[osol-discuss] Sun Secure Global Desktop Installation with OpenSolaris

2008-06-16 Thread Stefan
Is this possible?

I try the normal way like I do the installation under Solaris 10 U5 but it wont 
work in OpenSolaris 052008 and I cant find anything if this is possible or not.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Frank . Hofmann
Hi Kyle,

given that what happens looks ever-so-slightly different each time, a 
hardware glitch could be possible; to exclude this, would you happen to 
know whether these panics occurred before build 78 as well ? If they occur 
if you use the b77 hsfs module on your post-b78 system ? Does the machine 
you're using have a history of hardware issues, or other symptoms that'd 
point at flaky hardware (such as e.g. ZFS block checksumming errors) ?

There have been two changes to HSFS in b78 as far as I remember (the 
readahead speed improvements and the hardlink support), I wouldn't 
associate either with e.g. screwed vfs linkage (as two of these 
stacktraces show), but then, stranger regressions have occurred.

Can you put the bzip2-compressed crashdumps into some accessible location 
so that we can have a look ?

Have cc:'ed ufs-discuss, as that's often used as discussion forum for 
legacy filesystems.


On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Kyle McDonald wrote:

> And Again.
> I don't know enough about the panic dumps to say if they're the same or
> not, but I've been doing (slightly) different things st the time of each
> panic.
> Here's the latest dump:
> # mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 /mnt1
> Jun 11 17:02:26 Boot ufs: NOTICE: mount: not a UFS magic number (0x6c8)
> mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 is not this fstype
> # mount -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 /mnt1
> hsfs mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 is not an hsfs file system.
> # mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 /mnt1
> mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 is not this fstype
> # bash
> bash-3.2# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 /mnt1
> hsfs mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 is not an hsfs file system.
> bash-3.2# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 /mnt1
> mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 no such device
> bash-3.2# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 /mnt1
> mount: I/O error
> mount: Cannot mount /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3
> bash-3.2# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 /mnt1
> mount: I/O error
> mount: Cannot mount /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4
> bash-3.2# mount -f hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 /mnt1
> mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 no such device
> bash-3.2# mount -f hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s5 /mnt1
> panic[cpu2]/thread=ff02d573d760: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault)
> rp=ff001047d9b0 addr=40 occurred in module "genunix" due to a NULL
> pointer dereference
> mount: #pf Page fault
> Bad kernel fault at addr=0x40
> pid=1172, pc=0xfba81ac3, sp=0xff001047daa0, eflags=0x10207
> cr0: 8005003b cr4: 6f8
> cr2: 40cr3: 22cbb9000cr8: c
>rdi: fbca24e0 rsi:1 rdx:8
>rcx:4  r8: fbca26b0  r9:0
>rax:0 rbx:0 rbp: ff001047dac0
>r10:   270005 r11:   2c r12:   270005
>r13:   270005 r14: ff001047db08 r15:0
>fsb:0 gsb: ff02d50aaac0  ds:   4b
> es:   4b  fs:0  gs:  1c3
>trp:e err:0 rip: fba81ac3
> cs:   30 rfl:10207 rsp: ff001047daa0
> ss:   38
> ff001047d890 unix:die+c8 ()
> ff001047d9a0 unix:trap+13b1 ()
> ff001047d9b0 unix:cmntrap+e9 ()
> ff001047dac0 genunix:vfs_devismounted+23 ()
> ff001047dbd0 hsfs:hs_getmdev+12b ()
> ff001047dc70 hsfs:hsfs_mount+195 ()
> ff001047dca0 genunix:fsop_mount+21 ()
> ff001047de00 genunix:domount+8fa ()
> ff001047de80 genunix:mount+d2 ()
> ff001047dec0 genunix:syscall_ap+8f ()
> ff001047df10 unix:brand_sys_sysenter+1e6 ()
> syncing file systems... done
> dumping to /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3, offset 431030272, content: kernel
> 100% done: 260327 pages dumped, compression ratio 5.74, dump succeeded
> rebooting...
> -Kyle
> Kyle McDonald wrote:
>> It happenned again. Only this time it happenned when I started 'bash'
>> (after failing[no such device] to mount s7 of the same CD.)
>> Here's the panic this time:
>> # mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s7 /mnt
>> mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s7 no such device
>> # bash
>> panic[cpu0]/thread=ff02d58d46e0: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault)
>> rp=ff00104e7db0 addr=a occurred in module "" due to a NULL
>> pointer dereference
>> sh: #pf Page fault
>> Bad kernel fault at addr=0xa
>> pid=1199, pc=0xa, sp=0xff00104e7ea0, eflags=0x10246
>> cr0: 8005003b cr4: 6f8
>> cr2: acr3: 22fd88000cr8: c
>> rdi: ff02d46a9400 rsi: ff030240d040 rdx: ff02d58d46e0
>> rcx:3  r8: ff02faddc628  r9: ff02faa16708
>> rax:e rbx: fbc77b90 rbp: ff02d4f7f048
>> r10: ff02d560c008 r11:0 r12:  4af
>> r13:  2eb r14: ff02d59171f0 r15: ff02d58d46e0
>> fsb:0 gsb: fbc26770  ds:   4b
>>  es:   4b  fs:   

[osol-discuss] Congratulations. We're 3.

