Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-15 Thread williamjnshon001
This post is really good which is describe in above but I have another issue 
when I tried to install the latest version of Windows 10 it shows an error 
 so I want a proper solution how to remove this error as soon as possible.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-06 Thread cantanima
> On the other hand there were Java and Python frontends on the GCC, and where 
> are they now? I think only Ada and Fortran frontends are really good GCC 
> citizens along side with C/C++/ObjC.

The main Modula-2 developer said at a 2016 GCC development conference that the 
developers' penchant for changing major subsystems makes things pretty hard on 
front end developers. The silver lining (his phrase) is "a cleaner front end."

For Modula-2, where there really isn't much competition, where the language has 
stopped developing, and where the main developer is a guy who has spent his 
life implementing Modula-2 compilers, that probably isn't a problem. (Yet even 
now, after 20 years, it's still not part of GCC proper!) For Java, the 
open-source competition, the constant extension to the language, and the fact 
that other opportunities are available for the people who work on that sort of 
thing, probably spelled the end of the GCC effort. The GCJ developers said this 
explicitly, and I imagine that this is true of Python, especially with the 
Python2 -> Python3 revamp a decade ago.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-06 Thread dom96
Yeah, honestly I don't see this helping D's popularity all that much. It 
certainly doesn't hurt, but let's not panic or make it our goal to do the same. 
The most impactful way to increase Nim's popularity is to _write about it_ and 
_talk about it_ at conferences and with colleagues and friends.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-06 Thread LeFF
Yes, but the DMD's fronend version in GCC 9.1 is like 8 versions behind the 
current one, this is kinda bad. On the other hand there were Java and Python 
frontends on the GCC, and where are they now? I think only Ada and Fortran 
frontends are really good GCC citizens along side with C/C++/ObjC.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-05 Thread cantanima
> I wonder if that will affect D's popularity...

What does "mainlined" mean?

Ada and Modula-2 have had GCC frontends for decades now, but they're still 
basically invisible. One reason may be that they typically require you to 
download and/or build a separate compiler. In Modula-2 you have to download an 
earlier GCC, then compile it through a process that does not seem to work half 
the time. (I felt a huge sense of accomplishment when I made it work on one 
machine, then moved to another machine and couldn't replicate it.) For Ada you 
basically have to download gnat, which may or may not install an earlier 
version of GCC.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-05 Thread Libman
Back on topic, [the big news in 

"The D programming language front-end has finally been mainlined in GCC! There 
is now D support beginning with GCC 9."

I wonder if that will affect D's popularity...

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-05 Thread Libman
> It's may be a strange question, but what do you think about PureBasic ?

I don't think about PureBasic, because it's proprietary. I don't hate 
proprietary software - I'm sure plenty of people find it useful - but I have no 
use for it personally.

It seems like PureBasic had a _raison d 'être_ around the turn of the 
millennium, when BASIC / VB was popular in universities and business, and that 
carries some momentum to the present day. It added Mac & Linux/GTK support, and 
went a different path than MS VB did with .NET, which probably made it a better 
BASIC for many business needs.

But in the current year there are better alternatives on every level. It can't 
run on other OSes (ex. FreeBSD) without emulation. Its GUI builder is no longer 
a competitive advantage given free 
[Glade]( / [Qt 
Creator](, which have bindings for 
many high-level languages. (Not to mention that Java and Mono are now portable 
and "free".) And the BASIC syntax is (IMHO?) much uglier than languages like 
Crystal, Swift, D, and especially Nim.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-04 Thread mashingan
perhaps what you want is 
[quote]( proc?

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-04 Thread dom96
yeah, that's a current limitation. You should either use `ref` or 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-03 Thread cy
Thanks for implementing it! The only problem I ever had was how you can't bind 
var parameters, since it assumes you might be resuming the future in a 
different thread. object = await object.method(...) works for most of the time 
I'd want to pass a var object though.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-03 Thread cy
I mean a string composed of tokens. You can't do say parseExpr{a * x + b} which 
in D just syntax highlights everything normal even inside the {}. parseExpr"a * 
x + b" requires the editor to treat everything between "a * x + b" as untyped, 
untokenized string characters.

It's really a very minor quibble though. Nim has statement macros, which work 
in much the same way.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-03 Thread mratsim
If by token string you mean string mixins you can parseExpr"a * x + b" and 
parseStmt"var a: int" if you want to do string-based macros.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-03 Thread dom96
> The languages are pretty close in all the other aspects though, and I run 
> into async/await situations a lot. So, that's why I've been using Nim lately.

