Re: Javafx 17 and moditect no longer working

2021-09-10 Thread Ty Young
My application also does not work with 17. The spits 
out random duplicate module reading errors and JavaFX classes can't be 
found at compile time.

On 9/10/21 5:47 AM, Clemens Lanthaler wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have just updated from javafx 17-ea+14 to the GA release and I am 
not able to build one of my projects (PhotoSlide, librawFX, JeditFX, 
...) anymore. The root cause is that via maven the it downloads for 
each component two files (e.g. javafx-base.jar nad 
javafx-base-mac.jar). The first one contains only the MANIFEST file 
and nothing more. The problem I have is that until ea+14 the MANIFEST 
file contained to automatic-module-name and therefore moditect or 
similar tools can pick this name up. Now the automatic module name is 
missing in this MANIFEST file and therefore moditect is no finding any 
module naming anymore and try to use the file name instatt. The 
problem is that this results in a module name "javafx.base" which is 
also defined in module-info.class inside of javafx-base-mac.jar. In 
this case moditect cannot proceed because of duplicate items.

Question from my side: Why is this extra jar file necessary ? If it is 
necessary is there a possability to get back the automatic-module-nam 
entry in the MANIFEST file ?


Re: Enhancements for JavaFX 18

2021-08-08 Thread Ty Young
Oh, and to add one more feature: ability to add context menu to specific 
TreeView cells without going through cell factory.

On 7/30/21 7:56 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Now that JavaFX 17 is in RDP2, we can turn more attention to bug fixes 
and enhancement requests for JavaFX 18. It's the summer, so there may 
be delays as some people are out at various times (including me), but 
I would like to get some of the outstanding enhancement requests 
moving over the next few weeks.

Specifically, I'd like to see the following proceed:

* Transparent backgrounds in WebView

* Add DirectionalLight

* CSS pseudoclasses :focus-visible and :focus-within

* Improve property system to facilitate correct usage (minus the 
binary incompatible API change)

PR: (Draft)

And maybe the following:

* Add CSS themes as a first-class concept (need a consensus on how to 

* Undecorated interactive stage style (still in early discussion, but 
the concept looks interesting and useful)

There are probably others I'm forgetting.

Each of the above should be discussed in their own thread on 
openjfx-dev rather than a reply to this thread.

-- Kevin

Re: Enhancements for JavaFX 18

2021-08-08 Thread Ty Young

On 8/4/21 5:35 PM, John Hendrikx wrote:

On 04/08/2021 19:05, Ty Young wrote:

* A late "showing" property for when the application has been shown to
the user and all first viewing UI components have had their sizes
calculated and are being displayed, if it doesn't exist already and I'm
completely blind.

Do you mean a property that is true if the current node is visible, 
attached to a scene which is attached to a window which is currently 

This can be achieved with a small util that takes a Node and returns
an ObservableValue.  I can dig up the code, I use this all 
the time to automatically unbind bindings when UI parts become invisible.

Something like that, yes.


Re: Enhancements for JavaFX 18

2021-08-04 Thread Ty Young

You want a list of bugs that could be fixed? Today's your lucky day!

* Resizing a JavaFX window under Linux (still) causes graphical 
glitches, needing -Dprism.forceUploadingPainter=true or, IIRC, software 
rendering to "fix".

* Resizing ALSO causes graphical glitching on the bottom and right sides 
on both Windows AND Linux.

* Resizing an app with a TableView in view results in the TableView's 
integrated scrollbars flickering in and out of existence when there is 
plenty of space left. The less UI content there is, the less this is 
likely to happen - but it absolutely does happen with *just* a TableView 
as the root node, you gotta play with it.

* Resizing the application from the left causes UI jitter.

* JavaFX in general seems to have trouble keeping up with user resizing. 
Rapidly resizing an application with a DividerPane(TreeView left, 
content right) results in inconsistent positioning than if it was done 
slowly, in the very least.

* Alt tabbing with a UI component being selected(Slider thumb, 
scrollbar) results in that component's color being stuck in whatever 
color is the CSS selected state.

* You can middle and right click drag a slider thumb and scroll bars, 
which does not trigger a CSS state change, which is not consistent with 
MenuBar items.

* JavaFX does not seem to calculate the size of a GridPane or TilePane 
with elements correctly. This results in content in ScrollPanes that is 
clearly larger in height than the viewport but ScrollPane does not show 
its scrollbars - only mouse wheel works without forcing the scrollbars 
to always show or transition state bugs when putting a GridPane/TilePane 
inside a TitlePane(or maybe it's TilePane -> TitlePane -> TilePane 
that's the issue? No clue.)

* XY Chart data that is off screen (-1, -1) has lines drawn to them 
despite being... off screen. Bug or feature?

* Setting the Y axis side to Side.RIGHT causes a white space with custom 

Might be missing some.

A few features, while I'm here:

* API property to force a TableView's height to be the exact amount 
needed to display its headers and all its rows.

* API to disable TableView's scrollbars completely.

* A late "showing" property for when the application has been shown to 
the user and all first viewing UI components have had their sizes 
calculated and are being displayed, if it doesn't exist already and I'm 
completely blind.

On 7/30/21 7:56 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Now that JavaFX 17 is in RDP2, we can turn more attention to bug fixes 
and enhancement requests for JavaFX 18. It's the summer, so there may 
be delays as some people are out at various times (including me), but 
I would like to get some of the outstanding enhancement requests 
moving over the next few weeks.

Specifically, I'd like to see the following proceed:

* Transparent backgrounds in WebView

* Add DirectionalLight

* CSS pseudoclasses :focus-visible and :focus-within

* Improve property system to facilitate correct usage (minus the 
binary incompatible API change)

PR: (Draft)

And maybe the following:

* Add CSS themes as a first-class concept (need a consensus on how to 

* Undecorated interactive stage style (still in early discussion, but 
the concept looks interesting and useful)

There are probably others I'm forgetting.

Each of the above should be discussed in their own thread on 
openjfx-dev rather than a reply to this thread.

-- Kevin

Re: Integrated: 8231558: [macos] Platform.exit causes assertion error on macOS 10.15 or later

2021-07-01 Thread Ty Young
Does this also fix the free(): invalid pointer issue when closing a 
JavaFX application on Linux or is that unrelated?

On 7/1/21 6:17 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

On Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:42:48 GMT, Kevin Rushforth  wrote:

This is a fix for the assertion error message that is printed to the console on 
macOS 10.15 or later when an application calls `Platform.exit` while a `Stage` 
is showing.

The root cause is a latent bug in the JavaFX glass code that was revealed by an 
apparent change of behavior in macOS. A few of the object deallocation methods, 
which are called by the Objective C auto-release mechanism, use the standard 
`GET_MAIN_JENV` macro to get the JNI environment. The macro will print an 
assertion warning if Java has been detached. I instrumented the code and can 
see that `GlassViewDelegate::dealloc` is now called after the 
`GlassApplication` main loop has detached Java. Since we don't control when the 
dealloc method is called, it is not correct to do the assertion check in those 
cases. Some of the dealloc methods already skip this assertion check by 
grabbing the jEnv pointer directly, so we need to fix the others. I added a new 
variant of the macro called `GET_MAIN_JENV_NOWARN` with a comment indicating 
that is suitable for use by the dealloc methods.

In addition to verifying that the test program attached to JBS now exits 
cleanly with no assertion failure message, I added an automated system test 
that fails on macOS before the fix and passes after the fix. On other platforms 
it passes already.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 6403d674
Author:Kevin Rushforth 
Stats: 208 lines in 7 files changed: 204 ins; 0 del; 4 mod

8231558: [macos] Platform.exit causes assertion error on macOS 10.15 or later

Reviewed-by: pbansal, aghaisas



Re: Moving out of the lib directory of the JavaFX SDK

2021-06-24 Thread Ty Young
Netbeans no longer defaults to creating Ant based projects unlike years 
ago & there has been, IIRC, some talk on further retiring support for it 
and Maven works just fine provided that you use the JavaFX Maven plugin*.

Still maybe worth fixing since support isn't completely removed and 
there may be cases where one might want to download and use a JavaFX SDK 

* the situation with IDE JavaFX support is complicated due to a project 
created outside Netbeans not set up with hacks Netbeans needs for green 
run button but there is an in-IDE option to do javafx:run and intellij 
needs a custom run action created to do javafx:run AFAIK, but I digress.

On 6/14/2021 1:15 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
We deliver a set of modular jars in the lib directory of the 
standalone JavaFX SDK. We also deliver for use by IDEs into 
that same directory. If you add the lib directory to your 
application's module path in your IDE, it will try to load as 
if it were a jar file, and will fail. This is a pain point for 
developers using the SDK. This problem has been raised on the mailing 
list a couple of times, and I think it's time to fix it. This issue is 
tracked in JBS by JDK-8258499 [1].

I propose to move the file from the lib directory to the top 
directory of the SDK.

Alternatively, we could create a new directory for (either a 
sibling of lib or sub-directory under lib). However, I think it would 
be easier to find in the top dir of the SDK, and I don't see the need 
for a new directory just to hold

Before I create the PR and the associated CSR, I'd like to hear 
developer's opinions on this.

-- Kevin


Re: Minimum JDK policy for OpenJFX

2021-05-30 Thread Ty Young

On 5/30/21 5:19 PM, John Neffenger wrote:

On 5/19/21 1:17 PM, Ty Young wrote:
Biggest things for JavaFX that I can think of is jextract, a tool for 
generating Java headers from a C header, and having all binding code 
written in Java.

JavaFX has been doing its own manual form of Project Panama since 
2014. Look for the string "extends C.Structure" in the following two 

In both cases, the technique was used to let JavaFX bypass the header 
file 'mxcfb.h' from NXP (formerly Freescale).

I'm looking forward to replacing those hard-coded offsets with the 
tools from Project Panama. In fact, I'm hopeful that Project Panama 
will let me remove all of the native C code from the Monocle EPD 

Now that you pointed it out, JavaFX uses SecurityManager:

Which is being deprecated. Panama has its own runtime flag to enable 
native access not tied to SecurityManager.

The C class native implementation can be replaced with Panama easily. A 
MemorySegment can be viewed using a ByteBuffer via:

MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(8, 

ByteBuffer buffer = segment.asByteBuffer();

asByteBuffer() doc says it wraps the MemorySegment, so I'm guessing it 
has a strong reference and memory is freed once the buffer and segment 
are no longer referenced.

If someone wanted to try swapping out JavaFX's native implementation 
with Panama, this would be a good place to start IMO.


Re: Minimum JDK policy for OpenJFX

2021-05-25 Thread Ty Young
GTK4 was just released not that long ago. I don't know how much(if any 
at all) code is shared between versions, but having a tool like jextract 
might be useful for adding support for that. Just a guess.

Also, the bindings are different in that, for everything not a primitive 
in java(except boolean and char), you need to allocate memory and pass 
the address of the memory to the function(e.g. structs, unions, arrays). 
You also need to, depending on which ResourceScope is used, explicitly 
free your memory.

And, again, everything is in Java.

Maybe the ability to allocate off-heap arrays is useful somehow? Maybe 
to somehow reduce GC pressure when resizing the application or something?

On 5/25/21 3:59 AM, Nir Lisker wrote:
I looked at jextract a while back. I got the impression that it's more 
useful when you need to generate new bindings, at the very least 
because there are fewer ways to make mistakes. Most of the work on 
JavaFX has already been done in this area and the mistakes have been 
found and fixed by now, so is there any substantial value in redoing 
it with jextract?

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 12:25 AM Ty Young <>> wrote:

If you want to learn more about Panama you can read the JEP page: <>

You can also join the panama-dev list and ask questions:

Biggest things for JavaFX that I can think of is jextract, a tool for
generating Java headers from a C header, and having all binding code
written in Java. It may be easier to upgrade to newer GTK versions
Panama as there is no C shim required and the bindings are, again,
generated for you. jextract does have issues, one of which is that
binding generated using it are platform-specific even if the library
itself is cross-platform. You can make bindings by hand that are
cross-platform if you want, though.

Speaking of GTK, when is JavaFX going to support GTK4?

On 5/18/21 4:42 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:
>> there are some advantages in being able to run with the latest
> One *potential* issue with this approach is that LTS is not
defined in
> OpenJDK as far as I know. The LTS versions are a business
decision of each
> distributor. For now, they have all aligned on 8, 11, 17, but
> guarantees that this will stay so. What if different vendors LTS
> versions? Suppose that Valhalla and Loom add very attractive
features in
> JDK 19 (big performance enhancements, leads to big money savings on
> hardware, leads to economic incentives to use these, leads to
requests to
> support these), now vendors can declare JDK 19 as LTS, and what
will JavaFX
> do?
> In OpenJDK all versions are treated equally as it is a spec and
not a
> business model. Should JavaFX be coupled to business models?
Maybe Gluon
> has some insights since they give JavaFX LTS support.
> A second point, as Michael Strauß mentioned, is that maybe we
should see
> what features are going to be delivered in the next versions and
judge if
> there's something attractive enough for library developers to
base our
> decision on. Sealed classes from Amber are certainly one of
them. Panama
> might provide handy features for JavaFX's interfacing with
native code,
> like Foreign Memory Access, though I didn't look into it in detail.
> Valhalla is certainly too far away to consider, and Loom is rather
> irrelevant for JavaFX and GUIs in general.
> If anyone has insights into relevant upcoming features I'll be
happy to
> learn.
> - Nir
> On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 6:17 PM Kevin Rushforth>>
> wrote:
>> A very timely question. I was already planning to raise this as a
>> discussion after we update our boot JDK to JDK 16 (blocked by the
>> in-progress gradle 7 update), which I hope to do later this week.
>> I think that this is the right time to consider bumping the minimum
>> required version to run JavaFX 17 to JDK 16, which would allow
us to
>> start using APIs and language features from JDK 12 through JDK 16
>> inclusive.
>> In general, we only guarantee that JavaFX N runs on JDK N-1 or
later. In
>> practice, though, we don't bump it for each release, as there
are some
>> advantages in being able to run with the latest JDK LTS. Since
JavaFX 17
>> will release at roughly the 

Re: Minimum JDK policy for OpenJFX

2021-05-19 Thread Ty Young

If you want to learn more about Panama you can read the JEP page:

You can also join the panama-dev list and ask questions:

Biggest things for JavaFX that I can think of is jextract, a tool for 
generating Java headers from a C header, and having all binding code 
written in Java. It may be easier to upgrade to newer GTK versions using 
Panama as there is no C shim required and the bindings are, again, 
generated for you. jextract does have issues, one of which is that any 
binding generated using it are platform-specific even if the library 
itself is cross-platform. You can make bindings by hand that are 
cross-platform if you want, though.

Speaking of GTK, when is JavaFX going to support GTK4?

On 5/18/21 4:42 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:

there are some advantages in being able to run with the latest JDK LTS

One *potential* issue with this approach is that LTS is not defined in
OpenJDK as far as I know. The LTS versions are a business decision of each
distributor. For now, they have all aligned on 8, 11, 17, but nothing
guarantees that this will stay so. What if different vendors LTS different
versions? Suppose that Valhalla and Loom add very attractive features in
JDK 19 (big performance enhancements, leads to big money savings on
hardware, leads to economic incentives to use these, leads to requests to
support these), now vendors can declare JDK 19 as LTS, and what will JavaFX
In OpenJDK all versions are treated equally as it is a spec and not a
business model. Should JavaFX be coupled to business models? Maybe Gluon
has some insights since they give JavaFX LTS support.