2008-06-16 Thread Jim Grisanzio
hey, guys, Happy Birthday. :) We became three on Saturday. Time flies, 
eh? A very special thank you to everyone for putting in so much time and 
effort to make OpenSolaris a success. We may have had a challenging 
year, but we came through on a nice upswing. I'm certainly looking 
forward to year four. Hope you are, too.



opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Open Source SNAP Graphics/Audio Drivers for Open Solaris?

2008-06-16 Thread James Carlson
Kendall Bennett writes:
> The big difference between 4Front and us, is that we have no vested 
> commercial interest in the project anymore. Hence a dual licensing option 
> under GPL/BSD type licenses is not something we need to do. We actually have 
> always done that with our SDK code over the years, in that it was dual 
> licensed under LGPL and commercial licenses for our commercial licensees. But 
> since we are no longer selling this code commercially anymore, I really just 
> want to see the entire blob under a BSD/MIT style license, so both Open 
> Source and commercial companies alike can utilize all our work.

That sounds perfectly reasonable to me.  BSD-type licenses work fine
in OpenSolaris; there's no need at all to adopt CDDL.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] in OpenSolaris 2008.05 how to change i pv4 address?

2008-06-16 Thread James Carlson
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Extended Desktop?

2008-06-16 Thread Matt Parnell
Hey Guys, its the Noob again. lol
As you all know I'm an XP guy, attapting to OpenSolairs, so far its been great, 
a couple hickups that you'veset me in the correct directions, but i still am 
loving it.

A Think which I've got used to on XP is the extended Desktop funtion.
I am using a laptop, 15.4" 1280x800.
I have connected an external monitor, 19" 1440x900.
On XP, all i have to do is go to properties, enable the monitor drag it to 
where i want it, click extend and I can use both monitors. All i do i move my 
curse off the screen to the left (i made it to the left) and it's on me other 

Does OpenSolaris have an equivelant?
When my Laptop is connected to the Monitor (as it always is, exept for when i'm 
out with it), OpenSolaris detects it and puts the screen resolution to match 
it: 1440x900. But that also isplays on my laptop LCD the same.
The same thing is displayed, but because my laptop is set to 1280x800 I'm 
loosing a large block off my laptop screen.
That doesn't matter aslong as there is an option, or a file that is editable 
for extended monitors.

Can anyone help me out here? I've been browsing the NET for answers for ages, 
and  i can't find anything.
What do you think?

(Some of you are probably thinking that im wrong to want it ... but it's very 
helpful to split your stuff up and have appications opening on diffent screens. 
I know thats what Work Stations are for, but they don't interface with scondary 

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Frank . Hofmann
On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Robert William Fuller wrote:

>>  Hi Kyle,
>>  given that what happens looks ever-so-slightly different each time, a
>>  hardware glitch could be possible; to exclude this, would you happen to
>>  know whether these panics occurred before build 78 as well ? If they occur
>>  if you use the b77 hsfs module on your post-b78 system ? Does the machine
>>  you're using have a history of hardware issues, or other symptoms that'd
>>  point at flaky hardware (such as e.g. ZFS block checksumming errors) ?
> Did anybody else notice they're all NULL pointer de-references???  It's 
> probably not a hardware problem  For example, if it's a memory problem, 
> then you'll often see random pointers, but not 3 NULL pointers in a row

They all look, from my first glance, like there's a vfs_t with a NULL 
vfs_next field around.

By the codepath in HSFS, that's impossible if the mount succeeded, but 
would be normal if it failed.

A HW glitch that could cause this would only need to corrupt the return 
code from mount, register bitflips; You're right that won't be like an 
obvious HW issue (and a flip of a pointer-with-many-bits-set to a NULL is 
not how hardware problems usually manifest themselves). I'm not saying 
it's that. Just saying my mind could come up with a mechanism that'd 
explain it that way, which is not too-far-off.

Wouldn't explain "why now", and "why only in these codepaths".

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Frank . Hofmann
On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Juergen Keil wrote:

> Robert William Fuller wrote:
>>> Hi Kyle,
>>> given that what happens looks ever-so-slightly different each time, a
>>> hardware glitch could be possible; to exclude this, would you happen to
>>> know whether these panics occurred before build 78 as well ? If they occur
>>> if you use the b77 hsfs module on your post-b78 system ? Does the machine
>>> you're using have a history of hardware issues, or other symptoms that'd
>>> point at flaky hardware (such as e.g. ZFS block checksumming errors) ?
>> Did anybody else notice they're all NULL pointer de-references???  It's
>> probably not a hardware problem  For example, if it's a memory
>> problem, then you'll often see random pointers, but not 3 NULL pointers
>> in a row
> Yep, I noticed that, too.
> IIRC a bug like ``kmem_free(NULL, size)'' somewhere in the kernel can have the
> effect that a subsequent ``kmem_alloc(size, KM_SLEEP)'' somewhere else in the
> kernel will return with a NULL pointer!  (Assuming you run release bits)

If this is so, then it's a bug and should be fixed. Quote kmem_alloc(9F):

  kmem_alloc(0, flag) always returns NULL. kmem_free(NULL,  0)
  is legal.

