viewed via the www." Mystified and digging deeper.


After clearing out
the problem has gone away. I suspect two versions of the relevant style
sheet were being stored and that one was invoked when I loaded the online
version of the site and the other when I loaded the local version. Anyway
the site now displays as I intended in NetSurf #3966 whether it is
downloaded or loaded locally both on both platforms and with both.
versions of RISC OS.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Netsurf inconsistent behaviour between RISC OS 5.23 and 6.20

2017-01-24 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Brian Jordan <> wrote:


>If there is an inconsistency relating to OS versions I will file a
> report to the NetSurf developers, if not I shall have to dig a lot
> deeper here. Thanks B


Thanks all for your responses. I have been looking more closely at this
and am beginning to think the problem is of my own making so, until I
have probed further, I shall hold fire on sending anything to the
developers. Today I discovered that NetSurf on the VA displays the site
as intended when it is loaded from my local mirror although it still
doesn't work properly with files from the www. "Aha!" you say "go through
the site until you find the discrepancy, it's probably a style sheet."
"But," I reply,"it still renders correctly on the same version of NetSurf
on the Pi when viewed via the www."
Mystified and digging deeper.

PS. Jim, pinch away the design ideas aren't originally mine - I just
pinched and modified them. FWIW the site was designed and laid out using
RISC OS and NetSurf in particular.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Netsurf inconsistent behaviour between RISC OS 5.23 and 6.20

2017-01-23 Thread Brian Jordan
The home page of has a news area in the lower part.
It is intended that this is a scrolling  and in all mainstream
browsers I have tried this is the case [1]. it is also the case in
NetSurf #3966 running under RISC OS 5.23 on my Raspberry Pi. However,
using the same browser to view the same page on this emulator with RISC
OS Select 6.20 the  overflows. The most likely explanation is, as
ever, that this is a local issue and that I have missed the obvious but
to help define the problem I wonder if some of you would take a look and
let me know what you see and the OS version you are using? If there is an
inconsistency relating to OS versions I will file a report to the NetSurf
developers, if not I shall have to dig a lot deeper here.

[1] HTML tidy reports the page as  and I test in the Windows browsers because these
are what the majority of visitors us.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Web page magnification

2017-01-02 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   David H Wild <> wrote:
> I am having problems reading because of a cataract which needs removing,

> i find that I can read the screen fairly well if I increases the
> magnification to 150%. Is there any way of telling NetSurf that this is
> how I want all pages?

 when in Netsurf will bring up the "Scale view" dialogue; I imagine
you know this already but to make this the default you need to 
over the NetSurf window and in the "Display" sub menu click on "Save as
default". Good luck!


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Javascript ON when it's OFF

2016-12-16 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Peter Young <> wrote:
> On 16 Dec 2016  Tim Hill <> wrote:

> > In article <>, Richard Porter
> > <> wrote:
> >> On 16 Dec 2016 Tim Hill  wrote:

> >>>>>

> >>>> Not working here, #3803. The site says that JavaScript is on, even
> >>>> though I've turned it off, quit NetSurf and tried to see the site
> >>>> again.

> >>> Must be a problem with that version. The message saying it is ON is
> >>> rendered with Javascript so how can it possibly be disabled?

> >>> You shouldn't need to quit, only reload after SETting that Content
> >>> Choice option.

> >>> #3798 works as expected.

> >> Works on #3803 here (6.20 RPC)

> > Thanks. I'll assume 'user error'.

> How? I can only report what I see! I call up the site, it tells me 
> that JavaScript is on, I turn it off, and the site still tells me that 
> it's still on. How could I have made an error that made that happen?

> Is it something to do with the ARMX6, or with something else that I'm 
> running?

I have JavaScript enabled here as a matter of course (Choices-->
Content--> Not ticked, which appears to be the default setting. The
calendar display is incomplete with the message "You may need to disable
Javascript and reload this page" If I then disable JS and reload the page
the display area has a message "Your browser does not appear to support
JavaScript but this page needs to use JavaScript to display correctly.
You can visit the HTML-only version of this page at:

NetSurf #3803 is doing my head in, Boss.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: memory-gobbling on Virtual Acorn

2016-08-20 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Dave Higton <> wrote:
> In message <>
>   Jim Nagel <> wrote:


> Recent (as I type this) is #3672.

I have #3672 here as well. I have just taken a look at the Jenkins
NetSurf changes page and the most recent version reported there is #3543
(May 15, 2016 4:27 PM). Has the location of this information been changed
or have no changes been made since that date?


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Very slow page rendering

2016-01-09 Thread Brian Jordan
In article <>,
   Peter Slegg <> wrote:


> This page takes abut 20mins to download and render, Highwire browser
> takes about 6sec.

> I think the difference is that Highwire doesn't handle the css
> so maybe there could be some performance gains to be had in
> either downloading or the css handling ?

FWIW on this virtual RPC with JavaScript and css running the
download/render process takes c10.5 seconds.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Saving Choices

2015-08-11 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Gavin Wraith wrote:
 I have noticed that Disable JavaScript appears not to be  saved
 in Choices$Write.WWW.NetSurf.Choices. Is that right?
 Using NS 3.4 #2876

That seems to be the case.

From the Jenkins changes log:

#2872   (9th August)

2. Permanently enable display of the 'enable javascript UI options'

Does this mean that on other platforms there is now a javascript on/off
button or menu option which does away with the need to permanently save
this preference? If so maybe this won't work in the RISC OS version until
the UI is updated. Only guessing.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Crash with #2860

2015-07-19 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Peter Young wrote:
 I can't raise a bug report for this, as the bug-reporting page was 
 off-line when I tried just now. I'll try again later today.

 ARMX6, RISC OS 5.21. I downloaded #2860, which immediately crashed 
 when I opened my home page, I shut the machine 
 down. and this time the home page loaded, but when I tried to open NetSurf crashed again; I have the 
 logfile. I reverted to #2856, which behaved.

 Has anyone else found this? If so, I'll raise a proper bug report when 
 I can do.