A second point, as Michael Strauß mentioned, is that maybe we should see
what features are going to be delivered in the next versions and judge if
there's something attractive enough for library developers to base our
decision on. Sealed classes from Amber are certainly one of them. Panama
might provide handy features for JavaFX's interfacing with native code,
like Foreign Memory Access, though I didn't look into it in detail.
Valhalla is certainly too far away to consider, and Loom is rather
irrelevant for JavaFX and GUIs in general.
If anyone has insights into relevant upcoming features I'll be happy to

- Nir

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 6:17 PM Kevin Rushforth 

A very timely question. I was already planning to raise this as a
discussion after we update our boot JDK to JDK 16 (blocked by the
in-progress gradle 7 update), which I hope to do later this week.

I think that this is the right time to consider bumping the minimum
required version to run JavaFX 17 to JDK 16, which would allow us to
start using APIs and language features from JDK 12 through JDK 16

In general, we only guarantee that JavaFX N runs on JDK N-1 or later. In
practice, though, we don't bump it for each release, as there are some
advantages in being able to run with the latest JDK LTS. Since JavaFX 17
will release at roughly the same time as JDK 17 LTS, I can't think of a
good reason to not update our minimum.


-- Kevin

On 5/18/2021 7:59 AM, Michael Strauß wrote:

Currently, JDK 11 is required for the latest version of OpenJFX. What
is the policy for bumping this requirement? Does it always correspond
to the latest JDK LTS release (the next of which will be JDK 17), or
is it independent from the release cycle of OpenJDK?

Re: Make javafx.controls open and community-driven

2021-02-02 Thread Ty Young

On 2/2/21 8:16 PM, Nir Lisker wrote:

Hi Mike,

First of all, I would have you consider revisiting your medical observation
on the state of JavaFX. If you've read the almost-weekly recurrent threads
of "should I use Swing or JavaFX" in r/Java, you'd realize that reports of
JavaFX's death are greatly exaggerated. But yes, it is very understaffed.
Other than that, there is a discussion list,, where you can bring up general community
and social media related topics and continue that branch of the discussion

1. I also advocated for having JBS more open in the past. I was told that
Oracle tried opening JBS for everyone, but it was a big mess. I
remember Alan Bateman saying a few years ago in an Ask The Architect
session, when he was asked about this, that more than half of the bugs
submitted are about OpenGL in Minecraft. These are the things you don't see
from the outside.

I'm guessing some of those are the OpenGL segfault crash on exit that 
affects (nearly?) *every* OpenGL based Java application for the last few 
years, including JavaFX and Minecraft, on Nvidia hardware. I have to 
clear out my build directory often because of it.

As for the OCA, it is a license requirement for all of OpenJDK. The
developers here have nothing to do with it. I suspect you will have to take
it up with the legal department of Oracle. Good luck :)

OCA is more of a symptom of a larger problem IMO: gate keeping.

A long time ago I suggested a 1-liner change to JavaFX's build script 
that would simply place the source zip generated with the JavaFX source 
build *outside* the lib folder. Generating this zip inside the lib 
folder caused runtime problems with Ant and Netbeans whenever you 
designated the entire folder as a lib directory in a project and it 
didn't make sense anyway. It was rejected, IIRC, because of Oracle's or 
Gluon's server configuration issues with the change. There were no 
issues doing a local build that I'm aware of when I tested the change 

More recently,  Oracle decided to break Swing applications that use the 
GTK L on Arch Linux based distros in JDK 16, was notified of the issue 
multiple times by multiple people, and AFAIK refused to revert the 
changes simply because Arch Linux isn't a "supported" distro. AFAIK, 
it's still not possible to even launch Netbeans on Arch Linux without 
overriding the L

Even more recently, I suggested (and was willing to actually do) what I 
thought to be reasonable API changes to Project Panama, which I use in 
my JavaFX application,  were rejected because it was decided a year ago 
behind closed doors discussions that the direction of that API part was 
already decided. Not only that, but the ability to even have a public 
discussion was basically shut down.

Someone has to be that person to make the decisions in the end, but 
often times it feels like free outsourcing rather than contributing. One 
moment it's "You should contribute!" and the next it's "No, I didn't 
mean contribute *that* way!".

Anyway, this is a much larger issue that goes beyond JavaFX and I don't 
want to derail, I'm just pointing out that not only when someone 
suggests reasonable changes and fixes or, better yet(by far!), is 
willing to make those changes, they are denied the ability to do so 
because of reasons that person could not possibly be aware of.

Re: How to create a fat jar for my JavaFX program?

2020-07-20 Thread Ty Young

Don't know anything about fat jars, but you could try this jlink plugin:

It works with non-modular projects as well - everything just gets dumped 
into a folder and put onto the module path. Just follow the standard 
Maven jlink guide:

but use the above plugin instead. I've been using it and it works great.

Hope this helps.

Re: RFR: 8201567: QuantumRenderer modifies buffer in use by JavaFX Application Thread

2020-06-30 Thread Ty Young

On 6/25/20 10:56 PM, John Neffenger wrote:

Fixes [JDK-8201567](


Commit messages:
  - 8201567: QuantumRenderer modifies buffer in use by JavaFX Application Thread

   Stats: 35 lines in 5 files changed: 29 ins; 0 del; 6 mod
   Fetch: git fetch pull/255/head:pull/255


Does this fix the years old Linux JavaFX buffer reset bug?

Re: Unable to allocate direct buffer memory

2020-05-10 Thread Ty Young

On 5/10/20 3:52 PM, John Hendrikx wrote:

They're related.  32767x1137x4 = 149024316.

It would help to know what your app might be doing.  Although it could 
be a bug in JavaFX, it seems more likely that a canvas/image or cached 
group or something is a bit bigger than reasonable.

I think I've seen such errors in my app before I restricted maximum 
sizes of images which were supplied from uncontrolled sources.


No images are used. The only questionable thing is that 
TilePane/GridPane is used in order to achieve a more responsive UI. I 
don't remember this being an issue in earlier versions either.

Re: Unable to allocate direct buffer memory

2020-05-10 Thread Ty Young

On 5/7/20 3:44 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
This suggests that there might be a memory leak (possibly in uploading 
painter which I see you are using). Is this easily reproducible?

I tried doing software rendering just to see if it made any difference.

I don't know if it fixed any of the other issues, but it definitely made 
things worse. Everytime I resize the application it leaks on-heap memory 
and eventually hits an OutOfMemory exception.

It looks like a bunch of int arrays are being allocated and never 
released. What the hell?

Missing tick marks on charts

2020-05-09 Thread Ty Young

Does anyone know whats going on with this:

It doesn't seem to be a space issue, even the top tick mark is missing 
on the one chart...

Re: com.sun.javafx vs javafx (with example/request)

2020-05-08 Thread Ty Young
On the topic of private APIs that should probably be public... can the 
performance tracker class be made public too? I'd very much like to know 
the FPS at which my application is running at.

Re: Unable to allocate direct buffer memory

2020-05-07 Thread Ty Young

On 5/7/20 3:44 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
This suggests that there might be a memory leak (possibly in uploading 
painter which I see you are using). Is this easily reproducible?

Easily? No. I seem to get either(AKA never both) only after hours of 
having the application running. Nothing seems to break either, making it 
very strange. I don't remember getting these exceptions in JavaFX 13, 
just warnings about texture size(which I think others have reported here 

Although, I should say, I'm using Project Panama's Foreign Memory Access 
builds and those can corrupt memory if used incorrectly. That said, 
given that the texture size issue was reported here before in JavaFX 13 
and before IIRC, I'm not so sure that is the issue.

As for the other exception:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Requested texture dimensions (32767x1137) 
require dimensions (0x1137) that exceed maximum texture size (16384) 

Are you really trying to draw into a texture that big? If not, then 
either the error message is printing the wrong sizes (which is quite 
possible) or else something is causing a larger than expected size to 
be used.

Uh, I use Integer.MAX_VALUE for prefered width/height, not 
Short.MAX_VALUE. I don't know where 32767(Short.MAX_VALUE) is coming 
from, I never explicitly request those dimensions.

Could the screen being locked and the screen being off have to do with this?

-- Kevin

On 5/7/2020 11:51 AM, Ty Young wrote:

On 5/6/20 12:39 PM, Ty Young wrote:
After hours of running my JavaFX application I start getting this 
error spammed in console:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Cannot reserve 149024316 bytes of direct 
buffer memory (allocated: 149066725, limit: 209715200)

    at java.base/java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(

    at java.base/

Ironically every single error is about allocating the exact same 
amount of bytes.

Anything on this? I'm also getting:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Requested texture dimensions (32767x1137) 
require dimensions (0x1137) that exceed maximum texture size (16384)

    at java.base/

spammed alternatively.

Re: Unable to allocate direct buffer memory

2020-05-07 Thread Ty Young

On 5/6/20 12:39 PM, Ty Young wrote:
After hours of running my JavaFX application I start getting this 
error spammed in console:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Cannot reserve 149024316 bytes of direct 
buffer memory (allocated: 149066725, limit: 209715200)

    at java.base/java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(

    at java.base/java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(


    at java.base/

Ironically every single error is about allocating the exact same 
amount of bytes.

Anything on this? I'm also getting:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Requested texture dimensions (32767x1137) 
require dimensions (0x1137) that exceed maximum texture size (16384)


    at java.base/

spammed alternatively.

Unable to allocate direct buffer memory

2020-05-06 Thread Ty Young
After hours of running my JavaFX application I start getting this error 
spammed in console:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Cannot reserve 149024316 bytes of direct 
buffer memory (allocated: 149066725, limit: 209715200)

    at java.base/java.nio.Bits.reserveMemory(

    at java.base/java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(


    at java.base/

Ironically every single error is about allocating the exact same amount 
of bytes.

JavaFX Memory leak

2020-05-04 Thread Ty Young


I'm trying to debug a memory leak in my application using Java Mission 
Control & Flight Recorder[1]. Going down the tree it gives, it seems to 
be caused by this code:

Series series = super.getSeries();

ObservableList> points = series.getData();

if(points.size() > super.getSeconds().get()-1)

    points.add(0, new Data(0, readable.getValue().get().longValue()));
    points.add(0, new Data(0, readable.getValue().get().longValue()));

for(int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++)
    Data data = points.get(i);

...but doing a print statement to print the size of the Points list 
shows that the max size is always 60, as expected.

This increase in memory is consistent with multiple recordings, so I do 
think it's a leak but I have no idea what's causing it. Is this leak 
from JavaFX's end or my code?


Re: Remove JavaFX JPMS enforcement

2020-04-20 Thread Ty Young

On 4/20/20 11:36 AM, Ty Young wrote:

On 4/20/20 10:47 AM, Mark Raynsford wrote:

Am I missing something here? What absurd arguments are required for
Maven projects?

I have multiple applications here running in full module-path mode (the
applications are modularized, and JavaFX is on the module path), using
plain Maven builds with no special arguments, and IDEA as the IDE.
This is on JDK 13, with the 13.0.2 JavaFX release from Central.

From the second warning on this page:

That's the absurd part. JavaFX 14 now requires this as a JVM runtime 

--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-12/lib --add-modules 

Which wasn't required before. Not only is this a PITA and confusing 
but it also prevents Maven from just handling everything. Netbeans 
uses a custom file for runtime arguments, which the above is added to.

Also, it gives JavaFX 12 as an example, which is wrong. It should be 14.

Re: Remove JavaFX JPMS enforcement

2020-04-20 Thread Ty Young

On 4/20/20 10:47 AM, Mark Raynsford wrote:

Am I missing something here? What absurd arguments are required for
Maven projects?

I have multiple applications here running in full module-path mode (the
applications are modularized, and JavaFX is on the module path), using
plain Maven builds with no special arguments, and IDEA as the IDE.
This is on JDK 13, with the 13.0.2 JavaFX release from Central.

From the second warning on this page:

That's the absurd part. JavaFX 14 now requires this as a JVM runtime 

--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-12/lib --add-modules 

Which wasn't required before. Not only is this a PITA and confusing but 
it also prevents Maven from just handling everything. Netbeans uses a 
custom file for runtime arguments, which the above is added to.

Re: Remove JavaFX JPMS enforcement

2020-04-20 Thread Ty Young

On 4/18/20 7:40 AM, Michael Paus wrote:

I would just like to add that many of the problems you have cited 
would just vanish if the JPMS
enforcement would be removed from the JDK. There would be no "JavaFX 
requiring absurd
runtime module VM arguments" anymore and the IDE integration would 
just be straight forward.
JavaFX would become just one more dependency whithout the need for any 
special treatment.

The custom Maven runtime arguments shouldn't exist, period. They didn't 
exist before 14 and there was zero discussion here as to why they are 
suddenly required on this mailing list. It just kinda came out of no where.

Also, correction, the wiki is wrong: that JVM argument is ONLY for Maven 
projects, not Ant.

I still stand that the fault isn't JPMS but rather people not willing to 
add documentation or support for it. When JavaFX fails to reflect on a 
class file or a CSS file it could suggest that it needs to be "open"ed.

I did, however, not say that JavaFX should be de-modularized. For an 
expert user who wants

to use the JPMS nothing would change at all.

I'm a bit confused here. if you don't want JPMS then you should be able 
to run everything on the classpath like normal. Netbeans at least 
doesn't force modules wtih Maven. Or is reflection disabled on classpath 
as of Java 9 too unless you have a module-info?


Am 18.04.20 um 12:58 schrieb Ty Young:

On 4/18/20 5:01 AM, Michael Paus wrote:
Getting started with JavaFX is made overly complicated by the fact 
that the use of the
module system is enforced by some code in the JDK. Especially for 
beginners, who just
want to get some small program running, this is almost always a big 
source of frustration.
It is not very good marketing for JavaFX to make these initial steps 
such a pain. If you
need some evidence for this statement, then just follow JavaFX on 
Stackoverflow or similar
sites (and also this mailing list). Almost every day you can read 
frustrated posts from
helpless people who would just like to get some JavaFX project 
running but are failing

because they get lost in the module system jungle.

Speaking as a long time JavaFX user(literally since Java 8), I have 
mostly disagree that the JPMS is hurting JavaFX.

That said, I don't think the frustration is misplaced. What you say 
is true(Netbeans mailing list is fill of JavaFX issues) and the end 
user is *NOT* to be blamed here.

Rather, I think what's to blame is poor documentation, JavaFX 
requiring absurd runtime module VM arguments, and  poor/buggy IDE 

Starting with documentation, JavaFX uses reflection for things like 
TableView(everyone's favorite) and CSS style sheets. While this may 
be obvious for people who are more experienced, those who are not may 
be very confused when they get an onslaught of error messages 
regarding reflection. Better documentation on what requires 
reflection, why, and how to enable it would be useful.

Likewise, the notice about having to include to the 
runtime module arguments here:

Apply to Maven as well, but it's under Ant for some reason. I don't 
know what was changed in JavaFX 14 that now suddenly requires a 
runtime VM argument, but it's a PITA and BS. End users are going to 
struggle with this, and it prevents JavaFX runtime from being purely 
managed by Maven. No other JavaFX version requires this, so it's mind 
boggling that all of a sudden JavaFX needs this.

Poor/buggy IDE support is really the big one here. I don't know about 
other IDEs but Netbeans DOES NOT provide a project template for 
creating a JavaFX application with setup dependencies. Netbeans, when 
setup with a Maven project, allows you to select an entire 
project(pom) rather than the individual dependencies(jar) which 
doesn't work. What you search for also matters: if you search for 
"JavaFX" you will get the wrong search results. You need to search 
for "openjfx" which can be confusing.

Anyway, yeah, it's a PITA. There is also an issue with Ant based 
projects and Netbeans because JavaFX puts its in a folder 
that is supposed to only include the runtime library that has existed 
for years(literally a 1 line fix too). No one really uses Ant anymore 
so it's probably not a big deal now but yeah, getting JavaFX working 
hasn't been "include and done" when it could potentially be that way.