That's manpage - consider it a spec ...

> For that reason I did suggest to Kyle to try to reproduce this hsfs mount
> panic with kmem heap checking enabled.
> Add the following line to /etc/system, reboot, retry to reproduce the hsfs
> mount panic:
>   set kmem_flags=0xf

Good idea.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Extended Desktop?

2008-06-16 Thread Matt Harrison
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 05:35:23AM -0700, Matt Parnell wrote:
> Hey Guys, its the Noob again. lol
> As you all know I'm an XP guy, attapting to OpenSolairs, so far its been 
> great, a couple hickups that you'veset me in the correct directions, but i 
> still am loving it.
> A Think which I've got used to on XP is the extended Desktop funtion.
> I am using a laptop, 15.4" 1280x800.
> I have connected an external monitor, 19" 1440x900.
> On XP, all i have to do is go to properties, enable the monitor drag it to 
> where i want it, click extend and I can use both monitors. All i do i move my 
> curse off the screen to the left (i made it to the left) and it's on me other 
> monitor.
> Does OpenSolaris have an equivelant?
> When my Laptop is connected to the Monitor (as it always is, exept for when 
> i'm out with it), OpenSolaris detects it and puts the screen resolution to 
> match it: 1440x900. But that also isplays on my laptop LCD the same.
> The same thing is displayed, but because my laptop is set to 1280x800 I'm 
> loosing a large block off my laptop screen.
> That doesn't matter aslong as there is an option, or a file that is editable 
> for extended monitors.
> Can anyone help me out here? I've been browsing the NET for answers for ages, 
> and  i can't find anything.
> What do you think?
> (Some of you are probably thinking that im wrong to want it ... but it's very 
> helpful to split your stuff up and have appications opening on diffent 
> screens. I know thats what Work Stations are for, but they don't interface 
> with scondary monitors)

Hi, I haven't set this up myself, but I believe the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
should allow you to configure two monitors, their resolutions and where you
want them in relation to each other.

As I say I haven't done multiple monitors myself, but maybe a google search for
"multiple monitors" X11 might turn up some useful information.


Matt Harrison

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Extended Desktop?

2008-06-16 Thread Ignacio Marambio Catán
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Matt Parnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Guys, its the Noob again. lol
> As you all know I'm an XP guy, attapting to OpenSolairs, so far its been 
> great, a couple hickups that you'veset me in the correct directions, but i 
> still am loving it.
> A Think which I've got used to on XP is the extended Desktop funtion.
> I am using a laptop, 15.4" 1280x800.
> I have connected an external monitor, 19" 1440x900.
> On XP, all i have to do is go to properties, enable the monitor drag it to 
> where i want it, click extend and I can use both monitors. All i do i move my 
> curse off the screen to the left (i made it to the left) and it's on me other 
> monitor.
> Does OpenSolaris have an equivelant?
> When my Laptop is connected to the Monitor (as it always is, exept for when 
> i'm out with it), OpenSolaris detects it and puts the screen resolution to 
> match it: 1440x900. But that also isplays on my laptop LCD the same.
> The same thing is displayed, but because my laptop is set to 1280x800 I'm 
> loosing a large block off my laptop screen.
> That doesn't matter aslong as there is an option, or a file that is editable 
> for extended monitors.
> Can anyone help me out here? I've been browsing the NET for answers for ages, 
> and  i can't find anything.
> What do you think?
> (Some of you are probably thinking that im wrong to want it ... but it's very 
> helpful to split your stuff up and have appications opening on diffent 
> screens. I know thats what Work Stations are for, but they don't interface 
> with scondary monitors)
> Matt

you need xinerama, check

> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Installation Problem

2008-06-16 Thread Bayar Mehdi
I want to install opensolaris for the first time.  I downloaded the 
'os200805.iso' file from opensolaris.org but there is a problem when starting 
the live cd .

Booting ' opensolaris 2008.05'
[b]Error 36 : Incorrect gunzip CRC cheksum[/b]
see : the attached picture for more detail

i have the same error on virtualbox OSE and on my laptop PC (IBM thinkpad R50e).
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Installation Problem

2008-06-16 Thread andrew
Looks like a duff CD image - try downloading it again.


This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Robert William Fuller
> Hi Kyle,
> given that what happens looks ever-so-slightly different each time, a 
> hardware glitch could be possible; to exclude this, would you happen to 
> know whether these panics occurred before build 78 as well ? If they occur 
> if you use the b77 hsfs module on your post-b78 system ? Does the machine 
> you're using have a history of hardware issues, or other symptoms that'd 
> point at flaky hardware (such as e.g. ZFS block checksumming errors) ?