Yay! Awesome to hear something I've implemented is pushing people towards Nim. 
Happy to help with any problems you run into btw, feel free to ping me on IRC :)

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-03 Thread cy
  * _D_ \- concurrency uses kernel threads or longjmp, with little language 
support for async semantics
  * _Nim_ \- has await. Rewrites procedures to be async friendly. Futures that 
don't rely on kernel threads.

That's basically the biggest factor in my mind for using Nim. Everything I can 
do in D, I can pretty much do in C, but async futures are not something I can 
do in C. The strategy in D is to make asynchronicity based on kernel threads, 
which while fine in theory, doesn't really perform well in IO bound 
applications, and actually comes with some serious problems since you can't 
make provable assertions about which thread will run when. Deadlocks, 
undetectable memory leaks, and all because nobody ever bothered to use D's 
powerful macro language to implement async/await. They have longjmp based 
fibers, but they're pretty rudimentary, with no futures, or CPS rewriting or 

Though longjmp based fibers take a lot of memory, they are relatively fast and 
deterministic, so await style procedure rewriting isn't strictly necessary. And 
if you can prove it doesn't _matter_ when each thread is executing, you can 
make strong assertions about your algorithm, so threaded concurrency _can_ work 
in theory. So it might be nitpicking to criticize D there. The languages are 
pretty close in all the other aspects though, and I run into async/await 
situations a _lot_. So, that 's why I've been using Nim lately.

Honestly I _love_ D's syntax to bits. I can't expect a human to be able to 
understand a language that a code editor cannot logically comprehend enough to 
auto-indent, so whitespace indented languages like Nim make me a little leery. 
Also D has those token strings, which aren't precisely hygenic macros, but are 
pretty easy for a code highlighter to parse. Oh, and Nim's grammar is poorly 
defined. You'll see terms in the grammar like "typeDescK" which you have to 
sort of psychically guess the meaning of, since the grammar just never defines 
it. So D wins in terms of syntax, but... I need my async/await.

D's old so it's got a lot of cruft, for what that's worth. (They had to deal 
with the (ugh) wide character fad.)

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-03 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Wow: rather curious analysis here. It's may be a strange question, but what do 
_you_ think about **PureBasic** ?

Recently I found myself comparing with **Nim** : both converts their code to 
different languages before native code, both have portable runtime, both 
promote heavy macroengine usage.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-27 Thread Libman
> why "Projects like Nim and D can never be failures"?

I've explained that point. At very least they brought value to the thousands of 
programmers that used them, but that's just one aspect of their achievement.

D (since 2001) and Nim popularized the idea that a language can come close to 
the execution speed of C/C++ while giving programmers a ton of benefits like 
better developer productivity, a much better syntax (ex. 
metaprogramming, modern library / module management, faster compile times, etc. 
Some of those ideas have made it back into C++ enhancement proposals, as well 
as newer languages (ex. Swift).

This is how progress often happens in the world of free software: experimental 
innovations often start in less popular projects and spread to more popular 
ones if successful. OpenBSD and FreeBSD pioneered many security innovations 
that only later made it to Linux. NetBSD was used to bootstrap the GCC 
toolchain to obscure platforms before Linux support caught up. Etc.

> what is the common between them?

  * Both compile to lean native binaries (unlike the majority of languages, 
which are either interpreted or executed on top of a VM).
  * They come [close to the speed of C]( 
even with GC. And they can [replace C]( 
with manual memory management.
  * When I look through examples on Rosetta Code, I usually find that D and Nim 
are the only statically typed languages that don't make my eyes bleed. 🤮
  * They are also 100% free and [legally unencumbered]( 
(ex. unlike Java, Ada, Delphi). They're also grass-roots projects; not 
advertising campaigns for Google (Go, Dart), Microsoft (.NET, TypeScript), 
Apple (Swift), etc.
  * Both Nim and D have multiple compiler backends. With Nim you can choose any 
C compiler backend, plus there's [NLVM]( 
With D there's dmd, ldc (LLVM), and gdc (GCC).

* * *

> what do you think about redlang

[Red/System]( is interesting. 
I do like [the syntax]( Cdecl FFI 
seems pretty easy.