Re: Remove JavaFX JPMS enforcement

2020-04-18 Thread Ty Young

On 4/18/20 5:01 AM, Michael Paus wrote:
Getting started with JavaFX is made overly complicated by the fact 
that the use of the
module system is enforced by some code in the JDK. Especially for 
beginners, who just
want to get some small program running, this is almost always a big 
source of frustration.
It is not very good marketing for JavaFX to make these initial steps 
such a pain. If you
need some evidence for this statement, then just follow JavaFX on 
Stackoverflow or similar
sites (and also this mailing list). Almost every day you can read 
frustrated posts from
helpless people who would just like to get some JavaFX project running 
but are failing

because they get lost in the module system jungle.

Speaking as a long time JavaFX user(literally since Java 8), I have 
mostly disagree that the JPMS is hurting JavaFX.

That said, I don't think the frustration is misplaced. What you say is 
true(Netbeans mailing list is fill of JavaFX issues) and the end user is 
*NOT* to be blamed here.

Rather, I think what's to blame is poor documentation, JavaFX requiring 
absurd runtime module VM arguments, and  poor/buggy IDE support.

Starting with documentation, JavaFX uses reflection for things like 
TableView(everyone's favorite) and CSS style sheets. While this may be 
obvious for people who are more experienced, those who are not may be 
very confused when they get an onslaught of error messages regarding 
reflection. Better documentation on what requires reflection, why, and 
how to enable it would be useful.

Likewise, the notice about having to include to the 
runtime module arguments here:

Apply to Maven as well, but it's under Ant for some reason. I don't know 
what was changed in JavaFX 14 that now suddenly requires a runtime VM 
argument, but it's a PITA and BS. End users are going to struggle with 
this, and it prevents JavaFX runtime from being purely managed by Maven. 
No other JavaFX version requires this, so it's mind boggling that all of 
a sudden JavaFX needs this.

Poor/buggy IDE support is really the big one here. I don't know about 
other IDEs but Netbeans DOES NOT provide a project template for creating 
a JavaFX application with setup dependencies. Netbeans, when setup with 
a Maven project, allows you to select an entire project(pom) rather than 
the individual dependencies(jar) which doesn't work. What you search for 
also matters: if you search for "JavaFX" you will get the wrong search 
results. You need to search for "openjfx" which can be confusing.

Anyway, yeah, it's a PITA. There is also an issue with Ant based 
projects and Netbeans because JavaFX puts its in a folder that 
is supposed to only include the runtime library that has existed for 
years(literally a 1 line fix too). No one really uses Ant anymore so 
it's probably not a big deal now but yeah, getting JavaFX working hasn't 
been "include and done" when it could potentially be that way.

Re: sane default option values for Linux

2020-03-18 Thread Ty Young
After going through varies JDK versions from OpenJDK from 8 to present, 
it seems like the segfault issues was introduced elsewhere at about 

Regardless, the other issues are still valid. Can we please have GTK2 
set as default along with force painter uploading?

On 3/17/20 6:54 AM, Ty Young wrote:

Hi all,

After many months of being unable to run my JavaFX application due to 
transitioning to the new Project Panama MemoryAccess API(for native C 
calling, of course), I've finally gotten things to semi-working order 
and able to tryout JavaFX 14... only to find out that JavaFX on Linux 
is still buggy without specifying runtime args.

To recap for those who don't develop JavaFX on Linux or use it, if you 
don't have -Dprism.forceUploadingPainter=true set, JavaFX applications 
will suffer from buffer zeroing when resizing an application. This 
affects *ALL* JavaFX applications. There are still GTK3 bugs and 
regressions that, since it was enabled by default back in JavaFX 
11(IIRC) still haven't been fixed. If you try to use GTK3 right now 
with JavaFX 14 you get a GDK warning:

(java:64002): Gdk-WARNING **: 06:23:04.022: Native Windows wider or 
taller than 32767 pixels are not supported

This is not so if GTK 2 is specified by doing: -Djdk.gtk.version=2. No 
application code requests a window that tall or wide.

As a bonus, something new that was introduced in Java 13(12?) and 
later is that exiting a JavaFX application will cause a segfault:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x7fbfbad22d9d, pid=68034, tid=68044
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (15.0) (build 
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 
(15-internal+0-adhoc.ty.panama-foreign-foreign-jextractnew, mixed 
mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)

# Problematic frame:
# C  []

...although I honestly don't think this was a regression introduced in 
JavaFX... literally every graphical application segfaults now, 
including games like Minecraft... but regardless it happens when 
exiting a JavaFX application too. Originally I thought it was a bug 
caused by the Project Panama builds but it's been persistent for over 
a year now. I'm guessing something broke in JDK proper.

Anyway, point of this email isn't to complain that no one is testing 
JavaFX on Linux(clearly no one is, by the by), but to ask why sane 
defaults aren't being used. Anyone developing a JavaFX application on 
and/or for Linux(god help them) is not going to know how to fix 
problems caused by GTK3 or by not forcing painter uploading, so, if no 
one is going to fix these issues(which is fine, I guess), why not use 
config options that are known to work properly?

sane default option values for Linux

2020-03-17 Thread Ty Young

Hi all,

After many months of being unable to run my JavaFX application due to 
transitioning to the new Project Panama MemoryAccess API(for native C 
calling, of course), I've finally gotten things to semi-working order 
and able to tryout JavaFX 14... only to find out that JavaFX on Linux is 
still buggy without specifying runtime args.

To recap for those who don't develop JavaFX on Linux or use it, if you 
don't have -Dprism.forceUploadingPainter=true set, JavaFX applications 
will suffer from buffer zeroing when resizing an application. This 
affects *ALL* JavaFX applications. There are still GTK3 bugs and 
regressions that, since it was enabled by default back in JavaFX 
11(IIRC) still haven't been fixed. If you try to use GTK3 right now with 
JavaFX 14 you get a GDK warning:

(java:64002): Gdk-WARNING **: 06:23:04.022: Native Windows wider or 
taller than 32767 pixels are not supported

This is not so if GTK 2 is specified by doing: -Djdk.gtk.version=2. No 
application code requests a window that tall or wide.

As a bonus, something new that was introduced in Java 13(12?) and later 
is that exiting a JavaFX application will cause a segfault:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x7fbfbad22d9d, pid=68034, tid=68044
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (15.0) (build 
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 
(15-internal+0-adhoc.ty.panama-foreign-foreign-jextractnew, mixed mode, 
sharing, tiered, compressed oops, g1 gc, linux-amd64)

# Problematic frame:
# C  []

...although I honestly don't think this was a regression introduced in 
JavaFX... literally every graphical application segfaults now, including 
games like Minecraft... but regardless it happens when exiting a JavaFX 
application too. Originally I thought it was a bug caused by the Project 
Panama builds but it's been persistent for over a year now. I'm guessing 
something broke in JDK proper.

Anyway, point of this email isn't to complain that no one is testing 
JavaFX on Linux(clearly no one is, by the by), but to ask why sane 
defaults aren't being used. Anyone developing a JavaFX application on 
and/or for Linux(god help them) is not going to know how to fix problems 
caused by GTK3 or by not forcing painter uploading, so, if no one is 
going to fix these issues(which is fine, I guess), why not use config 
options that are known to work properly?

Re: error in tutorial

2019-12-30 Thread Ty Young

On 12/30/19 10:55 AM, Anthony Vanelverdinghe wrote:


Some observations:
This is the mentioned e-mail:

Thanks for finding it.

The lib folder contains a file, both in JDK 13.0.1 and in 
JavaFX SDK 13.0.1, so this is consistent.

Consistent but irrelevant. The only jar in jdk/lib is jrt-fs by default. 
Everything else is binary .so and properties files basically.

JavaFX on the other hand has about a dozen jars and you're supposed to 
include all the Jars at once and/or make them a "library"(same thing, in 

For NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA (I didn't check Eclipse):
- neither supports jmod files in libraries (see [1])

Yep. Build system and IDE support is still lacking despite Java 9 being 
released like 2 years ago now.

- both support selecting individual jar files, after which things work 
as expected
- neither constructs an optimal modulepath, even if the application is 

So I believe that this is mostly just a documentation issue: rather 
than saying "add the lib folder of the SDK" it should say "add all jar 
files in the lib folder of the SDK". 

JavaFX isn't intended to be used piecemeal. Besides, if you individually 
just include the jar files then the native libraries bundles with JavaFX 
won't be included.

Additionally, IDEs should be improved to support jmod files in 
libraries, and to construct optimal modulepaths for modular applications.

Good luck doing that. Netbeans still spits out a pre java 9 command line 
string that is *supposed* to be able to launch the application from the 
command line. It doesn't.

Kind regards,


On 28/12/2019 20:11, Ty Young wrote:

On 12/28/19 4:53 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

Hi Ty,

Since I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, I have a 
few questions:

1. "... push changes to the repo..."? -> It would help giving a bit 
context instead of talking about "the repo". Since this is the 
openjfx-dev list, chances are high you're talking about the JavaFX 
repository at In that case, please 
read the README and CONTRIBUTING files there for advice on how to 
propose/make changes (note that this will probably take longer than 
1 minute, as we have strong quality checks in place). If you talk 
about a different "repo", please follow the explicit or implicit 
rules on that repo(sitory). For example, if you talk about , please create an issue and 
file a PR, and work with the community to get it accepted. (note 
that in this case, this should not be discussed on the openjfx-dev 
list (note the *dev*)).

This is not an issue of documentation. IDEs can and do provide the 
ability to designate an entire folder as a location of project 
libraries. You can specify a directory manually via command line in 
which contains Java 9 modules. To continue to entertain the idea that 
this is an issue of documentation is simply crazy. It's an easily 
fixable technical error.

2. You refer to informal or formal talks you had, but it is totally 
unclear to me who you talked to about what. Frankly, we spent lots 
of time moving all code and as much as possible the documentation to 
github, so we can easily track discussions. (for JavaFX bugs, we use 
JBS, so that can be discussed there) If someone said "it’s the way 
we’ve always done it”" please refer to the issue where your request 
has been made and subsequently rejected, so I can have a look at the 

It was an email a very long time ago on this list. Too lazy to dig it 
up, but I'm pretty sure it was from Kevin Rushforth. Again, very long 
time ago at this point.

3. Can you write a few words about what the word "Community" means 
to you? Many people in the JavaFX Ecosystem spent tons of spare time 
in making the JavaFX "Community" a friendly place. I'm interested in 
your opinion about that word. To give a few options, does it mean
A: I insult people and companies, use words like "smoking shrooms" 
and "stubborn" and I expect everything I think about to be fixed 
magically (since I suppose the volunteers have no life apart from 
doing what I want them to do)

"community" is a funny word to describe JavaFX given it is 100% owned 
by Oracle and which no one(AFAIK) can contribute to without signing 
away their rights to their own code.

If this was a feature request I'd understand this nonsense but that's 
not at all what this is. This is a self created, self perpetuated, 
and needlessly self harming *technical* error defended using the 
worst possible defense against very real issues(the creation of this 
thread is proof). Source files(or zips containing such) are not 
libraries(AKA "libs") a

Re: error in tutorial

2019-12-28 Thread Ty Young

On 12/28/19 4:53 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

Hi Ty,

Since I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, I have a 
few questions:

1. "... push changes to the repo..."? -> It would help giving a bit 
context instead of talking about "the repo". Since this is the 
openjfx-dev list, chances are high you're talking about the JavaFX 
repository at In that case, please 
read the README and CONTRIBUTING files there for advice on how to 
propose/make changes (note that this will probably take longer than 1 
minute, as we have strong quality checks in place). If you talk about 
a different "repo", please follow the explicit or implicit rules on 
that repo(sitory). For example, if you talk about , please create an issue and 
file a PR, and work with the community to get it accepted. (note that 
in this case, this should not be discussed on the openjfx-dev list 
(note the *dev*)).

This is not an issue of documentation. IDEs can and do provide the 
ability to designate an entire folder as a location of project 
libraries. You can specify a directory manually via command line in 
which contains Java 9 modules. To continue to entertain the idea that 
this is an issue of documentation is simply crazy. It's an easily 
fixable technical error.

2. You refer to informal or formal talks you had, but it is totally 
unclear to me who you talked to about what. Frankly, we spent lots of 
time moving all code and as much as possible the documentation to 
github, so we can easily track discussions. (for JavaFX bugs, we use 
JBS, so that can be discussed there) If someone said "it’s the way 
we’ve always done it”" please refer to the issue where your request 
has been made and subsequently rejected, so I can have a look at the 

It was an email a very long time ago on this list. Too lazy to dig it 
up, but I'm pretty sure it was from Kevin Rushforth. Again, very long 
time ago at this point.

3. Can you write a few words about what the word "Community" means to 
you? Many people in the JavaFX Ecosystem spent tons of spare time in 
making the JavaFX "Community" a friendly place. I'm interested in your 
opinion about that word. To give a few options, does it mean
A: I insult people and companies, use words like "smoking shrooms" and 
"stubborn" and I expect everything I think about to be fixed magically 
(since I suppose the volunteers have no life apart from doing what I 
want them to do)

"community" is a funny word to describe JavaFX given it is 100% owned by 
Oracle and which no one(AFAIK) can contribute to without signing away 
their rights to their own code.

If this was a feature request I'd understand this nonsense but that's 
not at all what this is. This is a self created, self perpetuated, and 
needlessly self harming *technical* error defended using the worst 
possible defense against very real issues(the creation of this thread is 
proof). Source files(or zips containing such) are not libraries(AKA 
"libs") and it causes IDE issues(among other things). The fix is 
*really* simple.

and the whole (in essence) "everyone who works on JavaFX is a someone 
doing it in their free time is BS. Oracle developers are payed to work 
on JavaFX and are the ones who originally made JavaFX(AFAIK) and 
(presumably) the Gradle script. If someone with basically no knowledge 
of Gradle such as myself can scan through a file or use ctrl + f and 
read variable names then I'd hope someone with actual experience could 
do better. Maybe I'm wrong and am the one in actuality that is smoking 

B: I friendly discuss issues and opportunities with fellow community 
members, where I respect other opinions, keep discussions polite and 

That's funny because I seem to remember during a JDK(or maybe it was 
exclusively JavaFX?) event that a presenter made a rather rude joke 
about my multi-threading issue I brought up on this list a long time 
ago. I don't remember specifically who made the joke but I do know as 
someone who watches said events on YouTube that those events are very 
incestuous. I guess because it was the other way around that it was OK 

TL;DR: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

C: somewhere between A and B?

- Johan

On Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 12:11 AM Ty Young <>> wrote:

On 12/27/19 4:40 PM, John-Val Rose wrote:
> Ty,
> If it’s so easy to fix then why don’t you just fix it?

I don't exactly have the ability to directly push changes to the

> John-Val
>> On 28 Dec 2019, at 09:14, Ty Young>> wrote:
>>> On 12/27/19 4:19 AM, Johan Vos wrote:
>>> Hi David,

Re: error in tutorial

2019-12-28 Thread Ty Young
3. "community" is a funny word to describe JavaFX given it is 100% owned 
by Oracle and which no one can contribute to without signing away their 
rights to their own code.