Exactly the same here Peter, I too have reverted to #2856.



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: !Fetch_NS

2015-07-06 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Peter Young wrote:


 I've just discovered that the version I have is by Frank de Bruijn.

This is directly available from Frank's site



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Google

2015-05-13 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Ashbery wrote:
 In article, John Williams wrote:
  In article, Richard Porter wrote:

   I think it's absolutely essential that we have a javascript
   on/off button on the toolbar. If javescript is off google won't
   work and if it's on won't work.

 I've just tried Google again with Javascript off and a search works
 normally. Anyone able to confirm?

Seems to be true here as well.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Unable to report a bug.

2015-04-14 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Peter Young wrote:
 On 14 Apr 2015  Peter Young wrote:

  I have tried to report this on the bug tracker, but can't. It didn't
  accept my username and password, I have tried twice to change the
  password, and still can't get in. Perhaps someone who can access the
  tracker might kindly like to report it.

  ARMini, RISC OS 5.18, NS #2720

  I tried to access and get Warning from
  NetSurf: OK. The site works properly on Chrome in Windows. I have the
  relevant logfile.

 I have now been able to report this using Windows Chrome, but still 
 can't do it with RISC OS NetSurf. Why, I wonder?

If you want to enhance your report Netsurf is being tripped up by the
following meta statement within the head/head of the document.

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=
  text/html; charset=us-ascii /

An interesting page in many ways, running it through HTML Tidy here
throws up a lot of warnings and concludes Info: Document content looks
like HTML Proprietary


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Updated disc cache

2015-04-04 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Vincent Sanders wrote:


 If you are feeling very adventurous you can report the bandwidth


(152.54) content/llcache.c llcache_finalise 3352: Backing store
average bandwidth 561256 bytes/second


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20


2015-03-19 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian wrote:
 I receive a monthly newsletter. The latest cannot be read. NS says 'This
 browser is not AJAX enabled'. What's that all about, please? Is there a
 way round it so that the newsletter can be read?
AJAX is an ACRONYM for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The concensus,
from a few articles I have just read, seems to be that JavaScript has to
be enabled in order to avoid this message. Maybe enabling JavaScript in
NetSurf, if you haven't already done so, will be sufficient? I say this
because some sites seem to test for the presence of JS even if it isn't
actually needed in order to display (at least some of) the content.

 Should I complain to the sender, perhaps? They are a large company.
Probably not worth the bother I'm afraid. Unless you want the usual
corporate We have optimised... reply.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20


2015-02-21 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Nick Roberts wrote:
 The website

 is supposed to have a field where one can type in a word to look up.
 This field is either not present or invisible in NetSurf CI#2600.

This is a display issue; I'm not sure whether CSS or Javascript is the
culprit. In my PC browsers the top, blue bar contains the logo and
Dictionary, Thesaurus, Translator and More... legends all aligned
centrally. Beneath, and still within the top bar is the search field. In
the Netsurf rendition the field is still there, directly beneath those
legends albeit without the magnifying glass icon and displayed as a white
box at the top of the grey left sidebar. Typing a word into that area and
hitting return leads to a new definition page which is also malformed in
the Netsurf view but at least with the definitions displayed.

Also using Netsurf CI#2600


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Continuous disc activity when NetSurf running (RISC OS)

2014-12-01 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   cj wrote:
 In article,
Peter Young wrote:
  Has any other user of RISC OS NetSurf found that there is
  continuous disc activity while a development build is running?
  I've just reported this on the bug tracker.

 Is this not simply Netsurf writing out to the Cache after each page
 is loaded?

Possibly related; in #2412 I have just seen a new, to me, Warning from
NetSurf Disc cache write bandwidth is too slow to be useful, disabling



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Warning! Crash in recent development builds

2014-11-15 Thread Brian Jordan
I have discovered that attempting to complete forms rendered in 3.3 (Dev
CI #2327) can crash NetSurf and stiff the computer. In particular ists,
where one selects from a list to complete the form, fail to show the list
and everything hangs - here anyway.
Bug report raised (after reverting to an earlier NetSurf to circumvent
this problem on the tracker).


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Warning! Crash in recent development builds

2014-11-15 Thread Brian Jordan
In article f4a9f06654.pitt...@iyonix.home,
   David Pitt wrote:
 In message
   Brian Jordan wrote:

  I have discovered that attempting to complete forms rendered in 3.3
  (Dev CI #2327) can crash NetSurf and stiff the computer. In
  particular ists, where one selects from a list to complete the form,
  fail to show the list and everything hangs - here anyway. Bug report
  raised (after reverting to an earlier NetSurf to circumvent this
  problem on the tracker).

 I have uploaded a log. On the Raspberry Pi an alt-break stopped 
 NetSurf without the whole machine going down.

Here alt-break delays the agony momentarily. Pressing Stop in the
Window Messenger dialogue box stiffs the emulator.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Warning! Crash in recent development builds

2014-11-15 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   David Pitt wrote:
 Brian Jordan, on 15 Nov, wrote:

  In article f4a9f06654.pitt...@iyonix.home,
 David Pitt wrote:
   In message
 Brian Jordan wrote:
I have discovered that attempting to complete forms rendered in
3.3 (Dev CI #2327) can crash NetSurf and stiff the computer. In
particular ists, where one selects from a list to complete the
form, fail to show the list and everything hangs - here anyway.
Bug report raised (after reverting to an earlier NetSurf to
circumvent this problem on the tracker).
   I have uploaded a log. On the Raspberry Pi an alt-break stopped
   NetSurf without the whole machine going down.
  Here alt-break delays the agony momentarily. Pressing Stop in the
  Window Messenger dialogue box stiffs the emulator.

 It is fixed in #2335, for which many thanks.

So it is! Your thanks very much seconded here. For anyone who doubts the
value of raising a bug report it is absolutely worthwhile, the developers
are doing a fantastic job and it is nice, in a humble way, to help them.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Maps

2014-10-22 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Michael Drake wrote:

 Since NetSurf doesn't have enough JavaScript support to use Google
 Maps, I've added a simple front end to the Google Static Maps API.