But in many ways it's not in the same league as Nim and D:

  * **Libraries:** Red doesn't have an organized [module 
ecosystem]( I couldn't find things as simple as 
PostgreSQL support. GitHub has total_count of 
[280]( Red projects, 
compared to [3,115]( 
for Nim / [10,325]( for 
  * **Performance:** I can't find Red/System included in any benchmarks with 
Nim or D, which is quite telling. It also doesn't seem to have a [competitive 
Web framework](
  * **Portability:** Nim one of the most portable languages imaginable (though 
I can't vouch for the stdlib), easily including every living Unix (ex. 
 Solaris, AIX), 
etc. This means you can write a tool in Nim, and people will be able to `nimble 
install` it anywhere, including new / experimental / future OSes / 
microprocessors. D is behind in ports, but its [inclusion in 
GCC]( means very broad architecture support. Red 
only supports [12]( OS/CPU 
architecture combinations. It requires i386 binaries even on 64-bit Linux, and 
isn't included in ports for any more exotic OS.
  * **Static Binaries:** Red/System is indeed a very lean execution 
environment, but it doesn't seem to support static binaries (as far as I can 
immediately tell). A "Hello World" binary is lean, but depends on 2+ MB of i386 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-25 Thread greypaine
The overall part which may be going to get the part perfectly to handle it in 
such part to enable it to 
 that require to manage it so which will be going to provide it. 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-25 Thread oyster
why "Projects like Nim and D can never be failures"? what is the common between 
them? open source? what do you think about redlang 
[]( which is said to promote 
new idea of rebol language, however I think red lang is doomed to fail since it 
focuses on e-wallet last year. 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-25 Thread Libman
Projects like Nim and D can never be failures. They've introduced or spread 
many new ideas. Many of those ideas have already crosspolinated to other 
languages. If some ideas don't spread, they were still a worthwhile experiment.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-25 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
> Sorry, but same could be said about other languages that have better tooling 
> and community support. With the important difference that those other 
> languages will not blow up in your face due to the maintainers fiddling 
> around with new features. As regards maintenance, with D I used to lose a lot 
> of time fixing my code from one compiler version to the next (what a waste of 
> time) or trying to figure out what would be the best way to work around D's 
> messy string handling and how it would affect both the performance and the 
> flow / logic of the program.

This has to be an epidemic now.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-25 Thread zulu
Because open source is not really sustainable. People act too entitled. 
Everyone is basically looking for a big banquet of all you can eat buffet but 
someone else has to foot the bill. Of course Nim,D,Crystal cant do that. They 
do not have the mega corporation paying top dollar for all the engineers. 
There's no momentum.

But really even Google cant push Dart as far as they would and Rust is not such 
a success like people want you to believe. Yes there's more Rust positions out 
there than D positions but probably less than Go positions. Why is that ?

Because Rust is hard and the costs of investing in Rust are steep.

I would say the language has failed when there are no developers anymore 
interested in writing in that language and when there are no users using any 
services or products that used that language. In a sense there's very few 
languages that had failed.

There were times when people doubted almost any language less popular than Java 
(or now JavaScript) as failed languages. Heck people even considered C# and PHP 
failed languages.

I think people are just frustrated they dont get to use their favorite language 
at work. That's all.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-25 Thread LeFF
People in the D community is actively discussing if D has failed: 
 It is kinda interesting and frustrating to see how big and old living project 
being pushed by very talanted programmers (like Bright and Alexandrescu for 
example) is still considered to be failing by many people in the community. 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-24 Thread ellajonshon01
This post is really good but I have another issue when I tried to install 
windows 10 latest version then my system shows an error 
 so I really want a proper solution how to remove this error as soon as 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-24 Thread ellajonshon01
This post is really good but I have another issue when I tried to install 
windows 10 latest version then my system shows an error 
 so I really want a proper solution how to remove this error as soon as 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-24 Thread ellajonshon01

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-24 Thread ellajonshon01

Re: Nim vs D

2019-04-01 Thread angilina04
This post is really good but I have another issue which is related to my 
printer when I connect my printer with wifi it shows an error 
 so I really want a proper solution on this error as soon as possible.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-03-20 Thread bratpaine
This will be going to manage it in such part where the user will liable to 
proceed it with the 
 so just follow the function. 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-01-10 Thread moerm
I agree with some points but that

> The NIM project founder is sort of a one person show in development and 
> promotion.

is plain wrong.