On 12/28/19 4:53 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

Hi Ty,

Since I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, I have a 
few questions:

1. "... push changes to the repo..."? -> It would help giving a bit 
context instead of talking about "the repo". Since this is the 
openjfx-dev list, chances are high you're talking about the JavaFX 
repository at In that case, please 
read the README and CONTRIBUTING files there for advice on how to 
propose/make changes (note that this will probably take longer than 1 
minute, as we have strong quality checks in place). If you talk about 
a different "repo", please follow the explicit or implicit rules on 
that repo(sitory). For example, if you talk about , please create an issue and 
file a PR, and work with the community to get it accepted. (note that 
in this case, this should not be discussed on the openjfx-dev list 
(note the *dev*)).

This is not an issue of documentation. IDEs can and do provide the 
ability to designate an entire folder as a location of project 
libraries. You can specify a directory manually via command line in 
which contains Java 9 modules. To continue to entertain the idea that 
this is an issue of documentation is simply crazy. It's an easily 
fixable technical error.

2. You refer to informal or formal talks you had, but it is totally 
unclear to me who you talked to about what. Frankly, we spent lots of 
time moving all code and as much as possible the documentation to 
github, so we can easily track discussions. (for JavaFX bugs, we use 
JBS, so that can be discussed there) If someone said "it’s the way 
we’ve always done it”" please refer to the issue where your request 
has been made and subsequently rejected, so I can have a look at the 

It was an email a very long time ago on this list. Too lazy to dig it 
up, but I'm pretty sure it was from Kevin Rushforth. Again, very long 
time ago at this point.

3. Can you write a few words about what the word "Community" means to 
you? Many people in the JavaFX Ecosystem spent tons of spare time in 
making the JavaFX "Community" a friendly place. I'm interested in your 
opinion about that word. To give a few options, does it mean
A: I insult people and companies, use words like "smoking shrooms" and 
"stubborn" and I expect everything I think about to be fixed magically 
(since I suppose the volunteers have no life apart from doing what I 
want them to do)

"community" is a funny word to describe JavaFX given it is 100% owned by 
Oracle and which no one(AFAIK) can contribute to without signing away 
their rights to their own code.

If this was a feature request I'd understand this nonsense but that's 
not at all what this is. This is a self created, self perpetuated, and 
needlessly self harming *technical* error defended using the worst 
possible defense against very real issues(the creation of this thread is 
proof). Source files(or zips containing such) are not libraries(AKA 
"libs") and it causes IDE issues(among other things). The fix is 
*really* simple.

and the whole (in essence) "everyone who works on JavaFX is a someone 
doing it in their free time is BS. Oracle developers are payed to work 
on JavaFX and are the ones who originally made JavaFX(AFAIK) and 
(presumably) the Gradle script. If someone with basically no knowledge 
of Gradle such as myself can scan through a file or use ctrl + f and 
read variable names then I'd hope someone with actual experience could 
do better. Maybe I'm wrong and am the one in actuality that is smoking 

B: I friendly discuss issues and opportunities with fellow community 
members, where I respect other opinions, keep discussions polite and 

That's funny because I seem to remember during a JDK(or maybe it was 
exclusively JavaFX?) event that a presenter made a rather rude joke 
about my multi-threading issue I brought up on this list a long time 
ago. I don't remember specifically who made the joke but I do know as 
someone who watches said events on YouTube that those events are very 
incestuous. I guess because it was the other way around that it was OK 

TL;DR: People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

C: somewhere between A and B?

- Johan

On Sat, Dec 28, 2019 at 12:11 AM Ty Young <>> wrote:

On 12/27/19 4:40 PM, John-Val Rose wrote:
> Ty,
> If it’s so easy to fix then why don’t you just fix it?

I don't exactly have the ability to directly push changes to the

> John-Val
>> On 28 Dec 2019, at 09:

Re: error in tutorial

2019-12-27 Thread Ty Young

On 12/27/19 4:40 PM, John-Val Rose wrote:


If it’s so easy to fix then why don’t you just fix it?

I don't exactly have the ability to directly push changes to the repo...


On 28 Dec 2019, at 09:14, Ty Young  wrote:

On 12/27/19 4:19 AM, Johan Vos wrote:
Hi David,

What tutorial are you talking about? If you refer to,
that is a community-initiative, developed at .
So if you have issues and PR's, that is the place to submit and discuss
with the other contributors to that site.

Only the Netbeans section has a warning telling you to delete Neither 
Intellij nor Eclipse do.

A user shouldn't have to do that anyway though! This could be easily fixed. 
Literally all you need to do is in this section:

// Zip module sources for standalone SDK
 // NOTE: the input is taken from the modular-sdk/modules_src dir
 // so that we don't have to duplicate the logic and create another
 // temporary directory. This is somewhat inelegant, since the bundled sdk
 // and the standalone sdk should be independent of one another, but seems
 // better than the alternatives.
 def zipSourceFilesTask = 
project.task("zipSourceFilesStandalone$", type: Zip, dependsOn: 
buildModulesTask) {
 destinationDir = file("${standaloneLibDir}")
 archiveName = standaloneSrcZipName
 includeEmptyDirs = false
 from modulesSrcDir
 include "**/*.java"


Re: error in tutorial

2019-12-27 Thread Ty Young

On 12/27/19 4:19 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

Hi David,

What tutorial are you talking about? If you refer to,
that is a community-initiative, developed at .
So if you have issues and PR's, that is the place to submit and discuss
with the other contributors to that site.

Only the Netbeans section has a warning telling you to delete 
Neither Intellij nor Eclipse do.

A user shouldn't have to do that anyway though! This could be easily 
fixed. Literally all you need to do is in this section:

// Zip module sources for standalone SDK
    // NOTE: the input is taken from the modular-sdk/modules_src dir
    // so that we don't have to duplicate the logic and create another
    // temporary directory. This is somewhat inelegant, since the 
bundled sdk
    // and the standalone sdk should be independent of one another, but 

    // better than the alternatives.
    def zipSourceFilesTask = 
project.task("zipSourceFilesStandalone$", type: Zip, dependsOn: 
buildModulesTask) {

    destinationDir = file("${standaloneLibDir}")
    archiveName = standaloneSrcZipName
    includeEmptyDirs = false
    from modulesSrcDir
    include "**/*.java"


destinationDir = file("${standaloneLibDir}")


destinationDir = file("${standaloneSdkDir}")

That's it. Literally less than a minute, like I said. You can put zip 
files in zip files, it doesn't matter. This is a really stupid thing to 
be stubborn about.


- Johan

On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 9:26 PM David Green 

This step fails:

3\. Create a library

Go to File - Project Structure - Libraries and add the JavaFX 13
as a library to the project. Point to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK.

The located in this package lib will cause the build in IJ to
fail. I
don't know why, since it is source, albeit zipped.

To get the project to build, I had to remove it. I placed it in a new src
folder I created at the same level as lib in the sdk.

Re: Previews for shared buffer PR

2019-07-05 Thread Ty Young

On 6/7/19 4:40 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

The PR discussed in,
addressing provides a 

much wanted feature. It is important that things are done in the right way
so that the code can be maintained in the long-term future.
Therefore, feedback on this PR is extremely important before we can
consider merging it. Once this PR is merged, there is no easy way back. It
is possible to add more functionality, hence my preference is to only
implement the functionality that is safe and stable, while allowing other
functionality to be added later or by third-party extensions. (e.g.
(avoiding) copying from/to GPU)

To make it easier to give feedback, we've build early access versions of
SDK's including this PR. Note that the PR is not merged, hence not
available in the regular EA downloads!

If you want to give it a try, download the SDK's from the URL's below.
There is a test in tests/manual/graphics/PixelBufferPerformanceTest (
that should get you started.

- Johan

FYI this SDK causes a hard system crash when GTK is set to 2 and/or 
prism.forceUploadingPainter is set to true. I don't feel like 
purposefully crashing my system to see which of the various combinations 
is the issue so forgive me for not providing a more narrowed down cause.

GTK 2 is still necessary as there are still lingering GTK3 bugs that 
have yet to be fixed even in current JavaFX 13.

prism.forceUploadingPainter is a prism setting that fixes buffer resets 
and other various GUI glitching under Linux(an issue I tried reporting a 
long time ago) which affects ALL JavaFX applications under Linux but 
dramatically increases GPU utilization by 2x-2.5x when doing any kind of 
application interaction(resizing, scrolling, etc). Is there a reason 
this isn't enabled by default under Linux besides performance? Where is 
the documentation for this and other settings? I randomly ran into this 
and was surprised noone really knows about it nor is it documented 
anywhere that I can see.

Even with GTK 3 this results in a null pointer exception:



Please don't merge this into JDK13 or at least provide a switch to 
disable it. This is extremely busted on Linux.

Can the source code for this entire JavaFX build please be linked?

BUG: TreeView setPrefHeight CSS freakout

2019-06-14 Thread Ty Young
Attempting to set the preferred height of a TreeView or content that 
would otherwise expand the component(super.setPrefHeight or another 
component in the containing node) results in a massive freakout 
resulting in a memory leak and extremely high CPU usage.

Using Netbean's method profiler[1] shows that 
VirtualFlow.addTrailingCells is taking 130 seconds. Going down a leaf 
shows that Node.applyCss and Node.processCss are taking up the 
majority(all? Numbers aren't adding up.) of the time and presumably 
causing the memory leak and high CPU usage.

Even after removing any custom CSS stylesheets this still happens. This 
only seems to affect TreeView as well as no other component(maybe 
ListView since they are similar?) has this issue.

Maybe related is a CSS bug where an in-between state between a scrollbar 
showing in the TreeView and when there is not. In this state, a visible 
white space can be seen at the bottom where the scrollbar was(although 
the white space is smaller). If you are using the default JavaFX CSS 
stylesheet you won't see this as the background color is white. Clicking 
a TreeView item seems to update the TreeView and fix this white space 
issue. ScrollPane and ScrollBars are really broken in JavaFX in general 
under Linux so its hard to say whether or not it is related.

Any ideas on what's causing all this?


Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-18 Thread Ty Young

On 1/17/19 12:55 PM, Siddhesh Rane wrote:

January 16, 2019 11:31 PM, "Ty Young"  wrote:

How else is percentage based UI sizing besides DoubleBinding(s)? Isn't column 
restraints just the
same thing but aligns everything to a column?

I have to ask(again) as to why minWidth/maxWidth, minHeight/maxHeight, 
prefWidth/prefHeight aren't
read only if this is going to be an *always* realistically going to be an issue.

Column constraints don't use any bindings, neither do any other layout panes.
{min,pref,max} width/height are merely hints for a parent to layout the child. 
They are not the final authority on child size. The actual final size of a 
child is set by calling Node#resize on it, which is what the parent does during 
the Parent#layoutChildren call. During this call the parent knows about its own 
size and can split that space among the children.
A rogue parent could completely ignore these hints and resize the child to 
whatever it wants.

The documentation on the sizing says that they override the computed size.

On your second point, it is only an issue if you use it in the wrong way, 
without understanding.

Excuse me? There is no documentation AFAIK stating that this would ever 
be an issue nor would anyone look at the UI and think that a GridPane is 
necessary to achieve such a basic layout. The use of GridPane seems more 
like a hacky workaround for something JavaFX seemingly has no other way 
to achieve with more appropriate layout management nodes(VBox, HBox, 
etc) without side affects.

I wanted to place the buttons and Scrollpane in a horizontal fashion, so 
I used an HBox. I wanted to dynamically size the nodes based on a 
percentage of the window's total width/height, so I used property 
bindings to force content to the desired correct. If that causes issues 
then maybe all controls should get a supported percentage based way to 
set the width/height like GridPane's columns with appropriate layout 
nodes so people don't try doing this sort of thing.

You bound the minWidth of a scrollpane's content to 85% of the scrollpane's 
widthProperty (which is actual width).
When you resize the scrollpane to <85% of its original size, its content still 
has the old minWidth property which is greater than the current width of the 
scroll pane. So the scrollpane shows horizontal bar. This is not a bug. 
widthProperty is supposed to be valid after layout.

This explains the ScrollPane horizontal scrollbar glitching out but 
doesn't explain TableView's horizontal scrollbar.

Use bindings for size if you want to do some advanced sizing. Like size 
matching unrelated nodes with different parents to get some visual effect. You 
could create a custom textarea that binds minWidth to the number of characters 
in the first line.
I have never had a use case but someone else might.
Use it for cases where there is no mutual dependency or "race condition".

I saw your code and I can confirm this is the main cause.
If you want a 15-85 % split, you should have used a GridPane with two columns 
with the given
percentage constraints.

This works for the buttons/scrollpane but what about the subcontent? 
TableView's scrollbars also
glitch out in the exact same way.

Set scrollpane to fit to width. Add a gridpane with a single column whose 
column width is set to 85%. Set gridpane alignment to center. Drop the bindings 
and your problems will be solved.

It isn't completely solved but it is better I guess. ScrollPane's 
horizontal bar no longer glitches out and resizing performance has 
increased majorly. TableView still glitches out from time to time and 
app content is still jumping all over the place. Bindings are still 
needed for the size of the main GridPane and other misc nodes. It seems 
to be a bug caused by indirect resizing of the table itself...

And the vertical scrollpane bar is missing from the Overview content. 
Setting the show policy to Always shows it being there where it should 
be and is usable(regardless of policy) via scroll wheel. No other 
section has this issue.

Font rendering is also still an issue...

SceneBuilder's lack of UI snapping compared to Netbean's Swing builder makes it 
difficult to get anything remotely pixel perfect without banging your head 
against a wall. Separate
controller classes and FXML annotations everywhere isn't really desirable 
either. I originally
entertained the idea of doing it all in FXML only to quickly discard the idea.

If you are talking about snapping like in aligning to other UI elements, then 
its there and you dont need it with the rought layout. If you mean snapping to 
pixels, JavaFX has it inbuilt and on by default.

It is but it is incomplete. Try resizing a Button in both SceneBuilder 
and Netbean's Swing builder to the bottom right after first snapping to 
the top left. The button will snap perfectly to both in the Swing 
builder but not SceneBuilder.


Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-15 Thread Ty Young

On 1/13/19 5:33 PM, John Neffenger wrote:

On 1/12/19 10:20 PM, Ty Young wrote:
Seeing as how this important issue is seemingly being ignored, I've 
decided to upload a video showcases the bugs[1]. If this isn't 
evidence that there is a problem with JavaFX's content rendering, 
resizing, and fonts I don't know what is.

Your video looks similar to a bug I first encountered two years ago 
[1]. I was reluctant to reply earlier because I can't reproduce the 
bug in a windowed environment. So far I have seen the problem in the 
two cases listed below (the bug report lists only the first case):

(a) on a Monocle platform using an off-screen composition buffer that 
is allocated as a non-direct byte buffer, and

(b) on a Monocle platform using the frame buffer directly as the 
composition buffer, and its horizontal visible resolution differs from 
its virtual resolution.

If I play your videos at the slowest speed, I see the entire frame 
jump up when you resize its window. That is just what you would expect 
if the position of the buffer was reset to zero while the buffer was 
being used to draw the frame.

...and can cause undefined behavior like horizontal scrollbars showing 
when they shouldn't I assume?

Does JavaFX only have one frame buffer? If so, would it not be possible 
(and safer) to have a primary buffer and a secondary "prefetch" frame 
buffer to safely create the next frame buffer to ensure that this 
doesn't happen? So that:

1. UI update happens(resize, control clicked, etc)

2. "prefetch" buffer immediately draws the next frame and keeps drawing 
frames if UI updates keep happening

3. primary buffer is replaced with the newest complete "prefetch" buffer

In otherwords, similar to double and triple buffering. Of course, just 
like with double/triple buffering this can cause side affects.

Our environments are very different, and your problem may have origins 
outside of JavaFX entirely, but it may still be worth trying the same 
debugging technique described in the bug report.

The waving Duke project no longer works in JavaFX 11. Is there an easy 
way to do similar in any JavaFX project using the latest JavaFX?