 You can have a go with this if you visit:


 in the latest NetSurf development build.

Very nice, thank you.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Maps

2014-10-22 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Tony Moore wrote:


 Now that is really useful. Many thanks.

 Searching for an explanation of the various parameters led me to This has a
 black background, but can be read easily in NetSurf, by pressing ctrl-a
 to select all.

As you say, a most useful reference. Strangely I have no black background
problems here with build 3.3 (Dev CI #2193) if JavaScript is disabled. If
JS is enabled the page doesn't render at all.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: boxconvert

2014-09-25 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Jim Nagel wrote:
 What means the boxconvert error that Netsurf 3.2 gives for this 

 (Using Ro 5.18 on Iyonix).

It was broken this morning, now it is mended.

NetSurf 3.3 (Dev CI #2123)


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: 2004: curious behaviour

2014-07-09 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:


 Possibly related... I can't put the cursor into the search box in in 2004 whereas it's OK in 2000.

This and everything else mentioned in this thread appears to be fixed in
2011. My thanks, as always, to the developers.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: 2004: curious behaviour

2014-07-07 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   David Pitt wrote:
 Dave Higton, on 6 Jul, wrote:

  I noticed, with NS 2004, on the ROOL fora pages, that when I click on
  a link with a hash and then try to scroll up, NS rapidly oscillates
  between redrawing the window at the original location and my chosen
  scrolled-to location.  2000 is OK, 2004 not.
  Can someone else please confirm this before I raise a bug report?


 I also notice the title bar flickering.

Confirmed here too. This behaviour is seen in 2002 and and 2003 but not
2000; I don't have a copy of 2001 so can't comment on that build.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: 2004: curious behaviour

2014-07-07 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Dave Higton wrote:
 I noticed, with NS 2004, on the ROOL fora pages, that when I click on
 a link with a hash and then try to scroll up, NS rapidly oscillates
 between redrawing the window at the original location and my chosen
 scrolled-to location.  2000 is OK, 2004 not.

 Can someone else please confirm this before I raise a bug report?

Possibly related... I can't put the cursor into the search box in in 2004 whereas it's OK in 2000.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Persistant disc cache

2014-06-06 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:
 In article,
Vincent Sanders wrote:
  I am pleased to be able to announce that I have enabled the persistent
  source object cache on the RISC OS build. This means that RISC OS CI
  builds from #1956 onwards have the capability to store cacheable
  objects fetched from from the web to disc.

  I would appreciate any feedback on this feature though bugs should be
  logged through the usual means of the bug tracker.


 Subjectively, this is a massive enhancement. Using the default cache
 size I feel I am seeing reloads of pages very much quicker than before.
 I am just off to set a masive cache size on this machine...

I have trebled the cache here and this morning have been browsing a forum
site onto which users load unnecessarily large photographs. The reloading
of these pictures used to take so long on Netsurf that I preferred to use
a Windows browser when I visited it. Although still a little slower than
the Windows browser I can now happily use NetSurf with so much being
preserved between sessions. Thank you.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

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Re: web page is blank with new vwersion on NeSurf

2014-06-06 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   John Rickman Iyonix wrote:
 Since moving to #1959 the following page is blank. It should show 
 three columns of text.

 It works as expected with #1785 and all earlier versions.

 Would someone please check that this problem is reproducible on a 
 machine other that my Iyonix.
 I have updated Boot with the Boot that came with the disc cache 
 version and Java script is enabled.

It's blank here too in #1959.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Full save not working

2014-05-18 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Tony Moore wrote:
 On 16 May 2014, Brian Jordan wrote:

  I just noticed that full saves of pages doesn't work in v1885, only
  !Run, !Sprites and URL files are saved and the accompanying warning
  message reads The file could not be saved due to an error: Is a
  directory. A quick look back through the versions I have available
  suggests this was introduced between v1841 and v1862. I'll have a
  couple more glasses and try to report it on the tracker.

 I've done that already

Thanks Tony, I see this has been fixed in #1886.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: MousAxess

2014-04-06 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Steve Fryatt wrote:
  On 7 Feb, Brian Jordan wrote in message
   In article, Richard Torrens
  (lists) wrote:
It's definitely MoussAxess related. I now do RMKill Moussaxess
before surfing - if I remember!
   I reported this at 13:59. I received a confirmatory email at 14:16
   saying the issue has been referred to Steve Fryatt. Apparently the
   problem is:
   Caused by failed assertion in RISC OS mouse handling:

 I've put an attempt at a fix into CI#1781.

 I don't /think/ there will be any unintended consequences, but it would
 be good if people could try and break it nonetheless. That's not just
 MouseAxess users -- the affected code is called whenever the mouse
 passes over a NetSurf window on RISC OS.


This seems a good news, good news story. First, I have spent some time
trying to crash the latest Netsurf with the MousAxess menu scrolling
method and failed. Second, nothing else appears to been affected by the

Many thanks


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: dates of !Boot and !System within download

2014-02-13 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Jim Nagel wrote:


 Suggestion to the Netsurf team:

 Please, could you include an extra Readme-date file in the download 
 zipfile that would simply state in plain text the date of the last 
 actual change and words to the effect that If you have updated !Boot 
 and !System since this date, there is no need to do it this time.

 It would save the chore of going to every machine and repepetititively 
 performing the merge-boot and merge-system rigamarole when it isn't 
 necessary.  (The rest of the job of updating the !Netsurf application 
 on all stations can be done over the network.)  Thanks.


I work on the assumption that if a merge-boot or merge-system is required
that NetSurf will let me know with an appropriate message. Otherwise I
just let NetSurf get on with it. Am I under vigilant or are you over
vigilant? It seems to me that the NetSurf team have far bigger fish than
this to fry.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Dev Cl #1717

2014-02-11 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian wrote:
 In article,
Peter Young wrote:
  On 11 Feb 2014  Brian wrote:


   does not render completely and crashes on 'PORTFOLIO'

  Confirmed here. Are you going to report it on the bug tracker?