Did anybody else notice they're all NULL pointer de-references???  It's 
probably not a hardware problem  For example, if it's a memory 
problem, then you'll often see random pointers, but not 3 NULL pointers 
in a row

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Juergen Keil
Robert William Fuller wrote:

> > Hi Kyle,
> > 
> > given that what happens looks ever-so-slightly different each time, a 
> > hardware glitch could be possible; to exclude this, would you happen to 
> > know whether these panics occurred before build 78 as well ? If they occur 
> > if you use the b77 hsfs module on your post-b78 system ? Does the machine 
> > you're using have a history of hardware issues, or other symptoms that'd 
> > point at flaky hardware (such as e.g. ZFS block checksumming errors) ?
> Did anybody else notice they're all NULL pointer de-references???  It's 
> probably not a hardware problem  For example, if it's a memory 
> problem, then you'll often see random pointers, but not 3 NULL pointers 
> in a row

Yep, I noticed that, too.

IIRC a bug like ``kmem_free(NULL, size)'' somewhere in the kernel can have the
effect that a subsequent ``kmem_alloc(size, KM_SLEEP)'' somewhere else in the
kernel will return with a NULL pointer!  (Assuming you run release bits)

For that reason I did suggest to Kyle to try to reproduce this hsfs mount
panic with kmem heap checking enabled.

Add the following line to /etc/system, reboot, retry to reproduce the hsfs
mount panic:

   set kmem_flags=0xf

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Juergen Keil
Frank Hofmann wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Juergen Keil wrote:

> > IIRC a bug like ``kmem_free(NULL, size)'' somewhere in the kernel can have 
> > effect that a subsequent ``kmem_alloc(size, KM_SLEEP)'' somewhere else in 
> > kernel will return with a NULL pointer!  (Assuming you run release bits)
> If this is so, then it's a bug and should be fixed. Quote kmem_alloc(9F):
>   kmem_alloc(0, flag) always returns NULL. kmem_free(NULL,  0)
>   is legal.
> That's manpage - consider it a spec ...

Well, it says kmem_free with a ptr == NULL and size == 0 is legal;
but what about ptr == NULL and size > 0?

Quick test with ::call in kmdb, when booted with kmem_flags=0xf:

- kmem_alloc::call 8 0
  kmem_free::call  8
  works, as expected

- kmem_free::call 0 8

  kmdb fails this call, with "caught a trap"

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Extended Desktop?

2008-06-16 Thread Mike Meyer
On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:32:47 -0300 "Ignacio Marambio Catán" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> you need xinerama, check

Work on Xinerama has stopped in favor of Xrandr. Xinerama's APIs have
never been properly specified, and it's static - you can't add or
remove screens or change their resolution on the fly. Xrandr doesn't
have those problems. Video driver support seems to be spotty - some
still do things for Xinerama, others have dropped that in favor of

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Joerg Schilling

> There have been two changes to HSFS in b78 as far as I remember (the 
> readahead speed improvements and the hardlink support), I wouldn't 
> associate either with e.g. screwed vfs linkage (as two of these 
> stacktraces show), but then, stranger regressions have occurred.
> Can you put the bzip2-compressed crashdumps into some accessible location 
> so that we can have a look ?
> Have cc:'ed ufs-discuss, as that's often used as discussion forum for 
> legacy filesystems.