I created a new JavaFX/JDK build with the submitted commit and it 
doesn't improve anything. It could just be placebo but it may have 
actually made it worse.


[1] See:

Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-12 Thread Ty Young
Seeing as how this important issue is seemingly being ignored, I've 
decided to upload a video showcases the bugs[1]. If this isn't evidence 
that there is a problem with JavaFX's content rendering, resizing, and 
fonts I don't know what is.

The issues I'm experiencing affect every single JavaFX application that 
I've tested, which is:

Goliath Envious FX(mine, repo linked earlier)

Scenic View

Scene Builder

PlayOnLinux 5

Of special note is Scenic View. For reasons I don't understand, Scenic 
View does not always show the glitching. It, however, has extremely 
laggy resizing. Even when it isn't glitching however, it is always 
possible to make it happen by going to Help > About and closing the 
About window that pops up.

Node count for my app is 422 at most and about 150 at its lowest. This 
number will increase/decrease with the amount of Nvidia GPUs connected 
to the system. That decreases or increases depending on the content 
being shown. I have no idea where or how it is even that high seeing as 
how hardly anything is even on the screen to begin with.

Font boldness bug can be found at 6-8 second range in the video. It used 
to happen in a different part of the GUI...

Can we please actually talk about what the actual issues are instead of 
blaming the end programmers and/or excuses like "it's just too complex"? 

Side note 1: to whoever is developing Scenic View(assuming they are 
subscribed to this list), your application spits out errors like 
crazy(see the video). java.instrument was exported in module-info yet it 
threw errors saying otherwise. Application output was throwing 
connection refused exceptions left and right. Some X related code was 
spitting out a colored error message saying java was doing something 
networking(?) related that it shouldn't and "please stop that" or other. 
I didn't copy the exact text sadly.

Also, specify a min width/height.

Side note 2: I was wrong about JavaFX not supporting 1440p and 4k. It 
uses GDK_SCALE to scale the UI. Problem is, GDK_SCALE isn't a reliable 
way of getting the actual UI scale and will only work for native 
displays at native resolutions. Using xrandr to scale the output display 
results in 1x scaling even though the DE is being rendered in 4k. I'm 
guessing this is related to having to log back out and log back in in 
Windows. It would be nice if JavaFX had failsafe code to dynamically 
handle this.


Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-09 Thread Ty Young

On 1/9/19 2:38 AM, Ty Young wrote:

On 1/9/19 1:59 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

On 09.01.19 06:13, Ty Young wrote:

I've done a fresh build of JavaFX 12 and JDK 13(12 hasn't been released
yet but apparently 13 is a thing). These issues still exist.

To really help finding and solving the problem you need to provide
source code for us to reproduce the problem.


For the actual application see the repo[1]. I've uploaded a new 
release(see releases page) which can be used to actually run without 

Requirements to run are of course Linux but also:

1. A modern Nvidia GPU

2. Nvidia GPU driver(newer is better)

3. Nvidia-smi(should come with driver)

4. Nvidia-settings(may ship with binary driver depending on distro).

If a dummy GUI is necessary I can strip anything that isn't JavaFX. and the content of the various "NavButton"(s) 
is the most relevant bits.


Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-08 Thread Ty Young
I've done a fresh build of JavaFX 12 and JDK 13(12 hasn't been released 
yet but apparently 13 is a thing). These issues still exist.

Unrelated to JavaFX but client builds of the JDK fail with config 
--disable-warnings-as-errors --with-jvm-variants=client 
--with-import-modules=../rt/build/modular-sdk. What list should this be 
reported to?

On 1/2/19 6:27 PM, Ty Young wrote:

(I'm too lazy to make different emails for every bug so I've just 
thrown them in a single email. Hopefully that isn't a big deal.)

In my attempt to write a more proper responsive JavaFX UI, I've 
created a new JavaFX project which extensively uses DoubleBindings to 
force the min/max width/height of various components to their parent 
containing objects(HBox and VBox mainly) so that 1440p and 4k displays 
could be more easily supported. While it does allow for easier 1440p 
and 4k scaling, JavaFX itself seems to have /extremely/ horrible 
content rendering & resizing bugs to the point where the application 
becomes usable.

For clarity, the applications uses buttons in a VBox which when 
clicked set a ScrollPane on the right side to whatever pane the button 
represents("About" for example) like a TabPane. This is so it can be 
scaled more easily to different resolutions.

Multiple of the bugs can be observed by simply resizing the JavaFX 
window. When doing so, content will seemingly struggle to keep up with 
resizing events. As a result, white(or sometimes black) glitching can 
be seen wherever the window is being expanded and UI components will 
"jump" around. TableView's horizontal and vertical scrollbars will 
glitch out and show while the window is being resized even though it 
has plenty of room to display the contents. They sometimes even get 
stuck, requiring the user to resize the window for them to go away.

If the window is resized or if the window is maximized and later 
unmaximized , any non visible content will not be resized and will 
require that the window be resized by the user. A horizontal scroll 
bar will be displayed and usable to scroll to the content that hasn't 
been adjusted to the new window size. Sometimes JavaFX will slowly 
resize the content in seemingly steps however it doesn't always do this.

Thinking that this might be problems caused by extensive use of 
DoubleBinding, I launched SceneBuilder 10 which uses Oracle JDK 10. It 
has all of the same UI glitching that I've encountered in my JavaFX 
application at a lesser scale besides TableView since it doesn't use 

The degree of how badly the bugs happen seemingly depend on:

    A. The app launch

    B. The time the application is open

    C. The max stretched width/height of the window

In other words, it's possible to experience little UI glitching one 
app launch while using it after awhile but then relaunch it later with 
no code changed and get far more glitching.

Another problem is a font bug revolving around making text bold. When 
attempting to make a label bold, the boldness is seemingly not being 
applied to some Label text. It might work on a few Labels in a certain 
part of the UI but completely refuse in other parts. Making things 
weirder is the disappearing boldness of Labels after setting a new 
Pane in the ScrollPane and switching back to a that specific pane.

For example: on first click to the pane two labels will be bold as set 
in code. Switching to another pane and back results in the last bold 
label not being bold anymore. Switching to another pane again results 
in the first Label no longer being bold.

All of these bugs make the application unusable(except the boldness 
bug). Is this all known? Are there any workarounds?

P.S. To whoever is developing SceneBuilder, please add a minimum 
width/height to the stage. A user shouldn't be able to make resize the 
window to 1x5 or whatever the smallest window size is allowed by the OS.

Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-06 Thread Ty Young

On 1/6/19 5:06 AM, Siddhesh Rane wrote:

(An earlier version of this email turned out completely empty when delivered on 
the mailing list)

I have used JavaFX on Linux since 8.0 and have never faced any serious issues.

January 3, 2019 4:29 AM, "Ty Young"  wrote:

In my attempt to write a more proper responsive JavaFX UI, I've created
a new JavaFX project which extensively uses DoubleBindings to force the
min/max width/height of various components to their parent containing
objects(HBox and VBox mainly) so that 1440p and 4k displays could be
more easily supported.

This is not how layout is supposed to be done. The parent container calculates 
its computed size based on its children which takes into account min/pref/max 
size of children. Min/pref/max are intrinsic properties of the child 
irrespective of the container it is in.
You are introducing a chicken and egg situation here by having both dimensions 
depend on each other. You'll get undefined behaviour.

If you want children to occupy full width and height of parent, set VBox to "fill width" 
with Vgrow ALWAYS on children and Hbox to "fill height" and hgrow always in scene builder.

I'm well aware of how the parents size is calculated. However, the more 
level top level UI components are percentage based of the entire window 
so that, for example, the left button is 15% of the total window width 
and the ScrollPane is 85% of the total window width. Content within the 
ScrollPane is also reduced to 85% of the ScrollPane's width.

This percentage based UI scaling has been done in website for years. 
There isn't anything particularly different here. Content should 
theoretically be resized in a top down fashion on any resize event after 
first creation. If this causes unnecessary resizing events then why 
exactly does the DoubleBinding API even exist to begin with? This is 
always going to be an issue when you use it.

While it does allow for easier 1440p and 4k
scaling, JavaFX itself seems to have /extremely/ horrible content
rendering & resizing bugs to the point where the application becomes

If you are taking about buttons being extremely small on high definition screens 
on Linux, you can set root font size in your css to >1.0em. Alternatively you 
can set default font size with - Dcom.sun.javafx.fontSize=18 where default is 12. 
You can try it for any javafx application by setting 
_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dcom.sun.javafx.fontSize=18 on the command line.

As far as I'm aware JavaFX uses the system default font size unless told 
otherwise. As such, font should scale perfectly on native displays. 
Problem is, this is not true when using xrandr to scale the viewport nor 
does it affect padding or spacing between UI elements so while it'll 
supposedly look fine using a more responsive application design like 
i've been doing it will be less 1:1 scaling. Extra handling is required 
for above 1080p scaling sadly.

Default font size is 13 according to Font.getDefault().getSize(). 
According to Gnome Tweaks it's supposed to be 11. Which one is right? 
Who knows. Maybe using Font.getDefault().getSize() isn't a reliable way 
of getting system font size but I can't immediately think of a better 
way to get the actual system font size.


Multiple of the bugs can be observed by simply resizing the JavaFX
window. When doing so, content will seemingly struggle to keep up with
resizing events. As a result, white(or sometimes black) glitching can be
seen wherever the window is being expanded and UI components will "jump"

White or black bars on window expansion are not specific to javafx. I've seen 
that on Windows file explorer and Chrome with Gmail tab. It seems to me that 
the window resizing happens asynchronously so it doesn't wait for the 
application to have calculated layout and painted the new area. For any complex 
UI, the layout computation cannot keep up with window resize.

In complete honestly I've never really payed much attention to window 
resizing behavior until now as I usually just keep applications 
maximized. Opening various applications and resizing them shows that 
while there are far more applications with glitchy and low FPS resizing, 
there are also examples of applications that have no trouble resizing UI 

Non glitchy:

Gnome Settings(My app design is roughly based on this. It too uses 
percentage based UI sizing without issue.)

Gnome Disks

QT5 Settings

GNU Octage

Only Office

Vid Cutter


JavaFX apps


WPS Office

Steam(game client)

Given that some applications with fairly complex UI work fine I don't 
really buy the "UI is just too complex!" theory/defense/excuse. Not only 
does the app use bog standard JavaFX UI components but there aren't that 
many on the screen at any given time. Going by behavior of ScrollPane's 
glitchy horizontal bar, JavaFX doesn't even resize UI content that isn't 
in a use

Re: JavaFX Content Rendering & Resizing and Font Bugs In Linux

2019-01-05 Thread Ty Young

On 1/2/19 6:27 PM, Ty Young wrote:

(I'm too lazy to make different emails for every bug so I've just 
thrown them in a single email. Hopefully that isn't a big deal.)

In my attempt to write a more proper responsive JavaFX UI, I've 
created a new JavaFX project which extensively uses DoubleBindings to 
force the min/max width/height of various components to their parent 
containing objects(HBox and VBox mainly) so that 1440p and 4k displays 
could be more easily supported. While it does allow for easier 1440p 
and 4k scaling, JavaFX itself seems to have /extremely/ horrible 
content rendering & resizing bugs to the point where the application 
becomes usable.

For clarity, the applications uses buttons in a VBox which when 
clicked set a ScrollPane on the right side to whatever pane the button 
represents("About" for example) like a TabPane. This is so it can be 
scaled more easily to different resolutions.

Multiple of the bugs can be observed by simply resizing the JavaFX 
window. When doing so, content will seemingly struggle to keep up with 
resizing events. As a result, white(or sometimes black) glitching can 
be seen wherever the window is being expanded and UI components will 
"jump" around. TableView's horizontal and vertical scrollbars will 
glitch out and show while the window is being resized even though it 
has plenty of room to display the contents. They sometimes even get 
stuck, requiring the user to resize the window for them to go away.

If the window is resized or if the window is maximized and later 
unmaximized , any non visible content will not be resized and will 
require that the window be resized by the user. A horizontal scroll 
bar will be displayed and usable to scroll to the content that hasn't 
been adjusted to the new window size. Sometimes JavaFX will slowly 
resize the content in seemingly steps however it doesn't always do this.

Thinking that this might be problems caused by extensive use of 
DoubleBinding, I launched SceneBuilder 10 which uses Oracle JDK 10. It 
has all of the same UI glitching that I've encountered in my JavaFX 
application at a lesser scale besides TableView since it doesn't use 

The degree of how badly the bugs happen seemingly depend on:

    A. The app launch

    B. The time the application is open

    C. The max stretched width/height of the window

In other words, it's possible to experience little UI glitching one 
app launch while using it after awhile but then relaunch it later with 
no code changed and get far more glitching.

Another problem is a font bug revolving around making text bold. When 
attempting to make a label bold, the boldness is seemingly not being 
applied to some Label text. It might work on a few Labels in a certain 
part of the UI but completely refuse in other parts. Making things 
weirder is the disappearing boldness of Labels after setting a new 
Pane in the ScrollPane and switching back to a that specific pane.

For example: on first click to the pane two labels will be bold as set 
in code. Switching to another pane and back results in the last bold 
label not being bold anymore. Switching to another pane again results 
in the first Label no longer being bold.

All of these bugs make the application unusable(except the boldness 
bug). Is this all known? Are there any workarounds?

P.S. To whoever is developing SceneBuilder, please add a minimum 
width/height to the stage. A user shouldn't be able to make resize the 
window to 1x5 or whatever the smallest window size is allowed by the OS.

I've also just tested this in Ubuntu 18.04 as well via a jlink bundle. 
All of the window resizing and content jumping bugs exist on it as well.

Does anyone know anything?

Re: JavaFX fails to build with multiple different issues

2018-12-03 Thread Ty Young

On 12/3/18 6:52 PM, Michael Ennen wrote:
The first one is definitely a bug and I would consider opening a PR to 

the final modifier on

Done. <> This is the 
first time I've ever done a PR request so if there is anything wrong 
besides not signing away my left kidney with my own blood then let me 
know(/joke). I don't think it has any negative impact seeing as how the 
code requires the instance to be mutable anyway unless this really is a 
different code path from before(why would it be?) but I can't exactly 
check either way until I can compile and it's wrong either way.

The second one is a gradle error - what gradle command-line invocation
are you using?

"gradle build" though just doing "gradle" or even "gradle clean" results 
in the same fail. All tasks are borked would be my guess.

On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 4:58 PM Ty Young <>> wrote:

So here is an odd one: JavaFX is now longer building on Arch Linux
on a previous source directory that did compile just fine. I'm
that something was updated and isn't compatible with JavaFX's build
scripts but I'm not entirely sure what exactly it is.

(Note: just to make sure the files didn't magically become corrupt or
something I redownloaded from the Github mirror. Same issue.)

First error is this:


118: The variable [files] is declared final but is reassigned
. At [118:21]  @ line 118, column 21.
    files += file;

which is easy enough to fix by simply removing final from line
105. Even
though this was clearly an issue(why use final on local variables?
never understood why people do it...), I'm not entirely sure why it's
throwing an error now. Is it because Groovy is a scripting
language and
the build scripts never used to follow that logic path?

Next issue is this:

 > Could not get unknown property 'moduleEmptyPublicationJarLinux'
task set of type org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskContainer

which I'm not sure on how to resolve. Thinking that it may be
related to
my custom built JDK I tried swapping it out for an older one that
I know
worked before and yet it fails all the same.

Michael Ennen

JavaFX fails to build with multiple different issues

2018-12-03 Thread Ty Young
So here is an odd one: JavaFX is now longer building on Arch Linux even 
on a previous source directory that did compile just fine. I'm guessing 
that something was updated and isn't compatible with JavaFX's build 
scripts but I'm not entirely sure what exactly it is.