 Ah, well, I guess that was predictable. Bug tracker says I got
 something wrong, I don't know what, asked me to return to the previous
 page to correct whatever, which it didn't.

 Perhaps someone else would like to have a go?!?

  I have the logfile here, so could do that, though today is a busy
  one. Off to Australia tomorrow with my daughter and family!

Peter,  if you haven't yet sent this to the tracker relax and get ready
for your trip down under and I'll submit this one as I have something
else for the tracker. Out of interest the problem Brian has reported
trips up stable versions 2.9 and 3.0 as well.

Have a great holiday (or are you deserting soggy Gloucestershire for


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Dev Cl #1717

2014-02-11 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Peter Young wrote:
 On 11 Feb 2014  Brian wrote:

  In article,
 Peter Young wrote:
  On 11 Feb 2014  Brian wrote:


  does not render completely and crashes on 'PORTFOLIO'

  Confirmed here. Are you going to report it on the bug tracker?

  Ah, well, I guess that was predictable. Bug tracker says I got
  something wrong, I don't know what, asked me to return to the
  previous page to correct whatever, which it didn't.

 If it's the same as I saw here, entering the NS version number has to
 be done without the #, or the site has a hissy-fit.

  Perhaps someone else would like to have a go?!?

We crossed in the post, so I'll not send it. And yes the # seems to be
the issue, certainly the tracker accepts reports with the NS version
number left blank.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Dev Cl #1717

2014-02-11 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian wrote:


 Who'd have thought it?? Certainly not me. I'm intuitive but not that
 intuitive. I assumed that # was as per American practice and is part of
 any/all part codes.

I think the logic is that the # is in the caption alongside the box in
much the same way as we often see ÂŁ alongside boxes when a sum of money
needs to be entered. Several of us seem to have fallen foul of this and
had to rewrite our reports, I reccommend writing reports in a text editor
and saving them as insurance and not putting the # in the version


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: MousAxess

2014-02-10 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:
 In article,
Steve Fryatt wrote:


  That looks like some of my code, yes...

  Can MouseAxess still be legally obtained from anywhere? Google
  searches all lead to dead websites or people emailing each other
  hooky copies.

 Well, the help file says  MouseAxess is Freeware, and suitable for
 RISC OS computers only. You may use and copy it freely, as long as the
 application remains unchanged.

 I have copied it to is
 this wrong?

Sorry, crossed in the post.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Netsurf and the Mantis bug tracker

2014-02-08 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Chris Young wrote:
 On Sat, 08 Feb 2014 11:29:14 + (GMT), Brian Jordan wrote:

[Snip my description of perceived problem]

 I'm not sure that is a bug, but more a feature request.  It is easily
 reproduced by searching for something using Google, and then pressing
 back after the search results are displayed.  The previous page
 displays, but without the previous search term pre-filled.

So it does! I have been using NetSurf since it was a boy and have never
before come across this feature or lack thereof. I imagine people
submitting bug reports will be using NetSurf is there a case for making
the error trapping a little less harsh particularly as logfiles contain
build information?

Meanwhile I reiterate that it's a good idea to compose and save reports
off-line to avoid this frustration.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: MousAxess

2014-02-07 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:


 Well I went there, then to the next page. How do I report a bug?

 Life's too short to open accounts and log in or to work out complicated
 routines, sorry.

 If someone else can do this, there are 3 log at

If you haven't yet done so, I'll post yours along with one of my own
which is a log of I crash I provoked when scrolling with the menu button.

 Netsurf crashes erratically, but this appears to be caused by
 MouseAxess. It is associated with use of the menu button, for instance
 to scroll the window. 



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: MousAxess

2014-02-07 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:


 If you haven't yet done so, I'll post yours along with one of my own
 which is a log of I crash I provoked when scrolling with the menu


OK. It's done.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: MousAxess

2014-02-07 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
 In article,
Brian Jordan wrote:


  If you haven't yet done so, I'll post yours along with one of my own
  which is a log of I crash I provoked when scrolling with the menu


 It's definitely MoussAxess related. I now do RMKill Moussaxess before
 surfing - if I remember!

I reported this at 13:59. I received a confirmatory email at 14:16 saying
the issue has been referred to Steve Fryatt. Apparently the problem is:

Caused by failed assertion in RISC OS mouse handling:

riscos/mouse.c, line 183: ro_mouse_track_start: Assertion failed:
ro_mouse_poll_end_callback == NULL  ro_mouse_poll_track_callback ==
NULL  ro_mouse_poll_data == NULL


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: MousAxess

2014-02-06 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
 Is anyone else here using MouseAxess with NetSurf?
I am.

 I hav found Netsurf very inclined to crash. It feels like it's caused
 bey switch bounce, usually from the menu button. But removing
 MouseAxess seems to stop it.

I run as much as possible the latest development Netsurf. Netsurf does
crash from time to time and it has crossed my my mind that this may be
MouseAxess related. However in my case I have wondered whether the extra
window dragging and scrolling facilities offered by MouseAxess are
causing the problems. I haven't seen anything which would suggest switch
bounce here.

 I have not found any other programs which crash like this...
Neither have I. I'll try a few days without MouseAxess running and see if
anything comes up.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Another site crashing NS?

2014-01-26 Thread Brian Jordan
In article, wrote:

 As soon as I open the page opens
 with part of the page loaded, and then freezes completely. I am using
 it from VRPC, so need to quit RISC OS  to get out of the situation.
 Does this site also cause a freeze using real RISC OS, or is it just

Like you I use VA. I have just visited this site and find that it looks
like it does in Firefox on the other side and I have had no crashes at
all. Where there are Youtube videos in iframes NetSurf displays, as one
would expect, black rectangles. I didn't investigate site searches nor
the booking facilities where there may be problems. This is using NetSurf
3.1 (Dev CI #1659) with Javascript disabled. Other details of my setup in
my sig.