Not having a large organization like Mozilla behind it Nim can obviously not 
compete with some "competitors" in terms of how many full time developers it 
has - but it does have some, plus some who more devs who are not in the core 
team but who significantly contribute to Nim. 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-01-10 Thread arso96
The NIM project founder is sort of a one person show in development and 
promotion. I wouldn't say it is not ready for real (commercial) use without 
being objective, as you have to really characterize what those requirements 
are. If one considers commercial criteria to be something like: toolchain 
quality, IDE support, documentation, platform support, sustainable community, 
fair licensing terms, significant technical merits, actual adoption in the 
enterprise or research community, and commercial support available. I'd agree 
that if your graded NIM across these criteria, it doesn't score high. What 
impresses me about it are the technical merits, platform support, and its 

Re: Nim vs D

2019-01-02 Thread wadesteve
The process where it will be going to provide the perfection for the user to 
proceed it. So this will be taking guided by the";>epson](";>epson)
 printer not printingfor finding the valuable work which will be going to 
acquire the part.

Re: Nim vs D

2019-01-02 Thread wadesteve
The process where it will be going to provide the perfection for the user to 
proceed it. So this will be taking guided by the";>epson](";>epson)
 printer not printingfor finding the valuable work which will be going to 
acquire the part.

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-14 Thread moerm
Let me help you out. I'll emphasize the relevant word to make it easier for you.

> I can let other opinions stand and have no need to "facepalm" or similar to 
> otherwise belittle or attack **anyone** here

Maybe, just maybe one might take my opinion re. D as "attack" or belittling IFF 
I had it written in the _D_ forum. Which, however, is not the case.

More generally: Why are you all here, why are you using (and liking I hope) 
Nim? Because you think that at least for certain jobs it's better than other 
languages. Maybe even because you think (like myself) that Nim is generally a 
better language. Some here might be well advised to think about that before 
getting excited.

I did _not_ call Mr. Bright or any D developer stupid or anything negative. I 
merely stated my personal opinion about D the language - not about any people 
involved with D.

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-14 Thread SolitudeSF

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-14 Thread moerm
So? You have your opinion and I have mine - and as you saw (with my no further 
discussing with someone else) I _can_ let other opinions stand and have no need 
to "facepalm" or similar to otherwise belittle or attack anyone here. In fact I 
assume the differences in our views largely stem from different points of 
views, needs, priorities and not from ill will. But well, that attitude seems 
to not be in reach for everyone.

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-14 Thread Libman
I was hoping for a more adult analysis of [Alexandrescu's introspection 
and Nim vs D...

> FWIW I had a look at D multiple times and learned to fervently dislike it. My 
> personal summary is that D is but yet another better C/C++ attempt with funny 
> gadgets added and an utter lack of consistence in concept and design.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I partially agree, but this crude 
attitude is not very persuasive.

I suspect that much of this dislike is only 
[skin-deep]( Some people reject Nim for its 
some dislike D for its [wooden 
joints]( and 
semicolons... Adding an alternative parser / skin / compiler front-end to 
either would be a relatively small effort compared to everything else involved 
in creating a compiler, tooling, and library ecosystem. It's sad that this 
leads to so much fragmentation and duplication of effort... In VM ecosystems 
people can "agree to disagree" on the syntax (ex. Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, 
[etc]( while sharing 
almost everything else, but native systems languages are stuck reinventing the 

> To even put Nim and D next to each other is ridiculous.


I agree with @mratsim about the similarities. I've long said that D is Nim's 
nearest competitor. Both languages are GC-by-default feature-rich system 
languages with [similar features]( and 
[performance qualities]( Both are a lot 
less popular than they deserve to be. They are also top contenders for people 
who care about [ecosystem independence]( 
and [legal unencumberedness]( 

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-09 Thread mratsim
> Well noted, I could provide more detail (and I did for Nim which is worth it) 
> but I don't for D.

No you didn't develop for Nim as well.

> With all due respect I'm not interested in your list. Those things are 
> technicalities. A good language, however, needs deeper insights (I'd even say 
> wisdom).

Your argument basically boils down to braces vs no-braces, while you dismiss my 
list as technicalities I could also dismiss yours as superficiality.

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-09 Thread moerm
Hmm, I see. A classical political correctness and Über-Ich argument ...

Well, no. I clearly said "personal summary" and I have no obligation to meet 
any arbitrary conditions like e.g. "examples!" Well noted, I _could_ provide 
more detail (and I did for Nim which is _worth it_ ) but I don't for D.

But I will provide one hint as a token of good will: readability. Unlike Nim D 
stayed stuck in the braces and "let's save some characters for efficiency" 
paradigm - which has been demonstrated to be a _major_ source of errors. 
Summary: D is, just as I said, just yet another "let's make a better C/C++" 
(with some thrown in/glued on modern stuff.