(Note: just to make sure the files didn't magically become corrupt or 
something I redownloaded from the Github mirror. Same issue.)

First error is this:

118: The variable [files] is declared final but is reassigned

. At [118:21]  @ line 118, column 21.
   files += file;

which is easy enough to fix by simply removing final from line 105. Even 
though this was clearly an issue(why use final on local variables? I've 
never understood why people do it...), I'm not entirely sure why it's 
throwing an error now. Is it because Groovy is a scripting language and 
the build scripts never used to follow that logic path?

Next issue is this:

> Could not get unknown property 'moduleEmptyPublicationJarLinux' for 
task set of type org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskContainer

which I'm not sure on how to resolve. Thinking that it may be related to 
my custom built JDK I tried swapping it out for an older one that I know 
worked before and yet it fails all the same.

Re: Netbeans X & Java 11?

2018-11-18 Thread Ty Young

On 11/18/18 3:01 PM, Michael Dever wrote:

Oracle seems to have Destroyed the combination of:
Netbeans, JavaFX, and SceneBuilder, building JavaFX from an IDE.

Is there any other IDE that supports and builds: JavaFX FXML Applications,
out of the box that just works, and that you can design the GUI application 
from SceneBuilder?

Mike Dever

Hi Mike,

I'm assuming you're getting a missing JavaFX deployment error which is 
the only error I could get with Java 11/JavaFX11 JDK in Netbeans with 
FXML and non modular application in Linux. As result of Oracle's 
careless deprecation and removal rampage, none of the non modular JavaFX 
applications in Netbeans(even 9!) work regardless of whether your JavaFX 
application is FXML or Java(which is all of templates/samples, by the 
by). I've brought this up before on this mailing list before in a bit of 
a rant and no one seemed to care to acknowledge that it was even an 
issue. There is some effort to make a replacement however it's being 
spearheaded by a company other than Oracle(abd IIRC is fit for primarily 
their needs. I couldn't get it to work for my jLink app) and who know 
when or if at all it will be integrated into JavaFX and Netbeans.

You can work around this by moving to a modular application. Sadly, 
Netbeans 9 does not provide any easy way to convert projects to the 
modular structure. Fortunately the process for converting it by hand is 
fairly easy for simple small projects:

1. Create a new modular application in Netbeans.

2. Copy /src/ to the modular applications 

3. Fix module name in module-info and add exports.

This will break Git(or at least it did for me). Yes, it really sucks but 
this is what happens when companies abort useful tools/secondary 
features out of the blue like an unwanted child without warning, proper 
& complete replacement, or time for IDE developers to add features to 
help migrate users of these features gracefully. This corporate middle 
fingering "It's our way or the highway" attitude is only going to hurt 
Java as a whole as no one can depend on anything for any long period of 
time and what tools/secondary features are being supported for the time 
being don't have all the features or functionality that deprecated 
features do. To add icing to the cake, Netbeans was formerly developed 
by Oracle themselves. Ouch.

But now I'm just repeating myself and going off topic. Yeah, if it's a 
small project the above should work fine. You might even be able to 
automate it if you really need to.

Hope this helps.

Re: Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

2018-11-13 Thread Ty Young

On 11/13/18 12:12 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

I'm sorry that I'm the one to bring you the bad news that you need to do
the work and can't offload multi-threading to JavaFX.

I already explain why it *seems* to work one some elements (until it
breaks like shown in the bug-report I referenced) and for others it
breaks immediately because they somehow call out to native APIs (like
win32, ...) and hence are guarded with checks.

I can simply say it won't work and it won't change (well I'm not the one
in charge of such a decision but I frankly can't believe it will). You
are the one supposed to deal with this like you have to deal with that
in Swing, Qt, WPF, Win32-API, Cocoa-API, Gtk, ... - you need to sync
yourself back to the UI-Thread if you want to access resources.

You are right. If there are many updates from the backend-system you
would queue a lot of Runnables using Platform.runLater() who can get you
in trouble.

There are others ways to sync back to the JavaFX UI-Thread but
Platform.runLater() is the simplest with the least amount of work and
until you run into problems you should stick to that.

Because everything is ran in different places and there is no built-in 
way to wait for the runnable to finish, some GUI code that notifies the 
user of an API object's change breaks because the object hasn't been 
updated yet.

This is my last reply in this thread, as there's nothing more to say on
this topic from my side, there are many resources out there discussing
Platform.runLater and friends but that's something you can (and could
have) googled for and anyways looks like you don't want to listen.

All Google turns up is Platform.runLater and Platform.runAndWait. 
Platform.runAndWait isn't even publicly usable unless I edit the source 
and make it public. I knew using Platform.runLater was going to cause 
problems which is why I really didn't want to use it to begin with.

This isn't me not doing my research, this is objectively JavaFX not 
providing the functionality that is necessary to do something rather 
trivial: update an API object and provide information from that API 
object right after it's updated to the user(without ChangeListener).

I understand that there may be very technical reasons for not making it 
public, however it is still *majorly* problematic that it doesn't exist. 
Not being able to tell when a runnable has finished executing(besides 
ChangeListeners) is a big deal.


On 13.11.18 05:38, Ty Young wrote:

On 11/12/18 9:12 PM, Brian Hudson wrote:

JavaFX like every other modern UI framework is single threaded.

Which in itself is fine, running *just* the UI isn't much on modern
processors. Adding a bunch of API object updates that cause thread
slowdown to the mix that can cause UI stuttering is, again, asking for

And how is TableView, Slider, TextField, etc all working just fine but
ComboBox freaks out? What's so special about ComboBox? Is there some
hack I can do to not trigger the exception?

The updating of your “API objects” can and should remain on a
background thread, however once updated the changes which trigger an
update to your UI (changing a value in a bound property) should occur
on the JavaFX thread via Platform.runLater for example.

Doing all this is just messy, inefficient, and duplicating code. It
would involve creating Runnable implementations that does about 10 lines
of code with objects that get updated as fast as they can be with
different object types, resulting in more threads and garbage being
created. Using generic magic isn't really a solution either because
different API objects convert data from String to some other type
depending on the implementation.

Would it not be possible to have a runPlatformListener method that just
runs the ChangeListener on the platform thread automatically? It would
reduce the amount of garbage dramatically since JavaFX only ever fires a
change event if the object is itself different(in other words, if the
current value is 0 and the new value is 0, there is no change) which is
nice and efficient.

Also, take the attitude down a notch or two.


On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 10:02 PM Ty Young>> wrote:

     On 11/12/18 5:39 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
     > Hi,
     > You are supposed to interact with Nodes who are currently shown
     in the
     > SG only only the JavaFX Application Thread.

     I never touch the GUI in my other threads, ever. The threads simply
     change the value of a type stored in a property. The
     ChangeListener that
     is used is created in the GUI JavaFX thread.

     > JavaFX although is not checking each and every property (change)
     as this
     > would be too resource intensive but at sensitive cases (eg when
     > interacting with Glass) it does check that you run on the
     correct thread.

     The update process for updating my API objects is slow(for reasons

Re: Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

2018-11-12 Thread Ty Young

On 11/12/18 9:12 PM, Brian Hudson wrote:

JavaFX like every other modern UI framework is single threaded.

Which in itself is fine, running *just* the UI isn't much on modern 
processors. Adding a bunch of API object updates that cause thread 
slowdown to the mix that can cause UI stuttering is, again, asking for 

And how is TableView, Slider, TextField, etc all working just fine but 
ComboBox freaks out? What's so special about ComboBox? Is there some 
hack I can do to not trigger the exception?

The updating of your “API objects” can and should remain on a 
background thread, however once updated the changes which trigger an 
update to your UI (changing a value in a bound property) should occur 
on the JavaFX thread via Platform.runLater for example.

Doing all this is just messy, inefficient, and duplicating code. It 
would involve creating Runnable implementations that does about 10 lines 
of code with objects that get updated as fast as they can be with 
different object types, resulting in more threads and garbage being 
created. Using generic magic isn't really a solution either because 
different API objects convert data from String to some other type 
depending on the implementation.

Would it not be possible to have a runPlatformListener method that just 
runs the ChangeListener on the platform thread automatically? It would 
reduce the amount of garbage dramatically since JavaFX only ever fires a 
change event if the object is itself different(in other words, if the 
current value is 0 and the new value is 0, there is no change) which is 
nice and efficient.

Also, take the attitude down a notch or two.


On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 10:02 PM Ty Young <>> wrote:

On 11/12/18 5:39 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:
> Hi,
> You are supposed to interact with Nodes who are currently shown
in the
> SG only only the JavaFX Application Thread.

I never touch the GUI in my other threads, ever. The threads simply
change the value of a type stored in a property. The
ChangeListener that
is used is created in the GUI JavaFX thread.

> JavaFX although is not checking each and every property (change)
as this
> would be too resource intensive but at sensitive cases (eg when
> interacting with Glass) it does check that you run on the
correct thread.

The update process for updating my API objects is slow(for reasons
beyond my control), so even assuming I somehow manage to magically
update everything in the GUI thread, how the hell do you fix the GUI
stuttering at that point?

Really, having an entire application do all of it's processing on one
thread in 2018 is really just idiotic and asking for trouble.

> Even though your TableView, ... updates seem to work you can run
> disasterous states - see eg
> Tom

I'm not sure what the bug is about since the description really
give much info however I really haven't noticed anything, even
long term
with it being open for 8+ hours. These objects are update very
frequently as well.

To be clear, this isn't some business application that gets info
from a
database or something.

> On 10.11.18 06:58, Ty Young wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My JavaFX program updates API objects in the background via a
non FX
>> thread that, when changed by another program, are reflected in
my JavaFX
>> GUI's controls by property binding, specifically TableView, Slider,
>> TextField, and ComboBox. Problem is, while JavaFX is OK with
this for
>> TableView, Slider, and TextField, it throws a Not on FX application
>> thread exception *only* for the ComboBox.
>> The code for the slider looks like this:
>>      private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
>>      {
>>      @Override
>>      public void changed(ObservableValue
>> observable, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue)
>>      {
>>      slider.getSlider().setValue(newValue);
>> slider.getTextBox().setText(newValue.toString());
>>      }
>>      }
>> (the slider variable is misleading, it's actually a VBox that
contains a
>> Slider and a TextField. Need to change it but I digress.)
>> which works fine. However this:
>>      private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
>>      {
>>      @Override
>>      public void changed(ObservableValue
observable, E
>> old

Re: Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

2018-11-12 Thread Ty Young

On 11/12/18 5:39 PM, Tom Schindl wrote:


You are supposed to interact with Nodes who are currently shown in the
SG only only the JavaFX Application Thread.

I never touch the GUI in my other threads, ever. The threads simply 
change the value of a type stored in a property. The ChangeListener that 
is used is created in the GUI JavaFX thread.

JavaFX although is not checking each and every property (change) as this
would be too resource intensive but at sensitive cases (eg when
interacting with Glass) it does check that you run on the correct thread.

The update process for updating my API objects is slow(for reasons 
beyond my control), so even assuming I somehow manage to magically 
update everything in the GUI thread, how the hell do you fix the GUI 
stuttering at that point?

Really, having an entire application do all of it's processing on one 
thread in 2018 is really just idiotic and asking for trouble.

Even though your TableView, ... updates seem to work you can run into
disasterous states - see eg


I'm not sure what the bug is about since the description really doesn't 
give much info however I really haven't noticed anything, even long term 
with it being open for 8+ hours. These objects are update very 
frequently as well.

To be clear, this isn't some business application that gets info from a 
database or something.

On 10.11.18 06:58, Ty Young wrote:


My JavaFX program updates API objects in the background via a non FX
thread that, when changed by another program, are reflected in my JavaFX
GUI's controls by property binding, specifically TableView, Slider,
TextField, and ComboBox. Problem is, while JavaFX is OK with this for
TableView, Slider, and TextField, it throws a Not on FX application
thread exception *only* for the ComboBox.

The code for the slider looks like this:

     private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
     public void changed(ObservableValue
observable, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue)

(the slider variable is misleading, it's actually a VBox that contains a
Slider and a TextField. Need to change it but I digress.)

which works fine. However this:

     private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
     public void changed(ObservableValue observable, E
oldValue, E newValue)

doesn't for the ComboBox.

Is this a bug or is there some legitimate invisible reason as to why the
slider/textfield isn't throwing an error but the combobox one is?

Re: Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

2018-11-12 Thread Ty Young

On 11/9/18 11:58 PM, Ty Young wrote:


My JavaFX program updates API objects in the background via a non FX 
thread that, when changed by another program, are reflected in my 
JavaFX GUI's controls by property binding, specifically TableView, 
Slider, TextField, and ComboBox. Problem is, while JavaFX is OK with 
this for TableView, Slider, and TextField, it throws a Not on FX 
application thread exception *only* for the ComboBox.

The code for the slider looks like this:

    private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
    public void changed(ObservableValue 
observable, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue)


(the slider variable is misleading, it's actually a VBox that contains 
a Slider and a TextField. Need to change it but I digress.)

which works fine. However this:

    private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
    public void changed(ObservableValue observable, E 
oldValue, E newValue)


doesn't for the ComboBox.

Is this a bug or is there some legitimate invisible reason as to why 
the slider/textfield isn't throwing an error but the combobox one is?

Anything at all on this? Does JavaFX have bipolar thread disorder or 

Bug: Not on FX application thread exception is inconsistent

2018-11-09 Thread Ty Young


My JavaFX program updates API objects in the background via a non FX 
thread that, when changed by another program, are reflected in my JavaFX 
GUI's controls by property binding, specifically TableView, Slider, 
TextField, and ComboBox. Problem is, while JavaFX is OK with this for 
TableView, Slider, and TextField, it throws a Not on FX application 
thread exception *only* for the ComboBox.

The code for the slider looks like this:

    private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
    public void changed(ObservableValue 
observable, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue)


(the slider variable is misleading, it's actually a VBox that contains a 
Slider and a TextField. Need to change it but I digress.)

which works fine. However this:

    private class ValueListener implements ChangeListener
    public void changed(ObservableValue observable, E 
oldValue, E newValue)


doesn't for the ComboBox.

Is this a bug or is there some legitimate invisible reason as to why the 
slider/textfield isn't throwing an error but the combobox one is?

Re: JavaFX in-memory dynamic CSS file editing and applying

2018-10-15 Thread Ty Young

On 10/15/18 7:02 AM, David Grieve wrote:

Just setStyle -fx-theme-header (etc.) on the root node.

That doesn't work, sadly. The actual FX CSS properties that utilize 
-fx-theme-header don't update after setting a new value.

On 10/15/18 1:05 AM, Ty Young wrote:
Does JavaFX have an API for dynamically editing and applying CSS 
files in-memory? If not, would there be any possibility in one ever 
being made?

My reasoning for such an API is, instead of switching between 
completely separate CSS files and having to update each whenever I 
need to support a new component, I'd like the ability to just have 1 
CSS file and edit it's values in-memory and have it reflected in 
JavaFX as soon as the change is made. For example instead of changing 
the individual components themselves I'd like to get all of this:

    -fx-theme-header: #44;
    -fx-theme-background: #3D3D3D;
    -fx-theme-background-alt: #2E2E2E;
    -fx-theme-selected: #F0544C;
    -fx-theme-label-text: #D2D2D2;
    -fx-theme-selectable-hover: #454545;
    -fx-theme-tab-close-color: -fx-theme-label-text;

    -fx-highlight-fill: -fx-theme-selected;

and modify it via a JavaFX API to change it to something like:

    -fx-theme-header: #FF;
    -fx-theme-background: -fx-theme-header;
    -fx-theme-background-alt: #F2F2F2;
    -fx-theme-selected: #CBEAFF;
    -fx-theme-label-text: #33;
    -fx-theme-selectable-hover: #E1E1E1;
    -fx-theme-tab-close-color: -fx-theme-label-text;

    -fx-highlight-fill: -fx-theme-selected;

Since these are used throughout the CSS file, all the components that 
use these will be updated.

