[osg-users] questions about frame rate lock(locking FPS)

2013-05-30 Thread Kim JongBum

i m wondering is it possible to lock(maintatin) the frame rate?

i mean that 

we can see the frame rate on the viewer if we press 's'.

then i can see the frame rate is around 60 but
i would like to lock the frame rate aroud 30

is there some osg library for that?

Thanks in advance


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Re: [osg-users] questions about frame rate lock(locking FPS)

2013-05-30 Thread Sebastian Messerschmidt

Hi Kim,

I don't think that there is a library.
Personally I think there are two options.
1. See if your driver can do it via vsync. Newer Nvidia drivers for 
instance allow you to sync to half of the refresh rate.
2. Lock it yourself by issuing the viewer.frame() in the right moment. 
In order to do this you'll need some kind of micro sleep to wait a 
potentially very short time.

But beware: Locking the frame rate to something else than the output's 
sync rate, you might get artifacts



i m wondering is it possible to lock(maintatin) the frame rate?

i mean that

we can see the frame rate on the viewer if we press 's'.

then i can see the frame rate is around 60 but
i would like to lock the frame rate aroud 30

is there some osg library for that?

Thanks in advance


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[osg-users] Integer texture buffers

2013-05-30 Thread Sebastian Messerschmidt


I have a camera setup with multiple render targets. Currently I bind 
some buffers with GL_RGBA as source and for instance GL_RGBA16F as 
internal format with source type set to GL_FLOAT together with a 
depth/stencil target etc.
Now I tried to bind an integer buffer by setting the texture to GL_RB, 
with source GL_RB16UI and source type set to GL_UNSIGNED_INT. 
Unfortunately this gives me an error regarding framebuffer completeness.

Has anyone done this and give me some hints this?

Also I'd like to know how write into the bound integer target correctly 
inside the fragment shader. Is this correct:

gl_FragData[0] = uivec2(128,534);

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Compar polygons in Geometry

2013-05-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Daniel,

On 29 May 2013 14:01, Daniel Schmid daniel.sch...@swiss-simtec.ch wrote:
 No I have a hard time to figure out if there is already some classes in osg
 that help me do such thing, or how I should accomplish that. I’m not very
 used to PrimitiveSet and this stuff, so can somebody help me?

There isn't any existing OSG functionality that does this.  You could
either create a visitor that find the geometry leaves and then
traverses the vertex/normal and primitive data as you've suggested, or
write a vertex shader then moves the vertex position up along the
direction of the normal, personally I'd do the later.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Camera Manipulator or culling behavior change 3.1.2 vs 3.1.6

2013-05-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Judson,

On 29 May 2013 15:01, Judson Weissert jud...@mfrac.com wrote:
 My fault, I performed an invalid test. My osgviewer.cpp source was modified,
 and I did not realize it. It was still overriding checkNeedToDoFrame(). I
 retested, and it appears to be working as expected.

 Sorry about that.

 I will continue testing and report back my findings if I find anything.

Good to hear it's working.  With your own code with modified
checkNeedToDoFrame() you will be best to either call the base classes
checkNeedToDoFrame() or recreate similar code w.r.t calling the new
bool checkEvents() method rather than doing a full event traversal.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problem when using DrawCallbacks with nested cameras

2013-05-30 Thread Marcel Pursche
Hello Robert,

thank you for your help. Using mutliple RTT Cameras worked, but I went back to 
using just a single one. Executing mutliple read backs per frame had a huge 
impact on the performance.
I just changed inherhitance mask of the read back camera that it doesn't 
inherit the cull mask. With this setting I can determine the textures for the 
first layer.
This solution is not perfect because it doesn't determine all necessary 
textures, but it looks good enough. 


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Re: [osg-users] Problem when using DrawCallbacks with nested cameras

2013-05-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Marcel,

On 30 May 2013 10:33, Marcel Pursche
marcel.purs...@student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de wrote:
 thank you for your help. Using mutliple RTT Cameras worked, but I went back 
 to using just a single one. Executing mutliple read backs per frame had a 
 huge impact on the performance.