With all due respect I'm not interested in your list. Those things are 
technicalities. A good language, however, needs deeper insights (I'd even say 
wisdom). Araq demonstrably has that insight while Mr. Bright actually comes 
from a decades long C compiler background. Nothing against Mr. Bright, he is 
probably a nice and smart man, but he even said himself (!) that D came into 
existence to be a better C/C++. Classical premise problem.

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-09 Thread mratsim
There's no need for disparaging other languages, especially without examples to 
give more substance to your claims.

I do feel like in terms of design goals and at a high level, D is the closest 
cousin of Nim.

  * statically compiled
  * strong meta-programming and CTFE
  * C and C++ FFI
  * Procedural programming with a bloat-free syntax
  * fast compilation speed
  * GC with escape hatch (?)

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-08 Thread moerm
FWIW I had a look at D multiple times and learned to fervently dislike it. My 
personal summary is that D is but yet another better C/C++ attempt with funny 
gadgets added and an utter lack of consistence in concept and design.

To even put Nim and D next to each other is ridiculous.

Re: Nim vs D

2018-12-08 Thread Libman
" **I believe we are the language with the best static introspection in the 
world** " — [AA]( @ [Dconf 
2018 in Munich](, three minutes into "[Ask Us 


Metaprogrammingnerdkrieg... ;-) 

Re: Nim vs D

2018-03-27 Thread timothee
I've created a git repo to compare D vs nim, with the goal of having an up to 
date comparison of features between D and nim and 1:1 map of features and 
libraries to help D users learn nim and vice versa. Better as a git repo than a 
forum to have all info organized in 1 place.

PR's are welcome and merged quickly. Thanks!


Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread bpr
I like D quite a bit, and there's clearly been some convergent evolution (UFCS) 
with Nim. The D story with respect to memory management is still unfolding. As 
was already said, I think the language could have been designed to make GC 
easier, perhaps separating **ref** and **ptr** like Nim. Then it might not be 
in the current mess with the GC.

I like Nim the language more. I'd like it if Nim modules could be locally 
imported, like D ones, but I'm pretty sure Araq doesn't like that idea.

IMO, the main advantage of D vs Nim is that the language is already well past 
it's '1.0' release and has a larger community. It feels like a safer bet for 
many industrial users, though not as safe as any mainstream language. Nim is 
still more of a work in progress than D, 
 of the manual aren't implemented, the OO and async stories are unfolding, the 
community is tiny, and most discussion appears to happen on the IRC. It's still 
an 'early adopter' language.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread cblake
This recursion unpacking/unrolling trick that gcc does (at call-site if 
insulated by call via volatile function ptr, and always inside the recursive 
impl) is, in my experience, a rare compiler optimization, but maybe it will 
catch on. clang does _neither_. If you `objdump -D` the executable (or 
disassemble in `gdb`/etc.) you will see the single `callq` to Fibonacci at the 
entry with the full N and a pair of `callq` inside the impl. So with clang the 
full [1.618**n 
 happens. On my i7-6700K Linux with gcc-7.1.0&clang-4.0.1, I get a time ratio 
of about 15.3 to 1 (53.5s/3.5s).

For what it's worth, it's likely the compiler writer guys think of this as 
mostly a "remove a few funcalls here and there" type optimization..maybe use 
SSE/AVX/branch predictor a bit better, maybe save a little dynamic stack usage, 
etc. This doubly recursive Fibonacci approach just happens to be about as 
sensitive as possible to that particular optimization because it can save 
exponentially many funcalls.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-08 Thread oyster
I am using mingw64/clang64 in Msys2. But I found that the exe file build by 
clang runs very slower than exe by gcc.

The nim is a fresh build from github source yesterday 

$ nim
Nim Compiler Version 0.17.1 (2017-07-07) [Windows: amd64]
Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Andreas Rumpf

for the mentioned nim file (a.nim) 

proc fibonacci(n: int): float =
  if n < 2:
result = float(n)
result = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

echo fibonacci(50)

first, for cc = gcc in nim.cfg 

$ gcc --version
gcc.exe (Rev2, Built by MSYS2 project) 6.2.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

$ nim c -d:release --out:a_gcc.exe a.nim

$ du -b ./a_gcc.exe
457546  ./a_gcc.exe

$ time ./a_gcc.exe

sys 0m0.015s

Then use cc = clang in nim.cfg 

$ clang --version
clang version 3.9.1 (tags/RELEASE_391/final)
Target: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: E:\msys64\mingw64\bin