JavaFX in-memory dynamic CSS file editing and applying

2018-10-14 Thread Ty Young
Does JavaFX have an API for dynamically editing and applying CSS files 
in-memory? If not, would there be any possibility in one ever being made?

My reasoning for such an API is, instead of switching between completely 
separate CSS files and having to update each whenever I need to support 
a new component, I'd like the ability to just have 1 CSS file and edit 
it's values in-memory and have it reflected in JavaFX as soon as the 
change is made. For example instead of changing the individual 
components themselves I'd like to get all of this:

    -fx-theme-header: #44;
    -fx-theme-background: #3D3D3D;
    -fx-theme-background-alt: #2E2E2E;
    -fx-theme-selected: #F0544C;
    -fx-theme-label-text: #D2D2D2;
    -fx-theme-selectable-hover: #454545;
    -fx-theme-tab-close-color: -fx-theme-label-text;

    -fx-highlight-fill: -fx-theme-selected;

and modify it via a JavaFX API to change it to something like:

    -fx-theme-header: #FF;
    -fx-theme-background: -fx-theme-header;
    -fx-theme-background-alt: #F2F2F2;
    -fx-theme-selected: #CBEAFF;
    -fx-theme-label-text: #33;
    -fx-theme-selectable-hover: #E1E1E1;
    -fx-theme-tab-close-color: -fx-theme-label-text;

    -fx-highlight-fill: -fx-theme-selected;

Since these are used throughout the CSS file, all the components that 
use these will be updated.

Re: Some visual issues with a test application

2018-10-14 Thread Ty Young

On 10/14/18 3:22 PM, Mark Raynsford wrote:


I've been developing with Swing for many years, and I'm just now giving
JavaFX a serious look now that the distribution issues are fixed
(packages on Maven Central and the like).

I've run into a couple of odd issues and I'm not sure that either of
them are my fault.

I've been putting together a little API and GUI application for
browsing OSGi repositories:

I've recorded the issues here:

You may notice that things look a little odd in that all windows appear
to be fullscreen. This is because I'm using a tiling window manager
(i3). Historically, Swing had a bit of trouble with this sort of window
manager. I'm not sure if JavaFX also does.

The first issue: The menu bar I created seems to behave erratically.
Sometimes I can click on the menu to open it, other times it flashes
open and then immediately closes. In both cases, the menu seems to be
detached from the menu bar (there's a gap between the menu and the bar).

The menu is created here and added to a BorderPane:

The second issue: Icons set on TreeItem values seem to be corrupted
when the TreeTableView containing them is scrolled. You can see this
happen in the video. The table in question is populated from an
immutable snapshot of data returned by the underlying repository API.
Once a repository is added, the table is populated once and then does
not change until the user adds another repository.

Double clicking on a row "selects" a bundle from the repository
and this triggers a refresh of the table view. When I scroll up and
down, it seems like icon views are incorrectly reused from other rows.

The entirety of the table configuration happens here:

Icons are set on the tree table nodes here:

Any advice would be appreciated.

The code ultimately does everything correctly. Some JavaFX components 
expose a getChildren() method which doesn't actually do anything because 
your supposed to use getItems() or something like that and it causes odd 
behavior but you're using the right methods...

but I digress, JDK 11 switched to GTK3 by default which has caused some 
bugs. Try setting:


wherever you add run args in your Maven project(I use Ant and have no 
experience with Maven). It will force GTK2. I tried to run your program 
myself but there doesn't seem to be a way to add local dependencies like 
you can with Ant in Netbeans 9, causing a build fail and Netbeans 9 
can't find a main class.

criticism is also welcome.

If I may ask, why are you sidestepping constructors and using static 
everywhere? It works all the same, just never seen anyone write code the 
way you did.

Re: Filling the Packager gap

2018-09-28 Thread Ty Young

On 9/27/18 1:44 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

Hi Ty,

Apart om jdk.jlink, who else is 
exporting ?

If that is the case, there must be something wrong.
The 12-sandbox version also exports that package:

- Johan

JavaFX itself is:

rt/apps/performance/JavaFX/src/jdk.jlink/classes(It's just an app) from /rt/dependencies/jdk.jlink from /rt/build/modular-sdk/modules_src/jdk.jlink

I don't know what the .extra is all about. I found those by searching 
for all the module-info files from in JavaFX and seeing if there was any 
matches to

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 4:14 AM Ty Young <>> wrote:

On 9/19/18 3:55 AM, Johan Vos wrote:
> Hi,
> As promised, we looked into an interim solution for the
packager-gap. Work
> for the new Java Packager (12?) is being done in the OpenJDK
sandbox repo.
> We backported the required changes to an OpenJDK 11 mirror:
> With this, we created modified OpenJDK 11 builds that contain
the packager
> (wrapper/exe + module including native library). They can be
downloaded and
> tested/used at
> For Windows, you have to unzip the bundle in the same directory
as the JDK,
> as the packager wrapper expect to find the java binary at the
same level.
> Note that these are not products. We use them internally to create
> installers (e.g. we're using them for Scene Builder 11 and that
> fine), and they do what we expect them to do, but there are no
> of course so at least for now I recommend using them in
development only
> (or even better, look at the changes and contribute to
> or to this
> - Johan

The JDK source fails to compile due to a duplicate qualified export.
Removing the export from

fixes it.

By the way, how does one use this with jLink generated by Netbeans? I
used the jLink build as the input and it just dumped it into the
folder when making the image which doesn't work.

Re: Filling the Packager gap

2018-09-26 Thread Ty Young

On 9/19/18 3:55 AM, Johan Vos wrote:


As promised, we looked into an interim solution for the packager-gap. Work
for the new Java Packager (12?) is being done in the OpenJDK sandbox repo.
We backported the required changes to an OpenJDK 11 mirror:

With this, we created modified OpenJDK 11 builds that contain the packager
(wrapper/exe + module including native library). They can be downloaded and
tested/used at

For Windows, you have to unzip the bundle in the same directory as the JDK,
as the packager wrapper expect to find the java binary at the same level.

Note that these are not products. We use them internally to create
installers (e.g. we're using them for Scene Builder 11 and that works
fine), and they do what we expect them to do, but there are no guarantees
of course so at least for now I recommend using them in development only
(or even better, look at the changes and contribute to or to this backport)

- Johan

The JDK source fails to compile due to a duplicate qualified export. 
Removing the export from 
fixes it.

By the way, how does one use this with jLink generated by Netbeans? I 
used the jLink build as the input and it just dumped it into the "app" 
folder when making the image which doesn't work.

Re: BUG: zip file in sdk lib folder causes bugged JDK build

2018-09-26 Thread Ty Young

On 9/22/18 9:01 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
I have never seen this problem. As for including in the "lib" 
directory, that matches what the JDK has done for years. It may have 
something to do with how you are building your JDK?

No, I compile JavaFX the same everytime - remove -Werror from the Linux 
gradle file and ignore all web tests via -x :web:test.

Maybe something was changed on the JDK side of things(an exclude list 

I don't remember having this issue before either compiling the 
pre-release versions of JDK11 and JavaFX either. I used both the JDK11 
and JavaFX 11 release branch for the source code.

In any case, as mentioned in a previous email, I do not recommend 
using a boot JDK with JavaFX modules to build FX. This is no longer 
the expected way to build FX and will quite likely stop working at 
some point.

-- Kevin

Why exactly does having the modules in the JDK matter? Worse case 
scenario they just aren't used, right? Even if it isn't the "expected" 
way to build JavaFX, it still has advantages over using the standalone 
SDK and IMO should still be supported.

I'm having a hard time understanding why people at Oracle(or Oracle 
itself) seems to just want to drop features/tools/options and replace 
them with completely inferior, incomplete, or not as good replacements, 
like jLink(though the reduced file size is useful). You all must realize 
that by doing this that you are breaking projects that utilized these 
features/tools/options(like JPackager) and increasing the amount of work 
for IDE developers as they have to support whatever feature that is 
supported on JDK release X but not on release Y(they have to do this 
anyway for new language features, but why complicate more?).

To add salt to the wound, non LTS releases are only supported until the 
next JDK so you need to adapt your project for every few releases 
because of this. Netbeans *still* doesn't have a way to convert a non 
modular JavaFX application(where JPackager would've been used) to a 
modular one easily, and modules were released with *Java 9* and many 
third party libraries still haven't moved to modules yet either(not that 
I use them, I've just read elsewhere that they haven't).

I literally have a non modular JavaFX program that used to use jPackager 
that doesn't even compile anymore because Apache Netbeans 9 still hasn't 
added any code to remove jPackager from the ant scripts(or whatever). 
The project isn't worth anything but that isn't the point. Why break 
support for it if it isn't hurting anything? Why introduce something and 
then abort it like it's an unwanted baby? Isn't developing these 
features/tools/options and dropping them so fast costing time and money?

If there is a completely legitimate reason like is the case with Swing 
interop(as stated before) then that's understandable, but some minor 
bug(like above) that could probably easily be fixed is just kicking 
yourselves. No one wants to utilize a feature/tool/option only for it to 
be pulled from under them all of a sudden for no good reason or a 
*PROPER* AND *COMPLETE* replacement. It happens so often you can't 
depend on any new feature/tool/option since you have no idea if it isn't 
just going to get removed a few JDK releases later.

And no, a standalone SDK isn't a replacement for a JDK that has built in 
support for JavaFX. Does it continue to allow you to compile the 
project? Maybe? At what cost? HDD space, memory(see below), convenience, 
and reproducibility(multiple JavaFX versions potentially being used).

I didn't even know about it until I compiled and tested it, but a 
"client" build of the JDK uses less memory than a "server" variant 
regardless of the application itself. Without being able to build JDK 
with JavaFX support baked in, my application would be unnecessarily 
allocating more memory than it needs to. Most JDK/JRE builds are 
"server" builds and not "client" builds and use around 250MB which is 
insane and will cause people to complain. If there is no other *PROPER* 
AND *COMPLETE* way to reduce the insanely high memory usage of "server" 
JDK/JRE builds, is that use case not enough reason to support it?

(Side note: A "client" build of the JDK fails to finish a JavaFX test 
because it runs out of heap space. Guess I'll need to build a server and 
client variants from now on.)

On 9/18/2018 7:30 PM, Ty Young wrote:
The zip file "" located in rt/build/sdk/lib/ after building 
JavaFX from source causes a bugged build of OpenJDK with JavaFX 
integrated into it. The build itself completes just fine, it's just 
that resulting build has issues.

Because a zip file isn't a supported module format, Netbeans spits 
out an error saying as such when attempting to compile a JavaFX 
application(unsure if the project being modular matters here or not, 
but it is.). It also seems to cause

Re: [12] RFR: JDK-8209966: Update minimum boot JDK to 11

2018-09-26 Thread Ty Young

On 9/24/18 2:12 AM, Johan Vos wrote:

> And it's only going to get worse as time goes on. Would it not be
> possible to support up until the last JDK LTS(Starting at 11)
> for building JavaFX? I feel like maybe that would be more

This is a good question, and maybe in the future we might not be so
quick to do this...or maybe we will.  We should discuss this
before we
get to this point for JavaFX 13, a little less than six months
from now.
The choices for the model are:

1. Allow building JavaFX N with either JDK N-1 or JDK N.
2. Allow building JavaFX N with the most recent LTS or later.

Choice #1 will allow JavaFX to better keep pace with JDK features
or language features). Choice #2 will allow JavaFX to build and
run with
the most current, stable JDK LTS at the cost of not being able to use
newer JDK features.

One of the reasons Java is moving to a fast release cadence is because 
today, this is required to stay relevant in a fast-changing landscape.
I think we need to do the same with JavaFX. We should be able to 
leverage the latest and greatest advances in the JDK, since this will 
allow JavaFX to move fast as well, which is required to stay relevant.

Maybe it's because I don't work for a large corporation, but I don't see 
this supposed "fast-changing" landscape. To me, it just looks like Java 
is trying to appeal to all the people from Python/C++/other languages 
who can't or have a hard time writing object oriented code by 
introducing a more lazy "functional" and "concise" way of programming. 
The amount of actual meaningful updates to the language in 10 and 11 in 
my eyes is fairly small, which is somewhat expected with the faster 
release cycles. If there was actually a "fast-changing" landscape, I 
would think that there would more meaningful and useful updates rather 
than the 50/50 "functional and/or concise"/other misc updates that has 
been the case for JDK 10 and 11.

Personally, whatever was updated that resulted in Netbeans properly 
using the OS's Look and Feel was the only worthwhile update of the 
entire JDK 11 release IMO, but I digress.

To be clear, I'm not that concerned about breaking compatibility with 
older versions of the JDK because of API updates/introductions/removals 
or new, better tools being introduced. I'm more concerned about 
backwards compatibility being broken for stupid reasons like new lazy 
language updates that have no actual value or can be done with older 
compatible ways just because people want to be lazy, "functional", and 
"concise" which has become a bit of a hot trend lately.

If you want to run on the latest stable JDK LTS, the logical 
consequence seems to me you use the latest stable JavaFX LTS. There is 
LTS support available for both Java and JavaFX 11 and they are pretty 
well aligned.

That's all fine and dandy except for the fact that you can't guarantee 
what JRE is being run if you haven't moved to Java 9 modules. What do 
you do, wait a few months after a new LTS is out and then update your 
application with new JDK/JavaFX features and say "tough luck" to anyone 
who is still using a previous LTS? What if a user has a newer JRE 
installed with a feature that exists on the previous LTS removed but not 
their newer JRE that JavaFX LTS depends on?

I've never tried it, but I guess you could prompt the user to download a 
compatible JRE via a Swing GUI and use that to launch the application 
via a launcher... but that's just awful for so many different reasons.

Having said that, there is no point in moving forward just for the fun 
of it. We also have to distinguish between changes in the VM or in the 
core Java API's.
My opinion is that if a new feature is added to JDK N, we can really 
take advantage of it in JavaFX (N+1).
In some cases, there won't be new features relevant to OpenJFX. But 
even then, I don't think we can't change our rules on a per-release 
case (e.g. JavaFX 14 works with Java 13 and Java 14, and even Java 12; 
but JavaFX 15 works with Java 14 and Java 15 and not with Java 13).

In general, I think developers updating from JavaFX 11-12-13 are also 
capable of updating the JDK from 11-12-13, so I prefer the coupling

1. Allow building JavaFX N with either JDK N-1 or JDK N.

- Johan

Re: [12] RFR: JDK-8209966: Update minimum boot JDK to 11

2018-09-21 Thread Ty Young

On 9/21/18 5:27 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

Please review the following on GitHub:

This will bump the minimum boot JDK needed to build JavaFX 12 to JDK 11.

-- Kevin

Is requiring the previously released JDK to build JavaFX really 
necessary? Does something *actually* break as a result of using an older 
boot JDK?

If not, this is just going to make compiling JavaFX a real pain as you 
need to compile(or somehow find) a JDK that is one version behind, and 
if you don't have it then you need to compile the JDK with JavaFX before 
that(and repeat).