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Output from forms different in Netsurf than other browsers.

2014-01-24 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:
 In article,
Michael Drake wrote:
  In article,
 Brian Jordan wrote:

   A bit more checking show that 3.1 (Dev CI #1586) submits emails
   formatted the sames as other browsers whereas (Dev CI #1598) submits
   the different formatting. I don't have versions between these to
   enable me to narrow it down further.

  Please report it on the bug tracker and include the HTML for the page
  with the form.

And fixed in #1644. Excellent!


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Output from forms different in Netsurf than other browsers.

2014-01-22 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:
 In article,
Brian Jordan wrote:


 There is a difference in the formatting of the emails submitted from
  Netsurf than all browsers used by league members as shown below.


 A bit of checking this evening shows that the emails are formatted the
 same as those submitted from other browsers when the form is submitted
 from Netsurf 3.0 (20th April 2013) but the different formatting is
 evident when using 3.1 (Dev CI #1635).

A bit more checking show that 3.1 (Dev CI #1586) submits emails formatted
the sames as other browsers whereas (Dev CI #1598) submits the different
formatting. I don't have versions between these to enable me to narrow it
down further.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Output from forms different in Netsurf than other browsers.

2014-01-22 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Michael Drake wrote:
 In article,
Brian Jordan wrote:

  A bit more checking show that 3.1 (Dev CI #1586) submits emails
  formatted the sames as other browsers whereas (Dev CI #1598) submits
  the different formatting. I don't have versions between these to
  enable me to narrow it down further.

 Please report it on the bug tracker and include the HTML for the page
 with the form.



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Output from forms different in Netsurf than other browsers.

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Jordan
I run the web site for our local pub quiz league where one of the pages
has a form on which teams can submit their match scores, the information
gets to me via and Pluto. There is a difference in the
formatting of the emails submitted from Netsurf than all browsers used by
league members as shown below.

Other browsers...


Date: 20 Jan 2014

Home Team: Red Lion

Home Score: 43

Away Team: White Hart, Overton

A Questions: on

Away Score: 54

Member of: White Hart, Overton




27 Jan 2014

Home Team: 

Home Score: 99

Away Team: 

A Questions: on

Away Score: 99

Member of: 


The formatting is different where the data field in the form uses a drop
down menu.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Output from forms different in Netsurf than other browsers.

2014-01-21 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Brian Jordan wrote:


There is a difference in the formatting of the emails submitted from
 Netsurf than all browsers used by league members as shown below.


A bit of checking this evening shows that the emails are formatted the
same as those submitted from other browsers when the form is submitted
from Netsurf 3.0 (20th April 2013) but the different formatting is
evident when using 3.1 (Dev CI #1635).


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: Grey page

2014-01-01 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   lists wrote:
 Although the home page

 appears to disply correctly, trying to go to any other page results in a
 completly grey page

 NetSurf 3.1 (Dev C1 #1556)


Some pages have the expected content and below that a massive grey area,
some are the other way around with the grey at the top. Scroll down these
pages, eventually you will find the content. At least that's what I see
with the same version of NetSurf.

Thanks for the link, as it happens this is a site I will find very useful


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8.1 Pro
RISC OS 6.20

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [Bulk] Squashed image problem

2013-04-20 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Porter wrote:


 The problem is that as soon as these images hove into view the page
 becomes incredibly slow and clunky to move around. I would hazard a
 guess that NS is continually struggling to resize the images as it
 tries to move them around. 
Almost certainly you hazard correctly. I have just done a Full save of
the page and resized the offending images. On reloading, the page moves
around and scrolls very smoothly.

 Would it be possible to resize the images once when they are downloaded
 and then hold them at the required display size?
Apart from using Full save I can't think of another way and that's
probably not what you want.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: NetSurf on Virtual Acorn

2013-04-16 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  Michael Drake wrote:

 In article op.wrhukyovif396l@alansall,
Alan  Sally wrote:

 NetSurf 2.9 runs nicely on this set up but I have had no luck with any
 of the later development versions. I have just downloaded 3.0 Dev #833
 with the same result.

 It seems that since NetSurf 2.9 DNS doesn't work when running on
 VirtualRPC.  It works on real hardware and, I believe, on RPCEmu (can
 anyone confirm?).

 None of the NetSurf developers have VirtualRPC so we aren't in a position
 to investigate this.  Perhaps you could contact the VirtualRPC developers,
 if it's still being maintained?

FWIW I have run a great number of development versions of NetSurf 
(currently 3.0 (Dev CI #1054)) on this VA - details in sig. I have had 
no problems connecting to the Internet at all. I note the OP is using 
VA on a Mac, perhaps this is relevant?


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Find !Fetch_NS

2013-03-18 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  John Rickman Iyonix wrote:


 But a good day happens about one in three. More common is that it
 forces NS to quit, deletes the current NS then fails to find the new
 one. So I have to complete the job manually.

Try having your de-archiving program (SparkFS or whatever) loaded and 
on the icon bar before you run FetchNS. This improved the success rate 
to 100% here (admittedly on a sample of only 3 downloads) after having 
exactly the problem you describe; I imagine something in FetchNS times 
out while waiting for the archive to be opened.

Anyway it isn't too hard to download the archives from the Netsurf 
site and manually install the program and I have reverted to doing it 
that way.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8
RISC OS 6.20

Re: viewing CSS

2013-02-18 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

 Does anyone know of a neater way of viewing CSS?


Full save to disc, open generated pseudo app, read CSS file(s). Or 
have I missed the point?


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 8
RISC OS 6.20

Re: RISC OS Javascript support

2012-12-17 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  Vincent Sanders wrote:

 ok last try for now, ci #744 is built with spidermonkey 1.7.0 maybe it
 works maybe it doesn't.

 Please also remember to use the json tagged downloads if you want to
 try with javascript as the jsoff ones do not even have teh interpreter

Recently, somewhere in the CI#5xx builds it became possible to use 
HSBC Internet banking with NetSurf. The site warns about javascript 
being off but nontheless it goes to a non-javascript area and is 
entirely useable.