$ nim c -d:release --out:a_clang.exe a.nim

$ du -b ./a_clang.exe
423480  ./a_clang.exe

$ time ./a_clang.exe

sys 0m0.015s

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread cblake
I get the same perfect line with the Nim fib(47..57) as well. { Well, slightly 
slower: log_1.618(wall) =~ N - 47.35. So, 1.618**(47.67-47.35) = 1.16 or around 
16% slower. }

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread aedt
@cblale I was actually talking about the Nim fib(55)

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread cblake
@aedt - with that C program I posted and just changing the numbers, I see no 
change in behavior at all: 

N  fib(N)   log_2(Fib(N)) WallTimeUsrCPU log_1.618(Tm)
57 365435256832 38.410825 88.338572   88.29  9.31268150798
56 225851408384 37.716583 54.570624   54.54  8.31166257771
55 139583848448 37.022341 33.718429   33.7   7.31112152655
54 86267559936  36.328100 20.863663   20.85  6.31352254278
53 53316284416  35.633857 12.885360   12.87  5.31201286047
52 32951275520  34.939615 7.9617497   7.95   4.31148872869
51 20365008896  34.245373 4.9201932   4.91   3.31125979281
50 12586267648  33.551131 3.0422103   3.04   2.31214787174
49 7778741248   32.856890 1.8785994   1.87   1.31034617400
48 4807526400   32.162648 1.1626232   1.16   0.31313742467
47 2971214848   31.468406 0.7182663   0.71  -0.68769978950
46 1836311680   30.774164 0.4441032   0.44  -1.68685323404
45 1134903040   30.079922 0.275319635 0.27  -2.68048037749

Indeed the fit is basically a perfect straight line: log_1.618(time) = N - 
47.67. The integer is only passed around as an argument. The arithmetic is all 
float32 (or maybe float64 depending on impl). So, to me this is as should be 
expected. I believe that is the case in all your benchmark versions, too. Not 
sure what is going on for you.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread Krux02
I think the difference is in the details, but the details matter. I would 
really be interested to get some experience from people who actually had 
projects in both languages. Because then you get to know about differences that 
actually matter.

A tiny feature of the Nim language, the dot call syntax for simple procedures 
in combination with the generics really changed a lot of how I structure my 
code. My mind is now free of class hierarchies mixins traits and all that other 
crap I simply don't need anymore. Maybe here and there, but I don't want it 
anymore, and I don't try to use it anymore to solve my problems. I did not 
expect this to be so nice to work with. D is more with the old fashioned class 
systems, at least that is what I expect it to be. I did not actually use D, I 
just read the documentation and presentations about it. 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread euant
The [recent blog 
 I wrot eon the Nim blog also explored performance and build times in D/Nim 
based upon a blog post on the D site.

In it you can see that D and Nim achieve similar speeds in that particular 
benchmark (with Nim being faster when using Clang, but slower when using GCC 
according to [this 

What I found most interesting in that performance comparison though was how 
easy it was to write an optimal version of the Nim program - the standard 
library CSV parser was my first choice of tool and I didn't have to then dig 
around for more optimisations (like D's 5 steps to get an optimal version using 
things like "splitter" and "appender!") which says a lot about how well written 
Nim's standard library and the language itself is in my eyes.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread aedt

Also I have noticed that if you do a fib(55) the time increases significantly. 
This is probably because of integer precision choices, but I may be wrong.


I agree. The generated C codes always add a great deal of tedious optimizations 
that users will tend to forget about.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread cblake
Oh, sure. There isn't _usually_ a 1.618**4 kind of work reduction in play, 
though.  Araq would know, but I doubt the reason NimMainInnner is called 
through a volatile function pointer is to trick gcc's optimizer, though that is 
a happy side effect. 

To me, this was just a performance mystery that I found curious and thought 
others might appreciate the answer to. Also, more Nim-relevant might be the 
[automatic memoization thread]( which is a 
more dramatic optimization aedt might appreciate.