In other words, if I wanted to compile JavaFX 12 right now I'd need to 
use Oracle JDK 10(which may not even be available for download in the 
future, who knows?), use it to compile JDK 11 with JavaFX 11, and then 
use that to compile JavaFX 12 if I couldn't find JDK 11 with JavaFX 
online somewhere.

And it's only going to get worse as time goes on. Would it not be 
possible to support up until the last JDK LTS(Starting at 11) release 
for building JavaFX? I feel like maybe that would be more reasonable.


Re: BUG: TableView's setMouseTransparent method does not make mouse transparent

2018-09-21 Thread Ty Young

On 9/19/18 10:27 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
JavaFX does not use exclusive full-screen mode. It simulates full 
screen by using an undecorated window that is exactly the size of the 
screen. This means that pop-ups, such as those used by ComboBox and 
content menus, will continue to work (they use separate windows).

-- Kevin

Well, that kind of stinks.

Regarding the bug itself, I've figured out that it's a GTK3 bug as 
hinted on the bug report[1]. Switching to GTK2 via the suggested 
argument fixes the bug for me.

BTW, have you had a chance to read the other email I sent about the zip 
file causing a bugged JDK?


On 9/19/2018 7:52 AM, Ty Young wrote:

On 9/19/18 8:01 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Thanks for reporting the issue. I see it in the bug system, and it 
should be transferred to the JDK project in JBS in a day or so.

I'm not sure I understand your question:

> (While i'm at it, does JavaFX *always* render the desktop even if 
a JavaFX application is fullscreen?)

What do you mean by "render the desktop" ?

-- Kevin

Typically when a game(or potentially any 3d application) is 
fullscreen, that game(or 3d application) has exclusive control and 
desktop elements(the desktop environment and the windows within) are 
no longer rendered. As a result, frame rate is increased, latency is 
reduced, and stuttering/jittering are reduced or non existent.

However, it's possible to "fake" fullscreen by using borderless 
windowed mode which does not provide the performance benefits of 
fullscreen while being 'fullscreen".

Basically what I'm asking is: Does JavaFX just disable window 
decorations(title bar/resize borders) and overlays the application 
over the OS's desktop or is it *truly* fullscreen?

On 9/18/2018 7:11 PM, Ty Young wrote:

Bug review ID: 9057302.

TavleView's setMouseTransparent no longer makes mouse events(like 
clicking) transparent for that TableView when set to true in JavaFX 
11. In Oracle 9 and 10 it did, however. I vaguely remember 
compiling OpenJDK 10 with JavaFX integrated and had the same issue 
even though Oracle 10 did not have the bug.

I personally use this to create an On Screen Display for displaying 
some GPU information while playing games in Linux(Yes, I know it's 
incredibly bad to do that since the desktop is still being 
rendered). Because of this bug, in-game menus cannot be clicked if 
they are in the top left corner(where the window is) as the mouse 
transparent method is no longer working.

(While i'm at it, does JavaFX *always* render the desktop even if a 
JavaFX application is fullscreen?)

Re: BUG: TableView's setMouseTransparent method does not make mouse transparent

2018-09-19 Thread Ty Young

On 9/19/18 8:01 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
Thanks for reporting the issue. I see it in the bug system, and it 
should be transferred to the JDK project in JBS in a day or so.

I'm not sure I understand your question:

> (While i'm at it, does JavaFX *always* render the desktop even if a 
JavaFX application is fullscreen?)

What do you mean by "render the desktop" ?

-- Kevin

Typically when a game(or potentially any 3d application) is fullscreen, 
that game(or 3d application) has exclusive control and desktop 
elements(the desktop environment and the windows within) are no longer 
rendered. As a result, frame rate is increased, latency is reduced, and 
stuttering/jittering are reduced or non existent.

However, it's possible to "fake" fullscreen by using borderless windowed 
mode which does not provide the performance benefits of fullscreen while 
being 'fullscreen".

Basically what I'm asking is: Does JavaFX just disable window 
decorations(title bar/resize borders) and overlays the application over 
the OS's desktop or is it *truly* fullscreen?

On 9/18/2018 7:11 PM, Ty Young wrote:

Bug review ID: 9057302.

TavleView's setMouseTransparent no longer makes mouse events(like 
clicking) transparent for that TableView when set to true in JavaFX 
11. In Oracle 9 and 10 it did, however. I vaguely remember compiling 
OpenJDK 10 with JavaFX integrated and had the same issue even though 
Oracle 10 did not have the bug.

I personally use this to create an On Screen Display for displaying 
some GPU information while playing games in Linux(Yes, I know it's 
incredibly bad to do that since the desktop is still being rendered). 
Because of this bug, in-game menus cannot be clicked if they are in 
the top left corner(where the window is) as the mouse transparent 
method is no longer working.

(While i'm at it, does JavaFX *always* render the desktop even if a 
JavaFX application is fullscreen?)

BUG: zip file in sdk lib folder causes bugged JDK build

2018-09-18 Thread Ty Young
The zip file "" located in rt/build/sdk/lib/ after building 
JavaFX from source causes a bugged build of OpenJDK with JavaFX 
integrated into it. The build itself completes just fine, it's just that 
resulting build has issues.

Because a zip file isn't a supported module format, Netbeans spits out 
an error saying as such when attempting to compile a JavaFX 
application(unsure if the project being modular matters here or not, but 
it is.). It also seems to cause any attempt to build a new build of 
OpenJDK to segmentation fault using that same bugged JDK as the boot jdk.

Is there somekind of special exception for unsupported module formats 
for the standalone SDK or is it just manually removed after it's done 
being compiled?

Not sure if it's worth creating a bug report for this since this seems 
to be some minor mishap. Including a zipped file of the source code in a 
lib file doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me... I would think it 
should be in the parent directory(rt/buid/sdk), next to the legal and 
lib folders.

BUG: TableView's setMouseTransparent method does not make mouse transparent

2018-09-18 Thread Ty Young

Bug review ID: 9057302.

TavleView's setMouseTransparent no longer makes mouse events(like 
clicking) transparent for that TableView when set to true in JavaFX 11. 
In Oracle 9 and 10 it did, however. I vaguely remember compiling OpenJDK 
10 with JavaFX integrated and had the same issue even though Oracle 10 
did not have the bug.

I personally use this to create an On Screen Display for displaying some 
GPU information while playing games in Linux(Yes, I know it's incredibly 
bad to do that since the desktop is still being rendered). Because of 
this bug, in-game menus cannot be clicked if they are in the top left 
corner(where the window is) as the mouse transparent method is no longer 

(While i'm at it, does JavaFX *always* render the desktop even if a 
JavaFX application is fullscreen?)

Re: Table Input

2018-06-19 Thread Ty Young

On 06/19/2018 10:51 AM, wrote:

A minor issue in the Table component existed in previous versions of JavaFX
when editing in a cell was turned on. Only if the Return key was pressed was
the data entered into the backing bean. Leaving the cell with Tab or by
mouse did not register the change. I thought just when a cell looses focus
it should trigger updating the bean. I have not looked at the recent builds
but I thought I'd ask if it has come up on anyone's radar. I noticed it when
I moved from teaching Swing to FX.


Ken Fogel



IIRC, this isn't specific to Table. A spinner with editing enabled also 
does this and it breaks events(onKeyTyped does nothing).

Re: OpenJFX status update

2018-05-17 Thread Ty Young

On 05/16/2018 02:04 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

On 5/16/2018 10:49 AM, Ty Young wrote:

That one, as mentioned in the wiki build guide. I get an immediate 
build fail(see: The JDK works just 
fine: I can set it as the default JDK, run Netbeans, set the project 
source to 11, and my application builds just fine.

Ah, I see. You didn't say what version of gradle or JDK you were 
using, but this looks like a known problem in trying to run gradle 
with JDK 11. See:

This is marked as fixed in gradle 4.8-rc1, but I haven't confirmed this.

I have every Oracle JDK and OpenJDK version from 8 and above installed. 
I had assumed that Oracle JDK(s) were required because they were the 
only ones that would work as OpenJDK 9 and 10 builds in Arch Linux don't 
support JavaFX and using a self compiled JDK 11 isn't possible due to 
that bug.

I'm using Gradle 4.7 and Oracle JDK 10 to build.

And could the new standalone modules be integrated with the source 
code somehow so that a JDK without JavaFX support can be compiled?

Not sure what you mean, but you can use an OpenJDK without modules + 
the JavaFX standalone modules to build and run your program.

It's an option, sure. My problem with it is that it creates so much 
unnecessary disk usage because each bundled application requires it's 
own copy of JavaFX. If you had 10 standalone JavaFX applications it 
would be 1GB easily if they where all modular projects, which are 
around 106MB for me. Creating an app bundle using classpath is around 
200MB(post JDK 8 was 250+ IIRC).

One option for you would be to use jlink to create a jre image that 
includes the javafx modules. This week's openjfx-11-ea+14 build will 
have a jmods bundle that you can use for this purpose.

So like it was done with OpenJDK 8 overlay but just with modules 
instead, basically?

As I wrote before and am still having issues with, after a 
successful first compile, JavaFX no longer compiles in Arch Linux 
for me. Any attempt to do so results in a bunch of warning 
messages(see: which cause the build 
to fail due to warnings being treated as errors(Should they even be 
ignored?). In addition. I'm now getting a GCC warning about XIMProc 
returning an int when it should return void (*). I don't know C or 
the native APIs so right now I'm at a loss of what to do besides 
trying to compile on another distro - which is something I *really* 
would prefer not to have to do.

What gcc version are you using? And what Linux distro?

8.1.0 and Arch Linux(Antergos which is basically Arch Linux).

That's not a distro I'm familiar with, but it may or may not be 
related to the issue you are seeing. The gcc errors may be related to 
compiling with a more-strict 8.1 compiler; we have tested with up to 
gcc 7.3, but nothing newer than that. A quick look suggests that we 
will need some way to suppress that warning. For now, you can modify 
buildSrc/linux.gradle and remove the "-Werror" flag from (ditto for gtk3).

Arch Linux uses the rolling release update model, so it usually gets the 
newest software before any other Linux distro.

Removing -Werror from those two lines got me a compile, though with many 
more warnings. However, attempting to compile an OpenJDK with JavaFX 
results in its own build fail due to jdk packager module being missing 
in the JavaFX build. See:

I tried copying the modular src files from a previous build and pasting 
them into the new one that doesn't have it and now I just get a build 
fail saying that JDK packager is marked for deprecation. I take it JDK 
Packager is in the process of being removed then?

-- Kevin

-- Kevin

Re: OpenJFX status update

2018-05-16 Thread Ty Young

On 05/16/2018 10:42 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

On 5/15/2018 11:57 PM, Ty Young wrote:

3. JavaFX has been removed from JDK 11 as of this week. Starting 
with jdk-11+14, early access builds of JDK 11 will not include JavaFX.

I'm not sure if it's intentional or perhaps a bug on my end, but I 
cannot compile JavaFX without Oracle JDK(9 or 10). Attempting to do 
so with a self compiled JDK with JavaFX support results in a build 
fail while doing it without JavaFX entirely results in a fail due to 
Observable classes being missing.

Is Oracle JDK a requirement for building JavaFX currently or is this 
just some weird bug with my compiled JDK?

This is likely something on your end, since we build the standalone 
JavaFX using OpenJDK 10. What repo are you building from? The correct 
repo is:

That one, as mentioned in the wiki build guide. I get an immediate build 
fail(see: The JDK works just fine: I can 
set it as the default JDK, run Netbeans, set the project source to 11, 
and my application builds just fine.

And could the new standalone modules be integrated with the source 
code somehow so that a JDK without JavaFX support can be compiled?

Not sure what you mean, but you can use an OpenJDK without modules + 
the JavaFX standalone modules to build and run your program.

It's an option, sure. My problem with it is that it creates so much 
unnecessary disk usage because each bundled application requires it's 
own copy of JavaFX. If you had 10 standalone JavaFX applications it 
would be 1GB easily if they where all modular projects, which are around 
106MB for me. Creating an app bundle using classpath is around 
200MB(post JDK 8 was 250+ IIRC).

As I wrote before and am still having issues with, after a successful 
first compile, JavaFX no longer compiles in Arch Linux for me. Any 
attempt to do so results in a bunch of warning messages(see: which cause the build to fail due to 
warnings being treated as errors(Should they even be ignored?). In 
addition. I'm now getting a GCC warning about XIMProc returning an 
int when it should return void (*). I don't know C or the native APIs 
so right now I'm at a loss of what to do besides trying to compile on 
another distro - which is something I *really* would prefer not to 
have to do.

What gcc version are you using? And what Linux distro?

8.1.0 and Arch Linux(Antergos which is basically Arch Linux).

-- Kevin

Re: OpenJFX status update

2018-05-16 Thread Ty Young

3. JavaFX has been removed from JDK 11 as of this week. Starting with 
jdk-11+14, early access builds of JDK 11 will not include JavaFX.

4. After jdk-11+14 is posted on, and FX is no longer included 
in JDK 11, we will start using openjfx-11 as the fix version in JBS to 
distinguish it from JDK 11. We still expect to do a release of JavaFX 
11 around the same time as JDK 11, but using a different release 
number will help track the actual content of JavaFX 11 separately from 
JDK 11.

I'm not sure if it's intentional or perhaps a bug on my end, but I 
cannot compile JavaFX without Oracle JDK(9 or 10). Attempting to do so 
with a self compiled JDK with JavaFX support results in a build fail 
while doing it without JavaFX entirely results in a fail due to 
Observable classes being missing.

Is Oracle JDK a requirement for building JavaFX currently or is this 
just some weird bug with my compiled JDK?

And could the new standalone modules be integrated with the source code 
somehow so that a JDK without JavaFX support can be compiled?

5. Once this settles down, possibly later this week, I hope to restart 
the discussion about OpenJFX policies, etc. I also hope to be a bit 
more responsive over the coming days / weeks than I have been for the 
last 3-4 weeks. Getting the standalone OpenJFX working and removing 
JavaFX from the JDK was quite time consuming as you can probably imagine.

If you have any general comments or questions about any of this, 
please reply to this thread. We may want to split out more detailed 
discussions into their own thread to make it easier to follow.

As I wrote before and am still having issues with, after a successful 
first compile, JavaFX no longer compiles in Arch Linux for me. Any 
attempt to do so results in a bunch of warning messages(see: which cause the build to fail due to 
warnings being treated as errors(Should they even be ignored?). In 
addition. I'm now getting a GCC warning about XIMProc returning an int 
when it should return void (*). I don't know C or the native APIs so 
right now I'm at a loss of what to do besides trying to compile on 
another distro - which is something I *really* would prefer not to have 
to do.

Building from source fails due to treat warnings as errors

2018-05-12 Thread Ty Young


I'm no longer able to build from any source(dev or 10 atleast) on Arch 
Linux due to the following warnings here:

The only two packages that have changed since my last successful source 
build was Gradle and Mercurial(distro package versions). I've tried 
downloading an older version of Gradle(version 4.3.1) but the warnings 
that prevent me from building still show up. Ant version is 1.9.7 but 
I've built using it before and it worked just fine before.

Is there a way I can just ignore these warnings via Wno-error arg?


Announcing EA builds of standalone JavaFX SDK

2018-05-08 Thread Ty Young
This works just as well as a build of OpenJDK 11 with JavaFX prebuilt 
for me in Netbeans 9 Beta. The project tested on was a personal modular 
JavaFX application using OpenJDK 10 in Arch Linux.

That said however, there seems to be a bug in the latest release of 
OpenJFX that is reproducible on my end in both this(standalone library 
release) as well my OpenJDK 11 OpenJFX build with TableView's 
setMouseTransparent method no longer working. Using Oracle JDK 10 works 
as expected. Is this a known issue with the latest release?