My suggested approach of using multiple RTT Camera included the need
for a custom cull callback to determine which Camera to render each
frame, without this you would indeed end up with multiple render/read

 I just changed inherhitance mask of the read back camera that it doesn't 
 inherit the cull mask. With this setting I can determine the textures for the 
 first layer.
 This solution is not perfect because it doesn't determine all necessary 
 textures, but it looks good enough.

If it works don't knock it :-)

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] [vpb] color interpolation at tile boundaries even with --no-interpolate-imagery

2013-05-30 Thread Ethan Fahy
I use osgdem with the --no-interpolate-imagery and --no-mipmap optiosn to wrap 
geotiff imagery onto my terrain complex.  However, the unsigned int rgb 
channels contain index values to be used in lookup tables in the shader, not 
real imagery.  Because of this, it is important that the color values contained 
in the input geotiffs be carried all the way through the osgdem process without 
any interpolation.

I modified the src for VPB to force NEAREST for the textures, and use the 
--no-interpolate-imagery and --no-mipmap options to try to keep any 
interpolation from happening.  For the most part, everything works and I am 
able to get the correct index values in my shader.  The exception is at tile 
boundaries of the osgdem-generated terrain complex.  

To test this, I used a geotiff that only had values of 13 and 15 in it and 
generated an osgdem terrain.  In my shader, I decode those index values and 
color the terrain grees in the value is either 13 or 15, and red if it's 14.  
The entire terrain is green except at the tile boundaries where spots of red 
show up.  This leads me to believe that interpolation is happening at the tile 
boundaries.  Am I correct in this assumption?  Any thoughts on how I might 
prevent this from happening?  Thanks.


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[osg-users] Separate Blending, clearmask and writemask per FBO attachment

2013-05-30 Thread Sebastian Messerschmidt

Hi folks, Hi Robert

I know there is EXT_draw_buffers2 [0] and EXT_draw_buffers_blend [1] and 
per attachment blending enable/disable, clear masks and color write 
masks in core 3.3.
Any idea how we could include this functionality into OSG, or this there 
already something I could use?

What I would need is control over the blending being enabled, disabled 
per attachments and disabling writing to certain components of the 

For instance I have a first pass that binds two color targets and writes 
to both of them

Target1 RGBA
Target2 RGBA

Now in the second pass I want to blend the Target1 but overwrite only 
parts of the Target2

Target1 RGBA, blending enabled, write mask(1,1,1,1)
Target2 RGBA,blending disabled, write mask(1,1,0,0)


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] color interpolation at tile boundaries even with --no-interpolate-imagery

2013-05-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ethan,

You are correct, VPB does texture colour and normal equalization at
tile boundary to avoid the tile boundaries being obvious.  The code is
written specifically for RGB/RGBA data and was never written with the
idea that int data would be used.

In your case one would need to turn off the boundary equalization for
the imagery.


On 30 May 2013 15:17, Ethan Fahy ethanf...@gmail.com wrote:
 I use osgdem with the --no-interpolate-imagery and --no-mipmap optiosn to 
 wrap geotiff imagery onto my terrain complex.  However, the unsigned int rgb 
 channels contain index values to be used in lookup tables in the shader, not 
 real imagery.  Because of this, it is important that the color values 
 contained in the input geotiffs be carried all the way through the osgdem 
 process without any interpolation.

 I modified the src for VPB to force NEAREST for the textures, and use the 
 --no-interpolate-imagery and --no-mipmap options to try to keep any 
 interpolation from happening.  For the most part, everything works and I am 
 able to get the correct index values in my shader.  The exception is at tile 
 boundaries of the osgdem-generated terrain complex.

 To test this, I used a geotiff that only had values of 13 and 15 in it and 
 generated an osgdem terrain.  In my shader, I decode those index values and 
 color the terrain grees in the value is either 13 or 15, and red if it's 14.  
 The entire terrain is green except at the tile boundaries where spots of red 
 show up.  This leads me to believe that interpolation is happening at the 
 tile boundaries.  Am I correct in this assumption?  Any thoughts on how I 
 might prevent this from happening?  Thanks.