I would like to see the output of 

isoinfo -i /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 -d

> Thanks,
> FrankH.
> On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Kyle McDonald wrote:
> > And Again.
> >
> > I don't know enough about the panic dumps to say if they're the same or
> > not, but I've been doing (slightly) different things st the time of each
> > panic.
> >
> > Here's the latest dump:
> >
> > # mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 /mnt1
> > Jun 11 17:02:26 Boot ufs: NOTICE: mount: not a UFS magic number (0x6c8)
> > mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 is not this fstype
> > # mount -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 /mnt1
> > hsfs mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1 is not an hsfs file system.
> > # mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 /mnt1
> > mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 is not this fstype
> > # bash
> > bash-3.2# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 /mnt1
> > hsfs mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 is not an hsfs file system.
> > bash-3.2# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 /mnt1
> > mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 no such device
> > bash-3.2# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3 /mnt1
> > mount: I/O error
> > mount: Cannot mount /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s3
> > bash-3.2# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 /mnt1
> > mount: I/O error
> > mount: Cannot mount /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4
> > bash-3.2# mount -f hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 /mnt1
> > mount: /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s4 no such device
> > bash-3.2# mount -f hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s5 /mnt1
> >
> > panic[cpu2]/thread=ff02d573d760: BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault)
> > rp=ff001047d9b0 addr=40 occurred in module "genunix" due to a NULL
> > pointer dereference
> >
> > mount: #pf Page fault
> > Bad kernel fault at addr=0x40
> > pid=1172, pc=0xfba81ac3, sp=0xff001047daa0, eflags=0x10207
> > cr0: 8005003b cr4: 6f8
> > cr2: 40cr3: 22cbb9000cr8: c
> >
> >rdi: fbca24e0 rsi:1 rdx:8
> >rcx:4  r8: fbca26b0  r9:0
> >rax:0 rbx:0 rbp: ff001047dac0
> >r10:   270005 r11:   2c r12:   270005
> >r13:   270005 r14: ff001047db08 r15:0
> >fsb:0 gsb: ff02d50aaac0  ds:   4b
> > es:   4b  fs:0  gs:  1c3
> >trp:e err:0 rip: fba81ac3
> > cs:   30 rfl:10207 rsp: ff001047daa0
> > ss:   38
> >
> > ff001047d890 unix:die+c8 ()
> > ff001047d9a0 unix:trap+13b1 ()
> > ff001047d9b0 unix:cmntrap+e9 ()
> > ff001047dac0 genunix:vfs_devismounted+23 ()
> > ff001047dbd0 hsfs:hs_getmdev+12b ()
> > ff001047dc70 hsfs:hsfs_mount+195 ()
> > ff001047dca0 genunix:fsop_mount+21 ()
> > ff001047de00 genunix:domount+8fa ()
> > ff001047de80 genunix:mount+d2 ()
> > ff001047dec0 genunix:syscall_ap+8f ()
> > ff001047df10 unix:brand_sys_sysenter+1e6 ()
> >
> > syncing file systems... done
> > dumping to /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3, offset 431030272, content: kernel
> > 100% done: 260327 pages dumped, compression ratio 5.74, dump succeeded
> > rebooting...

The panic did not directly happen in hsfs ;-)

We did add a lot of checks against into hsfs but not everything can be 
100% secure. but hs_getmdev() does not access the medium, it just
do some kernel consistency checks.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Joerg Schilling
Juergen Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >   kmem_alloc(0, flag) always returns NULL. kmem_free(NULL,  0)
> >   is legal.
> > 
> > That's manpage - consider it a spec ...
> Well, it says kmem_free with a ptr == NULL and size == 0 is legal;
> but what about ptr == NULL and size > 0?

We had the second one 2.5 years ago in the ACPI code ;-)


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Joerg Schilling
Robert William Fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Hi Kyle,
> > 
> > given that what happens looks ever-so-slightly different each time, a 
> > hardware glitch could be possible; to exclude this, would you happen to 
> > know whether these panics occurred before build 78 as well ? If they occur 
> > if you use the b77 hsfs module on your post-b78 system ? Does the machine 
> > you're using have a history of hardware issues, or other symptoms that'd 
> > point at flaky hardware (such as e.g. ZFS block checksumming errors) ?
> Did anybody else notice they're all NULL pointer de-references???  It's 
> probably not a hardware problem  For example, if it's a memory 
> problem, then you'll often see random pointers, but not 3 NULL pointers 
> in a row

Did you try to use mdb -k on the crash dump?

a stack trace with mdb would print function parameters


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Getting Started With Crossbow Technology or Network Virtualization paper

2008-06-16 Thread Nagendra Nagarajayya
Please find attached a Getting Started With Crossbow Technology white paper. 
The paper is targeted for publication on the bigadmin portal very soon. Please 
provide your feedback.
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] NexentaCore 2.0 Alpha1 "Hardy" Released

2008-06-16 Thread Erast Benson
This is to announce availability of NexentaCore 2.0 Alpha1 - Debian
Native OpenSolaris environment and platform. (unstable "Hardy" branch)

NexentaCore 2.0 Alpha1 Release Highlights:

  * 3392 packages ported over just two weeks of Hardy Hackathon
Fest! This includes latest dpkg/apt, gcc, binutils, coreutils,
perl, python, ruby, Qt libs, GTK libs, etc you name it..
  * Based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)
  * 100% native Debian environment, easy to upgrade, easy to use
  * OpenSolaris b85+ based (x86 32-bit and 64-bit, non-debug), with
critical patches from b87,b88 and b90


Related News:

  * NexentaCore 1.0.1 "Elatte" is our stable branch and were recently
released to public.  NexentaCore 1.x is based on Ubuntu/Dapper LTS
repository. Download latest stable ISO here:


  * NexentaStor 1.0.2 FREE Developer Edition also recently released.
NexentaStor is a software based NAS and iSCSI solution with features
that are superior to those of legacy hardware based NAS solutions,
including unlimited incremental backups or 'snapshots', snapshot
mirroring (replication), and the inherent virtualization, performance,
thin provisioning and ease of use of the ZFS file system. Available for
immediate download here:


The Nexenta Team

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Getting Started With Crossbow Technology or Network Virtualization paper

2008-06-16 Thread Samir Kumar Mishra
Hi all,
The following is the link where we all can get ample info on Crossbow, 
what its all about, its architecture , getting started docs, and so many 
others who contributed to the project.
Sunay Tripathi ( Distinguished Engineer) of Sun is the architect of this 
wonderful project.