With javascript versions of the browser, with javascript turned on, 
the warnings are no longer present but some links don't work, 
specifically those which attempt to follow javascript:void(0);:my 
account details. Sorry I can't be more specific and many thanks for 
this leap forward.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 7
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Full Save not setting of CSS files

2012-11-29 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

 When you run a NetSurf Full Save application it does not act on the
 the CSS information because the CSS file is given a type of Text.

 This is on an Iyonix 5.19, NetSurf #674. I think it used to work but
 am not sure.

 As an example open:-

 do a Full Save, then run the resulting !temp application. The
 background picture is not shown and the two column layout is lost.

 On my machine the CSS file created is called 0x71755530, and has a
 type of text. If this is changed to type CSS the two column layout is
 reinstated but the background image is still not shown because the
 name in the CSS file no longer matches the name of the image that
 NetSurf has created.


 Here the CSS file (in this case 0x67192c10) is shown as the 
 correct type (f79 CSS) and I see the two column layout when 
 I load the HTML file. The background image is saved as a jpg 
 file 0x669d26e0 but the reference within the CSS file is 
 unchanged as torridon.jpg. Editing the CSS file to use the 
 saved name of the graphic file achieves the correct result. 
 It looks like the CSS file should be edited in the full save 
 process or the graphic file should have its name unchanged. 
 This in version 685 of Netsurf and after a quick check all 
 the above seems to apply under Netsurf 2.9.



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Full Save not setting of CSS files

2012-11-29 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

  John Rickman Iyonix wrote:

 When you run a NetSurf Full Save application it does not act on the
 the CSS information because the CSS file is given a type of Text.
 This is on an Iyonix 5.19, NetSurf #674.

 do a Full Save, then run the resulting !temp application. The
 background picture is not shown and the two column layout is lost.

 Brian Jordan  wrote

  Here the CSS file (in this case 0x67192c10) is shown as the
  correct type (f79 CSS) and I see the two column layout when
  I load the HTML file. The background image is saved as a jpg
  file 0x669d26e0 but the reference within the CSS file is
  unchanged as torridon.jpg. Editing the CSS file to use the
  saved name of the graphic file achieves the correct result.
  It looks like the CSS file should be edited in the full save
  process or the graphic file should have its name unchanged.
  This in version 685 of Netsurf and after a quick check all
  the above seems to apply under Netsurf 2.9.

 Thanks Brian
 I have just updated to #685 but get the same result, ie the css file
 is typed Text.
 Are you using RISC OS 5.19?

Is this file type a mimemap issue? Does your mimemap file contain a 
line like text/css  CSS f79 .css? If not it might help to add it. As 
to my operating system it is 6.20 on a Virtual Acorn.

Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: BBC news site misbehaving.

2012-11-26 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  Michael Drake wrote:

 In article,
Peter Young wrote:

 I have just downloaded #672 and ran it. I was horrified at the hash it
 made of my homepage, which is

 I'm not sure if I'm getting the same thing you are.  I just get the mobile
 version of their site.

Same here.

 It seems they've started sending the mobile version if the browser's
 useragent string contains armv5l, which NetSurf's does when running on
 the Iyonix hardware.

Might be any arm in the useragent string. I am using a Virtual Acorn 
and RISC OS Select 6.20 and the useragent string contains armv4l - I 
see exactly the same as Peter.

 NetSurf on x86 linux gets the desktop site.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

NetSurf running out of memory

2012-10-17 Thread Brian Jordan
The page shown at has started 
throwing up a NetSurf is running out of memory error since at least 
NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.

In fairness the file is a data file named as .html and RISC OS file 
typed as HTML; it is prepared for use in a program which later adds it 
to a template file to produce a valid page. The file contains valid 
HTML and for many years I have been able to open it in NetSurf as part 
of the editing process.

It opens as expected in NetSurf 2.9 and in the main Windows browsers 
and is available in a .zip file at


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: NetSurf running out of memory

2012-10-17 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  cj wrote:

 In article,
Brian Jordan wrote:
 The page shown at has started
 throwing up a NetSurf is running out of memory error since at
 least NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.

 If the first two lines

 $zonkpage 1.35


 are removed then it loads fine. These lines don't look like valid
 html to me.

This is what I intended to indicate in the explanatory paragraph, In 
fairness the file is a data file...

This is a report on the behaviour of recent test releases of NetSurf 
showing an inconsistency with what has gone before and with mainstream 
browsers. I would have expected a complaint about the content more 
than a warning about memory availability in this case.

Brian Jordan

Re: NetSurf running out of memory

2012-10-17 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  Rob Kendrick wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 01:14:07PM +0100, Brian Jordan wrote:

 This is a report on the behaviour of recent test releases of NetSurf
 showing an inconsistency with what has gone before and with mainstream
 browsers. I would have expected a complaint about the content more
 than a warning about memory availability in this case.

 Please see my reply on the 8th of October on a thread with similar
 subject to this.

My apologies, I missed that message.

Brian Jordan

Re: User feedback requested (esp. RISC OS)

2012-09-29 Thread Brian Jordan


 It would help us if people could test the new builds and let us know how
 you get on.

I have just downloaded and briefly used Netsurf from archive 

So far it has been in use for about 35 minutes, visiting several sites 
without problem.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Nervous tick

2012-04-26 Thread Brian Jordan
In article, David H Wild wrote:


 It does it here on my RPC 6.20 with r13571 as long as the picture is on
 the screen. Moving the page so that the picture is off the display
 stops the flicker but moving it back restarts the flickering.

Cat- pigeons

On my emulated machine (details in sig) and NetSurf r13571 I see no
evidence of this flickering, just the pointing hand. The problem seems to
be that the picture is part of a link (on PC Firefox clicking on it
causes an enlarged version of the picture to cover the underlying page)
but there is a missing /span in the html. After doing a Full save on
the page and inserting the /span appropriately the effect is quite
different; when the image is selected the picture appears in NetSurf, not
on the same page as in Firefox but in a new page. As I didn't see the tic
in the first place I can't confirm whether this has made it go away.