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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] color interpolation at tile boundaries even with --no-interpolate-imagery

2013-05-30 Thread Ethan Fahy
Thank you Robert.   I should assume this is a change I'd make in the VPB src 
and not a command line option (that I'm missing) in osgdem correct?


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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] color interpolation at tile boundaries even with --no-interpolate-imagery

2013-05-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Ethan,

On 30 May 2013 16:01, Ethan Fahy ethanf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you Robert.   I should assume this is a change I'd make in the VPB src 
 and not a command line option (that I'm missing) in osgdem correct?

I have just checked the source and there is no option to
enable/disable the calls the boundary equalization code.  You'd need
to look to adding this and an option that enables/disables it.  You'd
want to keep the height field equalization enabled, but disable the
equalization for the non RGBA/RGB image layers.  The relevant code
looks to be in VirtualPlanetBuilder/src/vpb/DestinationTile.cpp, in
the  void DestinationTile::equalizeEdge(Position position) method.  I
expect you'd want to individual turn on/off the equalization for each
image layer.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Warning messages VS2012...

2013-05-30 Thread Martin Naylor
Hi all,

I am receiving a huge quantity of warnings when compiling OSG and VPB, they
are both the same thing.

Warning   27   warning C4250: 'osgDB::fstream' :
vtordisp1' via dominance
H:\Coding\OSG\OpenSceneGraph\include\osgDB\fstream 41   1


The message is a warning and I cannot see any problem with it apart from its

Here is the article on the warning:


Could this be fixed in code or do we need to add a pragma to supress the
warning, I cannot seem to find any explicity defined pragma's in the code
for windows?







osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Warning messages VS2012...

2013-05-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Martin,

The warning docs discuss multiple inheritance, but the osgDB::fstream
class just inherits directly from std::fstream so on first doesn't
look that relevant.

I've looked at the implementation of fstream here on Linux and the
only issue I've seen that might be a problem is that open() method
isn't virtual so overriding it locally in osgDB::fstream will only
work when calling osgDB::fstream directly, and not through a pointer
to the std::fstream.  I would have thought this type of issue would
generate a different warning through.

The only reason for the existance of the osgDB::fstream is that it
runs OSGDB_CONVERT_UTF8_FILENAME() on the filename.

Perhaps one could remove osgDB::fstream and provided a convience
function such as:

 osgDB::open(std::fstream fs, const char*
filename,std::ios_base::openmode mode)
   fs-open(OSGDB_CONVERT_UTF8_FILENAME(filename), mode);

This would require going through the OSG examples that utilize the
fstream, replacing the fs.open(..) with an osgDB::open(fs,..) but this
wouldn't be too much work and would avoid the need for subclassing
fstream which doesn't sit that well with me as it's just done to hide
the UTF8 filename conversion.  I'm not the original author of this
code though, perhaps Michael Platings can dive in to explain the

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] [vpb] color interpolation at tile boundaries even with --no-interpolate-imagery

2013-05-30 Thread Ethan Fahy
Thanks Robert I'll have a look.

I was going to start a new thread for this next question but since I've already 
explained my situation and why it's necessary to have precise colors I'll just 
ask it here:

I notice that my index values can be slightly off if the angle between the 
terrain texture normal and the line from the camera-to-terrain is close to 90 
degrees.  I figured out that this goes away if I force Anisotropic Filtering to 
be off in my NVidia control panel, so it's definitely an effect of AF.  
However, I checked the VPB source and see that the default maxAnisotropy value 
is set to 1.0, and in the osg::Texture::setMaxAnisotropy() function I see a 
note saying that if maxAnisotropy is set to 1.0 that AF will be off.  Am I 
missing something?  Is there any way to make sure that the effects of AF do not 
interfere with my indexing scheme without turning off AF in the graphics card 
driver settings?

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Re: [osg-users] HowTo use UPDATE_TO_VERSION for custom osg::Object separate from osgVersion()

2013-05-30 Thread Christian Noon
Hi Wang,

Just wanted to ping this ticket again to see if there's any update.



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[osg-users] OpenGL 3.x support

2013-05-30 Thread Sergey Kurdakov

just for ref


has following code which might be of some use:



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