Moreover, all documentation can be found at


Thanks and Regards,

Nagendra Nagarajayya wrote:
> Please find attached a Getting Started With Crossbow Technology white paper. 
> The paper is targeted for publication on the bigadmin portal very soon. 
> Please provide your feedback.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Juergen Keil
Frank Hofmann wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Juergen Keil wrote:
> > For that reason I did suggest to Kyle to try to reproduce this hsfs mount
> > panic with kmem heap checking enabled.
> >
> > Add the following line to /etc/system, reboot, retry to reproduce the hsfs
> > mount panic:
> >
> >   set kmem_flags=0xf
> Good idea.

Ok, I can actually reproduce that panic using last week's opensolaris bits.

All I have to do is try and "mount -F hsfs" a non-existent slice; e.g. using
a CD containing OpenSolaris 2008.05, mount -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s4 /mnt
("mount -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c1t1d0p0 /mnt" should work, though):

BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=ff00108bb990 addr=40 occurred in module
 "genunix" due to a NULL pointer dereference

#pf Page fault
Bad kernel fault at addr=0x40
pid=19108, pc=0xfba92633, sp=0xff00108bba80, eflags=0x10207
cr0: 80050033 cr4: 6f8
cr2: 40
cr3: 22f819000
cr8: c

rdi: fbca88a0 rsi:1 rdx:8
rcx:0  r8: fbca8a70  r9:0
rax:0 rbx:0 rbp: ff00108bbaa0
r10: ff02d24a6500 r11: ff00108bb680 r12:   1b0103
r13: ff00108bbc08 r14:   1b0103 r15:   10
fsb:0 gsb: ff02d2e75540  ds:   4b
 es:   4b  fs:0  gs:  1c3
trp:e err:0 rip: fba92633
 cs:   30 rfl:10207 rsp: ff00108bba80
 ss:   38

ff00108bb870 unix:die+c8 ()
ff00108bb980 unix:trap+13c3 ()
ff00108bb990 unix:_cmntrap+e9 ()
ff00108bbaa0 genunix:vfs_devismounted+23 ()
ff00108bbbc0 hsfs:hs_getmdev+176 ()
ff00108bbc60 hsfs:hsfs_mount+195 ()
ff00108bbc90 genunix:fsop_mount+21 ()
ff00108bbe00 genunix:domount+9ff ()
ff00108bbe80 genunix:mount+d2 ()
ff00108bbec0 genunix:syscall_ap+8f ()
ff00108bbf10 unix:brand_sys_syscall32+197 ()

syncing file systems...
dumping to /dev/dsk/c9t0d0s1, offset 860356608, content: kernel
> $C
ff00108bbaa0 vfs_devismounted+0x23(1b0103)
ff00108bbbc0 hs_getmdev+0x176(ff02dcf8a508, 804729e, 101, 
ff00108bbc08, ff00108bbc3c, ff0315246708)
ff00108bbc60 hsfs_mount+0x195(ff02dcf8a508, ff02ffea2c00, 
ff00108bbe30, ff0315246708)
ff00108bbc90 fsop_mount+0x21(ff02dcf8a508, ff02ffea2c00, 
ff00108bbe30, ff0315246708)
ff00108bbe00 domount+0x9ff(0, ff00108bbe30, ff02ffea2c00, 
ff0315246708, ff00108bbe28)
ff00108bbe80 mount+0xd2(ff0347a60fd8, ff00108bbeb8)
ff00108bbec0 syscall_ap+0x8f()
ff00108bbf10 sys_syscall32+0x101()

The panic with "kmem_flags=0xf" is more interesting:

> ::status
debugging crash dump vmcore.5 (64-bit) from tiger2
operating system: 5.11 snv_93_jk (i86pc)
panic message: kernel heap corruption detected
dump content: kernel pages only
kernel memory allocator: 
invalid free: buffer not in cache
buffer=ff0010455e30  bufctl=0  cache: kmem_alloc_256

kernel heap corruption detected

ff0010455a20 genunix:kmem_error+497 ()
ff0010455a40 genunix:kmem_free+d6 ()
ff0010455bb0 hsfs:hs_mountfs+8b9 ()
ff0010455c60 hsfs:hsfs_mount+1e9 ()
ff0010455c90 genunix:fsop_mount+21 ()
ff0010455e00 genunix:domount+9ff ()
ff0010455e80 genunix:mount+d2 ()
ff0010455ec0 genunix:syscall_ap+8f ()
ff0010455f10 unix:brand_sys_syscall32+197 ()

syncing file systems...
dumping to /dev/dsk/c9t0d0s1, offset 860356608, content: kernel