Of course, an in-line array or even just the closed-form formula are faster 
still for Fibonacci, but presumably the point of this benchmark from xyz32/aedt 
was to stress test recursion in a programming language. They may want to 
reconsider that benchmark to something with less exponential sensitivity to 
unrolling tricks - unless, of course, the intent is to measure unrolling 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread Araq
The produced C code by Nim tends to optimize well in general though. 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread cblake
Ok. This works (replicates Nim performance) for me (on gcc-7.1.0 x86_64 Linux - 
not sure what others): 

float fibonacci(int x) {
return x < 2 ? (float)x : fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);
void NimMainInner() {
printf("%.0f\n", fibonacci(50));
int main() {
void (*volatile inner)(void) = NimMainInner;
return 0;

Evidently, gcc can only figure out how to unroll the top levels of the 
recursion {to call just fibonacci(38..44)} only if the call site has been 
isolated by being called through a volatile function pointer which Nim happens 
to do.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread cblake
In case anyone else is curious about aedt's fibonacci benchmarks, I found an 
explanation for the approx 6..8X time difference of C vs Nim (with gcc as a 
backend, on Linux). It took digging into assembly to figure it out, though. 
With the Nim version, the nested calls/various module boilerplate allow gcc to 
unpack the top several entries of the recursion _at the call site_. It is not a 
properly memoized/fully made iterative tail call, though as in aedt's editted 
comment. (Both versions unpack a few levels in the fibonacci function itself). 
So, really the doubly recursive call is invoked with a number 4 or 5 smaller 
than the pure C implementation and so runs much faster since the running time 
is exponential in N. So, this is mostly just good luck for Nim-gcc in this 
highly specific benchmark, not something fundamental in the language or impls 
that would generalize all that well. (I haven't figured out how to tweak the 
pure C to get gcc to engage that optimization, but presumably someday the gcc 
folks will do so behind the scenes or maybe there's already a magic -f flag I'm 
unaware of.)

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread yglukhov
@aedt Don't get me wrong, Andrei Alexandrescu and Walter Bright are on my list 
of the smartest people and are there to stay. Some time ago I considered D to 
be the best language ever. But you know, opinions may change over time =)

Nim also has CTFE, but it is more powerful, because it allows to run other 
processes, and FS access. Also Nim's CTFE is a register VM, while in D it is an 
interpreter. Theoretically this makes Nim CTFE faster, but surely it's just an 
implementation detail that may change eventually.

Nim's macro system is so powerful, that you can implement D string mixins in it 
like so:

import macros

macro stringMixinLikeInD(s: static[string]): untyped = parseStmt(s) # This 
is the implementation of string mixins. Period.

const myNimCode = """
echo "hello world"


But you're not likely to do such things in Nim, because macros are smarter than 
that. When you get the hang of Nim you will start asking questions why in D 
statically computed values are called enums =). I know, it's C++ legacy, but 
just think of it. In Nim those are consts, just like it should be.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread mratsim
For me the killer feature is readability: no bracket, no semicolon.

Also when reading other's Nim code, most of the code I see is really clean and 
in short self-contained functions.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread Jehan
**gokr:** _I don't know D, but I am quite sure that Nim beats D on these three 
specific meta programming aspects (just looked them up quickly)._

This is arguable. While Nim's AST manipulations are generally more powerful, 
the "string mixin hacks" are often plenty sufficient to get the job done and 
generating strings is generally much easier than generating AST structures. 
What I really want is both, not one or the other.

**gokr:** _Nim uses a VM (!) during compilation (also the basis of Nimscript) 
which means meta programming and const procs etc can be run at compile time._

D also has CTFE. That's not a significant difference.

For what it's worth, the killer difference between D and Nim for me is the GC. 
D doesn't have an incremental GC (let alone a generational one), and the (fully 
conservative, stop-the-world) one it has just isn't very good. While there's 
some interest in improving the situation, the language design of D makes it 
difficult to fix the core issues involved. This leads to D having the problem 
of trying to work around the GC not just where a GC isn't a suitable option, 
but also where D's GC runs into its limitations. In short, D sometimes would 
force me to revert to manual memory management, which I have no interest in 

There are other things that I really like about Nim, but that's the do-or-die 
aspect of it. (As a result, Nim competes with OCaml for most of the work I'm 
doing, not D.)

Other than that, there's a lot of good stuff in D that I really, really like 
(Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu have probably forgotten more about 
language design and implementation than I know) and where I wouldn't mind if 
Nim borrowed a thing or two.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread gokr
@aedt Regarding CTFE, static ifs and Mixins:

Araq (author of Nim) already mentioned **"A real hygienic macro system, no 
string mixin hacks."**.

I don't know D, but I am quite sure that Nim beats D on these three specific 
meta programming aspects (just looked them up quickly).