The corrected full save is in if you want to give it
a try.



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Speed

2011-02-04 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Porter wrote:
 The NetSurf web site says:

 Efficiency lies at the heart of the NetSurf engine, allowing it to 
 outwit the heavyweights of the web browser world. The NetSurf team 
 continue to squeeze more speed out of their code.

 I've been doing one or two comparisons on a 300MHz Kinetic RiscPC 
 running OS 6.16.


One thing occurs to me; you are using r11515 which is a development build
of Netsurf which has with it a warning Notice: At any given time these
builds may be unstable or have verbose logging enabled which could
compromise performance of the browser, have you fallen foul of this?

Maybe a comparison with the most recent release version might give a
different result.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Strange graphic doodad

2010-09-07 Thread Brian Jordan
In article, Richard Porter wrote:


 Why am I getting Not found for all of these links?

Presumably having fixed the problem Dave has removed the files.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Downloading zip files

2010-07-22 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Russell Hafter - Lists wrote:
 In article,
Rob Kendrick wrote:

  On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 08:42:25 +0100
  Russell Hafter - Lists wrote:

   Twice in the last week or so I have downloaded zipped
   archives from MW Software, using r10638.

   In both cases I did not get an archive icon to drag to a
   filer window, but the NetSurf window filled up with the

  Can you give us an example URL that demonstrates this?

 Given that in both cases I was downloading paid for software
 and had to enter username and password, I am not at liberty
 to do so. You would have to take that up with the owner.

 I was downloading the PostScript 3 Printer Driver and
 Easiwriter 8.82

Out of interest I took a look at the password protected Artworks area on
the MW site and can confirm that, there too, the download data fills the
browser page with data. However... on the area of the site where there
are free software downloads a normal Netsurf Download box with a
draggable icon appears.

By way of comparison Firefox on Win7 treats both downloads the same
offering a 'save' or 'open' option and not filling the browser window
with data.

Netsurf r10656


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Downloading zip files (from mw-software)

2010-07-22 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Rob Kendrick wrote:
 On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 11:40:14 +0100
 Brian Jordan wrote:

  Out of interest I took a look at the password protected Artworks area
  on the MW site and can confirm that, there too, the download data
  fills the browser page with data. However... on the area of the site
  where there are free software downloads a normal Netsurf Download
  box with a draggable icon appears.

 When the page is full of data, what do the type and encoding
 fields say in Menu - Page - Info?

Type: text/html
Encoding: Windows-1252 (detected)



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: NetSurf and Printing

2010-04-30 Thread Brian Jordan
In article, Dr Peter Young wrote:
 On 30 Apr 2010  Brian Jordan wrote:

  In article, Dr Peter Young wrote:
  On 30 Apr 2010  Dave Symes wrote:

  Has anyone else had problems printing from the recent releases of
  NetSurf, up to and including todays 30 April r10528?

  [Snip details]

  Just printed a simple page from r10528 without problems. Printers
  1.74 with the new PS3 driver, network-connected via RemotePrinterFS
  to a Xerox Phaser 6120, FWIW. Haven't tried anything more complex.

  Whereas I am seeing the same as DS. Interestingly (maybe?) You have
  RISC OS 5.16, presumably on an Iyonx, DS and I have RISC OS 6.20 [1].

  [1] OS versions versions extracted from email headers so unless your
  systems are spoofing I guess this is correct.

 Yes, correct; Iyonix 5.16. What about the versions of Printers and
 about the printer drivers?

Printers 1.91a
Using UniPrint to connect with my Windows side, so effectively printing
to file.



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Splitting of open brackets and next letter

2010-04-25 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Roger Darlington wrote:

 When bracketted text is in the wrong place on a line, then Netsurf may 
 split the open bracket from the next character.

[Snip example]

Isn't this what nbsp; is for? Without it I think any browser will
perform these arbitary splits if provoked. Obviously this can only be
fixed in one's own pages; other authors may need a nudge.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: Splitting of open brackets and next letter

2010-04-25 Thread Brian Jordan
In article, Steve
Fryatt wrote:
 On 25 Apr, Brian Jordan wrote in message

  In article, Roger
 Darlington wrote:
   When bracketted text is in the wrong place on a line, then Netsurf
   may split the open bracket from the next character.
  [Snip example]
  Isn't this what nbsp; is for? Without it I think any browser will
  perform these arbitary splits if provoked.

 Roger's example was bracket-letter, so no space is involved.

Ah yes, I'll look more closely in future.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: NetSurf 2.5 Released

2010-04-24 Thread Brian Jordan
In article, Michael Drake wrote:

 The NetSurf developers are happy to announce the immediate availability
 of NetSurf 2.5. This release contains many bug fixes and improvements.


And I'm happy to be using it as my default browser here.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: google maps

2010-03-16 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Tony Moore wrote:

[Snip problem with r9799 and Google maps]

 Can anyone please confirm this problem. If so, does anyone know of a
 link to Google Maps which still works?

Yes, I see exactly the same here.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.20

Re: NetSurf at Wakefield Show 2010

2010-01-16 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Steve Fryatt wrote:
 On 15 Jan, Michael Bell wrote in message

  In message
Rob Kendrick wrote:


 That may be true, but I've asked groups of RISC OS users to take on
 some of the more paper shuffling tasks that I've been doing for the
 platform over the last six months, to free up the time that I required
 for looking at NetSurf.  They were things that could be done with a
 copy of Ovation Pro and a grasp of the English langauge[1], but even
 these requests for help were met with total silence.

 1. For the avoidance of any possible doubt, these tasks were *not*
 Archive's PD Column or the editing of the Wakefield Club newsletter.