> $C
ff0010455980 vpanic()
ff0010455a20 kmem_error+0x497(1, ff02ce62b020, ff0010455e30)
ff0010455a40 kmem_free+0xd6(ff0010455e30, e8)
ff0010455bb0 hs_mountfs+0x8b9(ff03a5096dc8, 1b0104, 
ff03a2b9f140, 6100, 0, ff034ed39978, 0)
ff0010455c60 hsfs_mount+0x1e9(ff03a5096dc8, ff02f09e8900, 
ff0010455e30, ff034ed39978)
ff0010455c90 fsop_mount+0x21(ff03a5096dc8, ff02f09e8900, 
ff0010455e30, ff034ed39978)
ff0010455e00 domount+0x9ff(0, ff0010455e30, ff02f09e8900, 
ff034ed39978, ff0010455e28)
ff0010455e80 mount+0xd2(ff02e97cce38, ff0010455eb8)
ff0010455ec0 syscall_ap+0x8f()
ff0010455f10 sys_syscall32+0x101()

> hs_mountfs+0x8b9::dis
hs_mountfs+0x88f:   movq   -0x78(%rbp),%r8
hs_mountfs+0x893:   xorq   %r9,%r9
hs_mountfs+0x896:   call   +0x34c9f65   
hs_mountfs+0x89b:   movq   0x30(%rsp),%rdi
hs_mountfs+0x8a0:   call   +0x34c700b   
hs_mountfs+0x8a5:   testq  %r13,%r13
hs_mountfs+0x8a8:   je +0xf 
hs_mountfs+0x8aa:   movq   %r13,%rdi

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Juergen Keil

Hmm, in usr/src/uts/common/fs/hsfs/hsfs_vfsops.c function hs_mountfs(),
whenever we use one of the first three |goto cleanup|,  the local variables
|svp| and |jvp| are uninitialized.  That should corrupt the kernel heap
when we kmem_free() with an unitialized stack lock pointer in the
cleanup section ...

struct hs_volume *svp;  /* Supplemental VD for ISO-9660:1999 */
struct hs_volume *jvp;  /* Joliet VD */


 * Refuse to go any further if this
 * device is being used for swapping
if (IS_SWAPVP(common_specvp(devvp))) {
error = EBUSY;
goto cleanup;

vap.va_mask = AT_SIZE;
if ((error = VOP_GETATTR(devvp, &vap, ATTR_COMM, cr, NULL)) != 0) {
cmn_err(CE_NOTE, "Cannot get attributes of the CD-ROM driver");
goto cleanup;

 * Make sure we have a nonzero size partition.
 * The current version of the SD driver will *not* fail the open
 * of such a partition so we have to check for it here.
if (vap.va_size == 0) {
error = ENXIO;
goto cleanup;

 * Init a new hsfs structure.
fsp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof (*fsp), KM_SLEEP);
svp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof (*svp), KM_SLEEP);
jvp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof (*jvp), KM_SLEEP);


(void) VOP_CLOSE(devvp, FREAD, 1, (offset_t)0, cr, NULL);
if (fsp)
kmem_free(fsp, sizeof (*fsp));
if (svp)
kmem_free(svp, sizeof (*svp));
if (jvp)
kmem_free(jvp, sizeof (*jvp));
return (error);

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Juergen Keil

I filed a bug at http://bugs.opensolaris.org/;
Bug-ID is not yet known.

Fix is obvious:

diff --git a/usr/src/uts/common/fs/hsfs/hsfs_vfsops.c 
--- a/usr/src/uts/common/fs/hsfs/hsfs_vfsops.c
+++ b/usr/src/uts/common/fs/hsfs/hsfs_vfsops.c
@@ -596,8 +596,8 @@ hs_mountfs(
size_t  pathbufsz = strlen(path) + 1;
int redo_rootvp;
-   struct hs_volume *svp;  /* Supplemental VD for ISO-9660:1999 */
-   struct hs_volume *jvp;  /* Joliet VD */
+   struct hs_volume *svp = NULL;   /* Supplemental VD for ISO-9660:1999 */
+   struct hs_volume *jvp = NULL;   /* Joliet VD */
 * The rules for which extension will be used are:

> Hmm, in usr/src/uts/common/fs/hsfs/hsfs_vfsops.c function hs_mountfs(),
> whenever we use one of the first three |goto cleanup|,  the local variables
> |svp| and |jvp| are uninitialized.  That should corrupt the kernel heap
> when we kmem_free() with an unitialized stack lock pointer in the
> cleanup section ...
> struct hs_volume *svp;  /* Supplemental VD for ISO-9660:1999 
> struct hs_volume *jvp;  /* Joliet VD */
> ...
>   /*
>  * Refuse to go any further if this
>  * device is being used for swapping
>  */
> if (IS_SWAPVP(common_specvp(devvp))) {
>   error = EBUSY;
> goto cleanup;
>   }
>   vap.va_mask = AT_SIZE;
> if ((error = VOP_GETATTR(devvp, &vap, ATTR_COMM, cr, NULL)) != 0) {
>   cmn_err(CE_NOTE, "Cannot get attributes of the CD-ROM driver");
> goto cleanup;
>   }
>   /*
>  * Make sure we have a nonzero size partition.
>  * The current version of the SD driver will *not* fail the open
>  * of such a partition so we have to check for it here.
>  */
> if (vap.va_size == 0) {
>   error = ENXIO;
> goto cleanup;
>   }
> /*
>  * Init a new hsfs structure.
>  */
> fsp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof (*fsp), KM_SLEEP);
> svp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof (*svp), KM_SLEEP);
> jvp = kmem_zalloc(sizeof (*jvp), KM_SLEEP);
> ...
> cleanup:
> (void) VOP_CLOSE(devvp, FREAD, 1, (offset_t)0, cr, NULL);
> VN_RELE(devvp);
> if (fsp)
>   kmem_free(fsp, sizeof (*fsp));
>   if (svp)
>   kmem_free(svp, sizeof (*svp));
>   if (jvp)
>   kmem_free(jvp, sizeof (*jvp));
>   return (error);

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [ufs-discuss] PANIC! mounting cdrom slice on b78

2008-06-16 Thread Joerg Schilling
Juergen Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hmm, in usr/src/uts/common/fs/hsfs/hsfs_vfsops.c function hs_mountfs(),
> whenever we use one of the first three |goto cleanup|,  the local variables
> |svp| and |jvp| are uninitialized.  That should corrupt the kernel heap
> when we kmem_free() with an unitialized stack lock pointer in the
> cleanup section ...
> struct hs_volume *svp;  /* Supplemental VD for ISO-9660:1999 
> */
> struct hs_volume *jvp;  /* Joliet VD */

I have to admit that I am responsible for the uninitialized Joliet VD pointer.
Duplicating code is simple and in this case even passed 4  code reviews.

Does it help to intialize the pointers to NULL?


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Questions without Answers

2008-06-16 Thread Reginald Beardsley
I really like the forum arrangement  on opensolaris.org.  However, I've 
observed from personal experience an aspect that I consider a flaw.

Much of the response propagates via mailing lists and doesn't get appended to 
the forum thread.  While there's much to be said for this, as it avoids 
clutter, we're not getting the old usenet   "I'll summarize for the group" from 
the original poster.   So searches find the question, but not the answer.

All in all, still a great effort.
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Firefox 3 tomorrow!

2008-06-16 Thread Abraham Tehrani
How quickly will we see Firefox 3 in the repository? How come Netbeans 6.1 
instead of 6.0.1 is not in the repository yet?
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Firefox 3 tomorrow!

2008-06-16 Thread Aaron Wilson
If I were a betting man I would imagine it would show up on the Mozilla 
site before the repo. I think a Sun team in Beijing compiles them. 
Usually takes a day or two from my experience.

I would keep an eye on:

I would even go as far to guess it will show up specifically in the 
following location that is currently dead but will probably be live 


Abraham Tehrani wrote:
> How quickly will we see Firefox 3 in the repository? How come Netbeans 6.1 
> instead of 6.0.1 is not in the repository yet?
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] OS 2008 U5 Under Parallels

2008-06-16 Thread George Waterson
I can't seem to get a get on the internet with open solaris 2008 U5  
running under Parallels.  ANy hints?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Installation Problem

2008-06-16 Thread NiuLin
looks the image is corrupted. Try to download it again, and verify the check
sum before you burn the cd.
Good luck!
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris 2008.05 (LiveCD) updated to build 90 - lots of problems!

2008-06-16 Thread Abraham Tehrani
To quote the posted link

The command "pkg image-update" can be used to update an OpenSolaris
2008.05 system to build 89 or later. However due to changes in the
GRUB boot system, one must manually update the Master Boot Record (MBR)
to include these latest changes.

When "pkg image-update" completes successfully, it will print a message
of the form

A clone of opensolaris exists and has been updated and
activated. On next boot the Boot Environment opensolaris-1 will
be mounted on '/'. Reboot when ready to switch to this updated

The name of the newly created clone can also be seen by looking for the
"Active on reboot" entry in the output of the "beadm list" command

$ beadm list
BE Active Active on Mountpoint Space
Name reboot Used
 -- - -- -
opensolaris-1 no yes - 17.06M
opensolaris yes no - 33.92M

First, mount the clone under the /mnt directory

$ pfexec mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-1 /mnt

Next, update the GRUB configuration on your ZFS boot device(s) using

$ pfexec /mnt/boot/solaris/bin/update_grub -R /mnt

When you're ready to boot into the updated boot environment, you can
reboot(1M) or init(1M) as usual.

Note that this should not be required for the next update. Also once you have 
successfully updated, you may remove the older snapshot by doing 'beadm destroy 
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Congratulations. We're 3.

2008-06-16 Thread Abraham Tehrani
Congrats and a very appreciative user for all the hard work the OpenSolaris 
team has done! I am looking forward to the future of OpenSolaris, consider me 
an excited user.
This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list