Nim uses a VM (!) during compilation (also the basis of Nimscript) which means 
meta programming and const procs etc can be run at compile time. Also, the AST 
is yours to manipulate using macros/templates in Nim running via the same VM, 
so ... it's pretty darn neat.

I haven't personally dwelved much into Nim's meta capabilities, but anyone 
following Nim will find that it's the basis of a LOT of good nice stuff in Nim.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski
D may be more "complete" as it is older.

Nim has compile time function execution and Mixins, but D's Mixins may be 
different, I don't know. Static ifs -- maybe that is what Nims when expression 
is. From the current version of the book it may be not possible to learn all 
the advanced stuff of Nim, you may also consult the manual and read the forum 
postings of the smart people in the last years.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread aedt
@ yglukhov

While you make good points, I would argue that D feels more ... ... "complete". 
Don't get me wrong, I like Nim. However D is self hosted, and it has nice 
features like CTFE, static ifs and Mixins etc. I'm currently reading through 
the Nim book so I don't quite know if Nim has these.

Both D and Nim are great imo, but D has had the blessing of genius minds like 
Andrei Alexandrescu and Walter Bright.

Tldr: Haven't finished the book yet, Nim looks pretty promising but I can't 
compare them yet. If anything, both these are easier to work with than C++.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread yglukhov
I've used to use D a while ago, but here are the things that made me switch and 
i'm not going back.

  * Nim is magnitudes of orders easier to contribute to. Not only the compiler 
code is easier to reason about (at least for me), but PRs are accepted a lot 
more willingly. I bet such openness of the core devs makes Nim evolution faster 
and I hope it's gonna stay that way no matter 1.0.
  * Nim emits C code and you can break in with emit pragma. That means that in 
no case should you write C code outside your nim file, no matter which platform 
you're targeting.
  * AST macros which D doesn't have is the gatling laser gun feature that 
should blow the minds of the most pervert metaprogramming junkies. Although 
with Nim you start thinking about metaprogramming in a different way from D/C++.
  * Nim's type system is different (IMO it is simpler (but not subset) and 
better at the same time), because Nim thinks that some things in D/C++ type 
system don't "matter" that much and only create friction, instead it focuses on 
some other things that "matter".
  * Nim is generally a fresher look at the current state of procedural 
programming languages, than D or something that tries to be C++, but better.
  * Nim's GC is precise, thread-local, a bit more deterministic and a lot 
faster, you can even timeframe it if you need consistent 60fps for example. 
There is some cost though that you always have to scratch your brain when going 
multithreaded. I hope though that this problem will be solved eventually.
  * Lots more, read the manual! =)

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Without main function: 5.004 s With main function: 3.126 s

That is really some magic which we should investigate, document and remember.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread def
Without main function: 5.004 s With main function: 3.126 s

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> and using an explicit main function:


I would be (again) very surprised, as fibonacci() was already a standalone 
proc, and all execution takes place inside this function. I can not imagine 
that the symbol "main" does any magic, and that echo is faster inside main 
should be not really relevant.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread def
I don't understand why the other languages are slower, but you can make the Nim 
version faster by using smaller types (same as your other languages) and using 
an explicit main function:

proc fibonacci(n: int32): float32 =
  if n < 2:
result = float32(n)
result = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

proc main =
  echo fibonacci(50)


Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread Araq
@aedt Your numbers are vastly off what other people report. Something has to be 
wrong with your way of measuring things. 

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-06 Thread aedt
This is very interesting. I am a big fan of D, and I use D as my to-go 
language. I like Nim too. But how come the difference between D, C++ and Nim be 
so big? This is impressive and it's a little bit too good to be true! In my 

import std.conv, std.stdio;

void main()

float fibonacci(int n)
if (n < 2)
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);

LDC/D with 

-release -O4

takes 76.9s


using namespace std;

float fib(int x) {
if (x < 2)
return float(x);
return fib(x-1)+fib(x-2);

int main() {
cout << fib(50) << endl;

GCC/C++ with 


takes 39.9s

fn main(){
println!("{}", fib(50));

fn fib(n: i32) -> f32 {
if n < 2 {
return n as f32;
} else {
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

Rust's release build takes 80.13s.


float fibonacci(int n)
if (n < 2)
return (float)n;
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2);

int main()
printf("%f", fibonacci(50));
return 0;

GCC/C with 


takes 40.5s


proc fibonacci(n: int): float =
  if n < 2:
result = float(n)
result = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

echo fibonacci(50)

Nim's release build takes 5.6s only! What optimization took place in the Nim 