I have Ovation Pro, have a reasonable grasp of the English language and
would be willing to help if it enables an ongoing RISC OS presence at

I see that you have two other volunteers here; Peter, James and I
probably  a constitute a group of RISC OS users so let us know what is



Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.16

Re: Page crashes Netsurf

2009-06-10 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Richard Torrens (lists) wrote: crashes Netsurf. Not a normal crash: Netsurf simply
 evaporates. No log, no warning.

 Done so 3 times, so it's consistent here.

That page works fine here in 7703 and 7730. There is a brief Server
returned an error message while the page renders but that is all.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA
RISC OS 6.16

Re: NetSurf 2.0 + Royal Mail Address Finder

2009-04-29 Thread Brian Jordan
In article,
   Russell Hafter - Lists wrote:
 It was not possible to use the Royal Mail's Address Finder
 with NetSurf 1.2, though many of the more recent test builds
 did work OK.

 I have just tried it with NetSurf 2.0 and there is a problem


Works well here

RISC OS 6.16
NetSurf r7370


Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

CSS changed?

2009-01-25 Thread Brian Jordan
A recent change to Netsurf has caused one of my sites to stop rendering
as I intended. Very recently [1] my site at started
having its content jumping out of the containing div in a very
inelegant fashion. It looks as if the left margin is spacing the content
away from the floated left menu buttons whereas previously it was spaced
from the left side of the containing div.
I am happy to concede that I am a CSS newcomer and that my code may well
be at fault, nontheless it worked until recently and continues to work on
most other browsers in XP, Mac and Ubuntu.

Can anyone using a not fully up to date Netsurf 2 have a look and help me
narrow the change down so that I can report this properly?


[1] This has happened within the last month but I can't say exactly when
as I don't have previous builds available to me, I am also aware that the
photo galleries don't work in NetSurf due to my use of some CSS which
hasn't been implemented yet inNetsurf and I am not concerned about this
but it would be nice to see the home page and other simple pages working
even though I am probably the only person to view this site in NetSurf.


Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: Web site downloads section

2009-01-07 Thread Brian Jordan

In article,
   Michael Drake wrote:

 The NetSurf web site's downloads section has been restructured to
 accommodate other operating systems.

 The RISC OS section looks pretty much like the old downloads section
 used to look, although the RiscPKG package information has been moved
 to the bottom of the development builds page and there are a few other

 Since things have moved around quite a bit, please let us know if you
 find any broken links.

The Development builds link in

leads to a Page not found error page. This is similar to an error in
the internal help documentation which I reported to the webmaster



Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Broken link on NetSurf site

2008-12-18 Thread Brian Jordan
Recent attempts to download the latest development build of Netsurf 
via the internal help files fail. The Development builds link from 
produces a Page not found error
The Test builds link from 
works as expected.


Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: Broken link on NetSurf site

2008-12-18 Thread Brian Jordan
In message
  Dr Peter Young wrote:

 On 18 Dec 2008  Brian Jordan wrote:

 Recent attempts to download the latest development build of Netsurf
 via the internal help files fail. The Development builds link from
 produces a Page not found error
 The Test builds link from
 works as expected.

 URL pointed to by the Documentation file:

 which is the page which doesn't exist. Can the developers fix this
 perhaps? If anyone can tell any of us out here how to submit a
 modified file, I'm sure some of us could do this, and save developers'

Fixing the file is trivial, involving the removal of 3 characters. 
This might not be the problem however, it could be that the page being 
requested is misnamed or missing.

Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: Saving background images

2008-12-05 Thread Brian Jordan
  Paul Vigay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to save/export the background image from a web page?
 Irrespective of where you click, NetSurf's 'Object' menu item is greyed
 out. Fresco used to export the background image by clicking MENU somewhere
 over the background in the top-left corner of the page.

 I'm trying to save the background image from a website, but looking at the
 source, it's quite fiddly to find, involving manually searching through
 loads of CSS files. Is there an easier way that I'm missing?

Full save and look through the images? If you have Thump you can even 
drag the saved directory onto that and see thumbnails.


Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: Overlapping text and pictures

2008-11-02 Thread Brian Jordan
  Brian Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This doesn't!

Ah! Silly me, it is necessary to follow the link on this page to get 
to the problem page. Sorry for any confusion on my part.
Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: Overlapping text and pictures

2008-11-02 Thread Brian Jordan
  Michael Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This URL :-
This shows the problem...

This doesn't!

 shows overlapping text abnd pictures.

 The update of Netsurf is (26 oct 12:30) r5632.

 Michael Bell

Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: Export PDF functionality in NetSurf

2008-07-27 Thread Brian Jordan
  John Tytgat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm happy to announce we just did the first merge of Adam Blokus' GSoC work
 (providing Export PDF functionality in NetSurf) to our main development


 John, as mentor of Adam's work.
This is a great start. Thanks to all concerned.

Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: bizarre redraw problem

2007-10-07 Thread Brian Jordan
   Brian Howlett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 6 Oct, Tony Moore wrote:

  When NetSurf (30 Sep 2007) r3613 displays if the
  vertical scroll bar is moved down, bits of the Windows logo and the
  search box overwrite the NetSurf toolbar. Using a StrongED window, to
  wipe away the mess, causes the StrongED window to be overwritten too.

  Is this a NetSurf or RISC OS 6.06 problem?

 It doesn't happen with the 4-10-07 21:30 r3622 build, on Iyonix with 
Same Netsurf build here on RISC OS 6.06 (Virtual RPC-Adjust) displays the
page without the described problem.


Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.

Re: No default magnification

2007-08-13 Thread Brian Jordan
   Paul Sprangers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear developers,

 At some point, builds since the beginning of August fail to take the
 default scale factor into account. I have a default magnification of
 150% (manually set in the choices file), but since a few days, NetSurf
 overrules this by displaying everything at 100%. I'd love to see a fix.

 Kind regards,
 Paul Sprangers

Out of interest,why do you set this manually in the choices file? I have
scaling set at 120% set via the Display - Scale view menu. This sets the
relevant line in the choices file to option_scale:120. Remember to
Save as default though.


Brian Jordan
From somewhere in North Hampshire. England. UK.